ControlCert Scandinavia AB

ControlCert Scandinavia AB
Certification in food safety
(jaettuna on suomenkielinen versio)
Henrik Thollander
ControlCert Scandinavia AB
Founded 2011. >30 years experience
Certification of manufacturers, wholesale
and supermarkets
Svensk standard för livsmedelshantering i butik
(Swedish standard for food handling in supermarkets)
IP Livsmedel (IP Food)
ISO 22000
FSSC 22000
KRAV (Swedish national organic standard)
BRC Food, MSC*
* = in cooperation with other certification body
Training and seminars
HACCP, labelling, food hygiene, auditing tecniques etc
Food safety certification in Sweden
 >400 certified supermarkets - national retailer standard (ICA,
Coop, Axfood & Bergendahl Food)
 >1000 companies certified to IP Food (IP Livsmedel)
 FSSC 22000 – globally >10 000 certificates
 Sweden 240 certificates
 Finland 240 certificates
 BRC – Global standard
 Sweden 210 certificates
 Finland 30 certificates
IP Food – (IP Livsmedel)
 Based on European/Swedish legislation with few additional requirements
 Swedish retailers support the standard requirements
 Retailer mandatory supplier requirement for all manufacturers, wholesalers
and traders/agencies
 First issue 2008
 Suitable for small scale companies 1-10 in staff
 Audit cycle of 24 months (10% sample audit in 12 months)
 Sets a higher lowest standard in even smaller companies than before as
compared to legal inspections
ISO 22000
 International accepted standard – first issue 2005
 Next step after IP Food (IP Livsmedel)
 Food safety management system
 Highly focused on HACCP
 Prerequisite programs not specified in detail
 Based on, and very similar to ISO 9001 (revised version ISO 22000 in 2018)
 30 000 certificates worldwide
 For international markets – BUT…..
 ….ISO 22000 is not accepted by GFSI – Global Food Safety Initiative
FSSC 22000
 Globally accepted by GFSI
 ISO 22000 + ISO 22002-X = FSSC 22000
 Clarifies requirements on prerequisite programmes
 Fast growing international Food Safety Certification
 Many ISO 22000 certified companies upgrade to FSSC 22000
 Today more than 13 000 certificates world wide (BRC >18 000
FSSC Conference 2016
Founders of ControlCert
Patrick Gustavsson
Henrik Thollander
 Lead Auditor since 2001 within BRC Food,
 Lead Auditor ISO/FSSC 22000, BRC Food,
ISO/FSSC 22000, and Svensk butiksstandard, IP
Svensk butiksstandard, IP Livsmedel, KRAV/EU-
Livsmedel, KRAV and MSC.
ekologiskt since 2009.
 Consultant, HACCP and management system since
 Researcher in food microbiology (1987-2007).
 Trainer in HACCP since 1994.
 Translating standars and guidelines for BRC and
 Swedish expert for ISO 22000 (2005 and new issue
 Trainer and consultant in food safety and HACCP
since 2005.
 Developed FSMS for several companies for
ISO/FSSC 22000, BRC.
Further contact!
Henrik Thollander
+46 (0)70-222 17 17