DALI ELC potmeter DALI potmeter med innebygget DALI strømforsyning (125mA) som gjør det enkelt å styre inntil 25 DALI enheter. Ved bruk av flere potmetere kan inntil 100 DALI enheter styres. Kan også brukes i anlegg der det er en etablert DALI strømforsyning, ved kun å koble DALI signal til potmeteret. Potmeteret sender et broadcast signal på DALI-bussen slik at alle armaturer tilkoblet bussen styres likt. DALI rotary dimmer DALI rotary dimmer with built in DALI power supply (125mA) that makes it easy to control up to 25 DALI devices. When using several rotary dimmers, up to 100 DALI devices can be controlled. This can also be used in systems where there is an established DALI power supply, simply connect DALI signal to the rotary dimmer. The rotary dimmer then send a broadcast signal on the DALI buss so that all luminaires connected to the bus is controlled equally. El. nr 14 105 22 DALI ELC dimmer / DALI ELC dimmer - broadcast Spenning / Operating voltage 230V Styresignal / Control signal DALI DALI tilkobling / DALI connection Max. 300m DA+/DA- Strømforbruk / Power consumption 2,3W max DALI Strømforsyning / DALI power DALI MCU digital rotary dimmer Mål (L x B x D) / Dimensions ( L x W x H) Fig 1. Koblingsskjema for inntil 50 DALI enheter Kun ett av to potmetere er tilkoblet 230V ved styring av inntil 50 enheter 125mA 71,5 x 71,5 x 32mm When controlling up to 50 DALI units, only one out of two Wiring diagram rotary dimmers needs to be connected to the mains. Figure 2: Wiring scheme with 2 MCUs powered by AC Figure 1: Wiring scheme to control up to 50 DALI ECG ISO9001:2008 D- D+ L N 2 2 D2 DALI ECG 1 Optional Control points LED dimmer ELC 3 D1 D2 DALI ECG 2 LED dimmer ELC LCAI / PCA D1 4 D2 DALI ECG 50 LCAI / PCA D1 D2 One 4 all D2 AC mains Da- Da+ L N D1 Control points DALI ECG 1 One 4 all Figure 3: Wring scheme of a room with partition 1 DALI ECG 2 Fig 2. Koblingsskjema for inntil 100 DALI enheter DALI ECG in section 1 (max. 50) D1 D2 D- D+ L N D- D+ L N D1 49.00 mm 71.50 mm AC mains Da- Da+ L N 1 1 32.00 mm 71.50 mm Control points 100-240V AC Operating voaltage DALI ELC rotary dimmer Power consumption 2.3W max. • Integrated DALI power supply. da+/da-, max. 300 m cable DALI connection legth,25 DALI ECG max. • DALI rotary dimmer for up to 25 DALI units. 1…4 mm2 Perm. Cable cross-section • Four DALI rotary dimmersAmbient cantemperature control 100 DALI 0…+50 units. °C • Simple and precise controlType ofoflight. No adressing needed. IP 20 protection • DALI broadcast II Protection class Size • Memory mains to control up to 100 DALI ECG D- D+ L N AC mains Da- Da+ L N D1 DALI ELC - Each control circuitpotmeter simultaneously affords the integration of as many as 100 DALI ECG and of up to 4 DALI MCU control devices (control points) • lighting Innebygget DALI Strømforsyning - The system responds immediately and harmoniously when the brightness level is changed at either of the control devices. kan styre 25 - All•that Ett whileDALI allowingpotmeter for the required comfortable, easyenheter. and complete control over the lighting levels at any time. - Innovative Function Power potmetere DALI Bus While Connected to AC Mains 100 DALI enheter • Inntil firetoDALI kan styre opptil - Powered by DALI Bus while not Connected to AC Mains • Enkel og presis kontroll av lyset. Ingen adressering. Picture Technical data • DALI broadcast DALI MCU Designation • Minnefunksjon L, N AC mains Power connection Control points D2 DALI ECG 4.00 mm Contact (Partition disconnect) DALI ECG 100 Ved tilkobling av inntil 100 DALI enheter er Figure 3: Wring scheme of a room with partition to av fire potmetere tilkoblet 230V. Maks to DALI potmetere kan være tilkoblet 230V på samme DALI-buss. Maks fire DALI Potmetere er anbefalt pr. DALI-buss. DALI ECG in section 2 (max. 50) 49.00 mm D1 D2 Betjening Operation 1. Trykk påto switch hjulet ClickAv/På: downwards the rotary knob on/offfor og skru lyset på/av. 2. Dim opp/ned: 1. Switch on/off Vri hjulet mot klokken for å dimme ned, med klokken dimmer opp. Anti-clockwise rotate the knob to dim down the brightness, clockwise to dim up the brightness. 2. Dim up/down the brightness 3. Lagring av minimumsnivå: Still inn ønsket minimumsnivå ved å vri på 3. Storing switch-on brightness Hold downwards the rotary knob for 5 seconds until the lights flash, the DALI MCU will store the brightness value as the switch-on brightness. Hold knappen inne til det blinker i lyset. Dette er ditt nåværpotmeteret. 4. Get the 100% full brightness. Double-click downwards the rotary knob to4. get Slette the 100% fulllagret brightness quickly. ende minimums nivå. minimumsnivå: Slå først av lyset. Hold knappen inne til lyset blinker. Minimumsnivået er nå slettet. Operation 1. Switch on/off: Click downwards the rotary knob to switch on/off. 2. Dim up/down the brightness: Rotate the knob anti-clockwise to dim down the brightness, and clockwise to dim up the brightness. 3. Set the minimum brightness value: Hold down the rotary knob in more than 5 seconds until the light flashes. Set the current brightness value as the minimum brightness value for dimming. This will now be the new lowest value when dimming. 4. Delete the minimum brightness value setting: Switch off the ligh. Hold down the rotary knob in more than 5 seconds until the light flashes - the previous setting are deleted. www.nortronic.no • post@nortronic.no • tlf 66 81 38 60 DALI ECG When connecting up to 100 DALI units are two out of four rotary dimmers connected 1. To control up to 50 ECG with the setup(Figure 1), there is only 1to MCU230V. connect to AC 220V mains. 2 Maximum two DALI rotary dimmer can be connected to 230V on the same DALI-bus. Maximum four DALI rotary dimmer is recommended pr DALI-bus. 2. To connect up to 100 ECG with the setup(Figure 2), there are 2 MCUs connect to AC 220V mains, the other 2 MCUs powered by DALI bus. There can be max 2 MCUs connected to the AC mains in the same control circuit. It’s suggested to have max 4 MCUs totally in the same control circuit. 3. Figure 3 is a control circuit with a partition, so to control 2 groups separately (disconnect), or in sync (connect). LED dimmer ELC LED dimmer ELC LCAI / PCA LCAI / PCA One 4 all One 4 all Ved bruk av flere DALI potmeter MÅ polariteten opprettholdes! When using more than one DALI rotary dimmer make sure that the polarity is maintained
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