HERALD STATESMAN, YONKERS, N.Y., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1963 Isaac and Ethel Feigin, he was brought to this country at the age of 5 and received -his schooling in New York City. He mar(Continued from Page One) ried the former Dorothy Meyer 34 years ago. amending previous legislation RICHARD P . GORMAX i Gorman and Mrs. Thomas G. A Yonkers resident 21 years, relative to o v e r t i m e or Dies In New York Fall | (Alice) MeSpedon, both of Yon- he was a board member of Temadditional compensation for emRichard P . Gorma"n, 34, of 16 j kers. and three brothers John of ple Emanu-El in 1948 and was ployes of the Public Works DeNEW YORK (*» — A Chicago Eastview Ave., a construction the Bronx, Daniel of \ o n k c r s , made an honorary board member partment on snow removal or WHITE P L A I N S six years later. He was also a parking meter manufacturer has worker for the Westinghousc Ele-; and Patrick of Albany. other emergency work outside TWO Bronx men, arrested last At the suggestion of Mayor Yesterday Mayor Flynn said in of regular working hours and vator Co. of New York City, j He was the brother of J a m e s member of the Fenway Golf Club. been arrested here on an indictDec. 17 after being sought alment charging that he lied to a John E . Flynn, the Common committee of the whole that "by on Sundays and holidays, for Surviving besides his wife are died Monday after a fall down Gorman, a sergeant in the U.S. most a year, were indicted by New York grand jury in regard Council yesterday agreed to put agreement between Mr. Trainor an elevator shaft at the Pan . ^ i r Force who died in service a daughter, Mrs. Stephen' (Susan) DPW workers employed on the grand jury yesterday on to a statement he allegedly made over until its J a n . 22 meeting and myself I a m going to ask shifts from 4 p.m. to midnight American building which is be- . j n 1944, and the brother-in-law of Gerson of New York City; a son ing built over Grand Central Thomas G. MeSpedon of Yonkers, Noel, of New Rochelle; three sis- about a purported $50,000 payoff consideration of the Mayor's r e - that this go over until the next and from midnight to 8:00 a.m., charges of first-degree robbery, to get this city's meter business. solution appointing a local de- meeting. There have been great to take into account pay in- second-degree assault a n d secTerminal in New York City. j the present minority leader of the ters, Mrs. Dora Peters of Miami Jerome J. Robinson, 55, presi- fense council to await a ruling demands on the time of both creases provided in the 1963 ond-degree grand larceny. Beach, Mrs. Alexander (Rose) Born in Yonkers on J a n . 27, j Westchester Board of Superdent of Duncan Parking Meter by the corporation counsel on parties recently." Waintraub of Mount Vernon, and city budget. 3028, the son of Mrs. Catherine ' visors. Dist. Atty. Leonard Rubenfeld Mrs. Mac (Helen) Kravitz of Co., supplier of 27,000 meters whether the mayor or city manCity Manager Curran concurred TABLED ACTION until J a n , said that the men, Howard Cohen, Gorman and the late Patrick ,«,.,«« . . . R . p , , , , . Bridgeport, Conn, and two grand- here, was arrested yesterday ager is empowered to name such in the request and the council22, on ordinances that would 22, a taxi driver of 1535 UnderGorman, he was a graduate of j MRS. LOl IS S. LAI RICIvLLA when h e appeared at the office a unit. children. men agreed. rezone property at 319 to 329 cliff Ave., and Bernard KleinSaunders Trades and Technical >-' a t i v e - N e w * o r k e r of Manhattan Dist. Atty. Frank The Mayor presented the reMrs. Aida Hilda Lauricella. 50 JOSEPH A. CAMERINO Kimball Ave. and at 124 t o berg, 23, a plumber of 1507 PopHigh School. He married the forS. Hogan. solution naming a 24-member of 1111 Midland Ave., a resident Dies At Anaconda 130 Bennett Ave. from one-to ler Ave., were charged with robmer Dorothy Kettler in Our Lady ! He pleaded innocent to charges council and a liaison meniber two-family classifications to per- bing the Motel in the Sky of $350 of Grace Church in Hoboken, of Yonkers for two years, died Joseph A. Camerino.,51, of 93 of perjury and contempt of court last year. Immediately City Manmit construction of two-family last J a n . 28. The motel is on N J., on-Mav 7, 1935. He was j yesterday at Mount Vernon Hos- Saratoga Ave., died yesterday of i w h c n a n a ' S n e d b e f o r e S t a t e S u " ager Charles L. Curran contended dwellings. Tuckahoe Road, Yonkers. formerly assistant manager of pital after a short illness, a heart attack at the Anaconda i yf"^ Court Justice Charles that the appointing power for (Continued from Page One) AUTHORIZED acquisition of the First National Store in Fleet- j Born in New York City, a Robinson was paroled. According to the district attorsuch a council was his. During wood. 'daughter of Michael S. Perri of Wire and Cable Co., Hastings- No trial date was set. the weeks .that have followed, Union and the publishers. No one easements for construction, ney, the two, armed with track on-Hudson, where he was em- Charges Denied Mr. Gorman served with the : Scarsdale and the late Elvira ployed as a cable preparer. each has presented authorities would comment on the purported maintenance and repair of san- starter's pistols, held up the itary and storm water sewers night manager. Robinson, of Palm Springs, 101st Signal Corps Battalion dur-1 Romano P e r n , she formerly had meeting. supporting his stand. Born in Italy on Sept. 17, 1911, or drains to correct bad draining the Korean conflict. He was ^ >n Mount Vernon for many a son of the late John and Eliza- Calif., told newsmen that the As some 20,000 newspaper peoFinally it was referred to CorThe two were arrested in their age condition in Roberts Lane. charges " a r e without merit or ple here remained idle for the immediate past commander of j years. poration Counsel John F . Trainor. beth Riccardi Camerino, he was VOTED $45,500 in capital homes after having been picked 33rd day of the blackout, the Chippewa Post. American Legion, Surviving besides her father brought to the United States and foundation." His attorney, Murray Gurfein, American Newspaper Guild said notes and bonds to finance pur- up by New York Port Authority a member of the post's maritime a r c her husband, Louis S. Lauri- New York City as an infant and told reporters the district attorin Washington that strike bene- chase of property at 10 Bel- police on Dec. 16, charged with cella, and a daughter, Miss committee and mobilization chair moved to Yonkers about 10 years ney's office had examined the fits paid to its 5,400 New York mont Ave. to be used in connec- robbing a motel in Hackensack, man for the Westchester County Judith E , Lauricella of the hpme ago. He married the former Duncan firm's records and Dooks City members have exhausted tion with construction of new N.J. Teletype information of- the address, and six sisters, Mrs. American Legion. He was one of Marie Iannone on Sept. 1, 1930for almost a year and "found (Continued from Page One) the union's $l-million strike" fund. East Yonkers offstreet parking arrest led state police at Hawof the original members of George Palmer of New York in $ e w York City. thorne to believe that they were absolutely nothing." The Guild said it also had used area. the Civil Defense Disaster Truck City, Mrs. Frank Alleva of SyosMr. Camerino was a commuestate dealer and active in the the Yonkers motel robbers, M r . "There's nothing to find," GurEMPOWERED city manager set, L. I., and the Misses Linda, up ' proceeds from a special Unit, a rescue organization which nicant of St. Denis Church here. fein said, "we have living proof Chamber of Commerce. Rubenfeld said. Police also susto engage Elmo J . Rovere, Dorothy, Genevieve and Frances was begun here in 1954. Surviving besides his wife a r e —people who will support Mr. EDWARD G. TARANGIOLI of! ™ " L h l y ^ ' u 6 * f c s s ™ n t ° . M architect, for services in coiv pected them of a motel robbery Perri, all of Scarsdale. cents to $3 based on t h e salary a daughter, Elizabeth, of the Robinson's version of what hap- 70 Hillcrest Ave., lawyer. Mr. Gorman was a member of in Ardsley last Feb. 19. M R e " , r V i r r » r i r i a u y c i n T » w i levels of nearly 30,000 guildsmen nection with rehabilitation of home address; two sons, Carlo, pened." the Westchester Mechanics As- NATHAN FEIGIN ACK Engine . No. 9 . Firehouse on New York City detectives said " across the country. of the home address, and John, sociation and of Local 1, Inter- Retired Furrier In another development, City WELL of 63 Cornell Ave.,. Negrp Shonnard Place, and Engine that the two will be brought beAs a result, the Guild said, it also of Yonkers; a brother, John, women's leader and a director national Union of Elevator ConNathan Feigin, 57, of 37 Bayley of Yonkers; three sisters, Mrs, Traffic Commissioner Henry A. has borrowed 5300,000 from the No. 2 Firehouse on Vineyard fore a Bronx grand jury later in structors. Ave., died Monday of a heart John (Jean) Lamberti, Mrs. Jov Barnes denied to newsmen that of the Nepperhan Community parent AFL - CIO and has ap- Avenue. He will receive seven connection with robberies from he had accepted any bribe in Center. per cent of the cost of improve- motels in that county. He was a communicant of the attack at Miami Beach, Fla., seph (Frances) Mazzone and MRS. JOHN N. DILL of 1 Dele- proached other unions about the ments as compensation. connection with the meters. He Monastery Church of the Sacred where he was spending the winpossibility of loans. Mrs. John (Mary) Piccone, all Heart here. PERMITTED owner of 44 Auter. A retired furrier, he was of Yonkers, and two grand- said there had been such ru- van Ter., member and former. M n a n c e s President of the Board of Complicated mors. tumn Circle to connect with Stolen Car Found Surviving besides his wife and formerly a partner with Sharf- children. Complicating the guild's finan- sewer in that street. Education. Denial by Barnes mother a r e a son, Kevin and a stein and Feigin in New York cial situation is a 41-day-old MRS. WILLIAM CHERKO of Bringing the rumors into the daughter, Gail, both of the home City. AUTHORIZED Consolidated On North Broadway MRS. JOSEPH PAGANI strike by its members and by Edison Co. .to install gas main 111 Yonkers Ave., mortician and open himself, without saying who Born in Russia, son of the late Former Resident Here address; two sisters, Catherine made the accusation, Barnes de- active in the Yonkers Business members of the independent and one service in Roxbury A c a r stolen from Tuckaho* and Professional Women's Club. Teamsters Union against the two Drive East. Word has been received here clared: last Sunday was recovered by MRS. MELVIN A. DULBERG closed Cleveland dailies — the of the death of Mrs. Catherine " I was accused of taking bribes REQUESTED on resolution by Yonkers police abandoned oppoPagani, 54, a former Yonkers myself. There a r e very vicious of 170 Concord Road, active in Plain Dealer and the Press & Councilman Eisen that city site the High School of Commerce News. resident, at her San Diego, Calif., rumors going around of m y ac- PTA work. manager request department on N. Broadway last night, police Of the 3,000 newspaper people heads and Board of Education report. SOL FRIEDMAN of 69 SunnyBALDWIN—Lois Ormerod. On January McGRATH—Cecilia A. Of 1 Lawrence home on Dec. 25. She apparently tivities. I ' m supposed to have a Street. Yonkers. On January 7, 1963. died of a heart attack. 7, 1963. Wife of the late Georse idle in the Ohio City, 688 a r e to investigate possibility of utibig block of stock (in Duncan) side Drive, lawyer. Beloved daughter of the late John W. Baldwin. Funeral services will The owner of the auto, Mildred guild members who also a r e lizing non - breakable windows and a big bank account in DenWILBUR J . SPITZER of 32 Born in N e w a r k , N. J . , a T. and Katherine C. McGrath. be held at the Phillips Funeral Rinyu of Tuckahoe, was notified drawing strike benefits. ver. All rubbish, of course." Devoted sister of Zita I. McGrath daughter of the late Edward and Home, 50 Ludlow Street on ThursDurst Place, lawyer and former of fiber glass etc. in future to pick up her car. and Eenedict F. McGrath of Larchday at 11:00 A.M. Interment, OakThe guild benefits in New York Duncan meters were installed president of the United Givers installations in city buildings niont. The family will be present Filomena Fernicola Ruffalo, she land Cemetery. The family will reCity range from 530 to $80 a and schools. at The Fred H. McGrath tz Son was brought to Yonkers a s an in Denver when Barnes headed Fund. ceive their friends at the Funeral Funeral Home, Bronxville, from 2:00 infant and resided here until 18 the Colorado City's traffic deHome from 2-5 & 7-9:00 P.M. l-t» JOSEPH J . LENNOX of 33 week, depending upon the size of Complete news stories on the P.M. to 5:00 P.M. and 7:00 P.M. partment and in Baltimore when Douglas Ave., Tax Commission- an employe's family, until 9:00 P.M., Wednesday and years ago, when she moved to BOVE—Madeline. Of 39 Spruce Street. more important items above BONUS Medina Warns Powers he was revamping traffic there. Thursday. Requiem Mass. St. Denis California. She was married here, Beloved wife of Philip Bove. On er and civic leader. not appearing in today's issue Church on Friday, January 11 a' Wednesday, January 9. 1963. ReJudge Harold R. Medina of the Hogan said the grand jury had LESTER J . TANNER of 60 PLAID I of this newspaper will be 11:00 A.M. 1-9 to Joseph Pagani, who is emposing at the Sinatra Funeral Home Inc., 315 South Broadway. Funeral ployed with Convair Aircraft in been investigating whether Rob- High view Ter., lawyer and ex- U.S. Court of Appeals, presiding printed as soon as space STAMPS J on Saturday, January 12 at 9:30 inson offered or gave a bribe to ecutive vice chairman of the over the fact-finding board, said permits. A.M. Solemn High Mass of Reqdiem. MORAHAN — Florence Daly. On Jan- San Diego and formerly was an a public official to influence a "we would like to have his (Powat COLE'S Yonkers Citizens Union. uary 7, 1963. Beloved wife of Frank employe of Sullivan and Son., St. Anthony's Church. Willow Street. X. Morahan of 105 Waring Place. ers') views before we're findecision, or whether any public LEGAL NOTICE 10:00 A.M. Interment. St. Joseph's MRS. LUTHER H. TATE of with this coupon g Inc., Yonkers fuel and mason Reposing at the Ball Funeral Home, Cemetery. 1-11 official-had sought such a bribe. 110 Valentine Lane, active in the ished." But, he added: "If you 100 Lake Avenue. Funeral on Thurs- material suppliers, FIRST NATIONAL BANK 20 EXTRA STAMPS day at 9:30 A.M. High Mass of IN YONKERS League of Women Voters of have any idea we a r e dancing CAMERINO — Joseph A. On Tuesday. Mrs. Pagani was a communiRequiem In the Monastery Church At & regular meeting of the Board attendance upon Mr. Powers, you January 8. 1963. Beloved husband Yonkers. WITH EACH »1 PURCHASE * of the Sacred Heart at 10:00 A.M. cant of St. John the Baptist of Directors held on the 8th day of of Marie (nee Iannonc) Camerlno of might just as well forget it. Interment, St. Joseph's Cemetery. Church when she resided in YonJanuary, 1963, a regular quarterP5 Sara-toga Avenue. Devoted father AT DRUG COUNTER How They're Enrolled For those who so desire, a donation Medina told newsmen: " I think annual dividend of 5 cents per share of Carlo. John and Elizabeth Camin her memory to the American kers. plus an extra dividend of 5 cents per GET BIGGER DISCOUNTS AT The Mayor identified the comrrino. Reposing. Sinatra Funeral he (Powers) has made a very share was declared payable on JanuCancer 8ocieiy would be appreciated. Surviving besides \her husband Home Inc.. 315 South Broadway. mission members politically as serious mistake, prejudicial to his ary 18 1963 to stockholders of record Elizabeth, New Jersey papers, Funeral. Friday. 9:30 A.M. High Replease copy. are two sons, Edward of Ardsley follows: Republican— Chairman own interests, in staying away, at the close of business January 11, quiem Mass in St. Denis Church, 1-9 1963. and Joseph of Claremont, Calif.; WHITE PLAINS— 10:00 A.M. Interment, St. Joseph's McCormick, Mr. Cerrato, Mr. but that's up to h i m . " A. O. MILLS, JR.. Cemetery. 1-10 RENTON—Hollings Chase. On January two daughters, Mrs. Karl (Joyce) M A I N cor. RIVIRDALE Cashier Medina said the board was get- January B, 1963 A 27-year-old counselor at Peterson, Mr. Chapin, Mr. O'8, 1963. Formerly of Tuckahoe. Be- Ozol and Mrs. Donald (Barbara) 1—9 Connor, Mrs. Blackwell, Mrs. ting the union's side of the disloved husband of Evelyn Everett C1F-OLLINI—Ido. Of 72 Western AveChildren's Village in Dobbs FerRenton. Devoted father of Mrs. Pete, both living in California; nue. Yonkers. On January 8, 1961. Dill; Mrs. Cherko, Independent; pute despite Powers' absence. George (Mary) Beckley, Hollings C four brothers, Nicholas, James, ry was sentenced to one year Beloved husband of Ida Lynch "We have people here who a r e Jr., Harry F.. Benjamin E., Mrs. T. in the Westchester Penitentiary Mr. Friedman, Mr. Spitzer, ComCipollinl. Father of Bruno and AlUo R. (Theresa) Isel' and Joseph S. Ren- Joseph and Edward Ruffalo, all yesterday missioner Lennox,' Mr. Tanner knowledgeable people and who Cipollini. Resting at Havey's Ftinerby County Judge ton. Also survived by seventeen of Yonkers; al Home Inc.. 107 North Broadway, six sisters, Mrs. and Mrs. Tate, Democrats. understand the newspaper indusJohn H. Galloway J r . grandchildren and two greatYonkers. Mass of Requiem in the Frank (Victoria) Dalton, Mrs. grandchildren. Reposing at the .WestMayor Flynn said that, if the try," Medina said. "This, is not Monastery Church of the Sacred Ruben H. Monge, who lived chester Funeral Home Inc.. Midland Harry (Mary) Gadonneux, Mrs. Heart, Shonnard Place, on Friday, commission is able to complete something peculiar to Mr. PowAvenue at Main Street, Eastchester. John (Rose) Chovance, Mrs. An- at the Village pleaded guilty to January 11 at 11:00 A.M. Interment, High Requiem Mass In Immaculate petty larceny and unlawful en- a new Charter in time to submit ers." St. Joseph's Cemetery. 1-11 Conception Church, Tuckahoe. Fri- drew (Angela) Sura, Mrs. John try. He was charged with enter- it to the voters in November, it Federal mediators, representa^ day. January 11 at 9:00 A.M. In lieu (Lucie) Mitchell and Mrs. Karl DAVISON—Marion Snowdon Roy. of ing the room of a friend who would become effective J a n . 1, fives of several non-striking of flowers, please send contributions 25 Saranac Street. Dobbs Ferry, AT (Anna) Agronick, all of Yonkers, lived and worked at the Ardsley 1964. However, the first city elec- newspaper unions and publishers to Rosary Hill, Hawthorne, N.Y. N Y . , on January 9. 1963. Funeral Service 2 P.M. Friday at the FJd1-9 and eight grandchildren. tion of Councilmen that would be of the nine closed dailies were Country Club and taking all his •wards Funeral Home Inc., Dobbs affected would be that of Novem- among w i t n e s s e s before the clothes and $25. Ferry, N.Y.-Faniily will receive their STANKO — Julius. Of 98 Clarendon IDO CIPOLLINI friends from 7-9 P.M. Thursday. Inboard. Avenue. On Monday, January 7, 25 Years in Yonkers He was arrested last Aug. 1 ber, 1965. terment Ferncliff Mausoleum. 1-^ 1963. Beloved brother of John, Louis when the friend recognized a deand Andrew Stanko. Funeral from Ido Cipollini, 77, of 72 Western FEIGIN—Nathan. Of 37 Bayley- Avethe Duchynski Funeral Home, 1 1 1 Ave., a retired maintenance man scription of the car seen leavnue. Beloved husband of Dorothy. Yonkers Avenue, on Thursday, Janing the country club shortly aftDear father of Noel and Mrs. Susan uary 10 at 9:30 A.M. High Mass of for the Sprain Lake Golf Club Gerson. Brother of M^s. Dora Peters, Requiem in the Most Holy Trinity here, died yesterday at St. John's er the theft. Monge was arrested Mrs. Rose Waintraub and Mrs. in his apartment at Children's Catholic Church at 10:00 A.M. InHelen Kravitz. Service will be hell! terment, St. Joseph's Cemetery. The Riverside Hospital after a long Village. on Thursday. January 10 at tiie family will receive friends at the illness. Temple Emanuel. Rumsey Road. Funeral Home from 2-5 <fc 7-10:00 Born in Italy on Nov. 25, 1885, The ex-Marine and native of Yonkers, N.Y. at 1 P.M. ReposP.M. ]-9 ing at the Weiss Memorial Inc.. " PRE-FIN15H20 the son of the late Gaspari and Puerto Rico has a long prior record which includes convic326 Riverdale Avenue, Yonkers, N Y . Elisa Cipollini, he came to the 1-9 In M e m o r i a m United States in 1915 and to Yon- tions for impersonating an offiGORMAN— Richard P. Of 16 Eastview kers in 1937. He married the for- cer and falsely wearing a MaAvenue. On JaTftary 7. 1963. 3 e CAMMARATA—Vincent. One year ago mer Ida Lynch in Italy on June rine officer's uniform. ' loved husband of Dorothy Kettler OYER 42 DIFFERENT PANELS ON DISPLAY today. Dearest father and loving Gorman. Devoted son of Mrs. Cath7, 1914. He retired five years ago. grandfather: erine Gorman and the late Patrick FROM AIL OVER THE WORLD! Mr. Cipollini was a communiGorman. Father of Kevin and Oail While you dear parent rest and sleep. Gorman. BTother of Catherine Gor Your loving memory we'll always Keep. cant of the Monastery Church of Your children and grandchild man, Mrs. Thomas <Alice« MeSpedon. Frank. Carole and Frank Vincent Jr. the Sacred Heart here. John, Daniel, Patrick and the lato Sgt. James Gorman. Reposing at 1-9 Surviving besides his wife a r e lUAUTIFUL DECORATIVE fUE-FIHISHID N.YWQ0D (Continued from Page One) the Whalen Funeral Home. 168 Park two sons, Bruno of Yonkers and 1 DWYER—Felicia. Avenue, corner of Glenwood. Higr Eight years have passed since that Aldo of Long Island, and two electric power have been mined. fill Mass of Requiem in the Monastery sad day. Church of the Sacred Heart on grandchildren. The "company said Tshombe's The one we loved was called away. Friday. January 11 at 10:00 A M Thick God took her home. It was His Will, gendarmerie occupy its pits and Interment, Gate of Heaven Ceme(Terry)......... Hut In our hearts she liveth still. tery. 1-10 plants in the area. Ink t-9 Husband fi Sons. Lie Charged AWAIT LEGAL RULING In New York Defense Unit's Naming Meter Acts Put Of f By Council OBITUARY TSEWS Capsule 2 Indicted % In Yonkers Motel Holdup Papers Charter DEATH NOTICES Youth Aide Sentenced ' COLE DRUG I RELIABLE SILK STORE PLYWOOD THURSDAY - FRIDAY • SATURDAY SALE SO MANY WONDERFUL BUYS IN OUR DOMESTIC DEPT. Come in and Crab PANELING Congo GORMAN — Richard. On Jan. 7. The officers, and members of Elevators PERRONE—Raymond. • "Happy birthday in Heaven." Constructors Local No. 1 regretfully His memory is as dear today. announce the death of our beloved As in the hour he passed away. member. Rcposine at the Whalen Sister. Ann Pelose. Funeral Home. 168 Park Ave. Fun- 1-9 eral. Friday at 10 a m . at the Monastery Church of the Sacred Heart. REIFEISS—Pauline. In memory of our dear Mother. 1-10 Hugh Cuff, president and business Remembrance is a golden chain. The years may wipe out many things manager Peter Guery, secretary-treasurer Rut this they wipe out never. The memories of those happy days Members of American Legion Chippewa When we were all together. Daughters ^- Families Post No. 1412. wlil 1-9 meet at the Whalen 1 Funeral Home. 168 Par ! ZACCHIO — RaTmond J. Seventeenth Anniversary Mass Trill be celebrated Avenue, at 8:15 P M M Our Ladv of Moi'.nt . Carmel at on Wednesday, January 7 30 a.m. Friday. The Family. 9 to pay respects *o our Past Commander, 1-9 Richard Gorman. 3-0 Commander. Gene FraleUh Card Of Thanks MANNING Grace VanTassel. Of Miami. Florida. Formerly of Yonkers, N.Y. On January 5, 1963. He- POURIA—Louise. loved wife of Corson Mannlnst I wish to extend my heartfelt thanks Mother of Mrs. G F r a n k ' iHeleni j to my many relatives, friends and Hull. Mrs. Albert (Prisrlllai Butler neighbors for the kindness shown In Doutlai and Franklin VanTass'l. the loss of my beloved mother. F.spe. Service at Havey's Funeral Home elallv the Production Dept. and the Inc.. 107 North Broadway. Yonkers. Moulding Dept. of Precision Valve: on Thursday. January 10 a t ~ 2 : 0 0 J a l l thove who sent Mass Cards. »ymP M. Interment, Oakland Cemeteiy. t P»thy fkrd* and floral offerings 1 10 1-9 Daughter, Mary. Redmond (Continued from Page One) Ralph J . Bunche, U.N. undersecretary, left by plane to tour northern Katanga. He has said that he and Tshombe had nothing REASON ABU JOHN FLYNN, 23, of 157 Sara- to talk about. utato toga Ave. suffered a fracture of mct% ANYWHlll In New York, th« United Nathe right foot yesterday when he tions made public a letter from fell while walking in front of his eight south Katanga tribal chiefs, PLEADS TO ABO CHARGES CARMEL Uft-Goorge Kurz, 37. home. He went to White Plains including Tshombe's father - inexecutive secretary of the Put- for medical attention. law, supporting the central govnam County Alcoholic Beverage I n A v m r v ^ o o r v 10 ,.» m ernment and urging Tshombc'i Control Board for the past year . „ D A \ r D c ? ^ « Li ' . • arrest. and a half, pleaded innocent Ve.<-1 ) ^ 7 r l - v u S , v " ' ' " ^ e d a cut of Sow MiflRiV«r Rood Nearly 400 Congolese ami two M* iTIHGi ON *DMO* *. H. r. terdav to an indictment i n c l u d - 1 1 ^ / ™ * ^ "»<* f « c i R , , n * " * & » Belgians were reported killed in , m g three counts of accepting n . i ^ t e r d a y when he fell while Td.GR 8.1188 the outbreak of fighting in south 1 h S Of* t tArt Wtlt-NH»» M*« ft-„n.-,r , "J was ' " * Itaken T |in %!?*' ?"* \ legal j , , , . . , fees and one count of per*^ •; 7 stitch the cut at Kasai. where tribal conflict Is chronic. 'Yonkers General Hospital. J • nVtHTIUMIST JAMES COOPER. 74, of 86 jMain St. received three stitches to close a cut over the left eye yesterday a t Yonkers General Non-ScclarioH Hospital. He was injured in a Saw Mill Riv.r Road That Loosen fall at his home. MONUMENTS ACCIDENTS minozzusons MOUNT HOPE CEMETERY FALSE TEETH Ho»ting»-on-Hudton, We*t. Co., N. Y« Shift* grov«» and family lot*. Reatanably priced. T«rm< arranged. Writ* for Raak «f Photograph* Visit the Cemetery or Now York Offlcot 551-5th Ave, Naw York 17, N. Y- T T Need Not Embarrass KASTCHRRTKR F I R E RECORD I jf«, ny * M m * of rtiw t##th h»T« Manday * «uB>r«d r«*l »mb*rr«j*m*nt b*r*u«« 10:55 a.m., Midland Ave. near : ^ r f * l * * ™ * » * i * " » < S J S l .- _,. _, , Grill Ittri With only five days remaining before Secretary-General U Thant's deadline for reintegrating Katanga into the Congo, the United Nations must decide whether to brook further delays in order to prevent serious destruction. 71, a Roman Catholic priest of the Maryknoll order and a Cumberland, Md., native, imprisoned in Shanghai on a 20-ycar sentence imposed in 1960. John Thomas Downey, 32, of Tshombe didn't say what would New Britain, Conn., listed as a U.S. Army civilian employe cap- cause him to give the signal to tured during the Korean War, im- blow up the mines and utilities prisoned in Peking on a life sen- of the rich copper-producing region. He has threatened before to tence. resort to scorched-earth tactics Richard George Fectcau, 35, of Lynn, Mass., listed as an Army rather than accept forced reintecivilian captured during the Ko- gration into the Congo. rean War, imprisoned at Peking U.N. forces have all but shaton a 20-year sentence. tered Tshombc's military reThe four a r e all that remain in sources in a drive that began prison out of 158 American ci- late last month. vilians known to have been arThere was no immediate word rested since 1949, according to State Department figures. All tbo from the United Nations on how it proposed to deal with Tshomothers have been released. be's threatened sabotage. SCHNEIDER Rose K. We wish to thank all of our kind friends and neighbors for their many k'nd expressions of sympathy and condolence durlnt our recent bereavement. 1-12 The Irvlnf Schneider family HERE A R E A FEW PRICES SLASHED! MUST MOVE! M M »t J m t t h # v r o n i tlm». Do n o t Bronx River Parkway, unneces-jit»t m f**rof thi« h»pp«ninf torou. i sary call. ! J u s * »prtnki» A tuu» FASTRKTH, j 12:41 p.m., 35 Main St., water ^ S & t S S r l f i S T ^ r T . bl ! leak. n m 8 Midland d a r d r n * j »nrmly, *o thtjr f«ci »or* no* (ut •wir. Chwtoieomrort"pltt« , 4-14 «.i« p.m., » .MKiiarw u a r a e n s , ( ^ *^ &** TARTTSXTBL *t fcwtth-> assistance, SICK person. dm* count*.™ mrr»ii«r». k Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com Ant. Colin ME-Mimi Ml\tt * 4.75 288 AUIIJUTfimt • WELDWOOD • RODDISCRAFT • PLY GEMS • GEO. PACIFIC All The following Hems Are All 4'x8' AFRICAN CATIVG BONE WHITE AND DOVE^KEY Reg.Prk* 18.95 Reg. Price M2.80 $£?5 '•a. $ C76 ^ta. ITAUAN WALNUT $075 Red.Price M4.75 SILVER BIRCH Reg. Price M9.20 LAMA! MAHOGANY $4400 I I to. WELDWOOD SAMARA O ea. •16 00 •a. SUN-TAN BIRCH thitWMkOnly $950* a . PLYWOOD SALE 5/16'' 4>l'i $2.11 M c h • V 4>!'t S3.20 .tcK ...75* $ • CAFE & VALANCE SETS. 1.50 $ •SHOWER SETS ..._ _ 1.50 $ •BATH MAT SETS . . ._ 1.77 $ •Furniture Throws (Forch.irs) 1.99 $ • Curtains (Tanere.PnchPIc*t«<) - 2.50 $ • Drapes (F»«ni»««»»t'n« sun _ 3.00 $ SPREADS 6.50 $ • Q U I L T S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,00 SOILED & DISPLAY • C A F E S (No Valances) AMAZON MAPLE Reg. iQ. Price P M8.95 $|-|00 MISSION ASH Reg. Price *22.80 $ 10L° LOCKWOOD-SLEEP BOARDS $C95 AISITM tot. FIOOI5, WAitt, noon. ire. '/," 4*rt S3.9S «atK %" 41ft $5.50 och WE DELIVER AT NO EXTRA CHARGE L0CKW00D LUMBER 382 SAW MILL RIVER RD. — YO 5-3300 OPEN THURSDAY EYES. T I L 8 P.M. OPEN SATURDAY'TIL 1 P. M. SY TO REACH 2 Minutes from Exit 6 Tuckahoe Rd Ntw Yerk Tkrttway—Pee Wttt _^ ____.. 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