Fascia Plantaris Arne Nyholm Gam Brønshøj Årsmøde 2004 14-01-2017 Fracture/stressfrakture Diagnose ? Consequence ? Bleeding in muscle Rupture of ligaments in mid-food Bursitis Apofysis calcanei Achillestendonitis A. Localization Tenosynovitis B. Pain description C. Palpation Fasciitis plantaris Heelpad affection Billed Bladet: Mary knust; Frederik gik alene på toilettet Localisation Heel-spur Fasciitis plantaris Rupture of fascia plantaris Heel-pad lesions Fasciosis ? Fasciitis ? Periostal rupture ? Entrapment ? Billed Bladet: Frederik viser sin kærlighed: Fjerner Montell-tatovering Årsmøde 2004 14-01-2017 Histology The authors review histologic findings from 50 cases of heel spur surgery for chronic plantar fasciitis. Findings include myxoid degeneration with fragmentation and degeneration of the plantar fascia and bone marrow vascular ectasia. Histologic findings are presented to support the thesis that "plantar fasciitis" is a degenerative fasciosis without inflammation, not a fasciitis. These findings suggest that treatment regimens such as serial corticosteroid injections into the plantar fascia should be revaluated in the absence of inflammation and in light of their potential to induce plantar fascial rupture. Lemont H, Ammirati KM, Usen N. 2003 Årsmøde 2004 Kig ind: Marys store overraskelse: Får Montell tatovering 14-01-2017 Ultrasound o o o o The fascial thickness symptomatic heels: 3.9–9.1 mm (mean: 4.75±1.52 mm) asymptomatic heels: 2.0–5.9 mm (mean: 3.37±1.0 mm) control group: 2.1–4.7 mm (3.62±0.68 mm) o Symptomatic heels echogenity of plantar fascia and biconvexity. o Subcalcaneal spur was encountered sonographically indepent of symptoms Årsmøde 2004 SE og Hør: Frederik jaloux: Mary køber Robbie Williams video 14-01-2017 Scintigrafi Type I imaging pattern: Focal increased activity in the heel region or Focal increased activity at the inferior calcaneal bone Type II imaging pattern: Diffuse increased activity along the plantar fascia Ozdemir H, Ozdemir A, Soyucu Y, Urguden M. 2002 Kig Ind: Marys vilde nat i byen: Så fadøl vælte. Årsmøde 2004 14-01-2017 Risk-factors The risk of plantar fasciitis increases as the range of ankle dorsiflexion decreases. Individuals who spend the majority of their workday on their feet Those whose body-mass index is >30 kg/m (2) Riddle DL, Pulisic M, Pidcoe P, Johnson RE. 2003 Pes Cavus-hulfod Gam AN 2004 Kig Ind: Margrethe taler over sig: Mary er et pigenavn. Årsmøde 2004 14-01-2017 My Personal Treatment Guidelines (MPTG) Fasciitis plantaris No improvement Limit offending activities Wear supportive footware Lose weight Stretching the calf muscle NSAID Orthose Steroid injection Lesion of the heelpad Stop offending activities Steroid injection Viscoelastic heel cups Taping Exercise Cont. exercise No improvement Surgery ? Taping Improvement Never steroid Cont. exercise Årsmøde 2004 Her & Nu: Hoffet bekræfter: Frederik sover på slottet 14-01-2017 Taping and exercise Årsmøde 2004 Se og Hør: Marys veninde til Se og Hør: Skrid. 14-01-2017 Conclusion Foot arc Training level Supportive shoes Steroid injection – heel spur (max. 3) Exercise Taping Lose weight Se og Hør: Frederik begår fodfejl Årsmøde 2004 14-01-2017 Arne Gam Brønshøj
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