VILLAGE VOICE BRINKLEY..BURROUGH GREEN..CARLTON..WESTLEY WATERLESS NOVEMBER 2013 BINGO NIGHT Saturday 9th November Burrough Green Reading Room. Doors Open 7:30pm. Eyes Down 8pm Bring your own Nibbles and Drink! All proceeds to Burrough Green Playgroup. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WINTER FAIR – BRINKLEY Saturday 16th November in Brinkley Memorial Hall. 12noon ‘til 2pm We will be serving Homemade soup, sausages, and wonderful puddings for lunch and there will be Gifts, Cakes, Bric-a-brac, Books, a Raffle and lots more. Please put the date in your diary now. COME ALONG AND ENJOY A CHAT OVER A TASTY LUNCH OR A CUP OF TEA. We would appreciate items for the stalls nearer the date. Please start putting things by and a flier will be delivered giving more details. Thank you. IN AID OF BRINKLEY CHURCH. ~~~~~~~ CAN YOU BAKE? Would you like to put your new-found baking skills to the test? If so, we would love some cakes/pastries/jams etc for our cake stall at the WINTER FAIR We can collect – please ring Louise on 07885 709665 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RADFIELD HUNDRED GROUP MONDAY 18th November Sue Carty will be giving a talk and demonstration on Card making – with audience participation! 7.45pm in Brinkley Memorial Hall For more information call Joyce on 01638 508168 TRADITIONAL HOME REARED (OVEN READY) BRONZE TURKEYS and FREE RANGE GEESE ORDERS NOW BEING TAKEN FOR CHRISTMAS Ian Wylie, Park Cottage, Carlton. Tel; 01223 290907 or 07769 956533 MOBILE LIBRARY The Mobile Library will be at Brinkley Memorial Hall on the 4th Wednesday of each month between 3.154.30pm. – 27th November. In Westley Waterless by the telephone kiosk on 2nd Thursday of each month – 14th November. The Westley Waterless library bus is a different one from the Brinkley bus so you can get a really good choice of books. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CARLTON OIL SYNDICATE Order date 4th November. Please email Catriona Syed on with your requirements before Monday 4 th November, if you don’t have access to email please phone Helen Coppen on 01223 290795 and leave a message and I will pass on your order. Advance notice next order 2nd December, January 13th 2014. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SCRABBLE and MAHJONG We meet in November on Mondays 11th & 25th at 7.30pm in the Community Room at Sheriff’s Court. Do come and join us if you fancy a game. £2 to include refreshments. Trish 01638 507495 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHARITY PARTY NIGHT JAMES BOND THEME Burrough Green Reading Room SATURDAY NOVEMBER 23rd 7-30 pm Cocktail dresses and Bow ties Cocktails on arrival Monte Carlo buffet supper Casino Mystery Raffle Fun and games through the evening Licensed bar In aid of Movember (Prostate cancer) and Burrough Green Reading Room Tickets £12.00 Book your tickets 01638 508177 GROW A MOUSTACHE FOR MOVEMBER See the separate flier and the information inside the newsletter. Register on 1st November at The Bull, Burrough Green. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ATTENTION ! Change of Date – Burns Night Supper Please note that the Burns Supper to be held in the Brinkley Memorial Hall in January 2014 will be held on Friday, 24th. This has been previously advertised as being held on 17th January but has been changed. My apologies for any upset or confusion this may cause. I could say that this was due to an unforeseen but successful bid for freedom by the haggis on the farm destined for our Supper, but it would not be true this time around. Sadly, it is entirely due to my organisational skills, or lack thereof, but hopefully given the 3 months’ notice, this should not affect too many of you. So please, put the date in your diary now, 24th January, at the Brinkley Memorial Hall for the usual blend of rousing welcoming music from our piper, haggis and neeps, poems and songs and mutual irreverence. Mike Lawford on 01638 507896 is taking bookings now, so give him a ring to guarantee your seat. Apologies once again for the change of date, but hope to see you there. David Cumpstey ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DATE FOR YOUR DIARY BURROUGH GREEN’S BIG SWITCH ON 1st Annual turning on of the Christmas Lights and Grand Opening of the New Village Playground! 9th December 4-5pm Village Green outside Playgroup Mulled Wine, Mince Pies, Hot Chocolate, Hot Dogs, Carol Singing and a Luxury Christmas Hamper to be won. Special guest doing 'The Big Switch On!' Raising funds for Burrough Green Playgroup ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WHAT’S ON at THE BULL, BURROUGH GREEN Bookings now being taken for Christmas Dinner 3 courses £27.95 2 Courses £20.95 Call 01638 507480 or e-mail for a menu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VILLAGE WEBSITES Do have a look at the websites which contain lots of information about the villages and the school and also have links to archive material. The Village Voice newsletter is available on both sites for the current month and several previous issues. New to Burrough Green? Burrough Green website now has a Welcome Pack for new residents. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CATHOLIC SERVICES NEWMARKET & KIRTLING. Mass Times Saturday 6.30pm Newmarket Sunday 9.00am Kirtling 10.30am Newmarket Holy Days 9.00am Newmarket 12noon Kirtling 7.30pm Newmarket Our Lady with St. Etheldreda, Exeter Road, Newmarket Our Lady & St Philip Neri, Kirtling Main Address: 14 Exeter Road, Newmarket, CB8 8LT. Telephone: 01638 662492 Email: Brinkley contact, John Conti 01638 508304 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NOVEMBER BULLETIN FROM CAMBRIDGESHIRE FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE FIREWORKS and bonfires can be plenty of fun for all the family to enjoy. CFRS recommends going to an organised firework display instead of holding one at home. However, if you do use fireworks or light a bonfire at home, we would ask residents to take on board our safety advice to ensure it is just their fireworks that go off with a bang: Keep fireworks in a closed box and always follow the instructions. Light them at arm’s length using a taper and stand well back. Never go back to a lit firework. Never put fireworks in your pocket or throw them. Don't light bonfires in unsuitable weather, particularly in windy conditions. Don't leave bonfires unattended. Build bonfires well clear of buildings, fences and hedge. Never use flammable liquids to start the fire, and never burn dangerous rubbish such as aerosols, paint, foam furniture, rubber tyres, batteries. Before you light the bonfire, check that children and animals are not hiding inside and are a safe distance away. To find out if you are eligible for a free home fire safety check, call 0800 917 99 94 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THANK YOU The Macmillan Coffee Morning held in Burrough Green Reading Room in September was a great success. A huge thank you to all who attended and helped or baked cakes. We made a magnificent sum of £350 on the day and with generous donations a total of £400 was made. There was a wonderful atmosphere and we hope that all who came enjoyed themselves. Many thanks. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EAST CAMBRIDGESHIRE DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ NOTES WHAT HAPPENS TO OUR RECYCLING? We visited AmeyCespa’s works at Waterbeach at the end of August, together with other District and Parish Councillors. AmeyCespa has a contract with the County Council to process municipal waste that is collected in Cambridgeshire. A minibus took visitors to see the indoor clamps and outdoor windrows which process the food and garden waste that comes from our new green bins. They also process garden waste taken by residents to the recycling centres, such as at Milton. The process achieves a temperature of 60°C and quickly and thoroughly decomposes it, even cooked food waste. The resulting compost is used on farms and gardens and is available free to residents, if they take sacks and a shovel. Next was the new Materials Recycling Facility, which sorts our recyclable items from our blue bins. It contains a maze of conveyors, elevators, sifters, blowers, crushers, and balers and can sort 16 tonnes of recyclable materials per hour. It can even detect and sort different types of plastic and metal by sensing their electromagnetic and infrared properties. The resulting card, paper, glass, metals and plastics are collected by various companies for reuse. The income from the sale of recycled materials reduces the cost of employing AmeyCespa. Also, lower Landfill Taxes need to be paid to the Government, which will rise next year to £80 per tonne. The District Council also receives credits to set against collection costs. Recycling saves materials and the energy used when making packaging and reduces CO2 emissions. We finally saw the Mechanical and Biological Treatment Plant, which has been out-of-use due to a major failure and a fire. This normally extracts biodegradable material that is put in black sacks and litter bins. It allows it to decompose so that it does not give off methane when landfilled. Sadly, it has to be buried as it is too contaminated to be used on farms and gardens and is a waste of what could be a valuable material. It is also taxed. Dist Cllrs. Robert Stevens (01223 811643) Kevin Ellis 01223 813034 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BRINKLEY MEMORIAL HALL CHRISTMAS MUSIC AND READINGS At the moment fixing a date for the Christmas Music and Carols in Brinkley Memorial Hall in December has proved difficult. The Memorial Hall committee are working hard to get a Carol Evening organised – details in December newsletter. Franca Holden Secretary & Trustee ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RECYCLING Carlton – Tuesdays : Black bin - 12th, 26th November.: Green/Blue – 5th, 19th November. Brinkley, Burrough Green, Westley Waterless – Thursdays : Black sacks weekly. Blue Lid - 7th, 21st November. Green Lid – 14th, 28th November. ~~~~~~~~~ Ink Cartridges The Opportunity Group which meets at the Ellesmere Centre would be very grateful for your old ink cartridges to help with fund raising. Please drop them in the box on the gate at White Hart Cottage, High Street Brinkley or in the box at the Ellesmere Centre. Thank you. (The Opportunity Group provides one to one care for children with special needs and their siblings, also provides respite for their parents/guardians.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CARLTON – MILLENNIUM PATH On a number of occasions over recent months there have been several amounts of horse mess left all along the Millennium Path in Carlton. It's been noted that riders are regularly using the walkway instead of riding along the road. This has caused problems for residents of the village, particularly for those pushing prams, wheelchairs and the like. You'll recall from last month’s Village Voice that dog owners within our community are being urged to have consideration for other people using our paths, and the same criteria must apply to horse riders. The walkway was never designed for horses to use it, and the surface of the path has suffered accordingly. Can riders therefore desist from using the path along its length. To negate the safety concerns of riders approaching the sharp bend near to the Old School House and meeting oncoming vehicles, they should perhaps dismount and walk their horses along this section of the road but retaining the option of leading the animal onto the road verge if necessary. Thank you for your cooperation. Stephen Roberts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ELLESMERE GARDEN CLUB After our bulb planting extravaganza we are back into the swing of our autumn/winter programme of talks. This month we welcome Sue Robinson who will talk on “Gertrude Jekyll and Edwin Lutyens” – Wednesday 13 November at 8pm in the Ellesmere Centre. Our following month’s gathering will be our traditional Christmas party - date Wednesday 11 December and venue to be announced later. Come to the November meeting when more details will be available. As always, we have refreshments and a raffle at our meetings and you can get further information about the club and its activities from Sandie on 507542. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SPOTLIGHT ON LINTON HEALTH CENTRE’S DISPENSARY We have taken the decision to close the dispensary for one hour between 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm and will also close at the end of the day at 6 pm instead of 6:30 pm. This change will take effect from the 4th November and will allow the dispensers to manage the workload more effectively. We hope that this will not inconvenience patients too much but with an ever increasing workload the dispensers really do need that protected time. Talking of increasing workload, Christmas is coming! We only close for Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day. Do make sure you have sufficient medication for the Christmas period but remember we are working between Christmas and New Year and we only close for the Bank Holiday days themselves. The vast majority of patients should not need to change their ordering pattern at all unless perhaps going on holiday for a week or so over Christmas. Some facts about the dispensary. Did you know……………… We now have close to 11,500 patients registered at the practice We dispense the medication for around 6,500 of those patients We dispense between 9,000 and 10,000 items every month In addition to the repeat prescriptions we also dispense for those patients who have just been seen in the surgery, usually while they wait We are not allowed to dispense for Linton patients as they live within a mile of a chemist, but we do generate their repeat paper prescriptions for them We aim to process repeat prescription requests within 2 working days but it would help us enormously if our dispensing patients could order a week in advance When we run behind and your item is not ready for collection (we are not perfect!), we will offer to dispense your prescription while you wait, provided you have given us at least 2 working days’ notice If your medication is delivered to a local collection point you must allow additional time for the delivery We normally issue just one month’s supply of medication at any one time in line with national and local guidance ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1ST BURROUGH GREEN BROWNIES The Brownies enjoyed an exciting day at the Jarman Centre in Newmarket in September at a County event where they earned a Jet Set Go badge by passing through check-in and having their passports stamped before taking part in activities based on the seven continents. The weather was very kind to us and the girls all had a great time. The girls are very excited about their forthcoming trip to the pantomime to see Robin Hood at the Cambridge Arts Theatre. We have also invited the Rainbows to come with us as it was such a successful trip last year. From September, after a public consultation, our promise has changed for the 12th time. All the Brownies and leaders renewed their promises in a celebration party attended by our district commissioner. We have recently had two new Brownies join us, bringing our numbers up to 29. We have been designing and decorating T-shirts in unit meetings and are having a Halloween themed crafts night. We have also been playing lots of new games and learning new songs to sing. Brownies meet weekly in Brinkley during the school term. Brownies is for girls aged 7 to 10 and if anyone would like more information please contact: Amanda Davies 01440 783803 1st Brinkley Rainbows Rainbows also meet weekly in Brinkley during the school term. Rainbows is for girl’s aged 5 to 7 and if you would like more information please contact: Edith Osborn 01223 291375 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JOIN US AT ST AUGUSTINE’S, BURROUGH GREEN for our Family Service Celebrating Advent Sun 1st December at 10.30am A short service for all the family. We will be mixing ingredients for a Christmas cake during the service and sending our nativity figures out on their advent journey round the villages where different families will take turns providing a ‘home’ for the figures of Mary, Joseph and the sheep. Join us again for another family service at St Augustine’s on Christmas Day where we will enjoy eating the Christmas cake, and families will return the nativity figures to the crib to celebrate the birth of Jesus. A warm welcome awaits, but for those wanting extra warmth due to cold weather you are welcome to bring a blanket to the service! Refreshments will be provided. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DERBYSHIRE POST from Linton Village College It is a difficult time for English teachers at LVC and every other school in the country. Everyone knows how important getting a grade ‘C’ or better in English GCSE is to students and their futures and pressure is mounting. In 2012 the exam boards put the grade boundaries up higher to make the ‘C’ harder to achieve. First of all they did this with coursework (or controlled assessments as they are called) and then last year they also did the same with the English exam. In August, half way through the current Year 11 course, the exam boards threw in another bombshell: that the speaking and listening assignments that students had already worked on, as specified in the exam syllabus, would no longer count towards the final exam: effectively, children and teachers across the country had wasted weeks of work. What sensible Heads of English quickly worked out was that there was one last chance for these assessments to count and this was in the November 2013 exam window, so, with relief from the students, schools entered children for English in November. Unfortunately the story does not end there. In the first week of October, an announcement came from the Department for Education to say that it did not approve of early exam entry and in order to discourage schools from pursuing this practice it exclaimed that ‘first entries’ to an exam would be the ones counted in the performance tables …. in other words, that schools might risk Ofsted scrutiny for weaker results because retakes in Year 11 would not be counted in the tables. This is all ridiculous. We are now left with no confidence at all in the fairness of the exam system. School exam results can no longer be compared in any reasonable way: a ‘C’ grade at GCSE isn’t the same as a grade ‘C’ in iGCSE (grade boundaries for the iGCSE have not been touched), a Welsh grade ‘C’ isn’t the same as an English one (the Welsh exams are easier), and you can’t tell if a school has entered children at age 15 or 16 for exams and yet they are viewed the same in the tables. I do understand that the government wishes to overhaul the exam system. But did they really need to make such a pig’s breakfast of the qualifications that our children are currently taking. Caroline Derbyshire Principal ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Experienced Local Babysitter-Shannon I am a 16 years old girl and I enjoy being with children. I have looked after newborns to aged 11 years. I am available most weekday evenings, weekends and my rate is £5 an hour before midnight and negotiable after. For your convenience my parents will pick me up and drop me off. References Available. My mobile: 07810148366 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SMALL VILLAGES COMMUNITY WARDEN Age UK Cambridgeshire offers a Community Warden Service which supports older people in Balsham, West Wickham, West Wratting, Horseheath, Weston Colville, Shudy Camps and Castle Camps. Recently the service has been extended and we are delighted to announce that the service is now available to older people in Carlton. The service, which is managed by Age UK Cambridgeshire, is an initiative of the Small Village Parish Councils and part funded by the Parish, South Cambs District and Cambridgeshire County Councils. It aims to support the wellbeing and independence of older people by providing daily contact (Monday to Friday) either by personal visit or telephone call to ensure a sense of security. Examples of the help Jacqui can give you: Provide a listening ear Making drinks and light meals Watering plants Feeding pets Small items of shopping Collecting prescriptions Information and guidance You can join the service on a short term basis, maybe after hospital discharge or if your family are on holiday and you require extra support, or on a long term basis. You will be entitled to a two week free trial, and after the free trial we do charge a small fee of £5 per week which is payable to the warden. To find out more about the service please call Jacqui the Community Warden on 07436 102865 or Age UK Cambridgeshire on 01354 696650. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FOUND An SAS lapel badge was found on Beechcroft during the summer. Please contact 01638 507495 if you have lost one. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NSPCC FESTIVE AUTUMN FAIR Gala Preview Event – Tuesday 19th November 6.00 – 9.00 p.m. Main Fair Day – Wednesday 20th November 9.30 a.m. – 4.00 p.m. Anstey Hall, Maris Lane, Trumpington, Cambs. CB2 9LN. Free Parking (Next door to Waitrose and near P&R) OVER 30 VARIED STANDS St Faith’s choir singing, delicious homemade refreshments, luxury prize draw Special price: pre-ordered tickets £4 per day/£7 both events. See Tickets on the door: £5 per day/£9 both events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FOSTER CARERS Cambridgeshire County Council needs you to help change the lives of local children and young people. Foster Carers provide a stable family support network for local children and young people when they are unable to live with their own family. Every year we have over 425 children and young people looked after by Cambridgeshire County Council. The shortage of Foster Carers means that children and young people are placed with Independent foster carers or residential units, some outside of Cambridgeshire: They may also be looked after within the county children’s homes. We need to recruit more Foster Carers in order to give them the best possible future. Foster Carers come from all different kinds of backgrounds. It may be that you have your own children or you may have worked with children before. You may have no experience of children or possibly considering a career change? Every child is different so we need different Foster Carers. If you can offer stability, security and the positive experience of a loving family then we want to hear from you. You might be: •Married, in a civil partnership, single or living with a partner •From an ethnic background •In a same sex relationship •In work, unemployed or retired Recruiting local people will mean that children and young people can live in their own community, continue to attend the same school and maintain contact with their family and friends. We offer generous allowances including a startup package, 24 hr support and full training. Call our freephone number on 0800 052 0078 or email ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KATY’S BABYSITTING Katy Ensch – Aged 18 01223 291947 (Carlton) I have passed a babysitting course and a first aid course for young children. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DULLINGHAM FLOWER CLUB Thursday14th November 2013 8.00pm The Taylor Hall, Dullingham Come & Enjoy ‘A FiABBAtastic Xmas’ Demonstration By Floral Designer David Wright Entrance £5 including refreshments Raffle - Accessories Date for Diary – Thursday 12th December Xmas Supper & Demonstration Please contact Lesley Bird for further information 01638 507658 or 07786 817154 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MOVEMBER AND MEN'S HEALTH A few days to go and we will be embarking on our first Village Moustache Growing Competition. To remind you, Prostate Cancer is the most common form of nonskin cancer in men and about 40,000 men over 50 in the UK will be affected each year, which relates to 1 in 6 during their lifetime. No matter what your age or sex start to think of your partner, friend, father, brother or relation and let's try to make a difference. Gentlemen, Grow and Groom your Moustache; get some sponsors; enter our competition and above all have some fun whilst raising money for a very worthwhile cause. Sponsor forms can be obtained from the Bull, Burrough Green on or before the 31st October so please collect one and let us know that you will be taking part. Full details of the event are included on the flier with this edition of the Village Voice. Use it at home or at work, not only as a reminder of the judging on the 29th November but also as an awakening to the concerns over men's health in later life. Use it also as a personal encouragement to grow a beautiful hirsute creation on your upper lip and raise some money. Good luck to you all. Any questions call me on 01638 507488. Brian Sandford ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WHAT'S HAPPENING AT THE BRINKLEY LION 'What do want from your local?' We would like to invite readers of Village Voice to come for a chat and a sausage roll on Tuesday November 12th at 7pm We are going to reward our existing customers and entice new ones by offering anyone locally to come and collect a loyalty card which will entitle the holder to 10 pints of Adnams Southwold bitter or Carlsberg lager or a glass of our lovely house red or white wine for an amazing £2.50 a drink Other events Steak night 7th November - with a butchery demonstration from our butchers of Yole Farm Balsham. Beef lamb and pork will be available for £45 per couple which includes a bottle of house red or white. Demonstration starts at 7pm Bonfire night 8th November - £5 per head which includes a hot dog. Mulled wine will be bubbling away and the fire lit and rockets up from 7.30 pm. Restaurant open as usual. Every Tuesday in November and in January next year we are offering our cracking fish and chips and our fabulous BLB (Brinkley lion burger) for a discounted price of £ 7.95 We are currently finalising our plans for Christmas and New Year - keep an eye on the 'what's on' page on our website and our page on Facebook or Twitter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NEWS FROM THE ELLESMERE CENTRE Hall Hire Facilities Our newly decorated Small Hall is the perfect venue for your Birthday, Christening, Wedding or Anniversary party? We also offer a catering service and a Licensed Bar. You can also hire our Bouncy castle, Activity tables and Character Costumes at very reasonable rates. The recently refurbished Sports Hall caters for Badminton, Tennis and Football. This hall can also be hired out for Parties and events. The Gredley Room is a very relaxing environment for smaller meetings and events. Refreshment making facilities are available in all rooms. Since its fantastic upgrade in spring 2013 the Multi Use Games Area has been brought back to life. Feedback on the surface and overall area has been extremely pleasing. There are still slots available for Football, Tennis, Hockey or Netball. You can also hire the Astro for children’s football parties. The next wave of improvements is under way with the Ladies toilets, changing room, baby changing and disabled toilets being refurbished. Please feel free to call in and have a look round at the amazing facilities on offer or call the office on 01638 508212 where Julie or Andrea will be happy to help. RECYCLING Newspapers Please do not put your newspapers into the new recycling bins but bring them to us and leave in bundles(either tied with string or in a carrier bag) in the container provided at the Centre. Magazines can go into your bins as we just need newspaper. The newspaper is used for horse bedding and is a collected by a private company. We get up to £100 for a full container so we would really appreciate this. Plastics, cans and glass. At the moment we still have facilities for other recycling provided by ECDC and we do get a small amount for providing this service. We are unsure as to what will happen to this in the future. The Ellesmere Centre, Ley Road, Stetchworth, CB8 9TS. Tel 01638 508212. Email ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BRINKLEY MEMORIAL HALL If you wish to hire the hall, please contact Susie Shuter on 01638 508729 The charges to hire the Memorial Hall are £7.50 per hour for VV cluster and £10.00/ hour for outside. We cater for one off parties and Groups looking for a venue. The Hall can cater for 80 people. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RAF WRATTING COMMON REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY 10TH NOVEMBER There will be a short Service at the Memorial on Sunday 10th November 2013 at 12 noon. The Memorial is situated at Weston Woods Farm. A few of the Veterans will be attending and Cadets from 1451 (Haverhill) Squadron of the Air Training Corps will be on parade. Wreaths will be laid in memory of all those who served here and throughout the world, especially those who gave their lives in the cause of freedom. WE WILL REMEMBER THEM. All are welcome to attend. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STAY INDEPENDENT, SAFE AND WELL THIS WINTER If you or someone you care for needs advice about keeping independent, safe and well this winter, the County Council’s adult social care websites Your Life, Your Choice and AskSARA online advice and equipment guide provide information about keeping warm, preventing falls and the help that may be available to older and vulnerable people if they are unable to get out and about. If you are unable to access the Internet staff and volunteers in the library can help you to find the information you need or you can contact adult social care customer services on 0345 045 5202 Adult social care needs YOU! Homecare workers required More older and vulnerable people are requiring homecare to ensure they feel safe, happy and independent. To achieve this, Cambridgeshire County Council is recruiting compassionate and caring people to start a career in care through a unique apprenticeship programme that enables them to “earn while they learn” by supporting them to get a job with a local homecare provider whilst being paid the standard rate of a care worker. If you want to make a positive difference to people’s lives and would be interested in a career in care, contact Emma Laskey-MacRae, Apprenticeship Project Coordinator on 07917 615360, email for more information about this unique apprenticeship programme. Your age and background doesn’t matter, if you are looking for a career in care somewhere in your community there’s a job you can do to help others. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NOVEMBER SERVICES Sunday 3rd November All Saints Day 9.00am Holy Communion Brinkley 10.30am Morning Prayer Dullingham 10.30am Family Worship Burrough Green 6.00pm All Souls Burrough Green Daniel 7: 1-3, 15-18 Ephesians 1: 11- end Sunday 10th November Remembrance Sunday 10.55am Remembrance Service Dullingham 10.55am Remembrance Service Westley Waterless 3.00pm Remembrance Service Carlton Matthew 5: 1-12 Sunday 17th November 2nd Sunday before Advent 9.00am Holy Communion Burrough Green 10.30am Family Worship Brinkley Malachi 4: 1-2a 2 Thessalonians 3: 6-13 Sunday 24th November Christ the King 10.30am Family Communion Dullingham 3.30pm (?) Evensong Stetchworth for to those who have lost so much so that we can enjoy our lives today. It seems right somehow that Remembrance falls in the month before Christmas – it means for a short time, before we get wrapped up and consumed by the frenetic activity and commercial madness that is Christmas, we can say from the bottom of our hearts “Thank you” to God, and to those who have given up so much, for all we have. So do join us at our Remembrance Day Services (details in the Newsletter) so we can come together as a community, to remember and give thanks. "They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them." From "For the Fallen" by Laurence Binyon God’s blessings on you all Gina Radford Licensed Lay Minister ++++ 01638 508990 Colossians 1: 11-20 Jeremiah 23; 1-6 ++++++++++ “We will remember them” Walking the dog across the fields the other day as the dawn was breaking I had to stand and stare at the incredible colours that were being painted across the sky as the sun slowly rose. I never cease to be filled with amazement and gratitude for being able to experience nature as closely as I can in this part of the world. A recent survey revealed that a third of those surveyed could not recognise their neighbour, and a half didn’t know their neighbour’s first name. Yet for me, and I hope for most of us in our villages, this is very different – we may not know everyone, but we do know some, and can enjoy conversations, laughter and the general socialising that is so important to us as human beings. We really do have a lot to be thankful for. And this is brought home even more this month as we commemorate those who have died or been injured in the various wars over the years, in our acts of Remembrance. "They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:” These famous lines are so familiar to us. We hear them read out from the Royal Albert Hall, and from our churches each year. Each time we hear them, they are a salutary reminder that so many people in past wars, and still today, have died in, or been injured or affected by, conflicts in various parts of the world. They also remind us how much we have to be grateful +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CHRISTMAS FOODBANK COLLECTION Throughout December St Peter’s Church, Carlton is organising a collection of non-perishable food items for local families in need, which will go to Reach Community Projects in our area, a Christian charity running similar schemes all over the UK. The most welcome produce includes tea, coffee, sugar, fruit juices, pasta, rice, dried goods, packets and cans of soup, canned meat, fish or vegetables including baked beans, and canned fruit or puddings e.g. rice pudding, but all staple and other non-perishable goods are welcome. Donations will be gratefully received from all the villages. Please give generously by leaving your donated items in the baskets or boxes placed inside the door of St Peter’s, which will be open during daylight hours from 1-25 December. These will be collected daily by Jackie Simmons or Sally Mann. Please contact Jackie on 01223 290810 with any queries or if you would like to donate but cannot deliver. Thank you on behalf of Carlton PCC. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ARTICLES FOR DECEMBER VILLAGE VOICE To 01638 507 495 by 22nd November 2013 please ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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