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Acrocephalus 34 (156/157): 5−11, 2013
Roost-site characteristics of the Mediterranean Shag Phalacrocorax
aristotelis desmarestii along the Slovenian coast
Značilnosti prenočišč sredozemskega vranjeka Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii v
slovenskem morju
Dejan Bordjan1, Matej Gamser2, Aleksander Kozina3, Jure Novak4 & Mitja Denac5
Dejan Bordjan, Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo, Večna pot 111, SI–1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija,
e–mail: dejan.bordjan@gmail.com
Matej Gamser, Na griču 3, SI–3202 Ljubečna, Slovenija, e–mail: matej.gamser@gmail.com
Aleksander Kozina, Jurjevica 61, SI–1310 Ribnica, Slovenija, e–mail: aleksanderkozina@hotmail.com
Jure Novak, Velika Pirešica 27k, SI–3310 Žalec, Slovenija, e–mail: jurenovak15@yahoo.com
Mitja Denac, Mala Slevica 2, SI–1315 Velike Lašče, Slovenija e–mail: mitja.denac@gmail.com
Several bird species utilize artificial structures for communal roosting. Between
26 May and 28 Jun 2012, the selection of buoys and times of departure by
Mediterranean Shags Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii were studied at three
communal roosts within shellfish farms in the Bays of Sv. Jernej (Debeli
rtič), Strunjan and Piran (Sečovlje). A total of 3,110 buoys were counted and
categorized into two groups according to their shape (horizontal and vertical)
and colours. The black horizontally floating buoys were of two types (barrelshaped and oval). The Shags chose to utilize the horizontally floating buoys
only, most often black and white in colour. Owing to their poorer stability
and smaller standing surface, the vertically floating buoys are clearly unsuitable
for them. The highest share of Shags with regard to the number of buoys of
separate types was registered on black barrel-shaped buoys. As the percentage
of occupied buoys was similar at all roost sites (36–39%), it was deduced that
Shags distribute evenly among roosts, regardless of the number of individuals
present in the Slovenian sea. At the larger roost at Debeli rtič, the percentage
of adult individuals (73.5%) was greater than at Strunjan (42.5%). This could
be due to the competition for better places, given that competitively stronger
individuals select safer larger roosts. Between 5.42 and 9.00 hrs, 53.3% and
69.1% of Shags departed from the roost sites at Debeli rtič and Strunjan,
respectively, with the majority of departures recorded between 7.50 and 8.30
hrs. They left their roosts mostly individually (48.7%) or in pairs (23.3%), at
Debeli rtič predominantly in the SW (58.9%) and W (16.9%) directions, and
at Strunjan in the NE (42.3%) and N (38.5%) directions.
Key words: Mediterranean Shag, Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii, roostsite, buoys, Slovenian coast
Ključne besede: sredozemski vranjek, Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii,
prenočišče, boje, slovensko morje
1. Introduction
Several bird species use communal roost-sites
(Newton 1998), either for protection or for
information exchange about prey distribution (Ward
& Zahavi 2008). When natural roost-sites are in
short supply, birds often use artificial ones (Toomer
& Clark 1992). Seabirds generally feed on marine
organisms and catch most food in the upwelling zones
or over continental shelf. Cormorants along with terns
and most of the gulls are considered inshore feeders
due to the fact that they generally feed within the sight
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D. Bordjan, M. Gamser, A. Kozina, J. Novak & M. Denac: Roost-site characteristics of the Mediterranean Shag
Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii along the Slovenian coast
Debeli rti~
Figure 1: Study area with locations of roost sites studied
Slika 1: Obravnavano obmo~je s prikazanimi lokacij
preno~i{~, vklju~enih v raziskavo (pike)
of shore (Oro & Martínez-Abraín 2009).
Shag Phalacrocorax aristotelis is a marine species
that inhabits coastal waters (Cramp 1998) in most of
the Western Palearctic (del Hoyo et al. 1992). Europe
constitutes more than 75% of species world population
(BirdLife International 2004). Three subspecies
are known – P. a. aristotelis from western and northern
Europe, P. a. desmarestii from the Mediterranean and
the Black Sea, and P. a. riggenbachi from the Atlantic
coast of Morocco (del Hoyo et al. 1992). Shags overall
population is stable (BirdLife International 2004).
On the other hand, the Mediterranean subspecies has
small population, numbering around 10,000 pairs
(Aguilar & Fernández 1999) and has witnessed
large decline in the past (Wanless et al. 1997). Shag is
present in Slovenia throughout the year, but does not
breed here (Geister 1995). The nearest known nesting
colonies are in Istria and in the Kvarner Archipelago,
Croatia (Radović et al. 2005).
In the 1980s, the Mediterranean Shag was
considered a rare species in Slovenia (Komisija za
redkosti 1989 & 1993, Škornik et al. 1990). In
the 1990s, however, it was no longer a rare species
according to the national Rarities Committee’s reports
(Sovinc 1993 & 1995). In the 2007–2012 period,
from 39 to 312 individuals were counted during the
January waterbird census (Božič 2007, 2008a, 2008b,
2010, 2011 & 2012) – a clear increase from the early
1990s, when 0–10 birds were present along the coast
(Sovinc 1994). Shags reach peak numbers in summer
and autumn (Škornik 2012), when around 11.4% of
the entire subspecies and more than half of the Adriatic
population is present (Vrezec 2006). In 2004, an
estimation of max. 1,500–2,000 individuals was made
for the entire Gulf of Trieste (Benussi 2005). In the
last few years, their numbers may have even increased,
since more than a thousand individuals gather solely
in front of Sečovlje saltpans (Škornik 2012). In 2012,
1,485 individuals were counted in the Slovenian part
of the Gulf of Trieste (U. Koce pers. comm.).
Mediterranean Shags utilize shellfish farms, breakwaters, navigation lights, beached trees and sand or
rocky islets for roosts in the Gulf of Trieste (Benussi
2005). Along the Slovenian coast, they most often use
shellfish farms and also spur dikes of Sečovlje saltpans
(Škornik 2012). Three biggest roosts can all be found
on shellfish farms in front of Sečovlje and Strunjan
saltpans and at Debeli rtič, where several hundred
individuals roost in summer and early autumn
(Škornik 2012, B. Rubinić & U. Koce pers. comm.).
For efficient conservation of Shags in Slovenia, it is
essential to understand their roosting ecology in the
Gulf of Trieste. Since data on this topic is essentially
missing, our aim was to gather data on (1) the type of
buoys Shags use for roosting and (2) on the time of
their departures from roost.
2. Study area and methods
2.1. Study area
The study was conducted in three bays along the
Slovenian coast with known Shag communal roost
sites: Sv. Jernej Bay (Debeli rtič roost), Strunjan Bay
(Strunjan roost) and Piran Bay (Sečovlje roost). All
are situated in the Gulf of Trieste, a closed, shallow
sea with max. depth 37.5 m in the northernmost
part of the Mediterranean Sea (Figure 1). On all
sites, the majority of individuals roost on buoys used
for shellfish farming (Škornik 2012, B. Rubinić &
U. Koce pers comm.). Roost sites at Debeli rtič and
Strunjan are surrounded by land in E and S directions,
while the Sečovlje roost faces the open sea only in the
NW direction. Buoys are situated close to the coast;
200 m at Strunjan, 400 m at Sečovlje and 220 m at
Debeli rtič. At Sečovlje and Debeli rtič, shellfish farms
are located on both sides of the national border, but
only those on the Slovenian side were included in the
Altogether, 3,110 buoys were counted on all three
roosts during the study. The highest number of buoys
was present at Sečovlje and the lowest at Strunjan. 13
types of buoys, based on colour-shape combination,
were detected that were divided into two groups: (1)
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Acrocephalus 34 (156/157): 5−11, 2013
Table 1: Numbers of different types of buoys, divided into two groups, at separate Mediterranean Shag Phalacrocorax
aristotelis desmarestii roosts off Se~ovlje, Debeli rti~ and Strunjan
Tabela 1: Število razli~nih tipov boj, razvr{~enih v dve skupini, na preno~i{~ih sredozemskega vranjeka Phalacrocorax
aristotelis desmarestii pri Se~ovljah, Strunjanu in Debelem rti~u
Type of buoy / Tip boje
Debeli rtič
White oval / Bela ovalna
Black oval / Črna ovalna
Black barrel-shaped / Črna valjasta
Green oval / Zelena ovalna
Yellow oval / Rumena ovalna
Blue oval / Modra ovalna
Red oval / Rdeča ovalna
Horizontal buoys / Ležeče boje
White oval / Bela ovalna
Black oval / Črna ovalna
Green oval / Zelena ovalna
Yellow oval / Rumena ovalna
Blue oval / Modra ovalna
Red oval / Rdeča ovalna
Vertical buoys / Pokončne boje
Total / Skupaj
All roosts / Vsa prenočišča
Buoys not categorized according to different types / Boje niso bile razdeljene po različnih tipih
horizontal and (2) vertical (Table 1). Both groups are
physically the same but are functionally different.
Horizontally floating buoys have ropes with shellfish
attached on both sides, while vertical buoys have them
attached on one side only. Most buoys were ovalshaped, while some of the black horizontal buoys were
larger and barrel-like (Figure 2). Horizontal buoys
were prevalent at all roosts (89.5%). The difference
between the ratio of two main types of buoys at
different roosts was significant (Chi-square, χ2 = 24.7,
df = 2, P < 0.001).
2.2 Methods
Shags were counted during the Ornithological Youth
Camp between 26 and 28 Jun 2012. Counts were
conducted at three communal roosts on shellfish farms
along the Slovenian coast (hereinafter referred to as
“the roosts”) with spotting scopes from the nearest
point on the land. At Debeli rtič, Shags were counted
in the mornings of 26 and 28 Jun, at Strunjan in the
morning of 27 Jun and at Sečovlje in the evening of 27
Jun. Morning counts were carried out between 5.30
and 9.30 hrs, evening counts from 19.00 hrs till dusk.
At the Sečovlje roost, only the number of roosting
individuals was recorded due to contrary light, while
at the other two sites individuals were separated by age
Figure 2: Example of two different types of buoys from two
groups: black barrel-shaped buoys (horizontally floating buoys,
above) and red oval buoys (vertically floating buoys, below)
Slika 2: Primer dveh razli~nih tipov boj iz dveh skupin: ~rne
valjaste boje (leže~e, zgoraj) in rde~e ovalne boje (pokon~ne,
spodaj) (photo / foto: A. Kozina)
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D. Bordjan, M. Gamser, A. Kozina, J. Novak & M. Denac: Roost-site characteristics of the Mediterranean Shag
Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii along the Slovenian coast
(adults / immature). Individuals in their 4th calendar
year were counted as adults, due to their similarity
(Cramp 1998).
Number of roosting Shags was recorded for each
type of buoys separately. Departure of individuals
from roost sites counted in the morning was recorded
with one minute accuracy. Chi-square test was used
for comparison between occupied and unoccupied
buoys and for the buoy occupancy between roosts. To
test whether any colour / type of buoys was preferred
by Shags, the Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test was used
(Cochran 1954, Mantel & Haentszel 1959).
3. Results
3.1 Number of Shags at roosts
Altogether, 1,204 individuals were counted at all
three roosts. The highest number was recorded at
Sečovlje (530), then at Debeli rtič (493 during the
first count and 478 during the second count), and
the smallest number at Strunjan (181) (Figure 3).
Adults constituted 73.5% of all counted individuals
at Debeli rtič, while age classes were represented in
almost equal share at Strunjan (Figure 4). The ratio
between the number of Shags and buoys was similar
between roosts (Sečovlje 0.36, Strunjan 0.38, Debeli
rtič 0.39; Chi-square, χ2 = 1.1, df = 2, P = 0.58).
Figure 4: Age structure of Mediterranean Shags
Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii at two communal
roosts along the Slovenian coast
Slika 4: Starostna struktura sredozemskih vranjekov
Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii na dveh skupinskih
preno~i{~ih ob slovenski obali
3.2 Buoy selection
Only Shags using horizontal buoys were observed.
They showed preference for some types of buoys
regardless of roost site (Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel, M2
= 963.3, df = 12, P < 0.001). There was no difference
in utilization of the white and black horizontal buoys
(Chi-square, χ2 = 0.1, df = 1, P = 0.78), but both
were used significantly more often that the rest (Chisquare, χ2 = 205.5, df = 3, P < 0.001). Overall, the type
most often used by Shags was the black barrel-shaped
buoy (Figure 5). Moreover, this type harboured
higher number of Shags than the number of available
buoys. On several buoys, more than one individual
was observed. Two Shags were observed on 25 black
barrel-shaped and on one white oval-shaped buoys,
while three were observed on four barrel-shaped and
on one black oval-shaped buoys.
3.3 Departure from roost
Figure 3: Number of Mediterranean Shags Phalacrocorax
aristotelis desmarestii at communal roosts (DR – Debeli
rti~ 26 Jun 2012, DR2 – Debeli rti~ 28 Jun 2012, STR –
Strunjan, SE – Se~ovlje)
Slika 3: Število sredozemskih vranjekov Phalacrocorax
aristotelis desmarestii na skupinskih preno~i{~ih (DR – Debeli
rti~ 26. 6. 2012, DR2 – Debeli rti~ 28. 6. 2012, STR –
Strunjan, SE – Se~ovlje)
At Debeli rtič, the first individuals left roost at 5.42
hrs, which is more than an hour after dawn (4.34 hrs).
At Strunjan, the first individuals departed even later, at
6.22 hrs. The majority of Shags departed between 7.50
and 8.30 hrs (Figure 6). Till 9.00 hrs, when the count
was completed, 53.3% and 69.1% of individuals left
Debeli rtič and Strunjan roost, respectively.
Most departures concerned single (48.7%) and
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Acrocephalus 34 (156/157): 5−11, 2013
Figure 5: Occupancy of different types of horizontal
buoys by Mediterranean Shags Phalacrocorax aristotelis
desmarestii at three roosts (Se~ovlje, Debeli rti~, Strunjan);
black columns – No. of buoys, white columns – No. of Shags
Slika 5: Zasedenost razli~nih tipov leže~ih boj s
sredozemskimi vranjeki Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii
na treh preno~i{~ih pri Se~ovljah, Strunjanu in Debelem rti~u;
~rni stolpci – {t. boj, beli stolpci – {tevilo vranjekov
two birds (23.3%). The largest group was comprised
of 25 individuals at Debeli rtič and 10 at Strunjan.
At the time of the highest frequency of departures,
the first individuals were already retuning. Altogether,
52 at Debeli rtič and 11 individuals at Strunjan
returned by the time the count was completed. Most
of the individuals departed from Debeli rtič in the
SW (58.9%) and W (19.6%) directions, and
from Strunjan in the NE (42.3%) and N (38.5%)
directions. While monitoring departures at Strunjan,
42 individuals, probably departing from the Sečovlje
roost, were also observed. All were heading NE.
Among these, apart from three groups with six, seven
and 15 individuals, all concerned single (46.2%) or
two birds (30.8%).
was recorded in late summer when 1st-year individuals
are present in higher numbers in the Slovenian coastal
waters. Age structure for the Sečovlje roost was not
determined in this study, but age structure at the
Debeli rtič roost was similar to that in summer at
Milje (Muggia) in Italy, where immature individuals
represented only 10% of all individuals (Škornik
2012). At the Strunjan roost, the percentage of adult
and immature Shags was similar. Since individuals
compete for best positions at roost sites (Velando
2000), we assume that more adults, which are stronger
competitors, use larger roost, given that it offers more
safety (Dimond & Lazarus 1974). Direct intraspecific
competition was observed at Strunjan, where an adult
chased away an immature Shag from a black barrelshaped buoy. The same may apply for distribution
inside roost where Škornik (2012), for example,
found more adults on larger barrel-shaped than on
smaller oval buoys at Sečovlje.
Vertically floating buoys proved unsuitable as roost
sites for Shags. This may be due to lower stability and
smaller standing surface for birds. Shags preferred
black barrel-shaped buoys that offer most standing
space. Multiple use of the same buoy was also noted
on this type, proving that this type indeed offers more
space. Oval-shaped buoys have concave tops and also
probably provide less grip.
Buoy colours most frequently used by Shags at
roost were black and white. These are also the basic
colour of their plumage (Cramp 1998). Since colours
are important for birds (Kushlan 1977, Gutzwiller
& Marcum 1997) and as the evolution of avian
colouration was mostly influenced by the environment
4. Discussion
The numbers of Shags counted differed among roosts,
but buoy occupancy was similar irrespective of their
number. This indicates that Shags distribute evenly
among roosts along the Slovenian coast regardless of
the number of individuals present here in any given
period. On the larger roost at Debeli rtič, a higher
percentage of adults was noted than on the smaller
roost at Strunjan. Percentage of immature individuals
at Sečovlje in 2009 was 80% (Škornik 2012), but this
Figure 6: Morning departure time of Mediterranean Shags
Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii from roost at Strunjan
and Debeli rti~ till 9.00 hrs
Slika 6: Jutranji odhodi sredozemskih vranjekov
Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii s skupinskih preno~i{~
pri Strunjanu in Debelem rti~u do 9. ure
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D. Bordjan, M. Gamser, A. Kozina, J. Novak & M. Denac: Roost-site characteristics of the Mediterranean Shag
Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii along the Slovenian coast
according to the “Light Environment Hypothesis”
(McNaught & Owens 2002), it is possible that Shags
preferred certain buoys simply due to their colours.
Influence of other factors was not studied, but we
allow the possibility of other factors in selection of
buoy types. Age of buoy may also play an important
role. In 2012, a large quantity of yellow buoys was
deployed at Sečovlje. First Shags were observed using
these buoys only after several months (U. Koce pers.
comm.). One of the possible explanations for this is
that with time live organisms cover the buoys and they
become abraded, thus offering better grip later on.
Acknowledgements: We thank DOPPS - BirdLife
Slovenia for organising the Youth Ornithologists’
Camp at Prade, thus enabling the implementation
of this study. The Camp was conducted within the
framework of the EU-funded SIMARINE-NATURA
(LIFE10NAT/SI/141) project.
5. Povzetek
Več vrst ptic uporablja umetne strukture za skupinsko
prenočevanje. Med 26. in 28. 6. 2012 smo na treh
skupinskih prenočiščih na školjčiščih v zalivu Sv.
Jerneja (Debeli rtič), Strunjanskem zalivu (Strunjan)
in v Piranskem zalivu (Sečovlje) proučevali izbiro
boj in čas jutranjega odhoda sredozemskega vranjeka
Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii. Skupaj smo
zabeležili 3110 boj; razdelili smo jih na dve skupini
(pokončne in ležeče) ter po barvah. Črne ležeče boje
so bile dveh oblik (valjaste in ovalne). Vranjeki so
izbirali samo ležeče boje, najpogosteje črne in bele.
Pokončne boje so zaradi slabše stabilnosti in manjše
stojne površine zanje neprimerne. Največji delež
vranjekov glede na število boj posameznega tipa je bil
zabeležen na črnih valjastih bojah. Odstotek zasedenih
boj je bil na vseh prenočiščih podoben (36–39 %),
zato sklepamo, da se vranjeki enakomerno razporejajo
med posameznimi prenočišči, neodvisno od števila
osebkov v slovenskem morju. Na večjem prenočišču
pri Debelem rtiču je bil odstotek odraslih osebkov
(73,5 %) večji kot na manjšem pri Strunjanu (42,5
%). To bi lahko bila posledica tekmovanja za boljša
mesta, saj kompetitivno močnejši osebki izbirajo
varnejša, večja prenočišča. Med 5.42 in 9.00 h je 53,3
% oziroma 69,1% vranjekov zapustilo prenočišče pri
Debelem rtiču oziroma Strunjanu. Glavnina odhodov
je bila zabeležena med 7.50 in 8.30 h. Vranjeki so
prenočišče zapuščali v glavnem posamič (48,7 %)
ali v parih (23,3 %); pri Debelem rtiču največ v JZ
(58,9 %) in zahodni (16,9 %) smeri, prenočišče pri
Strunjanu pa v SV (42,3 %) in severni (38,5 %) smeri.
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Arrived / Prispelo: 19. 7. 2012
Accepted / Sprejeto: 24. 2. 2014
- 10.2478/acro-2013-0001
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