TRALEE CREDIT UNION LTD. | annual repOrt 2012 Our MiSSiOn StateMent TRALEE CREDIT UNION LTD. | annual repOrt 2012 YOur VOluntarY BOard Of directOrS elected By You, to Serve You “As an organisation based in community service, Tralee Credit Union Ltd through the combined efforts of its Board, Management, Staff and Volunteers, is committed to enhancing benefit and choice for its members through a range of financial services to the highest standard. These services will be delivered with integrity within the operating principles of the credit union movement. Tralee Credit Union Ltd will lead and promote best practice in everything it does.” ManageMent and Staff Board Directors are elected by members and are responsible for the control, direction and management of Tralee Credit Union. Board of Directors, seated left to right: Anna Brosnan, Grainne Foley-Joy, Brendan Treacy, Jacintha Eustace. Standing: Mary O’Connell, Katrina Rice (Assistant Manager) Alan Laide, George Lowe, Peter Pierse, Tom Lawlor, Cathal Tyther and Fintan Ryan (Manager). Missing from photo: Breda O’Dwyer, Paddy Lange and Vicky Kelliher. YOur VOluntarY SuperViSOrS elected By You, to Serve You diddidyou know? you know? Tralee Credit Union is owned by you, our members, who save and borrow with us. All credit unions are independent and managed locally by their members. Your voice counts, have your say, attend our AGM Monday 3rd december in the Carlton Hotel,Tralee at 8.00pm. Supervisors are elected by members to ensure that all laws, regulations, policies and procedures are strictly adhered to by the Board, Management and Staff. Supervisors, seated left to right: Catherine Moylan, Gene Boyd, Dick Carmody. Standing: John Harrington and John Naughten. TRALEE CREDIT UNION LTD. | annual repOrt 2012 TRALEE CREDIT UNION LTD. | annual repOrt 2012 cOntentS Agenda Directors Report Statement of Directors Responsibilities Financial Statements 2011/2012 Auditor’s Report Income and Expenditure Account Balance Sheet Cash Flow Statement Notes to Financial Statements Deposits and Investments agM agenda Monday 3rd december, 2012 5 6-7 8 9 - 10 11 1 1 14 - 1 George Lowe Hon Secretary RepORtS Supervisory Committee Report Credit Committee Report 4 - 5 Credit Control Committee Report 6 - 7 Youth Committee Report 8 Marketing & Development Committee Report 9 Membership Committee Report 0 Tax Treatment of Dividend 1 Insurance Services Nominations and Elections Amendments to Standard Rules 4 Standing Orders 4 - 5 Why support your lOcal credit union? L ocally owned and controlled by our members, you have a say in how we are run Opportunity for financial independence, we make your money work for you C ommunity based, you know the people you are dealing with A lternative Banking Solution, Loans, Savings, Insurance and Banking Services L oans, your savings provide a smart place for members to borrow 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. carlton Hotel 8.00pm Invocation - Credit Union Prayer Acceptance of Proxies (if any) by the Board of directors Ascertain that a Quorum is present Adoption of Standing orders Reading and Approval of the Minutes of 2011 AGM Appointment of Tellers Report of the nominating Committee & election of directors, Supervisors & Auditors Report of the directors Report of the Treasurer, Auditor and approval of the Treasurer’s Honorarium declaration of dividend Report of the Supervisory Committee Report of the Credit Committee Report of the Credit Control Committee Report of the Membership Committee Report of the Youth Committee Report of the Marketing and development Committee Approval of League Affiliation Fees - 90c per member Approval of the deduction of €4.50 death Benefit Insurance per member Proposal to amend Rules to Tralee Credit Union (see below) Approval to amend the Standard Rules arising from I.L.C.U. AGM 2012 AGM Members draw Announcement of election Results Any other Business Live Members Car draw (subject to sufficient numbers) Close of Meeting Amendment to rule 64 (2) of the Rules of tralee Credit Union Limited. The Board of Directors propose to change the Rule relating to the membership of the Board of Directors to have the effect of reducing the number of members on the Board from thirteen to eleven. (This is in line with the proposals of the Credit Union Bill 01.) The members of Tralee Credit Union Limited hereby resolve that “the Board of Directors shall consist of eleven members, all of whom shall be members of Tralee Credit Union Limited.” Amendment to Rule 22 of the Standard Rules for Credit Unions; Dormant accounts; as per resolution, adopted at the I.L.C.U. Annual General Meeting 01, the Board of Directors propose to amend Rule of the Standard Rules for Credit Unions. See full amendment on page 34. 5 TRALEE CREDIT UNION LTD. | annual repOrt 2012 TRALEE CREDIT UNION LTD. | annual repOrt 2012 directors report 2012 - A Positive Year we, the Board of directors are pleased to report to you a positive year for Tralee Credit Union. our audited accounts for this year show an increase in our surplus, an increase in the level of our savings and as expected a fall in the value of our loan book. Brendan treacy (Chairman) 2012 - Another year of change tralee C.I.e. During the year we completed the legal Transfer of Engagements from Tralee C.I.E. Credit Union. In extending a warm welcome to the members of Tralee C.I.E. Credit Union, we thank the volunteer Directors and Committees of Tralee C.I.E. Credit Union for their work in the past. We are committed to continuing and improving the level of service enjoyed by Tralee C.I.E. Credit Union members for over 40 years. union will be eleven. We are proposing to implement this recommendation this year and the proposal will be brought to the AGM for decision. New Services: We continue to improve our services to our members. Payment by LASER/DEBIT card can now be accepted. This service has proven popular and allows members to make repayments to their loans even when away. €100 million in savings In July of this year we celebrated a significant milestone when our savings reached €100 million. This landmark in our development confirms Tralee Credit Union’s position as one of the largest community based credit unions in the country. This level of savings underlines your trust in your credit union to manage your affairs with confidence and security into the future. Online Banking: We recently introduced a complete online banking facility for our members. The service can be accessed through our website or through our mobile “app”. Collect a brochure or get information on our website. The service allows members to access their accounts to make payments and do transfers online. We would encourage members to use this time saving and convenient service. Credit Union Bill This year saw the publication of the report of the Commission on Credit Unions and the subsequent introduction of a new Credit Union Bill. This Bill when signed into law in early next year will bring new changes and will be a positive event in the life of the credit union movement. It will ensure better oversight and supervision of credit unions and as a consequence improve the security of your credit union for you, the members. One of the recommendations of the Commission is that the maximum number of directors in each credit Loans: As expected, our loan book has continued to drop in value down from €47.89m in 011 to €45.97m in 01, a decrease of 4%. The drop is due to a general lack of confidence in the economy, a further decrease in members’ disposable income and tighter lending criteria being applied by our lending team. In 01 we joined the Irish Credit Bureau (ICB) and this entitles the credit union, with the member’s consent, to have access to the member’s credit history. We have a responsibility to borrowers to adequately assess their repayment ability and thereby protect the quality of our loan book and ultimately members’ savings. 6 Loan Arrears: 01 has been another very difficult year for our economy, highlighted by a recent study by the Irish League of Credit Unions which found that members have less disposable income at the end of each week. While this has continued to impact on people’s ability to repay their loans, we have worked very hard with members to find solutions where difficulties have arisen with regard to loan repayments. In general, members have been very cooperative with us even though in some situations their ability to repay is quite limited. As a consequence and despite our best efforts we have written off almost €1.m during the year (€1.1m in 011). We recovered €11k (€06k in 011) of loans previously written off. We have increased our Doubtful Debt Reserve by €101k (€970k in 011). Dividend: As Tralee Credit Union has achieved an improved surplus for the year, the Directors are pleased that we are in a position to recommend an increase in our rate of dividend on shares to 1.5% (1% in 011). This will mean a return to members of almost €1.5 million. (€946k in 011). You will see from our accounts (page 11) that the increase in our income came as a result of increased return on our investments. The boost in our investment income came largely from a bond which was not due to mature until 01, which the Irish Government bought back in August of this year thereby bringing forward the increased income. Strategic plan: During the year we commenced the process of preparing a Strategic Plan for Tralee Credit Union which will chart a course for us over the next three years. The plan will look at ways of ensuring strength and development of Tralee Credit Union, ensuring that your savings are safe and providing services that would be beneficial and relevant to you. Retirements: Breda O’Dwyer and Vicky Kelliher are retiring from the Board. We thank them for their input. Breda, in particular, has served as chairperson of Tralee Credit Union and has done great work on the marketing and other committees. I would like to thank her for her great service. Patrick Flaherty and Maurice O’Brien resigned during the year and we gratefully acknowledge their contribution. Dick Carmody finishes his term on the Supervisory Committee and we thank him for his involvement. Sheila Looney retired from staff during the year and we wish her a happy retirement. We would like to take this opportunity to remember our members who have passed away during the year and to extend our condolences to their families. thanks: On behalf of the Board of Directors I would like to thank the Management and Staff for their hard work and support over the last twelve challenging months. They meet you on a daily basis, are the face of the credit union and give you a great service. I thank my fellow Board members, Supervisors and Committee members for giving their time so freely on a voluntary basis. The role of the credit union is to provide a service to you and on behalf of the Board, I thank you, our members, for your continued support for your credit union. As we face our 45th year we look forward to whatever 01 has to bring, with confidence. Brendan treacy (Chairman) BecOMe a credit uniOn VOlunteer If you are interested in becoming a Credit Union Volunteer please write to the nominating Committee, Tralee Credit Union, 45-47 Ashe Street, Tralee, Co. Kerry. or email: 7 TRALEE CREDIT UNION LTD. | annual repOrt 2012 TRALEE CREDIT UNION LTD. | annual repOrt 2012 StateMent Of directOrS reSpOnSiBilitieS independent auditOr’S repOrt tO MeMBerS fOr tHe Year ended 30th SepteMBer 2012 fOr tHe Year ended 30th SepteMBer 2012 The Credit Union Act, 1997 (as amended) requires the Directors to prepare financial statements for each financial year which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the credit union and of the income and expenditure of the credit union for that period. In preparing those financial statements, the directors are required to: • Select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; • Make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; The Directors are responsible for keeping proper accounting records which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the credit union and which enables them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the Credit Union Act, 1997 (as amended). They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the credit union and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities. Signed on behalf of the Board of Directors: Grainne Foley-Joy and Brendan treacy • Prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the credit union will continue in business. We have audited the financial statements of Tralee Credit Union Limited for the year ended 0th September 01 which comprise the Income and Expenditure Account, the Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Statement and the related notes. These financial statements have been prepared under the accounting policies set out in therein. Respective Responsibilities of Directors and Auditor The Directors' responsibilities for preparing the Annual Report and the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and the accounting standards issued by the Accounting Standards Board and promulgated by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland (Generally Accepted Accounting Practice in Ireland) are set out in the Statement of Directors' Responsibilities. Our responsibility is to audit the financial statements in accordance with relevant legal and regulatory requirements and International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland). StateMent Of SuperViSOrY cOMMittee'S reSpOnSiBilitieS for the year ended 30th September 2012 The Credit Union Act, 1997 (as amended) requires the appointment of a Supervisory Committee to oversee Directors in the performance of their functions examine books and documents of the credit union and verify a sample of members’ balances. Signed by the Chairman of the Supervisory Committee: Gene Boyd 8 This report is made solely to the credit union’s members, as a body, in accordance with Section 10 of the Credit Union Act, 1997. Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might state to the credit union’s members those matters we are required to state to them in an auditor’s report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the credit union and the credit union’s members as a body, for our audit work, for this report, or for the opinions we have formed. We report to you our opinion as to whether the financial statements give a true and fair view and are properly prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Practice in Ireland and the Credit Union Act, 1997. We also report to you whether in our opinion proper accounting records have been kept by the credit union. In addition, we state whether we have obtained all the information and explanations necessary for the purposes of our audit and whether the credit union's financial statements are in agreement with the accounting records. We read the other information contained in the annual report and consider whether it is consistent with the audited financial statements. The other information comprises only the Directors’ Report, the Credit Committee’s Report, the Credit Control Committee’s Report, the Supervisory Committee’s Report, Youth Committee’s Report, Marketing and Development Committee’s Report and the Membership Committee’s Report. We consider the implications for our report if we become aware of any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the financial statements. Our responsibilities do not extend to any other information. Basis of Audit Opinion We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) issued by the Auditing Practices Board. An audit includes examination, on a test basis, of evidence relevant to the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. It also includes an assessment of the significant estimates and judgements made by the 9 TRALEE CREDIT UNION LTD. | annual repOrt 2012 TRALEE CREDIT UNION LTD. | annual repOrt 2012 incOMe and expenditure accOunt directors in the preparation of the financial statements and of whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the credit union’s circumstances, consistently applied and adequately disclosed. We planned and performed our audit so as to obtain all the information and explanations which we considered necessary in order to provide us with sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or other irregularity or error. In forming our opinion we also evaluated the overall adequacy of the presentation of information in the financial statements. Opinion In our opinion the financial statements: • give a true and fair view of the state of the affairs of the credit union as at 0th September 01 and of its income and expenditure for the year then ended; and In our opinion the information given in the Directors' Report is consistent with the financial statements. For and on behalf of Joan O’Sullivan & Co. Chartered Accountants & Registered Auditors 12 Denny Street tralee County Kerry 7th November 2012 fOr tHe Year ended 30th SepteMBer 2012 2012 INCOme € ,856,01 (19,061) ,650,477 46,08 6,923,645 55,91 6,979,566 4,058,164 (,777) ,181,015 6,205,402 59,894 6,265,296 1,070,40 407,91 71,846 88,16 9,004 100,945 1,171,64 (11,601) 3,441,305 1,061,155 405,15 88, 8,116 18,58 971,545 1,100,1 (05,870) 4,371,327 excess of income over expenditure for year 3,538,261 1,893,969 Add: ,775,00 94,604 (946,180) 5,461,885 ,080,45 104,567 (878,60) 3,200,369 (5,86) (99,174) - (189,97) (188,878) (46,894) 5,008,885 2,775,200 Interest on members' loans Interest payable and similar charges Other interest income and similar income Gains on disposal of Investments Net interest income Other Income total income note 8 schedule 1 schedule 2 expeNDItURe Salaries and other wage costs Share & loan insurance Death benefit insurance Other management expenses Depreciation Provision for bad and doubtful debts Bad debts written off Bad debts recovered total expenditure Less: • have been properly prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Practice in Ireland and in accordance with the requirements of the Credit Union Act, 1997. 2011 € Less: schedule 3 note 3 Undistributed surplus at 1 October Transfer from unrealised reserve Dividend paid note 8 Transfer to Statutory Reserve Transfer to Additional Regulatory Reserve Transfer to unrealised reserve note 7 note 7 note 7 (undistributable investment income) We have obtained all the information and explanations we consider necessary for the purpose of our audit. In our opinion, proper accounting records have been kept by the credit union. The financial statements are in agreement with the accounting records. 10 Undistributed Surplus at 30 September 2012 A separate statement of total recognised gains and losses is not required as there are no gains or losses other than those reflected in the income and expenditure account. On behalf of the credit union: treasurer: Grainne Foley-Joy 7th Nov. 01 member of Supervisory Committee: John Naughten 7th Nov. 01 member of the Board of Directors: Brendan Treacy 7th Nov. 01 11 TRALEE CREDIT UNION LTD. | annual repOrt 2012 TRALEE CREDIT UNION LTD. | annual repOrt 2012 Balance SHeet caSH flOW StateMent aS at 30th SepteMBer 2012 ASSetS fOr tHe Year ended 30th SepteMBer 2012 2011 € 1,60,568 1,796,810 74,57,91 67,190,760 45,967,67 47,890,156 Notes Cash and balances at bank Deposits and investments 2012 € 2 Loans to members Less: Provision for bad and doubtful debts 3 (4,8,185) (4,596,47) Tangible fixed assets 4 1,491,84 1,476,04 94,04 9,9 118,680,008 113,787,209 Debtors, prepayments and accrued income total assets 2012 € Members' deposits Members' shares 5 Other liabilities, creditors, accruals and charges 6 total liabilities Net worth ,07,116 1,46,496 99,545,71 97,96,64 184,49 175,546 101,802,979 99,538,684 16,877,029 14,248,525 Excess of income over expenditure ,58,61 Provision for bad and doubtful debts 100,945 971,545 1,171,64 1,100,1 Loans written off Depreciation Net cash flow from trading activities 4,094,409 (1,489,84) ,145,986 751,47 New deposits and shares by members Repayment of deposits and shares 5,65,90 (55,0,9) ,55,49 New investments made 47,58,56 Investments redeemed or derecognised (78,777,57) (57,064,014) (7,167,171) Net increase in Debtors,prepayments and accrued income Additional regulatory reserve 7 ,7,71 ,18,197 Net increase/(decrease) in other liabilities 11,868,144 11,378,721 5,008,885 ,775,00 7 - 94,604 16,877,029 14,248,525 Net cash inflow from operating activities treasurer: Grainne Foley-Joy 7th Nov. 01 member of Supervisory Committee: John Naughten 7th Nov. 01 member of the Board of Directors: Brendan Treacy 7th Nov. 01 (9,480,478) (64,111) 4,17 8,946 (4,1) 770,442 (1,919,832) 770,44 (1,919,8) (946,180) (878,60) CASh FLOw StAtemeNt Dividend and interest rebate paid to members On behalf of the credit union: ,801,50 71,610,66 9,40,54 Undistributable investment income reserve 656,70 58,104,46 (51,010,55) Net cash inflow from operating activities 1 18,58 4,986,182 19,907,17 9,60,77 total reserves 9,004 (19,155,970) Repayment of members loans 7 7 1,89,969 8,0 Statutory reserve Income and expenditure reserve € Transfer of Engagement Tralee CIE CU Represented by total regulatory reserve € Reconciliation of excess of income over expenditure to net operating cash flows New loans to members LIABILItIeS 2011 € Capital expenditure Increase/(decrease) in cash (18,504) (45,60) (194,242) (2,844,055) Opening cash 1,796,810 4,640,865 Closing cash 1,602,568 1,796,810 1 TRALEE CREDIT UNION LTD. | annual repOrt 2012 TRALEE CREDIT UNION LTD. | annual repOrt 2012 nOteS tO tHe financial StateMentS 1. StAtemeNt OF ACCOUNtING pOLICIeS 1.1 Accounting convention The financial statements have been prepared on the going concern basis and in accordance with accounting standards generally accepted in Ireland and Irish statute comprising the Credit Union, 1997. Accounting Standards generally accepted in Ireland in preparing financial statements giving a true and fair view are those published by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland and issued by the Accounting Standards Board. 1.2 Revenue recognition Revenue is recognised to the extent that it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the credit union and the revenue can be reliably measured. Revenue is measured at the fair value of the consideration received. The following criteria must also be met before revenue is recognised: Interest on members' loans Interest on members' loans is recognised when payment is received as specified in Section 110(1)(c)(i) of the Credit Union Act, 1997 (as amended) (i.e. on a cash basis). Term deposits and fixed interest investment bonds Term deposits and fixed interest investment bonds with fixed maturity dates are valued at the lower of cost or encashment value and interest income is recognised in the income statement when it is received or irrevocably receivable. Unit funds and equity investments Unit funds, property funds and other stock market investments are valued at the lower of cost or market value and dividend or other income is recognised in the income statement when it is received or irrevocably receivable. Increases in capital value are not recognised until the asset is sold or matures. Decreases in market value are recognised immediately. Investments with return of capital guarantee Investments with return of capital guarantee are valued at the lower of cost or market value but not lower than the capital guaranteed amount. Dividends or other income is recognised in the income statement when it is received or irrevocably receivable. Investment income Investment income is recognised when received or receivable. Investments are recognised at cost less any permanent diminution in capital value but ignoring any increase in capital value or encashment value until realised in the form of cash or cash equivalents. The specific investment products held by the credit union are accounted for as follows: Bonds with guaranteed capital and variable interest rates Interest income is recognised as received. Some bonds pay high rates of interested in early years and lower rates in later years. Paying higher amounts in early years reduces (impairs) the capital value of the bond. The capital value of the bond is tested annually for impairment and impairment losses are taken to the income statement. Impairment gains which reverse a previous impairment loss are included in the income statement with any gains in excess of the cost of the product ignored until the bond matures. Bank deposits and other short term deposits These are valued at the deposit amount plus any accrued interest and interest income is recognised in the income statement on an accruals (time) basis. 1.3 tangible fixed assets and depreciation Tangible fixed assets are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation. Depreciation is provided on all tangible fixed assets, other than freehold land, at 14 rates calculated to write off the cost or valuation, less estimated residual value, of each asset systematically over its expected useful life, as follows: - Freehold premises - straight-line over 50 years - Fixtures & fittings - straight-line over 10 years - Computer equipment - straight-line over 4 years Tangible fixed assets are subject to an annual review for impairment in accordance with FRS 11 ‘Impairment of fixed assets and goodwill’. Any impairment is recognised in the income and expenditure account in the year in which it occurs. 1.4 members' shares There is no limit to the number of shares which the credit union is authorised to issue. The number of shares held does not determine a member’s voting rights since each member is entitled to one vote only at any general meeting. The classification of share capital as liabilities in the balance sheet is consistent with Financial Reporting Standard 5 'Financial Instruments: Presentation’, and the subsequent Interpretation issued in relation thereto by the Urgent Issues Task Force (UITF). This standard also requires that dividend and loan interest rebate payments to members should be classified as an interest expense and presented as a charge in arriving at the net surplus for the year. The financial statements are not in compliance with this standard as the directors have recognised these payments as an appropriation of undivided surplus. This accounting treatment is consistent with traditional credit union practice and the Credit Union Act, 1997(as amended). 1.5 pension costs Defined benefit scheme: The credit union participates in the Irish League of Credit Unions Republic of Ireland Pension Scheme (the pension scheme). This is a funded, multi credit union, defined benefit pension scheme. Because the credit union is unable to identify its share of the assets and liabilities of the pension scheme, the credit union, in accordance with the requirements of Financial Reporting Standard 17, Retirement Benefits, and guidance from the League; is accounting for the pension contributions as if the scheme was a defined contribution scheme. Contributions payable to the pension scheme are recognised in the income and expenditure account. Defined contribution scheme: Pension contributions in respect of defined contribution schemes for all new employees are charged to the income and expenditure account as they become payable in accordance with the rules of the scheme. The assets are held separately from those of the credit union in an independently administered fund. Differences between the amounts charged in the income and expenditure account and payments made to pension funds are treated as assets or liabilities. 1.6 Bad and doubtful debts Bad debts written off and bad debts recovered are included in the income and expenditure account. Provision has been made for doubtful debts, in accordance with Resolution 49 of the Irish League of Credit Unions. At the balance sheet date, the provision includes an additional bad debts provision as considered prudent by the directors. 15 TRALEE CREDIT UNION LTD. | annual repOrt 2012 TRALEE CREDIT UNION LTD. | annual repOrt 2012 fOr tHe Year ended 30th SepteMBer 2012 fOr tHe Year ended 30th SepteMBer 2012 2012 € 2011 € 4. tANGIBLe FIxeD ASSetS Freehold premises € Fixtures & Fittings € Computer equipment € total COST At 1st October 011 Transfer from Tralee CIE CU Additions in year At 30th September 2012 ,008,9 17,19 2,135,432 418,408 9,110 427,518 61,044 9,94 621,438 ,08,691 17,19 18,504 3,184,388 DEPRECIATION At 1st October 011 Transfer from Tralee CIE CU Charge in year At 30th September 2012 606,05 8, 40,587 684,972 400,995 18,664 419,659 555,60 ,75 588,373 1,56,667 8, 9,004 1,693,004 1,40,187 1,450,460 17,41 7,859 56,44 33,065 1,476,04 1,491,384 2012 € 2011 € 99,545,371 97,936,642 2012 € 2011 € 16,890 0,80 78 184,492 140,979 1,784 ,78 175,546 2. DepOSItS AND INveStmeNtS Cash and bank deposits 46,688,805 44,550,580 Investments 6,56,84 1,445,817 7,045,69 65,996,97 Accrued interest 1,1,9 1,194,6 74,357,931 67,190,760 Included in Investment bonds is an amount of €4,68,414 (011: €17,96,56) in respect of bank and government bonds valued at the lower of cost or capital guaranteed amount. These investments are capital guaranteed if held to maturity by the credit union. The market value of these bonds at 0th September 01 with maturity dates between 014 and 019 is €6,50,066 (011 €15,165,000). 2012 € 2011 € 4,596,47 ,64,98 NET BOOK VALUE At 1st October 011 At 30th September 2012 € 3. LOAN ARReARS AND DOUBtFUL DeBtS Opening provision for bad debts Bad debts incurred during the year (1,171,64) (1,100,1) Bad debts recovered during the year 11,601 05,870 Transfer from Tralee CIE CU 15,767 - Increase in bad debt provision Closing provision for bad debts 960,986 1,865,987 4,833,185 4,596,473 5. memBeRS' ShAReS Regular share accounts 6. OtheR LIABILItIeS, CReDItORS, ACCRUALS & ChARGeS The current provision in the financial statements is €4,8,185 (011: €4,596,47) representing 10.51% (011: 9.6%) of the total loan book. This amount exceeds the Resolution 49 requirement by €1,910,000 (011: €1,600,000). Loans rescheduled or refinanced during the year amounted to €89,066 (011: €77,70). 16 Trade Creditors and Accruals PAYE and PRSI DIRT 17 TRALEE CREDIT UNION LTD. | annual repOrt 2012 TRALEE CREDIT UNION LTD. | annual repOrt 2012 fOr tHe Year ended 30th SepteMBer 2012 fOr tHe Year ended 30th SepteMBer 2012 7. mOvemeNtS ON ReSeRveS 8. DIvIDeND, INteReSt & LOAN INteReSt ReBAte Statutory reserve Additional regulatory reserve Income and Undistributable expenditure investment reserve income reserve € € € € € 9,40,54 ,18,197 ,775,00 94,604 14,48,55 total the following distributions were paid out from the surplus earned in previous years: 2012 2011 Rate € Rate € Dividend on shares At 1st October 011 Transfer from Tralee CIE CU 6,4 6,4 Excess of income over expenditure - - ,58,61 - ,58,61 Dividend paid - - (946,180) - (946,180) Transfer from investment income reserve - - 94,604 (94,604) - Transfer from income and expenditure account 5,86 99,174 (45,000) - - At 30th September 2012 9,630,773 2,237,371 5,008,885 - 16,877,029 Statutory reserve Under the provisions of the Credit Union Act, 1997, at least 10% of each year's surplus must be transferred to the statutory reserve. Additional regulatory reserve In accordance with the Credit Union Act, 1997 (Section 85) Rules 009, the credit union is required to maintain a regulatory reserve ratio of not less than 10% with effect from 0th September 009. The regulatory reserve ratio is defined as the amount held in the total regulatory reserve of the credit union (i.e. statutory reserve and additional regulatory reserve) expressed as a percentage of the total assets of the credit union. The current regulatory reserve in the financial statements represents 10.00% (011: 10.00%) of the total assets of the credit union. Income and expenditure reserve The income and expenditure reserve (formally known as the general reserve) is a reserve specifically set aside in previous years to provide for future dividend and loan interest rebate payments. Undistributable investment income reserve Under the provisions of the "Guidance Note for Credit Unions on Matters Relating to Accounting for Investments and Distribution Policy (April 2009)" issued by the Registrar of Credit Unions, the credit union is required to transfer investment income not receivable within 1 months of the balance sheet date to a reserve which is not eligible for distribution. When such income becomes receivable within 1 months of the balance sheet date, it can be transferred to the income and expenditure reserve. 18 1.00% Interest on deposits 946,180 1.00% 878,60 19,061 965,241 ,777 912,397 The directors recommend the following distributions to be paid in December 01: Gross dividend on shares 1.50% 1,480,878 1.00% 951,795 1,480,878 951,795 Rates of interest paid on members' deposits A rate of interest of .% (011: .%) was paid on members special term deposits. 9. ReLAteD pARty tRANSACtIONS Loans amounting to €17,5 (011: €88,51) in total, were granted to officers of the credit union during the period. At 0th September 01, the balance outstanding on loans to officers amounts to €,11 (011: €17,1). At 0th September 01, savings of officers amount to €460,818 (011: €518,47). During the year €,400 (011: €,700) was paid for software licensing and maintenance to Pierse Tec Limited, a company controlled by Peter Pierse who is a director of Tralee Credit Union Ltd. 10. RAteS OF INteReSt ChARGeD ON memBeRS' LOANS 2012 Per month APR Ordinary members' loans 0.75% 9.7% Special car loans 0.66% 8.0% Student loans 0.58% 7.5% Social finance loans 0.46% 5.67% Secured Loans 0.46% 5.67% 2011 Per month 0.75% 0.66% 0.58% 0.46% 0.46% APR 9.7% 8.0% 7.5% 5.67% 5.67% 11. hONORARIUm tO tReASUReR The directors recommend that the Treasurer be paid a gross honorarium for the year ended 0th September 01 of €6,000 (011: €5,000) 19 TRALEE CREDIT UNION LTD. | annual repOrt 2012 12. pensions The credit union participates in an industry-wide pension scheme for employees (The Irish League of Credit Unions Republic of Ireland Pension Scheme). This is a funded scheme of the defined benefit type, with assets invested in separate trustee administered funds. However, Tralee Credit Union Limited is unable to identify its share of the underlying assets and liabilities. Consequently, Tralee Credit Union Limited accounts for its contributions to the scheme as if it were a defined contribution scheme. Contributions payable to the scheme are recognised in the income and expenditure account. An actuarial review of the fund is normally carried out every three years by the Scheme’s independent, professionally qualified, actuary. The actuarial review looks at the past & future liabilities of the scheme. The last completed triennial actuarial review was carried out with an effective date of 1st March 011 using the Projected Unit Credit method. The principal actuarial assumption used in the valuation was the investment return would be 1.75% higher than the annual salary increases. The market value of the scheme’s assets at 1st March 011 was €107.m. The actuarial valuation disclosed a past service deficit of €8.7m on the long term funding basis at 1st March 011. This actuarial review recommended a long term funding rate of .5%. The cost of risk benefits is paid in addition to this rate. It should be noted that the above rate is based on the long term funding objectives. As a separate requirement under section 56(1) of the Pensions Act 1990, the scheme actuary must carry out a separate valuation every years and produce a funding certificate for submission to the Pensions Board within 9 months of the effective date of the valuation. The purpose of the certificate is to certify whether or not the assets of the scheme at the effective date are sufficient to meet the liabilities of the scheme based on the assumption that the scheme was wound up at that date. An actuarial funding certificate, certifying the Scheme did not meet the statutory minimum funding standard was submitted to the Pensions Board with an effective date of 1st March 009. 0 TRALEE CREDIT UNION LTD. | annual repOrt 2012 Consequently, the Trustees submitted a new funding proposal, to address the shortfall in funding, to the Pensions Board. The submitted funding proposal is designed to ensure that the scheme could reasonably be expected to satisfy the funding standard as at 1st March 019 and provides for a retirement contribution rate of 7.7%. The cost of risk benefits is payable in addition giving a total contribution rate of 0% of Pensionable Salary. This funding proposal was approved by the Pensions Board. For the scheme year ended 9th February 01 the actuary advised that having been directed by the Trustees and Employer, in light of the current economic outlook, that it was appropriate to revise the assumption for salary increases over the remaining term of the funding proposal from 5% pa to % pa he was reasonably satisfied that the scheme will satisfy the funding standard as specified in Section 44 of the Pensions Act, 1990, at the date of 1 March 019 specified by the Pensions Board under Section 49() (a) of the Act for the purpose of the existing funding proposal. The scheme’s Solvency Position in accordance with the aggregate cover for total Funding Standard liabilities as at 9th February 01 was 90.5%. 13. Insurance against fraud The credit union has insurance against fraud in compliance with Section 47 of the Credit Union Act, 1997 (as amended) in the amount of €5,00,000. 14. Approval of financial statements The financial statements were approved by the Board and authorised for issue by the Chairperson of the Board on 7th November 01. ScHeduleS tO tHe financial StateMentS fOr tHe Year ended 30th SepteMBer 2012 2012 € 2011 € SCheDULe 1 - OtheR INteReSt INCOme AND SImILAR INCOme Investment income Bank interest total per income and expenditure account Analysed as follows: Received at the balance sheet date Receivable within 1 months of the balance sheet date All other investment income 1,049,561 1,600,916 2,650,477 84,661 1,56,54 2,181,015 1,68,019 1,8,458 2,650,477 1,48,001 886,10 46,894 2,181,015 SCheDULe 2 - OtheR INCOme 2012 € 2011 € Entrance fees Commissions Investment intermediary commission Miscellaneous income total per income and expenditure account 945 1,096 ,660 0 55,921 1,08 ,75 5,64 45 59,894 SCheDULe 3 - OtheR mANAGemeNt expeNSeS 2012 € 2011 € Treasurer's honorarium Rent and rates Lighting and heating Repairs, renewals and cleaning Security Printing and stationery Postage and telephone Trade Subscriptions Promotion Youth and Scholarship Expenses Chapter expenses AGM and convention expenses Travel and subsistence Bank charges Irish Credit Bureau Costs Audit fee General insurance Pension Other personnel costs Legal and professional fees Computer maintenance Miscellaneous expenses Affiliation fees SPS contribution Regulatory levy total per income and expenditure account 6,000 5,57 18,7 14,90 ,78 41,115 50,85 1,975 8,414 4,000 ,86 ,69 75,51 8,5 ,196 9,45 99,765 6,047 10,094 68,190 8,1 54,116 17,87 838,136 5,000 8,76 19,054 16,870 0,78 4,66 44,94 1,415 98,99 9,00 ,546 18,870 48,901 ,686 7,79 91,71 ,180 109,964 51,7 9,6 ,59 56,560 10,590 822,116 1 TRALEE CREDIT UNION LTD. | annual repOrt 2012 TRALEE CREDIT UNION LTD. | annual repOrt 2012 depOSitS and inVeStMentS SuperViSOrY cOMMittee repOrt 2012 2012 € 2011 € Allied Irish Bank 5,195,660 10,47,16 Bank of Ireland 1,19,815 10,060,95 EBS ,685,687 6,848,105 Ulster Bank ,605,0 ,408,40 14,905,78 8,68,01 Central Bank Reserve 904,781 1,97,169 Prescient Investment Managers (Ireland) 750,000 1,500,000 1,100,000 1,500,000 - 650,000 16,40,000 9,879,00 1,994,45 996,800 498,744 498,744 AIB 4% 19/0/15 1,998,000 1,998,000 Bank of Ireland 4% 8/01/015 ,74,500 1,951,000 - 1,97,000 5,770,5 4,000,000 Irish Life & Permanent Merril Lynch Scottish Provident Government Bonds ( Various rates apply) I L & P 4% 10/0/15 AIB 5.65% 1/11/014 Bank of Ireland 6.75% 01 KBC ILCU CTMF 170,9 73,045,639 65,996,397 This year has been another busy year for the Supervisory Committee. Throughout 2012, as well as routine testing of areas such as Members’ Balances, Loan Applications and Investments, the Committee undertook a review of the operational Risks facing Tralee Credit Union and how the Management and Staff are managing these risks. Gene Boyd (Committee Chairman) This work is ongoing and we have already reported to the Board our findings in a number of areas. In these reports, we have identified a number of areas which the Board and Management may wish to review but not any area of significant concern. This outcome, I believe, reflects well on the general management of your credit union. The routine testing followed the work schedule set out in the Supervisory Committee Manual and included checking of balances, procedures and transactions. We conducted reviews of fixed assets, loan and membership applications and investments. All of our work was reviewed at our monthly meetings which were held throughout 01. Three meetings of the Supervisory Committee were held with the Board during the year to share our findings and discuss general performance. These meetings were constructive with good engagement and interaction with the Board. During the year, the Committee carried out a members’accounts verification exercise covering loan and share balances. The sample chosen was 10% of members accounts. The response rate was a little under 18% which was slightly down on the 011 response rate. All responses received were successfully reconciled to the records held at the credit union. INveStmeNt COmmIttee: Grainne Foley-Joy, paddy Lange, tom Lawlor, The Supervisory Committee attended a number of training days during 01 and three of our Committee successfully completed the Advanced Certificate in Credit Union Practice (ACCUP) course which is a recognised qualification for credit union employees and volunteers, developed by the Irish League of Credit Unions and awarded by the University of Ulster. Three Committee members also attended the AGM of the National Supervisors’ Forum, keeping up to date with developments across the wider credit union movement. Overall, resulting from our work, we would like to state that we believe that the Board is maintaining good control over costs and ensuring policies and procedures are appropriate for the successful running of the credit union. General economic difficulties continue to impact on the performance of the credit union but the problems which arise, particularly in the areas of bad debts and a lower than desirable level of lending, continue to be addressed through the credit union’s resources and targeted actions. Dick Carmody retires from the Supervisory Committee at the AGM having served for three years. Dick brought much good experience and considerable wisdom to the Committee and his commitment and enthusiasm will be very much missed. We would like to thank Dick for his contribution and wish him well for the future. We would also like to acknowledge the support provided by the Board and the Management and Staff in helping us to carry out our work during 01. This support is much appreciated and makes the performance of our role less demanding. Finally, at a time when the credit union movement in Ireland is facing many challenges both from the economic situation and the proposed new legislation, we are confident that your credit union is well-placed to successfully surmount these challenges. martin moore, peter pierse, Katrina Rice and Fintan Ryan. COmmIttee memBeRS: Gene Boyd (Chairman), Dick Carmody, John Naughten, Catherine moylan and John harrington TRALEE CREDIT UNION LTD. | annual repOrt 2012 TRALEE CREDIT UNION LTD. | annual repOrt 2012 credit cOMMittee repOrt 2012 type of Loan As a Credit Committee we would encourage all members to consider Tralee Credit Union as a place to borrow and do business. we have a full time dedicated lending team within the credit union who approve loans and are available to meet members and discuss their lending needs. our doors are open, so if you need a loan, use your credit union. Anna Brosnan (Chairperson) Reduced demand for loans amongst our membership for 01 has presented a challenge for Tralee Credit Union. Loans issued during the year amounted to over €19m, while this is a fall of 1% on 011 figures, it still represents a much needed boost to our local economy. As you can see from the table on your right, our loans helped 6,945 members and their families. We helped students to go to college, couples to get married, members to do some home renovations, change their cars, visit family and friends abroad or manage their finances by clearing other debts. The Credit Committee meet on a weekly basis to consider loan applications and undertake reviews of loans that have been granted. At all times our objective is to consider each loan on its own merits and to give each application due consideration. The primary factor we take into consideration is the member’s ability to repay the loan and it is vitally important that we have a full financial picture of our member’s ability to repay. We try to balance our members overall level of debt with immediate need for access to credit and seek to ensure that all decisions are made in the best interest of both our members and that of Tralee Credit Union. Ongoing staff training, use of the Irish Credit Bureau and regular reviews of lending policies and procedures ensures that fair and prudent lending decisions are being made in the best interests of both our members and the credit union. Saver's Loan Business Car Related Computer Debt/Bank Loans/Bills Education Green Home Loan Holiday MABS Medical Personal Finance Secured Loan Social Finance Loan Special Occasion Wedding Other total 2011 Number of Loans value of Loans (€) Number of Loans value of Loans (€) Increase +/- (€) Increase +/- (%) 161 19 1,56 9 407 66 11 ,197 550 0 160 189 6 0 581 185 1 1,000,466 71,76 5,751,015 4,09 900,67 1,484,5 48,591 5,19,44 760,54 0 71,779 197,756 1,4,14 0 46,686 878,6 117,568 51 118 1,69 9 444 60 11 ,8 58 1 146 0 1 56 00 1 60,978 767,901 7,747,116 8,418 1,49,75 1,65,181 55, 5,797,85 818,179 ,950 89,18 69,490 865,456 6,484 479,871 856,94 8,657 69,488 -46,65 -1,996,100 -4,109 -449,116 -167,99 -6,71 -60,941 -57,66 -,950 -17,59 -71,74 476,668 -6,484 -16,185 1,699 ,911 64% -6% -5% -17% -50% -11% -14% -1% -8% 6,945 19,155,969 7,081 21,489,284 -2,333,314 -6% -6% 6% -% % 9% -12% At the request of The Central Bank of Ireland, we have had a full loan book review during 01. The review expressed satisfaction with the policies and procedures in place in relation to approving loans and with the adequacy of the provisions held in relation to Bad Debts. Our thanks to our Members, Management, Staff and fellow Board Members for their input and support during the year and we look forward to a busy 01. COmmIttee memBeRS: Anna Brosnan (Chairperson), mary O’Connell, peter pierse, Brendan treacy and Grace moore. this year local Members borrowed over €19 million a badly needed Boost to the local economy 4 5 TRALEE CREDIT UNION LTD. | annual repOrt 2012 TRALEE CREDIT UNION LTD. | annual repOrt 2012 credit cOntrOl cOMMittee repOrt The main focus of the Committee is to ensure that our members repay their loans in accordance with their agreements in order to protect your money, your savings. This past year has once again been challenging for Credit Control as we continue to operate in a weak economy and the high levels of unemployment persist. However, against this backdrop the Committee is pleased to report that the year has also seen a number of positive results. These results are significant and encouraging, however, we do not intend to interpret them as cause for complacency. In the year ahead we intend to remain prudent and to work hard to further consolidate the achievements of this year. Cathal tyther (Chairman) We continue to place a strong focus on a policy of early intervention. This has proven very successful with our percentage of performing loans increasing from last year. We invest a huge amount of time in communicating with members in arrears. The vast majority of cases are resolved following an initial contact from the Credit Control Team. The Committee is aware that there are members who find themselves in very difficult circumstances. Our staff are highly trained and experienced in dealing with such cases and we would encourage any member in difficulty to contact us. A small number of members refuse to communicate and to work with us in finding a solution that allows them to meet their loan obligations. In these cases, with all other options exhausted, we will not hesitate to initiate legal proceedings in order to recover the money owed to our members. 6 We have introduced a facility that for the first time allows members to phone the Credit Union and make a loan repayment via Debit Card. The facility has proven popular with members who have emigrated, allowing them to make repayments from anywhere in the world. We are confident that the introduction of online and mobile banking will also prove beneficial by giving members greater convenience and flexibility in managing their accounts. The value of loans charged off in the past year remains unacceptably high, however, the figure has stabalised and is broadly in line with last year’s result. It has also been slightly offset by a 50% increase in the value of our bad debts recovered. This increase in recoveries was achieved while making efficiencies and reducing the costs of recovery and so is particularly satisfying. All charged off loans are actively pursued through the collections process as normal. We have again increased our provision for bad and doubtful debts for the year ahead. The increase this year at €100,945 (011: €971,545) with an additional €15,767 provision transferred over from Tralee C.I.E. Credit Union reflects the good progress being made in this area. With continued adherence to our policies, Tralee Credit Union will remain strong, secure and well positioned to face whatever challenges may lie ahead. The Committee thank all of our members who continue to meet their loan obligations, many of whom are working through difficult financial times. We also thank Marcella and her team for their excellent performance and for approaching their work with such patience and sensitivity. the following are some of the key figures related to Credit Control for the year: Loans written off 2011/2012 2010/2011 €1,171,64 €1,100,1 Bad debt recovery €11,601 €05,870 Bad debt provision €,9,185 €,996,47 Additional Provision €1,910,000 €1,600,000 Total Provision €4,833,185 €4,596,473 We thank Brendan Treacy who retired from the Committee during the year for his much valued contribution and welcome Carmel Mulcahy to the Committee. If you are having difficulties with your loan repayments, ACT NOW. Contact Credit Control tel 066 712 2373 (Dial 2) COmmIttee memBeRS: Cathal tyther (Chairman), tom Lawlor, Carmel mulcahy and marcella herlihy (Credit Control Officer). diddid you know? you know? we now accept Laser/debit Cards by phone or at our Tralee and Castleisland office to repay your loan. If you have a loan, try and pay a bit extra every time you make a repayment. This will reduce your loan interest, clear your loan quicker and give you some breathing space if you do miss a payment. 7 TRALEE CREDIT UNION LTD. | annual repOrt 2012 TRALEE CREDIT UNION LTD. | annual repOrt 2012 YOutH cOMMittee repOrt It’s been a year of great celebrations for the Youth Committee with national winners in both the Irish League of Credit Unions Art Competition and national Schools Quiz. As Youth officer I would like to thank the directors, Management, Staff and Volunteers for all their support during the year to our youth events, especially to orla o’Shea our Youth development worker. I would like to say thank you to all the schools, parents, teachers and youth groups for continuing to support our Youth services. we look forward to another busy year ahead. George Lowe (Youth Officer) National Art Competition Sarah Prendergast wins the 14 to 17 age category Youth Union €4,000 spent on youth projects 2012 has been another busy year for the Marketing and development Committee with the main focus of promoting loans to maintain our loan book, educating members on the credit union ethos and in introducing and promoting new services. As we embrace technology with our CU Banking services we are confident that these everyday banking services will become just as relevant to our members as our loans and savings. we would like to thank the local media, all in Radio Kerry, The Kerryman, Kerry’s eye, Tralee Advertiser, Tralee outlook and Sliabh Luachra outlook for all the publicity throughout the year. Alan Laide (Chairman) Under 13s National Schools Quiz Ardfert National School are crowned the Champions Prizegiving Night Congrats to all our Winners COmmIttee memBeRS: George Lowe, Youth Officer, Orla O’Shea, Youth Development Worker Suzanne ennis, Marketing & Development Officer and erica paola Ortiz macias 8 Marketing and deVelOpMent cOMMittee repOrt We would like to thank Breda O’Dwyer, Patrick Flaherty and Vicky Kelliher who retired during the year for their support and contribution and welcome my fellow newcomers, Jacintha and Tina to the Committee. A special thank you to Breda O’Dwyer for such great service over the years. Breda’s expertise and support will be greatly missed. To my colleagues on the Marketing and Development Committee for their continued hard work especially to Suzanne Ennis our Marketing and Development Officer. I would also like to thank Management and Staff who give such great service to our members every day. Thank You. COmmIttee memBeRS: Alan Laide (Chairman) Suzanne ennis (Marketing & Development Officer) Fintan Ryan, mike Lynch, Jacintha eustace, paul Culloty and tina Newsome mcDonnell. 9 TRALEE CREDIT UNION LTD. | annual repOrt 2012 TRALEE CREDIT UNION LTD. | annual repOrt 2012 MeMBerSHip cOMMittee repOrt tax treatMent Of diVidend we are delighted to report that we continue to attract new members with 1,850 new members joining during the year. our ‘active’ membership now stands at 29,068. In particular we extend a warm welcome to the former members of Tralee C.I.e. Credit Union who transferred to Tralee Credit Union during the year. Members are responsible for their own tax affairs. Income in the form of dividend and deposit Interest is taxable income and the Board of directors strongly advise all our members to take the time to consider the tax implications of this income using the information below. Share Accounts - Two types of share account exist. tom Lawlor (Chairman) If a member does not have a transaction on their account over a two year period then, for security purposes, this account is then classed as a‘dormant’ account. A member will be asked for up to date identification when next making a transaction on a dormant account. ,717 accounts were made ‘dormant’ during the year. Please note the rule change relating to dormant accounts that will be discussed at the A.G.M. (page 4). As a credit union we work to ensure that our services are relevant and cost effective to you, our members. We aim to provide a viable alternative banking solution and welcome the addition of our CU Banking services. We encourage all members to take the time to be aware and use the services currently available at Tralee Credit Union. We always seek to ensure that the credit union ‘difference’ remains apparent, with ‘service to our members’ remaining as the cornerstone of what we do. As a Committee we spent time each month ensuring that all new membership applications comply with the requirements of the Criminal Justice Act 010 and that each new member is part of our common bond. Our common bond is defined as people who work or live within the postal district of Tralee or in any of the parishes of Castleisland, Firies, Ballydesmond and Killeentierna. The Criminal Justice Act 010 requires that all membership applications are accompanied by photo identification (such as current passport or memBeRShIp AS At 30th SeptemBeR 2012* Age Breakdown New born - 10 years 11 to 0 years 1 to 0 years 1 to 40 years 41 to 50 years 51 to 60 years 61 to 70 years 71 to 80 years 81 to 90 years 91 to 100 years 2012 1,743 2011 1,949 Diff -206 ,60 5,050 5,68 4,87 4,160 ,171 1,541 491 4 29,068 ,649 5,670 6,077 5,00 4,67 ,095 1,491 489 51 30,858 -89 -60 -94 -19 -07 76 50 -9 -1,790 driving licence), proof of address (most recent utility bill) and proof of PPS number. Nominations - have you updated your Nomination Form? Savings (up to a maximum of €,000) in a credit union can be subject to a Nomination. This means that on the death of the member, his/her savings are distributed to the person(s) they have named on their Nomination Form. As a Nomination overrides a Will, we encourage members to complete a Nomination and keep it up to date. We extend a welcome to all of our new members and finally thank you to both Management and Staff for their assistance throughout the year. *3,717 accounts were made dormant during the year. We require updated photo identification and proof of address to re-open a dormant account. 0 COmmIttee memBeRS: tom Lawlor (Chairman), mary O’Connell and helen Butler (a) Regular Share Account: With a Regular Share Account your Dividend is earned gross of DIRT. You must declare to the Revenue Commissioners your Dividend in your annual tax return (even if you are exempt from tax). The tax paid on this Dividend will depend on your personal rate of tax: 0%, 0% or 41%. (b) Special Share Account: Tralee Credit Union will automatically deduct the DIRT tax on your Dividend. You have no further tax liability and you do not need to declare it in your annual tax return. The current DIRT rate for all Special Share Account Holders is 0% regardless of your personal rate of tax. The Board of Directors strongly recommend that members change their account to a ‘Special Share Account’. Members may do so by completing the form below and returning it to Tralee Credit Union. Special term Accounts Special Term Account Holders are allowed to earn a tax-free Dividend of €480.00. To qualify for the tax benefits, funds must be left in the Account for three years. (Terms and conditions apply). Special Term Accounts suit members who do not require access to their savings in the next few years. DIRt exemptions The Finance Act 007 introduced provisions for DIRT free accounts for individuals who • Are over 65 and whose income is below the relevant exemption limit (currently €18,000 for an individual or €6,000 for a married couple), or • Are permanently incapacitated. If you are exempt from paying tax please fill in a DE1 Form in our offices. requeSt tO HaVe/cHange tO a Special SHare accOunt Name Account No. I, the undersigned authorise and request Tralee Credit Union Ltd. to change my account to a Special Share Account. Signed Date 1 TRALEE CREDIT UNION LTD. | annual repOrt 2012 TRALEE CREDIT UNION LTD. | annual repOrt 2012 inSurance SerViceS - unique to credit unions Our Insurance Services are designed to protect you, our Members. FRee Life Savings Insurance Life Savings Insurance is unique to Credit Unions and is free to members. It’s a Life Cover on your savings as an additional incentive for you to save regularly and maintain saving with Tralee Credit Union. In the event of your death your savings may attract cover up to €7,700 (terms and conditions apply). Members who join Tralee Credit Union before the age of 70 are eligible for Life Savings Insurance. Members aged 55 years and over attract cover on a sliding scale. Other terms and conditions apply. FRee Loan protection Insurance Loan Protection Insurance is unique to Credit Unions and is free to members. It’s an insurance benefit to cover outstanding loans in the event of your death or permanent disability. This means that eligible members can borrow in full confidence knowing that their dependents will not have to repay any outstanding loan balance (up to certain limits) in the event of their death or permanent disability. Other terms and conditions apply. Death Benefit Insurance Death Benefit Insurance is a member pay insurance that provides basic Life Cover for members to the value of €,000 to offset funeral expenses. Death Benefit Insurance is payable in the event of your death. The annual premium is paid jointly between the member and Tralee Credit Union. Members approve the premium deduction at your Annual General Meeting. Members’ contribution is currently €4.50 per annum per member and is deducted from your Dividend. If your Dividend doesn’t cover you, you can pay the balance in our offices. All members are eligible for Death Benefit Insurance provided that: • An annual premium of €4.50 has been paid by them (from their Dividend or as a Direct Payment) • They have been a member of Tralee Credit Union for months prior to their death • They joined Tralee Credit Union before the age of 70 • They have savings of €00 at all times in their account. (This does not apply to members under 16 year of age). For further information please contact our offices. nOMinatiOnS and electiOnS NOmINAtIONS AND eLeCtIONS: Patrick Flaherty and Maurice o’Brien resigned during the year. Jacintha eustace and Alan Laide were co-opted during the year to fill their vacancies and under Rule 67 retire and seek re-election. In accordance with Rule 66, Tom Lawlor retires and being eligible seeks re-election. Breda o’dwyer and Vicky Kelliher retire and do not seek re-election. Under Rule 136 the nomination Committee propose Grace Moore and Maurice o’Brien to fill their vacancies. SUpeRvISORy COmmIttee: In accordance with Rule 81, Gene Boyd retires and being eligible seeks re-election. dick Carmody retires and does not seek re-election. Under Rule 136 the nominating Committee proposes Philip o’Sullivan to fill the vacancy. AUDItORS: Under Rule 153 Joan o’Sullivan & Co. being eligible seeks re-election. Any further nomination shall be in writing, signed by the Proposer and Seconder, with the consent of the nominees who shall be over 18 years of age (all but the Auditor must be members of Tralee Credit Union Ltd.) and must reach the Secretary not later than 4pm Friday 30th november 2012. NOmINAtION FORm - DIReCtOR - ANNUAL GeNeRAL meetING 2012 We, the undersigned, nominate for Director of Tralee Credit Union Ltd. Name of Nominee (Block Capitals): _________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ Signed (Proposer) ___________________________ Account No. _______________________ Signed (Seconder) __________________________ Account No. _______________________ Consent of Nominee: I, as a member, hereby agree to be nominated as a candidate for Director on the Board of Directors and confirm that I am of full legal age. Signed (Nominee) _____________________ Date ________________ Account No. ________________ NOmINAtION FORm - SUpeRvISORy COmmIttee - ANNUAL GeNeRAL meetING 2012 We, the undersigned, nominate for the Supervisory Committee of Tralee Credit Union Ltd. Name of Nominee (Block Capitals): _________________________________________________________ Life Savings Insurance and Loan protection Insurance Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ • 119 members died during the year. May they rest in peace. • Insurance claims on their behalf amounted to €619,000. • 9 members claimed Disability. Claims on their behalf amounted to €77,000. Signed (Proposer) ___________________________ Account No. _______________________ Signed (Seconder) ___________________________ Account No. _______________________ Consent of Nominee: I, as a member, hereby agree to be nominated as a candidate for the Supervisory Committee and confirm that I am of full legal age. Death Benefit Insurance of €2,000 per member Signed (Nominee) _____________________ Date ________________ Account No. ________________ • Insurance claims on their behalf amounted to €8,000. TRALEE CREDIT UNION LTD. | annual repOrt 2012 TRALEE CREDIT UNION LTD. | annual repOrt 2012 aMendMentS tO Standard ruleS ariSing frOM tHe iriSH league Of credit uniOnS agM 2012 ReSOLUtION NO. 4 That this Annual General Meeting agrees to amend Rule of the Standard Rules for Credit Unions (Republic of Ireland) by the deletion of “when the credit union has been unable to contact the member for a period of three years” with “when there has been no member initiated transaction on the account for a period of three years” and substitute the word “ordinary” for “registered” where appearing in line so as to read as follows: RULe 22. DORmANt ACCOUNtS The credit union may deal with shares and deposit accounts as hereinafter provided when there has been no member initiated transaction on the account for a period of three years and when no reply has been received within thirty days from the member to a notice sent, by ordinary post, to him/her at his/her last known address, of intent by the credit union to close the account(s). Such share and deposit accounts shall then be transferred to the reserve account. Dividends and interest shall continue to be payable on such accounts. 2 - 4 eLeCtION pROCeDURe . Nominations may be accepted from the floor in accordance with Standard Rule 18. . Elections to the Board of Directors, to the Supervisory Committee and the position of Auditor shall be by majority vote and by secret ballot. 4. A Ballot Paper for the election of the Board and Supervisory Committee, where applicable, will be distributed to each member at the AGM. 5 - 10 mOtIONS 5. All motions from the floor of the AGM must be proposed and seconded by members present at 4 11 - 16 mISCeLLANeOUS 11. The Chairman of the Board of Directors shall be the Chairman of any general meeting, except where he/she is not available, in which case it shall be the Vice-Chairman, except where he/she is not available, in which case the Board shall decide amongst themselves who shall act as Chairman of any general meeting. 1. The Chairman may at his/her discretion, extend the privilege of the floor to any person who is not a member. Standing OrderS 1. vOtING Each member shall be entitled to one vote irrespective of his/her shareholding, in accordance with Standard Rule 140. 10. The Chairman shall have the absolute right to decide at any time when a motion has been sufficiently discussed and may put the motion to the meeting giving the proposer the right of reply before doing so. the AGM and moved by the proposer. If the proposer is absent when the motion is called, the motion shall be deemed to have failed. 6. A proposer of a motion may speak for such period as shall be at the discretion of the Chairman of the meeting and shall have the right of reply before the motion is put to the meeting for a vote. 7. In exercising his/her right of reply, a proposer may not introduce new material. 8. The seconder of a motion shall have such time as shall be allowed by the Chairman to second the motion. 9. Members are entitled to speak on any such motion and must do so through the Chair. All speakers to any motion shall have such time as shall be at the discretion of the Chairman. 1. Matters not covered by the Agenda may be introduced under "Other Business" at the discretion of the Chairman. 14. The Chairman’s decision on any matter relating to these Standing Orders or interpretation of same shall be final. 15. In accordance with Standard Rule 1 (1) no member shall have more than one vote on each question at any general meeting of the credit union or any adjournment thereof irrespective of his/her shareholding or the number of accounts in his/her name in the credit union provided, however, that except in voting at elections, the presiding member shall have a second or casting vote in the event of equality of voting. Voting by proxy shall be allowed only when a member other than a natural person votes through a representative, who is a member of the group, duly authorised in writing for that purpose and accepted as such by the board of directors. Refer to Standard Rule 19 also re election procedure. 16. Any matter to be decided upon by vote at the AGM shall, unless otherwise expressly provided for by law or the rules, be decided upon by simple majority. 17. SUSpeNSION OF StANDING ORDeRS Any one of these Orders or all of these Standing Orders may be suspended on a motion to this effect receiving a two-thirds majority of those present and entitled to vote. 18. ALteRAtION OF StANDING ORDeRS Standing Orders may be amended or altered at a general meeting and only if a motion to this effect has received a two-thirds majority of those present and voting. 19. ADJOURNmeNtS Adjournments of the AGM shall take place only in accordance with Standard Rule 1. CU Banking Tralee CREDIT UNION LTD. New ACCESS ‘Current’ Account ATM CU Online Banking CU Anywhere Mobile App Bank Every Day, the Credit Union Way WE CU DIFFERENTLY 45 - 47 Ashe Street Tralee Co. Kerry Tel : 066 712 2373 Fax : 066 712 8551 67 Main Street Castleisland Co. Kerry Tel : 066 714 1749 Fax : 066 714 1121 Phone a Loan : 1890 428 428 | email : | Tralee Credit Union Sort Code: 99 10 16
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