© -1i N. + k -A~ xg 'x~~~f>>~~;~e~~~" M t:JOfEllfe ol/ enuTOR sAla'g A1fP1-TDBACQO POSITIOt '1 . lfok4nR is a personal .atter and each person should have the ireedos to decide for hiaself if hs wants to nohs and what kind of cigarettes . The govsro .eat should do nothing .ore than provide accurate inforYtion about s .oting so that the person can .ake an inforsed decision . There is alresdy 1 too wch go.ernweot iatsrferenos in personal satters . K, we ha~s serious parobler such as the energy orisis, arise, unaaDloy.ent, saploywent conditions, and atahla sarkets for fara goods . Senator Hayh should be spending his tise seeking solutiona to these peoblsr . n 3 . Tobacco provides jobs and inaowe to Indisna oitinens Indiana citiaens who receive inoes .e fro . tobacco imlade far.ers, transportation workers, tobacco distrihutors, retailers, and nenpaysrs . it is a aistake for Senator Eqh to take aotions which will reduce iteore aaiLble to pay these workers at a tine when there is severe unwyloy .ent . Senator 8ayh'∎ plan to pay ywDle who lose jobs in the tobacco industry would be unrealistic and inflationary . 4 . Cigarette salss produoe rerenue through oigarette taxes for aate and federal go .ernrents of about $6 .5 billion per year . Cigarette sales yawride Indiana alone with .ere thaa $60 .iliion in cigarette tax rewnues . If Senator Hayh is suoowstul in substantially reducing consu.ption the governasnt will have to raise other taxes or cut back s .r.iow . 6 6 . . we aesd answers to cancer, like hos is it caused and how can it be treated and cured . The answers can cons only through long and expensive soientiiic research . Senator Bayh's political aoti.itiss relating to smoking will not give the antwea7 and they are a :istake because they take away the srphasis needed for solentitic research . Senator Hayh's address is : Senator Birch Bqh Benate Office Building Washington, D . C. 20510 kv 4 ® N 14 RE 686038777 PRODUCED FROM B&W WEB SITE http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/xjq21c00/pdf 1 . Saoking is a personal and individual .attar . iach person should have the freedos to decide for biareif whether he wants to sroke and, if so, what kind of cigarettes . The gc7ernaeut r,ould do nothing rore than provide information about smoking so that tbe person can make an infor .ad decision . There Sa alrsady too aueh government interfarenee with individual fresdom in personal aatters and we do oot o ..d Inwa putting furthsr restrictions on tobacco . Of course, the governnent should see to it that information about smoking is accurate and balanced . 2 . Indiana citizens and a11 oiticens of the United 8tates are faced with vital proble.s, such as the energy crisis, crime, unaploynent, healtb care, and providing stable aarkete for farn goods whicb will allow the farmer to nake a reasonable incoae . Senator Bnyh's planned fight asainet tobacco will require a great deal of his ti .e. 8e would better serve the citineos of Indiana and the United Otates ii he spent that time working for solutions to major probler which cannot be solved by individual choice . 3 . Tobaeeo yrovides Jobs and income to Indiana citizens . Income from tobacoo salee in enjoyed by farners, traneyortation oo.panies, tobacco distributors, retailers (including grocery stores), Indiana newspapers, and employees of tobacco manufacturers living in Indiana . Senator Bayh's activities against tobacco could eliainate nany of those jobs and reduce incoses at a ti .e when une,.ployaent Se already eevere and governments are having difficulties financing their operations because of insufficient tax revenuea . Senator Bayb's plan to subsidize far.ers not to grow tobaeco is unrealistic beeause the paynent∎ would hav+ to be quite high and such paynents would be severely inflationary . 4 . Federal aod state cigarette excise taxes produces yearly retinues of about $5 .5 billion . In Indiana alone the cigarette tax produoee more than $50 million in tax revenue . If Senator Bayb were successful in reducing cigarette coneusptieb other taxes would have to be raised eubstantially to replace the lost cigarette taz revenue . 5. The American public badly needs answers to cancer . Those aanters can core only as a result of dedicated and expensive scientific research . Senator Bayh'∎ political activities will not provide the answers . It is misleading to tell the American public that they are being protected from cancer by a reduction in cigarette s.oking . There is oo way to know that reduced cigarette e.okLni or s.oking cigarettes with reduced "tar•" and nicotine content will have any effect on the cancer rate . Senator Hayb's address Se : Senator sirab I+ayh Senate Office Duilding Washington, D. C . 20510 686038778 PRODUCED FROM B&W WEB SITE http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/xjq21c00/pdf
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