ControlCert Scandinavia AB Certification in food safety (jaettuna on suomenkielinen versio) Henrik Thollander ControlCert Scandinavia AB Founded 2011. >30 years experience Certification of manufacturers, wholesale and supermarkets Svensk standard för livsmedelshantering i butik (Swedish standard for food handling in supermarkets) IP Livsmedel (IP Food) ISO 22000 FSSC 22000 EU-organic KRAV (Swedish national organic standard) BRC Food, MSC* * = in cooperation with other certification body Training and seminars HACCP, labelling, food hygiene, auditing tecniques etc Food safety certification in Sweden >400 certified supermarkets - national retailer standard (ICA, Coop, Axfood & Bergendahl Food) >1000 companies certified to IP Food (IP Livsmedel) FSSC 22000 – globally >10 000 certificates Sweden 240 certificates Finland 240 certificates BRC – Global standard Sweden 210 certificates Finland 30 certificates IP Food – (IP Livsmedel) Based on European/Swedish legislation with few additional requirements added Swedish retailers support the standard requirements Retailer mandatory supplier requirement for all manufacturers, wholesalers and traders/agencies First issue 2008 Suitable for small scale companies 1-10 in staff Audit cycle of 24 months (10% sample audit in 12 months) Sets a higher lowest standard in even smaller companies than before as compared to legal inspections ISO 22000 International accepted standard – first issue 2005 Next step after IP Food (IP Livsmedel) Food safety management system Highly focused on HACCP Prerequisite programs not specified in detail Based on, and very similar to ISO 9001 (revised version ISO 22000 in 2018) 30 000 certificates worldwide For international markets – BUT….. ….ISO 22000 is not accepted by GFSI – Global Food Safety Initiative FSSC 22000 Globally accepted by GFSI ISO 22000 + ISO 22002-X = FSSC 22000 Clarifies requirements on prerequisite programmes Fast growing international Food Safety Certification Many ISO 22000 certified companies upgrade to FSSC 22000 Today more than 13 000 certificates world wide (BRC >18 000 certificates) Source: FSSC Conference 2016 Founders of ControlCert Patrick Gustavsson Henrik Thollander Lead Auditor since 2001 within BRC Food, Lead Auditor ISO/FSSC 22000, BRC Food, ISO/FSSC 22000, and Svensk butiksstandard, IP Svensk butiksstandard, IP Livsmedel, KRAV/EU- Livsmedel, KRAV and MSC. ekologiskt since 2009. Consultant, HACCP and management system since 1994. Researcher in food microbiology (1987-2007). Trainer in HACCP since 1994. Translating standars and guidelines for BRC and SIS/ISO. Swedish expert for ISO 22000 (2005 and new issue 2018) Trainer and consultant in food safety and HACCP since 2005. Developed FSMS for several companies for ISO/FSSC 22000, BRC. Further contact! Henrik Thollander +46 (0)70-222 17 17
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