ТОРГОВОЕ ПРЕДСТАВИТЕЛЬСТВО РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ В КОРОЛЕВСТВЕ ДАНИЯ HANDELSREPRÆSENTATIONEN FOR DEN RUSSISKE FØDERATION I KONGERIGET DANMARK Вигерслев Алле 161, 2500 Вальбю, Копенгаген, Дания Тел: (+45) 36 46 28 11 Факс: (+45) 36 46 29 82 E-mail: rustrade@teliamail.dk Vigerslev Alle 161, 2500 Valby, København, Danmark Tel: (+45) 36 46 28 11 Fax: (+45) 36 46 29 82 E-mail: rustrade@teliamail.dk Presentation Russian Trade Representation in Denmark is pleased to inform you that we will be holding a presentation of Russian food producers (confectionery (chocolate sweets, chocolate, zephyr, pastille), nuts, flour, sugar, cereals, flax, sunflower, soybean and rape-seed oil, milk powder, egg powder, cheese, caviar, canned meat, fish, crab meat, chicken, rabbit meat, turkey, spices, berries, frozen berries (cranberry, blueberry, cherry, currant, sea-buckthorn), mushrooms, food from Siberia (pine nuts, omul, perch fillet), ecological honey, ingredients for confectionery and bakery industry, condensed milk, forage for farm animals), halal meat, vodka. During the event we will talk about the opportunities of importing food from Russia. Date/Time: Wednesday, April 5, 2017, 10-12 a.m. Location: the Russian Trade Representation in Denmark, Vigerslev Alle 161, 2500, Valby Language: English Conditions: Free of charge, registration via e-mail: rustrade@teliamail.dk Please include your name, organization, that you represent and your position If you have any questions, please contact Dmitry Raspopin, rustrade@teliamail.dk, +45 50 31 52 24. We look forward to seeing you.
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