CURRICULUM VITAE – SELECTED PUBLICATIONS Personalities : Kirsti Pedersen Gurholt Born in Oslo: November 5th 1953. Widow, 2 children (born 1980 and 1983). Professor of Outdoor Education (friluftsliv)/Pedagogy, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences Home address: Gamle Enebakkvei 41L, 1188 Oslo Ph. +47 22 26 24 27 / +47 90 04 42 05 E-mail: Education 2000 Doktor Scientarium Institute for Social Science, Norwegian School of Sports Sciences/Norges Idrettshøgskole (NIH) Thesis: ”Det har bare vært naturlig.” Friluftsliv, kjønn og kulturelle brytninger. 2000-1990 Post Graduate Studies (PhD) University of Tromsø (now Norwegian Arctic University) and Norwegian School of Sport Studies 1992-1993 Post Graduate Studies University of Alberta, Canada, Department of Physical Education and Sport Studies and Canadian Circumpolar Institute, Sport Sociology and Women’s Studies, Arctic Living and Survival. 23.6.-1.8.1991 Graduate Studies Department of Physical Education and Sport Studies, University of Alberta, Canada: Summer school (5 weeks): Outdoor Environmental Leadership Living, Navigation and Travel. 1988 MA - Cand. Scient. in Social Sport Science Norwegian School of Sports Sciences, Institute for Social Studies Thesis: Et bilde av kvinneidrett – småbarnsmødres vilkår for regelmessig idrettsdeltagelse. (An image of Women’s Sport: Sport participation among mothers with small children) 1978 BA in sport/Physical Teacher certificate PE, Norges idrettshøgskole 1976 Education degree - Teacher Certificate, Oslo University Colleges for Education 1972 Examen philosophicum, Universitity of Oslo 1972 Certificate of Upper Secondary Education, Holtet Gymnas, Oslo Work Experience August 2015 awarded the position/title of a Visiting Professor at University of Cumbria, UK (2015―2020) February 2010 -- Professor of Sport Pedagogy and Friluftsliv (Outdoor Education), Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Department of PE and Pedagogy. Co Course leader for the Erasmus+ Joint Masters Degree programme Transcultural European Outdoor Studies TEOS. Jan. 2010 - 01.09.02 Associate Professor – Sport Pedagogy and Friluftsliv/Outdoor Education Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Department of PE and Pedagogy ERASMUS-exchange with University of Marburg, Germany, and University of Cumbria, UK, annually 2006-2015 1.1.-31.8.2002 Associate Professor - Friluftsliv Telemark University College 2001-1994 Associate Professor – PE, Friluftsliv, Dance Finnmark University College, Head of Sport and PE-department (1997-2000). 1994-1990 Doctoral Research Fellow Norwegian Council of Research, Program for Sport Research. Work place: Alta College of Education. Working title: Friluftsliv in Education and as Popular Culture in a Gendered Cultural Studies approach. 1990-88 Researcher, Finnmark Research Institute, Alta Project leader – projects on women’s living conditions. Elected member of the board. 1988-80 University Lecturer in PE, Outdoor Education, Dance Alta University College of Education Elected member of the board of the Alta University College of Education. 1994-1980 Finnmark University College Part time teacher in dance/gymnastics, alpine skiing, social sciences. 1980-78 Teacher Junior High School, Hovedgården ungdomsskole, Asker kommune Leader of Physical Education-section, school-teacher 1 Research Grants 2007-04 Norwegian Council of Research, RAMBU - Program for sustainablility 2015. Project: Bærekraftig kystkultur? Kjønnsperspektiv på områdebruk og områdeforvaltning. (Sustainable coastal culture?) In collaboration with associate professor and project leader Siri Gerrard, University of Tromsø. 2003-2006 Norwegian Council of Research, Program: KUPP- Knowledge Development in Professional Education and Practice. Project: Profesjonsutdannelse i bevegelse? Kroppslig dannelse, estetisk kroppskultur og kjønn. (Movement and Professional development? Bodily Education, Aesthetics and Gender). In collaboration with Ragnhild Jenssen, Oslo University College. KPG: Project leader. 2003-2001 Norwegian Council of Research, Program for Cultural Studies. Post doc-project: Nature, Youth and Identity – between local traditions and global trends. KPG: Project-leader. 1993-92 Norwegian Council of Research, Program for Women’s Studies and Program for Sport Research. Travelling grant – as a visiting-scholar at University of Alberta, Ca. 1994-90 Norwegian Council of Research, Program for Sport Research, doctoral studies. Project: Friluftsliv i kvinners og menns hverdag. En studie av kjønnsrelasjoner og kjønnsidentitet. KPG: project leader. 1990-1992 Norwegian Council of Research Program for grunnleggende kvinneforskning, Miljøstøtte til Faggruppa for distriktskvinneforskning ved Høgskolen i Finnmark. Prosjekt: Kjønn og region. Initiated in collaboration with associated professor Siri Gerrard, University of Tromsø. 1989-90 NORAS: Norges råd for anvendt samfunnsforskning Program: Nordnorsk arbeidslivsforskning. Prosjekt: Prosjektorganisering, kvinners nettverk og arbeidsliv. Project leader. 1989 Direktorate for Nature Management Project: More friluftsliv for more women. KPG: Project leader. 1989 Norwegian Council of Research, Program for Sport Research. Project: Nordic Research seminar on: Women in Sport – Sport for Women? Constructing Scenarios and Utopias from a Woman Centred Perspective. In collaboration with associate professor Jorid Hovden, Finnmark Regional College. 1988-90 Distriktenes utviklingsfond, Sør-Varanger kommune Prosjekt: Evaluering av kvinnesatsing i distriktene, owned by Finnmarksforskning. KPG: Project leader. 1987 Norwegian Council of Research. Programstyret for idrettsforskning. Prosjekt: Idrett og levekår. Støtte til seminar og publisering. In collaboration with assistant professor Kolbjørn Rafoss, Finnmark Regional College. Guest Researcher and Lecturer 2015-2016 2015-2008 2006 2003 1993 1989 Guest lecturer /ERASMUS-exchange, Phillips-University of Marburg, Germany: Cultural Dimensions of Experiential Education – a Norwegian Approach. Master seminar in Abenteuer Pädagogik, (8-10 hours annually). Guest lecturer, Telemark University College, MA-course on Children and movement in school: Kroppsøving i reformpedagogisk perspektiv – om dans, friluftsliv og kjønn. Mars. Kjønnsperspektivet og likestillingsperspektivet i friluftslivsforskning. Kommentar til Margrete Skårs prosjekt: Bruk, betydning og verdsetting av natur i nærmiljøet i et livsløpsperspektiv. Doktorgradsseminar, Norges universitet for miljø og bioteknologi, Ås 19.januar. Mars. Gjesteforeleser, BA-studiet i friluftsliv, Høgskolen i Telemark: Friluftsliv i et kjønnsanalytisk perspektiv, april. Feminist Ethnography: Personal Challenges and Methodological Issues. BA-cource: Feminist Research and Methodologies, by professor Ann M. Hall, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, 2.mars. Gender, nature and technology: Changing trends in 'wilderness life' in northern Norway. Human Ecology: Issues in the North lecture series. Arrangert av Canadian Circumpolar Institute, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, 16.mars. Saami Sport. University of Jyväskylä, Department of Sport Sociology. 2 1992-1993 2000 Visiting Scholar: Department of Physical Education and Sport Studies og Canadian Circumpolar Institute, University of Alberta, Canada. Member of Norsk faglitterær forfatterforening (Norwegian Ass. for Academic Authors) Evaluations of PhD- and Master Thesis 2012 Opponent PhD on Children & Nature. Institutionen för kulturgografi, Universitety of Gotenburg, 1. juni, 2012. 2012 Leder for PhD opposisjonen on Adapted Physical Activity. Norges idrettshøgskole, 13th April 2008 Opponent, PhD-thesis, University of Southern Denmark. October. Theme: Outdoor Education and Youth Culture. 2008 Opponent, PhD-thesis: University of Copenhagen, Det Biovidenskabelige Fakultet. May 2008. Theme: Outdoor Recreation among Danish Youth. 2014 Member of evaluation committee for PhD-preparatory courses, on phenomenology and Movement experience, Norges idrettshøgskole, Seksjon for kroppsøving og pedagogikk 2007 Member of the evaluation committee fir PhD- preparatory course: Norges idrettshøgskole, on Outdoor Education and Learning processes. Seksjon for kroppsøving og pedagogikk 2007 Member of the evaluation committee fir PhD- preparatory course: University of Tromsø, Institute for social planning (2006-07), December 2007. 2005-2015 Leader and member of several committees evaluating and examining master-thesis /master degrees at Norges idrettshøgskole, Høgskolen i Telemark Trøndelag, and others Supervisor of PhD-Students 2005 – 2016 Hovedveileder og biveileder for flere PhD studenter innen Friluftsliv, pedagogikk, barn og læring i nasjonalt og internasjonalt (comparativt) perspektiv 2003 – 2016 Hovedveilder for en lang rekk hovedfags- og masterstudenter inne kropppsøving og friluftsliv Leader/member of scientific committees 2011 – 2016 - Member of the international advisory board of the Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning 2011-2016 – Member of the TEOS-consortium for ERASMUS MUNDUS joint Masters of Art in Transcultural European Outdoor Studies (TEOS) 2008―2012 - Leader of the EOE-network European Institute for Outdoor Adventure Education and Experiential Learning ( 2000 -- Blind reviewer for a.o. the Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, Sport in Society, Body & Society, Det nordiske tidsskriftet BARN, Tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning, Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning, Tidsskrift for pedagogisk forskning 2000-2016 Member of several scientific committees for several European and international conferences Selected Publications Scientific anthologies/Monographs: Steinsholt, K.& Gurholt, K.P. (Eds.). (2010). Aktive liv. Idrettspedagogiske perspektiver på kropp, bevegelse og dannelse. Trondheim: Tapir Akademisk Forlag. Pedersen, K. & Viken, A. (Eds.). (2003). Nature and Identity. Essays on the culture of nature. Kristiansand: Høgskoleforlaget. Pedersen, K. (1999). ”Det har bare vært naturlig!” Friluftsliv, kjønn og kulturelle brytninger. Doktoravhandling, Institutt for samfunnsvitenskap. Oslo: Norges idrettshøgskole. Reviewed Articles/Book Chapters: Gurholt, K. P. (2017). Tourist and Sport Reform Dress, Friluftsliv, and Women’s Right to Vote in Norway, 1880–1913. In T. Grey & D. Mitten (Eds.), The Palgrave International Handbook of Women and Outdoor Learning. Palgrave Macmillan. Gurholt, K. P. & Sanderud, J. R. (2016). Curious play: Children’s exploration of nature. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 16(4), 318—329. Gurholt, K.P. (2016). Friluftsliv: Nature-friendly adventures for all. In Humberstone, B., Prince, H., & Henderson, K. (Eds.), Routledge International Handbook of Outdoor Studies. (pp. 288―296). London and New York: Routledge. 3 Gurholt, K. P. (2014). Joy of Nature, Friluftsliv Education, and Self: Combining narrative and culturalecological approaches to environmental sustainability. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, Vol. 14(3): 233-246. Sanderud, J.R. & Gurholt, K.P. (2014). Barns nysgjerrige lek i natur: Utforskende dannelse. Nordic Studies in Education, Vol. 34 (1), 3-20. Gurholt, K.P. & Broch, Trygve B. (2011). “En gave til folket”: Om markaloven, makt og medier. Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift, årgang 22, no. 3-4: 194-207. Gurholt, K.P. (2010). «Eventyrlig pedagogikk»: Friluftsliv som dannelsesferd. In Steinsholt, K. & Gurholt, K.P. (eds.) Aktive liv. Idrettspedagogiske perspektiver på kropp, bevegelse og dannelse. (pp. 175-204). Trondheim: Tapir Akademisk Forlag. Gurholt, K.P. (2008). Norwegian Friluftsliv and Ideals of becoming an ‘Educated Man’. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, Vol. 8 (1): 55-70. Gurholt, K.P. & Jenssen, R. (2007). Reformpedagogikkens innpass i kroppsøvingsfaget. Norsk Pedagogisk Tidsskrift, Årgang 91, 6: 447-459. Pedersen, K. (2003). Er det ”ukult” å like natur? Ungdoms fortellinger om natur. In Hodne, B. & Sæbøe, R. (eds.) Kulturforskning. (pp.183-193). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Pedersen, K. (2003). Fra ligestillingskamp i organiseret idræt til studier af kropskulturel mangfoldighed - om feministisk teori og kønsforskning. In Eichberg, H. & Vestergård Madsen, B. (eds.) Idrættens enhed eller mangfoldighed. Bevegelsesstudier 1. (pp. 71-83). Århus: Klim. Pedersen, K. (2003). Discourses on Nature and Gender Identities. In: Pedersen, K. & Viken, A. (eds.) Nature and Identity. Essays on the culture of nature. (121-150). Kristiansand: Høgskoleforlaget. Humberstone, B. & Pedersen, K. (2001). Gender, Class and Outdoor Traditions in UK and Norway. Sport, Education and Society, Vol. 6, No. 1: 23-33. Pedersen, K. (2001). Sled Dog Racing. In Christensen, K., Guttmann, A. & Pfister, G. (eds.) nternational Encyclopedia of Women and Sport. Vol. 3. (pp. 1050-1055). New York: Macmillan Reference. Pedersen, K. (1998). Doing Feminist Ethnography in the Wilderness around my Hometown: Methodological Reflections. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 33(4), 393-402. Hovden, J. & Pedersen, K. (1989). Idrett i kvinneperspektiv – forskningsbidrag, perspektiver og utfordringer. Nytt om kvinneforskning, 4: 3-17. Pedersen, K. (1989). Trippel-løp – et bilde av kvinneidrett. Nytt om kvinneforskning, 4: 27-33. Scientific Exhibitions/Vitenskapelige Utstillinger Gurholt, K.P., Vibe, A.M. & Riise, T. (2013). Friluftsliv og stemmerett: Drøm om bevegelsesfrihet og kvinnefrigjøring. Norges idrettshøgskoles bibliotek 24. Oct. 2013 – 24.Jan. 2014. Contribution to the Norwegian National Jubilee Women’s right to vote―Stemmerettsjubileet 2013. Scientific Articles/Book Chapters Gurholt, K.P. (2015). Friluftsliv i framtidens skole: Fag og fagovergripende kompetanse i det 21. århundre. In Hans-Erik Lærkelund m. fl. (red.). Forskning i Friluft 2015. 10 s. Oslo: Norsk Friluftsliv. Broch, Tuva & Gurholt, K.P. (2011). Friluftsliv for alle? Frivillig organisering og aktivitetsfremmende arbeid for barn og unge med forskjellig etnisk bakgrunn 1991 – 2011. Oslo: Oslo og Omland Friluftsråd. Gurholt, K.P. & Steinsholt, K. (2010). Prolog. In Steinsholt, K. & Gurholt, K.P. (eds.) Aktive liv. Idrettspedagogiske perspektiver på kropp, bevegelse og dannelse. (pp. 9-34). Trondheim: Tapir Akademisk Forlag. Gurholt, K. P. (2008) Norwegian Friluftsliv as Bildung – a Critical Review. In Becker, P. & Schirp, J. (eds.), Other Ways of Learning. (pp.131-155). Marburg: BSJ. Pedersen, K. (2001). Friluftsliv som turisme. I Viken, Arvid (red.) Turisme – tradisjoner og trender. (pp. 197-206). Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk. Pedersen, K. (1997) På sporet av et mangfold av friluftslivsstiler. In Ottesen, L. & Damkjær, S. eds. Ud i det fri: Sport, friluftsliv, turisme. (pp. 29-54). Dansk Idrætshistorisk Forenings Årbog 1995. Odense Universitetsforlag. Pedersen, K. & Viken, A. (1996). From Sami Nomadism to Global Tourism. In Price, M. (ed.) People and Tourism in Fragile Environments. (pp. 69-88). London: John Whiley & Son. Guest Editor in Scholarly Journals Nytt om kvinneforskning, 1989. no. 4. Special issue on Women and Sport. Moving Bodies – menneske i bevegelse, 2006, 1, Vol. 4. Special issue on Women, Dance, Gymnastics 4
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