. :'! • "V Friday Afternoon, J a n u a r y 11, 1929. THE PUTNAM COt'iNTY COURIER, CARMEL, N. Y. snow fell. Lake Gleneida froze up County Agricultural Association will! j Saturday probably for the winter. oe held at the Smalley llous'e on Jan.! Ihe L i t e r a r y Union held a social 16. meeting at the home of its president, Several guests were entertained at Miss E m m a Foster, Monday evening JANUARY 8, 1904. the home,..of Albert Koss over the and was made a very enjoyable occaweek- end and winter sports were enInteresting Items Regarding O u r Ancestors, T a k e n F r o n i sion. joyed,. Kelley Homestead Burned. What about the ice crop? Will the Monday evening speT h e Files ot the P u t n a m County Courier Fire destroyed the Keliey home cialCommencing village people be allowed to harvest evangelistic services will be held l e i . 58 stead southeast of Carmel early MonTown abstracts for 1S55 are as it as usual from Lake Gleneida. the Baptist church. Evangelist Cday morning. Mrs. James it. Kelley, in follows: Carmel, §269.05; Kent, $321.GAIOILL. N. Y. grandmother of Wallace Kelley, w a s L. Bonham will assist the pastor. 68; Patterson, §137.89; Putnam ValLake Mahopac. will take charge J a n . 1. - His family ley, §141.94; Philipstown, $1,506.84; The members of the Episcopal awakened about 3 o'clock and discovLake Mahopac. will remain in Carmel until spring. Southeast, $208.52. Sunday school were entertained at ered the lire in a closet in her room Pursuant to an Order of the Hon. J. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard. Norris r e Miss Hoguet entertained a large Bennett Southard, Surrogate of the the rectory Tuesday afternoon and i 0Ve « r , h e r k i ^ a - She /-ailed l " e other DECEMBER 25, 1903. turned from their honeymoon Saturparty at her home, Stonyridge, on County of Putnam, N. V., notice Is evening. At 3 p. m i carol service a m b e r s of the lamily. day evening. •Sew Year's. was held in the church, after which hereby given to all persons having Air. Kelley, clad in a pair ol trousArthur Townsend filled his ice house Work on the R. C. church has prac- claims against the estate of Cortlandt all went to the rectory where a short ers and slippers, endeavored to light Whang Valley Tiivader last week with thirteen inch ice. tically stopped, owing to the weathprogram was given, games enjoyed the the with snow, but it was useChristian, late of the Town of P u t - ' is Still a Mystery While Lake Gleneida has twice been and supper served. Gifts were distri- less. So lierce were the flames that er. nam Valley, in said County, deceased, JANUARY 1,-1904. The stranger -who was camping out skimmed over, it is again free of ice. Postmaster Westcott is going to to present the same with the vouchbuted to the pupils and teachers by the family j u s t escaped with their in the'ledges of the mountain side of Rev. Mr. Remson was in town this Rev. Sutcliffe and late in the evening lives and scantily attired walked over have some alterations made in the ers thereof to the undersigned AdminWhanf Valley in Kent has decamped week inspecting Clear- Pool Camp in J a m e s Kelly, a well-to-do farmer, teams from the livery conveyed the snow for "a quarter of a mile to the way of office accommodations. istratrix of the Estate of Cortlandt and left his old haunts. On Saturday Kent where there will be a large It has been dreadfully dull here Christian at her place of transacting' and former resident of Carmel, died folks home. home of Howard Hartweil, thena John. Doe warrant was issued.for amount of work done in improvements this winter, socially and otherwise. nearest neighbor. There was a high business a t the office of P . A_ Anhim and Sheriff Hazen with a posse before it opens next spring. He also in Danbury Monday of h e a r t trouble. Mrs. Lillian O'Neil. will be com- derson, 1011 Park Street, in the Vilwind and the mercury stood 18 deCrafts. went after him, but he could not be visited Calvary Home at Lake Gilead He was 67 years old and is survived pelled to undergo an operation in the by his wife and five children. Mrs. Dennis B a r r e t t went to her grees below zero. found. I t is believed he left hastily where a well is being dug. near future caused by a dog bite lage of Peekskill, New York, on or The building was a substantial before the 6th day of May, 1929. son-in-law's, Stephen Adams, to spend for the officers found-hidden among A social meeting of the Literary A t the Masonic election of Croton Christmas and while there she was farm house built nearly a century about 18 years ago. Dated, October 22, 1928.. some chicken feathers, a red rooster Union will be held a t Maple Hill The ice company have ten teams at ago. Lodge a t Brewster Wednesday even- taken seriously ill with grip. and in a tree were hanging two Monday evening. MAUDE SILLECK, The origin of the fire is a myster work removing snow from the lake. ing Wm._ H. Weeks was elected MasMr. and Mrs. A. T. Daniels axe breasts of chicken. He apparently The mercury went as low as zero ter for the third time. Administratrix of the Estate of They will s t a r t cutting ice Monday. and the . insurance of $2,500 is far spending the holidays with Mr. and slept on a bed of leaves. last Friday night. Cortlandt Christian, deceased. short of the value of the house alone. Mrs. B. H. Russell. Mahopac Falls. The tax books were signed this C. B. Ganong entertained "children At the residence of~Murray G. GrifLake Mahopac. week by the board of supervisors and and grandchildren at Christmas with Com. John T. Oakley, of New York, Rev. R. T. Graham lost a valuable fin down the Michael Valley, a mile in a report says he will continue the horse Monday morning. -Ten years ago 175 cans of milk taxes are higher in every t^wn. The a handsome tree. Pursuant to an Order of the Hon. J. from Carmel, John H. Waite was were shipped daily from t h e , Putnam rates are as follows on'$100: Carmel, policy to increase the water supply Dr. and Mrs. Card entertained sev- Bennett Southard, Surrogate of the found dead in bed last Sunday morn- station here, while today less t h a n a S.93; Kent, $1.06; Patterson, $.80; but says the cost of the Stormville eral relatives on New Year's day. County of Putnam, N. Y., notice is Mahopac Falls. ing. He was apparently all right when dozen cans are marketed. reservoir will be $14,646,000. Putnam Vallev. $.58; Philipstown, C. S. Tompkins, of Mahopac, has hereby given to all persons having The home of Mr. and Mrs. August >... ... _ _ he retired but died during the night. Walter J.' Bennett says it i s going town $.57, village, $.50; Southeast, Schlubeek, of Baldwin Place, on opened an undertaking establishment claims agamst"~the estate of Martha Mr. Waite was 70 years old. JHe was to be a cold winter and there will be town, $1.06, "village. $.82. Kirk, late of the Town of Kent, in in White Plains. Blizzard Visits Putnam. Christmas day was the scene of a born i n ' Bedford and leaves a wife 27 snow storms.' said County, deceased, to present the The Baked Owl social held a t the very pretty wedding where their eldE a r l y Saturday morning it began and one daughter. Sheriff-elect Jaycox came to Car- est daughter, Sophia M., was mar- to snow and continued all day until Baptist chapel was a success and $1? same with the vouchers thereof to Frederick Erickson was given a the uudersigned Administrator of deg r e a t surprise on arriving home last mel Tuesday from Cold Spring and ried to Charles J. Frost, of Mt. Kisco. a foot lay level a t nightfall when the cleared. The annual meeting of the Putnam Friday evening where a p a r t y of announced his annointees.' Charles Revival -meetings w e r e held this cedent's estate a t . my residence and Miss Mary Seely played the weddirigt"h"igh winds began and the snow drift of transacting business in the County Agricultural Society will be friends had assembled to celebrate Kopp is again to be under-sheriff ed badly, blocking many highways week in the Baptist and Presbyterian place with the following deputies: Ezra march and the ceremony ,was per- and town of Patterson, Putnam_County, held a t the Smalley House on J a n . 2, his birthday. churches, but because of the bad delaying t r a i n s . ' I n the village of formed by Rev. R. T. Graham. Miss 1904. Carpenters are a t work repairing Brewer, Cortlandt Christian, Benja- Margaret Graham was maid of hon- Carmel there • was not a track on traveling .only a few were in attend- New York, on or before the 5th day min R. Brady, Harry..Lewis. Sheriff of May, 1929. ance. • the ice house. . . or and Edward F r o s t best man. A Gleneida Avenue until. Sunday afterDated, October 22, 1928. Work on the new Catholic church Hazen moved out of the court-house very fine course dinner followed the noon, and no services were held in any At the regular meeting of F a r m e r s fhursday and the new sheriff t:; Mahopac Mines. HAROLD KIRK, "Mills Grange Monday evening of- has not been progressing Very rapid- possession. Friday the keys will be ceremony. They received many beau- of the churches. In fact not a church .' bell was sounded all day. Administrator. ficers were elected. E d w a r d - H . Fo- ly. The Christmas entertainment at the tiful gifts.. delivered as well a s 29 prisoners. The ice on the lake w a s in perfect s h a y w a s chosen master. Monday night and Tuesday were M. E. church was held before a The Mahopac Falls Presbyterian condition for skating on Saturday. • the coldest since' 1890. The' mercury large audience which nearly filled The directors of +1— Ra ond Hill Sunday school gave their Christmas dropped to- 20 below. The bear which escaped from DePursuant to an Order of the Hon. the aisles. A program of music and Brewster Has Day in Court. witt Smith's last autumn, was killed cemetery have paid $500 of the in- entertainment on Christmas eve and We think w e know what an old recitations was rendered. An address Joseph P. Shea, Surrogate of the At the second hearing in the pro- near Union Valley a short time. ago. debtedness ' of the. cemetery. It was a very fine program was presented. Samuel Mitchell, of Yorktown, and fashioned winter in Putnam means. was given by the superintendent, County of Putnam, N. Y., notice is ceedings commenced by the city to incorporated in 1900 with an indebt^ hereby given to ail per; •>ns having Thomas Hill. avoid paying its taxes under the edness of $1500. Since then a vault Miss Laura Heady were married at Mahopac Falls. suit of Cyrus Hobby against claims against the estate of Barnabus Everett bill upon the reservoirs in has been built a t the cost of $2500 the Presbyterian parsonage by Rev. EliThe Robinson for the recovery of a C. GaNun, late of the Town of CarR. T. Graham Christmas night. They Casscle-Benedict Mr. and Mrs. Silas Swanson enter- and many • improvements made. this county, -testimony was taken in large amount of "personal property mel, in said County, decerned, to p r e will live at Croton Lake, relation to Sodom reservoir. The tained their friends to the number of The wedding of Miss, H a r r i e t C. sent the same with the vouchers was tried before Justice Towner a t Wright Hoag, of Baldwin Place, testimony in the cases of Carmel and 45 last Thursday. Benedict, of Jefferson Valley, and Ed- ^ u " ^ " w . : , e *," . l n e . Putnam Valley. and Harris Agor spent the holidays Patterson last Thursday. Stahl's hall ward L. Cassde, of Yonkers, took ^ e r + ? ° f & , , * % undersigned Executor James Curry has so f a r recovered Kent were concluded a t this hearing. Ui was crowded from 2 to 8 p. m. and „place The Christmas entertainment held here with their parents. the0 K Bap-j " J " ,of ^ u e.decede c e a e n t at his i a p 0 last w Sunday s „ „ ^ v » vevening . n . M" ' t h^e Will said 0 « i n „ aa+t r-„ The m a t t e r will come up again a t from a broken rib to be able to walk the jury rendered, a verdict of $25 for tist ce p ace in the school build'- under the diparsonage in Peekskill. Rev. D r . K ^ . *** | of transacting..busi, around again. White Plains on Jan. 4. the plaintiff. on-of-Miss-Roberta Pierce Wede n —Fawners—Mills. The Christmas entertairmre lTwonlev officiated. The bride is 'one ? . " % ^ q g - » f Carmel, Putnam nesday evening was a successi Wedding bells have - again _xungjit S W belle, of J e f f i H o g v ^ ^ * £ Mpch-interost-is-being-^ ^ g f l in. both churches were held on Christmas —UjicleJ£eter_Gftle,jvho_-jyiLs;_tftl{en_ At~Brewster~Saturday nightrwhile tenth day of July, 1929. tWs-place-to-celebrateJhVjlupjtmiso£ ~ this locality in the suit brought "eve: was attired in a traveling suifr-or standing-at-the-railroad-statioruawait^. ill last Friday, is improved at prestwo of our popular young" people, b i u e - S T i k ^ v u h ~ h a t ^ n d - s l i p p e r s - ~ t t n -Dated, January-2nd,J:92'9 A ten pound boy a r r i v e d " at- the e n t . ' against Eli Robinson by Cyrus Hob-. . Isaac D. Smalley and Miss Iva O. ing orders, the Chatham express w a s match. They will live in. Yonkers. CLAYTON RYDER, by. It will be tried on Dec. 31 before home of Adrian Smith recently. telescoped from the rear by t h e locoThe Canopus fair cleared $100. Conklin. The ceremony was performA r t h u r J. Curry and Miss Minnie J u d g e J a m e s E..Towner. . Executor. motive of a Pawling local and Charles "Gabriel," -the entising fur ed a t the parsonage Monday evening, Post were married a t . t h e Baptist Crafts. Roberts sustained severe injuries. A dealer of this .section, is doing a Dec. 21, by Rev. E. B. Hughes. I t is The Lake Mahopac school district parsonage a t Croton Falls Sunday profitable business in his line. Even the first wedding to take place in the driving snow obscured the track and Joseph Weber had the misfortune Eugene B a r r e t t and Miss lights. voted Monday night to establish a evening. to cut off a part of his thumb in av COUNTY COURT OF PUTNAM cats are in demand. new parsonage. Lillian Hadden attended them. union school there by a vote of 18 to cutting box Tuesday afternoon Snd* "COUNTY, NEW YORK. The Young People's Society will The annual roll call and other busias the doctor could not get there .11. Charles J. Tompkins, eldest son of give a "Baked Owl Supper" in the ness of the Baptist church will be Pursuant to Statute, I hereby orPatterson. James P. Tompkins, of Croton Falls, until Wednesday more of the tumb der and appoint the term of the Counlecture room of the Mahopac Falls held Saturday, Jan. 16, Orville Bennett, of Butler's Busihad to be taken off on account of the was married op Dec. 23, to Miss On Monday the board of supervisors Baptist .church on New Year's Eve. ty Court oi the County of Putnam in ness College in Yonkers, is enjoying Madeline Mulligan in New York city. raggedness of the wound. adpoted the county budget which tothe State of New York, during the Kent Cliffs. a ten day vacation here. Rev. Milton S. Littlefield, a Presby• Mrs. A. T- Daniels entertained a tals $38,227.98. The r a t e for care of _ _ A d a m s Corners. All the members of W; H. Steven's terian pastor in'New York, officiated. number of friends at her father's yer.i- 1929, for the trial of issues of The young people are arranging inmates a t the county farm this year law and fact, and the hearing and The injuries • which Rev. Aaron for an informal dance a t Judd's hall family were a t his home on Christmas home on New Year's night. h a s ' b e e n $2.10 per week per person; determination of all criminal matters day. Cerres received last Friday will Thursday evening. Frederic S. Barnum, of White of which said Court has jurisdiction, The children and grandchildren of Plains, and Henry H. Wells, of BrewArthur Spaulding has been critiprobably result in a law suit with the a t which a Grand and Trial J u r y will John P . Storm, who was an old trolley company. cally ill with pneumonia but is gain- M. V. B. Hfevens assembled a t the ster, announce t h a t thov have formed be required to attend, to be held in resident of the town of E a s t Fishhomestead and had a merry Christ- a partnership for thej>practice of law The Christmas entertainment of ing slowly. the Court House in the Town of Carkill, died a t t h e home of his son, the Sabbath school will be held Monmas. Hon. I. P i a t t Pugsley, of Toledo, with offices in White Plains and mel. in said County in the year 1929 Walter G. Storm, near Wiccopee, last day evening in the school house. A new chandelier was placed in the Brewster. O., has been visiting his cousin, L. G. as follows: • — JANUARY 12, 1856. Friday, aged' 78 years. Baptist church one day last week. Pugsley, for a short time. The Christmas tree and entertainCrafts. The usual Christmas service with On the First Tuesday of June Judge Barnard Dead. Deaths of the Week. On Nov. 30th, the friends of Rev. carols by the Sunday School children ment a t the Baptist church last Friand Military and Civic- Ball. Justic"e^JoseprT'Ff''Barnar''d who .l^asi Mrs. Hannah A. Cole came to Car- C. B. Landoh were greatly surprised was -held at the Episcopal church on day evening was a grand success. been ill at his home in Poughkeep's'ie " T h e great ball of the season in this On the Second Tuesday of December. One of the pleasing features of the • mel to attend t h e funeral of John R. and pained to find his -pastorate of Christmas eve and a. handsome tree for some time with rheumatism, died Cole three weeks ago and was taken four years was to expire t h a t Sun- lighted. At the Presbyterian chapel program was the presentation, of a suddenly Wednesday morning. At the section of the state will take place, a t I further order and appoint the the hotel of L- H. Gregory, Lake Ma- terms of the County Court of the Bible to E. H. Foshay, who had servthere was no entertainment but a sick a t the residence of her brother, day. Since October his health had time of his death he w a s chairman of hopac, on Jan. 22ndjiinder the ausCounty of Putnam in the State of . Wallace C. Carver, and died Wednes- been gradually failing, and he asked large tree with gifts and candy de- ed as superintendent of the Sunday the Lake Gleneida commission which pices of the officers of the 18th Regi- New York, for the trial of issues of school for 15 years. It was the^ gift ' day of h e a r t trouble. She was the the Presiding Elder for a' release lighted, the children. has under consideration the city ment of our State Militia. The ardaughter of the late Stephen W. Car- from winter service, which was The large barn, grainery and corn of the Sunday school members. claims of the Cole and "Raymond es- rangements by Mr. Gregory and the law, .the hearing and decision of mo-==r^er and was^born- 60 years ago. Her graht'ed.^ T h e chargprwill-.-be-tempo- ,cr ib ...of __.C.oiem.air j Nicho} s \w gr $ &. de : -Homer Barrett, of-Kent Cliffs, and tates, .TheJ!unexal willj)e_priy^tje_this Committee^gre. on t h e , ; ' . "enlarged tions and other proceedings a t which —-.-husband, Henry C. Cole, died eight rarily added to the -Goldens Bridge stroyedV: the night v prece_ding^Christ- Mfss I Nellie7 Ma¥~^ini'arns;'of j Mat- afternoon^ -.--=«.-- : ^.~^-.-^; "; -i_ ' «cale.^TJo^sworth'sT~celebraOT. Tsarid years ago. She leaves five children, district apd presided over by Rev. Dr. mas. The family was awakened about teawan, were united in marriage"'by has been secured foV the evening and be held in IhV^Court House in t h e " 2 o'clock by the light and discovered Rev. R. P. Ingersoll, a t the home 6f aforesaid town of Carmel on the•' two brothers, and three sisters. Fun- McCutcheon. ** ' President H. H. Vreeland entertain- several prominent military-gentlemen second Monday of each month, and By the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. eral services will be held at the BapMrs. George Pinckney has returned one end of the barn i n f l a m e s . from abroad are expected. ed a large party a t a New Year's reAmos Williams, on Monday aftera t the office of the County Judge of tist church Saturday.' from White Plains. . H e r daughter, hard labor the house and other buildception in the Playhouse a t Rest-aPutnam County in the Village of Mrs. Helen Lawrence, sister of Dr. Mrs. Horton, has so f a r recovered ings were saved as well as some of noon. While. Mrs. Dykeman, widow of the late Cold Spring in said County, on the Banks, o f - P a t t e r s o n and Mrs. John from her recent illness as to be able the cattle but eighteen head perished. The cause is unknowrr- and the inPeter Dykeman, of Patterson, was second- and fourth Saturdays of each •W. Towner, of Brewster, died in to accompany her mother home. Justice J a c k s o n O. Dykeman is so so badly burned a few evenings ago month, excepting during the months surance about $1200. Brooklyn on Tuesday. She was a seriously ill a t ' h i s White Plains home that she has since died from the ef- of J a n u a r y and August. • An operation was performed on former resident of Patterson and with bronchial pneumonia, t h a t his fectsT^While getting out of bed to re- Dated, December 17th, "1928. Henry Ludington Saturday. leaves one daughter. chances -of-reebvery are very poor. arrange a candle her clothing 7 caugtu JANUARY 5, 1856. Miss Nellie Cuddy died at the home JOSEPH P. SHEA, Oxygen is being used to keep him fire and burned so rapidly as to reCarmel Locals. of her father, William Cuddy, a t Putnam County Judge. alive. He is 77 years old and was born sist the combined exertions of herLake Mahopac on Thursday morning. The snow is providing sleighing DECEMBER 29, 1855. Th& fourth lecture In the course in Patterson. self and daughter. She died Tuesday, Putnam County Clerk's Office, s s . : She had been in poor health for but there is no skating. will, be delivered before the Union I, EDWARD S. AGOR, Clerk of the aged 75 years. some time and was about 21 years The. Reading Club will meet -at Lyceum a t .the Presbyterian church Benton L. Beebe, brother of Mrs. County of Putnam and of old. Funeral services will be held The annual meeting of the Putnam Miss Merrick's Saturday afternoon. in Carmel village on Friday evening., John O. Bailey, died suddenly from the County Court of said The County Fair. Monday forenoon. County Agricultural Society w a s held We miss the basket ball games January 11, 1856, J. Howard Wain- kidney trouble in Middletown on County, do hereby certify The officers of our County AgriLester E. B a r r e t t died on the H a r t at Baldwin's Hotel a t Mahopac on this winter. wright will speak on "Politics and Tuesday, aged 59 years. t h a t the preceding is a true cultural Society have : advertised for (Seal) copy of the original designaCurry f a r m near Baldwin Place Sun- Thursday. The attendance w a s good William E. Armstrong, steward of Patriotism." day. He was 44 years old and was and the exhibition as large as could the river steamer Adirondack, and his On Monday, Dec. 28, Daniel D. sealed proposals for locatinig the antions of the terms of the Counborn on B a r r e t t Hill. be expected. L , D. Clift, of Carmel, assistant, George Richards, have ret y Court of the- County of A donation visit for the benefit of Tompkins, one of the oldest residents nual exhibitions of said society for Mrs. Elizabeth Waldron, wife of presented three Ruta Bagas, weigh- signed and Harry E. Peck, formerly Rev. E, P. Benedict, will be held at of Putnam Valley, diedf~aged—90 one or more years. The object is to Putnam—for—the y e a r 1929 Charles Waldron, and employed a t ing 64 lbs each. The following of- of Carmel, takes Mr. Armstrong's his residence in the. town of Patter- years. He Hved between Tompkins a n d give the several prominent localities now on file in my office. the county house died there Tuesday ficers were elected for the coming p':ace. son on Jan. 16th. A similar visit for Adams Corners and was prominent in an opportunity to exhibit their zeal in EDWARD S. AGOR, morning: She.was about 55 years old year; Ellsworth Fowler, A. A. Merrick the benefit, of Rev. Nathaniel Robin- the affairs of that section in his early the cause and to accept such of the County Glerk, proposals a.s seem best calculated to and well known in Brewster, Croton President—Thomas B. Arden, Phil- and Henry Zickler were working to- son will be held a t the residence of years. advance the. financial and other in- Dated December 17th, 1928. Falls and Carmel, gether Tuesday afternoon in Mr. Z. Henion near Pecksville in East ipstown. Jeremiah Hitchcock, an old time terests of the society. Vice Presidents—L. D. Cllft, Car- Fowler's shop gnd one of them no- Fishkill, on J a n . 23rd. The friends of The design of the Committee may David K. T«63ft8&-of Towners, who mel; Charles W. Hine, Southeast; ticed the smell of gas, but no atten- Rev. Addison Kelley have also ap- resident of Carmel, died at the home underwent an operation some time uJames O. Towner, Patterson; Cole tion was..paid to it until Mr. Mer- pointed a visit at his residence in of his daughter, Ella Felter, in New be good, b u t v/e believe the geogra- SURROGATE >COURT O F P U T York on Monday. He moved fjom Car- phical position of Carmel renders it ago, is in a critical condition. A f t a * ^ ^ Townsend, Kent; Ezekiah_Hyatt, rick fell unconscious. The cause was Pawling on Jan. 23rd. NAM COUNTY, NEW YORK. mel 25 years ago and was a drover the only place in the county where having his toe amputated the wound Putnam Valley; Arvy Hill, Philips- a leaking acetylene ga&Pipc. the society can hope with any degree and first class judge of cattle". Mr. and Mrs. BennelL B. JHaight did not heal and it was necessary to town. ~ Pursuant to Statute, I hereby orWe learn that the members of the of certainty to see their laudable ef- der and appoint the terms/of the Sur- " perform another operation. Secretary—G. Mortimer Belden, entertained a party of relatives a t Presbyterian church of this place have forts rewarded yyith appropriate sucChristmas dinner. Mrs. Hosea H. Odell, died this rogate Court of the County of P u t voted a unanimous call to Rev. CasCarmel. Carmel society seems to have taknam in the State of New >Ybrk for Carmel Locals. Williamsburgh, morning a t her home in Wiccopee, cess. • Treasurer—Saxton Smith, Putnam en up literature for its diversion this per W. Hodge, of the trial of issues of law and Met and A. S. Tallman, inspector o f free Valley. with a salary of $600 a year and use aged 61. The" funeral will take place winter, eschew dancing as an amuse- of the parsonage. Sunday a t the schoolhouse. Died—In Southeast, Jan. 7, Chris- for the hearing and determination of delivery routes, was in town this tina Everett, aged 12 years, daughter all matters vof which said Court has We are pained to chronicle the sud- mejvt which was so popular last winweek. On Wednesday he went over The only house left standing on the of Chas. Everett. den death of Capt. Elijah Barnum, of ter. We do not recollect a dance or jurisdiction, a t which a Trial J u r y the proposed route from Carmel Married. Croton Falls-Mahopac road from will be required to attend, to bo held through Drewville and Secords Cor- Southeast, which occurred on Friday card party in the village this winter. In Philipstown on Dec. 25tlvf by Drew's Corners to the late David Miss Mary Mead, a sister of Mrs. Rev. O. Messitor, John Knapp, of in the Court House in the town of ner section. On Thursday he held a afternoon of last week. While drivCarmel, in said County, in the y e a r civil- service examination for driver ing from his residence to Dykemans Theodore F . Cole, was married to Shrub Oak, to Miss Abigal Eliza Hop- Welch place is the Oscar Ganong 1929, as follows: . of the route. There were two appli- his horse became frightened a t a Policeman James I. Turner on Thurs- per, daughter of Rev. Richard Hop- house now occupied by the Italian laday of last week- in Danbury. borers in the employ of the wall conLouise Palmer, Lpzerne, N . Y. cants, A. J. Hopkins and Joseph Cor- pack peddler r e s t i n g by the roadside, On the second Mondays of the per, of Kent. tractors. The city has made a clean Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Fowler will and jumping to one side, threw Mr. months of. January,- March,. May, Says, "I will tell or write my comsweep of this once prettyy street. entertain his employees at dinner The Presbyterian church tree en- Barnum .out. Ho struck on his head plete experience with Sorbol-Quad- July, "September and November. tertainment was held Wednesday ev- and died in a few minutes. He was this Thursday evening. ruple a colorless liniment easy to Dated. December 17th, 19'28. Pursuant to an order of the Hon. J. Carmel Locals. James Tuggs, while fishing a t about 60 years of age. ening a t the church before a large apply and inexpensive." Get more in Bennett Southard, Surrogate of the Peach Lake last week caught a black A company of ladies will meet a t audience. The program consisted of JOSEPH P. SHEA, A meeting of citizens of Carmel bass t h a t weighed nearly six pounds. County of Putnam, N. Y.( notice is the home of Mrs. Hopper on Monday formation at John 'W. Donegan's or recitations and songs. Gifts were Surrogate. write Sorbol Company, Mechanicshereby given to all persons having Watch night service will bo hold at afternoon to organize a euchre club. •distributed at the conclusion of the and surrounding towns to consider burg, Ohio. Sold by all druggists. claims against the estate of Hannah Putnam County Surrogate's Of flea, the formation of an Emigration Com- the M. E. church tonight, A very interThe next meeting of the Literary J. Wardell, lata of the Town of Carss.: ^ T h ^ B a p t i s t s will have a tree a t mittee was held Saturday evening at estinlg as well as profitable program mel, in said County, deceased, to pre- Union will be held with Mr. and Mrs. I, J O S E P H P. S H E A , Surrogate of Ellsworth Fowler. their ontertainment Monday evening. the hotel of S. H. .Tanner and was will be given. of the County of P u t n a m Miss Ludington is placing the vil- sent the same with the voucher? John Twiname had a slight attack Snpt. Sunderlin with the assistance well attended, A committee was namthereof to the nnderaigned Executors and cx-officio clerk of the lage under deep obligation by having ed to draft by-laws and secure Inof appendicitis and has recovered of Miss Townsend, organist, have of the last will and testament of HanSurrogate's Court, do herethe side walk on the cast side of formation regarding the location of without an operation. been drilling the. school in choruses, nah J. Wardell a t their place of by certify t h a t the preced* a migration company and other Main street cleared of snow. The watch night service a t the M. transacting business a t the office of 8 (Seal) ing is a t r u e copy of the The week of prayer will bo. observT h r n ^ i T o d U U n 9 w i U have two items of interest. Another meeting Repairs receive P. A. Anderson, 1011 Park St., Peek- E. church commenced a t nine o'clock originAl designation of the -Christmas trees at the Sunday school will bo held on J a n . 5. F r o m all p a r t s ed by union services in the churches skill. N. Y., on or before the 20th.day Thursday evening with songs, and Prompt attention trlAl t e r m s of the SurtogAte next week. of the county we hear\.of persons Inreading until 10 o'clock. Sandwiches entertainment Tuesday evening. A of ApTil, 1929. , Court of the County of P u t The weather has been very wintry and coffee were then enjoyed and at program of recitations and music will tending to move west. nam for the y e a r 1929 now since Christmas. Sometime—Sunday -~DAt<dJ>cekskill..N..Y...Qct, 8,192*. 10:80 *A d eV ott OT,ft l service witnessed on file in my office. .t< EDWARD S. AGOR, The lecture of Prof. Crosby before the mercury dropped 10 degrees bethe departure of the bid year and the ' % " " * H? d B. Warring ha* accepted P. J. GANONG low zero and the cold continued unP E T E R A. ANDERSON, the Carmel Literary Union last Thursarrival of the new. JOSEPH P. SHEA, the call to become pastor of the Baptil Tuesday when five inches of Executors. Tel. S R The Annual meeting of the P u t n a m Lake Mahopac Surrogate. ti«t church At Vineland,.N« J., and day evening was an intellectual feast, ) PUTNAM COUNTY 25 and 73 YEARS AGO but too severe upon Old Fogyism, and the popular absurdities of the* day, t o be palatable to or easily digested b a large and respectable portion of his auditors. The next lecture will be delivered by Professor Charles Murray Nairue, of Mew York City, on Jan. 4th. PAGE SEV2N Twenty-Five Yrs. Ago ftlMTAli fclLiTRIC JOiiiN K. COLE Twenty-Five Yrs, Afco Twenty-Five Yrs. Ago Seventy-Three Yrs. Ago Seventy-Three Yrs. Ago Seventy-Three Yrs. Ago Large Goitre Reduced I- Plumbing and Heating Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 . — • "••"" • "-"•• v •<::;: _ ilSiiii'lilTlll^liiN www.fultonhistory.com tmmmm
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