Psalm 95: If Today You Hear His Voice Ps 95:1-2, 6-7, 8-9 Cantor & piano Matthew Still Psalm 95: If Today You Hear His Voice Ps 95:1-2, 6-7, 8-9 Matthew Still REFRAIN: q=145 mf Cantor If to - day you B¨sus2 E¨/B¨ Piano mf hear His voice, har - den not F/B¨ Gm7 B¨ C. 6 hear His voice, E¨ Pno. Gm7 C. 11 har - den not E¨sus2 Pno. B¨ F mp B¨ E¨/B¨ B¨ Copyright © 2013 Matthew Still Gm7 your Fsus4 F hearts. 1. E¨/B¨ B¨ 1. Come, let us sing joy - ful - ly Dm7 you 1. to - day Gm7 B¨/D E¨6 B¨/D E¨sus2 2. 2. E¨/B¨ F har - den not hearts. E¨/B¨ your hearts. Fsus4 If F(no3) your hearts. E¨sus2 Cm7 B¨/D to the Lord; E¨6 Fsus4 F mp C. 16 let us ac - claim Cm Pno. B¨/D C. the rock of our sal - va E¨ Cm7 Pno. C. 26 3 D¨ B¨m7 hearts. 3. F Pno. B¨ E¨/B¨ C. 31 let us kneel be - fore the Lord who made Cm Pno. B¨/D E¨ Cm B¨/F B¨ him. Fsus4 Dm fp Cm7 B¨/D wor - ship; E¨6 Fsus4 F mp For he is our God, and we are the peo - ple he us. F pre - sence B¨sus2/D 2. Come, let us bow down in D.C. E¨/B¨ psalms to mp B¨m/A¨ Fm9/G 3 D.C. 3. sing E¨ let us joy - ful - ly B¨sus2/D Dm with thanks - giv - ing; Let us come in - to his F mf 21 tion. B¨/F Cm 3 E¨ B¨sus2/D 3 Cm7 3 3 3 4 C. mf 37 shep - herds, we are the flock he B¨sus2/D D¨ 3 Pno. fp B¨ C. 47 B¨/F F Cm mp de - sert. B¨/D Dm E¨ E¨6 B¨sus2/D me; Fsus4 F E¨/B¨ D.C. B¨ "Hard - en not Cm your hearts as in the B¨/D E¨ Cm Where your fa- thers temp- ted 3. Oh, that to - day you would hear his voice: E¨/B¨ Pno. 4. F 3 42 hearts. Fsus4 mf guides. C. Pno. D¨/A¨ 4. D.C. 3 mf though they had seen my D¨ D¨/A¨ works." Fsus4 mf C. 52 FINAL REFRAIN: f If to - day Gsus4 Pno. G C. 57 If Csus2 to - day F you hear har - den not G/C Am7 C Fsus2 har - den Dm7 Pno. mf not Gsus4 your G your hearts. G(no3) C hearts. G7 Am7 Em7 F6 C/E hearts. F/C E7/G# G your Gsus4 61 mf C. Fsus2 har - den not Am hear Hisvoice, His voice, G F/C f Am7 Pno. you 5 F Dm C2
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