Brikker til cooperative learning - Engelsk Eleverne går rundt med hver et kort og spørger hinanden. Når et par har spurgt hinanden, bytter de kort og spørger nogle andre. What kind of music do Do you often eat at you like? McDonald’s? Why / why not? What are your interests? What do you use your mobile for? Did you watch TV last night? What would you do if you saw a shoplifter (butikstyv) in the supermarket? Do you think we will find life in the universe? What do you use Facebook for? What are you going to What's the weather do tomorrow? like today? How do you get I’d like to go to the updated on news on a movies tomorrow. daily basis? What would you suggest me to see? Sig klokkeslættet "halv ni" på engelsk! Do you like big parties? Why / why not? Answer: half past eight or eight thirty Sig klokkeslættet "fem minutter over halv fire"! Answer: Twenty-five minutes to four - or: three thirty-five Shall we meet in town What kind of food do tomorrow? you like? Sig på engelsk: "en halv flaske øl" Answer: half a bottle of beer Which school subjects (fag) do you think are the most important? Why? Mention 5 things that you think an Englishman should see in Copenhagen!
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