LOS row ANGELES HERALD: FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 9 1904. 2, »ALE Furniture THE GRKATEBT FURNITURE BARQAINB «v«r offered In this city you will and It you will be quick about coming down to >68 8. BROADWAY. Weod Mat chair. aa cheap as Ida. Iron bada In blue and white, 12.50. Everything alaa In proportion. Come, If you want bargains, to 968 8. BROADWAY. Miscellaneous FURNITURE, CARPETS, FOR BALK *• rugs, matting and other houaehold tooda iIDFCC a Winner—simple, logical, effective, easCUADTH AMf\ Uy at low prlcea. Lace curtains at 60c per learned. The only system taught In this pair and up. Art squares at 12.1S and up. city that does not discourage and disapMatting at 120 per yard and up. Porpoint. Unsurpassed for medical and court reporting. Every Gregg graduate tieres at low prices. Furnish up cottages, rooming houses or mansions for In a good position earning good money. cash or on time payments. J. M. OVERELL, 861 and 8M South Main Street. gift could a father, sister, friend give to son, daughter, PIANOS—-ALL, TOtJ NEED PAT US IS M brother, sister, friend, than a WOODBURY SCHOLARSHIP? Come and see. whoa you select your piano, than M monthly. New illustrated catalogue on request. Wa won't charfa you any Interest, we positively guarantee the price* wa aak to be the same as aaked In New York. Boetoa or Chioaao. Remember the old bouse of FITZQERALD when you want a good piano. 111 S. Sprlbg street. E. K. — UHLUU onun I lIAIII/ Planning Christmas Gift? Woodbury Business College . BURLAP HEADQUARTERS. cleaner. Mo WALTER, package. Spring. 627 FOR SALE-WINDOWS AND DOORS. A full line at lowest prlcea. Qet onr flguree. We'll aave you money. New doors, 66 oenta itch, WHITING'S. 9th and Maple. FOR BALE—NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables. Bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. Send for catalogue. BRUNSWICK BALKE COLLENDEK CO.. 610 S. Broadway. - - FOR SALE—S22S LAUNDRY ROUTE; HORSE, wason and harness; owner will teach route for 1 or 2 weeks; worth $400; don't miss this. H. E. CtEAVER & CO., room 218 702 S. Spring. FOR SALE—LUMBER IN CARLOAD OR less to any one, any place, at lowest wholesale prices. Let us sell you everything to build that new house. Redwood fencing. $10. WHITING'S. 9th and Maple. FOR SALE—SO,OOO FEET REDWOOD FENCIng. 4. 5 and 6 feet only. $10.00 per thousand, f. o. b. San Pedro; $13.00 In Los Angeles. 409 E. 9TH ST. GOLD MINING AND MINING INVESTMENTS HAVE MADE MORE PEOPLE RICH Than all other combined Investments. Stop for a moment and you will notice that when a mine proves to be a good one that all who are Interested make many hundreds of dollars for every dollar invested. NOW LOOK AT THE OTHER SIDE. When stocks of mining companies are effered for sale the publlo only pays a few cents a share for it. while each share really represents a dollar. IF YOU BOUGHT 100 MINING STOCKS IN 100 DIFFERENT COMPANIES YOU COULD DEPEND some would be good, and If only one was succ«|sful your profit would be much larger tflan could be made out of FIFTY TIMES the amount of money Invested In other lines. RELIABLE UQUBEd COLLEGE. Beautiful Home Surroundings. The best system of shorthand. College of Fine Arts ....At Beantifu! Garvanza Three new Departments have been added. Pottery, Metal Work and Ceramics. W. whoso mining property has been fully Oris* Collegiate School a college is safe Night saaalona. UABLT SCHOOL. Marlborough School for Girls ¥3™*! WE HAVE SOLD MANY THOUSAND l Mrs. Ueorg>) A. Caa*ell, Principal, ltitn y«*r SHARES OF MINING STOCK opens Oct. Several courses of study. SpeWhen raising money to develop mining claims cial work In8. Art, History. Literature, Music, and the buyers knew they only had one etc. ' Certificate almltn to colleges. chance in a hundred for getting a profit and It is true that some of these people made ■ SOUTHERN CAUrOFNtA - , f >' I I j - I I 1 it is possible; that it s easy our to convince you that 1 h ndreds of ou r customers have done it, way; and that you can do it with the most reasonable efforts. We are able, we tliiuk, to convince you that Grant Place is the best place for you, and we are going to pound away at that fact until we have convinced you . i that we are right. but go today. Don't put it off until tomorrow, j Will be run every day, including Sunday, from now until our Opening Day, which will be large profit. WE NOW. i HOWEVER. OFFER NO STOCK UNTIL The mine has been fully developed and proven AND GRAHAM SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND. to be all that Is claimed by the company, 41+ 3 Off AND AVE. LOS ANQCLC.S, CAL. We also refuse to handle stock in any company UNLESS WE KNOW THEY HAVE SPANISH LESSON 3 GIVEN THE BY EXPERlPLENTY OF STOCK LEFT IN enced Spanish tem-her. Tel. Hoyle 171 EQUIPPING THEIR TREASURY FOR prevents company This tho from emMINE. • barrassment and guarantees sure profit to BATHB AND MASBAGE their stockholders. ELECTRIC BATH AND MASSAGE SANlAMERICAN GOLD MINING COMPANY tarlum; tub. vapor, electric and steam AND FEAR NOT G. M. CO. baths; chiropody department in charge of Have fully developed and proven their propMaud Bonneil. Homo phone 8993.* MRS. erties to be very rich and that their stockWest First. M. HERBERT. Manager. 225 holder*. will soon commence receiving enorprofits. EACH OF THE ABOVE COMmous REMEMBER THE NUMBER. 702 SOUTH Spring St., offices 225-227; vapor and tub PANIES have been carefully investigated by baths, massage, electricity. Hours, 9 a. m. the us and wo know, for example, that American Gold Mining company owns several till 11 p. m. Open Sundays. Phone Main 592. fully developed rich ledges on Boulder creek, Yavapai county, Arizona. ASSAYS PROVE THE BROWN MASSAGE PARLOR—TUB. vapor and medicated baths; experienced THE ORE TO BE WORTH FROM 825 TO operators; no waiting. Rooms 3 and 4, OVER $700 PER TON. WE ALSO KNOW AMOUNT A 455 SOUTH BROADWAY. LARGE THAT THEY HAVE TON. OF ORE WORTH OVER 850 PER VAPOR. ELECTRIC AND TUB AND THAT TUEY CAN NEVER EX- SULPHUME massage chiropody. and baths, HAUST THEIR SUPPLY OF RICH ORE 618H 3. SPRING ST. Phonft Main 8782; Home 8083. THERE'S HUNDREDS OF BECAUSE THOUSANDS OF TONS IN SIGHT. THEY HAVE PLENTY OF WATER AND WOOD. BATHS AND MASSAGE GIVEN BY EAST ern lady; experienced operators in attendThey also have 290.000 shares of treasury ance. 104 WEST 6TH ST., corner of Main. stock which has been withdrawn from the STOCKHOLDER ofmarket. A PRIVATE EQUIPPED BATH FINELY PARLORS— fers through us a block of their stock beTry the famous LAVENDER and SULcause he must sell at once to meet other obS. MAIN. PHUR BATHS. 416 ROOM 2. ligations and has said that we should make the price 20c per share, par value 8100. and NEWLY OPENED. 701V4 B'DWAY. BATHS, may be absolutely non-assessable. Payments massage and vibratory treatments; also th? made at the rate of 24 rents per share In Electro-lnvlgorator. In electricity. latest monthly, any or at cash balance weekly or date not later than six (6) months, and In SELECT BATH PARI ORS. 115 % BOUT H BROADWAY, room 9. Tub and vapor; no our opinion profits from the mine will psy signs; walk right In; open Sundays. most If not all but five (5) cents a share. EXCELTHEREFORE YOU HAVE AN NEWLY OPENED BATH AND~~MABSA6E LENT CHANCE TO BUY A GILT-EDGE parlors. Suite 14-15, YOSEMITE HO'CTSL. STOCK AT THE PRICE MOST PEOPLE 115 Vj South Broadway. PAY FOR STOCK IN UNDEVELOPED Inspected thoroughly have We MINES. BATHS AND MASSAGE AT 1274 N. BROADCOMPANY AMERICAN GOLD MINING way; now under new management. Open property and know every claim made herein Sundays. or elsewhere by us to be true, and can see SOUTH SPRING. PHONE 8895. nothing but large profit in sight for their 415 ii Bath, massage, manicuring, shampooing. stockholders, and if our reader wishes safe investment, where large profit is sure to return there Is nothing better than AMERIPALIVIIBTB AND MEDIUMB CAN GOLD MINING STOCK. We hope to secure your order at once. We guarantee fair and honest treatment to all our cusMRS. MASSON, tomers no matter what stock you buy of us The noted Palmist of London, Eng., max be and we have many good ones. Including at her offices. consulted WE Goldfleld stocks. KNOW most of the IC2 S. SPRING ST. (SUITE 17), by those desiring CAREFUL, CONSCIENMORE ABOUT AMERICAN GOLD MINING COMPANY because we have many times TIOUS AND SCIENTIFIC HAND-READmjtde personal examinations of their property INGS FROM ONE OF THE FOREMOST and have full line of samples of their ores PALMISTS OF THE DAY. and assays, which have been made at our HIGH-CLASS PATRONAGE SOLICITED. request. WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO GREEN. CLAIRVOYANT. TRANCE, call and If you wish bring an expert with DR. business medium and life reader. Readings you and to prove our faith In this stock we dally. Satisfaction or no pay. Test circles other any expert's or absolutely guarantee Tuesdays, Thursdays, evening. 8 o'clock. the person's expenses while Investigating ROOM 18. 119H SOUTH SPRING ST. repreaa found mine. If everything is not MRS. PARKER, MEDIUM AND* PALMIBTsented. A w MOODY & CO., Ltfe reading, business, lawsuits, removals, 811-812 Mason Opera House. mineral locations, speculations, love and all affairs of !ife. 416Vfc 8. SPRING ST.. room 8. PROFESSOR ALi HOUSE, PALMIST, PROnounced by Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Senator Pettigrew, Edison. Sothern, Modjeska, etc., aa finest reader. MONEY TO LOAN 423 S. BROADWAY. MRS. FOSTER, PALMIST, 816H 8. SPRING your —-Reviews past, foretells your fuoccupations ture In business successes, also, and loved ones. (100.000 TO LOAN ON FIRST-CLASS CITT JOSEPH, PALMIST AND MEDIUM real estate. Improved, I and 7 per cent; sums MME. GOc; from Chicago; full readings, never to suit. mors. Parlors 7 and 9, 143 S. BROADWAY. EDWARD D. SILENT A CO.. Second street. 216-218 W. There are thousands of people in Los Angeles who are tired of boarding tired of flats, tired of apartments. They would be better off in homes of their own, and they know it. They would make the first start if sure the y could carr the Pro J ect t h rou h }}; e are llcrc FREE EXCURSIONS and retli W. ID. ( STORES, FLATS. house on our list Is personally Inspected by us. We do not use up your time and patience by sending you to a house that has already been rented a month. Every tr F| y It simply started with a rush; it can't last long. Don't wait until the prices have advanced—come now—go out Sunday —office open—free transportation furnished at our office —go any hour you please. de- Business From F,ats t0 Frecdom tsr, at "The Ideal Home Spot" U JUDSON. Dean. Adams and Hoover Sts. "CABA DE ItOSAH." THERE MANY CHANCES Beautiful home and thorough school. Miss FOR HONEST MINING INVESTMENT. Parsons, Miss Dennen, Principals. company YOU BUY STOCK in a WHEN veloped nnd proven to be a mine—THERE'S NO RISK WHATEVER, but if you buy Rtock with ths understanding that the money is to be used for developing a mine, YOU SIMPLY take a long chance, which sometimes comes out with large profit, but if your money is lost there will be more lost with it. '■■■■; " _ I UNFURNISHED iCHOOI 953 W. 7th St. BUSINESS " j ARE i I Houses FURNISHED (Inc.) A ! FOR RENT TO LET— Brownsberger 9. 1" All the streets are 70 and 100 feet in width. Two of the most magnificent boulevards in all Southern Califorma bound this property. We shall sell lots 50x175 feet to a 14-foot alley, including all modern improvec 1 -ii ments, for $800 and up during this sale. You will have to pay from $1500 to $3000 for similar lots further out. Our prices and terms will cause every lot to sell on our opening day. We pay your fares; it costs you nothing, so make your investigation at once. .Onr agents will be on the ground every day (including Sunday all day) to show the property. ISAACS, Pres. MININQ AND ABBAYINQ '■ Grant Place mother^brother, 800 South Hill Street 80c; M-ln. dyed, lie; patent back-alsed, printed, 26c; 40-ln. dyed, 20c; 78-ln. natural, 10c; T-ft. opaque shadea, 260 and 36c; old English floor wax, 400 pound; wall paper '■ 1 FLATS. FLATS. WE HAVE EVERY DESIRABLE FLAT IN THE CITY ON OUR LIST; I'ROOURE LIST AT ONCE AT OUR OFFICE AND 6AVE YOURSELF TIME AND TROUBLE. JONES Ground Floor. * RYDER LAND CO.. 218 Weat Third Street. TO LET-MODERN FLATS-WATER FREE. ro-3 roomr, N. Fremont. 110—3 rooma. 1020 W. Coltr.n; new. 612—3 room,* 213 N. Fremont. lit—3 roomj. 334 S. Flgueroa. 118 to 120—3 rooma. 33' S. F'.fiueroa, furnished; 116 to 130—3 rooms. 204 N. Fremont, furnished. 120—3 rooms. 222 N. Fremont, furnished. WIESENDANOER, ."21 Laughlln Bldg. Furnished Flats 820—THREE ROOMR. COMPLETELY FUR- elegant, in new building, 218 NORTH FREMONT STREET. FOR $18 TO $20 YOU CAN RENT THREE rooms completely furnished for housekeep- new, -3 (shed. ousrkeeplng. ing; new; gsn range, bath, phone; cloae In. 831 S. FIGUEROA. Also 204 N. FREMONT. Rooms FOR RENT—THREE OR FOUR-ROOM in new. apartments, with private baths, modern building in hill section; distance; rates from $10 to $18. ALDERMAN 318 Grant \ & walking CO., Building. Phone Home 1598. Furnished Rooms FURNISHED ROOMS— •THE HIAWATHA," HO N. BROADWAY, new brick building; all outside rooms; beautifully furnished; single, en suite; permanent. transient; hot water all day and all night; free baths; $3 per week up. $20—THREE ROOMS, COMPLETE$1*Iy TO furnished, new, housekeeping. In new building. 222 NORTH FREMONT ST. % " Hotels and Lodging Housee FOR RENT-HOTEL MARION; A NEW hotel being built in San Pedro, especially for tourists; 40 elegant rooms single or en suite; everything finished In modern style. Bample room for salesmen; will be ready to rent Jan. Ist. For further particulars write to or call on J. O. NORBY. San Pedro. PHYSICIANS cancer^a^SUl^ DO FOR RENTOne store. YOU WANT MONET? — Semi- Monthly, monthly. Weekly. $8.65 $50—Repay to us 113.36 4.85 2.85 9.35 $35 —Repay to us 1.88 6.35 2.85 820—Repay to US 2.00 1.00 4.00 815—Repay to us Or any other suny In proportion. Amount — 544 .to. Broadway. One store, 226 Mercantile place. ?50—Half store, Mercantile place, $50. C. WESLEY ROBERTS, Home 4834; Main 5578. 203 Mercantile Place. THE CRESCENT LOAN COMPANY. 29. Ramon. Blk. 306 <A B. Spring Bt. Boom LONG, SUCCESSFUL PRACTICE: EXPERlenced, competent ladles' specialist; strictly reliable; cases guaranteed. MRS. WOODS, 861 W. 10th. bet. Flgueroa and Francisco. DR. REBECCA LEE DORSEY. 206-207 STIMson Block—Women's, children's diseases and obstetrics. Hours Ito4 p. m. Tel. M. 1227. SPECIAL NOTICES SOUTHERN HOME FOR LADIES DURING confinement; homes for children. Dr. C. E. MONEY TO LOAN-ANY AMOUNT, SHORT SMITH. 727 Bellevue ave. Tel. Main 2384. COME UNNA CO.'S STOCK. or long time, on furniture, pianos, diamonds, Greatest bargains in wall paper. See what Strictly confidential, reliable stock, live ate. JULIAN MACRAE. INITIATE we offer now at 10c and lfc. Borders same MENTAL buslnaaa bouse. and nervous diseases. 1148 8. FLOWER. price, worth double. Old English floor wax COLYBAR FURNITURE CO.. Home 4004. 40c a pound. Wall paper cleaner 25c a tn Main Street. R package. Seven-foot opaque shades 25c and Pbones: Mala 1117; Horn* SIM. DR. TAYLOR-FEMALE SPECIALIST AND 85c. Molding 2c per foot. Headquarter for obstetrics. BELASCO THEATER. Main at burlaps. WALTER, 827 S. Spring. DR. LOGAN. OCULIST. 458 8. BROADWAY."" GENTLEMEN: I can grow hair cn bald heads and can 82000, fJIOOO AND 13500 retain what you have without growing any WANTED—HAVE Money ready. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS good city mortgages. additional hsir. I can show you to your for HERRON-BAXTKR REALTY CO.. thirty days charges. or no own satisfaction In Building. 800-301 Hellman H. W. DR. P. IC. McANDREWS, 711 Central aveCONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. nue. Of flee Hours: From 8 to 11 and 2 to 1 Houses built on monthly payments. We can furnish you a lot In any part of the From 7to 8 evenings. city at lnsldo prlcea. We hive some very CONFIDENTIALLY LOANED SALAA SNAP FOITTWO LADIES—ONLY $3000 CASH choice five, six, seven and eight-room rled persons without security or employer a for the finest massage and bath establishplana, or we will make a plan after your easy payments; knowledge; no Indoraers; city years; established this In ment; 10 reason own Ideas; all material and labor fully I lowest rates. Hours, U a. m. to IP. for selling, going to Europe; 3 years' lease guaranteed. Scores of homes open for In* to 6p. m.; evenings, t:80 to 7:30. COMMERon store; will give few lessons to get Idea apcctlon. Estimates freely given on all CIAL DISCOUNT CO.. 604 Frost Block. of business. Address BOX 222, Herald. kinds of work. Speolal attention (Ivan flats. LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE AND BORDER AND PAPBR~F6R~I2-FO6T"ROOM. MONEY Phone lilt easy payments. others, without security; 82»U B. BROADWAY. $1; all borders »ame price as paper; beet Largest business in 60 principal cities. TOLpaint, $1.50 gal.; 7-ft. shades. 85c; molding, MAN. Room 4M. 168 N. Spring street. to foot. WALTER BRQB., 627 B. Spring. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS t R. W. FOINDEXTER, 308 WILCOX BLOCK, SO. CAL. TRANSFER CO.—TRUNKS, 25C loans la any amounta on olty or country up; general drayage. and Tels. John 848«; property cr other flrst-olass security; Install" Home 1184. 821 W. SECOND ST. mants and building loans mad*. rOR SALE-NEW and SECOND-HAND PIONEER CARPET CLEANING WORKS. MONEY TO piano,. Including such well-known make, LOAN—THOMAS 8. WADSca Tel. Main 217; Home 217. 756 8. Olive. .Upbuilding, will Douglas 819 and 820 Stein way, Kranlch A Baoh. Estay, Emerson WORTH, holstering and etrpet lend money on city or country real estate. and other high grades. We are also agent, for tha CecUlan—"the perfect piano Player. IF YOU WANT TO LEND OR BORROW OEO. J. BIRKEL CO.. ATTORN EVB-AT-LAW money call on GORDON * HUBBARD, 448 846-347 So. Spring at. Douglas Block. DIVORCE LAW A SPECIALTY; ADVICE MONEY PRIVATE AT 8 TO CENT. 7 PER free. No fee without aucceaa or in advanoa. Oall or wrlta B. P. MOREY. 611 stlnuon LOCKHART A BQN. 809 W. First st. Block, corner Third and Spring. Onan every ' - * hTcTwoodwa ~ »•! evening. LOST AND FOUND UMBRELLA AND GLOVE MAKERS DIVORCE LAWS—ADVICE FREE; NO FEB Without aucceaa; private. J. H. SMITH. 132 LOST —A WHITE BOSTON TERRIER PUP. SPECIAL SALE FINE KID GLOVES, 11.50 values, 95c; umbrellas. 3Ec to $12.60. Big asW iJ^i atj _Rooin lllL spot over aye, black ear, short screw m J i^to>4p ni i^^^^^^ black sortment. Umbrellas recovered; made to ortall and sore back. Liberal reward. der. 521 8. MAIN ST. Tel. Main 1»M. R. A. ROWAN, PIANOS KI7 S. Flower St. PIANOS «OI4>~6IT^ASF"pay2E3SP LOST —ON 87TH STREET, BETWEEN ORAUTO I.IVBHY Piano* rented at low raws. A. O. GARDchard Grove and Hoover atieet, a roll of NER PIANO HOUSE. Ltd., 11l Wlnatobit bank notes. Finder rewarded on return of steamTgasounb, electricPbona Black Ula. Home phone IIK. Phone Main 781, 808. -831-383 S. MAIN. same to 827 WEST 18TH ST. > ; lyrrp VJIVAII X A X)T 1 A Beautiful Subdivision of Choicc High-Glass Residence Lots A Said by those who have seen it to be the finest and most desirable, select, reasonable priced private residence section of CHARMING HOLLYWOOD Where Beautiful Orange and Lemon Oroves, Elegant Hedges, Lovely Flowers, Shrubs and Shade Trees—Citrus, Deciduous and Ornamental Plants no overflow, no swamp or Adobe land, abound and with 40-foot building line and our system of restrictions to maintain the high standard. No oil, no undesirable neighbors; elegant streets, rapid transportation, public schools, churches and stores convenient, electric light and telephone lines. OUR RESTRICTIONS ARE: No Haloons, no shanties. Purchasers are not compelled to build, but if they do they must erect attractive homes. TICKETS. DON'T FAIL TO OUR OFFICE AT 225 WEBT SECOND STREET WILL BE OPEN ALL DAY BUNDAY TO ISSUE FREE PLACE. SECURE ONE OF OUR HANpSOME LITHOGRAPH MAPS IN COLORS SHOWING THE BEAUTIES OF GRANT •. X *e • Take Any Hollywood Car to Grant Place Bring Your Friends and Family Out Today or Tomorrow. PATENTB AND PATENT block; new free. HAZARD . & HARPHAM. r . FRUITS AND VEGETABLES LUItWIO and retail MARKET. * MATTHEW i WUOUibAtS fruit and 186 a Main st. vegetable*. TaL 880. MOTT LEGAL NOTICES Notice Requesting Proposals for Pur. chasing Sixth Street School Site IB HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Board of Education of the city of Los Angeles will receive proposals for the purchase of the school site known as the Sixth Street School site, on the south side of Sixth street, between Los Angeles street and Maple avenue, reserving all buildings now upon said site. All bids shall be accompanied by a cAtifled check for WOOC, payable to the order of tha Hoard of Education. All bids for the purchase of said school site must be sealed and fll?d with the secretary of the BoariJ of Education at his office In Los Angeles city on or before 8 o'clock p. m. of tha 7th day of December, 1904, at which time the bids will be opened in the presence of the Board of Education, and 111 public, by the secretary of said board and at the opening and announcing of said bids, any person or corporation shall have the right immediately at said meetlnß to make verbal bid bids In excess of thB highest sealed opened at that time; but each verbal bid must precedexcess of the in $1000 less than be not ing bid, and the first verbal bid must be at least 81000 in excess of the highest sealed bid. Each party bidding verbally shall, at the time he makes his first bid, If-he has not already done so, deliver to the secretary of tha Board of Education a certified check for 85000. Any sale must be for cash and the entire purchase price must be paid at the time of shall be not the delivery of the deed, which of title rrore than 15 days after a certificate purchaser. the shall have been submitted to posBut the Board of Education shall retain session of the site until the first of September 1905 The board reserves the right to reject any and all• bids. i™„„, N. S. AVERILL, Secretary Board of Education. Los Angeles, Cel., Dec. 1, 1904. NOTICE „ < —. The Ben-Hur Brand of Baking Powder is composed entirely of Cream of Tartar and Bi-Carbonate of Soda. What other baking powder is? Sto J. Barktey Co. LEGAL NOTICES RIGHTS AGENCY—24~YEARS**IN PIONEERT'ATENT Downey 92-page book on patents nent We will loan you on your salary, without security or endorser Stores and Offices cure; neither knife, plaster, nor hypodermic. MRS. S. J. BRIDGE, with J. C ALDRICH, M. D., Hotel Savojr, corner 4th and Broadway. Don't wait for our opening day, but go out today and make your selections in advance of sale. La* Aug.lea. the Notice Requesting Proposals for Sale of School Site to the Board of Education NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Board of Education of the city of Los Angeles will receive proposals for the sale to it of school site not less than 175 fe t east anil west and 225 feet north and south. In a district bounded as follows: On the north by a 7th rt., on the east by San Julian St., on the south by the south line of any property fronting on I2th St., and on the west by Main Bt. All bids must be sealed and filed with the secretary of the Board of Education at his on or before 3 office In Los Angeles cityday of December, o'clock p. m. of th«i 7th be opened in 1904. at which time the bids will Education, Board of and presence of the the in public by the secretary of said board. The right any to and reject the board reserves all bids. S. Los Secretary Board Angeles, Cal., Dec. Ist, AVERILL, of Education. 1904. Stockholders' Meeting an- Marengo Water Company.—Regular the of nual meeting of the stockholders Marengo Water company will be held at company, room 232 Wilcox of the the office Second corner of Spring and building, Satstreets, Los Angeles city, California, on urday, December 3, 1904, at 2 o'clock p. m., a board of direcfor the purpose of electing tors for the ensuing year and transacting such other business as may come before ■aid meeting. MORRI g aLBEE, Secretary. Los Angeles. Cal.. November 15. 130<- CHINESE BECOMES INSANE FROM WOEK "Oh, look lit those ducks," raved Wee Tom, a demented Celestial, who was arranged before Judge Wilbur and the lunacy commission in the superior court yesterday. Woo is only 22 years of age but bears the appearance of being at least 50. He repeatedly saw visions of dpagons, snakes and the holy gods of his religion, and he labored under the delusion that he was worshipping in tne Jobs house. A number of Chinese appeared in response to the order of the court. They explalnned that Woo had worked diligently of late, and that he was infathopeuated with religion. His present less mental condition was ascribed to , , __ over-exertion. Judge Wilbur committed the Celesfor the tial to the Napa state hospital insane. He is one of the first of his incarcerated race from this city to be _ in an asylum. We Pay the Fares GREAT ENTHUSIASM SHOWN BY Y.W.d.A.'S. Members the association at the same Plan for Building on the Site Already Held by Officers k N of the Organi. zation The board of directors of the Young Woman's Christian association and the members of the different committees had their annual committee tea last night in the association room at 6:30 o'clock, and the surprises which were introduced by the speakers of the evening were met with more enthusiasm than has been manifested in the association for some time. The tables had been artistically decorated with beautiful baskets of yellow chrysanthemums, long fronds of asparagus ferns and bows of yellow satin ribbon. The places were marked with dainty little place cards made by the girls of the association. After the supper had been served Mrs. Frank A. Dewey welcomed the different committees. Miss Chappell, the new extension secretary, was introduced and spoke of her work in other places. Miss Tatham gave a brief history of the association, dwelling principally on the growth during the two years which have been spent in the new building, stating that at that time there were only three secretaries and one travelers' aid worker, and now there are ten secretaries and two travelers' aid workers. Mrs. Z. D. Mathews, vice president for the business part of the association, followed with an announcement to the effect that the board of managers hfid accepted a six months' option on a lot on Hill street, directly opposite the Conservative Life building, the first lot north of the corner lot. The association expects to purchase the lot within the six months. Mrs. Mathews further stated that a this was made possible because number of persons ot the board of managed upon finding that the lot was on the market, and considering it an Ideal location, secured It to hold for price paid for it. Mrs. Dewey appointed a committee on ways and means, with Mrs. W. G. Patterson as chairman. Mrs. J. E. Cowles announced that Jacob A. Rits would lecture at Simpson auditorium Tuesday evening, January 3, under the auspices of the association, the proceeds to go toward the "lot fund," and Mrs. Patterson presented a proposition for an association souvenir spoon. Miss Wilbur Rave an Inspiring talk and Mrs. Avrill closed with a prayer. I Flats TO LETFLATS. 4 ■ SILAS CASTILE NOW ON THIAL i A NEW HOUSE (I rooms), to party buying the furniture; everything new; close In. 612 W. 18T ST. I FOR RENT-HALF Or Brother of the Convicted Prisoner la ' Furnished Houses DECEMBER 5 Charged With Highway Robbery. Both Men Led to Court Ironed ' , Always.Reueraber the Full Name fomoGrteta U22five Summers Cold inOne 2 Cure* • Day. 1 Silas Castile, brother of Jacob Castite, who was convicted Wednesday of the crime of highway robbery, was put on trial before a jury In the superior court yesterday charged with complicity in the same robbery. The outlaws were both brought into the court room yesterday in irons and securely guarded by deputy sheriffs. Jacob and Silas Castile are well throughout known three counties. "Jake," who was convicted Wadnesdav, has already served two terms In state's prison and will be sentenced for the third time tomorrow. Almost the entire day was consumed in securing a jury, and It was near the time for adjournment yesterday afternoon before the first witness was called to the stand. Morris Ellis, the peddler, again appears in the role of prosecuting witness. He was robbed of $80 In cash and a stock of merchandise valued at $IT>J last August. When the court adjourned last night Kills was still on the stand. The tfial will probably last several days. I 218 West Third Street. Ground Floor. FOR RENT—DONT LET THE RENT MAN get you. Save money by buying a cosy home; down and $20 per month. McDONALD * THKOOP, 286 Hellman Bldg. ■ Get list and full Information at our office. JONES * RYDER LAND CO., j < Days m _ ''' oo.v«y 23c box -
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