STAATSKOERANT, 16 JULIE 2008 0 S R Notice Number: Barcode 12-3456-789012345-6 Notice in respect of unattended vehicle AARTO 31 In terms of section 17(1) of AARTO Act No 46 of 1998 the following infringement(s) has been committed in respect of the unattended vehicle and the owner will receive an lnfringement Notice by registered mail indicating the penalty to be paid and other options that may be exercised by the owner. Date: Location: I 1 Time: Vehicle Licence No.: Licence Disc No.: Vehicle make: Issuing Authority: Officer's Infrastructure No: - Note that this is not an lnfringement Notice Charge code: Description: Charge code: Description: Charge code: Description: vised to attend to the vehicle without delay to avoid the issuing of further notices in respect of the infringement(s) stated above. Enquiries regarding this notice may be made by: 1. Post: AARTO Enquiries, Private Bag X147, Pretoria, 0001 2. Telephone: (011) 256 1000 3. Fax: (011) 256 1045 General information is available on the following Internet website: No. 31242 91 No. 31242 STAATSKOERANT, 16 JULIE 2008 SHERIFF'S ORDERS Issued in terms of section 21 of Act No 46 of 1998 and reaulation 8 To: The Sheriff ((Sheriff-address-line-1 )) ~Sheriff-address-line-2)) ((Sheriff-address-line-3)) &heriff-address-line-4)) ((Sheriff-address-line-5~ ((Sheriff-address-code, This Warrant may be executed by any sheriff appointed in terms of section 12 of Act N o 46 o f 1998 or the Sheriffs Act No 90 o f 1986 and empowered to execute a Warrant. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. You are hereby ordered by the Registrar of the Road Trafic Infringement Agency to execute the terms set out in this Warrant, between 07h00 and 21h00, on the person referred to as the infringer on the reverse side hereof. The result of the execution must be reported to the Agency. Whereas the said infringer failed to comply with the requirements of the Infringement Notice, Courtesy Letter and Enforcement Order served on him or her in terms of the Act; and Whereas the Registrar is satisfied that the mentioned documents were served on the infringer, the penalty and fees have not been paid, there are no pending Representations in the case of minor infringements, the infringer has not elected to be tried in court, and the infringer was at the time of the alleged infringement either the operator, owner or driver of the motor vehicle. Unless the infringer pays the amount due in cash immediately, you (the sheriff): must make an inventory as contemplated in Rule 41(1) of the Magistrates' Court Act, 1944; may not accept post-dated bank guaranteed cheques; and must cancel the said inventory if the bank guaranteed cheque contemplated above is honoured or the proof of payment is verified. This is therefore to authorise and require you (the sheriff) to enforce the terms of the Warrant as indicated on the reverse, if the infringer has not paid the total amount of the penalty and fees due within seven (7) days of service of a photocopy of the Warrant: seize and sell movable property in terms of section 21(l)(a) of Act No 46 of 1998 to the value of the total amount due; seize the driving licence andlor professional driving permit (if applicable) of the infringer in terms of section 21(l)(b) ofAct No 46 of 1998; seize or deface the licence disc (and operator card, if applicable) of any motor vehicle of which the infringer is the owner (or operator) in terms of section 21 (l)(c) (or (d)) of Act No 46 of 1998: or immobilise the motor vehicle of which the infringer is the owner or registered operator. RESULT OF EXECUTION 1.1 Photocopy of Warrant sewed on the infringer and the . I importance thereof explained . / I Photocopy o f Warrant received o n the above date and explanation acknowledged by Proof of payment of the total amount due in terms of regulation 6(2) submitted by infringer, a certified photocopy o f which is attached I I I I The infringer paid the sheriff in cash the total amount due: R Warrant executed in the following manner: seized and sold movable property as per inventory made Yes seized the driving licence (and professional driving permit, if applicable) Yes seized andlor defaced the licence disc Yes seized andlor defaced the operator card Yes immobilised the motor vehicle Yes failed to execute the Warrant due to: ignature of sheriff: Date: - - - - I I No No No No No - 83 84 No. 31242 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 JULY 2008 b. The form may als, be electronically obtained, downloaded, completed and printed at the following Internet webdle: C. The application m u d be accompanied by a csrtified copy of the deposit slip@)andlor proof of payment of the specific payments. d. A copy of the compleled and dgned fonn and slpporting dowmentsmud be kept for yourown records. e. Rece~ptof Ihe application wili be aclmowledged w i l h ~ n21 days failing which it mua be re-slbmitted by poding it by registered mail to the address given in (a) above. f. Individuals need not complete the firsl two linesof Part 0 . Organisationsmusl provide the detaiisof the registration number of the organisrlion (eg CC. mmpany o r t ~ regidration d number) and the detailsof a representattve (Surname. Firsl names, ID number. Cell, Email, etc.) who m u d agn the form on its behalf Name of organisation: Registration number: Type of organisation: n c o m p a n y ~ nC~ a r t n e r s h i p m o t h e r : C Surname: Tel (home):( First names: Tel (work):( Initia Is: Gender: Date o f birth (YYW/MM/DD): I D Type: q RSA q Passport q ema ale q Male I / q Foreign I D q Driving Licence I D number: Country o f issue: Licence C O ~ 1 1 1 Fax:( Cell: Email: Ernolover name: 1'' Employer address: ~ : ~ A ~ ~ A ~ B ~ C one q ~ o r e i g ncode: 01 2 3 q ~ o o d sm ~ a s s e n g e n ~ ~ C ~ E B ~ E C ~ ~ E C Learner code: PrDP code: ~an~erous Street address: erator card no: hicle description (type): I Mke~ : Postal address: 1 (series (model): /Infringement Notice number: Date o f payment 1: 1 1 Amount of payment 1: R 1 / Date of payment 2: Amount o f payment 2: R Reason f o r refund: Please provide the Agency with your banking details to expedite the payment of a refund, if it is approed Name of account holder. Bank name: 1 Branch name: declare that the a b o u particulars are true and corred and realise that a false declaration is punishable by a We or imprisonment or both. Action: Date (YYYYIMMIDD): Amount: R I I Voucher number Approed: Yes Date (YYYYIMMIDD): Signature of Registrar: No I 1 No. 3 1 2 4 2 STAATSKOERANT, 1 6 JULIE 2 0 0 8 RESULT OF APPLICATION FOR REFUND - AARTO 26 - Issued i n terms of reaulation 14 of Act No 46 of 1998 INFRINGER AND MOTOR VEHICLE PARTICULARS ~Surnamed~Narne of organisation, ctGender~ktTypeof organisationn ((First-Names~l((Representativename and surname, uDate-of-birth, Tel (home): (<Homeghoner Tel (work): ((Businessghone)) Country of issue: ((Country-of-issuer Fax: <Fax-numbern Licence code: ((Driving-Lic-codes,, Cell: ((Cellular, PrDP code: xPrDP-codesr aE-mail)) Operator card number: ((Operator-Card-number)) MOTOR VEHICLE PARTICULARS <<Vehicle-lic-number,, Licence disc no: weh-lic-d~sc-non uVehicle-desc, uVehicle-GVMr ((Make* ((Series)) xColour)) INFRINGEMENT PARTICULARS Infringement Notice number: ulnf-notice-nrr Date of infringement: <Date, Charge Code: ((Main-charge-code, :barge type. eClass-1 Issuing Authority: (( Issuing Authority ((Main-descr~p)) Penalty: R xPenalty-1 N D Demerit Points: aDernerit>> D REFUND APPLICATION RESULT ?esult o f application: tResult, late: ct Res-Date)) \mount of refund: refund^ The amount will be electronically transferred to your bank account (details appear below) within seven 7) days of this notification. You are requested to verify such deposit and notify the Agency should such ieposit not have reached your account. 1 3ank name: ((Bank-Name, Branch: ((Branch, dame of account holder: uAcc-Name, Branch code: ((Branch-Cn k c o u n t number: ((Act-Num~ Certificate number: uCert-no)) Creat~ondate: <<Cr-Dater 85 86 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 16 JULY 2008 No. 31242 REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA TO: I The HonourablelProf/DrlRev/Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss bar code 1i IF UNDELIVERED WITHIN 14 DAYS PLEASE RETURN TO SENDER: AARTO Private Bag Xi47 1 PRETORIA 000, Date of posting : : : : : : 8 : I : : : : 1 NOTIFICATIONOF CHANGE OF ADDRESSES OR PARTICULARSOF A PERSON (ORGANISATIONSMUST USE FORM NCP) Surname ldent~ficat~on number Frrst names I ~~~~~~ ( :y I I I I i I I I I I i I i Type of ~dent~ficat~on ~ssspon 1 Country of lssue I Male I Female : Tel (home) lnrt~als Date of brrth Tel (work) Drwng Ilcence code(s) PrDP code(s) Cell Operator card no Gender t t Fax Res~dent~al address and code Postal address and code Employets name, address and code I Emall address I declare that the part~cularsprovlded above are true and correct and reallse that a false declaration rs punishable by a fine or ~mpr~sonment or both Signature: Date: : STAATSKOERANT, 16 JULIE 2008 No. 31242 87 b. This'form must be completed and handed in at any issuing'~uthorityor driving license testing centre. c . This form may also be electronically, downloaded, completed and submitted at the following Internet website: d. This form must be used to request your personal Demerit Point history o r to grant permission to an authorised applicant tc gain access to Dement Point information of the person whose particulars are provided in part A. e, Individuals may choose to grant permission to an authorised applicant as a once-off consent or for a longer period of time In the later case, the driwr is added to the authorised applicant's d r i w database. f. Individuals need not complete the first three lines of Part A, or Part C. g. Organisations must provide the details of the registration number of the organisation (eg CC, company or trust registration number) and the details of a representati~(Surname, First names. ID number. Cell, Email, etc.) who must sign the form nn - . . its ..- hnhalf -. .-... , . ,- ,. . . . ~ A, .;'.>$;, i* ' , PART A PARTICULARS OF PERSON ... - - . ' ame o f organisation: ype of organisation: Registration number: q CC 0 Partnership Company Other: urname: Tel (home): ( rst names: Tel (work): ( ~ e n d e rD : ~ e m a l en ~ a l eFax: ( 1 / Cell: ,itiaIs: ate of birth ( W / M M / D D ) : )Type: ORSA O ~ a s s p o r tC ~ o r e i g nI D m ~ r i v i n gLicence Email: Street address: number: ountry of issue: cence code: UAI O A C B~ None C 1 1 UC I DEBC ] E C UEC ~ Posta1address: Foreign code: Code: a1 sarnercode: n2 @ 3 S rDP code: O G O O ~Passengers Employer name: Employer address: O~an~erous the person whose particulars appear abow, herebygrant permission freely and voluntarilywithout being influenced undulythereto, for e particulars in respect of Demerit Points and roadtraffic offences already recorded against me on the National ~ontraen~tion Register be supplied to me or to the applicant, the particulars ofwhich appear below, forthe period selected below. sued without alterations or erasures. Once-off q 6 Months 0 12 Months ?riod: 0 gnature. Date (YWYIMMIDD). I I ,, $ ~ * * % ilme o f organisation: rganisation t y p e : q "*W Registration number: Company (7 CC 0 Partnership Other: itials and surname: 21 (work): ( IX: ( Emil: Cell: ) I D type: RSA passport Foreign I D number: Driving licence 1 1 ate o f birth (YYYYIMMfDD): 3TE: Acceptable identification of the authorised applicant and a representati~as shown abow must be submitted. 1 ~sinessaddress: PART D !es paid: R o f applicant verified: I 'ricer name: qRSA passport foreign m ~ u s i n e s sregistration number Infrastructure no: Date (YYYYIMMIDD): 'ficer signature: Code: - OFFICE USE 1 1 P" ROAD TRAFFIC OFFENCEIINFRINGEMENT HISTORY IN RESPECT OF DRIVER - AARTO 28 Issued in terms o f regulation 25 of Act No 46 o f 1998 PARTICULARS OF PERSON RECEIPT Identification type: <ID-Type)) Identification number: dD-number, Country of issue: Initials and surname: Receipt number: ((Receipt-No, Total amount received: uAmountn ucountryn Date: ((Dater dnitials+" "+Surnamen Received by: &ashiern I DRIVING LICENCE DATE FROM DATE TO MEC suspensionlcancellation aD-MEC-Susn uD-MEC-From AARTO suspensionlcancellation ct D-AARTO-Suss uD-AARTO-Fromr Number of previous suspensions D PrDP uD-MEC-Ton UP-MEC-Suss UP-MEC-Fromn UP-MEC-Ton UP-AARTO-Susn up-AARTO-Fromn a P-AARTO-Tom UP-Prev-Susn Accumulated Demerit Points u D-Acc-Demn up-Acc-Demn Projected Demerit Point reduction date uD-Red-Dates up-Red-Daten ROAD TRAFFIC INFRINGEMENTS Type of notice Infringement Notice number Issuing Authority <Not-Typen ctlnf-Not-numbern alssuing-Authn ~10ff-Des~ uNot-Types cclnf-Not-number)) ulssuing-Authn ctOff-Desn demerit n uNotJypen ctlnf-Not-numbern ulssuing-Auths <(Off-Dess <<Demeritn <Not-Types alnf-Not-numberr alssuing-Authv aOff-Desn ((Not-Typen ulnf-Not-numbern ctlssuingputhr <Off-Desn uNot-Types ctlnf-Not-numbern ulssuing-Auths aOff-Desn uNot-Type, ulnf-Not-numbern ulssuing-Authn ({Off-Desn uNot-Typen ulnf-Not-numbers alssuing-Autha nOff-Desa <Not-Typen alnf-Not-numbera &suing-Authn ((Off-Dew Road traffic offencelinfringement DATE TO uD-AARTO-Ton uD-Prev-Susn l DATE FROM I Demerit Points incurred Date of offence1 infringement <(Off-Date, ROAD TRAFFIC OFFENCEIINFRINGEMENT HISTORY IN RESPECT OF OPERATOR - AARTO 29 Issued i n terms of regulation 25 of Act No 46 of 1998 PARTICULARS OF OPERATOR RECEIPT Identification type: Receipt number: 1I identification number: I Country of issue: 1 initials and surname: alD-Type, I Total amount received: UID-numbern I ucountrp Date: &mmtn ((Date* I Received by: alnitials+" "+Surname)) ((Receipt-NO, &ashiern DATE FROM 1 AARTO suspensionlcancellation I ((0- 1 Accumulated Demerit Points ( ~o-Acc-~emn DATE TO PART0 Susn / a o - ~ ~- ~ - s ~ ~ , 1 Number of previous suspensions Projected Demerit Point reduction date ((0-Red-Dater 1 ROAD TRAFFIC INFRINGEMENTS Demerit Points incurred Date of offence1 infringement Type of notice Infringement Notice number Issuing Authority Road traffic offence/ infringement In respect of Demerit Points ((Not-Typen ctlnf-Not-number, ((Issuing-Auth~ rOff-Desn ~Descripn .Demerit <(Issuing-Autha [(Off-Desn ~Descripn ((Demerit a uOff-Daten not-Type, ((Issuing-Auth, ((Off-Des~ ~DescripB aDemerit D aOff-Daten *Not-Typen alssuing-Authr off-Desn ~Descripr ((Demerit )> uOff-Daten aNot-Typen alssuing-Authn ((Off-Des, uDescrip N ((Demerit n aOff-Dater aNot-Typen ~Issuing~Authw uOff-Desn uDescrip s ((Demerit N aOff-Daten ((Not-Type, alssuing-Authn a0ff-Dew tDescrip n ((Demerit aOff-Dates aNot-Typew alssuing-Authn aOff-Dew tDescrip a aDemerit r ((Off-Date* <Not-Type)) nlssuing-Auth)) ((Off-Des~ tDescrip n ((Not-Typen s uDern-lncr off-Dates ((Off-Daten 90 I No. 31242 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 JULY 2008 b. The form may also be electronically obtained, completed and submitted at the following lnternet website: C. This form may also be faxed to the following number: 011 256 1045 d. A copy of this form must be kept for your own records. e. Receipt of the notification will be acknowledged within 21 days, failing which it must be resubmitted by posting it by registered mail to the address qiven above. Surname: Tel (home): ( First names: Tel (work): ( Initials: Gender: Fax: ( .rFemale r- Male Date of birth (YYYY/MM/DD): I D Type: T' RSA r Passport / 1 1 1 Cell: Email: / r Foreign I D r Driving Licence street address: I D number: Country of issue: A1 Licence code: r- rLearner code: . r6 A None : r- EB ;-- EC1 EC Postal address: Code: Employer name: 3 7Passengers PrDP code: f" Goods c 1- Foreign code: T2 1 1- C l Dangerous 1 Employer address: \I declare that the above particulars are true and correct and realise that a false declaration is punishable by a fine or imprisonment or both. b. The form may also be electronically obtained, completed and submitted at the following Internet website: C. This form may also be faxed to the followmg number: 011 256 1045 d. A copy of this form must be kept for your own records. e. Receipt of the notification will be acknowledged within 21 days, failmg which it must be re-submitted by posting it by registered mail to the address qiven above. Surname: Tel (home): ( First names: Tel (work): ( Initials: Gender: Fax: ( - Male Female Date of birth (YYYY/MM/DD): I D Type: ,- RSA Passport - - / - Foreign I D I D number: Country o f issue: Licence code: A1 r rLearner code: PrDP code: 1 1 r- 1 !--A None 2 r r Goods r B r-C1 - ' C - / Drivmg Licence r EB r E C l 7-EC Cell: Email: stree. address: postal Foreign code: -3 Passengers Code: Employer name: .- : Dangerous Employer address: - - -- - - /I declare that the above particulars are true and correct and realise that a false declaration is punishable oy a fine or imprisonment or 00th l ~ i ~ n a t uof r eapplicant: Date (YYYYIMMIDD): I I GOVERNMENT GAZElTE, 16 JULY 2008 No. 31242 92 ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUDICATION OF ROAD TRAFFIC OFFENCES REGULATIONS, 2008 SCHEDULE 2 Monetary value of Penalty Unit, Discount and Fees in terms of Regulation 10(1), 1? ( I )and l2(1) respectively I / Monetary value of penalty unit I (a) / I The monetary value contem~latedin section 29(b) of the Act to be multiplied with the I 1 I I penalty unit as indicated in column 5 of schedule 3. the result of which is given in column 7 of the said schedule: I 1 (b) 1 Discount I The discount contemplated in section 17(l)(d) of the Act to be applied to the penalty amount given in column 7 of schedule 3, the result of which is given in column 8 of the said schedule, subject to regulation I 1(l)(b) and (c): 50% I (c) I / Fees The fees which may be charged for any document, order or action in terms of section 34(d) of the Act, are the following: Amount Representations fee in the case of unsuccessful representations received within validity period of the infringement notice (Forms AARTO 09 and AARTO 13 as shown in Schedule 1) Representations fee in the case of unsuccessful representations received after the validity period of the infringement notice (Forms AARTO 09 and AARTO 13 as shown in Schedule 1) Free R 200-00 served by registered mail Sewxi in person Served by registered mail servedin person Courtesy letter (Form AARTO 12 as shown in Schedule I) Enforcement order (Form AARTO 13 as shown in Schedule I) R 60-00 R 100-00 R 60-00 R100-00 Notification of result of ap~licationof revocation of enforcement order in the event that the application was unsuccessful (Form AARTO 15 as shown in Schedule I) Warrant of Execution (Form AARTO 24 as shown in Schedule I) - 4scertainina demerit ~ o i n t s~ositionin terms of section 33 of the Act (Form AARTO 28 or AARTO 29 as shown in Schedule 1) Notice of partial payment 'Form AARTO 17 as shown in Schedule I) 2harge arising from dishonoured payment or failure to pay an instalment 'Forms AARTO 16 or AARTO 18 as shown in Schedule I) I I Fees as invoiced by the Sherriff 1 R 60-00 R 100-00 STAATSKOERANT, 16 JULIE 2008 The fees which may be charged for any document, order or action in terms of section 34(d) of the Act, are the following: (ix) Refund of credit balance. (Form AARTO 26 as shown in Schedule I ) (x) Collection fee of registering authority or driving licence testing centre. No. 31242 Amount Actual bank charges 3% of transaction fee 93 94 No. 31242 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 JULY 2008 ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUDICATION OF ROAD TRAFFIC OFFENCES REGULATIONS, 2008 SCHEDULE 3 Categories of offences and infringements, penalty units, penalty and discount amounts and demerit points in terms of Regulation 70,7 I, and 24 Key fo columns in Schedule: Column I Item number Column 2 Charge code Column 3 Short statutory reference to National Road Traffic Act, 1996 Column 4 Short charge wording - reference to National Road Traffic Act, 1996 Column 5 Classification of offence, major infringement and minor infringement Column 6 Penalty Column 7 Demerit Points Column 8 Penalty amount (Rand) Column 9 Discount amount (Rand) Column 10 Discounted amount (Rand) Column I 1 Operator charge in terms of section 49 of the National Road Traffic Act, 1996 Indication of charge against operator simultaneously to charge against driver. l ~ e fo y abbreviafions in Schedule: NRTA National Road Traffic Act, 1996 NRTR National Road Traffic Regulations, 2000 NLTTA National Land Transport Transition Act, 2000 RWC I Motor vehicles that requires roadworthy certificates in terms of regulation 142 of the NRTR Motor vehicles that does not require roadworthy certificates in terms of regulation 142 of the NRTR Infringements MI Major infringements 0 Offences C Court - no penalty allowed Non-RWC No. 31242 STAATSKOERANT, 16 JULIE 2008 I Key to items in Schedule: Act or Regulation Registering authorities and authorised officers I / 1 NRTA Chapter II: Failure to comply with instruction or direction of an oftker Registration and licensing of motor vehicles, and registration of manufacturers, builders and importers, and manufacturers of number plates 3 5 56 57 90 NRTA Chapter Ill: Registration and licensing of motor vehicle NRTR Chapter Ill Part I: Registration and licensing of motor vehicle NRTR Chapter Ill Part Ill: General 4(2) 2 1(4) 36W (c) 52(1) 68(2) 69(3) 82(4) 84(4) 89(3) l4O(2)(c) 145(1) 149 219 22 1(a) 229(2)(b) 233(1)(b) 234(1) 244 233(2) 242(d) 247(b) 250 264A(3) Motor trade numbers, temporary and special permits 91 100 NRTR Chapter IV Part I: Motor trade numbers NRTR Chapter IV Part 11. Temporary and special Io8 permits 99 Fitness of drivers 1 Fitness of vehicles 144 145 149 148 160 161 723 724 - 767 776 1144 58 NRTA Chapter V: Testing stations to be registered NRTA Chapter V: Roadworthiness of vehicles NRTR Chapter VI Part I: Fitness of vehicles NRTR Chapter VI Part It: Equipment on or in respect of vehicles NRTR Chapter VI Part Ill: Dimensions of vehicles NRTR Chapter VI Part IV: Loads on vehicles - Mass overloading - Various NRTR Chapter VI Part V: Provisions relating to passenger carrying vehicles -7 66 775 1143 1157 230 37 42(1) 44(1) 95 No. 31242 96 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 JULY 2008 E E E .-3 u ; E t! .-0 c1 0 a8 V) Act or Regulation t! W E .-0 C 0 Q) V) 3 u c V) W 45 49(g) E 0 t! g 2;oi E 0 u E1 m t Operator fitness 1231 1247 1246 NRTA Chapter VI: Operator fitness NRTR Chapter VII: Operator fitness 265(1) I t Dangerous goods 1248 1249 1295 I NRTA Chapter VIII: Transportation of certain dangerous goods prohibited NRTR Chapter VIII: Transportation of dangerous goods and substances by road 54 275 281(2)(a) 293(2)(b) 295(2) 296(1) 323(5) 324 329(2) Road traffic signs and general speed limits 12" 1740 1741 1830 NRTA Chapter IX: Faihre to obey road traffic sign prohibited NRTA Chapter IX: Speed limits NRTR Chapter IX: Road traffic signs and general speed limits 58 59 Rules of the road and matters relating thereto 1834 Chapter X Part I: Rules of the road Chapter X Part 11: Driving signals and signals for Igg2Igg9 the control of traffic Chapter X Part Ill: General - towing of vehicles 2000 2007 1991 330 7 Matters relating to driving while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drug having narcotic effect, and offences and penalties I NRTA Chapter X: Accidents and accident / C"'\='I4 I,.\ reports NRTA Chapter XI: Reckless or negligent driving, ( inconsiderate driving, driving while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or a drug having a 63(1) narcotic effect, and miscellaneous offences 2050 1 2052 1 AARTO 2053 1 2055 1 Provincial legislation and by-laws No. 31242 STAATSKOERANT, 16 JULIE 2008 SCHEDULE 3: AARTO Regulations, 2008 1 4 2 I 1001 1 6 1 7 I withi I / 1 1 1 1 Failed to comply with instruction, direction given by a t r a m ofker, or obstructed, hindered or interfered the exercise of a power or performance of a duty Sect 30) I 5 I Sect 30) I 10 1 I I Faded to comply wlth a slgnal from a traffic officer I 500 I I 250 I 250 I 0 I 5 IRTA Chapter Ill: Registration and licensing of motor vehicles, and registration of manufacturers, builders and nporters, and manufacturers of number plates 3 1002 Sect. 4(2) 4 1003 Sect. 4(2) Failed to license a vehicle with the appropriateregistering authority Failed to register a vehicle with the appropriate registerin, authority I 10 1 500 250 250 49(d) I 10 1 500 250 250 49(d) I 10 1 500 IRTR Chapter Ill Part I: Registration and licensing of motor vehicle 5 i200 6 1201 I Operated a specially classified vehicle contrary to the condition of its classification Personalised licence number holder. with cancellation. Reg. 28A(2)-(3) failed to submit the personalised licence plates and documentation concerned Reg, 2,(4) I I R e g 35(1) 8 9 I 1206 12 11 1 I 1207 I208 I 1 1 I I 16 Reg, 35(4) I ,210 1 Reg. 35(3) I 1211 Vehicle wlth a number plate that did not have letters and figures of the correct colours or not only black letters and figures on a yellow retro-reflective surface Reg. 35(5) Reg. 35(6)(a) 18 1213 19 1214 20 1215 21 1216 1 10 I 1 5 0 0 10 I 1 500 I I I I I I Vehicle with a number plate on which the letters1figures were not arranaed as orescribed. I I I I 1 - .~~ ~ ( . 1 I 0 1 10 1 II l O I / l I I Only affixedone number plate to a motor vehicle. except a motor cycle B trailer (Failed to afEx both number plates of a vehicle thereto 1 1 1 I l ~ u m b e rdate on the rear with letters and fioures of 601 mm whiist 75 mm would have fitted the-illuminated space, or a number plate wh~chwas not the size of the illum~natedsoace orovided , I I I 10 I C 500 1500 I I I 1 5 0 0 1 6 1 0 Displayed a licence number, or anything purporting to be a licence number, not applicable to the vehicle Vehicle with a licence number which was in any way obscured or had become illegible Vehicle with licence numbers wh~chwere in any way Reg, 35(6)(b) obscured or had become illegible Vehicle with a design appearing on a number plate or Reg, 35(6)(c)(i) number plate holder Vehicle with a design appearingon both number plates or Reg, 35(6)(c)(i) number plate holders Reg 35(6)(b) lo Vehicle with a number plate with a logo or landscapenot Ion a white retro-reflective surface Reg, 35(5) 1 500 I I I'1 I Reg. 35(2)(e) l ~ e h i c l e with a number plate not clearly legible or visible I 1 4 I 1 2 0 9 0 ) 15 Reg, 35(2)(d) 1 I 1 110)l/500 I Reg. 35(2)(c) 10 I I Operated a vehicle with a number plate that did not bear a self destructive certification mark Vehicle with a number plate which did not have a yellow or white retrc-reflective surface Reg, 35(2)(b) 1204 I I Vehicle displaying a licence number on a number plate lWhiChdid not mmpiy with SANS 1116 Specifi~ationS Reg, 35(2)(a) 1203 I I I 5 0 250 0 C 6 0 I 5 0 250 I 10 1 5 0 0 97 98 No. 31242 GOVERNMENT GAZElTE, 16 JULY 2008 SCHEDULE 3: AARTO Regulation 4 - Short charge wording reference to National Road Traffic Act. 1996 Reg. 35(6)(c)(ii) 'ehicle whereon appeared within 150 mm of the licencc umber anything which was not a wmpone,nt part of the tandard equipment or construction of that vehicle Reg. 35(6)(c)(ii) ehicle whereon appearedwithin 150 mm of both licena umbers anything which was not a component part of thc !andard equipment or construction of that vehicle Reg. 35(6)(d) ehicle deemed to be registered and licensed in 2 rescribed territory, not complying w~ththe legislation o bat territory Reg. 35(6)(e) ehide registeredin another territory but failed to displa) stinguishing signs of country concerned as allocated ir !rms of the Convention. ehicle registered in the RSA with a distinguishing sign ,t allocated to the Republic in terms of the Convention ehicle reoistered in the ReDublic dis~lavina . , - a loao " 01 nascape other than that determ ned by the MEC - - ehne witn a n,mber plate wltn a ~cencen~moerno1 ,pl~cableto the vehicle or anything purporting to be a :ence number ehicle with number plates with a licence number no1 )pl~cableto the vehicle or anything purporting to be a :ence number Reg 35(6)(g) Reg. 35(6)(9) ?hide with each number piate not displayingthe same snce number, letter type, wlours and logo or landscap Reg. 35(6)(h) - ?hide di~Dlavin0 , , < a number Dlate which did not com~lv , , th the standard specifications SANS 1116 Reg 35(6)(i) ~mberplate so affixed to the vehicle that it was easily Reg 35(7)(a) 1 ?hide with the number plate not affixed thereto in an right position or within 30' of such position thicle with the number plate of the vehicle not affixed ereto in such a manner that each letter and figure sreon was clearly legible ?hiclewith a number plate of the said vehicle not affixed lreto in such a manner that the whole number plate 3s clearly visible >tor cycle, motor tricycle or motor quadrucycle w~thout lumber plate affixed to the back of the vehicle I Reg, 35(7)(e) Reg' 35(7)(9 Reg. 35(7)(9 40 1235 41 1236 42 1237 Trailer wlthout a number plate affixed to the back of the wnhirln .,,.., Vehicle with only the front or only the rear number plate of the said vehicle affixed thereto l~ehiciewith no front or rear number plate affixed thereto 1 I I~ouble-deckbus with an enaine at the rear. with the Reg. 35(8)(a) number plate affixed thereto-higher than 1,9 m from' ground level Vehicle, not a double-deck bus, with the number plate of Reg. 35(8)(b) such vehicle affixed thereto higher than 1,5 m from ground level In possession of a number plate not applicable to any Reg. 35(10) motor vehicle owned by him or her, and failed to destroy such number plate . NO.31242 STAATSKOERANT, 16 JULIE 2008 SCHEDULE 3: AARTO Reaulations. 2008 7- - - Short charge wording reference t o National Road Traffic Act, 1996 -Clperated a vehicle without d~splayingthe licence disc ol Reg. 36(1) -Sia ~ dvehicle Clperated a vehicle without displaying the necessan Reg. 36(1) -lilZnce and roadworthv certificate disc Failed to display licence and roadworthy certificate d~sc 01n a transparent windscreen Reg. 36(l)(a) 7 0perated a vehicle with a transparentwindscreenwithout Reg. 36(l)(a) -displaying the licence disc as specified vehicle not fitted with a transparent windscreen,with the lic:ewe disc and roadworthycertificate disc not affixed in a conspicuous position on the left front side of the vehicle Reg. 36(l)(a) - v4ehicle not fitted with a transparent windscreen, with the lic:ence disc not affixed in a conspicuous position on the Reg. 36(l)(b) -left front side of the vehicle VIehicle on which the licence and roadworthy certificate disc was exposed to the weather, failed to protect the sai' dlxument by affixing it on the inside of the transparent frcm t of a durable watertight holder Reg. 36(l)(b) - Vlshicle on which the licence disc was exposed to the WIeather, failed to protect the said document by affixing it ori the inside of the transparent front of a durable Wiatertight holder Reg. 36(l)(c) - Vfshicle on which a llcence disc was displayed whilst, SL~ c document h was not applicable to such vehicle Reg. 36(2)(a) - Vt?hide on which a licence and roadworthy certificate' Reg. 36(2)(a) Reg. 36(2)(b) di!jc was displayed whilst such document was not 5~plicableto such veh~cle vt wtiich in any way was obscured or had become illegible - vc?hide with 1 Reg. 36(2)(b) a licence disc which in any way was o trscured or had become illegible - !hide that was not registered and licensed or not Vehicle without a valid temporary import permit being displayed on such motor vehicle whilst such permit was required in terms of Custom and Excise legislation Reg. 36(3)(c) NRTR Cha ter Ill I rt Ill: General I I Reg. 52(1) Operator, with a change in the postal or street address, failed to, within 21 days of such change. notify the appropriate registering authority of such change Reg. 52(2) Operator, when a change ~nthe proxy or representativ occurred, failed to notify the appropriate registering authority of such change :eg 53(l)(a)(ii) Disposed of or delivered or traded with a vehicle without the registration certificate, or if the vehicle is required to be licensed, the vehicle l~cencedid not accompany the vehicle concerned 1 I I I 99 100 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 JULY 2008 No. 31242 - 9 - 2 Pw B al 0) .J c v U P x 0 'El gi 5 gE 2 Z 2' =1 - Short charge wording reference t o National Road Traffic Act, 1996 2 v 25 $c' 8 P g .E 0)'- U 'El - dt 21 A K C C1 3 "5 +i= 5C :: 5$ %E i 5 $ .- ln Acquired or took delivery of a vehicle whilst it was not permitted to dispose of, or deliver the or trade with the vehicle in terms of regulation 53(l)(a) Reg. 53(l)(b) - I 10 250 - 1 Reg. 53(2) Failed to register a vehicle whtch formed part of an estate or that the registration certificate or valid vehlcle licence did not accompany the vehicle concerned Reg. 53(3) Title holder failed to notify authority of change of title holder and did not complete and forward the necessa forms. 250 250 - Reg, 53(4) As owner of a vehicle, whereas there was a change of owner of such vehicle, failed to notify the applicable registering authority or did not identify the new owner of the vehicle I Reg. 53A As motor dealerdisplayeda motor vehicle for the purpose of sale on his or her premises without such motor vehicle being registered into his or her name as dealer stock I Reg, 54(l)(a) As the owner of a vehicle which was stolen, failed to report the theft to the South African Police Services within 24 hours after he or she became aware of such theft I 250 250 250 250 seven days after the day upon which he or she became 250 authority of such theft Reg. 54(3)(a) - I As the title holder of a vehicle which was stolen, failed to notify the appropriate registering authority of such theft withln three months after being notified of such theft 250 - 11° Reg. 54(3)(b) As the title holder of a vehicle which was stolen, failed to submit the registration certificate of such vehicle and the notificationto the appropriate registering authority I Reg, 54(6) Owner of a recovered stolen vehicle (prior to deregistration). failed to notify the SAPS within 24 hours or the title holder and appropriate registering authority or failed to apply for licensing of such vehicle 1 10 Reg. 55(l)(a) Owner of a vehicle, which became permanently unfit for use as a vehicle, failed to notify the title holder forthwith thereof I 10 316 I?eg. 55(l)(b) Owner of a vehicle, which became permanently unfit or was permanently demolished, failed to notifv the lappropriate registeringauthority within three months I 317 Reg. 55(2)(a) Title holder of a vehicle, which became permanentlv unfit or was permanently demolished. failed to notify the appropriate registering authority within three months 1 10 1 318 Reg. 55(2)(b) Title holder failed to submit registration certificate or notification to appropriate registering authority within 3 ]months after vehicle became unfit. 1 10 1 Reg 55A(1) ]owner failed to notifv title holder or the reaisterinal [authonty of impounding of vehicle or failed to submlt the1 [receipt to the SAPS. I I 319 1 I - - 10 250 - I 10 I ( ' 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 STAATSKOERANT, 16 JULIE 2008 f No. 31242 SCHEDULE 3: AARTO Regulations, 2008 I I I lc Chassis number more than 17 or engine number more than 20 characters or were not cut. stamped or embossed on or permanently affixed to said vehicle Reg. 56(1) I The title holderof a vehicle, which did not beara chassis number, failed to tender such vehicle to the SAPS I 1 Title holder of a vehicle of which the chassis number Reg. 56(3)(d) appearedon anothervehicle, failed to tender such vehicle to the SAPS Title holder failed to report altered etc. enginelchassis Reg. 56(3)(e) number to SAPS Reg 56(5)(a) Reg 56(7) Reg, 62(1) Reg. 62(2) Reg 65 Reg, 67 Reg, 68(1) Reg. 68(2) 1 Person concerned failed to furn~shinformation i.r.0 an owned or pre-owned vehicle or vehicle body. As accused. failed to furnish information to the aerson concerned regarding any matter in respect of which he or she has a responsibility Owner failed to notify authority of histher mtention to export a vehicle and did not submit a SAPS clearance. As manufacturer, builder or mporter of vehicles, faded when disposing of such a vehicle, failed to furnish new title holder of such vehicle with the appropriat certificate Owner failed to hand over registration certificate to reaisterino " authoritv or new title holder. As owner of a vehicle, failed to hand over the registration certificate issued under road traffic legislation to the title holder . O Ic I 0 C 0 C II II cc Title holder of a vehicle, which did not bear an engine- or chassis number, failed to cause the issued number to be cut, stamped, embossed or permanently affixed thereto Title holder failed to not~fy registering authority of clearance bv SAPS of ename or chassis number. O O O I 10 I 10 I 10 I 10 I 10 art I: Motor trade numbers Reg. 69(3) Operated a vehicle under a motor trade number whilst such operation was not for one of the purposes referredto in Regulation 69 I Reg. 69(4) Operated a motor vehicle not intended to be registeredin the Republic in terms of provisions of this Act, under a motor trade number I Reg. 73 As holder of a motor trade number, failed to register motor trade number with the appropriate registering authority I Reg. 82(1) Being the holder of a motor trade number failed to display such motor trade number on a number plate or not in accordance with the provisions of regulation 35 I 101 102 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 JULY 2008 No. 31242 I . SCHEDULE 3: AARTO Regulations, 2008 2 1: 1 eE PE I I r l - Short charge wording reference to National Road T r a f k Act, 1996 window is too small to display such number, in the (specified manner l ~ o l d e of r a motor trade number failed to affix the mot01 front of a durable watertight holder Reg, 82(4) Holder of a motor trade number affixed the numbel permanently to the vehicle art 11: Temporary and special permits Reg, 84(4) Holder of a special permit, conveyed personsor goods in the vehicle concerned I 5 0 250 Reg. 84(6) Operated motor vehicle not intended to be registered in the RSA, under any permit, whilst such motor vehicle was not already registered in the RSA I 10 1 500 Reg. 89(1) Failedto display a special permit issued in respect of said vehicle which has a rear window, in the correct manner so that the inscription was legible from the rear. I Reg 89(1) Failed to display a special permit on a vehicle which does not have a rear window, on the rear of such vehicle in a conspicuous place I Reg, 89(l,(a) Failed to display a temporary permit on a vehicle which has a rear window, on the inside of such vehicle in the lower left-hand corner or that the inscription thereon was not legible through the glass I Reg. 89(l)(b) Failed to display a temporary permit on a vehicle which does not have a rear window, on the rear of such vehicle in a consoicuous dace I Reg. 89(2) Displayed a temporary or special permit on a vehicle, or anything purporting to be such a permit, which was not applicable to said vehicle 0 Reg, 89(3) A temporary permit was displayed on a vehicle which lwas in any way obscured or had become illegible Reg, 89(3) A special permit was displayed on a vehicle which was in any way obscured or had become illegible I I C 1 10 - I 10 1 500 0 C 6 0 0 0 tness of drivers RTA Chapter IV: Driving licence testing centres 109 1600 Sect, Operated a driving licence testing centre which was not registered and graded 0 RTA Chapter IV: Learner's and driving licences 111 112 1700 Sect, 12(a) Operated a vehicle contrary to the class of vehicle to which such driving licence relates 1 25 4 1250 625 625 49(~) 1701 Sect, 2(a) Operateda vehicle contrary to the conditions as endorsed by the examiner for driving licences 1 25 4 1250 625 625 49(~) Sect. 12(a) Operated a vehicle without an A1 code driving licence issued to him or her. or of any document deemed to be a driving licence 1 25 4 1250 625 625 1702 0 STAATSKOERANT, 16 JULIE 2008 No. 31242 SCHEDULE 3: AARTO Regulations, 2008 I I )perated a vehicle without an A code driving licence ;sued to him or her, or of any document deemed to be a riving licence berated a vehicle without a B code driving licence) ;sued to him or her, or of any document deemed to be a riving licence Iperated a vehicle without a C1 code driving licence sued to him or her, or of any document deemed to be a I rivino licence )perated a vehicle without a C code drlving licence1 ;sued to h ~ m or her, or of any document deemed to be a/ riving licence berated a vehicle without a EB an code drivina licencel ;sued to him or her, or of any document deemed to be a1 riving licence lperated a vehicle without an EC1 code driving licence) ,suedto him or her. or of anv document deemed to be a1 riving licence lperated a vehicle without an EC code driving licence sued to him or her, or of any document deemed to be a rivina licence Sect. 12(a) Sect. 12(a) Sect. 12(a) Sect. 12(a) Sect. 12(a) Sect. 12(a) Sect. 12(a) I I I I I I I Sect. 12(b) perated a motor vehicle whilst he or she did not keepa riving licence, or document or any other prescribed uthorization,in the said vehicle I Sect. 16(1) I pplied for a learnetsor driving licence, and wilfully failed1 disclose any disqualification to which he or she was ~bject I Sect. 16(2) ecoming disqualified from holding a drwing licence, iled to within a period of 21 days afler such, submit the xurnent to the MEC of the province concerned I lilfully or negligently and contrary to this Section (a) sued a driving licence (b) authorized the issue thereofor ) endorsed it or failed to endorse it s holder of a licence, with a permanent change of ,sideme, failed to, within 14 days after such change, M y the applicableregisteringauthority ~nthe prescribed anner Sect. 18(5) Sect. 22 Sect. 31 nployed or permitted another person to drive such !hide while the said driver did not have drwing licence sued under Chapter IV of Act no. 93 of 1996 to drive ~ch vehicle L 0 I Irt II: Learner's and driving licences Holder of a learner's licence was not accompanied by a person with a licence authorizing him or her to drive the ]vehicle RWC IHolder of a learner's licence was not accompanied by a1 Reg. 99(2)(a) person with a licence authorizing him or her to drive ihe lvehicle Reg. 99(2)(a) Reg, 99(2)(b) I 1250 4 25 1 1 I AS holder of a learner's l~cencecarried persons for reward thereon I I I I 1 20 3 1000 1 25 4 1250 RTA Chapter IV 'rofessional driving permit I Sect. 3211) Sect, 32(1) 49(d) I I 1 625 625 Operated a motor cycle as holder of a learner's lkence while carrying another person on such motor cycle I Reg. 99(2)(c) I 1 Operated a vehicle of a prescribed class without a ~rofessionaldrivina ~ermitissued to him or her Operated a goods vehicle contrary to the conditions of a professional driving permit issued to him or her I 500 I 500 0 103 104 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 JULY 2008 No. 31242 SCHEDULE 3: AARTO Regulations, I 1 1?! 4 - Short charge wording reference to National Road Traffic Act, 1996 Sect. 32(1) Operated a minibus conveying > 12 persons, contrary tc the conditions of a professional driving permit issued tc him or her. Sect, 32(1) Conveyed personsfor reward contrary to the conditions o a professional driving permit issued to him or her. Conveyed persons for reward or NLTTA, contrary to the conditions of a professional dr~vingpermit issued to him or her. Operated a vehicle, carrying dangerous goods, contrab to the conditions of a professionaldrivingpermit issued tc him or her Sect. 32(1) Sect. 32(1) Operated a vehicle conveying > 12 persons, contrary tc When charged with an offence in terms this Act, refusec at the time of the hearing rt IV: Professional driving permit Reg. 123(2) As holder of a suspended or cancelled professions driving permit, failed to submit the card on which the permit appears, to the registrar or clerk of the court 1 20 3 1000 500 500 0 Reg. 124(a) Being tn charge or control of a vehicle, employed or permitted a person to drive the vehicle without a PrDP of the appropriate category 1 25 4 1250 625 625 49(c) Reg. 124(b) Being the holderof a professionaldriving permit, allowed another person to use such permit 0 C 6 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 itness of vehicles RTA Chapter V: Testing stations, roadworthy certificates and certification of roadworthiness Sect. 37 2100 144 Operated an unregistered and non- graded testing statio C RTA Chapter V: Roadworthiness of vehicles I 1 1 / I 145 14' 147 1 2200 2201 1 I 148 1 I I 2202 I S&t 42(1) I I 1 I Sect 42(1) Operated motor vehicle with a gross vehicle mass under 13500 kilogramswhich was not in a roadworthy condit~on Sect. 42A IFailed to display roadworthy certificate I I I I I 2203 I Operated motor vehicle with a gross vehicle mass ore 3500 kilograms which was not in a roadworthy condition Sect. 44(1) / I I 1 II I 2300 I I l ~ a i l e dto present vehicle registered on or after 15 ~ u l y l 1987, equipped with full air brakes for testing or which R e g 140(2)(c) 1was not fitted with test connections or not in m o d lworkino order I - I I lloool I I 1 1 Is I I I ' I I ( I I 1 I 500 375 I 1 I I I I I 15 1 2 1 7 5 0 1 375 I I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 500 1 4 9 ~ ) 250 1 I I 1 0 1 1 1 5 0 0 1 250 I 1 Failed to comply with the directions of traffic officer or examinerof vehicles that the sa~dvehicle is unroadworthy and not to be used on a public road. Non-RWC I I 2 0 1 3 I RTR Chapter VI Part II: Equipment on or in respect of motor vehicles 14' I I ( 49(d) I 1 0 I 375 I I I 1 I I 0 No. 31242 STAATSKOERANT, 16 JULIE 2008 SCHEDULE 3: AARTO Reaulations. 2008 - Short charge wording reference to National Road Traffic Act, 1996 Reg. 141(8) lemoved, altered etc. components of vehicle affecting its ~adworthiness. Reg. 142(1) )perated a vehicle with a GVM exceeding 3 50C ilograms, without the required roadworthy certificate Reg. 142(1) merated a vehicle. beina a breakdown vehicle. withoul le required roadworthy certificate lperated a bus without the required roadworth) Reg. 142(1) I=- Reg. 142(1) perated a minibus with a GVM exceeding 3 500 lograms, without the required roadworthy certificate Reg. 142(1) perated a minibus conveying more than 12 persons, cluding the driver, without the required roadworth) prtificate Reg. 142(1) perated a vehicle which was conveying persons for !ward, without the required roadworthy certificate Reg. 142(1) perated a vehicle in terms of the NLTTA, without the !quired roadworthy certificate Reg. 142(1) perateda vehicle transportingdangerousgoods,without e required roadworthy certificate Reg. 142(1) perated a vehicle conveying more than 12 persons. ithout the required roadworthy certificate ailed to take specified vehicle for RWC-test NRTR Ch art Ill: Equipment on or in respect of vehicles Reg. 149 Reg. 149 Reg. 149A Reg. 149A Reg. 150 Reg, 150 Operated a vehicle on a public road which was not equippedwith an emergency brake or parking brake. Non RWC. Operated a vehicle on a public road which was not lequipped with an emergency brake or parking brake.1 RWC. Operated a vehicle, registered on or after 1 July 1990, fitted with anti-thefl device which interfered with braking system. Non-RWC. Operated a vehicle, registered on or after 1 July 1990. fitted with anti-theft device which interfered with braking system. RWC. Operated motor cycle, tricycle or quadrucycle w~th inefficient braking system service brake Operated motor cycle, tricycle or quadrucycle with inefficient braking system emergency brake I 15 I I 2 750 I 1 I I 20 3 1000 I 10 1 500 I 15 2 750 I 10 I I 375 10 I 1 500 1 500 250 250 I I I 500 375 I independent braking system on front and lor rear wheels. Operated a trailer not exceeding 750kg, GVM not with parking brakeldeviceto keep trailer stationary. Operated a trailer not exceeding 750kg, GVM exceeding Reg. 151(l)(a)(ii) half of tare of drawing vehicle, not equipped with parking brake and serviceloverrun brake. I Operated a trailer not exceeding 750 kg. GVM exceeding Reg. 15l(l)(a)(iii) half of tare of the drawing vehicle. not equipped with parking and service brake. Operated a trailer exceeding 750kg but d ~ dnot exceed Reg. 151(l)(b)(i) 3500kg. GVM not exceeding tare of drawing vehicle, not equipped with parking or service brake I 15 2 750 375 375 1 20 3 1000 500 500 I 15 2 750 375 375 105
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