"Blitz Building" Feared By Currie Copeland Leaves Madison Schools Board President Wants Township Ordinance; VanCleaf, Per Capita Magill Replacement; ip> Kengetter Hired; Get Bayview Church Rooms Grayson- VanCleaf, chairman Tomorrow will terminate the Member National Editorial Association — New Jersey Press Association — Monmouth County Press Association of the finance committee of tho period of service of Lex H. Cope, Matawan Borough C o u n c i l , land as superintendent of at the joint meeting of MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER IS, 1955 Single Copy Seven Cents warned schools in Madison Township 87th YEAR — 11th WEEK that body with the Matawan Last Thursday the township Township Board of Education board of education accepted his and the Matawan Township Ask Public Street Committee the borough faces resignation so he might accept disaster unless the method of Marlboro Township Comthe post of superintendent at (( maintaining tho unified school midee was asked Thursday to vLambertvllle. Mr. Copeland district is shifted from an asmake a public street of sessment to a per capita basis. came to Madison Township from Brown's Hd., MorK.inville, so be maintained and Mr. VanCleaf pointed out the serving as principal in Atlantic John Marz, Jr., Questions Statement , Itnot might a nuisance to residents maximum new homesites the Highlands three years ago. Made By Board Of Education President; living along It. borough could sustain would be His successor will be Charles Checking All Phases Of School Finances 400 while in the township It The road is now a private C. Magill, now superintendent would be 4000. The districts at Oceanport. Mr. Magill has Mayor John Marz, jr., lashed my main concern is the cost to right - of - way supposedly 33 now share the expense on a rafeet wide. been with the Oceanport. systhe taxpayer." out at "wild Buess'.vork and fantio of their assessments. With Three persons livingalong tem seven years. He Is 40 years The mayor added he would the township gaining potentialold and has been in the teach tastic figures" on the school have more to Gay aa tho study the road expressed diverse ly 10 times the children to eduIng field 18 years. He will re problem in a statement issued of school finances progresses. and at times heated opinions cate the borough does, yet not about the 33-foot roadway >.ceive $6600, plus $500 expenses. at the close of yesterday's MaAttorney Reports keeping pace in the acquisition ^nhe same as Mr. Copeland was tawan T o w n s h i p municipal In other business, the com- -which they said the public lias of desirable ratables, Mr. Vanused for more than 50 years. paid. mittee received a report from meeting. The mayor declared Cleaf saw the borough chained Charles It. Smith nntl Louis Mr. Magill holds both bacheEzra W. Karkus, township atto n grim situation. He bellevlor's and master's degrees in he was making the statement torney, that total sales of tax Liicbcck complained of dust pd that only by goint on a per education from the University because he had been criticized lien properties at the recent conditions and said the origicapita basis could the joint school of Pittsburgh. Mr. Copeland for not giving answer to quer- auction was $3005 plus $24 for nal straight line of the road district be maintained. obtained his education at Em- ies hurled at him by Edward tax equivalent and advertising. lias been lost, trees have sprung up and the (ravelled porla State College, Kansas, Edward W. Currie, board The total of offers submitted portion has shir led gradually W. Currie, board president, and and at Rutgers. 'president, in warning against others at Monday's joint meetfor special consideration was onto their properties. the impact of developments, Board Members Clash plus $513 tax equivalent. They declared they are willfound a disparity between the Mr. Copeland's resignation ng of the board, borough coun- $900 This applies to lots for the towncil and township committee. ing to give tho township any borough and township already. ,-ivas not accepted without clash ship first aid squad and the title necessary to the road and Mayor Marz said he had held Ho pointed out the borough has ' within the ranks of the board, Veterans of Foreign Wars. his silence only because he was Fred VonHodcck made the •10 children in grammar school even though keen regret was Fisher and Elsie Hall, New same promise. About 10 famwhile the township, with 266 at expressed by all the members convinced figures being quoted York, bought lots 46-47, in Block ilies live along tin; street. at the loss of his services. When at the meeting were oo muoh in S S G l ' f i h U .Mi-.; i'—iixi—reliable—discussion The committee alter lengthy lias 926. In high school there i , could be carried on. He declar- plus $24 equivalent. Roosevelt discussion, referred the probare 107 from the borough, 192 the teachers committee, ad- ed his statement would show and Ruby Bethune, Third Ave., lem to the township attorney rom the township and 98 tulvanced a proposal to hire Otto this to be true. CUffwood, paid $200 plus $23 for to determine what steps would ion students, or a total of 457. Kengetter, former township po The mayor said he was es- lots 7-8. 36-38 in Block 1. Oscar have to lie taken to make it This makes the township total lice chief, as attendance offi- pecially critical of Mr. Currie Cross, CUffwood. bought lots 13 a public road. enrollment 1118, while the borr cer at a salary of $2000 per having based his talk on an esti- 16 in Block W for $200 plus $28. ough's is 816. Yet, Mr. Currie year plus $500 traveling expen- mated cost of $250 per pupil in Roy S. and Kathryn Matthews, pointed out, the present ratio ses, it was directly challenged the district in arriving at a pro- CUffwood, paid $150 for Lot 3 (•}>y James White, chairman of jection of what adding 1000 In Block 29. The tax equival's Police Chief donated fielders' glavi's lo be presented to Hie two boys on the cham- on assessments Is for the townthe finance committee. Mr. pionshipp Al.it:uv;in Orioles Little lliirijcr tram who niaiic the most home runs. Their an- ship to make a 40 per cent conggcr League tea in the township would ent will be set by the governnual banquet was held lust nislit. White wanted to know why the homes s . The squud q d iss sho hown wuariiiK bl.v/crs civcii them at the dinner. tribution to school costs while mean. The mayor's statement '"B body. Dietrich Bros., Inc., l team: t Tt Ci I lie Trout row, Councilman Victor Arnu-Ilino. manager, with Vic, Jr.: Hilly Brewer: the borough, with fewer chilboard was prepared to pay an Charles St., Matawan, paid Don Zeni; Larry Cl.irito; Fred Moser. Middle row: Hob Gold; Bmcu Guiiklc; John Coon; T'ur- dren, puts in 55 per cent. attendance officer $2500 when it follows: 'I question the President of $115 Plus $28 for lots 95-98 in vis Peeler. Jtear row: Frank Banufato; I'erriu Coon, assistant nianacer lln buck): Rich WenSituation Will Get Worse had failed to offer Mr. Copeland Block 5 of Woodflelds. This ofHolmdel Cnmmitteemen ner; Clilei John ,T. Flood; Davcy Jones; Dieter Johnson; Pole Bennett; Tony Bucco. coach. the Board of Education's perWith this difference now In an increase in salary sufficient fer was accepted, even If beWe . Surplus To existence, Mr. Currie foresaw to retain his services. Mr. centage of 2.2 per pupil to the low the minimum, because a it getting Infintoly worse if 100O Copeland could have been re family attending the public half lot Is included in the offer. Avoid Impost In 1956 Train Stalled Sunday because by a check it homes are permitted to go up lained luul the attendance probAnnllus and Carmalla Devlno, Members of the is estimated there are 1500 Matawan Fire Department in the township. He estimated lem been kept on a former baMatawan, offered $815 plus homes in Matawan Township. was called, out at 11:40 p.m. Township Committee t would take bonding of $1000 sis, in Mr. White's opinion, and $493 for /z lota in Woodfields. discussed ways and Township Enrollment 1118 Sunday when word was teleper new pupil, or at a ratio of, ^ r . Copeland could have offerThe offer was rejected because "The report of the Superinnhoned to borough police that get out of the inconsltency of 22 children to each 10 houses, e d the extra expenditure now tendent of Schools shows an at- It averaged only $10 per lot. the Diesel locomotive on the having $71,99!) cash surplus on $2,200,000 to odd the 75 roorr.3 being applied to it. Assistant Prosecutor Towns Can Object Wants To Move Barrack tendance from Matawan TownCentral Itailroud of New Jerhand yet having to put an emthe influx would require. Ho Mr. White was criticized by Asks Facilities At Oct. 4; Add Cherney sey train due in Matawan declared this would put to several board members for con- ship of 1118. This is far below The township committee was ergency appropriation of up to Fviatawan Orioles Dinner from Jersey City at 10:58 naught the efforts the present necting the Copeland matter to the 2.2 per pupil per family. Of asked to approve moving a bar- $10,000 in iiie 1956 budget be To Police Force rack by Mrs. Lucille Jones, of p.m., had run out of water. cause of a deflcirnty in this board had made to get all chilthis situation. Mr. Thompson course, no allowance Im» been Assistant Prosecutor John W CUffwood. She claimed that the made for pupils attending St. year's account for road repair Matawan firemen arrived at Mayor Spafford W. Schanck dren on full time. He ventured held Mr. White was ignoring AjMlegate told a gathering of barrack failed to> conform to the Joseph's Parochial School. work, passenger station and announced at Tuesday's Coun- to say a three-session school day the fact that last year there the Matawan Orioles an- the waited for the train to arrive cil meeting that Oct. 4 had been would come about If all 1000 were 27,000 school days lost by "The total enrollment in the building code only in the ceil- Daniel S. Ely, township clerk, 30 atdinner at the Magnolia Inn ing beams and that could be borough and township Is 2032. which was sometime after set as the date for a hearing houses were built and occupied poor attendance, affecting the explained that while $16,000 had night that juvenile delin- midnight. When the train did in Trenton before the State Wa in the near future. district's state aid. This meant which at the rate of $250 per corrected by a contractor for a been put in the budget this year lust quency was non-existent In Ma'few dollars." Mayor Marz nn average of 18 days per pu- pupil is in excess of one-half for road work and 526,500 In tawan and the youth of the bor- arrive it was learned it would ter Policy Commission on the Tred Wenzel, a member of noted barracks brought in beuseless to put water in the borough's application. All mu'Ppll, Mr, Thompson pointed out, million dollars. The public is bond anticipation notes had (Continued on page four) had "a splendid record." be engine for a leak bad develop- nicipalities from Perth Arabpv enough to pull the district at- ,ed to believe that this amount fore fulled to conform in more "".. ,».;.t!iorized for the •*.;*?4 gvifb. li.KiJ. Applegate felt, .however ifi w.iys than this anrl uedared i\e Is raised by the taxpayers. This itnt! as fast as Vater was to Union Beach have been 1 . 8 (continued on page four) oe'Miir/.'earlier, this -year, the this record was not secure be- put Into the engine it ran out. vited to attend in case they wish . i * y does not present a true picture would not Vefmlt action "Until total of those two funds would because it does not take into Homer Matteson, building In- no more than equal what is ow- cause no concerted effort was The train was stopped In to make objejetion to Matawan' being made lo provide adequate consideration state aid of $148.- spector, submitted an opinion. eri-'ractor. C. H. Sut- recreational facilities In the bor- front of the station and the tapping the understrata of wa Mrs. Jones also wanted Fourth 704.71 for the school year 1955Diesel engine .shut oU. Pass- ter. phen, Freehold,'for the work 1956, taken from the budget St., Clilfwood, opened Its full under the program. Mr. Sut- ough. He charged adults had engers on the train were transOn Jan. 11 the council pass a record of "errors" and ''strike statement of the School District length. ferred to the Pennsylvania pnen's bill is for $44,725.41. Rabbi Announces Myndert Bonnema, CUffwood Mr. Ely explained this left outs" on projects advanced train which passes through ed a resolution regulating the of Matawan Township. salaries of probationary patrol "According to figures submit- Beach, submitted a petition of the tonwship with no blanace thus far toward meeting the Matawan at 12:08 a.m., which men. Councilman Grayson Van Special Services Monmouth Donates ted and certified by the Mon- 240 signers asking that all "per- for road work for the reamin- problem. He said the mounting made a special stop to pick Cleaf asked that this resolution At Local Synagogue j $16,489, Red Cross mouth County Board of Taxa- manent" township employees ing four months of the year. population growth called for im- up the passengers for shore which set the salary at $3000 tion, the Township of Matawan be put under civil service and This became a serious matter, mediate action. points on the New York & for the first six months and Rosh Hashana, the Jewish Chairman Reports pays the schools $150,913.85 for the issue be on the ballot Nov. he pointed out, as extensive Councilman Victor Armelllno l.ontr Branch Railroad. $3146.66 for the second six New Year of 5716, will be obmanager of the team, recalled a David E. Landers, chairman 1118 pupils of the township 8. road damage was caused by the good beginning had been made The Central train remain- months be rescinded. This was served Saturday and Sunday of the Monmouth County Chap- which averages approximately Street lights were asked for rainfall during the Augusut hured in Matawan until another done. Mr. VanCJenf then Intro- and on Monday, Sept. 26, there ter, American Red Cross, has $135 per pupil and does not take Beverly PI. and Prospect Ave., ricanes. It is the type damage when he had served on the engine was sent from Kcd duced a resolution setting the will be the annual observance council in Mr. Applcgate's time announced that M o n m o u t h into consideration any of the and Pinehurst Dr. and Shore Hank to take It to Bay Head probationary salary at $3200 for of Yom Kippur, the day of County has oversubscribed the revenues of the school such as Concourse, CUffwood B e a c h . •which it would be both dan- but it had not been followed Junction. the entire year. This resolu atonement. Red Cross flood disaster quota, tuition. This $135 per pupil to Committeeman Stephen J. Ka- gerous and wasteful to ignore through. He said that now a tion was adopted by unanimous The schedule of services In originally set at $7500 and later the taxpayer Includes bond re- lleta. asked a light on Lower until a new budget can be adopt- Little League field for 1956 was tho Keyport Synagogue for Rosh vote. increased to .$10,000, and resi- .irement and Interest. The $250 Main St. be moved, to a new lo- ed and a new program under- planned by the borough, but will be as follows: Totaken next spring, Otis Seaman, the older fellows were still with After the amendment to the Hashana dents, firms and organizations Ilgure quoted by the board.pres- cation on that street. morrow (Friday), 6:45 p.m.; out adequate facilities. salary resolution had been Saturday have donated $16,489.15. ident excludes bond retirement Trees sprouting from butts township engineer agreed. and Sunday services He hailed Mr. Applegate and adopted, Francis P. Cherney, a ' jMonmouth's quota was Incre- and interest. were declared to have become Queries Taxpayer's Reaction 8:30 a.m.; Torah reading, former special officer in Mata at ased when the National Red "I am making a thorough such a hazard at Wayside Dr. Committeeman John S. Hol- Leo Weinstein, former borough 10:30 a.m.; sermon, 11 a.m.; wan Township, was named nnri benediction. Cross needs for the northeas- check of all phases of school fi- and Prospect Ave. and Beverly mes was caustic over what the attorney, for underwriting the 1 p.m. and Mlncha nsen of the dinner lion confirmed asa probationary oftern states disaster mounted nances as they affect the town- Dr. in CUffwood that something reaction of taxpayers would be Chief Flood Warns Of ficer In the borough. services, 6:45 p.m. from $8,000,000 to $10,000,000. ship to eliminate wild guess would have to be donn »bout after reading Blowing accounts oiing the team as champions For Yom Kippur the services Congestion, Locking of the township's financial po- of the buyshore division of the Mr. Landers said gifts still arc work and fantastic flem-es, as To Install New Street Lights will begin Sunday. Sept. 25. sition. He failed to see Hie log- Monmouth County Little Bigger Cars Left In Lots being received, but. no active Councilman R o b e r t Colot, with Kol Nidre, 6:30 p.m. and ic in having money idle in a League. The two former borcampaign is in progress, and chairman of the light commitSchool Board Member's bank while the township was ough officials also presented Chief John J. Flood, Mata- tee, was authorized to install sermon at 7 p.m.; Monday, he expressed his thanks to all Six Hurt In Blast Sept. 26, Yom Kippur services, each boy with a trophy emblepaying interest on notes. the generous people who parti- At Old Bridge wan Police, yesterday made an five new street lights in various Car Taken, Youth Fined a.m.: Torah reading, 10:30 cipated on behalf of the flood Mr. Seaman was asked to con- matic of their championship appeal to borough citizens to ob- sections of the borough. Two of 8:30 a.m.; sermon, 11 a.m.; Yizkor victims." Six persons were hurt as an For taking a car belonging to sult with Joseph J. Seaman, status. serve practices which will ease these will be placed on Center (memorial services). 11:30 a.m.; Team Given Illazcrs regulation of certain activities. Ave., and one each on Harding Mlncha services, 5 p.m. and •'• 1*Mr. Landers received the fol- explosion and fire wrecked a Clifford F . Reeves, Matawan Perth Amboy, to fix the exact lowing wire from Ellsworth one-story building at the Old school board member, from in amount needed, then application Mr. Armellino declared that With schools open again, the Blvd., Taylor Hd., and New NeiUa, the concluding service, though the contributions of othBrunswick Ave. near Miriam 0:15 p.m. Bunker, Washington, president Bridge paper converting plant front of the Reeves residence will be made to the State De- e r partment of Local Government Public spirited citizens, It had chief suggests that parents Ave. of the Nattonul Red Cross: on Atlantic Ave. on Aug. 28, for the right to use surplus become possible to present the bringing-children to the Broad An ordinance was passed on Stresses Purpose of Holidays of W. Ralston It Co., Inc., "Wish to ndvlse you that whole team with blazers. Mala- St. School park on Main St. and first reading vacating Maple Rabbi Seymour Wadler stressthrough generosity of the Amer- Thursday. The blast leveled Thomas Sweeney, Texas Rd., funds ngainst'the deficiency. es that the holidays! of Rosh wun Police Chief John J, Flood walk their youngsters to the Question was raised If tho Morganville, was fined $100 by ican people, our chapters have the 4O-by-5O foot structure which gave fielder's gloves to Delter school building. The chief Terr, near Oak St.. which has Hashana and Yom Kippur are reported In contributions and Is part of the plant's technical Magistrate Jamea H. Martin, township should have to expend Johnson and David Jones, the points out that the streets near never been laid out. religious days' .specifically set $1900 lor the repair of Beers St. pledged gifts to the Red Cross tape division. Matawan, Monday. He was ar- »'»„ — — „ - - , » — — ; two players hitting the most the school are narrow and be- Councilman E. Story Hallock, aside for prayers, meditation l^lood Disaster Fund more than chairman of the fire commitcome conpested with the mov(Continued on page eight) and self-examination and sym$10,000,000. This assures Us of Those hurt were the only per- raigned by State Motor Vehicle 'private property and water ing and out of school children tee, was authorized to spend bolize some of the most imsufficient funds to meed ade? sons in or near the building Inspector James Philburn. A (Continued on page four) $300 to replace the roof on the portant tenets of the Jewish Trucking going down Church New Fuel Oil Firm tfhatcly Red Cross requirements when the blast occured shortly Juvenile accomplice Is being St, complicates the problem Washington Engine House. fnlth. In eastern states flood relief op- after 6 p.m. About 100 persona subjected to a Juvenile court McElvaine-Schanck Post Opens In Matawan Discuss Water Accounts from a safety angle. The chief He explained Unit Rosh Hascharge by Chief John J. Flood, eration. Inform the people therefore, feels that If parents A long list of delinquent watborough police. The pair found Installation Oct. 23 George Dronken, owner of the would keep their private cars er accounts was reported by hana, literally "head of tho within your chapter jurisdiction are employed at the plant. (Continued on page four) that with funds available contri- Sayrevllle, East Brunswick the car had been left with the The institution of the newly- Matawan 33akery, Maiii St., Mn- out of the area at times when Councilman Cyrus K. Brown, buted and pledged, no further and Madison Townships dis- keys In It, according to tho formed McElvalno - Schanck tawnn, and Andrew Bullnaky, sessions are going in and lct- chairman of the water commitcontributions are necessary. patched fire equipment and am- chief. 221B. Veterans of Foreign Matawan, have opened a fuel tlnu out, much of the extra traf- tee, which he said had been de- Mrs. Lavoic Is Grand William Psolko, Edison, was Post Chapter leadership in this effort bulances to the scene. Wars, Matawan Borough, and oil, keroseno nnd oil burner fic regulation and accompany- linquent for some time. Hu re- Jury Deputy Foreman arraigned by Patrolman James has been outstanding nnd wo tho Installation of officers will service business with an office ing danger to children walking quested councllmen to meet nre grateful for your support. Two of the Injured, Donald Volk, borough police, for driv- bo held on Sunday, Oct. 23. Theat 17 Little Kt. The firm will across the streets could bo elim with him to deckle what to do Mrs. Miriam C, Lavoic, 1EdBOPlease take this opportunity to <ctts, 27, Vlneynrd Avo., Mor- ing over the center lino while charter will be open for 90 days oiieratn under the trade iiumo ina led. to bring about their collection rnere Dr., Mutawun, wus , namthank all those who have con- gan, and Orlando Sedn, 33, 310 conversing with the driver of a following the Institution of the of Matnwnn Fuel Oil Company. without, turning eff the water. ed deputy foreman of the Sepcar going in the same direction ,'. ^buted so willingly to this dis- Highland St., Cresskill, were Mr. VanCleaf reported the fil- tember !;e;;>iion grand jury by post. This was decided at the Mr. Bronkeu who has been a Shoppers Should Lock Cars on Aug. 22. Tito defendant paid taken to Middlesex General Hosaster fund the chapter and commeeting of the post held Mon- resident of Malawnn since 1937, A second Miggcsllon from Ma- 1K of five buildiniT permits In Superior Court Judge Frank T. $o and $4. Thomas L. Seymour, pital, New Brunswick, where tawan's police chief is that Lloyd, Jr. Mrs. Lnvole Is tho munity leadership which has day night In the Matawan 1'ub- has been operating the MataAugust totaling $5!l,4O0. made this mngniflclont effort they were treated for first and Cartorot, paid $15 and $4 costs Health Center with Acting wan Bakery for the past 1U .shopper:! should bo careful of A total of 33 visits wa.s re- wife of Stephen D. Lavole, head for having no dvlvor's license Commander second dogroe burns. their curs parked In parking of Lavoic Laboratories, Inc., years while Mr. Dullnsky has possible." Victor 11. Armplported by the Matawan Public Four others wero released aft- and Jl and $4 costs for disre- Uno, presiding, hail many years of experience areas -not easy to watch. A HeiiHli Association 'nurse' during Moi'Kanvillc arid she also Is an er treatment tit St. Peter's- Hos- garding a rod light on charges executive with the firm. In fuel oil and oil burner serv- woman reported to police that August. Matawan First Aid pital, also In Now Brunswick. entered by Patrolman. Volk Auu Installation of officers' will be ice. $111 worth of groceries were stol- Now drivers for the lire en- Henry Dreyur, Jr., Howell conducted by Slate; Commnmlnr 28, This ofiicor charged Mary They were Charles .Dnvld, ApThe nnw Matawan firm will en recently from the parking gine of (he M. E. Haley Hose Township farmer, was appointAnswers 54 Calls pleby Ud., Old Bridge; Ills wife. Li. Hicks, Holmdol Rd., Marl- Frank G, Halm, Union City, as- oiioriilo on a U'l hour .service areu back of the Acme store on wore named and con- ed lcu'cimin iilid for the first -JofJeph l''aiTcll, Captain of the Katlicrlna; Frank1 Anclorlub, 201 boro Township, with driving sisted by Chief ot Staff Antvello basis supplying tho bayshoro Main St.. Checking her car, the Company firmed rig follows: Alphonso Ka- time in Monmouth County the Matawan first Aid and Rescue 3. Mnln St., Milltown, and Wal- over tho white lino Aug. 27. ShoMnnedez. chler found she lincl left tho winarea residents with fuel oil, polla, George Magnennt, Joseph deputy foreman and nlno other Announcement was maclii that Squad, Inc., presented tho An- ter Trechok, Route 21. New paid $(! and $4 coals. members of the grand, jury mo tho colors will bo ready by tho kcroscna and oil burner sorv- dows opened and had nonleetod Vacciirillu, Onorgn Viator, Z: $ ./3t report at the Kqtincl meet- Brunswick. Trooper W. J , O'Connor, of date of the Institution ot the Ico with a inianintoG of prompt- to lock It. Likewise, the drlv- Anson and Robert Buceo. women. ing on Monday evening. There At the time of the explosion. Howell State Pollco, arraigned ness, cifflulcnty and courtesy at TK of 10 other cars In tin* area Michael F. Kld/.u.s a member JiuliH' Lluyil outlined Us tlilwere 54 calls answered as fol- Mr, David was working In a Jnmes Dorney, Water St., Ma- post. all times. lincl loft their eniM unlocked and of the newly organized McKl- tlcr: In I lie newly-dioson Jury aftlows: Accident, nine; emer- machlno shop while his wife wa.i tawan, for driving without The first annual dnnee to be he keys In them. All a cur vtilne-Schnnck Post lUMfl, Vet- er the il.'l members worn sworn gency transportation, 13: trans- wlndl'is: lapo on a reel In a lights, Ho was fined $4 nnd $4 stinted by tho post will bo held thief had to do wa.s to got In erans of foreign Wars, MutriOther Ki'nnd Jurors from Drive Successful Saturday night. In tho IICKIOII portation, ID; flrcu, 10; para building. Ho said ho hoard his costs. nnd drive uff. Chief Flood em- wan Borough, extended an In- this area arc John 11. Gurcy, 28 Hnll, Main St. MUHUI will bo dos, two, miscellaneous, two. wife's screams, ran In nnd oarTho recent drlvo for canned phasizes Hint Main wan does not vltntlon to the mayor and coun- Sunset Avo., Matawiui, plant furnlnliod by Walt Stacgnr'.s orMembers of tho Squad, ac- rlcd liar to safety, Curd of Thanks goods and clolliliiir for u,<m hi liavo the menus to maintain a cil to attend the Institution and superintendent; Mrs. Elizabeth companied by tho Matawan I wish to oxprons my slncorn chestra. tho flood ui'cu, concluded by St. liollco force that can detail men Installation of officers of the Welgaml, Holmdol Hd,, Rarltan Flro Department and Its Drum Now York T»rni>lko thanks to nil thoso who brought Joaeph'H Council, Knights of to watch parking lots with all i Noitoc* Township, hoiiKowlfo: Richard and Buglo Corps, will attend tl.Ofi round trip. Frequent holp nnd comfort to mo in my I will not bo responsible) for Joluntbtifi, wn.s very successful. other duties, Tho chief asks post to be held on the night of D, Trcnory, ;)f>8 Main St., KeansOat. 23. Tho governing body the Firemen's Day Faiado In Borvlco. Convonlont, ooonoml- traglo hour of borcavomoni, Tho Council wishes to thank all any debt* contracted by my drivers to lock cars when leav- iccepted Iho Invitation. burg, merchant and Mrs. Hona AHnnllo City on Saturdny aftcr- cal, thosu who contributed no K For tlmo schedule cull Roberta James, wlfo Josephine licnn. ing tilings in it and be sum to C. Dernbemei', ISrtgomoro Dr.» rously to this worthy cause. Koyport 1-0360. wJfplS—adv. JOHN 0JEAN (continued on pugo four) Uro you buyinti Dofonse Bonds? Matawan, housewife. FLOOD PRESENTS GLOVES TO LEADING BATSMEN OF MATAWAN ORIOLES Matawan Township Mayor Lashes Out At Wild Guesswork, Fantastic Figures" a Appropriating For Emergency Decried Applegate Sees Recreation Need Hearing On Borough Bid For More Water Plan Observances Jewish Holidays County Tops Quota For Flood Relief Use Main St. For School Parking WEDDINGS the best man and Jeremiah Hourihnn, Matawan, ushered. The bride's mother chose a blue lace dress over pink taffeta with a pink hat, pink ac ccssorlcs, and a corsaije of pink roses with a blue ribbon. A reception followed nt the Shore Point Inn, Keyport. For their w e d d i n g trip through New England, the bride splccted a blue silk dress with a navy blue hat and accessories and a white orchid corsage. The bride was graduated from Keyport High School and the Washington School for. Secre taries, Newark. She Is a sec etary in the public relations department of the New York Telephone Company. The bridegroom was graduated from St. Mary's High School, South Amboy, and is an electrical mechanic for the State Highway Department. He is a veteran of World War II, naving served three years In he U. S. Navy. He is president of the Holy Name Society of St. Joseph's Church, a Third Degree Knight of Columbus of St. Joseph Council, first lieutenant in the Keyport Fire Department, and a member of the Keyport First Aid Squad. The couple will reside on Broadway. Keyport. THf MATAWAN ' ¥ Holmes-Bellotto THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1955 I/AGE TWO Miss Augustine Jean Bellotto, daukhter of Mrs. Florence Bellpalms and the altar was bank- ion Beach, was the maid of hon> otto, 55 Fulton St., Keyport, and ed with feather carnations and or. She wore a dress of peacthe lats Philip Bellotto, became laurel. The Rev. William B. cock blue with a matching hat the bride of Airman First Class Magsam, pastor, officiated. and veil. Her bouquet was simRobert Stanley Holmes, son o Clinton Heyer, church organist, ilar to the bride's. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gale, Chi played traditional wedding mu- Norman James Rose, brother cago, Sunday, Sept. 11, 1905, a sic and accompanied the solo- of the bride, acted as best mail. 4 p.m. in St. Joseph's Church, ist, Richard Iquerda. A reception at the bridoi's Keyport. The Rev. Edward The bride was given In mar- home followed the ceremony. Heissner officiated at the cere riage by her father. She wore The couple will live nt 3d Osmony before an altar decorata wedding gown designed with born St., Keyport, after a weded with white and yellow gladioa Chantilly lace bodice and nyding trip to the New England li and palms. Mrs. Michael Cox lon tulle skirt over white satin. States. was the soloist. She was ac The front of the skirt was' ac- The bride wore a blue suit, companled by Miss Lorotta Du cordion pleated and edged with white accessories and a white rante at the organ. t rhinestones. Her. fingertip veil rose corsage for traveling. Given in marriage by her of illusion was caught to a The mother of the bride chose brother, Phillip Bellotto, Wood crown of seed pearls and she a navy blue and white polka dot bridge, the bride wore a waltzcarried a white Bible on which dress with navy accessories and length gown styled with a strapwas placed a white orchid and a white rose corsage. vj less tulle bodice over which she feather carnations. The bridegroom's mother was wore a jacket of Chantilly lace Mrs. Marian Preis, Morgan- attired in a navy blue dress, With n. Queen Anne Collar and ville, wns the matron of honor. navy accessories and a red rose long sleeves pointed . at the Her dress was aqua Chantilly corsage. wrists. Alternate rows of tulle lace and tulle over satin and The bride attended Keyport and lace formed the full skirt she carried a colonial bouquet High School and is employed by Her lingertip-length veil of illuof yellow roses and feather car- Ralph Friedland and Brothers, sion Jell from a crown of pearls Keyport. nations. sequins and rhinestones and she carried a white colonial bou The bridegroom's father serv- The bridegroom is a graduate of Keyport High School. He quet. ed as best man. Ushers were Pfc. Lee Watts, served for four years with the Miss Florence Bellotto was Fort Monmouth, and Pfc. Don- U. S. Navy and "is employ/}! her sister's maid of honor. Her ald Hooton, Fort Devens, Mass. by Hanson-Van .Winkle-Munnirig, waltz-length gown of pink tulle was styled with an off-the-sho-ulAfter a reception at the home Co., Matawan. der neckline trimmed with self of the bride's parents, the Mlchaels-I'alumbo Wilmotl-jVIulligan The bride's mother selected a ruffles. Her picture hat wai couple left for a wedding trip MRS. DANNY TOIUO Miss Muriel Mulligan, daugh- teal lace afternoon-length gown through the New England Sta- Announcement has been made made of matching tulle and she of the marriage of Miss Audter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. with a matching velvet hat nnd tes. carried a colonial bouquet of bonnet. She carried a bosket Izzo-Kcrpen France-Miller Mulligan, 14 Johnson Lane, accessories and a lavendar or- The bride was graduated from rey Palumbo, daughter of Mrs. pink flowers. of pink and blue flowers. Mildred E. Palumbo, Lincroft, Before an altar decorated Miss Edna Kerpen, daughter Keansburg, became the bride chid corsage. Matawan High School and Is and T. R. Palumbo, Keyport, Fred Trovato, Port-au-peck Stanley Flnelll, Newnrk, neph- with white gladioli and fern, of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Ker- of Harold P. Wilmott, son of For her son's wedding, Mrs. employed at Lavole Laborator- to Jeryl Michaels, son of Mrs. was best man. pen, Route 35, Keyport. was w of the bride, was the ring Miss Patricia Anne Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wilmott, Tomasello chose a powder blue The bride's mother wore a bearer, The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ru- married to Neil Izzo, son of Mrs. 20 Park Ave., Keansburg, on tulle afternoon-length gown with ies, Inc., Morganville. The J. Michaels, Freehold. bridegroom was graduated from ceremony was performed on Jennie Izzo, Newman Springs gray silk dress with n. black hat dolph B. Miller, 138 Freneau Saturday, Sept. 10, 1855, at 3 and accessories and a corsage Nicholas Andreaclo. Newark, Ave.. Matawan, became the Rd., Red Bank, and the late p.m. in St. Ann's Church, a black hnt, black accessories, Wisner High School, attended Saturday, Aug. 27, 1955, at We was the best man and Charles and a white orchid corsage. Northwestern State College and Presbyterian Church. Freehold, of white roses. bride of Edward Abbot France Knansburff. ___Th.e.bridegroom's m. o t h ? r Ingraggatlo, Matawan, cousin Featherwyck; "North Branch, son A reception '"•was held In He- is now serving in the U. S. Ar- The couple have returned The Rev. Anthony Capltanl Guire's ray. chose, a navy blue silk dress 01 the bridegroom, and Vincent of Mr. and Mrs. Abbott W Grove, Middletown. from a wedding trip to Canada performed the ceremony. Mrs. For their with matching hat and access- Riggio, Matawan, brother of the France, Washington, D. C , Sat wedding trip to Niand are making their home with Mnrle Lederhaiis was the orHumphries-Rose , the bride's mother. ories .and a corsage of white bridegroom, ushered. agara Falls, the bride wore n urday, Sept. 10, 1955, at 3 p.m, ganist and Michael Bergln, Red Miss Elizabeth Dora Rose, The bride's mother wore a In the Holjy Comforter Epibco roses. brown wool suit with a yellow Bank, was soloist. hat and accessories and a cor- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. De- Now is the time to advertise A reception followed at the navy blue crepe dress with a pal Church, Kahway. Given in marriage by her falancoy Rose, Beachvlew Ave., navy blue velvet -hat and acsage of white gardenias. Hollo Post House, Keyport, ther, the bride wore a floor- The bride was graduated from Union Beach, was married Sat- those unused articles for sale. For their wedding trip through cessories and an orchid corsage. The Rev. Russell E . Potter A small ad in the classified collenRth Chantilly lace gown over the Middle Western states, the The mother of the bridegroom pastor, officiated at the cereHigh School, Class of urday, Sept. 3, 1955, at 4 p.m. umn will turn them into cash blush pink satin with a short Matawan to Kenneth Leroy Humphries, bride selected a steel blue suit chose a gray-blue lace dress mony and the church organist 1954, and is employed by RCA, train, short sleeves, and boat Woodbrldge. son of Archibald Humphries, 77 for you. of palm beach cloth with a navy over pink taffeta with a pink played traditional wedding muneckline. Her fingertip-length Division St., Keyport, and Mrs. blue hat and accessories and a beaded hat, navy blue access- sic. Tlie bridegroom, aiso a Maveil was held in place by a blush Humphries, New Given in marriage by her facorsage of white roses. ories and an orchid corsage. tawan High School graduate, Florence • Lady Attendant pink headpiece trimmed In orThe bride attended Keyport For their wedding trip to Lake ther, the bride wore an after Class of 1951, is employed by Brunswick, at St. Peter's EpisNon-Scctiirian ange blossoms and she carried copal Church. Perth Amboy. High School and is employed by George, the bride selected a noon-length gown of pale avo Gumina Building nnd Construca cascade bouquet of white orFuneral Home The Rev. George H. Boyd perLandau Knitting Corp.„keyport. pink linen coat dress with cado taffeta styled with a bastion Company, New Brunswick. chids and stephanotis. 3(il H a n l e IM.. Keyport He served three-and-one-half formed the ceremony before an The bridegroom was gradu- matching accessories and cor- que fitted bodice with Peter Pan Tel. KKvport 7-1352' Miss Joan Mulligan, sister of years in the TJ. S. Air Force altar decorated with white chrycollar and cap sleeves trimmed ated from Amundsen H i g h sage of white orchids. FUNERAL DECISIONS m*J. In ti. the bride, was maid of honor. nnd is a member of the Catholic santhemums. School, Chicago, and is in the A reception was held at the In dark avocado. She wore of n«ad . • • h*v* Mp*4 m«ny She wore a pink crystallette bal- War V The bride, given in marriage] vane* U. S. Air Force stationed at Military Park Hotel, Newark. tiara of fresh white sweetheart «tf*tn f»ace of tftind • - • S*our* lerina-length gown with empire Church. rosebuds and carried a white by her father, wore a beige j *fo' Twin Lights, Highlands. p,-0iKtiv« luitoiai foch tram M. waist, short sleeves, v-iieckllne, The bride was graduated from princess style off the shoulder The couple will live in Atlan- Cleveland Junior High School old-fashioned bouquet centered and matching headpiece. She The couple will reside in Key- dress. Her small beige hat had with a white orchid. tic Kighiunds. port. carried n colonial bouquet of and attended Essex County Vo Miss Susan Miller, Matawan, a matching veil and she carassorted fall flowers. catlonal and Technical High was her sister's maid of honor. Torlo-Clarke Ensmingcr-Blich ried a nosegay of babiesVbreath MR., MRS. NEIL IZZO Mrs. Adeline Del Prlore, Mrs. The wedding of Miss Julia Lee and white roses. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin V. School, She is employed by the Her gown of dark avocade Mildred Schaible, and Mrs. Clarke, 122 Ravine Dr., Mata- ,ionel Corporation, Irvington. trimmed in the lighter shade daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Margaretta Koisa, UnIzzo, on Saturday, Sept. Margaret Simon, all of Kenns- Blich, wan, announce the marriage of The bridegroom was gradu- was styled like the bride's. She Vincent Harry A. Blich, Tennent Rd., 0, 1955. in St. Anthony's Churchi burg, served as attendants. their daughter, Joyce, to Danny ated from St. James Junior wore a headband of fresh yel- Red Bank. Morganville, to Andrew J. EnTheir dark green gowns were sminger, IV, son of Mr. and Torio, Jersey City. The cere- High School, and from East Side low sweetheart rosebuds and mony took place on Saturday, High School. He is a carpen- carried an old-fashioned bou- The bride wore a white satin identical to the one worn by the Mrs. A. J. Ensiminger, III, Wiswedding gown and had an il- maid of honor and they had ner. La., took place Saturday, Sept. 10. 1955, in the First Meth- ter. He is a veteran of World quet of matching flowers. lusion fingertip length veil. She matching headpieces. They car- Sept, 3. 1955 in -Morgnnvlllc odist Church, Plainfleld, before War II having; served in the an altar decorated with white U. S. Army In the European Mrs. Ernest Trimmer, South had a sequin headpiece to which ied assorted fall flowers in Mpthodist Church nt 3 o"clock. Branch, was matron of honor the veil was attached, and car- bouquets. gladioli. The Rev. Wallace G. theater. and her ensemble was the same ried a bouquet of gladioli which Paul Frisco, Port Monmouth, The church was decorated Soreson officiated. with laurel, white gladioli and The couple will live In New- as that of the maid of honor. had an orchid in the center. was the best man and Joseph The bride, who was given in ark. Ernest T r i m m e r , Soutji Mrs. Elmer Kenworthy, Kear- L. Mulligan, brother of the marriage by her fnthpr, wore a Branch,, was the best man and ny. was the matron of 'honor! bride, Hugh Bower, 'nricl DougSpafford-Slahlbaum ballerina-length wedding gown, ushers were Wesley France, She wore a taffeta gown with as Foulis, also of Keansburg, fashioned with a fitted bodice At a candlelight cereniony per- brother of the bridegroom, and a matching sequin hat nnd car- ushered. of Chantilly lace and a nylon formed Saturday evening, Sept. Allan Spooner, both of North ried a bouquet of peach gladi- A reception was held at the tulle skirt. Her fingertip length 10, 1955, Miss Marilynne Ann Branch. oli. The honor attendant was Union Beach Flrehouse. The veil of tulle was attached to a Stahlbaum, daughter of Mr. and Frank Graziano, Matawan. nylon cap, edged wi'h sequins. Mrs. Frederick W. Stahlbaum, The bride's mother chose a Mrs. left for a trip to New dress was ol peach taffeta couple She carried a sheath of gar- 202 Main St., Matawan, became grayish blue silk afternoon dress Her Hampshire. and she carried orchid gladithe bride of Donald William with a beige hat trimmed In denias. The bride's mother wore a oli. rose lace gown, brown accesMrs. Margaret Grombone, Spafford, son of Mrs. John Ka- pastel iMdescent sequins. A A reception wns held at the lieta, Edgewater Dr., Matawan corsage of cymbidium orchids sories, and an orchid corsage. was the matron of honor. She Rollo Post House, Keyport, for The bridegroom's mother wore wore a navy blue taffeta gown and William Spafford, 710 Mor- completed her ensemble. 95 guests after the ceremony, a navy lace gown, powder blue and a powder blue feathered ningside Ave., Union Beach, For her son's wedding, Mrs. hat. Her corage was of orchids. The Rev. Norman Riley, pas- France selected a gray silk aft- after which the couple left for accessories, nnd also had an ora wedding trip to Canada. They chid corsage. j Bay Grombone, Mountainside, tor, officiated at the double ring ernoon dress with n pink hat, reside on Route 35, Key- The bride is a graduate of was best man. ceremony in St. John's Metho- pink accessories, nnd a corsage will port, when they return. Mlddletown T o w n s h i p High The bride is a graduate of dist Church, Keyport. The al- of pink camellias and white rosMrs. Izzo is employed as a School. She is a secretary, with Matawan High School, and is tar was decorated with white es. in her senior year at Douglass gladioli and palms. Miss Grace A reception followed at the secretary by Hanson - Van- Flngstnff Foods of Perth AmWinkle-Munnimr Co., Matawan. boy. The bridegroom Is a gradCollege, New Brunswick, where Fisher, Wlckatunk, was the solo- Roselle Golf Club. Mr. Izzo is employed as a fjas uate of De Witt Clinton High she Is majoring in botany. The ist and Mrs. Rhea Vandermark, For their wedding trip station attendant by Cities Serv- Scliuoi, The BIUHA, uuu Eotcr. bridegroom was educated in the organist. rough tile I-i cw Himiund StaJersey City Schools, and is a Given In marriage by her fa- tes and Canada, the bride wore ice on the Garden State Park- Hall University. He Is with the Marine Office of America, New veteran of World War II. He Is ther, the bride wore a full-length a charcoal princess style dress, way. York. a. salesman. gown of nylon tulle over taffeta patent leather accessories, and Minichhio-IU'llonl Come in Today.' Gef Ail Vou Need for Foil Planting and Assure o Pretty Garden Next After a wedding trip to New styled with a torso bodice, scoop a white orchid corsage. Tomasello-Larkin Miss Angelena. Bellnni, diuiRhYork, the couple will reside in lekcline, and long sleeves point- The bride was graduated from ter Spring. You'll like Newberrfs Wide Selection of Bulbs at Extra low Prices. er of Mr. and Mrs. Ludwisr Ludwisre Miss Helen Claire Larkin. Roselle Park. id at the wrists. Her flngertip- Matawan High School anrt *" •3elloni, Cliffwood Ave., Cllfl-jdaughter of Mr. and Mis. Wil ength veil of French Illusion ange Memorial Hospital L Ham A. Larkin, 25 Eighth St.. RlKKio-DlGiovlnc fell from a crown of sequins Keyport. beenme the bride of Miss Assunta Mary DiGlovlne, and pearla which matched the of Nursing. She has been ,. Sylvester Tomasello, son of Mr.j daughter of Mrs. Annita DIGI- IOW - design border of sequins .he staff of the Morrlstown Meand Mrs. Joseph A. Tomasello. ovine, Irvlngton, and the late and seed pearls around the morial Hospital, and has accept101 Main St., Matawan, SaturLouis DiGiavine, became the neckline of the gown. She car- ed a position with the Somerset Hospital, Somerville. day. Sf-pt. 10, 1955, at 3 p.m. bride o! Francesco Peter Rig- ried a white Bible with white in St. Joseph's Church, Keyport. The bridegroom attended Law Bio, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph glamelllas and babies'-breath. I'l'hi! Rev. Edward Reissner of-i rence High School. Lawrence Rlgglo, Lloyd Rd., Matawan, ficliHed sit the double rlnB cere-' Sunday. Sept. 11, 1955. at 4:30 Mrs. Louis Auriemma, Mata- L. I., and Is employed by Hermony before an altar decorated j p.m. in St. Rooco's Church, wan, cousin of the bridegroom, bert Voller Construction Comwith white gladioli. Mrs. Mi-' Newark. The Rev. Michael ,vas tho matron of honor. Her pany, Inc., North Branch. direct from Holland" chael Cox was. the soloist and Fulno officiated at the cere- jnkle-length gown of light blue The couple will reside In Miss Loretta Durante was nt the the tulip's homeland mony before an altar decorated was made of lace over taffeta North Branch. organ. BORDER BEAUTY with palms. Mrs. Anthony Cif- with n strapless bodice over Millcr-Vanl'clt Given in marriage by her fafell, Newark, cousin of the which'she wore a matching lace ther, the bride woaro a full-; bridegroom, was the soloist. bolero. She wore a shirred tul- Miss Patricia Ann VanPelt. length gown of nylon tulle stylShe was accompanied by the le headband of pale blue and daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs, Francis David Van Pelt. 219 Second They moke levely border planti. ed with a. basque waistline, church orgnnlst. carried n colonial bouquet of St., Keyport, became the bride round neckilne edged with re• Red • Pink Given in marriage by her white carnations. of Donald Francis Miller, son cmbroklerert lace flowers, and • Rose Pink brother, Pasquale DiQiovlne, Miss Kdith Olmstcnd, Mata- of Mrs. Thomas Miller, 82 short sleeves trimmed with the Irvlngton, the bride wore a full- wan, was the bridesmaid. Her Broadwuy, Keyport, nnd the • Light Blue same lace flowers. The full length gown with a chnpcl gown and headpiece were the late Mr. Miller Saturday, Sept. • Dark Blu» skirt also wns decorated with sweep train styled with a lace aine as tho matron of honor 10, 1955, at 10 a.m. In St. Jo • White the appliqued laco flowers. Her bodice, round neckline and long md her colonial bouquet was seph's- Church, Keyport. The flngcrtlp-length veil of French • Yellow sleeves pointed at the wrist. The blue. Rev. John J. Hendrlcks officiIllusion fell from n headpiece full skirt hnd lnce nnnels front Robert MacArgel, Colonla, ated at the doubln ring cere- MB., MRS. A. MINICH1NO of tulle decorated with seed and back andi Gatin panels on was the best man and ushers mony and the nuptial mnss each side. Her fhigcrtlp-lcngth were Robert Holtz, Keyport, and which followed, before nn altar wood, became the bride of An- pearls in a leaf design. Shu carried a cascade of white Fugi veil of illusion fell from a. band William Francy, Malnwan, decorated with white gladioli. thony Minlchlno, son of Mr. nnd trimmed with Irldcsccnts. She The bride's mother chose n Mrs. Michncl Cox wns Hie solo- Mrs. Concetto Mlnlchinn. 109-04 mums and vnrloRatcd ivy. carried a cascade bouquet of beige drees with a bronze hat ist and Miss Loretta Duranto, flflth St., Ozone Park. N. Y. nt Miss Hlnlno Krilmnnn, Mntnthe bride's home in Cliffwood wan. was the maid of honor. white gardenias with a white nd accessories and a, corsage orgnnist. on Thursday afternoon, Sept, 8, Her nnkle-lenRlh gown of brunt orchid in the center. T pink carnntlons. Given in mnrrlaec by her fa- 1955, at 5 o'clock. orttnnKo crystnlette was made Miss Rose Miiscelllno, New- The bridegroom's mother se- ther, the bride wore a full length Given fn mnrrlnga by her fn- wlllt round neckline, short sleevark, wns maid of honor, She lected a maroon velvet dress gown of imported penu do solr thcr, the bride woro a wctirllni: es, and full plented sldrt. B'v wore a floor-length eown of pow ivith a black lint nnd accessor- with u chapcl-lenBth train, mid ffown of white nylon tulle, n wine u matching tullo tlnru T h e y ' l l a t t a i n f u l l size der blue tulle trimmed with ies nnd n corsage of whlto car- portrait neckline. The bouffant finger-tip veil of wlillo tulle nnd Irlimni'd with seed pearls mid early. Ideal for borders, blue flowers nnd mi off-the- nations. skirt hud it scalloped hemline carried n prayer bonk on which eiiri-U'd n coloiiliil bumiui't of, shoulder neckline. She wort" a A reception was held In the cniiKht with sequins on medal garden centers. bronze and yellow .lompons. placed an orchid. matching picture hut nnd car- loclnl rooms of the 'church, aft- lions over u flounce of tulle. Her Aicni'H Tomnsello, sister ried H casvude bouquet of blue 5f wliteh the couple left for a fingortlij-lenKtli veil of French Mrs. Mary Mnrnccliio, mill TWINK (TWO TONE) Morrace Ave., Union lleucli, »f the brldcitruom, MIHH Wini Popular varieties usod flowers. motor trip tliroiigli (lie New illusion wuS ItuUl In itliuo by u Was (lie tiin<ruii of liomir. Jli-rjlrcrt Herlirlck. Mls.i Dmnlliy oxtamtvoly In flpvvor Uriclesmrilds were Miss Hose England States. for travelling, laco coronet, edited In sequins Kown vian fashioned of pink net Herbert, Mlitnwnn. mid Mt.-:sj Mario LiiClroltcrlu, ICtist Or- Mrs. Spnffonl wine a charcoal and pcui'ls, She eurrli'd ii praygarnfoiiJ and hods. and luce- mid tihe carried an olil- Kluiiic liiirkln, ilstcr of thu ntiBe. mid Ml.s.s Hosnrln RlKBlo ayon linen suit trimmed in er book with ii white orchid nnd fashioned liride, Kryporl. wore Uu' III'UICNbouquet of cuiiuilInn;;. Popular Kiiuj Alfred type. Plant Mntitwnn. sister of the bride- white will! white ancexsories streamers of Kteiiliiinutls, ' Scarlet • Deep Yellow A, K, lli'llmil, brother miilils. Their troun.s 1 nnd Jicndthem Ihii fall, have a richly colgroom. Their drosses were sty- nnd a coi'saue of white uhnnel. Mrs, Thomas Mert/., LIUle of Oi'inice • tllnc * Ronacje Roio IJleci'.i were Hie muni hlyln ami the bride, .lerveil IIN the lii'M ored garden this spring. led the same an the maid of hon- Illns. Silver, mint of the bride, was mlnr its Uu1 mu Id ot linnor and • White ' Rod & Roto or In powder bluo but trimmed The bride wn.s Riiuluuted from the matron of honor, Her full- num. Ihey curried coltmliil hniuiiiet.s Alter n wrddltiK trip tn At• Pink • Whito&Red wllh pink flowers nnd they enr- Mntnwnn Hluli'School In June. h gown of turmiolNe chifrled cnacarie bouquets of pink' Tho bridegroom wns fU'iulu- fon had a portrait, neckline ami Imlllfl City, the couiiln will re- of yellow |JOIIII«)I)H. John llillsnrt. Hulilh Amboy, ,'ildn at 1 M B Prospect. Ave., C-llffflowers. tod from Kcyporl Hlifh School, druped elbow - leniUh sleeves. wood. The bride attended I he was the bent mini and ushers Kathleen DIOiovlne, Irving- Class of IDS!), and was employ- Sho woro a matching picture Matawan Tnwiinhlp Behooln mid were Carmen DeNni'do, brothcrIon, nlecn of thn bride was the d by (lie Keyport Tlnnklng hut nnd e/irrled a cnncndo bou- (lie lirMcftroom In - Inu' of tlio bi'ldcKroom, flower girl. She wore n floor- Compnny boforo enlisting lit thn quet of yellow rosns and blue from John AdnmwunIflKh(undiluted School, ririirne MeCnrmnck, Mntnwnn, length gown of Mink Incn and U. 8. Nnvy. Ho Is sUtlonod at bables'-bi'enth. New York, and in ficrvlni; ' " Hrlinnl Cnclen, and CJrover Canylon tulle with a matching laco Sun Dlcgo, Calif, tlen, John Taggart, Koansbui's, was tho U. e. Air Force. Studios dlOWH BULB? hyacinth bulbs 2 for 25 daffodil bulbs 2 >»' 2 5 J. J. Newherry Co. Keyport BIRTHS WILLS FILED Dladato. Private First Class Lodvoiclo F. Dladato, jr., and Mrs. Dladato, Main St., Keyport, are the parents'of a son, born Sunday, Sept. 4, 1955, in Fort Monmouth Hospital. s'Jj Lanahan A daughter was born in Riverview Hospital on Wednesday, Sept. 7, 1955. to Mr. and Mrs. John Lanahan, 137 Main St., Matawan. Crane Mr. and Mrs. William Crane, 312 Lincoln Ave., Laurence Harbor, are the parents of a son, born In Perth Amboy Hospital. ;'.} Tompkins Mr. and Mrs. John Tompkins. 72 Park Ave., Keansburg, are the parents of a son, born Sunday, Sept. 4, 1955, in Monmouth Memorial Hospital. Donato Mr. and Mrs. Frank Donato, Wood Ave., Keansburg. are the parents of a daughter, bonn Saturday, Sept. 10, 1955, in Monmouth Memorial Hospital. * Wiberg A son was born on Monday, Sept, 12, 1950, in Eiverview Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wiberg, Laurel Ave., Keyport. Mrs. Kate Burns Mrs. Kate Burns, Keansburg, who died Aug. 6, bequeathed $500 to Maureen Sullivan, a granddaughter, and left equal shares in her estate to her children, Catherine Baldwin, Adelc Sullivan, James Burns, all of Keansburg, Elizabeth Sullivan, Margaret Gorrett, and Timothy Burns, all of Jevsey City. Catherine Baldwin was named executrix in a will of Apr. 30, 1952. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Manginl, 299 Main St., Keyport, are the parents of a daughter, born Friday, Sept. 9, 1955, In River view Hospital. ENGAGEMENTS Antonino Muroitu Antonino Marotta, Keyport, who died Feb. 4, left his estate to his son and daughter, Gaetano and Mary, in trust for the support of his wife, Teresa. The children were named executors in a will of Dec. 12, 1949. son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester B: Ann's Rosary Society, Catholic Daughters, Court of St. Ann'a, Locklin, sr., Fair Haven. Miss Beach is a graduate of Ta lnl dl l 'dU Order of St, Francis, N.Y. l Rumson High School and ate Independent Women's tended Monmouth Junior Col- League of Keansburg. lege. Long Branch. Her fiance She is survived by three nlec served in the U. S. Navy for es, Mrs. Elizabeth Dwyer, J^er.wo years, and is employed by sey City and Keansburg; Mrs. Bendix Aviation Corp., Red Florence Anderson, Bayonne, Bank. and Mrs. Kathleen Sheridan, New York, and two nephews, John Dwyer, Keansburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Leroy S. Brown, Nicholas Dwyer, Middle Village, L. I. the engagement of their daugh Funeral services were held yesterday morning from the John J. Ryan Home for Funerals, Keansburg, and at 9 a.m. a solemn high mass'of requiem was celebrated at St. Ann's Church with the Rev. Edward Corrigan, pastor, officiating. Intel ment was in St. John's Cemeteiy, Middle Village, L. I. r held this afternoon at 2 o'clockland seven ereat-giandehildren. at the Bedle Funeial Home, Funeial seivices were con Keyport, with the Rev. Otto ducted Monday afternoon at 1:30 Janke, pastor of the Fiist Meth- p.m. at the Bedle Funeral parTHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15. 1955 odist Church, Keansburg;, offi- lors, Keyport, with the Rev, Jociating. Interment will be in seph R.' Faith, pastor of the Funeral services were held a member of the Morgan Fire Fairvlew Cemetery, Middle- First Baptist Church, officiat- Monday at 2 p.m. at the Flynn Department. town. ing. Interment was In the Colts and Son Funeral Home, Perth Besides his wife, he is surNeck Cemetery. Amboy. Interment was in Al- vived by a son, James F., jr., Richard Layton pine Cemetery, Perth Amboy. Neptune Township; a sister, Ole Anderson Richard Layton, 92, died FriMrs. Catharine Jablowski, IrvJames F . Hargadon, sr. day, Sept. 9, 1955, at the home Ole Anderson, New Brunswick, ington; a brother, George, Bosof his daughter, Miss Helen Lay- died Friday, Sept. 9, 1955, in Jer- James F . Hargadon, sr., Mor- ton, Mass., and two grandchilton. West St., Union Beach. He sey City. He was born in Nor- gan Ave., Madison Township, dren. was a retired farmer. His wife way and had been in this country husband of Mrs. Muriel (Sllgth) A requlen mass was celebratwas the late Mrs. Mary (Long) for several years. Hargadon, died Saturday, Sept. ed Tuesday morning at St. LawLayton. He Is survived by his wife, 10, 1955, at his home. He was rence's Church by the Rev. Also surviving are another Mrs. Matilda Anderson: two sis- a machinist at the Hyatt Roller Walter Slattery, pastor. Interdaughter, Mrs. Karl F . Heuser. ters, Mrs. Anna Jorgenson and Bearing Co.. Harrison. ment was in Calvary Cemetery. Matawan: two sons, David R. Mrs. Martha Tonnesen, both of Mr. Hargadon was a com- Parliji, under the direction of Layton, Freehold, Walter Lay- Norway, and one brother, Nils, municant of St. Lawrence's The Dundrum Service, South ton, Matawan; 11 grandchildren Keyport. Church, Laurence Harbor, and Amboy. John Weber John Weber, 30 Seaside PL, Keansburg, died Sunday, Sept. 11. 1955, at his home. He was born in Newark and had lived there all his life before moving to Keansburg 12 years ago. He was a retired marine carpentei He leaves his wife, Mrs. Harliet Weber; two sons, Robert, New Hyde, L. I., John, Wallinglon; a daughter, Miss Ruth Weber. Keansburg; two sisters, M r s . ' M a r g a r e t Blederman, Newark and Mrs. Helen Dorflinger, Ortley Beach; two brothers, Frank, North Arlington and Elmer, California, and five grandchildren. Services were held yesterday at 2 p.m. at the Brlerley Funeral Home, North Arlington. Burial was in Crest Haven Memorial Park, Clifton. Chrineyoncc S. Holmes Chrineyonce S. Holmes, Holmdel Township, who died Aug. 17, left $1500 each to Nancy and Judith Holmes, granddaughters, and S499 to Mildred L. Holmes, a daughter-in-law. He left his wife. Lylie, all household furnishings and provided for her support in a trust. The residue was left his son, Harold, who also was named executor and trustee in a will of Jan. 5. 1955. MISS FANCIIOX BROWN ter, Fanchon, to Joseph DeCraene, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence DeCraene, 65 Main St., Sanfilinpo-DISessii Keyport. Mr. and Mrs. Gus DiSessa, Miss Brown is a graduate of 395 North Sixth St.. Newark, an- Keyport High School, and is emlounce tlie engagement of their ployed at the Keyport Delicates- A daughter was born in Perth sen. Her fiance graduated from Amboy Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Barringer High School, Newark, John Sosko. 725 Laurence George J. Sullivan and is employed by Grand UnPkwy., Laurence Harbor. George Joseph Sullivan, 49. of ion, South River. Ilolden No date has been set for the 128 Broad St., Matawan, husband of Anita (Miller) Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. William Holden, wedding. died suddenly on Friday, Sept. 307 Lincoln Ave.. Laurence Har9, 1955, in Perth Amboy Hosbor, are the parents of a son, pital. He was born in New . born in South Amboy Hospital. York, the son of the late EdTruszkowski ward and Ellen (Geary) SulliMy,s. Millon F. Stevenson IK* A daughter was born in South van. Mrs. Rose Stevenson, 67, wife Amboy Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. of Milton F . Stevenson, 109 Mr. Sullivan had been employStanley Truszkowski, BFD 2, Broad St., Matawan, died Sat- ed by the Hanson-vanWInkleLloyd Rd., Matawan. Munnlng Co., Matawan, for 30 years, and had made his home Uorin n Matawan for the past 19 Mr. and Mrs. Philip Horin, >*cars. He was a communicant 443 Brookside Ave., Laurence of St. Joseph's Church, Keyport. Harbor, are the parents of a Surviving, besides his wife, daughter, born in South Amboy are two sons, George and RobHospital. ert, both at home; a brother, Fallriilgc Henry, Keyport, and a sister, ->> A daughter was born in South Mrs. James Wallace. Keyport. Amboy Hospital to Mr. and Funeral services were held Mrs. Robert Paltrldge, 257 JackTuesday at 8:30 a.m. nt the Day MISS PHYLLIS DISESSA son St., Matawan, on Monday, uneral Home, 361 Maple PI., Sept. 5, 1955. The baby, their daughter. Phyllis, to Nick SanKeyport, and at 9 a.m. the Rev. first child, has been named Pa- fillppo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lei Cornelius J. Kane, pastor, celemele Anne. brated a high mass of requiem Sanfllippo, Poole Ave., Keyport at St. Joseph's Church. InterSpringsteen Miss DiSessa is a graduate ol ment was in the church cemeMr. and Mrs. Henry Spring- Barringer High School, Newark tery. steen. Park Ave.. Hazlet, art and is employed by the Mutua: the parents of twins, a son anc Benefit Life Insurance Co., New James IVnll.irc a daughter, born Thursday, Sept ark. Her fiance is- a graduate James Wallace. 49, of 165 ij}B, 1955, in Monmouth Memorla of Keyport High School and i Monroe Ave., West Keansburg, ** Hospital. They have been name manager of the Keyport Auc died Tuesday, Sept. 6, 1955 In Henry C. and Debbie Lynn, an tlon. Riverview Hospital. He was .the weighed eight - a n d - one - hal The couple have set Jan. 14 son of the late James and Marpounds. The couple also hav 1956, as their wedding date. garet Leckie Wallace. another daughter. Mrs. SpringHostcttcr-Millcr Mr. Wallace was employed by steen is the former Miss Joyce MKS. M. V. STEVENSON Mr. and Mrs. E. Edward MilHanson - Van Winkle - Munninir Walling, Hazlet. ler, Harrisburg, Pa., have an urday, Sept. 10, 1955, at Mercer Co., Matawan, He had resided Armclllno nuunced the engagement of thel in Freehold for 18 years and Councilman Victor Armellim daughter, Marguerite Leone, to Hospital, Trenton, moved to West Keansburg a and Mrs. Armellino. 1 Taylo: William Tilghman Hostetter, Mrs. Stevenson was born In year ago. He was a member Pottstown, Pa., the daughter of Rd., Matawan, are the parent: the late Charles and Flora Sost- of Olive Branch Lodge. F and ^J!of a third son, born Wednesday man. She was a member of the AM, the Elks and the American Aug. 31, 1955, in St. Barnaba: Matawan Presbyterian Church Legion, all of Freehold. Hospital, Newark. The bab. and treasurer of the church's Surviving Is a sister, Mrs. has been named Gary. Helen Martin, Chicago. women's association. Spicgclman Funeral services- were held Active In civic, club and lodge A daughter was born In Pert' Friday at the Callahan Funeral j affairs in Matawan where she Amboy Hospital on Tuesday Freehold, and officiating had resided for 23 years, Mrs Home, Aug. 30, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs was the Rev. George D. Horn, Stevenson was a member and Stanley Spiegelman, 13 Prospec the First Presbyterian treasurer of Sirius Chapter 123 pastor of Freehold. PI., Matawan. The baby ha: Interment Order of Eastern Star, and past Church, been named Donna Lynn. Mrs was In Maplewood Cemetery, matron of the lodge. She also Spiegelman is a former teachMasonic and Elk was a past president of the Ma- Freehold. ^ J e r In the Keyport Gramma services were conducted at the tawan Woman's Club and n School. home Thursday evemember of the Past Presidents funeral :lub of the Third District. Mrs ning. Burklcy Stevenson had served on sevMr. and Mrs. Ralph Burklcy Infant eral occasions as chairman of The Infant Rancocas, are the parents of son of Carl W. and the cancer drive in Matawnn. Doris •second child, a son, born or (Freiburg > Dlbling, 507 Friday, Sept. 9, 1955, at the Os Surviving, besides her hus- Union Ave., Union Beach, died teopathic H o s p i t a l , Auduband, are two daughters, Mrs. on Tuesday, Sept. 6, 1955, at bon. Mrs. Burkley is the for Ruth S. Furch, Trenton, and Monmouth Memorial Hospital. Bier Miss Kathryn Harris Mrs. Flora S. Arthur, Hamilton Funeral services were under daughter of Mr. and Mrs Square; one son, Milton F. Ste- the direction of the Day FunerGeorge M. Harris, MiUawnn. venson, Jr., North Syracuse. al Home. Keyport. MISS M. I.. MILLER N. Y. and two grandchildren. ''•* Gallo Iluscoe 1'aynler Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gallo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jay For- Eastern Star services were 55 Fulton St., Keyport, are the ney Hostetter, I Fountain Ave., conducted Monday night at 8 Roseoe Paynter, 73, of 362 Carr Ave., Keansburg, widower P.m. and Rotary club services parents of a daughter, born Matawan. Monday. Sept. 12, 1955. in Rlv- Miss Miller is a graduate of at 8:30 p.m. nt the Bedle Fun- of Emma Mae (Thorne) Paynter, died Monday, Sept. 12. 1955, ervlew Hospital. William Penn High School, Har- eral Home, Matawnn. The fu- after a long Illness. He was risburg, and the State Teachers neral services were held at the born in West Portal, the son of Headden Bedle Funeral Home on TuesMr. and Mrs. Charles Dale College, Indiana, Pa,, where she day afternoon at l p.m. with the late Henry and Catherine Headden, Keyport, are the par- was a member of PI Kappa Slg- the Rev. Chester A. Galloway, (Henry) Paynter, and had reents of a first child, a dauglv na Soror.ty. Formerly a mem- pastor of the First Presbyter- sided In Keansburg for many ter, born Tuesday, Sept. 0, 1955 ber of the faculty of Carlisle Ian Church, Matawan, officiat- years. \\}n Monmouth Memorial Hospi- High School, Carlisle, Pa., Miss ing. Interment was In Old Ten- He was an ex-fire chief of Hie tal. The baby has been named Miller taught In the Mlddletown nent Cemetery, Tcnnont. Keansburg Fire Department; a Gall Elaine. Mis. Headden is Township High School last year, life member of the New Jersey the former Miss Eve LIPera and presently Is on the faculty Mrs. Elizabeth M. Dwyer Exempt Firemen's Association, f the Economics Department Mrs. Elizabeth M, Dwyer, 70, and a member of the Junior OrMatawan. f the University of Delaware, of 37 Harding Ave., Keansburg. der of American Mechanics, Mcwark, Del. died Sunday, Sept. 11, 1055 at Keyport. Mr. Hostetter Is an alumnus Rlverview Hospital after a short Surviving are two daughters, >f The Peddle-School, nights- illness. the Misses Almeda nnd Isabel William H. Keneliim :own, and of Dickinson Col Mrs. Dwyer was a communFuneral services for Wllllnm lege, Carlisle, Pa,, where he icant of St. Ann's Church, Paynter, Keimsburg, and a brother, John, Jersey City. H. Kenehan, 93. of 103 Central was a member of Theta Chi Keansburg, a member of St. Funeral services are being i"Ave., Union Beach, husband of raternlty. He presently is 'the late Mary (Concannon) Ke- nerving with tho U, S, Army nehan, were held Saturday at n Germany, 8 a.m. at the Day Funeral No date has been set for the Home, 361 Mnulo PI., Keyport. veddlng. At 0 a.m. there was a high llausncr-Mnuro mass of roqulem by the Hev. Joseph G. Fox, pastor, In Holy Mr, and Mrs. Rocco Mnuro, Family Church, Union Beach. Route 35, Keyport have announInterment was In Holy Name ced the engagement of their laughter, Marie, to Richard Cemetery, Jersey City. Mr. Kcnchnn died Wednes- IHURIKT, son of Mrs, Martha at his homo, Shields, Keyport, and tho late . 5 "ay, Sept. 7, 1955, Lessons in Ballet — Tap — Acrobatic, in Manchester, Ilnnley Hausner. •Sio was born came to this Miss Mnura, who attended KoyClassical — Hawaiian country when England, andhe was a boy. lie x>rt schools, is employed by the Teenage Bnllroom 12 to 19 Years Old had lived In Union Beach for lew Jersey Bell Telephone Co., the past six years and was a :ied Bank, Mr. Hnusner was Children From 3 Years Accepted from Mlddletown communicant of Holy Family graduated CLASS — PRIVATE and SEMI-PRIVATE Township High School. He Is emChurch. ployed by tho Great Atlantic it Specinl Mothers' Stay-Fit Classes Now Forminff Surviving an- a son, John P , Jaclflc Tea Co, In Freehold, Kcnchnn, Detroit; two daughCall: KEyport 7-1529 ters. Mrs. Mary Sulllvnn, UnLnoklln-Iluarli ion Bnuch, with whom hi' re- Mr, and Mrs, Donald Briich, nlded, and Mrs. Patrick Kllroy, liver Rd,, Fair Haven, fonncrtafclno of Union Beach; also novof Keyport, nnnouncn the en335 Maple PI., Opposite St. Joseph's Church cn RrnndchllOrnn and 10 great- tnRcmont of tliolr dnuulilrr, Stigrandchildren, Keyport in.-to Chester B, Locklln, Jr., DEATHS FUNERArSERVICES "" ciear,at> lc ' • UPHOL Sanforized* Printed d « quo),),, rcmnanti ,„ '° lcc ° f P | °'-d«, checks & s " r Wf «r patterns. Hurrvl P Prints, Gingh 27 Washable DANCING BACK TO SCHOOL AGAIN! NEW CLASSES NOW FORMING FOR BEGINNERS AND ADVANCEES JOAN-IRENES SCHOOL O F DANCING J. J. Keyport dies:' a special KldriusH Is ro- Mayor SchancK averred a LEGAL NOTICES clted over the cup of wine; spe- Joint planning committee to cial round Challos are prepar- work on a program for the next K THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 15, 1955 ed, the shape of these symbolic 25 years would be the answer. Corporations, Genere.l, of 5f" Revised StaVAfiE FOUR • of New Jersey, preliminary to of a desire for a round smooth This gained only partial accep- tutes the .Issuing of this Certificate of Dis. HELP WANTED FOR SALE SERVICE so neglected their lands as to year. White is the outstanding tance, however, as there were solution. cause damage to township color during the high holy days, comments of "we want to stop NOW THEREFORE. I, the Secre- WOMAN, mornings for housework and PAINTING inside or outside; clean THATCHER No. 2 steam boiler, good tary of Stale of the State of New Jerboth at home and in the syna- the developer now, not in 25 sey, Do Hereby Certify that the said Ironing. Own transportation. CaU: work, best material, reasonable pric- condition. Call Keyport 7-1164. WJ15 Idatawan Township, Matawan Borough roads. fl-8511. wj 15 es; also cellars sprayed. Phone for Established I860 Tel. Keyport 7-3050 corporation did, on the First day of IlOlindcl Mr. Seaman received sanction gogue, the symbol of purity and years." burners, super flame, a burnJ. Mabel Brown. Pubushcr 1955, file in my office a GARDENER — Caretaker. Handy free estimates Matawan 1-24H-J, wj!5 TVers oil cleanliness of soul and body. Mr. Currie commented for the September, nn c-arh. $25 each. Call Key. to submit estimates of damage duly executed and attested consent in with tools. Own 3-room apartment. \vjl5 ptlWIshed Every Thursday writing to the dissolution of said cor- Wife must he available for part time OIL burner service; oil stoves, floor port 7-304H-J. to Red Hill Rd., Church St., and On Rosh Hashana evening, aft- board, saying: "As soon as Mr. poration, By BROWN PUBLISHING AND furnaces cleaned or repaired. Floor executed by all the slockin main house. References cs- furnaces sold and Installed; gas or oil. DOUBLE wall copper cookinR vat 30 PRINTING COMPANY Crawford's Corner Rd. for use er the service, the greeting is Mara gets, a- subdivision ordi-' loldcrs thereof, which said consent and Wurk sentia). Call: HOImdel 9-8511. wj!5 Call KEyport 7-2125. wjtf x 30 inches: alsii 2 cypper tub5'"2T the record rt of the proceedings aforeEditor by attorneys for the, Garden Leshana Tovah Tikasevu (May nance, we'll be ready to talk,' said 1. Mabel Brown i3 inches. Call Matawan l-0G23-Wn: are n w on file in my said ofFIRST aid to working mothers: leava Geraldine V. Brown Associate Editor State Parkway in a test suit you be inscribed for a good wJ15 fice as provided by law. your little ones at Jeanne's Nursery. Bus Boy. Apply J. J, Newberry, against the Franklin Construc- year). IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I have Keyport. LEGAL NOTICES SUBSCRIPTION RATES Depcndalc care, plearant surroundings, WASHER, E?sy spin dryer: 3',i years hereto set my hand and affixed my Payable in Advance wholesome food. Call for appointment old. Call Matawan 1-469B. wJ15 tion Co. for damage to local Rabbi Wadler's message to AN ORDINANCE FO11 THE VACA- official seal, at Trenton, this First tf.50 KEyport 7-3095-M. wjtf One Year (within State) 2 00 roads while the Parkway was his congregation is' as follows: TION OK A STREET KNOWN AS day of September. A. D. one thousand Six Months . 1.25 under construction. "A^ICAN~VIOLETS ~ MAPLE TERRACF. IN THE BQH. rUnt* hundred and Hfty-flvo. Three Months •. TELEVISION AND HADIO SERVICE Mr. Sea"The beginning ••ol--a--New OUGII OP MATAWAN. NEW JER, 4 00 EDWARD J. PATTEN One Year (outsldo SUV:) Repairs on all makes. Pickup and de- Many varieties: very reasonablo. Mor« Fountain girls, experience not nec. .. 6.00 man was also authorized to pre- Year fills our hearts with sol- SEY. Secretary ot State. One Year (uulsidu u. a * essary. Apply J. J. Newberry, livery service. Call Village Television ey, Old Tennent He!.. Morganvllle. n e a r ' .1.25 Six MouUia Months (ouisiue (outside U. Si Appliance Co., 20 E. Front St., Key* Post Office. Keyport. Closed Friday afterSix u. S. a.. «. *•'•• pare a bill to be submitted to emn thoughts and sentiments. B E IT ORDAINED by the Mayor j22 $14.72 port Keyport 7-3081 or Mlddletown noons. and' Council of the Borough of Mattl' \vJ15 ItttGISTllY AND ELECTION Six Months (outside U. S.) -v „ 3.21 the Manzo Construction Co., We turn to the Almighty God, wan In the County of. Monmouth as 5-0470 wjti NOTICE Kxectitori and administrators of Matawan, for damage to TeleBED, including snring and mattress; I10ROUG1I OK MATAWAN in whose hands our destiny lies, follows: ostattis have the right to select the CLERK typist, high school graduate % size; ronsonablc. Call South AmNotice Is hereby «iven that qualified Section 1. That the public street graph Hill Rd., due to that newspapers In which they desire their and pray to Him to grant us known and designated as Maple Ter- voters of the Borough of Matawan not with or without experience. Apply DON'S TV SERVICE boy 1-35!)C. wJ15* notices printed. If the right is not firm's trucks. registered in said BorouRh un E. M. Close, Hanson Van Winkle Mun- For fast efficient radio and television and our dear ones His blessings race be and the same is hereby vn- already ex-irrised the surrogate will make the wjil RYE, wheat and straw; nlso cow m?*nwjjlS service call Matawan 1-2CG5-M-2 der the laws of New Jersey govern nlng Co., Matawan. catcd as a public street. Suid street selertion and the notice will probably ure; deliveries made. Call KEyprf^l The committee was caution- of life, health and happiness. is shown on a Map of Lots of Alice ing permanent registration, m a y regappear in some newspaper that you WJ15 L. Dawe which Man is filed in the ister with the Borough Clerk, or notify LABORERS and truck drivers. Call RUSSELL'S BADICT&TV 7-0193-M.2. Wuuld not hove selected. Friends of ed that, under the state health "The High Holy Days have Monmouth wjl5 said clerk of change of residence, ot Matawan 1*4098. County Clerk's Office, Tfce Journal having business with the code, ENCLOSE that porch with Aluminum a township physician always brought new hope, new Section 2. That this ordinance shall the clerk's office. Borough Hall, IBB Burrrgate'3 office will do well to bear SALES & SERVICE combination windows, door or jaltake effect tell (10) days from the Main St. Matawan. during business MALE cutter, experienced on ladies thin In mind. would have to be hired In 1950. courage, and new vision to the date Hob Orr of publication after final passage hours or direct to the Commissioner of sweaters. Call Hillcrest 2-5662 or Now located at new store Campbell's ousies; sensible prices. For prompt reli- Aluminum Products, Call Keyport 7Registration In Freehold, at any time apply at 224 Smith St., Perth Amboy. Junction, Belford. nesiJonslbility for typographical t was ascertained that no ap- Jew. It is In the spirit of Rosh as provided by law. 1919 for estimates. wjtl able service anywhere call Keansburg between Wednesday, April 20th, 11*55, errors is limited to the cost of the pointment had been made since Hashana that our Jewish Com' NOTICE and Thursday, September 20th, 1055, TWO waitresses, experienced. Apply 6-2300. Store hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. space occupied by such error. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV during business hours. RYE and wheat straw in the field in person Wilson Diner Highway 35, Dr. Carl A. Gesswein, Mata- munal life must be aroused to ENPUBLIC that the foregoing ordinance was Notice of change of residence or Keyport. very cheap: also rye and wheat wjl5 LANDSCAPING—Building and mainEntered as second-class matter at the wan, relinquished the post sev- bold, courageaus and united introduced at a regular meeting of for transfer of registratioi. MAN for InndseaptnR work. Call Key- tenance of your grounds our spec- Brain. Bernard Preis, Tennent Rood. post office at Matawan, N. J.. under the eral years ago. Mayor and Council of the Borough application top soil, manure, fertilizer, lime Morganvlllc. call Matawan 1-0085-1M. action. We need to be reinforc1 the be made either by written request port 7-0J32 after 5 p.m. wjtf ialty; act of March 3, 1079. of Matawan, in the County of Mon- shall wjlt L. Lucaa, Stone ltd. TcL Keyport to the Borough Clerk or held on September I'd. 1055 forwarded T-1415. Wjtt Mr. Ely was instructed to re- ed In our Jewlshness. We must mouth. or by calling in person at the and passed on first reading and the Board THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 15, 1955 office of the Borough Clerk or County SHIPPING AND quest the Jersey Central Pow- draw into our Synagogue the same was then ordered to be publish' Board ALUMINUMWIND 0 WS PLOWING, discing, seeding. eorn of Elections up to and including according to law, and that such planting, cultivating, combining and er and Light Company to in- group of Jews who still consi- cd 2yth. 1955. RECEIVING OR ordinance will be further considered September VENETIAN BLINDS o ther types of tractor work, any size Thursday, September 2flth, 1955, stall a street light on the pole der themselves as 'outsiders' for final passage at n meeting of the theOn registration Proclamation Bernard Preis, Tennent Road, Free Estimates-no money downS^' will be closed INVENTORY CLERK 3b. to our Congregation. Above said Mayor and Council tu be held al until after the books Karl A. Frantz, Keyport 7*3405. lorganville. Matawan 1-0085-R-l. wjtf in front of the postofflce. This forthcoming General Experience desired but unnecessary Borough Hiill on Tuesday evening it is essential that we make the on Tuesday, November ttth MALE OR FEMALE Whereas, the basic need In request was made by Mrs all, September 27. 1U55, at U o'clock. P.M., Election USED television sets In good condition. 1955. our institution radiate the finest at which time and place a public TELEVISION Bargains from $25 and up. Pete'« our Nation today Is the preser- Frances Pitcher, postmaster. traditions of our Jewish reli- hearing will be held and nil persons Notice is hereby given Hint District MATAWAN Inc., corner W. Front and Main Sts.. vation1 of Constitutional Governwill 1)0 given an opporlun* Boards of Election and Registry in RADIO SERVICE Keyport. Tel K E : 7-2700. wjtt and for the Borough of Matawan, UNDERGARMENT CO. gion and culture. Both parents Interested Ity to bo heard concerning such or25 years in business In Matawan anr ment; a,nd County of Monmouth, State of New 5 Harrison Ave., MATAWAN-MA: 1-1671 and children must be educated dinance. Keyport area. All work and partr USED refrigerators tn good condition Jersey; will meet at the places here$24.95 and up. Pete's Inc., corner Whereas, in order to protect guaranteed. Tubes tested free at stora J . FliANKUN DOMINICK inafter designated on to live in accordance with the HIGH School graduate, boy or girl, Store hours 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., Fn W. Front and Main Sts.. Kcyport. Call Borough Cleric TUESDAY, NOVKMKER 8th, 1055 our priceless heritage under wanted for full time job; must be ever-refreshing tenets of our Keyport 7-2700. wjll (Continued from page one) between the hours of 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. able to type: good English student. our unique from of govern- tendance down under the 180 faith, thereby promoting our so- J15 $5.04 for the purpose of conducting the gen- Write Box CM in care of this newsACCORDIONS NOTICE eral election" for the election of NEW and used, bought-sold-rented r e ment, It is essential to support days minimum attendance re- cial and moral welfare. paper, wjtf 1 State Senator •AKE NOTICE that Veterans' 1... paired and exchanged. N. J . Music our Constitution, "The most quired for s t a t e aid. Mr. mortal Home, Incorporated, has ap- 2 Members ol the General Assembly SECRETARY to executive of small Center, 42 Broad St.. Keyport. Tel. REED'S Radio Repairs. Minor re- KEyport 7-1470. Lessons on all inwonderful work ever struck off Thompson warned parents of "May our New Year be fill- plied to the Division of Alchollc Bev- 1 Freeholder factory wanted, mature, experlenc pairs on televisions: good used TV struments. erage- Control for a Cl«h lirrns* fnr 1 Mavor wx*5 cd j^miurai office ruutitic( cuii cs^ond- tubes at a given time by the brain their liability under the law for ed with a mood of spiritual con- premises one hali of regular pries:. Insituated at Cliffwood Avenue. 2 Coiincllmen for the full terms good typist, perfect fJngliyh, Top jI5 COLLIES, two champion dogs, one blue of Hawthorn Street, Cliffwood, The sessions of the registry board ence, and purpose of man"; and salary for trip worker. Must have car. quire 274 "lain St., Matawan. the absenteeism of their chil- tentment, a year during which Corner Matawau Township, N. J . be held at the following polling Write Box B, care of this newspaper. merle, one tri-color. Reasonable. Can our Heavenly Father will be- The names ana residences of the will places: be seen at any time at Box 283 RD 1, Whereas, for its proper sup- dren. Route 18. ono mile from light at MalaFIRST ELECTION DISTRICT trustees and of the officers and the WANTED TO RENT wan, port, it is necessary that our Mr. White averred the police stow upon you and your loved offices N. J . «iH they fill respectively are as fol- All that part of the Borough of Mat- "HI~G1TSCH6OL~GRAD" citizens understand its provis- had handled such absenteeism I every personal wish for health awan. BEGINNING at a uoint where FIVE or 0 room house; Keyport-MaJOYCE'S Glad's. 122 Ravine Drive. 3oyc% Willlard, 1102 Elm wood Drive, the center line of Main Street InterAS OPERATORS tawan area; reasonable. Call Mataions and principles and appre- n limes past and questioned peace and contentment. 1 sects the boundary lino of the Town* Cliffwood, N. J.. Trustee. wan 1-4320. wjl5 Beautiful, large, "Exhibit Type ' ON UNDERWEAR ciate its values nnd benefits as the need for the expense of the "Leshanah Tovah Tikasavu- Charles Kolodjcski, 1162 South Con* ship of Matawan, thence (1) along the gladioli, assorted colors, $1 per dozen. 5 Day Week—Good Pny said center line of Main Street in a A Happy New Year to all." course, Cliffwood, N. J., Trustee. To order call Matawan 1-0044-J. J9-22 "The greatest document for hu- new arrangement. He charged Excellent Working Conditions Vincent Gaunt, 810 Sherwood Drive, southerly direction to the bridge on man liberty in two thousand the board was going Into hiring Main Street, south of South Street; 5 Johnson Ave.. ( O P P . It.R. Station) Cliffwood. N. J., Trustee. COIL spring and mattress, double bed USED CARS Charles Candlloro. 24 Matawan Road, thence (2) along a line drawn down size, Rood condition. Inquire 75 years of recorded history." the attendance officer without the center of the gulley crossed by the Cliffwood, N. J.. President. Main St., Matawan or call M a t a w a n Matawan ; PONTIAC 1941 clean, nn reasonable 1-0817. said bridge to Lake Lefferts; thence sufficient information on enrollRobert Fletcher, 1532 Woodmere Drive, JJ15 Now, Therefore, I, Spafford offer refused. Call Matawan 1-1807(3) In a northerly dfretriton along the Cliffwood, Vice-President. J15 CORNET also crib. Henderson, M.a,Joseph' Kane, 92 Prospect Avenue, easterly edge of Lake Lefferts to Pros- Undergarment Co. Inc. B. W. Schanck. by vlrtv.j of the ment and conditions of attend(Continued from Page one) pect Point; thence (4) along a line ance. Despite his objection, Cliffwood, N. J., Secretary. tawan 1-2085. . JV^' authority vested in me as MayMatawan. N. J . the township planning board, Objections, if any, should be made drawn across Lake Lefferts from ProsPhone Matawan 1-1671 wjtl 1048 Olds Sedan Point in a northeasterly direction J 295 PIGS about 2 months old. Rt. 1, Box or of the Borough of Matawan Michael Staats was the only asked Mr. Currie about running mmediately in writing to: William pectRavine Drive; thence (5) along a 194<J Hudson 4 door Sedan .193 120 C Old Bridge, in 09 Acres. Call Howe Davis, Director, Division of Al- to in the State of New Jersey do member to side with him costs. The board president took cholic line drawn across the gulley to the left PART lime clerk for Matawan branch 1951 Pontlac 2 door sedan 795 Matawan 1-0097-J-l. US' Beverage Control. 10BO Broad of against the Kengetter appointHighland Avenue to a point at the of Keyport Clennurs: also part or 1951 Ford Custom Tudor 650 hereby proclaim the week of the figure of $250 per pupil as Street, Newark 2. N. J. full time solicitor and laundry shirt end of Liberty Street; thence (G) along ment and it carried, 7-2. 1952 Chevrolet 2 door sedan B95 VETERANS' MEMORIAL HOME, Sept. 17-23, 1955 as finisher. Inquire Keyport Cleaners, 1952 Chrysler Convertible Coupe 1185 a good evaluation of costs of ,ne pi line parallel with Matawan Road to Division St., Keyport or call Keyport INCORPORATED HOUSES FOR SALE Two Rooms Approved 1952 Studebakcr 5 pass, coupe 895 guile ley which runs along Aberdeen educating one child one year in CHARLES CANDILORO. President CONSTITUTION WEEK J15 1952 Ford Custom Fordor 1050 was given that Rob- the district, then reckoned there Cliffwood Ave (Cor. Hawthorn St.), Road thence (7) along & line down 7-0102. KEANSBUHG, attractive winter home t in the Borough of Matawan and ertReport 1953 Ford Customline Fordor 1195 the center of this gulley to a point W. J. Blunt, Middlesex County Su- would be $550,000 added to the '15 Cliffwood, 1250 Ideal location; all modern convenwhere same intersects with the center SALES ladles needed Immediately to 1953 Ford Customline Tudor urge all our citizens to pay spe- perintendent $7.48 Including over sized garage: of Schools, had ap- school budget If the developline of Matawan Road; thence (8) a* service Avon Cosmetics buyers: full 1953 Studebakcr 5 pass. Coupe 1195 iences or part time basis. For further in- 1953 Plymouth Club Coupe cial attention during that week proved two rooms 1185 sacrifice $8500. Call KonasburgW 6long the said center line of Matawan MONMOUTH CbUNTV « J1S Road in a northerly direction to the formation call Red Bank 64491, J9-15 1953 Dodee Coronet Club Cnupe 1 ment came about. to our Federal Constitution and Presbyterian Church inlorBaVview SURROGATE'S I'OUKT 1953 Ford Station WaRon 1495 point where said center line of Mat.v NOTICE TO CKI0D1TOHS TO the advantages of American ci- purposes even though school Mr. Currie acknowledged the 'RESENT 1954 Ford Customline Tudor 1495 BUILDINGS to move, delivered t o your CLAIMS AGAINST ESTATE wan Road intersects the boundary line these 1954 Ford Mainline Fordor 1395 property. Cheap. All lmprovementa,. tizenship, flying United States •ooms were outside tho school developer had promised, a 12- :STATE OF NICHOLAS CALIENDO, of the Township of Matawan; thence WANTED 1954 Ford Customline Fordor 1495 No price over phone. Highway S3,, (9) along the said boundary line of Flags at their businesses and district in Matawan Township, oom'school without cost to the deceased. Manalapan. Phone E n g U j h t o w n ' M S J l ; ' Pursuant to the order of EDWARD the Township of Matawan to the point FOUNTAIN GIRL Mailing address, Harry N. F o rman. man, USED TRUCKS or place of Beginning, homes and especially emphas- In Monmouth County. district. This would only take C. DROEGE. Surrogate of the Coun* Some Experience Desired •""• wjtl 1952 Chevrolet Pick Up '95 Boi 187. Freehold. Polling place. Hook & Ladder Firey of Monmouth. this day made, 'on izing the purposes of Good Govcare of 360 pupils, he figured, he application of tho undersigned. house, in back of Borough Hall. Apply at Once 1952 Ford Courier 975 1953 Studebnker Pick Up 1095 AMAZING offer, will erect a i l x room ernment as set forth in the Con- Mr. Copeland, in his final re- eaving $1,760,000 to be raised ohn Cnlicndo nnd Ralph Callcndo, the SECOND ELECTION DISTRICT STRAND house on your lot and foundation to 1953 Ford Pick Up 1095 •xecutors of the estate of the said All that part or the Borough of Matstitution's Preamble and the du- port, said that school housing by the district. suit your way of living. Only »200 Nicholas Calicndo deceased, notice Is awan, BEGINNING at a point where LUNCHEONETTE down. Call Emnnucl Swartz. In o r e Ceorge S. Barrett & Son Inc. ty of all persons in our Repub- In the Old Bridge area Is crihereby Riven to the creditors of said the center line of Main Street inter* Other Investments of Swartz Furniture store. Highway Ford Dealer—Matawan Next to Strand Theatre tli« center line of Churrh Street, lic to protect our cjonsiiiution tical with four classes without In addition to schools, there deceased to present to the said Exo- sects :I5 opp. Middletown fl rehouse. Call lied their claims under oath within thence (1) in an easterly direction along Bank 6-5485 or 6-3213. wjtf and the freedoms in Its Bill of a place to meet. At least two would be investment for water cutors the center line of Church Street to a six months from this date. loint where said center line of Church Rights, so that It may continue more homeless classes are ex- supply, sewers, hospitals, addi- Dated: August 18th, 1D55. Jtreet intersects the boundary line of JOHN CALIENDO to protect us and our posterity pected during the next week tional fire and police protection, the Township of Matawan; thence (2) SITUATION WANTED 201) Lower Mnln Street or two. He reported that by along said boundary line of the Townin "This Nation under God." Matawan. N. J . ship of Matawan to a point where said WILL care for children for working Oct. 1 it Is expected that en- the board president pointed out. RALPH CALIENDO boundary line intersects the center line mothers, 5 days a week in my own In Witness Whereof, I have rollment in elementary schools Asked what could be done to 24S Atlantic Street of Atlantic Avenue; thence (3) along home. Call Matawan 1-1995-W. wjl5 Kcvport, N. J . hereunto set my hnnd and caus- will reach 2000. an Increase of stop all this, the board presi- MESSRS. PATTEN said center line of Atlantic Avenue to 4 PRYCA a point where the said center line of WILL wash and Iron all types of cured the Seal of the Borough of about 400 over the end of the dent noted that the adoption of 163 West Milton Ave. Atlantic Avenue intersects the center tains, also stretch curtains In my own subdivision ordinances with Rahway, N. J. Matawan to be affixed this 12th last school, year. lino of Main Street; thence (4) nlong home. Prompt service. Call South said, center lino of Mnln Street ln: a Amboy 1-3595. ' Wjtf large lot sizes was the answer. 15Attorneys. day of September, In llm year of JU.7G southerly direction to the point or place our Lord, one thousand nine It also was reported that eight Mr, Currie declared that one of Beginning. REGISTRY' AND ELECTION YOUNG married man with free Sat. new classrooms, donated by the NOTICE Polling place, Washington Engine seeking part lime Job. Has drivers hundred and fifty-five, and of. place, Holmdel Township, had TOWNSHIP OF MATAWAN Fire House on Little Street. license. Experienced light delivery, the Independence of the United builders of Madison Park, will set lot sizes high as 200 feet by Notice is hereby given that qualified Company gas station attendant. Call KL THIRD ELECTION DISTRICT be ready for use next week. voters of the Township of Matawan wjtf All that part of tho Borough of Mat 7.2964. R.2. States of America, the one hun125 feet, making it hopeless for not already reRistered In said Town- awan. BEGINNING at aa point These will accommodate 240 where poi dred and eighth. ship under the laws of New Jersey the center line of Mali a developer to attempt anyeet interstudents. Stri Sti-eet, permanent registration may sects the center line of InChurch LOST thing. Mr. Currie declared a governingwith Iho Township Clerk, or thence (1) In a southerly direction aFive Teachers Hired NEW AND USED CARS developer known to have taken registersaid clerk of chnng, of resi- o n B i h e t a i d center lino of Main Street TWO 13 inch female Bcgals each l i Visit In Cliffwood Hiring of five new teachers options on land freely on the notify dence. at the clerk's office. 21 Sixth to tho gulley south of South Street; years old: black blanket, brown On Monmouth Street Opposite Carlton Thcatro St. in t i n Township of Matawan dur- thence (2) alone a lino down Iho con- he'ad and c a r s ; white chest and paws; was approved: Eleanor String, one Matawan Township side of Line Ing business hours, or direct to the ter of Mrs. William Lone and son gulley to Lake Lefferts; white on legs; Sunday September 4th Kull S. Buechler, Josephine Rd. balked at touching anything Commissioner of Registration In Free- thence th (3) In a southerly utherly direction d i t i n a* in Engllshtown, Old Bridge Area. Lib* Frank, Harbor Md., Laurence Emma hold, at any lime between Wednesday Red Bank 6-4545 — 6-0176 Britton, Dorothy Fulton and the easterly edge of Lake Lef* eral reward. Paul R. Stryker Holmright across the street in Holm- April 20th. 1955. and Thursday, Sep- long aHrbor, spent Tuesday as guests Stanley Smykaj. ferts to the center line of State High- del 9-C0O1 o r evenings Ked Bank (J tember 23th. 1!I55. way .14; thence (4) along the said cen> 0845. del. WJ22 of Mrs. Frank Voyle, Cliffwood Notice of change of residence or apter line of State Highway 34 in a westTemporary transportation arfor transfer of registration erly direction to a point where tho female, 8 years old, color rangements for 121 students Mayor Spafford W. Schanck, plication shall be made either by written re- said center line of State Highway .14 BOXEIt, white chest, paws and bluze forwarded to the Township Clerk Intersects the boundary line of the ifawn, from St. Thomas parish to area Matawan Borough, confirmed quest face; tongue abnormally large. or the County ity Board of Election Township of Madison; Ihenee (5) along that municipality did have a and protector on parochial school also were auorms provlIded by said Township the said boundary line of the Township Prize companion Disappeared July 13th. Please thorized. They will attend five subdivision ordinance, which, Clerk, or Board or by calling in person of Madison to a point where said line farm. for her. Generous reward. E . (continued from page one) at the office of the Township Clerk or intersects the center line of New Bruns- Jwatch while far from being as drastic . Holden. Red Dank.C-54U-R. wjlu-fl remove the key from the igni- schools in Perth Amboy, five in as Holmdel's, nevertheless was -ounty Board of Elections up to and wick Avenue: thence (G) in a northerly Including September 29th. 11)55. direction along the easterly edge of New Brunswick and one In South tion. On Thursday. September 29th, 1955. Lake Lefferts to the gulley that runs a stop on "mass housing." WANTED TO BUY tho registration books will be closed back of Locust Place: thence (7) The chief has issued slipa to Amboy and, according to HarPreparation Nino Months until after the forthcoming General fn along a lino drawn down the center of school children with a. list of old M e y e r s, transportation, In Election on Tuesday, November 8th, said gulley to a point where the center When the township was askATTENTION 1<J55 of Schcnck Avenue Intersects the "don'ts" for their conduct which chairman. This will free four about this, Harold Dolan, a Notlca la Hereby given that District line center line of Main Street: thence (B, Land owners, want acreage on or near will guard their personal safe- classrooms in the township's ed Boards of Election and Registry in along the center line of Main Street in main routes, 34, 35, 38, !l etc., for resiplanning board member, held a school system. dential and commercial, low zoning, for the Township of Matawan, a northerly direction to a point where ty. Parents are urged to be ordinance had been and County of Monmouth, State of New the said center line of Main Street city water, principals only. Write Box sure each child has one of these Several changes in janitorial subdivision D care of this newspaper. wj!5 Jersey, will meet at the places hereintersects the center line of State High preparation there for nine inafter designated on ivay 34; thence (U) along the said con slips and explain the meaning personnel were reported by In but could not be gotten TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8th, 1955 ter line of State Highway 34 in an BUILDING SUPPLIES of all the precautions. If a child Donald Borst, building chair- months direction to a point where saic the township committee between the hours of 7 a.m. and 8 easterly does not have one of the slip9 man. Benjamin Makowka was before for the purpose of conducting the cuiiter line uf Sidle Highway ?,i In Mayor John Marz, jr.. p.m. tersects tho roadbed of the Centra general election for the election of more are available at police relieved of his duties as janitor because FACE BRICK Railroad of New Jersey; thence (10) not consent to a mlmi- 1 State Senator selection of lace brick in the of Browntown and Cheesequake would headquarters. nf the General Assembly along said toadbed to a point when LarRe.it mun lot size of 125 feet by 100 21 Members Wanner Bros. Face said roadbed intersects the center lint shore area. Freeholder Schools, his place taken by Mrs. Householders are asked not to feet. Mr. Dolan declared the Commilteeman for the of Church Street: thence (II) along Brick Rates. Route 35._Cliffwood. wjtf Highway 34 Cheesequake the said center line of Church Strce admit solicitors who cannot Mary Holton at a salary of mayor wanted lot sizes of 65 tilll Township term The sessions of the registry board in an westerly direction lo the poln Ample rarkfnR Facilities — Dcautiful Grove for FOR RENT show cards from the police de- $2134. Mr. White felt a man feet by 100 feet. or plate of lleginnlng. will bo held at the' following polling partment, and should not con- should have been appointed. l'lcnics — rrlvalc Parties etc. ^ Pulling place, Midway Hose House APARTMENT 3 or 4 rooms and bath: ELECTION DISTRICT on Washington Street. verse with such strangers, the Gertrude Schnuck was named This caused expression of con- TheFIRST furnished or unfurnished. Business First District comprises Oak Saturday Night—Stuffed Cabbage Platter FOURTH ELECTION DISTRICT sternation throughout the room couple, all utilities, Write Iiox N rare to Mrs. Helton's post at Cheesechief advises. Residents should Shades, Kane Terrace, Atlantic Ave- All that part of the Borough cf Mat- f this newispAper. wJ2S Valley Drive, Church St., Llnyd aw.ui bounded on the cast and north slam and lock the door in their quake Flrehouse at $540. Mrs. and the township mayor was nue, Road, Line Road and New Brunswick unst by the boundary line of the Town TWO iipartmcnts, 3 rooms and hath faces and then phone pollco of Sophie Buchan was hired for called on repeatedly to move on hardens. ihlp of Mntiiwnn, on the south by the eni'h: Main St., Matnwan: light ntul Memorial School at $1320 and a measure of some sort that Polling place. Township Hall, 03 northerly boundary lino of the Town heat furnished. Call Matawan l-OliOi!. tholr prenence. ship of Miirlboro. on thn west by the William Kordzinski for St. would halt such an influx. Ho Atlantic Avenue. Safety Suggestions boundary line al the Township of Mat STORK about 10 x CO at 38 East Front SECOND ELECTION DISTRICT only promise "developers The Second District comprises the a wan and on the north by a Hue ex- Street a few iloors west of Post Other safety measures, ac- Thomas's Church rooms at $640. would will only be given the green northwesterly side of Matawan Creek tending as follows; to wit: Office, Keyporl, also store 20 x CO*, cording to Chief Flood are: :o the boundary line of Middlesex BEGINNING at a point where thi immediate occupancy, L. J. Costn, light to go ahead if the develop- County, thence along Middlesex Coun- center line of New Bninswick Avenue PcrsriliiB Place. Tel. KE 7-0DU1 or Have locks on all doors and win ment is self-supporting. Includ- ty lino to Whale Creek, thence along 1R intersected by the boundary line of 1535. wji( dows and lock them when away Creek to its intersection with the Township at Matawan, thence (1) ing the school system." He told Whale the northwesterly prolongation of the in a northerly direction along the east- STORAGE spaee, nHJncent to West I from home; tell the newsboys tlie school board that they would easterly edge nf Lenox Road, thtnee erly edge "f Lfiko Lefferts to the Riilley (Continued from paso one) Front St., IJorouffh Parking Lot. flnei1 and the milkman the day you along the ennterly edge that runs In tho back of Locust Place be permitted to pass on the plan southeasterly up. Call Keyport 7-1335 or Kev of Lenox Road, thence southeasterly thence (2) nlong .1 line drawn dowi flight leave home to be sure to stop year," is the Jewish New Year. for wjtf any subdivision. along the easterly edge of Lenox Road tho con tor of -said ftulley to n pofn port 7-oaai. It occurs on the first and secdeliveries; do not tell social cor to a point on Cliffwood Avenue where where the center lini; of Sehonck Ave LARGK furnished room In Keyport, nue InU'rsecls the center line of Mali nenr business! section and station; respondents of newspapers that ond days of Tlshrl, marking the This did not appear to re- Cliffwood Bench and the tract k Cliffwood Bench Park JJoin, using SI reel: thenre <:t) along the said con- suitable for working couple or single you intend being away from anniversary of tho world's cre- move wholly the uneasiness ns (h fformer properly t liline oif Cliffwood Street In a northerly person, Write Box E in care of this _,__ _ tnr line of Main point wheru the said homo for a period and do not ation. The name Rosh Hashana Again he was pressed to "adopt the wjtf Beach and Cllffwood Beach Pk Park, i:on- directionlinoto ofa M.'iin Street Intersects newspaper. uing south to Prospect Avenue and center leave notes for prospective does not occur in the Bible, but an ordinance Immediately." He tlruiing the center HIM? of Stale Highway ROOM, rensonnble; next to hath, pnrk1 owing tho following Cliffwood Bench th nch prop pritpwas chlded about the dangers it Is referred to by several oth iheni'i (4) nlotij; tho said center line guests, telling them where a li crty line to tho Keyport mendows, nnd if State Highway 'M In a point where iny space. Call KEyport 7-21121. houso key Is and to mnko them er names, Yom Hadin, (Day of In small lot sizes. His only re- ihenco still along said property line Ihc (said ('filter line or State HiRhway AI'AHTMKNT 5 larRo rooms nnd bnth: Matnwan Creek. HI iute.r.sc-ct.s the ruiit'.bud of Ihu Centra selves at home; notify police Judgment); when all mankind ply was "I don't want to make to Polling InrKt) porch; hot water system. Call place, Fire-house, Cliffwood. Rnilrnml "f New Jer:,r;.. Mntawnn M029-IW nflur 0 p.m. ivj.5 your house will bo vacant for is judged by tho Creator and any statement at this time." THIIiD ELECTION DISTRICT Polling place, Kreneau Indepcndcn Question Kallcla tho fate of each Individual is Tho Third District is bounded on Flriimuse, a period. F re up nil Ave, CMFFWOOD. 2 ~"nluo unfurnished the south by Mntawan Creek; on the VTU KLKCTir.N DISTRICT rooms, modern imiinivemeiiin in colWhen Kolng out for tho eve Inscribed in tho Books of Heav- It then was suggested If the east by Rnrltnn Bay; on the north by AllV\that use oi 2 other rooms, part of the Honuif.'h of Mat ored dome; 1 en; Yom Tertian, (Day of soundWhflfo Cret'k to tho intersection at mayor would not talk, some othHiley Hume, Ray view hounded on tin; v.c:;t by tho n.'fisonnlik . nlng. leave at least two interWhale Creek and the easterly line of iiv.au Iv.iiiul.'uv ilnr of the Township of Mnd Ave,, nenr County Hoad. Call Marior lights lighted; when going ing tho Shofar, ram's horn), tho er commltteeman might. Com- Lenox Road produced norlhwcslerlv, iwu, on'ihe north liv tho boundary line ket 3-1)4-11 or inquire 418 High St.. In a ' fioulheaslerl.v erlv direct Inn of the Township of Malnuan and on Newark. wjis awny on vacation, leavo the blasts call tho congregation to miUeeman Stephen J. Kalieta thence Lenox ltoad to a JIH point on Cliff- thu south and o;isl by i liuu cxtendlm; shades up so pollco and others repentance find self-cxnmlna- was asked, if. as a Mattiwnn Avenue wlierfr Cliffwood i f f d I as fnllm«-:: lu nit; APARTMENT i) rouiUM. sulte-l for one 1 tlon, and Yom Hazlkaron (Day Township Planning Board memthn tract known as Cliff wo nnd 11K( JINN ING at a point where the lo tnlu! roomers, Will decorate to can spot anytlilnit unusual In Roach Park Join, using thu former line of fUnto Highway ,14 Inter- suit. Inquire SMRlo S.VKlem Lniimlrv olelo: ask tho neighbors to Rath of Memorial) when Jews ask ber, he could go aloiiK with the properly lino of Cliffwood Reach and center the Your youriKstcr mifjht ns well be actually hnundary Unit of Hie Tuwninc., Ili'oad tmd First St., Keyport or Bench Park, unntlmilMif smith shli) of MiidiMin, tiiciii.c tlit-ncc (I) tl) hi nn ens- •;il) Kuyport 7-O7.V7. or mall and circulars; when tho Lord tu remember them small lot sizes projected by the Cllffwond wJ22 tn Prospect Avenue and following Iho t n l y illriTtlmi ..: locked out of college, if the funds aren't availalmii!.. tin. '. snli' ' ffiitcr talking to strajiRor.i on your meritoriously on behalf of the mayor. Mr. Kallcta would ven- Cllffwood Remit pproperly Krv • I f f ld Slnlc Slntc H i g h w a y 34 o p r l y lino tn to Kry :<li) lllfjlnvay ,tl to a pnlnl MODI-,UN npartinenl fl rooms, commid LhiMuru hLlll nlmig ,'.h''re ttu* t'HKtifrl.V ciljli" nf Ljifco Lrf- pletuly rmlrNirolurt. PXIM-IIL-III lut-jinblo to send him I And juat think—a few doldoorstep, stand In front of tho good deeds of their nnceslnrs ture nothing more than he port id properly line tto M MnlnWun l CU fells InttTiUM-ts Mild renter line ..f f-latn HI, RIMU lion, itntm w. Maghan locking mechanism of tho door He further explained The would "protect tho township tax «J(j Polling place. Fellowship Ilnll o." Nl|!hv.';iv :tl; ttieucu (2) alone the fiifit- lli'iic.v. Ma tu wan, N. J, Cull Mutn* lars anved each week with un, can bo tho key payer in any event." Machzor Is tho namo for tho Hnyview Presbyterian Church,. West erk- ';i.lr> of Lake Leffertu In n norther. writ! I-IHJO.'I, so thoro can bo no slelRht-of\vJ13 and Greenwood Ave., Cliff- lv dlrci'llnn to Prospei'l Point; thence to his future education. Our (mvlngs account? hnnd touching or tampering prayer book used during those Mr. Wouzcl and Mr. Dolai Cont-ourso wood. CD alniut a linn drawn nrrofiH I^akt< Lef. APAHTMKNT, 3~riiuin« ftirnlshed or ROSE K. ferls from I'rnnpccl Puint In a mirth- uiifunilfjhed; IIIHO njnins for rent, with tho locking meclmnlsm holidays and Tho Shofar la sym- hold that every tlmo a town earn abovc-avcrago returns Tmvnahlp Clerk, isisti'i-ly fliri'i'ttcui to Uavlno Hrlvc; wliilo your attention is distract- bolic of Dlvino Majesty, An tho ship subdivision ordinance came ilicme (1) iitonn n lino drawn HCIOHB So college funds not only grow faster, but] sound of the trumpet is asso- up for passage In the planning the rulli'.v t" lite l«fl of Mliihlaufl Ave ed, nue to a j-fijnt nt llu1 end of Mlu-rtv WANTED TO BUY HTATI5 OI* N1SW JHUSKY ciated with a monarch's coro- board, tho mayor and Mr. Ka they'ro avallnblo when school be(?lns. Open a Sln-i'l; Uience (ft) riloiif! i) line pnriillel lir.PAlCTMKNT OF STA'l'K nation, likewise does tho sotint llotn blocked It. Mr. Wonzo CKItTinCATK OK DISSOLUTION with iM/itawiiii Itond to Ilif itulluy which M.IJ lypfcn nf nntkiucs, Dulls, toys, GO-TO-COIIOKO account today. Just $1 dncs HI, nlrmH Aberdeen Itnati; thence furniture1, clilmi, jilHsnwriro find ilci of the Shofar proclaim tho hold tho township commlttco To nil lo whom Ihuwi pru.Hvnt.i nmy 11m.i (ill (lion.: a line flown the cenler of icwclry, Opjiiirhmllv Simp, Tim MMCirrotlnic Kingdom of Heaven. The Sho- could adopt a severe- ordinance •'time, WHf'.HF.AS, It nppfnrH to my nntl*- -mid L'ldley: to n point wlien> >iriine ln> .hewn, 115 llrciailwiiy. Koyport, Cnll jtf far also symbolizes a cull to temporarily as a protective faction, Iiy duly fiiitht'iillitnled rccntilll w lth Ihe HiiiliT Hue of Mnl'ii Kc',Y|inrt_7;l44(l._ (Continued from Pane ono) ( 7 ) fit" ijt t h .•.•ml tlui priiccrcUngH for thu voluntary ,vim Head; Htt from such lniul caused lopentanoe, the rovolation on mousiiro, then when tho activi- of MUlJIU'/lH Ud In dissolution llu'rcnf by the imnnlmmi» ccnti'i lllll Real Estate For Sale llii ly iHri'i-tlmi l'» tho point where Ilia trouble, Ml. Slnal, tho ln-Rnlhorlng of ties of dovclopera appeared less rumen t nf nil Hie Ntoi-kliotrti'rn, <!t'- mil h );ri!<t i'<'iilct' Hue r,i* MiilawitM Horn! •malted tha LOCJIHLKA U l K th<> imalted hi my my office,, that oxllos ami a reminder of Iho monnclng, could amend it to HEIGHTS, OnlliiiiniH! I N C , a rnrimrntlMi oi thlft jiit<<!':<'('iM the boundary lino of thu IIOME1I — FARMS — "lll7siNI'1fSi:"H INC, Stnte, Who so prlni'lpul "ffluc Is "Hu- Tmvituhlp nf Mnlnwnn. Stt Wh willing sacrifices of forofathors moro liberal torms. lion mill Mnllln Smith, llenllnr/ Mr. Seaman smvitested pass p 150 Main Street nted nl Nn. l.ri!)l Miiin .HI ice I, in the Polling plm.'f, JIulMlntf owned by Customs In Iho homo for the "DHUi building can ruin our Town of Matnwan, Countv nf Mnn- Wllllfirii Trine, on It a vino Dr., nenr MM'i Milln SI, Cnll Mntnwnu 122(1/ n«o of nn ordinance- which wouU ItdM'hlll fcniotcrv. inoulh, Sliitn of New JiTM-y |C, llfinI-OT AlxjnlrtMi Mnnd. Mntnwnn, 100 * M A T A W A N fix liability nn tho landowners holidays Include* an extra bless- nchool system," Mr, Currlo kept dolnh IlniiBor, being the iiffont tlmri-lu .1. FllANKUN nOMINICK, ISO. Quirk Snlr *HK)II. stullrt ilrln. (ilia In uliurftu thoruof, upon whuni JIS f Al .70 UnrouKh Clerk. U tiioy undertook oxouvatlf/K or Ins pronounced In lighting can- saying. I'.lc, Ilrnkor, Koy|iiirt 7-H01). J13 MATAWAN JOURNAL, MAXAWAN,R J. THE MATAWAN JOURNAL Copeland Leaves 'Blitz Building" LINCOLN • MERCURY Use Main St. For You and Your Friends Are Assured of a Pleasant Time Always at This Popular Lively Nite Spot DiCK WALSH'S TAVERN Plan Observances i SAVINGS will unlock the future _ ._ _ i(| 1 Appropriating For liberal Building & Loan Association miss Galosh Honoredf~Matawam Personal Items Speaks On Totowa At Contemporary League By Bridal Attendants niminuttiniiMinirantiiitHmiiiimHinn Church Directory THE JWATAWAH JOURKM, MATAWAH, PAGE FIVE ^THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1955 Former Matawan Boy First Church of Christ, Scientist Spring Valley Mrs. George Clark, Broad St. Mrs. Frederick K. Dederick Describes Nursery For Community Church On Forester Tour 81 IJroad SI , Keyport nnd Mrs. Alfred Glldewell, lied entertained the Friday Evening Sunday service 11 a.m., Sun- A. Thomas Clayton. Pastor Mentally Retarded Bank, attended a dinner and Bridge Club when the prize winDonald P. Lawton, 170 Oxford day School 11 a.m. Wednes- Prayer meeting will be held show in New York on Sept. 7 ners were Mrs. George BarbaAve., Fair Haven, formerly of Mis Joan Marie Galosh, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Turner, nell, Mrs. William J. Rabel and The Matawan Contemporary day testimonial meeting 8 p.m.tonight at 7:30 o'clock. Matawan, a senior at the State daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Char- Wilmington, Del., are visiting Mrs. Conrad Johannsen. Other League opened its first meeting Reading Room open Wednesday Sunday School convenes at 2 To Wed Donovan Lent University of New' York College t s Galosh, 46 Wilson Ave.. Ma-at the home of their son-in-law guests were Mrs. George R. of the season on Monday with a 2 to 4 p.m. p.m.; the young people meet at Forestry in Syracuse, is one On Sunday, Sept. 25 of tawan was guest of honor at aand daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Gaskell, Mrs. Marguerite Laird covered dish supper held at the The fact that understanding 6:30 p.m. Church service starts of 12 student foresters on a 4200 home of Mrs. John Klnny, I surprise miscellaneous shower Randolph Harris. the allness of God, Spirit, frees at 7:45 p.m. and Mrs. Ralph Bedle. mile, three-week tour through Holmdel. This was followed by man from the Idolatry of maMiss Patricia Ann Egan, Maryland, given by her bridal attendants, Virginia, North CaroMiss Margery Schuler, Miss Mrs, T,iuvronc.e .T. Aitken and Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Rob-a talk by Charles P. Jubcnvllle,!terialism will be set forth at Spiritual Church of Holy Faith daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Paul lina, South Carolina, Georgia,. 1 Cenlcr St. at Route 35 A. Egan, 158 Broad St., Mata- Florida, and West Virginia. The Blanche Scupp, Miss Carol So- daughter, Edith, are visiting inson and son, Richard, left Sat- Assistant Superintendent of theChristian Sciences services on wan was the guest of honor at group started Sept. 6. bolenski, Miss Alice Lauter, the former's son and daughter- urday for Philllppl, West Va., North Jersey Training School, Sunday. Keynoting the lessonCliffwood a recent surprise bathroom and Miss Alice Mllntta and Miss in-law, Mr. nnd Mrs. John H. where Richard has enrolled as Totowa. He told of the Totowa sermon entitled "Matter" is Rev. E. Craig, Pastor Aitken, Kirkwood, Mo. a student at Alderson-Broaddus kitchen shower given by Miss Accompanied by Prof. S. O, Nursery, a 300 bed hospital for the Golden Text from I Corin- Services are held Sunday at Patricia Matula, on Saturday m e n t a l l y retarded children thians (10:14): "My dearly be- 8 p.m. and on Wednesday at 8Joan Gilbarte, Little Silver; Heiberg of the faculty, the group evening at the American Legion Miss Marguerite Miller, New- College. ark, Del., was a weekend guest The Women's Guild ot Trinity from the age of infancy to ^flve loved, flee from idolatry." Miss Helen Jeffrey, Shrewsbury, will study regions not yet known HRII, Matawan. p.m. of Mr. and Mrs. Jay F . Hosand Miss Suzanne Price at Miss to them and will learn how acaEpiscopal Church served a cov-years. Miss Galosh will become the letter. From "Science and Health Morganvllle Methodist Church Price's home, Broad St., Eaton- demic instruction at the college ered dish supper Monday eveColor slides were shown of iVVlde of James A. Farley, Say- Mr. and Mrs. Frederick K, With Key to the Scriptures" by can be applied in the field. In Rev. W. B. Magsam, Pastor the nursery and the children Mary Baker Eddy, the followtown. ' reville, on Saturday, Oct. 8, atDederlck were dinner guests on ning for the members of the the southern states they will be "Why I Believe In God" will 10 a.m. in St. Joseph's Church, Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph parish to begin the fall activi- who are hospitalized. These ing passage will be read be the sermon topic of the pas- Miss Egan will become the able to observe a most intenties. children are mlcrocephalicsi hy- (475:3): "To Infinite Spirit there bride of Donovan E . Lent Keyport. Thatcher, River Plaza. tor at the 7:30 p.m. worship Franklin on Sunday, Sept. 25th sive practice of forestry. drocephallcs, m o n g o l o i d s , Decorations Included a wishing Mrs Alice Walling, Mrs. Mary Mr. and Mis. James McCul- spastlcs and many others with is no matter, all is Spirit, di- service on Sunday, parishioners Among the sites on the itinat 4:30 p.m. in St. Joseph's erary well nnd a bell formed by yelare the Tidewater Forest Glllls, Mrs. Margaret McDon- loeh, Arllntgon, Mr. and Mrs. abnormalities. The cost per pa-vine Principle and Us idea." are urged to watch for the openlow streamers suspended from ald, Mrs. Robert Colot and Mrs.Carl Andersen, Hackensack, tient per year Is $1100. This is A nationwide television pro- ing of the new church basement. Church, Keyport. Research center, santee Exand Mr. and Mrs. John RemPastel colors were used in the perimental Forest, Walton Exthe celling to which were fas- Gusslc Bell attended the state paid for by the state. At thegram is sponsored on Sunday decorations with the gifts ar- perimental Forest, and several tened miniature umbrellas in convention of the American Le- mert, Lloyd Harbor, L. I., were age of five years the girls are at 12:45 p.m. over Station WORTrinity Episcopal Church ranged In front of the fireplace others. pink, blue and white. The gifts gion Auxiliary at Wildwood from weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.transferred to Vlneland Insti- TV, New York, Channel 0. The Alain St.," Matawan Fred Stahlbaum, Main St. which was decorated with white Rev. B. McK. Garlick were place inside the bell. Thursday to Sunday. tute and the boys to Woodbine series Is produced by The Mothand gold chrysanthemums. er Church. The First Church of Rector Music was furnished by the Mrs. Anthony Hart. Kingston Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hug andor New Lisbon Homes. Brothers Celebrate QBobby Gold trio. N. Y., returned to her home children, Lynda Ann, Susan, The League's project for this Christ. Scientist, Boston, and The 15th Sunday after Trm- Guests present were Miss Others present were Mrs. Sunday after spending a week Kathleen and Donna, and Mr. year, in co-operation with other will carry the title, "How Chris- lty there will be Holy Eucharist Carol Carter, Gales Ferry Birthdays At Party Robert Burke and Mrs. Joseph visiting her mother, Mrs. Marand Mrs. John Barrett and chil- Evening Membership Depart- tian S c i e n c e Heals." The and sermon at 9:30 a.m. and Conn., Miss Rosemarle Mehm, A birthday party was given Thomas, John and Richbroadcast will be presented church school at 10:30 a.m. Colts Neck; Miss Betty Beam, is to raise funds to equip each Harko, Rahway; Mrs. Andrew garet McDonald. Mr. Hart join- dren, on Saturday for Wayne Jackard, were weekend guests of ments, Sunday at this time. The Ladles Guild meets Mon Rumson; Miss Kathy LaBrec- son, who was seven years old, the Totowa Nursery LaboraGalow, Mrs. M. Kovalik and ed her for the weekend. Hug's parents. Mr. and que, Fair Haven; Mrs. Edwin and Craig Jackson, who was day at 8 p.m., and the Girls' tory. Some of the urgent equipMrs. Cyril Kovalik, Somerville; Lloyd Little is a medical pa- Mrs. Keyport Reformed Church Friendly meeting will be Thurs- Sutphln, Miss Mar^orle Goff, six years old, at the home ot Mrs. M'chael Scupp and Mrs. tient at Monmouth Memorial Mrs. Robert Hunter, Wildwood. ment needed Includes microSt., Keyport Red Bank; Miss Rosslyn King, their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Erd-scopes, Incubators, centrafuges Rev.Warren day, Sept. 22, at 3 p.m. A. Soboleski, South River; Mrs. Hospital. Roderick N. DeYoung Arthur Farley, Sayreville: Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Ludl mann, Edgemere,Dr.. entertain- glassware, etc. This equipment The Ladies Guild will spon- Little Silver; Miss Jane Pengel Washington Jackson. 41 Broad entertained on Sunday Mr. anded Saturday afternoon in honor will make it possible to provide Junior choir practice is Sun-sor a rummage sale in the par-and Miss Carol Craig, Matawan. St., Matawan. Frank Pavel, Avencl; Mrs. L. E . Schuler, Miss Helga Kosch Mrs. Donald McMlllen, Eliza- of their daughter, Linda, who a quicker and more accurate day at 9 a.m. with Sunday ish house on Sept. 26, 27 and 28. Also attending were Mrs. F . A large birthday cake was and Mrs. George Gnllos, jr.. Un-beth, who are enroute to Japan. was celebrating her eighth diagnosis of the children and School starting at 9:45 a.m. The Bliss Price, Eatontown; Mrs. the table centerpiece and a col: JFlrst Presbyterian Church Raymond Jon; Mrs. John Matula, jr., Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnson birthday. Guests were Dar- also will be a basis for patho morning worship service at L. Gilbarte, Little or scheme of yellow and green 10:45 a.m. is preceded by a 15216 Main St., Matawan John Matulii, sr., Mrs. John and children. Susan, Timothy lene Bedle. Ann and Karen Mo- loplcal research. Silver and Mrs. Paul A. Egan, was used for decorations. Rev. Chester A. Galloway Kico. Mrs. George Wonski, Mrs. and Jill, of Long Island, were hlar, Phyllis Maghan, Candace Members present were Mrs minute organ recital, church Matawan. were Butchie JonI,nrkwoort. Carol LaMura. Ka- William Zahn, Mrs. Robert membership and Bible class The sermon topic at the two Gifts were received from Miss es,Attending Walter Soznlak and Mrs. Miwee»'"riri-guests ot-Kr__rvnd Franklin and Larry Show, jnssis-.-'it—3 p.m.. the junior chael Matula, Perth Amboy. Charles E . Springhorn. thy Lewis, Claire Armeljino, Su-| H a rdie," Mrs. Howard "WbTveT- youth fellowship at 7 p.m. andidentical .Sunday .morning serv- StiSfi-n—tyfrelv, ices at 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.r.i. is Also: Mrs. Andrew Gasper Mr. and Mrs. George Shaw san and Patty Crawford, Susan ton. Mrs. Bruce Hecht, Mrs. senior youth group at 8 o'clock. "A Faith To Live By." Sunday Betty Jane cronin, Rumson, Brenda Holmes, Victor Merrill, and Miss Margo Curtln, Allen- Lee Sickles. Phyllis and Donchek, Mrs. John Bielen, Mrs. and Mrs. Margaret Shaw, Yon- and Patricia Carlson, Margue- George S e a r c h . Mrs. Frank is at 9:30 a.m. and a hurst. Qraziano, Mrs. Thomas Eiddons Senior choir practice is Thurs- School Eugene Skowronek, Mrs. Thom- kers, N. Y. were overnight rite, James, Mary Ann and ald Hardy, Pam, Faulette, Dennursery is conducted at 11 a.m. guests Friday of Mr. and Mrs. day at 8 p.m. Janet O'Hare, Kathy McGraw Mrs, George Barrett, Mrs. Au as Falco and Miss Cell Kastak, nis, Curtis Washington, Ricky for tots whose parents wish to Elmore Kattner. and Stephanie Erdmaim. gust schmelling, Mrs. Harry The Martha and Mary Circle attend church. Old Bridge; Mrs. Michael BirMorgan, Jan Court, Conrad Past Matrons Club Mrs. J. Carle Anderson enterPitcher, Mrs. Edward O'Hanmeeting is Monday. rardi and daughter, Luanna, Jackson, Mary and Billy SanMrs. Edward W. Currie enFetes Mrs. Renwick South Amboy; Mrs. A. Habinak tained on Monday evening Mrs. tertained the Thursday After- lon, Mrs. John Kinney, Mrs ford, all of Matawan; Claudia First Baptist Church Full Gospel Fellowship , ,j{;tnd Mrs. Joseph Gallos, Wood' Daniel Sherban, Mrs. Leroy B. noon Dessert Bridge Club. Prize Arthur Klatt, Miss Edith Davi233 Main St., Matawan Mrs. William Renwick, Mata- Sprague, Fair Haven; Rickey Farrlngton Rd. bridge; Mrs. Rymonad Swan- Collins, Mrs. William AckerEon, winners were Mrs. Leroy Sic- son, Miss Harriet Frances, Miss Rev. Lawrence R. Bailey, wan, was the guest of honor a and Ronald Horton, Red Bank, Hnzlet; Mrs. Thomas M. AnCheesequake i son, Washington Rock: Miss kels, Mrs. Paul Egan and Mrs Hannah McLean, Miss Doris Pastor a farewell dinner party on Fri-and Robert Jackson. Cllf'wood. derson, Mrs. Samuel E. Tilton, Schnorr. Guests were Mrs Sunday School is at 10:30 a.m. Mildred White, Metuchen; Mrs. Richard Erdmann, Jr. Guests Value of Vision" will be day evening at the Shore Point Norman B. Lockwood, were Mrs. James Hauser and Donald Nellls, Mrs. Ross Ma- and a service Is held Sunday the"The Julius Stein, Plalnfield: Mrs. Mrs. pastor's sermon topic at Inn, Keyport, given by the past Miss Egan Entertains ghan, Mrs. Lawrence Lemaire, evening at 7:30 p.m. All serv- both the 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. Joseph Gallos, Nixon; Mrs. Au-Mrs. Walter O. Walling, Mrs. Mrs. John C. Eggleston. Matrons Club of Golden Chapices are held at the home of services on Sunday. Sunday ter 120, Order of Eastern Star, Mother, Bridesmaids gust Lauter and Miss Dorothy William H. Hitchcock, Mrs. Mrs. Lawrence Walker enterMr. and Mrs. F r e d e r i c k School meets at 10 a.m. with Keyport. Mr. and Mrs. RenLauter, Carteret: Mrs. John Daniel Barnett, Mrs, George H. tained Friday afternoon in hon-Linda Jean Straniero '• Miss Patricia. Ann Egan, 158 Schmltt. Qalos, Mrs. W. F . Jones and Davis, Mrs. Harvey S. Bedle, or of her son, Thomas, who was classes for all age groups, and wick will leave In the near fu- Broad St., Matawan recently endaughter, Karla, Stelton; Mrs. sr.. Keyport, and Mrs. Henry celebrating his fifth birthday Has Birthday Party Friday evenings at 7:45 p.m.a nursery is conducted at 11 ture to make their home In L. Zucker, Malawan. Mrs. WilJohn Reska, Elizabeth. an open-air meeting Is held in a.m. for children whose parents Clearwater, Fla. The guest of tertained her mother, Mrs, Paul liam C. Ludi showed films of and Mrs. D. O. Machado enter- Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Stran- Matawan. A. Egan, and members of her wish to attend that service. honor was presented with a bridal party at a bridesmaids' Also Mrs. Anthony Garlto, her recent trip to South Africa. tained for her son, Michael, whoiero, Edgewater Dr., Marawnn was eight years old. The par-entertained Sunday for tnelr Prayers are offered for the The mid-week prayer and gift. jMrs. Richard Gold, Mrs. Miluncheon at the Chanticler, Millsick at all meetings. Bible study is held Thursday Guests were Mrs. Genevieve burn. " chael Hallerin, Mrs. Hayden Mr. and Mrs. George R. Gas-ty was given at Mrs. Walker's daughter, Linda Jean, on her evenings at 7:30 o'clock. Jurman, Mrs. Thomas McCor- kell entertained a t dinner and home and guests were William seventh birthday. Holt, Red Bank; Mrs. Phyllis Miss Egan will become the Emmanuel Assemblies of God macfc, Mrs. Harry Munson, bridge Saturday evening Mr. and Jane Ryder, Philip and A birthday cake was used for Middle Rd., North CentervilleReiths, Fair Haven; Mrs. Eliz- bride of Donovan E. Lent, Mrs. Paul Arnold. Miss Helen and Mrs. Frederick K. Deder- Theresa Machado, Linda and the centerpiece of the table and abeth Hoffler, Keyport; Mrs. Franklin, Sunday, Sept. 25th, at Elias Ellison, Pastor ick, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Fire Auxiilary Meets Walter Newman, John and Wilballoons for decorations. A Sunday School for all ages Is Bakos, Mrs. Robert Cornell, Florence T u r n e r , Mrs. Lois 4:30 p.m. In St. Joseph's Church, Mrs. Walter VanBrackle, Mrs. Rabel, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ray-Hem Bradley, Richard, Kathy prize was won by Edward Har- at 9:45 a.m. and morning wor- The Midway Hose Co. Auxil- Wolff, Mrs. Eva Whltehead, Keyport. mond Ketchel and Mrs. W. Oli-and Jackie Lewis, James, Rob- ris, Matawan. Charles Zumbano and Mrs. Mrs. Marie Baxter, Mrs. Vera Attending were Miss Suzanne ver Diggin, ert, Richard and Patricia 'Wal- Others present were Janet ship Is at 11 o'clock. An evan- iary met on Monday evening at Selllck, Charles Galosh, Matawan. Mrs. Louise Giles, Price, Eatontown; Miss Joan gelistic service is held Sunday the flrehouse with Mrs. FranGifts were sent by Miss Ceil Mrs. Victor Fredda entertain- ker. Searls, Ruth Clugston, Cathy at 7:30 p.m. Keansburg; Mrs. Helen Urstadt, Gllbkrte, Little Silver, Miss Carces Adler presiding. Meetings Habinak, Mrs. H. J. White, ed at bridge Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Jac A. Cush- Neils, Allen and Sandra Rich- Tuesday at 7 p.m. there is are held the second Monday of Hazlet; Mrs. Helen Brown, Mrs. ol Craig, Matawan and Miss when the prize winners were Mrs. C. Boxzko, Miss Irene Molman were Saturday guests of ards, Glenn, Edward and Rod choir practice and at 7:30 p.m.each month. Hostesses were Sue Robinson, Mrs. Elizabeth Carol Carter, Gales Ferry, ,i*'M. Mrs. N. A. Mikti. Mrs. Ste-Mrs. George Barrett, jr., andMr. and Mrs. Robert Cushman, Harris, Matawan. MacEwan, Union Beach; Mrs. the young people's fellowship Mrs. Mabel Clark and Mrs. J phen Gallos, Miss Joan Ballon, Mrs. William C. Ludi. Other Princeton Junction. Also: Mr. and Mrs, J . Joseph Emma Metze, Mrs. Verna KelVera Burlew, Miss Mary Dustal, Mrs. J. Mil-guests were Mrs. August M. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Carlson Flzzl and daughter, Patricia meets. ly, Cliffwood; Miss Catherine! Real Estate Listing Cards for ntta, Mrs. William Borusovlc Schmeling-, Crawford's Corner, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lew- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Harris Prayer and Bible study Is StillwaRgon. Matawan. sale at this office. Have you read the classified Ads? Mrs. George Gallos, sr., Mrs. Mrs. George Rltter, Mrs. Rob-is were dinner guests Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Caprlonl Thursday at 8 p.m. S. Kelly, Misses Carol and Pam-ert Bentley. Mrs. Thomas Dix evening of Mr, and Mrs. David Mr. and Mrs. Patsy Cravalot ela Resko, Mrs. Victor Schus- and Mrs. William A. Zahn. McAneny, Keyport. The dinner Mr. and Mrs. Rolln Richards : ter, Mrs. Joseph Bakos, Mrs. Mrs. Frederick K. Dederlck was in honor of Maj. Clarence all of Matawan, and Mr. and Leon Brown, Mrs. Joseph In- entertained at dinner and sam-Chamberlain and Mrs. Cham, Mrs, Bruce Koopman, Caldguaggiato, Miss Frances Ingu- ba on Thursday in honor of Mrs berlaln, Dayton, Ohio, well. agglato, Mrs. Carl Ludwig, W. Oliver Diggln, who was cele- Mr. and Mrs. Julius Fincken Mrs. Charles Ruff, Mrs. Joseph brating her birthday. Guests Walllngford, Pa., were weekend Mrs. Maher Hostess .VanBrackle, Miss Elaine War- were Mrs. George R. Gaskell, guests of Mr, and Mrs. George At Bridal Shower w e n , Mrs. Wallace Laursen, Mrs. Conrad Johannsen, Mrs. Doublier. Mrs. William Kearns, Miss Marguerite Laird and Miss Pa- Mrs. Ralph C. Bedle enter Mrs. Lawrence H. Maher, MaMary Beth Kenrns, Mrs. Milton tricia McKeen. tnined at bridge Thursday eve tawan, entertained at a miscelLudwig. Dr. Howard L. Ritter, head ning when prize winners were laneous shower on Sept. 7 for of the chemistry department of Mrs. Calvin Bell, Mrs: P . How-Miss Nellie Doak who was mar University, Oxford, Ohio, ard Lloyd, jr., and the hostess rled on Saturday to John M Band Parents To Meet Miami wns the weekend guest of hisOther guests were Mrs, Jac AO'Neill, Shortsvllle, N. Y. The Mnta-wan High School brother and sister-in-law, Mr. Cushman, Mrs. Charles Pike Tlie guests were Mrs. dies Band Parents will hold their and Mrs. George H. Ritter, Mrs. Robert Bentley, all of Ma-ter A. Galloway, Mrs. Gordon first meeting of the season on Broad St. tawan, Mrs. G. J . Sterling Magee, Mrs. John Gilbert, Mrs Monday nt 8:00 p.m. in the Mrs. William C. Ludi enter- Thompson, jr.. Mlddletown, and D. A. Baumann, Mrs. Martin High School, and thereafter on tained on Tuesday evening to Mrs. Charles C. Schock, jr., SeaBosak, Mrs, Homer Loontlne (Q,he third Monday of each month show slides of her trip to* South Girt. Mrs, Everett Carlson, Mrs. Wilduring the school term. Plans Africa. Her guests were Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. liam Hospador, Mrs. Bryce H will be discussed for a play to Edward W. Currie, Mrs. Chan- Stetler. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick McMullen, Mrs. Henry Lusebe held In November. Election nine P . Clapp, Mrs. James a . Mauer, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J brink, Mrs. Robert Doak, ond of officers will take place in Oc-Neil, Mr. and Mrs. J . Raymond Marvin and son, Robert, jr. the Misses Lydio and itene tober. Ketchel, Mrs. Marguerite Laird, Mayor Spafford W. Schanck and Doak. Mrs. William J. Rabel, Mrs, Mrs. Schanck, nnd Miss Esther Gifts were sent by Mrs. J C. Eggleston, Mrs. Ralph Blnu attended the wedding Sat- Fred Stevens, Mrs. Kenneth Cliffwood PTA Tonight John W. Herrick, Mrs. Ralph C. Bedle urday afternoon of Miss Patri- Miller, Mrs. Chester Gambert and Mrs. Leroy Sickels. The first meeting of the seacia Miller, daughter of Mr. andMrs. E. Sabo, Miss Edith Bozson of the Cliffwood Parent- Howard Nelson Shinn left Mrs. Rudolph B. Miller to Ed-za, Mrs. Marshall Beoman and Thursday with his father, Wai Teacher Association will be ward Abbott France, North Miss Michele Doak. < -Tield tonight at 8 o'clock in theter Shinn, Miami, Fla., for Mon-Branch, at the Holy Comforter Cliffwood School. Mrs. Gloria treal after spending 10 days vis- Episcopal Church, Rahway. and Republican Women Bunger, president, will conduct iting his grandparents. Mr. andthe reception at the Roselle Golf To Hold Open Meeting the meeting. All parents , areMrs. Howard E . Shinn, Fierro Club. Ave. urged to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Crane The United Women's Repuband children, David and Mary lican Clubs of Monmouth CounBeth, Arlington. Va., were week- ty will hold an open meeting end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rob-in the American Legion Hall Matawan, on Thursday, Sept ert 8, Doak. Miss Jeanne Taylor and Miss 22, at 2 p.m. Anyone interest Marjorie Warwick spent the ed in hearing an interesting weekend at Nantucket, Mass. panel discussion on "The FuncMr. and Mrs. William C. Ludi tions and Problems of the New were dinner guests Wednesday Jersey State Legislature" Is Inevening at a farewell dinner for vited to attend. them given at the home of Mr. The discussion period will be and Mrs. George McQulre, led by Assemblymen Alfred Westfleld. Mr. and Mrs. Ludi Beadleston and Clifton Bnrkawill leave shortly for Havana, low and Sen. Richard R. Stout Refreshments will be served. Cuba. Nicholas Marshall and daughThis is tlie time to plan for improveter Francine, North Hollywood, Mrs. Spafford Schanck, Mrs ments that will make your house more Calif., were Wednesday and J. Raymond Ketchel, Mrs. Paul Thursday guests of Mr. and Mrs,Blsh, Mrs. Goorgo Barrett, jr., comfortable during the winter months. Robert S. Doak. We hnve only n limited number of the popular 1955 Chryslers Mrs, Victor Fredda, Mrs. Jo An inadequate heating svsteni should Mr, nnd Mrs, Walter V. Tay- p Dornberger. Mrs, John P . left . . . nnd there will be no more, To clear them now, be repaired or replaced with si new one. lor spent- Friday and Saturday Mohair, Mrs, Russell A, G. Stetwe'll give you the dronm deal of a lifetime. We'll give you vlsltng Valley Forgo and the ler, Mrs. Conover Burlew, Mrs. Insulation, storm doors and windows such a big ollownncc on your old car thnt you'll actually be Longwood Gardens, Kennott George Doublior, Mi's. J , Fnmkwill conserve boat and siive fuel. Roofgetting a big new Chrysler far no more than you'd expect to Square, Pa. lin Donilnlck and Mrs. Gerard ing repairs are important. pay for n small car in n few weeks. Mrs. David M; Bruce enter A. Devlin attended the annual tnlned at brldgo on Sopt. 7. Thecard party Friday afternoon ul Moreover, you'll be getting the cur that set the style nnd Sea Olrt Inn, sponsored by Ihe prlco winners woro Mrs. Elimprovements oi' any nature "can be fiperformance pace in 1955 . , . with sales up 74% more than more Kattner, Mrs, George R. United Women's Republican nanced wilh an FIIA Improvement liny other fine cur. I'opulnr cars always command a higher ' auskell and Mrs. Walter V Clubs of Monmouth County Loan on convenient terms of monthly Taylor. Rita Kocffler, Spring Lake, pie rc-snle value. Act now, while we can still mnkc this offer. payment. We shall be glad to discuss Mr, and Mrs. Theodore Bo- scnted a fashion dhow of handIn a few weeks your present car will be worth much less, made fall hats, one of which Q boul, Wcldon Rd., entertained your plans. recently at farewell dinner for was called "The Mamie Elseii' JMr, and. Mrs, William Renwlck, howcr" hat and snnt to Mrs Other gufsts we'i'6~Mi'V and Mrs,ElseqliDiv.!!r as^ji Klft from the "" •— John W. Renwlck ond David clubh Dugiflns. Miss Margnrot Anno Rend, Mi. nnd Mrs/ Rnlph Coaraoy daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Polur mid daughter, Gay Dliuie, At-A. Head, Weldon Ud., has enlanta, Cln., and Mrs, Conrnoy'n tered the freshman class at MATAWAN, NEW JF.BSEY (Rtlini-. Franklin Robb, New Ohio Wcslcynn University, DelYork, formerly of Mntnwan, aware, Ohio, Mr, and Mrs. MIMIC! PIDIIAl «(!fKVI 1UTIM HtMIIH (IDHAl DIPOUT INIUHAIJCI COtPOIAftOpf woro Sunday guosts of Mr. nndHead took thalr daughter to MM. atooklon II Hopkins, Mnln Delnwnrci over the weekend. i«N( I N MONMOUTH C0UN1T - UTAOUSHtO I I I * ' St. Freshman wnuk activities start(Continued, bottom next column) cd on Sumlny. IIIUMUmilMMtMMIIIUIHIUIHIIII, IIMHHIIII Bridal Shower For Miss Patricia Egan * Wedding Will Take Place On October 8 HERE'S WHERE YOU GET A ER FOR Prepare For Cold Weather 1 AKI>II]KS A MERCHANTS NATIONAL B A N K L THE PRICE A SMALL CAR WILL COST! Raritan Garage Bennett's Garage Inc. So. Main St., Keyport. N.J.-KE 7-0361 Main St., Marlboro, N.J. - FR 8-1330 24 More Players , START OF TWO RACES IN SUNDAY'S REGATTA New Powered Car Bolster MHS Squad Stadium Sensation Evans Relieved As Number Increases Chevalier Runs Away From Field Friday Call Bowling Entries . Final meeting belore bowling starts will be held by the Keyport Itecrealion Lcugue Monday night at 8 ri.m. at the American Lesion Hall, \V. Front St., Keyport, El Barker, Jcairue secretary, announces. All sponsors, captains and bowlers interested in entering teams arc asked (o attend. Final meeting of the Keyport Businessmen's Bowline League also is to be held this week. There are now 12 teams entered as the league starts its 13th year of competition, and Bill Barker, secretary, states new teams canbe entered up until the first night of bowling, on Scut. 21. Call Kcyport 7-3013-K or -writethe secretary at 708 Seventh St., Union Beach. Keys Scrimmage Red Bank Squads THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, MATAWAN, N. J. ! T I I U W H V , SEPTEMBJ5B 1"!, PAGE SIX Court Views Dimly Rush Work For Opener 'Thrill Hill" Zooming At Lambertviile 24th A Union Beach youth lost Suryey Next Week On Part-Time Work his Questions on part-time work Bill chevalier, Snyrevllk Conch Stan (Tuffy) Baker license for three months on will be asked along with inquirdriving a new caixpowered b stated he was pleased with the Thursday for overturning a ca ies covering employment aift a Thunderbird motor, set a no1 defensive showing of the Key- on M i (1 d 1 e t o wn Township's unemployment in the Septemmode in stock car racing at 01 port High grid squad after the •Thrill Hill" Aug. 25, "Thril! Bridge Stadium Friday when h initial scrimmage of the season Hill" is a section of Laurel Ave ber Current Population Survey, outdistanced the field in the te, last week. Red Bank, a phyaccording to Jerome Litzky, Su- j ture event and left the leadln sically powerful squad, furnish- where the grade Is such that by pervisor of ttm New York Dls-j hitting the crest of the grade a drivers of the season. Le ed the opposition. a high speed one can zoom one's trict Office of the Unite* Brown, Lambertviile, and Pe1 The work of Tony Cogliano Frazee, Railway, virtually "ou car out Into the air and not hi; States Census Bureau. and George Ruth in bncklns up Similar questions asked in tho of sight." the line came in for special ground again on a bounce down July Current Population Survey hill for nearly 100 feet. YouthAl Warden, Lakewood, cam commendation. On the offenrevealed that 7,113,000 personsback into the limelight In th sive side, the Red and White ful drivers seek to outdo each worked part time in the United ast Sunday night racing- of th took the field with the follow- other at the spot by making States during the week of JuK, year, but only because Chev ing lineup: Rich Wharton and their cars fly into space. 10-16 in non-agricultural Indus' alier and his new car were no Dick Johnson, ends; Jim Himtries while 1,836,000 worked part Constantine Zlos. n , of 905 present. Racing will go on i merlein and Harold Kraft, tactime in agriculture. Of the 7,Sunday afternoon only basis a kles; Bob Phillips and Bill Nei- Fifth St.. Union Beach, lost con- 113,000 persons in non-agriculhe track from now on. hart, guards; George Walling, trol when he bounced down over tural industries who worked part center, and Hank Clenry, Ruth the crest, the car overturning. time during the week of July Over the weekend, Jim Hof: George Swann and Dave Whar- Zols and one companion. Car 10-16, 2.3G1.000 usually work man, Morganville, driving th ton In the backfield. Ray Lo- men Capula, 1C, East Broad full time at their present job car formerly raced by Budd, Presto, a newcomer, put on a way. Union Beach, were hos- while 4.752,000 regularly work Ben], Keyport, placed fourth flashy showing as ii runner and pitalized with injuries after the part time. The latter figure inSunday and took a consolatlo passer when inserted into the overturning. cludes persons who could only •ace Friday. RUDY BRUNO is back in ineup. Frank Mielc gave f. Other passengers were Henry find part-time work. In agr|-^ Chevalier roared to his d e a r y , 16, of 327 Bayview Ave. with Frank Boyle for Rood account of himself in the culture, 589.000 of the l,836,0(h,< md feature victory of the 8ea ;rainlng ,he coming indoor professional line. Milt Woodruff was im- Allan Curran. 15. of Bay View persons reported as working :on Friday by copping the 25 boxing Ave., and Joseph De La Cruz part time during the week of pressive as an end. season. Rudy will be ap main go before a large gath remembered as the Cllffwood 16, of 22 Lorillnrd Ave., all of July 10-16 usually work full time >ring. The "Flying French- boys ran up an impressive The Keys had their second Union Beach. at their present job while 1,247,nan" outdistanced Bob Allen ecordwho scrimmage of the season yesZlos plead guilty to a reckless 000 usually work part time. in the 128 pound class as viiddlesex, Brown and Ed So an amateur terdny when they engaged Red driving charge and threw himthen turned den. Red Bank, who flnshec irofcssional boxer, Coach self on the mercy of the court, The current population surin 1951 to score Bank Catholic High. cross the finish line In the or wins at Ridgewood Baker has IQ bring his squad before Magistrate Gilbert Man vey will be conducted here and Grove, Lauei named. other areas of the counel Gardens and finally in Ma- along last in contact experience son, on a reckless driving inry 229 during the week of Sept. 19Chevnlier, Frazee, and Sodei •lson Square Garden before en- with other teams as the open- charge. ach won a heat race and tht ;ering the Army in the sum- ng game with Lambertviile at :onsolation events went to Jim mer of 1D52. In the Army, Rudy he West Jersey school's urld- County Scout Officials Hoffman and Joe Lanzaro, botl ild not participate in boxing ron is only 10 days away. On National Council ourneys as those were conduct"rom Morganville. There was no time for thu id on an amateur basis, but- he Amboy A. A. Sunday against Seven Monmouth County Boy feature due to a three-car pile-] oted as camp boxing instruc- the South Orange Ginats in Scout Officials have been namp on~lhe eighth lap; Tub driv or. He lias been olii. of are4—the—Tgiirnajagg t A WALTER REAUt THEATRE ntatlves to the Nars escaped injury. :ervice for two months now and pions. The S o u t h Amboy llonai Council, Boy Scouts oi ~Crs»-Ki-Ji0w-5;.«w Starts :t SWF j The summaries: leen working back into shape team was defeated, 2-1, in 12 America from this section, ac- TELEPHONE! EATONTOWN 1 I ' l l First heat: l—-Pete Frazee nder Boyle's guidance. Boyle innings. DeiU locked with cording to E. Donald Sterner, The new linemen who turne :—Len Brown; 3—Ben Nero ,'ould like to match Bruno, now, Chuck Mencke. of the South Belmar, President of the Scout out are: Cliff Jobes, John Ge ^lainfield; 4—Charles Cregar, ,t tile age of 22, weighing 148 Orange team, in one of the Cpuncil. Close Competition In ' Fill, and SAT. Continue Play; Will mann. Earl Gregory* Vftl Be Pa. Time: 4:14.43. 2 Thrill racked Features lounds, with Tex Gonzales, Or- better pitchers' battles of the Sailing Last Weekend Besides Mr. Sterner, the repAccept New Members Nazareth, anger, Joe Jokowski, Carme Second heat: 1—Soden: 2— nge, who also was discharged season. The Matawan boy al- resentatives are: W i l l i a m It Came From Parisi, Frank O'Nell, Neal Ma: Oldtime associates in tr The annual trophy • tourna- 3ob Allen; 3—Sonny Strupp, om the armed forces recent- lowed four hits in nine innings Buchsbaum. Spring Lake; Irvlnconico, Marty Oallucci, an lainfield; 4— Bob Boudlnot '. Gonzales will be recalled before being relieved. Neith- ing Feist, Shrewsbury; Sanford Beneath The Sea Bob Peterson. In the backfie: Raritan Bay Yacht Racing A ments of the Beacon Beach Ten- ew Brunswick. No time. ,s tile fighter who fought recent- er side scored until the eighth —:ii!(l— Tom Holmes. Bob Phelan, Cha soeiation turned out in force t nis Club concluded over Labor Third heat: 1—Chevalier; 2— ral e n c o u n t e r s with Joe inning. Bob Dustal, former Flint, Interlaken; Frederick A. Creature With The jFitch, Superintendent of JamesHe Keck, Neil Scully, clarenc lend support to the annual sai Day weekend. lm Metzler, Pottersvjlle; 3— iRocky) Tomasello, Matawan, South River High liurlcr, took burg State Home; Lloyd Cnssol, Edmond and Rich Fariell ing regatta of the Keyport Yacl: Men's singles finished with the "ick Nlcolette, Belleville; Atom Brain everal years back. He has a over for the Amboys in the Freehold, and E. Murray Todd, Club over the weekend an have been added. Bill Strothe: usual battle between Allan Mac itrupp. No time. ilg following around Newark, lOth and wns charged with the Holmdel. Mr. Sterner and Mr. —Extra Added Fri. Eve— a letterman, has Joined Tom mnkn it a success. There weri Donald, wirner, and Steve Nes- 10-lap consolation: Joe Lan- in the amateur side, another defeat. The South Amboy One Hour of Color Cartoons Welstead and Tom Savage in 22 boats in competition in a' ter, runner-up. These men ;aro, Morganville; 1—Doc Mor- 'ross brother, Frank, In the 133- team was invited to compete Feist are both members of the classes. bid to team with Fasso at th have reached the finals each ow. Old Bridge; 3—Bill Lan lound class, has joined the in the championship as win- Regional Executive Committee end posts. Racing was in four classes year for a number' of years. iaro, Morganville; 4 — Orie Illffwood Boys Club camp, ners of the Mid - County Ifor New York, New Jersey and Thistles, Lightnings, Comet The women's singles final ammond, New Brunswick. No loyle expects great things of League pennant. The Jersey Puerto Rico. All arc active STJN. T11KU WED. members of the Board of Diand Penguins. For the fin match was the most startling ;me. Shore League Is so late in rectors of Monmouth Council, Ms boy, who just turned 16. Gary Grant - Grace Kelly time in many years -there wa of the matches.. Miss Muriel concluding its season that the iBoy Scouts of America. 1—J i m —inno racing in the Star Class. Ackerman, winner, defended 12-lap consolation: shore champ does not get a Morganville; 2—Jer Raritan Yacht Club. Pert! her title against Miss Cheryll :offman, chance to play in the TournaTo Catch a Thief R O C K Y MABCIANO, Britton, Faterson; 3—Bill Amboy, skippers swept three d Walters, runner-up. Cheryll, a 'fister, Eatontown; 4—Joe Fu- world's heavyweight cham- ment. The Garden State Parkway (Color by Technicolor) visions. Their national cham junior member, was expected ;a, Manville. inks a dozen vital military and pion, is returning to Mon,n the Thistle Class, Al AVI to be outclassed completely, but naval installations along the —Plus 2nd Hit— mouth County after his bout Course In Gun Safety lams, ran into unexpected op put forth a most spectacular 25-lap feature: 1—Chevalier, with Archie Moore in New BILLY HOHENSTEIN, Key- New Jersey Shore. Among The Black Pirates iayreville; 2—Allen; 3—Brown; port, expects to take to the raceFor 14-21 Age Group position from his clubmate game with the third set tied 4—Soden. hem are Fort Monmouth, the York Sept. 20 to rest and reAnthony Dexter No time. Duff, winning by only twi again and again. Both girls way at Old Bridge Stadium next Earle Naval Ammunition De cuperate from any damage lln Color) Wardell took the lead on the he challenger may do him. weekend with his new car. The pot, the Raritan Arsenal, the '. Young hunters of New Jer- points, 13-11, after a close fin played remarkably well. ieventh lap and held on to it Rocky, sey planning- to participate i; ish in the third race. More; racing auto has been rendy for Lakeliurst Naval Air Station, FKEE KIDDIE his wife and little Mixed doubles, Jokingly called win the 25-lap feature stock the fall hunting seasons wen Hall, Raritan, was third wit; "mixed-up doubles," were the 'LAYCROUXn — FEflKIS will stay with some time, but as BUI has been he Pomona Naval Air Station, ar race Sunday. It was his daughter requested last week by the Stat six points. WHEEL — PONY HIDES '. ,• rlends in Asbury Park. It Is with a band down at the and the Coast Guard base at club amusement. The memberilrd main event triumph of the MERKY-GO-UOUNI) Division of Fish and Game. De- Two Keyport entries In .th; ship consists of twice as many lOSMble Rocky may show up shore weekends during the )ape May, ' partment of Conservation an Lightning Class, Frank Fleiri- men as women so it was decid- ason. In this area during that time summer, he could not get a Economic Development, to pla: ng and Jack Putman, trailer ed to fill In the needed num-; Tom Elliott, Daytona Beach as he is a friend of Stephen chance to race on the nights now to qualify for hunting li- heir more experienced rivals ber of "females" from the jun- la., wns second nnd Frazee, D. Lavole, Matawan. Their when the track held events. Bill censes. Grandsljnd AIR CONDITIONED • Comp/e/efy MoJcrnized iom. the Amboy Club. Ro ior ranks, matching the small- ird', Jim Hoffman, Stelton i'lendshlp is built on the com- is an all-out auto racing enthusUnder the law, no person be- Cnnpp found the competition i: est juniors with the top playing ipped fourth money. Warden's mon interest of having come iast, his vacation trip being to •Inning time was 10:34.05. tween 14 and 21 years of !iEe fcyport waters close also, win men, as a handicap, To the up in boxing in the rough- Darlington, S. C , to see the naunless he can produce a prev- ng by time advantage in thre amazement of all, Kathy Fitz- Heat winners wero: Wardell, .ough South Boston area. Mr. tional championships in late ious hunting license, can securi aces from his clubmate, Gen Slmons. 10 years old, supported Ulott, and Don Stumpf, Kldge avoie, while he was study- model cars race. As one new ) DAYS OF a current hunting license with- rick, after they had tied at % 'her partner, Mr. MacDonald, to eld Park. Soden captured the ng at Northeastern Univer- driver comes in from Keyport, out furnishing a certificate show lolnts. - Al -Wickberg.-- -of—Ihi reach the finals. In the- fina-i-1 lap consolation race in 5:21.- sity _and Harvard, earned another bows out. George Beal Homes* Racing Ing he has completed successful Raritan Club, was third wit' match between the pair and some of 1hV"expens"e~s~ift"His" SQld.._.his__cnr^J,9.1I3in_ Huffman.: Rain or Shine ly a course in gun safety. 2 points, followed by anothe: Miss Muriel Ackerman and Bob The summaries: college education by fighting lit would seem that Bill~Chev First heat: Wardell; 2—Allen. \mboyan. Jack Neiner with 20 Dr. A. Heaton Undcrhlll, Di professionally in Boston fight aller, Sayrevllle, has pretty well [Schaab, Kathy and MacDonald, Middlesex; 3—Boudlnot, New club. He was at one time spread-eagled the field at the rector of the Division ot Fish Fleming scored 10 points and won the match. LADIES' DAY Brunswick; 4 — Strupp, Plain-, amateur heavyweight cham- Stadium by coming out with and Game, reported to Com 'utman eight, sailing wlthoul In the men's doubles, Steve field. Time: 4:16:46. missloner Joseph E. McLean o; enefit of skinnakers. iloii of New England before that car with the Thunderbird Mew Jersey's Only ?an Mutuel Trolling Trock Nester and Walt Mergner took motor in it. When he took to Second heat: 1—Elliott; 2— uring pro. His brother, Euthe Department of Conservation In the Comet Class, the old 'Irst place with MacDonald and Brown, Lambertviile; 3—Kara- gene Lavole, former president the raceway Frlduy with that and Economic Development, ,ime by Star Class champ, Inowskl, S o u t h River; 4—B. if the Matawan Rotary Club, new job with blue flame spurtthat over 500 instructors desig- racker, carried the colors o: Schaab, runners-up. nated by the National Rifle As Richmond County Yacht Club In the boys' singles, Larry Hoffman, Morganville. No time. lso was a boxer of note. Gene ing from it, Chevalier set a new soclatlon of America are ready o a convincing triumph with 22 Hunt was the winner with his Third heat: 1—Stumpf, Eidge- :an tell a story about a Bat- mode in stock car racing. to give instructions on gun safe ioints. He needed all his wiles brother, Douglas, runner-up. In field Park; 2—Frazee; 3—Mor- ,llng Ginsberg, a boxer who ty to youthful hunters based on lowever, to outlast two Raritan girls' singles, Lois PitzSimons row. Old Bridge; 4—Nero, 'lourished in the South Boston Do? Places Second the Hunters Safety Course o, kippers, Ed Pierce, who had iwas the winner, with her sister, Plainfleld. Time: 4:09.39. rea at that time. When the 0 points and Con Erickson oyce, runner-up. the association. Consolation : 1 — Soden: 2— story is told, one gets the The Central Jersey Beaglo tournament officially Hoffer, Old Bridge; 3—Hoff, itrong suspicion that it was Club held its trial at Hopeu-eilj Dr. Underhill emphasized the •ith 16. Al Thrasher, Amboy, The Instructors are volunteers who nd Carl Holmes, Keyport marks the close of the summer Bloomfleld; 4—Hammond, New dene himself who was fight- on Sept. 6. Les Baskin. Belae under the name of Bat- :nar, took Faoli J and G. Rob:eason, but the club members Brunswick. Time: 5:21.51. freely give their time and know- •ailed. lege of gun safety to promote There was an unpsct in the :ontlnue to play until the snow Feature: 1—Wardell; 2—ElRoy, owned by Harold Crocker. | 1 ling Ginsberg and packing of the Morganville, The beagle lies. Announcement Is made Phone safe hunting in New Jersey 'ensuin (dinghy) Class where liott; 3—Frazee; 4—J. Hoffman them In at the fight clubs came in second in the 13-inch when seasons officially open :eine Kaufman, Raritan, raced that new members will be ac- Time: 10:35.05. 'nmorrnw-Satiirilay TnilayKepi. 15-16-17 around Boston. "It will be impossible for the o decisive wins over Gil Roth- ;epted. male class. Instructors to handle all appli- eln, bay and Shrewsbury Parents To Confer On cants immediately prior to the lmmp, C9 points to 58. Larry X)C Annual Pilgrimage J I M D A V I S , Keansburg, Real Estate Listing cards forj Comics, TV, Movies fall seasons," he said. speedboat driver, has found this sale at this office. wens, Raritan, was well back To Williamstown another summer wasted away. AH 3'oiinfisters who must com- f the leaders with 46 total, nos"Comics. R a d i o , TV, Movplete the co\irqf nrp rpquested 0"t Wallace. Princess On Sunday the New Jersey ies—Good, Bad or Indifferent? Jim got away to a flying start to contact immediately local >ay Y. C. nt 44, lor third hon- itate Council of the Knights o will be the thunic uf tluce pm this senson with impressive vicgame wardens, so they may be rs. Art Sllcox, Kcyport, was 'olumbu.s will conduct the fiftli ent education conferences to be tories in the Me-Toen-Ta-Too at JNfi assigned to nn instructor In their :fth, with 40. Put Walsh, Blch- innual Pilgrimage to the Sane held in Newark, Trenton and Cambridge, Md., and Solomons In ttif wonder of 57ERCOPHONIC SOUND llaland. At Long Brandt July locality and be Kiven adequate IOIKI County, nnd Jack Lagan uary of Peace at tho Shrines Glassboro next week. THEATER I.ovc Is a Many ^plendorcil TtiiiiK Will N.'ol He Kluiwi 10 he was leading the field in instruction to qualify for a hunt- nd Skip Aucustnt, both of Am- if St. Mary's Church in Wil The first conference will be Ilurlni: KpiTlnl hi-Jilic Slum48 cubic inch inboard hydro- KEANSBUHG AT THE BEACH ing license prior to the opening oy, trailed. lamstown. The pilgrimage Monday at the Essex House, the s i - r n \i, — KID mi; snow STKCIAI, plane class when his motor gave Air Conditioned of the fall seasons. ermed a "Crusade of Prayer Newark. The second will be S . i l n n l a y Alli-ninon — h o u r s O n - i i 1:111) P . M . Phone KEaiuhurtf fi-0200 Such is the complexity of No charge will be made for )og Club Starts or Peace" by State Deputy Wednesday at the State Teach- out. Continuous Performance makeup of high speed boat-racany certificate or instruction rank J. Ott, will consist of a ers College. Trenton, and the BIG TECHNICOLOR M U S I C A U T - N O W ON WIDE SCREEN f motors that he tried all over Every Day Starting: 1:30 I'.M given to a person to qualify him beginners' Classes rocession through the streets hird on Thursdny, Sept. 22, at, ing to purchase a hunting license. The Bayshore Companion DOB if Williamstown, reciting the the State Teachers College, the country to got new parts Thurs.-Frl.-Sat, Sept. 15-1G-1' designed and forged. He flnnlThe program is designed to see losary, a sermon by the Rt Glassboro. Jnnies Stewart that people who c a n y firearms lub will start Beginners' Dog lev. Monsignor James A. Hard- The three sessions will be y located an aeroplane engine) —in— uedlenco Classes at 2 West maker in California to do the!' while hunting in New Jersey ng of St. Peter's Church, New held by the New Jersey Extenare qualified properly before ront St.. Keyport, on Wednes- irunswlck, and Solemn Bene- sion Service of Rutgers Univer- job, but delivery will not be|| Man From Laramie MfVih! News they take to the field. The new ny nt 8:00 p.m. In starting Iction or the Most Blessed Sac- sity and the parent education 'arUicomlng until this week, In Oarloun law Is expected to cut down the e classes on this date the club ament to be sung by the Rt and prc-school committees oi other words, Jim, being out of helping to celebrate National Sun.-Mon.-Tuc*. Sept. IB-ia-'Jl) action throughout July nnd Aunumber of annual hunting acciSuniliiyOlonilas-TucMla.v Si'pl, IH- !)-20 'OR Week. Sept. 18th to 24th, rev. Monsignor Charles G. Me-, he New Jersey Congress of gust can never hope to acquire William Holder, nnd dents. ( n n l l n i i o i i s Sunday ~ Duurs O p e n 1:30 I'.M. e ultimate goal being that 'orrlstln, V. F. of Woodbrldge Pnrents and Teachers. All the points to rate for the nationJennifer Jones Jld State Chaplain ot the meetings will be open lo tho •cry dog be a trained dog for '.' l!iK l-'ratlirrs Z al championship. His aim Is to —iiiof Columbus. public. Registration will open get the Me-Teon-Ta-Too In trim Tide Table etter companionship to master tnights Tho shrines and prayer garMC-M'l DRIMMIC at 0:30 a.m. and tho program Love Is a Many better service to the com ens ot St. Mary's Church are or the President's Cup race on Following chart Is for Sandy nd will start p.t 10 a.m. The ses- lie Potomac 10 days from now Spendored Thing unity. .wo of tho outstanding land sions will end at 3 p.m. Ilook (the Horseshoe) to I'nrt —also— Tho course will consist of the and also to make the eastern Mnnmouth, For K r y p o r t, aslc heeling, stand for exam- marks of southern Now Jersey. Principal speaker of tho' three ihamplonshlps Cornell Wilde at Martlnsburg, MELODY" jjKSo?^ Stewart A. Schodcr, Jr., Mo- mornings will bo Dr. Bertha W. Va., the following South Amboy nnrl oilier llarl—In weekend. ntlon, fli'.urc elttht, recall, and cclin, State Catholic Actlvitan Buy points, nclil 10 mlnGLENN FORD f •awrence, dean of instruction, ig sit find down exercises, us os chairman hns announced The Big Combo utvit. For Asbury Park sub• * * • escribed by tho American l\at ln,st year's attendance of; State Teachers College, TrenNews ("arlontl tract 15 iTif'nwlcM. l:ar- Uny BASEBALL fnde.s oui, Hal mnol Club for cuvulnj; 1hi> title 000 Knights of Coliibhius Will o.i. Tho afternoon sessions Hvcil.-Tlliir». Sirpl. 51-22 Hem) on IlarncKat liny, mill 5 ivttl iDatuio ii panel discussion 13ell7, mndo what will probIliclinrd Wltlnmrk iiml hours, 20 mlmttcH. Tor Hod Companion Dofi," The course o increased greatly this year on the theme topic. N r v f WVi'k—Wril. Tllltl S a l . S e p t , J!l l o ably be his last appearanco 1 1 1 bo conducted under tho dll.nureu Hiicull om preliminary reports. Hank, nil Nnvoslnk River, add of the season in this area r o i i t l i m u u . N W a l m i l i i . v — D o o r s <)|>i-n ] :'M) I ' . i M , cllon of the club's training dl— In 2 hours, fi mlmilcN. when he pitched for tho South Invo you read the classified ads? otor, Joseph A. aalnssl and The Cobweb Si'|!l. Jli-23 IICST) -His BIG NEW ROLE; i i given i consideration in Grand Union Sales Coach Paul (Jud) Evans lelt , better -about the replacement situation for his Maroon and Steel gridiron forces this week after the start of school brought out an additional 24 squad members. The. first call for cnndl'. dates showed a fine group o! holdover players, but there were ., not enough altogether to make two complete elevens. The appearance is still await... ed of Dan Vanderbilt, rated a potential all-state center. i\ .. has been out with an injury to • Jiis nose and could not risk as ; gravating It by participating In the scrlmmaRe with Lakowood yesterday. Jim Craig and Dick Lewickli subs for Vanderbill, are now in uniform. The Maroon and Steel's already solid tackle situation was further implemented when Gene Farlello put in an appearance With Andy Bol, Frank Drogan and Lou Armour, this gives Matawan four experienced tackles nil weighing over 200 pounds, a most unusual setup for a team of a small high school. With Vanderbilt weighing 235 pounds, and some sizeable prospects on hand for the guard posts, this year's Maroon and Steel line could be of college proportion. Joe Passo, veteran end, is tall Tliree nf (he contestants in (lie Mclilnlnc Class pull away to and heavy, but another rangy a port tuck iiftrr nmiirtini; tho slmtii'i; huo.v in (lie Keyport Yacht wlngman Is needed to flank the Club's annual invitation regatta (top) while the Pcneuins (bottom) licad down wind. \ Comrl r a n be seen rnnninir fair wind In the other end of the line. __ The backfleld, of course, will :;i|> between the first and second Penguins. ~^i51ir~STOurjti~Si,s¥ir—Fetic-'^ttej ace of the 1954 offensive pla: ¥•?—•—»* Frank Banafato, Dave Sml and Harold Dodson are the otl er lettermen available. LOOKIMG TennisrCliifarHoIds— nairfine Finisnes In Keyport Regatta Trophy Tournaments Young Hunters Must Qualify For Licenses 5§ Ll EWIZARD OF OZ JUDY GARLANDi • * • * • • * __J Friday ic.ni. Friday p.m. Kndirdny n.in. Salurdiiy |i,in, Sunday n.in. Sunday p.m. Monday ii.ru. Monday p.m. Tucsilny a.m. Tuesday p,ni. \V<VIH<\III/I.V n.m. Wrriiimilny p.m. "nnirmlny n.in. Tluir.idny ji.m. problem <IOBH, •JlM 7:1(1 1:47 x-.ri 2:03 H:2« 1:30 HiB2 Z:1K (1:01 3:1.1 9; .1.1 .1:2(5 !»:45 3;53 10:1-1 3! fill 10:2(1 4:32 4:.TI ll>::>7 ft: It 11:11 SHIS 11:42 iisisii 6:02 Visitors nro always welcome tho club's training classes, tore Information concerning, og "training rntvy "b'e "oblnlHCfl t calllntt Kean.sbuig 00147-R, ataw»»T 1-3100-J, or Rod Hank 3212-J. it Record Peak Tho Qrnncl Union c o m p a n y dies for the foiir-wcoK period •itiiiig AUK. 3T;" loss; wero «20;174,080. This compares with 0,712,OUR for tho compnrabto eriod ln.it y e a r , nn Increase 1 24,0 per cont. There are plKlit picnic arcnH Sales for the 20 weeks endnd nluht service ai'oiiH aloriK K Aug. 27, 1055, wero 1132,o Oiii'dt'ii Btntp, Pnrliwny. Six, 7,725 compared with *107,tho reatauriint-RnnolInn ncrv-' I),2'I3 In the cnrrcnpomlltiK pero nrenn wero In (nil operation d a year ngo, nn increase of y Aug. 1, 1005. illf iioi' cent. Guns—Ammo and Hunting Supplies Bow»—Arrow* and Supplies News Ciirlnini Frl-Snt. Hojil. 2S-2J John Wnyne ami Mary Murphy HellT'lsIand l''ni>thnlI-niHl nnslu'tlinll Kuulpmcnt IMcyclo Supjille* nnd Kcpalrs Toys nnd Glumes A DrfKHill Rcnerveii Ymir SeJei.'llon MATAWAN SPORTING GOODS CO., 180-182 Main Street, Matawan Matnwnn 1-4440 Tho —-nlao-Ilowcry Hoys —In- • Spy Chases tf'WKi Carloiiii Fowler Tlicnlre niirn* Snnilnv 3:00 r.M. JANET LEIGH EDMOND OlRIEN P E G G Y L E E • AKOT DEVINE • m MARVW .«W«RNERAMB.. C I N E M A S C O P E WARNHOXW kU/!K»»llu mi,IWWMK These will be Judged on the Coi|nmission on the Delaware L; MATAWAN, ^ j ^ j opening day and the -winners Ba: are selected because of attracelfare and federal agencies THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1955 tiveness, quality and variety of be represented by the PAGE SEVEN products. The fame of these Airerican B.ed C r o s s , Polio now qualify for are electronic displays has spread throughout Society, Cerebral Palsy, Mus Training Program For technician, guided jnisslleman, ir Dystrophy, Heart Fund, High School Graduates the country. In addition many Exhibits Will Be Conclusive Disorders About Area Men and Women hospital corpsmen and airman particularly those Association for, Retarded ChilOutstanding Features institutions, Cbasio fundamentals). Special Session Oct. 31 with mental patients, will dis- dren and the New Jersey Sec- Aralnd Kidder, ICC, recruiter in (he of the National Mental Hy- n charge of the Asbury Park play articles manufactured In One of the most outstanding The New Jersey Consultation me Association, Navy Recruiting District, anLicense Revoked attractions at the New Jersey the occupational -therapy and Service for Convulsive Disor'here will be music all day nounced today that qualified apState Fair, Trenton w h i c h vocational departments. „ iers will hold a special demFrederick J . Gassert, jr.,; diplicants of the High School ^he building. Organ recitals opens S u n d a y , Sept. 25th, The State Department of ''Ahstratlon clinic for convulsive be given daily by George Graduate Training Program rector of motor vehicles, anand closes the following Sun- Health will be represented by disorders on Monday, Oct. 31 'llton, Trenton. On the open- now may be assigned to any ofnounced in Trenton on Thursday, will be the displays of the an Informative display and free at the Monmouth Memorial Hosday and again on Monday i5 separate service schools. day that the license of DeWitta various New Jersey state de- chest x-rays will be given by pital. This will be the first spe Take Basle At Sampson Recommended For Award Trenton Youth Symphony This new procedure, instituted [Rice, jr., 25, of 8 Atlantic Ave., cial session at this hospital. The S/Sgt. Alexander W. Jacobl, It was announced today by partments and institutions in thethe Mercer County Tuberculosis ihestra will give concerts. by the Bureau of Naval Per- Matawftn, had been revoked unsession will be from 11:00 to U. S. Air Force, son of Frank T/Sgt. Thomas G. Wllkie, local 'New Jersey 'State Building. and Health League. The SafeTuesday the band of the sonnel In a recent directive, giv- der the point system lor the 12:30 p.ni. and from 1:30 to 4:00Jacobl, Lorlllard Ave., Union Air Force recruiter, that seven Fred G. Polnsctt, director, has ty Education Section of the Law v Lisbon Colony will piny; es the prospective bluejacket a following violations; Speeding, Beach, Yvlio is stationed In Man- young men from this area en- announced that the 40.000 square and Public Safety Department p.m. Wednesday the choir of the chance to attend 28 additional and three careless driving offeet of space in the building will show sound movies while The Consultation Service is iln, The Philippines has been listed in trie U. a. Air Force has th Jersey Training School trade schools which formerly fenses. The revocation will be been allocated and will be the New Jersey Highway Auco-ordinated by the New Jersey recommended as Non-Commls- during August and are now unGirls will sing; the'band of •equffea S—frfghcr—qaoKfylngoccupied by attractive and inthority will give the building Society for Crippled Children sloned Officer of the Month by dergoing basic training at SamVineland State School for score. visitors a graphic picture of the ..and Adults from seizure control Marvis Williams, CWO, USAP pson Air Force Base, Geneva, 'ormative exhibits. Some ' of the schools which Real Estate Listing Cards for i will play on Thurs.programs of the New Jersey So- Wire officer. N. Y. The State Department of In- new scenic Garden Parkway and on Friday the band ilgh school seamen recruits sale at this office. ciety, the State Department of In the recommendation for They are Richard R. Jouan- ititulons and Agencies will be route anu will distribute maps. the Nuero-Psychiatric InHealth and the State Departs his high award to S/Sgt. Ja- eau, Jr., 220 Morningside Ave., epresented by displays of the The Department of Education ute will be the feature, ment of Institutions and Agen- cobl, who attended Keyport Union Beach: Paul P . Hedden, Central Office, the Bureau of will have two large booths where very attractive wildlife excies. High School, it was noted that 215 Wayside Dr., Cliff wood; Wil- State Use Industries, the Com-the display, "Vocational Educat will be shown by the DiThe Service provides an au- he is assigned duty as NCOIC liam G. Slalfa. 36 Kearney St., mission for the Blind and the tion in New Jersey," will be on of Fish and Game in a thoritative medical specialist in of the Outside Plant Unit of theKeyport; Leslie B. Parleman, lollowlng Institutions: State Hos- shown. The Forest Fire ServIding opposite the main enseizures and a surrounding Wire Section nnd has served in jr., Compton St., Belford; pitals at Greystone Park, Tren- ice again will be represented. ice to the State Building. team of non-medical and reha- ,hls position for approximately Thomas T. Stames, Jr., 304 ton and Marlboro; the Neuro- Equally attractive and inforbilitation experts for a state- six months. "At the time of Main St., Matawan; Robert R. 'sychlatric Institute at Prince- mative displays will be presentwide program of clinics design- ,his assignment S/Sgt. Jacob! Lamont, 18 East Shore St., ;on, yineland state School, Wood- ed by the New Jersey State Poed to make available the ad- ivas placed In a position that Keansburg, and Don D. Maler, bine Colony; State Homes for lice, State Agriculture Depart- Casimir J. Zlydaszyk Sedan Hard Top, Loaded Boys at Railway and Girls at ment, Planning and Commerce v a n t a g e s of the newest medical iwould have overwhelmed com- R. D. 1, Keyport. Insurance Real Estate Trenton; Bordentown Reforma- Division, School for Ceaf. Emand rehabilitation techniques pletely the average non-comtory, New Jersey Training ployment Security, Conservation to physicians and their patients missioned officer of higher rank, Completes Course 31 Garden Pi. in the communities throughout much greater service and ex- Cpl. Victor Rhodes, son of School at Totowa and the Sana- and Development, Labor and Inc/o River Gardens lerlence. Mrs. Ethel Jensen, 522 W. Flor- lorlum at Glen Gardner. dustry Departments, Division R & H, Hydromatic Sedan the state. Clinic sessions are open to "S/Sgt. Jacobl through meth- ence Ave., Keyport, recently There always Is groat inter- Against Discrimination, Rutgers CL1FFWOOD was graduated from the 10-week University, State Agricultural physicians and professional per- ids that demonstrated an exest in the fruit and vegetable sonnel of all health, social and :ellent technical and supervis- diesel engine repair course at displays, featuring products Experiment Station at New MAtawan 1-1854 rehabilitation and welfare agen- ory ability, re-organlzed his un-The Engineer School, Fort Bel- grown on the institution farms. Brunswick and the Interstate Sedan, R & H, Sedan cies interested In the problems derstaffed unit into an efficient, voir, Va. of epilepsy. Patients previous- ggressive group of technicians The course offered training in Automatic Transmission ly referred by physicians Irom with a determination to prevent the repair of diesel engines, fuelQ/Ionmouth County communities ny major breakdown of this injection systems and auxiliary F MOST W P O R T A N T '. will be . seen at the Oct. 31stitrateglc facility. starting motors used on heavy lsession. Sedan construction equipment. "His methods are positive and Referral forms can be obtain- e is admired and held in high Cpl. Rhodes entered the Army Coupe, Standard afl__fmm_L Monmouth M B\\ nprsonnel in this in June 1953 and completed baHEATING Hospital, Long Branch, ~ iransmission training a! Fort Leonard j section, which Is attested to in New Jersey Consultation Serv his selection, by secret ballot, Wood, Mo. He has served in STOVE PIPE Ice for Convulsive Disorders. 4: to represent this section as their Korea. He is a 1953 graduate Walnut St., Newark, from toda; candidate for non-commlssloned of Keyport High School. WICKS .DEVELOPMENT IN 19 YEARS to Sept. 23rd. officer of the month award. Stationed At Bainbridge 'Aside from his leadership, Edward WINDOW GLASS 4Door Eastmond, Jr., son of Coach supervision and the ability to Iget the job done, S/Sgt. Jacobl Mr. and Mrs. Edward Eastr HEATERS mond, sr., Union Beach, enlistexemplifies high standards of character and moral integrity." ed in the U. S. Navy on Aug. WEATHERSTRIP S/Sgt. Jacobi enlisted in the 15 and left lor training on Aug. Hard Top Coupe U. S. Air Force and formerly 23. He is stationed at BainCAULKING bridge, Md., and his friends was with the military police. We Also Have Some Good Cheap may write him at the following THERMOS BOTTLES address: Edward Enstmond, Car Transportation Promoted In Germany |jr., EFSR, 4819767, Co. 407, 23rd flail I'»r Ininu'dliitp Delivery Earnest A. Cupsie, 24, son of John Cupsie, 563 Lloyd Rd., Ma-Battalion, 23rd Regiment, USNFOA-5X is 4 magic, anti-clogging ingredient thai tawan, recently was promoted TC, Balnbridge, Md. to corporal In Germany, where keeps burner filter screen clean all winter l o n g Sales—MKUCt'KV—Service Keturns After Leave he is a member of the Fifth Pfc. Ronald. Pecyna, U. S. keeps your burner operating economically and al FReehold— Tel. 8-1696 Infantry Division. Marine Corps, has returned to peak efficiency. ALL SPEEDS Realistic field problems and Camp LeJenne, N. C. spending a maneuvers form part of an In- leave visiting his parents In UnChtclc Your Favorii* Only Shell Furnace Oil has F0A-5X. Costs tensive training program con- ion Beach. Highway 34 & Main Street—Matawan 1-4239 • Rock Around the Clook no more than ordinary heating oil. Call us today ducted by the "Red Diamond" • Ain't It a Shame. division in southern Germany — lei us tell you more. D Seventeen as part of the Seventh Army. St. Joseph's PTA To Meet Q Maybellene Q Love Is a Many Cpl. Cupsie, a mess steward Splemlored Thing in Tank Company of the divi- The regular meeting of St. • Yellow Rose of Texas sion's Second Regiment, arriv- Joseph's Parent-Teacher Asso• Gum Drop ed in Europe in February. His ciation will be held Tuesday eve• Autumn Leaves wife, Delores, lives at 343 Bruck ning at 8 o'clock In the school. • If I May Classrooms will be open from Ave., Perth Amboy. Q The Popcorn Song 7 to 8 p.m. • I Belong To You Released From Army Q The Kentucklan Song Maple PI. Six Corners Donald Long, son of Mr. and The Garden State Parkway Q Bible Tells Me So Mrs. P. T. Lone, Middlesex Rd., penetrates the great metropoliO "e Goodbye Summer doldrums Matawan, arrived home Thurs- tan' area of New Jersey where O Somethings Gotta Give day nfter serving 18 months In one-third of the Garden State's Hel!o.Auhimn,zipnz»f! D ThR House Of Blue Lights Korea. He has received his re-population live within three lease from the V. S. Army. miles of the route. lUonmouth Memorial Demonstration Clinic NOTES Institutions, Agencies To Display At Fair Armed Services 54 Mercury 51 Plymouth 54 Hudson 51 53 :J ARE YOU JaLfl e 50 Mercury 50 Chevrolet 53 Mercury cg ihevt0\et Shell Furnace Oil with 53 Lincoln FOA-5X 4 9 Olds 88 Schanck & Sihler, Inc. Hitparade USED CAR LOT MATAWAN Hollywood Service, Inc. CALL KEYPORT 7-3000 Albums O D • • D D D n • G Dancing Jnxx Eddy Arnold Sports Benny Goodman At Carnegie Hall Satch riays Fats All Star Pops Lionel Hampton Crazy Otto Tony Bennett Mahalla Jackson Alio O Sacred Bymn» Q Mambo, Sambo, Ithumba (etc.) • Cowboy Of The HAPPY NEW Paramount Cocktail Lounge Friday and Saturday, Sept ISfhand 17th Broadway At six comers Keyport Celebrating With - Begins at Sundown on Friday Sept. 16th 1955 NON-BREAKABLE Childrens Records I'm A Little Teapot • D Three Little Pigs PI Jo Anne Rlng« D Parade Songs Cl Davy Crockett • Good Ship Lollipop n Snow White n Plnocchlo (I] Daniel Boone n ntmbo n Squce-Gee • Peter and the Wolf D Alice in Wonderland Special 45 & 33 Vs Extended Play Records ON SALE The Following Business firms in the Bayshore area will be closed from Friday sundown and all day Saturday and will re-open for business on MONDAY SEPTEMBER 19th at 9 A.M. This business closing is in commeration of . . . ROSH HASHANA, the HIGH HOLIDAYS OF THE JEWISH NEW YEAR. ALPINE'S DEPARTMENT STORE East Front St. Keyport BAR-RICH MURIEL'S The Cut Rate Drug Store Ladles and Children's Wear Cor. Broad and W. Front Sts. Keyport W. Front St., Keyport COHEN'S LIQUOR STORE PRAGER JEWELERS Plus Packs of Needles "25 m 25* PETE'S INC. 44 W. Front St. Keyport Op*n Friday Nil* Til I V. M. M Bui Slop Kir 7-3700 At the Street Clock Package Goods W. Front St., Keyport Broad St., Keyport FEIGENSON'S SHOE STORE IIett(lfimtrtcr!i for Family Footwear All Makes of Needles For All Speed Record Player* LA ZARE'S QUALITY SHOES W. Front St., Keyport THE SURPRISE STORE • E. Front St. Opposite P. O. For Reservations Call Keyport 7-1955 Star Studded Show Featuring Such Popular Talented New York and New Jersey Artists as JERRY MAUD and FLO. GILBERT CHARLEY RILEY and GEORGIE DUGAN New Jersey's lending Harmony team Flynn'N Shamrock for Uir pitsl lh .vrnr.s WESTREICH'S Women's mill Children's Wcur W. Front St., Keyport Everybody's Favorite Shore's Popular The one and only . , . MARCO MARCELLA "Panama Hattie" Former Since luMiilllncr Still Kreat! DAVE GAGE Yom Kippur Holy Days Yom Kipper — Kol Nidre Service Will Commence at Sumet Sunday September 25th., Monday Morning Service (Sept. 26th) nt 8:30 A.M. The Above Business Firms Will Be Closed All Day Monday. mill Ills Guitar—Local Favorite OTHER GUEST STARS SPECIAL ON OUR MENU FOR THE OPENING Tliey're Trrrlf from Furniture at Its Best E. Front St., Keyport W. Front Facing Main St. Keyport KEYPORT ARMY & NAVY STORE CONTINUOUS ENTERTAINMENT FROM 8 p.m. TILL 2 a.m. 310 His. of personality Formerly <if Milton Ilniie'.s TV Show ELAINE COOK Hcur lift* sine . . . "Hard lo Utit" Shore's Nile Club hciidllner All Summer CYCLONE GILLIS at the Hammond Organ BUSTER McGOWN Dlrrct Irnm Kelly's <SI|i St. Nlti' Club HroadViiy, New York The Daddy of 'em all ROCKY DUVA lCvoryhinl.v's Fuvorllo NIIW A|i|ieaiiiiK nt City Hull Iliir, Newark FREE PARKING Couple Feted On WSCS Of Morganville Methodist Church 48th Anniversary Makes Stuffed Toys For Nov. 4 5 Bazaar Group To Meet Tonight To Make Aprons; Kilcomins Entertain At Picnic; A r «a News 1 Mr. and Mrs. P . G. Kckhart Cliff wood Beach, were guests ol honor at a family dinner at Coby's Restaurant, South Amboj on Saturday, In . celebration ol their 4eth wedding anniversary Attending were Mr. and Mrs. George Eckhart and daughter Diane, Cliff wood; Mr. and Mrs Theodore Bittay, Milltown; Mr and Mrs. Fred Marz and chil dren, Mary and Freddie, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Thorn and son, Robert, Morganville. Mr. and Mrs. Ecknart are parents of Mrs. Thorn, Mrs Miirz and George Eckhart. Cheesequake Residents Attend Shower Given In Honor Of Old Bridge Girl Archdeacon Of Diocese Speaks At Church Of Our Saviour; News In Area 10th Birthday For Linda Kay .Crocks)* - -:JU THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1955 A birthday party -fas held PAGE EIGHT Saturday afternoon at the home Card of Thanks of Mr. and Mrs. Hnrold Crock- thur Lambertbon. Mrs, Marshal The family of the late Richer, Morganville, in honor of Longstreet, Mrs. Harold Thor ard R. Layton wish to thank; their daughter, Linda Kay, who son, and Mrs. Charles Barker their friends, neighbors and relwas celebrating her 10th birth- The Cliffwood Society meet atives for the many kindnesses day. Decorations were in pink their recent bereaveing was attended by 16 mem- during and blue. ment, especially the .Rev. Jobers at which plans were madi seph Faith, the pallbearers <JJ Guests were Susan Phelan Judy Remeta, Rose and Ruth for a rummage sale to be held the Bedlo Funeral Home. Ann Wilson, Gail Anderson on Oct. 3 and 4 and the nnnua! jinsidel5adv. Frances Smith, Gladys and Dor- roll call supper to be held in othy Purcell. Sally and Joseph the church on Sunday, Oct. 18. LEGAL NOTICES Zeni, Frances and Sonny Mo- A committee will be named to NOTICE HEARING. DIVISION OF* han, Diane Collins, Nancy But- arrange for a bazaar to be held WATER OF POLICY AND SUPPLY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVA-* ton, Christine Steel, and Patriin the church on Nov. 14 and 15. TION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOP* cia and Mickey Crocker. MENT, Trenton, New Jersey, Seplem* The next meeting will be held ber .1, 1955. The Borough of Matain the churuh on Mdnday night, wan. Monmouth County. N. J., having Hied an application on July 25, 1055 Oct. 10. for approvnl of its plans for diverting Mrs. Hose Burlew and her and Mrs. Joe Bash, Linden The Women's Society for Martin Smith, jr., Misc Audrej daughter, Mrs. Otlio Schnuck, Other guests were, Mr. and Christian Service of the Mor- VanPelt, Miss Vivien Owens Cheesequnke, attended a bridal Mrs. Paul White, Sayreville ganville Methodist Cliurch lielci Master Bichard VanPelt. T! shower Friday evening, at the and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley White a "work" meeting at the home next meeting will be held a: Old Bridge Baptist Church, in and daughters, Leslie and Lynn of Mrs. Walter J. Lambertson the home of Mrs, Seber. honor of Miss Jane Benham Matawan. on Thursday evening. Stuffed Sunday visitors at the hoim Old Bridge, who will be mar- Mrs. Howard Krogh and son, toys were made in1 preparation of Mr, nnd Mrs. Bobert Owen; ried on Oct. 8 to Harry S. Low Mark, and Mrs.- Edward Okner for the bazaar which all be held were Mrs. Kathryn Coventry jr., also of Old Bridge. In the church basement on Nov. St. Petersburg, Fla., and Mr and son, Philip, Farrington Rd., 4 and 5. Those attending Hit and Mrs. Ueorge White, Bee The Rev. Gerald R. Minchin Cheesequake, are spending this week at the Krogh's summer ssaeting were Mrs. Florence Mo Bank. Archdeacon of the Diocese, was Munus, Mrs. Mabel Boyce, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, Michael ;uest speaker at the evening home at Beach Haven. Daniel J. Reany. Mrs. Harry wicz, New York, and Mrs. Nan service Sunday at the Church Sunday visitors at the home A. Ratcliffc, Mrs. Joseph Spur cy Slinski and family. Brook of Our Saviour, Cheesequake. of Mr.' nnd Mrs. John Pangborn. a maximum of 1,000,000 gallons of wagat, Mrs. EaJph Howardson, Iyn, spent the weekend at the ter daily from n we]J to be loea'v), Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Skow- Madison Acres, Cheesequake, in Matawan Borough, Monmouth Co\litMrs. Bussell VanPelt, Mrs. Hegeman One Struck ty, were Mr. and Mrs. J. Russell onek, Browntown, have returnhome of Mr. and Mrs. Michae, 400 feet east of the MonmouthFred Marz, Mrs. Ernest Thorn, County line and 2000 foet ed Jrom Seaside, where they and Mr. and Mrs. Frank MeyFred Hegeman, 259 Brook- Middlesex north of Route ;i4 lending from MaMrs. Rymond Wenzel, Mrs. H. Rynluwlcii, Tennent Bd. er, • Irvington. visited with the former's brothtau-an to South Amboy, /or obtaining side Ave., Laurence Harbor an C. Qunckenbush, Mrs. Bert Boy- Mrs. August Boldt has return additional for the Borough er-in-law and sister, Mr. and Pfc. Domlnlck Floridia has Activities Planned states his car was the one hit of Matawan supply Jean Gaub Enrolls and the Townships of ce and Mrs. Mylcs Badar. The ed to her home after havln Mrs. Walter Felck, Newark, at eturned to Camp LeJeune, N. Matawan, Madison nnd Marlboro along In the accident of autos on Shore group will make aprons tonight spent several days in Atlanti' For Coming Year As Freshman; Items fringe areas, and the inhabitants their summer home. C.,1 following a weekend visit Concourse where children were thnreof, City. notice Is hereby given that a at the lioim of Mrs. Marz. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. public hearing will be held on said The Woman's Societies for playing in the road. It had been Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gaub Mr. and Mrs. Paul Petriella in the oftlce of the DiviMr. and Mrs. Winner (Skip) Mrs. Lulu Beal, Mrs. Leon Brownlown, accompanied their and daughters, Joan, Judy and George Floridia, Cednr Grove. Christian Service cf the Com- reported he ran into Daniel implication sion, 520 East state Street, Trenton. LaMuru. and Mrs. Tillie Jame kilcomins entertained at co-opN. J. at 11:00 a.m.. on munity Methodist Church, Cliff- Karpie, Cliffwood. daughter, Jean, to Glassboro oyce, Newark; the Misses Ha- Mr. and Mrs. Orine 'Ensferdnhl 5 erative picnic at their home on son spent the weekend at Polm State Teachers' College on Sun- dolyn Tuesday, October 4. 1955 and Darleen Burton, Old and children, Brooklyn,* were wood. and the First Methoidsl Tennont Rd., Morgnnville, on Pleasant. before Councllmen Thurlow C, Nelson guests over the weekend of Mr. Church. Matawan, met in their day, where she entered the and-or Vinton N, Thompson, and-qr Sunday. Guests were Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Denlst reshman class. Mr. and Mrs. Bridge; Joan and Eugene and Mrs. Peter Johnsen, Brown- respective churches M o n d a y such other members of the Council f*j Mrs. Ernie Peterson, Mr. and have returned home after spend jaub attended a reception for White, Browntown, attended a to\Vn. The Engerdahls arrived night. may be present, under authority "lyr eeent birthday party at the R. S. 511:1*8, at which all persons, cor(Continued from Page one) Mrs. Albert Janwich and daugh- ing a few days in New Yor parents and students. here recently from Norway. , • or other civil divisions of home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dinner guests Sunday at the The Matawan society held home runs. Mr. Armellino prais- porations ter, Eileen, Mr. and Mrs. John State. the State may be heard for or against he granting of the application. Any Skinner, and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- The Harmony Club met at the Miss Ann Molnar, daughter of White in honor of the latter. Johnsens were Mr. and Mrs. .heir its fall meeting in the lec- ed Martin Bell, Matawan butch- person or municipal corporation or liam Porter, Matawan; Mr. and home of Mrs. Lulu Beal on Sept Mr. and Mrs. Paul Molnar, re- The Whited Brown Parent- Trygve Engerdahl and children, ;ure room of the church with er, for having carried news of the proper authorities of any civil di» -he new president, Mrs. W. Wil- the team's activities on business vision of the State may file in the Mrs. David Janwich, Roberts- 7. The birthdays of two mem cently received the yellow band Teacher Association will hold Browntown. office of the Division, -prior to the ville, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert berf., Mrs. Leona LaMura an for her nurse's cap at St. Pe- its first meeting of the fall sea- S/A Dominck DelRosso is en- iam Wieland, presiding. Mrs. circulars the Bell Beef Co. has day above specified for said hearing, objections lo the project proposed by Mouser and children. Robert Mrs. Carrie Forman, were cele ter's Hospital School of Nurs- son on Tuesday evening in the joying a M-day furlough at the .lalcolm MacMillan, first vice printed each week. ?uch application. Every objection so president, was in charge of the ing. New Brunswick. She is school on Route 34, CheeseMatawan Sporting Goods filed and Ginger, Morganville. 'shall particularly specify the brated. home of his parents, Mr. and program which marked the be- Co.The ground thereof. No objection can be now a junior. gave the boys reductions of quo ke. Mrs. Edward DelRosso, Cedar ginning of the society's 15th 1 on any article purchased in entertained unless these provisions of Mrs. Theodore Folichak enter- Mr. and Mrs. W. Kilcomins The officers of the Brownthe law are complied with. Said aptained at her home on Sept. 7 Tennent Rd., and Mr. and Mrs town Union Sunday School will Mrs. Harold Cosgrove enter- Grove, after which he will re- year. and the accompanying plans the store. Mrs. Genevieve Don- plication may be examined at the office of ("j in celebration of Mr. Polichak'sJAlbert Janwich, Matawan, spent hold their September meeting tained iier sewing club Monday port to the Navn! Base in Nor- A rn nell also granted the boys this Division, tiy order of the Wnicr Pc;' '.ver.ing. Present were Mrs. supper was folk, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Delbirthday. The following were I the meant holiday weekend in tonight at 7:30 o'clock -in the and Supply Council, JOHN WY. 'aul Blahota, jr.. Mrs. Merrill Rosso and children, Pauline, ;erved at 6:30 o'clock after discount on articles purchnsed icy i\CK, Secretary. guests: Mrs. Mary Pollchak, Virginia.. 'for their girls." Sunday School Building. The Perth Amboy: • Paul Polichak Thursday evening guests al interior of the building has been Green, Mrs. Howard Burlew, Gloria, Rosemarle, Robert and ivhich Miss B. Dorothy Cohen Boys getting trophies and bla- 122 $11.00 Mrs. Herbert Gaub, Brown- Edward, jr., attended S/A Del- :eyport, told of her recent trip and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mayti the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mar- painted. town; Mrs. Nathan Cressman, Rosso's recent graduation at o Israel. The theme for this zers were John Coon, Deiter Keasbey; Mr, and Mrs. Edward tin Smith, sr., were Mrs. CharDavid Jones, Peter Havlusch and children and Mr. les Craig and daughters, Carol Mr. and Mrs: Paul Blahota, Mrs. Leroy Burlew, and Mrs. Bainbridge, Md., where he com- year WHS announced as: "To Johnson, Bennett, Richard Wenner, RobThe Ends of The Earth." pleted his basic training. and Mrs. Kobcrt lacchio, The and Patricia, Mrs. Ellen Smith r., and daughter, Mary Lou, Adele HerzoE. Cheesequake. ert Gold, Robert Nnppl, Purvis and son, John, and Paul BlaThursday e v e n i n g dinner Members voted to sponsor Bronx, N. Y., and Barbara and Nutley, and Mrs. John Smith hota, sr., spent Sunday as guests at the home of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Otho Schnuck the Brownie troop of Girl Scouts Peeler, Frank Banafato, Bruce Teddy Polichak. and son, Clifford, Cheesequake, Marlboro Gardens. Gunkle, Don Zeni, William Brew- Quick Battery Service guests of Mrs. Blahota's sister Mrs. B. C. Maccia, Cedar Grove, enjoyed a motor trip to Barnc- which meets in the First MethCharles L. Holmes has return at Green Island. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hermes Fred Moser, Larry Garito were Mrs. Clemente Maccia, gat Lighthouse on Saturday, odist Church under the leader- er, Boselle Park, were Sunday ed to his position at the Han Mr. and ,Mrs. Herbert Cot- Mr. and Mrs. Alex Maccia and where they spent the day. ship of Mrs. William Wilkins and Louis Mendini. guests at the home of Mr. and son - VanWinkle - Munnlng Co., trell, sr.. entertained their children, COLOT'S, Matawan Lillian, Clement, John Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Blanken A conference meeting was anMrs. Martin Marz and family. Matawan, following his receni granddaughters, Judith and ind Joseph, Newark. nounced for Sept. 23 in Ocean were luncheon guests Monday Miss Doris Woolley, Rahway vacation. Marsha Wallace, Keyport, over Miss L i n d a Prlccaciante, if Mrs. William Seatie and Mrs. City. On Oct. 6 members will was a Saturday visitor 'at the Norman Janwich, Jr., attend the weekend. attend a fall seminar to be held home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank ed the New York-Detroit base- Mr. and Mrs, John Zytka, jr., Newark, was a guest over the James Slgler, Point Ple.isant. in Manasquan and on Oct. 7lh L. Ratcllffe. ball game at Yankee Stadium and daughter, Chrlssle Marie, .veekend of her brother and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Owens a food sale will be held in the iister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Pe- and children, Dorothy Jane, Mrs. William Borneraann and New York, on Sunday. Ramsay, and John Zytka, sr., ;er Prlccaciante. Cedar Grove Helen, James and John, spent church beginning at 10:30 a.m. sons, William and Robert, Glen Bergenfield, nephew of Mrs. Ja- Raymond L. Walker, Cheese- Saturday at Bradley Beach. Oct. 9th the .Society will spoil Cove, L. I., have been spending Richard Janwich cob Gaub, were Sept. 7 visitors c a k e , has returned to work al sor a family night supper in the this week, with Mrs. Borne- Marks First Birthday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. the Whltehead and Hoag Com church nt 6 o'clock and on Oct. Baseball Benefit mann's parents, Mr. and Mrs Gaub. 26th "Quiet Day" will be obpany, Newark, following i Ray Brown. Tennent lid. served in the church from 10:30 Mr. and Mrs. Normnn Jan- Mr. and Mrs.' Albert Hopkins three-week vacation, Larry Insley, baseball com- a.m. until 2:30 p.m., when a box . Mr. and Mrs. Wllmer Kilcom- wich, Morganville, entertained and daughter, Jeannie, were reins entertained on Saturday aft- at a party given at their horn cent dinner guests at the home Mrs. L. W. Blanken, Ceda missioner, announced yesterday luncheon will be served. At the ernoon in honor of their daugh- on Saturday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Hopkins parents, Mr. Srove, was the guest on Satur- morning there will be a game next meeting a linen shower for ter, Patty, who was celebrat- of their son, Bichard, who wa and Mrs. George Kostuk, Free- ay of her niece, Miss Lynne At- at Keyport High field Sunday the Home of the Aged in Ocean inson, Englewood. at tin at 2 p.m. to raise funds for Fred irove will be held. Plans were ing her third birthday. Those celebrating his first birthday. hold. present included Mrs. Henry Guests for this occasion were Mr. and Mrs. Barth Gaub •foorestown Horse Show. In the Blanken, injured St. Joseph's discussed for a bazaar to be ifternoon they visited at th Giants player. The championHoltz and children, Patty and Mr. and Mrs. William Stiles, spent Tuesday in Paterson visitin the early part of Novemlome of Miss Nancy Sweeton ship Matawan Orioles will play held Billy; Mrs. David Janwich and Philip S. AiiRiis. Miss Irene ini? their uncle. ber. tferchantsville. a composite team of the Keychildren, Dennis and Karen; Weglarz, Old Bridge; Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Howard BurMrs. Anna Oczkowski and her port Dodgers and St. Joseph's A past president's pin was Mrs. Prank Ratcliffe and daugh- Mrs, Ross Azzarello, Mr. and ew, Dobbs Perry, N. Y., laughter, Mrs. Eugene Skowpresented to Mrs. Leslie Lines. Park Ave., Between Main and Broad Streets ter, non-y; Mrs. Louis Becker Mrs. Anthony Russo and chil- spent jr., Giants. Sunday afternoon visiting Hostesses for the evening and daughter, Joan; Mrs. O: J. dren, Anthony, jr., Carmella, Mr. and Mis. Merrill Green and onek, spent Sept. 7 visiting a were Mrs. Lines, chairman; Tel. MAtawan 1-0273 Matawan he home of Mr. and Mrs. Jo You can buy Defense Bonds Jindrncek nnd son. Glen. Mor- and Marie Elizabeth, Mr. and 'amlly. ieph Spisak. Budd Lake. the Pavroll Deduction Plan. Mrs. Emerson Lisk. Mrs. Arganville. Also Mrs. Ernie Pe- Mrs, Barney Mazza and son, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Arace Guests Sunday of Mr. nnd terson and children, Robert and Michael, Mr. and Mrs. Pat RusLouise, and Mrs. Albert Jan; so and son, Pat Gary, Mrs. Nel and sons, James and William, .Irs. Thomas Orchardo, Cheese wich and daughter, Eileen, Ma- lie Maresca. Mr. and Mrs. Paul were Sunday dinner euests of lunke. were Mr. and Mrs, Mr. Arace'a mother. Mrs. Au- a m e s Guccardi nnd son tawan. Maresca, Bed Bank. gust Arace, Elizabeth. 'rank, Brooklyn. Mrs. Rosalie Scheurich re Also- Mrs. Karl Kostbar, Free- Dale Green, who is in the T/Sgt. Stephen Knzimlr, Sayturned lo her home on Friday hold; Mrs. Baymond Oanwich TJ. S. Navy, stationed at Staten eville, was a dinner guest Friwhere she is convalescing aft- and children, Donna, Raymond, Island, spent the weekend with lay of Mr. and Mrs. James Ka er having been a patient in the jr., and Linda, Cheesequake lis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mer- imir. Cedar Grove. East Orange Veterans Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Weglarz •111 Green. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wheil for ' three diiys, during which Snyrevllle; Mrs. Agnes Blondek sr, Union, spent Sunday visiting time she had her loot .put in a Mrs. William Ifka and children he latter's parents, Mr. and cast as the result of having Theresa and William, jr., Brad- Walsh Social Club Mrs. Charles Burness, Cedar broken several bones In a fall evelt, Mr. and Mrs. Harold To Hold Family Picnic rove. at her home. Quackcnbush and children, Robregular monthly meeting Ernest Owens, sr.. Mr.- and Miss Mary Marz. daughter of irt and Susan, Philip, William fThe the Dick Walsh Social Club ,lrs. Thomas Owens. Ambler Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marz, has George and Steven Vota, Mrs, of Madison Township was held 'a., and Ernest Twelves, Mid returned'home following a two- Lager, Miss Dorothy Ayers, Sept. C at Walsh's Tavern, Route lletown, were Sunday guests o week vacation spent at Daytona Wickatunk. 34, Cheesequake. The club will r. and Mrs. Ernest Owens Beach, Fla. She made the mohold a family picnic at Walsh's Cedar Grove. tor trip with her aunt and uncle, Jewish League To Meet Grove the latter part of this Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Gaub Mr. and Mrs, George Eckhart, month, the definite date of nd daughters, Suzanne and and daughter, Diane, Cliffwoocl ' The first meeting of the fal which will be announced later. larolyn, Cedar Grove, and Mr Beach. season of the Matawan Jewish Officers of the club are Jo- .nd Mrs. Robert Higglns, jr. Mrs. Leroy VanPelt was hos- League will be held tonight al seph Reilly, president; Daniel tlatnwan, were Sunday guests tess to the Social Club on Sept. the Matawan Public Health Cen Burch, vice president; Dick if Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Roth 7. She received a birthday gift ter at 8:30 o'clock. Plans for Walsh, treasurer; Albert No- upt. Dumorit. Later they visit and a birthday cake was the the year will be discussed and ;ak, secretary, John Cass, ser- ed Mr. and Mrs. W. Rothaupt table centerpiece. Those pres- new members will be welcomed ;eant-at-arms. Cliffside Park. ent were Mrs. Lindi Seber, Mrs. Hostesses will be Mrs. H. Bzura Refreshments were sen Miss P e g g y Chamberlain Edward Becker, Mrs. Donald and Mis. L. Bloom., fter the meeting. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John ahead of anything near its price ; : . designed and Miller, Mrs. John Wilson, Mrs. L. Chamberlain, Cedar Grove Loula Becker, Mrs. Harry Kon- Enjoy one of America's irrcat engineered to stay new for years. left Monday morning for Corowalow, Mrs. Robert Owens, freedoms. Attend the church of Mrs. Arch Apgar You'll get style that sets the fashion for tomorrow. nell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Mrs. Martin Smith, sr.. Mrs. your choice this weekend. Hostess To Club for freshman camp, which lasts You'll get the advanced performance of the The regular meeting of the until Friday, when orientation Strato-Streak V-8, newest engine in the industry. Root and Branch Gnrden Club begins. Others who left recentYou'll get the size you must have for safe cornerwas held on Sept, 6 at the home ly from this nren for college Hoever ing and solid security. if Mrs. Arch Apgar, Marlboro, are Miss Dorothy vhen a covered dish and bar- daughter of Mr, nnd Mrs. WilYou'll get the latest innovations in springing,) liam Hoever, jr., Cedar Grove jecuo supper wns served. •afj£\ You can put this down for n fnet. You won't brakes and steering to cushion the ride and maka Bryant College, Providence, R. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. I.; Miss Joan Brown, daughter ^£s mntch our donl imywhere else in town because driving an effortless pleasure. ,loyd Mason, Mr. and Mrs. of Mrs. Mary Brown, Cheesethis one pays off double! Come in for the deal with the double payoff and James Carberry, Mr. and Mrs. qunke, n sophomore at Rider For a starter, you'll get an appraisal too good lo Harold Simmons, Mrs. Clifford College. Trenton; Miss Mildred drive away a big, high-powered future-fashioned Bray, Mrs. Robert Bonn, Mrs Dixon, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs pnss by. We're out to make September another I'ontiac. You have the word of half a million owners 3harles Clsnr, Mrs. Evaline Snndy Dlxon, Browntown, a Junrecord-breaking month, and all trades are figured on Is it nlily manngi'd? * —you'll never make iaccone, Miss Edith Richards, ior nt Shclton College, Ringa volume basis. Your uar can command n better Mr. and Mrs, Earl Benton, Arch wood. a better buy! J \pgar, Susan, George nnd Rondeal from us right now than it ever will again. Are dcposils insured up lo §10,000 for Mr. nnd Mrs. L. R. Dayke lle Apgar. , For the clincher, you'll get a car that is way nii'lt mTount through the Federal Mrs. Elmer Bnhrenbure was and son, Robert, Winsled, Conn, were 'overnight guests Saturday Dcposirlnsurnncc Corporation? guest at the meeting. of Mrs. Dnyke's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. nnd Mrs. L. DOPS it lend regularly lo trustworthy Services Today For W. Ulnnken. Mr. nnd Mrs. DnyMrs. Wilfred C. Roszel ke were enroutn to Pino Bench locnl borrowers? POHTItC'S GHEMCSJ YOU! with their son, who is a student JIIC UAH'S CKEAIIU BUYI / Funeral services will be held ill Admiral Farragut Academy, Is till! service prompt) courteous,' .otlay at 0:15 a.m. from the Mn- Saturday evening guests at the ion Funeral Home, South Am- Blnnken home were Miss Jnnc nntl efficient? loy, and a high mass of roq- DoVlnney, Elizabeth, nnd Carl ilom will bo celebrated nt St. Kluge, Iloscllc Park. Satisfactory nnswerj lo lliose four questions ittwrence's Church, Laurence Mrs. Anna Oczkowskl and Inrbor, by the Rev. Walter Mrs. Eugene Skowronck were offiird it sound basis for selecting your bank* llattery, pastor, at 10 a.m. for Sunday guests of Mr. Ars, Anna Lnlr Roszel, 73, wife and Mrs. dinner Caslmlr Preston, Nowif Wilfred C. Roszel, of 247 nrk. vcrbrook Avc. Oakhurst. In- Mrs, Louis 1-Iciser, sr,, Cedar urment will be In Evergreen Grove, entertained Friday at n 'Jomclery, Hillside. family dinner party lit honor of Mrs. Iloszel died on Sunday, her granddaughter, Miss Yvonicpt. 11, 1005, at her homo. She ne Sonbury, Keyport, who was ad lived In Hloomflcld for 11) observing her Hllli birthday. enrs ami in Liuirence Harbor Guests were Mr. and Mrs. r three years, before moving Frank Eanbury, Kpyporl; Mr. oulcliui'Ht, Bho was a form- nnd Mrs. Arthur Jurmnn and r vice chairman of the MOD- children, Jeiin and Knrl, Red loiith Comity Democratic Com- Hank; Kdwnrd Dnlherir, Port,il|.tee. She ulao belonged to land, Pn.; Mr. nnd Mrs. HowM A T A W A N . NEW JERSEY it. Lnwroncc'H Church, nnd iid Ili.'lsrr and dnughtoi'H, Sanus u former member of the la, l'Jlsh! nnd aiudyn, cedar -KomplN of Newark. CJrovp. Mi™ fienlniry in lonvUCHUIKN her husband, shr In IhK soon for Miami, Fla, where iiirvlved 1by u alslor, Mrs, Loruiuiiiiroiui sistmsTiuu IN a soiihomorr a I, Mlnml Un (Lull ) ISftim, Newark. MIMBEt FIOKAL DlrOSIt University: mutmi awounn You onn buy Defense Bonrm Sunday dlmicr u'K'.-mi <>l MI'. y the Payroll Deduction Plan. nnd Mm. Roy White wore Mi'. Browntown Girl Enters Glassboro WSCS Groups Meet In Matawan, Cliffwood Applegate Sees Prompt Courteous Service MATAWAN SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION CHOOSE YOUR BANK We're matching Pontiac's record sales with record-breaking trades! THBS WAY THE o BANK 62-66 LOWER MAIN ST., MATAWAN, N. J. - Phone MATAWAN 1-2299 CAN YOU TOP THIS? Offer Scholarships THE BARGAIN HOUSE For Blair Academy — Lanzaro Bros — Sept. 17 Deadline For Applications FRANCHISE DEALERS NORGE — WELBILT Ga* and Electric Ranges • Refrigerators • Bamboo Blinds, All Sizes $2.50 Up • "DINETTE KINGS" • • Wrought Iron • Chrome TIME PAYMENTS ARRANGED WAREHOUSE AND SHOWROOMS OPEN EVERY DAY AND SUNDAYS Tennent Rd. Tel. MA 1-1694-J PLEASE Morganville Strictly Enforce 60 MPH Speed Limit tHE MATAWAN JOURNAL MA1TAWAN, N. j / ] TAGE ZZ~-?;T^. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 15, 1955 through Aug. 31. Of that, some 4717 special aids were given during July and August. The list covers such incidents as flat tires, overheating, help in starts ing car, and. in at least one instance, help to deliver a baby born on the Parkway. Another $1000 scholarshi: Strict enforcement of the 60 will be awarded by Blair Acai mlle-per-hour speed limit on the eray, Blnirstown, for study I Garden State Parkway has rethe Academy during the yea; sulted In the issuance of some 1955-56 to a boy entering h 850 summonses by New Jersey Junior year In the hlgli schoo tate Police during the first of Monmoutb County. This wi ight months of this year. be the second award made posThe New Jersey Highway Ausible by the gift ot Lester C hority, which built and operlOvett, Little Silver nurseryina \tes the 164-mlle Parkway, said and nn alumnus or Blair, clas: Tuesday that State Police enof 1899. orcement ot the speed maxlnum on the superhighway will Applications for the scholarcontinue to be strict in the inship should be made immediati erest of safety for nil. ly and should be addressed ti The Parkway's safely record the Office of Alumni and Publli as been one of the, if not the, Blairstown. According to thi ("it in the country among coinscholarship committee any can arablo roads, perhaps due to dldute for the scholarship "pres ,e strict enforcement policy, ently should be in the uppo .'here was only one traffic faquarter of his class, should b tality during the two recordan all-around boy, should have ravel months of July and Aiia habitual respect for the com tust. and a total of five for the mon courtesies and an evident irst eight months this year. leadership potential and shoul be a boy who could not otherChairman Katharine Elkus wise Bffnrd nn independen Vhito of (lie Hlgrhway Authority school education." rgcd motorists to observe the A n o t h e r scholarship madi •arkwny's speed limits (CO mph possible by Mr. Lovett was :xccpt where otherwise posted) awarded recentiy to William E in order to assure convenience, 'irth, 10-yenr-old son of Mr. pleasure and of course safety SPECTACULAR Mrs. William E. Firth, 241 Wilfor everyone using the new suplow Dr., Little Silver. Is this New Jersey's Jarcesl tree? Austin N. Lent/., extension erhighway. A n o t h e r $1000 scholarshi forester ill ItutKcrs University, me.isuriiiK ;in Kustcrn coltoiiwood '•The Parkway has been deSussex County, discovers :i Kirth of 23 feet, four inches at foureven more recently announce in fret abov« the ground. The uiant, with an estimated igned to offer the greatest opwas the Sulzberger Memoria and-onc-hnlf height of 85 feet, stands on tlie "Warbasse Kami" now owned by portunity for safety," Mrs Scholarship made possible b: Ira Rceil, near Newton mi the Warbasse Station road. Bliss Emma White said, "but we all must Order Tour KiU'-\V;iy AI u mi mini Storm Windows and Poors the widow of the late J . Wi Warb.issc, (right) niece <if Joseph Warbasse, former owner, told •ealize that a driver's respect NOM1 al Our Special Kodueed Trices aid Sulzberger, Blair class o Mr. Lent/, that her minlc brought the young tree from cither for traffic rules and regulation: •20 and liia son J. Wlllard, Jr Iowa or Illinois in 185!) sinil plunted il. is tho most Important factor.' Blair Class of '44, A Rutgers University forester growing an Inch around every The State Police detachment Applications for the scholar patrolling the Parkway aroundsix years. ships will be received up to an has ended his search for New the-clock issued approximately Trii)l(> Track When Mr. Lentz began his Jersey's largest tree, for the including Sept. 17. and appll 508 summonses for spending dursearch he announced he'd like cants, it was suggested, als moment^ at least. Austin N ing July and August. Some 1280 Reg. $22.95 could get in touch with Blai Lentz, extension forester at the to locate not only the largest summonses were issued during of all trees in the state, but also the previous six monlhu. ulurnni area leaders, Williair Jay Duncan, Longstreet Farm ollege of Agriculture, started the largest among species. Reg. $65.00 Holmdel and William C. Rue wondering a few months ago These entries held many sur- In all, some 3817 summonses have been given by State Police prises, even for the forester. Completely Installed about sizes ot the state's giant Box 151, B.P.D. 1. Keyport. rees, mentally cataloguing the For example, an American on the Parkway for traffic Inw Also ig fellows he had admired in holly with a girth of nearly sev- violations during the first eight Judgment Denied en feet was discovered on the months of this year. About 10BO travels. Jalousies — Venetian Blinds — Awnings Judge George B. Morrison in hisHis speculations got into the farm of Samuel McAllister, Bar- ot those were handed out durMiddlesex County District Court aewspapers, along with a gen- ret Run Hd., Bridgeton. ing the two-month period of July ;ri New Brunswick Thursda rnl invitation to tree lovers to And there's an American and August. :ound in favor of the defendant lend him nominations for his chestunut that survived the On the other hand, State Pon an action brought by Chester ig tree list. Before long he blight of many years ago and lice have rendered special aid 3. Williams of 14 Cedar St., and a considerable number of still bears nuts. It's eight feet, ;o approximately 11,375 motor- Phone South Amboy 1-32S4-J for Appointment I'HKK KSTIMATES ieyport, against Arthur Wood ards in his Hie describing gl- four inches around is growing ists on the Parkway durine the NO OBLIGATION floute 18, Madison Township. nts growing In eity and coun- along Route 513, between New- eight-month period from Jan. 1 The plaintiff sued to recover ;ry. foundland and West Milford. >127.59 for labor furnished the Comparing data on his cards, There are 20 species altogethiefendant on a construction job r. Lentz was astonished to dls-er in Mr. Lentz's file. Most The court held that the plain- :over what appeared to be a enthusiastic among tree lovers ;iff was not entitled to the Jude- lead heat, with big trees in Sus- seen to be the oak faction, be ncnt sought because he hud iex and Warren Counties of ex- ause they have sent in many ailed to sustain the burden of ctly the same size. He made cards, nominating giant white, iroof. careful check, measuring each black, scarlet, chestnut or other ree at exactly four-and-one- kinds of oak. alf feet from ground level, the The big tree census, started itandard practice. informally as a sort of hobby, At New Jersey's champion tree, is heartening to Mr. Lentz, who until another claimant comes regards the interest shown in long, Is an Eastern cottonwood trees up and down the state as in the "Warbasse Farm." own- a wholesome sign. id by Ira Reed and situated He spends most of his profeslong the Warbesse Station road sional life with farmers, showA RETAIL STORE near Newton. This cottonwood Ing them how to grow trees as as a girth of 23 feet, four \n- crops, for many purposes. But Opposite Farmers Market Route 36 :hes and an estimated height he also has responsibility for if 85 feet. keeping trees in general before Fresh New Merchandise Is Brought in Weekly at Lowest Prices Runner - up in neighboring the public, and he feels the reVarren County is a sycamore, sults of his survey show that 11 feet, four inches around, on Ills enthusiasm for New Jersey he Theodore Slack farm, trees is shared by many of his BridgeviUe-Hope Rd. Warren ;ellow citizens. ounty friends of the big tree The forester is preparing a ay it's 200 or 300 years old and 1st of big trees to send to those ,vho have responded to his reuest for information. It also ivlll be available to others who reciuest it. Don't Bisk Ruining Your Hair By Doing Your Wave At Home. You Can Have a Professional "Body-Wave" for Just a Few Cents More Than the Cost of a Home Permanent Wave Kit. 1850 Summonses Issued On GSP T It Takes No Longer to Give Than a Shampoo and Set. Your Hair Will Pin Up Easier and Your Settings Will Last Longer, Without the Usual "Home Frizz" and Hair Damage. This Price Includes Shampoo and Set Hair Cut, if Desired, $1.00 Extra $4.50 \ Make Your Appointment Now — Call KEyport 7-1464 Creative Hair Stylists I 71 Broad St. • Key port Look what's NEW for you in I TELEPHONE DEVELOPMENTS You can now have many new phone conveniences. Some, perhaps, you haven't heard of yet. They're all reasonably priced and designed with your needs in mind. 1 ILLUMINATED DIAL... makes calling at night or in dark rooms or corners easy. © 4 EXTENSION PHONES IN COLOR . . • the newest way to express your good taste in homo or office decoration. You can choose from eight decorator colors: Red, beige, brown, blue, ivory, green, yellow, gray. This Weeks Special INGRAM ALARM CLOCKS $1.69 Inc. Tax DR. LOUIS I. PRAGER OPTOMETRIST EYES EXAMINED orricr HOUHS Dailr ond Saturday! 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Fildsyi 9 A.M. Jo 8 P.M. Wtdntidsri S A.M. to 11 Noon And that's only half the Chevrolet story 30 W. Front St., Keyport KEyport 7-2020 Sure, you get sore ai "MI:I RING WOUM-IFS' '. T h c y a a w l into tires through ro.nl bumps curb scufli, worn Heeling pans. They cosi IOU plenty in tire wear, blow-outs, ACCIDENTS. Sure cure is asaicry check-up BSFORE it's too late —the kind your car gcu on our scientific IIIAH equipment. M? Thank Your Repair Man For ''The Accident Tho' Didn't Happen" at Fenlurcflback up Chuvrolet Performance. Anti Ihip HrnhiiiR~-haU Itttca Metrmtf—C'u(Hear Sprinti -Bodyby 2 SPEAKERPHONE . . B frees your hands . . . lets several people confer with calling party . . . delivers caller's conversation by spoakor . . . can also be used in normal manner. \ 3 VOLUME CONTROL phones for the lmrd of hearing . . . volumo primly controlled hy turning n knob. 5 AUTOMATIC ANSWERING AND RECORDING SERVICE... and DELIVEf Cal! answers! your cnlls with your recorded message when you nro out . . . requests caller to lcavo message . . ...and.,records caller's message. A lightning-quick power punch that makes your driving safer! That's one of the reasons for F.tntrical System—Nine Kngim-Vrwc Choice). The sizzling acceleration ot Chevrolet's new "Turbo-Fire V8" is half the story; but it takes ii lot more besides. Cornering and handling qualities really count on the NASCAR* Short Truck circuit where Chevrolet's king-just as they count for safer and more pleasant highway driving. And even Chevrolet's winning stock car record—but It's not the only one. Not by a long shot I ORDER NOW... or phone for further information on how you can enjoy the advantages of complete telephone service. Just call your Telephone Business Office. NI3W JERSEY BELL TELEPHONE COMI'ANY l'ishcr—lZ-Volt ns this beauty, The record proves ill Come on in mid sample all the things that give f Chevrolet its winning ways. We're Keeping a key ready for youl ion tat Slid Car Auto NOW'S THE TIME TO BUY! LOW PRICES-BIG DEALSI ENJOY A NEW CHEVROLET! Highway 35 Six Corners KEYPORT ROBERT G. THIXTON, Inc. 108 Main Street, Matawan Phone Matawan 1-1040 Bell's seal, which adorns all Its Eberle, K. W. Pcnwick, B. S State Police said that obscene U vehicles. The background for pictures of the defendant and Johnston, James Neidlnger, M f THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, MATAWAN, N. J. the Bell Is now a cream color and two Middlesex County girls C. Osborne, D. J. Patterson, R PAGE THUKSDAV, SEPTEMBER 15, 1955 which, under the new arrangeages 15 and 16, was found In the Stryker, B. S. Seres, Harry Way, ment, will be changed to white. car. Hansen faces additional si\, E. M. Walters, G. H. Sprat- cation, heat, power operating of Its higher stability and lowOutlining and lettering, which charges in Middlesex County. is now gold, will become silver, JCP&L To Present ford and Carlton Ludewig, Un- and maintenance costs because er operating temperature. In other indictments handed Two-Tone Trend On Outgoing Jury Hands it was explained. ion Beach; Miss Estelle Apple up at the close of its term by Awards At Dinners N.J. Bell Trucks Up More Indictments gate, Miss Myrtle Boyce, w'llMr. Qtt estimated that the the May Grand Jury, Michael changeover of some 2400 work Jersey Central Power and liam Cullman, Miss Marie Thomas Wilkins, 31. of 34 Benestu, IB, County Bd., Cliff- There's a "new look" in the and trailers to tho two- L i g h t Co. employees, active and Dougherty, Miss Anna Donovan, Waverly St., Keyport, entered a wood, is charged with cariml telephone industry today, col- trucks tone arrangement will take over retired, with 25 years or more F. W. Brisklo and G. R. Hushcharge of murder when arraign- abuse of a 14-year-old Perth or. Not only do telephones 4000 of aplnt, but he service, soon will receive gold, our, Keyport. ed Thursday before Superior Amboy girl on Mar. 11 and Mar. come in eight decorator colors, doesn'tgallons expect the output to inscribed watches in recognition Retired employees eligible to but even New Jersey Bell's fleet Court Judge Frank T. Lloyd, SO in Matawan Township. James Kelleher, 12, Union, Is of commercial trucks and trnil- create any run on the paint o{ their long years of service receive watches include the fol- We use the modern, efficient jr., in Freehold. market. Jesse w l t n t h e COmpany, Charles E. lowing from this area: Wilkins is charged with the accused of imparing the moraJs ers is joining the color parade. method of rug cleaning and Aumack, Frederick C. Bailey, fatal stabbing of Delia Golden, of two girls, ages 6 and 8, In Bell System green, a stand- New vehicleo, he said, will Kohlhepp, president, announced Stephen R. Carney, Joseph H. 26. while she was in Flo's Bar Holmdel Township on June 23. by for more than a quarter cen- come delivered with the new recently. Robert J. Cook, Jr., repairing. and Drill, Lower Main St., Ma- John Welwardt, 134 Bray Ave. tury, is yielding to the two-tone color arrangement. Others, will The first presentation will be Collins, East Keansburg, is charged with trend by adding a new contrast be painted the new scheme as m a d e to the 306 active and 13B George A. Kipp, A. D. ShulU tawan-Township, on June 19. and Lloyd C. Walling, all of The defendant fled from the atrocious assault and battery. color-bright orange. Frank J. they are brought in for general retired employees at a com- Keyport: Walter Baker, Lau—REMEMBER— " scene right after the incident A car operated by the defen- Ott, supervisor of .motor vehi- overhaul. It will be several pany-sponsored dinner meeting rence Harbor and George E. years before they are all paintcles for New Jersey Bell, extor the 25-Year Club members dant, allegedly struck Mrs. Lilbut was arrested at the home of Weinman, Cliffwood Beach. to be held this fall. his sister h Washington, D. C . lian Post. 71, Keyport, while she plained that the new orange and ed, ho added. several days later. Trial dato was crossing the street on May green combination Is easier to The changeover to green and Those who t will attain such see. was set for Oct. 24. 21. orange at New Jersey Bell will status In the future will be hon- Bright Nickel Plating 'We feel the new color sch- mean the fourth change in col- ored similarly. Mr. Kohlhepp Process By H-VW-M We'll s e n d our Make the Difference Wilklus was one of nine deeme will make parked or movors in the past half century. said he plans to make the dinStole Women's Garb ing trucks stand out, particu- Originally fendants in indictments handed courteous bonded the standard color ner an annual affair for the purConversion to bright nickel up to Judge Lloyd Thursday by d r i v e r to your CALL the outgoing May term cf the Charles L. Gueiin, 36, of Mor- lary at dusk and in shaded and was a royal blue. Following pose of recognizing new mem- plating has paid off handsomehome to pick up Grand Jury who were arraign- ganville, was placed on proba- tree areas, when green has a this the trend was to battleship bers and "continuing the spirit ly at the S. E. and M. Vernon of good fellowship among our Co., Elizabeth, one, of tho naed before County Judge John tion for two years on his guilty tendency to blend with the back- ray. your rugs or carWhen New Jersey Bell was old-timers." He stated his de- tion's largest manufacturers of plei to a breaking, entering and ground," Mr. Ott said. C, Giordano. pets. Warren I. Hansen, 21, Nixon, larceny charge. Ho broke a The orange contrast, he said, formed as a statewide operating cision to hold ah annual dinner looseleaf binders and folders. entered a plen of not RUilty to store window at Perth Amboy also is more easily seen by pe- unit In 1927, it started using and award watches, in addition Besides turning out a glittera charge of unlawful possession and stole women's clothing val- destrians and drivers under the present solid green. New to the 25-Year Club emblems Ing- binder ring that quickly be- For the Very Finest in Professional Rug Cleaning > of obscene literature with in- ued at $36. The clothing was normal daytime conditions. The Jersey Bell with a total of more and. certificates, was basud on cttme UiB choiur of stationery returned and the defendant green color will still be the than 3100 vehicles, including his belief that the work exper- dealers and consumers, the tent to show and use it. According to Keyport State made restitution for the dam- standard for the cab and upper passenger cars, has the largest ience of long service employees company's new bright nickel Police, the defendant and three age, according to Judge Klcm- levels of truck bodies; The low- commercial fleet in the state. Is an asset of which any com- processing is plating work 20 pany can be most roud. per cent faster, using 50 per others were driving back to Nix- mer Knltelssen, who heard Mr. er portion of New Jersey Bell Member National Institute of Hug Cleaning on in Hansen's car after visit- Guerin's plea in Middlesex vehicles, however, will be paint- Do you need shipping tabs,1 Active employees with 25 or cent less amperage and 25 per ed bright orange. or labels? Our Job printingdeCounty Court Uj New Brunswick more years of service from Uncent less nickel. In addition, Ing Keansburg on June 16, when The new combination also has partment is prepared to supply ion Beach and Keyport offices the process (a devlopment of the car was involved in an ac- on Thursday. The Area's Only Rug Cleaning Pint! brought on a, variation in the your needs on short notice, o1 include: C. A. Bauman, F . J. Hanson - Van Winkle - Munning cident at the Keyport entrance to the Garden State Parkway. Have you read the classified ads' color scheme of New Jersey prices that will please you. Comvny. Roy DePalmer, F . A. Co., Matawan) has cut purifi- 25-Year Employees Will Get Watches New Look" In Telephone Industry Wilkins, Hansen, Plead Not Guilty CLEAN RUGS . Boyes Rug Cleaning Co. 83 YEARS 1 GREAT Fresh Dressed — Eastern Shore —Regular Top Qualify 4-7 Lbs. NOW • LOOK WHAT rOU GET U. S. Choice and Packers' Top Brands — BONELESS FREEZER. BUY OF THE WEEK U. S. Choice and Packers' Top Brands VARIETY EF PACKAGE 4 Meals Ib. I Colonial Brand — 4 to 6 lbs. — New Enlgand Trimmed — Short Snjnl CALAS l0 In One -J§JB^, Av,.wt. 14-is ibs. Corned Beef There is NO WASTE in this Family Package. 1 B^* IS; Doerfoof Farms— Bologna or Smoked Liverwurst lb 59 = lb mm*A 37 Halibut Steak SS lb 53' Swift's — Quick Frozen — Loir 55 Luncheon Steaks OUR BIRTHDAY ISYOUR BIG 12 BIG Add a New Volume Each Week Until Your Set Is Complete! Volumes 1 & 2 Now Available. New Volume On Sale Each Week. Vokime 2 thru 12 only Ideal for School Tomatoes Potatoes Naturally Good — Topi In Flavor U. S, No, I Gradn, For Hearty Meals Walnuts Smooth, DolicMo Flavor Diamond Brand, Largo, Now California Grop Mb. collo pkg. enrton 1 IB ^ HIGHWAY 36, KEANSBURG OPEN TUES., and THURS. TIL 9 P.M. - FRI. TIL 10 P.M. 45 -3' not filter out as fast as they of these should be a warning It rarely occurs In in- to see a qualified eye physician. Committee Chairmen Glaucoma Clinics At should. ants, sometimes in young ad- He can detect this condition by and too frequently in older means of special instruments to Monmouth And Fitkin ults, adults. About 12 per cent of all measure the eye pressure and For Holmdel P-TA the effect it has had on the optic Two 10-Week Courses At Rutgers University JOURNAL, MATAWAN, Cancer Deaths Increase In State TlIUItSDAY. SEPTEMBER 15, 1955 Techniques of producing top Of the 51.203 residents ol NewPAGE S-.-T quality fruits and vegetables Jersey, who died in 1954, ac-1784 women and 775 men; canof the lymph and blood, and people in this, country over 40 and marketing them to the best cording to figures obtained from cer of the respiratory tracts, 188 men and 24 women from the records of the New Jersey Regular Meeting To years of age have or will de- nerve, with the associated deDisease Affects Eyes advantage will be stressed in State Department of Health by 1084 men and 178 women; cancer of the buccal cavity and fects on the entire field of vis- Be Held On Tuesday Of Many Older Adults velop glaucoma. this year's 10-week courses in the American Cancer Society, unspecified sites 520 men andpharynx. All types of glaucoma are ion. production at Rutgers Univer- New Jersey Division, 18.6 per320 women. A jotal of 440 men In New Jersey, the medical serious, and unless- properly This second and chronic type Committee chairmen for the sity beginning Oct. 10. and 308 women; died of cancer Have you read the classified acU? eye doctors and the Eye Health treated lead to blindness. The of glaucoma never Is cured but coming year were appointed on The work of each course in- cent or 9504 were victims of cancer, an increase of nearly 1 Thursday, when the executive P'-jvlce of the New Jersey State adult type usually occurs may be arrested or greatly recludes lectures, discussion. ?, labC&'mmission for the Blind are in two forms: First, the acute lieved provided the person sees committee of the Holmdel Par- oratory work, demonstrations one per cent over 1953. urging greater public awareness form which comes on suddenly, n, qualified eye physician soon ent-Teacher Association met at and actual practice in orchards, Cancer appears as one of the and 1 understanding of the dis- oftentimes at night, or when the and follows his instructions. It the Crawford's Corner School. greenhouses and gardens. Both first two principal causes in ease, - glaucoma, by sponsoring patient has been under a great is most important for the pa- The meeting was conducted by courses occupy the student's each age group, starting with tree glaucoma clinics with the nervous strain or grief. It is tient to realize that the eye Mrs. Jack Wilding, president, full time, classes arc conduct- the one to four bracket with a co-operation of local hospitals. accompained by redness and drops which his doctor orders and 13 members attended. ed during daytime hours. Tui- decrease over the 1953 year of Glaucoma, a disease of the pain in the eye with loss of vis-are his "life's blood," so far as Committee heads are as fol- tion is free to New Jersey resi- 3.5 per cent in the 45-64 age his vision is concerned, and that lows: Child study, Mrs. Dudley dents. ion. Fortunately, when this type Bye -which if not treated leads group and a 6.8 per cent jump JIATAWAN'S MOST to blindness, will be called to occurs, the patient realizes they must be used for the rest Robinson; budget and finance, The courses in fruit growing in the age groups 65 years and the attention of the public dur- something is wrong with his of the patient's life. Sometimes Mrs, Jack Morgan; member- and vegetable production are over. SELECT NEIGHBORHOOD ing Glaucoma Detection Week, eyes and seeks medical aid or in spite of regular use of these, ship, Mrs. William McCormick; two of the seven short courses The greatest number of deaths ^«ot. 18 to 24. surgery, which if rendered soon the condition is not controlled, goals, Mrs. Edwin Llebenow; in agriculture offered by the was due to cancer having di OFFERS CAPE COD and then some type of eye oper- publicity, Mrs. Edmund cross- New Jersey State University Clinics will be held at Mon-enough, relieves, and in most ation becomes necessary. ley; historian, Mrs. Edward this year. Further information gestlve and abdominal origin, Living Koom,j2 Bedrooms, Tile Bath Kitchen, Dinette, Full mouth Memorial Hospital on cases cures the condition. 2103 men and 1718 women, a toBasement, 1-clar Garage and Hot Air Heat The Eye Health Service of thePrinz; by-laws, Mrs. Jake um- can be obtained from the office tal of 3821, dying of this cause. for Only Sept. 19 and 20 at 2 p.m. and Slower Form Insidious berger; school education; Mrs. of the Dean, College of Agriat Fitkin Memorial Hospital on The second form is much New Jersey Commission for theJames Cancer of the breast nnd genitoKissel; summer round- culture, New Brunswick. Sept.. 22 and 23 at 2 p.m. At more insidious and creeps on soBlind has an extensive program up, Mrs. urinary tracts took the lives of SPLIT-LEVEL Frank Barron; proLiving Room Kitchen, Tile Bath, 3 Bedrooms. Finisihed the clinics a free test for glau- slowly that many people are to encourage and help those who gram, Mrs. Alan Avchen and Recreation Room coma will be given, but it is .radically blind in one eye have any symptoms of glau- Mrs. Omar Sickles; hospitality, and Garage for only , . , . . . . emphasized that this is not a and partially blind in the other coma to seek and obtain, proper Mrs. Genovese; telecomplete eye examination, pure- eye before they realize anything advice and treatment. They phone, Peter VII Cuslom Built on 75* x 125 Lots Mrs. Gerard Hess; pubrecommend that everyone conly a teat for glaucoma. is wrong with their eyes. The lication, Mrs. Paul Hanclk. sult a qualified eye physician eyes do not pain and are not INSPECT HOMES Heads County Program Vpie program chairman in red. The part of vision affect- or hospital eye clinic at least The first meeting of tho fall Free Estimates Given Just Off Houtc 31 at Buttomrood Manor lrfonmouth County is Dr. James ed first is the said vision that once a year. season will be held on Tuesday On Edfrcwater Drive, Matawan No Job Too Large or Too Small Or Contact A. Fisher, jr.. and the other one uses in the dark or dim evening at 8 o'clock at the Cenmedical eye doctors who are co-light. Central, or reading, vis- Trucks are not permitted on terville S c h o o l . Teachers, • operating: are Dr. James Clark, ion, is unaffected until the very the northern sections of the school personnel, members of Dr. Jose Pletrl and Dr. Arthur last. For this reason, anyone Garden State Parkway above the school committee, nurses, Strauss. having trouble seeing at night Interchange 90 near Lakewood bus drivers, dentists, etc., will WILLIAM M. STROTHEK, Prop. The disease, glaucoma, is dueshould be suspicious of the con-In Ocean County. Only through be introduced. "Student Pro138 Lower Main St. Near New Parkway Overpass to the" eyeballs becoming too dition. Another common symp- travel is permitted for buses tection Insurance" will be dishard, because for some unknown tom is a halo or rainbow along the Parkway stretch north cussed, and refreshments will Phone MA 2-2fi:!a—nr MA 1-1U03, Matawan be served. reason the fluids in the eye doaround lights or the moon. Any of the Raritan River. DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR YOUR BEST BUY! LOCHSLEA HEIGHTS $13,500 $15,800 MASON CONTRACTOR JERRY DE BARO Matawan Builders Supply Call: Matawan 1-3154 P. 0 . Box 126 Cliffwood, N. J. ions happy // * BIG SLICE OF SAVINGS! •//A * Velveeta Cheese Spread 2-^83' Dairy Dept. Creamy GROCERY PRICES EFFECTIVE A L L WEEK T H R U W E D . , SEPT. 21 %\. M . . t mil Product Pr'mi Eff.ctiv. thru Sat., Sept. 17th. "SJ2&&> F}Lashi4iiBi [»—SasBBS^X. Imported Muenster 1.51* Bleu pVq.i 69 *— ~ 83** ipiigs Orange Ju Potatoes Frozen Foods I FOOD MARKETS! -It 7^ 6° Kitchen Garden 83* $ s ^ F R O « Nancy Lynn Fruit & Nut Danish Ring Baked L Goods YOUR CHOICE OF ANY Nancy Lynn Plain or Sugared Donuts d Swanson Boned Chicken Burry Cookies A Q¥ 3F Jomafo Pasfe «f 10 01. pkgs. Q Q Preen Wax Ideal Dog Food fancy STOKELY 65' Cut Green Beans ftELPYOURSELF TO SAVINGS I 4 Ivory Soap Ivory Snow Rill? n - . Oxydol * . JVaihdoy Mlracla Blue Cheer Joy Liquid Soap io'«8 pt. can | 16 oz. cans Ivory Flakes mm ft*nut BriHU • Toftittd Coeoanut • 2 Homittyli i 5 oz. can , O YOUR CHOICE OF A ? nvNTS Uiiiiiii uii :t;;i.' i :.i >^; J :u ;r.:i i:»[ui SO- IO - 83 lo'irjg Dried Beef '.••i«29' Wilitn ' 30' A 72' 30' X 72' Xffi p^-72 ' 72' AW A72 ig. ' Ham Salad Table Napkins MiictI Kllch.n Charm Wax Paper '»»• '•" 23* Pie Crust Mix GRAND U O N Beans * - » , Chips „ , „ , 2 p k " ••"»17* Pastel Napkins 2 ft'19* M.ifcal Dinner Napkins uoil$& 29' Bon Ami 83 2.^21' 2 " " " ••l!0 33' Towels Hankies YOUR CHOICE OF ANY • »•• i " Vf 2 »»• 23' Margarine P| LLSBURy Cake Him Chopped Bosf Spunq« Coppar Cluntr Cops •>»«• 3 9 ' Imtant Fell N«ptha (1 pVq, di«l) Soap Granules New P a e |[ FRESHPAK 2Piq»45' Red, Sour Pitted 3 bl"<26' Naptha Soap Toilet Soap 3 - « " » 2 5 ' Toilet Soap ''ittv Mushroom Gravy WlltDK SllC.d port. cake, i»- pfci- 3 0 <? MARCAL- & O iTangs 3 b " h " k "35< ... SUNSHINE cam Clover Leaves Mayonnaise S-a.lht.rt |! «t I . I . I at hall prlt.) 30' bot, j f y r bot -f 2 Soap 3«'Z?V 3,1V.11.29' ' Hand Soap HIGHWAY 36, KEANSBURG <01.w1.j7* • • * " ' OPEN TUES., and THURS. TIL 9 P.M. - FRI. TIL 10 P.M. IL*£ Program Suggested POETESS-PROFESSOR FROM SPAIN AT DOUGLASS Extend Honor System I To Control Erysipelai Garden State Parkway Isolate, Vaccinate, . Newly-Purchased Swine Kent Stevenson Has Weenie Roast Heads State Group Motorists Pay Tolls Without Collectors The honor system for motorA combination isolation and ists on the Garden State Parkvaccination program offera the way will be extended to the best control for swine erysipenorthern metropolitan area of las. one of the most serious dls the new toll road, the New Jeroases in the United States, acsey Highway Authority announcording to a suggestion for ced Sunday. farmers issued today by the American Foundation for Ani D. Louis Tonti, Acting Execumal Health. tive Director of the Highway Authority, said the honor sysThe Foundation recommend.1 tem will go Into effect at midisolation of all newly-purchas night Sunday at the Watchung ed swine for a period of three (Watchum? Ave.. Bloomfield) weeks, during which time they and Passaic (Route 3) ramp toll should be observed closely for stations for the 12 to 6 a.m. signs of the disease. shirts only. . Erysipelas is similar to many other diseases in that It Is Under the system, motorists DALE IS. OTTO spread by carriers, that is, aniare put on their honor to pay mals that appear to be healthy ,olls at specified ramp stations Dale B. Otto, president of the but actually are infected. Farm along the Parkway. No human New Jersey Natural Gas Comers who do not raise their own collectors are In attendance. pany, Friday was elected presi'PlBs should buy feeder animals The motorist is asked by post- dent of the New Jersey Gas Asand breeding stock only from ed signs to deposit his fare in sociation at its 40th nnnual herds which are known to be a. receptacle attached to the toll meeting at the Monmouth Hodisease free, the Foundation booth. tel, Spring Lake. says. Director Tonti noted, however,] About 400 gas officials and Scnorita Marina Itomero, Douglass College's Spanish poetess Gilts and sows should be vachat the electronic treadle courisays that poets arc born not made. Author of four r of vehicles passing through executives from all parts of the cinated properly before breed- professor, state heard Gov. Robert B. boohs of Spanish verse, she teaches Spanish language and litera- e,he ing time in areas where erysi- ture toll lanes continue to funcat the State Unlverity's women's college, and currently is suggest that the gas inpelas has occurred earlier. Lit- editing a book in Spanish about Castile fur ivliicli she is furnishing tion, and added: "If we find Meyner dustry In New Jersey has a Job tle pigs should be' vaccinated at the photographic illustrations. general abuse of the system of In telling the public "the fabusix to eight weeks of age. the two new locations, State Po- lous story of what natural gas Anti-serum injections and se- What makes a poet—a worn that development of technique! ice will be instructed to make has done." He said there was lective antibiotics offer some an professor-poet writing i: will improve the natural gift spot checks there in order to the common misbelief that nahelp in swine infected with ery- Spanish? Where does she fin but that a poet must have a spe get better compliance. How- tural gas would bring lower ratslpaels, providing such treat- nspiration and what is sly cial type of sensibility to mood; ever, our experience with the es, but "we must tell the story or happenings of the moment honor system leads us to bement is done early in the course ke? to the public in understandable of the disease. Senorita Marina Romero, as These pass by the average in- ieve that there will bo little or fashion of the problems of transdividual, she says, bul the poe no abuse." ;ociate professo. of Spanish Symptoms of the acute form mission, stnndby services and of eryslpeals are similar to hog nd director of the Spanisi reacts and feels compelled tc The system has been employ- other problems." cholera. Animals go off feed, House at Douglass, the women'; express these feelings in "word ed with good results at ramp run high fevers and often die ollege of the state University beauty." 'oil stations in southern areas of Gov. Meyner said that the gas ilnce 1938, provides some inter within a few hours. Vibrancy and dellcateness an ,he 164-mile Parkway. For the Industry today has to compete estmg answers d r B i from heThe Foundation points out lhatj synonymous with Ivliss Rome most part, the system is limit- with nthor fuels, such as electhe disease organisms that own experience. She is the au ro's verse and with the poe ed to the early morning shifts tric, coal and oil. He explaincause erysipelas can live in the thor of four books of verse anc herself. Reviewers have ap 'rom midnight to 6 a.m. when ed that when utilities were first ground for years. Infected lots of numerous poems publishe plauded the "intense and blind- raffle is comparatively light. given franchises it was believed should be worked often so the in Spain, South America an ing world" nnd the ''delicate A comparison of the treadle by many to be monopolies, "but sun and air can help get rid of Mexico. and refined" work of the Doug- count of vehicles and the re- that is not so today." The gas the germs. Herds should be One must be born a poet, like lass College professor whom ceipts in the l depository recep- Industry, he added, has to commoved to clean ground and pas- any kind of artist, in Senorita they also hail as "among the ;acles has shown that better pete with the other fuels, nnd Romero's opinion. She says five or six best women pouts ;hah 60 per cent of the motor- the state has to see that it can ture after an infection. of the new Spanish poetry, sts observe the honor system. be in a position to compete. iSlender and petite, the dark What is more, the missing 4Q Explaining the position of the liaired senorita personifies fin per cent includes State Police, administration on utilities, the Intensity, Students and facul maintenance and other official governor said the state "con ty know her as a dynamic per- 'arkway vehicles which are take strictly the consumer's sonality. . permitted to pass free of charge view or the stockholder's view" but it has been the position of The little senorita, who teach xnyway. administration to consider None of the nine across-the- his es 19th and 20th century Span the position "of all areas." is-h literature as well as elemen- 'arkway toll plazas has the 'Government falls when you tary and advanced Spanish honor system in effect. Toll seek to represent only one MATAWAN 138 Main St. MA 10003 grammar and conversation, was collectors man those booths view." he stated. bora in Madrid some 40 years around the clock daily. The sysago. Her first poem was writ- ,em has been confined to rump Other officers elected by the en, at the time of her gradu-, itatlons where motorists are association are Henry W. Niation from The Institute Escuela iither leaving or entering the colson, Public Service Electric and Gas Company, Newark, here. She later, returned to 'arkway's main roadways. ,his school as a teacher follow- The honor system was insti- Irst vice president: Theodore H. Kendall, president, South Jerng undergraduate work at the tuted on the Parkway late last sey Gas Company, Atlantic City, TRAVEL BY STEAMSHIP University of Madrid. ear in the interest of economy, second vice prelsdent; and OR PLANE. CRUISES. Her first book of verse 't was found that toll collec- Frank C. Pesveyc, Public ServACCOMMODATIONS ARRANGED 'Poemas A," was published in ions at some ramp stations dur- ce, secretary-treasurer. (Foreign or Domestic)* 1935 by the alumnae of the ng early morning hours did not Other s p e a k e r s included PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE women's residential unit of the varrant the cost of maintain- George T. Naff, president of University of Madrid. "Nosta- ing human attendants there for Texas Eastern Transmission gla de Manann," her second the shift. Corporation, operators of the book of poems, appeared in The honor system has been in Big Inch and Little Inch pipeMexico In 1942: the third, "Pre- iffect previously at the Mon- lines; Dolph Jansen, Jr.. vice Day Calls: VAUpy 6-4141—214 Smith St., Perth Amboy, N. J. ;oncia del Recuerdo" in Mad mouth (Red Bank), Lakewood president of Fuller, Smith nnd Night Call*: KF 7-1478-R—7 Broadway. Keyport id in 1952; and the fourth, ,nd Tilton (Pleasantvllle) ramp Ross, public relations special'Midas. Poema de Amor," al- oil stations. It operates at ists, and Dr. Dwayne Orton, ediJonmouth for the mldnight-to- tor of Think Magazine. so in Madrid In 1954. a.m. shift only, but Is in fullThe professor-poet's verse i yrlc and, since she dislikes be- -ime effect at the two more ing limited by form, most often iouthern spots. is blank verse in melodic lines The passenger vehicle rate Is if deep rhythmic mood. She !5 cents nt Watchung, and 10 prefers to write immediately :ents at the Route 3 ramp staGasoline Powered when Inspired, though she ad- ion. At Red Bank, Lakewood mita circumstances often pre ,nd Pleasantvllle, the passen- Cement Mixers, Garden /ent. Then her poems 'are ;er vehicle rate is 10 cents. Tractors or Rotary •written mentally." She seldom changes or corrects her The speed limit along the Lawn Mowers arden State Parkway in New erses. ersey is 60 miles per hour ex"How can you patch an emoept where otherwise posted, Ion?" she asks. A Spanish Government schol- owever, the superhighway was Call MA 1-3136-M rship brought Miss Romero to esigned to accomodate speeds ;hls country in 1035 for gradu- is high ns 70 m.p.h. te study at Smith College mith also granted her a year's ellowship. A Mills College enchlng fellowship took her to hat California institution, frorr hich she received her M. A. in 937. she devoted several sumtriers to teaching and further Little slrl (Imams are real . . . and all based on experience. Some itudy at Middlebury College aftt she Joined the Douglass Col things she's read, others she's seen, others she's heard. Her mommy and daddy are Stultz boosters. They talk about our ege faculty in 1938. She has Degree Day delivery service . , . how they like our drivers nnd :ompleted more than half the our service men. equirements for the doctorate egree nt Middlebury. n 1 Thai la!!'. f^eped fh'nush «» W«» S'isle, By nosh, wouldn't be But her native e w'i'y li* * surprised if she doesn't have us tnkc care of her lic/itine some day. more recently, lured her back For the 1953-54 year she was or leave from Rutgers University Susie couldn't do belter and neither could you. as the recipient of a Rutgers Research Council grant, aug mented by Calm Foundation Eltsbllihid 1(01 QuaUrr — W»lsbl — Serrte* funds, permitting her to prepare a new volume, this time not book of poems but one perhaps best In the hands of a poet. It will be a collection of the work OIL BURNING EdDIPMEHT AND 8ERVICC of six Spnnish authors of the FUEL OIL — KEROSENE — COAL 18D8 generation who wrote about POU1.THY. DOQ AND MILL TEEDS Castile. The book will be illustrated by 50 color plates of the Castlllan locale, photographs for which were tnken by Miss HomTO herself. Photography is one ot her hobGINItAl MOIOM bles us is travel itself. She lms visited most of the European countrlc.1: ns well as Cuba, Mexico nnd much of the United Slates. 8ho reads Portuguese and Myriads .speaks French nnd Italian In of colon iuklitlon to English and her nnLowe Brothers Mollolono it a gonuino oil Mvi; tongue, /inishl Requires no priming coat or special Styled by A U. S. citizen since 1910, thlmvotl Hidos porlocllY-drins quickly^ One inotolkn Mlsn Konioro has been In Mfidcool covers most wall jurlocos potfsclly I Holds outhofiliu •Ul iiKiiln this Hummor, seeing; its volvoly brinuly Ituough ropo.ilod washo publication of this latest book, (^f^M^'r'-'- raponpoBATEp1 ingsl Uso over plnslor, wood, brick, wnllpnpor ami doubtless soaking up lmSoo our comp)vUi srOoclion of now Slylicl iressioiiH which will result In Colors- doop tones, irvbelwpcns, pnslols-all urllior poetry, because, you AUTHORIZED. 1 KM , fnr her "poetry In everyslylod by color nulhorilios' JOURNAL; MATAWAN, I t Kent Stevenson. Pleasant Valley Rd., Hohndel entertained at a weenie roast on Sept. 5. Attending were Lonnle Butler. John Lubkert, Roy Buck, Paul Potoski, Anthony Cosmo, Milton Carrier, Alden Anderson, Oai! McMillan, L i n d a Thompson, Lynn Sutphin, and Karen Pitcher, all of Holmdel. Also were Mr. and Mrs. R. Ott, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Ronson, 'Ralph Ronson and Mr. and Mrs. W. Stevenson. PAGE TWELVE New Jersey's Garder. State Parkway will become a leading link in a new travel route between New England and Florida by virtue of projected connections at the superhighway's extremities. The Parkway is to connect with the New York State Thruway at its northern end, and is to tie in with a proposed Delaware Bay ferry service between Cape May, and Lewes, Del., at its southern end. PLAY IN YOUR OWN BACK YARD —Only ihrougn constant watchfulness can parents keep 'their youngsters from playing in and near streets and getting hurt by motor vehicles. Your Headquarters For Top Quality In Feed, Coal, Farm and Garden Supplies ORDER NOW! W. D. Swartzel, Jr. Now . . . At Reeds, Only! HAZLET AMERICA'S FINEST WATCHES Op]). K. It. Crossing Ross W . Maghan Agency Real Estate — Insurance Vacation Land! Brown Travel Bureau FOR RENT THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 15, 1955 FAMOUS -—3-TRANSISTOft- NO MONEY DOWN HEARING A8D • Z £ N IT H' S o 51.00 • A WE:K 100 Etsclifu! Sl)!« Snle Priced From SI4.TB The greatest achievement in Zenith's famous "Crusade to Lower the Cost of Hearing!" You owe ii to yourself to- ,VI_.DAY MONET-BACK Keyport Jewelers and Opticians to W. From Si- Kerporl. N. J. 6 0 Broad St., Red Bank Asbury Park - Long Branch BUD'S RENTALS "... and I'll Have Louis Stultz, Jr. take care of our heating" Now s The Complete Line Of Quality Interior And Exterior Paints THt NfW DXCSSLYN h/M nil Ui<! ntorapo space you need, Ank \m to (lemiHistrnte this amazingly loomy cabinet. Louis Stultz, Jr., Inc. 213 Broad St. Phone KE 7-2104 Keyport one covers rpiHS smart bathroom fenturea the New -•-DreHslyn Lavatory-Dressing Table. It's the very latest thing in bathroom hmiry. Not only docs it serve ns a smart, convenkjot-to-uao lavatory nnd dressing table, but Jt nlso is an ideal way to ndd storage npnee to your bnthroom, powder room or bedroom. Tho other fixturw nro a Mnstcr Pembroke bath nnd n Orre-Pieeo water closet. AH of these fixtures are available in while or a vflrioty of &yo-ploasing colors. Whether you're modernizing or starting from Bcratch, those handHomo AmoricanStondnrd bathroom fixtures will help make your home more borrotiful, more convenient, nnd more comfortable. See thorn today. See or Phone Any of the Plumbing nnd Heating Retailers Listed Below. IVlVt'I'B." Them are more exits and cnr'nnucH "oft" llio Gafclcii tilntc •nrkwny tlinn on any other toll 'xprnnrnvay In the world. A toiU or no Interchange, conslstnv. »f 114 entrance rumps nnd }'.'. exit rump.s handles on-and (f I'nrkway traffic. Now In tho tlmo to lulvci'tlso I Ithouo unused nrtlclos for oalo. FREE ESTIMATES JOHN Liberty St. J. TcJ»phon»t C H A R L E S E. H U F F T 32 Park Ave. Motawan, N. J. Tel«prion«i MAiawtn 1-3102 MULLER Mntawan, N. J. an 1-3417 J O H N O. 65 Ravine Dr. PROMPT SERVICE ELBRECHT Matawan, N. • Tolophonoi MAiawnn 1-S070-M THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, MATAWAK,H X Children's Home Society Given Aid TIIUHSDAV, SEPTEMBER 15. 1955 PAGE THIRTEEN Tors Select Birthday Gifts From Our Holiday Variety Domestic Workers Under Social Security TWE ZOO VOOZ O P B J . 5 5 MfteCHEP OUT OP THE DATES AND KWhPED AROUNPTH6 STREETS C * EP Eligible If Paid $50 During Quarter NOWPY. OPPICWLS WAPE & WX>J TOUR Social Security coverage has recently been extended to many additional thousands of domestic workers, it was pointed out recently by Allan A. Bass, district manager of the Perth Amboy social security office. Mr. Bass went on to explain jUiut one of the important chanjges included in the 1954 amendIments to the social security law ; brought under socinl security protection any worker In a private home who is paid cash wages of $50 or more by his emTTUE TALLEST PLANTS W THE WCSLP M £ ECS METSUKMS MOKC THAN ployer in any one calendar quar6 0 0 F E E T 114 HEIGHT UFUE K=EH R X M > IK1 ter. TMB W A I THIS H E 6 M T W T I I T H E TM.LBSTOP T H E "These new regulations went OA.NT SSOUOlk TKE6S-400 FEET UISU.' Into effect on Jan. 1, 1955," Mr, Bass said, "and they mean that nearly all maids, cooks, and other household workers now will be able to build up the same type of old-age and survivors insurance protection which factory and store workers have had in the past." BETTER IF YOU'RE YOUR OWN BOSS"Some domestic workers," TEU. 'POIK BANK TO PECUCT A SET fcTOUHT EACHtfJHTlt FROM KXJK ACCOUNT THAN the social security official conID PIKCHASE U.S. SMIUCS BOMPB "OUlJE BUILPIN4 KK ->OK H J W E DIE tinued, '"have been covered by s v e . smcilKt ANprnnr/onc VAY.' YOUR social security in the past four OWN years, but only if they worked for special medications and $3900 FACTORY for their employer on at least Cancer Society 24 days in a calendnr quarter for radon for cancer patients. Allocates Funds and were paid at least $50 cash The allotment for Monmouth in thnt. quarter by the employ- Approval for tho spending o! county is $500 for special mediC.P.A. Audit Shows er. Beginning Jan. 1, 1955, how- Profit 8c Gal. ever, the 24 day requirement 68,150 by the county chapters cations; $3500 for visltine nurswas dropped, and now any do- 'f the New Jersey Division es and $250 for radon. MiddleThe spectacular success ol mestic worker who is paid at f the American Cancer Society, sex County will receive the alMary Carter Paints has many least S50 ensh by an employer has been given by the medical facets—but the outstanding in a three-month calendnr quar- and executive committees of the lotment of $600 for special medications', $1500 for visiting nursono is the cleterminaion to Division, it was announced by es and $250 for radon. turn our products equal or ter must bo reported for social Leo W. Eirich, Paterson, presisecurity purposes." better than competition. Both the household employ- dent of the division. Of this Your advertisement in this Glowing reports and flatter er and the worker have import- amount $37,400 has been allocat- paper will reach prospective •"> Ing correspondence are con ed to meet the cost of the visit- purchasers In every community tinually directed to Miss Car- ant responsibilities in seeing that ter by customers from all the worker's wages are report- ng nurse associations; $24,850 in the bayshore area. ed for social security. The walks of !ife. worker must obtain a social seYou are urged to hesitate in curity number, for which he can buying any other product un- get an application at the Perth til you investigate the fam- Amboy social security office at I CAN SAVE YOU MONEY OH ous '"I'll Pay Half Your 313 State St., or his local post • Whole Paint Bill" ofier. office. When he obtains his number, he should show it to the employer for her to copy only with down on her records." BEFORE Bt/VING OR SELLING FABULOUS The h o u s e h o l d employer needs to obtain an employer identification number from the Internal Revenue Service. She can get this either by writing diSHORE CONCOURSE,, CLIFFWOOO. N. J. rectly to her local Internal RevMatawap 1-2447 enue Service director, or by askng her social security office for PAINTS the booklet OAgi-21 which conains an application blank for OUTSIDE the employer number." Mr. Bass, explained that the AT OUR KEYPORT STORE ONLY Internal Revenue Service will mail reporting forms to the employer at the end of each calendar quarter. The employer sends In the report form, showIng the name mid account number of the worker and the amount of cash wages paid during the calendar quarter, together with the social security tax due. ! 'The tax rate," concluded Mr. Bass, "is four per cent of the worker's total wages. The em ployer deducts two per cent rom the worker's wages each payday, adds another two per cent, and then sends in the entire four per cent with her quarterly tax return. These tax payFLOOR MODELS and DEMONSTRATORS ments aro the first step in insuring that the household worker will be able to build up-oldDOES age and survivors insurance INDOOR protection under the social se-i WALLS curity law." ] WITH THE Q ess I TRY TO MATCH QUALITY AND PRICE AND GIVE EVERY 2nd GAL. FREE Housewarming For John G. Strykers KNOW YOUR NEW JERSEY! Keyport residents contributed Mr. and Mrs. John G. Stryker, $20 and Matawnn residents $33 Weldon Rd., Matawan, were last year to help support the given a surprise housewarming work of the privately financed on Sept. 4 at their home. They Children's Home Society of New formerly lived In Perth Amboy. Jersey. According to a report They were presented with a released by Mrs. Jeanne Ott, gift and a social evening was financial secretary, voluntary enjoyed. contributions received from all Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jocommunities of the s t a t e seph Curran, Woodbridge; Mr. amounuted to $48,403.16. and Mrs. Gerald Duggan, In her report Mrs. Ott also Fords; Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur said that the Society, which of- Lowe, Princeton; Mr. and Mrs. fers adoption service on a non- Andrew Dubay,-Cliffwood: Mr. racial, non-sectarian basis to and Mrs. Harry Hnnna, Mr. and childless couples in each of the Mrs. Rollin Richards, Mr. and state's J l counties, spent a total Mrs. Donald Fries, Mr. and of $152,961.00 in behalf of home- Mrs. Angus P . Davis, and Mr. less children entrusted to its and Mrs. John Renwick, nil of care during its recently term- Matawnn. inated fiscal year. She further reported that the Society's total Automatic toll collectors were annual income from all sour- first placed in operation on the ces, including endowment and Garden State Parkway on Nov. rust fund earnings- of 551.22C.83 19, 1954. The toll robots were came to $139,820.26; resulting Introduced to the motoring pubIn an operational deficit of $13,-lic on the Parkway as experi141.73. \ mental devices. The center island between the northbound and southbound roadways of the Garden State Parkway Is as wide as two football fields in some areas of the 164-mile New Jersey superhighway. Qov. Robert B . Meyner put the Garden State Parkway officially in full operation on July 1, 1055, by pnyins the first quarter toll at the Bergen toll plaza near the Route 17 northern terminus. WORLD'S FIRST ORGANIZED BMEBALL SAME, JUNE 19, I 8 « , PLAV6O IN HOBOKEN BETWEEN THE HOMETOWN KNICKERBOCKER GIANT5 ANO NEW YORK.' CONTRIBUTION TO SAFETY.' FIRST AUTOMATIC 5EMAPH0RB FMOTOR OPERATED) ON ANV RAILROAD WAS INSTALLED AT BLACK DAK'3 CUT NEAR PHILLIPSBURG, N.J., IN 1 6 9 3 / L O N G BRANCH WAS O N C E T H C H O M E OF PRESIDENTS." 6 R A N T HAD HIS SUMMER WHITFI HOUSE THERE. HAVES AND HARRISOH STAYED AT THE OL0 ELBERON HOTEL. WILSON OFTEN VACATIONED T H E R E . jza ORLON CLASSIC ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE REAL ESTATE STYLE SLIPOVERS CONSULT US ROL-LATEX Concourse Realty Co. DAD Popular ribbed, cuff and watsf short-sleeve pull-over. White & assorted new shades. Extra soft, extra easy to tend. Sizes 34 to 4 0 . REMOVAL SALE ORB.OB3 WHILE WHILE THEY LAST! MOM SAME PAINT Shop at Our Toilet Article Dept. Today SINGE SEWING MACHINES ROL-LATEX FOR BOTH—NO FUSS NO CONFUSION I Oive You A BUY CIANT SIZES M A N Y ONE OF A «*» S A V E / Classic & fancy knit designs in a choice of flattering styles, many colors. 8 to 14. FLATTER-FIT, TUBBABLE, FAST-DRYING ORL® A. SHORT SLEEVE PULLOVERS Rich-looking,looped crew neck. Many colors. 30-40. GIRLS 1 SMART COAT SWEATERS B. LONG SLEEVE CARDIGANS Exquisite new shades also matching bultons. 34-40. Fine classic knit with crewneck, r i b b e d cuffs & waist. Colors 8 to 14. C. W O M E N ' S EXTRA SIZES Classic style long-sleeve cardigans. Lovely colors. 34-40. WASHABLE LONG SLEEVE SIZES X-XX-XXX FREE 55.95 Ilruillltoller No Pant Oilor Gill. With Each Ono Purchased We arc movinir and wo wmt to sell our stock of Floor Models and Demonstrator SINGER' ninohlncs fust. To take advnntaRr of b a r g n l n prices COME IN NOW! OUTSIDE WHITE Guou Heller Best 4.95 - 5.95 - 6.95 INTHKIOit Vl.tVr 3.95 ALKYU FLAT 4.95 I'LASTIti GLASS 9.95 CHINA l.UXK 5.75 DECK KNAMKI.S from 5.95 TRIM uml TltKLI.I.S from 5.0.1 MARINE VAIt M 5.05 ALUMINUM .1.1)5 MANV OIIIKUM ALL 8AMK 2 for 1 OlTKlt MARY CARTER PAINT FACTORIES •Cl'A ro|)»Il It. WnlkKli-ln Co. HI Tanv pn fnctory fur KultstantlnM"M: iirjuich en In niiiiclnnl cliiei. Highway 34, Matnwan '' Mntawnn 1-3884 loeal for over blouses and dresses or to wear alone. While, grey, heathc-r, coral, navy, /ockcy rod, dark Save Biggest Savings Ever Always factory fresh due to huge- volume nnd only I can Rive you double for your money on every paint in my ln'nnch, .. \ GIRLS' SHORTS SLEEVE PULLOVERS VARIETY YOU CAN ACTUALLY USE SPECTACULAR o TURN OUT $ 5 BILLION IN PRODUCTS EVERY YEAR-FROM VITAMlM MILS TO PILE DRIVERS! For Back-fo-Sehooi, Home or Office Orion is Perfect! Launders in a Snap .. . Holds Its Shape . . . looks so Luxurious and COSTS so LITTLE! See Our Top Notch Selection! MYNDERT BONNEMA Nationally Advertised List Price NEW JER5EV5 11,000 FACTORIES 34 to 40. Fine rayon brief and band-leg styles. Cut for comfort. Gvaronlttd b/ Good Heutakttping, FULL FASHION, LANOLIZED, 60-GAUGE, 15-DENIER MANV WITH l'AYMEN AS I.O1V AS 10.00 y.,^1 | SLOAN AS MT'I'LK AS 1.30 iVKKK AND E/VSV IHinOKT TIORMS BUY WITH CONFIDENCE AT YOUR •A T r t d t Mtrkuf THK8IN0IR urc, co. Wholesalers FRENEAU AVE. MATAWAN TEL MA: 1-2281 SINGER SEWING CENTER tMttH In your trltph&nt book only uiuirr iiM';r» srwinn Ktcmiip. co, BRIGWT 1B"X18" SILK SQUARES Reg. 4 2 3 ^ . Girls love them. They're a t l r a c livo & keep hair tidy. Solid color. Save 33 t/t 24"x24" PRINTED CHALLIS SQUARES Reg. &9& Fashionable, practical, scarfs. Colorful patterns, 25% S(tVe A wonder valuol W e know of no full-faihioncd nylom finer ol fhli low pricol First quality, reinforced heels, loos, Newest shades, Sunlone, Miilone, Belgelon*. 9-10 V i . 38 FRONT ST., KEYPORT 74177 Aftor Sat., Sopt. 17th, Call Perth Amboy HI 2-2838 For Service & Sales J. J. NEWBERRY Co. - 17 FRONT ST.. KEYPORT Pupils* Safety Up To Motorists, Parents With millions of school children returning to classrooms throughout the nation, all motorists and parents must be reminded of their joint responsibility for the safety of pupils from kindergarten to high school age, the Keystone Automobile Club advised recently. Automobile and truck drivers WERE =.-;„• - ~ must take every precaution irt fheTpyfiAHios GUILT BY THE *•? ''-• areas where children are walkEGYPTIANS TO PROTECT THEIR BODIES ing and playing and parents AND BELONGINOS.FROMDESECRATION.,,,i; should not attempt to pass on BIGGEST ONE ISATOIZEH— OVER __"l l " / to the schools the entire burden V62 FEET NIGH. IT TOOK 20,000 of training their youngsters in HEN TWENTY YEARS TO BUILD. *£ fundamentals of safety, the Club points out. "Each year at this time, we consider it our duty to try to •• implant fresh thoughts and ideas for school children's safety in the minds of motorists VW'i.!. and parents alike," declared Edward P . Curran, Safety Director of Keystone. "Accident prevention is a complex job -with interlocking human and me^fCVJCMAMSA FOR NEW YORK (•. (THf WORLD'S LARGEST) JS THE chanical factors and all of us •'-mtj tS-STORY BLOCK-SQUARE must persevere in our efforts [SOCOMV-MOeii. BUILDING. FACED if we are to step up protection y;WITH/l ACRES OFSTA/MUS* and cut down on mishaps. I -STEEL PANELS TO RESIST RUST, "The motorists must orient TARNISH. WEATHERING, IT WILL his own sense of responsibility OUTLAST Tf/e PY/tAM/OS. IT to compensate for the irresponPRESENTS A GLEAMING PREVIEW OF TOMORROW'S SKVsibility of childhood, allowing .LIHF IN THE DAWNING extra margins of safety for the AQBOf STAIN1MSS ST££L. r. children's well being and his own peace of mind. Parents should set proper examples while advising their children on dren, The record of those 40 the necessity of being cautious 000 boys and girls in accident YOUR* even in the seemingly simple prevention is truly phenomenal act of crossing an Infrequently and has been achieved without traveled street. pomp or fanfare. We will, of • "Keystone, through its Safety course, continue that program Patrols, has been campaigning this year, with direct assistance for nearly a. quarter of a cen- ;o public and parochial schools tury to reduce the highway ac- in their safety educational by Charles H. connori cident toll among school chil- vork." Rutgers University RETIRE YOUR OLD HOOVER —oriaaydher old cleaner AND3GET7WO ALLOWANCES THIS MONTH ONLY! REGULAR TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE PLUS SPECIAL RETIREMENT ALLOWANCE DURING OCTOBER! Tour old cleaner will never be worth more than it is today. This month only, you get an extra RETIREMENT ALLOWANCE for your old Hoover (or other old cleaner) IN AUDITION to our regular Trado-In Allowance- . * ; vben you buy a new Jloovtr DcLiuo OX Don t mlbfl t h k chance t Offer good thif month only* Call or corao in today I ; Now you can orni Uwi t deflner of them *U—Hoover DeLuxfl 6X Get* the dirt • o<hor cleaners miae because i / l Betas as It Sweeps as It {Gains. Keeps colors bright, i Pro ton pi the life oC your carIpctinp. Throwaway dimt l>,i£. •Only liooTcr given you Power Cleaning. TEN EYCK RONSON, Inc Sales and Korvlcn MA: 1-1600 Gladiolus that bloom earlier may now bo harvested. It Is well to allow them to remain In the ground for threa or four weeks after blooming, or until the leaves start to turn yellow. During this period after blooming, the leaves manufacure plant foods. This food is itored In tha new corm that orms on top of the one we planted. The old one shrivels and loses its usefulness. A good practice to follow is Lo dig with the leaves attached o the corm and allow them to dry for two or three weeks beore cutting them off. However, his presents a problem ol space, for It is not desirable to allow them to remain in full iun. Usually the stalk is cut wo or three Inches from the corm, then put away in an airy lace to cure. Several weeks later, when dry, the top is pulled off and he old shriveled corm removed. The new corms should be examined and any badly diseased nes discarded and burned with he old top and corm. The :ormels or littla corms can be laved for planting. After the corms ara cleaned, they are ready for winter storage. The worst insect pest of gladiolus is the thrlp. While hese are usually abundant in he field, It is wiae to treat the corms to destroy any that may be present, as often there are enough of them to weaken the corms. Place the corms in a paper bag and add three per cent DDT dust, one tablespoonful to 100 corms. Now shake them up well, so that each corm is coatd. This will take care of any ,hrlD3 that are brought in. The corms may be left In the ss or placed in open containers, such as strawberry baskets, peach tills, etc., or in Hats. Storage in the average cellar is usually satisfactory. Temperatures between 45 and 60 degrees will keep them in ;ood condition, if the air is not oo moist and the room is ven.ilnted. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 15, 1955 PAGE FOURTEEN ber, January, March, May, Juno and July. All other months in. that year's time had perfect faFor the sixth time In a year tailty-free records on the Parkof operation, the Garden State way. Parkway went through the The Parkway's revenue trafmonth, a heavily-travelled Au- fic during August amounted VJ gust, without a single irafflc fa- the second heaviest monthly volume despite the threats and eftality. During the same 31 - day fects of hurricanes Connie and month, more than 5.419.000 toll- Diane-* upon summer-time mopaying vehicles were recorded toring. on the Parkway, the New Jer- Before the first hurricane sey Highway Authority reported threat, the Parkway had handrecently. Toll revenue for Au- led an all-time record volume gust was figured at the unau- of traffic in the first week of dited total of $1,316,994, the sec- August. The last week of the ond successive $1,000,000 month month witnessed a new surge since the Parkway started full in traffic following the h u r O operation July 1. cane letdown. Between Sept. 1, 195i. and Aug. 31, 1955, there was a total Enjoy one of America's great of only six traffic fatalities, one freedoms. Attend the church ot each in the month of Decem- your choice this weekend. No Traffic Fatality On GSP In August Plan Four Projects For Coming Year Joint'Responsibility; Precautions Urged UPPER MAIN ST. mATAWAN THE MATAWAN JOURNAL/ MATAWAN, N J. Mrs. Richard Stewart Heads Art Committee Mrs. Richard E. Stewart was selected chairman of the Art Advancement Committee of the Monmouth Arts Foundation at a meeting held at the home of Mrs. Willard T. Somerville. 24 Cooney Terr., Pair Haven, on Sept. 1. Other members of the committee are Mrs. Somerville, Mrs. Francis Taylor, Mrs. Jean W. Parmly, Mrs. Norman Stofflet, Mrs. N. J. A, McMullan, Mrs. Donald English, Mrs. Stanley Dahlgren, Mrs. W. W. Boeswetter, Mrs. John Thorpe, Marshall Simpson, Geza DeVegh and Johan J. Smlt. Pour projects are planned for the coming year. They include the purchase of books on art for the county library; a portrait demonstration by Lajos Mar•OBSTACLE COURSE — A busy.llHia fellow on a dankos, Perth Amboy, which will gerous route. Tho clustered stairways, absence of handbe held at the auditorium of the rail, arm filled wifh toys, pavoi fhe way for bis fall China, and Glass Shop, Red and, very possibly,.painful injury. Bank, in January, There will be a school slide A. Sprague, chairman of the program In February and ,d Grassland Conference Rutgers grassland committee. March conducted by Mrs. Som-At Rutgers Oct. 21 erville, assisted by Mrs. McMulAll farmers are invited. Dr. lan. The subject this year will Dr. Roy E . Blaser, an author- Sprague says. This year's be paintings of still life, land ity on pasture and hayland mix- meeting: will deal with fundascopes and seascapes and fol mental problems of grassland lowing the slide program will tures, will be among speakers be a contest for the students at the annual Grassland Farm- farming, with plenty of time al who are Interested in painting. ng Conference, Oct. 21, at the lowed for questions and discussThere also will be a children's College of Agriculture, Rutgers ion. Speakers In addition to Dr. Blaser will be members of the workshop at the Junior Service University. Leagias outdoor art show next college staff. A considerable Dr. Blaser is a member of ipring. the staff of Virginia Polytech- time will be allowed in the aftnic Institute, and is regarded ernoon for separate meetings of Real Estate Listing Cards tor as a leader in the agronomy dairymen and beef and sheep sale at this olfice. field, according to Dr. Milton farmers. NEED MONEY To Buy, Build Or Refinance? We Arc Mortgage Loan Correspondents for the HOWARD SAVINGS INSTITUTION, Newark, N. J. Special Attention to V.A. &. F.II.A. Loans e Frank Appieby Agency Main St. and Mattison Ave., Asbury Park • PR 5-3300 WIN THE ALL-ELECTRIC KITCHEN OR LAUNDRY YOU WANT! IT'S EASY! It's fun for the whole family7 Just plan the all-electric kitchen or laundry you want and enterit in McCall's gigantic national contest. 2 1 4 big prizes including a completely remodeled electric kitchen and a completely remodeled electric laundry. these Big Local Award AVAILABLE ONLY TO JCP&L CUSTOMERS ENTERING McCALL'S CONTEST JCPStt} ill adrerfisinf agency, their employeti and Immediate famitict are not digit*!* f**r /e-s/ s w * » « lluLpoint ALL-ELECTRIC KITCHEN APPLIANCES The lucky first prize winner receives a big RefrigeratorFreezer combination, a Customline built-in Electric Range and an Automatic Dishwasher, all by Hotpoint. And that's not all. First prize also includes . . . Five Dormeyer Portable Appliances: A Dormeyer Mixer, Toasterf Wafflemaker, CofTeemaker and a Fry-Pan. PLUS a Homemaker Pot and Pan Set, a Cutco Cutlery Set both by Wear-Ever, plus a year's supply of Calgonite detergent. TOP VALUE USED CARS SOLD WITH WRITTEN WARRANTY G E N E R A L ^ ELECTRIC ALL-ELECTRIC LAUNDRY APPLIANCES 51 Chevrolet Bclalr 4 d r . Second prize winner receives a GE Automatic Electric Washer, a GE Electric Dryer, a GE Automatic Electric Water Heater, a GE Steam and Dry Iron 7)/«s a year's supply of "all" and a year's supply of Calgon water softener. 5J UcSolo F i r e d o m e 4 d r , 53 Willys Falcon 4 d r . 33 Hodge Coronet h a r d t o p 52 UeSoto Custom 4 d r . 52 1'onllao Deluxe 4 d r . TWO BIG THIRD PRIZES: Not one, but two third prizes. One winner receives a Kelvinator Automatic Electric Range, the other winner a Thermador built-in Automatic Electric Range. 53 DoSolo F i r e d o m e hnrdlop 53 Willys. Station Wagon 51 Chrysler N e w Yorker 4 dr, 51 Chevrolet 3 d r , 51 Kuiscr 4 d r . these merit awards! 50 Sludclmkcr 2 dr. SAME DAY DRY CLEANING Prompt Pickup and Delivery Service 1 40-17 Low Triced Cars Chevrolet — l'nnllno Dod (tc—Kalsor—Lincoln KEYPORT CLEANERS Main Office and Plant Third and Division Sis. STRAUBMOT0RS,lnc. Branch 24 E. Front St., Kcyport Hwy. 35 & Bedle Rd, KEyporl 7-1908 CALL: KEYPORT 7-0102 r Hallito Honoytnoon let by Woar-Ivor Hallito Ton Kettle Hardy-Pack Cufco Culler/ Snack Sot Cufco Cwtlvry * GE Oolux* CofTeDmattQr • Phlleo Portable Radio • Phll«i Kltchnn Rnillo * Ol Standard Coff«emaktr OC OC Ot GE OF Portablo Mixer Standard Mlxtr Toaifer WanUmaker-OrMI Skillet The mien of the nnllnnnl McCnll's Mlofirn-lniiiulry eonlest will nlno apply In thr locnl con(e«(. Any "inner nf one of Ilie four nnlionnl MrC'iill's "llrst writes" will not lit eligible for a pri«e In (he locnl content. Allllllll'l/l'i llvSiilii-IMyniiiiilh GET your entry coupon at your Reddy Kilowatt Dealer's! SPECIAL! Prizes for Jr. Homcmakcri Spccin! merit awntda for stu« ilcnla entering the locnl contest include; n WcstltiKhotisn electric rnn^e, ft Uonneyer Kry-l'nn nnci n OR I'ry.l'nn. as been our youth. We earnTHE MATAWAN JOURNAL^ MATAWAN, N. J. estly feel that our greatest contribution in this field can be THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER' 15, I95J nade through the public school PAGE FIFTEEN :eacher. We consider it to be in rection of Charles Capone, Askeeping with the best tradition Rt. Rev. Hogan bury Park, will be made at a f the teaching profession that To Speak At Rally Grant Provides Sum Judge Giordano Finds meeting of the Monmouth Fedhe teachers of the county themFor Study Groups Case Petty, Pointless selves have offered tho sugges- The Rt. Rev. James J . Ho- eration Sunday in the Holy Spirtion that the grant be used to pastor of St. Catharine's it Lyceum, Asbury Park. The Tiio Monmouth County Edu- 'urther the educational ad- gan, will open with BenedicCounty Judge" John C. Glor Church, Spring Lake, and chan- meetingcation Association Tuesday andano reversed on appeal a con aneement of all teachers rath- cellor of the Trenton Diocese, tion at 7:30 p.m. in Holy Spirnounced the establishment of a it Church. Louis A. Reissner, -.Motion of Mrs. S. Q. Sanford than, for the personal advan- will be the speaker at a religiant of a minimum of $1000er East Keansburg, will preside. viaurelhurst Dr., C l i f f w o o c tage of just one teacher. rally held on the grounds per year from the Walter Reade "We trust that the Beach, on whom a 30-day BUS institution of gious St. Catharine's Church on Foundation to provide advancpended sentence In the counts ed specialized training for the f these study groups under Dr. Sunday afternoon, Sept. 25, fol- Holmdel Residents jail was Imposed by Magistrate teachers of the county. The •rescott will encourage teach- lowing the annual parade of the Leave For France Luther A. Poster, Matawan fund, to be known as the Walter ers to seek Monmouth County Monmouth and Ocean FederaTownship, on Aug. 9. Reade Foundation Education as an ideal,area in which to per- tions of Holy Name Socicites. Mrs. Robert Flynn and chilJudge Giordano found the case Rcarsearch Grant, will form their professional duties. More than 5000 men from 42 dren, Ardriane and Regina, to be "much ado about nothprovide the necessary sums of We hope, too, that it will In- parish Holy Name Societies are Holmdel Rd., Holmdel, left by ing." The charge was entered plane Sunday for Verdune, money for the formation of duce famlliea to settle in Mon-expected to participate. by Elmer Johnson, Keypor France, where they are joining teacher study groups dealing mouth County with the assurbutcher, that Mrs. Sanforc The rally which will close Mr. Flynn, who is employed by with the subject of child growth nce that the most modern tech. dumped stones and rubbish on and development. Dr. Daniel niques and facilities will be with Benediction of the Blessed the U. S. Government In France. ~Jhls property, adjoining hers on Of S:iacrament, will be a dedication Alfred Prescott, of Maryland available for the education Recently a group of friends Laurolhurst Dr., July 28. to the memory of Rt. Rev. feted Mrs. Flynn at a bon voyUniversity, one of the nation's ,heir children." Mr. Johnson's son, Richard Thomas TJ. Reilly, P. A., form- age party at her home. In the most prominent authorities on supported his father's lestithe subject, will conduct the More than 280 bridges are er pastor of St. Catharine's group were Mrs. Robert Hosmony and Walter Koeberger, a study groups throughout the needed to carry the Garden Church and the first spiritual trup, Mrs. James Emmons, neighbor on the other side, also county. Stat Parkway over and under director of the Monmouth Fed- Mrs. Robert Preston, Mrs. Ivaided the Johnsons with i highways and railroads and eration will be under the direc- ins Morse, Mrs. Elizabeth Laurcharge Mrs. Sanford had rip Commenting on the establish- across bodies of water. The tion of the Rev. Joseph R. Brzo- sen, Keyport; Mrs. Alfred Manped up a Rose of Sharon bush ment of the fund, Earl B. Gar- largest single span is the 4400 zowskl, pastor of St. Catherine's ville. Matawan, and Mrs. Joseph on hla property. rison, County Superintendent of foot, $11,000,000 Parkway cross- Church, Farmlngdale, and spir- Rimkus, Holmdel. Schools, stated, "The institution ing of the Raritan River. Arthur Brletkopf, Newark, atitual director of the federation. of this program will be the envy t o r n e y lor Mrs. Sanford, counFinal arrangements for the of every county in the state, if Have you read the classified ads? parade which are under the di- You can buy Defense Bonds Utered by Introducing an allegby the Payroll Deduction Plan. not tho entire country. This ation tho younger Johnson had flashed a light at the woman's Construction crew of the J. F. Klely Co., Lonff Branch, bores beneath the New York and supplemental educational pro bedroom window to irritate her, Long Branch Railroad tracks at Middlctown as part of the $100,000 Installation of the New Jersey gram for teachers dealing with child growth and development Mr. Brletkopf also cited that Natural Gas Company's new main of flve-anil-three-tcnlhs miles from Lincroft to Middlctown. the Koeberger charge against The New Jersey Natural Gas The main was laid in a casing The new line will provide gas is vital to teachers in order for them to better understand and Mrs. Sanford had been dismiss Company soon will complete in- beneath the surface of the track service for tho entire area be- work with children." ed by Magistrate Foster. stallation of a six-Inch high pres- bed by boring a hole and forc- tween Lincroft and Middletown: Discussions for the establishMrs. Sanford related that a sure gas main at a cost of about ing the casing through. few hours after the Incident al- $100,000 as part of its expan- This part of the project requir- which previously had been with- ment of the grant have been legedly happened, she found sion program in this section. ed more than four days' work out it. Mr. Pollltt said the in- underway between the Educa.. several cobblestones had been The new line, being installed for the 110 feet to be installed, stallation was made because of tion Association and the Trusi/placed In her driveway and her by the J. F . Kiely Construction which is about eight times more the tremendous growth in the is^ of the Reade Foundation for several months. In early hose had been pushed In a. ccl Jo.. Long Brunch, is five-and than that for normal main In- area. The boring was David J . LaRue, superinten- February, trustee.-; of the Reade " lar window and turned on. three tenths miles long. It runs stallation. "At ita best," said the judge, from Swimming River Road, done, according to L. Irving Pol- dent of operations for the util- Foundation contacted Mr. Gar• "the testimony is contradictory. ilncroft, along the Mlddletown- lltt. jr.. vice president in charge ity, said that in addition to serv- rison and suggested that they I must confess I'm not impress- Lincroft Road, to Route 35, of operations of the New Jersey ing an area that previously did were prepared to offer a grant assist In maintaining the high ed with this whole situation. where It will tie in with the Natural Gas Company, because not have gas, the new line will to 'that is the safest method of "reinforce the present distribu- level of education in Monmouth Grownups have been acting like existing distribution system. Included in the project Is aInstalling a main beneath rail- tion system and correct the min- County. They also suggested 12-year-old juveniles." tracks i n d causes the or pressure problems we hatd in that a specific sum would be The judge ruled that testl 110-foot underground crossing of road amount of interrup- a few isolated areas last win-, available to any teacher, chosmony produced in the appeal by he New York and Long Branch smallest en by the teachers and superter." Assistant Prosecutor John W. Railroad tracks at Church St. tion." intendents through their own C'Applegate failed to establish methods and standards, for the guilt b e y o n d a reasonable Seed For Planting purpose of furthering his or her Engineers Plan MJC Anticipates doubt. education, or for any other purWong Barley It Ready Semi-Annual Meet Large Enrollment pose. Tha darden State Parkway Registered seed for planting Plans for the semi-annual Monmouth Junior College exThe several teachers groups links Newark, New Jersey's Wong barley this fall now is largest city, with all resorts available from the New Jersey meeting and shore dinner to be pects to begin its 23rd year with1 and • supervisory groups involvgreater enrollment than las ed met to discuss the award, along the Jersey shore. It pro-Field Crop Improvement Asso- held on Tuesday at the Spring ayear. Judging from the Increvides a black-and-white carpet ciation. Lake Country Club were dls- ase in the number of applica- and felt that the best needs of of pavement to such popular Registered seed is the only cussed by members of the Mon- tions received, Registrar Ruth education in general and of the needs of the children of the counplaces as Asbury Park, Atlan- seed recognized as planting seed mouth-Ocean Chapter of the So-E Nebel reports that enroll- y in particular would be best tic City and Wildwood. for certification and should be ciety of Professional Engineers ment should be well over) 735, served if the funds were used obtained immediately from the at its first meeting of the yea last fall's figure. Students are to provide teachers with the latAssociation in Allcntown, stat- held recently at The American registering, this week, Tuesday est Information concerning rethrough Friday from 5 p.m. to search and study in the field ed William M. Cranstoun, seed Hotel, Freehold. certification supervisor of the G. Albert Platt, Toms River, 8 p.m. daily. Classes will be- of child growth and developState Department of Agricul- general chairman for the affair, gin Wednesday, Sept. 21, after ment. ture. reported that tho society will two days of orientation for new The plan was adopted. Dr. All registered seed Is hot wat- act as host to the state chap- students. Prescott was contacted, and arer treated for control of loose ters. Mr. Platt stated thai Among1 new courses offered rangements have now been TREES TOPPED smut. Theodore Frank, Manasquan are advanced accounting, ele- made for the first series of stuTRIMMED, REMOVED Fields planted with certified was named ticket chairman. ments of retailing, fiction today, dy groups to begin in late Sepseed aro inspected by represenintroduction^ to statistics, organ- tember. The engineer's group formuFree Estimates tatives of tha Department act- lated plans for Its Oct. 5 meet- ic chemistry, social psychology, In confirming" the grant, WalReasonable Prices ing as certifying agent for the ing at which a panel of fou' and survey of Asiatic civiliza- ter Reade, jr., president of the GEORGE BRONKEN - ANDREW BUUNSKY Field Crop Improvement Asso- members will discuss the wate tions. A course in anatomy and Walter Reade Foundation, statciation. physiology, formerly given to supply problem as it relates to ed: "The initial philosophy in Monmouth and Ocean Counties. nursing- training students only, establishing the Walter Reade During the first month of full Members of the Monmouth now is open to other students Foundation purposefully was operation of the Garden State County Planning Board and oth- as well. broad in scope, and intended to 138 Church St., Belford Parkway, there were three er interested persons will be in Side by side with the college cover a wide area. Our major births and only one traffic death vited to the session. students in the registration line concern and interest, however, TEL. KEANSBURG adults will register for comreported along the entire superhighway. The lone fatality in 'F.or Rent" and "For Sale munity Institute courses. Mon 6-0454-R that month of July 1955, was an signs may be purchased at this mouth offers tho courses to those who seek no college credit ctogenarian. office. but want instruction for personNow,iduring al or job needs, Once again student nurses will attend tha College, coming rom the Ann May School of Nurslne, Fltkln Memorial Hospital, and the Monmouth Memorial Hospitai School of Nursing. This will be the 12th year that the College and these schools have co-operated to give the student nurses instruction at Monmouth in addition to their training at the schools of nursing. Advanced Specialized Training For Teachers UNDERGROUND BORING FOR NEW GAS MAIN 'Mrs. Sanford Is Cleared On Appeal Mow Open For Business 24 HOUH OIL BURNER SERVICE FUEL OIL KEROSENE Prompt, Efficient Courteous Service Call - MAtawan 1-1067 DONOVAN'S Tree Service Matawan Fuel Oil Co. A. Donovan 17 Little St. - Matawan G E T T H E BIGGEST TRADE YOU'VE EVER MADE! Dr. K. C. Streibig Assistant Dean At MJC Dr. Kenneth C. Streibig has been appointed assistant dean f Monmouth Junior College. He replaces Arthur H. Hafner, who held the post from 1950 unil his departure this summer. Dr. Streibig has held the position of dean at Quinninplaciarson College. New Haven, 'onn.: Weyllster College of the University of Bridgeport, and Highland Manor School and Junior College. He nlso served as chairman of the business education department at the Litchield. Conn., High School, and as assistant principal of Rlveride Business School, New York Suptr "flB" Holiday Are you buying Defense Bonds IF IT'S BOTTLED GAS You Get Clean, Quick Heat For Cooking Prompt. Efficient Service itian Your car'a u/orth more than1 ever before... come In and get our "Big DeaC'todayl LOCAL DELIVERED PRICE Oldjmobils " 8 8 " 2-Door Sedan ui low oi it Slato and loco I Your prict depandi upon cfiolce of modal and body ttyle, optional oquipmont and occtnorltii. Prlcti may vary illgfitly in adjoining urea*. Yoii'vo wailed long enough—now it'« time to go Oltlsmobila} For we've never made it canicr than it is this month for you to own a flashing "Rocket" Engine car! Now you can thrill to the glamor and action of "go-ahead" styling and "Jtockct" Engino power! Anil tho nurpriftingly low price ;"., bur gcrterotm appraisal.... plus top rcaulo v a l u e . , , are solid remain for action! Make up for what you've heen mianing . . . luiiku up your mind to own in O\iis—loJay! KEYPORT GAS CO. c »r IT'S GOTTO BE GOOD! VISIT THI "KOCKir ROOM"...AT YOUR O L D S M O S I L I OIAUR'SI ROBERT G. TH1XTON, Inc. At the store or at your door 108 Main Street, Matawan I I CARIfUl-DWVI Phone Matawan 1-1040 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, MATAWAN; N. J. THURSDAY, SETTEaiBEB 15, 1955 PAGE SIXTEEN the pet show, assisted by Mrs Leo Llssner, Rumson, and Mrs Alfred Smith, Middletown. Committee m e m b e r s from this area include Mrs. Fred Noble and Mrs. Lawrence Taylor Holmdel; Mrs. J. Berkley Gordon, Marlboro; Mrs. Wayne B D a r 1 a n d, Raritan Township trash and treasure; Mrs. P . E Chester, Wickatunk, co-chairman of games. fair Is expecting to have* a large assortment of k n 1 c k n a c k s , household articles, jewelry, accessories and other useful items for sale in the trash and treasure booth and hoi.ie made deBalloon Blowing, licacies and Monmouth County Musical Hat Game farm products will be sold at Special contests have been ar- the food counter. ranged as part ot the day-long Five antique dealers will set program for tlic annual pet up displays and Briar Hill Allemvood Hospital, show and country fair which Home, Monmouth County Organization Marlboro State Hospital and United Voluntary Services plan for Social Service will hold on Saturday, Sept. 24, :it the Holm- exhibits. Games of skill and pony rides also will add to the del Grape Farm. day's festivities. Lunch will be A balloon blowing' contest will served on the grounds. be held for children 10 years and under and a musical hat The showing of pets will ocgame is planned for those in cupy the center of attraction for the 10 to 18 age group, dish the morning. Every animal prizes will be awarded to the ram an ant to a pet goat will winners of the two events. A hi: eligible to take part in the $25 gift certificate will be award- show. ed in a contest being planned Mrs. Allison L. S. Stern, Scofor both adults and children. beyville, Mrs. Irving' F e i s t , Stanley Macintosh will be mas- Shrewsbury, and Mrs. William A slice of fresh bread fastened ter of ceremonies for the chil- Matthews, New Shrewsbury, are co-chairmen of the committee. with toothpicks will help keep a dren's contests. The committee in charge of Miss Jeanne DuDols, Freehold, cut cake from gettinpr stale. arrangements for the annual has charge of arrangements for Special Contests At MCOSS Pet Show, Fair IN THE AREA COME SN; CONVINCE YOURSELF! • »-tr • r *~ r\-r fr " . 'I ' • -.« I ,»1 k V- .A— _ *i_ _ trouble 45 S O FIRST QUALITY - DELUXE COLORS THAT WILL WEAR A LIFE- TOOLS - FREE INSTRUCTIONS. 4-Door, Automatic Transmission, Radio, Heater Other Extras TILE REGULAR H COMPLETE BATHROOM A Real Cream l'uff $1195 LOW BANK RATES — EASY TERMS protection Make &ura your employer's records show your name and social security number EXACTLY as they appear on your soclaf so» • Per 4'/4x4V4 INCLUDING TILE (90 Sq. Ft.) CEMENT TRIM TIME. EASY TO APPLY - EASY TO KEEP CLEAN. FREE USE OF 1953 - DODGE SEDAN RIGHT NUMBER, curity card VrLuLuJ COMPLETE BATHROOM SSBB Here's One of Our Many Outstanding Used Car Buys *2Ljew*.rt 84 0 0 FIRST QUALITY - DELUXE GENUINE CLAY TILE. NOW CAN BE INSTALLED BY ANYONE OVER ALL TYPES OF WALL BY NEW CEMENT. NO FUSS, NO BOTHER AND YOU'LL HAVE A PROFESSIONAL LOOKING ROOM THAT WILL BE THE ENVY OF YOUR FRIENDS. FREE Use Of Tools - FREE Instructions. P«r 4'/«x4'/« INCLUDING TILE (90 Sq. Ft.) CEMENT TRIM TILE REGULAR FRANK VAN SYCKLE, Inc. Authorized IJOHGIM'I^YMODTII Dealer Low Interest Rate — 36 Months to Pay LAURENCE HARBOR FREEHOLD 10 Center St. Tel. FRcchold 8-0570 Highway 35 (At Traffic Light) Telephone MAtawan 1-1095 COMPLETE 10x12 ROOM • A SMOOTH GLASSY SURFACE ON THIS TILE MAKES THIS TILE THE EASIEST OF ALL TILES TO KEEP CLEAN. NEED VERY LITTLE WAXING, CAN BE CUT WITH SCISSORS AND INSTALLED BY EVEN THE LADY OF THE HOUSE. AVAILABLE IN 12 DECORATOR COLORS. Brand New 1955 P«r T1U FIRST QUALITY TILE Reg. 15< Full-Size Automatic WASH BLENDED WITH COMPLETE 10x12 ROOM VINYL PLASTIC RUBBER TILE HAS ALWAYS BEEN REGARDED AS A QUALITY TILE PREFERRED BY EVERYONE. NOW THE ADDITION OF MIRACLE VINYL CUTS CLEANING PROBLEMS IN HALF. AVAILABLE IN 8 DECORATOR COLORS. THESE TILES ARE SELECTED IRREGULARS. TINY FLAWS WILL NOT IMPAIR WEAR OR BEAUTY. Dollar for Dollar, Feature for Feature, no other washer—regardless of price — has all the features of this Fully Automatic, value-priced G-E! 9"x9" INCLUDING TILE CEMENT FELT 38 5 0 INCLUDING TILE CEMENT FELT REGULAR 1 9 c Lowest Price Ever OVER Orig. Price $279.95 ONLY G-E GIVES YOU ALL THESE FEATURES! >Z MORE CAPACITY than many other automatics FULLY AUTOMATIC OPERATION . . . not just semi-automatic, but real "sct-it-and-forgct-il" convenience from start to finish! ACTIVATOR WASHING ACTION. . . clothes are dipped, flexed and gently cleansed piece by piece through three zones of washing! AFTER WASHING . . . dirty water is spun up and over the washbasket, not strained down through your just washed clothes! FINEST DAMP DRYING . . . many clothes come right from the washer rencly for ironing! FLEXIBLE WATER TEMPERATURE CONTROLS . . . for miracle fabrics! LIFETIME PORCELAIN WASHBASKET AND TOP! FULL 5-YEAR WARRANTY ON SEALED-1N TRANSMISSION! Values to 2.2!) 9 x 12 NOT ALL COLORS AVAILABLE COME EARLY FOR BEST SELECTIONS FIRST QUALITY Patterns that will brighten every room. LIMIT 2 PER CUSTOMER FREE ESTIMATES! PERTH AMBOY IMZSI'4**. SMITH ST. OPEN DAILY 9-6 - At Bus Stop KEyport 7-2700 Two Grent Stores — Open Friday Til 9 P.M. FRI. 9-9 W0 8-1732 TUES., WED., FRI. 9 to 6 TIIUFIS, 9 to 9 - Opposite Safeway KEansbiu-fj 6-1100 lloille 9 (lirhvriMi TurnirfftK *H(f How.trtt Johnson) STORE H O U R S THIS WEEK O N L Y : M0N., Use Our METER Plan WQODBRIDGE HI 2-6670 SAT. Closed M0N,, TUES., WED., THURS. 9 to 9 FRI. 9 to 6 - SAT. Clo:od FREE PARKING IN BOTH STORES!
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