koch Spikes Sale Rumor Of 7umiture Store Fairless Explains Proposal Of U.S. State Agency First 'E' Bond HasSoldByU.S. Five Years Ago M.V.B. 1M8. ITOBRAN6& HEftALO Benjamin F. Fairless, prcsl coils, which under our proposal dent of tRc United States Steel' are to be used in the manuCorporation, In response to facture of c,old reduced sheets At the request of _ Jack Koch announced today specific requests made from and tin plate at a modern cold Earl Warren, the State Reconthat there Is no truth to the The most, popular security in time to time" by representatives reduction mill to be erected by struction and Reemploymcnt rumor which has been circulated all financial history is five years, of the Government, had submitCommission has undertaken, the In Torrance for weeks that the old this week. The series E ted a bid to the War Assets Ad- our subsidiary, Columbia. Steel leadership of a statewide foodStar Furniture Company had Savings Bond of the U.S. Treas.mlnlstratlon to purchase the Comjjanyr -at Pittsburg, Califor- paving program as California's "wen sold. He said, "I, have at .ury first went on sale May.l, ^Government-owned, s^eel plant at nia,' at an estimated cost of part In the National effort to he present time nd plans for 1941, along with Its sisters, SerGeneva, Utah, and inventories $25,000,000. Work on this new relieve starvation conditions in "ic sale of the Star Furniture ies F and G. for. $47,500,000 in cash- In the cold reduction mill is now un- other parts of the world. bila than rnore years -ompany. .As a matter of fact In five event of the acceptance of such. Governor Warren made a per'. Intend to modernise my store, lion Individual E Bonds have bid U. S. Steel would further der way. sonal appeal to thb members of nlargc my stock and service in been: Issued, to Americans who "The. total estimated cost to the commission « ita monthly obligate itself to spend not less :pcping with the rapid develop- paid more than $42 billion for than $18,600,000 additional of its U. S. Steel for so acquiring and meeting in Sacramento April 29, ncnt of Torrance as a major them, it was announced by Fred own funds for the Installation converting the Geneva plant, In which he said the need is so hopping center." H. Johnson, Southern California at Geneva of additional faciliof great that he proposed- the state Savings VS. dlreqtpr ot the ties deemed necessary by U. S. and enabling its production government do something to GUARANTEED SERVICE Bonds Division. Steel for the peacetime opera- hot rolled colls to be utilized at prevent waste of food through were Bonds E '$876,241 Only plant. sheet and tin an organized campaign. Geneva the ead the want ads . . . they tell reduced of cold tion such of a total you who can fix your radio) sold In May, 1941, for "If all could know 'the condiFairless stated that under plate mill is $91,100,000, all of the renake your dress, .mow your $126,840,000, issue price,Increased the proposal of U.S. Steel these which money will be .provided tions of starvation In other awn, haul your goods, build cords revealed. SalesPearl HarSteel. Geneva U.S. at by they would be apfacilities countries additional our house or perform any gradually until the.which the B would include equipment for "The U.S. Steel has reserved palled," said Governor Warren. bor attack, after pther service you need. of 386,000 the right to withdraw its bid if "The appeal has come to us to production annual 'the best all-time the Bond became tons of hot rolled coils, which not accepted by June 15, 1946. do something which will help seller among securities. coils would be utilized. In the U.S. Steel proposes that the save the lives of millions of The billionth E Bond was production of cold reduced Geneva plant shall be acquired, starving people. One of the first the and 1946, issued in January, sheets apd tin plate at a mo- and operated by its West. Coast things which will be of 1m: value of E Bonds held by the dern cold reduction mill to be subsidiary, Columbia Steel Com- mediate benefit, Is to prevent American people reached a peak erected by Columbia Steel Com- pany. Before the war, Columbia the waste of food. This,. as well reafter of nearly $31 billion, pany, a subsidiary, at Pitts- Steel Company conducted the as other means of food condemptions. California, at an estimated only Integrated, steel operation servation and production, re^ "Wise Investors are buying E CHAMBRAT Sandra Nel- burg, cost of $25,000,000. The total west of the Roqky Mountains, quires organized effort* as Bonds regularly in peacetime creation In estimated cost to U, S. Steel for with new models son "The State Reconstruction and a blast furnace, by-product they did during the war, know- swim suits, In Miami, Fla. It BO acquiring and converting the coke, ovens, and iron ore. coal Reemployment Commission is an. Ing that there Is no security in Is called '"Hop Scotch," and Geneva plant and enabling its and lime s t one properties In agency of the state, government the world at once so'safe and made of chambfay, Note production of hot rolled coils to Utah, and with steel-making and which can organize and carry so profitable," Johnson said, Is the bra In be used In such cold reduction finishing facilities near Los An- out such a program." "The E Bond still costs 75 cents halter that holds The Reconstruction and Reemmill would, amount to $91,100,000, geles and San Franciscp, Caliplace. on the dollar of maturity value Ealrless added, the . government fornia. Columbia Steel and its ployment Commission voted to and in ten years pays back four asked to bear any predecessor have sold U. S. Steel establish a Project Committee being not Indollars dollars for each three part of this expense. products on the entire West on Food Saving to carry out vested." Governor Warren's plan, the In explaining the bid of U.S. Coast for over 40 years. Millions of thrifty Americans con"Over a long period of time, committee to be appointed by 'The said: Fairless Steel, week will rightfully share this had an extensive the Director of Reconstruction has and. Steel S. U. population of growth stant in celebrating the fifth birthday and Reemployment. industrial activity in the Far participation !n West Coast marof this No. 1 security." to West indicates a future for the kets for steel. It desiresthese ——— FREE COUPON • in participate to this continue provided mill, steel Geneva AMERICAN CANCER CALIFORNIA CHEESE liullvliliullr prlrcd »1,BO. I can be acquired at a fair markets. U. S. Steel feels an 30, Muy hrrorr California cheese manufacturPromotion of Private First plant x-ntnl long-tune cus- SOCIETY EXPECTS Its to obligatlqn freight reasonable and value Phone for uppolntmrnt. ers made 13,512,000 pounds of Class Stanley A. French of Tqr- rates secured, and further pro- tomers to provide them with mdo 2312 ' better service^ if. poieiUe, .whiRfy "cottage""cndese." This compares and equipped with it "ijibpes to be able- tip accom- .- Over the top with1 a total of 13,232,000 pounds tallon, 39th regiment, ^California reconverted be to plish through the acquisition of Day! as so facilities In 1944 and a 5-year average of State Guard, to technician grade additional 320 Pier Ave., Mermota Bqh. With this objective, officials making steel pro- the. Geneva plant and the instal' five, was annpun,qe4 by State capableof of 18,626,000. and ' workers in the American of these new facilities. are lation as character such ducts SacraGuard headquarters in( Society's drive for funds Cancer Pathe on demand normally in mento. with which to combat the terOther promotions, are to pri- cific Coast. MILK CONTINUES HIGH rible disease today vowed, to fawartorn a is vates first class of'Pvts. Eugene "This plant extra hard" to meet Utilization of milk, by Califor- "wort1 $515,700 C. Beckman, Morton I. Eps,tcin, cility, built and operated by us in the form of Southern California's Richard B. Colcman and Wayne during the war for account of nia consumers continues goal. excepmilk or fee market without t, the Governmen cqn.cancer the A. Morse. with, date, To 842,000 commission, for the primary tionally high, exceeding trol campaign extended into purpose of supplying plates and gallons daily in December 1945, May, a semi-official count still EVAPORATKp MILK. 773,000 abqut with the meet compared as to structural steel', Evaporated milk production In needs of the Government's huge gallons a year, ago, an increase shows the Southland quota sorne Philip Cobijrn—George, Shorten distance off, California during 1945 exceeded wartime shipbuilding program of over 9 percent increase an pounds, million d 325 Employe Movers on the Pacific Coast Inx 1941, Only Experienced Furniture of over 16 million pounds as when, the Government- decided mil84 compare4 with 1944 and ' upon the construction, ad this Ton-mice lion DQMnds above the 5-year large integrated steel mill, with average. an annual ingot capacity of 1,283,000 tons apd with finishing facilities for the production of 700,000 tons of. plates' .and, 250,OOQ tons of structuraV'steel per year, little thought was glvqn to the possible peacetime uses of Due to the late.jarrival of many needed items the plant. featured in REXALL'S ORIGINAL I c SALE "Shipbuilding in the Far West and elsewhere practically ceased . . . we are. cpntinuing the sale of all, ftertjs hosof end last year with the tilities, and there presently Is as- Ipng, as our present stock lasts! no need for the vast plate and. structural steel capacity of this m|11. Regular. 50c "If the Geneva plant Is to be continued in operation in the future, it must be suitably equipped to produce other steel proRegular 50c Rexall ducte which arc consumed in Balm peacetime In the area w.hich can this by be served economically A Regular 49c Bottles of 100 Purctest mill." "U. S. Steel has offered to purchase the Geneva plant and 'inventories for $47,500,000 in Regular 100 Size cash. A down payment of $5,A Lavei|der BatK S«|t*i 000,000 on account of the purIII or Ili^tiiiK Powd. 4 a chase price of the plant, withIt out inventories, and $7,500,000 A Regular 85c, l-Lb. Jars Rexall additional for the inventories. will be paid upon the transfer' TlieuiNcul Cold Creaip L of the property. The balance of the purchase price of the Regular 5Sc, Rexall plant is payable two years' after the date of acceptance of the •lasol bid, this being the estimated A. . time required for the reconverRegular 39c, Rexall's sion of the plant "If the bid is accepted, U.S. Steel obligates itself to spend A Regular 59c, Rexall. Antiseptic not less than $18,600,000 add}-' Mouth Wash.. L tlonal to enable the Geneva and reconverted plant to be equipped for peacetime opera. Regular $ 1 .00 Box tlons, as deemed necessary by U. S. Steel, The Government is not asked to finance any part of the cost of these additional faciRegular lOc lities. "These proposed additional faFARES EXAMPLE OF LOW cilities at Geneva, include equipYou'H get there quickly, comfortably and at your oiw». . production ment for the annual yhen you go Greyhound. No other travel $1.70 convenience w(i Regular 59c Cascade, Assorted Fancy Backs A of 886,000 tons of hot rolled so often... for so, little *" " pla sysfeip serve.*, so many places, g ^^yd* ........ 4 5.40 iHayIn Francisco San busfor cities neighbor to it's whe.tjje.r matter No Cost,. 2$,I5. Regular 25c Rexall iness>pr. reccc»fion, or longer trips to, anywhere in the pj VVorth West, you can go by Greyhound t>ow... for much less, OkUho 26,6$ thaa it costs tp drive. You cap/prget parkiqg problems, Regular 79c. Laigc. Site,. R*xaJI save ypuf.car, apd Have more money to spend when you get there. Aslf your local Greyhound agent for full, "*«"" •""•••• — —— irnVmaUon. Regular $1:50 REDUCING TREATMENT Promotions In Company H Are Revealed Here CHECKER TRANSFER CO* Furniture, Pianos and Baggage Moving, v/.s• Travel Convenience Plus! Beautiful, Sp?oofft WWV9 RAP-ID »RY • and PAINT to riz Thia wonderful, silky-sheen enamel driw In fouryt-plnt hours to a rich, Ugh gloss finish. Enamel 1« ; paint tnuJi la pnfrtoifli. JnSt 2»<j lo/.bottl " ' Rag. 2.19, SelfPolishing, Floor Wax Soft pour It on it out I Dries in tw jninutes to a boutlfo} glossy flnlsri. Gallon glie. Book LAWN CARE Big Itvrpq*'* Super Glfcini. ZINNIA SJ-£J)S Jtoflt ALUMINUM PAINJT 1.400K CeVcra , aid S«oli It OH Copt 2 Aspjlrin Tabigte ....... L .,.2 Greyhound OiVes You Aiore Service fo More Places from WHl La,l a LihHmtl 1.99 Ravolvlng Lawn., SPRINKLER Xaa 1,.M, »»ter eh»n»b«r *nd itudard art aluminum. 7-Inch iteel bwp. A uid top in btfrtt nA. ti*U Klynzo Dental Cream. L TORRANCE Th» Numon* Ttrotoiu OH ...... Beacon Travel Bureau, 1519 Ca brillo Phone Torrance 180 MD GRIYHOU Local Servfff DRUG C -IM Wg OPTOMETRIST, 135 S. Pacific Rstfendq. Beach Rhone Redondo 6046 PR$5CRJRTK?N SPECIALISTS T(HR HEXALL STORE Agents for GreyKound & Torrance Bus Lines 1519 Oriudlfe — Torrance 7i rest one Marcelina at Cravens — Torrance
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