LANDLORD’S GUIDE TO HOLDOVER SUMMARY PROCEEDINGS For Courts Outside New York City FORMS PACKET The forms in this packet are free. You should read the “Landlord’s Guide to Holdover Summary Proceedings” completely before filling out these forms and submitting them to the court. New York State Unified Court System DIVISION OF COURT OPERATIONS OFFICE OF TRIAL COURT OPERATIONS SEPTEMBER 2007 F O R M S P A C K E TO HOLDOVER SUMMARY PROCEEDINGS For Courts Outside New York City The forms contained in this packet are free and should be used only in Holdover Summary Proceeding in courts outside of New York City. You should read the “Landlord’s Guide to Holdover Summary Proceedings” before completing any of these forms. FORMS AND INSTRUCTIONS Notice to Terminate................................................................................ LT-H-NT Notice of Petition: Holdover Proceeding.............................................. LT-H-NP Holdover Petition to Recover Possession of Real Property .............. LT-H-RP Affidavit of Personal Service................................................................. LT-H-APS Affidavit of Substituted Service or Conspicuous Place Service........ LT-H-ASC Holdover Judgment................................................................................ LT-H-HJ Warrant of Eviction: Holdover............................................................... LT-H-WE If you feel you need legal advice at any time during your case, talk with a lawyer. If you cannot afford a lawyer, or are unsure how to find one, these resources can help you: • Go to; • Call the New York State Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service (toll free) at 1-800-342-3661; • Go to and click on “Lawyers”; • Go to; • Ask at any courthouse about lawyer referral services. Instructions for Preparing: Notice to Terminate Find the number on the form for each instruction below. Type or print in black ink only. 1. Write the date you are preparing the Notice to Terminate. 2. Write the number of rooms, on which floor(s), which side of the building, and the apartment number of the premises. (For example, 4 rooms, 2 floor(s), Left side, Apt., No. 33). 3. Write the address of the rental property (for example, 321 FIRST ST., ANYWHERE, NY). 4. Check [T] the first box if the property is used for business purposes. Check [T] the second box if the property is used for residential purposes. 5. Write the name of the tenant(s) residing at the property. 6. Write the tenant’s address, including the zip code. 7. If there are any under-tenants, write their names. 8. If there are any under-tenants, write their address including the zip code. 9. Write the date that the tenancy will expire. 10. Write the name of the City/District/Town/Village Court. 11. Write the date you are preparing the Notice to Terminate. 12. The landlord signs on this line. Print the landlord’s name next to the signature. 13. If the landlord has an agent, the agent signs on this line. Print the agent’s name next to the signature. 14. If the landlord signed the form, write the landlord’s address. If the agent signed the form, write the agent’s address. LT-H-NT 9-07 NOTICE TO TERMINATE , 20 (1) Re: Premises: (2) rooms (3) at (4) used for floor side, Apt. No. 9 Business 9 Residence TO: Tenant(s), under-tenant(s) or assigns, and every person in possession of the premises. (5) (6) (7) (8) You are hereby notified that the Landlord elects to terminate your tenancy of the abovedescribed premises now held by you on a month-to-month basis. Unless you remove from the said premises by (9) , 20 , the day on which your term expires, the landlord will commence summary proceedings in the City/District/Town/Village Court of (10) , to remove you from said premises for holding over after the expiration of your term and will demand the value of your use and occupancy of the premises during such holding over. (11) Dated: (12) Landlord: Signature Print or Type Nam e Signature Print or Type Nam e (13) Agent: (14) Landlord or Agent’s Address: LT-H-NT 9-07 Instructions for Preparing Notice of Petition: Holdover Proceeding Find the number on the form for each instruction below. Type or print in black ink only. 1. Write the name of the court where the case is being started. 2. Write the name of the county where the court is located. 3. Write the Index Number or Docket Number after the court gives you one for this case. 4. Write your name and address, if you are the landlord. (The landlord is the “Petitioner.”) If you are filling out this form for the landlord, write the landlord’s name and address, not your own. 5. Write the name and address of the tenant(s). (The tenant is the “Respondent.”) 6. Write the name of the court where the case is being started. 7. Write the name of the county where the court is located. 8. Leave blank. The court will fill in the scheduled court date and time. 9. Write the address of the rental property, the number of rooms, which floor(s) and/or apartment number . 10. Write the name of the county where the rental property is located. 11. Write the total amount of money you want the judge to award to you. 12. Write the date of the first day after the rental term ended. Leave the rest blank. Do not sign the form. LT-H-NP 9-07 STATE OF NEW YORK CITY/DISTRICT/TOWN/VILLAGE COURT (1) COUNTY OF (2) (4) (3) Index/Docket No. Petitioner(s)/Landlord(s) NOTICE OF PETITION HOLDOVER PROCEEDING -against- (5) Respondent(s)/Tenant(s) To the Respondents: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a hearing at which you m ust appear will be held at the (6) City/District/Town/Village Court N O . 8 IS FO R C O U R T U S E O N LY County of (7) on the (8) day of 20 at am /pm , upon the annexed petition, which you m ust answer, which requests a final judgm ent evicting you from , and awarding to the petitioner the possession of, prem ises designated and described as follows: (9) Street Address Including Zip Code the room s on the Floor(s), Apartm ent No. , in the County of (10) and such other and further relief as is dem anded in the petition. TAKE NOTICE that dem and also is m ade in the petition for judgm ent against you for the sum of (11) $ , with interest thereon from (12) , 20 . TAKE NOTICE that your answer m ay set forth any defense or counterclaim you m ay have against the petitioner. TAKE NOTICE also that if you shall fail at such tim e to interpose and establish any defense that you m ay have to the allegations of the petition, you m ay be precluded from asserting such defense or the claim on which it is based in any other proceeding or action. TAKE NOTICE that your failure to appear and answer m ay result in final judgm ent by default for the petitioner evicting you from the prem ises and ordering you to pay the am ount dem anded in the petition. DATED: the _______ day of __________ , 20_____. Judge/Clerk/Attorney LT-H-NP 9-07 Instructions for Preparing Holdover Petition To Recover Possession of Real Property (Page 1 of 2) Find the number on the form for each instruction below. Type or print in black ink only. 1. Write the name of the court where the case is being started. 2. Write the name of the county where the court is located. 3. Write the Index Number or Docket Number after the court gives you one for this case. 4. Write your name and address, if you are the landlord. (The landlord is the “Petitioner.”) If are filling out this form for the landlord, write the landlord’s name and address, not your own. 5. Write the name and address of the tenant(s). (The tenant is the “Respondent.”) 6. Write the landlord’s name. 7. Write the name(s) of the tenant(s). 8. Write the date of the rental agreement. 9. Write the date the rental agreement ended. 10. Write the rental amount. 11. Write the day of the month the rent was due. 12. Write the name of any Undertenant(s) (Subtenants). An Undertenant (Subtenant) is a person renting the property from the person name in the rental agreement. 13. Write the address of the rental property. 14. Write the date the rental agreement ended. 15. Check the first box if the rental agreement was oral or in a writing other than a lease. Check the second box if the rental agreement was a lease. 16. Check the box(es) that apply. LT-H-RP (9-07) STATE OF NEW YORK CITY/DISTRICT/TOWN/VILLAGE COURT (1) COUNTY OF (2) (4) (3) Index/Docket No. Petitioner(s)/Landlord(s) HOLDOVER PETITION TO -against- RECOVER POSSESSION OF REAL PROPERTY (5) Respondent(s)/Tenant(s) THE PETITION OF (6) owner and landlord of the prem ises allege that: 1. The undersigned is the owner/landlord of the prem ises claim ed herein and the petitioner in this action. 2. Respondent(s) (7) is/are the Tenant(s) of said prem ises who entered in possession thereof under rental agreem ent m ade on or about the (8) day of ,20 and ending on (9) for each m onth payable on the (11) , 20___ at the rental of (10) day of each m onth. Respondent(s) (12) __________________________________________________________________________________ is/are the Under-tenant(s) of the aforesaid respondent Tenant(s). 3. The prem ises are described as follows : (13) which is situated within the territorial jurisdiction of this court. 4. The term for which said prem ises were rented by the respondent(s) expired on (14) ,20 as a result of: (15) G G The agreed-upon tim e period of the verbal/written agreem ent has ended. The agreed-upon tim e period of the lease has ended. 5. The respondent(s) continue in possession of the prem ises without perm ission of the landlord/petitioner after the expiration or term ination of said term . 6. (16) G The landlord is in full com pliance with the Em ergency Tenant(s) Protection Act of 1974 (ETPA), as am ended, and the rent dem anded is not greater than the m axim um rent perm itted by law. G The prem ises are subject to rent control and the rent dem anded herein does not exceed the m axim um rent prescribed by the New York State Division of Housing and Com m unity Renewal (DHCR). G The prem ises are presently subject to ETPA, as am ended, because Page 1 of 2 LT-H-RP 9-07 Continued Instructions for Preparing Holdover Petition To Recover Possession of Real Property (Page 2 of 2) 17. Read the statement. Check the box if the statement is true in your case. Otherwise, leave it blank. 18. Check the box that applies to your case. 19. Check the box that describes the rental property. (For example, a rental property used solely for a business would not be the tenant’s residence.) 20. Write the amount of unpaid rent you want the judge to award to you. 21. Write the date of the first day after the end of the rental agreement. 22. Write the date you finish filling out this form. 23. The landlord signs on this line. Print or type the landlord’s name next to the signature. 24. Write the name of the county where the petition is being signed. NOTE: THIS FORM MUST BE NOTARIZED. LEAVE THE REST OF THIS FORM “BLANK” UNTIL YOU ARE IN THE PRESENCE OF THE NOTARY PUBLIC. 25. Check the box that applies. 26. The person signing this form (from #25) must do so in the presence of a Notary Public. 27. The Notary will complete the date and sign his/her name after it has been signed in their presence by the person indicated in # 25. LT-H-RP (9-07) and the owner of the prem ises: has registered rents and services with the DHCR pursuant to ETPA and the tenant(s) Protection Regulations prom ulgated thereunder; is in com pliance with ETPA; and the rent dem anded herein does not exceed the legal regulated rent perm itted the owner under said Law, Regulations, and appropriate Rent Guidelines Board Orders. (16 continued) The apartm ent is not subject to rent control by reason of: G The prem ises are located in a com m unity which has not adopted ETPA. G The building in which the prem ises are located was constructed after Decem ber 31,1973. G The building in which the prem ises are located has less than 6 units. 7. (17) G Petitioner lacks written inform ation or notice of any address where the respondent/tenant(s) resides, is em ployed, has a place of business, has its principal office or place of business in New York State, other than the address of the property sought to be recovered. 8. (18) G At least one m onth before the expiration of the term the respondent tenant(s) was served in the m anner provided for by law with a notice that the landlord elected to term inate the tenancy and that unless the tenant(s) rem oved from said prem ises on the day on which said term expired the landlord would com m ence sum m ary proceedings under the statute to rem ove tenant(s) therefrom . OR G The respondent/tenant(s) was given notice in accordance with the term s of the lease that the landlord elected to term inate said tenancy. (19) The property herein sought to be recovered is G is not G the residence of the tenant(s) and/or undertenant(s) herein. Petitioner requests final judgm ent: awarding possession of the prem ises to the petitioner/landlord; issuance of a warrant to rem ove respondents from possession thereof; judgm ent for rent in arrears against respondent/tenant(s) for (20) $ (21) Dated: fair value of use and occupancy; interest from ; costs and disbursem ents herein. (22) , 20 Petitioner: (23) / (Signature) (Print or Type Nam e) STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF(24) (25) ss.: The undersigned G Petitioner G Attorney for petitioner (petitioner is not within the county in which deponent’s office is located). G Agent for petitioner Being duly sworn states: That deponent has read /heard the petition, and the contents of the petition are true to deponent’s own knowledge except as to those m atters which are alleged on inform ation and belief, and as to them deponent believes them to be true. (26) (27) (Signature) Sworn to before me this of day , 20 (Print or Type Name) Notary Public LT-H-RP (9-07) Page 2 of 2 Instructions for Preparing Affidavit of Personal Service Find the number on the form each instruction below. Type or print in black ink only. 1. Write the name of the court. 2. Write the name of the county where court is located. 3. Write the Index Number or Docket Number after the court gives you one for this case. 4. Write your name and address, if you are the landlord. (The landlord is the “petitioner.”) If you are filling out this form for the landlord, write the landlord’s name and address, not your own. 5. Write the name and address of the tenant(s). (The tenant is the “Respondent.”) 6. Write the name of the county where this Affidavit will be signed and sworn to. 7. Write the name of the city, town, or village where this Affidavit will be signed and sworn to. 8. Write the name of the person who served the papers. 9. Write the name of the document that was served. 10. Write the name of the tenant(s) as it appears on the case papers. 11. Write the address of the place where the tenant was served with the case papers. 12. Write the time and date the tenant was served. 13. Fill in the description of the person served. NOTE: THIS FORM MUST BE NOTARIZED. LEAVE THE REST OF THIS FORM “BLANK” UNTIL YOU ARE IN THE PRESENCE OF THE NOTARY PUBLIC. 14. 15. The person who served the papers should sign here in the presence of a Notary Public. The notary will complete the date and sign his/her name. The person who served the papers must sign and print his/her name in the presence of a Notary Public. LT-H-APS 9-07 STATE OF NEW YORK CITY/DISTRICT/TOWN/VILLAGE COURT (1) COUNTY OF (2) (4) (3) Index/Docket No. Petitioner(s)/Landlord(s) AFFIDAVIT OF PERSONAL SERVICE -against(5) Respondent(s)/Tenant(s) State of New York County of (6) ss.: (8) City/Town Village of (7) , being duly sworn, deposes and says that (s)he served the (9) In the above entitled action upon the following nam ed respondent(s) at the following place(s) and tim e(s): (10) TENANT NAME(S) (11) ADDRESS (CITY/TOW N/VILLAGE) & STATE (12)TIME & DATE by delivering to and leaving with respondent(s), personally, a true copy thereof, and deponent further says that (s)he knew the person so served to be the sam e person m entioned and described in the said sum m ons as respondent therein, and that at the tim e of m aking such service deponent was over eighteen years of age and not a party to this action. That (s)he asked respondent whether respondent was in the m ilitary service of the United State Governm ent, in any capacity whatever, and respondent replied (s)he was not. Respondent was clad in ordinary civilian clothes and wore no m ilitary uniform of any kind. (13) The person served is described as follows: Sex W eight , Color of Skin , Height (14) , Hair Color , Approxim ate: Age . Other identifying features: (15) (Signature) Sworn to before me this of day , 20 (Print or Type Name) Notary Public LT-H-APS 9-07 , Instructions for Preparing Affidavit of Substituted or Conspicuous Place Service Find the number on the form each instruction below. Type or print in black ink only. 1. Write the name of the court. 2. Write the name of the county where court is located. 3. Write the Index Number or Docket Number after the court gives you one for this case. 4. Write the landlord’s name and address, if you are the landlord. (The landlord is the “Petitioner.”) If you are filling out this form for the landlord, write the landlord’s name and address, not your own. 5. Write the name and address of the tenant(s). (The tenant is the “Respondent.”) 6. Write the name of the county where this Affidavit will be signed and sworn to. 7. Write the name of the person who served the papers. 8. Write the name of the case paper(s) that was served. 9. Write the name of the tenant(s) as it appears on the case papers. 10. Write the name of the person who received the papers. 11. Write the date and time that the papers were served. 12. Write the address where the papers were served and place a [T] in the box that describes that place. 13. Provide the information that describes the person who was served. 14. Write the address to which the papers were mailed. 15. Write the date the papers were mailed. 16. If the papers were affixed or left at the tenant’s address, write that address and place a [T] in the box that describes that place. 17. Write the date and time the papers were affixed or left at the tenant’s address. 18. Write the address to which the papers were mailed. 19. Write the date the papers were mailed. 20. Write the dates and times you tried to make personal service on the tenant. Leave blank if no attempts were made at personal service. NOTE: THIS FORM M UST BE NOTARIZED. LEAVE THE REST OF THIS FORM “BLANK” UNTIL YOU ARE IN THE PRESENCE OF A NOTARY PUBLIC. 21. 22. The person who served the papers should sign here in the presence of a Notary Public. The notary public will complete the date and sign his/her name. LT-H-ASC 9-07 STATE OF NEW YORK CITY/DISTRICT/TOWN/VILLAGE COURT (1) COUNTY OF (2) (4) (3) Index/Docket No. Petitioner(s)/Landlord(s) AFFIDAVIT OF SUBSTITUTED OR CONSPICUOUS PLACE SERVICE -against- (5) Respondent(s)/Tenant(s) State of New York County of (6) (7) , being duly sworn, deposes and says that (s)he served the (8) in the above entitled action in the following m anner, stated herein at the following place and tim e: By personally delivering to and leaving a true copy for (9) with (10) , a person of suitable age and discretion, on the (11) day of ,20 , at am /pm at (12) the 9 dwelling place, 9 usual place of abode, 9 place of business within the State of New York Deponent further states that (s)he describes the person actually served as follows: (13) Sex , Color of Skin , Hair Color , Age , W eight , Height , Other identifying features AND by m ailing a true copy to the respondent at (14) (his)(her) last known residence by both first class and certified m ail on the: (15) of , 20 . OR by affixing a true copy thereof to respondent’s door or by placing a copy of the papers under the entrance door at (16) the 9 dwelling place, 9 usual place of abode, 9 place of business within the State of New York on the: (17) day of , 20 at am/pm. AND by mailing a true copy of the same to the respondent at (18) (his/her) last known residence by both first class and certified m ail on the:(19) day of Deponent previously attem pted to serve the respondent on the (20) day of at am /pm ; on the day of ,20 at am /pm ; and on the 20 at day of am /pm . (21) (22) (Signature) Sworn to before me this of (Print or Type Name) day , 20 Notary Public LT-H-ASC 9-07 , 20 , 20 . Instructions for Preparing Holdover Judgment Find the number in the form for each instruction below. Type or print in black ink only. 1. Write the name of the court where the case was started. 2. Write the name of the county where the court is located. 3. Write the Index Number or Docket Number for this case. 4. Write your name and address, if you are the landlord. (The landlord is the “Petitioner.”) If you are filling out this form for the landlord, write the landlord’s name and address, not your own. 5. Write the name and address of the tenant(s). (The tenant is the “Respondent.”) 6. Write the name of the landlord. 7. Write the name of the landlord 8. Write the name of the tenant(s). 9. Write the tenant’s current address. Important Note: • Do not complete this form after number 9. The remainder of this form will be completed by the Court. LT-H-HJ 9-07 STATE OF NEW YORK CITY/DISTRICT/TOWN/VILLAGE COURT (1) COUNTY OF (2) (4) (3) Index/Docket No. Petitioner(s)/Landlord(s) HOLDOVER JUDGMENT -against(5) Respondent(s)/Tenant(s) The Notice of Petition and Petition in this proceeding having been duly served and filed with the Court and that the Respondent/Tenant(s) having failed to appear and answer or Respondent/Tenant(s) having appeared and an inquest/trial held, and the issues in this proceeding have com e before the Court, NOW , on m otion of Petitioner/Landlord,(6) , it is ADJUDGED that the Petitioner/Landlord, (7) , recover of the Respondents/Tenant(s),(8) , residing at (9) together with $ in all to the sum of $ , New York, the sum of $ , costs and disbursem ents of this proceeding, am ounting , and that the Petitioner/Landlord have execution therefore, and it is further ADJUDGED that the possession of the prem ises described in the Petition be granted to the Petitioner/Landlord with $ costs of this proceeding, and it is further ADJUDGED that a warrant of eviction issue, such issuance to be stayed to and including the day of . OR ADJUDGED that Respondent/Tenant(s) have judgm ent dism issing the Petition herein on the m erits (or) without prejudice, with Dated: costs. Date of Judgm ent: Judge Clerk LT-H-HJ 9-07 Instructions for Preparing Warrant of Eviction: Holdover Find the number in the form for each instruction below. Type or print in black ink only. 1. Write the name of the court where the case is being started. 2. Write the name of the county where the court is located. 3. Write the Index Number or Docket Number for this case. 4. Write your name and address, if you are the landlord. (The landlord is the “Petitioner.”) If are filling out this form for the landlord, write the landlord’s name and address, not your own. 5. Write the name and address of the tenant(s). (The tenant is the “Respondent.”) 6. Write the name of the County where the rental property is located. 7. Write the name of the landlord. 8. Write the date of the Court’s judgment giving you the right to evict the tenant. 9. Write the full address of the rental property, including apartment number, upper, lower, etc. 10. Write the full name of the tenant(s). 11. Write the name of all undertenants, if any. Do not complete this form after #11. The remainder of this form will be completed by the Court. LT-H-WE 9-07 STATE OF NEW YORK CITY/DISTRICT/TOWN/VILLAGE COURT (1) COUNTY OF (2) (4) (3) Index/Docket No. Petitioner(s)/Landlord(s) WARRANT OF EVICTION HOLDOVER -against- (5) Respondent(s)/Tenant(s) TO THE SHERIFF OF (6) COUNTY OR M ARSHAL/CONSTABLE: A petition having been presented in the above-captioned m atter to this court by (7) Petitioner/Landlord and final judgm ent for Petitioner having been rendered in the above-entitled proceeding on (8) 20 , awarding to said Petitioner the delivery of possession of the prem ises located at:(9) and a warrant to rem ove: (10) Respondent/Tenant(s) and (11) Respondent/Undertenant(s). THEREFORE, you are hereby com m anded to rem ove Respondent/Tenant(s) and all other persons from the previously described prem ises, on the grounds that said tenant(s): DID HOLD OVER AFTER EXPIRATION OF TENANCY and continued in possession of aforem entioned prem ises without perm ission of Landlord/Petitioner after Notice of Petition with date of hearing, petition and proof of service were presented to this Court. That no defense was established by respondent, and that the Court awarded possession of said property to the landlord/ petitioner. Enter, DATE CITY / DISTRICT COURT JUDGE TOW N / VILLAGE JUSTICE LT-H-WE 9-07
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