Part I A N D Y N E AV E I L L 1821–1897 The Neaveill family began with Andrew “Andy” Johnson Neaveill (son of Enoch and Edith [Goodman] Neaville) who was born 27 Sep 1821 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died at the age of seventy-five on 02 Aug 1897 in Wayne County, Illinois. Andy married Lucinda Young (daughter of John Young and Susan Lock) sometime before 1842 probably in Wayne County, Illinois. Lucinda was born 14 Aug 1823 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died at the age of seventy-two on 06 Mar 1896 in Wayne County, Illinois. Andy Neaveill was apparently the first person to use the unusual spelling of NEAVEILL. One of the earliest documents that uses this spelling is an Illinois land sale record from the 1840s in which Andrew purchased 40 acres in Wayne County, Illinois. It is also spelled NEAVEILL on his tombstone. It is unknown why Andy adopted this unique spelling. All the people who spell their name NEAVEILL today are descendants of Andy through one his two sons: Enoch Levi “Lee” Neaveill and John Thomas “Tom” Neaveill. The following is from the Wayne County Press, Aug. 5, 1897, p. 3: Young Cemetery has been badly neglected for a number of years. It is overgrown with weeds and small trees and most of the stones are damaged or buried; however Andy and Lucinda’s stone was still intact as of the summer of 1998. Children of Andy Neaveill and Lucinda Young are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Enoch Levi “Lee” Neaveill (see p. 7) Edith Ann Neaveill (see p. 26) Lucinda Jane Neaveill (see p. 27) John Thomas “Tom” Neaveill (see p. 28) Nancy A. Neaveill (see p. 92) Mary Clemance Neaveill (see p. 93) Harriet Florence Neaveill (see p. 107) OBITUARY Andy Neaville, one of the pioneers of this county, residing in the vicinity of Neaville’s bridge in Arrington township, died on Sunday and was buried Monday. Mr. Neaville was about 76 years old and a man who was well and favorably known by the older citizens of this county. * * * Andy and Lucinda (Young) Neaveill are buried in Young Cemetery, west of Fairfield, Illinois. Also buried in this cemetery is Lucinda’s father, John Young, as well as many other members of the Young family (see p. 204). Andy Neaveill (1821–1897) Lucinda (Young) Neaveill (1823–1896) photos courtesy of Earl and Alice Bankston 1 2 The Neaveill Family Land Sale Record from 1846 Andy Neaveill 3 A N DY ’S FA T H E R : E N O CH N E AV I L L E Andy’s father, Enoch Neaville, was born sometime between 1765 and 1770 in Tennessee (according to census records), and died sometime before 1850 probably in Wayne County, Illinois. Enoch married (1) Barsheba Keeney? probaby sometime before 1793. He married (2) Edith Goodman (daughter of Ansel Goodman and Edith ?) 26 Feb 1816 in Adair County, Kentucky. The 1810 census for Wayne County, Kentucky, lists Enoch as between the ages of 26 and 45 which means he could have been born no earlier than around 1765 and no later than 1784; and the 1830 census for Wayne County, Illinois, lists him as between 60 and 70 years old which places his birth sometime after 1760 and sometime before 1770. The only sources that indicate where Enoch may have been born are the Wayne County, Illinois, census records. The 1870 census lists Andrew J. Neavils (Enoch’s son), age 59, born in Illinois, father born in Tennessee, mother born in South Carolina. Tennessee may indeed be the correct birthplace for Enoch as the earliest record that mentions Enoch is the Knox County, Tennessee, tax list for 1796. In 1796, Enoch would have been between the ages of 26 and 31. Enoch must have left Tennessee sometime between 1796 and 1804 since he appears in various Kentucky records between 1804 and 1817. The majority of info at this time is in Wayne County, Kentucky, with a couple of records from nearby Pulaski County, and one in Adair County. Here’s a timeline: 1804 Enoch purchased 76 acres in Wayne County, Kentucky 1806 Enoch purchased 200 acres in Pulaski County, Kentucky 1810 Enoch was listed on the census for Wayne County, Kentucky 1811 Enoch’s daughter, Anna, married in February in Pulaski County, Kentucky Enoch and Barsheba Neavill sold 76 acres of land to Henry Thomas in August Enoch was listed as surety for the marriage of James Neavill and Marian Dodson in September in Wayne County, Kentucky 1816 Enoch married Edith Goodman in Adair County, Kentucky 1817 Enoch Neavill was Capt of 90th Mil Dist, Wayne County, Kentucky After 1817, Enoch disappeared from Wayne County, Kentucky. In 1818, he appeared on the White County, Illinois, census (part of White County later became Wayne County). In 1820, 1830 and 1840 he appeared on the Wayne County, Illinois, censuses. Here is an interesting item about Enoch and the early settlers of Big Mound Township from the History of Wayne & Clay Counties published by Globe Publishing (Chicago) in 1884: Other settlers of the township were Enoch Neville, Andrew Hall, John Bovee, Capt. John Clark, ____ Robinson, Daniel Clevinger, etc. Enoch Neville was a great storyteller, a kind of Joe Mulhatton of a fellow. He could entertain his listeners by the hour with the most wonderful stories that could be imagined. He talked through his nose, and this lent additional interest to his yarns. The following excerpt is from Wayne County, Illinois: An Early History written in 1918 by William Robert Jones: Enoch Neavell, of the census of 1820, was the ancestor of all the Wayne county people of that name. Think he settled in “Snake Island” in Big Mound. He had a son, “Andy” Neavell living in Snake Island, and conducting a mill, some 40 years ago. Enoch Neavill was a Ranger in the War of 1812, and has many descendants in Wayne; most all well respected when I knew them. It is not known where Enoch and Edith are buried. It is possible that they are buried in separate locations since Enoch died before 1850 and Edith apparently spent the last years of her life with daughter Jemima (Edith is shown living with Jemima and family on the 1860 census). In the Roll of Honor: Record of Burial Places of Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Army Nurses of All Wars of the United States Buried in the State of Illinois, Volume I (1929), there is an E. P. Nevel listed as buried in Bavea Cemetery in Geff Township, Wayne County, Illinois. Perhaps this is Enoch’s grave. Unfortunately, the Roll of Honor doesn’t list any information other than his name. EDITH (GOODMAN) NEAVILLE Although not much is known about Edith Goodman, some things are known about her father, Ansel Goodman. The following information is from a website on the Goodman family: Based on his stated age of 80 in his 1832 Rev War petition, Ansel Goodman was b. about 1752, probably in Hanover Co. VA, His parentage has not yet been determined with any certainty. Neither have I been able to positively identify any of his family. 4 The Neaveill Family As told in his petition, Ansel enlisted in July 1777 with about 50 others of Bedford Co, in the Company of Capt. Charles Gwatkins, who had come back to his home county to enlist volunteers to go the the relief of Boonesborough. This was called “The Kentucky Expedition” in one reference in “Virginia State Papers”. Based on his land transactions with and proximity to Arabia / Raba Brown of Bedford Co., VA, and the given names of Robert in the families of his brother John / James Goodman, also of Bedford Co., VA, it now seems likely that he and John / James Goodman, father of my ancestor Amos I. Goodman, were both sons of Robert Goodman, of Hanover Co., who arrived in then Lunenburg Co., VA and bought land adjoining the Browns on Flat Rock Creek in 1759. By his name, it is possible that he may have been related in some way to Charles Goodman of Albemarle, not as a son or brother, but possibly a nephew. Bedford Co., (later Campbell Co.) was also the residence of Bartellot Goodman, b. ca. 1730, a French & Indian War veteran, of Louisa Co., VA, and a number of whose descendants also migrated through Kentucky and settled in Indiana. Ansel Goodman sold his Bedford Co. land in 1788, probably removing first to Stokes Co., NC, where Ansylem Goodman is recorded in the 1790 census with wife, two male and 3 female children, then to Adair Co., KY, later divided in 1825/6 to form Russell Co., where Ansel made his application for a Rev. War pension. Arabia Brown, his old Bedford Co., VA neighbor and friend, being one of the testators. A Martin Goodman is listed with land warrant in Adair Co., KY, in 1822, for 50 ac. on Roaring Lilly Creek. This is probably the Martin G. Goodman b 1798 in TN, who later removed to Indiana with wife Nancy, who was born in Adair Co., KY in 1801. An Anslow (sic. Anselm/Ansel?) Goodman had land warrant for 50 ac. on Big Lilly Creek, Adair Co., also in 1822. Based on dates and proximity, Martin and Anslow were probably related, perhaps brothers. They may have been sons of Ansel Goodman, as Ansel also lived in Adair Co. Another Martin Goodman, b ca 1820, is later found in Grass Twp., Spencer Co, IN 1860 with son Ansel. According to other researchers closer to this family, the elder Martin Goodman’s family did not include another Martin Goodman. In addition to the elder Ansolom (sic.) Goodman, believed to be Ansel b. ca 1752, a younger Ansle (sic.) Goodman is also listed in the 1810 Adair Co., KY census, so this one could have been the father of the Martin Goodman b. ca 1820 of Indiana. In any case, the Ansel name in the 1860 census, the common name of Martin, and their earlier residence in Adair Co., KY, seems to place this line as descended from Ansel Goodman b. ca. 1752. Andrew and Jesse Goodman were also in Adair Co., KY 1810 census, and both were of an age to be possible sons of Ansel. ENOCH NEAVILLE’S KENTUCKY CHILDREN There were a few Neavilles in Wayne and Pulaski Counties, Kentucky, in the late 1700s and early 1800s who were probably children from Enoch’s marriage to Barsheba. Among these were: 1. James Neaville (see p. 170) 2. Anna Neavill James Neavill married a Marian or Miriam Dodson in Wayne County, Kentucky. The record for this marriage lists “Enoch Neavill” for surety. Anna Neavill married William S. Hammonds 25 Feb 1811 in Pulaski County, Kentucky. The record for this marriage lists “Enoch Nevill” as the bride’s father. Some of the children appearing with Enoch and Edith on the Wayne County, Illinois, census for 1818 and 1820 may have been from Enoch’s marriage to Barsheba. There was a Bersheba Nevil who married a Willis Gray on 14 Oct 1828 in Madison County, Illinois. Perhaps this was one of Enoch’s daughters from his marriage to Barsheba. Also, there were a few Neavilles who lived in Jo Daviess County, Illinois, who may have been children of Enoch and Barsheba. These are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Enoch Neavill (see p. 174) Ephraim Neavill (see p. 174) John D. Neaville (see p. 178) Alexander M. Neaville (see p. 178) ENOCH NEAVILLE’S ILLINOIS CHILDREN Some of the children of Enoch Neaville and Edith Goodman who were born in Illinois were: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Andy Neaveill (see p. 1) Jemima Neavill (see p. 112) Nancy Neavill (see p. 115) Calvin Neavill (see p. 113) Indiana Neavill (see p. 118) Indiana Neavill married James Neavill (probably Enoch’s nephew). This James was the son of George Neaville who was probably Enoch’s brother. Both George and Enoch were born in the 1760s, shortly before the American Revolution. George was older, born probably between 1760 and 1765, while Enoch was born probably between 1765 and 1770. Both George and Enoch lived in Wayne County, Kentucky, in the early 1800s. George later moved to Alabama and eventually settled in Effingham County, Illinois, while Enoch was one of the early pioneers of nearby Wayne County, Illinois, settling there around 1818. Andy Neaveill The ancestors of George and Enoch Neaville may have been members of the Neufville family that resided in North and South Carolina in the 1700s and in particular colonial Charleston, South Carolina. Two members of this family, John Jr. and William, were held prisoner on the British ship Forbay during the Revolutionary War (see the letter below which lists all the prisoners who were held on this ship). William Robert Jones wrote in Wayne County, Illinois: An Early History: ...There was also a Thomas Harris that was captured at Charleston when General Lincoln capitulated in 1780. This Harris was kept a prisoner on the British ship, TORBAY [sic], for several months, along with the following men whose relatives finally found their way into Wayne county. Francis Bailey, Jonathan Clark, James Cox, Richard Cummings, Joseph Dunlap, Richard Edwards, Thomas Elliot, Sr., Joseph Elliot, John Evans, Wm. Elliot, Michell George, Lieut. Stephens Lee, George Jones, Philip Meyers, Lieut. Samuel Miller, Lieut. Wm. Harvey, William Graves, David Hamilton, John B. Holmes, William Holmes, Col. Stephen Moore, William Murphey, John Morgan, John Neville, Jr., Wm. Neville, John Owen, PRISON SHIP FORBAY, CHARLES TOWN HARBOUR, 18th May, 1781 We have the honor of enclosing you a copy of a letter from Colonel Balfour commandant of Charlestown, which was handed us immediately on our being put on board this ship. The letter speaking for itself needs no comment; your wisdom will best dictate the notice it merits. We just beg leave to observe that should it fall to the lot of all, or any of us, to be made victims, agreeab le to the menaces therein contained, we have only to regret that our blood cannot be disposed of more to the advancement of the glorious cause to which we have adhered. A separate Roll of our names attends this letter. With the greatest respect, we are, Sir, Your most obedient and most H’ble Servants, STEPHEN MOORE, Lieut. Colo. No. Carolina Militia JOHN BARNWELL, Major So. Carolina Militia For ourselves and one hundred and thirty other Prisoners. To Major Gen’l N. Greene FORBAY PRISON SHIP, CHARLES TOWN, HARBOUR, 18th May, 1781 Roll of the Militia Prisoners on board said Ship: Axson, Williams, Junr. Ash, Samuel, Arthur, George Anthony, John Atmore, Ralph Barnwell, John, Major Baddily, John, Do., Barnwell, Edward, Capt., Bonnethean, Peter, Capt. Lt. Bembridge, Henry Black, John, Lieut. Branford, William Ball, Joseph Barnwell, Robert Blumdell, Nath’l Bricken, James Bailey, Francis Basqum, William Clarke, Jonathan Cockran, Thomas Cooke, Thomas Calhoone, John (protection) Cray, Jos, Cap. 16 Aug, ’80 Conyers, Norwood Cox, James Commius, Richard Cohen, Jacobs Dorsious, John Dewar, Robert Dessaussure, William Dunlap, Joseph Edmunds, Rever Eveliegh, Thomas Edwards, John, Junr. Holmes, William Hughes, Thomas Heward, James Harris, Thomas Edwards, John Warren Elliott, Thomas, Senr. Elliott, Joseph, Junr. Evans, John Eberly, John Ezan, John, (protection) Elliott, William Guerard, Benjamin Gibbons, John Grayson, Thomas Guerard, Peter Graves, William Geir, Christian Gasden, Phillip Graves, John Glover, Joseph Grott, Francis George, Mitchel Harvey, Wm., Lieut. Henry, Jacobs Hamilton, David Holmes, John B. Hornby, William 5 Jones, George Jacobs, Daniel Kent, Charles Kain, John Lockhart, S., Capt. 16 Aug. ’80 Libby, Nathaniel Liston, Thomas Lee, Stephen, Lieut, Legare, Thomas Lessesne, John Legbert, Henry Meyers, Phillip Michl, John Minott, John, Senr. Moncrieff, John Magdalen, Charles Minott, John, Junr. Miller, Samuel Moore, St’n Col. 16 Aug, ’80 Murphy, William Monks, George Morgan, Jonathan Moss, George, Doct. Marriett, Abraham Miller, Solomon, Lieut. Neufville, John, Jun. Neufville, William Owen, John Righton, Joseph Scott, John, Senr. Snellling, William Stephenson, John, Junr. Stephens, Daniel Snyder, Paul Smith, Samuel Seavers, Abraham Singleton, Rippily Scotton, Samuel Sayle, William (Protection, 61 years of age does not mean to be exchanged.) Shrewsbury, Stephen Tousiger, James Tandirs, John Tayloe, Paul White, Sime., Lieut Wigg, William Williams, James Warham, Charles, Adj’t. Waring, Thomas, Sen’r Waring, Richard White, Isaac Welch, George Wheeler, Benjamin Waties, John, Jun’r Wilcocks, William Warham, David Wilkie, William You, Thomas, Yeadon, Richard Letter from Stephen Moore and John Barnwell to General N. Greene (From North Carolina State Records) 6 The Neaveill Family Job Palmer, Joseph Robinson, Col. Richard Clough Anderson, John Scott, Sr., John Stephenson, Jr., Daniel Stephenson, Samuel Smith, Stephen Shrewsbury, Lieut. Simeon White, Isaac White, Benjamine Wheeler, John Waters, Jr., William Wilcox, Lieut. John Black, Joseph Ball, John Edwards, and others. If Jones were correct, then the Neaville family is probably descended from the Neufville family because Enoch Neaville was the only Neaville in Wayne County when it was settled and all the Neavilles who eventually lived there were either Enoch’s or George’s descendants. However, much of what W. R. Jones wrote was based not on docu- mented evidence, but on his recollections, so his conclusions should be treated with caution. Other sources list the Neavilles as being of French ancestry. This supports the theory that they were descendants of the Neufvilles who were French Huguenots. The History of Effingham County, Illinois, says of George: “Neaville was a Frenchman.” The Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Eastern Arkansas says of George’s son, Elihu, “He was of French descent.” Another thing that supports the Neufville theory is that many members of the Neufville family anglicized the spelling of their name to Neaville (making it more similar to the British spelling of Neville). L U C I N D A ’S FA T H E R : J O H N YO U NG The following excerpt on Lucinda (Young) Neaveill’s father, John Young, and the settlement of Big Mound Township is from History of Wayne & Clay Counties (1884, Chicago: Globe Publishing): John and James Young, two brothers, came about the year 1818. John was a man of fine intelligence, but uneducated—illiterate but not ignorant. He loved money and held on to it like grim death, which eventually gave rise to the belief that he was a downright miser. His cabin was of the usual pioneer style—built of logs, and in one of these, which, like the Hardshell preacher’s “board tree,” was “holler at the butt,” he hid his money, afterward plastering over the aperture with mud. When on his death-bed he told his son of the hiding-place of his money, and upon searching according to the old man’s directions quite a sum of gold and silver was found. He died but a few years ago, at an advanced age, and was rich, having considerable property in addition to his hidden wealth. He was a man of fine taste and excellent judgment; he bought but little, but that was of the very best quality. He possessed little of the refinements of life, indeed, lived almost like an animal, and with his animals. Ewing Young, a son of John, still lives in the county. In many respects, he is like his father, being intellectual, enterprising and wealthy, and like his father is fond of money, and takes care of what he gets. He owns several good farms well improved and stocked. The following is from Wayne County, Illinois: An Early History by William Robert Jones: The Youngs, in the early pioneer days, were considered wealthy. They were also respected. When a child, my mother used to stop at John Young’s house, and I often accompanied her. At that time he was a very old man, and was living alone in a big hewed log house. Into these logs he had bored auger holes and put his hoarded gold into the holes, and then driven in on the gold wooden pins on which were hanging saddles, bridles, clothing, etc. Of course I knew nothing of this gold until after his death. John Young was born in 1789, the year the Constitution of the U.S. was adopted. He died at the age of 90. In his dotage he became miserly, and lived alone with his gold; but he was not always thus. In his earlier life he was a good and useful man. He frequently served Wayne County in positions of trust; as he did in his still earlier life, his country in time of danger. The picture drawn of him by the History of Wayne and Clay counties does his memory and his descendants, a great injustice. He was a heroic soldier in the War of 1812. He was a ranger under Captain William Boon, and selected his future home in Wayne county, near the line between what were afterward the precints of Big Mound and Lamard, while helping Captain Boon chase Indians in 1813. The following is from the Wayne County Press, October 10, 1878: G. J. George showed us a few days since one of the pieces of gold which John Young, recently deceased, had hoarded for many years. Over sixteen years ago he dug out a hole in one of the logs of his house and poured in $1995.00 in gold. The place was fastened up and daubed over similar to the balance of the house. Here this gold rested until Mr. Young’s death, a few months since. At one time during the war it might have been sold for nearly $5000 in greenbacks. C H A P T E R 1 L E E N E AV E I L L 1842–1901 Enoch Levi “Lee” Neaveill (son of Andy and Lucinda [Young] Neaveill) was born 17 Sep 1842 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died at the age of fifty-nine on 05 Dec 1901 in Wayne County, Illinois. He married Mary Jane Butler (daughter of Hayden Butler and Phoebe Sanders) 29 Aug 1869 in Wayne County, Illinois. Mary was born 11 Mar 1849 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died at the age of seventy-six on 27 May 1925 in Wayne County, Illinois. Lee Neaveill’s brother, John Thomas “Tom” Neaveill, married Mary Jane Butler’s sister, Siberia Mae Butler. Lee Neaveill is buried in Victory Cemetery, west of Fairfield, Illinois. His tombstone is inscribed: But is he dead, no, no, he lives His happy spirit flees To heaven above and there receives The long expected prize. Lee Neaveill was drafted as a private in Company D, 53rd Infantry in the Civil War. At some point in his life, Enoch lost his left arm, perhaps during his service in the Civil War. He applied for a military invalid pension on 05 Aug 1890. The declaration form for this pension states, “...That he is wholly unable to earn a support by manual labor, by reason of loss of left arm.” Enoch Levi Neaveill’s death certificate lists the cause of his death as “abscess of liver.” After Lee Neaveill died, his wife, Mary, went through the necessary procedures to continue to receive Lee’s military pension. An affidavit dated 09 Apr 1902, which Mary signed, states: That the claimant testifies in her own behalf That she owns a one third interest of 84 acres of land in the south west part of Big Mound Township State of Illinois which is worth about Five hundred dollars ($500) and that the rent of her part will not more than pay the taxes on the whole real estate, that she also has her part of one cow, one heifer one horse and one wagon the whole lot worth about Seventy five Dollars, and that she has house hold goods, bed and bedding a sewing machine and a loom, all of which have been in use for 25 years. That her income is only what she makes from her loom weaving carpet, which will be about one dollar per month. That there is no one legally bound to support her. Another affidavit was signed by Charles W. Curry and William E. Neavill (William E. Neavill was a distant cousin): Enoch Levi “Lee” Neaveill, Guy Neaveill, and Mary (Butler) Neaveill photo courtesy of Earl and Alice Bankston That the affiants have been acquainted with the soldier since his boyhood days and have re-sided in the same neighborhood all their lives and that they know to a certainty the soldier was not in the military or navel service prior to March 30 1865 That they further state that the soldier had when he died 84 acres of land situated in the 7 8 The Neaveill Family south west of Big Mound Township Illinois of which 45 acres of the land is under cultivation the other portion is swamp lands, of which the claimant owns her dowery, or her third there being four heirs besides the claimant. That the above stated land is worth and would bring not over Five hundred Dollars and will rent from Sixty to Ninety per year. and that the claimant has no other income besides her part of the farm only by her own labor, by weaving carpet That the above is written as dictated and that William E Neaveill is a distant relative of the soldier. cow, one heifer and her household furniture and a widows dowery in 84 acres of land; that she has no money, mortgages, bonds, stocks, investments in anything nor income from any source except what is above mentioned and her labor. A fourth affidavit was signed by John F. Butler (Mary’s brother) and Florence (Neaveill) Curry (Mary’s sister-inlaw, see p. 107): That the affiants are brother and sister in law to the claimant and have lived in the same vacinity of the soldier’s and claimant all their lives and state that Guy A. Neaveill was born the 23 day of May 1889 the later was at the house at the time of birth and the latter was at the house of the claimant the next day after the birth and that Guy A Neaveill is still living and that the claimant has not remarried since the death of the soldier and that the claimant has not disposed of any property since Feb 10th 1902 and that the above is written as dictated. A third affidavit was signed by John Thomas Neaveill (Mary’s brother-in-law, see p. 28) and John F. Butler (Mary’s brother): That they have known the claimant for thirty-five years or longer and that they know that she nor the above named soldier was ever previously married, that they lived together as husband and wife from the day of their marriage to the day of the soldeir’s death, that the claimant has not remarried since the death of her husband. The affiants declare that the claimant and the abovenamed soldier were married by A. J. Armstrong a J. P. [Justice of the Peace] at her father’s residence near Boyleston Wayne County Illinois August 29th 1869; that there were no guests at the wedding except near relatives; that the officiating Justice of the Peace is dead, and that the County records were burned in 1886. They also declare that the claimant has no property of her own either real or personal except one horse one According to her death certificate, Mary Jane (Butler) Neaveill died from “Acute Brights disease. Contributory (secondary): Heart disease.” Children of Lee Neaveill and Mary Butler are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Laura Jane Neaveill Lodema Bell Neaveill Andrew Hayden Neaveill Guy Anderson Neaveill L A U R A J A N E N E AV E I L L Laura Jane Neaveill (daughter of Lee and Mary [Butler] Neaveill) was born 08 Jul 1870 in Big Mound Township, Wayne County, Illinois, and died at the age of fifty-seven on 23 May 1928 in Wayne County, Illinois. She married Israel Dunahoo (son of George Dunahoo and Rachel Gray) 26 Oct 1892 in Wayne County, Illinois. Israel was born 31 Aug 1865 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died at the age of fifty-nine on 29 Jan 1925 in Wayne County, Illinois. Israel and Laura Jane (Neaveill) Dunahoo are buried in Koontz Cemetery, south of Fairfield, Illinois. Children of Laura Neaveill and Israel Dunahoo are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Raymond Dunahoo Orville Ezra Dunahoo Enoch Edmon Dunahoo Twin Boy Dunahoo Twin Girl Dunahoo Carrie I. Dunahoo RAYMOND DUNAHOO Raymond Dunahoo (son of Israel and Laura [Neaveill] Dunahoo) was born 02 Sep 1893 in Big Mound Township, Wayne County, Illinois. ORVILLE EZRA DUNAHOO Orville Ezra Dunahoo (son of Israel and Laura [Neaveill] Dunahoo) was born 30 Sep 1895 in Big Mound Township, Wayne County, Ilinois, and died at the age of eighty on 09 Dec 1975 in Cisne, Illinois. He married S. “Lola” ?. Descendants of Lee Neaveill 9 ENOCH EDMON DUNAHOO CARRIE I. DUNAHOO Enoch Edmon Dunahoo (son of Israel and Laura [Neaveill] Dunahoo) was born 27 Feb 1900 in Fairfield, Illinois, and died at the age of thirteen on 13 Aug 1913 in Wayne County, Illinois. He is buried in Koontz Cemetery, south of Fairfield, Illinois. Carrie I. Dunahoo (daughter of Israel and Laura [Neaveill] Dunahoo) was born 18 Nov 1912 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died at twelve days old on 30 Nov 1912 in Wayne County, Illinois. She is buried in Koontz Cemetery in Fairfield, Illinois. L O D E M A B E L L N E AV E I L L Lodema Bell Neaveill (daughter of Lee and Mary [Butler] Neaveill) was born 25 Sep 1872 in Big Mound Township, Wayne County, Illinois, and died at the age of seventy-seven on 18 Sep 1950 in Wayne County, Illinois. She married Albert Aquilla Asberry (son of Gilbert Asberry and Rebecca Davenport) 14 Sep 1892 in Wayne County, Illinois. Albert was born 1869 in Indiana and died at the age of eighty on 08 Jan 1950 in Wayne County, Illinois. Lodema (Neaveill) and Albert Asbury are buried in Victory Cemetery, west of Fairfield, Illinois. Lodema and Albert were second cousins: Albert was the grandson of Benjamin and Theodocia (Young) Asberry. Theodocia was the sister of Lodema’s grandmother, Lucinda (Young) Neaveill. Children of Lodema Neaveill and Albert Asbury are: Illinois, and died at the age of seventy-eight on 16 Sep 1973 in East St. Louis, Illinois. She married (1) Louis Clermon “Judge” Vickers (son of Anderson Vickers and Margaret McBroom) 24 Sep 1913 in Fairfield, Wayne County, Illinois. Anderson was born 18 Feb 1885 in McLeansboro, Hamilton County, Illinois, and died at the age of fifty-eight on 04 Sep 1943. Maud married (2) Finis M. Harp sometime after 1943. Children of Maud Asbury and Judge Vickers is: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Margaret Belle Vickers (daughter of Judge and Maud [Asbury] Vickers) was born 27 Nov 1914 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died at the age of fifty-two on 28 Aug 1967 in Caseyville, St. Clair County, Illinois. She married Phillip Schmidt (son of ? and ?) 11 Oct 1930 in Waterloo, Illinois. Child of Margaret Vickers and Phillip Schmidt is: Mary Rebecca Asbury Maud Marie Asbury Laura Lee “Lela” Asbury Albert George Franklin “Frank” Asbury Jesse Ancil Asberry Alice Hesiltine “Lulu” Asbury Ida Lodema Asbury John Gilbert Asbury Walter Charles Asbury Samuel Elsworth “James Eldon” Asbury MARY REBECCA ASBURY Mary Rebecca Asbury (daughter of Albert and Lodema [Neaveill] Asbury) was born 04 Jun 1893 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died at the age of twenty-four on 12 Sep 1917. She married James A. Johnston 19 Nov 1911 in Wayne County, Illinois. MAUD MARIE ASBURY Maud Marie Asbury (daughter of Albert and Lodema [Neaveill] Asbury) was born 01 Jul 1895 in Wayne County, 1. Margaret Belle Vickers 2. Clarence Vickers 3. Jesse Clermon Vickers MARGARET BELLE VICKERS 1. George E. Schmidt George E. Schmidt George E. Schmidt (son of Phillip and Margaret [Vickers] Schmidt) was born ????. He married Ina Hawkins (daughter of ? and ?). Children of George Schmidt and Ina Hawkins are: 1. Allen Hawkins 2. Kim Hawkins Allen Hawkins Allen Hawkins (son of George and Ina [Hawkins] Schmidt) was born ????. Kim Hawkins Kim Hawkins (daughter of George and Ina [Hawkins] Schmidt) was born ????. 10 The Neaveill Family CLARENCE VICKERS Clarence Vickers (son of Judge and Maud [Asbury] Vickers) was born sometime in 1916 and died when he was one day old. JESSE CLERMON VICKERS Jesse Clermon Vickers (son of Judge and Maud [Asbury] Vickers) was born 11 Aug 1918 in Wayne County, Illinois. He married Mary Louise Fox (daughter of ? and ?) 06 Aug 1958 in Battle Creek, Michigan. Child of Jesse Vickers and Mary Fox is: 1. Bill Vickers Bill Vickers Bill Vickers (adopted son of Jess and Mary [Fox] Vickers) was born ????. LAURA LEE “LELA” ASBURY Laura Lee Asbury (daughter of Albert and Lodema [Neaveill] Asbury) was born 02 Mar 1897 in Big Mound Township, Wayne County, Illinois, and died at the age of fifty-nine on 20 Feb 1957. She married Ennis E. Mayberry (son of ? and ?) 23 Dec 1914 in Wayne County, Illinois. Ennis was born 05 Dec 1890 and died at the age of 73 in Jan 1974. Laura is buried in Olive Branch Cemetery in Wayne City, Wayne County, Illinois. Child of Lela Asbury and Ennis Mayberry is: 1. Mary Francis Mayberry MARY FRANCIS MAYBERRY Mary Francis Mayberry (daughter of Ennis and Lela [Asbury] Mayberry) was born ????. She married Eb Ross (son of ? and ?). Children of Mary Mayberry and Eb Ross are: ALBERT GEORGE FRANKLIN “FRANK” ASBERRY Albert George Franklin “Frank” Asberry (son of Albert and Lodema [Neaveill] Asbury) was born 23 Jan 1900 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died at the age of eighty-five on 02 Dec 1985 in Columbia, Monroe County, Illinois. He married Olive Marie Wood (daughter of ? and ?) 23 Jan 1923 in Belleville, St. Clair County, Illinois. Olive was born 15 May 1902 in Burnt Prairie, Illinois, and died at the age of eightysix on 07 Oct 1988 in Belleville, St. Clair County, Illinois. Albert and Olive are buried in Mount Evergreen Cemetery in Millstadt, St. Clair County, Illinois. Children of Frank Asberry and Marie Wood are: 1. Bobby Franklin Asberry 2. Ruth Jean Asberry BOBBY FRANKLIN ASBERRY Bobby Franklin Asberry (son of Frank and Marie [Wood] Asberry) was born 11 Sep 1930 in East St. Louis, St. Clair County, Illinois. He married Geraldine “Jerry” Kaufman (daughter of ? and ?) in May 1955. RUTH JEAN ASBERRY Ruth Jean Asberry (daughter of Frank and Marie [Wood] Asberry) was born 10 Mar 1940 in East St. Louis, St. Clair County, Illinois. She married Michael Wayne Towler (son of ? and ?) 02 Apr 1966. She married (2) Frank Vickers (son of ? and ?). JESSE “JACK” ANCIL ASBERRY Jesse “Jack” Ancil Asberry (son of Albert and Lodema [Neaveill] Asbury) was born 14 Feb 1901 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died at the age of seventy-five on 07 Oct 1976 in Canton, Ohio. He married (1) Alfrieda May Lewis (daughter of ? and ?) 11 Nov 1922. Alfrieda died of scarlet fever. Jack married (2) Etoy Davenport (daughter of ? and ?). Etoy was born 20 May 1906 and died May 1975. 1. James Ross 2. Edward Ross James Ross James Ross (son of Eb and Mary [Mayberry] Ross) was born ????. Children of Jack Asberry and Etoy Davenport are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Jack Asberry Sara Asberry Betty Eileen Asberry Alma Jean Asberry Edward Ross JACK ASBERRY Edward Ross (son of Eb and Mary [Mayberry] Ross) was born ????. Jack Asberry (son of Jack and Etoy [Davenport] Asberry) was born ????. He married Beverly ? (daughter of ? and ?). Descendants of Lee Neaveill SARA ASBERRY Preceding her in death were her former husbands, Ed Ray, Perry Wise and Bill Harlan; her parents; four sisters and five brothers. Sara Asberry (daughter of Jack and Etoy [Davenport] Asberry) was born ???? and died 1999. She married ? Wortman (son of ? and ?). The Survivors Survivors include these step-children, Ann Green, Betty Hill, Reta Mathews of Fairfield; Jean Brown of Carmi; Sid Harlan of Marion; Helen Blackmer of Rhode Island; and a stepdaughter, Wanda Lavine, formerly of Fairfield; a niece, Hazel Thomason of Wayne City; and nieces and nephews, Jean Vickers of Millstadt; Bud Ash of Belleville; Alice Zagorski of Belleville; John Asbury of St. Louis, Mo.; and a sister-in-law, Ruth Asbury of Collinsville. BETTY EILEEN ASBERRY Betty Eileen Asberry (daughter of Jack and Etoy [Davenport] Asberry) was born 24 Oct 1933 in Canton, Starke County, Ohio. She married Albert Donald Arbogast (son of ? and ?) 15 May 1954 in Canton, Starke County, Ohio. ALMA JEAN ASBERRY Alma Jean Asberry (daughter of Jack and Etoy [Davenport] Asberry) was born ????. She married Alex Diak (son of ?). ALICE HESILTINE “LULU” ASBURY Alice Hesiltine “Lulu” Asbury (daughter of Albert and Lodema [Neaveill] Asbury) was born 28 Aug 1902 and died at the age of eleven months on 17 Jul 1903 in Wayne County, Illinois. IDA LODEMA ASBURY Ida Lodema Asbury (daughter of Albert and Lodema [Neaveill] Asbury) was born 26 Sep 1904 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died at the age of ninety-three on 29 Mar 1998 in Belleville, Illinois. She married (1) J. Edward Ray (son of ? Ray and ?). She married (2) Perry Wise (son of ? Wise and ?). She married (3) Bill Harlan (son of ? Harlan and ?). The following obituary is from an unknown newspaper: OBITUARY Mrs. Ida Harlan, 93, Dies At Belleville; Rites Are Set Mrs. Ida Lodema Harlan, 93, of Fairview Heights and formerly of Fairfield, died Sunday, Mar. 29, 1998 at Memorial Convalescent Center in Belleville. Rites Friday Funeral rites will be at 10 a.m. Friday from the Kassly Mortuary Chapel in Fairview Heights, with Rev. Steve Moseley officiating. Interment will be in Olive Branch (Baltimore) Cemetery at Wayne City. Visitation at Kassly Mortuary will be 4 to 8 p.m. Thursday and then 2 to 2:30 p.m. Friday at Olive Branch Church near Wayne City, with a committal service at 2:30 p.m., with Pastor Keith Neal officiating. Mrs. Harlan was born in Wayne County Sept. 26, 1904, the daughter of Albert and Lodema Neaveill Asberry. She was a member of Pin Oak Baptist Church and attended Richland Church and New Hope Church in the Fairfield area. She enjoyed sewing. 11 * * * JOHN GILBERT ASBURY John Gilbert Asbury (son of Albert and Lodema [Neaveill] Asbury) was born 23 Aug 1907 and died in 1908 in Fairfield, Wayne County, Illinois. WALTER CHARLES ASBURY Walter Charles Asbury (son of Albert and Lodema [Neaveill] Asbury) was born 11 Jan 1911 in Big Mound Township, Wayne County, Illinois, and died at the age of eighty on 18 Feb 1991 in Belleville, St. Clair County, Illinois. He married Veronica “Vicki” Elizabeth Sayer (daughter of John Baptiste Seyer and Clementine Ernestine Goodard) 29 May 1931 in Waterloo, Monroe County, Illinois. Vicki was born 20 Mar 1913 in East St. Louis, St. Clair County, Illinois, and died at the age of sixty-nine on 11 Jan 1983 in Belleville, St. Clair County, Illinois. Children of Walter Charles Asbury and Vicki Sayer are: 1. Alice Marie Asbury 2. Walter Charles “Bud” Asbury 3. John Albert Asbury ALICE MARIE ASBURY Alice Marie Asbury (daughter of Walter and Vicki [Sayer] Asbury) was born 20 Apr 1932 in East St. Louis, St. Clair County, Illinois. She married James “Jim” Andrew Zagorski (son of ? and ?) 29 Aug 1949 in Holly Springs, Mississippi. Children of Alice Asbury and Jim Zagorski are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Shirley Zagorski Mary Jane Zagorski Jim Zagorski Vicki Zagorski Shirley Zagorski Shirley Zagorski (daughter of Jim and Alice [Asbury] Zagorski) was born ????. 12 The Neaveill Family Mary Jane Zagorski Mary Asbury Mary Jane Zagorski (daughter of Jim and Alice [Asbury] Zagorski) was born ????. She married ? Fries (son of ? and ?). Mary Asbury (daughter of Bud and Barbara [Bringaze] Asbury was born 26 Apr 1965 in Belleville, St. Clair County, Illinois. Jim Zagorski Jim Zagorski (son of Jim and Alice [Asbury] Zagorski) was born ????. Vicki Zagorski Caroline “Carey” Asbury Caroline “Carey” Asbury (daughter of Bud and Barbara [Bringaze] Asbury was born 01 Jul 1968 in Belleville, St. Clair County, Illinois. Vicki Zagorski (daughter of Jim and Alice [Asbury] Zagorski) was born ????. JOHN ALBERT ASBURY WALTER CHARLES “BUD” ASBURY, JR. John Albert Asbury (son of Walter and Vicki [Sayer] Asbury) was born 18 Dec 1939 in East St. Louis, St. Clair County, Illinois. He married Margaret “Marge” Ann Repking (daughter of ? and ?) 09 Aug 1980 in Affton, Missouri. Walter Charles “Bud” Asbury, Jr. (son of Walter and Vicki [Sayer] Asbury) was born 17 May 1935 in East St. Louis, St. Clair County, Illinois. He married Barbara Agnes Bringaze (daughter of Eugene Arthur Bringaze and Lela Patricia Lawless) 28 Dec 1957 in East St. Louis, St. Clair County, Illinois. Barbara was born 25 Sep 1936 in Springfield, Sangamon County, Illinois. Children of Bud Asbury and Barbara Bringaze are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Agnes Asbury Anne Asbury Walter “Wally” Charles Asbury, III Gene Asbury Mary Asbury Caroline “Carey” Asbury Agnes Asbury Agnes Asbury (daughter of Bud and Barbara [Bringaze] Asbury was born 11 Feb 1959 in East St. Louis, St. Clair County, Illinois. She married John Gerald Baul (son of ? and ?) 23 Jan 1982 in Belleville, St. Clair County, Illinois. Anne Asbury Anne Asbury (daughter of Bud and Barbara [Bringaze] Asbury was born 30 Dec 1959 in East St. Louis, St. Clair County, Illinois. She married John Scholde (son of ? and ?) 22 Jun 1985 in Belleville, St. Clair County, Illinois. SAMUEL ELSWORTH “JAMES ELDON” ASBURY Samuel Elsworth “James Eldon” Asbury (son of Albert and Lodema [Neaveill] Asbury) was born 24 Aug 1914 and died at the age of fifty-seven on 09 Apr 1972 in Belleville, St. Clair County, Illinois. He married (1) Virginia Harness (daughter of ? and ?). He married (2) Ruth Vest (daughter of ? and ?) 19 Oct 1940 in Morganfield, Kentucky. Ruth was born 22 Dec 1920 in Orcharville, Wayne County, Illinois. Children of James Eldon Asbury and Virginia Harness are: 1. James Asbury 2. Joy Asbury Children of James Asbury and Ruth Vest are: 3. Billy Joe Asbury 4. Jerry Ray Asbury 5. Danny Lynn Asbury JAMES ASBURY James Asbury (son of James Eldon and Virginia [Harness] Asbury) was born ????. Walter “Wally” Charles Asbury, III Walter “Wally” Charles Asbury, III (son of Bud and Barbara [Bringaze] Asbury was born 05 Oct 1961 in Belleville, St. Clair County, Illinois. He married Sharon Mary Zutz (daughter of ? and ?) 26 May 1984 in Valders, Wisonsin. JOY ASBURY Joy Asbury (daughter of James Eldon and Virginia [Harness] Asbury) was born ????. She married Charles Causey (son of ? and ?). Gene Asbury BILLY JOE ASBURY Gene Asbury (son of Bud and Barbara [Bringaze] Asbury was born 12 Oct 1962 in Belleville, St. Clair County, Illinois. Billy Joe Asbury (son of James Eldon and Ruth [Vest] Asbury) was born 16 Oct 1943 and died 16 Oct 1943. Descendants of Lee Neaveill 13 JERRY RAY ASBURY DANNY LYNN ASBURY Jerry Ray Asbury (son of James Eldon and Ruth [Vest] Asbury) was born 31 Jan 1949. Danny Lynn Asbury (son of James Eldon and Ruth [Vest] Asbury) was born 30 Sep 1952 in Flora, Clay County, Illinois. He married Debra Lynn Davis (daughter of ? and ?) 08 Sep 1973 in Collinsville, Madison County, Illinois. A N D R EW H AY D E N N E AV E I L L Andrew Hayden Neaveill (son of Lee and Mary [Butler] Neaveill) was born 16 Feb 1876 in Big Mound Township, Wayne County, Illinois, and died at the age of sixty on 07 Dec 1936 in Peoria, Peoria County, Illinois. Andrew married (1) Corabell Green (daughter of Thomas Green and Mary Stone) 17 Feb 1895 in Wayne County, Illinois. Corabell was born 18 Dec 1877 in Ness County, Kansas, and died at the age of twenty-one on 08 Oct 1899 in Wayne County, Illinois. Andrew married (2) Ethel Harriet Geeding (daughter of Joseph Geeding and Cora Knolton) 28 Sep 1905 in Wayne County, Illinois. Ethel was born 17 Sep 1885 in West Plains, Howell County, Missouri, and died at the age of thirty-eight on 27 Oct 1923 in Mt. Vernon, Illinois. Andrew married (3) Mary E. Rhoads 17 Nov 1926. Andrew Hayden Neaveill is buried in Springdale Cemetery in Peoria, Illinois. His death certificate lists the cause of his death as “Lobar Pneumonia (type unknown).” Andrew’s first wife, Corabell (Green) Neaveill, is buried in Victory Cemetery, west of Fairfield, Illinois. She shares her tombstone with her son, Alven L. Neaveill. Corabell’s side of the tombstone is inscribed: Another kind voice is silent A voice that was loved for years Another dear face laid lowly We bathed with many tears. Andrew’s second wife, Ethel Harriet (Geeding) Neaveill, is buried in Victory Cemetery, west of Fairfield, Illinois. Her death certificate lists the cause of her death as “Salpingitis (Non Puerperal). Secondary: Peritonitis (Non Puerperal).” The following is from the Wayne County Press, Nov. 15, 1923, p. 1: Card of Thanks. We wish to thank the kind friends and good neighbors for their helpfulness and sympathy shown during the illness and at the death of wife and mother, Mrs. Ethel H. Neaville. Andrew H. Neaville and Family The following obituary is from the Peoria Journal Star, Dec 7, 1936, p. 3: OBITUARY Andrew Neaveill Andrew Neaveill, 60 years old, 1413 South Jefferson street, a resident here for six years, died at 8:26 o’clock this morning at Methodist Hospital. Born in Fairfield, Ill. February 16, 1876, he was the son of Lee and Mary Jane Butler Neaveill. November 17, 1926, at Mt. Vernon, Ill. he married Mrs. Mary E. Rhoads. Surviving are his wife; seven children, Mrs. Amy Beatrice Hart of Fithian, Ill.; Mrs. Cora Marten, Marion G., Bernice G., Chester E., LaVon and LaVerne Neaveill, all of Peoria; eight grandchildren; and a sister, Mrs. Dema Asberry of Wayne City, Ill. Funeral services will take place at 10 o’clock Wednesday morning in the Wilton mortuary chapel, with interment in Springdale cemetery. * * * Children of Andrew Neaveill and Corabell Green are: Andrew Hayden Neaveill (1876–1936) Ethel (Geeding) Neaveill (1885–1923) photos courtesy of Fran (Neaveill) Johnson 1. Amy Beatrice Neaveill 2. Cora M. Neaveill 3. Alvin L. Neaveill Children of Andrew Neaveill and Ethel Geeding are: 14 The Neaveill Family 4. Marion Granville Neaveill ROBERT LEE HART 5. Bernice G. Neaveill Robert Lee Hart (son of Frank and Amy [Neaveill] Hart) was born ????. 6. Chester Eugene Neaveill 7. LaVerne Fay Neaveill GENE S. HART 8. LaVonne Gay Neaveill AMY BEATRICE NEAVEILL Amy Beatrice Neaveill (daughter of Andrew and Corabell [Green] Neaveill) was born 03 Jan 1896, and died at the age of eighty-four on 21 Jan 1980 in Brooksville, Florida. She married (1) Frank Hart. Frank was born 02 Jan 1882 and died 08 Aug 1957. Amy married (2) C. A Geeding 02 Jul 1973. Amy is buried in Stearns cemetery (Vermilion County, Illinois) next to her first husband, Frank Hart. Gene S. Hart (son of Frank and Amy [Neaveill] Hart) was born 17 Jan 1917 in Fithian, Illinois, and died at the age of seventy-eight on 22 Dec 1995 in Springfield, Illinois. He married Betty Grimes. Gene was a captain in the U.S. army during World War II. He is buried in Stearns cemetery in Vermilion County, Illinois. The following obituary appeared in The State JournalRegister, Springfield, IL, December 23, 1995, p. 12): OBITUARY Gene S. Hart, 78, of Springfield died Friday at Walnut Ridge Healthcare. He was born Jan. 17, 1917, in Fithian, the son of Frank and Amy Neviell Hart. He married Betty Grimes. Mr. Hart was a salesman for Wright Equipment Co., an elder at First Presbyterian Church and a volunteer at Memorial Medical Center and Sangamon Auditorium. Survivors: wife, Betty; five sons, Gene Jr. of Metamora, Stephan J. of Altamonte Springs, Fla., Michael L. of Peoria, David A. of Bartonville and Troy R. of Ottumwa, Iowa; two daughters, Joann Woodrum of Orangeburg, S.C., and Jacki Allen of Richmond, Ind.; 21 grandchildren; one great-granddaughter; a brother, Robert L. Hart of Fairmount; and many nieces and nephews. Services: 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Boardman-Smith Funeral Chapel, the Rev. Beth Merrill officiating. Graveside services: 2 p.m. Tuesday, Stearns Cemetery, Vermilion County. The following obituary is from an unknown newspaper, possibly the Champaign News-Gazette: OBITUARY OAKWOOD — Mrs. Amy B. Hart Geeding, 84, Brooksville, Fla., formerly of rural Fairwood and Muncie, died Monday (Jan. 21, 1980) at Brooksville. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Muncie Baptist Church with the Rev. Barney Moore officiating. Burial will be in Stearns Cemetery near Muncie. Visitation will be from 4 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at the Johnson Funeral Home in Oakwood. Mrs. Geeding was born Jan. 3, 1896 at Fairfield, a daughter of Andrew and Cora Bell Green Hayden [sic]. She married Frank Hart Jan. 3, 1916, who preceded her in death Aug. 8, 1957. She married C.A. Geeding July 2, 1973. He survives. Other survivors include two sons, Gene S. Hart of Springfield and Robert L. Hart of route one Fairmont; one daughter, Mrs. James (Jewel) Marron of Fithian; 20 grandchildren; 30 great grandchildren; two great great grandchildren; two brothers, Marion and Chester, both of Peoria, and two sisters, Bernice Belden of Salem and LaVonne Materelli of Peoria. She was preceded in death by one daughter, one son, one brother and two sisters. Mrs. Geeding was a member of the Muncie Baptist Church. * * * Children of Amy Neaveill and Frank Hart are: * * * Children of Gene Hart and Betty Grimes are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Gene Hart Michael L. Hart David A. Hart Troy R. Hart Stephan J. Hart Joann Hart Jacki Hart Gene Hart Gene Hart (son of Gene and Betty [Grimes] Hart) was born ????. 1. Robert Lee Hart Michael L. Hart 2. Gene S. Hart Michael L. Hart (son of Gene and Betty [Grimes] Hart) was born ????. 3. Jewel Hart Descendants of Lee Neaveill David A. Hart David A. Hart (son of Gene and Betty [Grimes] Hart) was born ????. 15 (Green) Neaveill, and shares her tombstone. His side of the tombstone is inscribed: Our darling one hath gone before To greet us on the blissful shore. Troy R. Hart Troy R. Hart (son of Gene and Betty [Grimes] Hart) was born ????. Stephan J. Hart It is curious as to whether Alvin’s middle name was Lee (his grandfather was Enoch Levi “Lee” Neaveill, see p. 7). If his middle name were Lee, then his name forms an interesting anagram since the letters in “Alvin Lee” can be rearranged to spell “Neaveill.” Stephan J. Hart (son of Gene and Betty [Grimes] Hart) was born ????. MARION GRANVILLE NEAVEILL Joann Hart Joann Hart (daughter of Gene and Betty [Grimes] Hart) was born ????. She married ? Woodrum (son of ? Woodrum and ?). Jacki Hart (daughter of Gene and Betty [Grimes] Hart) was born ????. She married ? Allen (son of ? Allen and ?). Marion Granville Neaveill (son of Andrew and Ethel [Geeding] Neaveill) was born 07 Mar 1911, and died at the age of seventy-nine on 12 Jan 1991. He married Velma Leota Derr (daughter of John Derr and Violet Reed) 11 Nov 1929 in Olathe, Kansas. Velma was born 30 Mar 1915 and died at the age of seventy-seven on 13 Jul 1992. Marion and Velma (Derr) Neaveill are buried in Swan Lake cemetery in Peoria, Illinois. JEWEL HART The following obituary appeared in the Peoria Journal Star, January 14, 1991, p. C6: Jacki Hart Jewel Hart (daughter of Frank and Amy [Neaveill] Hart) was born 06 Aug 1922 and died at the age of sixty-nine on 07 Feb 1992. She married James Marron. James was born 21 Jun 1917 and died at the age of sixty-four in Mar 1982. CORA M. NEAVEILL Cora M. Neaveill (daughter of Andrew and Corabell [Green] Neaveill) was born 06 Aug 1897 and died at the age of fortyfour in Oct 1941. She married Earl Martin. Child of Cora Neaveill and Earl Martin is: 1. Milrich Martin MILRICH MARTIN Milrich Martin (son of Earl and Cora [Neaveill] Martin) was born ????. ALVIN L. NEAVEILL Alvin L. Neaveill (son of Andrew and Corabell [Green] Neaveill) was born 15 May 1899 and died at ten months old on 23 Mar 1900. He is buried in Victory Cemetery, west of Fairfield, Illinois. He is buried next to his mother, Corabell OBITUARY Marion Neaveill COLFAX — Marion Granville Neaveill, 79, of 109 E. North St., formerly of Peoria, died at 2:20 p.m. Saturday (Jan. 12, 1991) at St. Joseph Medical Center in Bloomington. Born March 7, 1911, in Fairfield to Andrew H. and Ethel Geeding Neaveill, he married Velma L. Derr on Nov. 11, 1929, in Olathe, Kan. She survives. Also surviving are four sons, Greg and Marvin, both of Pekin, Boyd of Kansas City, Mo., and Jerry of Colfax; two daughters, Frances Johnson of Crystal Lake and Andrea Shore of Chemung; one brother, Chester E. of Naples Fla.; two sisters, Lavonne Matarelli of Port Richey, Fla., and Bernice Belden of Salem; 22 grandchildren; and 20 great grandchildren. One daughter, three sisters and one grandson preceded him in death. He worked as a quality control engineer at WABCO for 35 years, retiring in 1976. He was a member of the WABCO Retirees Club and the Independent Order of Foresters. Services will be 2 p.m. Wednesday at Woolsey Wilton Funeral Home. The Rev. Vernon Gibb will officiate and burial will be in Swan Lake Memory Gardens. Visitation will be one hour before services at the funeral home. * * * 16 The Neaveill Family The following obituary appeared in the Peoria Journal Star, July 15, 1992, p. A11: OBITUARY COLFAX — Velma Leota Neaveill, 77, of 203 W. Cooper, formerly of Peoria for 46 years, died at 10:40 a.m. Monday, July 13, 1992, at her residence. Born March 30, 1915, in Wills Point, Texas, to John Porter and Violet E. Reed Derr, she married Marion Granville on Nov. 11, 1929, in Olathe, Kan. He died Jan. 12, 1991, in Bloomington. She also was preceded in death by an infant daughter and one grandson. Surviving are four sons, Greg of Pekin, Marvin of Largo, Fla., Boyd of Kansas City, Mo., and Jerry of Colfax; two daughters, Frances Johnson of Crystal Lake and Andrea Shore of Chemung; 22 grandchildren; 20 great-grandchildren; and one sister, Mildred Losch of St. Charles, La. She was a member of the Fraternal Order of Foresters. Services will be at 2 p.m. today at Woolsey-Wilton Funeral Home, where visitation will be one hour before services. The Rev. Tom E. Smith will officiate. Burial will be in Swan Lake Memory Gardens in Peoria. * * * Children of Marion Neaveill and Velma Derr are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Jerry Wayne Neaveill Marvin Eugene Neaveill Frances L. Neaveill Boyd Arnold Neaveill Andrea Portia Neaveill Gregory Steven Neaveill JERRY WAYNE NEAVEILL Jerry Wayne Neaveill (son of Marion and Velma [Derr] Neaveill) was born 19 Apr 1938 in Hutchinson County, Texas. He married (1) Mary Elizabeth Graney (daughter of Charles Greaney and Helen Denenceur). Mary Graney was born 1940. Jerry married (2) Connie ?. Children of Jerry Neaveill and Mary ? are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Deborah “Debbie” Ann Neaveill Michael “Mike” Neaveill Jean Marie Neaveill Gregory “Greg” William Neaveill Deborah “Debbie” Ann Neaveill Deborah “Debbie” Ann Neaveill (daughter of Jerry and Mary [Graney] Neaveill) was born ????. She married Cy Taylor. Children of Debbie Neaveill and Cy Taylor are: 1. Nicholas Taylor 2. Zachary Taylor Nicholas Taylor Nicholas Taylor (son of Cy and Debbie [Neaveill] Taylor) was born ????. Zachary Taylor Zachary Taylor (son of Cy and Debbie [Neaveill] Taylor) was born ????. Michael “Mike” Neaveill Michael “Mike” Neaveill (son of Jerry and Mary [Graney] Neaveill) was born ????. He married Cynthia ?. Jean Marie Neaveill Jean Neaveill (daughter of Jerry and Mary [Graney] Neaveill) was born 22 Feb 1965. She married ?. Child of Jean Neaveill and ? is: 1. Jennifer ? Jennifer ? Jennifer ? (daughter of ? and Jean [Neaveill] ?) was born ????. Gregory “Greg” William Neaveill Gregory “Greg” William Neaveill (son of Jerry and Mary [Graney] Neaveill) was born 24 Mar 1966 in Brockton, Massachusetts. He married (1) Sherri K. Myers (daughter of ? and ?) 10 Oct 1986 in El Paso County, Texas. Sherri was born about 1968. He married (2) Amber Susan Isbell (daughter of ? Isbell and ?) 02 Nov 1991. Greg is employed by Prairie Farms Dairy as a transport driver. He has been with Prairie Farms since February 16th, 1989. Amber is also employed by Prairie Farms in sales. She has been with the company about 15 years. Greg and Amber live in Metamora, Illinois. Children of Greg Neaveill and Amber Isbell is: 1. Tyler Alexander Neaveill 2. Christopher Daniel Neaveill 3. Samuel Nathan Neaveill Tyler Alexander Neaveill Tyler Alexander Neaveill (son of Greg and Amber [Isbell] Neaveill) was born 16 May 1993 in Peoria, Illinois. Christopher Daniel Neaveill Christopher Daniel Neaveill (son of Greg and Amber [Isbell] Neaveill) was born 12 Apr 1995 in Peoria, Illinois. Samuel Nathan Neaveill Samuel Nathan Neaveill (son of Greg and Amber [Isbell] Neaveill) was born 04 Feb 1998 in Peoria, Illinois. Descendants of Lee Neaveill 17 MARVIN EUGENE NEAVEILL Nancy Lynn Johnson Marvin Eugene Neaveill (son of Marion and Velma [Derr] Neaveill) was born ????. He married Jacqueline Lorentz (daughter of Russell Wilson Lorentz and Lucille Viola Giroux). Children of Marvin Neaveill and Jacqueline Lorentz are: Nancy Lynn Johnson (daughter of Bill and Fran [Neaveill] Johnson) was born 11 Jul 1950 in Peoria, Illinois. She married Tony Ray Blew (son of Homer Blew and Dorah Jackson) 14 Aug 1970 in Loves Park, Illinois. Tony was born 19 Jun 1948 in Peoria, Illinois, and died at the age of fifty-three on 10 Jun 2002 in Chillicothe, Illinois. The following obituary is from the Peoria Journal Star, June 11, 2002, p. B05: 1. Tim Neaveill 2. Susan Neaveill 3. Kim Neaveill Tim Neaveill Tim Neaveill (son of Marvin and Jacqueline [?] Neaveill) was born ????. He married Vicky Petitt (daughter of Ralph Petitt and ?). Susan Neaveill Susan Neaveill (daughter of Marvin and Jacqueline [?] Neaveill) was born ????. Kim Neaveill Kim Neaveill (daughter of Marvin and Jacqueline [?] Neaveill) was born ????. She married Randy Schafer. Children of Kim Neaveill and Randy Schafer are: 1. Nicholas Schafer 2. Zachary Schafer Nicholas Schafer Nicholas Schafer (son of Randy and Kim [Neaveill] Schafer) was born ????. Zachary Schafer Zachary Schafer (son of Randy and Kim [Neaveill] Schafer) was born ????. FRANCES “FRAN” L. NEAVEILL Frances “Fran” Lea Neaveill (daughter of Marion and Velma [Derr] Neaveill) was born 22 Oct 1930 in Peoria, Illinois. She married Harold William “Bill” Johnson (son of Clyne Johnson and Emma Zuelsdorf) 22 May 1949 in Peoria, Illinois. Bill was born 30 Nov 1928 in Peoria, Illinois. Children of Fran Neaveill and Bill Johnson are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Nancy Lynn Johnson Karen Sue Johnson Eric “Rick” William Johnson Julie Marie Johnson Amy Christine Johnson OBITUARY Tony Blew CHILLICOTHE - Tony R. Blew, 53, of 614 N. Sixth St. died at 4:20 a.m. Monday, June 10, 2002, at his residence. Born June 19, 1948, in Peoria to Homer George and Dorah Mae Jackson Blew, he married Nancy L. Johnson on Aug. 14, 1970, in Loves Park. She survives. Also surviving are his mother of Chillicothe; one daughter, Ann (and Karl) Belter of Chillicothe; one son, Gregory of Los Angeles; one brother, Jerry (and Lee) of Plainfield; one sister, Janet Culbertson of Chillicothe; and one grandson. He was preceded in death by his father. He received a bachelor’s degree in biology from Monmouth College and a master’s degree in curriculum from Illinois State University in Normal. He was a seventh- and eighth-grade science teacher since 1970 at Chillicothe Elementary Center where he also coached seventh-grade basketball for 32 years. He also was a former assistant baseball coach for seventhand eighthgrade and was the head track coach. Cremation will be accorded. There will be no services or visitation. Davison-Fulton Anderson Chapel is in charge of arrangements. Memorials may be made to the Chillicothe Elementary Center seventh- and eighthgrade science department or the CEC Athletic Booster Club. * * * Children of Nancy Johnson and Tony Blew are: 1. Ann Louise Blew 2. Gregory “Greg” David Blew Ann Louise Blew Ann Louise Blew (daughter of Tony and Nancy [Johnson] Blew) was born 11 Jan 1971 in Peoria, Illinois. She married Karl Erick Belter (son of ? Belter and ?) 07 Aug 1993 in Chillicothe, Illinois. Karl was born 02 Apr 1971. Child of Ann Blew and Karl Belter is: 1. Joel Erick Belter Joel Erick Belter. Joel Erick Belter (son of Karl and Ann [Blew] Belter) was born 03 Dec 2000 in Peoria, Illinois. 18 The Neaveill Family Gregory “Greg” David Blew Greg Blew (son of Tony and Nancy [Johnson] Blew) was born 24 Apr 1975 in Peoria, Illinois. Rachel Erin Johnson Rachel Johnson (daughter of Rick and Cheryl [Atteberry] Johnson) was born 18 Nov 1980 in Peoria, Illinois. Karen Sue Johnson Julie Marie Johnson Karen Sue Johnson (daughter of Bill and Fran [Neaveill] Johnson) was born 05 Dec 1951 in Peoria, Illinois. She married Michael “Mike” O’Flaherty (son of ? O’Flaherty and Rachel ?). Mike was born 17 May 1930 in Illinois. Karen and Mike were divorced in 1998 in Woodstock, Illinois, and Karen legally changed her name back to Johnson. Children of Mike O’Flaherty and Maria ? are: Julie Marie Johnson (daughter of Bill and Fran [Neaveill] Johnson) was born 01 Mar 1959 in Peoria, Illinois. She married Michael “Mike” Lee Wilcox (son of Michael Wilcox and Loretta ?) 22 Aug 1981 in Crystal Lake, Illinois. Mike was born 22 Feb 1959 in Salina, Kansas. Children of Julie Johnson and Mike Wilcox are: 1. Kevin Michael O’Flaherty 2. Kathleen “Kathy” O’Flaherty Children of Karen Johnson and Mike O’Flaherty are: 3. Kyle Michael O’Flaherty 4. Keenan Michael O’Flaherty Kevin Michael O’Flaherty Kevin Michael O’Flaherty (adopted son of Mike and Maria [?] O’Flaherty) was born 12 Jan 1967. Kathleen “Kathy” O’Flaherty Kathleen “Kathy” O’Flaherty (adopted daughter of Mike and Maria [?] O’Flaherty) was born 13 Feb 1968. Kyle Michael O’Flaherty Kyle O’Flaherty (son of Mike and Karen [Johnson] O’Flaherty) was born 29 Apr 1979 in Peoria, Illinois. Keenan Michael O’Flaherty Keenan O’Flaherty (son of Mike and Karen [Johnson] O’Flaherty) was born 26 Sep 1982 in Peoria, Illinois. Eric “Rick” William Johnson Eric “Rick” William Johnson (son of Bill and Fran [Neaveill] Johnson) was born 13 Mar 1953 in Peoria, Illinois. He married Cheryl Atteberry (daughter of Max Atteberry and Cora ?) 11 Aug 1972 in Mossville, Illinois. Cheryl was born 01 Aug 1955 in Peoria, Illinois. Children of Rick Johnson and Cheryl Atteberry are: 1. Trevor William Johnson 2. Rachel Erin Johnson Trevor William Johnson Trevor Johnson (son of Rick and Cheryl [Atteberry] Johnson) was born 27 Apr 1976 in Peoria, Illinois. He married Diana Roshek (daughter of ? Roshek and ?) 21 Apr 2001 in Kirksville, Missouri. Diana was born 25 Jul 1978. 1. Adam Michael Wilcox 2. Alison “Ali” Marie Wilcox Adam Michael Wilcox Adam Michael Wilcox (son of Mike and Julie [Johnson] Wilcox) was born 08 Feb 1985 in Elgin, Illinois. Alison “Ali” Marie Wilcox Alison “Ali” Marie Wilcox (daughter of Mike and Julie [Johnson] Wilcox) was born 20 Feb 1989 in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Amy Christine Johnson Amy Christine Johnson (daughter of Bill and Fran [Neaveill] Johnson) was born 09 Jul 1967 in Peoria, Illinois. BOYD ARNOLD NEAVEILL Boyd Arnold Neaveill (son of Marion and Velma [Derr] Neaveill) was born 06 Feb 1936 in Peoria, Illinois. He married Barbara Darlene Miller (daughter of Benjamin Miller and Jenny Hendrickson) 07 Sep 1957 in Peoria, Illinois. Children of Boyd Neaveill and Barbara Miller are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Kevin Alan Neaveill Jeffrey Scott Neaveill Denise Lynn Neaveill Michael Eric Neaveill Kevin Alan Neaveill Kevin Alan Neaveill (son of Boyd and Barbara [Miller] Neaveill) was born 18 Dec 1958 in Peoria, Illinois. He married (1) Julie Renee Cultice 02 Aug 1984 in Springfield, Ohio. He married (2) Laurel Lee Cuzzort (daughter of Stephen Cuzzort and Lana Kimball) 19 Jun 1993 in Kansas City, Missouri. Children of Kevin Neaveill and Julie Cultice are: 1. Roger Boyd Kevin Alan Neaveill 2. Allison Cecilia Elizabeth Lynn Neaveill Descendants of Lee Neaveill Children of Kevin Neaveill and Laurel Lee Cuzzort are: 3. Michael Alan Cuzzort Neaveill 4. Johnathan Robert Neaveill Roger Boyd Kevin Alan Neaveill Roger Boyd Kevin Alan Neaveill (son of Kevin and Julie [Cultice] Neaveill) was born 04 May 1985, Salt Lake City, Utah. Allison Cecilia Elizabeth Lynn Neaveill Allison Cecilia Elizabeth Lynn Neaveill (daughter of Kevin and Julie [Cultice] Neaveill) was born 13 Mar 1988, Springfield, Ohio. Michael Alan Cuzzort Neaveill Michael Alan Cuzzort Neaveill (son of Kevin and Laurel [Cuzzort] Neaveill) was born 09 Apr 1993, Kansas City, Missouri. Johnathan Robert Neaveill Johnathan Robert Neaveill (son of Kevin and Laurel [Cuzzort] Neaveill) was born 24 Oct 1994, Kansas City, Missouri. 19 Denise Lynn Neaveill Denise Lynn Neaveill (daughter of Boyd and Barbara [Miller] Neaveill) was born 16 May 1961 in Peoria, Illinois. She married Jerald Alan Windsor (son of Don Windsor and Sharon Baker) 23 Aug 1980. Children of Denise Neaveill and Jerald Windsor are: 1. Jenifer Lyn Windsor 2. Benjamin Alan Windsor 3. Danielle Denise Windsor Jenifer Lyn Windsor Jenifer Lyn Windsor (daughter of Jerald and Denise [Neaveill] Windsor) was born 26 Feb 1981, Kansas City, Missouri. Benjamin Alan Windsor Benjamin Alan Windsor (son of Jerald and Denise [Neaveill] Windsor) was born 29 Jun 1983, Kansas City, Missouri. Danielle Denise Windsor Danielle Denise Windsor (daughter of Jerald and Denise [Neaveill] Windsor) was born 05 Jun 1985, Kansas City, Missouri. Michael Eric Neaveill Jeffrey Scott Neaveill Jeffrey Scott Neaveill (son of Boyd and Barbara [Miller] Neaveill) was born 21 May 1960 in Peoria, Illinois. He married Carol Ann Wright (daughter of Donald Bellfry and Betty Potts) 14 Nov 1981 in Toledo, Ohio. Carol was adopted by Verne Thomas Wright when she was seven years old. Children of Jeffrey Neaveill and Carol Wright are: 1. Courtney Ann Neaveill 2. Brycen A. Paul Neaveill 3. Corrie Jane Neaveill Courtney Ann Neaveill Courtney Ann Neaveill (daughter of Jeffrey and Carol [Wright] Neaveill) was born 06 Aug 1983, Rantoul, Illinois (Chanute Air Force Base). Brycen A. Paul Neaveill Brycen A. Paul Neaveill (son of Jeffrey and Carol [Wright] Neaveill) was born 27 Aug 1986, Tacoma, Washington (Fort Lewis). Corrie Jane Neaveill Corrie Jane Neaveill (daughter of Jeffrey and Carol [Wright] Neaveill) was born 29 Sep 1993, Olympia, Washington. Michael Eric Neaveill (son of Boyd and Barbara [Miller] Neaveill) was born 15 Jun 1962 in Peoria, Illinois and died at only eighteen months old on 12 Dec 1963 in Baldwin, Missouri. He is buried in Swan Lake Cemetery, Peoria, Illinois. The following obituary is from the Peoria Journal Star, December 13, 1963, p. A-17: OBITUARY Michael Neaveill Michael E. Neaveill, 16-month-old son of Boyd A. and Barbara D. Miller Neaveill, 3016 N. Indiana Ave., died at 7 a.m. Thursday at the Pinecrest Nursing Home at Baldwin, Mo. He had been a patient there about a month. He was born in Peoria June 15, 1962. Surviving are his parents; his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Forrest Miller and Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Neaveill, all of Peoria; a great-great-grandmother, Mrs. Ira Withers of Kansas City, Kan.; one sister, Denise L. Neaveill, and two brothers, Keven A. Neaveill and Jeffrey S. Neaveill, all at home. Funeral services will be at 2:30 p.m. Saturday at the Clugsten Memorium, with the Rev. C. W. Baldwin of the First Church of God officiating. Burial will be in Swan Lake Cemetery. Friends may call at the memorium from 6 to 9 p.m. today. Memorial contributions may be made to the Benevolent Fund of the First Church of God. * * * 20 The Neaveill Family ANDREA PORTIA NEAVEILL She was a former member of Westminster Presbyterian Church in Peoria. Memorial services will be at 11 a.m. Saturday at Davison-Fulton Woodland Chapel in Peoria. The Rev. Mark Miller will officiate. Visitation will be from 5 to 8 p.m. Friday at the chapel, Cremation will be accorded following the visitation, and burial of ashes will be in Parkview Cemetery in Peoria. Memorials may be made to the Susan Dahlgren memorial fund established at CEFCU, 3515 Court St., Pekin, IL 61554. Andrea Portia Neaveill (daughter of Marion and Velma [Derr] Neaveill) was born 07 Dec 1944. She married John Shore. Children of Andrea Neaveill and John Shore are: 1. Andrew Shore 2. Barbara Shore Andrew Shore Andrew Shore (son of John and Andrea [Neaveill] Shore) was born ????. * * * Children of Gregory Neaveill and Susan Errion are: Barbara Shore Barbara Shore (daughter of John and Andrea [Neaveill] Shore) was born ????. 1. Amy Christine Neaveill 2. Scott Gregory Neaveill Amy Christine Neaveill GREGORY STEVEN NEAVEILL Gregory Steven Neaveill (son of Marion and Velma [Derr] Neaveill) was born 16 Jan 1948 in Peoria, Illinois. He married (1) Susan “Sue” M. Errion (daughter of Maurice Errion and Patricia Keating). He married (2) Rebecca “Becky” Grace Gutshall (daughter of Leo Gutshall and Marvel Reich) 15 May 1995 in Sedona, Arizona. Greg’s first wife, Sue, married Ron Dahlgren after she and Greg divorced. Sue died 15 Jun 1999. The following obituary is from the Peoria Journal Star, Thursday, June 17, 1999, p. B4: OBITUARY Susan Errion Dahlgren PEKIN — Susan Errion Dahlgren, 49, of 1831 Highwood, formerly of Peoria, died at 10:05 a.m. Tuesday, June 15, 1999, at her residence. Born March 21, 1950, in Rochelle to Maurice and Patricia Keating Errion, she married Ron Dahlgren on Dec. 27, 1997, in Estes Park, Colo. He survives. Also surviving are her parents of Peoria; one son, Scott Neaveill at home; one daughter, Amy Panek of Peoria; one sister, Jane Errion of Salt Lake City; three brothers, Richard Errion of Clearwater, Fla., Gregory Errion of Colliersville, Tenn., and Patrick Errion of Katy, Texas; one niece; and two nephews. A teacher for Pekin School District 108 for 26 years, she taught at Douglas Elementary School and at Starke Elementary School, last working in 1998. She was a graduate of Peoria High School and Illinois State University, where she also received her master’s degree. She was a member of the Illinois Education Associating and the National Education Association. She was a former member of the Pekin Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors and a member of Sunset Hills Country Club and its Ladies Golf League. Amy Christine Neaveill (daughter of Gregory and Susan [Errion] Neaveill) was born 31 Mar 1976, Peoria, Illinois. She married Ron Panek (son of John Panek and Sheila ?). Child of Amy Neaveill and Ron Panek is: 1. Cecelia Susanne Panek Cecilia Susanne Panek Cecilia Susanne Panek (daughter of Ron and Amy [Neaveill] Panek) was born 13 May 2002 in Peoria, Illinois. Scott Gregory Neaveill Scott Gregory Neaveill (son of Gregory and Susan [Errion] Neaveill) was born 25 Feb 1978, Peoria, Illinois. BERNICE G. NEAVEILL Bernice G. Neaveill (daughter of Andrew and Ethel [Geeding] Neaveill) was born 19 Dec 1912. She married Lloyd Belden. Children of Bernice Neaveill and Lloyd Belden are: 1. Phyllis Belden 2. Judy Belden 3. Naomi R. Belden PHYLLIS BELDEN Phyllis Belden (daughter of Lloyd and Bernice [Neaveill] Belden) was born ????. She married Kenneth Huff. Children of Phyllis Belden and Kenneth Huff are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Jeff Huff Greg Huff Mike Huff Doug Huff Descendants of Lee Neaveill Jeff Huff Jeff Huff (son of Kenneth and Phyllis [Belden] Huff) was born ????. Greg Huff Greg Huff (son of Kenneth and Phyllis [Belden] Huff) was born ????. Mike Huff Mike Huff (son of Kenneth and Phyllis [Belden] Huff) was born ????. 21 CHESTER “CHET” EUGENE NEAVEILL Chester “Chet” Eugene Neaveill (son of Andrew and Ethel [Geeding] Neaveill) was born 15 Dec 1914 in Fithian, Illinois, and died at the age of seventy-seven on 29 Apr 1992. He married (1) Bertha Pauline Kepple 1936 in Champaign County, Illinois. He married (2) Charlotte L. Kepple 1987 in Billings, Montana. Children of Chet Neaveill and Bertha Kepple are: 1. Darrell Arlis Neaveill 2. Rodney “Rod” Scott Neaveill DARRELL ARLIS NEAVEILL Doug Huff Doug Huff (son of Kenneth and Phyllis [Belden] Huff) was born ????. JUDY BELDEN Judy Belden (daughter of Lloyd and Bernice [Neaveill] Belden) was born ????. She married Ron Holmes. Children of Judy Belden and Ron Holmes are: 1. Tim Holmes 2. Amy Holmes Tim Holmes Tim Holmes (son of Ron and Judy [Belden] Holmes) was born ????. Amy Holmes Amy Holmes (daughter of Ron and Judy [Belden] Holmes) was born ????. NAOMI R. BELDEN Naomi R. Belden (daughter of Lloyd and Bernice [Neaveill] Belden) was born ????. She married ? Jamieson. Child of Naomi Belden and ? Jamieson is: 1. Kevin Jamieson Kevin Jamieson Kevin Jamieson (son of ? and Naomi [Belden] Jamieson) was born ????. He married Robin ?. Child of Kevin Jamieson and Robin ? is: 1. Jason Jamieson Jason Jamieson Jason Jamieson (son of Kevin and Robin [?] Jamieson) was born ????. Darrell Arlis Neaveill (son of Chester and Bertha [Kepple] Neaveill) was born 08 Aug 1942 in Peoria, Illinois. He married Diana Lee Blue 11 Aug 1965. The following obituary is from the Bloomington (IL) Pantagraph, Thursday, August 14, 2003: OBITUARY Darrell A. Neaveill BLOOMINGTON — Darrell A. Neaveill, Ph.D., 60, formerly of Bloomington, was found dead in his home in Fort Myers, Fla., on Aug. 2, 2003. Dr. Neaveill was a faculty member and costume designer in the Department of Theater at Illinois State University during the late 1960s and early 1970s before moving to Pittman, N.J., where he held a similar position at Glassboro State University (now Rowan University). He received his bachelor’s degree in theater from Illinois State University, a master’s in costume design from Indiana University in Bloomington, Ind., and his doctorate from the University of Miami. He is survived by a brother, Rod Neaveill of Schaumburg; two sons, Todd Neaveill of Purcellville, Va.; and Matthew Neaveill of Smyrna, Del.; and three grandchildren. A memorial service was held in Fort Myers on Saturday. * * * The following obituary is from the Peoria Journal Star, August 14, 2003, p. B04: OBITUARY Darrell Neaveill PEORIA - Dr. Darrell A. Neaveill, 60, of Fort Myers, Fla., formerly of Peoria, was pronounced dead Saturday, Aug. 2, 2003, at his home. He was born Aug. 8, 1942, in Peoria to Chester and Pauline Neaveill. Surviving are two sons, Todd of Purcellville, Va., and Matthew of Smyrna, Del.; one brother, Rod of Schaumburg; and three grandchildren. 22 The Neaveill Family He received a bachelor’s degree in education from Illinois State University in Normal, a master’s degree in costume design from Indiana University in Bloomington, Ind., and a doctorate from the University of Miami. He taught at Woodruff High School and was a faculty member and costume designer for the department of theater at Illinois State University during the 1970s. He later moved to Pittman, N.J., where he held a similar position at Glassboro State University (now Rowan University). A memorial service was Saturday in Fort Myers. Cremation was accorded. The National Cremation Society of Fort Myers was in charge of arrangements. * * * Children of Darrell Neaveill and Diana Blue are: 1. Todd Andrew Neaveill 2. Matt Neaveill Rod now works in healthcare, beginning this career as the Director of Public Relations and Communications at Saint Francis Medical Center in Peoria, Illinois from May 1983 to November 1985. He then went on to work as the Director of Marketing and Community Relations for Ravenswood Health Care Corporation in Chicago from November 1985 to March of 1989. In 1991 Rodney and his family moved from Oak Park, Illinois, to Louisville, Kentucky. And then Ruth and Rod moved from Louisville to Hockessin, Delaware (near Wilmington), where he was the Director of Senior Care Services for Stuart Disease Management Services, Inc., a whollyowned subsidiary of Zeneca, Inc. They have since returned to the Chicago area. Children of Rod Neaveill and Ruth Wenk are: 1. Heather Terasa Neaveill 2. Joel Patrick Neaveill Todd Andrew Neaveill Heather Terasa Neaveill Todd Andrew Neaveill (son of Darrell and Diana [Blue] Neaveill) was born 02 Oct 1968 in Bloomington, Illinois. He married Jennifer L. ? 12 Oct 1996, Woodstown, New Jersey. Heather Terasa Neaveill (daughter of Rod and Ruth [Wenk] Neaveill) was born 18 Jan 1971. She married Michael Robert Collins (son of Robert Collins and Mae ?) 24 Jun 1995 in Louisville, Kentucky. Heather is the Assistant Admissions Director for the school of music at Northwestern University where she handles all inquiry and application processing for the DMus and Certificate in Performance programs. She also assists with the coordination of all aspects of the National High School Music Institute (NHSMI). Heather is a violist and received music performance degrees from Illinois State University and Louisiana State University. She is a member of the Civic Orchestra of Chicago. Before working for Northwestern, Heather taught string orchestra classes, grades 4 through 9, in Tucson, Arizona and performed in the Tucson Symphony and Arizona Opera orchestras. Heather lives in Chicago with her husband, Michael, and her dog, Tosca (named after the title character in Puccini’s opera La Tosca). Matt Neaveill Matt Neaveill (son of Darrell and Diana [Blue] Neaveill) was born ????. He married Kim ?. RODNEY “ROD” SCOTT NEAVEILL Rodney “Rod” Scott Neaveill (son of Chester and Bertha [Kepple] Neaveill) was born 01 Dec 1949 in Peoria, Illinois. He married Ruth Ann Wenk 15 Aug 1969 in Woodstock, Illinois. Rod Neaveill used to work at WBLN-TV in Bloomington, Illinois, as News Editor and 6:30 P.M. News Producer and Anchor when the station first went on the air in May 1982. This was his last job in broadcasting after having worked as a News Director at radio stations in Iowa, Illinois, Michigan and Tennessee. Rod Neaveill Heather Neaveill Descendants of Lee Neaveill Joel Neaveill with son Trevor 23 Jennifer (Spichiger) Neaveill with son Trevor photos courtesy of Joel Neaveill Eric Lofgren Joel Patrick Neaveill Joel Patrick Neaveill (son of Rod and Ruth [Wenk] Neaveill) was born 18 Nov 1973. He married Jennifer J. Spichiger (Daughter of ? and ?) 07 Oct 1995 in Jefferson County, Kentucky. Joel works for the Governor of Kentucky as the Deputy Director of Agricultural Policy in Frankfort, Kentucky. He graduated from the University of Louisville in Louisville, Kentucky, in 1999 with a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science. Children of Joel Neaveill and Jennifer Spichiger is: 1. Trevor Joel Neaveill 2. Morgan Jennifer Neaveill Trevor Joel Neaveill Trevor Joel Neaveill (son of Joel and Jennifer [Spichiger] Neaveill) was born 08 Jul 1997. Morgan Jennifer Neaveill Morgan Jennifer Neaveill (daughter of Joel and Jennifer [Spichiger] Neaveill) was born 22 Nov 2000 in Kentucky. Chris is director of public relations at OSF St. Francis Medical Center in Peoria. Renée is a teacher in Peoria. Children of Chris Lofgren and Renée Amschler are: 1. Eric Andrew Amschler Lofgren 2. Marc Christopher Lofgren Eric Andrew Amschler Lofgren Eric Andrew Amschler Lofgren (son of Chris and Renée [Amschler] Lofgren) was born 09 Jun 1981 in Peoria, Illinois. Eric attended Limestone Community High School where he played the trumpet in marching band and jazz band and sang in madrigal choir, show choir, and concert choir. Eric then attended Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois, where he majored in music. He served as organist at Bartonville United Methodist Church in Bartonville, Illinois. Marc Christopher Lofgren LAVERNE FAY NEAVEILL LaVerne Fay Neaveill (daughter of Andrew and Ethel [Geeding] Neaveill) was born 23 Sep 1920, and died at the age of fifty-one in Jan 1972. She married Les Lofgren. Laverne was the twin sister of LaVonne (Neaveill) Matarelli. Child of LaVerne Neaveill and Les Lofgren is: 1. Christopher “Chris” Reeves Lofgren CHRISTOPHER “CHRIS” REEVES LOFGREN Christopher “Chris” Reeves Lofgren (son of Les and LaVerne [Neaveill] Lofgren) was born 15 Nov 1945 in Peoria, Illinois. He married Renée Ann Amschler (daughter of Victor Amschler and Delphine Darnstaedt). Renée was born 04 Jul 1954. Marc Christopher Lofgren (son of Chris and Renée [Amschler] Lofgren) was born 18 May 1983 in Peoria, Illinois. LAVONNE GAY NEAVEILL LaVonne Gay Neaveill (daughter of Andrew and Ethel [Geeding] Neaveill) was born 23 Sep 1920. She married John Matarelli. LaVonne is the twin sister of LaVerne (Neaveill) Lofgren. Children of LaVonne Neaveill and John Matarelli are: 1. James Michael Matarelli 2. Teresa Lynn Matarelli 24 The Neaveill Family JAMES MICHAEL MATARELLI TERESA LYNN MATARELLI James Michael Matarelli (son of John and LaVonne [Neaveill] Materelli) was born ????. He married Theresa “Teri” Couri. Children of James Matarelli and Teri Couri are: Teresa Lynn Matarelli (daughter of John and LaVonne [Neaveill] Materelli) was born ????. She married Steve Carlson. Children of Teresa Matarelli and Steve Carlson are: 1. Dominic Matarelli 2. Maria Matarelli 1. Freya Ambrosia Carlson 2. Orion S. Carlson Dominic Matarelli Freya Ambrosia Carlson Dominic Matarelli (son of James and Teri [Couri] Materelli) was born Dec 1981. He attended Greenville College. Freya Ambrosia Carlson (daughter of Steve and Teresa [Materelli] Carlson) was born ????. Maria Matarelli Maria Matarelli (daughter of James and Teri [Couri] Materelli) was born about Apr 1983. She attended Illinois Central College Orion S. Carlson Orion S. Carlson (son of Steve and Teresa [Materelli] Carlson) was born ????. G U Y A N D E RS O N N E AV E IL L Guy Anderson Neaveill (son of Lee and Mary [Butler] Neaveill) was born 23 May 1889 in Big Mound Township, Wayne County, Illinois and died at the age of thirty-eight on 05 Jun 1927 in Stooky Township, St. Clair County, Illinois. He married Martha E. Richardson (daughter of Thomas Alexander Richardson and Nancy A. McCoy) 31 May 1908 in Wayne County, Illinois. Guy Anderson Neaveill’s death certificate lists the cause of his death as “Struck by train #52 of the Southern Railway Co. (Accident) - fracture of skull.” He is buried in Pin Oak Cemetery, west of Fairfield, Wayne County, Illinois. Children of Guy Neaveill and Martha Richardson are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Cecil Neaveill Hazel Neaveill Ruby Neaveill Wilma Neaveill Beverly Neaveill CECIL NEAVEILL Cecil Neaveill (son of Guy and Martha [Richardson] Neaveill) was born ????. He married Gloria Jaunita Boetger (daughter of ? Boetger and ?) 07 Jul 1946 in Bartonville, Illinois. Gloria was born 26 Nov 1922. He married Marjorie Harris (daughter of Verl Harris and Dorothy DeSelms) ????. Marjorie was born sometime after 1931. HAZEL NEAVEILL Hazel Neaveill (daughter of Guy and Martha [Richardson] Neaveill) was born 19 Jul 1911 in Georgetown, Indiana, and died 16 Apr 1992 in Fairfield, Illinois. She married Robert P. Brown (son of ? Brown and ?) 06 Apr 1928 in Geff, Illinois. The following obituary is from the Wayne County Press, date unknown: OBITUARY Mrs. Hazel Brown, 80, Dies At Hospital; Rites Are Held Mrs. Hazel Brown, 80, of Fairfield, died at 11:40 p.m. Thursday, Apr. 16, 1992, at Memorial Hospital. Funeral services were conducted Sunday afternoon from Nale’s Funeral Home, with Rev. Roger Reid officiating. Interment was at Pin Oak Cemetery. Visitation at Nale’s was held Saturday evening. Born In Indiana Mrs. Brown was a housewife. She was born July 19, 1911, in Georgetown, Ind., the daughter of Guy and Martha Richardson Neaveill. On Apr. 6, 1928, at Geff, she was married to Robert P. Brown. He preceded her in death in October, 1978. Also preceding her in death were her parents and one grandson. Mrs. Brown was a member of the Fairfield Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Descendants of Lee Neaveill The Survivors Surviving are one son, Albert (Al) Brown of Geff; one daughter, Martha Jean Ewing, Fairfield; one brother, Cecil Neaveill of Marquette Heights; three sisters, Ruby Beckett of Bartonville; Wilma Peters of Pinellas, Fla; and Beverly Walton of Creve Cour; two grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. * * 25 RUBY NEAVEILL Ruby Neaveill (daughter of Guy and Martha [Richardson] Neaveill) was born ????. She married ? Beckett. * Children of Hazel Neaveill and Robert Brown are: 1. Albert “Al” Brown 2. Martha Jean Brown WILMA NEAVEILL Wilma Neaveill (daughter of Guy and Martha [Richardson] Neaveill) was born ????. She married ? Peters. ALBERT “AL” BROWN Albert “Al” Brown (son of Robert and Hazel [Neaveill] Brown) was born ????. BEVERLY NEAVEILL MARTHA JEAN BROWN Martha Jean Brown (daughter of Robert and Hazel [Neaveill] Brown) was born ????. She married ? Ewing. Beverly Neaveill (daughter of Guy and Martha [Richardson] Neaveill) was born ????. She married ? Walton. C H A P T E R 2 E D I T H A N N N E AV E I L L C.1845–???? Edith Ann Neaveill (daughter of Andy and Lucinda [Young] Neaveill) was born about 1845 probably in Wayne County, 26 Illinois, and died ????. She married Hugh Bradshaw. Nothing else is known of Edith. C H A P T E R 3 L U C I N D A J A N E N E AV E I L L C.1847–???? Lucinda Jane Neaveill (daughter of Andy and Lucinda [Young] Neaveill) was born about 1847 probably in Wayne County, Illinois, and died ????. She married Robert Ewing? There was a Robert and Lucinda Jane Ewing on the Wayne County census of 1870 and 1880, living near Andrew and Lucinda Neaveill. This could be the same Lucinda Jane. Robert and Lucinda Jane Ewing had these children: 1. 2. 3. 4. Lucinda Ewing Della M. Ewing Emma Ewing Minnie Ewing 27 C H A P T E R 4 TO M N E AV E I L L 1847–1928 John Thomas “Tom” Neaveill (son of Andy and Lucinda [Young] Neaveill) was born 20 Nov 1847 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died at the age of eighty on 26 Apr 1928 in Wayne County, Illinois. He married Siberia May Butler (daughter of Hayden Butler and Phoebe Sanders) 11 Apr 1869 in Wayne County, Illinois. Siberia was born 11 Jan 1851 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died 16 Aug 1921 in Wayne County, Illinois. Tom Neaveill’s birthdate of 20 Nov 1847 may be incorrect. This is the date given on his death certificate however federal census records from 1850 and 1860 show him to be born closer to 1850 (He’s listed as one year old in 1850 and ten years old in 1860). He was probably actually born in 1849. Tom Neaveill’s death certificate lists the cause of his death as “cerebral hemorrhage (right).” He is buried in either Victory Cemetery or Bovee Cemetery. There is no marker visible in either of these cemeteries; it may have fallen over and gotten covered by the ground. It is probably more likely 28 that he is buried in Victory Cemetery as that is where his brother, Enoch Levi “Lee” Neaveill (see p. 7), is buried as well as Tom’s son, Archie (see p. 91). His death certificate states that he was buried in Bovee however the following appeared in the Wayne County Press a few days after he died: “Uncle Tom Neavill was buried at Victory Saturday.” Bovee and Victory are across the road from each other so they could have been confused. Siberia May (Butler) Neaveill was born 11 Jan 1851 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died 16 Aug 1921 in Wayne County, Illinois. Siberia was the sister of Mary Jane Butler who married Enoch Levi “Lee” Neaveill, John Thomas’ brother; so all the cousins that descend from these two marriages are actually double cousins. Siberia’s death certificate Tom Neaveill and Siberia (Butler) Neaveill The Tom Neaveill Family Front: Siberia (Butler) Neaveill, Tom Neaveill Middle: Phoebe (Neaveill) Coale, Lucinda (Neaveill) Hickey Back: Archie Neaville, Elmer Neaveill, Bill Neaveill photo courtesy of Margaret Heskett photo courtesy of Laverna (Neaveill) Schultz Descendants of Tom Neaveill Christian church at Richland and lived a faithful and devoted Christian life until called to her reward by Him who doeth all things well. lists the cause of her death as “Acute gastro-Intestinal Diarrhea. Secondary: Colitis.” Following is her obituary: OBITUARY Siberia May Neaville nee Butler, was born in Wayne County, January 11, 1851 and died August 16, 1921, aged 70 years 7 months and 5 days. She was married to J. T. Neaville, April 11, 1869 and to this union were born ten children as follows: W. D., Martha, Phoebe, Elmer, Charles, George E., Archie, Marion and two were still born. Charles, George E. and Marion have preceded her to the better world. She professed a hope in Christ in the year 1888 at the Richland church under the preaching of Bro. Hogan, a Christian minister and united with the 29 * * * Children of Tom Neaveill and Siberia Butler are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. William Delbert Neaveill Martha Lucinda Neaveill Phoebe Belle Neaveill Francis Elmer Neaveill Charles Emory Neaveill George E. Neaveill Joseph Archibald “Archie” Neaville Marion Neaveill W I L LI A M “ B I L L ” D E L B E R T N E AV E I L L William “Bill” Delbert Neaveill (son of Tom and Siberia [Butler] Neaveill) was born 13 Jun 1870 in Boyleston, Wayne County, Illinois, and died 1947 in Lewistown, Illinois. He married (1) Caroline Rebecca Rigg 08 Mar 1893 in Belmont, Illinois (daughter of William Victor Rigg and Sarah Ann Rigg). Caroline was born 04 Feb 1875 in Wabash County, Illinois, and died 11 Mar 1926 in Wabash County, Illinois. He married (2) Rosetta Cobb 21 Nov 1935 in Peoria, Illinois. Following is Bill Neaveill’s obituary: OBITUARY WILLIAM NEAVEILL William Delbert Neaveill, a resident of Cuba for the past 14 years, passed away Wednesday morning at 3:30 in Lewistown, Ill. He was born June 13th, 1870 near Boyleston, Ill. a son of Thomas and Siberia (Butler) Neaveill. Caroline (Rigg) and Bill Neaveill Caroline (Rigg) Neaveill (1823–1896) photos courtesy of Laverna (Neaveill) Schultz He was united in marriage to miss Caroline Rebecca Rigg in July of 1891 at Belmont, Ill., who preceded him in death. Mr. Neaveill was married to Mrs. Rosetta Cobb on November 21, 1935 in Peoria. He was a member of the Methodist church and had spent many years farming. Surviving relatives are his wife and three children of his first marriage. They are Otto Neaveill, Poseyville, Ind.; Roscoe and Charles Neaveill of East Moline, Ill. Nine step-children, Mrs. Clark Morey, Canton; Mrs. Ruby Manning, Peoria; Mrs. Clarence Miller, Rock Falls; Claude Cobb, Pekin; Clemont Cobb, Calif.; Roy Cobb, Peoria; Dewey Cobb, Pekin; Oscar Cobb, Moline. 14 grandchildren, 9 great grandchildren, Two brothers, Elmer Neaveill of Fairfield and Archie Neaveill, Fairfield, Two sisters, Mrs Phebe Cole, Bellmont and Mrs. Lou Hickey, Meade, Kansas. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at 1 p.m. at the Taylor Memorial Chapel conducted by Rev. M. L. Sullins, pastor of the Methodist church. Pallbearers were all grandsons Delbert, Carl, Roy, Phillip, Dale Neaveill, and Charles Manning. Burial was in Cuba cemetery. Those from out of town were Mrs. Verne Neaveill and son Phillip and Fred Hagan, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Neaveill and son Dale and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Neaveill and children of East Moline; Mr. Otto Neaveill and sons, Delbert and Carl, New Harmony, Ind.; Elmer Neaveill, Eureka; Roy Neaveill, of Poseyville, Ind. Mrs Hazel Miller, Rock Falls; Mrs. Opal Hulbert, Hamilton; Mr. Dewey Cobb, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Cobb, Mrs. Norma Fornoff, Pekin; Mrs. Maude Morey, Mrs. Grace Moore, Mrs. June Polhemus, Canton; Mr. and Mrs. Al Taylor, Mrs. Lena Farras and children, Mrs. Vionne Mason and children, Miss Betty Manning, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cobb, Mrs. Ruth Light and son, Mrs. Fred 30 The Neaveill Family The funeral services were conducted by Rev. George Struebing, of Bellmont, Ill., at the M. E. church, March 13th, 1926. Interment at the Bethel cemetery. Reuter, Mrs. Oliver Jacobs, miss Grace Cobb of Peoria. * * * * Caroline (Rigg) Neaveill’s death certificate lists the cause of her death as “Chronic endocarditis. Contributory (secondary): asthma.” She is buried in Bethel Cemetery (North Side) near Bellmont, Illinois. Her two sons who died in infancy, Thomas V. and Johnnie F., are buried next to her. Caroline’s Tombstone also bears the name of her husband, William D. Neaveill, and his birthdate, however William D. Neaveill remarried after Caroline’s death and he is buried in Cuba Cemetery in Cuba, Illinois. * * Children of Bill Neaveill and Caroline Rigg are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Otto Fay Neaveill Thomas V. Neaveill Roscoe “Ross” Rue Neaveill Lewis Vernon Neaveill John “Johnnie” Frederick Neaveill Charles “Charlie” Elmer Neaveill Following is Caroline (Rigg) Neaveill’s obituary: OBITUARY Caroline Rigg Neaveill, daughter of Victor and Sarah Rigg, was born near Bellmont, Ill., Feb. 4th, 1875, and departed from this life March 11th, 1926, age 51 years, 1 month and 7 days. She was united in marriage to William D. Neaveill at Bellmont, Illinois, March 8th, 1893. To this union were born six children, Otto F., Thomas V., Roscoe R., Verne L., Johnnie F., and Charles E. She was preceded in death by Thomas V. and Johnnie F., who died in infancy. She professed faith in Christ and became a member of the M. E. church at Bellmont, Ill. She has been a faithful and consistent Christian from her conversion until called to her reward. On the evening of March 11th, about 7 o’clock, the summons came for her to change her place of abode, to leave the known for the unknown. She left to wonder at her going so suddenly and unexpectedly her devoted husband and her sons, Otto, Roscoe, Verne and Charles, and her aged mother and three brothers and one sister: Albert Rigg, of Belmont, Ill.; Charley Rigg, of Ellery, Ill.; Taylor Rigg, of Browns, Ill.; and Ida Castle, of Mount Carmel, Ill. Many friends and loved ones that have formed acquaintance through life, remain to mourn her departure. OTTO FAY NEAVEILL Otto Fay Neaveill (son of Bill and Caroline [Rigg] Neaveill) was born 21 Dec 1893 in Bellmont, Illinois, and died at the age of sixty-two on 11 Aug 1956 in Evansville, Indiana. He married Stella Hess (daughter of Charles Jefferson Hess and ?) 07 Mar 1915 in Bellmont, Illinois. Stella was born 04 Oct 1897 and died at the age of thirty-nine in Feb 1937. Otto and Stella are buried in the Bethsaida Church cemetery near Stewartsville, Indiana. Children of Otto Neaveill and Stella Hess are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Delbert Jefferson Neaveill Grover Fay Neaveill Carl Neaveill Roy Neaveill LaVerna Fern Neaveill Darrol Neaveill Carroll Edward “Eddie” Neaveill We leave it all in God’s hands. He who is too good to do evil, and too wise to err, has planned it all. To Him we commit our loved one, and hope in His own good time to clasp her hand again. Until then, dear wife, mother, daughter, friend—farewell. Her suffering ended with the day, yet lived she at its close, And breathed the long, long night away, in statue-like repose. But when the Sun in all His state, illumed the eastern skies, She passed through glory’s morning gate, and walked in Paradise. Otto Fay Neaveill (1893–1956) Stella (Hess) Neaveill (1897–1937) photos courtesy of Ervin and Kathy Neaveill Descendants of Tom Neaveill DELBERT JEFFERSON NEAVEILL Delbert Jefferson Neaveill (son of Otto and Stella [Hess] Neaveill) was born 02 Dec 1915 and died at the age of eighty-four on 19 Jan 2000. He married (1) Mary Louise Brandenstein (daughter of ? and ?). Mary was born 07 Mar 1917 and died 11 Nov 1979. Delbert married (2) Mildred Lang (daughter of ? and ?). The following obituary is from the Evansville Courier, January 20, 2000, p. B4: OBITUARY Delbert Neaveill OWENSVILLE, Ind. -- Delbert Jefferson Neaveill, 84, died Wednesday, Jan. 19, 2000, at Deaconess Hospital in Evansville. He had been a farmhand and was a member of the Bethsaida Christian Church. Surviving are his wife, Mildred (Lang); a daughter, Elizabeth Ann Dunkle of Mount Carmel, Ill.; two sons, Charles Lee of Owensville and Wayne of West Salem, Ill.; a sister, Laverna Fern Schultz of La Habra Heights, Calif.; a brother, Darrell of Pacific, Mo.; 16 grandchildren; 19 great-grandchildren; and three great-greatgrandchildren. His first wife, Mary Louise (Brandenstein), died in 1979. Services will be at 11 a.m. Saturday at Werry Funeral Home Poseyville Chapel, with burial in Bethsaida Cemetery in Stewartsville. Friends may call from 2 to 8 p.m. Friday at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be made to St. Mary's Dialysis Center in Evansville. * * 2. Debbie Jean Neaveill 3. David Allen Neaveill 4. Lori Ann Neaveill Jeffrey “Jeff” Lee Neaveill Jeffrey “Jeff” Lee Neaveill (son of Charles and Delores [Taylor] Neaveill) was born 15 Jun 1960 in ?. Debbie Jean Neaveill Debbie Jean Neaveill (daughter of Charles and Delores [Taylor] Neaveill) was born 18 Sep 1963. She married Randall Frederick Adams (son of ? and ?) 22 Jun 1984 in ?. Children of Randall Adams and Debbie Neaveill are: 1. Lindsey Ann Adams 2. Whitney Loren Adams Lindsey Ann Adams. Lindsey Ann Adams (daughter of Randall and Debbie [Neaveill] Adams) was born 23 Jan 1986 in ?. Whitney Loren Adams. Whitney Loren Adams (daughter of Randall and Debbie [Neaveill] Adams) was born 16 Aug 1987 in ?. David Allen Neaveill David Allen Neaveill (son of Charles and Delores [Taylor] Neaveill) was born 03 Mar 1966. He married Linda May Boettcher (daughter of ? and ?) 18 Apr 1987 in ?. Linda was born 15 Dec 1965 in Canada. Children of David Neaveill and Linda Boettcher are: * Children of Delbert Neaveill and Mary Brandenstein are: 1. Elizabeth Ann Neaveill 2. Charles Lee Neaveill 3. Marvin Dewayne “Wayne” Neaveill Elizabeth Ann Neaveill Elizabeth Ann Neaveill (daughter of Delbert and Mary [Brandenstein] Neaveill) was born 28 Sep 1939. She married (1) ? Brown. She married (2) ? Dunkel. Charles Lee Neaveill Charles Lee Neaveill (son of Delbert and Mary [Brandenstein] Neaveill) was born 26 Feb 1941. He married Delores Jean Taylor (daughter of ? and ?) 11 Jul 1959. Delores was born 28 Mar 1941 in ?. Children of Charles Neaveill and Delores Taylor are: 1. Jeffrey Lee Neaveill 31 1. Christopher David Neaveill Christopher David Neaveill. Christopher David Neaveill (son of David and Linda [Boettcher] Neaveill) was born 18 Nov 1991 in ?. Lori Ann Neaveill Lori Ann Neaveill (daughter of Charles and Delores [Taylor] Neaveill) was born 06 Apr 1972. She married Robert Marshall Slaton (son of ? and ?) 17 Aug 1991 in ?. Children of Robert Slaton and Lori Neaveill are: 1. Courtney Michelle Slaton 2. Taylor Lee Slaton Courtney Michelle Slaton. Courtney Michelle Slaton (daughter of Robert and Lori [Neaveill] Slaton) was born 09 Aug 1992 in ?. Taylor Lee Slaton. Taylor Lee Slaton (son of Robert and Lori [Neaveill] Slaton) was born 04 Jun 1995 in ?. 32 The Neaveill Family Marvin Dewayne “Wayne” Neaveill Marvin Dewayne “Wayne” Neaveill (son of Delbert and Mary [Brandenstein] Neaveill) was born 03 Jul 1959. He married (1) Tamela F. ? (daughter of ? and ?). He married (2) Lisa Earline Westfall (daughter of Virgil Westfall and Helen ?). He married (3) Paula Banks (daughter of ? and ?). Children of Wayne Neaveill and Tamela ? are: 1. Mary Elizabeth Neaveill 2. Angela Renee Neaveill Children of Wayne Neaveill and Lisa Westfall are: 3. Samantha Rose Neaveill 4. Danielle Earline Neaveill 5. Miranda Jean Neaveill Mary Elizabeth Neaveill Mary Elizabeth Neaveill (daughter of Wayne and ?[?] Neaveill) was born sometime before 13 Apr 1982. Angela Renee Neaveill Angela Renee Neaveill (daughter of Wayne and ?[?] Neaveill) was born sometime before 1990. Samantha Rose Neaveill Samantha Rose Neaveill (daughter of Wayne and Lisa [Westfall] Neaveill) was born 23 Aug 1990 in Los Angeles County, California. Danielle Earline Neaveill Danielle Earline Neaveill (daughter of Wayne and Lisa [Westfall] Neaveill) was born 02 Oct 1991 in Los Angeles County, California. Miranda Jean Neaveill Miranda Jean Neaveill (daughter of Wayne and Lisa [Westfall] Neaveill) was born 30 Oct 1995 and died 30 Oct 1995. The following is from the Evansville Courier, November 4, 1995: Friends may call from noon to service time Monday at Short Funeral Home. * * * GROVER FAY NEAVEILL Grover Fay Neaveill (son of Otto and Stella [Hess] Neaveill) was born 1927 in Poseyville, Indiana, and died 10 Aug 1944. He married Ruby Paul (daughter of Harry Paul and ?) . Children of Grover Neaveill and Ruby ? are: 1. Dennis Neaveill Dennis Fay Neaveill Dennis Fay Neaveill (son of Grover and Ruby [?] Neaveill) was born 14 Dec 1942. He married Barbara Louise Muller (daughter of Sylvester Muller and Frances Manning). Barbara was born 15 Jan 1945. Children of Dennis Neaveill and Barbara Muller are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Billy Fay Neaveill Elizabeth Ailene Neaveill Grover Eugene Neaveill Shawn Alan Neaveill Billy Fay Neaveill Billy Fay Neaveill (son of Dennis and Barbara [Muller] Neaveill) was born 08 Mar 1965 in Evansville, Indiana. He married Glenda E. ? (daughter of ? and ?) Child of Billy Neaveill and Glenda ? is: 1. Unknown Neaveill Unknown Neaveill. Unknown Neaveill (son of Billy and Glenda [?] Neaveill) was born 23 Sep 1998 in Arizona. OBITUARY Infant Miranda Neaveill MOUNT CARMEL, Ill. — Miranda Jean Neaveill, infant daughter of Lisa Earline (Westfall) and Marvin D. Neaveill, was stillborn Monday at Gibson General Hospital in Princeton, Ind. Also surviving are two sisters, Samantha Rose and Danielle Earline Neaveill, both of Mount Carmel; two half sisters, Mary Elizabeth and Angela Renee Neaveill, both of Hemet, Calif; and grandparents, Helen and Virgil Westfall of La Mirada, Calif., and Delbert Neaveill of Owensville, Ind. Graveside services will be at 2 p.m. Monday at Highland Cemetery. Grover Fay Neaveill (1927–1944) photo courtesy of Ervin and Kathy Neaveill Descendants of Tom Neaveill Elizabeth Ailene Neaveill Elizabeth Ailene Neaveill (daughter of Dennis and Barbara [Muller] Neaveill) was born 13 Dec 1966. She married Kenny L. Hanson (son of ? Hanson and ?) 28 Aug 1988 in McCracken County, Kentucky. Kenny was born 19 Apr ????. Child of Elizabeth Neaveill and Kenny Hanson is: 1. Krista Hanson Krista Hanson. Krista Hanson (daughter of Kenny and Elizabeth [Neaveill] Hanson) was born 08 Sep 1997. Grover Eugene Neaveill Grover Eugene Neaveill (son of Dennis and Barbara [Muller] Neaveill) was born 23 Apr 1969. He married LaJeana L. Daugherty (daughter of ? and ?) 24 Jun 1995 in Henderson County, Kentucky. Children of Grover Neaveill and LaGina ? are: 1. Tessla Neaveill 2. Aaron Neaveill Tessla Neaveill. Tessla Neaveill (daughter of Grover and LaGina [?] Neaveill) was born 01 Jan ????. Aaron Neaveill. Aaron Neaveill (son of Grover and LaGina [?] Neaveill) was born 06 Mar ????. Shawn Alan Neaveill Shawn Alan Neaveill (son of Dennis and Barbara [Muller] Neaveill) was born 15 May 1971. He married Nancy Staggs (daughter of ? Staggs and ?) 1996. Child of Shawn Neaveill and Nancy Staggs is: 1. Whitney Neaveill Whitney Neaveill. Whitney Neaveill (daughter of Shawn and Nancy [Staggs] Neaveill) was born 12 Dec 1997. CARL RUE NEAVEILL Carl Rue Neaveill (son of Otto and Stella [Hess] Neaveill) was born 22 Oct 1920 and died at the age of sixty-six on 22 Jun 1987. He married Verla Maxine Hungate (daughter of Granville Hungate and Thelma America Carrol) 25 Sep 1946 in New Harmony, Indiana. Verla was born 26 Jun 1931 in New Harmony, Indiana, and died at the age of sixty-two on 24 Jul 1993 in Evansville, Indiana. Children of Carl Neaveill and Verla Hungate are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Brenda Kay Neaveill Louis Stephen Neaveill Gregory Scott Neaveill Stella Louise Neaveill Carla Jean Neaveill Cynthia Maxine Neaveill Deborah Diana Neaveill 33 8. Vicky Lynn Neaveill Brenda Kay Neaveill Brenda Kay Neaveill (daughter of Carl and Verla [Hungate] Neaveill) was born 12 Aug 1949 in Evansville, Indiana. She married Ronald Edgar Nosko (son of John P. Nosko and Leora Crist) 02 Aug 1969 in Evansville, Indiana. Children of Brenda Neaveill and Ronald Nosko are: 1. David Scott Nosko 2. Kimberly Kay Nosko 3. Janet Marie Nosko David Scott Nosko David Scott Nosko (son of Ronald and Brenda [Neaveill] Nosko) was born 22 Sep 1970 in Shirley, Massachusetts, and died 10 Dec 1988 in Evansville, Indiana. Kimberly Kay Nosko Kimberly Kay Nosko (daughter of Ronald and Brenda [Neaveill] Nosko) was born 03 Jan 1975 in Evansville, Indiana. She married Benjamin Lee McCarthy (son of ? McCarthy and ?). Child of Kimberly Nosko and Benjamin McCarthy is: 1. Evan Michael Edward McCarthy Evan Michael Edward McCarthy. Evan Michael Edward McCarthy (son of Benjamin and Kimberly [Nosko] McCarthy) was born 31 Jan 1999 in Evansville, Indiana. Janet Marie Nosko Janet Marie Nosko (daughter of Ronald and Brenda [Neaveill] Nosko) was born 12 Apr 1977 in Evansville, Indiana. Louis Stephen Neaveill Louis Stephen Neaveill (son of Carl and Verla [Hungate] Neaveill) was born 01 Nov 1952 in Evansville, Indiana. He married Vickie L. May (daughter of ? and ?) 03 Apr 1979 in Union County, Kentucky. Gregory Scott Neaveill Gregory Scott Neaveill (son of Carl and Verla [Hungate] Neaveill) was born 19 Mar 1963 in Evansville, Indiana. He married (1) Marlana Montgomery (daughter of ? Montgomery and ?) 17 Jul 1982 in Evansville, Indiana. He married (2) Melinda Rutledge (daughter of ? Rutledge and ?) 15 Mar 1986. Child of Gregory Neaveill and Marlana Montgomery is: 1. Jennifer Neaveill Child of Gregory Neaveill and Melinda Rutledge is: 34 The Neaveill Family 2. Caleb Scott Neaveill Jennifer Neaveill Jennifer Neaveill (daughter of Gregory and Marlana [Montgomery] Neaveill) was born 03 Dec 1982 in Evansville, Indiana. Caleb Scott Neaveill Caleb Scott Neaveill (son of Gregory and Melinda [Rutledge] Neaveill) was born 15 Sep 1986 in Kentucky. Stella Louise Neaveill Stella Louise Neaveill (daughter of Carl and Verla [Hungate] Neaveill) was born 30 Apr 1947 in Evansville, Indiana. She married Charles Raymond Longest (son of ? Longest and ?) 22 Apr 1965 in Cynthiana, Indiana. Charles was born 18 Dec 1937 in Orange County, Indiana. Children of Stella Neaveill and Charles Longest are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Virginia Sue Longest Michele Renee Longest Robert Dale Longest Cynthia Dawn Longest Matthew Wayne Longest Virginia “Jenny” Sue Longest Virginia “Jenny” Sue Longest (daughter of Charles and Stella [Neaveill] Longest) was born 30 Mar 1966 in Evansville, Indiana. She married William Lewis Matthews (son of William Lewis Matthews and Jean Darlene Mercer) 16 Mar 1985 in Evansville, Indiana. William was born 02 Nov 1964 in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. Children of Jenny Longest and William Matthews are: 1. Tarha Elizabeth Matthews 2. Brian Zachary Matthews 3. Heather Nichole Matthews 1. Sherri Denise Whitlow 2. Jason Allen Payne 3. Jonathan Lee Payne Sherri Denise Whitlow. Sherri Denise Whitlow was born 18 Jul 1984 in Vincennes, Indiana. Jason Allen Payne. Jason Allen Payne was born 16 Nov 1986 in Evansville, Indiana. Jonathan Lee Payne. Jonathan Lee Payne was born 25 Aug 1989 in Evansville, Indiana. Robert Dale Longest Robert Dale Longest (son of Charles and Stella [Neaveill] Longest) was born 25 Oct 1968 in Evansville, Indiana. He married Gina Sutton (daughter of ? Sutton and ?) 25 Nov 1998 in Evansville, Indiana. Child of Robert Longest and Gina Sutton is: 1. Justin Ray Longest Justin Ray Longest. Justin Ray Longest was born 01 May 1991 in Evansville, Indiana. Cynthia Dawn Longest Cynthia Dawn Longest (daughter of Charles and Stella [Neaveill] Longest) was born 09 Jan 1970 in Evansville, Indiana. She married Robb Hawkins (son of ? Hawkins and ?). Chldren of Cynthia Longest and Robb Hawkins are: 1. Nathan Lee Hawkins 2. Christopher Kyle Hawkins Nathan Lee Hawkins. Nathan Lee Hawkins (son of Robb and Cynthia [Longest] Hawkins) was born 30 Jun 1990 in Evansville, Indiana. Tarha Elizabeth Matthews. Tarha Elizabeth Matthews (daughter of William and Jenny [Longest] Matthews) was born 29 Jun 1985 in Evansville, Indiana. Christopher Kyle Hawkins. Christopher Kyle Hawkins (son of Robb and Cynthia [Longest] Hawkins) was born 24 May 1991 in Evansville, Indiana. Brian Zachary Matthews. Brian Zachary Matthews (son of William and Jenny [Longest] Matthews) was born 14 Jul 1986 in Evansville, Indiana. Matthew Wayne Longest Matthew Wayne Longest (son of Charles and Stella [Neaveill] Longest) was born 30 Oct 1978 in Evansville, Indiana. Heather Nichole Matthews. Heather Nichole Matthews (daughter of William and Jenny [Longest] Matthews) was born 13 Jul 1989 in Evansville, Indiana. Michele Renee Longest Michele Renee Longest (daughter of Charles and Stella [Neaveill] Longest) was born 26 Apr 1967 in Evansville, Indiana. She married Everett Payne (son of ? Payne and ?) 04 May 1998 in Evansville, Indiana. Children of Michele Longest and Everett Payne are: Carla Jean Neaveill Carla Jean Neaveill (daughter of Carl and Verla [Hungate] Neaveill) was born 19 Jul 1950. She married Pat Manzi (son of ? Manzi and ?) 11 Dec 1982 in Evansville, Indiana. Pat was born 24 May 1935 in Providence, Rhode Island. Children of Carla Neaveill and Pat Manzi are: 1. Lisa Jean Neaveill Descendants of Tom Neaveill Harmony, Indiana. She married Robert Eugene Pointer (son of ? Pointer and ?). 2. Michael Anthony Wheeler Lisa Jean Neaveill Lisa Jean Neaveill was born 11 Oct 1968 in Evansville, Indiana. She married Scott Allan Deutsch (son of ? Deutsch and ?). Children of Lisa Neaveill and Scott Deutsch are: 1. Kyle Allan Deutsch 2. Zachary Michael Deutsch Kyle Allan Deutsch. Kyle Allan Deutsch (son of Scott and Lisa [Neaveill] Deutsch) was born 31 Aug 1991 in Evansville, Indiana. Zachary Michael Deutsch. Zachary Michael Deutsch (son of Scott and Lisa [Neaveill] Deutsch) was born 04 Jun 1993 in Evansville, Indiana. Michael Anthony Wheeler Michael Anthony Wheeler was born 14 Sep 1975 in Evansville, Indiana. He married Kenda ? (daughter of ? and ?) 04 Oct 1996 in Evansville, Indiana Cynthia Maxine “Cindy Mac” Neaveill Cynthia Maxine “Cindy Mac” Neaveill (daughter of Carl and Verla [Hungate] Neaveill) was born 06 Aug 1959 in Evansville, Indiana, and died 23 Dec 1998 in Mt. Vernon, Indiana. The following obituary is from the Evansville Courier, December 25, 1998, p. A18 OBITUARY Cynthia Neaveill MOUNT VERNON, Ind. — Cynthia M. “Cindy Mac” Neaveill, 39, died Wednesday morning as a result of cerebral palsy at her home. Surviving are five sisters, Vicky Neaveill and Stella Longest, both of Mount Vernon, and Brenda Nosko, Carla Manzi and Debbie Pointer, all of Evansville; and two brothers, Stephen Neaveill of Evansville and Gregory Neaveill of Sebree, Ky. Services will be at 11 a.m. Monday at Alexander Memorial Park Chapel, the Rev. Chuck Daugherty officiating, with entombment in Alexander Memorial Park Mausoleum. Friends may call from 4 to 8 p.m. Sunday at Alexander Funeral Home West Chapel. Memorial contributions may be made to Deaconess Ohio Valley Hospice. * 35 * Children of Debbie Neaveill and Robert Pointer are: 1. Stephen Eugene Pointer 2. Kristen Leigh Pointer Stephen Eugene Pointer Stephen Eugene Pointer (son of Robert and Debbie [Neaveill] Pointer) was born 04 Oct 1972 in Evansville, Indiana. He married Amanda ? (daughter of ? and ?) in Evansville, Indiana. Children of Stephen Pointer and Amanda ? are: 1. Brittany Leigh Nichole Pointer Brittany Leigh Nichole Pointer. Brittany Leigh Nichole Pointer (daughter of Stephen and Amanda [?] Pointer) was born ????. Kristen Leigh Pointer Kristen Leigh Pointer (daughter of Robert and Debbie [Neaveill] Pointer) was born 15 May 1981 in Evansville, Indiana. Vicky Lynn Neaveill Vicky Lynn Neaveill (daughter of Carl and Verla [Hungate] Neaveill) was born 15 Oct 1962 in Evansville, Indiana. ROY NEAVEILL Roy Neaveill (son of Otto and Stella [Hess] Neaveill) was born about 1923, and died 07 Apr 1995 in New Harmony, Indiana. He married Frances Coomes. The following is from the Evansville Courier, Evansville, Indiana, April 8, 1995: * Deborah “Debbie” Diana Neaveill Deborah “Debbie” Diana Neaveill (daughter of Carl and Verla [Hungate] Neaveill) was born 10 Dec 1953 in New Roy Neaveill (c.1923–1995) photo courtesy of Ervin and Kathy Neaveill 36 The Neaveill Family 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Rita Mae Neaveill Ervin Neaveill Thomas “Tom” Lee Neaveill Leona Denise Neaveill Roy Allen Neaveill Donald Neaveill Carolyn Marie Neaveill Angel Nicole Coomes Tracy Lynn Neaveill Robin Wayne Neaveill Barbara Sue Neaveill The Roy Neaveill Family Front: Tracy Neaveill, Donald Neaveill; Middle: Denise (Neaveill) Simmons, Roy Allen Neaveill, Roy Neaveill, Frances (Coomes) Neaveill, Carolyn (Neaveill) Lefler; Back: Sue (Neaveill) Gibson, Mary Ann (Neaveill) Abrahamson, Joyce (Neaveill) Allen, Rita (Neaveill) Osborne, Ervin Neaveill, Nicky Coomes photo courtesy of Ervin and Kathy Neaveill Barbara Sue Neaveill (daughter of Roy and Frances [Coomes] Neaveill) was born 1945. She married Danny Gibson. Children of Danny Gibson and Barbara Neaveill are: 1. Robin Gibson 2. Vickie Gibson Robin Gibson Robin Gibson (daughter of Danny and Barbara [Neaveill] Gibson) was born 08 Mar 1967. OBITUARY ROY NEAVEILL NEW HARMONY, Ind. — Roy Neaveill, 72, died at 2 a.m. Friday at his home. He was a World War II Army veteran and had worked as a custodian for New Harmony schools. Surviving are his wife, Frances (Coomes) Neaveill; seven daughters, Barbara Gibson of Mount Vernon, Carolyn Lefler of Evansville, Denise Glezen of Houston, Mary Ann Abrahamson of Crossville, Ill., and Joyce Allen, Rita Wiggins and Nicky Coomes, all of Evansville; five sons, Roy A. Neaveill, Ervin Neaveill, Donald Neaveill and Tracy Neaveill, all of New Harmony, and Tom Neaveill of Owensboro, Ky.; a sister, Laverne Schultz of La Habra, Calif.; three brothers, Delbert Neaveill of Owensville and Darrell Neaveill and Carroll Neaveill, both of St. Louis; 27 grandchildren; and nine great-grandchildren. Services will be at 2 p.m. Sunday at Werry Funeral Home, with burial in Bethsaida Cemetery near Stewartsville. Friends may call from 2 to 8 p.m. today and from 10 a.m. to service time Sunday at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be made to the New Harmony Church of the Nazarene, the American Cancer Society or Deaconess/Ohio Valley Hospice Care. * * * Vickie Gibson Vickie Gibson (daughter of Danny and Barbara [Neaveill] Gibson) was born 27 Jun 1971. Mary Ann Neaveill Mary Ann Neaveill (daughter of Roy and Frances [Coomes] Neaveill) was born 1947. She married Jerry Abrahamson (adopted son of Davis Abrahamson and ?). Children of Jerry Abrahamson and Mary Ann Neaveill are: 1. Joe Abrahamson 2. Rodney Abrahamson 3. Dawn Abrahamson Joe Abrahamson Joe Abrahamson (son of Jerry and Mary Ann [Neaveill] Abrahamson) was born 27 Sep 1965 in Yuma, Arizona. He married Julie Mayville (daughter of ? Mayville and ?). Child of Joe Abrahamson and Julie Mayville is: 1. Cassandra “Cassie” Abrahamson Cassandra “Cassie” Abrahamson. Cassandra “Cassie” Abrahamson (daughter of Joe and Julie [Mayville] Abrahamson) was born 03 Nov 1991. Children of Roy Neaveill and Frances Coomes are: 1. Barbara Sue Neaveill 2. Mary Ann Neaveill 3. Joyce Ann Neaveill Rodney Abrahamson Rodney Abrahamson (son of Jerry and Mary Ann [Neaveill] Abrahamson) was born 18 Mar 1969 in Evansville, Indiana. He married Jeannie Page (daughter of ? Page and ?). Descendants of Tom Neaveill Dawn Abrahamson Dawn Abrahamson (daughter of Jerry and Mary Ann [Neaveill] Abrahamson) was born 31 Jan 1973 in Ft. Myers, Florida. She married Geoff Miller (son of ? Miller and ?). Children of Dawn Abrahamson and Geoff Miller are: 1. Geoffrey Miller 2. Jeremy Dalton Miller 37 Adam Osborne Adam Osborne (son of Andy and Rita [Neaveill] Osborne) was born ????. Kelly Osborne Kelly Osborne (daughter of Andy and Rita [Neaveill] Osborne) was born ????. Ervin J. Neaveill Geoffrey Miller. Geoffrey Miller (son of Geoff and Dawn [Abrahamson] Miller) was born 12 Aug 1992. Jeremy Dalton Miller. Jeremy Dalton Miller (son of Geoff and Dawn [Abrahamson] Miller) was born 29 Dec 1994. Joyce Neaveill Joyce Neaveill (daughter of Roy and Frances [Coomes] Neaveill) was born 1949. She married Bob Allen (son of Louis Allen and Catherine Davis) 22 Apr 1967 in New Harmony, Indiana. Children of Bob Allen and Joyce Neaveill are: 1. John Allen 2. Todd Allen John Allen John Allen (son of Bob and Joyce [Neaveill] Allen) was born 27 Mar 1968 in Evansville, Indiana. Todd Allen Todd Allen (son of Bob and Joyce [Neaveill] Allen) was born 07 Jul 1972 in Evansville, Indiana. Rita Neaveill Rita Neaveill (daughter of Roy and Frances [Coomes] Neaveill) was born 04 Feb 1951. She married (1) Andy Osborne. She married (2) Gene Wiggins. Children of Andy Osborne and Rita Neaveill are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Ervin J. Neaveill (son of Roy and Frances [Coomes] Neaveill) was born 23 Jan 1953. He married Kathy Osborne 11 Aug 1973. Kathy Osborne was born 11 Dec 1955. Ervin Neaveill and Kathy Osborne both attended New Harmony High School in New Harmony, Indiana, and got married in 1973, the year Kathy graduated. Ervin has worked at GAF (a roofing factory) for 25 years. Kathy has had her own cleaning business for 14 years. She also works 2 days a week as a receptionist at Harmonie Health Care. Children of Ervin Neaveill and Kathy Osborne are: 1. Amber Brooke Neaveill 2. Brady Ervin Neaveill Amber Brooke Neaveill Amber Brooke Neaveill (daughter of Ervin and Kathy [Osborne] Neaveill) was born 23 Dec 1976. She married Nick Alan Sailer (son of Rick Sailer and Margaret ?) 04 Sep 1999 in Mount Vernon, Indiana. The following wedding announcement is from an unknown newspaper: Amber Brooke Neaveill and Nick Alan Sailer were united in marriage in a 6 p.m. candlelight ceremony September 4, 1999, at Mount Pleasant Baptist Church in Mount Vernon, Rev. Charles Crandell officiated the ceremony. Parents of the bride are Ervin and Kathy Neaveill of New Harmony. Parents of the groom are Rick and Margaret Sailer of New Harmony. Darren Osborne Michael Osborne Adam Osborne Kelly Osborne Darren Osborne Darren Osborne (son of Andy and Rita [Neaveill] Osborne) was born ????. Michael Osborne Michael Osborne (son of Andy and Rita [Neaveill] Osborne) was born ????. The Ervin Neaveill Family Front: Ervin Neaveill, Kathy (Osborne) Neaveill Back: Brady Neaveill, Amber (Neaveill) Sailer photo courtesy of Ervin and Kathy Neaveill 38 The Neaveill Family A reception followed the ceremony at the Dan Fox Center in Mount Vernon. The bride chose Lari Woehler of Evansville as maid of honor. The groom chose Steve Barnett of Wadesvill as best man. Ushers were Brady Neaveill, brother of the bride, and Brock Sailer, brother of the groom. Randi Jo Osborne, cousin of the bride, attended the guest book and Joseph and Brooke Stewart, cousins of the bride passed out the bubbles. The bride is a 1995 graduate of New Harmony High School. She attends University of Southern Indiana, where she will graduate in December with a Bachelors Degree in business administration. She is currently employed at West Roofing as an administrative assistant. The groom is a 1995 graduate of Mount Vernon High School and a 1997 graduate of Ivy Tech with a degree in industrial maintenance. He is currently employed at Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indiana as a skilled maintenance technician. The couple honeymooned in Gatlinburg, Tenn., and now reside in Princeton. Child of Rodney Rodgers and Stacy Neaveill is: 1. Shawn Allen Rodgers Shawn Allen Rodgers. Shawn Allen Rodgers (son of Rodney Rodgers and Stacy Neaveill) was born ???? and died 20 May 1998. The following is from the Evansville Courier, May 21, 1998: OBITUARY Infant Rodgers NEW HARMONY, Ind. — Shawn Allen Rodgers, son of Stacy Ann Neaveill and Rodney Allen Rodgers of New Harmony, died Wednesday morning at Deaconess Hospital in Evansville. Also surviving are grandparents, Randall Hoehn and Kim Osborne, both of New Harmony and Allen and Darla Rodgers, both of Princeton; and great-grandparents. Graveside services will be at 10 a.m. Friday at Poseyville Cemetery. There will be no visitation at Werry Funeral Home Poseyville Chapel. * Child of Amber Neaveill and Nick Sailer is: 1. Gabriel Alan Sailer Gabriel Alan Sailer. Gabriel Alan Sailer (son of Nick and Amber [Neaveill] Sailer) was born 13 May 2002. Brady Ervin Neaveill Brady Ervin Neaveill (son of Ervin and Kathy [Osborne] Neaveill) was born 29 Aug 1979. Brady attends the University of Southern Indiana where he majors in business. Thomas “Tom” Lee Neaveill Thomas “Tom” Lee Neaveill (son of Roy and Frances [Coomes] Neaveill) was born May 1955. He married (1) Kim Osborne (daughter of ? Osborne and ?). He married (2) Lisa Marie Smith (daughter of ? Smith and ?) 06 May 1995 in Daviess County, Kentucky. Children of Tom Neaveill and Kim Osborne are: 1. Bridget Lea Neaveill 2. Stacy Ann Neaveill 3. Carrie Jo Neaveill Bridget Lea Neaveill Bridget Lea Neaveill (daughter of Tom and Kim [Osborne] Neaveill) was born 12 Dec 1975. Stacy Ann Neaveill Stacy Ann Neaveill (daughter of Tom and Kim [Osborne] Neaveill) was born 04 Feb 1983. She met Rodney Allen Rodgers (son of Allen Rodgers and Darla ?). * * Carrie Jo Neaveill Carrie Jo Neaveill (daughter of Tom and Kim [Osborne] Neaveill) was born 31 Mar 1986. Denise Neaveill Denise Neaveill (daughter of Roy and Frances [Coomes] Neaveill) was born May 1956. She married (1) Jim Simmons (son of ? Simmons and Anne ?). She married (2) Carl Glezen (son of Bill Glezen and Barbara ?). Children of Denise Neaveill and Jim Simmons are: 1. Stephanie Simmons Children of Denise Neaveill and Carl Glezen are: 2. David Glezen 3. Amy Glezen 4. Scott Glezen Stephanie Simmons Stephanie Simmons (daughter of Jim and Denise [Neaveill] Simmons) was born Sep 1976 and died at the age of twentytwo on 22 Feb 1999. The following is from the Evansville Courier, Wednesday, February 24, 1999: OBITUARY Stephanie Simmons Stephanie R. Simmons, 22, died Monday in an automobile accident at Diamond Avenue and St. Joseph Avenue. She was a shift manager for Taco Bell. Descendants of Tom Neaveill Surviving are her mother and stepfather, Denise and Carl Glezen of Houston; a sister, Amy Glezen of Houston; two brothers, David and Scott Glezen, both of Houston; grandmothers, Frances Neaveill of New Harmony, Ind., and Anne Simmons of Owensville, Ind.; stepgrandparents, Barbara and Bill Glezen of Butler, Pa.; and an aunt and uncle with whom she lived, Carolyn and Mark Lefler of Evansville. Services will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at Werry Funeral Home New Harmony Chapel, with burial in Bethsaida Cemetery in Stewartsville, Ind. Friends may call from 4 to 8 p.m. today and from 10 a.m. to service time Thursday at the funeral home. * * * David Glezen David Glezen (son of Carl and Denise [Neaveill] Glezen) was born ????. Amy Glezen Amy Glezen (daughter of Carl and Denise [Neaveill] Glezen) was born ????. Scott Glezen Scott Glezen (son of Carl and Denise [Neaveill] Glezen) was born ????. Roy Allen Neaveill Roy Allen Neaveill (son of Roy and Frances [Coomes] Neaveill) was born Feb 1958. He married Theresa Kay Reidford. (daughter of Norman Reidford and Jeanette Joest). Children of Roy Neaveill and Teresa Reidford are: 1. Wendy Sue Neaveill 2. Valerie Neaveill Wendy Sue Neaveill Wendy Sue Neaveill (daughter of Roy and Teresa [Reidford] Neaveill) was born Sep 1976. Valerie Neaveill Valerie Neaveill (daughter of Roy and Teresa [Reidford] Neaveill) was born Dec 1980. Donald Neaveill Donald Neaveill (son of Roy and Frances [Coomes] Neaveill) was born Feb 1960. He married Jeanie Burris. Child of Donald Neaveill and Jeanie Burris is: 1. Matthew Neaveill Matthew Neaveill Matthew Neaveill (son of Donald and Jeanie [Burris] Neaveill) was born Oct 1979. 39 Carolyn Neaveill Carolyn Neaveill (daughter of Roy and Frances [Coomes] Neaveill) was born 1961. She married Mark Lefler. Angel Nicole Coomes Angel Nicole “Nicky” Coomes (daughter of Roy and Frances [Coomes] Neaveill) was born 1964. Child of “Nicky” Coomes is: 1. Megan Coomes Megan Coomes Megan Coomes (daughter of “Nicky” Coomes) was born 02 Feb 1992. Tracy Neaveill Tracy Neaveill (son of Roy and Frances [Coomes] Neaveill) was born 1965. He married Rada M. Newman (daughter of ? and ?) 10 Jun 1988 in Henderson County, Kentucky. Children of Tracy Neaveill and Rada Newman are: 1. Justin Neaveill 2. Chastity Neaveill 3. Michele Neaveill Justin Neaveill Justin Neaveill (son of Tracy and Rada [?] Neaveill) was born ????. Chastity Neaveill Chastity Neaveill (son of Tracy and Rada [?] Neaveill) was born ????. Michele Neaveill Michele Neaveill (son of Tracy and Rada [?] Neaveill) was born ????. Robin Wayne Neaveill Robin Wayne Neaveill (son of Roy and Frances [Coomes] Neaveill) was born 24 Dec 1963 and died 24 Dec 1963. DARROL NEAVEILL Darrol Neaveill (son of Otto and Stella [Hess] Neaveill) was born about 1928. He married Dorothy ? (daughter of ? and ?). Darrol worked for 39 years at Chrysler. Children of Darrol Neaveill and Dorothy ? are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Lawrence “Larry” Neaveill Joseph Neaveill Cathy Neaveill Mike Neaveill Lester Neaveill Billy Neaveill 40 The Neaveill Family 7. Suzette Neaveill Lawrence “Larry” Neaveill Lawrence “Larry” Neaveill (son of Darrol and Dorothy [?] Neaveill) was born ????. Joseph Neaveill Joseph Neaveill (son of Darrol and Dorothy [?] Neaveill) was born ????. Cathy Neaveill Cathy Neaveill (daughter of Darrol and Dorothy [?] Neaveill) was born ????. Mike Neaveill Mike Neaveill (son of Darrol and Dorothy [?] Neaveill) was born ????. He married Tina Angell? The following is from the website ( schools/meramec/Alumni/bio_85.htm) for Pacific High School (Pacific, Missouri) alumni: AngellTina I married Mike Neaveill (PHS ’82) in 1985. We have two wonderful children, a boy and a girl. We also have 2 horses, a dog, and a cat. After graduation, I went to ECC and got an AAS degree in accounting. Worked in a bank for nine years as a teller for the first four then in loan service as a documentation auditor. Now I'm at home with my daughter and running my son all over creation for after school activities. I’m also doing Avon and looking for some kind of work to do from home. I would love to hear from other classmates and would be interested in getting a reunion together. Lester Neaveill Lester Neaveill (son of Darrol and Dorothy [?] Neaveill) was born ????. Billy Neaveill Billy Neaveill (son of Darrol and Dorothy [?] Neaveill) was born ????. Suzette Neaveill Suzette Neaveill (daughter of Darrol and Dorothy [?] Neaveill) was born ????. CARROLL EDWARD “EDDIE” NEAVEILL Carroll Edward “Eddie” Neaveill (son of Otto and Stella [Hess] Neaveill) was born 23 Feb 1930 in Poseyville, Indi- ana, and died at the age of sixty-six on 07 Apr 1996 in Creve Coeur, Missouri. He married Anna Mae “Peggy” Cleveland (daughter of Charles Cleveland and Opal Bradshaw) 04 Jun 1949. Peggy was born 28 Oct 1929. The following information on Carroll Neaveill is from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Thursday, March 29, 1990 Edition: WEST Section: NEWS Page: W. The article was titled “Candidates Contest Half of District Races.” CARROLL E. NEAVEILL - He is seeking public office for the first time. Neaveill is retired from the Chrysler Plant No. 1 in Fenton. Neaveill, 60, attended Poseyville High School in Poseyville, Ind. and earned a high school equivalency in the Marine Corps. Neaveill is married and has one child. He lives at 221 Hill Drive, Gray Summit. The following is from the Evansville Courier, Evansville, Indiana, April 9, 1996: OBITUARY CARROL NEAVEILL POSEYVILLE, Ind. — Carroll Edward Neaveill, 66, of Union, Mo., died Sunday at Missouri Baptist Hospital in Creve Coeur, Mo. He retired after 37 years with Chrysler Corp. He was a member of New Hope Assembly of God Church, Columbia Lodge 534 AF&AM and United Auto Workers 136 Retirees. Surviving are his wife of 46 years, Anna (Cleveland); a son, Charles E. of Union; a sister, LaVerna Schultz of California; two brothers, Delbert of Indiana and Darroll of Pacific, Mo.; four grandchildren, Brian Andrew, Jennifer, Michelle and Christopher Neaveill; and nieces and nephews. Memorial services will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday at Bell Funeral Home in Pacific, where friends may call from 2 to 9 p.m. today. Graveside services will be at 2:30 p.m. Thursday at Poseyville Cemetery. Friends may call from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday at Werry Funeral Home in New Harmony. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the American Heart Association. * * * Child of Carroll Neaveill and Peggy Cleveland is: 1. Charles Edward Neaveill Charles Edward Neaveill Charles Edward Neaveill (son of Carroll and Peggy [Cleveland] Neaveill) was born 04 Jun 1954. He married (1) Debra Kay Dupemann 15 Jun 1974. He married (2) Diana Louise Brandenstein (daughter of ? and ?) 18 Feb 1984. Children of Charles Neaveill and Debra Dupemann are: Descendants of Tom Neaveill 41 1. Jennifer Carol Neaveill Children of Charles Neaveill and Diana Brandenstein are: 2. Christopher Edward Neaveill 3. Michelle Renae Neaveill Jennifer Carol Neaveill Jennifer Carol Neaveill (daughter of Charles and Debra [Dupemann] Neaveill) was born 28 Nov 1979. Christopher Edward Neaveill Christopher Edward Neaveill (son of Charles and Diana [Brandenstein] Neaveill) was born 31 Jul 1985. Michelle Renae Neaveill Michelle Renae Neaveill (daughter of Charles and Diana [Brandenstein] Neaveill) was born 29 Jun 1988. THOMAS V. NEAVEILL Thomas V. Neaveill (son of Bill and Caroline [Rigg] Neaveill) was born 03 Feb 1898, Bellmont, Wabash County, Illinois and died 08 Apr 1898, Bellmont, Wabash County, Illinois. He is buried next to his mother, Caroline Rebecca [Rigg] Neaveill, in Bethel Cemetery (north side) near Bellmont, Illinois. Mary (Litherland) Neaveill (1902–1979) and Ross Neaveill (1899–1969) photo courtesy of Wanda Gaffke great-grandchildren and a brother, Charles E., East Moline. * * * Children of “Ross” Neaveill and Mary Litherland are: 1. Thelma Elise Neaveill 2. Dollie Mae Neaveill 3. Dale Lee Neaveill THELMA ELISE NEAVEILL ROSCOE “ROSS” RUE NEAVEILL Roscoe Rue Neaveill (son of Bill and Caroline [Rigg] Neaveill) was born 01 Nov 1899 in Bellmont, Illinois, and died at the age of sixty-nine on 20 Oct 1969. He married Mary Elizabeth Litherland. (daughter of D. Litherland and Nancy Gregory) 28 Jun 1919 in Albion, Edwards County, Illinois. Mary was born 20 Dec 1902 and died at the age of seventy-six in Oct 1979. The following obituary is from an unknown newspaper: OBITUARY Roscoe R. Neaveill, 69, of 304 17th Street, East Moline, died this morning in Moline Public Hospital. Arrangements are being made at Primm-Sullivan Funeral Home. Visitation is after 2 p.m. Tuesday. Mr. Neaveill was born in Bellmont, Ill., and married Mary E. Litherland June 28, 1919 in Browns, Ill. Prior to his retirement in 1964, he was employed by Hydraxtor Division, Moline for nine years. Survivors include his wife; son, Dale L., East Moline; two daughters, Mrs. John E. Green and Mrs. Dollie M. Ader, both of East Moline; seven grandchildren; five Thelma Elise Neaveill (daughter of “Ross” and Mary [Litherland] Neaveill) was born 26 Jul 1920 in Mt. Carmel, Wabash County, Illinois and died 02 Jul 1982 in Moline, Rock Island County, Illinois. She married John Ephriam Green (son of William Green and Jessie Phipps) 29 Jul 1938 in Davenport, Iowa. John and Thelma are buried in Rose Lawn Memorial Cemetery in Moline, Illinois. The following is from an unknown newspaper: OBITUARY Services for Thelma E. Green, 61, of 2725 S. 13th St., East Moline, will be 10 a.m. Tuesday at Silvis Heights Baptist Church. Burial will be in Rose Lawn Memorial Estate. Visitation is 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. Monday at Sullivan-Esterdahl Mortuary, East Moline. Memorials may be made to the church, of which she was a member. Mrs. Green died Friday, July 2, 1982, at Moline Public Hospital. Thelma Neaveill married John E. Green in 1938 in Davenport. She was a member of Silvis PTA. 42 The Neaveill Family Survivors include sons, Garry D. and Larry L. both of East Moline; a daughter, Donna Danneels, East Moline; 11 grandchildren; a great-grandson; and sisters, Addie Dick, Council Bluffs, Iowa, and Minnie Resnus, Dixon, Mo. Survivors include her husband; a daughter, Donna Danneels, East Moline; sons, Larry, Moline and Gary, East Moline; 11 grandchildren, a sister, Dollie Mae McBride, Silvis; and a brother, Dale Neaveill, East Moline. * * * * The following is from an unknown newspaper: OBITUARY Services for John E. Green, 73, of 2725 S. 13th St., East Moline, will be 2:30 p.m. Tuesday at Silvis Heights Baptist Church. Burial will be in Rose Lawn Estate. Visitation is 7 to 9 p.m. today at Sullivan-Esterdahl Mortuary Ltd., East Moline. Memorials may be made to the church of which he was a member. Mr Green died Sunday at Illini Hospital. He retired in 1977 from the core room at John Deere Foundry, East Moline, where he had been employed 35 years. Mr. Green married Thelma E. Neaveill in 1938 at Davenport. She died in 1982. He served 25 years as a volunteer fireman for the East Moline Rural Fire Protection District. * * Children of John Green and Thelma Neaveill are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Ronald Dean Green Garry Dee Green Larry Lee Green Donna Jean Green Ronald Dean Green Ronald Dean Green (son of John and Thelma [Neaveill] Green) was born 22 Jan 1941 in Henry, Illinois, and died 27 Aug 1967. He married (1) Marsha Jo Stoneking (daughter of James Stoneking, Sr. and Beatrice Breecher) 03 Aug 1962 in Silvis, Illinois. He married Sylvia Mann (daughter of ? Mann and ?) 03 Aug 1967. Ronald was killed in a car accident on Interstate 80 near Geneseo, Illinois. Ronald is buried in Hampton Cemetery in Hampton, Illinois. Ronald worked at the Tri-City grocery store. Marsha (Stoneking) Green is a music teacher. Child of Ronald Green and Marsha Stoneking is: 1. Steven Joseph Green Seated: Ronald Dean Green, Steven Joseph Green Back: Ross Neaveill, Mary (Litherland) Neaveill, Thelma (Neaveill) Green Seated: Ronald Dean Green, Steven Joseph Green Back: Garry Dee Green, Donna Jean Green, Larry Lee Green photo courtesy of Steve Green photo courtesy of Steve Green Descendants of Tom Neaveill 43 Mark Reynolds Green Mark Reynolds Green (daughter of Garry and Lucille [Perlo] Green) was born 23 Apr 1980 in Rock Island, Illinois. Larry Lee Green Larry Lee Green (son of John and Thelma [Neaveill] Green) was born 17 Aug 1946 in Rock Island, Illinois. He married Mary Frances Anderson (daughter of Gerhart Anderson and Velma Walker) 07 Sep 1968 in Moline, Illinois. Larry is the twin brother of Garry Dee Green. Children of Larry Green and Mary Anderson are: Ronald Green (1941–1967) and Marsha (Stoneking) Green photo courtesy of Steve Green Steven “Steve” Joseph Green Steven “Steve” Joseph Green (son of Ronald and Marsha [Stoneking] Green) was born 10 Jun 1963 in Moline, Illinois. He married Rebecca Hale (daughter of Billy Gene Hale and Dixie Anne White) 11 Jun 1993 in Columbus, Ohio. Steve graduated from J.D. Darnall High School in Geneseo, Illinois, in 1981. He then attended Illinois State University in Normal, Illinois, where he received a bachelors degree in political science and history, a second bachelors degree in english, and a masters degree in english. He joined the navy in 1993 and is currently stationed in Louisville, Kentucky, at the Military Entrance Processing Station. Child of Steve Green and Rebecca Hale is: 1. 2. 3. 4. Michelle Lea Green Larry Lee Green, Jr. Scott Gerhart Green John Freemondt Green Michelle Lea Green Michelle Lea Green (daughter of Larry and Mary [Anderson] Green) was born 30 Jun 1971 in Moline, Illinois. Larry Lee Green, Jr. Larry Lee Green, Jr. (son of Larry and Mary [Anderson] Green) was born 28 Aug 1973 in Silvis, Illinois. He married Tabitha Gail DeBord (daughter of ? and ?) 20 Sep 1997. Scott Gerhart Green Scott Gerhart Green (son of Larry and Mary [Anderson] Green) was born 22 Sep 1974 in Silvis, Illinois. John Freemondt Green John Freemondt Green (son of Larry and Mary [Anderson] Green) was born 28 Jul 1977 in Silvis, Illinois. 1. Stephanie Jo Green Donna Jean Green Stephanie Jo Green. Stephanie Jo Green (daughter of Steve and Rebecca [Hale] Green) was born 06 Dec 1996 in Newport News, Virginia. Garry Dee Green Garry Dee Green (son of John and Thelma [Neaveill] Green) was born 17 Aug 1946 in Rock Island, Illinois. He married Lucille Perlo (daughter of Pastor Perlo and Esperensa ?) 15 Jun 1973 in Silvis, Illinois. Garry is the twin brother of Larry Lee Green. Children of Garry Green and Lucille Perlo are: 1. Staci Kae Green 2. Mark Reynolds Green Staci Kae Green Staci Kae Green (daughter of Garry and Lucille [Perlo] Green) was born 02 Jul 1974 in Rock Island, Illinois. Donna Jean Green (daughter of John and Thelma [Neaveill] Green) was born 28 Nov 1950 in Rock Island, Illinois, and died Jun 1995 in Moline, Illinois. She married (1) Rex Allan Doty (son of ? Doty and ? 26 Jul 1968) in East Moline, Rock Island County, Illinois. She married (2) Richard Allen Danneels (son of Marcel Danneels and Ethel Summers) 05 Jun 1982 in Rock Island, Illinois. Children of Donna Green and Rex Doty are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Patricia Ann Doty Danneels Gene Allan Doty Danneels Jodie Elise Doty Danneels Paula Alicia Doty Danneels Patricia Ann Doty Danneels Patricia Ann Doty Danneels (daughter of Rex and Donna [Green] Doty) was born 17 Aug 1969 in Rock Island, Illinois. She married Charles Lee Martin (son of ? Martin and ?) 30 Jun 1989 in East Moline, Illinois. 44 The Neaveill Family Children of Patricia Danneels and Charles Martin are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Charles Martin Jonathon Martin Anthony Martin Susan Martin Rachael Martin Christina Martin Charles Martin. Charles Martin (son of Charles Martin and ?) was born 15 Dec 1980. Charles is the son of Charles Martin and his first wife. Jonathon Martin. Jonathon Martin (son of Charles and Patricia [Danneels] Martin) was born 29 Jul 1985 in Silvis, Illinois. Anthony Martin. Anthony Martin (son of Charles and Patricia [Danneels] Martin) was born 24 Oct 1987 in Silvis, Illinois. Susan Martin. Susan Martin (daughter of Charles and Patricia [Danneels] Martin) was born 11 Apr 1989 in Silvis, Illinois. Rachael Martin. Rachael Martin (daughter of Charles and Patricia [Danneels] Martin) was born 08 Apr 1990 in Silvis, Illinois. Christina Martin. Christina Martin (daughter of Charles and Patricia [Danneels] Martin) was born 11 Oct 1992 in Silvis, Illinois. Gene Allen Doty Danneels Gene Allan Doty Danneels (son of Rex and Donna [Green] Doty) was born 04 Jul 1970 in Rock Island, Illinois. He married (1) Tonya Alder (daughter of ? Alder and ?) 17 Oct 1989 in Peoria, Illinois. He married Rene Dawn Willis (daughter of ? and ?) Jul 2002. Rene was born about 1972. Child of Gene Danneels and Tonya Alder is: 1. Cody Danneels Cody Danneels. Cody Danneels (son of Gene and Tonya [Alder] Danneels) was born 12 Jul 1992. Jodie Elise Doty Danneels Jodie Elise Doty Danneels (daughter of Rex and Donna [Green] Doty) was born 22 Aug 1972 in Rock Island, Illinois. She married Brian Gene Snell (son of ? Snell and ?) 30 Jun 1989 in East Moline, Illinois. Children of Jodie Danneels and Brian Snell are: 1. Ashley Snell 2. Corey Snell 3. Brandon Snell Ashley Snell. Ashley Snell (daughter of Brian and Jodie [Danneels] Snell) was born 18 Nov 1989 in Silvis, Illinois. Corey Snell. Corey Snell (son of Brian and Jodie [Danneels] Snell) was born 05 Mar 1991. Brandon Lee Snell. Brandon Lee Snell (son of Brian and Jodie [Danneels] Snell) was born 24 Jun 1993. Paula Alicia Doty Danneels Paula Alicia Doty Danneels (daughter of Rex and Donna [Green] Doty) was born 15 Dec 1976 in Rock Island, Illinois. She met (1) ?. She met (2) Scott Bales. Child of Paula Danneels and ? is: 1. Nichole Doty Danneels Child of Paula Danneels and Scott Bales is: 2. Alisha Ann Bales Nichole Doty Danneels. Nichole Doty Danneels (daughter of ? and Paula Danneels) was born 24 Feb 1993. Alisha Ann Bales. Alisha Ann Bales (daughter of Scott Bales and Paula Danneels) was born 31 Mar 1994. DOLLIE MAE NEAVEILL Dollie Mae Neaveill (daughter of “Ross” and Mary [Litherland] Neaveill) was born 11 Dec 1922 in Browns, Edwards County, Illinois, and died 28 Nov 1988 in Moline, Illinois. She married (1) Rodney Veach Ader (son of Jacob Ader, Jr. and Bessie Smith) 24 May 1946. She married (2) John McBride (son of ? and ?) 02 Jun 1973. The following is from an unknown newspaper: OBITUARY SILVIS — Dollie M. McBride, 65, of 304 S. 17th St., died Monday at Moline Public Hospital. She worked as a nurse’s aid at the East Moline Care Center and at the East Moline State Hospital. Dollie Neaveill married Rodney Ader. She later married John McBride in 1973 in Rock Island. Visitation is 2–4 and 7–9 p.m. today, with at Eagles Auxilliary service conducted at 7 p.m. at Schroder Mortuary. Services will be 11 a.m. Wednesday at the mortuary. Burial will be in Greenview Memorial Gardens. She was a past president of the Silvis Fraternal Order of Eagles Auxilliary. Survivors include her husband; a daughter, Linda Peterson, Colona, Ill., a stepson, John McBride, Anamosa, Iowa; four grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. * * * Descendants of Tom Neaveill Children of Rodney Ader and Dollie Neaveill are: 1. Gail Leroy Ader 2. Linda Elizabeth Ader Gail Leroy Ader Gail Leroy Ader (son of Rodney and Dollie [Neaveill] Ader was born 13 Aug 1948 and died 22 Dec 1969. He married Carol Sue Miller (daughter of ? and ?). Child of Gail Ader and Sue Miller is: 1. Debora Ann Ader Debora “Debbie” Ann Ader Debora “Debbie” Ann Ader (daughter of Gail and Sue [Miller] Ader) was born ????. Linda Elizabeth Ader Linda Elizabeth Ader (daughter of Rodney and Dollie [Neaveill] Ader was born ????. She married (1) Clifford Clark Wooten (son of ? and ?). She married (2) Gary Lee Peterson (son of ? Peterson and ?). Children of Linda Ader and Gary Peterson are: 1. Tammy Jo Peterson 2. Toni Lynn Peterson Tammy Jo Peterson Tammy Jo Peterson (daughter of Gary and Linda [Ader] Peterson) was born ????. Toni Lynn Peterson Toni Lynn Peterson (son of Gary and Linda [Ader] Peterson) was born ????. DALE LEE NEAVEILL Dale Lee Neaveill (son of “Ross” and Mary [Litherland] Neaveill) was born 09 Jun 1929 in Putnam, Illinois, and died 14 Oct 1987 in Silvis, Illinois. He married (1) Ethel Darlene Martin (daughter of Ruben Martin and Laura Richman) 10 Oct 1953. He married (2) Lorraine May Fisk (daughter of Ollie Fisk and Ramah Engelking) 18 Jan 1964 in Silvis, Illinois. Child of Dale Neaveill and Ethel Martin is: 1. Kitty Lea Neaveill 45 Kitty Lea Neaveill Kitty Lea Neaveill (daughter of Dale and Ethel [Martin] Neaveill) was born 03 Dec 1955 in Moline, Illinois. She married Wayne Earl Stevers (son of William Stevers and Georgia Conley) 01 Sep 1979 in Coal Valley, Illinois. Children of Kitty Neaveill and Wayne Stevers are: 1. Wanetta Elaine Stevers 2. Shawn Conley Stevers 3. William Andrew Stevers Wanetta Elaine Stevers Wanetta Elaine Stevers (daughter of Wayne and Kitty [Neaveill] Stevers) was born 22 May 1981 in Moline, Illinois. Shawn Conley Stevers Shawn Conley Stevers (son of Wayne and Kitty [Neaveill] Stevers) was born 24 May 1983 in Peoria, Illinois. William Andrew Stevers William Andrew Stevers (son of Wayne and Kitty [Neaveill] Stevers) was born 17 Dec 1993 in Moline, Illinois. Sheri Lea Neaveill Sheri Lea Neaveill (daughter of Dale and Lorraine [Fisk] Neaveill) was born 30 Aug 1964 in Moline, Illinois. LEWIS VERNON “VERNE” NEAVEILL Lewis Vernon “Verne” Neaveill (son of Bill and Caroline [Rigg] Neaveill) was born 20 Nov 1904 in Richland, Wayne County, Illinois, and died 12 Dec 1943 in Chicago, Illinois. He married Lutetia ?. Verne Neavill’s death certificate lists the cause of his death as “hypertension, heart disease, with decompensation.” It also lists his occupation as a printer for Superior Products Company. Child of Verne Neaveill and Lutetia ? is: 1. Phillip L. Neaveill PHILLIP L. NEAVEILL Phillip L. Neaveill (son of “Verne” and Lutetia [?] Neaveill) was born 25 Aug 1930 and died 14 Mar 2002. The following was found on the internet at the website of the King Oscar Masonic Lodge ( in Chicago, Illinois. OBITUARY Child of Dale Neaveill and Lorraine Fisk is: 2. Sheri Lea Neaveill Brother Philip Lee Neaveill was born August 25, 1930. He was initiated July 17, 1985, passed to the degree of Fellowcraft August 7, 1985, and raised a Master Mason 46 The Neaveill Family August 21, 1985 in Composite Lodge # 774. Later affiliating with King Oscar Lodge # 855. Brother Neaveill passed this life March 14, 2002. * * * JOHN “JOHNNIE” FREDERICK NEAVEILL John “Johnnie” Frederick Neaveill (son of Bill and Caroline [Rigg] Neaveill) was born 03 May 1910, Bellmont, Wabash County, Illinois and died 26 Jul 1911, Bellmont, Wabash County, Illinois. He is buried next to his mother, Caroline Rebecca [Rigg] Neaveill, in Bethel Cemetery (north side) near Bellmont, Illinois. NORLIN “NORM” WILLIS NEAVEILL Norlin “Norm” Willis Neaveill (son of Charles and Helen [Cobb] Neaveill) was born 15 Jul 1942 in East Moline, Illinois. He married Nancy Anne Cantral (daughter of John Isaac Cantrell and Lucy Dustin) 09 Sep 1961 in Moline, Illinois. Children of Norm Neaveill and Nancy Cantral are: 1. Wayne Thomas Neaveill 2. Paul Douglas Neaveill 3. Joanne Michelle Neaveill Wayne Thomas Neaveill Wayne Thomas Neaveill (son of Norlin and Nancy [Cantral] Neaveill) was born 06 Sep 1962 in Ayer, Massachusetts. CHARLES “CHARLIE” ELMER NEAVEILL Paul Douglas Neaveill Charles “Charlie” Elmer Neaveill (son of Bill and Caroline [Rigg] Neaveill) was born 14 Jan 1913 in Bellmont, Illinois, and died 11 Sep 1979 in Port Byron, Illinois. He married Helen Marie Cobb. Children of Charlie Neaveill and Helen Cobb are: Paul Douglas Neaveill (son of Norlin and Nancy [Cantral] Neaveill) was born 13 Feb 1966 in Rock Island, Illinois. He married Susan Jane Miller (daughter of Earl Oliver Miller and Angie Visser) 27 Jun 1990 in Lake County, Illinois. Susan was born 07 Jul 1967 in the Phillipines. Children of Paul Neaveill and Susan Miller is: 1. Alan Dwayne Neaveill 2. Norlin Willis Neaveill 3. Judy Neaveill ALAN DWAYNE NEAVEILL 1. Hannah Sue Neaveill 2. Nathan Paul Neaveill Hannah Sue Neaveill Hannah Sue Neaveill (daughter of Paul and Susan [Miller] Neaveill) was born 04 Jul 1996 in Springfield, Missouri. Alan Dwayne Neaveill (son of Charles and Helen [Cobb] Neaveill) was born 27 Dec 1940 and died 25 Sep 1995. Children of Dwayne Neaveill and ? are: 1. ? Neaveill 2. Mark Douglas Neaveill 3. Annette Neaveill ? Neaveill ? Neaveill (son of Dwayne and ? [?] Neaveill) was born sometime before 1966. Mark Douglas Neaveill Mark Douglas Neaveill (son of Dwayne and ? [?] Neaveill) was born in 1966. Annette Neaveill Annette Neaveill (daughter of Dwayne and ? [?] Neaveill) was born sometime after 1966. The Paul Neaveill Family Paul Neaveill, Susan (Miller) Neaveill Hannah Neaveill, Nathan Neaveill Descendants of Tom Neaveill 47 Nathan Paul Neaveill Nathan Paul Neaveill (son of Paul and Susan [Miller] Neaveill) was born 14 Feb 2000 in Peoria, Illinois. Darius Allen Darius Allen (son of ? Allen and Joanne Neaveill) was born ????. Joanne Michelle Neaveill Keonna Neaveill Keonna Neaveill (daughter of ? and Joanne Neaveill) was born ????. Joanne Michelle Neaveill (adopted daughter of Norlin and Nancy [Cantral] Neaveill) was born 11 Oct 1970 in Aurora, Illinois. Children of Joanne Neaveill and ? Allen are: 1. Lakesha Shia Allen 2. Yaphette Allen 3. Darius Allen Keallan Neaveill Keallan Neaveill (son of ? and Joanne Neaveill) was born ????. JUDY NEAVEILL Children of Joanne Neaveill and ? are: Judy Neaveill (daughter of Charles and Helen [Cobb] Neaveill) was born ????. She married Marvin Hartmann. Children of Judy Neaveill and Marvin Hartmann are: 1. Jacob Hartmann 2. ? Hartmann 4. Keonna Neaveill 5. Keallan Neaveill Jacob Hartmann Lakesha Shia Allen Lakesha Shia Allen (daughter of ? Allen and Joanne Neaveill) was born ????. Yaphette Allen Yaphette Allen (son of ? Allen and Joanne Neaveill) was born ????. Jacob Hartmann (son of Marvin and Judy [Neaveill] Hartmann) was born ????. ? Hartmann ? Hartmann (son of Marvin and Judy [Neaveill] Hartmann) was born ????. M A R TH A L U C I N D A N E AV E I L L Martha Lucinda Neaveill (daughter of Tom and Siberia [Butler] Neaveill) was born 06 Sep 1872 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died at the age of seventy-six on 24 Dec 1948 in Meade, Kansas. She married James Clinton Hickey (son of William Hickey and Eleanor Baird) 09 Jul 1890 in Belmont, Illinois. James was born 03 Apr 1862 in Illinois and died at the age of sixty-nine on 03 Jan 1932 in Kansas. James Clinton and Martha (Neaveill) Hickey are buried in Graceland Cemetery in Meade, Kansas. The following is from the Meade County Press, December 30, 1948; Front Page. Vol XVIII Number 13: James Hickey, in 1916 and continued to make this community her home the past few years she has resided in OBITUARY MARTHA HICKEY TO REST MONDAY, IN MEADE 33 YEARS Mrs. Martha Hickey, 76, passed away here Christmas Eve at the home of her son, Dick Hickey, Mrs. hickey had been in ill health for about two years and a stroke was given as the cause of death. She had been a resident of Meade for the past 33 years. She came to Meade with her husband, the late Martha (Neaveill) Hickey (1872–1948) photo courtesy of Margaret Heskett 48 The Neaveill Family Surviving are 7 children, 27 grandchildren, 12 great grandchildren, one sister, three brothers and 56 nieces and nephews. She was a member of the Royal Neighbors of Meade. She was a kind and loving mother and grandmother, and always served faithfully and willingly where she was most needed. She will be sorely missed by her family and friends. * * * Children of James Hickey and Martha Neaveill are: The Martha (Neaveill) Hickey Family Front: Margaret Eleanor Hickey; Middle: James Clinton Hickey, Charles Ray Hickey, James Glen Hickey, Martha (Neaveill) Hickey; Back: Loren D. Hickey, William Henry Hickey, Noal Richard Hickey, John Edward Hickey photo courtesy of Margaret Heskett the home of her daughter, Mrs. Margaret Heskett, until recently when she made her home with her eldest son. The Hickey family farmed for many years just north of Missler. Mrs. Hickey was loved by all who knew her and was a kind and loving mother, grandmother and great grandmother. There are twelve great grandchildren who survive her. Services were conducted at the Methodist church here Monday afternoon by Rev. L.C. Campbell, as friends and neighbors gathered to pay their last respects. Interment was in Graceland cemetery beside the husband who passed away in 1932. Obituary Martha Lucinda Hickey, daughter of John Thomas and Sibera May Neaville, was born at Fairfield, Illinois, September 6, 1872, and departed this life December 24, 1948 at 11:55 P.M. at the age of 76 years, three months, and 18 days. She was united in marriage July 9, 1890 to James Clinton Hickey at Belmont, Illinois. To this union 9 children were born: Ethel May and Julia Elizabeth, who preceded her in death; Noel Richard of Meade; John Edward of McPherson; Loren D. of Attica; William Henry of Liberal; James Glen of Meade; Charles Ray of Billings, Montana and Margaret Eleanor of Meade. They made their home at Keensburg, Illinois, until August, 1899, when they came to Reno County, Kansas. In 1915 the family moved to Meade County where she has made her home ever since. Mrs. Hickey was united with the Baptist Church at an early age. She was preceded in death by her husband on January 3, 1932. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Ethel May Hickey Noal Richard Hickey John Edward Hickey Julia Elizabeth Hickey Loren D. Hickey William Henry Hickey James Glen Hickey Charles Ray Hickey Margaret Eleanor Hickey ETHEL MAY HICKEY Ethel May Hickey (daughter of James and Martha [Neaveill] Hickey) was born 1891. NOAL RICHARD “DICK” HICKEY Noal Richard “Dick” Hickey (son of James and Martha [Neaveill] Hickey) was born 31 Dec 1892 in Wabash County, Illinois, and died at the age of sixty-nine on 07 Aug 1962 in Meade, Kansas. He married Ida May Fahrenwald (daughter of ? Fahrenwald and ?) 14 Dec 1914 in Kingman, Kansas. Noel Richard Hickey is buried in Graceland Cemetery in Meade, Kansas. Children of “Dick” Hickey and Ida Fahrenwald are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Theodore Earl Hickey Elmer Richard Hickey Carl Eugene Hickey Albert Alvin Hickey Hazel Lorene Hickey THEODORE EARL HICKEY Theodore Earl Hickey (son of “Dick” and Ida [Fahrenwald] Hickey) was born 05 Oct 1915 and died at the age of sixty on Jun 1976. He married Elizabeth Ann Dickemann (daughter of ? Dickemann and ?) 17 Jan 1937 in Fowler, Meade County, Kansas. Descendants of Tom Neaveill Children of Theodore Hickey and Elizabeth Dickemann 49 5. Leroy Eugene Hickey are: 1. Glorianne Kathryn Hickey 2. Gregory Erle Hickey Glorianne Kathryn Hickey Glorianne Kathryn Hickey (daughter of Theodore and Elizabeth [Dickman] Hickey) was born 22 Oct 1938 in Edwardsville, Madison County, Illinois. She married Roy Eckert. Gloria (Hickey) Eckert lives in Plantation, Florida. Ronald Eugene Hickey Ronald Eugene Hickey (son of Carl and Eleanor [Hink] Hickey) was born 03 Jan 1942 in Dodge City, Kansas. He married Marilyn Robertson (daughter of ? Robertson and ?) 05 Aug 1961 in Ensign, Gray County, Kansas. Donald Wayne Hickey Donald Wayne Hickey (son of Carl and Eleanor [Hink] Hickey) was born 21 Jul 1943 in Meade, Kansas. Gregory Erle Hickey Gregory Erle Hickey (son of Theodore and Elizabeth [Dickman] Hickey) was born 09 Nov 1947 in Highland, Madison County, Illinois. Gregory Erle Hickey lives in Oregon. Sharon Lee Hickey ELMER RICHARD HICKEY Noal Havester Hickey Elmer Richard Hickey (son of “Dick” and Ida [Fahrenwald] Hickey) was born 28 Oct 1917 in Missler, Meade County, Kansas, and died at the age of sixty-eight on 25 Jul 1986 in Dodge City, Kansas. He married Goldie Francis Tillery (daughter of ? Tillery and ?) 20 Aug 1939. Children of Elmer Hickey and Goldie Tillery are: 1. Richard Frederick Hickey 2. Neal Leroy Hickey Richard Frederick Hickey Richard Frederick Hickey (son of Elmer and Goldie [Tillery] Hickey) was born 22 May 1940 in Meade, Kansas. Neal Leroy Hickey Neal Leroy Hickey (son of Elmer and Goldie [Tillery] Hickey) was born 11 Oct 1942 in Meade, Kansas. CARL EUGENE HICKEY Carl Eugene Hickey (son of “Dick” and Ida [Fahrenwald] Hickey) was born 25 May 1920. He married (1) Eleanor Maria Hink (daughter of ? Hink and ?). He married (2) Nancy Louise (Price) Douglas (daughter of ? Price and ?) 24 May 1956 in Winter Haven, Poke County, Florida. Children of Carl Hickey and Eleanor Hink are: 1. Ronald Eugene Hickey 2. Donald Wayne Hickey 3. Sharon Lee Hickey Sharon Lee Hickey (daughter of Carl and Eleanor [Hink] Hickey) was born 13 Jun 1945 in Dodge City, Kansas. Noal Havester Hickey (son of Carl and Louise [Price] Hickey) was born 01 Aug 1957 in St. Petersburg, Pinellas County, Florida. Leroy Eugene Hickey Leroy Eugene Hickey (son of Carl and Louise [Price] Hickey) was born 17 Dec 1959 in St. Petersburg, Pinellas County, Florida. ALBERT ALVIN HICKEY Albert Alvin Hickey (son of “Dick” and Ida [Fahrenwald] Hickey) was born 24 Jun 1922 in Missler, Meade County, Kansas. He married Barbara E. (Bassett) Kenneson (daughter of ? Bassett and ?) 02 Aug 1947 in Liberal, Seward County, Kansas. Children of Albert Hickey and Barbara Kenneson are: 1. Nancy E. Hickey 2. Steven Lee Hickey Nancy E. Hickey Nancy E. Hickey (daughter of Frederick and Barbara [Bassett] Kenneson) was born 23 Jul 1942 in Concord, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. Nancy was adopted by Albert Hickey in 1950 and her name was changed from Kenneson to Hickey. She married Ronald Lee McKinley (son of ? McKinley and ?) 16 Jun 1962 in Orland, Steuben County, Indiana. Children of Nancy Hickey and Ronald McKinley are: Children of Carl Hickey and Louise Price are: 4. Noal Havester Hickey 1. Timothy Lynn McKinley 2. Kenneth Alan McKinley 50 The Neaveill Family Timothy Lynn McKinley Timothy Lynn McKinley (son of Ronald and Nancy [Hickey] McKinley) was born 15 Mar 1964 in Sturgis, St. Joseph County, Michigan. He married Julia Anne Gropp (daughter of ? Gropp and ?) 25 Aug 1984 in Bronson, Branch County, Michigan. Julia was born 05 Oct 1963 in Indiana. Children of Timothy McKinley and Julia Gropp are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Matthew Lynn McKinley Aaron Michael McKinley Charles Timothy McKinley Paul Lee McKinley Isaac Allan McKinley Matthew Lynn McKinley. Matthew Lynn McKinley (son of Timothy and Julia [Gropp] McKinley was born 15 Jun 1986 in Coldwater, Branch County, Michigan. Aaron Michael McKinley. Aaron Michael McKinley (son of Timothy and Julia [Gropp] McKinley was born 13 Apr 1988 in Coldwater, Branch County, Michigan. Charles Timothy McKinley. Charles Timothy McKinley (son of Timothy and Julia [Gropp] McKinley was born 05 Dec 1989 in Coldwater, Branch County, Michigan. 5. Chad Andrew Hickey April Kay Hickey April Kay Hickey (daughter of Steven and Cynthia [Cline] Hickey) was born 18 Nov 1969 in Mongo, La Grange County, Indiana. She married Michael Alan Burger (son of ? Burger and ?) 09 May 1992 in Mongo, La Grange County, Indiana. Steven Lee Hickey, Jr. Steven Lee Hickey, Jr. (son of Steven and Cynthia [Cline] Hickey) was born 30 Aug 1973 in La Grange, Indiana. Jon Dylan Hickey Jon Dylan Hickey (son of Steven and Patricia [Rhoades] Hickey) was born 27 Sep 1976. Jeffery Joal Hickey Jeffery Joal Hickey (son of Steven and Patricia [Rhoades] Hickey) was born 04 Jun 1979 in La Grange, Indiana. Chad Andrew Hickey Chad Andrew Hickey (son of Steven and Patricia [Rhoades] Hickey) was born 20 Nov 1981 in La Grange, Indiana. HAZEL LORENE HICKEY Paul Lee McKinley. Paul Lee McKinley (son of Timothy and Julia [Gropp] McKinley was born 16 Nov 1991 in Coldwater, Branch County, Michigan. Isaac Allan McKinley. Isaac Allan McKinley (son of Timothy and Julia [Gropp] McKinley was born 12 Sep 1993 in Coldwater, Branch County, Michigan. Kenneth Alan McKinley Kenneth Alan McKinley (son of Ronald and Nancy [Hickey] McKinley) was born 08 Nov 1972 in Coldwater, Branch County, Michigan. Hazel Hickey (daughter of “Dick” and Ida [Fahrenwald] Hickey) was born 06 Oct 1926 in Missler, Meade County, Kansas. She married Theodore “Ted” Alec Winter (son of ? Winter and ?) 24 Jan 1946 in Asland, Clark County, Kansas. Children of Hazel Hickey and Ted Winter are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Danny Lynn Winter Theodore Wayne Winter David Lee Winter Janice Lorene Winter Danny Lynn Winter Steven Lee Hickey Steven Lee Hickey (son of Albert and Barbara [Kenneson] Hickey) was born 02 Jul 1951 in Meade, Kansas. He married (1) Cynthia Cline (daughter of ? Cline and ?) 12 Jul 1969 in Sturgis, St. Joseph County, Michigan. He married (2) Patricia Ann Rhoades (daughter of ? and ?) 01 Jun 1974 in LaGrange, Indiana. Children of Steven Hickey and Cynthia Cline are: 1. April Kay Hickey 2. Steven Lee Hickey, Jr. Danny Lynn Winter (son of Ted and Hazel [Hickey] Winter) was born 10 Mar 1947 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and died 21 Aug 1966 in Meade, Kansas. Theodore Wayne Winter Theodore Wayne Winter (son of Ted and Hazel [Hickey] Winter) was born 15 Feb 1950 in Fowler, Meade County, Kansas. He married Rose ? (daughter of ? and ?). Child of Theodore Winter and Rose ? is: 1. Francesca Winter Children of Steven Hickey and Patricia Rhoades are: 3. Jon Dylan Hickey 4. Jeffery Joal Hickey Francesca Winter Francesca Winter (daughter of Theodore and Rose [?] Winter) was born ????. Descendants of Tom Neaveill David Lee Winter David Lee Winter (son of Ted and Hazel [Hickey] Winter) was born 02 Jul 1954 in Meade, Kansas. Janice Lorene Winter Janice Lorene Winter (daughter of Ted and Hazel [Hickey] Winter) was born 04 Sep 1956 in Meade, Kansas. She married Paul Stone (son of ? Stone and ?). Children of Janice Winter and Paul Stone are: 1. Ryan Stone 2. Gretchyn Stone 3. Jay Stone Ryan Stone Ryan Stone (son of Paul and Janice [Winter] Stone) was born 1. 2. 3. 4. 51 Cynthia Lynne Helsel Bradley Craig Helsel Beth Annette Helsel Scott Edward Helsel Cynthia Lynne Helsel Cynthia Lynne Helsel (daughter of Robert and Beulah [Hickey] Helsel) was born 25 Oct 1953 in McPherson, Kansas. She married Peter Joseph Callina 07 Oct 1972 in Cottage Grove, Oregon. Peter Callina was born 4 Dec 1940 in Medford, Massachusetts. Children of Peter Callina’s first marriage to ?: 1. Pamela Jean Callina 2. Peter Joseph Callina 3. Paul Anthony Callina Children of Peter Callina and Cynthia Helsel: Gretchyn Stone Gretchyn Stone (daughter of Paul and Janice [Winter] Stone) was born 11 Oct 1975. She married Kevin T. Tschantre (son of ? Tschantre and ?) 31 Dec 1993 in Meade, Kansas. Jay Stone Jay Stone (son of Paul and Janice [Winter] Stone) was born Aug 1981. 4. Jennifer Lynne Callina 5. Joshua Shane Callina Pamela Jean Callina Pamela Jean Callina (daughter of Peter Callina and ?) was born 17 Sep 1960 in Warrington, Florida. Peter Joseph Callina Peter Joseph Callina (son of Peter Callina and ?) was born 28 Apr 1962 in North Kingston, Rhode Island. JOHN EDWARD HICKEY John Edward Hickey (son of James and Martha [Neaveill] Hickey) was born 23 Sep 1894. He married Mary Larue (daughter of ? Larue and ?) 28 Oct 1920 in Hutchinson, Kansas. Children of John Hickey and Mary Larue are: 1. Gordon Edward Hickey 2. Beulah Mae Hickey 3. Ruth Etta Margaret Hickey GORDON EDWARD HICKEY Gordon Edward Hickey (son of John and ? [?] Hickey) was born 19 Dec 1922 in Missler, Kansas, and died 19 Dec 1922 in Missler, Kansas. BEULAH MAE HICKEY Beulah Mae Hickey (daughter of John and ? [?] Hickey) was born 20 Aug 1924 in McPherson, Kansas. She married Robert William Helsel (son of Edward Walter Helsel and Anna Mae ?) 22 Jul 1952 in McPherson, Kansas. Robert William Helsel was born 28 Jul 1919 in Pratt, Kansas. Children of Robert Helsel and Beulah Hickey: Paul Anthony Callina Paul Anthony Callina (son of Peter Callina and ?) was born 09 Dec 1963 in Lexington Park, Maryland. Jennifer Lynne Callina Jennifer Lynne Callina (daughter of Peter and Cynthia [Helsel] Callina) was born 23 Apr 1973 in Cottage Grove, Oregon Joshua Shane Callina Joshua Shane Callina (son of Peter and Cynthia [Helsel] Callina) was born 20 Mar 1975 in Cottage Grove, Oregon. Bradley Craig Helsel Bradley Craig Helsel (son of Robert and Beulah [Hickey] Helsel) was born 20 Sep 1956 in McPherson, Kansas. He married Deborah Kay Swift 20 Feb 1976. Deborah Swift was born 21 Dec 1956 in Oregon City, Oregon. Beth Annette Helsel Beth Annette Helsel (daughter of Robert and Beulah [Hickey] Helsel) was born 10 Jul 1960 in Hutchinson, Kansas. She married Tim Edward Martin 27 Sep 1980 in Cottage 52 The Neaveill Family Grove, Oregon. Tim Martin was born 17 Jul 1953 in Cottage Grove, Oregon. Children of Tim Martin and Beth Helsel are: 1. Rebecca Joyce Martin 2. Jessica Lynne Martin 3. Hannah Marie Martin Rebecca Joyce Martin Rebecca Joyce Martin (daughter of Tim and Beth [Helsel] Martin) was born 13 Jun 1982 in Cottage Grove, Oregon. Jessica Lynne Martin Jessica Lynne Martin (daughter of Tim and Beth [Helsel] Martin) was born 22 Jul 1984 in Cottage Grove, Oregon. Hannah Marie Martin Hannah Marie Martin (daughter of Tim and Beth [Helsel] Martin) was born 04 Sep 1986 in Cottage Grove, Oregon. WILLIAM HENRY HICKEY William Henry Hickey (son of James and Martha [Neaveill] Hickey) was born 14 Sep 1903. He married ? (daughter of ? and ?) in Kansas. Children of William Hickey and ? are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Donald Homer Hickey Virginia May Hickey Victor Lloyd Hickey Marjorie Irene Hickey Darrell Dean Hickey DONALD HOMER HICKEY Donald Homer Hickey (son of William and ? [?] Hickey) was born 11 May 1922 in Meade, Kansas, and died at the age of twenty-seven on 18 Jul 1949. He married Donie Pearl Hollis (daughter of ? Hollis and ?) 28 Oct 1948. Scott Edward Helsel Scott Edward Helsel (son of Robert and Beulah [Hickey] Helsel) was born 11 Jun 1964 in Hutchinson, Kansas. RUTH ETTA MARGARET HICKEY Ruth Etta Margaret Hickey (daughter of John and ? [?] Hickey) was born 24 Oct 1926 in Missler, Kansas, and died at the age of sixty-six on 16 Nov 1992 in Salina Kansas. She married Robert Earl Hull 16 May 1959 in McPherson, Kansas. Child of Ruth Hickey and Robert Hull is: VIRGINIA MAY HICKEY Virginia May Hickey (daughter of William and ? [?] Hickey) was born 07 May 1923 in Meade, Kansas. She married (1) William C. Liles (son of ? Liles and ?) 05 Sep 1941. She married (2) William Alfred Garringer (son of ? Garringer and ?) 25 Dec 1949. Children of Virginia Hickey and William Liles are: 1. Billie Rozella Liles 2. Virginia Carrol Liles 3. Michael Lee Liles 1. Reva Hull Children of Virginia Hickey and William Garringer Reva Hull Reva Hull (daughter of Robert and Ruth [Hickey] Hull) was born 11 February 1961 in McPherson, Kansas. are: 4. 5. 6. 7. Sherrol Ann Garringer Gale Lynn Garringer Dale Dean Garringer Marsha Jo Garringer JULIA ELIZABETH HICKEY Billie Rozella Liles Julia Elizabeth Hickey (son of James and Martha [Neaveill] Hickey) was born 12 Jul 1897 and died 04 Apr 1917. She is buried in Graceland Cemetery in Meade, Kansas. Billie Rozella Liles (daughter of William and Virginia [Hickey] Liles) was born 19 Feb 1944 in Elkhart, Morton County, Kansas. LOREN D. HICKEY Virginia Carrol Liles Loren D. Hickey (son of James and Martha [Neaveill] Hickey) was born 29 Jan 1899. Virginia Carrol Liles (daughter of William and Virginia [Hickey] Liles) was born 20 Nov 1945 in Liberal, Seward County, Kansas. Descendants of Tom Neaveill Michael Lee Liles Michael Lee Liles (son of William and Virginia [Hickey] Liles) was born 28 Jun 1949 in Liberal, Seward County, Kansas. 53 Child of Marjorie Hickey and Ralph Helm is: 1. Ralph Joyce Helm, Jr. Ralph Joyce Helm, Jr. Sherrol Ann Garringer Sherrol Ann Garringer (daughter of William and Virginia [Hickey] Garringer) was born 13 Jul 1951 in Liberal, Seward County, Kansas. Ralph Joyce Helm, Jr. (son of Ralph and Marjorie [Hickey] Helm) was born 27 Nov 1947 in Liberal, Seward County, Kansas. DARRELL DEAN HICKEY Gale Lynn Garringer Gale Lynn Garringer (daughter of William and Virginia [Hickey] Garringer) was born 22 Jun 1953 in Liberal, Seward County, Kansas. Darrell Dean Hickey (son of William and ? [?] Hickey) was born 12 Nov 1932 in Meade, Kansas. He married Belva Mae Freeman (daughter of ? Freeman and ?) 15 Aug 1953 in Granbury, Hood County, Texas. Children of Darrell Hickey and Belva Freeman are: Dale Dean Garringer Dale Dean Garringer (son of William and Virginia [Hickey] Garringer) was born 16 Dec 1954 and died 16 Dec 1954 in Liberal, Seward County, Kansas. 1. Linda Lea Hickey 2. Donald Ray Hickey 3. Larry Daniel Hickey Marsha Jo Garringer Linda Lea Hickey Marsha Jo Garringer (daughter of William and Virginia [Hickey] Garringer) was born 08 Aug 1958 in Cherokee, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma. Linda Lea Hickey (daughter of Darrell and Belva [Freeman] Hickey) was born 27 May 1954 in Liberal, Seward, County, Kansas. VICTOR LLOYD HICKEY Donald Ray Hickey Victor Lloyd Hickey (son of William and ? [?] Hickey) was born 11 May 1925 in Meade, Kansas. He married Lorelea June Thomas (daughter of ? Thomas and ?) 18 Jun 1949 in Liberal, Seward County, Kansas. Children of Victor Hickey and Lorelea Thomas are: Donald Ray Hickey (son of Darrell and Belva [Freeman] Hickey) was born 09 Jun 1956 in Liberal, Seward, County, Kansas. 1. Connie Sue Hickey 2. Donna Kay Hickey Larry Daniel Hickey Larry Daniel Hickey (son of Darrell and Belva [Freeman] Hickey) was born 01 Mar 1958 in El Paso, Texas. Connie Sue Hickey Connie Sue Hickey (daughter of Victor and Lorelea [Thomas] Hickey) was born 25 Aug 1950 in Liberal, Seward County, Kansas. Donna Kay Hickey Donna Kay Hickey (daughter of Victor and Lorelea [Thomas] Hickey) was born 01 Jan 1954 in Emporia, Lyon County, Kansas. JAMES GLEN HICKEY James Glen Hickey (son of James and Martha [Neaveill] Hickey) was born 10 Jul 1907 in Burden, Kansas, and died at the age of sixty-three on 17 Nov 1970 in Casper, Wyoming. He married Annie Alice Pope (daughter of ? Pope and ?) 14 Nov 1928 in Meade, Kansas. Annie was born 25 Sep 1906 in Plains, Kansas, and died at the age of eighty-seven on 27 Jun 1994 in Casper, Wyoming. Child of James Glen Hickey and Annie Pope is: MARJORIE IRENE HICKEY Marjorie Irene Hickey (daughter of William and ? [?] Hickey) was born 28 Sep 1927 in Meade, Kansas. She married Ralph Joyce Helm (son of ? Helm and ?) 28 Dec 1945. 1. Leroy Gene Hickey 2. Elmer Dean Hickey 3. Glenda Ann Hickey 54 The Neaveill Family LEROY GENE HICKEY Leroy Gene Hickey (son of James and Annie [Pope] Hickey) was born 24 Mar 1930 in Meade, Kansas. He married Verda Dear DeCamp (daughter of Thomas F. DeCamp and Grace A. Wilson) 05 Oct 1955 in Casper, Wyoming. Verda was born 18 Feb 1926 in Greenburg, Kiowa County, Kansas. Child of Leroy Hickey and Verda DeCamp is: 1. Randy Lynn Hickey ried (1) Elsie Juvera (daughter of ? Juvera and ?) 11 Nov 1950 in Reno, Nevada. He married (2) Jeanette Henerson (daughter of ? Henerson and ?) 03 May 1961 in San Bernardino, California. Children of Charles Hickey, Jr., and Elsie Juvera are: 1. Charles Ray Hickey III 2. Theresa Ellen Hickey 3. Frederick Wayne Hickey Randy Lynn Hickey Charles Ray Hickey III Randy Lynn Hickey (son of Leroy and Verda [DeCamp] Hickey) was born 31 Mar 1959 in Riverton, Wyoming. He married Lucille “Nikki” Lee (daughter of ? Lee and ?) 13 Dec 1997 in Wayland, Iowa. Nikki was born 08 Jan 1950. Charles Ray Hickey III (son of Charles Jr. and Elsie [Juvera] Hickey) was born 08 Oct 1951 in Norfolk, Virginia. ELMER DEAN HICKEY Elmer Dean Hickey (son of James and Annie [Pope] Hickey) was born 28 Oct 1938 in Meade, Kansas. Theresa Ellen Hickey Theresa Ellen Hickey (daughter of Charles Jr. and Elsie [Juvera] Hickey) was born 21 Nov 1953 in San Bernardino, California. Frederick Wayne Hickey GLENDA ANN HICKEY Glenda Ann Hickey (daughter of James and Annie [Pope] Hickey) was born 26 Jun 1940 in Meade, Kansas. She married Gary Erwin Weeks (son of ? Weeks and ?) 01 Jul 1958 in Casper, Natrona County, Wyoming. CHARLES RAY HICKEY Charles Ray Hickey (son of James and Martha [Neaveill] Hickey) was born 18 Feb 1909 in Burden, Cowley County, Kansas. He married Ivey E. Collins (daughter of ? Collins and ?) 07 May 1927 in Meade, Kansas. Children of Charles Hickey and Ivey Collins are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Joyce Eileen Hickey Charles Ray Hickey, Jr. James Richard Hickey Larry Neal Hickey Gary Don Hickey Patricia Ruth Hickey JOYCE EILEEN HICKEY Joyce Eileen Hickey (daughter of Charles and Ivey [Collins] Hickey) was born 20 Jun 1928 in Meade, Kansas. She married J. H. Walder (son of ? Walder and ?) 08 Aug 1949 in Austin, Hays County, Texas. Frederick Wayne Hickey (son of Charles Jr. and Elsie [Juvera] Hickey) was born 11 Jul 1955 in San Bernardino, California. JAMES RICHARD HICKEY James Richard Hickey (son of Charles and Ivey [Collins] Hickey) was born 14 Oct 1933 in Meade, Kansas. He married Rosemary Kres (daughter of ? and ?) 20 Dec 1958 in Sparta, Monroe County, Wisconsin. Child of James Hickey and Rosemary Kres is: 1. Cecily Ann Hickey Cecily Ann Hickey Cecily Ann Hickey (daughter of James and Rosemary [Kres] Hickey) was born 04 Oct 1959 in Austin, Texas. LARRY NEAL HICKEY Larry Neal Hickey (son of Charles and Ivey [Collins] Hickey) was born 14 Aug 1936 in Meade, Kansas. He married Toni West (daughter of ? West and ?) 08 Oct 1958 in Billings, Montana. Children of Larry Hickey and Toni West are: 1. Larry Neal Hickey, Jr. 2. Michael Allen Hickey CHARLES RAY HICKEY, JR. Larry Neal Hickey, Jr. Charles Ray Hickey, Jr. (son of Charles and Ivey [Collins] Hickey) was born 05 Feb 1930 in Meade, Kansas. He mar- Larry Neal Hickey, Jr. (son of Larry and Toni [West] Hickey) was born 11 Apr 1956 in Billings, Montana. Descendants of Tom Neaveill 55 Michael Allen Hickey Jeffery Blaine Brigham Michael Allen Hickey (son of Larry and Toni [West] Hickey) was born 14 Jan 1958 in Billings, Montana. Jeffery Blaine Brigham (son of Albert and Patricia [Hickey] Brigham) was born 22 Jul 1961 in Casper Wyoming. GARY DON HICKEY Gary Don Hickey (son of Charles and Ivey [Collins] Hickey) was born 01 Feb 1939 in Meade, Kansas. He married Olivia Lynn Berg (daughter of ? Berg and ?) 18 Jun 1960 in Billings, Yellow Stone County, Montana. Children of Gary Hickey and Olivia Berg are: 1. Eric Don Hickey 2. Michelle Lynn Hickey Eric Don Hickey Eric Don Hickey (son of Gary and Olivia [Berg] Hickey) was born 30 Apr 1965, Billings, Montana. He married Brandi Lamar Larson, 06 Aug 1994, Cut Bank, Montana. MARGARET ELEANOR HICKEY Margaret Eleanor Hickey (daughter of James and Martha [Neaveill] Hickey) was born 25 Nov 1911 in Norwich, Kingman County, Kansas. She married William Thomas Heskett (son of William Heskett and ALICE ?) 18 Jul 1936 in Meade, Kansas. William Thomas Heskett was killed in a car accident 23 Apr 1953. Children of William Heskett and Margaret Hickey are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Willa Lois Heskett William Thomas Heskett, Jr. Alice Lue Heskett James Rex Heskett Dale Lee Heskett Michelle Lynn Hickey Michelle Lynn Hickey (son of Gary and Olivia [Berg] Hickey) was born 09 Jul 1970, Hardin, Montana. She married ? Talbot. PATRICIA RUTH HICKEY Patricia Ruth Hickey (daughter of Charles and Ivey [Collins] Hickey) was born 13 Sep 1941 in Meade, Kansas. She married (1) Robert Narragon (son of ? Narragon and ?) 30 May 1957 in Casper, Wyoming. She married (2) Albert Brigham (son of ? Brigham and ?) 22 Dec 1958. Child of Patricia Hickey and Robert Narragon is: WILLA LOIS HESKETT Willa Lois Heskett (daughter of William and Margaret [Hickey] Heskett) was born 27 May 1937. She married Ernest Leland Dye 18 Jul 1954 in Meade, Kansas. Children of Willa Heskett and Ernest Dye are: 1. 2. 3. 4. William Ernest Dye Jeannette Marie Dye Jeffery Scott Dye Lucinda Sue Dye 1. Tamaca Eileen Narragon Children of Patricia Hickey and Albert Brigham are: 2. Brandon Albert Brigham 3. Jeffery Blaine Brigham Tamaca Eileen Narragon Tamaca Eileen Narragon (daughter of Robert and Patricia [Hickey] Narragon) was born 12 Feb 1958 in Casper, Wyoming. Brandon Albert Brigham Brandon Albert Brigham (son of Albert and Patricia [Hickey] Brigham) was born 18 Oct 1959 in Casper, Wyoming. Margaret (Hickey) and William Heskett photo courtesy of Margaret Heskett 56 The Neaveill Family William Ernest Dye Kevin Arthur Clifft William Ernest Dye (son of Ernest and Willa [Heskett] Dye) was born 19 Jul 1956 in Meade, Kansas. Kevin Arthur Clifft (son of Billy and Alice [Heskett] Clifft) was born 20 Nov 1963. Jeannette Marie Dye Jeannette Marie Dye (daughter of Ernest and Willa [Heskett] Dye) was born 13 Jan 1961 in Hutchinson, Kansas, and died 07 Jan 1977 in Gibbon, Nebraska. Jeffery Scott Dye Jeffery Scott Dye (son of Ernest and Willa [Heskett] Dye) was born 14 Mar 1963 in Hutchinson, Kansas. Lucinda Sue Dye JAMES REX HESKETT James Rex Heskett (son of William and Margaret [Hickey] Heskett) was born 29 Aug 1942 and died 04 Nov 1990. He married Virginia Beatrice Amos (daughter of ? and ?) 22 Jan 1961 in Plains, Kansas. Children of James Heskett and Virginia Amos are: 1. William James Heskett 2. Randel Lee Heskett 3. James Lee Ralf Heskett Lucinda Sue Dye (daughter of Ernest and Willa [Heskett] Dye) was born 23 Jul 1967 in Hutchinson, Kansas. William James Heskett WILLIAM THOMAS HESKETT, JR. William Thomas Heskett, Jr. (son of William and Margaret [Hickey] Heskett) was born 31 Aug 1938 in Meade, Kansas. He married Vivian Carol Rist (daughter of ? and ?) 25 Jun 1961 in Meade, Kansas. Children of William Heskett and Vivian Rist are: 1. Tonya Lee Heskett 2. William Thomas Heskett William James Heskett (son of James and Virginis [Amos] Heskett) was born 05 Aug 1961 in Meade, Kansas. Randel Lee Heskett Randel Lee Heskett (son of James and Virginis [Amos] Heskett) was born 26 Feb 1963 in Meade, Kansas. James Lee Ralf Heskett Tonya Lee Heskett Tonya Lee Heskett (daughter of William and Vivian [Rist] Heskett) was born 12 Nov 1962 in Meade, Kansas. William Thomas Heskett III William Thomas Heskett III (son of William and Vivian [Rist] Heskett) was born 22 Sep 1964 in Meade, Kansas. ALICE LUE HESKETT Alice Lue Heskett (daughter of William and Margaret [Hickey] Heskett) was born 27 May 1940 in Meade, Kansas. She married Billy Arthur Clifft 08 Mar 1957 in Meade, Kansas. Billy Clifft died Sep 1976 at Liberal, Kansas, from a car accident south of Plains. Children of Alice Heskett and Billy Clifft are: 1. Linda Lue Clifft 2. Kevin Arthur Clifft James Lee Ralf Heskett (son of James and Virginis [Amos] Heskett) was born 14 Mar 1974 in Ulysses, Kansas. DALE LEE HESKETT Dale Lee Heskett (son of William and Margaret [Hickey] Heskett) was born 26 Sep 1946 in Meade, Kansas. He married Rhea Lue Birdsong 17 Oct 1964 in Fowler, Kansas. Children of Dale Heskett and Rhea Birdsong are: 1. Dant Graden Heskett 2. Brice Justin Heskett Dant Graden Heskett Dant Graden Heskett (son of Dale and Rhea [Birdsong] Heskett) was born 23 Apr 1969 in Scotts Bluff, Nebraska. Linda Lue Clifft Brice Justin Heskett Linda Lue Clifft (daughter of Billy and Alice [Heskett] Clifft) was born 01 Dec 1962. Brice Justin Heskett (son of Dale and Rhea [Birdsong] Heskett) was born 07 Sep 1972 in Wichita, Kansas. Descendants of Tom Neaveill 57 P H O E B E B E L L E N E AV E I L L Phoebe Belle Neaveill (daughter of Tom and Siberia [Butler] Neaveill) was born 29 Sep 1875 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died at the age of seventy-five on 19 May 1951 in Bellmont, Illinois. She married Samuel Robert Coale (son of William Coale and Elizabeth Grable) 09 May 1894 in Bellmont, Illinois. Phoebe is buried in Highland Memorial Cemetery in Mt. Carmel, Illinois. Children of Phoebe Neaveill and Samuel Coale are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Gilbert Everett Coale Celia Von Coale Owen Bryan Coale Addis Bert Coale GILBERT EVERETT COALE Gilbert Everett Coale (son of Samuel and Phoebe [Neaveill] Coale) was born 15 Jan 1904 in Wabash County, Illinois, and died at the age of seventy-three on 17 Oct 1977. He married Mary Fleta Englebright (daughter of Cecil Englebright and Caroline Fleck) 14 Sep 1927 in Albion, Illinois. Mary was born 22 Oct 1909 in White County, Illinois, and died 09 Sep 1988. Gilbert Coale is buried in Moravian Cemetery in West Salem, Illinois. The following is from A History of Edwards County, Illinois, vol. 1, 1980, p. 175: Gilbert Coale Gilbert E. and M. Fleta Coale were married in Albion, Sept. 14, 1927, Married for more than 50 years, the Coales farmed most of those years in the Bone Gap, Bellmont and West Salem areas. Gilbert Coale was the youngest of four children born to Samuel and Phoebe Neville Coale of near Bellmont. He was born Jan. 15, 1904. Mary Fleta (Englebright) (1909–1988) and Gilbert Everett Coale (1904–1977) Mary Fleta was the oldest of four children born to Cecil and Caroline Fleck Englebright of Carmi. She was born Oct. 22, 1909. Fleta Coale was one of the first employees ever hired by Champion Laboratories, Inc. of West Salem. She retired in 1971 after working 16 years. The couple had three children, all of whom attended schools in Edwards County. They are: Frances L. Briggs of Bone Gap, Wanda Fennell of Kimbrall, Neb., and Donald H. Coale of Carterville, Ill. Following their retirement from farming in 1974, the Coales did a large amount of carpentry and home refurbishing in the county. One of their most extensive projects was the purchase and redecoration of the deteriorating Doc Schaeffer home, a landmark on the square in West Salem. Following their redecoration of the home, they moved there in 1975. Gilbert Coale died in that home Oct. 17, 1977, barely a month after the couple celebrated their golden anniversary. Mrs. Coale still lives in the home. In their retirement years, the Coales were very active in senior citizen activities throughout the Southeastern Illinois area. The Coales have nine grandchildren and three great grandchildren at this writing. Mr. Coale was buried in the Moravian Cemetery in West Salem. Children of Gilbert Coale and Mary Englebright are: 1. Frances Louise Coale 2. Wanda Coale 3. Donald H. Coale FRANCES LOUISE COALE Frances Louise Coale (daughter of Gilbert and Mary [Englebright] Coale) was born 28 Jun 1928. She married Melvin Grant Briggs (son of Nathan Briggs and Anna Sieffermann) 10 Aug 1947 in Bone Gap, Illinois. The following is from A History of Edwards County, Illinois, vol. 1, 1980, p. 152: Melvin G. Briggs Melvin G. Briggs and Frances L. Coale were married in Bone Gap Aug. 10, 1947. On the surface it was a marriage typical of the times. Melvin was a returning veteran of the war and she a young woman of the area. Together they made plans to work, prosper, and raise a family. They did all three. Yet when Melvin Briggs died June 17, 1979 in a hospital in Danville, Illinois, there 58 The Neaveill Family were none who knew the family who could say the marriage had been typical. Melvin Briggs was born the son of Nathan Grant and Anna Siefferman Briggs Nov. 9, 1923 in Bone Gap. In his teenage years he was recognized as a standout athlete and a hard worker. Frances Briggs was born June 18, 1928, the daughter and first child of Gilbert E. and Mary Fleta Englebright Coale. She was raised on farm homes near Bellmont and Bone Gap. In the early years of their marriage Melvin worked on an ice route, raised hogs, and worked as assistant manager of the Bone Gap Elevator. The couple had two children: Joyce, born Sept 2, 1948, and Jimmy Neil born Dec. 23, 1950. Melvin, who had served in Germany as a fireman on a train carrying badly needed supplies for the troops during World War II, established a reputation as an astute and fair businessman. Together he and his father made the Bone Gap Elevator one of the leading centers for livestock feed sales in the area. Yet fate worked great hardships against the dreams of the Briggs family. In the middle sixties Melvin Briggs was unexplicably stricken with a severe case of rheumatoid arthritis. He was taken to an arthritic hospital where doctors predicted he would not live another year. He did. He was cared for by area doctors and his family. After a period of months he began slowly to learn to walk again. Although the arthritis never loosened its grip, his determination allowed him to return to his job at the elevator, do small chores around his home, and eventually even to ride a bicycle. Pain was with him constantly. Yet he never relented in his desire to beat the disease which was emaciating him. Although he had dreams they were not to be. Throughout the 1970’s he underwent painful and diffi- The Frances (Coale) Briggs Family Left to Right: Joyce Ann Briggs, Frances (Coale) Briggs, Melvin Grant Briggs, Jim Neil Briggs cult operations. Many of his joints were removed and artificial joints replaced them. It was during this difficult time that his father died and Melvin G. Briggs became sole proprietor of the Bone Gap Elevator. Although his wife and children worked at his side, his painful existence forced him to sell the elevator to its present owner in September of 1975. Nearly all of the remainder of his life was spent as an invalid. His life was a trial to all who knew him and sympathized with his plight. Many will remember his steadfast courage and determination to smile or say a kind word even when racked with pain. All who knew him will know forever the truth in the statement: “arthritis is a killer.” His wife, two children, and three grandchildren still reside in Bone Gap. A sister, Wilma Marie Bradham, now resides in Paris, Ill. Children of Frances Coale and Melvin Briggs are: 1. Joyce Ann Briggs 2. Jim Neil Briggs Joyce Ann Briggs Joyce Ann Briggs (daughter of Melvin and Frances [Coale] Briggs) was born 02 Sep 1948. She married Ronald “Ron” Allen Gawthorp (son of Lester Gawthorp and Vida ?) 21 Oct 1967. The following is from the Mt. Carmel, Illinois, Daily Republican Register, June 6, 2002: Ron Gawthorp, West Salem native, pens novel WEST SALEM, ILL. — After years of hard work and timeless hours of effort, Ron Gawthorp, a native of West Salem, Ill., has seen one of his long time dreams become a reality. He is a published author. “Richer than the Rockefellers” is the first book published by Gawthorp, who now lives in Buckhannon, West Virginia. Gawthorp, the son of Lester Emil and Vida Louise Gawthorp, lived in West Salem until he was drafted into the military in 1967. He graduated from Edwards County High School in 1965. The experiences he gathered while living in West Salem, Edwards County and southeastern Illinois helped propel him to this first book, a story about a family of crude oil privateers that demonstrate a tremendous work ethic. ... Though the book is fictional, longtime residents of southeastern Illinois will be able to pick up on some similarities between their hometown and “Century,” and the area surrounding it. People will become acquainted with “Century,” when they read stories about characters like “Brownie” at the Illinois Central Depot, and places like “Deisher’s Ford” and the Rotary meeting at the “Rainbow Grill” in Amma. Descendants of Tom Neaveill Towns that remain in southeastern Illinois today are also mentioned in the book, like Salem and Louisville. He also mentions “Superior Drilling,” and the community of Crossville. Ab Roby’s homeplace is also located just threequarters of a mile off Meridian Road. “A lot of the characters were inspired by people I knew in West Salem,” Gawthorp said. “But, as you follow the characters through the book, something will happen to the character that wasn’t in their lifespan.” ... The Author Gawthorp paid for college, and made money during high school, by spending his fair share of time in the patch. Oil got into his veins as a teenager, as he worked full and part-time as a roughneck to make ends meet and to earn spending money. Gawthorp attended Southern Illinois University, where he majored in journalism, graduating in 1972. In his first year of school at SIU, Gawthorp won the William Randolph Hearst Award for feature writing. As a professional journalist, Gawthorp also won numerous journalism awards, on both the state and national levels. Gawthorp has two more novels in the works and has solid ideas for several others, he said. “Richer than the Rockefellers” is published by Holly Hill Publishing Company. There are 2,000 copies printed in the first edition. Books can be order online at Credit cards are accepted for online orders. The sale price of the book is $15.95, plus shipping and handling. Children of Joyce Briggs and Ron Gawthorp are: 1. Paula Gawthorp 2. Tiffany Gawthorp Paula Gawthorp Paula Gawthorp (daughter of Ron and Joyce [Briggs] Gawthorp) was born ????. Jim Briggs Jim Briggs was born December 23, 1950 at Fairfield Illinois, the son of Melvin Grant Briggs and Frances Louise Coale Briggs. He has one sister, Joyce Ann Briggs, born September 2, 1948. She is married to Ronald Allen Gawthorp. Jim has lived all his life in Bone Gap except for three years spent attending Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Illinois and working at Southern Illinois University Outdoor Laboratories with handicapped children. After leaving the university, he returned to Bone Gap to be employed by the family business, The Bone Gap Elevator. On November 30, 1974, he married Jean Ann Johnson, daughter of Frederick Earl Johnson and Lucy Ann Bunting Johnson. Jim’s family sold the elevator in 1975 due to the poor health of Melvin Briggs. On January 5, 1976, Jim began working with Fred Johnson at his tank truck and heater treater business. The business now resides on Route 130, north of Albion and has acquired a state truck testing station. Jim and Jean Ann live north of Bone Gap with their daughter Misty Lynne Briggs. She was born June 15, 1976 at Mt. Carmel, Illinois. Jim enjoys sports of all kinds. He was selected as a member of the 1968 All State Team in football, and the All Southern Illinois Team in baseball in 1968. He now plays amateur slow pitch softball in Mt. Carmel and has since 1973. Jim’s greatgrandfather, Nathan Bliss Briggs, born June 5, 1867, had a brother, William Albert, who wrote two volumes about the history of Pinch, south of Bone Gap. It traces Jim’s ancestry to John Alden and Priscilla Mullins who came from England in 1620 on the Mayflower and married in America. Jean Ann Johnson was born on September 20, 1951 in Fairfield, Illinois. She was welcomed by her sisters, Dorothy Jean and Doris Ann. She lived in Albion until 1970 when she attended the University of Illinois in Urbana, Illinois where she received a Bachelors of Science Degree in Education with an English major and music minor. In 1972 she returned to Edwards County to teach vocal music at the Bone Gap Grade School. The Tiffany Gawthorp Tiffany Gawthorp (daughter of Ron and Joyce [Briggs] Gawthorp) was born ????. Jim Neil Briggs Jim Neil Briggs (son of Melvin and Frances [Coale] Briggs) was born 23 Dec 1950 in Fairfield, Illinois. He married Jean Ann Johnson (daughter of Frederick Johnson and Lucy Bunting) 30 Nov 1974 in Albion, Edwards County, Illinois. The following is from A History of Edwards County, Illinois, vol. 1, 1980, p. 151: 59 Jean Ann (Johnson) and Jim Neil Briggs 60 The Neaveill Family following year she transferred to Edwards County Senior High School to teach English, speech, and psychology. She taught there two and a half years until the birth of Misty Lynne Briggs. She now does part of the bookkeeping for the Johnson and Briggs business. One of Jean Ann’s ancestors, Charles Bunting of Surrey, England, came to the United States in 1830. The earliest known ancestor was William Bunting born in 1724. Jean Ann enjoys reading, needlework, gardening and animals. She plays piano, clarinet, and enjoys music of all kinds. 1918 in Gibson County, Indiana. Owen Coale is buried in Highland Memorial Cemetery in Mt. Carmel, Illinois. Children of Owen Coale and Martha Gillihan are: 1. Kenneth Coale 2. Gracie Coale 3. Phyllis Coale KENNETH COALE Kenneth Coale (son of Owen and Martha [Gillihan] Coale) was born ???? Child of Jim Briggs and Jean Johnson is: 1. Misty Lynne Briggs Misty Lynne Briggs Misty Lynne Briggs (daughter of Jim and Jean [Johnson] Briggs) was born 15 Jun 1976. She married Ted Phillips (son of ? Phillips and ?) 06 Oct 1996 in Claremont, Richland County, Illinois. Child of Misty Briggs and Ted Phillips is: 1. Alexandra Leigh Phillips Alexandra Leigh Phillips. Alexandra Leigh Phillips (daughter of Ted and Misty [Briggs] Phillips) was born 01 Oct 1997. WANDA COALE Wanda Coale (daughter of Gilbert and Mary [Englebright] Coale) was born 27 Feb 1934. She married Billy Joe Fennell 14 Sep 1953. DONALD H. COALE Donald H. Coale (son of Gilbert and Mary [Englebright] Coale) was born 06 Jul 1938. He married (1) Betsy Lee. He married (2) Diane (Birchie) Anderson 12 Dec 1970. CELIA VON COALE Celia Von Coale (son of Samuel and Phoebe [Neaveill] Coale) was born 08 Jan 1895 in Edwards County, Illinois and died 1975. She married ? Underwood. OWEN BRYAN COALE GRACIE COALE Gracie Coale (daughter of Owen and Martha [Gillihan] Coale) was born ????. She married Reuben Stence (son of Charles H. Stence and Lois E. Clements). PHYLLIS COALE Phyllis Coale (daughter of Owen and Martha [Gillihan] Coale) was born 15 Jun 1940 in Mt. Carmel, Illinois, and died at the age of sixty-two on 17 Feb 2003. The following obituary is from the Mt. Carmel, Illinois, Daily Republican Register, p. ??: OBITUARY Phyllis Coale Phyllis Coale, 62, Mt. Carmel, died Feb. 17, 2003, at the residence of her son in Cincinnati, Ohio. She was born June 15, 1940, in Mt. Carmel, the daughter of Owen Bryan and Martha (Gillihan) Coale. Phyllis graduated from Bellmont High School She worked as Executive Secretary for the Machinist Union in Mt. Carmel. And was a member of the First Baptist Church. Surviving are a son, Robert Coale (Andy Crawford) of Cincinnati, Ohio; sister, Gracie (Reuben) Stence of Ft. Branch, Ind.; a special friend, Henry Price; a family friend and caretaker, Cheryl Gray. Preceding her in death were her parents and a brother, Kenneth Coale. Graveside services will be at 2 p.m. Friday, Feb. 21, in Highland Memorial Cemetery. Friends may call from noon until the hour of the service at the Short Funeral Home in Mt. Carmel. Memorials may be made to Hospice of Cincinnati or the American Cancer Society. * Owen Bryan Coale (son of Samuel and Phoebe [Neaveill] Coale) was born 11 Jun 1897 in Fairfield, Illinois and died 26 Mar 1981. He married Martha Evelyn Gillihan (daughter of Charles Oscar Gillihan and Fanny Jane Workman) 08 Feb * * Child of Phyllis Coale and ? is: 1. Robert Coale Descendants of Tom Neaveill Robert Coale Robert Coale (son of ? and Phyllis Coale) was born ????. He met Andy Crawford). 61 and died 11 Aug 1972. He married Thelma Goad 05 Jun 1922. Child of Addis Coale and Thelma Goad is: 1. Addis Coale ADDIS BERT COALE ADDIS COALE Addis Bert Coale (son of Samuel and Phoebe [Neaveill] Coale) was born 30 May 1901 in Edwards County, Illinois Addis Coale (son of Addis and Thelma [Goad] Coale) was born 17 Apr 1932 and died at the age of sixty on 22 Mar 1993. Addis lived in Bone Gap, Illinois. F R A N C I S E L M E R N E AV E I L L Francis Elmer Neaveill (son of Tom and Siberia [Butler] Neaveill) was born 20 Apr 1878 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died 16 Jan 1961 in Edwards County, Illinois. He married (1) Estella Cochran 02 Dec 1899 in Wabash County, Illinois. He married (2) Mary Druzilla Walter (daughter of George Walter and Elizabeth McLain) 24 Aug 1904 in Wayne County, Illinois. He married (3) Clara Clevenger West (daughter of ? and ?) 13 Jul 1935 in Wayne County, Illinois. Elmer Neaveill is buried in Richland Cemetery, southwest of Fairfield, Illinois. His name is misspelled on his tombstone: Neavill. Mary Druzella (Walter) Neaveill is buried in Maple Hill Cemetery (Fairfield, Illinois) next to her parents, George Washington and Elizabeth Levit (McLain) Walter. Mary’s death certificate lists the cause of her death as “Pulmonary Tuberculosis.” The following obituary is from the Wayne County Press, Jan. 16, 1961: OBITUARY ELMER NEAVILLE DIES Elmer Neaville, 82, retired Wayne county farmer, died at 5 o’clock Monday morning (today) at the Shurtleff Elmer Neaveill and Daughters Left to Right: Julie (Neaveill) McKibben, Elmer Neaveill, Lucille (Neaveill) Venters, Hula (Neaveill) Clark nursing home in Mt. Carmel where he had been a patient for four and a half years. Mr Neaville lived southeast of Fairfield on the Burnt Prairie Road prior to going to Mt. Carmel. He was born in Wabash county April 20th, 1878, the son of Thomas and Siberia Butler Neaville. The body is at Nales Funeral Home, with no funeral plans at press hour. Mr. Neaville’s wife preceded him in death. A number of children survive, including Mrs. Lester Venters of this city. * * * Children of Elmer Neaveill and Estella Cochran are: 1. Harold W. Neavill 2. Rollie Neavill Child of Mary Walter and ? is: Mary (Walter) Neaveill 1885–1926 3. Samuel “Sammie” Lewis Walters 62 The Neaveill Family certificate lists the cause of his death as “lobar pneumonia (type unknown).” Harold served in World War I as a corporal in the 39th Field Artillery Brigade, Battery C. The “Boys of Battery C” are depicted with caricature drawings, quotes, and poetry in a small book titled The Barracks Bag “compiled, promoted and pictures by Corpl. L. J. Hughes.” ROLLIE NEAVILL Children of Elmer Neaveill Left to Right: Hula (Neaveill) Clark, Sammie Walters, Charlie Neaveill, Robert “Bud” Neavill, Rollie Neavill, Lucille (Neaveill) Venters, Percy Neaveill, Julie (Neaveill) McKibben Children of Elmer Neaveill and Mary Walter are: 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Luella Ellen Neaveill Julia Elizabeth Neaveill Hula May Neaveill Charles Richard Neaveill Walter Percy Neaveill Hazel Esther Neaveill Eva Lucille Neaveill Robert “Bud” Lee Neavill Rollie Neavill (son of Elmer and Estella [Cochran] Neaveill) was born 19 Aug 1902, and died at the age of sixtythree on 23 Nov 1965. He married Belma Doris Akers (daughter of John Akers and Ada Halstead) 29 Nov 1924. Belma was born 06 Mar 1903 in Macon County, Illinois, and died at the age of seventy-eight on 12 Jun 1981 in Peoria, Illinois. The following obituary is from the Peoria Journal Star, November 24, 1965, p. B5: OBITUARY HAROLD NEAVILL Harold Neavill (son of Elmer and Estella [Cochran] Neaveill) was born 12 Oct 1900 in Wabash County, Illinois, and died 15 May 1923 in Danville, Illinois. Harold’s death Rollie Neavill Services for Rollie Neavill, 63, of 3125 N. Emery Ave. for the last 23 years, will be at 1 p.m. Friday at Wilton Mortuary, the Rev. Roy J. Meyer officiating. Burial will be in Springdale Cemetery. Visitation will be from 7 to 9 p.m. tomorrow. He died at noon yesterday at St. Francis Hospital where he had been admitted Nov. 19. A Peoria resident for 30 years, he was born Aug. 19, 1902, at Fairfield, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Neavill. He married Belma Akers Nov. 29, 1924, at Decatur. Surviving are his wife, one daughter, Mrs. James (Mary Alice) Zikus of Peoria and two grandchildren. He had been employed as a welder at Caterpillar Tractor Co. for 30 years, last working Nov. 19. He was a member of Immanuel United Church of Christ and Illinois Lodge No. 263 AF&AM. * * * The following obituary is from the Peoria Journal Star, June 16, 1981, p. B5: OBITUARY Harold Neavill (1900–1923) photo courtesy of Shirley (Ward) Rakers Caricature of Harold Neavill From The Barracks Bag, by L. J. Hughes. Courtesy of Sandy Schatsiek Belma Neavill Services for Mrs. Belma Neavill, 78, of 3125 N. Emery will be at 10:30 a.m. tomorrow at Parkview United Church of Christ, the Rev. Carl Bollinger officiating Visitation will be from 6 to 8 tonight at Cumerford Endsley Memorial Home and one hour before services at the church. Burial will be in Springdale Cemetery. Descendants of Tom Neaveill Mrs. Neavill, a Peoria resident since 1935, died at 8:30 p.m. Sunday at Methodist Medical Center, where she had been a patient since May 14. Born March 6, 1903, near Decatur, she was a daughter of John and Ada Akers. She married Rollie Neavill Nov. 29, 1924, in Decatur. He died Nov. 23, 1965, in Peoria. She was a member of Parkview United Church of Christ. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. James (Mary Alice) Zikus of Peoria; two grandchildren and one greatgrandchild; one brother, Fred of Fullerton, Calif., and one sister, Mrs. Vera Jones of Brea, Calif. Mrs. Neavill was preceded in death by two brothers and four sisters. Memorial contributions may be made to Parkview United Church of Christ. * * * Child of Rollie Neavill and Belma Akers is: 1. Mary Alice Neavill MARY ALICE NEAVILL Mary Alice Neavill (daughter of Rollie and Belma [Akers] Neavill) was born 24 Jul 1926. She married James John Zikus (son of ? Zikus and ?) 30 Nov 1946. Children of Mary Neavill and James Zikus are: 1. Sandra Michele Zikus 2. Susan Danise Zikus Sandra “Sandy” Michele Zikus Sandra Michele Zikus (daughter of James and Mary [Neavill] Zikus) was born 24 Jun 1953. She married Mark E. Schatsiek (son of ? Schatsiek and ?) May 1985. Child of Sandra Zikus and Mark Schatsiek is: Cori Lyn Gilles Cori Lyn Gilles (daughter of Jack and Susan [Zikus] Gilles) was born 24 Apr 1980. Andy James Gilles Andy James Gilles (son of Jack and Susan [Zikus] Gilles) was born 18 Jun 1984. SAMUEL “SAMMIE” LEWIS WALTERS Samuel “Sammie” Lewis Walters (son of ? and Mary Walter) was born 23 Jul 1903, and died 18 Jun 1975 in El Paso, Illinois. He married Ruby E. Hamilton (daughter of Sherman Hamilton and Minnie Gramm) 26 Mar 1924. Sammie Walters was the stepson of Elmer Neaveill. The following is from the Woodford County Journal, June 26, 1975, p. 7: OBITUARY Samuel Lewis Walters, 71, died at 6:35 a.m. Wednesday, June 18, in Mennonite Hospital, where he had been a patient since June 9. His funeral was held at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Church of the Nazarene, with the Rev. Robert Schlattman and the Rev. Glen Rodfer officiating. Burial was in Evergreen Cemetery. He was born July 23, 1903 in Wayne County, a son of George W. and Mary D. Walters Walters. He married Ruby E. Hamilton in Fairfield March 26, 1924. He is survived by his wife; two sons, George, Minonk; Richard, El Paso; two daughters, Mrs. Anna Reynolds, Colfax; Mrs. Esther Gauger, rural Minonk; 10 grandchildren; three half brothers, Charles Neaveill, El Paso; Percy Neaveill, Princeton; Robert Neaveill, Shreve, Ohio, and four half sisters, Mrs. Julie McKibbens and Mrs. Lucille Venters, both of Fairfield; Mrs. Hula Clark, Albion; and Mrs. Hazel Johnson, Santa Rosa, Calif. 1. Brandon Michael Schatsiek Brandon Michael Schatsiek Brandon Michael Schatsiek (son of Mark and Sandy [Zikus] Schatsiek) was born 31 Dec 1987. Susan Danise Zikus Susan Danise Zikus (daughter of James and Mary [Neavill] Zikus) was born 21 Mar 1958. She married Jack P. Gilles (son of ? Gilles and ?) May 1976. Children of Susan Zikus and Jack Gilles are: 1. Cori Lyn Gilles 2. Andy James Gilles 63 Sammie Walters (1903–1975) photo courtesy of Shirley (Ward) Rakers 64 The Neaveill Family Born Oct. 4, 1934, in Kappa to Floyd and Evelyn Witt McClure, she married Richard Walters on Jan. 27, 1952, in El Paso. He survives. Also surviving are one son, Floyd of rural El Paso; one daughter, Rita Jacobs of Yorktown, Va.; two grandchildren; and one brother, Marion McClure of Gibson City. She was preceded in death by one grandchild. She worked for El Paso Telephone Co. and then as a beautician in her home. She later worked for Modine Manufacturing in Bloomington until 1986. She was a member of Minonk Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary. She also was a member of El Paso United Methodist Church. Services will be at 10:30 a.m. Saturday at Froelich Memorial Home in El Paso. The Rev. Dr. Gilbert Fletcher will officiate. Visitation will be from 5 to 8 tonight at the memorial home. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery in El Paso. Memorials may be made to the El Paso Rescue Squad. He was preceded in death by a daughter, a half sister and a grandchild. He was a member of the Church of the Nazarene. He had been employed by Pfister Hybrid Corn Co., in El Paso, and by Hart-Carter Manufacturing Co., Gridley, retiring in 1973. * * * The following is from the Peoria Journal Star, May 12, 1995, p. C6 : OBITUARY EL PASO — Ruby E. Walters, 87, of 38 W. Clay died at 12:15 a.m. Thursday, May 11, 1995, at St. Joseph Medical Center in Bloomington. Born Oct. 15, 1907, in Fairfield to Sherman and Minnie Gramm Hamilton, she married Samuel L. Walters on March 26, 1924, in Fairfield. He died June 18, 1975. One daughter, Mary E. Walters, one grandson and one great-grandson also preceded her in death. Surviving are two daughters, Esther Gauger and Ann Reynolds, both of El Paso; two sons, Richard of El Paso and George of Minonk; 10 grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren. She worked for Pfister Hybrid Corn Co. and Lewis Nursing Home, both in El Paso. She was a member of Church of the Nazarene for 57 years. Services will be at 10:30 a.m. Saturday at Froelich Memorial Home in El Paso. The Rev. Norman Clayton will officiate. Visitation will be from 5 to 8 tonight at the memorial home. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery. Memorials may be made to any charity. * * * * * * Children of “Dick” Walters and Marjorie McClure are: 1. Floyd Walters 2. Rita Walters Floyd Walters Floyd Walters (son of “Dick” and Marjorie [McClure] Walters) was born sometime after 1952. He married Marcia A. ? 24 Sep 1977. Children of “Sammie” Walters and Ruby Hamilton are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Rita Walters Richard “Dick” Walters George Walters Anna Mae Walters Esther Walters Mary E. Walters RICHARD “DICK” WALTERS Richard “Dick” Walters (son of “Sammie” and Ruby [Hamilton] Walters) was born 1930. He married Marjorie J. McClure (daughter of Floyd McClure and Evelyn Witt) 27 Jan 1952 in El Paso, Illinois. The following obituary is from the Peoria Journal Star, June 10, 1994, p. C7): Rita Walters (daughter of “Dick” and Marjorie [McClure] Walters) was born sometime after 1952. She married ? Jacobs. GEORGE WALTERS George Walters (son of “Sammie” and Ruby [Hamilton] Walters) was born sometime after 1924. ANNA MAE WALTERS Anna Mae Walters (daughter of “Sammie” and Ruby [Hamilton] Walters) was born sometime after 1924. She married ? Reynolds. OBITUARY EL PASO — Marjorie J. Walters, 59, of 56 W. Clay St. died at 1:05 p.m. Wednesday, June 8, 1994, at St. Mary’s Hospital in Rochester, Minn. ESTHER L. WALTERS Esther L. Walters (daughter of “Sammie” and Ruby [Hamilton] Walters) was born sometime after 1924. She married Descendants of Tom Neaveill John Gauger Jr (son of John Gauger and Mae F. McBride) 29 Mar 1950 in Walcott, Indiana. The following is from the Bloomington-Normal Pantagraph, April 2, 2000: 50th Anniversary for John, Esther Gauger EL PASO — Esther and John Gauger Jr. of rural El Paso observed their golden wedding anniversary Wednesday. A surprise family dinner was at 1 p.m. March 26, at Mona’s in Toluca, hosted by a son-in-law and daughter, Larry and Karen Schmitt of rural Tonica. Gauger and Esther L. Walters were married March 29, 1950, in Walcott, Ind. Marvin and Ethel Gauger were their attendants. They are also parents of Gary of El Paso. A son, George, is deceased. There are three grandchildren and a stepgrandchild. Gauger was Panola Township road commissioner, retiring in 1993, and no serves on the Woodford County Board. Mrs. Gauger retired from Caterpillar Inc. in 1997. Children of Esther Walters and John Gauger are: 1. George Gauger 2. Karen Gauger 3. Gary Gauger George Gauger George Gauger (son of John and Esther [Walters] Gauger) was born ???? and died ????. Karen Gauger Karen Gauger (daughter of John and Esther [Walters] Gauger) was born ????. She married Larry Schmitt (son of ? Schmitt and ?). 65 JULIA “JULIE” ELIZABETH NEAVEILL Julia “Julie” Elizabeth Neaveill (daughter of Elmer and Mary [Walter] Neaveill) was born 11 Nov 1907 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died 16 Jun 1979 in Evansville, Indiana. She married Frank McKibben 10 Jan 1926 in Wayne County, Illinois. Frank was born 10 Jan 1899 and died 19 Sep 1968. Frank and Julie are buried in Richland Cemetery, southwest of Fairfield, Illinois. Their graves are next to that of Julie’s father, Elmer Neaveill. The following obituary is from the Wayne County Press, June 18 1979: OBITUARY MRS. FRANK MCKIBBEN, 71, DIES Mrs. Julia McKibben, 71, of Goldengate, the widow of Frank McKibben, died at 2:35 p.m. Saturday at St. Mary’s Hospital in Evansville, Ind. Services Tuesday Services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Johnson Funeral Home, with Rev. Melvin Farmer officiating. Burial will be in the Richland Cemetery near Boyleston. Friends may call at the funeral home from 6 to 9 p.m. Monday (tonight). Mrs. McKibben was born in Wayne County Nov. 11, 1907, the daughter of Elmer and Mary (Walters) Neville. She was married to Frank McKibben, who died in 1968. She was a housewife. Her husband worked as a farmhand most of his life. The Survivors Surviving are five sons, Charles and Carl, both of Fairfield; Francis, of Arvenna, O.; Larry, of Foosland; and Gary Gauger Gary Gauger (son of John and Esther [Walters] Gauger) was born ????. MARY E. WALTERS Mary E. Walters (daughter of “Sammie” and Ruby [Hamilton] Walters) was born sometime after 1924 and died sometime before 1995. LUELLA ELLEN NEAVEILL Luella Ellen Neaveill (daughter of Elmer and Mary [Walter] Neaveill) was born ???? and died ????. Luella died in infancy. Julie (Neaveill) McKibben and Family Front: Francis Edward McKibben, Norma Lee McKibben; Back: Frank McKibben, Lois Evelyn McKibben, Julie (Neaveill McKibben photo courtesy of Doug Neaveill 66 The Neaveill Family Earl, of Philo; four daughters, Mrs. Gene (Lois) Owen and Mrs. Fred (Pat) Ewing, both of Fairfield; Mrs. Evan (Nora) St. Ledger, of Mt. Grove, Mo.; and Mrs Dennis (Betty) Grindey, of Bement; 30 grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; three brothers, W. P. Neville, of Princeton, Ill.; Charles Neville, of El Paso, Ill.; and Robert Neville, of Shreve, O.; and three sisters, Lucille Venters, of Fairfield; Hazel Johnson, of California; and Hula Clark, of Albion. * * * Frank McKibben was known as “Whiz” in the Wayne County area. Over the years he farmed for Carl, Earl, and Roy Shelton, notorious gangsters who ran gambling operations in the Southern Illinois area. He is pictured in the Life magazine article of June 19, 1950 about Roy Shelton’s death and investigation. The following obituary is from the Wayne County Press, Sep. 19, 1968: OBITUARY ONCE FARMED FOR THE SHELTONS Frank McKibben, of Geff, Dies Frank McKibben, 69, retired Geff farmer, was dead on arrival at Memorial Hospital at 4:45 a.m. Thursday (today), after suffering a heart attack at his home. Rushed to Hospital He was rushed to the hospital in the family car. The body has been removed to Nales Funeral Home, with funeral arrangements not completed at Press hour. Mr. McKibben had a heart condition and was discharged from the hospital only a day before his death. He was being treated for a heart ailment. Years ago, Mr. McKibben farmed east of Fairfield for the late Roy Shelton. In fact, on the day Roy was shot on his Pond Creek farm Mr McKibben was riding a tractor in the same field and was one target of the bullets but was unhurt. Later, he moved to the Geff area and had farmed extensively for Harold Barnard. 6. 7. 8. 9. Larry Lavern McKibben Betty Marie McKibben Earl Robert McKibben Carl Ray McKibben NORMA LEE MCKIBBEN Norma Lee McKibben (daughter of Frank and “Julie” [Neaveill] McKibben) was born 22 Jun 1927 in Wayne County, Illinois. She married (1) Alfred L. Ward (son of Roy Ward and Maud Brookins) 24 Apr 1946 in California. She married (2) John Evans St. Ledger (son of Lyman St. Ledger and Mildred Evans) 31 Aug 1960 in Illinois. John Evans St. Ledger was born 26 Mar 1921 in Gilbert, Arkansas, and died at the age of seventy-six on 08 Mar 1998 in Houston, Missouri. Children of Norma McKibben and Alfred Ward are: 1. Nancy Lee Ward 2. Shirley June Ward Nancy Lee Ward Nancy Lee Ward (daughter of Alfred and Norma [McKibben] Ward) was born 21 Aug 1947 in Santa Rosa, California. She married (1) Jefferson Brook Franklin 07 Jun 1967 in Mountain Grove, Missouri. She married (2) James Lybyer 02 May 1981 in Mountain Grove, Missouri. Children of Nancy Ward and Jefferson Franklin are: 1. Tammy Lee Franklin 2. Carrie Ann Franklin Tammy Lee Franklin Tammy Lee Franklin (daughter of Jefferson and Nancy [Ward] Franklin) was born 11 Apr 1970. She married (1) Jeff Smith 09 Jan 1988. She met (2) Ron Westphelling about 1989. She married (3) James Strunk (son of Ova Strunk and Ruby Baney) 03 Jul 1992. Child of Tammy Franklin and Ron Westphelling is: 1. Amy Lee Lybyer The Survivors Survivors include his wife, Julia; five sons, Francis, of Ohio; Charles, of northern Illinois; and Carl, Larry and Earl, all of the Champaign area; and three daughters, Lois Owen and Pat Ewing, both of Fairfield; and Norma, who resides in Missouri. * * * Children of Julie Neaveill and Frank McKibben are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Norma Lee McKibben Francis Edward McKibben Lois Evelyn McKibben Charles Franklin McKibben Patsy “Pat” Earline McKibben Children of Tammy Franklin and James Strunk are: 2. Brittany LaRae Strunk 3. Aaron James Strunk 4. Brandie LaShae Strunk Amy Lee Lybyer. Amy Lee Lybyer (daughter of Ron and Tammy [Franklin] Westphelling) is the natural daughter of Tammy Lee Franklin and Ron Westphelling. Amy was adopted by Nancy (Tammy’s mother) and James Lybyer. Brittany LaRae Strunk. Brittany LaRae Strunk (daughter of James and Tammy [Franklin] Strunk) was born 16 Sep 1992. Descendants of Tom Neaveill Aaron James Strunk. Aaron James Strunk (son of James and Tammy [Franklin] Strunk) was born 26 Aug 1994. Mr. McKibben’s death came unexpectedly after he was fatally injured in a tractor accident on his farm near Ravenna. According to family members, Mr. McKibben’s body was found by neighbors who had gone to look for him after he failed to return home. The trunk of his vehicle was found open and the tractor that he was driving was found unattended. Mr. McKibben had apparently fallen from his tractor while mowing and was run over by the bush hog which was attached to the rear of the tractor. He had recently been a patient in the Ravenna Hospital suffering from diabetes and was scheduled to enter Mayo Clinic for treatment, the family said. Brandie LaShae Strunk. Brandie LaShae Strunk (daughter of James and Tammy [Franklin] Strunk) was born 18 Feb 1996. Carrie Ann Franklin Carrie Ann Franklin (daughter of Jefferson and Nancy [Ward] Franklin) was born ????. Shirley June Ward Shirley June Ward (daughter of Alfred and Norma [McKibben] Ward) was born 23 Apr 1949 in Santa Rosa, California. She married (1) Allen Edmund Faber (son of Edmund Faber and Alcie Eschmann) 11 Apr 1968 in Illinois. She married (2) R. W. Poos 21 Jul 1990 in Edwardsville, Illinois. She married (3) ? Rakers in 2001. Child of Shirley Ward and Allen Faber is: Services Thursday Funeral services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Thursday at the Johnson Funeral Home with Rev. Melvin Farmer officiating. Burial will be in Maple Hill Cemetery. Family and friends may call for visitation from 6–9 p.m. Wednesday at the funeral home. He was born June 2, 1930, the son of Frank “Wiz” and Julia (Neaville) McKibben, and was educated in Fairfield. Mr. McKibben married the former Mary Acord Aug 31, 1948, in Fairfield. He first worked for Bob Wood, of Fairfield, on a pulling unit in the oilfields. In 1969, the McKibbens moved to Ravenna where he was a self-employed contract pumper. Mr. McKibben was a member of the Charlestown United Methodist Church. 1. Christy Lynne Faber Christy Lynne Faber Christy Lynne Faber (daughter of Allen and Shirley [Ward] Faber) was born 12 Sep 1968 in Creve Coeur, Missouri. She married David Wayne Horton (son of Wayne Horton and Judy Burnett) 21 May 1994 in Edwardsville, Illinois. Children of Christy Faber and David Horton are: 1. Jacob David Horton 2. Katie Lynn Horton The Survivors Survivors include his wife, Mary, of Ravenna, Ohio; three daughters, Jennifer McKibben, at home; Diane Gargano, of Deerfield, Ohio; Mrs. Russell (Penny) Shambach, of Atwater, Ohio; one son, Edward McKibben, of Edinburg, Ohio; four brothers, Carl and Charles McKibben, both of Fairfield; Earl McKibben, of Philo; Larry McKibben, of Chadworth; four sisters, Mrs. Evans (Norma) St. Ledger, of Mountain Grove, Mo.; Mrs. Gene (Lois) Owen, of Fairfield; Mrs. Fred (Pat) Ewing, of Cisne; and Betty Grindley, of Mahomet. He was preceded in death by his parents. Jacob David Horton. Jacob David Horton (son of David and Christy [Faber] Horton) was born 26 Oct 1995. Katie Lynn Horton. Katie Lynn Horton (daughter of David and Christy [Faber] Horton) was born 29 Aug 1998. FRANCIS EDWARD MCKIBBEN Francis Edward McKibben (son of Frank and “Julie” [Neaveill] McKibben) was born 02 Jun 1930 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died 25 Sep 1982 in Deerfield, Ohio. He married Mary Acord (daughter of Charles Acord and Elvira Wilson) 30 Aug 1948 in Henderson, Kentucky. The following is from the Wayne County Press, September 22nd, 1982, p. 2: * * * Children of Francis McKibben and Mary Acord are: OBITUARY Francis E. McKibben, 52 Killed In Tractor Mishap Francis E. McKibben, 52, a Fairfield native, who was living in Ravenna, Ohio, was pronounced dead-on-arrival Saturday evening at the Ravenna Hospital. 67 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Edward Lynn McKibben Paula Diane McKibben Larry Franklin McKibben Penny Gayle McKibben Jennifer Elaine McKibben 68 The Neaveill Family Edward Lynn McKibben Larry Franklin McKibben Edward Lynn McKibben (son of Francis and Mary [Acord] McKibben) was born 01 Apr 1949 in Wayne County, Illinois. He married Martha Jean Jacoby (daughter of Clarence Jacoby and Anna Nestor) 20 May 1978 in Ravenna, Ohio. Children of Edward McKibben and Martha Jacoby are: Larry Franklin McKibben (son of Francis and Mary [Acord] McKibben) was born 08 Dec 1956 and died 18 Sep 1957. 1. Erin Wrenn McKibben 2. Kaleb Edward McKibben Erin Wrenn McKibben Erin Wrenn McKibben (daughter of Edward and Martha [Jacoby] McKibben) was born 24 Sep 1979. Kaleb Edward McKibben Kaleb Edward McKibben (son of Edward and Martha [Jacoby] McKibben) was born 15 Jul 1984. Paula Diane McKibben Paula Diane McKibben (daughter of Francis and Mary [Acord] McKibben) was born 15 Nov 1951 in Fairfield, Illinois. She married (1) Gary Ray Judge (son of Ralph Judge and Rosemay Matthews) 01 Jan 1991 in Ravenna, Ohio. She married (2) James Gargano 29 May 2969. Children of Paula McKibben and James Gargano are: 1. James Lee Gargano 2. Jason Edward Gargano James Lee Gargano James Lee Gargano (son of James and Paula [McKibben] Gargano) was born 15 Oct 1970 in Ravenna, Ohio. He married Holly Ann Greenwood (daughter of William Greenwood and Nancy Peterson) 22 Apr 1995. Child of James Gargano and Holly Greenwood is: 1. Cameron Francis Gargano Cameron Francis Gargano. Cameron Francis Gargano (son of James and Holly [Greenwood] Gargano) was born 07 Jul 1995, Derry, New Hampshire. Penny Gayle McKibben Penny Gayle McKibben (daughter of Francis and Mary [Acord] McKibben) was born 01 Jan 1960 in Ravenna, Ohio. She married (1) Russell Shambach 20 Aug 1978. She married (2) George Less (son of Francis Less and Jane Sauerwein) 30 Sep 1989. Children of Penny McKibben and Russell Shambach are: 1. Shelby Lee Shambach 2. Shiela Lyn Shambach Shelby Lee Shambach Shelby Lee Shambach (son of Russell and Penny [McKibben] Shambach) was born 19 Mar 1979. Shiela Lyn Shambach Shiela Lyn Shambach (daughter of Russell and Penny [McKibben] Shambach) was born 14 May 1981. Jennifer Elaine McKibben Jennifer Elaine McKibben (daughter of Francis and Mary [Acord] McKibben) was born 11 Oct 1967 and died 05 Dec 1987. LOIS EVELYN MCKIBBEN Lois Evelyn McKibben (daughter of Frank and “Julie” [Neaveill] McKibben) was born 19 May 1934. She married Gene Bradford Owen (son of Emerial Owen and Leona Mason) 05 Nov 1953. Children of Lois McKibben and Gene Owen are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Judy Kay Owen Cathy Jo Owen Gene Bradford Owen Dedie Elizabeth Owen Judy Kay Owen Jason Edward Gargano Jason Edward Gargano (son of James and Paula [McKibben] Gargano) was born 19 Dec 1974 in Ravenna, Ohio. He met Jennifer Nottingham. Child of Jason Gargano and Jennifer Nottingham is: 1. Alexis Nicole Gargano Alexis Nicole Gargano. Alexis Nicole Gargano (son of Jason Gargano and Jennifer Nottingham) was born 05 Nov 1994, Ravenna, Ohio. Judy Kay Owen (daughter of Gene and Lois [McKibben] Owen) was born 07 Nov 1955 in Fairfield, Illinois. She married Larry Peters (son of Charles Peters and Norma Meyers) 19 May 1990. Child of Judy Owen and Larry Peters is: 1. Avery Claire Peters Avery Claire Peters Avery Claire Peters (daughter of Larry and Judy [Owen] Peters) was born 19 May 1991. Descendants of Tom Neaveill Cathy Jo Owen Cathy Jo Owen (daughter of Gene and Lois [McKibben] Owen) was born 02 Jul 1958, Fairfield, Illinois. She married Larry Wells, 09 Apr 1988. Gene Bradford Owen Gene Bradford Owen (son of Gene and Lois [McKibben] Owen) was born 12 Nov 1960. He married Kimberly Diane Sherve (daughter of William Sherve and Beverly Burton) 03 Jul 1981. Children of Gene Owen and Kimberly Sherve are: 1. Benjamin Adam Owen 2. Laramie Joseph Owen Benjamin Adam Owen Benjamin Adam Owen (son of Gene and Kimberly [Sherve] Owen) was born 01 Jul 1982. Laramie Joseph Owen Laramie Joseph Owen (son of Gene and Kimberly [Sherve] Owen) was born 04 Mar 1987. 69 County, Illinois. He married Shirley Crumbacher (daughter of George Crumbacher and Agnes Withrow) 06 Oct 1956. Children of Charles McKibben and Shirley Crumbacher are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Cindy Sue McKibben Bruce Dean McKibben Infant Girl McKibben Infant Girl McKibben Cindy Sue McKibben Cindy Sue McKibben (daughter of Charles and Shirley [Crumbacher] McKibben) was born 11 May 1960 in Aurora, Illinois. She married Ricky Lee Simmons (son of Donald Simmons and Rosa Atwood) 15 Mar 1980. Children of Cindy McKibben and Ricky Simmons are: 1. Tyler James Simmons 2. Jared Franklin Simmons Tyler James Simmons Tyler James Simmons (son of Ricky and Cindy [McKibben] Simmons) was born 30 Jul 1991. Dedie Elizabeth Owen Dedie Elizabeth Owen (daughter of Gene and Lois [McKibben] Owen) was born 01 Nov 1962. She married Mark Allen Koker (son of Allen Koker and Shirley Tyler) 19 Jun 1982. Children of Dedie Owen and Mark Koker are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Allen Bradford Koker Hannah Elizabeth Koker Joel Mark Koker Matthew Aaron Koker Allen Bradford Koker Allen Bradford Koker (son of Mark and Dedie [Owen] Koker) was born 20 Jun 1983. Hannah Elizabeth Koker Hannah Elizabeth Koker (daughter of Mark and Dedie [Owen] Koker) was born 06 Oct 1992. Joel Mark Koker Joel Mark Koker (son of Mark and Dedie [Owen] Koker) was born 11 Apr 1995. Matthew Aaron Koker Matthew Aaron Koker (son of Mark and Dedie [Owen] Koker) was born 14 Feb 1997. CHARLES FRANKLIN MCKIBBEN Charles Franklin McKibben (son of Frank and “Julie” [Neaveill] McKibben) was born 26 Jul 1936 in Wayne Jared Franklin Simmons Jared Franklin Simmons (son of Ricky and Cindy [McKibben] Simmons) was born 10 Apr 1993. Bruce Dean McKibben Bruce Dean McKibben (son of Charles and Shirley [Crumbacher] McKibben) was born 29 Apr 1965. He married Deborah Blackford (daughter of Russell Blackford and Ann Windland) 14 Feb 1987. Children of Bruce McKibben and Deborah Blackford are: 1. Julie Ann McKibben 2. Emily Rebecca McKibben Julie Ann McKibben Julie Ann McKibben (daughter of Bruce and Deborah [Blackford] McKibben) was born 29 Jun 1992. Emily Rebecca McKibben Emily Rebecca McKibben (daughter of Bruce and Deborah [Blackford] McKibben) was born 01 Jun 1995. PATSY “PAT” EARLINE MCKIBBEN Patsy “Pat” Earline McKibben (daughter of Frank and “Julie” [Neaveill] McKibben) was born 29 Sep 1939 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died 11 Jun 1999 in Evansville, Indiana. She married Fred Lowell Ewing (son of Robley Ewing and Mabel Merritt) 29 Sep 1955. 70 The Neaveill Family The following obituary is from the Wayne County Press, date unknown: OBITUARY Mrs. Pat Ewing, Of Cisne, Dies Mrs. Fred (Pat) Ewing, 59, of Cisne dies at Deaconess Hospital in Evansville, Ind., at 2:30 a.m. Friday, June 11, 1999. She had been in declining health with diabetes. Mrs. Ewing was a homemaker. Graveside Rites Graveside services were held Sunday afternoon from the Richland Cemetery south of Boyleston, with Bro. Carroll Kakac officiating. The Johnson Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements, with visitation at the Johnson Chapel Saturday evening. She was born in Wayne County Sept 29, 1939, the daughter of Frank and Julia Neaville McKibben. She was married to Fred Ewing. The Survivors Surviving are her husband; three sons, Darrell Ewing of Cisne; Randy Ewing, Fairfield; and Terry Ewing, Fairfield; two daughters, Connie Kieffer of Olney; and Sandra Balding of Barnhill; seven grandchildren; four brothers, Charles McKibben and Carl McKibben, both of Fairfield; Earl McKibben of Philo; and Joe McKibben of Ocala, Fla.; and three sisters, Norma St. Ledger of Missouri; Lois Owen of Fairfield; and Betty Butler of Champaign. * * Jacquelyn Kaye Kieffer Jacquelyn Kaye Kieffer (daughter of Richard and Connie [Ewing] Kieffer) was born 07 Feb 1987. Sandra Kaye Ewing Sandra Kaye Ewing (daughter of Fred and “Pat” [McKibben] Ewing) was born 16 Jan 1958 in Fairfield, Illinois. She married Stephen Balding (son of Charles Balding and Sonya Hood) 15 Nov 1991. Child of Sandra Ewing and Stephen Balding is: 1. Alyssa Paige Balding Alyssa Paige Balding Alyssa Paige Balding (daughter of Stephen and Sandra [Ewing] Balding) was born 02 Oct 1993. Randy Joe Ewing Randy Joe Ewing (son of Fred and “Pat” [McKibben] Ewing) was born 27 Jan 1959 in Champaign, Illinois. He married (1) Connie Xanders (daughter of George Xanders and Knova Schofield) 19 Oct 1979. He married (2) Marilyn Carter (daughter of Delous Carter and Kathryn Porter) 25 May 1985. Child of Randy Ewing and Connie Xanders is: 1. Dustin Shane Ewing Child of Randy Ewing and Marilyn Carter is: * 2. Raace Jordani Ewing Children of “Pat” McKibben and Fred Ewing are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Connie Raye Ewing Sandra Kaye Ewing Randy Joe Ewing Terry Lowell Ewing Darryl Dean Ewing Dustin Shane Ewing Dustin Shane Ewing (son of Randy and Connie [Xanders] Ewing) was born 27 Oct 1980. Raace Jordani Ewing Raace Jordani Ewing (son of Randy and Marilyn [Carter] Ewing) was born 26 Jan 1986. Connie Raye Ewing Connie Raye Ewing (daughter of Fred and “Pat” [McKibben] Ewing) was born 09 Aug 1956 in Fairfield, Illinois. She married Richard David Kieffer (son of Richard Kieffer and Helen Smith) 22 Apr 1978. Children of Connie Ewing and Richard Kieffer are: 1. Jennifer Raye Kieffer 2. Jacquelyn Kaye Kieffer Jennifer Raye Kieffer Jennifer Raye Kieffer (daughter of Richard and Connie [Ewing] Kieffer) was born 15 Nov 1982. Terry Lowell Ewing Terry Lowell Ewing (son of Fred and “Pat” [McKibben] Ewing) was born 27 Mar 1961 in Champaign, Illinois. He married Deanna Martin (daughter of Harold Martin and Maxine Cobb) 28 Mar 1986. Child of Terry Ewing and Deanna Martin is: 1. Nicole Danielle Ewing Nicole Danielle Ewing Nicole Danielle Ewing (daughter of Terry and Deanna [Martin] Ewing) was born 15 Nov 1989. Descendants of Tom Neaveill 71 Darryl Dean Ewing Shelley Lynne Grindley Darryl Dean Ewing (son of Fred and “Pat” [McKibben] Ewing) was born ????. Shelley Lynne Grindley (daughter of Dennis and Betty [McKibben] Grindley) was born 06 Apr 1965. She married Jerome “Jay” Paul Janssen (son of ? Janssen and ?) 31 May 1989. Child of Shelley Grindley and Jay Janssen is: LARRY “JOE” LAVERN MCKIBBEN Larry “Joe” Lavern McKibben (son of Frank and “Julie” [Neaveill] McKibben) was born 17 Sep 1943 in Wayne County, Illinois. He married Deloris Caroline Eggert (daughter of Earl Eggert and Mary Surber) 19 Oct 1960. Children of “Joe” McKibben and Deloris Eggert are: 1. Larry Lee McKibben 2. James Franklin McKibben 3. Michael Lynn McKibben Larry Lee McKibben Larry Lee McKibben (son of “Joe” and Deloris [Eggert] McKibben) was born 27 Apr 1961, Champaign, Illinois. James Franklin McKibben James Franklin McKibben (son of “Joe” and Deloris [Eggert] McKibben) was born 12 Jan 1963 in Champaign, Illinois. He married Kim Hasick 31 Jul 1988. Children of James McKibben and Kim Hasick are: 1. April Marie McKibben 2. Cory James McKibben April Marie McKibben April Marie McKibben (daughter of James and Kim [Hasick] McKibben) was born 04 Nov 1991. Cory James McKibben Cory James McKibben (son of James and Kim [Hasick] McKibben) was born 08 Feb 1995. 1. Benjamin Paul Janssen Benjamin Paul Janssen Benjamin Paul Janssen (son of Jay and Shelley [Grindley] Janssen) was born 17 May 1998. Karen Diane Grindley Karen Diane Grindley (daughter of Dennis and Betty [McKibben] Grindley) was born 01 May 1966. She married (1) Mark Mayer 18 Jan 1984. She married (2) James Walters 1992. She married (3) Mart Ranbo 05 Apr 1998. Children of Karen Grindley and Mark Mayer are: 1. Josuah Alan Mayer 2. Nathan Andrew Mayer Josuah Alan Mayer Josuah Alan Mayer (son of Mark and Karen [Grindley] Mayer) was born 09 Aug 1985. Nathan Andrew Mayer Nathan Andrew Mayer (son of Mark and Karen [Grindley] Mayer) was born 20 Sep 1987. Lisa Renee Grindley Lisa Renee Grindley (daughter of Dennis and Betty [McKibben] Grindley) was born 19 Mar 1970. She married Aaron Fancher (son of Lee Fancher and Leslie Meeker) 01 Jun 1997. Children of Lisa Grindley and Aaron Fancher are: Michael Lynn McKibben Michael Lynn McKibben (daughter of “Joe” and Deloris [Eggert] McKibben) was born 23 Dec 1969 in Gibson City, Illinois. BETTY MARIE MCKIBBEN Betty Marie McKibben (daughter of Frank and “Julie” [Neaveill] McKibben) was born 06 Jun 1945. She married (1) Dennis Grindley 1960. She married (2) James Butler 1990. Children of Betty McKibben and Dennis Grindley are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Shelley Lynne Grindley Karen Diane Grindley Lisa Renee Grindley Shannon Dean Grindley 1. Scott Tyler Fancher 2. Katie Marie Fancher 3. Kenda Lee Fancher Scott Tyler Fancher Scott Tyler Fancher (adopted son of Aaron and Lisa [Grindley] Fancher) was born 08 Jul 1991. Katie Marie Fancher Katie Marie Fancher (daughter of Aaron and Lisa [Grindley] Fancher) was born 21 Aug 1996. Katie is the twin sister of Kenda Lee Fancher. Kenda Lee Fancher Kenda Lee Fancher (child of Aaron and Lisa [Grindley] Fancher) was born 21 Aug 1996. 72 The Neaveill Family Shannon Dean Grindley Steven Lloyd McKibben Shannon Dean Grindley (son of Dennis and Betty [McKibben] Grindley) was born 22 Aug 1972. Steven Lloyd McKibben (son of “Butch” and Joyce [Hart] McKibben) was born 28 Jan 1965. He married (1) Julie Ruhall 1987. He married (2) Tracy Michele Young (daughter of Eldon Young and Martha Bennett) 05 Sep 1991. Child of Steven McKibben and Julie Ruhall is: EARL “BUTCH” ROBERT MCKIBBEN Earl “Butch” Robert McKibben (son of Frank and “Julie” [Neaveill] McKibben) was born 20 Nov 1946 in Fairfield, Illinois. He married (1) Joyce Elaine Hart (daughter of Garold Hart and Lillie Isle) sometime before 1965. He married (2) Carol ? sometime before 1971. He married (3) Kristy L. McHenry (daughter of Harold McHenry and Louise Hutton) 18 Oct 1975 in Philo, Champaign County, Illinois. Kristy was born 25 Dec 1954 in Champaign, Illinois, and died at the age of forty-six on 11 Nov 2001 in Urbana, Illinois. The following obituary is from the Champaign NewsGazette, November 13, 2001: OBITUARY Kristy McKibben PHILO — Funeral services for Kristy L. McKibben, 46, of Philo will be at 10 a.m. Thursday at RennerWikoff Chapel, 1900 S. Philo Road, U[rbana]. The Rev. Morris Christman will officiate. Burial will be in Locust Grove Cemetery, Philo. Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at the funeral home. Mrs. McKibben died at 8:15 a.m. Sunday (Nov. 11, 2001) at Provena Covenant Medical Center, Urbana. She was born Dec. 25, 1954, in Champaign, a daughter of Harold and Louise Hutton McHenry. She married Earl McKibben on Oct. 18, 1975, at Philo. He survives. Also surviving are her parents of Philo; two sons, Tim F. McKibben and Jeff A. McKibben, both of Fairfield; a brother. Mike McHenry of Philo; and two sisters, Marcia Woodworth and Kathy Hamilton, both of Tolono. Mrs. McKibben was a dental assistant at Sunnycrest Dental Clinic in Urbana. he graduated from Unity High School in Tolono and Parkland College. * * * Child of Earl McKibben and Joyce Hart is: 1. Amber Dawn McKibben Child of Steven McKibben and Tracy Young is: 2. Britani J’Nae McKibben Amber Dawn McKibben Amber Dawn McKibben (daughter of Steven and Julie [Ruhall] McKibben) was born 26 Jun 1987. Britani J’Nae McKibben Britani J’Nae McKibben (daughter of Steven and Tracy [Young] McKibben) was born 17 Jun 1995. Eric McKibben Inman Eric McKibben Inman (son of “Butch” and Carol [?] McKibben) was born 1971. He married ? sometime before 1989. Child of Eric Inman and ? is: 1. Elizabeth Inman Elizabeth Inman Elizabeth Inman (daughter of Eric and ? [?] Inman) was born 1989. Carrie McKibben Carrie McKibben Inman (daughter of “Butch” and Carol [?] McKibben) was born 1973. She married ?. Child of Carrie Inman and ? is: 1. Kylee ? Kylee ? Kylee ? (daughter of ? and Carrrie [Inman] ?) was born 1993. 1. Steven Lloyd McKibben Children of Earl McKibben and Carol ? are: 2. Eric McKibben Inman 3. Carrie McKibben Inman Children of Earl McKibben and Kristy McHenry are: 4. Tim F. McKibben 5. Jeffrey A. McKibben Tim F. McKibben Tim F. McKibben (son of “Butch” and Kristy [McHenry] McKibben) was born 02 Jun 1977. Jeffrey “Jeff” A. McKibben Jeffrey “Jeff” A. McKibben (son of “Butch” and Kristy [McHenry] McKibben) was born 10 Jun 1979. He married Kari Zamberletti. Descendants of Tom Neaveill CARL RAY MCKIBBEN Carl Ray McKibben (son of Frank and “Julie” [Neaveill] McKibben) was born 26 Feb 1949 in Wayne County, Illinois. He married (1) Janet Hinman (daughter of Robert Hinman and Maxine Simmons) sometime before 1975 in Illinois. He married (2) Gayla Ray Pattorff sometime after 1979. Children of Carl McKibben and Janet Hinman are: 1. Jill Ann McKibben 2. Julie Michelle McKibben 73 Barberton, Ohio. She is buried in the Clark family plot in Graceland Cemetery, Albion, Illinois. Keith Clark worked as a punch press operator for two years in Gridley, Illinois, before he joined the U.S. Air Force in April 1952. While serving his country, he was assigned to numerous locations including Morocco, Korea, Japan, and Vietnam. He was awarded the Air Force Commendation Medal with one oak leaf cluster, the Air Force Outstanding Unit Award, the Vietnam Service Medal, and the Bronze Star Medal. After retiring from the Air Force in June 1972, Keith worked for twenty-three years in machine shops in the Akron, Ohio, area. He currently resides in Mowequa, Illinois. Children of Robert Clark and Phyllis Jones is: Jill Ann McKibben Jill Ann McKibben (daughter of Carl and Janet [Hinman] McKibben) was born 08 Mar 1975. 1. David Wayne Clark 2. Charlotte Mae Clark Julie Michelle McKibben David Wayne Clark Julie Michelle McKibben (daughter of Carl and Janet [Hinman] McKibben) was born 03 Oct 1979. David Wayne Clark (son of Robert and Phyllis [Jones] Clark) was born 1955 at the Sandia Army Base Hospital in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He married Sheri Mayfield (daughter of Dave Mayfield and Patti Venglar) 22 Jun 1985 in Fairfield, Illinois. Sheri was born 06 Jan 1967. David works at Airtex in Fairfield, Illinois. Children of David Clark and Sheri Mayfield are: HULA MAY NEAVEILL Hula May Neaveill (daughter of Elmer and Mary [Walter] Neaveill) was born 31 Mar 1910 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died Dec 1986 in Albion, Edwards County, Illinois. She married Charlie Clark (son of Herbert Clark and Ellen Colyer) 25 Feb 1933. Charlie was born 08 Jun 1909 in Edwards County, Illinois, and died 25 Aug 1976 in Wayne County, Illinois. Hula and Charlie are buried in Graceland Cemetery in Albion, Illinois. Children of Hula Neaveill and Charlie Clark are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Robert Keith Clark Joan Clark Dale Colyer Clark Evelyn Ruth Clark Elmer Lawrence Clark Charles Herbert Clark Shirley Sue Clark Russell Edmund Clark Mary Ellen Clark Linda Kay Clark Virginia Lynn Clark 1. Shannon Bryan Clark 2. Kristy Diane Clark Shannon Bryan Clark Shannon Bryan Clark (son of David and Sheri [Mayfield] Clark) was born 17 Oct 1985 in Fairfield, Illinois. Kristy Diane Clark Kristy Diane Clark (daughter of David and Sheri [Mayfield] Clark) was born 08 Jun 1987 in Fairfield, Illinois. Charlotte Mae Clark Charlotte Mae Clark (daughter of Robert and Phyllis [Jones] Clark) was born 02 Apr 1958 in Fairfield, Illinois. She graduated from Fairfield High School and then attended the Patricia Stevens Preparatory School in St. Louis where she still resides and works as a purchasing agent for a tractor-trailer supply company. ROBERT KEITH CLARK JOAN CLARK Robert Keith Clark (son of Charlie and Hula [Neaveill] Clark) was born 03 Jul 1933. He married (1) Phyllis Jane Jones (daughter of Ivan Jones and Mary Green) 23 Nov 1953 in New Braunfels, Texas. He married (2) Delnora Hinds (daughter of Clarence Turner and Dora Henson) 19 Aug 1960 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Delnora was born 28 Dec 1931 in Lingo, New Mexico, and died 03 Nov 1996 in Joan Clark (daughter of Charlie and Hula [Neaveill] Clark) was born 29 Jul 1934 and died 28 Sep 1934. DALE COLYER CLARK Dale Colyer Clark (son of Charlie and Hula [Neaveill] Clark) was born 12 Jan 1936. He married Dorothy Jean Gar- 74 The Neaveill Family rett (daughter of Leonard Garrett and Dorothy Nelson) 04 May 1957. Dorothy was born 17 Nov 1937. Children of Dale Clark and Dorothy Garrett are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Kathryn Marie Clark Michael Dale Clark James Colyer Clark Teresa Ann Clark Kathryn Marie Clark Kathryn Marie Clark (daughter of Dale and Dorothy [Garrett] Clark) was born 26 Jan 1958 in Bellefontaine, Ohio. She married Ralph Stephen Lux (son of John Lux and Lucille Meschke) 15 Aug 1980 in Fair Oaks, California. Ralph was born 06 Jan 1954 in Corona, California. Kathryn and Ralph both work for the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Sacramento, California. Michael Dale Clark Michael Dale Clark (son of Dale and Dorothy [Garrett] Clark) was born 16 Jul 1960 in Battle Creek, Michigan. He married Vickie Lee McCann (daughter of ? McCann and ?) 05 Oct 1985 in Sacramento, California. James Colyer Clark James Colyer Clark (son of Dale and Dorothy [Garrett] Clark) was born 11 Nov 1961 in Battle Creek, Michigan. He married Terri Ann Moore (daughter of Tom Moore and ?) 06 Mar 1982. Children of James Clark and Terri Moore are: 1. David Allen Colyer Clark 2. Jessica Marie Clark David Allen Colyer Clark David Allen Colyer Clark (son of James and Terri [Moore] Clark) was born 13 Oct 1984 in Sacramento, California. Jessica Marie Clark Jessica Marie Clark (daughter of James and Terri [Moore] Clark) was born 11 Oct 1986 in Sacramento, California. Teresa Ann Clark Teresa Ann Clark (daughter of Dale and Dorothy [Garrett] Clark) was born 02 Oct 1964 in Battle Creek, Michigan. She married Timothy Wilson (son of ? Wilson and ?) 20 May 1989 in Fair Oaks, California. Teresa works as a recruiting officer for the California Department of Corrections in Sacramento. Child of Teresa Clark and Timothy Wilson is: 1. Franklin Andrew Wilson Franklin Andrew Wilson Franklin Andrew Wilson (son of Timothy and Teresa [Clark] Wilson) was born 20 Nov, 1994. EVELYN RUTH CLARK Evelyn Ruth Clark (daughter of Charlie and Hula [Neaveill] Clark) was born 19 Jun 1937 in Randolph, McLean County, Illinois. She married Carl Eugene Compton (son of Earnest Compton and Vella Smith) 24 Dec 1953 in Albion, Illinois. Carl was born 05 Aug 1935. The following is from History of Edwards County, Illinois (Curtis Media Corp., 1993): Compton, Carl and Evelyn Carl Eugene Compton was born 5 August 1935 at Keensburg, Wabash County, IL. His parents were Earnest Eugene and Vella (Smith) Compton. His siblings were: Frank, Ron (died from results of a car accident), and Sandra (Mrs. Tom Bishop). Carl attended school at Keensburg and Mt. Carmel. At the age of eighteen he joined the United States Air Force. He served his country from 1953 to 1957. I am Evelyn Ruth Clark, the fourth of eleven children born to Charlie and Hula May (Neaville) Clark. I was born 19 June 1937 in Washington, McLean Co., IL. My grandparents were: Herbert and Nancy Ellen (Colyer) Clark; Elmer and Mary (Walters) Neaville. My siblings are: Robert Keith, Dale Colyer, Charles Herbert, Shirley Sue Baker, Russell Edmund, Mary Ellen Chalcraft, Linda Kaye Conover, Virginia Lynn Farmer, Joan and Elmer Lawrence died young and are buried in Graceland Cemetery. We (my brothers and sisters) attended the rural Severns School. It was located just east of the Massilon Road. I attended all eight years at Severns. Then I attended Edwards County Senior High School for a couple of years before I married Carl Eugene Compton. We have lived all our married lives in Albion. Our children are: 1. Donald Eugene, born 29 January 1954 in Mt. Carmel. He works at Bristol Myers in Evansville, IN and has lived there for eighteen years. He married Dona Bone in October of 1982 and later divorced. 2. Tony Ray, was born 29 February 1956 in Mt. Carmel. He lives in Bellmont, IL and works for Luber-Finer in Albion. He married Peggy Sue Stoltz on 19 February 1983. They have a son, Jacob Eli, born 1 January 1991. 3. Johnny Dee, was born 7 July 1958 in Fairfield. He works and lives in Olney, IL. He married Debbie Jo Cooper on 7 March 1981. They have two children: Carissa Michelle, born on 27 April 1983; and Andrea Nicole, born on 14 December 1987. 4. Taunua Lorraine was born 12 December 1964 at Fairfield and died in St. Louis, MO on 28 January 1978. She was very sports minded. 5. Carl Russell was born 16 April 1968. He was married 14 Dec 1991 at the Little Prairie Church, near Albion, IL to Vashti Greenwood of Olney, IL. They live Descendants of Tom Neaveill in Olney, IL. 6. Tamara Ruth, was born 9 September 1971 in Mt. Carmel. She is very active in the church and still lives at home. 7. Terri Lynn was born 18 June 1973 in Mt. Carmel. She is going to Olney Central College. She is also going to play volleyball. Carl and I are employed at Champion Laboratories in Albion. Children of Evelyn Clark and Carl Compton are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Donald Eugene Compton Tony Ray Compton Johnny Dee Compton Taunua Lorraine Compton Carl Russell Compton Tamara Ruth Compton Terri Lynn Compton Donald Eugene Compton Donald Eugene Compton (son of Carl and Evelyn [Clark] Compton) was born 29 Jan 1954 in Mt. Carmel, Illinois. He married (1) Donna Marie Bone (daughter of Doyle Bone and Barbara ?) 09 Oct 1982 in Evansville, Indiana. He married (2) Sally Kuhr (daughter of ? and ?) 19 Jun 1998. Sally has two children from a previous marriage. Children of Sally Kuhr are: 1. Michael Kuhr 2. Emily Kuhr Tony Ray Compton Tony Ray Compton (son of Carl and Evelyn [Clark] Compton) was born 29 Feb 1956 in Mt. Carmel, Illinois. He married Peggy Sue Stoltz (daughter of John Stoltz and Frances Stoneberger) 19 Feb 1983. Peggy was born 16 Feb 1958. Children of Tony Compton and Peggy Stoltz are: 1. Jacob Eli Compton Jacob Eli Compton Jacob Eli Compton (adopted son of Tony and Peggy [Stoltz] Compton) was born 01 Jan 1991. Johnny Dee Compton Johnny Dee Compton (son of Carl and Evelyn [Clark] Compton) was born 07 Jul 1958. He married Debra “Debbie” Jo Cooper (daughter of John Cooper and Shirley Maglone) 07 Mar 1981. Children of Johnny Compton and Debbie Cooper are: 1. Carissa Michelle Compton 2. Andrea Nicole Compton 75 Carissa Michelle Compton Carissa Michelle Compton (daughter of Johnny and Debbie [Cooper] Compton) was born 27 Apr 1983. Andrea Nicole Compton Andrea Nicole Compton (daughter of Johnny and Debbie [Cooper] Compton) was born 14 Dec 1987. Taunua Lorraine Compton Taunua Lorraine Compton (daughter of Carl and Evelyn [Clark] Compton) was born 12 Dec 1964 in Fairfield, Illinois, and died 28 Jan 1978 in St. Louis, Missouri. The following is from an unknown newspaper, date unknown: OBITUARY Seventh grade cheerleader died of injuries from playground fall Services for Taunua L. Compton, 13-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Compton, were held this (Wednesday) afternoon at Nale’s Funeral Home. The seventh grade student and cheerleader died shortly after noon Saturday at Firmin-Deloge Children’s Hospital in St. Louis, where she had been taken Thursday evening after lapsing into a coma at her home. She was first taken to Good Samaritan Hospital in Mt. Vernon, then transferred to St. Louis. She received a concussion on the Albion Grade School playground during noon recess January 4, when witnesses said she “slipped in the mud and fell.” She was taken to Richland Memorial Hospital in Olney, then transferred to Mt. Vernon that evening. Taunua was released from the hospital January 13 and returned for a checkup on the 20th, prior to returning to school Monday, January 23. There was no school Tuesday, she attended school Wednesday, weather conditions again prevented school on Thursday and that evening she became ill, lapsed into a coma and was rushed back to the hospital. Taunua played on the grade school softball team and was chosen by her classmates as candidate for Queen of the PTA Fall Festival last fall. Principal Mickey Wright said she was a “popular girl and a good student.” She was a member of the Little Prairie Christian Church. Surviving, in addition to her parents, are four brothers and two sisters, Donnie Compton, 23, of Evansville; Tony 21, at home; John 19, with the U. S. Army in Germany (now on leave at home); and Rusty, 9, Tammy, 7 and Terri, 4, all at home. Also surviving are grandmothers Mrs. Vella Compton and Mrs. Hula Clark and grandfather, Ernest Compton, all of Albion. Taunua was born December 12, 1964 in Wayne County, of Carl and Evelyn Clark Compton. 76 The Neaveill Family Rev. Larry Densmore of Olney and Rev. Larry Music officiated at the services, with burial at Graceland Cemetery. * * * Carl Russell Compton Carl Russell Compton (son of Carl and Evelyn [Clark] Compton) was born 16 Apr 1968 in Mt. Carmel. He married (1) Vashti Greenwood (daughter of ? Greenwood and ?) 14 Dec 1991. He married (2) Stacy Campbell (daughter of ? and ?) Oct 1997. Child of Carl Compton and Vashti Greenwood is: 1. Carl Russell Compton, Jr. Child of Carl Compton and Stacy Campbell is: 2. Troy Alexander Compton Carl Russell Compton, Jr. Carl Russell Compton, Jr. (son of Carl and Vashti [Greenwood] Compton) was born 03 Dec 1992. Troy Alexander Compton Troy Alexander Compton (son of Carl and Stacy [Campbell] Compton) was born 19 Dec 1997. Tamara “Tammy” Ruth Compton Tamara “Tammy” Ruth Compton (daughter of Carl and Evelyn [Clark] Compton) was born 09 Sep 1971 in Mt. Carmel, Illinois. Terri Lynn Compton Terri Lynn Compton (daughter of Carl and Evelyn [Clark] Compton) was born 18 Jun 1973 in Mt. Carmel, Illinois. Child of Terri Compton is: 1. Karlin Andre Compton Karlin Andre Compton Karlin Andre Compton (son of ? and Terri Compton) was born 17 Feb 1996. ELMER LAWRENCE CLARK Elmer Lawrence Clark (son of Charlie and Hula [Neaveill] Clark) was born 1938 and died 1939. The following is from the Albion Journal Register, March 2, 1939: OBITUARY Clark Infant Died in Sleep Friday Morn Elmer Lawrence Clark, four months’ old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Clark, died suddenly at the family resi- dence on Route 1-B, northeast of Albion, early Friday morning. Death was attributed to natural causes by the coroner’s jury empanelled several hours later by Dr. R. L. Moter, county coroner, but the circumstances were unusually tragic. Mrs. Hula Clark, mother of the infant, testified that the baby had suffered a slight cold for several days, but had seemed better. About 3:00 Friday morning she got up and gave the infant his bottle and held him until he acted as though he wanted to go to sleep again. He seemed alright. At 3:45 Mrs. Clark got up again to give a little daughter Evelyn Ruth her bottle. She then went over to the little son’s bed to tuck him in and found him cold. Mrs. Clark immediately called her husband, fearing the worst, and they found the baby had passed away. The father had got up about 1 a. m. to see if the children were all right. At that time Mr. Clerk [sic] testified that the infant was not fussing and did not seem to be ill. Obituary Elmer Lawrence Clark, son of Charlie and Hula Neaveill Clark, was born Oct. 13, 1938, and departed this life Feb. 25, 1939, at the age of four months and 12 days. Although he was with us only a short time, he has departed to a land where there is no pain or sorrow, but a place of peace and love. He leaves a sorrowful mother and father, two brothers, Robert Keith and Dale Colyer, and one sister, Evelyn Ruth. A sister, Joan, preceded him in death. He also leaves grandparents and two great grandparents, and other relatives and friends. Funeral services were conducted at the family residence Sunday afternoon at 1:30, Rev. P. M. Durham of Albion officiating. Interment at Graceland. * * * CHARLES HERBERT CLARK Charles Herbert Clark (son of Charlie and Hula [Neaveill] Clark) was born 09 Jun 1940. He married (1) Glenna Thomas (daughter of Glenn Thomas and Luralene ?). Glenna was born 03 Jul 1941. Charles married (2) June Taylor (daughter of ? and ?) 30 Jun 1980. Chldren of Charles Clark and Glenna Thomas are: 1. Timothy Charles Clark 2. Kimberly Clark Timothy Charles Clark Timothy Charles Clark (son of Charles and Glenna [Thomas] Clark) was born 29 Mar 1960. He married Mary Ann Booker (daughter of ? Booker and ?) Aug 1980. Children of Timothy Clark and Mary Ann Booker are: 1. Timothy Charles Clark, Jr. Descendants of Tom Neaveill 2. Andrew David Clark 3. Matthew Craig Clark Timothy Charles Clark, Jr. Timothy Charles Clark, Jr. (son of Timothy and Mary Ann [Booker] Clark) was born 14 Dec 1990. 77 Carrie is a descendant of George Neaville (probably Enoch’s brother, see p. 119) through her father; she is also a descendant of John Young (see p. 6) through her mother. Randall married (2) Becky (Isle) Atteberry (daughter of Harry Isle and Lucretia Smith) 05 Jun 1997. Becky had three children from a previous marriage. Child of Randall Baker and Carrie Neavill is: Andrew David Clark Andrew David Clark (son of Timothy and Mary Ann [Booker] Clark) was born 15 Aug 1994. Matthew Craig Clark Matthew Craig Clark (son of Timothy and Mary Ann [Booker] Clark) was born 19 May 1997. 1. Christina Elizabeth Baker Children of Becky Isle and ? Atteberry are: 2. Adam Cordell Atteberry 3. Allen Lee Atteberry Kimberly Clark Kimberly Clark (daughter of Charles and Glenna [Thomas] Clark) was born 23 Feb, 1961. She married Timothy Rudisill (son of Wayne Rudisill and Lora Hatcher) 30 Jun 1984. Children of Kimberly Clark and Timothy Rudisill are: 1. Travis Wayne Rudisill 2. Ashley Renee Rudisill Travis Wayne Rudisill Travis Wayne Rudisill (son of Timothy and Kimberly [Clark] Rudisill) was born 21 Oct 1988. Ashley Renee Rudisill Ashley Renee Rudisill (daughter of Timothy and Kimberly [Clark] Rudisill) was born 13 Dec 1994. SHIRLEY SUE CLARK Shirley Sue Clark (daughter of Charlie and Hula [Neaveill] Clark) was born 02 Nov 1941. She married (1) Dennis Smith (son of ? Smith and ?) 27 May 1960. She married (2) Charles “Ab” Elmer Baker (son of Henry Baker and Olla Hayes) 25 Jun 1965. Ab was born 25 Nov 1934. Children of Shirley Clark and Ab Baker are: 1. Charles Elmer Baker, Jr. 2. Randall Dean Baker 3. Martha Sue Baker Charles Elmer Baker, Jr. Charles Elmer Baker, Jr. (son of Ab and Shirley [Clark] Baker) was born 28 Apr 1966 and died 08 May 1966. Charles is buried in the Garden of Memories cemetery in Flora, Illinois. Randall Dean Baker Randall Dean Baker (son of Ab and Shirley [Clark] Baker) was born 25 Oct 1969. He married (1) Carrie Neavill (daughter of Arlo Hugh “Hughie” Neavill, Jr. and Phyllis Young) 16 May 1988. Carrie and Randall are distant double cousins. 4. Andrew Ryan Atteberry Christina Elizabeth Baker. Christina Elizabeth Baker (daughter of Randall and Carrie [Neavill] Baker) was born 27 Nov 1988. Adam Cordell Atteberry. Adam Cordell Atteberry (son of ? and Becky [Isle] Attberry) was born 24 Sep 1988. Allen Lee Atteberry. Allen Lee Atteberry (son of ? and Becky [Isle] Attberry) was born 28 Oct 1989. Andrew Ryan Atteberry. Andrew Ryan Atteberry (son of ? and Becky [Isle] Attberry) was born 04 Jun 1992. Martha Sue Baker Martha Sue Baker (daughter of Ab and Shirley [Clark] Baker) was born 23 Sep 1973. She married David Kyle Ahlfield (son of ? and Carol Ahlfield) 28 Feb 1997. RUSSELL EDMUND CLARK Russell Edmund Clark (son of Charlie and Hula [Neaveill] Clark) was born 16 Jun 1943. He married Janice Eileen Clark (daughter of Lewis Clark and Mary Kohl) 13 Jun 1970 in Albion, Illinois. Children of Russell Clark and Janice Clark are: 1. Danielle Elizabeth Clark 2. Damien Edmund Clark Danielle Elizabeth Clark Danielle Elizabeth Clark (daughter of Russell and Janice [Clark] Clark) was born 16 Jan 1974 in Jerseyville, Illinois. She married Jamie Antone Kanallakan (son of James Kanallakan and Mary ?) 18 Oct 1997. Danielle graduated from the St. Louis College of Pharmacy in 1997 and currently works as a pharmacist at Walgreen. 78 The Neaveill Family Damien Edmund Clark Damien Edmund Clark (son of Russell and Janice [Clark] Clark) was born 23 Aug 1976 in Jerseyville, Illinois. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Richard Lee Conover Sheila Lynn Conover Robert Allen Conover James Ray Conover Jenny Kaye Conover MARY ELLEN CLARK Mary Clark (daughter of Charlie and Hula [Neaveill] Clark) was born 13 Oct 1944. She married Gary Edward Chalcraft (son of Ivan Chalcraft and Margie Chapple) 12 Apr 1963. Gary was born 14 Mar 1936. Children of Mary Clark and Gary Chalcraft are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Gregory Allen Chalcraft Marcus Harold Chalcraft Mitzi Jo Chalcraft Gerald D. Chalcraft Richard Lee Conover Richard Lee Conover (son of Richard and Linda [Clark] Conover) was born 02 Mar 1964. He married Patricia Lou Davis (daughter of Harold Davis and Lou ?) 06 Aug 1983. Patricia was born 27 Jan 1964. Children of Richard Conover and Patricia Davis are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Darrell E. Conover Roger Alan Conover Misty Dawn Conover Rebecca Lynn Conover Gregory Allen Chalcraft Gregory Allen Chalcraft (son of Gary and Mary [Clark] Chalcraft) was born 24 Oct 1963. He married Vanessa Fewkes (daughter of Eddie Fewkes and Lila Hocking) 28 Sep 1991. Vanessa was born 10 Aug 1970. Gregory owns an autobody repair shop near Albion, Illinois. Marcus Harold Chalcraft Marcus Harold Chalcraft (son of Gary and Mary [Clark] Chalcraft) was born 27 May 1966. He met ?. Child of Marcus Chalcraft and ? is: 1. Sinjun Allen Chalcraft Sinjun Allen Chalcraft Sinjun Allen Chalcraft (son of Marcus Chalcraft and ?) was born 01 Nov 1996. Mitzi Jo Chalcraft Mitzi Jo Chalcraft (son of Gary and Mary [Clark] Chalcraft) was born 14 Apr 1968. She married David Wayne Hutton (son of ? Hutton and ?) 12 Sep 1998 in Owensville, Indiana. Mitzi and David currently live in Louisiana. Gerald D. Chalcraft Gerald D. Chalcraft (son of Gary and Mary [Clark] Chalcraft) was born 25 Dec 1973. LINDA KAY CLARK Linda Clark (daughter of Charlie and Hula [Neaveill] Clark) was born 19 Feb 1947. She married Richard Allen Conover (son of Allen Conover and Alice Murphy) 22 Dec 1963. Richard was born 13 Sep 1941. Children of Linda Clark and Richard Conover are: Darrell E. Conover Darrell E. Conover (son of Richard and Patricia [Davis] Conover) was born 21 Nov 1983. Roger Alan Conover Roger Alan Conover (son of Richard and Patricia [Davis] Conover) was born 26 Jan 1985. Misty Dawn Conover Misty Dawn Conover (daughter of Richard and Patricia [Davis] Conover) was born 10 Nov 1986. Rebecca Lynn Conover Rebecca Lynn Conover (daughter of Richard and Patricia [Davis] Conover) was born 23 Nov 1989. Sheila Lynn Conover Sheila Lynn Conover (daughter of Richard and Linda [Clark] Conover) was born 19 Feb 1965. She met (1) ?. She married (2) Billy James Bruce, Jr. (son of Billy Bruce, Sr. and ?) 09 Oct 1981. She married (3) Donald Lee Walker (son of ? Walker and ?) 23 Dec 1985. She married (4) Clayce R. Crickman (son of ? Crickman and ?). Child of Sheila Conover and ? is: 1. Tonya May Conover Child of Sheila Conover and Billy Bruce is: 2. Christina Dawn Bruce Children of Sheila Conover and Donald Walker are: 3. Donald Lee Walker, Jr. 4. Kendra Leigh Walker 5. Susan Renee Walker Descendants of Tom Neaveill Tonya May Conover Tonya May Conover (daughter of ? and Sheila Conover) was born 10 Apr 1981. Christina Dawn Bruce Christina Dawn Bruce (daughter of Billy and Sheila [Conover] Bruce) was born 18 Aug 1983. Donald Lee Walker, Jr. Donald Lee Walker, Jr. (son of Donald and Sheila [Conover] Walker) was born 09 Jan 1988. Jenny Kaye Conover Jenny Kaye Conover (daughter of Richard and Linda [Clark] Conover) was born 08 Apr 1967. Jenny and her brother James are twins. Jenny married Wayne Breeze (son of ? Breeze and ?) 03 Jun 1983. Children of Jenny Conover and James Breeze are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Jennifer Kaye Breeze Jessica Leigh Breeze Justina Renee Breeze Bradley Allen Breeze Kendra Leigh Walker Kendra Leigh Walker (daughter of Donald and Sheila [Conover] Walker) was born 25 Feb 1989. Jennifer Kaye Breeze Jennifer Kaye Breeze (daughter of James and Jenny [Conover] Breeze) was born 29 Jun 1985. Susan Renee Walker Susan Renee Walker (daughter of Donald and Sheila [Conover] Walker) was born 03 Dec 1995. Jessica Leigh Breeze Jessica Leigh Breeze (daughter of James and Jenny [Conover] Breeze) was born 19 Apr 1988. Robert Allen Conover Justina Renee Breeze Justina Renee Breeze (daughter of James and Jenny [Conover] Breeze) was born 31 May 1990. Robert Allen Conover (son of Richard and Linda [Clark] Conover) was born 06 Mar 1966. He met Melissa Bryant (daughter of ? Bryant and ?). Child of Robert Conover and Melissa Bryant is: 1. Christopher Allen Conover Christopher Allen Conover Christopher Allen Conover (son of Robert Conover and Melissa Bryant) was born 29 Sep 1992. James Ray Conover James Ray Conover (son of Richard and Linda [Clark] Conover) was born 08 Apr 1967. James and his sister Jenny are twins. James married Tina Gaither (daughter of ? Gaither and ?) 29 Jul 1993. Children of James Conover and Tina Gaither are: 1. Joshua Forrest Conover 2. Amanda Rae Conover 3. Ashley Nicole Conover Joshua Forrest Conover Joshua Forrest Conover (son of James and Tina [Gaither] Conover) was born 11 Feb 1993. Amanda Rae Conover Amanda Rae Conover (daughter of James and Tina [Gaither] Conover) was born 03 Aug 1994. Ashley Nicole Conover Ashley Nicole Conover (daughter of James and Tina [Gaither] Conover) was born 20 Aug 1996. 79 Bradley Allen Breeze Bradley Allen Breeze (son of James and Jenny [Conover] Breeze) was born 13 May 1992. VIRGINIA LYNN CLARK Virginia Lynn Clark (daughter of Charlie and Hula [Neaveill] Clark) was born 1953. She married Rodger Dale Farmer (son of Eldon Farmer and Clara Merrick) 20 Jan 1972. Roger was born 20 Sep 1952. Child of Virginia Clark and Roger Farmer is: 1. Lucas Michael Yong Soo Farmer Lucas Michael Yong Soo Farmer Lucas Michael Yong Soo Farmer (adopted son of Roger and Virginia [Clark] Farmer) was born 22 Jun 1988 in Onyang City, South Korea. CHARLES “CHARLIE” RICHARD NEAVEILL Charles “Charlie” Richard Neaveill (son of Elmer and Mary [Walter] Neaveill) was born 8 May 1912 in Fairfield, Illinois, and died Apr 1986 in Bloomington, Illinois. He married Martha M. Renken (daughter of Henry Renken and Katie Johnson) 13 Nov 1937 in Secor, Illinois. Martha was born 1907 in Benson, Illinois, and died 24 Apr 1977 in Bloomington, Illinois. The following obituary is from the Woodford County Journal, April 28, 1977, p. 9: 80 The Neaveill Family OBITUARY Mrs. Martha Neaveill died Sunday Mrs. Martha M. Neaveill, 69, El Paso, died at 1:25 a.m. Sunday at Mennonite Hospital, Bloomington, where she had been a patient since April 11. She was born Aug. 2, 1907, at Benson, a daughter of Henry C. and Katie Johnson Renken. She married Charles Neaveill Nov 13, 1937, in Secor. He survives. Also surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Rose Toole and Mrs. Anne Broers, both of Benson. A sister preceded her in death. She was a member of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Benson. The funeral was at the Froelich Memorial Home yesterday, and burial in Benson cemetery. * * * Following is Charlie Neaveill’s obituary: OBITUARY CHARLES NEAVEILL EL PASO — Charles Neaveill, 73, 398 N. Central Ave., died at 4:35 p.m. Thursday in Mennonite Hospital, Bloomington, where he was a patient one week. Born May 8, 1912, in Fairfield, a son of Elmer and Mary Walter Neaveill, he married Martha Renken Nov. 13, 1937. She died April 24, 1977. Three half brothers and two sisters also preceded him. He was a mechanic for Pfister’s Seed Corn Co. 38 years before retiring, and was a member of Affiliated St. Paul’s Lutheran Church of Benson. Surviving are two brothers, Percy of Sedalia, Mo., Robert of Webster, Ohio; three sisters, Hula Clark of Albion, Lucille Venters of New Salem, and Hazel Ellis of Herlong, Calif. Visitation will be 6 to 8 tonight at Froelich Memorial Home, here, where services will be at 2 p.m. Sunday. The Rev. Joseph Bleakly will officiate. Burial will be in Clayton Township Cemetery, Benson. Memorials may be made to a charity of the donor’s choice. * * * WALTER PERCY NEAVEILL Walter Percy Neaveill (son of Elmer and Mary [Walter] Neaveill) was born 13 Mar 1917 in Wayne County, Illinois. He married (1) Mary Martha Baker (daughter of George Baker and Lela Ramsey) 27 May 1936 in Wayne County, Illinois. He married (2) Etta Joyce (Snow) Bell 1963. Mary (Baker) Neaveill grew up in Ellery, Illinois. She lived for a while with her brother Henry Baker and his family in Covert, Kansas, where she attended high school. Mary then returned to Ellery. After they married, Percy and Mary moved to Woodford County, Illinois, where they lived and worked on various farm locations, until they moved to Eureka around 1950. After they divorced, Mary worked for Eureka College as a housekeeper in the dorms and the president’s house from 1963 to 1977 when she retired. Children of Percy Neaveill and Mary Baker are: 1. Percy Douglas “Doug” Neaveill 2. Carole Kay Neaveill 3. Clara Fay Neaveill Children of Percy Neaveill and Joyce Snow are: 1. Harold Thomas Pressy 2. Jeffrey “Jeff” Lynn Pressy 3. Sharon Marie Pressy Charlie & Martha Neaveill The Percy Neaveill Family Left to Right: Percy Douglas “Doug” Neaveill, Mary (Baker) Neaveill, Clara Fay Neaveill, Walter Percy Neaveill, Carole Kay Neaveill photo courtesy of Doug Neaveill photo courtesy of Doug Neaveill Descendants of Tom Neaveill 81 Donna graduated from Eureka High School in 1956 and worked for a few years at Caterpillar. She later worked at the First National Bank in Eureka for several years and then worked at Vermeer until she retired in 1989. Since retiring, Doug and Donna have pursued interests such as photography, and Donna’s latest hobby which is collecting Beanie Babies. The following is from the Woodford County Journal, November 27, 1958, p. 2: Walter Percy and Joyce (Snow) Neaveill photo courtesy of Doug Neaveill PERCY DOUGLAS “DOUG” NEAVEILL Percy Douglas “Doug” Neaveill (son of Percy and Mary [Baker] Neaveill) was born 21 Sep 1937 in Panola, Illinois. He married Donna Marlene Ulrich (daughter of Peter Ulrich and Marguerite Moulton) 23 Nov 1958 in Eureka, Illinois. Doug Neaveill grew up on various farms in Woodford County, Illinois, until about 1950 when his family moved to Eureka. As a teenager, Doug worked as a paperboy delivering the Peoria Journal Star and the Chicago Daily News. He met his future wife, Donna Ulrich, while playing “kick the can” behind Eureka High School. Doug graduated from EHS in 1955 and then started working for Caterpillar where, amidst various layoffs and strikes over the decades, he worked for 33 years, retiring in 1988. At Caterpillar, Doug worked at a variety of jobs including operating a lathe for about 7 years and as a machine repairman for 15 years. During some of Cat’s earlier layoffs, Doug found work at various places such as Libby’s canning factory, Keystone Steel & Wire, as well as a job on the railroad. The Doug Neaveill Family Left to Right: Percy Douglas “Doug” Neaveill, Jill Dionne Neaveill (front), Jean Renee Neaveill (back), Donna (Ulrich) Neaveill, Ryan Douglas Neaveill photo courtesy of Doug Neaveill Miss Ulrich Wears White Taffeta To Marry Douglas Neaveill Miss Donna Ulrich, daughter of the Peter O. Ulrichs of Eureka and Douglas Neaveill, son of the Percy Neaveills, also of this city, were married at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 23, in the Eureka Christian church. White chrysanthemums were arranged at the altar where the Rev. Hilton Windley heard the exchange of vows. Entering on the arm of her father, the bride wore a bouquet taffeta gown styled with a bodice of handdrawn imported Alencon lace and long tapered sleeves. The dome skirt was fashioned of princess gores. The full chapel train extended from pleating under a pannier overskirt. A tailored self bow accented the waistline. The bride’s fingertip English illusion veil was attached to a scalloped Alencon lace crown edged with pearls. She carried a cascade of white roses on a Bible. Also gowned in white were the attendants, whose taffeta gowns featured lace overskirts and were accented by red sashes and red shoes. They wore white taffeta flat bow headbands, and carried cascades of red carnations. Miss Nancy Miller of Eureka was maid of honor, Miss Judy Ulrich of Pekin, Misses Carole and Clara Neaveill of Eureka were bridesmaids. Ronald Ulrich of Eureka was best man. Groomsmen were Kenneth Burrell of Peoria, Frank Gerber of Eureka and Larry Wable of Washington. Karen Ulrich of Eureka was the flower girl in a long white taffeta dress with scalloped overskirt trimmed in red rosebuds. She wore a red sash and a headband of red rosebuds. Organist for the nuptials was Mrs. Royal Humbert, who accompanied Mrs. Tim Tracy, vocalist, in “Because” and “I Love You Truly.” A reception was held in the church parish hall. Following a short wedding trip to St. Louis the couple will be at home at 403½ East James street, Eureka. Both are graduates of Eureka high school. The bride is employed by Caterpillar Tractor Co., and Mr. Neaveill by Libby, McNeill and Libby at Eureka. Children of “Doug” Neaveill and Donna Ulrich are: 1. Jean Renee Neaveill 2. Jill Dionne Neaveill 3. Ryan Douglas Neaveill 82 The Neaveill Family Brock Allen Seggerman photo courtesy of Shannon Seggerman Jean (Neaveill) and Les Seggerman photo courtesy of Doug Neaveill Jean Renee Neaveill Jean Renee Neaveill (daughter of “Doug” and Donna [Ulrich] Neaveill) was born 06 Dec 1959 in Peoria, Illinois. She married (1) Leslie “Les” Jo Seggerman (son of Wilbert Seggerman and Helen Hangartner) 21 Apr 1979 in Eureka, Illinois. They divorced and then remarried on 31 Dec 1996 in Eureka, Illinois. The following is from the Woodford County Journal, May 3, 1979, p. 10: Neaveill-Seggerman Jean Neaveill and Leslie Seggerman, both of Eureka, exchanged wedding vows April 21 at the Methodist Church in Eureka. The bride’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. Doug Neaveill of Eureka. The bridegroom’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Seggerman of Iowa. Jill Johnson, sister of the bride, was matron of honor. Deb Engel was bridesmaid. Wilbert Seggerman Jr., brother of the groom, was best man. Walt Engel was groomsman. A reception was held at the American Legion building in Eureka. The couple left for a wedding trip to North Dakota. They will reside at 406½ N. Main, Eureka. Children of Jean Neaveill and “Les” Seggerman are: 1. Shannon Rae Seggerman 2. Shane Douglas Seggerman Shannon Rae Seggerman Shannon Rae Seggerman (daughter of Les and Jean [Neaveill] Seggerman) was born 28 Jan 1981 in Peoria, Illinois. She met Andrew Marshall Lenover. Andrew was born 29 Feb 1980. Child of Shannon Seggerman and Andrew Lenover is: 1. Brock Allen Seggerman Brock Allen Seggerman. Brock Allen Seggerman (son of Andrew Lenover and Shannon Seggerman) was born 26 Mar 2002 in Peoria, Illinois. Shane Douglas Seggerman Shane Douglas Seggerman (son of Les and Jean [Neaveill] Seggerman) was born 15 May 1983 in Peoria, Illinois. Jill Dionne Neaveill The Jean (Neaveill) Seggerman Family Shane Seggerman, Shannon Seggerman Les Seggerman, Jean (Neaveill) Seggerman photo courtesy of Doug Neaveill Jill Dionne Neaveill (daughter of “Doug” and Donna [Ulrich] Neaveill) was born 21 Nov 1961. She married (1) Barth “Bart” Earl Johnson (son of Dennis Johnson and Phyllis Davidson) 03 Dec 1977 in Eureka, Illinois. She mar- Descendants of Tom Neaveill 83 Jill (Neaveill) and Bart Johnson photo courtesy of Doug Neaveill ried (2) Thomas Robert Martino (son of Joe Martino and Teresa Santi) 06 Jun 1984. Child of Jill Neaveill and Bart Johnson is: 1. Heather Renee Johnson Children of Jill Neaveill and Tom Martino are: 2. Erica Anne Martino 3. Carla Marie Martino Heather Renee Johnson Heather Renee Johnson (daughter of Bart and Jill [Neaveill] Johnson) was born 26 Apr 1978 in Peoria, Illinois. She married Stephen “Steve” Richard Lane (son of Stephen Richard Lane, Sr., and Linda Diane Sawyer) 12 Jan 1995 in Allegan County, Michigan. Children of Heather Johnson and Steve Lane are: 1. David Michael Lane 2. Austin Stephen Lane 3. Caleb Matthew Lane Heather (Johnson) Lane and Children David Lane, Caleb Lane, Heather (Johnson) Lane, Austin Lane David Michael Lane. David Michael Lane (son of Steve and Heather [Johnson] Lane) was born 09 Aug 1994 in Kent County, Michigan. Austin Stephen Lane. Austin Stephen Lane (son of Steve and Heather [Johnson] Lane) was born 25 May 1996 in Peoria, Illinois. Caleb Matthew Lane. Caleb Matthew Lane (son of Steve and Heather [Johnson] Lane) was born 14 Aug 1998 in Peoria, Illinois. Erica Anne Martino Erica Anne Martino (daughter of Tom and Jill [Neaveill] Martino) was born 26 Mar 1987 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Carla Marie Martino Carla Marie Martino (daughter of Tom and Jill [Neaveill] Martino) was born 12 Jun 1994 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Jill (Neaveill) and Tom Martino Erica and Carla Martino photo courtesy of Doug Neaveill photo courtesy of Jill (Neaveill) Martino 84 The Neaveill Family Ryan Douglas Neaveill Ryan Douglas Neaveill (son of “Doug” and Donna [Ulrich] Neaveill) was born 04 Aug 1967 in Peoria, Illinois. He married Jodi Sue Thompson (daughter of Howard Thompson and Helen Hern) 27 Jun 1992 in Bloomington, Illinois. Ryan Neaveill grew up in Eureka, Illinois, where he graduated from Eureka High School in 1985. He then attended Illinois Wesleyan University where he graduated in 1989 with a bachelor’s degree in music composition and theory. Since graduating from college, Ryan has held music positions in various churches in central Illinois, currently serving as the Minister of Music at Grace United Methodist Church in Decatur, Illinois, where he can be seen on their weekly televised broadcast on WAND (an affiliate of ABC). He has had several pieces of music published by Concordia Publishing House, Hinshaw Music, Inc., and Theodore Presser Company. Ryan is a member of the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers; the American Choral Directors Association; the American Guild of English Handbell Ringers; and the Fellowship of United Methodists in Music and Worship Arts. While at Illinois Wesleyan University, Ryan met Jodi Sue Thompson. Jodi received her bachelor’s degree in music education from IWU in 1990 and then taught vocal music for four years in the Roanoke–Benson School District (Roanoke, Illinois). Jodi received her master’s degree in music education in 1995 from the University of Illinois at Urbana. In 1997 she received a degree in adminstration. She taught in the College of Education at the U of I from 1996 to 1998 and taught music at Urbana Middle School from 1997 to 1999. Jodi currently is the principal for kindergarten through sixth grade at Judah Christian School in Champaign, Illinois. The following is from the Peoria Journal Star, Aug ?, 1967: Births A son Ryan Douglas, was born Aug. 4 at 12:38 p.m. at Methodist Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Neaveill, The Ryan Neaveill Family Front: Lena Neaveill, Levi Neaveill Back: Ryan Neaveill, Jodi (Thompson) Neaveill 406 S. Henry St., Eureka. The baby, who weighed 8 pounds, 13½ ounces at birth, is a brother to Jean, 7 and Jill, 5. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Peter O. Ulrich, Eureka; Mrs. Mary Neaveill, Eureka, and W. P. Neaveill, Oregon, Ill. Mrs Lela Baker, Ellery, is a great grandmother. The following is from the Woodford County Journal (Eureka, Illinois), Aug. ?, 1991: Thompson–Neaveill Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. Thompson of Gibson City are proud to announce the engagement of their daughter, Jodi Sue Thompson of Roanoke, to Ryan Douglas Neaveill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Neaveill of Roanoke. Miss Thompson is a 1990 graduate of Illinois Wesleyan University and currently teaches vocal music at Roanoke–Benson School District, Unit No. 60. She has also recently been hired as the choir director and song leader at the Eureka United Methodist Church. Mr. Neaveill is a 1989 graduate of Illinois Wesleyan University and currently teaches piano at the Morton Academy of Music in Morton. He is also the organist at the Eureka United Methodist Church. The couple is planning a June 1992 wedding. Children of Ryan Neaveill and Jodi Thompson are: 1. Levi Douglas Neaveill 2. Lena Marie Neaveill Note: The letters in LEVI and LENA can be rearranged to spell NEAVEILL. Levi Douglas Neaveill Levi Douglas Neaveill (son of Ryan and Jodi [Thompson] Neaveill) was born 25 Nov 1998 in Urbana, Champaign County, Illinois. The following is from the News-Gazette (Champaign, Illinois), Dec. 1, 1998, p. B10: Levi Neaveill Levi Douglas is the name Ryan D. and Jodi S. Thompson Neaveill, 618 Creve Coeur Drive, C[hampaign], have chosen for their son. The baby was born at 12:11 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 25, in Carle Foundation Hospital, Urbana. He weighed 8 pounds, 4 ounces. Mr. Neaveill is employed at Omegatype Typography, Champaign, and the First United Methodist Church of Urbana. Mrs. Neaveill works at Urbana Middle School and the University of Illinois. The baby’s grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Neaveill, Roanoke, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Thompson, Gibson City. Great-grandparents are Mary Neaveill, Eureka, and Marjorie Tuntland, Gibson City. Descendants of Tom Neaveill Lena Marie Neaveill Lena Marie Neaveill (daughter of Ryan and Jodi [Thompson] Neaveill) was born 15 Oct 2001 in Urbana, Champaign County, Illinois. The following is from the News-Gazette (Champaign, Illinois), Oct. 28, 2001, p. E-5: Lena Neaveill Jodi and Ryan Neaveill, 618 Creve Coeur Drive, C[hampaign], have named their second child Lena Marie. Born at 4:36 p.m. Monday, Oct. 15, in Carle Foundation Hospital, Urbana, the baby weighed 9 pounds, 3 ounces. She has a brother, Levi Douglas, 2 Mr. Neaveill is the music director at the First United Methodist Church of Urbana. Mrs. Neaveill is the elementary principal at Judah Christian School, Champaign. Grandparents of the children are Helen and Howard Thompson, Gibson City, and Doug and Donna Neaveill, Roanoke. Their great-grandparents are Marjorie Tuntland, Gibson City; Mary Neaveill, Eureka; and Percy Neaveill, Sedalia, Mo. CAROLE KAY NEAVEILL Carole Kay Neaveill (daughter of Percy and Mary [Baker] Neaveill) was born 17 Aug 1943 in Woodford County, Illinois. She is the twin sister of Clara Fay Neaveill. Carole graduated from Eureka High School in 1961. She worked as a secretary for GTE in Bloomington, Illinois, for 29 years, retiring in 1993. CLARA FAY NEAVEILL Clara Fay Neaveill (daughter of Percy and Mary [Baker] Neaveill) was born 17 Aug 1943 in Woodford County, Illinois. She is the twin sister of Carole Kay Neaveill. Clara graduated from Eureka High School in 1961. She worked as a secretary for the company nurse at GTE in Bloomington, Illinois, for 31 years, retiring in 1993. 85 HAROLD THOMAS PRESSY Harold Thomas Pressy (son of James Elroy Pressy and Janet Richardson) was born 04 Oct 1965. Harold was raised by Percy and Joyce Neaveill. He married Toyka ? (daughter of ? and ?). Child of Harold Pressy and Toyka ? is: 1. Alan Thomas Pressy Alan Thomas Pressy Alan Thomas Pressy (son of Harold and ? [?] Pressy) was born 03 Oct 1988 in Princeton, Illinois. JEFFREY “JEFF” LYNN PRESSY Jeffrey “Jeff” Lynn Pressy (son of Percy Neaveill and Janet [Richardson] Pressy) was born 23 Feb 1967 in Princeton, Illinois. He married (1) Carla Gayle Butterwick (daughter of Clifford Wayne Butterwick and Francis Ada Gamber) 01 Aug 1987. Carla was born 10 Jun 1969 in Sedalia, Missouri. Jeff and Carla divorced 20 Aug 1997. Jeff met (2) Charlotte ?. Children of Jeff Pressy and Carla Butterwick are: 1. Austin Wayne Pressy 2. Dakota Lynn Pressy Austin Wayne Pressy Austin Wayne Pressy (son of Jeff and Carla [Butterwick] Pressy) was born 01 Feb 1991. Dakota Lynn Pressy Dakota Lynn Pressy (son of Jeff and Carla [Butterwick] Pressy) was born 19 May 1994. Clara Neaveill, Mary (Baker) Neaveill, and Carole Neaveill Charlotte & Jeff Pressy photo courtesy of Mary Neaveill Photo courtesy of Jeff Pressy 86 The Neaveill Family DUANE NEAVEILL WARD Duane Neaveill Ward (son of ? and Hazel Neaveill) was born about 1936. He married Jan ? in California. Children of Duane Ward and Jan ? are: 1. Denise Ward 2. Steven Ward 3. Sally Ward Denise Ward Denise Ward (daughter of Duane and Jan [?] Ward) was born ????. Steven Ward Austin Pressy Dakota Pressy Photos courtesy of Jeff Pressy SHARON MARIE PRESSY Sharon Marie Pressy (daughter of Percy Neaveill and Janet [Richardson] Pressy) was born 01 Feb 1972. She married Daniel Russell Borsma (son of ? Borsma and ? ?). Children of Sharon Pressy and Daniel Borsma are: 1. Alyssa Paige Borsma 2. Blain Russel Borsma 3. Madison Lee Borsma Alyssa Paige Borsma Alyssa Paige Borsma (daughter of Daniel and Sharon [Pressy] Borsma) was born 25 Sep 1994 in Sedalia, Missouri. Steven Ward (son of Duane and Jan [?] Ward) was born ???? and died sometime before 1987. Sally Ward Sally Ward (daughter of Duane and Jan [?] Ward) was born ????. EVA LUCILLE NEAVEILL Eva Lucille Neaveill (daughter of Elmer and Mary [Walter] Neaveill) was born 01 Jun 1921 in Wayne County, Illinois. She married Dale Lester “Lex” Venters (son of Thomas Venters and Leafy Miller) 31 Jul 1940 in St. Charles, Missouri. Lex was born 31 Jul 1919 in White County, Illinois, and died 24 Aug 1971 in Fairfield, Illinois. He is buried in Maple Hill Cemetery, Fairfield, Illinois. Blain Russel Borsma Blain Russel Borsma (son of Daniel and Sharon [Pressy] Borsma) was born 05 May 1997 in Sedalia, Missouri. Madison Lee Borsma Madison Lee Borsma (daughter of Daniel and Sharon [Pressy] Borsma) was born 13 Jun 1998 in Columbia, Missouri. HAZEL ESTHER NEAVEILL Hazel Esther Neaveill (daughter of Elmer and Mary [Walter] Neaveill) was born 05 Aug 1919 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died Oct 1987 in Herlong, California. She met (1) ? sometime before 1936. She married (2) Clifford Ward sometime after 1936. She married (3) Eddie Johnson sometime after 1940. She married (4) Jim Ellis sometime after 1950. Child of Hazel Neaveill and ? is: 1. Duane Neaveill Ward Lucille (Neaveill) Venters and Family Front: Kenneth Earl Venters, Allen Dale Venters, Darrell Eugene Venters, Back: Rita Fay Venters, Lucille (Neaveill) Venters, Curtis Ray Venters, Lex Venters Descendants of Tom Neaveill The following obituary is from the Wayne County Press, Aug. 26, 1971, p. 2: OBITUARY Lester Venters Suffers Fatal Attack Lester Venters, a 54-year-old truck driver for J. W. Ward Transfer Co., was dead-on-arrival to Fairfield Memorial Hospital at 4:40 p.m. Tuesday. Mr. Venters apparently suffered a heart attack shortly after going to work and collapsed just as he was preparing to take his truck route. Rushed To Hospital A Nales ambulance was called and rushed him to the hospital, but he died enroute. He had been under a doctor’s care. Military services will be conducted at 1 p.m. Friday at Nales Funeral Home with Rev. David Dean officiating. Burial will be in Maple Hill Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home after 5 p.m. Thursday (today). Mr. Venters was born in Springerton July 31, 1917, the son of Tom and Leafy (Miller) Venters. He married Lucille Neavill, who survives. He was a veteran of World War II. The Survivors Surviving are his wife; four sons, Kenneth, of Manahans, Tex.; and Allen, Darrell, and Curtis, all at home; four grandchildren; two brothers, Clyde, of Henderson, Ky.; and Vernon, of Monahans, Tex.; and five sisters. Mrs. Mary Patterson, of Dallas, Tex.; Mrs. Louise Cooper, of San Angelo, Tex.; Mrs. Martha Cunningham, of Monahans, Tex.; and Mrs. Clifford Medler and Mrs. Clayton Elliot, both of Fairfield. * * * Children of Lucille Neaveill and “Lex” Venters are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Rita Fay Venters Kenneth Earl Venters Joyce Ann Venters Allen Dale Venters Darrell Eugene Venters Curtis Ray Venters 87 Children of Rita Venters and Ted Woods are: 2. Crystal Arlene Woods 3. Gene Lester Woods Cheryl Ann Venters Cheryl Ann Venters (daughter of Pete Kimbrell and Rita Venters) was born 04 Jun 1961. She married (1) Billy Dean Mark sometime before 1978 in Edwards County, Illinois. She married (2) Lawrence Grove sometime before 1985. She married (3) Darrell Waldrop sometime after 1985. Children of Cheryl Venters and Billy Mark are: 1. Summer Jay Mark 2. Waylon Dean Mark Child of Cheryl Venters and Lawrence Grove is: 3. Amanda Dawn Grove Summer Jay Mark Summer Jay Mark (daughter of Billy and Cheryl [Venters] Mark) was born 17 Feb 1978 in Wayne County, Illinois. She married Joseph Allen McGill 06 Apr 1995 in Wayne County, Illinois. Children of Summer Mark and Joseph McGill are: 1. Dakota Allen McGill 2. Logan McGill Dakota Allen McGill. Dakota Allen McGill (son of Joseph and Summer [Mark] McGill) was born 28 Sep 1995, Wayne County, Illinois. Logan McGill. Logan McGill (son of Joseph and Summer [Mark] McGill) was born 08 Sep 1997, Wayne County, Illinois. Waylon Dean Mark Waylon Dean Mark (son of Billy and Cheryl [Venters] Mark) was born ????. Amanda Dawn Grove Amanda Dean Grove (daughter of Lawrence and Cheryl [Venters] Grove) was born ????. RITA FAY VENTERS Rita Fay Venters (daughter of “Lex” and Lucille [Neaveill] Venters) was born 03 Dec 1941. She met (1) Pete Kimbrell sometime before 1961. She married (2) Harold Sons sometime before 1966. She married (3) Ted Buckels Woods (son of Eugene Woods and Mabel Buckels) 02 Sep 1966 in Edwards County, Illinois. Child of Rita Venters and Pete Kimbrell is: 1. Cheryl Ann Venters Crystal Arlene Woods Crystal Arlene Woods (daughter of Ted and Rita [Venters] Woods) was born 04 Aug 1967 in Wabash County, Illinois. She married (1) Aaron Fewkes (son of Eldon Fewkes and Fran Root) in Edwards County, Illinois. She married (2) Steven Wayne Acklin (son of Gerald Acklin and Shirley ?). Child of Crystal Woods and Aaron Fewkes is: 1. Nicholas Aaron Fewkes 88 The Neaveill Family Children of Crystal Woods and Steven Acklin are: 2. Skyler Wayne Acklin 3. Sara Nicole Acklin Child of Allen Venters and ? is: 1. Robert Allen Venters Children of Allen Venters and Mitzi Hulbert are: Nicholas Aaron Fewkes Nicholas Aaron Fewkes (son of Aaron and Crystal [Woods] Fewkes) was born 21 Jun 1987, Richland County, Illinois. Skyler Wayne Acklin Skyler Wayne Acklin (son of Steven and Crystal [Woods] Acklin) was born 03 Oct 1993, Crawford County, Illinois. Sara Nicole Acklin Sara Nicole Acklin (daughter of Steven and Crystal [Woods] Acklin) was born 19 Mar 1995, Crawford County, Illinois. 2. Eric Cooper 3. Jeff Cooper Robert Allen Venters Robert Allen Venters (son of Allen Venters and ? ?) was born 17 Jun 1973. Eric Cooper Gene Lester Woods Eric Cooper (adopted son of Allen and Mitzi [Hulbert] Venters) was adopted by Allen Dale Venters in 1980. Gene Woods (daughter of Ted and Rita [Venters] Woods) was born ????. He lives in Nashville, Tennessee. Jeff Cooper KENNETH EARL VENTERS Jeff Cooper (adopted son of Allen and Mitzi [Hulbert] Venters) was adopted by Allen Dale Venters in 1980. Kenneth Earl Venters (son of “Lex” and Lucille [Neaveill] Venters) was born 13 Jan 1943 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died Aug 1981 in Wayne County, Illinois. He married (1) Ann Elliot sometime before 1965. He married (2) Sandra Colleert (daughter of James Colleert and Roenia ?) 1965 in Edwards County, Illinois. Kenneth Earl Venters is buried in Maple Hill Cemetery, Fairfield, Illinois. Child of Kenneth Venters and Sandra Colleert is: 1. Jacquilyn Renee Venters Jacquilyn Renee Venters Jacquilyn Renee Venters (daughter of Kenneth and Sandra [Colleert] Venters) was born 1969. JOYCE ANN VENTERS DARRELL EUGENE VENTERS Darrell Venters (son of “Lex” and Lucille [Neaveill] Venters) was born ????. Darrell was ordained a priest in May of 1986. He lives in Bowling Green, Kentucky. CURTIS RAY VENTERS Curtis Ray Venters (son of “Lex” and Lucille [Neaveill] Venters) was born 20 Aug 1957 in Wayne County, Illinois. He married Susan Hulbert (daughter of Art Hulbert and Linda Lewis) 06 Jul 1984 in Fairfield, Illinois. Children of Curtis Venters and Susan Hulbert are: 1. Allison Cocle Venters 2. Trevor Dale Venters 3. Gabrial Curtis Venters Joyce Ann Venters (daughter of “Lex” and Lucille [Neaveill] Venters) was born Apr 1948 and died Apr 1948. Allison Cocle Venters ALLEN DALE VENTERS Allison Cocle Venters (daughter of Curtis and Susan [Hulbert] Venters) was born 09 Aug 1986, Pearce County, Washington. Allen Dale Venters (son of “Lex” and Lucille [Neaveill] Venters) was born 05 Mar 1953 in Bloomington, Illinois. He met (1) ? sometime before 1973. He married (2) Mitzi Hulbert (daughter of Art Hulbert and Linda Lewis) Sep 1978 in Mt. Vernon, Illinois. Trevor Dale Venters Trevor Dale Venters (son of Curtis and Susan [Hulbert] Venters) was born 16 Nov 1988, Wayne County, Illinois. Descendants of Tom Neaveill Gabrial Curtis Venters Gabrial Curtis Venters (son of Curtis and Susan [Hulbert] Venters) was born 16 Feb 1993, Wayne County, Illinois. ROBERT “BUD” LEE NEAVILL Robert “Bud” Lee Neavill was born 01 Mar 1925 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died 04 Mar 1990 in Shreve, Ohio. He married Mary Ellen Koehler (daughter of Paul Koehler and Hazel Turner) 23 Dec 1945 in Illinois. Mary was born 24 Dec 1925 in Benson, Illinois. Following is “Bud” Neavill’s obituary: OBITUARY ROBERT NEAVILL SHREVE — Robert L. “Bud” Neavill, 65, of South Market Street, died Sunday, March 4, at his residence after a lengthy illness. Services will be Wednesday at 11 a.m. at JohnstonSchlabach Funeral Home in Shreve, with the Rev. Francis Dye officiating. Burial will be at Oak Grove Cemetery, Shreve. Friends may call Tuesday from 7-9 p.m. at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be made to the Shreve Calvary Baptist Church, P.O. Box 611, Shreve 44676; or to Hospice of Wayne County, 1651 Beall Ave., Wooster 44691. He was born in Fairfield, Ill., in 1925 to Elmer and Mary Walters Neavill and married Mary E. Koehler on Dec. 23, 1945. She survives. 89 He was a U.S. Marine Corps veteran serving in World War II and had retired as an engineer from Dowell Corp. He was a member of the American Legion and had attended the Shreve Calvary Baptist Church. Surviving in addition to his wife are two children, James L. of Millersburg and Gloria Yockey of Shreve; seven grandchildren; a brother, Percy of Sedalia, Mo.; and a sister, Lucille Venters of Salem, Ill. His parents, four brothers and three sisters died previously. * * * Children of “Bud” Neavill and Mary Koehler are: 1. Gloria Neavill 2. James Lee Neavill GLORIA NEAVILL Gloria June Neavill (daughter of “Bud” and Mary [Koehler] Neavill) was born 03 Jun 1948 in Washington, Illinois. She married Kenneth Leroy Yockey, Jr. (son of Kenneth Yockey, Sr., and Wilma Edington) 10 Feb 1968 at the Shreve United Methodist Church in Shreve, Ohio. Children of Gloria Neavill and Kenneth Yockey are: 1. Matthew Christian Yockey 2. Stephanie Renae Yockey Matthew Christian Yockey Matthew Christian Yockey (son of Kenneth and Gloria [Neavill] Yockey) was born 05 Sep 1972 in Wooster, Ohio. He maried Jennifer Lynn Horst 06 Sep 1997 at the Ripley Church of Christ in Big Prairie, Ohio. Stephanie Renae Yockey Stephanie Renae Yockey (daughter of Kenneth and Gloria [Neavill] Yockey) was born 16 Aug 1977 in Wooster, Ohio. JAMES LEE NEAVILL James Lee Neavill (son of “Bud” and Mary [Koehler] Neavill) was born 01 Feb 1954 in Pontiac, Illinois, and died 02 Jan 1992 in Wooster, Ohio. He married (1) Linda Copely sometime before 1973. He married (2) Susan Faye Eason sometime before 1976. He married (3) Vicky Justice sometime before 1989. The following obituary is from the Peoria Journal Star, January 4, 1992: The Bud Neavill Family Front: Mary (Koehler) Neavill, Robert “Bud” Lee Neavill Back: James Lee Neavill, Gloria June Neavill photo courtesy of Doug Neaveill OBITUARY JAMES NEAVILL EUREKA — James L. Neavill, 37, of 290 W. Prospect St., Smithville, Ohio, grandson of Hazel Koehler of Eu- 90 The Neaveill Family reka, died Thursday morning, Jan. 2, 1992, at Wooster Community Hospital in Wooster, Ohio. He was born Feb 1, 1954, in Pontiac to Robert and Mary Koehler Neavill. Also surviving are his mother, and two sons, Chad E. and Nicholas J., all of Shreve, Ohio; two daughters, Chrystal S. Neavill of Shreve and Brittany N. Neavill of Millersburg, Ohio; one stepdaughter, Amanda A. Justice of Millersburg; and one sister, Mrs. Kenneth (Gloria) Yockey, Jr. of Shreve. He was preceded in death by his father, two grandfathers and one grandmother. He was a truck driver for Hipp Lumber Co. in Millersburg. Services will be at 2 p.m. Sunday at JohnstonSchlabach Funeral home in Shreve. The Rev. Francis Dye will officiate. Visitation will be from 7 to 9 tonight at the funeral home. Burial will be in Oak Grove Cemetery in Shreve. Memorials may be made to the American Heart Association or Shreve Calvary Baptist Church, P.O. Box 611, Shreve, Ohio 44676. * * Children of James Neavill and Susan Eason are: 2. Chrystal Sue Neavill 3. Nicholas James Neavill Child of James Neavill and Vicky Justice is: 4. Brittany Nicole Neavill Chad Everett Neavill Chad Everett Neavill (son of James and Linda [Copely] Neavill) was born 27 Oct 1973 in Wooster, Ohio Chrystal Sue Neavill Chrystal Sue Neavill (daughter of James and Susan [Eason] Neavill) was born 21 Apr 1976 in Millersburg, Ohio. Nicholas James Neavill Nicholas James Neavill (son of James and Susan [Eason] Neavill) was born 03 Oct 1980 in Wooster, Ohio. * Child of James Neavill and Linda Copely is: Brittany Nicole Neavill Brittany Nicole Neavill (daughter of James and Vicky [Justice] Neavill) was born 21 Sep 1989 in Millersburg, Ohio. 1. Chad Everett Neavill C H A R L E S E M O R Y N E AV E I L L Charles Emory Neaveill (son of Tom and Siberia [Butler] Neaveill) was born 27 Jun 1880 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died 03 Aug 1902 in Wayne County, Illinois. The following is from the Wayne County Press, Aug. 7, 1902, p. 5: last Friday by a tree falling on him. His backbone and one limb were broken, and he was badly bruised on the head. He lingered along until Sunday noon, when he passed away. The funeral was held at ten o’clock Monday morning and the interment was in the Bovee cemetery. Killed by a Falling Tree Charles Neaveill, son of Thomas Neaveill and living eight miles southwest of Fairfield, was seriously injured G E O RG E E . N E AV E I L L George E. Neaveill (son of Tom and Siberia [Butler] Neaveill) was born ???? and died sometime before 1921. Descendants of Tom Neaveill 91 J O S E P H A RCH I B A L D “ A RCH I E ” N E AV I L L E Joseph Archibald “Archie” Neaville (son of Tom and Siberia [Butler] Neaveill) was born 15 Apr 1883 in Bellmont, Illinois, and died 07 Sep 1960 in Paducah, Kentucky. He married Ella Rebecca Matthews 10 Aug 1929 in Wayne County, Illinois (daughter of S. Matthews and Catherine Shreve). Archie and Ella (Matthews) Neaville are buried in Victory Cemetery, west of Fairfield, Illinois. The following is from the Wayne County Press, Sep. 12, 1960: OBITUARY FUNERAL HERE FOR ARCHIE NEAVILLE Was Longtime Resident of Sims-Boyleston Area; Died at Paducah, Ky. Funeral services for Archie Neaville, former Sims man and retired railroad worker, were held from the Dixon & Crippin Chapel Saturday morning. Rev. Lawrence Schott officiated with burial in Victory cemetery north of Boyleston. Mr. Neaville, 75, died Thursday morning at a Paducah, Ky. nursing home from hardening of the arteries. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Neaville and was born at Bellmont. Most of his life was spent in the Sims-Boyleston area. Mr. Neaville had been in declining health for some time. List of Survivors He was preceded in death by his wife, Ella Matthews, in 1955, and also by one son. Two sons, of Lincoln, Ill., and a brother Elmer, Mt. Carmel; are the only close survivors. * * She was stricken with a fatal heart attack while being transferred from a Mt. Vernon nursing home. Funeral Held Monday Funeral services were held Monday afternoon from the Richardson Chapel in Wayne City, with Rev. H. H. Mayberry officiating. Burial was in Victory Cemetery. Mrs Neaville was born in Wayne county February 12, 1893, the daughter of S. S. and Catherine Shreve Matthews. She was married in 1929 to Archie Neaville. List of Survivors Surviving are her husband; two sons, Lowell and Howard, of Lincoln; two brothers, Ordie Matthews, of Wayne City; Roscoe Matthews, of Pawnee; one sister, Mrs. Ollie Lloyd, of Berry; two half-brothers, Sammie Matthews, of Sims, and Warren Matthews, of Wayne City; two half-sisters, Mrs. Naomi Crask, of Keenes, and Mrs. Eva Webber, of Wayne City. * * * Children of “Archie” Neaville and Ella Matthews are: 1. Lowell Neaville 2. Howard Neaville 3. Dale Neaville LOWELL NEAVILLE Lowell Neaville (son of “Archie” and Ella [Matthews] Neaville) was born 30 Dec 1933. * The following obituary for Ella (Matthews) Neaville appeared in the Wayne County Press, December 8, 1955: HOWARD NEAVILLE Howard Neaville (son of “Archie” and Ella [Matthews] Neaville) was born 12 Sep 1937 and died Jun 1966. OBITUARY MRS. ARCHIE NEAVILLE, OF WAYNE CITY, DIES 62-Year-Old Woman Succumbs While Being Transferred to Hospital Here Mrs Archie Neaville, 62, of Wayne City, died at 12:10 p.m. Saturday while enroute to Memorial hospital here. DALE NEAVILLE Dale Neaville (son of “Archie” and Ella [Matthews] Neaville) was born 20 Nov 1932 and died sometime before 1941. M A R I O N N E AV E I L L Marion Neaveill (son of Tom and Siberia [Butler] Neaveill) was born ???? and died sometime before 1921. C H A P T E R 5 N A N C Y A. N E AVE I L L 1857–???? Nancy A. Neaveill (daughter of Andy and Lucinda [Young] Neaveill) was born about 1857 probably in Wayne County, Illinois, and died ????. 92 C H A P T E R 6 M A R Y C L E M A N C E N E AV E I L L 1858–1927 Mary Clemance Neaveill (daughter of Andy and Lucinda [Young] Neaveill) was born 10 Oct 1858 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died 02 Oct 1927 in Arrington Township, Wayne County, Illinois. She married (1) George Washington George (son of Samuel George and Charlotte Sisk) Aug 1878 in Wayne County, Illinois. She married (2) William A. Greenwood (son of William Greenwood and Syntha Hawkins) 23 Jan 1898 in Wayne County, Illinois. She married (3) Joseph Esmond (son of John Esmond and Fanny Wolf) 17 Sep 1923 in Fairfield, Wayne County, Illinois. Mary is buried in Victory Cemetery, west of Fairfield, Illinois. Her tombstone gives her birth year as 1860, contradicting her death certificate which states 1858. Her marriage license with Joseph Esmond, filed in September of 1923 states that her “age next birthday” is 65 which puts her birth year at 1858. Children of Mary Neaveill and George George are: 1. Florence Lucinda George 2. Susan Melvina “Viney” George 3. Daisy Airebell George Florence, Daisy & Viney George photo courtesy of Earl & Alice Bankston F L O R E N C E L UC I N D A G E O RG E Florence Lucinda George (daughter of George and Mary [Neaveill] George) was born 17 Oct 1880 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died at the age of eighty-eight on 08 Mar 1969 in Vermilion County, Illinois. She married Elijah Darr (son of Henry Darr and Sarah Blackford) 27 Dec 1899 in Wayne County, Illinois. Elijah and Florence (George) Darr are buried in Manns Chapel cemetery near Rossville, Illinois (see the map on p. 197). The following obituary for Florence (George) Darr is from an unknown newspaper (possibly the Danville Commerical News): OBITUARY Mrs. Florence L. Darr ALVIN (CNS) — Mrs. Florence Lucinda Darr, 88, of Alvin, died at 11 a.m. Saturday (March 8, 1969) at Lake View Memorial Hospital, where she had been a patient since March 6. She had been in ill health eight months. Born Oct. 17, 1880 at Fairfield, she was the daughter of George and Mary Neavell George. She was married Dec. 27, 1899 to Elijah Darr, who preceded her in death in 1942. 93 94 The Neaveill Family Elijah Darr, Earl Darr, Florence (George) Darr photo courtesy of Earl & Alice Bankston Mrs. Darr had resided in Alvin the past 57 years. She was a member of the Alvin Christian Church. She had attended schools in Fairfield. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Homer (Violet) Thornsbrough of Alvin; seven grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren. She also was preceded in death by two sons, a grandson, and two sisters. The body is at the Morrison Funeral Home, Bismarck, where services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday, with Kenneth Fetters officiating. Burial will be in Mann’s Chapel Cemetery. Friends may call from 7–9 tonight and 2–4 p.m. Tuesday at the Funeral home. * * * He was a blacksmith 42 year. Mr. Darr was fond of beagles and raised them at home. He was a member of the Wabash Valley Beagle Club in Terre Haute, Ind., and formerly of the Danville Rod and Gun Club. He had resided in Danville since 1922, and for the past 22 years, at the Cleveland St. address. Mr. Darr was a former member of the Methodist Church in Alvin. Born Dec. 7, 1901 in Boyleston, Ill., he was a son of Elijah and Florence L. George Darr. On June 15, 1927, he was married at St. Patrick’s Church in Danville to Mary E. Cronin. Survivors include his wife; a daughter, Elizabeth, at home; his mother, of Alvin; a sister, Mrs Homer Thornsbrough of Alvin. His father and a brother preceded him in death. The body is at Berhalter Funeral Home for services at 1 p.m. Saturday. The Rev. Leo Bates will officiate, with burial in St. Patrick’s Cemetery. Friend’s may call at the funeral home 7–9 this evening and 2–4 and 7–9 p.m. Friday. * * * Child of Earl Darr and Mary Cronin is: 1. Elizabeth Mary Darr ELIZABETH MARY DARR Elizabeth Mary Darr (daughter of Earl and Mary [Cronin] Darr) was born 04 May 1928 and died 09 Mar 1944. Mary is buried in Resurrection Catholic Cemetery in Danville, Illinois. Children of Florence George and Elijah Darr are: 1. Earl G. Darr 2. Violet Darr 3. Edwin Darr EARL GEORGE DARR Earl George Darr (son of Elijah and Florence [George] Darr) was born 07 Dec 1900 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died 28 Sep 1966. He married Mary Mae Cronin. Earl and Mary are buried in Resurrection Catholic Cemetery in Danville, Illinois. The following obituary is from the Danville Commercial-News, Sept. 29, 1966: OBITUARY Earl G. Darr Earl George Darr, 65, of 714 Cleveland, died about 10 p.m. Wednesday (Sept. 28, 1966) shortly after being admitted to St. Elizabeth Hospital. Florence (George) Darr and Children Front: Violet Darr, Florence (George) Darr Back: Earl Darr, Edwin Darr photo courtesy of Linda Bohner Descendants of Mary Clemance Neaveill VIOLET DARR Violet Darr (daughter of Elijah and Florence [George] Darr) was born 07 Jun 1905 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died 16 May 1981 in Danville, Illinois. She married Homer E. Thornsbrough (son of John Thornsbrough and Martha ?) 04 Nov 1925. The following obituary is from an unknown newspaper: OBITUARY Mrs. Violet D. Thornsbrough ALVIN, Ill. — Services will be at 2 p.m. Monday at Alvin Christian Church for Mrs. Violet D. Thornsbrough, 75, of Alvin. She died at 4:25 a.m. Saturday (May 16, 1981) at St. Elizabeth Hospital, where she had been a patient one month. She had been ill several years. Gary Robertson will officiate at the services. Burial will be at Mann’s Chapel Cemetery. Visitation will be 2–4 and 7–9 p.m. today at Morrison Funeral Home in Bismarck. A life resident of Alvin, Mrs. Thornsbrough attended Alvin schools and was a member of the Alvin Christian Church. Her hobbies were painting and crocheting. Born June 7, 1905, in Fairfield, Ill., she was a daughter of Elijah and Florence Darr. On Nov. 4, 1925, she was married to Homer E. Thornsbrough. He died in March 1980. A son, Robert, and two brothers also preceded her in death. Survivors include a son, Paul D. of Alvin Route 1; six grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren. * * * Children of Violet Darr and Homer Thornsbrough are: 1. Robert Eugene Thornsbrough 2. Paul Thornsbrough 95 take us to the doctor. Dad worked for Hoopeston as Chief Waterworks Engineer and at that time was paid $350 a month. He worked there for 37 years until he retired. Clarence Timmons married Lillie Marie Duffin, daughter of George S. and Lillie Reardon Duffin on January 19, 1924. They lived in Hoopeston, IL. They had four children: Virginia Marcel (died at birth); Thelma June; Ileane; and Irene (died 16 days after birth). Clarence died February 3, 1976 at home. Thelma June married Stanley Eugene Zorns, son of Arthur Mack and Minnie Louise Schultz Zorns, on June 7, 1947. They live in Rossville, IL where Stanley is a retired police officer and is the Township Road Commissioner. They have five children: Steven Eugene, married to Sharon McCalla; Dennis Martin, married to Terry Lesley; Kathie Marie (died at birth); Brian Allan; and Julie Ann, married to David Ingram. Ileane married Robert Eugene Thornsbrough, son of Homer and Violet Darr Thornsbrough, on May 7, 1949. Shortly after their marriage they moved to the Dan Beckwith farm near Alvin (son Dan farms it now) and lived there for 28 years. The original owner of the farm was the founder of Danville and it is still owned by one of his descendants. Bob and Ileane Thornsbrough have three children: Donald Eugene was married to Sharon Sears, daughter of Clarence and Ruth Sears of Danville, IL. Their children are: Kristin Rose; Chad Eric and Troy Eugene. Donald then married Martha Ellen Mix. Dan Robert is married to Karen Denison, daughter of Dallas and Dorothy Cox Denison of Rossville, IL. Their children are: Kip Allen and Brandi Ann; Cynthia (Cindy) Diane married Bradley Duane Andrews, son of Neil and Shirley Matthews Andrews and they live south of Rossville on a farm. Their children are Timothy Robert and Amy Marie. ROBERT “BOB” EUGENE THORNSBROUGH Robert “Bob” Eugene Thornsbrough (son of Homer and Violet [Darr] Thornsbrough) was born 11 Aug 1926, and died 29 Oct 1977. He married Ileane Timmons (daughter of Clarence Timmons and Lillie Duffin) 07 May 1949. The following is from History of Ross and South Ross Townships: Vermilion County, Illinois (Rossville Historical Society, 1987, pp. 299–300): Thornsbrough – Timmons The Timmons are of Scotch, Irish and English descent. Ileane Timmons Thornsbrough was born a twin on June 17, 1927 (Irene, her twin, died 16 days later) to Clarence (Dutch) and Lillie Marie Duffin Timmons. My father worked hard holding down two jobs and had no car. I remember when my sister and I would get hurt, dad would put us in a basket on his bicycle and The Bob Thornsbrough Family Left to Right: Robert “Bob” Eugene Thornsbrough, Dan Robert Thornsbrough, Cynthia “Cindy” Diane Thornsbrough, Donald Eugene Thornsbrough, Ileane (Timmons) Thorns- 96 The Neaveill Family Robert died October 29, 1977 at home. After his death Ileane bought the Chet Vest home and moved to Rossville. Homer Thornsbrough died March 14, 1980 at his home. He was the son of John T. and Martha Lee Thornsbrough and was married November 4, 1925 to Violet Darr. She died May 16, 1981 and was the daughter of Lize and Florence Darr. Children of Bob Thornsbrough and Ileane Timmons are: 1. Donald Eugene Thornsbrough 2. Dan Robert Thornsbrough 3. Cynthia “Cindy” Diane Thornsbrough Donald Eugene Thornsbrough Donald Eugene Thornsbrough (son of Robert and Ileane [Timmons] Thornsbrough) was born 29 Oct 1950. He married (1) Sharon Sears (daughter of Clarence Sears and Ruth ?) Sep 1972. He married (2) Martha Ellen Mix (daughter of ? Mix and ?) 13 Sep 1986. Children of Donald Thornsbrough and Sharon Sears are: Brandi Ann Thornsbrough Brandi Ann Thornsbrough Brandi Ann Thornsbrough (daughter of Dan and Karen [Denison] Thornsbrough) was born 10 Mar 1977. Brandi was crowned Miss Vermillion County, 1999. The following was found online at the official website for the Miss Illinois Scholarship Program: Brandi attends Danville Area Community College working towards her Associates Degree in Science and plans to transfer to a 4 year univeristy in the fall to work towards her Bachelors Degree in Business Administration. She helped to create “The Jungle Tree”—made of over 1,398 stuffed animals and assisted others during the week at “Festival of Trees”—an event raising more than $140,000 for the outreach programs of the Provena United Samaritan Medical Center Foundation. 1. Kristin Rose Thornsbrough 2. Chad Eric Thornsbrough 3. Troy Eugene Thornsbrough Kristin Rose Thornsbrough Kristin Rose Thornsbrough (daughter of Donald and Sharon [Sears] Thornsbrough) was born 07 May 1973. Chad Eric Thornsbrough Chad Eric Thornsbrough (son of Donald and Sharon [Sears] Thornsbrough) was born 22 Sep 1975. Troy Eugene Thornsbrough Troy Eugene Thornsbrough (son of Donald and Sharon [Sears] Thornsbrough) was born 11 Mar 1977. Cynthia “Cindy” Diane Thornsbrough Cynthia “Cindy” Diane Thornsbrough (daughter of Robert and Ileane [Timmons] Thornsbrough) was born 17 Aug 1955. She married (1) Bradley “Brad” Duane Andrews (son of Neil Andrews and Shirley Matthews) 1974. She married (2) ?. Children of Cindy Thornsbrough and Brad Andrews Dan Robert Thornsbrough Dan Robert Thornsbrough (son of Robert and Ileane [Timmons] Thornsbrough) was born 05 Mar 1953. He married Karen Ann Denison (daughter of Dallas Denison and Dorothy Cox) 27 Oct 1973. Children of Dan Thornsbrough and Karen Denison are: 1. Kip Allen Thornsbrough 2. Brandi Ann Thornsbrough Kip Allen Thornsbrough Kip Allen Thornsbrough (son of Dan and Karen [Denison] Thornsbrough) was born 26 May 1975. are: 1. Timothy Andrews 2. Amy Marie Andrews Timothy Robert Andrews Timothy Robert Andrews (son of Bradley and Cynthia [Thornsbrough] Andrews) was born 27 Sep 1978. Amy Marie Andrews Amy Marie Andrews (son of Bradley and Cynthia [Thornsbrough] Andrews) was born 09 Jun 1981. Descendants of Mary Clemance Neaveill PAUL THORNSBROUGH Paul Thornsbrough (son of Homer and Violet [Darr] Thornsbrough) was born 16 Jul 1928 and died 20 May 1988. He married Barbara Woods 09 Sep 1951. Children of Paul Thornsbrough and Barbara Woods are: 1. Judy Thornsbrough 2. Bill Thornsbrough 3. Tim Thornsbrough Judy Thornsbrough Judy Thornsbrough (daughter of Paul and Barbara [Woods] Thornsbrough) was born 28 Nov 1952. She married Tim Roberts. Child of Judy Thornsbrough and Tim Roberts is: 1. Tylor B. Roberts Tylor B. Roberts Tylor B. Roberts (son of Tim and Judy [Thornsbrough] Roberts) was born 30 Jul 1979. William “Bill” Thornsbrough William “Bill” Thornsbrough (son of Paul and Barbara [Woods] Thornsbrough) was born 22 Dec 1954. He married ?. Child of Bill Thornsbrough and ? is: 1. Ashlee Thornsbrough Ashlee Thornsbrough Ashlee Thornsbrough (adopted daughter of Bill Thornsbrough and ?) was born 02 Jan 1983. Timothy “Tim” Thornsbrough Timothy “Tim” Thornsbrough (son of Paul and Barbara [?] Thornsbrough) was born 20 Dec 1958. He married Denice Smock 16 Jun 1979. Denise was born 01 May 1960. Children of Tim Thornsbrough and Denise Smock are: 1. Jennifer Thornsbrough 2. Josh Thornsbrough Jennifer Thornsbrough Jennifer Thornsbrough (daughter of Tim and Denise [Smock] Thornsbrough) was born 17 Oct 1980. Josh Thornsbrough Josh Thornsbrough (son of Tim and Denise [Smock] Thornsbrough) was born 28 Jul 1983. 97 EDWIN DARR Edwin Darr (son of Elijah and Florence [George] Darr) was born 30 Dec 1908 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died 21 Feb 1962 in Stockland, Iroquois County, Illinois. He married Thelma Lichlyter (daughter of John Lichlyter and Loretta Moore) 23 Jul 1932. The following obituary is from an unknown newspaper: OBITUARY Edwin Darr MILFORD (CNS) — Edwin Darr, 53, died yesterday (Feb. 22, 1962) at his home in Stockland. Born Dec. 30, 1908, at Fairfield, he was the son of Eligh and and Florence George Darr. He married Thelma Lichlyter at Covington, Ind., July 23, 1932, and she survives. Also surviving are the mother; two daughters, Mrs. Thelma Bohner of Phoenix, Ariz., and Mrs. Marie Buswell of Kentland, Ind.; three sons, Ronald of Phoenix, Richard of Clifton and Roy, at home; six grandchildren; a brother, Earl Darr of Danville, and a sister, Mrs. Violet Thornsbrough of Danville. Mr. Darr was a section foreman on the Milwaukee Railroad for 28 years. The body is at the Barker Funeral Home where services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday, the Rev. Ralph Small officiating. Burial will be in Alvin Cemetery. * * * The following obituary is from the Kankakee Journal, September 5, 1991: OBITUARY Thelma Darr Morefield BROOK, Ind. — Thelma Darr Morefield, 78, of Brook, Ind., the mother of a Kankakee resident, died Sunday (Sept. 1, 1991) at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Lafayette, Ind. Services were at 11 a.m. Wednesday at the Manns Chapel in Rossville. The Rev. Lewis Hathaway officiated. Burial was in Manns Chapel Cemetery. She married Edwin Darr in 1932 in Illinois. He died in 1962. Surviving are her husband, Everett Morefield, whom she married in 1968 in Illinois; two sons, Richard E. Darr of Kankakee and Ronald E. Darr of Henderson, Neb.; two daughters, Thelma Mae Bohner of Phoenix Ariz., and Violet Marie Buswell of Kentland, Ind.; three stepsons, Eugene Morefield of Stockton, Mo., Dwight Morefield of Portageville, Mo., Dolton Morefield of Wynne, Ark.; a stepdaughter, Anita Fisher of Stockton, Mo.; 19 grandchildren; 21 great-grandchildren; 17 stepgrandchildren; two stepgreat-grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Don (Louise) Conner of Danville; 98 The Neaveill Family and two brothers, John Lichlyter of Michigan and Arthur Lichlyter of Howell, Mich. She was preceded in death by a son, two sisters and three brothers. * * * Children of Edwin Darr and Thelma Lichlyter are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Thelma Mae Darr Violet Marie Darr Richard Edwin Darr Ronald Earl Darr Roy Lee Darr THELMA MAE DARR Thelma Mae Darr (daughter of Edwin and Thelma [Lichlyter] Darr) was born 03 May 1933 in Vermilion County, Illinois, and died 28 May 1993 in Phoenix, Arizona. She married Fred L. Bohner (son of Edward Bohner and Laura Smith). Children of Thelma Darr and Fred Bohner are: 1. David Eugene Bohner 2. Linda Darlene Bohner 3. Joseph Lee Bohner VIOLET MARIE DARR Violet Marie Darr (daughter of Edwin and Thelma [Lichlyter] Darr) was born 08 Aug 1937 in Vermilion County, Illinois. She married Ronald L. Buswell. Children of Violet Darr and Ronald Buswell are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Rhonda Elaine Buswell Alan Thomas Buswell Edwin Lee Buswell Kevin Lee Buswell Rhonda Elaine Buswell Rhonda Elaine Buswell (daughter of Ronald and Violet [Darr] Buswell) was born 27 Mar 1960. Alan Thomas Buswell Alan Thomas Buswell (son of Ronald and Violet [Darr] Buswell) was born 26 Jul 1962. Edwin Lee Buswell Edwin Lee Buswell (son of Ronald and Violet [Darr] Buswell) was born 07 Apr 1969. Edwin is the twin brother of Kevin Lee Buswell. Kevin Lee Buswell David Eugene Bohner David Eugene Bohner (son of Fred and Thelma [Darr] Bohner) was born 23 Jul 1953 in Port Townsend, Washington. He married Charlotte Corum (daughter of ? Corum and ?) 08 Apr 1971. Children of David Bohner and Charlotte Corum are: 1. Steven Edward Bohner 2. Laura LeAnn Bohner Steven Edward Bohner Steven Edward Bohner (son of David and Charlotte [Corum] Bohner) was born 10 Nov 1971. Laura LeAnn Bohner Laura LeAnn Bohner (daughter of David and Charlotte [Corum] Bohner) was born 16 Sep 1974. Kevin Lee Buswell (son of Ronald and Violet [Darr] Buswell) was born 07 Apr 1969. Kevin is the twin brother of Edwin Lee Buswell. RICHARD EDWIN DARR Richard Edwin Darr (son of Edwin and Thelma [Lichlyter] Darr) was born 29 Oct 1935 Vermilion County, Illinois. He married (1) Gloria Morgeson (daughter of ? Morgeson and ?) Jun 1955. Ronald married (2) Jeannie Denoyer (daughter of ? Denoyer and ?). Children of Richard Darr and Gloria Morgeson are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Sheryl Ann Darr Jo Ellen Darr Ricky Darr Edwina Kay Darr Children of Jeannie Denoyer and ? (previous marriage) Linda Darlene Bohner Linda Bohner (daughter of Fred and Thelma [Darr] Bohner) was born 28 Dec 1953 in Milford, Illinois. Joseph Lee Bohner Joseph Lee Bohner (son of Fred and Thelma [Darr] Bohner) was born 26 Aug 1959 in Phoenix, Arizona. are: 5. Robin Lynn ? 6. Tammy Ann ? Children of Richard Darr and Jeannie Denoyer are: 7. Christiana Marie Darr 8. Edwin Everett Harold Darr Descendants of Mary Clemance Neaveill Sheryl Ann Darr Sheryl Ann Darr (daughter of Richard and Gloria [Morgeson] Darr) was born 20 Jan 1956. She married Raymond Edward Morrich (son of ? Morrich and ?) 29 Sep 1972. Children of Sheryl Darr and Raymond Morrich are: 1. Brian Raymond Morrich 2. Jason Richard Morrich Brian Raymond Morrich Brian Raymond Morrich (son of Raymond and Sheryl [Darr] Morrich) was born 27 Mar 1974. Jason Richard Morrich Jason Richard Morrich (son of Raymond and Sheryl [Darr] Morrich) was born 29 Sep 1976. Jo Ellen Darr Jo Ellen Darr (daughter of Richard and Gloria [Morgeson] Darr) was born 05 Mar 1958 in Watseka, Illinois. 99 married Sybil Campbell (daughter of ? Campbell and ?) Jun 1962. Children of Ronald Darr and Sybil Campbell are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Michael Edwin Darr Susan LeAnn Darr William Roy Darr Pamela Jane Darr Michael Edwin Darr Michael Edwin Darr (son of Ronald and Sybil [Campbell] Darr) was born 12 May 1963. He married Tammy ? (daughter of ? and ?). Children of Michael Darr and Tammy ? are: 1. Brandy Darr 2. Brianna Darr Brandy Darr Brandy Darr (daughter of Michael and Tammy [?] Darr) was born ????. Ricky Darr Ricky Darr (son of Richard and Gloria [Morgeson] Darr) was stillborn Jan 1963. Brianna Darr Brianna Darr (daughter of Michael and Tammy [?] Darr) was born ????. Edwina Kay Darr Edwina Kay Darr (daughter of Richard and Gloria [Morgeson] Darr) was born 28 Jun 1965. Robin Lynn ? Robin Lynn ? (daughter of ? amd Jeannie Denoyer) was born 08 Oct 1962. Tammy Ann ? Tammy Ann ? (daughter of ? amd Jeannie Denoyer) was born 06 Sep 1963. Christiana Marie Darr Christiana Marie Darr (daughter of Richard and Jeannie [Denoyer] Darr) was born 09 Jan 1968. Susan LeAnn Darr Susan LeAnn Darr (daughter of Ronald and Sybil [Campbell] Darr) was born 04 Nov 1964 in phoenix, Arizona. She married (1) Gerald Ruth (son of ? Ruth and ?) 1979 in Reno, Nevada. She married (2) Martian Mallars (son of ? Mallars and ?) in Emmett, Idaho. Child of Susan Darr and Gerald Ruth is: 1. Shane Edwin Ruth Children of Susan Darr and Martian Mallars are: 2. Jennifer LeAnn Mallars 3. Jacob Leroy Mallars Shane Edwin Ruth Shane Edwin Ruth (son of Gerald and Susan [Darr] Ruth) was born 24 Dec 1979 in Reno, Nevada. Edwin Everett Harold Darr Edwin Everett Harold Darr (son of Richard and Jeannie [Denoyer] Darr) was born 07 Feb 1971. Jennifer LeAnn Mallars Jennifer LeAnn Mallars (daughter of Martian and Susan [Darr] Mallars) was born 17 Jun 1984. RONALD EARL DARR Jacob Leroy Mallars Jacob Leroy Mallars (son of Martian and Susan [Darr] Mallars) was born 1990 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Ronald Earl Darr (son of Edwin and Thelma [Lichlyter] Darr) was born 29 Jan 1944 Vermilion County, Illinois. He 100 The Neaveill Family William Roy Darr (son of Ronald and Sybil [Campbell] Darr) was born 01 Aug 1966 in Illinois. Felicia Nicole “Nikki” Thompson Felicia Nicole “Nikki” Thompson (daughter of Ronnie and Pamela [Darr] Thompson) was born 18 Nov 1989 in Grangeville, Idaho. Pamela Jane Darr ROY LEE DARR Pamela Jane Darr (daughter of Ronald and Sybil [Campbell] Darr) was born 21 Jul 1967 in Oak Grove, Louisiana. She married (1) Robert Clay Dunlap (son of ? Dunlap and ?) 1983. She married (2) Ronnie Ray Thompson (son of Rodney Ray Thompson and Phyllis Arlene Young). Ronnie was born 27 Dec 1958 in Springfield, Oregon. Roy Lee Darr (son of Edwin and Thelma [Lichlyter] Darr) was born 24 Jun 1945 Vermilion County, Illinois and died 28 Sep 1963, Illinois. The following obituary is from an unknown newspaper, probably the Danville Commercial News: William Roy Darr Children of Ronnie Thompson and Iva Margaret Armstrong (previous marriage) are: 1. Shawn Thompson 2. Becky Thompson Children of Pamela Darr and Ronnie Thompson are: 3. Matthew Ray Thompson 4. Timothy Roy Thompson 5. Felicia Nicole “Nikki” Thompson Shawn Thompson Shawn Thompson (son of Ronnie and Iva [Armstrong] Thompson) was born ????. Becky Thompson Becky Thompson (son of Ronnie and Iva [Armstrong] Thompson) was born ????. Matthew Ray Thompson Matthew Ray Thompson (son of Ronnie and Pamela [Darr] Thompson) was born 11 Jan 1986 in Grangeville, Idaho. Timothy Roy Thompson Timothy Roy Thompson (son of Ronnie and Pamela [Darr] Thompson) was born 15 Sep 1988 in Grangeville, Idaho. OBITUARY Roy Lee Darr Watseka (CNS) — Services for Roy Lee Darr, 18, of Ade, Ind., who was killed in an auto crash on U.S. Highway 24 west of Watseka Saturday night, will be at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Barker Funeral Home. The Rev. Raymond Bear will officiate with burial in the Mann’s Chapel Cemetery. The Darr youth was pronounced dead upon arrival at the Iroquois Hospital after the near head-on collision. Injured in the wreck were George O’Dea, 68, of Milford, driver of the other car, and Lawrence Riegle, 19, both treated at Iroquois Hospital. Iroquois County Coroner Wayne Knapp has set an inquest for 7:30 p.m. Thursday at Watseka City Hall. The fatality was the 18th in Iroquois County this year. Roy Lee Darr was a native of Danville where he was born June 24, 1945, the son of Edwin and Thelma Lichlyter Darr. He attended Milford High School until this year when he enrolled at Kentland, Ind. Ade is a community northeast of Watseka, approximately four miles from the state line. Survivors include the mother, Mrs. Thelma Darr of Hoopeston; the maternal grandmother, Mrs. Loretta Lichlyter of Danville; two sisters, Mrs. Thelma Bohner of Phoenix, Ariz., and Mrs. Marie Buswell of Kentland, and two brothers, Ronald Darr, also of Phoenix, and Richard of Clifton, Ill. His father died Feb. 22, 1962. The body is at the funeral home. * * * S U S A N M E L V I N A “ V I N EY ” G E O RG E Susan Melvina “Viney” George (daughter of George and Mary [Neaveill] George) was born 14 June 1882 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died 22 Jan 1908. She married William Gammon (son of Taylor Gammon and Jane Trotter) 21 Oct 1901 in Wayne County, Illinois. Viney is buried in Victory Cemetery, west of Fairfield, Illinois. Her tombstone gives her dates as 1883–1907. Children of “Viney” George and William Gammon: 1. Charley Ervin Gammon 2. Pearly Gammon 3. Earley Gammon Descendants of Mary Clemance Neaveill CHARLIE ERVIN GAMMON Charlie Ervin Gammon (son of William and “Viney” [George] Gammon) was born 09 Aug 1902 in Wayne 101 County, Illinois, and died 01 Jul 1965. Charlie is buried in Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery, Paint Loma (San Diego), California, A–G section, No. 538. PEARLY GAMMON Pearly Gammon (daughter of William and “Viney” [George] Gammon) was born 1907 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died 1907 in Wayne County, Illinois. EARLEY GAMMON Charlie Gammon photo courtesy of Earl & Alice Bankston Earley Gammon (child of William and “Viney” [George] Gammon) was born 1907 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died 1907 in Wayne County, Illinois. D A I S Y A IR E B E L L G E O RG E Daisy Airebell George (daughter of George and Mary [Neaveill] George) was born 13 Jul 1884 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died 13 June 1962. She married Robert Fulton Singletree Bankston (son of Abner Singletree and Ellen [Margaret] ?) 13 Aug 1914. Robert was born 1885 and died 25 Dec 1923. Daisy is buried in Richland Cemetery, southwest of Fairfield, Illinois. Robert is buried in Bankston Cemetery, Mill Creek, Illinois. The following obituary is from the Wayne County Press, June 14, 1962, p. 1: OBITUARY Mrs. Bankston Dies Mrs. Daisy Bankston, 77, of Big Mound township, died at Memorial hospital at 7:45 Wednesday night. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Friday from the Richardson Chapel in Wayne City, with interment in Richland cemetery south of Boyleston. Her husband, Robert Bankston, died in 1923. Surviving are a son, Earl, Route 1, Fairfield; a daughter, Myrtee [sic] Proctor, Route 1, Fairfield; a sister, Florence Darr, of Alvin; 6 grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren. * * * Children of Daisy George and Robert Bankston are: 1. Earl George Bankston 2. Myrtle Vandema Bankston Earl & Alice Bankston photo courtesy of Earl & Alice Bankston EARL GEORGE BANKSTON Earl George Bankston (son of Robert and Daisy [George] Bankston) was born 03 Jul 1916. He married Lorena Alice Grubb (daughter of William David Grubb and Lula E. Shaw) 04 Jul 1942. Alice was born 06 Mar 1923. The following is from the Wayne County Press, date unknown: Earl & Alice Bankston Married 50 Years A retired rural Fairfield couple, Earl and Alice Bankston, Route 1, will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary Saturday, July 4, 1992. 102 The Neaveill Family A picnic for family and friends will be held at the Union Hall beginning at 12:00 noon. Everyone invited. Please omit gifts. GARY EARL BANKSTON Gary Earl Bankston (son of Earl and Alice [Grubb] Bankston) was born 23 Oct 1951. He married Karen ?. Earl is the son of the late Robert F. and Daisy (George) Bankston. Alice is the daughter of the late W. D. and Lula (Shaw) Grubb. WILLIAM BRUCE BANKSTON Earl was employed at Airtex for 42 years and Alice worked at Fairfield Memorial Hospital for 25 years. William Bruce Bankston (son of Earl and Alice [Grubb] Bankston) was born 18 Oct 1956. Three Sons The Bankstons are parents of three sons: Robert and his wife live at Cave-In-Rock; Gary and his wife live at Stroughton, Wis., and W. B. “Bill” lives at Fairfield. The family includes three grandchildren. Children of Earl Bankston and Alice Grubb are: 1. Robert David Bankston 2. Gary Earl Bankston 3. William Bruce Bankston MYRTLE VANDEMA BANKSTON Myrtle Vandema Bankston (daughter of Robert and Daisy [George] Bankston) was born 28 Aug 1918 and died 06 Dec 1977. She married (1) Leonard Eugene Neaville (son of Grover Neavill and Rena Butler) 13 Oct 1933. Myrtle and Leonard were distant cousins (see p. 151). Myrtle married (2) Ray Proctor. She married (3) Bob Phelps 1970. Myrtle is buried in Richland Cemetery, southwest of Fairfield, Illinois. The following obituary is from the Champaign NewsGazette, Dec. 8, 1977, p. D-4: OBITUARY ROBERT “BOB” DAVID BANKSTON Robert “Bob” David Bankston (son of Earl and Alice [Grubb] Bankston) was born 06 Sep 1943. He married Wanda Marie Jones (daughter of Freedom Jones and Marie Kiegley) 21 Feb 1969. Wanda was born 12 Aug 1951. Child of Bob Bankston and Wanda Jones is: 1. Roberta Marie Bankston Myrtle Phelps Myrtle Phelps, 59, of 404 Edgebrook Drive, C[hampaign], died at about 9:30 p.m. Tuesday (Dec. 6, 1977) at home. Funeral services will be at 8 p.m. Thursday at Owens Chapel, with Capt. Raymond C. Briggs officiating. Burial will be at 11 a.m. Friday in Richland Cemetery, Fairfield. Roberta Marie Bankston Roberta Marie Bankston (daughter of Bob and Wanda [Jones] Bankston) was born 13 Jul 1981 in Evansville, Indiana. Roberta Bankston Myrtle (Bankston) Neaville & Mary Sue Neaville photo courtesy of Earl & Alice Bankston photo courtesy of Earl & Alice Bankston Descendants of Mary Clemance Neaveill Visitation is from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday at the funeral home. Mrs. Phelps was born Aug. 28, 1918, in Fairfield, a daughter of Robert and Daisy George Bankston. She married Warren Phelps in 1967 in Fairfield. He survives, along with two daughters, Opal Neaville of Ft. Wayne, Ind., and Mary Decker of Champaign; a son, Arlie Neaville of Georgetown; 10 grandchildren, and a brother, Earl Bankston of Fairfield. She was a member of the Senior Citizens of Champaign-Urbana. * * The following obituary is from the Champaign, Illinois, News-Gazette: OBITUARY Betty Neaville MAHOMET — Mrs. Betty Ann Neaville, 32, of Mahomet, died at 5 a.m. Tuesday (Jan 30, 1979) at Mercy Hospital. Funeral services will be 2 p.m. Thursday at Houghton Funeral Home, Georgetown, the Rev. Garnet Mitchell officiating. Burial will be in Georgetown Cemetery. Visitation will be 2 to 9 p.m. Wednesday at the funeral home. Mrs. Neaville was born Oct. 25, 1946, at Danville, a daughter of Ross and Sarah Jeffers Luther. She married Arlie Neaville Nov. 1, 1966, in Danville. He survives. Also surviving are three daughters, Angela, Shannon and Michele, and a son, Anthony, all at home; her mother of Ridge Farm; a brother, Robert Luther of Danville, and six sisters, Mrs. Russell (Dorothy) Davis and Mrs. Richard (Alice) Dailey, both of Georgetown, Mrs. Steve (Belva) Drake and Mrs. Ronald (Janet) Throckmartin, both of Paris, and Mrs. Van (Sheryl) Lawver and Mrs. Elmer (Diana) Snoke, both of Ridge Farm. She was preceded in death by her father and a brother. * Children of Myrtle Bankston and Leonard Neaville are: 1. Arlie Neaville 2. Opal Eugene Neaville 3. Mary Sue Neaville ARLIE DEAN NEAVILLE Arlie Dean Neaville (son of Leonard and Myrtle [Bankston] Neaville) was born 11 Jun 1937. Arlie married (1) Betty ?. He married (2) Betty Ann Luther (daughter of Ross Luther and Sarah Jeffers) 01 Nov. 1966 in Danville, Illinois. Betty Ann (Luther) Neaville was born 25 Oct 1946 in Danville, Illinois, and died 30 Jan 1979 in Urbana, Illinois. Arlie married (3) Judy Frescura (daughter of ? and ?) 04 Aug 1998 in Paducah, Kentucky. Arlie Neaville is a singer who is well-known particularly in Wayne County, Illinois, where he gives monthly gospel music concerts, as well as in the Champaign–Urbana area where he resides. 103 * * * Children of Arlie Neaville and Betty Ann Luther are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Angela Neaville Shannon Neaville Michele Neaville Anthony Neaville Angela Neaville Angela Neaville (daughter of Arlie and Betty [Luther] Neaville) was born ????. Shannon Neaville Shannon Neaville (daughter of Arlie and Betty [Luther] Neaville) was born ????. Michele Neaville Michele Neaville (daughter of Arlie and Betty [Luther] Neaville) was born ????. Anthony Neaville Cover from one of Arlie Neaville’s Recordings Anthony Neaville (son of Arlie and Betty [Luther] Neaville) was born 15 Sep 1976. He married Dagmar Gsell (daughter of Joseph Gsell and Barbara Jawarska). 104 The Neaveill Family OPAL EUGENE NEAVILLE OBITUARY Opal Eugene Neaville (son of Leonard and Myrtle [Bankston] Neaville) was born ????. He married (1) Gertrude “Trudy” Ellen Mason (daughter of James Mason and Velma ?). Gertrude was born 02 Feb 1935 and died at the age of sixty-one on 24 May 1996. Opal married (2) ?. The following is from the Fort Wayne, Indiana, NewsSentinel, May 27, 1996, p. 14A OBITUARY GERTRUDE ELLEN NEAVILLE 61, of Fort Wayne died Friday at home. The St. Louis native retired from Magnavox Government and Industrial Electronics after 17 years and was a member of First Baptist Church, New Haven. Surviving are her husband, Eugene O.; a daughter, Diane F. Neaville of Celina, Ohio; sons, William E. and James S., both of Fort Wayne; her mother, Velma Mason of Troy, Mo.; a brother; seven sisters; eight grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. Services are 1 p.m. Tuesday in D.O. McComb & Sons Foster Park Funeral Home, 6301 Fairfield Ave., where calling is 6 to 8 p.m. today. Burial will be in Lindenwood Cemetery. * * * Children of Eugene Neaville and “Trudy” Mason are: 1. James Steven Neaville 2. Diane Fay Neaville 3. William Eugene Neaville James Steven Neaville Steven Neaville (son of Eugene and “Trudy” [?] Neaville) was born ????. He married Jan Marie ? (daughter of ? and ?). They divorced in 2001. Diane Faye Neaville Diane Faye Neaville (daughter of Eugene and “Trudy” [?] Neaville) was born 14 Jan 1953. William Eugene Neaville William Eugene Neaville (son of Eugene and “Trudy” [Mason] Neaville) was born 08 Sep 1955. He married ? Jones (daughter of Casey Jones and Evelyn ?). Children of William Neaville and ? Jones: 1. Ricky Neaville 2. Faye Neaville Ricky Neaville Ricky Neaville (son of William and ? [Jones] Neaville) was born 07 Jan 1972 and died 07 Dec 1994. Ricky Neaville was murdered in a drug-related shooting. The following obituary is from the Fort Wayne, Indiana, News-Sentinel, December 9, 1994, p. 14A: RICKY E. NEAVILLE 22, of Fort Wayne died Wednesday of injuries sustained in a shooting. The Fort Wayne native was an employee of A-1 Window Cleaning Co. Surviving are his father, William E. of Fort Wayne; a sister, Faye Neaville of Fort Wayne; and grandparents, Trudy and Eugene Neaville of Fort Wayne, and Evelyn and Casey Jones of Eustis, Fla. Services are 4 p.m. today in D.O. McComb & Sons Foster Park Funeral Home, 6301 Fairfield Ave., where calling is 3 to 4 p.m. Burial will be in Lindenwood Cemetery. Preferred memorials are gifts to the family. * * * The following article is from the Fort Wayne, Indiana, News-Sentinel, December 8, 1994, p. 1A: DRUG CROSS FIRE SUSPECTED IN DOUBLE HOMICIDE Ricky Neaville and Gregory Pyle Ponder had been pals for more than a decade. They worked together cleaning windows and buildings, for two companies run by Neaville’s family, and spent their off hours together partying and enjoying themselves. “Last week, one of them said, ’We’ve been together so long we’re going to live together and die together,’” Neaville’s uncle, Steven Neaville, recalled yesterday. Neaville and Ponder’s lives did come to an end on the same day, from bursts of gunfire to their chests. They were found shot inside a home at 3606 S. Lafayette St. just after 12:30 a.m. yesterday, and family members think their deaths could have been prevented. Neaville, 21, of Lafayette near Baxter Street, was found dead in the basement. A trail of blood led up the basement steps to the living room on the first floor, where police believe he and Ponder, 19, of Barr Street near Wiebke Street, were shot. Ponder was in the living room still clinging to life when police arrived. He died a short time later at St. Joseph Medical Center. The men, both believed to be guests at the home, were found after residents on the second floor heard noises and went to check. After finding the bodies, the residents, a man and a woman, ran to a neighbor’s house to call police. Yesterday, in the midst of piecing together the reasons Neaville and Ponder were killed, Neaville’s family fondly recalled both men. Neaville’s aunt, Faye Schoenleben remembered him as “a very loving person (who) always had a smile.” Neaville’s grandmother, Trudy Neaville, said he sometimes associated with the wrong crowd, but also said he was “a good-hearted kid. I don’t think he’d hurt a flea.” Descendants of Mary Clemance Neaveill Neaville attended South Side High School, but did not graduate, Schoenleben said. Yet he still planned to make the most of his future. On Monday, Neaville and his father, William, talked about his someday assuming the reins of his father’s business, A-1 Window Cleaning & Janitor Service. “He had hoped it would be his company someday,” Neaville’s grandfather, Eugene Neaville, said. Neaville and Ponder worked for Neaville’s father and for Neaville’s uncle, who runs AAA Window Cleaning. Gregory Ponder is survived by his mother, Bertha M. Ponder, of Rochester, and a brother, Erik C., of Fort Wayne. Ponder’s family could not be reached for comment. Ponder and Neaville had been friends since Neaville was 8, Steven Neaville said. According to Sgt. Jim Zamora, police spokesman, police had not firmly determined a motive for the killings yesterday. But Neaville’s family said they believe drugs drove the burst of violence that left both men dead of multiple gunshot wounds to the chest. Steven Neaville said police told family members Ricky Neaville had been shot nine times with a 9mm handgun. A shotgun also was used in the slayings, Steven Neaville said, leading family members to suspect two gunmen were to blame. Steven Neaville said he had personally purchased drugs from people at the house several times. Marijuana was readily available there, he said, but cocaine, heroin and Valium also could be purchased from people there. “I bought weed off of them and I’ve bought coke and Valium from them,” he said. Neaville said he had also dealt drugs he bought at the house. Residents of the home regularly moved to avoid detection, Neaville said, but stayed within the area of South Side High School to take advantage of the market for marijuana, a low-cost drug. Ponder and Ricky Neaville occasionally used drugs, too, Neaville’s uncle said. The following letter to the editor appeared in the Fort Wayne, Indiana, Journal Gazette, April 24, 1998, p. 8A: POLICE DO NOTHING TO SOLVE MURDERS My son and his best friend, Gregory K. Ponder, were victims of a homicide in December 1994. This is Victims Awareness Week, and I felt compelled to voice my concerns. The homicides took place at a drug house. My dad had reported this house at least six times. Yet the detectives say it was only reported once and that was on the prior residents. Although the newspaper reports say drugs were found in the home the night of the murders, the homeowners, who were present at the time of the shooting, were not arrested for the drugs. We were told by the de- 105 tectives that a judge said they could not prove who the drugs belonged to. We were even shown a picture of the drugs that were found. Getting information from the detectives is next to impossible. We have made numerous calls that go unreturned. We have met with the detectives on several occasions and we come away with confusion, mistrust and doubts about the Fort Wayne detectives. Ricky’s girlfriend was not interviewed until we questioned why not. Some of his closest friends have never been interviewed. At one meeting we were told they knew who was responsible and that it was two or possibly three people, yet at a later meeting the detectives denied it. We were also told the detectives didn’t care how we felt. We were even asked to get a picture and address of a possible suspect. Wouldn't that put me in danger? At our last meeting we were told they would try to get it aired on Crimestoppers. That was a month ago and it’s still not on. My wife responded to a “Christmas Wish” on WAJI and the radio station was responsible for getting it on Crimestoppers in 1996. We would like to put up a reward for information leading to the arrest of the person or persons responsible for this crime. However, we were discouraged by the detectives because they think they will get numerous unwarranted leads. As victims of this horrible crime, we just want answers. Our only hope is that someone knows something and will come forward so we can finally have peace. Ricky is gone but never forgotten. His son was born three months after his untimely death. We hope when Little Ricky asks questions about his daddy, we will have the answers to give him. WILLIAM NEAVILLE Fort Wayne Child of Ricky Neaville is: 1. Ricky Neaville Ricky Neaville. Ricky Neaville (son of Ricky Neaville and ?) was born about Mar 1995. Faye Neaville Faye Neaville was born ????. MARY SUE NEAVILLE Mary Sue Neaville (daughter of Leonard and Myrtle [Bankston] Neaville) was born 23 Mar 1942 in Fairfield, Illinois and died 04 Oct 1992 in Champaign, Illinois. She married Robert “Bob” L. Ducker (son of ? Ducker and Grace ?) 13 Nov 1966. The following is from the Champaign News-Gazette, 06 Oct 1992: OBITUARY Mary Ducker Funeral services for Mary S. Ducker, 50, of 611 W. Bradley Ave., C[hampaign], will be at 10:30 a.m. Thursday 106 The Neaveill Family at Owens Funeral Home, 101 N. Elm St., C[hampaign]. The Rev. David F. Monroe will officiate. Burial will be in Richland cemetery, Fairfield. Visitation will be from 6 to 7 p.m. Wednesday and 9 to 10:30 a.m. Thursday at the funeral home. Mrs. Ducker died at 7:43 p.m. Sunday (Oct. 4, 1992) at home. She was born March 23, 1942, at Fairfield, a daughter of Leonard and Myrtle Bankston Neaville. She married Robert L. Ducker on Nov. 13, 1966. He survives. Also surviving are a daughter, Tina Price of Villa Grove; a son Kenneth Ducker of Champaign; three grandchildren; and two brothers, Arlie Neaville of Urbana and Eugene “Tudy” [sic] Neaville of Fort Wayne, Ind. She was preceded in death by a son. Mrs. Ducker worked as a nurses’ aide at several local nursing centers and as a private-care nurse. She attended Faith Church of the Nazarene. Memorial contributions may be made to the Ducker Grandchidren Memorial Fund in care of Busey Bank, Urbana. * * * Children of Mary Neaville and Bob Ducker are: 1. Tina Ducker 2. Kenneth Ducker 3. Michael L. Ducker Tina Ducker Tina Ducker (adopted daughter of Bob and Mary [Neaville] Ducker) was born ????. She maried ? Price. Tina was Bob Ducker’s niece. Kenneth “Kenny” Ducker Kenneth “Kenny” Ducker (son of Robert and Mary [Neaville] Ducker) was born ????. Michael L. Ducker Michael Ducker (son of Robert and Mary [Neaville] Ducker) was born 07 Jul 1964 in Champaign, Illinois, and died at the age of twenty-eight on 28 Jul 1992 in Watseka, Illinois. He married (1) ?. He was engaged to (2) Marcia Clevenger when he died. The following is from the Champaign News-Gazette, Thursday, July 29, 1992, p. A-2: Man killed by train identified WATSEKA — Iroquois County authorities have identified the man killed in a Tuesday train accident as Mount Vernon resident Michael L. Ducker. Mr. Ducker, 28, formerly of Champaign, was struck and killed by a Union Pacific Railroad train at about 1:55 a.m. He was walking north on the train tracks about 1,000 feet north of the Iroquois County bridge tressel, according to an Iroquois County sheriff’s deputy report. Joe Calloway, manager of Union Pacific train station in Villa Grove, said the coal train was traveling from Villa Grove to Chicago. The train, traveling at 40 to 46 miles per hour, sounded its whistle but Ducker did not leave the tracks, he said. The following obituary is from the Champaign NewsGazette, Thursday, July 30, 1992, p. A-7: OBITUARY Michael Ducker Funeral services for Michael L. Ducker, 28, of Mount Vernon, formerly of Champaign, will be at 10 a.m. Friday at Owens Funeral Home, 101 N. Elm St., C[hampaign]. The Rev. David W. Ashby will officiate. Burial will be in Richland Cemetery, Fairfield. Visitation will be from 7 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home. Mr. Ducker died at 3:30 a.m. Tuesday (July 28, 1992) at Watseka. He was born July 7, 1964, at Champaign, a son of Robert and Mary Neaville Ducker. Survivors include his father of Philadelphia, Pa.; his mother of Thomasboro; his fiance, Marcia Clevenger of Mount Vernon; a son, Jeremy Michael Ducker of Marietta, Ga.; a daughter, Ashley Elizabeth Ducker of Marietta, Ga.; a sister, Tina Price of Villa Grove; a brother, Kenneth Ducker of the state of Washington; and his paternal grandmother, Grace Ducker of Danville. Mr. Ducker worked for Global Van Lines and United Plastics, both at Champaign. He attended Mahomet-Seymour schools and graduated from Urbana High School. He was an all-star for the American Business Club Little League in Champaign. He was a baseball card collector and a model builder. Memorial contributions may be made to the Ducker Children Memorial Fund in care of Busey Bank in Urbana. * * * Children of Michael Ducker and ? are: 1. Jeremy Michael Ducker 2. Ashley Elizabeth Ducker Jeremy Michael Ducker Jeremy Michael Ducker (son of Michael and ?[?] Ducker) was born ????. Ashley Elizabeth Ducker Ashley Elizabeth Ducker (daughter of Michael and ?[?] Ducker) was born ????. C H A P T E R 7 H A R R I E T F L O R E N C E N E AV E I L L 1860–1917 Harriet Florence Neaveill (daughter of Andy and Lucinda [Young] Neaveill) was born 17 Sep 1860 (sharing her birthday with her oldest brother, Enoch Levi “Lee” Neaveill, see p. 7) in Wayne County, Illinois, and died 13 Dec 1917 in Big Mound Township, Wayne County, Illinois. She married John Logan Curry 02 Jan 1884 in Wayne County, Illinois. Florence’s death certificate lists the cause of her death as “dropsy of heart.” The following is from the Wayne County Record, Dec. 27, 1917, p. 2: Boyleston ...Mrs. Florence Curry died very suddenly Thursday evening from heart trouble. ...Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bennett and Miss Lillie Curry were called here Friday by the sudden death of their mother, Mrs. Florence Curry. The following obituary for John Logan Curry is from an unknown newspaper: OBITUARY J. L. Curry was born in Wayne County, Illinois, January 22, 1858, and died at the home of his brother, J. E. Curry, at Cross, August 27, 1919. Age 61 years, seven months and five days. He was married in 1883 to Florence Neavil, to which union six children were born only two of whom survive. They are Mrs. Lula Bennett and Miss Lillian Curry, both of Centralia, Illinois. His wife died December 19, 1917. Mr. Curry was converted about a year ago but never became able to be baptised. His purpose was to have united with the Baptist church. Funeral services were conducted by the Rev. R. B. Butler at the family home at Cross on Wednesday evening at 9:30 o’clock and the remains were shipped on the night train to Centralia, Illinois, for burial. * * * Children of Harriet Neaveill and John Curry are: 1. William M. Curry 2. Lillian Edith Curry 3. Lulu M. Curry Lulu Curry, Florence (Neaveill) Curry, Lillian Curry photo courtesy of Tom Bennett 4. Twin Boy Curry was born sometime after 1886 5. Twin Girl Curry was born sometime after 1886 107 108 The Neaveill Family W IL L I A M M . C U R R Y William M. Curry (son of John and Florence [Neaveill] Curry) was born 05 Feb 1885 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died 14 Oct 1911 in Centralia, Marion County, Illinois. He married Augusta Smith (daughter of Malen Smith and Mary Whitson) 17 Feb 1907. Augusta was born Oct 1886 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died 1954 in Centralia, Marion County, Illinois. William and Augusta (Smith) Curry are buried in Pin Oak Cemetery, west of Fairfield, Illinois. The following obituary is from an unknown newspaper dated Thursday, October 19, 1911: OBITUARY Dies From Effects of Fall Wm. Curry, a former resident of Sims, died Saturday afternoon at Centralia from the effects of injuries received in a fall two hours previous. Curry was employed at a lumber yard in Centralia and when injured was standing on a scaffold handing down lumber from an upper story of a building in which it was stored. It is thought the scaffold broke and threw him to the ground, a distance of twelve feet. He struck the ground on his head and shoulders, breaking an arm and crushing his skull. He at first did not seem badly injured and was able to walk to the office of a physician who set the broken arm. He soon complained of a severe pain in his shoulders and head and became so sick that he was taken home on a cot where he died in a couple of hours. The body was brought to the old home of the deceased at Sims on Monday where the funeral was held monday afternoon. The deceased was about 30 years of age, married and had two children. The widow is a daughter of Mahlon Smith, of Sims. Mr. Curry and family had just moved to Centralia, two weeks prior to his death, from Sims where he had resided for some time. The stricken family have the sympathy of their many friends in Wayne County. The following obituary notice was prepared by Rev. A. H. Bennett and given us for publication. William W. Curry was born in Big Mound Township, Ill., Feb. 5th 1885 and died at Centralia Oct. 14, 1911. His death was sudden, caused by falling from a scaffold at a lumber pile. It was a great shock to all of his friends. He was in good health and of a happy disposition. He was in his 27th year. He was the son-in-law of Rev. Mahlon Smith, of Sims. The deceased was a good man, a good citizen, a good husband and a good father. He was a good boy from his youth up. He spent his boyhood days in Richland community, but had lived several years in Sims. He had been in Centralia only two weeks. He was married February 17, 1911 to Miss Gussie Smith. Two children were born—John Smith Curry and Morris June Curry. He was converted January 1906 and joined the Christian church at Sims under the labor of Elder A. H. Bennett, who also baptized him, May 20th 1906. Mr. Curry was of a sunny disposition and made many friends and few if any enemies. He will be greatly missed by the church and community. A large crowd attended the funeral. People of all denominations and of the world loved him. He leaves father and mother, two sisters, many relatives and a host of friends. Funeral by the writer assisted by Elder J. B. Littell, of the Christian church, and Elder C. H. Bright of the Baptist church. Interment at the Cincinnati cemetery. The deceased was a member of the I. O. O. F. Lodge at Sims and the members of that order had charge of the funeral attending ** a body. * * * Children of William Curry and Augusta Smith are: 1. John H. Curry 2. Morris June Curry JOHN H. CURRY John H. Curry (son of William and Augusta [Smith] Curry) was born ????. MORRIS JUNE CURRY John Curry, Augusta (Smith) Curry, Morris june Curry photo courtesy of Tom Bennett Morris June Curry (son of William and Augusta [Smith] Curry) was born ????. Descendants of Harriet Florence Neaveill 109 LILLIAN EDITH CURRY Lillian Edith Curry (daughter of John and Florence [Neaveill] Curry) was born 05 Feb 1885, Big Mound Township, Wayne County, Illinois and died ????. L UL U M AY C U R R Y Lulu M. Curry (daughter of John and Harriet [Neaveill] Curry) was born 28 Dec 1890 in Boyleston, Wayne County, Illinois, and died 1959 in Urbana, Champaign County, Illinois. She married Thomas Albert Bennett (son of ? Bennett and ?) 25 Dec 1907 in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Lulu and Thomas are buried in Elmwood Cemetery in Centralia, Marion County, Illinois Children of Thomas Bennett and Beverly Whitcher are: 1. Robert Bennett 2. Jennifer Bennett 3. Sarah Bennett Children of Lulu Curry and Thomas Bennett are: Robert Bennett 1. Maxwell Albert Bennett Robert Bennett (son of Thomas and Beverly [Whitcher] Bennett) was born 1968 in Peoria, Illinois. He married ?. Child of Robert Bennett and ? is: MAXWELL ALBERT BENNETT 1. Olivia Bennett Maxwell Albert Bennett (son of Thomas and Lulu [Curry] Bennett]) was born 1908. He married Doris E. Carpenter (daughter of ? Carpenter and ?) 1936 in Mt. Vernon, Illinois. Children of Maxwell Bennett and Doris Carpenter are: 1. Thomas D. Bennett Olivia Bennett Olivia Bennett (daughter of Robert and ? [?] Bennett) was born 1999 in Peoria, Illinois. Jennifer Bennett Jennifer Bennett (daughter of Thomas and Beverly [Whitcher] Bennett) was born 1968 in Peoria, Illinois. THOMAS D. BENNETT Thomas D. Bennett (son of Maxwell and Doris [Carpenter] Bennett) was born 1939 in Centralia, Illinois. He married Beverly E. Whitcher (daughter of ? Whitcher and ?) 1967 in Paris, Illinois. Sarah Bennett Sarah Bennett (daughter of Thomas and Beverly [Whitcher] Bennett) was born 1973 in Tuscola, Illinois. Part II RELATED BRANCHES There were a few families that lived in Wayne County, Illinois, that were probably descended from siblings of Andy Neaveill. These include: 1. 2. 3. 4. Jemima (Neavill) Greenwood (see p. 112) Calvin Neavill (see p. 113) Nancy (Neavill) Williamson (see p. 115) Indiana Neavill (see p. 118) 111 C H A P T E R 8 J E M I M A N E AV I L L C.1830–???? Jemima Neavill (daughter of Enoch and Edith [Goodman] Neaville) was born about 1830 in Wayne County, Illinois. She married George W. Greenwood 14 Jan 1858 in Wayne County, Illinois. I have no official proof that Jemima is the daughter of Enoch and Edith Neavill. There is a Jemima Neavill shown living with James Neavill’s family on the 1850 Effingham County Census. Ten years later, Jemima is listed in 1860 Wayne County Census as married to George Greenwood with 70 year old Edith Nevil (Jemima’s mother?) living with them. George W. Greenwood is buried in Bovee Cemetery, west of Fairfield, Illinois. Child of Jemima Neavill and George Greenwood is: 1. Aleatha A. Greenwood A L E A T H A A . G R E E N WO O D Aleatha A. Greenwood (daughter of George and Jemima [Neavill] Greenwood) was born about 1859. 112 C H A P T E R 9 C A L V I N N E AV I L L C.1830–185? Calvin Neavill (son of Enoch and Edith [Goodman] Neaville) was born about 1830 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died sometime before 1860 in Wayne County, Illinois. He married Mary Curry sometime before 1853. I have not found any solid proof that Calvin is either Enoch’s son or Mary’s husband. Calvin appears on the 1855 State Census for Wayne County. His birth date corresponds with that of one of Enoch’s sons listed on the 1840 census. The dates for Calvin’s children and wife listed on the 1855 census correspond with those of Mary Neavill’s family on the 1865 State Census for Wayne County. Children of Calvin Neavill and Mary Curry are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Elizabeth Jane Neavill Henrietta Neavill Henry M. Neavill Charles Neavill E L I Z A B E T H J A NE N E AV I L L Elizabeth Jane Neavill (daughter of Calvin and Mary [Curry] Neavill) was born 02 Jan 1853 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died 29 Sep 1925 in Ponca City, Oklahoma. She married (1) Daniel Webster Spicer (son of John Spicer and Margaret ?). She married (2) Reuben B. Tunnel (son of James Tunnel and Marsha Tubbs) 14 Nov 1897 in Wayne County, Illinois. She married (3) ? Walton. Elizabeth Jane (Neavill) Walton is buried in Longwood Cemetery, Ponca City, Oklahoma. Children of Elizabeth Neavill and Daniel Spicer are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Eve Spicer John Spicer Samuel Spicer May Spicer Ida Spicer Rena Olive Spicer Hettie Spicer EVE SPICER Eve Spicer (daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth [Neavill] Spicer) was born 1873. JOHN SPICER John Spicer (son of Daniel and Elizabeth [Neavill] Spicer) was born 1875. SAMUEL SPICER Samuel Spicer (son of Daniel and Elizabeth [Neavill] Spicer) was born 1877. 113 114 The Neaveill Family MAY SPICER RENA OLIVE SPICER May Spicer (daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth [Neavill] Spicer) was born ????. Rena Olive Spicer (daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth [Neavill] Spicer) was born 26 Nov 1888 and died 06 Nov 1976. IDA SPICER HETTIE SPICER Ida Spicer (daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth [Neavill] Spicer) was born 1885 and died 17 Oct 1902. Hettie Spicer (daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth [Neavill] Spicer) was born 11 Sep 1890. H E N R I E T T A N E AV I L L Henrietta Neavill (daughter of Calvin and Mary [Curry] Neavill) was born ????. Cause of Death: Pneumonia H E N R Y M . N E AV I L L Henry M. Neavill (son of Calvin and Mary [Curry] Neavill) was born about 1857 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died 28 Jan 1878 in Big Mound Township, Wayne County, Illinois. He married ? Simpson (daughter of William Simpson). Henry Neavill’s cause of death: “Remittent Fever.” BELL NEAVILL Bell Neavill (daughter of Henry and ? [Simpson] Neavill) was born about 1875, Wayne County, Illinois. She married William O. Green, 02 Apr 1894, Wayne County, Illinois. Child of Henry Neavill and ? Simpson is: 1. Bell Neavill C H A R L E S N E AV I L L Charles Neavill (son of Calvin and Mary [Curry] Neavill) was born ???? and died 1878. Cause of death: “Malarial fever.” C H A P T E R 10 N A N C Y N E AV I L L C.1830–185? Nancy Neavill (daughter of Enoch and Edith [Goodman] Neaville) was born about 1830 in Illinois, and died sometime before 1858. She married Silas Williamson 24 Dec 1846 in Wayne County, Illinois. Silas Williamson served as a private in the Illinois 40th Infantry, Company B, during the Civil War. He was killed April 10, 1862 at the Battle of Shiloh. Children of Nancy Neavill and Silas Williamson are: 1. William Thomas Williamson 2. Martha Elizabeth Williamson In 1886, the supplemental Declaration of Pension for the children, then adult children of Silas R. Williamson. William T. Williamson and Martha E. (Williamson) Treat, wife of George W. Treat living in Boyleston, IL. They were never under the care of their stepmother, Nancy Jane (Sinnett) Williamson, after the death of their father, Silas R. Williamson. They hired Creighton and Hibley, of Fairfield, IL to be their attorney. There is an affidavit of A. J. Neaveill in January 26, 1886: Andrew J. Neaveill, whose post office address is Boyleston, Wayne County, Illinois, being duly sworn on oath states: That he is aged 64 years and was well acquainted with the said Silas R. Williamson... “I lived a near neighbor to the father’s when the said children were born and said Williamson being an illerate man came to me and got me to enter the dates of their birth in their family bible, at the time. That bible I have seen within the last few days giving the dates as above in my own writing and without any apparent erasures and changes. I also know the date of their birth from that two of my own children were born nearly the same time and by comparison of these dates and with what assistance my memory gives one I feel entirely confident the dates are correct as above given.” There is an affidavit of William E. Neavill, age 39, of Boyleston, Wayne County, IL on Jan. 21, 1886: “I also know that the said Children were never under the care or maintenance of the widow of Silas R. Williamson after his death. They remained in the family of my father, James Neavill and maintained by him until he died and after his death they continued to reside with my mother and myself, until they were grown and married. I don’t think either of the children ever lived with their father after his second marriage, and know that they never lived with nor were maintained by their stepmother after said Silas R. Williamson’s death.” W I L L I A M T H O M A S “ TO M ” W I L LI A M S O N William Thomas “Tom” Williamson (son of Silas and Nancy [Neavill] Williamson) was born 04 Jul 1851 in Illinois, and died 18 Jan 1924 in Wayne County, Illinois. He married Sarah Ann Curry (daughter of Albert Curry and Dorcas Greenwood) 13 Jan 1879 in Wayne County, Illinois. “Tom” and Sarah (Curry) Williamson are buried in the cemetery at Victory General Baptist Church, west of Fairfield, Wayne County, Illinois. Tom’s death certificate lists his cause of 115 116 The Neaveill Family death as “angina pectoris.” Sarah’s cause of death is listed as “apoplexy.” The following is from the Wayne County Press, Jan. 24, 1924, p. 2: The following is from a newspaper, presumably the Mt. Vernon Register in Mt. Vernon, Illinois: Local Couple Wed 50 Years Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Williamson, 914 Park Avenue, will be married 50 years, January 15. However, since next Thursday, December 26, is the only time the family can be together, in the near future, they will celebrate the occasion with open house from three o’clock until eight o’clock that evening at their home. All of their relatives and friends are invited to attend. They are the parents of four children: Harry and Lester Williamson of this city; Olan Williamson of Loudon, Tenn., and Frieda Brandon of Wood Clif Lake, N.J. They also have six grandchildren. Mr. Tom Williamson, an aged and respected citizen of Sims was buried at Victory, Saturday. Mr. Williamson will be remembered by the older people when he resided at Boyleston. Children of Tom Williamson and Sarah Curry are: 1. Jesse E. Williamson 2. Rosa A. Williamson 3. Harvey Williamson Children of Harvey Williamson and Mame Smith are: JESSE E. WILLIAMSON Jesse E. Williamson (son of Tom and Sarah [Curry] Williamson) was born 1881 and died 1934, Wayne County, Illinois. He married Bessie Talbert (daughter of Samuel S. Talbert and Flora Baker) 11 Nov 1901, Wayne County, Illinois. 1. 2. 3. 4. Harry Williamson Lester Williamson Olan M. Williamson Frieda Williamson HARRY WILLIAMSON ROSA A. WILLIAMSON Rosa A. Williamson (daughter of Tom and Sarah [Curry] Williamson) was born 16 Jan 1884 and died 12 Aug 1926 in Sims Township, Wayne County, Illinois. She married George S. Monroe (son of James Monroe and Elizabeth Stevens) 24 Jul 1900. George S. and Rosa (Williamson) Monroe are buried in Victory Cemetery, west of Fairfield, Illinois. Rosa (Williamson) Monroe’s death certificate lists the cause of her death as “pernicious anemia.” Harry Williamson (son of Harvey and Mame [Smith] Williamson) was born ????. LESTER WILLIAMSON Lester Williamson (son of Harvey and Mame [Smith] Williamson) was born ????. (There is a Lester Williamson listed in the Social Security Death Index, born 06 Jun 1912 and died Apr 1975. SS card was issued in Illinois). OLAN M. WILLIAMSON HARVEY WILLIAMSON Harvey Williamson (son of Tom and Sarah [Curry] Williamson) was born about 1887 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died sometime after 1958. He married Mame A. Smith (daughter of Malen Smith and Mary Whitson) 15 Jan 1908 in Wayne County, Illinois. Olan M. Williamson (son of Harvey and Mame [Smith] Williamson) was born 15 Sep 1914 and died at the age of eighty-three on 03 Sep 1998. FRIEDA WILLIAMSON Frieda Williamson (daughter of Harvey and Mame [Smith] Williamson) was born ????. She married ? Brandon. M A R T H A E L IZ A B E T H W I L L I A M S O N Martha Elizabeth Williamson (daughter of Silas and Nancy [Neavill] Williamson) was born 24 Feb 1856 and died 20 Nov 1938. She married George W. Treat. Children of George Treat and Martha Williamson are: 1. Maudie C. Treat 2. Blanche A. Treat Descendants of Nancy Neavill MAUDIE C. TREAT Maudie C. Treat (daughter of George and Martha [Williamson] Treat) was born about 08 Mar 1883 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died 26 Apr 1947. She married Jobe B. Monroe (son of James Monroe and Elizabeth Stevens) 15 Nov 1899. Jobe was born 09 Apr 1873 and died 22 Apr 1936. I’m not sure if Maudie is actually the daughter of George and Martha (Williamson) Treat. The marriage book compiled by Betty Beeson lists Maudie’s parents as George Treat and Martha Whitamore. I believe Whitamore is a transcription error and should actually read Williamson. Also, Maudie’s cousin, Rosa Williamson, married George Monroe who was Jobe Monroe’s brother. Maudie and Jobe Monroe are buried in Pin Oak Cemetery, west of Fairfield, Illinois. Child of Jobe Monroe and Maudie Treat: 1. Tyra J. Monroe 117 TYRA J. MONROE Tyra J. Monroe was born 22 Oct 1907 and died 16 May 1954. I’ve found no records that state Tyra was the child of Maudie and Jobe Monroe. The only clue as to their relationship is that Tyra is buried next to Maudie and Jobe in Pin Oak Cemetery, west of Fairfield, Illinois. BLANCHE A. TREAT Blanche A Treat (daughter of George and Martha [Williamson] Treat) was born about 1893 in Arrington Township, Wayne County, Illinois, and died ????. She married Oliver J. Osborn (son of L. M. Osborn and L. D. Robinson) 23 Aug 1912. (There is a Blanche Osborn listed in the Social Security Death Index, born 19 May 1894 and died Nov 1974. Last known residence was Oblong, Illinois, which is in Crawford County about 50 or 60 miles north of Fairfield). C H A P T E R 11 I N D I A N A N E AV I L L C.1815–???? Indiana Neavill (daughter of Enoch and Edith [Goodman] Neaville) was born c. 1815 and died ????. Indiana Neavill married her cousin, James Neavill (son of George and Eliza- 118 beth [Ward] Neaville). More information on Indiana and James Neavill can be found on p. 131. Part III G E O R G E N E AV I L L E 176?–1835 George Neaville was born sometime after 1760, and died about 1835 in Missouri. He married (1) ?. He married (2) Elizabeth C. Ward 28 Mar 1806 in Wayne County, Kentucky. George may have been a brother of Enoch Neaville (Andy Neaveill’s father, see p. 3). George lived for a while in Alabama before settling in Effingham County, Illinois. According to census records, Elizabeth was born around 1790 in Virginia. She died sometime after 1860 probably in Effingham County, Illinois. The following is from History of Effingham County, Illinois, O.L Baskin & Co., Historical Publishers, Chicago, 1883: The year 1830 brought a few more settlers to the township [Jackson Township], among whom were Jesse White, Alfred Warren, Henry P. Bailey, George and Enoch Neaville, Micajah Davidson and James Turner. White was from Tennessee, and was a single man when he came. He married soon after, however, and settled down on the river, but afterward moved out on the prairie. Bailey was also from Tennessee, and was the first Sheriff of the county. He still has quite a number of descendants in this and the surrounding townships. Neaville was a Frenchman, and came from Alabama. George, who was the father of Enoch, moved to Missouri, and finally died on the Gasconade River. Enoch moved into Watson Township, and died there. Children of George Neaville and Elizabeth Ward are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Elihu Neaville Enoch Neavill James Neavill Catherine Neavill Elijah Neavill Oma Neavill Elisha Neavill Anna Neavill There were a number of Neavilles living in Wayne and Pulaski Counties, Kentucky, in the early nineteenth century who may have been George’s children from a previous marriage. These include: 1. Patsy Neaville 2. ? 119 C H A P T E R 12 E L I H U N E AV I L L E C.1807–1888 Elihu Neaville (son of George and Elizabeth [Ward] Neavill) was born about 1807 in Alabama, and died 17 Apr 1888 in Arkansas. He married Margaret P. Jones (daughter of ? Jones and ?) about 1825 in Alabama. Margaret was born about 1808 in North Carolina. Children of Elihu Neaville and Margaret Jones are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. James A. Neavill Elijah Neaville Elizabeth Neavill Mary L. Neavill John Neavill Sarah F. Neavill William H. Neavill J A M E S A . NE AV I L L James A. Neavill (son of Elihu and Margaret [Jones] Neaville) was born 1826. He married (1) Mary Smith 1853 in White County, Arkansas. He married (2) Mary Barkley (daughter of Andrew Barkley and Hannah Walker) 1875. The following is from Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Eastern Arkansas, Chicago: Goodspeed Publishers, 1890, p. 215: John [sic] A. Neavill, Searcy, Ark. There are many citizens represented within the pages of this volume, but none more deserving of mention than Mr. Neavill, who is not only one of the pioneers of the county, but is universally respected by all who know him. He was born in Jackson County, Ala., in 1826, and was the eldest in a family of nine children, born to the union of Elihu and Margaret (Jones) Neavill, the father a native of Alabama, and the mother of North Carolina. Elihu Neavill was married in his native State, in about 1825, settled on a claim and followed agricultural pursuits there until 1844, when he came to White County, Ark. He settled near where his son James A. now resides, entered land, erected a tanyard, and in connection carried on farming and the tannery business until his death, which occurred April 17, 1888. He was a 120 resident of the county for over forty years, and had the esteem and respect of all. He was in the Florida War, was orderly-sergeant and was in service twelve months. He was of French descent, and the mother of ScotchIrish. Of their family the following children are the only ones living: James A. (subject), Elijah (married and resides in Cane Township), William H. (married, and is the marshal of Searcy) and Mary (now Mrs. F. W. Smith, of Gray Township). James A. Neavill was early taught the rudiments of farming, and received his education in the subscription schools of Alabama and White County, Ark. He was eighteen years of age when he came to Arkansas, and he was employed for a number of years in assisting his father in clearing up the farm. After this he began farming for himself near where he now resides. He was married in White County, Ark., in 1853, to Miss Smith, a native of Mississippi, who bore him two living children: John and William B. The latter is married and resides in Gray Township. Another child, Mary, was the wife of John Gilliam, and died August 9, 1884. Mrs. Neavill died in 1856, and Mr. Neavill selected his second wife in the person of Mrs. Mary (Barkley) Descendants of Elihu Neaville Britt, widow of Mr. Davis Britt, a native of Middle Tennessee, and the daughter of Andrew and Hannah C. (Walker) Barkley. The father was a native of Tennessee, and his ancestors were the earliest settlers of that State. He followed agricultural pursuits and opened up a large tract of land. His death occurred in 1862. The mother was a native of North Carolina, and died in Tennessee, Rutherford County, in 1887, at the advanced age of ninety years. To Mr. and Mrs. Neavill was born one child: Andrew A. After his marriage, which occurred in 1875, Mr. Neavill moved to his present residence, and is now the owner of a good farm of 125 acres, with about seventy acres under cultivation. He is active in politics, and votes with the Democratic party. He is a member of the Agricultural Wheel, takes an active interest in educational matters, and has been a member of the school board. He has also filled the position of constable of his township, and in a highly satisfactory manner. Mrs. Neavill is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Grandfather Neavill was in the War of 1812, and was at the battle of New Orleans with Gen. Jackson. Mr. Neavill (subject of this sketch), came to Arkansas in 1844, and can hardly realize that it is the same country now, on account of the many and rapid changes made since that time. Searcy was in the woods, and there were but three houses between that town and Beebe. Off the main traveled roads there were no settlements, and Mr. Neavill has killed many a deer on land now under cultivation, at a distance of 175 yards. He still has in his possession his trusty gun. During the war he was with Gen. Price, in his raid through Missouri, and enlisted in Capt. Black’s company, participating in the following battles: Pilot Knob, Ironton, Newtonia, Blue Gap, etc. He was with Gen. Price until reaching Fayetteville, Ark., when he returned to White County. Children of James Neavill and Mary Smith are: 1. John Neavill 2. William Bane Neavill 3. Mary Neavill Child of James Neavill and Mary Barkley is: 4. Andrew A. Neavill JOHN NEAVILL John Neavill (son of James and Mary [Smith] Neavill) was born about 1856. 121 WILLIAM BANE NEAVILLE William Bane Neavill (son of James and Mary [Smith] Neavill) was born about 1857. He married Willie Simmons (daughter of ? and ?). Child of William Neavill and Willie Simmons is: 1. James “Jim” Albert Neaville JAMES “JIM” ALBERT NEAVILLE James “Jim” Albert Neaville (son of William and Willie [Simmons] Neaville) was born in 1876 and died in 1964. He married ?. Jan Griffin Moon, great granddaughter of Jim Neaville, wrote the following: My great grandfather bought a large cemetery plot for approx 50 gravesites at Gum Springs (apparently this was near Grey Township because I always heard it was near “Papa’s” old home place). About 20 descendants are buried there, including my mother Carol. Papa (Jim Neaville 1876–1964) was the organizer and president of The First Bank of Griffithville, the oldest bank in White Co. He owned lumber yard, sawmills, etc. And his own home place still stands. (It is a large 2 story in the middle of Griffithville). Child of James Neaville and ? is: 1. Iris Corinne Neaville Iris Corinne Neaville Iris Corinne Neaville (daughter of James and ? [?] Neaville) was born ????. She married ? Hassell (son of ? and ?). Child of Iris Neaville and ? is: 1. Carol Anne Hassell Carol Anne Hassell Carol Anne Hassell (daughter of ? and Iris [Neaville] Hassell) was born 31 Jul 1925 and died at the age of seventy on 25 Oct 1995. She married ? Griffin (son of ? and ?). Child of Carol Hassell and ? Griffin is: 1. Jan Griffin Jan Griffin. Jan Griffin (daughter of ? and Carol [Hassell] Griffin) was born 21 Aug 1956. She married Jerry Alan Moon (son of ? and ?) 05 Aug 1978. MARY NEAVILL ANDREW A. NEAVILL Mary Neavill (daughter of James and Mary [Smith] Neavill) was born about 1858 and died 09 Aug 1884. She married John Gilliam. Andrew A. Neavill (son of James and Mary [Barkley] Neavill) was born ????. E L I J A H N E AV I L L E Elijah Neaville (son of Elihu and Margaret [Jones] Neaville) was born about 1828. He married (1) Lenora Chrisco. He married (2) Mary E. Wilks 06 Jul 1853 in White County, Arkansas. Child of Elijah Neaville and Lenora Chrisco is: MABEL HARRISON Mabel Harrison (daughter of Joe and Willie [Neaville] Harrison) was born ????. She married Walter Odis Fisher. Child of Mabel Harrison and Walter Fisher is: 1. Frances Fisher 1. Willie Frances Neaville Frances Fisher Frances Fisher (daughter of Walter and Mabel [Harrison] Fisher) was born ????. She married Vestal Smith. Child of Frances Fisher and Vestal Smith is: WILLIE FRANCES NEAVILLE Willie Frances Neaville (daughter of Elijah and Lenora [Chrisco] Neavill) was born ????. She married Joe B. Harrison. Child of Willie Neaville and Joe Harrison is: 1. Mabel Harrison 1. Mike Smith Mike Smith Mike Smith (son of Vestal and Frances [Fisher] Smith) was born ????. E L I Z A B E T H N E AV I L L Elizabeth Neavill (daughter of Elihu and Margaret [Jones] Neaville) was born about 1831 in Alabama. M A R Y L . NE AV I L L Mary L. Neavill (daughter of Elihu and Margaret [Jones] Neaville) was born about 1833 in Alabama. She married Franklin W. Smith (son of John Smith and Rebecca ?) 12 Dec 1855 in White County, Arkansas. The following is from Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Eastern Arkansas. Chicago: Goodspeed Publishers, 1890, p. 243: Frank W. Smith, Searcy, Ark. Another pioneer settler of the county, and a much-respected citizen is the above- 122 Descendants of Elihu Neaville mentioned gentleman who came to White County, Ark., in 1853, from Mississippi. He was born in Fayette County, Miss., in 1833, and was the eighth in a family of nine children, the result of the union of John and Rebecca Smith, natives of Tennessee. The father was a planter, and in connection carried on merchandising at Oxford, Fayette County, Miss. In 1830 he moved to Benton County, Ark., remaining there a short time, and then returned to Mississippi in 1831, making that his home until his death which occurred at Oxford, Miss., in 1844. His widow survived him many years, came to White County in 1853, and there her death occurred in the fall of that year. Their family consisted of the following children: Harrison (married, and a farmer of De Soto County, Miss.), Benjamin (married, and resides in Gray Township), Margaret (wife of William Graves, of Howard County, Ark.), Catherine (died in White County, Ark., in 1889; she was the wife of John Boggs), Thomas (married and resides in Gray Township), William (died in White County in 1871), John (married and resides in Gray Township), Frank W. and Mary (wife of James Neavill; she died in 1858). The father of these children participated in the War of 1812. Frank W. Smith’s youth in growing up was passed in attending to duties about the home place, and in the subscription schools of Mississippi. He commenced farming for himself in White County, Ark., at the age of twenty-one, and in 1855, in partnership with his brother, John, purchased 160 acres of land which he improved. Later the brothers separated, each doing for himself. F. W. Smith has erected all the buildings, and has added to his farm from time to time until he is now the owner of 400 acres, with 150 under cultivation, and 100 acres or more in pasture. He does mixed farming, raises corn and cotton and also considerable horses and cattle, and is one of the wide-awake farmers of the county. He enlisted in the army at Searcy in 1862, and for twelve months was in Capt. Davis’ company, Gen. McRae’s regiment. He participated in several skirmishes and later went into the State troops, where he re- mained but a short time. At the close of the service he returned to the farm. He was married in White County in 1855 to Miss Mary L. Neavill, a native of Alabama, and the daughter of Elihu and Margaret (Jones) Neavill, natives of Alabama. Mr. and Mrs. Neavill came to White County in 1844, settled in Gray Township, and he was one of the influential men of the county, being treasurer of the same one term. His death occurred in 1852 and the mother’s in 1888. After marriage Mr. Smith settled where he now resides, and there he has since remained. Although not very active in politics he votes with the Democratic party; is a member of the Agricultural Wheel, of which organization he was steward, and he and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. To this union two living children were born: Sarah and Kirby (of which Kirby is married and resides with his father). Mr. Smith came to this county when all was wild and unbroken, and when game was in abundance. Now fine farms cover the country, and everything is in a prosperous condition. He is practically a self-made man; having started with little he is now very comfortably fixed, and can pass the remainder of his life in ease. Children of Mary Neavill and Franklin Smith are: 1. Sarah Smith 2. Kirby Smith SARAH SMITH Sarah Smith (daughter of Franklin and Mary [Neavill] Smith) was born ???? KIRBY SMITH Kirby Smith (son of Franklin and Mary [Neavill] Smith) was born ???? J O H N N E AV I L L John Neavill (son of Elihu and Margaret [Jones] Neaville) was born about 1837. He married Martha Wilkes 17 Feb 1859 in White County, Arkansas. 123 124 The Neaveill Family S A R A H F R A N C E S N E AV I L L Sarah Frances Neavill (daughter of Elihu and Margaret [Jones] Neaville) was born about 1843. She married Robert Wesley Chrisp (son of William Chrisp and Mary J. Elder) 20 Jan 1859 in White County, Arkansas. The following is from Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Eastern Arkansas. Chicago: Goodspeed Publishers, 1890, p. 144: R. W. Chrisp, farmer, Searcy, Ark. This prominent agriculturist owes his nativity to Gibson County, Tenn., where his birth occurred in 1835, and is the ninth of seventeen children born to the union of William and Mary J. (Elder) Chrisp, natives of the Old Dominion. The father was a tiller of the soil, and moved to Rutherford County, Tenn., entered land, and there remained until 1831. He then settled in Gibson County, Tenn., and made that county his home until his death, which occurred in 1863. He was in the War of 1812, and took quite an active part in politics. His wife died in Searcy in October, 1884. Of their family the following children are now living: R. W., Frances W. (now Mrs. Lane, of Gibson County, Tenn.), Horace (married, and resides in Higginson Township) and L. M. (who is married, and resides on a farm in the last-named township). One son, John W., enlisted in the army from Gibson County, Tenn., was Gen. Pillow’s commissary, and died of pneumonia in 1863, at Memphis, Tenn. Another son, William B., was a member of the One Hundred and Eleventh Tennessee Infantry, and after the war was a cotton factor of Memphis. His death occurred in 1870. Two other sons, Henry and Starks, were in Gen. Forrest’s cavalry, and both died in 1883. R. W. Chrisp was early taught the duties of farm life, and received his education in the subscription schools of Tennessee. In 1857 he came to White County, Ark., then being a single man, and taught the Gum Spring schools during 1858-59. He was married in White County in the last-named year, to Miss Sarah F. Neavill, a native of Jackson County, Ala., and the daughter of Elihu and Margaret (Jones) Neavill, natives of Alabama. Her father was in the Florida War, came to White County in 1844, and was for many years engaged in farming and in the tannery business, becoming quite wealthy. His death occurred in 1851 and the mother’s in 1887. They resided in White County for over forty years. After marriage Mr. Chrisp settled in Gray Township on a timber tract of land, which he rented for a few years, and then, in 1867, purchased 240 acres, partly improved. This he sold, and bought forty acres in the timber which he immediately commenced clearing, erecting buildings, and added to this land from time to time until he now has 280 acres, with 100 acres under cultivation, besides a home farm of twenty acres just outside the corporation. Mr. Chrisp lost his excellent wife, October 9, 1887. The result of this union was the birth of the following children: William H. (married, and resides on the subject’s farm), Vinnie R. (at home, attending Galway College), James Everett, Henry Beecher and Benjamin Clark. July 4, 1861, Mr. Chrisp was elected second lieutenant of Company K, but held first position in the Seventh Arkansas Infantry, commanded by Robert Shaver. He was in the battle of Shiloh, after which the company was reorganized, and he came to Searcy to recruit for the Trans-Mississippi Department. He then entered the ranks as private in the cavalry, and was temporarily promoted to the rank of lieutenant-colonel in front of Helena. He was in the Missouri raid, participated in the battles of Pilot Knob, Ironton, Jefferson City, Newtonia and Mine Creek. He returned to White County, Ark., from Fayetteville, and engaged in farming, but later was occupied for about a year in merchandising in Searcy. He has taken an active part in politics, and although originally a Whig, votes with the Democratic party. He has taken an active interest in schools and has been a member of the school board for twenty years. In 1883 he was sergeantat-arms for the State of Arkansas. He received the nomination for representative, but was declared disfranchised in the reconstruction days. Mr. Chrisp is a member of Searcy Lodge No. 49, A. F. & A. M., and is also a member of Tillman Lodge No. 19. He has been Worshipful Master of Searcy Lodge, and has held office in Chapter. He is practically a self-made man and all his property is the result of his own industry. Although fifty-five years of age he has never drank a drop of liquor. Children of Sarah Neavill and Robert Chrisp are: 1. William H. Chrisp 2. Vinnie R. Chrisp 3. James Everett Chrisp 4. Henry Beecher Chrisp 5. Benjamin Clark Chrisp WILLIAM H. CHRISP William H. Chrisp (son of Robert and Sarah [Neavill] Chrisp) was born ????. Descendants of Elihu Neaville VINNIE R. CHRISP Vinnie R. Chrisp (son of Robert and Sarah [Neavill] Chrisp) was born ????. JAMES EVERETT CHRISP James Everett Chrisp (son of Robert Wesley and Sarah [Neavill] Chrisp) was born 08 May 1873 in White County, Arkansas, and died 29 Oct 1921. He married Lillian Foulkes 14 Feb 1912 in Little Rock, Arkansas. The following is from A Centennial History of Arkansas (edited by Dallas T. Herndon, the Director of the Dept. of Archives & History, published by The S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago-Little Rock, 1922): James Everett Chrisp filled the office of circuit clerk & recorder in Little Rock for nearly 3 years, his duties being discharged with marked capability, promptness & fidelity, until death ended his labors on Oct. 29, 1921. He was born on a farm in White Co., AR, May 8, 1873, and was a representative of an old family of English lineage. His great-grandfather, Jock Chrisp, was born in London, England, and was a cooper by trade. Coming to Amer., he served as a soldier in the Continental army during the Revolutionary war, thus aiding in winning independence for the nation. He lost a leg in the battle of Bemis Heights. His son, William Chrisp, the grandfather of James Everett Chrisp, born in VA, was a member of the Tenth VA Calvary in the War of 1812 & was stationed at Norfolk, VA. He died at the age of 76. He had a family of 9 sons & 8 daughters & 7 of the sons were in the Confederate army & 6 lived to return home. The same military spirit was evidenced by James E. Chrisp at the time of the Spanish-American war in his attempt to get into the army, although he was not successful in the attempt. His father, Robert Wesley Chrisp, was born Mar. 7, 1835, in Gibson Co., TN, and at the age of 18 years he became a resident of White Co., AR, where he still makes his home. He has devoted his life largely to the occupation of farming, carefully tilling the soil as the years have gone by & thus providing for the support of his family. His military service covered 4 years in the 7th AR Infantry during the Civil War, in which he rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel, then was transferred to the Trans-Mississippi dept. to organize the same. He was with General Price on the Missouri raid, participating in the battles of Shiloh, Corinth, Helena, Polk Farm, Pilot Knob & others. His brother, James Chrisp, served with the Texas Calvary & died during the war; his brother John was quartermaster with General Pillow; and another brother, Horace, was in the 12th Tenn. Regiment. Stark, Henry & Luther Chrisp were with General Forrest. Robert Wesley 125 Chrisp was always given his his political allegiance to the democratic party & at all times he was loyal to the interests of the state, supporting all measures & plans for the general good. He married Sarah Frances Neavill, a native son of AL, and they became the parents of 15 children, 8 of whom, 7 sons & a daughter, reached adult age, while 3 sons & 1 daughter are living. James E. Chrisp, who was the 10th in order of birth in the family, spent his youthful days on the home farm, with the usual experiences of the farm bred boy. He began his education in the country schools & also spent one session as a student in Searcy College. He early took up the occupation of farming & also gave considerable time to the profession of teaching, these 2 vocations dividing his interests & his activities until he was called to public office. It was on the 1st of Jan., 1919, that he entered upon the duties of his position as circuit clerk & recorder for a term of 2 years & on the expiration of that period he was reelected for the succeeding term of 2 years, so that his incumbency would have continued him in the position until he had completed 4 years service in that connection. He always gave his political support to the democratic party & at all times kept thoroughly informed concerning its issues & its attitude upon vital questions. The death of Mr. Chrisp on Oct. 29, 1921, was a great loss to his family, his friends & the county which he so acceptably served. The governor of AR has appointed Mr. Chrisp’s widow to fill out his unexpired term as circuit clerk of Pulaski Co. On the 14th of Feb., 1912, in Little Rock, Mr. Chrisp was married to Miss Lillian Foulkes, who was born in White Co., AR in 1878. He was highly esteemed in Little Rock, as is his wife, and they gained many friends. Mr. Chrisp was a member of the Baptist church to which his wife also belongs, and Mr. Chrisp was a Scottish Rite Mason & member of the Mystic Rite Mason & a member of the Mystic Shrine, loyally following the teachings & purposes of the craft. His life was at all times actuated by high & honorable principles & those who knew him esteemed him greatly for his sterling worth & devotion to duty whether of a public or private nature. HENRY BEECHER CHRISP Henry Beecher Chrisp (son of Robert and Sarah [Neavill] Chrisp) was born ????. BENJAMIN CLARK CHRISP Benjamin Clark Chrisp (son of Robert and Sarah [Neavill] Chrisp) was born ????. 126 The Neaveill Family W I L L I A M H . N E AV I L L William H. Neavill (son of Elihu and Margaret [Jones] Neaville) was born about 1847. He married Mary A. Nichols 26 Nov 1867 in White County, Arkansas. C H A P T E R 13 E N O C H N E AV I L L 181?–185? Enoch Neavill (son of George and Elizabeth [Ward] Neaville) was born sometime after 1810 in Kentucky, and died sometime before 1860. He married Laura Pugh 09 Sep 1830 in Fayette County, Illinois. Laura was born about 1814 in Tennessee. Children of Enoch Neavill and Laura Pugh are: 1. Anna Neavill 2. Elizabeth Neavill 3. Elijah Neavill 4. Enoch Neavill 5. Sarah Neavill A N N A N E AV I L L Anna Neavill (daughter of Enoch and Laura [Pugh] Neavill) was born 1836. She married James Higgins (son of ? Higgins and ?) 26 Oct 1862 in Effingham County, Illinois. Children of Anna Neavill and James Higgins are: 1. John W. Higgins 2. Mary Higgins 3. Calvin Higgins JOHN W. HIGGINS John W. Higgins (son of ? and Anna [Neavill] Higgins) was born about 1861. MARY HIGGINS Mary Higgins (daughter of ? and Anna [Neavill] Higgins) was born about 1863. She married (1) Thomas Martin (son of ? Martin and ?) 16 Dec 1881 in Effingham County, Illinois. Thomas Martin was born 02 Jan 1859 in Effingham County, Illinois, and died 01 Nov 1895 in Effingham County, Illinois. After Thomas died, Mary married (2) Charles Draves (son of ? Draves and ?) 28 Jul 1899 in Effingham County, Illinois. Charles was born about 1865 in Illinois. CALVIN CEBERRY HIGGINS Calvin Ceberry Higgins (son of ? and Anna [Neavill] Higgins) was born 09 Apr 1866 in Effingham County, Illinois and died 18 Dec 1947 in jackson Township, Effingham County, Illinois. He married Anna Davidson (daughter of ? Davidson and ?) 05 Apr 1890 in Effingham County, Illinois. Anna was born about 1873 and died 25 Apr 1947 in Jackson Township, Effingham County, Illinois. Calvin and Anna are buried in Watson Cemetery in Effingham County, Illinois. 127 128 The Neaveill Family E L I Z A B E T H N E AV I L L Elizabeth Neavill (daughter of Enoch and Laura [Pugh] Neavill) was born about 1842. E L I J A H NE AV I L L Elijah Neavill (son of Enoch and Laura [Pugh] Neavill) was born 16 Sep 1842 in Effingham County, Illinois, and died 11 Oct 1912 in Jackson Township, Effingham County, Illinois. He married Nancy Frances Bailey (daughter of Henry Baily and Susana Lander) 04 Apr 1879 in Effingham County, Illinois. Nancy was born 26 Jul 1852 and died 26 Aug 1896. Nancy was married previously to Elijah’s first cousin, George Neavill (son of Elijah and Sarah [Greenwalt] Neavill). Elijah and Nancy are buried in Bailey Cemetery in Mason Township, Effingham County, Illinois. Children of Elijah Neavill and Nancy Bailey are: 1. James Edward Neavill 2. Arthur Stewart Neavill JAMES EDWARD NEAVILL James Edward Neavill (son of Elijah and Nancy [Bailey] Neavill) was born 13 Nov 1880 in Illinois and died 08 Nov 1948 in Sangamon County, Illinois. He married Hazel Della Robertson 10 Mar 1902 in Effingham County, Illinois. Children of James Neavill and Hazel Robertson are: 1. Daughter #1 Neavill 2. Daughter #2 Neavill ARTHUR STEWART NEAVILL Arthur Stewart Neavill (son of Elijah and Nancy [Bailey] Neavill) was born 04 Apr 1882. He married Mary Hanora “Anna” Thompson 04 Jan 1910. Children of Arthur Neavill and “Anna” Thompson are: 1. Matthew Burl Neavill 2. Arthur Edgar Neavill 3. Donald Joseph Neavill MATTHEW BURL NEAVILL Matthew Burl Neavill (son of Arthur and Anna [Thompson] Neavill) was born 02 May 1910 and died Jan 1982 in Emden, Illinois. He married Jessie Kern (daughter of Berton “Jack” Kern and Anna Schumacher) sometime after 1930. Jessie (Kern) Neavill was born 12 Jan 1914 in Sangamon County, Illinois, and died 09 Sep 1978. Children of Matthew Neavill and Jessie Kern are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Betty Jean Neavill Frances Ann Neavill Lee Eldon Neavill Mary Jane Neavill Susan Yvonne Neavill Betty Jean Neavill Betty Jean Neavill (daughter of Matthew and Jessie [Kern] Neavill) was born ????. She married Thomas Edward Howard 06 Apr 1952 in Fancy Prairie, Illinois. The following is from the State Journal-Register, Springfield, Illinois, April 2, 2002, p. 24: Anniversaries Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Howard of Springfield will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary Sunday with an open house from 2–4 p.m. at their home. Family and friends are welcome to attend. Howard and the former Betty J. Neavill were married April 6, 1952, at Fancy Prairie Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Ellsworth Young. Mr. Howard worked for 26 years with Truman L. Flatt and Sons and retired from the Sangamon County Highway Department. Mrs. Howard was employed for 22 years with Lincolnland Title and Abstract Co. They are parents of two children, Cheryl (husband, Steve) Harvey and Jerry (wife, Debbie) Howard, both of Springfield. There are two grandchildren and a greatgrandchild. Children of Thomas Howard and Betty Neavill are: 1. Debrah Kay Howard 2. Cheryl Ann Howard 3. Jerry Lee Howard Descendants of Enoch Neavill Debrah Kay Howard Debrah Kay Howard (daughter of Thomas and Betty [Neavill] Howard) was born 16 Sep 1954 and died 17 Sep 1954. Cheryl Ann Howard Cheryl Ann Howard (daughter of Thomas and Betty [Neavill] Howard) was born ????. She married Steve Harvey (son of ? Harvey and ?). Jerry Lee Howard Jerry Lee Howard (son of Thomas and Betty [Neavill] Howard) was born ????. He married Debbie ? (daughter of ? and ?). Frances Ann Neavill Frances Ann Neavill (daughter of Matthew and Jessie [Kern] Neavill) was born ????. She married William Arnold Weidhuner. Lee Eldon Neavill Lee Eldon Neavill (son of Matthew and Jessie [Kern] Neavill) was born ????. He married Vera Jane Todd. Mary Jane Neavill Mary Jane Neavill (daughter of Matthew and Jessie [Kern] Neavill) was born ????. She married (1) Daniel Dean Polk. She married (2) Robert Spindel. Susan Yvonne Neavill Susan Yvonne Neavill (daughter of Matthew and Jessie [Kern] Neavill) was born ????. She married (1) Charles Garlets. She married (2) Thomas Goin. ARTHUR EDGAR NEAVILL Arthur Edgar Neavill (son of Arthur and Anna [Thompson] Neavill) was born 22 Apr 1912 and died Sep 1978. He married Helen Gertrude Black Oct 1948. Child of Arthur Neavill and Helen Black is: 129 Meredith and Clara Kelly) in 1935. Anna was born 22 Dec 1916 in Leitchfield, Kentucky, and died 10 Jun 1996. The following obituary is from The State JournalRegister, Springfield, Illinois, June 11, 1996, p. 27: OBITUARY Louise Neavill, 79, of Springfield, formerly of Fancy Prairie, died Monday at St. John’s Hospital North. She was born Dec. 22, 1916, in Leitchfield, Ky., the daughter of Tomie and Clara Kelly Meredith. She married Donald J. Neavill in 1935; he died in 1989. Mrs. Neavill was a member of First Assembly of God Church. Survivors: two sons, Arthur Neavill of Commerce Township, Mich., and Ronald Neavill of Lincoln; a daughter, Donna J. Detillion Domser of Houston, Texas; four grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; and two sisters, Jean Henderson of Springfield and Lorene Dupin of Allen, Texas. Services: 10 a.m. Thursday, Mott and Henning Funeral Home, Athens, the Rev. Robert Needham officiating. Burial: Walnut Hill Cemetery, Williamsville. * * * Children of Joseph Neavill and Anna Meridith are: 1. Ronald Neavill 2. Donna Jo Neavill 3. Arthur Thomas Neavill Ronald Neavill Ronald Neavill (son of Joseph and Anna [Meredith] Neavill) was born 02 Sep 1941. He married Janice Ann Ethel (daughter of Eldon Ethel and Aneta Brown) Feb 1961 in Elkhart, Illinois. Children of Ronald Neavill and Janice Ethel are: 1. Terry Ann Neavill Terry Ann Neavill Terry Ann Neavill (daughter of Ronald and Janice [Ethel] Neavill) was born 21 Oct 1961 in Springfield, Illinois. She married Mike Stout 13 Oct 1990 in Petersburg, Illinois. Children of Mike Stout and Terry Neavill are: 1. Janice Neavill 1. Brittany Leann Stout Janice Neavill Janice Neavill (son of Arthur and Helen [Black] Neavill) was born ????. She married ? Primm. Brittany Leann Stout. Brittany Leann Stout (daughter of Mike and Terry [Neavill] Stout) was born 04 Oct. 1991. Donna Jo Neavill DONALD JOSEPH NEAVILL Donald Joseph Neavill (son of Arthur and Anna [Thompson] Neavill) was born 13 Jul 1913 and died 29 Nov 1989. He married Anna Louise Meridith (daughter of Tomie Donna Jo Neavill (daughter of Joseph and Anna [Meredith] Neavill) was born 04 Jun 1948. She married (1) Samuel Craig Hopwood 15 Apr 1967 in Champaign, Illinois. She married (2) ? Detillion. She married (3) ? Domser. 130 The Neaveill Family Children of Donna Neavill and Samuel Hopwood are: 1. Lance Scott Hopwood LeAndra Sue Hopwood LeAndra Sue Hopwood (daughter of Samuel and Donna [Neavill] Hopwwod) was born 28 Nov 1970. 2. LeAndra Sue Hopwood Arthur Thomas Neavill Lance Scott Hopwood Lance Scott Hopwood (son of Samuel and Donna [Neavill] Hopwwod) was born 04 Nov 1967. Arthur Thomas Neavill (son of Joseph and Anna [Meredith] Neavill) was born 16 Mar 1944. He married (1) Gunta Lynn Lapsa 14 Aug 1966 in Champaign, Illinois. E N O CH N E AV I L L Enoch Neavill (son of Enoch and Laura [Pugh] Neavill) was born 27 Oct 1847 in Effingham County, Illinois and died 28 Jan 1925. He married Sarah Elizabeth Austin 03 Apr 1880 in Marion County, Illinois. Enoch’s death certificate lists his cause of death as “cardiac asthma, and exhaustion due to age.” Enoch and Sarah are buried in Watson Cemetery in Effingham County, Illinois. S A R A H N E AV I L L Sarah Neavill (daughter of Enoch and Laura [Pugh] Neavill) was born about 1850. She married (1) George Campbell 28 Aug 1871 in Effingham County, Illinois. She married (2) Thomas J. Green 05 Jan 1882 in Effingham County, Illinois. She married (3) Elisha F. Birch 16 Aug 1891 in Effingham County, Illinois. C H A P T E R 14 J A M E S N E AV I L L C.1816–???? James Neavill (son of George and Elizabeth [Ward] Neaville) was born about 1816 in Alabama. He married Indiana Neavill? sometime before 1838. Indiana was born about 1815 and died ????. It is probable that James’ wife, Indiana, was the daughter of Enoch Neaville of Wayne County, Illinois (see p. 3). Enoch was probably the brother of James’ father, George Neaville (see p. 119). There are a number of facts which seem to support this: 1. James and Indiana first appear on the 1840 Wayne County, Illinois, census. Why was James in Wayne County when his family lived in Effingham County? I suspect James moved to Wayne County to help Enoch with the family farm (Enoch was over seventy years old and probably needed the help) and while there, courted and married Indiana. 2. James and Indiana named their first two children Edith and Enoch (or after Indiana’s parents if this theory is correct). 3. There is a Jemima Neavill shown living with James and Indiana on the 1850 Effingham County census. Enoch and Edith Neaville had a daughter named Jemima (who would have been Indiana’s sister if this theory is correct). 4. On the 1860 census for Marion County, Illinois, there is a Martha Williamson shown living with James and Indiana. Martha was the daughter of Silas and Nancy (Neavill) Williamson. Nancy was one of Enoch’s daughters (and Indiana’s sister if this theory is correct). 5. On William Elisha Neavill’s (James’ son) death certificate, it says William’s mother’s maiden name was Neavill. However there are also some things about this theory which need to be explained. Most of the census records give Indiana’s place of birth as Indiana. I have found nothing to indicate that Enoch and Edith were ever in Indiana (of course, that doesn’t mean they never were in Indiana. They could have been visiting people or passing through Indiana when Indiana was born. There was a James Neaville (see p. 170) living in Hendricks County, Indiana, who may have been one of Enoch’s children from his previous marriage to Bersheba Keeney?. There were also several Neavills living in Jefferson County, Indiana around this time—Samuel Neavill (see p. 179) was one of these Jefferson County Neavills). Another discrepancy is that Indiana’s approximate birth year is 1815, which is earlier than Enoch and Edith’s marriage on 26 Feb 1816. Of course, since I’ve found nothing to give her actual birthdate, Indiana could have been born later in 1816 or she could have been conceived before Enoch and Edith were married—certainly possible although this had more stigma attached to it in the early 19th century than it does now and so was a rarer event than it is now. Or, Indiana could have been a child of Enoch’s first marriage to Barsheba. I don’t know when Barsheba died, presumably before 1816 when Enoch married Edith. An alternative theory would be that Indiana was the adopted child of Enoch and Edith, or she may have been a daughter from a previous marriage/relationship of Edith. Children of James Neavill and Indiana Neavill are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Edith Jane Neavill Enoch Neavill George W. Neavill William Elisha Neavill 131 132 The Neaveill Family E D I T H J A N E N E AV I L L Edith J. Neavill (daughter of James and Indiana [Neavill?] Neavill) was born about 1838 and died 15 Jan 1858. She married John F. Hipsher (son of John Hipsher and Elizabeth Young) 19 Apr 1855 in Effingham County, Illinois. The following is from History of Effingham County, Illinois, O.L Baskin & Co., Historical Publishers, Chicago, 1883: JOHN F. HIPSHER, farmer, P. O. Altamont, was born in Fairfield County, Ohio, in 1836, January 18, to John and Elizabeth (Young) Hipsher. He was born in Pennsylvania July 18, 1802, and was brought to Ohio by his parents when he was quite a young boy. They located in Fairfield County, where he was raised and educated. He was a farmer, and came to Illinois and located in Effingham County in about 1851, where he died in February, 1874. He bought land in the county in about 1830. He was the owner of 600 acres and gave his children half a section. The mother of our subject was born in Fairfield County, Ohio, July 24, 1803, and died in Effingham September 28, 1855. They were the parents of five children, of whom our subject was the third child. He was raised on a farm, and received such an education as the common schools afforded. He remained at home with his parents until he was nineteen years of age, when he embarked on his career in life as a farmer, upon a fortyacre farm, and has continued to add to it until now he is the owner of 120 acres, 110 of which are under a high state of cultivation. On April 19, 1855, in Effingham County, he married Edith Neavill, who died January 15, 1858. In 1860, August 23, he married Miss Catherine Steritt, a native of Scotland; was brought to America by her parents in 1851. She is the mother of eight children, of whom six are now living viz., William R., Margaret E., Anna M., Ida A., Allen B., Robert F. An active member of the order of A, F. & A. M., at Altamont Lodge, 530. In politics, a Democrat. E N O CH N E AV I L L Enoch Neavill (son of James and Indiana [Neavill?] Neavill) was born about 1840 in Illinois. He married Mary Lambert (daughter of Nathan Lambert and Caroline Mann) 26 Apr 1863 in Marion County, Illinois. Children of Enoch Neavill and Mary Lambert are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Margaret Castilla Neavill William Nathan Neavill Agnes Neavill George W. Neavill MARGARET CASTILLA NEAVILL Margaret Castilla Neavill (daughter of Enoch and Mary [Lambert] Neavill) was born about 1863 in Illinois. She married Peter Wise 27 Aug 1879 in Wayne County, Illinois. WILLIAM NATHAN NEAVILL William Nathan Neavill (son of Enoch and Mary [Lambert] Neavill) was born about 1864 and died in 1930. He married Amanda Lansford (daughter of James Lansford and Rhonda Brazel) 22 Apr 1886 in Newton County, Missouri. William is buried in Dice Cemetery. Children of William Neavill and Amanda Lansford are: 1. Rhoda Neavill 2. Elmer Didson Neavill 3. John Frank Neavill RHODA NEAVILL Rhoda Neavill (daughter of William and Amanda [Lansford] Neavill) was born about 1884 in Missouri and died Jun 1917. She married Estes Gentry. ELMER DIDSON NEAVILL Elmer Didson Neavill (son of William and Amanda [Lansford] Neavill) was born about 1886. JOHN FRANK NEAVILL John Frank Neavill (son of William and Amanda [Lansford] Neavill) was born 11 Nov 1896 in Fairview, Newton County, Missouri, and died 04 Jan 1973 in Chelan, Washington. John married (1) Hulda Ova Whitehead 21 Oct 1917. Hulda (Whitehead) Neavill is buried in Dice Cemetery in Fairview, Missouri. John married (2) Reecie Jones Mar 1931 in Joplin, Missouri. Reecie (Jones) Neavill was born 14 Sep 1907 and died May 1968. John and Reecie are both buried in Chelan, Washington. Descendants of James Neavill Children of John Neavill and Hulda Whitehead are: 1. William Kenneth Neavill 2. James Clarance Neavill Child of John Neavill and Reecie Jones is: 3. Bill W. Neavill 133 Jean Barrett (daughter of ? Barrett and ?) 22 Aug 1959 in Brooklyn, Michigan. Bill Neavill grew up in Arizona, Missouri and Oklahoma. He went to college at Central Washington University. Since 1963, he and Marilyn have lived in Quincy, Washington. They are both retired: she from teaching school and he from working as a fleet manager of a frozen french fry manufacturer. Bill and Marilyn now spend a lot of time traveling in their motor home. Children of Bill Neavill and Marilyn Barrett are: William Kenneth Neavill William Kenneth Neavill (son of John and Hulda [Whitehead] Neavill) was born 18 Jan 1920 in Fairview, Newton County, Missouri, and died 16 Feb 1988 in Boise, Idaho. He married Jane Louise King 11 Jun 1939. William Kenneth Neavill is buried in Sun City, Arizona. The following obituary is from The Arizona Republic, Friday, March 19, 1999, p. B4: OBITUARY Jane L. Neavill, 79, of Sun City, a retired office manager, died March 14, 1999. She was born in Tulsa. Survivors include her daughter, Judith Hyde; son, Dennis N.; sister, Audrey King; brother, Jerry King; seven grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren. Visitation: 4 to 6 p.m. Sunday, Sunland Mortuary, 15826 Del Webb Blvd., Sun City. Services: 2 p.m. Tuesday, at the mortuary. * * * 1. Kim Louise Neavill 2. James Kenneth Neavill Kim Louise Neavill Kim Louise Neavill (daughter of Bill and Marilyn [Barrett] Neavill) was born 28 Aug 1961. She married Jeff Lavender (son of Damon Lavender and Ollie Maupin) 12 Jul 1980 in Quincy, Washington. Children of Kim Neavill and Jeff Lavender are: 1. Katelyn Olvia Lavender 2. Kyle Ethan Lavender Katelyn Olvia Lavender. Katelyn Olvia Lavender (daughter of Jeff and Kim [Neavill] Lavender) was born 29 Jun 1993 in Butte, Montana. Children of William Neavill and Jane King are: 1. Dennis Nathan Neavill 2. Judith Louise Neavill Dennis Nathan Neavill Dennis Nathan Neavill (son of William and Jane [King] Neavill) was born 20 Jun 1942. Judith Louise Neavill Judith Louise Neavill (daughter of William and Jane [King] Neavill) was born 16 Jan 1943 in Fairfield, California. She married ? Hyde. James Clarance Neavill James Clarance Neavill (son of John and Hulda [Whitehead] Neavill) was born 27 Sep 1918. James married Kay Vonwald 14 Jun 1947. Kay (Vonwald) Neavill was born 13 May 1921 and died Aug 1973. James retired from the U.S. Air Force in 1967. Kyle Ethan Lavender. Kyle Ethan Lavender (son of Jeff and Kim [Neavill] Lavender) was born 24 Aug 1994 in Henderson, Nevada. James Kenneth Neavill James Kenneth Neavill (son of Bill and Marilyn [Barrett] Neavill) was born 23 Mar 1963. He married Rebekah Love Kingsbury (daughter of Ronald L. Kingsbury and N. Joy duBois) 24 Apr 1999 in Cordova, Tennessee. Love Kingsbury was born 04 Jul 1973 in Chattanooga, Tennessee. AGNES NEAVILL Agnes Neavill (daughter of Enoch and Mary [Lambert] Neavill) was born about 1868. GEORGE W. NEAVILL Bill W. Neavill Bill W. Neavill (son of John and Reecie [Jones] Neavill) was born 29 Aug 1936 in Mesa, Arizona. He married Marilyn George W. Neavill (son of Enoch and Mary [Lambert] Neavill) was born about 1869. 134 The Neaveill Family G E O RG E W. N E AV I L L George W. Neavill (son of James and Indiana [Neavill?] Neavill) was born 14 Apr 1840 and died at the age of seventy on 28 Dec 1910. He married (1) Frances C. Hines (daughter of ? and ?) 01 Oct 1866. Francis was born ???? and died 07 Oct 1866 (which was her daughter Dora’s first birthday). George married (2) Melvina May Nichols (daughter of Bud Nichols and ?) 28 Feb 1870 Melvina was born 25 Dec 1845 and died at the age of seventy-eight on 22 Mar 1924. The following is from the Kinmundy Express, March 27, 1924: OBITUARY Mrs. Melvina Neavill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Nichols was born Dec. 25, 1845 and died March 22, 1924. She married George W. Neaville on Feb. 28, 1870, and they had 9 children, 1 dying in infancy. Her husband died Dec. 28, 1910. She leaves a step-daughter, Mrs. Dora N. Yunker, and the following children: Bert, Perry, Lemon, Fred, Mrs. Mabel Barton, Lloyd, Mrs. Jessie Newman and Walter; also 8 grandchildren, and 3 great-grandchildren. Services were held at the Christian Church with interment in Evergreen Cemetery. * * OBITUARY Mrs. Dora Younker was brought here for burial. George W. Neavill was born April 14, 1840. He married Francis L. Hines in 1861 and they had 1 child, Dora, born Oct. 7, 1865. Frances L. Neavill died Oct. 7, 1866. On Feb. 28, 1870 Geo. W. Neavill married Melvina Nichols, and they had 9 children. George W. Neavill died Dec. 28, 1909, and his wife, Melvina, died March 22, 1924. Dora married in 1889 to Henry E. Yunker who died Apr. 9, 1910. Dora died April 2, 1926 at the home of her sister, Mrs. Jessie G. Newman after an illness of 6 years. Services were held at the Christian Church with interment in Evergreen Cemetery. * * * ? NEAVILL ? Neavill (child of George and Frances [Hines] Neavill) was born ? and died ?. This was a child who died in infancy. * Children of George Neavill and Frances Hines are: 1. Dora Jane Neavill 2. ? Neavill MABEL NEAVILL Isabel Neavill (daughter of George and Melvina [Nichols] Neavill) was born about 1864. Children of George Neavill and Melvina Nichols are: 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Mabel Neavill James Bird Neavill Perry Lenard Neavill Fred Neavill Bert Neavill Lemon Tillman Neavill Lloyd Neavill Walter Neavill DORA JANE NEAVILL Dora Jane Neavill (daughter of George and Frances [Hines] Neavill) was born 07 Oct 1865 and died 02 Apr 1926. She married Henry Yunker (son of ? Yunker and ?) 02 Nov 1889. Henry was born ???? and died 09 Apr 1910. The following is from the Kinmundy Express, April 8, 1926: JAMES BIRD NEAVILL James Bird Neavill (son of George and Melvina [Nichols] Neavill) was born 18 Jan 1871 and died 12 Jul 1933 in Kinmundy, Marion County, Illinois. The following is from the Kinmundy Express, July 20, 1933: James Bird, son of George and Melvina Neaville, was born Jan. 18, 1871, and died July 12, 1933. He never married, making his home with his mother. After her death in 1924, he lived alone. In the early years, he worked in the mine. He had spent all his life in Kinmundy, and had been in poor health for over 2 years. He leaves 5 brothers and 2 sisters: Fred and Lemon of Peoria, Ill.; Loyd of Pana, Ill.; Walter of Gary, Ind.; and Perry of this city; Mrs. Mabel Barton of Florida; and Mrs. Jessie Newman of New London, Wis. Services were held at the Nelms Funeral Parlors with interment in Evergreen Cemetery. Descendants of James Neavill 135 J. G. Watson has been appointed by Mayor Boone as Chief of Police. Children of Nellie Neaville and Virgil Trout are: 1. Elwin Trout 2. Wilmadean Trout 3. Christine Trout Elwin Trout Perry “Chick” Lenard Neavill photo courtesy of Christy Simpson Barr PERRY “CHICK” LENARD NEAVILL Perry “Chick” Lenard Neavill (son of George and Melvina [Nichols] Neavill) was born 07 Jan 1874 in Kinmundy, Illinois, and died 17 Sep 1964 in Odin, Illinois. He married Arminda Bayliss (daughter of James Bayliss and Harriet Eagan) 1900. Arminda was born 18 Jan 1881 and died 24 Jan 1967. Children of Perry Neavill and Arminda Bayliss is: 1. 2. 3. 4. Nellie Neaville Hilda Neaville Walter George Neaville Perry Lenard Neaville NELLIE NEAVILLE Nellie Neaville (daughter of Perry and Arminda [Bayliss] Neavill) was born ???? and died ???? in Salem, Illinois. She married Virgil Trout. The following is from the Kinmundy Express, March 10, 1921: Last Saturday at Odin occurred the wedding of Virgil Trout of that place and Miss Nellie Neavill of Kinmundy. They will make their future home on a farm near Odin. The following is from the Kinmundy Express, November 1, 1923: A girl was born at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Verchial Trout on Tuesday. The following is from the Kinmundy Express, November 1, 1945: Verchial Trout has resigned his position as Chief of Police and accepted a position in the Salem Oil field. Elwin Trout (son of Virgil and Nellie [Neaville] Trout) was born Sep 1919. The following is from the Kinmundy Express, October 11, 1945: T5 Elwin Trout, son of Mr. and Mrs. Verchial Trout, arrived home last Thursday after receiving his discharge at Jefferson Barracks that day. Elwin entered the service Nov. 23, 1941, and shipped overseas in April 1942, landing in Australia. From there he went to New Guinea, then back to Australia, then back to New Guinea, then back to Biak Island, then Mendora, Palawan, Mindanao, and Leyte and finally landed in the states at San Francisco, Sept. 24. From there, he came to Jefferson Barracks, where he received his discharge. Cpl. Trout wears the Good Conduct Ribbon, American Defense, Combat Badge, and the Asiatic-Pacific Ribbon with 3 stars, representing Papuan, New Guinea, and Philippine Campaigns. Wilmadean Trout Wilmadean Trout (son of Virgil and Nellie [Neaville] Trout) was born ????. She married Phillip Hill (son of Richard Hill and ?) 11 Dec 1940 in University City, Missouri. The following is from the Kinmundy Express, December 19, 1940: Miss Wilmadean Trout, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Verchial Trout of this city, surprised her many friends when on Dec. 11, in company with Phillip Hill, of Salem, motored to University City, Mo. where they were married by a Justice of the Peace. They were accompanied by Miss Jessie Ragan and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Williams, all of Salem. The bride is a graduate of the local high school class of ’39. For the past year she has been employed by the Brown Shoe Co. in Salem. The groom is son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hill of Tulsa, Okla. He is employed with the Warren Petroleum Corp. in Salem, where they will reside. Christine Trout Christine Trout (daughter of Virgil and Nellie [Neaville] Trout) was born about 1924. She married (1) Francis “Frank” Zinser (son of Frank Zinser and ?) May 1942. She 136 The Neaveill Family Alaska, Heather Cunningham of Jacksonville, NC; one granddaughter, Jordan Cunningham, his father, Charles Leroy Simpson of Centralia; one sister, Florence Knox of Centralia; one brother, Ronnie Zinser of Kinmundy. He was preceded in death by his mother. married (2) Charles Leroy Simpson (son of ? Simpson and ?). The following is from the Kinmundy Express, May 14, 1942: Miss Christine Trout, 18, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Verchial Trout of this city, and Mr. Francis Zinser, 21, son of Mr. Frank Zinser of Chicago, were married in St. Louis on Saturday. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Hill, sister of the bride. Mr. Zinser is in defense work in Chicago, where the couple will reside. Children of Christine Trout and Frank Zinser are: 1. Ronnie Lynn Zinser 2. Florence Zinser 3. Richard O. Zinser * * * Chldren of Richard Zinser and ? are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Rebecca Zinser Robin Zinser Shawn Zinser Heather Zinser Rebecca Zinser. Rebecca Zinser (daughter of Richard and ? [?] Zinser) was born ????. Ronnie Lynn Zinser Ronnie Zinser (son of Frank and Christine [Trout] Zinser) was born 01 Sep 1945 in Salem, Illinois. The following is from the Kinmundy Express, September 6, 1945: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zinser have a baby boy born Sept. 1 in the Salem Hospital named Ronnie Lynn. Mrs. Zinser is the former Christine Trout, and the daddy is in the Navy in the Pacific. Richard O. Zinser Richard O. Zinser (son of Frank and Christine [Trout] Zinser) was born 14 Apr 1947 in Salem, Illinois, and died at the age of fifty-three on 17 May 2000 in Mt. Vernon, Illinois. He married Linda M. Rone (daughter of ? Rone and ?) 05 Aug 1987. The following obituary is from the Mt. Vernon (Illinois) Register-News, May 19, 2000: OBITUARY RICHARD O. ZINSER Benton, Illinois Richard O. Zinser, 53, died at 8:57 a.m. on Wednesday, May 17, 2000 at St. Mary’s-Good Samaritan Hospital in Mt. Vernon. Services will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, May 20, in the Morton & Johnston Funeral Home, Benton, with the Rev. John Overturf officiating. Burial will be in Brady Cemetery, Akin. Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday to the funeral home. Mr. Zinser was born in Salem, on April 14, 1947, the son of Charles Leroy and Chris (Trout) Simpson. On August 5, 1987, he married the former Linda M. Rone. She survives. He worked at Svanda Motors in Mt. Vernon. Survivors include his wife, Linda M. Zinser of Benton; children, Rebecca Zinser of Tampa, FL, Robin Zinser of Danville, Shawn Paxton of Anchorage, Robin Zinser. Robin Zinser (daughter of Richard and ? [?] Zinser) was born ????. Shawn Zinser. Shawn Zinser (daughter of Richard and ? [?] Zinser) was born ????. She married ? Paxton (son of ? Paxton and ?). Heather Zinser. Heather Zinser (daughter of Richard and ? [?] Zinser) was born ????. She married ? Cunningham (son of ? Cunningham and ?). Child of Heather Zinser and ? Cunningham is: 1. Jordan Cunningham Jordan Cunningham. Jordan Cunningham (daughter of ? and Heather [Zinser] Cunnungham) was born ????. Florence Zinser Florence Zinser (daughter of Frank and Christine [Trout] Zinser) was born ????. She married ? Knox (son of ? Knox and ?). HILDA NEAVILL Hilda Neavill (daughter of Perry and Arminda [Bayliss] Neavill) was born 12 Jul 1904 in Kinmundy, Illinois, and died at the age of eighty-eight on 01 Jul 1993 in Lincoln, Illinois. She married Walter Anderson Miller (son of Theodore Miller and Sarah McGee) 16 Sep 1925 in Salem, Illinois. Walter was born 23 Jan 1890 in Kinmundy, Illinois, and died at the age of eighty-one on 10 May 1971 in Lincoln, Illinois. The following is from the Kinmundy Express, January 9, 1919: Theo. Miller received a letter from his son, Walter, who has returned from France and is in a hospital in Virginia. The following is from the Kinmundy Express, September 17, 1925: Descendants of James Neavill 137 Mr. Walter Miller and Miss Hilda Neaville, both of this city slipped away to Salem Sept. 16 where they were married. Immediately after the ceremony they went to Centralia where they spent the day at the Clarence Joliff home, Mrs. Joliff being a sister of the groom. They will make their home in South Bend, Ind. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Neaville of this city, and a graduate of the K.H.S. class of ’22. Since that time she has been employed as operator for the Bell Telephone Co. in this city. The groom is son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Miller, and has grown to manhood in this community. He served in the World War. The following is from the Kinmundy Express, February 25, 1926: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller announce the arrival of a 9½ lb. baby girl, Julia Ann, at their home in South Bend, Ind. on Feb. 18. The following is from the Kinmundy Express, July 25, 1929: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller announce the birth of a baby daughter born July 18th. The following is from the Kinmundy Express, November 26, 1931: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson of Decatur to South Bend, Ind. last Sunday to visit George Miller who is confined in a sanitarium suffering from a nervous breakdown. He has since been to a sanitarium in Battle Creek, Mich. Children of Hilda Neavill and Walter Miller are: 1. Julia Ann Miller 2. Dorothy Jane Miller Julia (Miller) Simpson, Walter “Bud” Miller, Dorothy (Miller) Duncanson photo courtesy of Christy Simpson Barr 3. Walter “Bud” Darrell Miller Julia Ann Miller Julia Miller (daughter of Walter and Hilda [Neavill] Miller) was born 17 Feb 1926 in South Bend, Indiana. She married Raymond Douglas Simpson (son of Jesse Simpson and Pearl Millard). Raymond was born 10 May 1922 in Decatur, Illinois, and died at the age of seventy on 30 Dec 1992 in Danville, Illinois. Children of Julia Miller and Raymond Simpson are: 1. Linda Raye Simpson 2. Judy Kay Simpson 3. Christy Dawn Simpson Linda Raye Simpson Linda Raye Simpson (daughter of Raymond and Julia [Miller] Simpson) was born 11 Sep 1946 in Lincoln, Illinois. She married Frederick Wayne Hobbs (son of ? Hobbs and ?) 26 Feb 1966 in Canoga Park, California. Frederick was born 18 Mar 1946 in Los Angeles, California. Children of Linda Simpson and Frederick Hobbs are: 1. Susan Elaine Hobbs 2. Heidi Lee Hobbs 3. Michael Scott Hobbs Walter & Hilda (Neavill) Miller photo courtesy of Christy Simpson Barr Susan Elaine Hobbs. Susan Elaine Hobbs (daughter of Frederick and Linda [Simpson] Hobbs) was born 09 Aug 1966 in Portsmouth, Virginia. She married Darren James Schumaker (son of ? Schumaker and ?) 04 Aug 1989 in Massachusetts. Darren was born 15 Aug 1966. Children of Susan Hobbs and Darren Schumaker are: 1. Amanda Paige Schumaker 138 The Neaveill Family 2. Blake Ryan Schumaker Amanda Paige Schumaker. Amanda Paige Schumaker (daughter of Darren and Susan [Hobbs] Schumaker) was born 11 Mar 1993 in Concord, Massachusetts. Blake Ryan Schumaker. Blake Ryan Schumaker (son of Darren and Susan [Hobbs] Schumaker) was born 05 May 1998 in Brighton, Massachusetts. Heidi Lee Hobbs. Heidi Lee Hobbs (daughter of Frederick and Linda [Simpson] Hobbs) was born 25 Sep 1970 in Groton, Connecticut. She married William Frances Brincklow (son of ? Brincklow and ?) 02 Jun 1997 in Maynard, Massachusetts. Child of Heidi Hobbs and William Brincklow is: Luke Douglas Newhouse. Luke Douglas Newhouse (son of Douglas and Michelle [Drumm] Newhouse) was born 22 Feb 1999 in Springfield, Illinois. Christy Dawn Simpson Christy Dawn Simpson (daughter of Raymond and Julia [Miller] Simpson) was born 08 Jan 1957 in Lincoln, Illinois. She married Michael David Barr (son of David Barr and Mary ?) 14 Jun 1975 in Lincoln, Illinois. Michael was born 23 Jul 1956 in Chicago, Illinois. Child of Christy Simpson and Michael Barr is: 1. Alexander Michael Barr Alexander Michael Barr. Alexander Michael Barr (son of Michael and Christy [Simpson] Barr) was born 14 Jul 1981 in Urbana, Illinois. 1. Alexis Lynn Brincklow Alexis Lynn Brincklow. Alexis Lynn Brincklow (daughter of William and Heidi [Hobbs] Brincklow) was born 11 Aug 1999 in Concord, Massachusetts. Michael Scott Hobbs. Michael Scott Hobbs (son of Frederick and Linda [Simpson] Hobbs) was born 15 Dec 1971 in Portsmouth, Virginia. He married Deborah Irene Greggson (daughter of ? Greggson and ?) 24 Jun 1994 in Marlborough, Massachusetts. Judy Kay Simpson Judy Kay Simpson (daughter of Raymond and Julia [Miller] Simpson) was born 19 Dec 1948 in Lincoln, Illinois. She married (1) Darwin Ray Newhouse (son of Luther Newhouse and Eva ?) 19 Feb 1972 in Lincoln, Illinois. Darwin was born 29 Jan 1946 in Lincoln, Illinois. Judy and Darwin divorced 16 Aug 1991. Judy married (2) Gregory Howard Saylor (son of Alvin Saylor and Edna Grace) 16 May 1992 in Lincoln, Illinois. Gregory was born 22 Nov 1952 in Pittsfield, Illinois. Children of Judy Simpson and Darwin Newhouse are: 1. Melissa Dawn Newhouse 2. Douglas Jay Newhouse Melissa Dawn Newhouse. Melissa Dawn Newhouse (daughter of Darwin and Judy [Simpson] Newhouse) was born 06 Aug 1972 in Lincoln, Illinois. Douglas Jay Newhouse. Douglas Jay Newhouse (daughter of Darwin and Judy [Simpson] Newhouse) was born 14 Dec 1975 in Lincoln, Illinois. He married Michelle Lynn Drumm (daughter of ? Drumm and ?) 08 Mar 1997 in Lincoln, Illinois. Michelle was born 04 Sep 1975 in Hornell, New York. Child of Douglas Newhouse and Michelle Drumm is: 1. Luke Douglas Newhouse Dorothy Jane Miller Dorothy Miller (daughter of Walter and Hilda [Neavill] Miller) was born 18 Jul 1929 in Kinmundy, Illinois. She married William Thomas Duncanson (son of ? Duncanson and ?) 12 Jun 1948 in Lincoln, Illinois. William was born 13 Dec 1925 in Pekin, Illinois. Child of Dorothy Miller and ? Duncanson is: 1. William Thomas “Tom” Duncanson 2. Alan Scott Duncanson William Thomas “Tom” Duncanson, Jr. Tom Duncanson (son of William and Dorothy [Miller] Duncanson) was born 27 Jan 1954 in Pekin, Illinois. He married Vera Jean Kilborn (daughter of ? Kilborn and ?) 24 Aug 1973 in Creve Coeur, Illinois. Vera was born 12 Jan 1954 in Peoria, Illinois. Children of Tom Duncanson and Vera Kilborn are: 1. Alice Monica Duncanson 2. Andrew Thomas Duncanson 3. Katherine Mechtild Duncanson Alice Monica Duncanson. Alice Monica Duncanson (daughter of Tom and Vera (Kilborn) Duncanson was born 29 Dec 1975 in Charleston, Illinois. Andrew Thomas Duncanson. Andrew Thomas Duncanson (son of Tom and Vera (Kilborn) Duncanson was born 11 Jan 1982 in Des Moines, Iowa. Katherine Mechtild Duncanson. Katherine Mechtild Duncanson (daughter of Tom and Vera (Kilborn) Duncanson was born 13 Feb 1984 in Iowa City, Iowa. Alan Scott Duncanson Alan Scott Duncanson (son of William and Dorothy [Miller] Duncanson) was born 03 Nov 1956 in Pekin, Illinois. He Descendants of James Neavill married Juliet Maria Appel (daughter of Art Appel and Mary ?) 27 Feb 1977 in Chicago, Illinois. Juliet was born 19 Feb 1957 in Chicago, Illinois. Walter “Bud” Darrell Miller Walter “Bud” Darrell Miller (son of Walter and Hilda [Neavill] Miller) was born 02 Nov 1934 in Stewardson, Illinois. He married (1) Carolyn Wyse (daughter of James Wyse and Edna ?). He married (2) Sue Ellen Franklin (daughter of ? and ?). The following is from the Kinmundy Express, Nov. 8, 1934: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller of Stewardson, Ill. have a baby boy born Nov. 2 named Walter Darrell. The mother is formerly Miss Hilda Neaville of this city. Children of Bud Miller and Carolyn Wyse are: 1. Beth Marie Miller 2. Walter Michael Miller Beth Marie Miller Beth Marie Miller (daughter of Bud and Carolyn [Wyse] Miller) was born 14 Jan 1960 in Lincoln, Illinois. She married Darwin Lynn Hoffert (son of ? Hoffert and ?) 02 May 1982 in Lincoln, Illinois. Darwin was born 01 Apr 1960. Children of Beth Miller and Darwin Hoffert are: 1. Carrie Leigh Hoffert 2. Megan Marie Hoffert Carrie Leigh Hoffert. Carrie Leigh Hoffert (daughter of Darwin and Beth [Miller] Hoffert) was born 21 May 1983 in Lincoln, Illinois. Megan Marie Hoffert. Megan Marie Hoffert (daughter of Darwin and Beth [Miller] Hoffert) was born 22 Feb 1987 in Lincoln, Illinois. Walter Michael Miller Walter Michael Miller (son of Bud and Carolyn [Wyse] Miller) was born 27 May 1961 in Lincoln, Illinois. He married Jean Ann Geyer (daughter of ? and ?) 16 Oct 1998 in Elkhart, Illinois. Jean was born 30 Jul 1964. WALTER GEORGE NEAVILLE Walter George Neaville (son of Perry and Arminda [Bayliss] Neavill) was born 29 Sep 1914 in Kinmundy, Illinois, and died 13 June 1938 in Chicago, Illinois. The following is from the Kinmundy Express, June 16, 1938: Walter Neaville died in the Cook County Hospital in Chicago on June 13, death being caused from a ruptured 139 appendix. He had complained of not feeling well for the past 2 weeks and returned from his work at the noon hour on June 6. A physician was immediately summoned and he was rushed to the hospital. The medical examinations revealed the appendix had ruptured. His mother here was notified of his illness and went to Chicago Wednesday to be with him. She returned home with the body Tuesday, accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Rochelle Durkin, with whom Walter had made his home while he had employment in Chicago. The body was taken to the family home, and funeral services were held at the Christian Church with interment in Evergreen Cemetery. Walter George, son of Perry L. and Arminda Baylis Neaville, was born in Kinmundy, on Sept. 29, 1914. He was the third child of a family of four — 2 girls and 2 boys. Here Walter spent his childhood, entered grade school, attended Sunday School at the Christian Church, and graduated from High School with the Class of 1932. On July 10, 1937 he went to Chicago, where he secured employment with the Ingersoll Steel Disc and Wire Company, where he worked until he was stricken with his fatal illness June 7. While in the city, he made his home with an aunt, Mrs. Tom Durkin. His illness was not regarded as serious until last Tuesday, and he died June 13, 1938. He leaves his parents; 2 sisters, Mrs. Verchial Trout of this city; and Mrs. Walter Miller of Findlay; 1 brother, Perry Leonard Neaville of this city; 4 nieces, 2 nephews, aunts, and uncles. PERRY LENARD NEAVILLE Perry Lenard Neaville (son of Perry and Arminda [Bayliss] Neaville) was born 25 Oct 1922 in Kinmundy, Illinois, and died Mar 1978 in Salem, Illinois. He married Phoebe Elizabeth White 05 Feb 1946. Phebe was born 05 Feb 1930 in Iuka, Illinois, and died 08 Dec 1983 in Iuka, Illinois. The following is from the Kinmundy Express, August 12, 1937: Perry Leonard Neaville, son of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Neaville, was injured in a car accident near Shelbyville, Wednesday, and is now in St. Mary’s Hospital in Decatur, suffering from concussion of the brain. Perry has been visiting in Findlay with his sister, Mrs. Walter Miller, for the past few days and accompanied a friend of the Millers on a business trip to Shelbyville. The friend lost control of the car and smashed into a concrete abuttment, damaging the car considerably and injuring Perry. The driver, a barber from Findlay, was slightly injured. The following is from the Kinmundy Express, September 20, 1945: Pvt. Perry Leonard Neaville arrived here Saturday morning to spend a 30 day furlough with his parents, 140 The Neaveill Family Mr. and Mrs. Perry Neaville. He has spent the past 16 months in Africa and Italy. Pvt. Neaville entered the service Feb. 5, 1943, and shipped overseas April 13, 1944, landing in Oran Africa. From there he went to Italy where he remained until he sailed for the states on Sept. 1, landing at Hampton Roads on Sept. 10. Pvt. Neaville wears the Good Conduct Medal, the Combat Infantryman’s Badge and the European Theater of Operations Ribbon with 3 stars, representing the battles of the Arno River, Po Valley and Galtic Line. He was a member of a Rifle Co., Co. E., 363rd Infantry, 91st Division. The following is from the Kinmundy Express, February 14, 1946: Tony Ray Neaville Tony Ray Neaville (son of Lenard and Joyce [Moore] Neaville) was born 05 Jun 1969 in Centralia, Illinois. He married Shauna Gwen Souders. Child of Shauna Souders and ? is: 1. Nicholas Anthony Souders Children of Tony Ray Neaville and Shauna Souders are: 2. Jared Ray Neaville 3. Renae Caroline Neaville On last Tuesday in Salem, occurred the marriage of Elizabeth White of Meacham twp. and Perry Leonard Neaville of this city. They are living on the Victoria Jackson farm north of town. Nicholas Anthony Souders. Nicholas Anthony Souders (son of Shauna Souders Neaville) was born 01 Nov 1989. Nicholas is the stepson of Tony Ray Neaville. Children of Perry Neaville and Phebe White are: Jared Ray Neaville. Jared Ray Neaville (son of Tony and Shauna [Souders] Neaville) was born 13 Oct 1995. 1. Danny Lyn Neaville 2. Lenard Ray Neaville Danny Lyn Neaville Danny Lyn Neaville (son of Perry and Phoebe [White] Neaville) was born 08 Dec 1951. He married Rita Ann Yates (daughter of ? Yates and ?) 08 Jun 1973. Rita was born 05 May 1955. Children of Danny Neaville and Rita Yates are: 1. Jason Todd Neaville 2. Justin Shawn Neaville Jason Todd Neaville Jason Todd Neaville (son of Danny and Rita [Yates] Neaville) was born 01 Apr 1974. Justin Shawn Neaville Justin Shawn Neaville (son of Danny and Rita [Yates] Neaville) was born 29 Jun 1975. Lenard Ray Neaville Renae Caroline Neaville. Renae Caroline Neaville (daughter of Tony and Shauna [Souders] Neaville) was born 10 Jan 1998. Tammy Sue Neaville Tammy Sue Neaville (daughter of Lenard and Joyce [Moore] Neaville) was born 04 Sep 1972. Children of Tammy Sue Neaville: 1. Devon Shawn ? 2. Danielle ? Devon Shawn ? Devon Shawn ? (son of ? and Tammy Neaville) was born ????. Danielle ? Danielle ? (daughter of ? and Tammy Neaville) was born ????. FRED NEAVILL Fred Neavill (son of George and Melvina [Nichols] Neavill) was born ????. Lenard Ray Neaville (son of Perry and Phoebe [White] Neaville) was born 04 Mar 1947 in Salem, Illinois. He married Joyce Ann Moore. Children of Lenard Ray Neaville and Joyce Moore are: 1. Tony Ray Neaville 2. Tammy Sue Neaville BERT NEAVILL Bert Neavill (son of George and Melvina [Nichols] Neavill) was born ????. Descendants of James Neavill LEMON “DORK” TILLMAN NEAVILL Lemon “Dork” Tillman Neavill (son of George and Melvina [Nichols] Neavill) was born 09 Jun 1870 in Marion County, Illinois and died 04 Oct 1943 in Peoria Illinois. Lemon’s death certificate lists the cause of his death as “fractured pelvis - injury of the bladder - hypostatic pneum. (fell from hayrack).” The following is from the Peoria Journal Star, September 9, 1943, p. 24: Man Flung Off Hayrack and Seriously Hurt Dork Tillman, 73, of 613 South Adams street, was seriously injured Wednesday afternoon when he was thrown from a hayrack near Mossville when its team became frightened and unmanageable. He was taken to St. Francis hospital, where he is said to be suffering from internal injuries as well as fracture of his collarbone, a hip, and pelvis. The following is from the Peoria Journal Star, October 5, 1943, p. 16: PROBE IS SET IN WORKER’S DEATH Victim Thrown From Hayrack Inquest into the death of Leman Neavill, known as Dork Tillman, 73 years old, 613 South Adams st., who died at noon yesterday in St. Francis hospital following injuries received September 8 when thrown from a hayrack on a farm near Mossville, will be conducted at 9 a.m. tomorrow by the county coroner. Fred Neavill, a brother, on whose farm Tillman was working, told the coroner’s office that his brother was thrown from the hayrack when his team bolted. The wheels of the hayrack then ran over his body, the coroner was told. He was born in Marion county, Ill., on June 9, 1870, the son of George W. and May Nichols Neavil. Surviving is a brother, Fred Neavil. 141 Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. tomorrow at the Ziegler-Connors funeral home, The Rev. H. C. Smith will officiate and interment will be in Parkview cemetery. The following is from the Peoria Journal Star, October 6, 1943, p. 17: Neavill Death Is Termed Accident The death of Leman Tillman Neavill, 73 years old, of Peoria, who died Monday from injuries incurred September 8 in a fall from a hayrack, was held an accident by a coroner’s jury this morning. Death was due to pneumonia which complicated his injury. Fred Neavill, operator of a farm near Mossville, told the jury he was working for the Illinois-Iowa Power company the night of September 7 when his brother came to the farm. Mr. Neavill said he did not want his brother working at the farm, and that while he was sleeping the following day, the fatal accident occurred. Robert Wynn, farm hand, said Leman came into the field where he was working and climbed on the hayrack. As he started to turn the team around, Wynn said, the rack hit a stump, causing the team to bolt and throw Mr. Neavill from the hayrack. LLOYD NEAVILL Lloyd Neavill (child of George and Melvina [Nichols] Neavill) was born ????. WALTER NEAVILL Walter Neavill (child of George and Melvina [Nichols] Neavill) was born ????. W I L L I A M E L IS H A N E AV I L L William Elisha Neavill (son of James and Indiana [Neavill?] Neavill) was born 25 Mar 1847 in Effingham, Illinois, and died 07 Nov 1923. He married Agnes G. Puffer (daughter of Hugh Puffer and Phila ?) sometime before 1868. Agnes was born 1847 and died 1927. William Elisha Neavill was probably given his middle name for his uncle, Elisha Neaville (see p. 165). William E. and Agnes (Puffer) Neavill are buried in Victory Cemetery, west of Fairfield, Illinois. William Elisha Neavill’s death certificate lists the cause of his death as “Ulcers of the stomach–not tubercular. Secondary: bronchitis acute.” Diane (Neaville) Oskins wrote, “My father remembers Agnes Puffer rocking on her front porch, smoking a corncob pipe. He said she was ½ Cherokee.” The following obituary is from the Wayne County Press, Nov. 15, 1923, p. 1: Death of Wm. E. Neaville William E. Neaville, one of the well known citizens of Sims, died last Wednesday, November 7th, 1923, aged 76 years, seven months and twelve days. He had suffered an attack of pneumonia. He leaves his widow and 142 The Neaveill Family the following children: Emery Neaville, Cape Girardeau Mo.; George Neaville, of Mt. Vernon, Illinois; Charles Neaville, Johnston City, Illinois; Grover Neaville, of Big Mound township; Cordia, wife of James Means, of Fairfield, Ill.; Cora, wife of Charles Brown, of Keenes, Ill.; Myrtle, wife of George Tunnell, of Sims. There are several children who have died. The burial was on Thursday at Victory. The funeral service of the I. O. O. F. was given by the Sims lodge. * * * Children of William Neavill and Agnes Puffer are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Cordia Neavill Emory M. Neavill Cora Ann Neavill Myrtle Neavill James Hugh Neavill Rosa M. Neavill Grover J. Neavill George Neaville Charles Byrd Neavill CORDIA ADALAID NEAVILL Cordia Adalaid Neavill (daughter of William and Agnes [Puffer] Neavill) was born about 1868 in Kinmundy, Marion County, Illinois, and died 06 Sep 1939 in Wayne County, Illinois. She married (1) Josiah “Jeff” M. Sager (son of Tilghman Sager and Rachel Wertenberger). Jeff Sager was born about 1861 and died ????. Cordia married (2) John Windland (son of Henry Windland and Mary ?) 31 Aug 1908 in Wayne County, Illinois. John was born 12 Sep 1873 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died 17 May 1911 in Wayne County, Illinois. John Windland is buried in Victory Cemetery, west of Fairfield, Illinois. His grave is next to that of his father-inlaw (William Elisha Neavill). Cordia married (3) James Means. Children of Cordia Neavill and Jeff Sager are: 1. Lillie Lea Sager 2. Perry E. Sager 3. Wreath B. Sager 2. 3. 4. 5. T. L. “Chink” Ashbrook Marian Ashbrook Doris Ashbrook June Ashbrook Bert E. Ashbrook Bert E. Ashbrook (son of Roscoe and Lillie [Sager] Ashbrook) was born 02 Apr 1914 in Sims, Illinois, and died at the age of eighty-eight on 18 Nov 2002 in Quincy, Illinois. He married Marge R. Goodman (daughter of ? Goodman and ?). Marge died 06 May 2002. The following obituary is from an unknown newspaper: OBITUARY Bert Ashbrook, 88, Succumbs in Quincy Bert E. Ashbrook, 88, of Marquette Heights, fromerly of Fairfield, died Monday, Nov. 18, 2002 at the Illinois Veterans Home in Quincy. He worked at Caterpillar, Inc. as an inspector for 26 years, retiring in 1977. Graveside Services Graveside services will be held at Maple Hill Cemetery in Fairfield on Friday at 11 a.m. Rev. Donald Smith will officiate. There will be no visitation. Johnson Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. Mr. Ashbrook was born April 2, 1914 in Sims, the son of Roscoe and Lillie Sager Ashbrook. He was married to Marge R. Goodman of Fairfield, who preceded him in death on May 6, 2002. He was a veteran of World War II, a member of American Legion Post #1234 of Creve Coeur, and a charter member of the First Baptist Church in Marquette Heights. The Survivors Survivors include two daughters, Connie Joswick, Marquette, MI, and Lillian Ehrett of Creve Coeur; three sisters, Marion Weedman of Fairfield; Doris Payne of Gillette, WY; and June Potter of Grayville. Two grandchildren also survive. Memorials may be made to the First Baptist Church of Marquette Heights. * LILLIE LEA SAGER Lillie Lea Sager (daughter of Jeff and Cordia [Neavill] Sager) was born 15 Sep 1888 in Big Mound Township, Wayne County, Illinois and died Apr 1975 in Wayne County, Illinois. She married Roscoe Ashbrook, 18 Jul 1907, Wayne County, Illinois. Roscoe was born about 1883 and died ????. See the photo of Lillie (Sager) Ashbrook on p. 109. Children of Lillie Sager and Roscoe Ashbrook are: 1. Bert E. Ashbrook * * Chldren of Bert Ashbrooka nd Marge Goodman are: 1. Connie Ashbrook 2. Lillian Ashbrook Connie Ashbrook Connie Ashbrook (daughter of Bert and Marge [Goodman] Ashbrook) was born ????. She married ? Joswick (son of ? Joswick and ?). Descendants of James Neavill Lillian Ashbrook Lillian Ashbrook ( daughter of Bert and Marge [Goodman] Ashbrook) was born ????. She married ? Ehrett (son of ? Ehrett and ?). T. L. “Chink” Ashbrook T. L. “Chink” Ashbrook (son of Roscoe and Lillie [Sager] Ashbrook) was born 17 Feb 1918 in Sims, Illinois, and died at the age of eighty-three on 19 Apr 2001 in Mancos, Colorado. He married Nadine Wheat (daughter of ? Wheat and ?) 29 May 1946. The following obituary is from an unknown newspaper: OBITUARY T.L. (Chink) Ashbrook Dies in West; New Mexico Rites T. L. (Chink) Ashbrook, 83, of Farmington, N.M., died in Mancos, Colo. Thursday, Apr. 19, 2001. Mr. Ashbrook grew up in Fairfield. He had worked in oil fields in Illinois, New Mexico, Utah, Texas, Colorado and Indiana. He moved to Farmington in 1957 and retired from Consolidated Oil & Gas in 1987. Rites Conducted Funeral rites were conducted Monday morning (today) at the Brewer, Lee & Larkin Funeral Home in Farmington, with Jack Wheat officiating. Interment was in Memory Gardens there. He was born in Sims Feb. 17, 1918, the son of Roscoe and Lillian Ashbrook. On May 29, 1946, he was married to Nadine Wheat. He was preceded in death by one son, his parents, and two brothers. He was active in the Sunrise Cristian Church. Memorials may be made to Sunrise Christian Church Camp in Farmington. Surviving are his wife, Nadine Ashbrook of Farmington, N.M.; his children, John (Cindy) Mitchel of Iola; Janice (Randy) Wick of Farmington, N.M.; Beverly Bardin of Glasgow, Ky.; Celenda Hardin of Albuquerque, N.M.; Priscilla (Jeff) Tucker of Farmington, N.M.; Lee (Karen) Ashbrook of Farmington, N.M.; Delores (Andy) Charley of Famington, N.M. and Karen (Jeff) Stone of Farmington, N.M.; 20 grandchildren; 18 great-grandchildren and a family friend, Dorothy McCrery of Fort Morgan, Co.; one brother, Bert Ashbrook of Peoria; and three sisters, Marian Weedman of Fairfield; Doris Payne of Gilette Qyo.; and June Potter of Grayville. * * Beverly Ashbrook Celenda Ashbrook Priscilla Ashbrook Lee Ashbrook Delores Ashbrook Karen Ashbrook John Mitchell John Mitchell (son of Chink and Nadine [Wheat] Ashbrook) was born ????. He married Cindy ?. Janice Ashbrook Janice Ashbrook (daughter of Chink and Nadine [Wheat] Ashbrook) was born ????. She married Randy Wick (son of ? Wick and ?). Beverly Ashbrook Beverly Ashbrook (daughter of Chink and Nadine [Wheat] Ashbrook) was born ????. She married ? Bardin (son of ? Bardin and ?). Celenda Ashbrook Celenda Ashbrook (daughter of Chink and Nadine [Wheat] Ashbrook) was born ????. She married ? Hardin (son of ? Hardin and ?). Priscilla Ashbrook Priscilla Ashbrook (daughter of Chink and Nadine [Wheat] Ashbrook) was born ????. She married Jeff Tucker (son of ? Tucker and ?). Lee Ashbrook Lee Ashbrook (son of Chink and Nadine [Wheat] Ashbrook) was born ????. He married Karen ?. Delores Ashbrook Delores Ashbrook (daughter of Chink and Nadine [Wheat] Ashbrook) was born ????. She married Andy Charley (son of ? Charley and ?). Karen Ashbrook Karen Ashbrook (daughter of Chink and Nadine [Wheat] Ashbrook) was born ????. She married Jeff Stone (son of ? Stone and ?). Marian Ashbrook Marian Ashbrook (daughter of Roscoe and Lillie [Sager] Ashbrook) was born ????. She married ? Weedman (son of ? Weedman and ?). * Children of Chink Ashbrook and Nadine Wheat are: 1. John Mitchell 2. Janice Ashbrook 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 143 Doris Ashbrook Doris Ashbrook (daughter of Roscoe and Lillie [Sager] Ashbrook) was born ????. She married ? Payne (son of ? Payne and ?). 144 The Neaveill Family June Ashbrook Pauline Sager June Ashbrook (daughter of Roscoe and Lillie [Sager] Ashbrook) was born ????. She married ? Potter (son of ? Potter and ?). Pauline Sager (daughter of Perry and Gilla [Stanley] Sager) was born ????. She married John Telford. Mary Sager PERRY E. SAGER Perry E. Sager (son of Jeff and Cordia [Neavill] Sager) was born 24 Jul 1890 in Big Mound Township, Wayne County, Illinois and died 15 Jul 1974, Salem, Illinois. He married Gilla A. Stanley. Gilla was born about 1890 and died ????. The following obituary is from the Wayne County Press, July 15, 1974, p. 2: OBITUARY Perry Sager Dies A long-time resident of Fairfield, Perry Sager, 83, who has been living in Salem recently, died at 4 a.m. Monday (today) in the Salem Hospital. Mr. Sager had been in poor health for a number of months, resulting from a serious stroke which resulted in partial paralysis. Funeral services will be conducted at 1 p.m. Wednesday at the Atkins Funeral Home in Salem, The body will be returned to Fairfield for burial in Maple Hill Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home between 6 and 9 p.m. Tuesday. Mr. Sager was born south of Boyleston, the son of J. M. “Jeff” Sager and Cordy Neavills. As a young man, he left Wayne county, working as a newsboy on a train for a while. He returned and married Gilla Stanley, an aunt of Carson Stanley, of Fairfield. She survives. Mr. Sager worked many years at Sexton’s Manufacturing plant until it closed. He joined Airtex products and retired from there three years ago. The Survivors Surviving are his widow; one son, Jim Sager, and two daughters, Mrs. John (Pauline) Telford, and Mrs. Bob (Mary) Roddy, all of Salem; a number of grandchildren; and a sister, Mrs. Lily Ashbrook, of Fairfield. * * * Children of Perry Sager and Gilla Stanley are: 1. Jim Sager 2. Pauline Sager 3. Mary Sager Jim Sager Jim Sager (son of Perry and Gilla [Stanley] Sager) was born ????. Mary Sager (daughter of Perry and Gilla [Stanley] Sager) was born ????. She married Bob Roddy. WREATH B. SAGER Wreath B. Sager (daughter of Jeff and Cordia [Neavill] Sager) was born about 1892, Illinois. She married Edgar W. Vaughan 10 Aug 1912 in Wayne County, Illinois. Edgar was born about 1888 and died ????. EMORY M. NEAVILL Emory M. Neavill (son of William and Agnes [Puffer] Neavill) was born 18 Nov 1870 in Big Mound Township, Wayne County, Illinois, and died 09 Oct 1943 in Olney, Richland County, Illinois. He married (1) Sarah Elizabeth Finley (daughter of Richard Finley and Rebecca ?) 26 Apr 1893 in Wayne County, Illinois. Sarah was born 04 Feb 1875 in Big Mound Township, Wayne County, Illinois, and died 21 Jun 1917 in Wayne County, Illinois. Emory married (2) Lue Vada ?. Emory’s death certificate lists the cause of his death as “Coronary.” Sarah Elizabeth (Finley) Neavill is buried in Pin Oak Cemetery, west of Fairfield, Illinois. Sarah’s death certificate lists the cause of her death as “Carcinoma of cervix.” The following obituary is from the Wayne County Press, June 28, 1917, p. 1: OBITUARY Mrs. E. M. Neaville Sarah Elizabeth, daughter of Richard and Rebecca Finley, was born February 4th 1875, departed this life June 21st, 1917, aged 42 years, 4 months and 17 days. She was united in marriage to E. M. Neaville, April 3rd, 1893. To this union were born nine children, 4 boys and 5 girls. Pat Maurice, Beulah, Fay, Champ, Madge, Ruth, Andy, Maxwell and Flo, all of whom were with her when she fell asleep, except Pat Maurice and Fay, who had preceded her to the better land. She professed a hope in Christ in 1906 and was baptized into the fellowship of the Sims Baptist Church, by Elder J. H. Whitson and lived a consistent and devoted christian life. About three years ago she became afflicted with cancer and had been a constant sufferer ever since. Funeral services were conducted by the writer assisted by Dr. J. E. Dixon and Eld. W. J. Anderson. The burial was in the Pin Oak cemetery. D. J. S. Bright * * * Descendants of James Neavill Children of Emory Neavill and Sarah Finley are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Pat Maurice Neavill Beulah Neavill Fay Neavill Champ Neavill Madge Neavill Ruth Neavill Andy Neavill Maxwell Neavill Flo Neavill Robert Audrey Neavill PAT MAURICE NEAVILL Pat Maurice Neavill (son of Emory and Sarah [Finley] Neavill) was born ???? and died sometime before 1917. BEULAH NEAVILL Beulah Neavill (daughter of Emory and Sarah [Finley] Neavill) was born 22 Dec 1895 in Big Mound Township, Wayne County, Illinois. FAY NEAVILL Fay Neavill (daughter of Emory and Sarah [Finley] Neavill) was born ???? and died sometime before 1917. CHAMP CLARK NEAVILL 145 FLO NEAVILL Flo Neavill (daughter of Emory and Sarah [Finley] Neavill) was born ????. ROBERT AUDREY NEAVILL Robert Audrey Neavill (son of Emory and Sarah [Finley] Neavill) was born 24 Apr 1905 in Arrington Township, Wayne County, Illinois. CORA ANN NEAVILL Cora Ann Neavill (daughter of William and Agnes [Puffer] Neavill) was born 1873 in Boyleston, Illinois, and died 1956. She married (1) Henry Marshall Curry (son of Charles Curry and Elizabeth Carson) 28 Jul 1892 in Wayne County, Illinois. Henry was born 31 Jan 1869 in Boyleston, Illinois, and died 31 Oct 1898. Cora married (2) Charles C. Brown (son of Joseph Brown and Jane Harmon) 19 Nov 1899. Charles was born 1861 in Randolph County, Illinois, and died 1937. Children of Cora Neavill and Henry Curry are: 1. Ralph Garrett Curry 2. Pearly Curry Children of Cora Neavill and Charles Brown are: 3. Roscoe Brown 4. Luly Fay Brown Champ Clark Neavill (son of Emory and Sarah [Finley] Neavill) was born 16 Feb 1900 or 1901 in Illinois and died 10 Feb 1983 in California. RALPH GARRETT CURRY MADGE NEAVILL Ralph Garrett Curry (son of Henry and Cora [Neavill] Curry) was born 19 Aug 1896 in Big Mound Township, Wayne County, Illinois, and died 10 Nov 1942. He is buried in Thomason Cemetery in Wayne County, Illinois. Madge Neavill (daughter of Emory and Sarah [Finley] Neavill) was born ????. PEARLY CURRY RUTH NEAVILL Ruth Neavill (daughter of Emory and Sarah [Finley] Neavill) was born ????. Pearly Curry (child of Henry and Cora [Neavill] Curry) was born 24 May 1895, Boyleston, Wayne County, Illinois and died 26 Jun 1895, Boyleston, Wayne County, Illinois. ROSCOE BROWN ANDY NEAVILL Andy Neavill (son of Emory and Sarah [Finley] Neavill) was born ????. Roscoe Brown (son of Charles and Cora [Neavill] Brown) was born 28 Jan 1908, Wayne County, Illinois and died 26 Oct 1913, Wayne County, Illinois. MAXWELL NEAVILL LULY FAY BROWN Maxwell Neavill (son of Emory and Sarah [Finley] Neavill) was born ????. Luly Fay Brown (daughter of Charles and Cora [Neavill] Brown) was born 03 May 1905 and died 30 Jan 1907. 146 The Neaveill Family MYRTLE NEAVILL Myrtle Neavill (daughter of William and Agnes [Puffer] Neavill) was born about 1875. She married George Tunnel (son of James Tunnel and Marsha Tubbs) 29 Oct 1893 in Wayne County, Illinois. George was born about 1868 and died ????. Child of Myrtle Neavill and George Tunnel is: 1. Jessie M. Tunnel JESSIE M. TUNNEL Jessie M. Tunnel (daughter of George and Myrtle [Neavill] Tunnel) was born about 1893 in Wayne County, Illinois. She married L. G. Scott (son of Emery A. Scott and Nancy Brumfield) 27 Nov 1910 in Wayne County, Illinois. Rites Tuesday Funeral rites will be held from Nale’s Funeral Home at 2 p.m. Tuesday, with Tom Pope officiating. Interment will be in Maple Hill cemetery. Visitation at Nale’s will be 6 to 8 Monday evening (tonight). She was born Feb. 23, 1908, at Boyleston, the daughter of James Hugh Neavill and Lona Clevenger Neavill Maulding. In June 1943 she was married to Perry M. Young. Mrs. Young was a member of the Victory Baptist Church. The Survivors Surviving are her husband, Perry; one daughter, Helen Lynch Dunn; and a number of nieces and nephews. Preceding her in death were her parents and four brothers. * * * Child of Irene Neavill and Perry Young is: JAMES HUGH NEAVILL 1. Helen Young James Hugh Neavill (son of William and Agnes [Puffer] Neavill) was born 16 Mar 1880 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died 09 Oct 1911. James was the twin brother of Rosa M. Neavill. He married (1) Arthelie Linder (daughter of George Linder and Mary Jones) 25 Dec 1901 in Wayne County, Illinois. Arthelie was born about 1882 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died ????. James married (2) Lona Clevenger (daughter of Stephen Clevenger and Mary Collins) 20 Oct 1906 in Wayne County, Illinois. Lona was born 12 Aug 1886 and died ????. Children of James Neavill and Lona Clevenger are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Irene Bonnie Neavill James Opal Neaville Orlando Neavill Arlo Hugh Neavill IRENE BONNIE NEAVILL Irene Bonnie Neavill (daughter of James and Lona [Clevenger] Neavill) was born 23 Feb 1908 and died 16 May 1993. She married Perry Young. The following obituary is from the Wayne County Press, May 17, 1993, p. 2: OBITUARY Mrs. Irene Young, 85, Dies At Way-Fair; Rites Tuesday Mrs. Irene Young, 85, of Fairfield, died Sunday morning, May 16, 1993, at Way-Fair Restorium. A retired Airtex worker, Mrs. Young had been in failing health for the past ten years. She was employed at Airtex for over 30 years, retiring in 1973. Helen Young Helen Young (daughter of Perry and Irene [Neavill] Young) was born ????. She married ? Dunn. JAMES OPAL NEAVILLE James Opal Neaville (son of James and Lona [Clevenger] Neavill) was born 13 Feb 1910, and died Jan 1982. He married Joyce Kunce (daughter of Joseph Kunce and Ellen Shannon). Joyce was born 1925. James Opal Neaville is buried in Maple Hill Cemetery (Fairfield, Illinois). The following is from the Wayne County Press, Jan. 25, 1982, p. 5: OBITUARY OPAL NEAVILLE, 71, DIES James Opal Neaville, 71, a native of Sims and a Fairfield resident, died at 10:55 a.m. Sunday at Memorial Hospital. Mr. Neaville had been a patient for about 24 hours prior to his death and had been admitted from Way-Fair Nursing Home. He had been a resident at Way-Fair since Jan. 13 and had been hospitalized at Memorial for three weeks prior to moving into Way-Fair. He had been in declining health after suffering a series of strokes and respiratory problems since 1965. Private Services Private funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Nales Funeral Home in Fairfield with Rev. Charles Cralley officiating. Burial will be conducted at Maple Hill Cemetery in Fairfield. Descendants of James Neavill Visitation will be held from 5–8 p.m. Monday (tonight) at the funeral home. He was born in Sims Feb. 13, 1910, the son of James Huey and Lona (Clevenger) Neaville. He attended school in the Sims and Aden area. Mr. Neaville married the former Joyce Kunce June 14, 1942 in Cape Girardeau. She survives. He was employed in the oilfields in Wayne and White counties and worked until his health forced him to retire. Mr. Neaville was best known to Fairfield residents for his yearly appearance as Santa Claus, the past ten years. He was a member of the Jesus Name Apostolic church of Fairfield. The Survivors Survivors include: three sons, Bobby Joe, of Pinckneyville; Leonard, of Cisne; Michael, of Vandalia; two daughters, Mrs. Clinton (Sharon) Johnson, of Enfield; Mrs. Dan (Bonnie) Wiley, of Charleston; one brother, Arlo Neaville, of Fairfield; one sister, Mrs. Perry (Irene) Young, of Geff; and five grandchildren. * * * Children of James Neaville and Joyce Kunce are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Robert Joseph “Bobby Joe” Neaville Sharon Jacqulyn Neaville Bonnie Neaville Leonard Dale Neaville Michael Keith Neaville Robert Joseph “Bobby Joe” Neaville Robert Joseph “Bobby Joe” Neaville (son of James and Joyce [Kunce] Neaville) was born 31 May 1943. He married Betty Wingert (daughter of Elmond “Mike” Wingert and Wilma ?) 01 Sep 1973 in Pinckneyville, Illinois. Betty was born 03 Feb 1952. Children of Bobby Joe Neaville and Betty Wingert are: 147 Clinton Johnson (son of Elijah Wood Johnson and Maidy Opal Hays). Children of Sharon Neaville and Clinton Johnson are: 1. James Scott Johnson 2. Steven Kent Johnson 3. Summer Lynn Johnson James Scott Johnson James Scott Johnson (son of Clinton and Sharon [Neaville] Johnson) was born 25 Nov 1964. Steven Kent Johnson Steven Kent Johnson (son of Clinton and Sharon [Neaville] Johnson) was born 29 Jan 1969. Summer Lynn Johnson Summer Lynn Johnson (daughter of Clinton and Sharon [Neaville] Johnson) was born 28 Aug 1983. Bonnie Neaville Bonnie Neaville (daughter of James and Joyce [Kunce] Neaville) was born 06 Apr 1948 in Mill Shoals, White County, Illinois. She married Danny Lynn Wiley (son of Willard Wiley and Ann Clow) in 1968. Dan and Bonnie both work at Lerna Elementary School in Lerna, Illinois. Dan is a fourth-grade teacher and Bonnie is a teacher’s aide. Children of Bonnie Neaville and Dan Wiley are: 1. Christopher Todd Wiley 2. Emily Sue Wiley Christopher Todd Wiley Christopher Todd Wiley (son of Dan and Bonnie [Neaville] Wiley) was born 08 Sep 1971 and died 01 Aug 1997 in Charleston, Illinois. The following obituary is from the Wayne County Press, Aug. 4, 1997, p. 2: OBITUARY 1. James Robert Neaville 2. Dustin Edward Neaville James Robert Neaville James Robert Neaville (son of Bobby Joe and Betty [Wingert] Neaville) was born 21 Jan 1978. Dustin Edward Neaville Dustin Edward Neaville (son of Bobby Joe and Betty [Wingert] Neaville) was born 10 Nov 1986. Sharon Jacquelyn Neaville Sharon Jacquelyn Neaville (daughter of James and Joyce [Kunce] Neaville) was born 26 Apr 1945. She married James Christopher Todd Wiley, 25, Dies in Charleston Wreck Christopher Todd Wiley, 25, of Charleston, was killed in a one-car accident about 2:30 p.m. Friday, Aug. 1, 1997. He was a grandson of Willard and Ann Wiley, and Mrs. Joyce Neaville, all of Fairfield. Christopher worked for R. R. Donnelly & Sons in Mattoon and reportedly was returning from work there in production when he lost control of his car on an S curve and struck a utility pole. Graveside Rites Here Graveside services were conducted Monday morning (today) at the Maple Hill Cemetery in Fairfield. The Adams Funeral Home in Charleston was in charge of arrangements. 148 The Neaveill Family Mr. Wiley was born in Charleston Sept. 8, 1971, the son of Danny and Bonnie Neaville Wiley. He was a 1989 graduate of Charleston High School and was a member of East Harrison Street Church of God. The Survivors Surviving are his parents; one sister, Emily Wiley, of Charleston; three grandparents, Willard and Ann Wiley and Mrs. Joyce Neaville, all of Fairfield; and a number of aunts and uncles. He was preceded in death by one grandfather and one uncle. * * * Construction Worker Mr. Neaville had been a construction worker. Private graveside services will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday, with Bro. Roger Willis officiating. Visitation will be 6–8 p.m. Tuesday at Nale’s. Mr Neaville was born in Fairfield Dec 6., 1958, the son of James V. and Joyce Kunce Neaville. His father preceded him in death. He was never married. The Survivors Surviving are his mother; two brothers, Bobby J. Neaville, of Pinckneyville; and Leonard Neaville, of Cisne; two sisters, Sharon Johnson, of Enfield; and Bonnie Wiley, of Charleston; and six nephews and two nieces. Emily Sue Wiley Emily Sue Wiley (daughter of Dan and Bonnie [Neaville] Wiley) was born 26 Feb 1975. In 1994, Emily was crowned Miss Coles County and was a finalist in the state pageant in 1995. Emily graduated with high honors from Eastern Illinois University in 1997. She currently teaches kindergarten at Mark Twain School in Charleston, Illinois. ORLANDO NEAVILL Leonard Dale Neaville ARLO HUGH NEAVILL Leonard Dale Neaville (son of James and Joyce [Kunce] Neaville) was born 29 Nov 1956 in Fairfield, Illinois. He married Ginger Barnfield (daughter of Howard Barnfield and Lois Caldwell) 19 Aug 1977 in Cisne, Illinois. Ginger was born 14 Apr 1957. Child of Leonard Neaville and Ginger Barnfield is: Arlo Hugh Neavill (son of James and Lona [Clevenger] Neavill) was born 07 May 1914 in Sims, Illinois, and died 06 May 1992 in Wayne County, Illinois. He married Mary A. Neal (daughter of James Neal and Alice Gross) 1936. Mary was born 23 Aug 1918 in Coles County, Illinois, and died 17 May 1995 in Wayne County, Illinois. Arlo Hugh and Mary A. Neavill are buried in Maple Hill Cemetery (Fairfield, Illinois). The following is from the Wayne County Press, May 7, 1992, p. 2: 1. Jeffrey Dale Neaville Jeffrey Dale Neaville Jeffrey Dale Neaville (son of Leonard and Ginger [Barnfield] Neaville) was born 17 Feb 1983 in Flora, Illinois. Michael Keith Neaville Michael Keith Neaville (son of James and Joyce [Kunce] Neaville) was born 06 Dec 1958 and died 11 May 1997 in Mt. Vernon, Illinois. He is buried in Maple Hill Cemetery (Fairfield, Illinois). The following obituary is from the Wayne County Press, May 12, 1997: OBITUARY MICHAEL NEAVILLE, 38, DIES AT GOOD SAM; PRIVATE RITES Michael Neaville, 38, of 909 West Center, died at 4:25 p.m. Sunday, May 11, 1997, at Good Samaritan Health Center in Mt. Vernon. He had been in declining health for a year and a half with cirrhosis of the liver. * * * Orlando Neavill (son of James and Lona [Clevenger] Neavill) was born 1911 and died 07 Jul 1913. He is buried in Victory Cemetery, west of Fairfield, Illinois. OBITUARY ARLO H. NEAVILL, 77, DIES AT HOSPITAL; RITES SATURDAY Arlo H. Neavill, 77, of Fairfield, died at 12:45 a.m. Wednesday, May 6, 1992, at Fairfield Memorial Hospital. Mr. Neavill, a retired truck driver for Garman Trucking, had been in good health but suffered a stroke last Thursday morning. Later that day he was airflighted to a St. Louis hospital. He was returned to Fairfield Memorial by ambulance early this week and placed in skilled Care. Rites Saturday Funeral services will be held from Nale’s Funeral Home at 2 p.m. Saturday, with Rev. James Conner and Rev. Rudy Barnett officiating. Interment will be in Maple Hill cemetery. Visitation at Nale’s will be 6 tp 8 Friday evening. Descendants of James Neavill He was born at ims May 7, 1914, the son of James H. and Lona Clevenger Neavill. On Apr. 3, 1937, he was married to Mary Neal. Mr. Neavill was a longtime member of the Lebanon North C.P. Church and had served for a number of years as an elder there. He was preceded in death by two sons, his parents and two brothers. Memorials may be made to the Lebanon North C.P. Church. 149 Children of Arlo Neavill and Mary Neal are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. James Neavill Connie Neavill Arlo Hugh “Hughie” Neavill, Jr. Sandra Neavill Stephen Dale Neavill Barbara Neavill James Neavill The Survivors Surviving are his wife, Mary; one son, Arlo H. Neavill, Jr., of Fairfield; three daughters, Connie Williams of Deltona, Fla.; Sandra Sumner of Gillete, Wyo.; and Barbara Ring of Olney; one sister, Irene Young of Fairfield; 11 grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren. * * * The following obituary for Mary [Neal] Neavill appeared in the Wayne County Press, May 18, 1995, p. 2: OBITUARY MRS MARY A. NEAVILL DIES HERE; RITES ON SATURDAY Mrs. Mary A. Neavill, 76, Fairfield Route 1 resident, died at 1:20 a.m. Wednesday, May 17, 1995 at Fairfield Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Neavill was a restaurant owner here for a number of years and also was employed at the Fairfield Memorial Hospital office. She had been in declining health for six months with heart disease. Rites Saturday Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday from Nale’s Funeral Home, with Rev. Jim Connor officiating. Interment will be in Maple Hill Cemetery. Visitation at Nale’s will be conducted from 6 to 8 Friday evening. She was born in Coles County Aug. 23, 1918, the daughter of James and Alice Gross Neal. In 1936 she was married to Arlo Hugh Neavill. He died in May of 1992. Also preceding her in death were her parents, two sons, two brothers and one sister. Mrs. Neavill was a member of the Lebanon North Cumberland Presbyterian Church southeast of Fairfield. Memorials may be made to the Lebanon North C.P. Church. The Survivors Surviving are one son, Arlo H., Jr., of Fairfield; three daughters, Connie Williams, of Deltona, Fla.; Sandra Sumner, of Gillette, Wyo.; and Barbara Ring, of Olney; 11 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. * * * James Neavill (son of Arlo and Mary [Neal] Neavill) was born 11 Dec 1937 and died Dec 1979. James is buried in Maple Hill Cemetery in Fairfield, Illinois. Connie Neavill Connie Neavill (daughter of Arlo and Mary [Neal] Neavill) was born ????. She married ? Williams. Arlo Hugh “Hughie” Neavill, Jr. Arlo Hugh “Hughie” Neavill, Jr. (son of Arlo and Mary [Neal] Neavill) was born ????. He married Phyllis Kay Young (daughter of Beryl Young and Mary Shaffer). Phyllis was born 12 Nov 1946. She was the great great granddaughter of Francis Marion Young, who was the brother of Lucinda (Young) Neaveill (see p. 1). Child of Hughie Neavill and Phyllis Young is: 1. Carrie Neavill Carrie Neavill Carrie Neavill (daughter of Hughie and Phyllis [Young] Neavill) was born ????. She married Randall Dean Baker (son of Ab and Shirley [Clark] Baker) 16 May 1988. Carrie and Randall are distant double cousins (for more information, see p. 77). Sandra Neavill Sandra Neavill (daughter of Arlo and Mary [Neal] Neavill) was born ????. She married ? Summer. Stephen Dale Neavill Stephen Dale Neavill (son of Arlo and Mary [Neal] Neavill) was born 14 Oct 1947 and died 14 Feb 1971. He was a Vietnam War veteran. He is buried in Maple Hill Cemetery (Fairfield, Illinois). Barbara Neavill Barbara Neavill (daughter of Arlo and Mary [Neal] Neavill) was born ????. She married George Ring. 150 The Neaveill Family ROSA M. NEAVILL The following is from the Wayne County Press, date unknown: Rosa M. Neavill (daughter of William and Agnes [Puffer] Neavill) was born 16 Mar 1880 and died 22 Dec 1917. Rosa was the twin sister of James Hugh Neavill. GROVER J. NEAVILL Grover J. Neavill (son of William and Agnes [Puffer] Neavill) was born 13 Sep 1884 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died 13 Jul 1954. He married Rena May Butler (daughter of John Butler and Sarah London) 05 Jul 1908 in Wayne County, Illinois. Rena was born 24 May 1889 in Big Mound Township, Wayne County, Illinois, and died Mar 1972. Rena’s father, John Butler, was the brother of Mary Jane Butler who married Enoch Levi Neaveill (see p. 7) and Siberia May Butler who married John Thomas Neaveill (see p. 28). Grover J. and Rena May (Butler) Neavill are buried in Richland Cemetery, southwest of Fairfield, Illinois. The following is from the Wayne County Press, July 15, 1954, p. 1: OBITUARY GROVER J. NEAVILL, OF BOYLESTON, DIES Well-Known Farmer of Richland Church Neighborhood Died Tuesday at Hospital Grover J. Neavill, 69, farmer south of Boyleston, died Tuesday at Memorial hospital after an illness of two weeks. Mr. Neavill had been hospitalized for a week. Funeral services will be held from the Richland church Friday afternoon at two o’clock, with Rev. Raymond Musgrave officiating. Burial will be in Richland cemetery. The body is at the Nale Funeral Home until the funeral hour. Mr. Neavill was born September 13th, 1884 in Wayne county, Ill. He was a lifelong resident of this county, living most of his life in the Richland church neighborhood and for a time at Sims. Surviving are his wife, Rena; a son, Kenneth of California; a son Paul of Boyleston; and a son Leonard of near Wayne City; and a daughter, Mary Wilma of Nebraska. Mr. Neavill was an uncle of Perry Sager and Mrs. Lillie Ashbrook of this city. * * * Children of Grover Neavill and Rena Butler are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Paul Leo Neavill William Kenneth Neavill Edna Neavill Leonard Eugene Neaville Thelma L. Neavill Mary Wilma Neavill THE NEAVILL BROTHERS IN SERVICE Among the parents in Wayne County acquainted with the anxiety that comes with having sons in action are Mr. and Mrs. Grover Neavill, of Fairfield, R.R. 1. The eldest son, S/Sgt. Paul L. Neavill entered the service on January 24, 1941. He has been wounded five times and was shell shocked in the attack on Attu Island and was awarded the Purple Teart [sic]. Paul spent four months in the hospital at Vancouver, Wash., after which he was given a medical discharge. He and his wife are now living at Santa Anna, Calif. The second son, Pvt. W. Kenneth Neavill, entered service on June 11, 1942. He has been overseas now for about 18 months, going first to North Africa, and from there to Sicily. He is now probably in Italy. Leonard E. Neavill, A.S. entered training at Great Lakes in December, 1943. Having completed his boot training there, he is now attending the Arm Guard School at Gulfport, Miss. PAUL LEO NEAVILL Paul Leo Neavill (son of Grover and Rena [Butler] Neavill) was born 25 Apr 1913 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died 11 Sep 1980. He married (1) Maxine Yorton. He married (2) Maxine Legg. Children of Paul Neavill and Maxine Yorton are: 1. Wilma Jean Neavill 2. Shirley Ann Neavill Child of Paul Neavill and Maxine Legg is: 3. Paula Yvonne McKitrick Wilma Jean Neavill Wilma Jean Neavill (daughter of Paul and Maxine [Yorton] Neavill) was born 01 Jul 1944 in Orange County, California. She married (1) Buddy Ross Warren (son of John Warren and Rachel Mayberry) 14 Nov 1966 in Fairfield, Wayne County, Illinois. She married (2) Elvis Ray Woods (son of Harold Woods and Evelyn Lambert) 14 Feb 1975 in Richland County, Illinois. Children of Jean Neavill and Buddy Warren are: 1. Buddy Ross Warren 2. Billye Jon Warren 3. Jerri Dawn Warren Buddy Ross Warren Buddy Ross Warren (son of Buddy and Wilma [Neavill] Warren) was born 30 Mar 1969 in Okinawa, Japan. He is the twin brother of Billye Jon Warren. Buddy was adopted by Wilma’s second husband, Elvis Woods, 14 Aug 1979. Descendants of James Neavill Billye Jon Warren Billye Jon Warren (daughter of Buddy and Wilma [Neavill] Warren) was born 30 Mar 1969 in Okinawa, Japan. She is the twin sister of Buddy Ross Warren. Billye was adopted by Wilma Jean Neavill’s second husband, Elvis Ray Woods, 14 Aug 1979. Jerri Dawn Warren Jerri Dawn Warren (daughter of Buddy and Wilma [Neavill] Warren) was born 21 Aug 1971 in Leesburg, Florida. She was adopted by Wilma Jean Neavill’s second husband, Elvis Ray Woods, 14 Aug 1979. 151 Lorie Mei Colclasure Lorie Mei Colclasure (daughter of Clyde and Paula [McKitrick] Colclasure) was born 01 May 1961. She married (1) Michael D. Smith (son of ? Smith and ?) 21 Mar 1980. Michael was born 15 Oct 1954. Lorie married (2) Tim J. Witt (son of ? Witt and ?) 02 Jul 1995. Children of Lorie Colclasure and Michael Smith are: 1. Michael Brent Smith 2. Keyma Lynn Smith Michael Brent Smith. Michael Brent Smith (son of Michael and Lorie [Colclasure] Smith) was born 03 Mar 1981. Shirley Ann Neavill Shirley Ann Neavill (daughter of Paul and Maxine [Yorton] Neavill) was born 19 Jun 1952. Paula Yvonne McKitrick Paula McKitrick (daughter of Paul and Maxine [Legg] Neavill) was born 21 Jul 1931. She married Clyde Colclasure (son of ? Cloclasure and ?) 04 May 1949. Clyde was born 18 Jan 1929 and died at the age of fifty-four on 02 Jul 1983. Children of Paula McKitrick and Clyde Colclasure are: 1. Robert Eugene Colclasure 2. Lorie Mei Colclasure Robert Eugene Colclasure Robert Eugene Colclasure (son of Clyde and Paula [McKitrick] Colclasure) was born 27 Jan 1950 and died at the age of forty-three on 13 Sep 1993. He married Jean Pentecost (daughter of ? Pentecost and ?) 17 Jan 1975. Jean was born 05 Apr 1955. Robert and Jean were divorced on 05 Nov 1984. Children of Robert Colclasure and Jean Pentecost are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Robert Eugene Colclasure II Terry Lee Colclasure Anthony James Colclasure Regina Gail Colclasure Robert Eugene Colclasure II. Robert Eugene Colclasure II (son of Robert and Jean [Pentecost] Colclasure) was born 29 Nov 1975. Terry Lee Colclasure. Terry Lee Colclasure (son of Robert and Jean [Pentecost] Colclasure) was born 23 Mar 1977 Anthony James Colclasure. Anthony James Colclasure (son of Robert and Jean [Pentecost] Colclasure) was born 30 Jun 1978. Regina Gail Colclasure. Regina Gail Colclasure (daughter of Robert and Jean [Pentecost] Colclasure) was born 09 Jan 1981. Keyma Lynn Smith. Keyma Lynn Smith (daughter of Michael and Lorie [Colclasure] Smith) was born 20 Jan 1983. WILLIAM KENNETH NEAVILL William Kenneth Neavilll (son of Grover and Rena [Butler] Neavill) was born 19 Dec 1910 in Illinois and died at the age of forty-four on 03 Dec 1955 in Sacramento County, California. EDNA NEAVILL Edna Neavill (daughter of Grover and Rena [Butler] Neavill) was born sometime before 1916. LEONARD EUGENE NEAVILLE Leonard Eugene Neaville (son of Grover and Rena [Butler] Neavill) was born 04 Jan 1916, and died 27 Jul 1987. He married (1) Myrtle Vandema Bankston (daughter of Robert Bankston and Daisy George) 13 Oct 1933. Leonard and Myrtle were distant cousins. Myrtle was the granddaughter of Mary Clemance (Neaveill) George (see p. 93). Leonard married (2) Alta Mae ?. The following is from the Wayne County Press, July 30, 1987, p. 2: OBITUARY LEONARD E. NEAVILLE, RETIRED OILFIELD PUMPER, DIES AT 71 Leonard Eugene Neaville, 71, of Fairfield, a retired oil field pumper, died at 11 p.m. Monday, July 27, 1987, in the intensive care unit of Fairfield Memorial Hospital after suffering from an aneurysm. According to family members, Mr. Neaville had known about his condition and had been in ill health for the past ten months. Rites Conducted Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Thursday (today) at the Johnson Funeral Home in Fairfield, with Rev. Denzil L. Clark officiating. Burial followed in the Richland Cemetery south of Boyleston. 152 The Neaveill Family Mr. Neaville was born in Wayne County Aug. 4, 1916, the son of Grover and Rena Mae (Butler) Neaville. He attended the Richland Congregational Christian Church south of Boyleston. He was a retired oil field pumper for the Texas Company. Mr. Neaville was a veteran of World War II and was a member of the Fairfield American Legion and VFW posts. He attended school at Richland Community School in the Boyleston area. The Survivors Among survivors are one son, Eugene Opal “Jack” of Ft. Wayne, IN; one sister, Mary Wilma Willis of Broken Bow, NE; three grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren. * * * Children of Leonard Neaville and Myrtle Bankston are: 1. Arlie Neaville 2. Opal Eugene Neaville 3. Mary Sue Neaville More information on the children of Leonard and Myrtle [Bankston] Neaville can be found on pp. 103–105. THELMA L. NEAVILL Thelma L. Neavill (daughter of Grover and Rena [Butler] Neavill) was born 09 Jul 1919 in Sims, Illinois, and died 17 Feb 1920 in Sims, Illinois. Her death certificate lists the cause of her death as “Bronchial pneumonia.” MARY WILMA NEAVILL Mary Wilma Neavill (daughter of Grover and Rena [Butler] Neavill) was born 06 Nov 1922 and died 14 Sep 1991 in Nebraska. She married Ralph Willis sometime before 1949 in Lousville, Kentucky. Mary Wilma (Neavill) Willis lived in Broken Bow, Nebraska. Children of Mary Neavill and Ralph Willis are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Sandfra May Willis Charles Willis Theodore Willis Sonia Willis Sandfra May Willis Sandfra May Willis (daughter of Ralph and Mary [Neavill] Willis) was born 26 Mar 1949. She married (1) ?. She married (2) Glen Curtis. She married (3) Clyde Case. Child of Sandfra Willis and ? is: 1. Danielle ? Danielle ? Danielle ? (daughter of Glen and Sandfra [Willis] Curtis) was born ????. Charles Willis Charles Willis (son of Ralph and Mary [Neavill] Willis) was born 09 Aug 1952. Theodore Willis Theodore Willis (son of Ralph and Mary [Neavill] Willis) was born 22 Jul 1955. Sonia Willis Sonia Willis (son of Ralph and Mary [Neavill] Willis) was born 21 Jun 1959. She married ? Schumacher. GEORGE NEAVILLE George Neaville (son of William and Agnes [Puffer] Neavill) was born about 06 Mar 1888 in Wayne County, Illinois. He married Grace Talbert (daughter of Samuel Talbert and Flora Baker) 03 Jul 1909 in Wayne County, Illinois. Children of George Neaville and Grace Talbert are: 1. Dale Neaville 2. Burkley Neaville DALE NEAVILLE Dale Neaville (son of George and Grace [Talbert] Neavill) was born 14 Jan 1910 and died Dec 1970. He married Lillian Maymon (daughter of ? Maymon and ?). Children of Dale Neaville and Lillian Maymon are: 1. Donald Dale Neaville Donald Dale Neaville Donald Dale Neaville (son of Dale and Lillian [Maymon] Neaville) was born 19 Dec 1933 in Mount Vernon, Illinois, and died at the age of sixty-nine on 11 Oct 2002 in Springfield, Illinois. He married Melva I. Halsey (daughter of ? Halsey and ?) 06 Mar 1954 in Lincoln, Illinois. The following obituary is from the Bloomington Pantagraph, October 12, 2002: OBITUARY Donald Neaville MOUNT PULASKI — Donald Dale Neaville, 69, of Mount Pulaski died at 4 a.m. Friday (Oct. 11, 2002) at St. John’s Hospice, Springfield. His funeral will be at 10:30 a.m. Monday at Calvert Funeral Home, Clinton, with Harvey Carroll Maymon Descendants of James Neavill officiating. Burial with military rites will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Waynesville. Visitation will be from 5 to 3 p.m. Sunday at Neaville Book Barn, Mount Pulaski. Memorials may be made to St. John’s Hospice. He was born Dec. 19, 1923 [sic], in Mount Vernon, a son of Dale and Lillian Maymon Neaville. He married Melva I. Halsey on March 6, 1954, in Lincoln. She survives. Other survivors include his mother, Mount Pulaski; two sons, Chris (Debbie) Neaville, Mount Pulaski, and Brian (Jennifer) Neaville, Stuart, Fla.; and three grandchildren, Benjamin, Andrew and Dustin. He was preceded in death by his father. He was a member of St. John’s Lutheran Church. Mr. Neaville was a Navy veteran, having served aboard the USS Helena during the Korean conflict. He was retired from the postal service after 39 years. He served as Postmaster at Latham for 14 years. He was a charter member of Mount Pulaski Lions Club, and a member of the American Legion. He was co-owner of Book Duyers and the owner of Neaville’s Jewelry Store, Mount Pulaski. * * 1. 2. 3. 4. 153 Arthur Whitson Neaville Novella May Neaville Charles Junior Neaville Robert Neavill ARTHUR WHITSON NEAVILLE Arthur Whitson Neaville (son of Charles and Ruby [Whitson] Neavill) was born 07 Oct 1910 in Sims, Wayne County, Illinois, and died at the age of seventy-six in Jan 1987. He married (1) Helen Terry 16 Jun 1936. He married (2) Dorothy ? sometime after 1936. Dorothy was born 27 Nov 1913 and died at the age of eighty-five on 06 Nov 1998. Child of Arthur Neaville and Dorothy ? is: 1. Vickie Neaville Vickie Neaville Vickie Neaville (daughter of Arthur and Dorothy [?] Neavill) was born after 1936. * Children of Donald Dale Neaville and Melva Halsey are: 1. Chris Neaville 2. Brian D. Neaville Chris Neaville Chris Neaville (son of Donald and Melva [Halsey] Neaville) was born ????. He married Debbie ?. Brian D. Neaville Brian D. Neaville (son of Dale and Melva [Halsey] Neaville) was born ????. He married Jennifer ?. BURKLEY NEAVILLE Burkley Neaville (son of George and Grace [Talbert] Neaville) was born 02 Dec 1913 and died at the age of eighty-four on 12 Feb 1998. He married Haskell ?. Haskell was born 16 Jan 1914 and died at the age of eighty-one in Dec 1995. CHARLES BYRD NEAVILL Charles Byrd Neavill (son of William and Agnes [Puffer] Neavill) was born about 1890 in Wayne County, Illinois, and died 29 Jun 1959 in Akron, Ohio. He married Ruby Whitson (daughter of James Whitson and Clara Jones) 20 Oct 1909 in Wayne County, Illinois. Charles Byrd Neaville is buried in Greenlawn Cemetery, Akron, Ohio. Children of Charles Neavill and Ruby Whitson are: NOVELLA MAY NEAVILLE Novella May Neaville (daughter of Charles and Ruby [Whitson] Neavill) was born 22 Nov 1909 in Sims, Wayne County, Illinois. She married Darrell Pearce 09 Apr 1936. Children of Novella Neaville and Darrell Pearce are: 1. Susan Pearce 2. Jack Pearce Susan Pearce Susan Pearce (daughter of Darrell and Novella [Neaville] Pearce) was born sometime after 1936. She married ? Voris. Jack Pearce Jack Pearce (son of Darrell and Novella [Neaville] Pearce) was born sometime after 1936. CHARLES JUNIOR NEAVILLE Charles Junior Neaville (son of Charles and Ruby [Whitson] Neavill) was born 14 May 1919 in Carlyle, Illinois, and died 31 Mar 1992 in Tuscon, Arizona. He married (1) Ella Vivian Sutherland (daughter of Noah “Coujar” Sutherland and Mary “Polly” Counts) 24 Jun 1950 in Akron, Ohio. Vivian was born 13 Sep 1909 and died Mar 1977. He married (2) Fay Brown 14 May 1977. Charles Junior Neaville’s death certificate lists his cause of death as “esophogeal cancer.” He is buried in Greenlawn Cemetery, Akron, Ohio. The following obituary is from the Akron Beacon Journal, April 5, 1992, p. B7 : 154 The Neaveill Family OBITUARY TUCSON, ARIZ. — CHARLES NEAVILLE Charles Neaville, 72, formerly of Akron, passed away March 31, 1992. A veteran of World War II, he retired from the U.S. Postal Service after many years as a long-distance truck driver. He is survived by his wife, Fay of Tucson; son, David of Akron; daughter, Diane Oskins of Florida; stepdaughters, Elizabeth Young of Idaho, Rebecca Watson of North Carolina; stepsons, Merle Brown III of North Carolina, William Brown of Ohio, Barry Brown of Michigan; 12 grandchildren, one great-granddaughter; and sister, Novella Pearce of Akron. Funeral service will be Monday, April 6, 1992, at 2 p.m., at the Old Ivy Covered Chapel at Greenlawn Memorial Park, Rev. Dean Henry officiating. For those that wish, memorial contributions may be made to the DelNorte Baptist Church, 1440 W. Prince St., Tucson, Ariz. 85705. * * * Children of Charles Neaville and Ella Sutherland are: 1. David Charles Neaville 2. Diane Kathleen Neaville David Charles Neaville The following information was found online at: http:// Lisa Sarkis Neaville Neaville was an editorial assistant with Plastics News when the publication started in March 1989. She joined Crain from the University of Akron, where she had taught English composition for three years after earning a bachelor’s degree in philosophy. She also has a 1985 master of fine arts degree from Washington University in St. Louis. Neaville became a copy editor at Plastics News in 1990, and then worked for two years as a reporter until returning to the copy desk in February 1997. She was named assistant managing editor in 1998. Child of David Neaville and Terry Moore is: 1. Brian Neaville Brian Neaville Brian Neaville (son of David and Terry [Moore] Neaville) was born sometime after 1970. Diane Kathleen Neaville Diane Kathleen Neaville (daughter of Charles and Ella [Sutherland] Neaville) was born 09 Feb 1956 in Akron Ohio. She married (1) Norman Douglas Jentner 09 Aug 1974 in Akron, Ohio. She married (2) Edward Alan Oskins (son of Harold Oskins and Amy Simpson) 23 Jul 1988 in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. Children of Diane Neaville and Edward Oskins are: David Charles Neaville (son of Charles and Ella [Sutherland] Neaville) was born 08 Jun 1952 in Akron, Ohio. He married (1) Terry Moore (daughter of ? and Joanne Kennedy) 1970. He married (2) Lisa Sarkis 05 Apr 1985 in Akron, Ohio. 1. Zachary Charles Oskins 2. Zane David Oskins Zachary Charles Oskins Zachary Charles Oskins (son of Edward and Diane [Neaville] Oskins) was born 04 Dec 1991. Zane David Oskins Zane David Oskins (son of Edward and Diane [Neaville] Oskins) was born 31 Mar 1993. ROBERT NEAVILL Lisa Sarkis Neaville Robert Neaville (son of Charles and Ruby [Whitson] Neavill) was born 13 Feb 1925 in Williamson County, Illinois, and died 13 Feb 1925 in Williamson County, Illinois. Robert’s death certificate lists the cause of his death as premature birth. C H A P T E R 15 C A T H E R I N E N E AV I L L 1822–1875 Catherine Neavill (daughter of George and Elizabeth [Ward] Neaville) was born 1822 in Alabama, and died 13 Apr 1875 in Effingham County, Illinois. She married Jesse White 09 Mar 1832 in Fayette County, Illinois. Children of Catherine Neavill and Jesse White are: 1. George White 2. James S. White 3. Mary Ann White 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Elisha K. White Jemima Caroline White Catherine White Jesse White Henry White Jane White Castilia White Elizabeth White Franklin White G E O RG E W H IT E George White (son of Jesse and Catherine [Neavill] White) was born about 1833 in Illinois. JAMES S. WHITE James S. White (son of Jesse and Catherine [Neavill] White) was born 08 Aug 1834 in Missouri. He (1) married Phebe Keltner (daughter of Samuel Keltner and Susan ?) 07 Sep 1854. He married (2) Pricilla (Laughlin) Strange Children of James White and Phebe Keltner are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Daniel J. White Catherine L. White James A. White Branson S. White Isaac L. White Charles L. White Van Chester White Sanford M. White DANIEL J. WHITE Daniel J. White (son of James and Phebe [Keltner] White) was born 24 Aug 1855 and died 02 Feb 1932 in Effingham County, Illinois. He married Louisa Robertson 05 Feb 1877. CATHERINE L. WHITE Catherine L. White (daughter of James and Phebe [Keltner] White) was born 03 Oct 1857. She married Elisha Thrasher, 13 Aug 1876. 155 156 The Neaveill Family JAMES A. WHITE CHARLES L. WHITE James A. White (son of James and Phebe [Keltner] White) was born 07 Nov 1859. He married Loretta Riley, 19 Nov 1881. Charles L. White (son of James and Phebe [Keltner] White) was born 31 Dec 1868 in Illinois. He married Molly Pontius 03 Apr 1890 in Effingham County, Illinois. VAN CHESTER WHITE BRANSON S. WHITE Branson S. White (son of James and Phebe [Keltner] White) was born 06 Mar 1861. He married Sarah Ellen Hatcher, 15 Apr 1882. Van Chester White (son of James and Phebe [Keltner] White) was born 23 Mar 1873 in Illinois and died 07 Apr 1932 in Effingham County, Illinois. He married Winnie E. Reynolds 25 Oct 1896 in Effingham County, Illinois. Van is buried in Watson Cemetery, Effingham County, Illinois. ISAAC L. WHITE SANFORD M. WHITE Isaac L. White (son of James and Phebe [Keltner] White) was born 30 Jan 1867 in Illinois. He married Margaret A. Davis 02 Mar 1892 in Effingham County, Illinois. Sanford M. White (son of James and Phebe [Keltner] White) was born 24 Dec 1876 in Illinois. He married Zella M. Davis 19 Feb 1900. MARY ANN WHITE Mary Ann White (daughter of Jesse and Catherine [Neavill] White) was born 13 Oct 1834? in Illinois and died 05 Aug 1917 in Gilmore Township, Effingham County, Illinois. She married Duncan Stiffler 05 Jan 1860 in Effingham County, Illinois. Mary Ann’s death certificate lists the year of her birth as 1834, however the 1850 census for Effingham County lists Mary Ann’s age as 14 which would place her year of birth at 1835 or 1836. Also, since Mary Ann’s brother, James, was born 08 Aug 1834, it seems unlikely that Mary Ann would have been born two months later. Mary Ann’s death certificate lists the cause of her death as “Cerebral Hemorrhage.” Children of Duncan Stiffler and Mary Ann White are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Gefinis E. Stiffler Clombus Stiffler Clombia Stiffler Grant Stiffler Clement Stiffler Jerusia Stiffler Emra Stiffler Unice Stiffler GEFINIS E. STIFFLER Gefinis E. Stiffler (daughter of Duncan and Mary Ann [White] Stiffler) was born about 1861. She married Daniel Koss 24 Feb 1886 in Effingham County, Illinois. CLOMBUS STIFFLER Clombus Stiffler (son of Duncan and Mary Ann [White] Stiffler) was born about 1864. CLOMBIA STIFFLER Clombia Stiffler (daughter of Duncan and Mary Ann [White] Stiffler) was born about 1864. She married Oscar J. Oder 19 Dec 1882 in Effingham County, Illinois. Descendants of Catherine Neavill 157 GRANT STIFFLER JERUSIA STIFFLER Grant Stiffler (son of Duncan and Mary Ann [White] Stiffler) was born about 1868 and died 21 Jan 1933 in Jackson Township, Effingham County, Illinois. He married Catherine Read 16 Mar 1890 in Effingham County, Illinois. Jerusia Stiffler (daughter of Duncan and Mary Ann [White] Stiffler) was born about 1871. EMRA STIFFLER CLEMENT STIFFLER Emra Stiffler (daughter of Duncan and Mary Ann [White] Stiffler) was born about 1873. Clement Stiffler (daughter of Duncan and Mary Ann [White] Stiffler) was born about 1869. UNICE STIFFLER Unice Stiffler (daughter of Duncan and Mary Ann [White] Stiffler) was born about 1876. E L IS H A K . W H I T E Elisha K. White (son of Jesse and Catherine [Neavill] White) was born about 1844 in Illinois. He married (1) Louisa Johnson 13 Jun 1866 in Effingham County, Illinois. He married (2) Jennie (Hatcher) Keating 17 Dec 1900 in Effingham County, Illinois. J E M I M A C A RO L I N E W H I T E Jemima Caroline White (daughter of Jesse and Catherine [Neavill] White) was born about 1846 in Illinois. She mar- ried James M. Beal. 02 Sep 1869 in Effingham County, Illinois. CA T H E R I N E W H I T E Catherine White (daughter of Jesse and Catherine [Neavill] White) was born about 1848 and died 1911. She married Stewart Norris 26 Jan 1870 in Effingham County, Illinois. Children of Catherin White and Stewart Norris are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. William Franklin Norris Oscar M. Norris Arra Della Norris John M. Norris Flora C. Norris Olin J. Norris WILLIAM FRANKLIN NORRIS William Franklin Norris (son of Stewart and Catherin [White] Norris) was born about 1871 and died 31 Dec 1940 in Union Township, Effingham County, Illinois. He married Minnie Henry 10 Aug 1892 in Effingham County, Illinois. William and Minnie are buried in Watson Cemetery in Effingham County, Illinois. 158 The Neaveill Family OSCAR M. NORRIS FLORA C. NORRIS Oscar M. Norris (son of Stewart and Catherin [White] Norris) was born about 1873 and died 16 Sep 1897. Oscar is buried in Watson Cemetery in Effingham County, Illinois. Flora C. Norris (daughter of Stewart and Catherin [White] Norris) was born about 1878 in Illinois and died 1921. She married Alfred Percival 20 May 1898 in Effingham County, Illinois. Flora and Alfred are buried in Watson Cemetery in Effingham County, Illinois. ARRA DELLA NORRIS Arra Della Norris (daughter of Stewart and Catherin [White] Norris) was born about 1874 in Illinois and died 1927. She married (1) Hirem R. Davis 09 Jan 1894 in Effingham County, Illinois. She married (2) John M. Gwin 15 Feb 1900 in Effingham County, Illinois. Arra is buried in Watson Cemetery in Effingham County, Illinois. OLIN J. NORRIS Olin J. Norris (son of Stewart and Catherin [White] Norris) was born 12 Feb 1880 and died 20 Jan 1910. He married Lily Maud ?. Olin and Lily are buried in Watson Cemetery in Effingham County, Illinois. JOHN M. NORRIS John M. Norris (son of Stewart and Catherin [White] Norris) was born about 1876. JESSE WHITE Jesse White (son of Jesse and Catherine [Neavill] White) was born 28 Nov 1850 in Illinois and died 13 Jul 1930 in Watson Township, Effingham County, Illinois. He married Susan D. Ryan. Jesse and Susan are buried in Watson Cemetery in Effingham County, Illinois. HENRY WHITE Henry White (son of Jesse and Catherine [Neavill] White) was born about 1854. JANE WHITE Jane White (daughter of Jesse and Catherine [Neavill] White) was born about 1854. Descendants of Catherine Neavill 159 C A S T IL L A E . W H I T E Castilla E. White (daughter of Jesse and Catherine [Neavill] White) was born about 1858 and died 05 Jun 1928 in Summit Township, Effingham County, Illinois. She married William B. Riley 11 Mar 1885 in Effingham County, Illinois. E L IZ A B E T H W H I T E Elizabeth White (daughter of Jesse and Catherine [Neavill] White) was born about 1859. F R A N K L I N W H IT E Franklin White (son of Jesse and Catherine [Neavill] White) was born 25 Jan 1866. He married Matilda ?. C H A P T E R 16 E L I J A H N E AV I L L 1824–???? Elijah Neavill (son of George and Elizabeth [Ward] Neaville) was born about 1824 in Alabama. He married Sarah Greenwalt. Children of Elijah Neavill and Sarah Greenwalt are: 1. Jemima Elizabeth Neavill 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. George Neavill Martha Neavill Sarah Neavill Phebe Neavill Oma Neavill Elijah Field Neavill J E M I M A E L I Z A B E TH N E AV I L L Jemima Elizabeth Neavill (daughter of Elijah and Sarah [Greenwalt] Neavill) was born about 1843 and died 12 Feb 1894. She married Thomas B. Austin 02 May 1863 in Effingham County, Illinois. G E O RG E N E AV I L L George Neavill (son of Elijah and Sarah [Greenwalt] Neavill) was born about 1844. He married (1) Nancy Francis Bailey (daughter of Henry Bailey and Susan Landreth) 22 Jan 1865 in Effingham County, Illinois. He married (2) Catherine Leach (daughter of ? and ?) about 1871. He married (3) Martha Ann Andis (daughter of ? and ?) 08 Nov 1886 in Effingham County, Illinois. Child of George Neavill and Nancey Bailey is: EDWARD NEAVILL Edward Neavill (son of George and Nancey [Bailey] Neavill) was born about 1871. GEORGE FRANKLIN NEAVILL 1. Edward Neavill Children of George Neavill and Catherine Leach are: 2. 3. 4. 5. 160 George Franklin Neavill John Neavill Jesse H. Neavoll Anna Neavill George Franklin Neavill (son of George and Catherine [Leach] Neavill) was born Jun 1872 in Missouri. He married (1) Lucinda Robinson (daughter of ? and ?) 13 Jan 1894 in Effingham County, Illinois. He married (2) Manerva Mitchell (daughter of ? and ?) 29 Mar 1898 in Effingham County, Illinois. Descendants of Elijah Neavill 161 JOHN NEAVILL KEPLEY NEAVOLL John Neavill (son of George and Catherine [Leach] Neavill) was born about 1874. Kepley Neavoll (son of Jesse and Tabitha [Sinkler] Neavoll) was born 19 Aug 1905 in Effingham County, Illinois, and died at the age of sixty-eight on 28 Jun 1974 in Douglas County, Oregon. JESSE H. NEAVOLL ELLIS P. NEAVOLL Jesse H. Neavoll (son of George and Catherine [Leach] Neavill) was born Aug 1876 in Nebraska and died 10 Jan 1948 in Linn County, Oregon. He married (1) Stella Loy (daughter of H. D. Loy and Mary Ward) 30 Jun 1897 in Effingham County, Illinois. He married (2) Tabitha Sinkler (daughter of Joseph Sinkler and Nancy Williams) 14 Jun 1903 in Effingham County, Illinois. Tabitha was born ??? and died 20 Sep 1920 in Douglas County, Oregon. He married (3) Mazie M. ? (daughter of ? and ?) sometime after 1920 in Oregon. Mazie was born 22 May 1901 and died at the age of ninety-two on 10 Aug 1993 in Linn County, Oregon. Children of Jesse Neavoll and Stella Loy are: 1. Blonson Neavoll 2. Joseph Neavoll Children of Jesse Neavoll and Tabitha Sinkler are: 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Ellis P. Neavoll (son of Jesse and Tabitha [Sinkler] Neavoll) was born 05 Aug 1916 and died at the age of sixty-seven on 30 Jun 1974 in Douglas County, Oregon. He married Mary ?. KENNETH NEAVOLL Kenneth Neavoll (son of Jesse and Tabitha [Sinkler] Neavoll) was born 03 Jul 1913 and died at the age of sixty-nine on 31 Dec 1979 in Douglas County, Oregon. He married Delilah Evelyn Humiston (daughter of ? Humiston and ? Parke). Delilah was born 04 Aug 1911 in Oregon and died at the age of eighty-one on 30 Dec 1992 in Shasta County, California. WILLIAM S. NEAVOLL William Neavoll (son of Jesse and Tabitha [Sinkler] Neavoll) was born ???? and died 02 Oct 1967 in Linn County, Oregon. He married Lulu ?. Kepley Neavoll Ellis Neavoll Kenneth Neavoll William Neavoll GEORGE NEAVOLL Children of Jesse Neavoll and Mazie ? are: FLORENCE NEAVOLL George Neavoll Florence Neavoll Francis Neavoll Jesse Neavoll, Jr. BLONSON D. NEAVOLL George Neavoll (son of Jesse and Mazie [?] Neavoll) was born ????. Florence Neavoll (daughter of Jesse and Mazie [?] Neavoll) was born ????. FRANCIS NEAVOLL Francis Neavoll (daughter of Jesse and Mazie [?] Neavoll) was born ????. Blonson D. Neavoll (son of Jesse and Stella [Loy] Neavoll) was born 26 Mar 1900 and died at the age of seventy-two 29 Nov 1972 in Coos County, Oregon. He married Hilja Sophia ? (daughter of ? and ?). Hilja was born 06 Jul 1902 and died 31 Jul 1988 in Douglas County, Oregon. JESSE NEAVOLL, JR. JOSEPH NEAVOLL ANNA NEAVILL Joseph Neavoll (son of Jesse and Stella [Loy] Neavoll) was born 06 Nov 1902 and died at the age of sixty-three on 27 Sep 1966 in Harney, Oregon. He married Fern ? (daughter of ? and ?). Fern was born ???? and died 02 Nov 1941 in Douglas County, Oregon. He married (2) Irene ?. Anna Neavill (daughter of George and Catherine [Leach] Neavill) was born about 1878 in Missouri. She married Otto LeCrone (son of ? and ?) 14 Aug 1911 in Effingham County, Illinois. Jesse Neavoll, Jr. (son of Jesse and Mazie [?] Neavoll) was born ????. 162 The Neaveill Family M A R T H A N E AV I L L Martha Neavill (daughter of Elijah and Sarah [Greenwalt] Neavill) was born about 1846. S A R A H N E AV I L L Sarah Neavill (daughter of Elijah and Sarah [Greenwalt] Neavill) was born about 1848. P H E B E N E AV I L L Phebe Neavill (daughter of Elijah and Sarah [Greenwalt] Neavill) was born about 1850. This may be the Phebe Jane Neavill who married John M. Malone in 1880 in Wayne County, Illinois. O M A N E AV I L L Oma Neavill (daughter of Elijah and Sarah [Greenwalt] Neavill) was born about 1852. E L I J A H F I E L D N E AV I L L Elijah Field Neavill (son of Elijah and Sarah [Greenwalt] Neavill) was born 16 Dec 1857, Effingham County, Illinois and died 03 Jan 1943, Lincoln, Logan County, Illinois. He married Amanda ?. C H A P T E R 17 O N E Y N E AV I L L C.1825–???? Oney Neavill (daughter of George and Elizabeth [Ward] Neaville) was born about 1825 and died ????. She married Martin Greenwood (son of Joseph Greenwood and Delila ?) Deember 27, 1842 in Effingham County, Illinois. Children of Oney Neavill and Martin Greenwood are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sarah A. Greenwood Joseph M. Greenwood Louisa Greenwood Delila Greenwood Martin Greenwood S A R A H A . G R E E N WO O D Sarah A. Greenwood (daughter of Martin and Oney [Neavill] Greenwood) was born about 1843. J O S E P H M . G R E E N WO O D Joseph M. Greenwood (son of Martin and Oney [Neavill] Greenwood) was born about 1844. He married Sarah McB- room (daughter of ? McBroom and ?) 22 Dec 1866 in Effingham County, Illinois. L O U I S A G R E E N WO O D Louisa Greenwood (daughter of Martin and Oney [Neavill] Greenwood) was born about 1847. 163 164 The Neaveill Family D E L I L A G R E E N WO O D Delila Greenwood (daughter of Martin and Oney [Neavill] Greenwood) was born Feb 1850. M A R T I N G R E E N WO O D Martin Greenwood (son of Martin and Oney [Neavill] Greenwood) was born 1864. He married Lucy Boham (daughter of ? Boham and ?). C H A P T E R 18 E L I S H A N E AV I L L C.1828–1863 Elisha Neavill (son of George and Elizabeth [Ward] Neaville) was born about 1828 in Alabama, and died 16 Apr 1863 in Effingham County, Illinois. He married Eliza Ann Forth 01 Nov 1849 in Effingham County, Illinois. It appears that the children of Elisha changed the spelling of their name to Neville. Children of Elisha Neavill and Eliza Forth are: 1. 2. 3. 4. George Washington Neville Mahala E. Neville John M. Neville William Henry Neville G E O RG E WA S H I N G T O N N EV I L L E George Washington Neville (son of Elisha and Eliza [Forth] Neavill) was born 28 Nov 1856 in Watson Towhnship, Effingham County, Illinois, and died 24 Jun 1923 in Watson Township, Effingham County, Illinois. He married Harriet Courtland Martin 01 Dec 1880 in Effingham County, Illinois. Children of George Neville and Harriet Martin are: 1. Presley Neville 2. Edna May Neville 5. Mitchell Neville OREN PRESLEY NEVILLE Oren Presley Neville (son of Presley and Georgia [Mitchell] Neville) was born 10 Sep 1907. He married Catherine Brodein 22 Dec 1934 in Arlington Heights, Illinois. Child of Oren Neville and Catherine Brodein is: 1. Duane Neville PRESLEY NEVILLE Presley Neavill (son of George and Harriet [Martin] Neville) was born 19 Apr 1882 in Effingham County, Illinois, and died 1951 in Effingham County, Illinois. He married Georgia Mitchell. Children of Presley Neavill and Georgia Mitchell are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Oren Presley Neville Aubrey Mitchell Neville Geneva Neville Harriet Neville Duane Neville Duane Neville was born 08 Jan 1938. He married Maryann ?. AUBREY MITCHELL NEVILLE Aubrey Mitchell Neville (son of Presley and Georgia [Mitchell] Neville) was born 27 Jun 1909 and dies at the age of ninety on 08 Mar 2000. He married Helen Margaret Schloesser 15 Jun 1931 in Arlington Heights, Illinois. The following obituary is from an unknown newspaper: 165 166 The Neaveill Family OBITUARY Aubrey Mitchell Neville, 90, of Elgin, died Wednesday, March 8, 2000 in Sherman Hospital, Elgin. He was born June 27, 1909 in Watson Twp., Effingham County, Ill., the son of Pressley Louis and Georgia (Mitchell) Neville. Aubrey lived in Watson Twp. until 1923, moving with his family at that time to Arlington Heights, Ill. On June 15, 1931, he was united in marriage with Helen Margaret Schloesser at the First Presbyterian Church in Arlington Heights. As a young man, Aubrey and his older brother, the late Oren Neville owned and operated a cab company in Arlington Heights. Later he worked for the C. J. Weiland and Bowman Dairies. From 1936 to 1948, Aubrey was employed by the Dean Milk Company where he was one of the original eight employees. While there he was a pioneer introducing the paper milk carton to the Midwest market. Later he became the General manager of the company during the extremely difficult period of World War II. In 1946, Aubrey formed the A. M. Neville Distribution Company which supplied the Fox River Valley with Dean milk and eventually ice cream products. The business currently has pasted to the third generation of the family, serving several states as one of the largest milk distributor in the United States, under the name of Neville Brothers Distributing. A resident of Elgin since 1956, he is a member of the First Congregational Church of Elgin. For many years he was a winter member of the Seminole Christian Church, Seminole, Fla. He belonged to the Arlington Heights Masonic Lodge #1162, where he served as Master in 1939, at the time of his death, he was the oldest living past master. He was also a member of the Bethel Commandry #36 Knights Templar, Palatine Chapter #206 RAM, Elgin Shrine Club and Medinah Temple A.A.O.N.M.S. Aubrey was a long-time member and Past President of the Isaac Walton League of Elgin. For many years he was active in the Air Stream Wally Byam Club. Survivors include his wife, Helen; a daughter; two sons and their families. Aubrey M. (Rachel) Neville of Elgin, their children, Eric (Dema), Andy (Eileen) and Jon; Nancy Neville of Elgin; her children, Stacey O’Rourke of Greeley, Colo., Patti (Kurt) Abendroth of Nederland, Colo. and Bill O’Rourke of Gunnison, Colo.; Robert D. (Susan) Neville, their children, Heather (John) Atkinson and Chris (Dianne) Neville; three great-grandchildren, James Abendroth, Emma Neville and Ashley Atkinson; two sisters, Geneva Lindgren and Harriet (Ed) Mears; a sister-in-law, Catherine Neville, all of Inverness, Fla. In addition three nephews; and a niece also survive. He was proceeded in death by his parents; and a brother, Oren Neville. Funeral Services will be 3 p.m., Sunday in the Laird Funeral Home, Elgin, the Rev. Donald Schmidt officiating. Burial will be private in Bluff City Cemetery. Visitation will be 1 p.m., Sunday until the time of services. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Shriners Hospital for Children, 2211 N. Oak Park Ave., Chicago, IL 60707 or the charity of your choice. * * * Children of Aubrey Neville and Helen Schloesser are: 1. Aubrey Matthew Neville 2. Nancy Jean Neville 3. Robert Darrell Neville Aubrey Matthew Neville Aubrey Matthew Neville (son of Aubrey and Helen [Schloesser] Neville) was born 26 May 1932. He married Rachel ? (daughter of ? and ?). Children of Aubrey Neville and Rachel ? are: 1. Eric Neville 2. Andy Neville 3. Jon Neville Eric Neville Eric Neville (son of Aubrey and Rachel [?] Neville) was born ????. He married Dema ? (daughter of ? and ?). Andy Neville Andy Neville (son of Aubrey and Rachel [?] Neville) was born ????. He married Eileen ? (daughter of ? and ?). Jon Neville Jon Neville (son of Aubrey and Rachel [?] Neville) was born ????. Nancy Jean Neville Nancy Jean Neville (daughter of Aubrey and Helen [Schloesser] Neville) was born 09 Dec 1936. She married ? O’Rourke (son of ? O’Rourke and ?). Children of Nancy Neville and ? O’Rourke are: 1. Stacey O’Rourke 2. Patti O’Rourke 3. Bill O’Rourke Stacey O’Rourke Stacey O’Rourke (daughter of ? and Nancy [Neville] O’Rourke) was born ????. Descendants of Elisha Neavill Patti O’Rourke Patti O’Rourke (daughter of ? and Nancy [Neville] O’Rourke) was born ????. She married Kurt Abendroth (son of ? Abendroth and ?). Child of Patti O’Rourke and Kurt Abendroth is: 167 Kenneth Lindgren Kenneth Lindgren (son of Frank and Geneva [Neville] Lindgren) was born ????. He married Diane ?. HARRIET NEVILLE 1. James Abendroth James Abendroth. James Abendroth (son of Kurt and Patti [O’Rourke] Abendroth) was born ????. Bill O’Rourke Bill O’Rourke (son of ? and Nancy [Neville] O’Rourke) was born ????. Robert Darrell Neville Robert Darrell Neville (son of Aubrey and Helen [Schloesser] Neville) was born 09 May 1945. He married Susan ? (daughter of ? and ?). Children of Robert Neville and Susan ? are: 1. Heather Neville 2. Chris Neville Heather Neville Heather Neville (daughter of Robert and Susan [?] Neville) was born ????. She married John Atkinson (son of ? Atkinson and ?). Child of Heather Neville and John Atkinson is: 1. Ashley Atkinson Ashley Atkinson. Ashley Atkinson (daughter of John and Heather [Neville] Atkinson) was born ????. Chris Neville Chris Neville (daughter of Robert and Susan [?] Neville) was born ????. He married Dianne ? (daughter of ? and ?). GENEVA NEVILLE Geneva Neavill (daughter of Presley and Georgia [Mitchell] Neville) was born 02 Jul 1912. She married Frank Lindgren. Children of Geneva Neville and Frank Lindgren are: 1. Gail Lindgren 2. Kenneth Lindgren Gail Lindgren Gail Lindgren (daughter of Frank and Geneva [Neville] Lindgren) was born ????. She married James Powell. Harriet Neville (daughter of Presley and Georgia [Mitchell] Neville) was born 04 Apr 1916. She married Edmond Mears 23 Nov 1939. Children of Harriet Neville and Edmond Mears are: 1. David Mears 2. Carol Mears David Mears David Mears (son of Edmond and Harriet [Neville] Mears) was born 22 Dec 1942. He married Darlene ?. Carol Mears Carol Mears (daughter of Edmond and Harriet [Neville] Mears) was born 20 Feb 1949. She married Walter Waron. MITCHELL NEVILLE Mitchell Neville (son of Presley and Georgia [Mitchell] Neville) was born ????. EDNA MAY NEVILLE Edna May Neville (daughter of George and Harriet [Martin] Neville) was born 09 May 1887 in Effingham County, Illinois, and died 27 Sep 1926 in Effingham County, Illinois. She married Leslie Fay Elliot 16 Dec 1914 in Effingham County, Illinois. Children of Edna Neville and Leslie Elliot are: 1. George Milton Elliot 2. Dorthe Mae Elliot GEORGE MILTON ELLIOT George Milton Elliot (son of Leslie and Edna [Neville] Elliot) was born 10 Jul 1916 in Effingham County, Illinois. He married Ruth Elizabeth Schustek 04 Sep 1937 in Eureka, Illinois. Children of George Elliot and Ruth Schustek are: 1. James Arthur Elliot 2. Barbara Anne Elliot 168 The Neaveill Family James Arthur Elliot James Arthur Elliot (son of George and Ruth [Schustek] Elliot) was born 14 Jun 1942. He married (1) Bonnie Metzger, 27 Nov 1965, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He married (2) Cathy Krantz, 14 Mar 1980. nois. She married Jimmy Carrol McNamer, 11 Mar 1967, Elmhurst, Illinois. DORTHE MAE ELLIOT Dorthe Mae Elliot (daughter of Leslie and Edna [Neville] Elliot) was born 21 Dec 1922. Barbara Anne Elliot Barbara Anne Elliot (son of George and Ruth [Schustek] Elliot) was born 08 Jan 1945, Oak Park, Cook County, Illi- M A H A L A E . N EV I L L E Mahala E. Neville (daughter of Elisha and Eliza [Forth] Neavill) was born 15 Jan 1854 in Effingham County, Illinois, and died 27 Apr 1928 in Effingham County, Illinois. She married John W. Wilson 22 Dec 1870. Children of Mahala Neville and John Wilson are: JESSIE WILSON Jessie Wilson (son of John and Mahala [Neville] Wilson) was born 21 Oct 1877. 1. Mollie Wilson 2. Jessie Wilson 3. Nellie Wilson NELLIE WILSON MOLLIE WILSON Mollie Wilson (daughter of John and Mahala [Neville] Wilson) was born 02 Nov 1873. Nellie Wilson (daughter of John and Mahala [Neville] Wilson) was born 22 Mar 1888. J O H N M . N EV I L L E John M. Neville (son of Elisha and Eliza [Forth] Neavill) was born 1858 and died 20 Dec 1942 in Watson, Effingham County, Illinois. He married Clara M. ?. Clara died 31 May 1946 in Effingham County, Illinois. W I L L I A M H E N R Y N EV I L L E William Henry Neville (son of Elisha and Eliza [Forth] Neavill) was born about 1860. He married ?. Child of William Neville and ? is: 1. Fern Neville FERN NEVILLE Fern Neville (daughter of William and ? [?] Neville) was born ????. Part IV OTHER BRANCHES There were a few other families living in Illinois and Indiana that may or may not be related to the Neaveill family. These families are discussed in the following chapters. Chapter 19 covers James Neaville who may have been a son of Enoch Neaville (see p. 3) from his first wife Barsheba Keeney?. Chapter 20 looks at the Neaville families that lived in Jo Daviess County, Illinois: brothers Alexander and John Neaville, as well as brothers Ephraim and Enoch Neavill, (who were probably brothers—or cousins—of Alexander and John). These may have been children of Enoch Neaville (see p. 3) from his first wife Barsheba Keeney? Chapter 21 traces the descendants of Samuel Neavill who lived in Jefferson County, Indiana, and later moved to Marion County, Illinois. No connection has been discovered between this family and the Neaveill family other than them living in the same geographic area. 169 C H A P T E R 19 J A M E S N E AV I L L E C.1791–1881 James Neaville was born about 1791–1793 in Patrick County, Virginia, and died about 1881. He married Miriam Dodson (daughter of ? Dodson and ?) 20 Sep 1810 in Wayne County, Kentucky. James may have been a son of Enoch Neaville and Bersheba Keeney? (see p. 3). Children of James Neaville and Miriam Dodson are: 1. Serena Neaville 2. Thomas Dodson Neaville 3. Sandy P. Neaville S E R E N A N E AV I L L E JOHN SPICKLEMIRE Serena Neaville (daughter of James and Miriam [Dodson] Neaville) was born about 1817 in Indiana. She married Steven Spicklemire (son of ? Spicklemire and ?) 11 May 1854 in Boone County, Indiana. Children of Serena Neaville and Steven Spicklemire are: John Spicklemire (son of Steven and Serena [Neaville] Spicklemire) was born about 1855 in Indiana. AMANDA J. SPICKLEMIRE 1. 2. 3. 4. Levi Spicklemire John Spicklemire Amanda J. Spicklemire Jahise Spicklemire Amanda J. Spicklemire (daughter of Steven and Serena [Neaville] Spicklemire) was born about 1858 in Indiana. JAHISE SPICKLEMIRE LEVI SPICKLEMIRE Levi Spicklemire (son of Steven and Serena [Neaville] Spicklemire) was born about 1843 in Indiana. 170 Jahise Spicklemire (daughter of Steven and Serena [Neaville] Spicklemire) was born about 1860 in Harrison Township, Boone County, Indiana. Descendants of James Neaville 171 T H O M A S D O D S O N NE AV I L L E Thomas Dodson Neaville (son of James and Miriam [Dodson] Neaville) was born 1820 in Wayne, Kentucky, and died 1869 in Hendricks, Indiana. He married Elizabeth Ann Spicklemire 26 Apr 1841 in Wayne County, Kentucky. Children of Thomas Neaville and Elizabeth Spicklemire are: NATTIE M. NEAVILLE Nattie M. Neaville (daughter of James and Sarah [Sharp] Neaville) was born about 1874 in Indiana. MARIAH J. NEAVILLE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. James H. Neaville Mariah J. Neaville Mary E. Neaville Richard Neaville Sarah F. Neaville Amanda Neaville Ailsey Neaville Eliza Neaville William Neaville JAMES H. NEAVILLE James H. Neaville (son of Thomas and Elizabeth [Spicklemire] Neaville) was born 06 Sep 1842 in Marion Township, Hendricks County, Indiana, and died 19 Dec 1902. He married Sarah J. Sharp (daughter of ? Sharp and ?) 26 Aug 1861 in Hendricks County, Indiana. Children of James Neaville and Sarah Sharp are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Flora Neaville John F. Neaville Charles E. Neaville Nattie M. Neaville FLORA NEAVILLE Flora Neaville (daughter of James and Sarah [Sharp] Neaville) was born about 1862 in Indiana. She married James Noland (son of ? Noland and ?) 21 Nov 1878 in Hendricks County, Indiana. JOHN F. NEAVILLE John F. Neaville (son of James and Sarah [Sharp] Neaville) was born about 1865 in Indiana. Mariah J. Neaville (daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth [Spicklemire] Neaville) was born 22 Apr 1845 in Marion Township, Hendricks County, Indiana, and died 17 Jun 1910. She married William R. Pefley (son of ? Pefley and ?) 20 Jun 1859 in Hendricks County, Indiana. Children of Mariah Neaville and William Pefley are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. James H. Pefley Laura E. Pefley Oliver F. Pefley Emma Frances Pefley Lily C. Pefley Hettie Lawrence Pefley Minnie Pearl Pefley JAMES H. PEFLEY James H. Pefley (son of William and Mariah [Neaville] Pefley) was born 14 Jun 1860 in Hendricks County, Indiana, and died ????. LAURA E. PEFLEY Laura E. Pefley (daughter of William and Mariah [Neaville] Pefley) was born 08 Oct 1861 in Hendricks County, Indiana, and died 20 Dec 1934 in Lebanon, Boone County, Indiana. She married Edward C. Shelley (son of ? Shelley and ?). OLIVER F. PEFLEY Oliver F. Pefley (son of William and Mariah [Neaville] Pefley) was born 10 Jul 1863 in Hendricks County, Indiana, and died 08 Jan 1864 in Hendricks County, Indiana. EMMA FRANCES PEFLEY Emma Frances Pefley (daughter of William and Mariah [Neaville] Pefley) was born 19 Oct 1864 in Hendricks County, Indiana. She married James David Hurt (son of ? Hurt and ?) 02 Jan 1881 in Advance, Boone County, Indiana. CHARLES E. NEAVILLE Charles E. Neaville (son of James and Sarah [Sharp] Neaville) was born about 1868 in Indiana. He married Zora ? (daughter of ? and ?). LILY C. PEFLEY Lily C. Pefley (daughter of William and Mariah [Neaville] Pefley) was born 01 Mar 1867 in Hendricks County, Indiana. 172 The Neaveill Family She married (1) Charles Luther Emmert (son of ? Emmert and ?). She married (2) John Velandingham Emmert (son of ? Emmert and ?) 21 Nov 1886 in Hendricks County, Indiana. HETTIE LAWRENCE PEFLEY Hettie Lawrence Pefley (daughter of William and Mariah [Neaville] Pefley) was born 12 Sep 1870 in Danville, Hendricks County, Indiana. She married James Thomas Brown (son of ? Brown and ?) 03 Jan 1892 in Advance, Boone County, Indiana. MINNIE PEARL PEFLEY Minnie Pearl Pefley (daughter of William and Mariah [Neaville] Pefley) was born 26 Oct 1879 in Hendricks County, Indiana. She married Otto Ross Robbins (son of ? Robbins and ?) 05 Mar 1899 in Jamestown, Boone County, Indiana. MINNIE CATHERINE DAVIDSON Minnie Catherine Davidson (daughter of Samuel and Sarah [Neaville] Davidson) was born 16 Sep 1866 in Adel, Dallas County, Iowa, and died 15 Nov 1942 in Webster, Iowa. She married Alvin Dixon Nagle (son of ? Nagle and ?) 30 Aug 1882 in Polk County, Iowa. GENEVIEVE V. DAVIDSON Genevieve V. Davidson (daughter of Samuel and Sarah [Neaville] Davidson) was born 13 Aug 1868 in Adel, Dallas County, Iowa, and died 01 Apr 1950 in Winterset, Madison County, Iowa. She married (1) Willis W. Rankin (son of ? Rankin and ?). She married (2) Fred Gilbrech (son of ? Gilbrech and ?) 25 Feb 1887 in Polk County, Iowa. She married (3) I. Wesley Smith (son of ? Smith and ?) 01 May 1900. WILLIAM THOMAS DAVIDSON MARY E. NEAVILLE Mary E. Neaville (daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth [Spicklemire] Neaville) was born about 1846 in Marion Township, Hendricks County, Indiana. She married Joseph Allison (son of ? Allison and ?) 13 Feb 1865 in Hendricks County, Indiana. RICHARD NEAVILLE Richard Neaville (son of Thomas and Elizabeth [Spicklemire] Neaville) was born about 1848 in Marion Township, Hendricks County, Indiana. William Thomas Davidson (son of Samuel and Sarah [Neaville] Davidson) was born 10 August 1870 in Adel, Dallas County, Iowa, and died 18 Sep 1951 in Huntington Park, Los Angeles County, California. He married Jessie Mae Lane (daughter of ? Lane and ?) 16 Sep 1893 in Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa. VICTOR WOODHOUSE DAVIDSON Victor Woodhouse Davidson (son of Samuel and Sarah [Neaville] Davidson) was born 09 Dec 1872 in Adel, Dallas County, Iowa, and died Jun 1931 in Altoona, Polk County, Iowa. He married Bessie May Porter (daughter of ? Porter and ?) 18 Feb 1903 in Winterset, Madison County, Iowa. ? DAVIDSON SARAH F. NEAVILLE Sarah F. Neaville (daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth [Spicklemire] Neaville) was born 1849 in Marion Township, Hendricks County, Indiana, and died 01 Sep 1878 in Adel, Dallas County, Iowa. She married Samuel Hosea Davidson (son of ? Davidson and ?) about 09 Dec 1865 in Hendricks County, Indiana. Children of Sarah Neaville and Samuel Davidson are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Minnie Catherine Davidson Genevieve V. Davidson William Thomas Davidson Victor Woodhouse Davidson ? Davidson Bertram N. Davidson ? Davidson (son of Samuel and Sarah [Neaville] Davidson) was born 09 Dec 1872 in Adel, Dallas County, Iowa, and died in Adel, Dallas County, Iowa. BERTRAM N. DAVIDSON Bertram N. Davidson (son of Samuel and Sarah [Neaville] Davidson) was born Apr 1875 in Adel, Dallas County, Iowa, and died 20 Jun 1875 in Adel, Dallas County, Iowa. AMANDA NEAVILLE Amanda Neaville (daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth [Spicklemire] Neaville) was born about 1851 in Marion Township, Hendricks County, Indiana. Descendants of James Neaville 173 AILSEY NEAVILLE WILLIAM NEAVILLE Ailsey Neaville (daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth [Spicklemire] Neaville) was born about 1854 in Marion Township, Hendricks County, Indiana. She married Sonley Thrift (son of ? Thrift and ?) 25 Jan 1869 in Hendricks County, Indiana. William Neaville (son of Thomas and Elizabeth [Spicklemire] Neaville) was born about 1862 in Indiana and died about 1918. ELIZA NEAVILLE Eliza Neaville (daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth [Spicklemire] Neaville) was born about 1861 in Indiana. S A N DY P. N E AV I L L E Sandy P. Neaville (son of James and Miriam [Dodson] Neaville) was born about 1824 in Kentucky. He married Margaret ? (daughter of ? and ?). Children of Sandy Neaville and Margaret ? are: 1. Mary Jane Neaville 2. John W. Neaville MARY JANE NEAVILLE Mary Jane Neaville (daughter of Sandy and Margaret [?] Neaville) was born about 1848 in Hendricks County, Indiana. JOHN W. NEAVILLE John W. Neaville (son of Sandy and Margaret [?] Neaville) was born about 1850 in Hendricks County, Indiana. C H A P T E R 20 ? N E AV I L L E The title of this chapter has a question mark because it is unknown who the father of the following Neavilles are. It is possible that Enoch Neaville (see p. 3) was their father as the dates and places would be right not to mention the name Enoch appearing a couple of times in this line. Though it may also be possible that their father was George Neaville (see p. 119). Both Enoch and George had children from previous marriages who are unnaccounted for, so these children may very well be theirs. Alexander and John Neaville were defi- nitely brothers. Ephraim and his brother, Enoch, may have been brothers to Alexander and John. Ephraim and Enoch probably were not the sons of George Neaville since George already had a son named Enoch (see p. 127). 1. 2. 3. 4. Enoch Neavill Ephraim Neavill John D. Neaville Alexander M. Neaville E N O CH N E AV I L L Enoch Neavill (son of ? Neavill) was born ????. E P H R A I M N E AV I L L Ephraim Neavill (son of ? Neavill) was born 15 Jul 1806 in Virginia? and died 25 Mar 1894 in Whittier, Los Angeles County, California. He married (1) Rachel Cox (daughter of Robert Cox and Jane Robinson) 29 Apr 1832 in Council Hill, Jo Daviess County, Illinois. He married (2) Catherine Van Hook (daughter of James Van Hook and Elizabeth Reeves) 01 Oct 1850 in La Fayette County, Wisconsin. Children of Ephraim Neavill and Rachel Cox are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 174 Mary Jane Neavill Ellen Collins Neavill Emily A. Neavill Edward J. Neavill Evaline Neavill Elizabeth Harriet Neavill Children of Ephraim Neavill and Catherine Van Hook are: 7. Eunice Neavill 8. Julia E. Neavill 9. Adelia Neavill MARY JANE NEAVILL Mary Jane Neavill (daughter of Ephraim and Rachel [Cox] Neavill) was born 25 Mar 1833 in Scales Mound, Illinois, and died 28 Feb 1907 in Berkeley, Alameda County, Descendants of ? Neaville California. She married Edwin Sawtell 10 Oct 1852 in White Oak, Wisconsin. Children of Mary Neavill and Edwin Sawtell are: Alaska. He married Melinda Rachel Pratt (daughter of ? Pratt and ?) February 1889 in San Francisco, California. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. PHILIP SHERIDAN SAWTELL William E. Sawtell Fayette Sawtell Ruth Sawtell Caroline Sawtell Edwin Sawtell, Jr. James Collins Sawtell Philip Sheridan Sawtell Junius Neville Sawtelle Guy Everett Sawtell Eva Sawtell Mazie Sawtell Lola Sawtell Myrtle Sawtell 175 Philip Sheridan Sawtell (son of Edwin and Mary [Neavill] Sawtell) was born 15 Jul 1866 in Wisconsin and died 14 Jul 1950 in Blackwell, Oklahoma. He married Sarah D. Cronkelton (daughter of ? Cronkelton and ?) 29 Mar 1894 in Elgin, Illinois. JUNIUS NEVILLE SAWTELLE Junius Neville Sawtelle (son of Edwin and Mary [Neavill] Sawtell) was born 03 Jan 1868 in Madison, Wisconsin, and died 27 Sep 1939 in Long Beach, Los Angeles County, California. He married Myrtle Iva Fisher (daughter of ? Fisher and ?) 09 Apr 1901 in Sacramento, California. WILLIAM E. SAWTELL William E. Sawtell (son of Edwin and Mary [Neavill] Sawtell) was born 09 Oct 1853 in Wisconsin and died 18 Dec 1911 in Roseville, Placer County, California. He married Estella A. Schellhous (daughter of ? Schellhous and ?) 25 Dec 1886 in Roseville, Placer County, California. FAYETTE SAWTELL Fayette Sawtell (son of Edwin and Mary [Neavill] Sawtell) was born 02 Feb 1855 in Wisconsin and died at the age of eighteen on 28 Feb 1873 in Wisconsin. GUY EVERETT SAWTELL Guy Everett Sawtell (son of Edwin and Mary [Neavill] Sawtell) was born 05 May 1871 in Wisconsin and died 13 Jun 1945 in Modesto, Stanislaus County, California. He married Louise Caroline Elber (daughter of ? Elber and ?) 02 Feb 1911. Children of Guy Sawtell and Louise Elber are: 1. Guy Sawtelle RUTH SAWTELL Guy Sawtelle Ruth Sawtell (daughter of Edwin and Mary [Neavill] Sawtell) was born 07 Jul 1857 in Wisconsin and died 1945. She married Thomas Henry Pasco (son of ? Pasco and ?) 16 Feb 1882 in White Oak Springs, Lafayette County, Wisconsin. Guy Sawtelle (son of Guy and Louise [Elber] Sawtell) was born ????. EVA SAWTELL CAROLINE SAWTELL Caroline Sawtell (daughter of Edwin and Mary [Neavill] Sawtell) was born 15 Oct 1859 in Wisconsin and died sometime before 1885 in Wisconsin. Eva Sawtell (daughter of Edwin and Mary [Neavill] Sawtell) was born 06 Oct 1872 in Wisconsin and died 06 Aug 1873 in Wisconsin. MAZIE SAWTELL EDWIN SAWTELL, JR. Edwin Sawtell, Jr. (son of Edwin and Mary [Neavill] Sawtell) was born 13 Mar 1863 and died 02 Dec 1944. He married Luetta Scott (daughter of ? Scott and ?) 25 Aug 1887 in Wisconsin. Mazie Sawtell (daughter of Edwin and Mary [Neavill] Sawtell) was born 26 Mar 1874 in Wisconsin and died 1957. She married William Hughes (son of ? Hughes and ?) 05 Sep 1900 in Roseville, California. JAMES COLLINS SAWTELL LOLA SAWTELL James Collins Sawtell (son of Edwin and Mary [Neavill] Sawtell) was born 28 Sep 1864 in White Oak Springs, Lafayette County, Wisconsin, and died 16 Jun 1910 in Candle, Lola Sawtell (daughter of Edwin and Mary [Neavill] Sawtell) was born 09 Sep 1876 in Wisconsin and died 10 Feb 1892 in Roseville, California. 176 The Neaveill Family MYRTLE SAWTELL Myrtle Sawtell (daughter of Edwin and Mary [Neavill] Sawtell) was born 14 Mar 1879 in Wisconsin and died 01 Jul 1967 in Berkeley, Alameda County, California. She married Charles Godfrey Keehner, Jr. (son of Charles Keehner and ?) 09 Apr 1902 in Roseville, California. Children of Myrtle Sawtell and Charles Keehner are: 1. Carol Keehner 2. Evelyn Keehner 3. Alice Lenore Keehner Carol Keehner 1. Flora E. Scott 2. Mary “Sadie” Louise Scott Flora E. Scott Flora E. Scott (daughter of Warren and Ella [Red] Scott) was born ????. Mary “Sadie” Louise Scott Mary “Sadie” Louise Scott (daughter of Warren and Ella [Red] Scott) was born ????. JAMES A. MCGRAW Carol Keehner (daughter of Charles and Myrtle [Sawtell] Keehner) was born ????. She married Hubert E. Long (son of ? Long and ?). James A. McGraw (son of John and Ellen [Neavill] McGraw) was born about 1859 and died ????. Evelyn Keehner WYATT J. MCGRAW Evelyn Keehner (daughter of Charles and Myrtle [Sawtell] Keehner) was born ????. She married Henry Brown (son of ? Brown and ?). Wyatt J. McGraw (son of John and Ellen [Neavill] McGraw) was born sometime after 1859 and died ????. Alice Lenore Keehner EMILY A. NEAVILL Alice Lenore Keehner (daughter of Charles and Myrtle [Sawtell] Keehner) was born 1919 in Berkeley, Alameda County, California. She married Forrest Lamont Honnold (son of ? Honnold and ?) 31 Aug 1941 in Berkeley, Alameda County, California. ELLEN COLLINS NEAVILL Ellen Collins Neavill (daughter of Ephraim and Rachel [Cox] Neavill) was born 05 Feb 1835 and died 12 Nov 1907 in Los Angeles, California. She married (1) ? Red in California. She married (2) John McGraw (son of ? McGraw and ?) 18 Mar 1858 in Cherokee, Nevada County, California. Children of Ellen Neavill and ? Red are: Emily A. Neavill (daughter of Ephraim and Rachel [Cox] Neavill) was born May 1837 in Illinois and died 28 Dec 1916 in Fresno, California. She married William H. New 04 Mar 1853 probably in Illinois. Children of Emily Neavill and William New are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Elinora New Mary New Ellen C. New Evaline New ELINORA NEW Elinora New (daughter of William and Emily [Neavill] New) was born about 1854. 1. Ella M. Red Children of Ellen Neavill and John McGraw is: 2. James A. McGraw 3. Wyatt J. McGraw MARY NEW Mary New (daughter of William and Emily [Neavill] New) was born about 1860 and died sometime after 1916. She married L. G. Fisher. ELLA M. RED ELLEN C. NEW Ella M. Red (daughter of ? and Ellen [Neavill] Red) was born 1856 in California and died 22 Apr 1938 in Los Angeles County, California. She married Warren A. Scott (son of ? Scott and ?). Children of Ella Red and Warren Scott are: Ellen C. New (daughter of William and Emily [Neavill] New) was born about 1865 and died sometime after 1910 probably in California. She married Charles M. Chalup (son of ? Chalup and ?) about 1900 probably in California. Charles was born about 1873 and died sometime after 1916. Descendants of ? Neaville Children of Mary New and Charles Chalup are: 1. Mary L. Chalup 2. Alice Ellen Chalup Mary L. Chalup Mary L. Chalup (daughter of Charles and Mary [New] Chalup) was born about 1902. Alice Ellen Chalup Alice Ellen Chalup (daughter of Charles and Mary [New] Chalup) was born about 1903 EVALINE NEW Evaline New (daughter of William and Emily [Neavill] New) was born about Jan 1867 and died 12 Jul 1868 probably in Galena, Jo Daviess County, Illinois.. EDWARD J. NEAVILL 177 3. Edna Collins Bloss EPHRAIM PARLEY BLOSS Ephraim Parley Bloss (son of Alvy and Elizabeth [Neavill] Bloss) was born 1860. ETHEL NEVILLE BLOSS Ethel Neville Bloss (daughter of Alvy and Elizabeth [Neavill] Bloss) was born 1885. EDNA COLLINS BLOSS Edna Collins Bloss (daughter of Alvy and Elizabeth [Neavill] Bloss) was born 1885. EUNICE NEAVILL Eunice Neavill (daughter of Ephraim and Catherine [Van Hook] Neavill) was born about 1852. She married John Perks. Edward J. Neavill (son of Ephraim and Rachel [Cox] Neavill) was born about 1840 in Wisconsin. JULIA E. NEAVILL EVALINE NEAVILL Evaline Neavill (daughter of Ephraim and Rachel [Cox] Neavill) was born 1841 in Iowa and died 23 Jun 1867. She married Obadiah Taylor 01 Apr 1858 in Jo Daviess County, Illinois. Child of Evaline Neavill and Obadiah Taylor is: 1. Sophronia Taylor SOPHRONIA TAYLOR Sophronia Taylor (daughter of Obadiah and Evaline [Neavill] Taylor) was born about 1859. Julia E. Neavill (daughter of Ephraim and Catherine [Van Hook] Neavill) was born 26 Sep 1853. She married (1) ? Saulsby Bef. 1871. She married (2) George Boul 1881 in French Village, St Clair County, Illinois. Children of Julia Neavill and ? Saulsby are: 1. Henry Saulsby 2. Ephraim Saulsby HENRY SAULSBY 1. Henry Saulsby (son of ? and Julia [Neavill] Saulsby) was born about 1871. EPHRAIM SAULSBY ELIZABETH HARRIET NEAVILL Elizabeth Harriet Neavill (daughter of Ephraim and Rachel [Cox] Neavill) was born about Apr 1844. She married Alvy Anderson Bloss 18 Mar 1858 in Cherokee, Nevada County, California. Children of Elizabeth Neavill and Alvy Bloss are: 1. Ephraim Parley Bloss 2. Ethel Neville Bloss 2. Ephraim Saulsby (son of ? and Julia [Neavill] Saulsby) was born about 1875. ADELIA NEAVILL Adelia Neavill (daughter of Ephraim and Catherine [Van Hook] Neavill) was born about 1856 and died 1869. 178 The Neaveill Family J O H N D. N E AV I L L E John D. Neaville (son of ? Neaville) was born 12 Dec 1807 and died 07 Jan 1853 in Council Hill, Jo Daviess County, Illinois. He married Maria L. Meredith (daughter of ? Meredith) 1838. Children of John Neaville and Maria Meredith are: 1. James H. Neaville 2. John Alexander Neaville 3. Mary E. Neaville JOHN ALEXANDER NEAVILLE John Alexander Neaville (son of John and Maria [Meredith] Neaville) was born 31 Jan 1844 and died Feb 1930 in Dear Park, Spokane County, Washington. He married Myra Gay Goodrich 14 Sep 1875. JAMES H. NEAVILLE MARY E. NEAVILLE James H. Neaville (son of John and Maria [Meredith] Neaville) was born about 1841. There is a grave for a James H. Neaville (died 11 Feb 1909) in Wood National Cemetery in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Mary E. Neaville (daughter of John and Maria [Meredith] Neaville), b. 06 Nov 1842, Jo Daviess County, Illinois; d. 24 Jan 1843, Jo Daviess County, Illinois. A L EX A N D E R N E AV I L L E Alexander M. Neaville (son of ? Neaville) was born 24 Sep 1809. He married Ann E. Meredith ( daughter of ? Meredith) 1831. Children of Alexander Neaville and Ann Meredith are: 1. Henry R. Neavill 2. Enoch Frank Neavill 3. Esiline Neavill ENOCH FRANK NEAVILL Enoch Frank Neavill (son of Alexander and Ann [Meredith] Neaville) was born about 1838. ESILINE NEAVILL HENRY R. NEAVILL Henry R. Neavill (son of Alexander and Ann [Meredith] Neaville) was born about 1838. Esiline Neavill (daughter of Alexander and Ann [Meredith] Neaville) was born about 1842. C H A P T E R 21 S A M U E L N E AV I L L C.1816–1900 Samuel Neavill (son of ? and ?) was born abt. 1816 in Indiana, and died 19 Jul 1900 in Sandoval, Illinois. He married Elizabeth Fewel (daughter of James Fewel and Sarah Fiddle) 28 Jan 1836 in Jefferson County, Indiana. There may not be any connection between Samuel Neavill and the other families covered in this book. The only connection is the fact that Samuel lived in Marion County, Illinois, around the same time as James Neavill (see p. 131). The following is from the Kinmundy Express, July 27, 1900: Children of Samuel Neavill and Elizabeth Fewel are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Artemecia Neavill Margaret Neavill Thomas Neavill Stephen Neavill Sarah Neavill Clarissa Neavill Talitha Neavill Charles “Charley” Neavill Samuel Neavil died at Sandoval July 19 aged 84 years. He is the father of Charles of this city and he was buried in Kinmundy. A R T E M E C I A N E AV I L L Artemecia Neavill (daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth [Fewel] Neavill) was born 28 Oct 1836 in Jefferson County, Indiana, and died 10 Sep 1922 in Tonti, Illinois. She married (1) ? Connere. She married (2) John Bthacary. She married (3) Henry Ray. The following is from the Kinmundy Express, September 14, 1922: OBITUARY Artemecia Neavill, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Neavill, was born in Jefferson Co., Ind. on Oct. 28, 1836, the eldest of a family of 8 children, all who have preceded her in death. After the death of her first husband, Mr. Connere, she moved with her parents to Marion county in about 1860. In 1865 she married John Bthacary, who died a few years later. In 1885 she married Henry Ray at Tonti until Mr. Ray passed away. She died Sept. 10, 1922 and leaves 2 step-daughters, 1 niece, and 10 nephews. Her funeral was held near her home in Tonti with interment in Evergreen Cemetery in Kinmundy. * * * 179 180 The Neaveill Family M A RG A R E T N E AV I L L Margaret Neavill (daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth [Fewel] Neavill) was born about 1836 in Illinois and died ????. T H O M A S N E AV I L L Thomas Neavill (son of Samuel and Elizabeth [Fewel] Neavill) was born about 1838. He married Elizabeth “Bettie” Foster, daughter of Hardy Foster and Mary Jones in 1862. Children of Thomas Neavill and Bettie Foster are: 1. Stephen Hardy Neavill 2. George A. Neavill 3. Frank Neavill STEPHEN “STEVE” HARDY NEAVILL Stephen “Steve” Hardy Neavill (son of Thomas and Bettie [Foster] Neavill) was born 12 Apr 1864 in Kinmundy, Illinois, and died 05 Dec 1936 in Custer, South Dakota. He married Catherine “Cass” Rose McCarthy (daughter of John McCarthy and Ellen ?) 11 Jul 1891 in Eckley, Colorado. The following is from the Kinmundy Express, July 11, 1935: 6. Paul Leonard Neavill 7. Richard Foster Neavill FRANCES ELIZABETH NEAVILL Frances Elizabeth Neavill (daughter of Steve and Cass [McCarthy] Neavill) was born 14 Feb 1893 in Hazard, Nebraska, and died 13 Mar 1967 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. She married George Riley 09 Dec 1917 in Merna, Nebraska. Children of Frances Neavill and George Riley are: 1. Catherine Tacy Riley 2. George Neavill Riley Catherine Tacy Riley Catherine Tacy Riley (daughter of George and Frances [Neavill] Riley) was born ????. George Neavill Riley Mr. George Neavill received a message Wednesday announcing the death of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Steve Neavill of Custer, S.D., which occurred that morning. The following is from the Kinmundy Express, December 10, 1936: Mr. George A. Neavill received word last Thursday of the death of his elder brother, Steve, which occurred at his home in Custer, S.D. The deceased had been in ill health for the past year. He was 74 years of age. Services were held Friday in Custer and interment made there. The deceased was a telegraph operator, having learned his profession in the local I.C. Station 52 years ago. He leaves 5 sons and 2 daughters besides his 2 brothers, Frank of St. Louis, and George of this city. Children of Steve Neavill and Cass McCarthy are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Frances Elizabeth Neavill John Thomas Neavill Helen Marie Neavill Stephen Edward Neavill George Lee Neavill George Neavill Riley (son of George and Frances [Neavill] Riley) was born ????. He married Angela ?. JOHN THOMAS NEAVILL John Thomas Neavill (son of Steve and Cass [McCarthy] Neavill) was born 17 Aug 1895 in Hazard, Nebraska, and died 04 Aug 1969 in Denver, Colorado. He met Martha Esther Hastie. Children of John Neavill and Martha Hastie are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Patricia Ann Neavill John Thomas Neavill Mary Therese Neavill Kathryn Rose Neavill Frances Esther Neavill James Lawrence Neavill Virginia Ellen Neavill Patricia Ann Neavill Patricia Ann Neavill (daughter of John and Martha [Hastie] Neavill) was born ????. She married ? Rethmeier. Descendants of Samuel Neavill John “Jack” Thomas Neavill John “Jack” Thomas Neavill (son of John and Martha [Hastie] Neavill) was born 07 May 1924, and died 02 Dec 1995. He married Joanne ?. The following is from the Contra Costa Times, December 6, 1995, p. B03 John “Jack” Thomas Neavill Jr. Jack Neavill, a director of parks and recreation for San Leandro 24 years, died Saturday in Danville. He was 71. The native of Deadwood, S.D., moved to Danville one year ago. He was a former resident of Castro Valley and Lafayette. He served in the merchant marine from 1943 to 1945. He enjoyed skin diving and scuba diving. Neavill was director of special services at Holy Names College in Oakland for the past eight years. He was director of parks and recreation for the city of Downey for six years and was editor of California Parks & Recreation Magazine. He was instrumental in the development of San Leandro Marina, San Leandro Golf Complex and San Leandro Arts Festival. He is survived by his wife of 47 years, Jo Anne Neavill of Danville; daughters, Jan Hersh of Danville, Jonnie K. Atkinson of Redwood City, Jeannie Sousa of Port Angeles, Wash., and Jill Neavill Huckaby of San Leandro; sons, James Neavill of Martinez and Jerry Neavill of Gladstone, Ore.; brother, James Neavill of Sioux Falls, S.D.; sisters, Patricia Rethmeier of San Diego, and Kay Reddick and Jeannie Horvat, both of Denver; and 11 grandchildren. Services: Memorial 10:30 a.m. Friday at St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church, San Ramon. Ashes to be scattered at sea. Arrangements are by Affordable Mortuary Services, Walnut Creek. Memorial gifts: American Cancer Society, East Bay Region, 1700 Webster St., Oakland, CA 94612. Children of “Jack” Neavill and Joanne ? are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Jan Neavill Jonnie K. Neavill Jeannie Neavill Jill Neavill James Neavill Jerry Neavill Jan Neavill Jan Neavill (daughter of “Jack” and Joanne [?] Neavill) was born ????. She married ? Hersh. Jonnie K. Neavill Jonnie K. Neavill (daughter of “Jack” and Joanne [?] Neavill) was born ????. She married ? Atkinson. Jeannie Neavill Jeannie Neavill (daughter of “Jack” and Joanne [?] Neavill) was born ????. She married ? Sousa. 181 Jill Neavill Jill Neavill (daughter of “Jack” and Joanne [?] Neavill) was born ????. She married ? Huckaby. James Neavill James Neavill (son of “Jack” and Joanne [?] Neavill) was born ????. Jerry Neavill Jerry Neavill (son of “Jack” and Joanne [?] Neavill) was born ????. Mary Therese Neavill Mary Therese Neavill (daughter of John and Martha [Hastie] Neavill) was born ????. Kathryn Rose Neavill Kathryn Rose Neavill (daughter of John and Martha [Hastie] Neavill) was born ????. She married ? Reddick. Frances Esther Neavill Frances Esther Neavill (daughter of John and Martha [Hastie] Neavill) was born ????. James Lawrence Neavill James Lawrence Neavill (son of John and Martha [Hastie] Neavill) was born in 1935 in Hastings, Nebraska. Virginia Ellen Neavill Virginia Ellen Neavill (daughter of John and Martha [Hastie] Neavill) was born ????. She married Edmund Horvatt. HELEN MARIE NEAVILL Helen Marie Neavill (daughter of Steve and Cass [McCarthy] Neavill) was born 23 Jan 1897 and died Jul 1983. STEPHEN EDWARD NEAVILL Stephen Edward Neavill (son of Steve and Cass [McCarthy] Neavill) was born 11 Nov 1898 and died 26 Nov 1961 in Custer, South Dakota. GEORGE LEE NEAVILL George Lee Neavill (son of Steve and Cass [McCarthy] Neavill) was born ????. He married Mildred Eliza Trimble. Mildred was born 05 May 1903 and died 03 Feb 1995. Children of George Neavill and Mildred Trimble are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Helen Aldona Neavill Mary Pauline Neavill Richard Dean Neavill George Lee Neavill 182 The Neaveill Family Helen Aldona Neavill Helen Aldona Neavill (daughter of George and Mildred [Trimble] Neavill) was born ????. Mary Pauline Neavill Mary Pauline Neavill (daughter of George and Mildred [Trimble] Neavill) was born ????. Richard Dean Neavill Richard Dean Neavill (son of George and Mildred [Trimble] Neavill) was born ????. George Lee Neavill, Jr. George Lee Neavill, Jr. (son of George and Mildred [Trimble] Neavill) was born ????. 07 Dec 1972. He married Vinola Christine Surber. Vinola was born 15 Mar 1906 and died 27 Apr 1995. The following is from the Phoenix Gazette, Monday, May 1, 1995, Edition: Final , Section: Metro , Page: B3. Vinola C. Neavill, 89, of Avondale, a homemaker, died April 27, 1995. She was born in Colton, S.D. Survivors include her daughter, Bonnie Grigsby; son, Russell Surber; sister, Virginia Friel; and five grandchildren. Services are private. A.L. Moore and Sons. Children of Richard Neavill and Vinola Surber are: 1. Charlene Rae Neavill 2. Cheryl Lee Neavill 3. Marlene A. Neavill Charlene Rae Neavill PAUL LEONARD NEAVILL Paul Leonard Neavill (son of Steve and Cass [McCarthy] Neavill) was born ????. He married Margaret Lane. Children of Paul Neavill and Margaret Lane are: Charlene Rae Neavill (daughter of Richard and Vinola [Surber] Neavill) was born ????. Cheryl Lee Neavill Cheryl Lee Neavill (daughter of Richard and Vinola [Surber] Neavill) was born ????. 1. Stephen Raymond Neavill 2. Nancy Ann Neavill 3. Michael Neavill Marlene A. Neavill Stephen Raymond Neavill Stephen Raymond Neavill (son of Paul and Margaret [Lane] Neavill) was born ????. Nancy Ann Neavill Marlene A. Neavill (daughter of Richard and Vinola [Surber] Neavill) was born ????. GEORGE A. NEAVILL Nancy Ann Neavill (daughter of Paul and Margaret [Lane] Neavill) was born ????. Michael Neavill George A. Neavill (son of Thomas and Bettie [Foster] Neavill ) was born ???? and died 28 Jun 1948. He married ? Cox (daughter of Frank Cox and Nan Solomon). Michael Neavill (son of Paul and Margaret [Lane] Neavill) was born ????. FRANK NEAVILL RICHARD FOSTER NEAVILL Richard Foster Neavill (son of Steve and Cass [McCarthy] Neavill) was born 26 Apr 1907 in Merna, Nebraska, and died Frank Neavill (son of Thomas and Bettie [Foster] Neavill ) was born ???? and died ????. S T E P H E N N E AV I L L Stephen Neavill (son of Samuel and Elizabeth [Fewel] Neavill) was born about 1841 and died in the Civil War 24 Nov 1862. The following is from Brinkerhoff’s History of Marion County, Illinois, p. 94: Stephen Neavill, died of wounds at Moscow, Tenessee, November 24, 1862 Descendants of Samuel Neavill 183 S A R A H N E AV I L L Sarah Neavill (daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth [Fewel] Neavill) was born 10 Sep 1845 and died 08 Sep 1914. She married William R. Fish (son of Marshall G. Fish and ?) 08 May 1870 in Marion County, Illinois. The following os from the Kinmundy Express, September 10, 1914: Mrs. Sarah E. Fish of Topeka, Kansas died Tuesday at the age of almost 70 years. She was the widow of the late Wm. Fish, former residents of this place. She has not been back here for 35 years. The body will arrive here Thursday and services held Friday. She is a sister of C. M. Neavill and a sister-in-law of J. O. Fish. The following is from William G. Cutler’s History of the State of Kansas, 1883, SHAWNEE COUNTY, Part 22: ferson County, Ind. in 1843, where he lived until 1859, when he settled in Mattoon, Ill., where he was in the grocery business twelve years. His father, Marshall G. Fish, died in 1855. Mr. Fish came to Topeka in 1881 and established the business already mentioned, which is the only one of its kind in the State. He carries a very large stock of teas and sixteen grades of coffee. He has facilities for roasting and grinding a ton of coffee a day, as well as grinding a thousand pounds of spices. Mr. Fish was married to Miss Sarah Neavill, of Kinmundy, Ill., in 1870. They have one son. Mr. Fish enlisted in 1862 in the Eighty-eighth Illinois, called the Second Chicago Board of Trade regiment. He served three years and was in eighteen general engagements, and was wounded before Atlanta. He was mustered out of service in 1865 at Chicago. He is now a member of the Gen. Rice Post, G.A.R. WILLIAM R. FISH, proprietor of China Tea Store and Topeka Steam Coffee and Spice Mills, was born in Jef- C L A R I S S A NE AV I L L Clarissa Neavill (daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth [Fewel] Neavill) was born about 1847. TA L I T H A N E AV I L L Talitha Neavill (daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth [Fewel] Neavill) was born ???? and died sometime before 1922. She married John Moody (son of ? Moody and ?) 01 Mar 1881. John was born ???? and died 05 Nov 1927 in Bakersfield, California. The following is from the Kinmundy Express, November 17, 1927: Earl Moody wrote his cousin, G.A. Neavill telling him that John Moody, his father, had died Nov. 5 in Bakersfield, Cal. Child of Talitha Neavill and John Moody is: 1. Earl Moody EARL MOODY Earl Moody (son of John and Talitha [Neavill] Moody) was born ????. C H A R L E S “ C H AR L EY ” M . N E AV I L L Charles “Charley” Neavill (son of Samuel and Elizabeth [Fewel] Neavill) was born 24 Jan 1855 in Indiana and died 11 Nov 1920 in Tonti, Illinois. He married Elizabeth Bissonet (daughter of Jerry Bissonet and Mary Venica) 21 Apr 1881. 184 The Neaveill Family Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Jerry and Mary Venica Bissonett, was born in Kankakee, Ill., December 30, 1855. She was one of a family of eleven children, all having preceded her in death but three brothers, Frank, of Kinmundy; Dan, of Brownstown; Jim, of Florida. When but a small child, she came to Kinmundy to make her home and it was here on April 21, 1881, that she was united in marriage to Charles M. Neavill, and he took his young bride to her new home in the southwest part of this city, and this remained their home until his passing on November 11, 1920. To this union came five sons and one daughter; Jim, of Kinmundy; Samuel J. of Long Beach, Cal.; John W. of Granite City, Ill.; Thos. D. of Ferguson, Mo.; Kittie M. Watkins, of Los Angeles, Cal.; William R. of Palatka, Fla. Having been reared in a Christian home, she early gave her heart to God and united with the Presbyterian Church in Kinmundy, and was, indeed, a loyal and faithful member, assisting in the work of her church in all ways possible. On May 27, 1931, she became the wife of Lafayette Bassett, and went to make her home with him on a farm eight miles west of here, and he with the children are left to mourn the loss of a dear companion and mother. Hers was a rich, happy life and her devotion to her family and home was her great pleasure. To them she has left a legacy of memories that cannot be taken from them. She leaves also to mourn three grandchildren, Burdette and Charles Neavills and Betty Elizabeth Watkins. Elizabeth was born 30 Dec 1855 in Kankakee, Illinois, and died Apr 1934 in Kinmundy The following is from the Kinmundy Express, November 18, 1920: OBITUARY Charles M. Neavil was born Jan. 24, 1855 in Indiana, and was the youngest of a family of 8 children, all passing except for Artemecia Ray of Tonti, Ill., and Mrs. Talitha Moodey of Alburquire, New Mexico. In 1862 he moved with his parents to Kinmundy where he has since resided. He married Miss Elizabeth Biseonett on Apr. 21, 1881, and they had 6 children—James, Samuel, John, Thomas, Kittie, and William, all surviving. While caring for his sister in Tonti he was stricken with pnemonia from which he never recovered. He died Nov. 11, 1920 at the home of his sister, Mrs. Ray. Burial in Evergreen Cemetery. * * * The following is from the Kinmundy Express, June 4, 1931: BASSETT - NEAVILLS: Mr. Lafayette Bassett and Mrs. Elizabeth Neavills stole a march on their many friends Wednesday, May 27, when they were united in marriage in Salem, Ill. at the M.E. Parsonage, Rev. J. E. Shafer performing the ceremony. Mrs. Neavills has been a resident of our community for a number of years until the past winter when she went to California to be with her daughter. Mr. Bassett is a prosperous farmer, living west of this city in Foster township. The couple expect to reside on Mr. Bassett’s farm. Kinmundy friends extend best wishes for their happiness. “It matters not that the form we knew Lies silently, restfully sleeping. We know that the heart that for us beat true Is safe in the Master's keeping.” The following is from the Kinmundy Express, April 19, 1934: The funeral services were held from the M.E. Church Tuesday morning at 10:30 o’clock, Rev. L. V. Lovell, officiating, Rev. F. C. Mery assisting. Interment was made in Evergreen Cemetery. Mrs. Elizabeth Neavill Bassett Dies Suddenly: Mrs. Elizabeth Neavill Bassett, wife of Lafayette Bassett, died sometime Saturday night from heart trouble, at her home in Foster Township. She complained of not feeling well Saturday evening and lay down on the bed. After awhile Mr. Bassett went on to bed and as she seemed to be resting, he left her lying on the day bed. Sunday morning when he arose she was dead. The body was brought here Monday to the home of her son, James Neavill, where it lay in state until Tuesday. Obituary Sunday morning, the many neighbors and friends of Mrs. Lafayette Bassett were sorely grieved to learn of her sudden passing during the night. Having attended to her household duties, she lay down for a short while and was then called to her eternal rest by our Heavenly Father, Who doeth all things well. CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our sincere thanks to the many neighbors and friends for their assistance in any way at the time of the death of our beloved wife and mother. Especially are we grateful for the beautiful flowers, the sweet music and the words of comfort. The Bassett and Neavill Families Children of Charles Neavill and Elizabeth Bissonet are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. James Neavill Samuel Jerry Neavill John Wilson Neavill Thomas Neavill Kitty Mecia Neavill Descendants of Samuel Neavill 6. William Neavill JAMES “JIM” NEAVILL James “Jim” Neavill (son of Charles and Elizabeth [Bissonet] Neavill) was born ????. He married (1) Mary Margaret Werner (daughter of Fred Werner and Katherine ?) 17 Aug 1917. Mary was born 27 Oct 1874 in St. Louis, Missouri, and died 02 Apr 1937 in Kinmundy, Illinois. He married (2) Bessie White (daughter of ? and ?) 01 Mar 1938 in St. Charles, Missouri. The following is from the Kinmundy Express, April 8, 1937: Mrs. James Neavill died suddenly Friday morning, April 2, 1937, in her home in this city, and was found by a neighbor, Mr. Louis Sigrist, when he entered the house to get some milk. Mr. Neavill had just returned from the barn with the milk and had set it down just inside the house. He returned to the yard to converse with Mr. Sigrist and another neighbor, Mr. C. G. Jackson. After about 5 minutes, Mr. Sigrist went in the house to get some milk to take home and found her lying on the floor. He immediately called to Mr. Neavill and Mr. Jackson and Dr. Miller was summoned who pronounced her dead. For some unknown reason, she had fallen and hit her head on the sharp edge of the door jam, cutting a gash about 2 inches long in her scalp. Services were held from the home Sunday with interment in Evergreen Cemetery. Mary Margaret, daughter of Fred and Katherine Werner, was born in St. Louis, Mo. on Oct. 27, 1874. Her early life was spent there and it was in the city she received her education. She was christened and reared in the Catholic faith. Her early marriage was in St. Louis and they had 3 sons, Peter, who died in infancy; Oliver, who died in the World War, and Vincent, an aviator, of Bismark, N.D. She married with James F. Neavill on Aug. 17, 1917 at St. Charles, Mo. and they made their home in Granite City, Ill. until their removal to this city in 1929, and here they have since resided in the beautiful Neavill home in the southwest part of Kinmundy. She is survived by her husband; the son, and 3 grandchildren; 2 brothers, John Werner of Philadelphia, Pa.; Fred Werner of St. Louis, Mo.; and 2 sisters, Mrs. John G. Haneisen, and Mrs. Paul Printz of St. Louis, Mo. The following is from the Kinmundy Express, March 10, 1938: Mr. James Neavill and Mrs. Bessie White stole the march on their many friends by slipping away to St. Charles, Mo. on March 1st, and being quietly married. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Tom Neavill of 185 Ferguson, Mo. They are now at home in the Neavill home in the south part of town. SAMUEL JERRY NEAVILL Samuel Jerry Neavill (son of Charles and Elizabeth [Bissonet] Neavill) was born 17 Feb 1885 in Illinois and died at the age of fifty-five on 23 Dec 1940 in Los Angeles County, California. The following is from the Kinmundy Express, Jan. 9, 1941: The many friends of Samuel J. Neavill are sorry to learn of his death. He died suddenly on Dec. 28 in the home of his sister, Mrs. D. M. Watkins in Los Angeles, Cal. Services and interment were made in Long Beach, Cal. JOHN WILSON NEAVILL John Neavill (son of Charles and Elizabeth [Bissonet] Neavill) was born 24 Apr 1889 in Illinois and died at the age of sixty-six on 18 May 1955 in Los Angeles County, California. He married ?. The following is from the Kinmundy Express, July 31, 1924: While fishing in the I.C. Lake Sunday, John Neavill accidently hooked a 6 pound bass. John was so excited that if Buck Miller had not been with him, he probably would have fallen in the lake. He was pulling out bass all that night in his sleep. Wes Harris landed a 5 pounder the same day, but did not get so excited as this is a common occurrence for him. The heads are on display at Grissom’s hardware store. Child of John Neavill and ? is: 1. Burdette Gray Neavill BURDETTE GRAY NEAVILL Burdette Gray Neavill (son of John and ? Neavill) was born 12 Apr 1911 and died Jan 1974. He married Elizabeth L. Barrick (daughter of ? Barrick and ?) Sep 1942 in Cleveland, Ohio. The following is from the Kinmundy Express, September 10, 1942: Word has been received here by Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gray of the marriage on Saturday of their nephew, Burdette Gray Neavill to Miss Elizabeth L. Barrick at the Imman Presbyterian Church in Cleveland, Ohio. The 186 The Neaveill Family bride will continue to teach in the Oberlin, Ohio College. Mr. Neavill enlisted in the navy in April, 1942 and is still stationed at the Great Lakes Naval Training Station in Chicago. The groom will be remembered by many as the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Neavill of Granite City, Ill. MARY ELIZABETH WATKINS Mary Elizabeth Watkins (daughter of David and Kitty [Neavill] Watkins) was born 24 Dec 1924 in Hondo, California. WILLIAM NEAVILL THOMAS D. NEAVILL Thomas Neavill (son of Charles and Elizabeth [Bissonet] Neavill) was born 24 Apr 1889. KITTY NEAVILL Kitty Neavill (daughter of Charles and Elizabeth [Bissonet] Neavill) was born ????. She married David M. Watkins (son of G. W. Watkins and ?) 03 Feb 1923 in Los Angeles, California. The following is from the Kinmundy Express, February 8, 1923: Miss Kitty Mecia Neavill of this city and Mr. David M. Watkins of Hondo, Cal. were married on Feb. 3 in Los Angeles, California. The bride is daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Neavill of this city, and for the past few years been employed in Battle Creek, Mich. The groom is son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Watkins of Murray, Ky. and is a chemist in laboratories in Hondo, Cal. They will reside in Hondo, California. Child of Kitty Neavill and David Watkins is: 1. Mary Elizabeth Watkins William Neavill (son of Charles and Elizabeth [Bissonet] Neavill) was born in 1895 and died Apr 1946 in Palatka, Florida. He married Verna Payne (daughter of Charles Payne and ?). The following is from the Kinmundy Express, July 12, 1922: Mr. W.R. Neavill and Mrs. Verna Wright of McAlester, Okla. was married at the M.E. Church South parsonage in Salem last Thursday. The bride is the former Miss Verna Paine who spent her childhood days in this community. The groom is son of Mrs. Elizabeth Neavill and is in the painting and decorating business. The couple will make their home with the groom’s mother. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Doolen and Frank Doolen were present at the wedding. The following is from the Kinmundy Express, April 25, 1946: William E. Neavill died at his home in Palatka, Fla. Tuesday after an illness of several months duration, aged 50 years, 7 months, 24 days. Services and interment will be made there. For the past several years, he has been a painting contractor in Palatka. He is a brother of James Neavill of this city. A P P E N D I X A ADDRESSES Following are the names and addresses of some of the people mentioned in this book. Many of these have contributed genealogical information to this project. Mary Ann (Neaveill) Abrahamson PO Box 43 Crossville, IL 62827 phone: (618)966-2436 Bernice G. (Neaveill) Belden 2162 State Route 37 Salem, IL 62881-6960 phone: (618)548-2906 Crystal (Woods) Acklin 13660 N Main St Wheeler, IL 62479 phone: (217)925-5456 Tom Bennett 38 Hillcrest Tuscola IL 61953 phone: (217)253-3286 email: John Albert Asbury 5705 Holly Hills Ave. St. Louis, MO 63109-3525 phone: (314)752-3290 Stephan Balding email: Shirley (Clark) Baker 119 E 9th Street Flora, IL 62839 Earl George Bankston RR 1, Box 101 Fairfield, IL 62837 phone: (618)842-3080 Gary Earl Bankston 1124 Giles St. Stoughton, WI 53589 phone: (608)873-2023 Robert D. Bankston PO Box 262 456 S. Middle St. Grayville, IL 62844 phone: (618)375-5502 Christy (Simpson) Barr 2081 Windsong Ct, Gurnee, IL 60031-6095 phone: (847)360-8012 email: Linda Bohner 3225 W. State Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85051 phone: (602)973-6780 email: Jim Briggs PO Box 61 Bone Gap, IL 62815-0061 phone: (618)446-3320 email: Violet Marie (Darr) Buswell 10701 S. 500 W Kentland, IN 47951 phone: (219)474-5373 email: Dale C. Clark 5719 Ravelstok Drive Sacramento, CA 95842 Robert K. Clark 314 E. South St. Moweaqua, IL 62550 phone: (217)768-3844 email: Paula (McKitrick) Colclasure 405 S.E. 2nd Fairfield, IL 62837 phone: (618)847-7761 Heather (Neaveill) Collins email: Evelyn (Clark) Compton 126 W. Walnut Street Albion, IL 62806 Linda Dennis 5320 Dido Hicks Rd. Fort Worth, TX 76179 email: Alice Duncanson email: Tom Duncanson 802 S. Fair Champaign, IL 61821 phone: (217)351-1867 email: Virginia (Clark) Farmer 3263 Long Creek Road Decatur, IL 62521 Mary Jane (Zagorski) Fries 1123 Fairway Drive Winter Park, FL 32792 phone: (407)671-1292 Steven Joseph Green 9121 Crawley Ct., #8 Lousville, KY 40241 phone: (502)425-7100 email: Dennis Grindley email: Robert Lee Hart 6340 East 1450 North Rd. Fairmount, IL 61841 phone: (217)733-2790 187 188 Appendix A: Addresses Jean Marie Neaveill 315 W. Fifer St. Colfax, IL 61728 phone: (309)723-2024 Margaret (Hickey) Heskett Coloney Acres # 137 413 1st St. Gibbon, NE 68840 phone: (308)468-6205 Walter “Bud” Miller 11808 Dogwood Drive Garfield, AR 72732 phone: (501)359-3923 email: Elmer Hickey 2121 Elmwood Lane Joliet, IL 60433 phone: ? Billy Fay Neaveill 1225 W. La Pasadita Pl. Tucson, AZ 85705-2509 phone: (520)293-3099 Jeffrey Scott Neaveill (son of Boyd Neaveill) 237 Schoolheimer Rd. Canosta, NY 13032 phone: (315)363-2786 Eric Don Hickey 458 Constitution Billings, MT 58105 phone: ? Boyd Arnold Neaveill 4701 Overton Ave. Raytown, MO 64133-1818 phone: (816)353-7896 email: Jerry Wayne Neaveill 203 W. Cooper Colfax, IL 61728 phone: (309)723-3091 Frances L. (Neaveill) Johnson 1507 Ashlawn Dr. Murfreesboro, TN 37129-6050 phone: (615)890-7862 email: Carole Kay Neaveill 597 Pleasant View Eureka, IL 61530 phone: (309)467-2575 Julie (Cultice) Neaveill 648 East High St., Apt. 8 Springfield, OH 45505 phone: (937)525-9308 email: Sharon Jacquelyn (Neaville) Johnson email: Chris Lofgren 5800 W. Hubbard Ln. Peoria, IL 61607-9566 phone: (309)697-0048 Jill (Neaveill) Martino 2963 Burlingame S.W., Apt. 2A Wyoming, MI 49509 phone: (616)531-5216 Jim Matarelli 105 East Oakwood Road East Peoria, IL 61611-1660 phone: ? LaVonne G. Matarelli 7204 Isle Dr Port Richey, FL 34668-5727 phone: ? Virginia “Jenny” (Longest) Matthews 123 E. Sixth Street Mt. Vernon, IN 47620 phone: (812)838-8846 email: Carl McKibben Rt. 3, Box 712 Fairfield, IL 62837 phone: (618)842-4902 Ed Mckibben 1616 SR 14 Deerfield, OH 44411 email: Nancy (Hickey) McKinley 783 George Road Bronson, MI 49028 phone: (517)369-1281 email: Barbara (Elliot) McNamer 4N070 Edwards Drive Addison, IL 60101 phone: (630)629-7569 Charles Edward Neaveill 29 Riverview Trailer Court Union, MO 63084-3214 phone: (314)583-9426 Charlotte (Kepple) Neaveill 28 Hawaii Boulevard Naples, FL 34112-6940 phone: (941)774-3938 Clara Fay Neaveill 597 Pleasant View Eureka, IL 61530 phone: (309)467-2575 David Allen Neaveill 4876 Halwell Dr. Virginia Beach, VA 23464-8417 phone: (757)467-0877 email: Delbert Jefferson Neaveill 202 N. MI Owensville, IN 47655 phone: (812)729-7728 Ervin Neaveill 6355 Griffin Rd. New Harmony, IN 47631 phone: (812)682-4248 email: Frances (Coomes) Neaveill 631 Murphy New Harmony, IN 47631 phone: (812)682-3818 Gregory “Greg” Steven Neaveill (son of Marion Neaveill) 7222 Whipporill Lane Peoria, IL 61614-1727 phone: (309)693-2782 email: Gregory “Greg” William Neaveill (son of Jerry Neaveill) 207 Oak Street Metamora, IL 61548 phone: (309)367-4125 email: Kevin Neaveill 2009 east nye #12 sioux falls, SD 57104 email: Lawrence “Larry” Neaveill 306 W. Orleans St. Pacific, MO 63069-2036 phone: (314)271-8135 Marvin Eugene Neaveill 277 Sago Palm Largo, FL 34648 phone: (813)586-3360 Mary (Baker) Neaveill 597 Pleasant View Eureka, IL 61530 phone: (309)467-2575 Matthew “Matt” Neaveill 22 West Avenue Woodstown, NJ 08098-1107 phone: ? Michael “Mike” Neaveill (son of Jerry Neaveill) 116 W. Reynolds St. Pontiac, IL 61764-2464 phone: (815)842-6509 Michael “Mike” Neaveill (son of Darrol Neaveill) 50 Tulip Loop Pacific, MO 63069-1159 phone: (314)271-8401 Paul Douglas Neaveill 1402 17th St. Moline, IL 61265 phone: ? Percy Douglas “Doug” Neaveill 503 N. Douglas St. Roanoke, IL 61561 phone: (309)923-7755 Appendix A: Addresses Rodney “Rod” Scott Neaveill 4 Pine Tree Ct. Hampton Pointe Hockessin, DE 19707 phone: (302)235-1313 email: Ryan Douglas Neaveill 618 Creve Coeur Dr. Champaign, IL 61822 phone: (217)355-4837 email: Shawn Neaveill 803 E. 3rd St. Mount Vernon, IN 47620-2006 phone: (812)-833-0753 Todd Neaveill 19 Lockhouse Rd. B-3 A-4 Westfield, MA 01085 phone: ? Walter Percy Neaveill 22453 Smasal Road Sedalia, MO 65301-1001 phone: (660)827-2571 James Clarence Neavill phone: (719)598-7699 email: Mary (Kohler) Neavill 420 S. Market St. Shreve, OH 44676-9553 phone: (330)567-2851 Arlo Hugh “Hughie” Neaville email: Leonard Dale Neaville RR 3 Cisne, IL 62823-9803 phone: (618)673-2482 email: Amy (Neaveill) Panek 904 E. Seneca Place Peoria, IL 61603 phone: (309)685-8321 Lucille (Neaveill) Venters 323 N. Broadway West Salem, IL 62476 phone: ? Jeffrey Pressy email: Bonnie (Neaville) Wiley 2014 Stoner Dr W Charleston, IL 61920-3720 phone: (217)345-9604 email: Shirley June (Ward) Rakers 1004 Windsor Court Edwardsville, IL 62025-4131 phone: (618)659-9740 email: Judy (Simpson) Saylor Dld Horseshoe Subdivision, Gravois Mills, MO 65037 phone: (573)372-3195 email: Sandy (Zikus) Schatsiek 214 Parkview Drive Washington, IL phone: (309)444-7715 email: LaVerna (Neaveill) Schultz 527 Passiflora Dr. LaHabra Heights, CA 90631 phone: ? Jean (Neaveill) Seggerman 311 N. Jefferson Roanoke, IL 61561 phone: (309)923-7211 Andrea (Neaveill) Shore 19513 Harmony Road Marengo, IL 60152 phone: (815)923-3609 Ileane (Timmons) Thornsbrough 205 Ann St. Rossville, IL 60963 phone: ? Hazel (Hickey) Winter PO Box 646 Meade, KS 67864 email: Jean (Neavill) Woods 6718 East US 50 Claremont, IL 62421 phone: (618)869-2873 email: Rita (Venters) Woods 323 N. Broadway West Salem, IL 62476 phone: ? email: Mary Alice (Neavill) Zikus 5420 N. Sherwood Ave. Peoria, IL 61614-4733 phone: (309)691-8817 Winter Address: 4073 Lake Bayshore Drive Bradenton, FL34205 189 A P P E N D I X B CEMETER Y LOCATIONS The United States Geological Survey (USGS) maintains an online database called the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) which can be accessed on the World Wide Web at: This database contains information on nearly 2 million physical and cultural geographic features in the United States, including cemeteries. The maps on the following pages were produced by the GNIS database. Each page shows two images: The upper image shows the general location of the cemetery in relation to cities, towns, and main roads. The lower image zooms in on the cemetery showing its location in detail. At the top of 190 each page is the name of the cemetery, its general location, followed by a list of the names of those buried there. Another useful tool for finding these locations, epecially cemeteries located in rural areas, is the Illinois Atlas & Gazetteer: Topographical Maps of the Entire State. This Atlas shows every back road in the state of Illinois, not to mention a lot of other useful information such as campgrounds, historic sites, museums, and scenic drives. The Illinois Atlas & Gazetteer can be purchased for about $10.00. There are also versions available for other states. They are published by: DeLorme PO Box 298 Freeport, Maine 04032 phone: (207)865-4171 Word Wide Web: Appendix B: Cemetery Locations BETHEL CEMETERY (BELLMONT, ILLINOIS) 1. Caroline Rebecca (Rigg) Neaveill 2. John “Johnnie” Frederick Neaveill 3. Thomas V. Neaveill 191 192 Appendix B: Cemetery Locations BETHSAIDA CONGREGATIONAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH CEMETERY (NEAR GRIFFIN, INDIANA) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Otto Fay Neaveill Stella (Hess) Neaveill Roy Neaveill Grover Fay Neaveill Robin Wayne Neaveill Stephanie Simmons Appendix B: Cemetery Locations CUBA CEMETERY (CUBA, ILLINOIS) 1. William Delbert Neaveill 193 194 Appendix B: Cemetery Locations GRACELAND CEMETERY (MEADE, KANSAS) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Martha Lucinda (Neaveill) Hickey James Clinton Hickey Noel Richard Hickey Julia Elizabeth Hickey Gordon Edward Hickey William Thomas Heskett James Rex Heskett Appendix B: Cemetery Locations HIGHLAND MEMORIAL CEMETERY (MT. CARMEL, ILLINOIS) 1. Phoebe (Neaveill) Coale 2. Owen Bryan Coale 3. Miranda Jean Neaveill 195 196 Appendix B: Cemetery Locations KOONTZ CEMETERY (FAIRFIELD, ILLINOIS) 1. 2. 3. 4. Laura Jane (Neaveill) Dunahoo Israel Dunahoo Enoch Edmon Dunahoo Carrie I. Dunahoo Appendix B: Cemetery Locations MANN’S CHAPEL CEMETERY (NEAR ROSSVILLE, ILLINOIS) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Florence (George) Darr Elijah Darr Violet (Darr) Thornsbrough Homer E. Thornsbrough Edwin Darr Thelma (Lichlyter) Darr 197 198 Appendix B: Cemetery Locations MAPLE HILL CEMETERY (FAIRFIELD, ILLINOIS) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Mary (Walter) Neaveill Michael K. Neaville James Opal Neaville Stephen Dale Neavill Arlo Hugh Neavill Mary A. (Neal) Neavill Christopher T. Wiley Appendix B: Cemetery Locations PIN OAK MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH CEMETERY (NEAR FAIRFIELD, ILLINOIS) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Guy Anderson Neaveill Hazel (Neaveill) Brown Sarah Elizabeth (Finley) Neaveill William M. Curry Augusta (Smith) Curry 199 200 Appendix B: Cemetery Locations RICHLAND CONGREGATIONAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH CEMETERY (NEAR FAIRFIELD, ILLINOIS) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Francis Elmer Neaveill Julie (Neaveill) McKibben Leonard Eugene Neaville Alta Mae (?) Neaville Pat (McKibben) Ewing Daisy (George) Bankston Myrtle (Bankston) Phelps Grover J. Neavill Rena (Butler) Neavill 10. Mary (Neaville) Ducker 11. Michael Ducker Appendix B: Cemetery Locations SPRINGDALE CEMETERY (PEORIA, ILLINOIS) 1. Andrew Hayden Neaveill 2. Rollie Neavill 3. Belma (Akers) Neavill 201 202 Appendix B: Cemetery Locations SWAN LAKE MEMORY GARDENS CEMETERY (PEORIA, ILLINOIS) 1. Marion Granville Neaveill 2. Velma (Derr) Neaveill 3. Michael Eric Neaveill Appendix B: Cemetery Locations VICTORY GENERAL BAPTIST CHURCH CEMETERY (NEAR FAIRFIELD, ILLINOIS) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Enoch Levi Neaveill Ethel Harriet (Geeding) Neaveill Corabell (Green) Neaveill Alven L. Neaveill Lodema Bell (Neaveill) Asbury Mary Clemance (Neaveill) Esmon “Viney” (George) Gammon Pearley Gammon Earley Gammon William Thomas Williamson Sara (Curry) Williamson 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Rosa A. (Williamson) Monroe William Elisha Neavill Agnes (Puffer) Neavill James Hugh Neavill Rosa M. Neavill 203 204 Appendix B: Cemetery Locations YOUNG FAMILY CEMETERY (NEAR FAIRFIELD, ILLINOIS) 1. Andrew Johnson Neaveill 2. Lucinda (Young) Neaveill 3. John Young (Lucinda’s father) B I B L I O G R A P HY Angle, Paul M. Bloody Williamson: A Chapter in American Lawlessness. Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois Press, 1952, Beeson, Betty A. Wayne County, Illinois: Birth Records, 1886–1903. Geff, Illinois: Beeson Enterprises, 1985. Beeson, Betty A. Wayne County, Illinois: Death Records, 1910–1916. Geff, Illinois: Beeson Enterprises, 1984. Beeson, Betty A. Wayne County, Illinois: Marriages, 1896–1906. Geff, Illinois: Beeson Enterprises, 1984. Beeson, Betty A. Wayne County, Illinois: Marriages, 1905–1915. Geff, Illinois: Beeson Enterprises, 1986. Beeson, Betty A. Wayne County, Illinois: Marriages, Part I. Fairfield, Illinois: Bland Books, 1983. Beeson, Betty A. Wayne County, Illinois: Marriages, Part II. Fairfield, Illinois: Bland Books, 1983. Boewe, Charles. Prairie Albion: An English Settlement in Pioneer Illinois.Edwardsville, Illinois: Southern Illinois University Press, 1962. Brinkerhoff’s History of Marion County, Illinois. Indianapolis: B.F. Bowen & Co., 1909. Davis, James E. Frontier Illinois. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 1998. DeNeal, Gary. A Knight of Another Sort: Prohibition Days and Charlie Birger. Edwardsville, Illinois: Southern Illinois University Press, 1981. Edwards County Historical Society. A History of Edwards County, Illinois, vol. 1. Albion, IL: Author, 1980. “Gunfire Lays Low One More Shelton,” Life magazine, June 19, 1950, pp. 39–42. History of Wayne and Clay Counties, Illinois. Chicago: Globe Publishing, 1884. Horrell, C. William, et al. Land Between the Rivers: The Southern Illinois Country. Edwardsville, Illinois: Southern Illinois University Press, 1973. Pensoneau, Taylor. Brother Notorious: The Sheltons— Southern Illinois’ Legendary Gangsters. New Berlin, Illinois: Downstate Publications, 2002. Perrin, William H. (Ed.). History of Effingham County, Illinois. Illustrated. Chicago: O.L. Baskin & Co., Historical Publishers, 1883. Rossville Historical Society. History of Ross and South Ross Townships. Rossville, IL: Author, 1987. 205 N A M E I N D EX A Abendroth, James, 167 Abendroth, Kurt, 167 Abrahamson, Cassandra “Cassie” (b.1991), 36 Abrahamson, Davis, 36 Abrahamson, Dawn (b.1973), 37 Abrahamson, Jerry, 36 Abrahamson, Joe (b.1965), 36 Abrahamson, Rodney (b.1969), 36 Acklin, Gerald, 87 Acklin, Sara Nicole, 88 Acklin, Skyler Wayne, 88 Acklin, Steven Wayne, 87 Acord, Charles, 67 Acord, Mary, 67 Adams, Lindsey Ann (b.1986), 31 Adams, Randall Frederick, 31 Adams, Whitney Loren (b.1987), 31 Ader, Debora “Debbie” Ann, 45 Ader, Gail Leroy (1948–1969), 45 Ader, Jacob, Jr., 44 Ader, Linda Elizabeth, 45 Ader, Rodney Veach, 44 Ahlfield, Carol, 77 Ahlfield, David Kyle, 77 Akers, Belma Doris (1903–1981), 62 Akers, Fred, 63 Akers, John, 62 Alden, John, 59 Alder, ?, 44 Alder, Tonya, 44 Allen, Bob, 37 Allen, Darius, 47 Allen, John (b.1968), 37 Allen, Lakesha Shia, 47 Allen, Louis, 37 Allen, Todd (b.1972), 37 Allen, Yaphette, 47 Allison, Joseph, 172 Amos, Virginia Beatrice, 56 206 Amschler, Renée Ann (b.1954), 23 Amschler, Victor, 23 Anderson, Diane Birchie, 60 Anderson, Gerhart, 43 Anderson, Mary Frances, 43 Anderson, W. J., 144 Andrews, Amy Marie, 96 Andrews, Bradley “Brad” Duane, 96 Andrews, Neil, 96 Andrews, Timothy Robert, 96 Appel, Art, 139 Appel, Juliet Maria (b.1957), 139 Arbogast, Albert Donald, 11 Armstrong, A. J., 8 Armstrong, Iva Margaret, 100 Asberry, Albert Aquilla (1869–1950), 9 Asberry, Albert George Franklin “Frank” (1900–1985), 10 Asberry, Alma Jean, 11 Asberry, Betty Eileen, 11 Asberry, Bobby Franklin (b.1930), 10 Asberry, Gilbert, 9 Asberry, Jack, 10 Asberry, Jesse “Jack” Ancil (1901–1976), 10 Asberry, Ruth Jean (b.1940), 10 Asberry, Sara (????–1999), 11 Asbury, Agnes (b.1959), 12 Asbury, Alice Hesiltine “Lulu” (1902–1903), 11 Asbury, Alice Marie (b.1932), 11 Asbury, Anne (b.1959), 12 Asbury, Billy Joe (1943–1943), 12 Asbury, Caroline “Carey” (b.1968), 12 Asbury, Danny Lynn (b.1952), 13 Asbury, Gene (b.1962), 12 Asbury, Ida Lodema (b.1904), 11 Asbury, James, 12 Asbury, Jerry Ray (b.1949), 13 Asbury, John, 11 Asbury, John Albert (b.1939), 12 Asbury, John Gilbert (1907–1908), 11 Asbury, Joy, 12 Asbury, Laura Lee “Lela” (1897–1957), 10 Asbury, Mary (b.1965), 12 Asbury, Mary Rebecca (1893–1917), 9 Asbury, Maud Marie (1895–1973), 9 Asbury, Ruth, 11 Asbury, Samuel Elsworth “James Eldon” (1914–1972), 12 Asbury, Walter “Wally” Charles III (b.1961), 12 Asbury, Walter Charles (1911–1991), 11 Asbury, Walter Charles Bud , Jr. (b.1935), 12 Ash, Bud, 11 Ashbrook, Bert E. (1914–2002), 142 Ashbrook, Beverly, 143 Ashbrook, Celenda, 143 Ashbrook, Connie, 142 Ashbrook, Delores, 143 Ashbrook, Doris, 143 Ashbrook, Janice, 143 Ashbrook, June, 144 Ashbrook, Karen, 143 Ashbrook, Lee, 143 Ashbrook, Lillian, 143 Ashbrook, Marian, 143 Ashbrook, Priscilla, 143 Ashbrook, Roscoe (c.1883–????), 142 Ashbrook, T. L. “Chink” (1918–2001), 143 Ashby, Rev. David W., 106 Atkinson, ?, 181 Atkinson, Ashley, 167 Atkinson, John, 167 Atteberry, Adam Cordell (b.1988), 77 Atteberry, Allen Lee (b.1989), 77 Atteberry, Andrew Ryan (b.1992), 77 Atteberry, Cheryl (b.1955), 18 Atteberry, Max, 18 Atwood, Rosa, 69 Austin, Sarah Elizabeth, 130 Austin, Thomas B., 160 Index B Bailey, Henry P., 119 Bailey, Nancy Frances (1852–1896), 128 Baily, Henry, 128 Baird, Eleanor, 47 Baker, Charles “Ab” Elmer (b.1934), 77 Baker, Charles Elmer, Jr. (1966–1966), 77 Baker, Christina Elizabeth (b.1988), 77 Baker, Flora, 116, 152 Baker, George, 80 Baker, Henry, 77, 80 Baker, Martha Sue (b.1973), 77 Baker, Mary Martha, 80 Baker, Mrs. Lela, 84 Baker, Randall Dean (b.1969), 77 Baker, Sharon, 19 Balding, Alyssa Paige, 70 Balding, Charles, 70 Balding, Stephen, 70 Baldwin, Rev. C. W., 19 Bales, Alisha Ann (b.1994), 44 Bales, Scott, 44 Bankston, Earl George (b.1916), 101 Bankston, Gary Earl (b.1951), 102 Bankston, Myrtle Vandema (1918–1977), 102, 151 Bankston, Robert “Bob” David (b.1943), 102 Bankston, Robert Fulton Singletree, 101 Bankston, Roberta Marie (b.1981), 102 Bankston, William Bruce (b.1956), 102 Barkley, Andrew, 120, 121 Barkley, Mary, 120 Barnard, Harold, 66 Barnett, Rev. Rudy, 148 Barnett, Steve, 38 Barnfield, Ginger (b.1957), 148 Barnfield, Howard, 148 Barr, Alexander Michael (b.1981), 138 Barr, David, 138 Barr, Michael David (b.1956), 138 Barrett, Marilyn Jean, 133 Barrick, Elizabeth L., 185 Bassett, Barbara E., 49 Bassett, Lafayette, 184 Bates, Rev. Leo, 94 Baul, John Gerald, 12 Bayliss, Arminda (1881–1967), 135 Bayliss, James, 135 Beal, James M., 157 Bear, Rev. Raymond, 100 Beckett, ?, 25 Beckwith, Dan, 95 Belden, Judy, 21 Belden, Lloyd, 20 Belden, Naomi R., 21 Belden, Phyllis, 20 Bellfry, Donald, 19 Belter, Joel Erick (b.2000), 17 Belter, Karl Erick (b.1971), 17 Bennett, Jennifer (b.1968), 109 Bennett, Martha, 72 Bennett, Maxwell Albert (b.1908), 109 Bennett, Olivia (b.1999), 109 Bennett, Robert (b.1968), 109 Bennett, Sarah (b.1973), 109 Bennett, Thomas Albert, 109 Bennett, Thomas D. (b.1939), 109 Berg, Olivia Lynn, 55 Birch, Elisha F., 130 Birchie, Diane, 60 Bishop, Sandra (Compton), 74 Bishop, Tom, 74 Bissonet, Jerry, 183 Black, Helen Gertrude, 129 Blackford, Deborah, 69 Blackford, Russell, 69 Blackford, Sarah, 93 Blackmer, Helen, 11 Bleakly, Rev. Joseph, 80 Blew, Ann Louise (b.1971), 17 Blew, Gregory “Greg” David (b.1975), 18 Blew, Homer, 17 Blew, Jerry, 17 Blew, Tony, 17 Bloss, Alvy Anderson, 177 Bloss, Ephraim Parley, 177 Bloss, Ethel Neville, 177 Blue, Diana Lee, 21 Boetger, ?, 24 Boetger, Gloria Jaunita (b.1922), 24 Boettcher, Linda May (b.1965), 31 Boggs, John, 123 Boham, Lucy, 164 Bohner, David Eugene (b.1953), 98 Bohner, Edward, 98 Bohner, Fred L., 98 Bohner, Joseph Lee (b.1959), 98 Bohner, Laura LeAnn (b.1974), 98 Bohner, Linda Darlene (b.1953), 98 Bohner, Steven Edward (b.1971), 98 Bone, Donna Marie, 75 Bone, Doyle, 75 Booker, Mary Ann, 76 Boon, William, 6 Borsma, Alyssa Paige (b.1994), 86 Borsma, Blain Russel (b.1997), 86 Borsma, Daniel Russell, 86 Borsma, Madison Lee (b.1998), 86 Boul, George, 177 Bovee, John, 3 Bradham, Wilma Marie (Briggs), 58 Bradshaw, Opal, 40 Brandenstein, Diana Louise, 40 Brandenstein, Mary Louise (1917–1979), 31 Brandon, ?, 116 Brazel, Rhonda, 132 Breecher, Beatrice, 42 Breeze, Bradley Allen (b.1992), 79 Breeze, Jennifer Kaye (b.1985), 79 Breeze, Jessica Leigh (b.1988), 79 Breeze, Justina Renee (b.1990), 79 Breeze, Wayne, 79 Briggs, Capt. Raymond C., 102 Briggs, Jim Neil (b.1950), 59 Briggs, Joyce Ann (b.1948), 58 Briggs, Melvin Grant, 57 Briggs, Misty Lynne, 60 Briggs, Nathan, 57 Briggs, Nathan Bliss, 59 Brigham, Albert, 55 Brigham, Brandon Albert (b.1959), 55 Brigham, Jeffery Blaine (b.1961), 55 Bright, D. J. S., 144 Brincklow, Alexis Lynn (b.1999), 138 Brincklow, William Frances, 138 Bringaze, Barbara Agnes (b.1936), 12 Bringaze, Eugene Arthur, 12 Britt, Davis, 121 Brodein, Catherine, 165 Broers, Mrs. Anne, 80 Brookins, Maud, 66 Brown, ?, 31, 176 Brown, Albert Al, 25 Brown, Aneta, 129 Brown, Barry, 154 Brown, Charles C., 145 Brown, Fay, 153 Brown, Henry, 176 Brown, James Thomas, 172 Brown, Jean, 11 Brown, Joseph, 145 Brown, Luly Fay (1905–1907), 145 Brown, Martha Jean, 25 Brown, Merle, III, 154 Brown, Raba, 4 Brown, Robert P., 24 Brown, Roscoe (1908–1913), 145 Brown, William, 154 Bruce, Billy James, Jr., 78 Bruce, Christina Dawn (b.1983), 79 Bryant, Melissa, 79 Bunting, Charles, 60 Bunting, Lucy, 59 Bunting, William, 60 Burger, Michael Alan, 50 Burnett, Judy, 67 Burrell, Kenneth, 81 Burris, Jeanie, 39 Burton, Beverly, 69 Buswell, Alan Thomas (b.1962), 98 Buswell, Edwin Lee (b.1969), 98 Buswell, Kevin Lee (b.1969), 98 Buswell, Rhonda Elaine (b.1960), 98 Buswell, Ronald L., 98 Butler, Hayden, 7, 28 Butler, James, 71 Butler, John, 150 Butler, John F., 8 Butler, Mary Jane (1849–1925), 7 Butler, Rena, 102 Butler, Rena May (1889–1972), 150 Butler, Rev. R. B. Butler, 107 Butler, Siberia May, 28 Butterwick, Carla Gayle (b.1969), 85 Butterwick, Clifford Wayne, 85 C Caldwell, Lois, 148 207 208 Index Callina, Jennifer Lynne, 51 Callina, Joshua Shane, 51 Callina, Pamela Jean, 51 Callina, Paul Anthony, 51 Callina, Peter Joseph, 51 Calloway, Joe, 106 Campbell, George, 130 Campbell, Rev. L. C., 48 Campbell, Stacy, 76 Campbell, Sybil, 99 Cantral, Nancy Anne, 46 Cantrell, John Isaac, 46 Carlson, Freya Ambrosia, 24 Carlson, Orion S., 24 Carlson, Steve, 24 Carpenter, Doris E., 109 Carrol, Thelma America, 33 Carson, Elizabeth, 145 Carter, Delous, 70 Carter, Marilyn, 70 Castle, Ida (Rigg), 30 Causey, Charles, 12 Chalcraft, Gary Edward (b.1936), 78 Chalcraft, Gerald D. (b.1973), 78 Chalcraft, Gregory Allen (b.1963), 78 Chalcraft, Ivan, 78 Chalcraft, Marcus Harold (b.1966), 78 Chalcraft, Mitzi Jo (b.1968), 78 Chalcraft, Sinjun Allen (b.1996), 78 Chalup, Alice Ellen (c.1903–????), 177 Chalup, Charles M. (c.1873–????), 176 Chalup, Mary L. (c.1902–????), 177 Chapple, Margie, 78 Charley, Andy, 143 Chrisco, Lenora, 122 Chrisp, Benjamin Clark, 125 Chrisp, Henry, 125 Chrisp, Henry Beecher, 125 Chrisp, Horace, 125 Chrisp, James Everett (1873–1921), 125 Chrisp, Jock, 125 Chrisp, Luther, 125 Chrisp, Robert Wesley, 124, 125 Chrisp, Vinnie R., 125 Chrisp, William, 124, 125 Chrisp, William H., 124 Christman, Rev. Morris, 72 Clark, Andrew David (b.1994), 77 Clark, Charles Herbert (b.1940), 76 Clark, Charlie (1909–1976), 73 Clark, Charlotte Mae (b.1958), 73 Clark, Dale Colyer (b.1936), 73 Clark, Damien Edmund (b.1976), 78 Clark, Danielle Elizabeth (b.1974), 77 Clark, David Allen Colyer (b.1984), 74 Clark, David Wayne (b.1955), 73 Clark, Elmer Lawrence (1938–1939), 76 Clark, Evelyn Ruth (b.1937), 74 Clark, Herbert, 73 Clark, James Colyer (b.1961), 74 Clark, Janice Eileen (b.1945), 77 Clark, Jessica Marie (b.1986), 74 Clark, Joan (1934–1934), 73 Clark, John, 3 Clark, Kathryn Marie (b.1958), 74 Clark, Kimberly (b.1961), 77 Clark, Kristy Diane (b.1987), 73 Clark, Lewis, 77 Clark, Linda Kay (b.1947), 78 Clark, Mary Ellen (b.1944), 78 Clark, Matthew Craig (b.1997), 77 Clark, Michael Dale (b.1960), 74 Clark, Robert Keith (b.1933), 73 Clark, Russell Edmund (b.1943), 77 Clark, Shannon Bryan (b.1985), 73 Clark, Shirley Sue (b.1941), 77 Clark, Teresa Ann (b.1964), 74 Clark, Timothy Charles (b.1960), 76 Clark, Timothy Charles, Jr. (b.1990), 77 Clark, Virginia Lynn (b.1953), 79 Clayton, Rev. Norman, 64 Cleavenger, Lona (1886–????), 146 Cleavenger, Stephen, 146 Clements, Lois E., 60 Cleveland, Anna Mae Peggy, 40 Cleveland, Charles, 40 Clevinger, Daniel, 3 Clifft, Kevin Arthur (b.1963), 56 Clifft, Linda Lue (b.1962), 56 Cline, Cynthia, 50 Clow, Ann, 147 Coale, Addis (1932–1993), 61 Coale, Addis Bert (1901–1972), 61 Coale, Celia Von (1895–1975), 60 Coale, Donald H. (b.1938), 60 Coale, Frances Louise (b.1928), 57 Coale, Gilbert Everett (1904–1977), 57 Coale, Owen Bryan (1897–1981), 60 Coale, Samuel Robert, 57 Coale, Wanda (b.1934), 60 Coale, William, 57 Cobb, Claude, 29 Cobb, Clemont, 29 Cobb, Dewey, 29 Cobb, Grace, 30 Cobb, Helen Marie, 46 Cobb, Maxine, 70 Cobb, Mrs. Dewey, 29 Cobb, Oscar, 29 Cobb, Rosetta, 29 Cobb, Roy, 29 Cochran, Estella, 61 Colclasure, Anthony James (b.1978), 151 Colclasure, Lorie Mei (b.1961), 151 Colclasure, Regina Gail (b.1981), 151 Colclasure, Robert Eugene (1950–1993), 151 Colclasure, Robert Eugene, II (b.1975), 151 Colclasure, Terry Lee (b.1977), 151 Colleert, James, 88 Colleert, Sandra, 88 Collins, Ivey E., 54 Collins, Mary, 146 Collins, Michael Robert, 22 Colyer, Ellen, 73 Compton, Andrea Nicole, 75 Compton, Carissa Michelle, 75 Compton, Carl Eugene (b.1935), 74 Compton, Carl Russell (b.1968), 76 Compton, Carl Russell, Jr. (b.1992), 76 Compton, Donald Eugene (b.1954), 75 Compton, Earnest, 74 Compton, Frank, 74 Compton, Jacob Eli (b.1991), 75 Compton, Johnny Dee (b.1958), 75 Compton, Karlin Andre (b.1996), 76 Compton, Ron, 74 Compton, Tamara “Tammy” Ruth (b.1971), 76 Compton, Taunua Lorraine (b.1964), 75 Compton, Terri Lynn (b.1973), 76 Compton, Tony Ray (b.1956), 75 Compton, Troy Alexander (b.1997), 76 Conley, Georgia, 45 Conner, Louise, 97 Conner, Rev. James, 148 Conover, Allen, 78 Conover, Amanda Rae (b.1994), 79 Conover, Ashley Nicole (b.1996), 79 Conover, Christopher Allen (b.1992), 79 Conover, Darrell E. (b.1983), 78 Conover, James Ray (b.1967), 79 Conover, Jenny Kaye (b.1967), 79 Conover, Joshua Forrest (b.1993), 79 Conover, Misty Dawn (b.1986), 78 Conover, Rebecca Lynn (b.1989), 78 Conover, Richard Allen (b.1941), 78 Conover, Richard Lee (b.1964), 78 Conover, Robert Allen (b.1966), 79 Conover, Roger Alan (b.1985), 78 Conover, Sheila Lynn (b.1965), 78 Conover, Tonya May (b.1981), 79 Coomes, Angel Nicole (b.1964), 39 Coomes, Frances, 35 Coomes, Megan (b.1992), 39 Cooper, Debra “Debbie” Jo, 75 Cooper, Eric, 88 Cooper, Jeff, 88 Cooper, John, 75 Cooper, Louise (Venters), 87 Copely, Linda, 89 Counts, Polly, 153 Couri, Theresa Teri, 24 Cox, Dorothy, 96 Cox, Frank, 182 Cox, Rachel, 174 Cox, Robert, 174 Cralley, Rev. Charles, 146 Crandell, Rev. Charles, 37 Crask, Mrs. Naomi, 91 Crawford, Andy, 60 Crickman, Clayce R., 78 Crist, Leora, 33 Cronin, Mary Mae, 94 Cronkelton, ?, 175 Cronkelton, Sarah D., 175 Crumbacher, George, 69 Crumbacher, Shirley, 69 Culbertson, Janet, 17 Index Cultice, Julie Renee, 18 Cunningham, Martha (Venters), 87 Curry, Albert, 115 Curry, Charles, 145 Curry, Charles W., 7 Curry, Henry Marshall, 145 Curry, J. E., 107 Curry, John H., 108 Curry, John Logan, 107 Curry, Lillian Edith (1885–????), 109 Curry, Lulu May (1890–1959), 109 Curry, Mary, 113 Curry, Morris June, 108 Curry, Pearly (1895–1895), 145 Curry, Ralph Garrett (1896–1942), 145 Curry, Sarah Ann, 115 Curry, William M. (1885–1911), 108 Curtis, Glen, 152 Cutler, William G., 183 Cuzzort, Laurel Lee, 18 Cuzzort, Stephen, 18 D Dahlgren, Ron, 20 Dailey, Richard, 103 Danneel, Marcel, 43 Danneels, Cody (b.1992), 44 Danneels, Gene Allen Doty (b.1970), 44 Danneels, Jodie Elise Doty (b.1972), 44 Danneels, Nichole Doty (b.1993), 44 Danneels, Patricia Ann Doty (b.1969), 43 Danneels, Paula Alicia Doty (b.1976), 44 Danneels, Richard Allen, 43 Darnstaedt, Delphine, 23 Darr, Brandy, 99 Darr, Brianna, 99 Darr, Christiana Marie (b.1968), 99 Darr, Earl G. (1900–1966), 94 Darr, Edwin (1908–1962), 97 Darr, Edwin Everett Harold (b.1971), 99 Darr, Edwina Kay (b.1965), 99 Darr, Elijah, 93 Darr, Elizabeth Mary (1928–1944), 94 Darr, Henry, 93 Darr, Jo Ellen (b.1958), 99 Darr, Michael Edwin (b.1963), 99 Darr, Pamela Jane (b.1967), 100 Darr, Richard Edwin (b.1935), 98 Darr, Ricky (1963–1963), 99 Darr, Ronald Earl (1944–1999), 99 Darr, Roy Lee (b.1945), 100 Darr, Sheryl Ann (b.1956), 99 Darr, Susan LeAnn (b.1964), 99 Darr, Thelma Mae (1933–1993), 98 Darr, Violet (1905–1981), 95 Darr, Violet Marie (b.1937), 98 Darr, William Roy (b.1966), 100 Darwin Ray Newhouse (b.1946), 138 Daugherty, LaJeana L., 33 Daugherty, Rev. Chuck, 35 Davenport, Etoy, 10 Davenport, Rebecca, 9 Davidson, ?, 127 Davidson, ? (1872–????), 172 Davidson, Anna (c.1873–1947), 127 Davidson, Bertram N. (1875–1875), 172 Davidson, Genevieve V. (1868–1950), 172 Davidson, Micajah, 119 Davidson, Minnie Catherine (1866–1942), 172 Davidson, Phyllis, 82 Davidson, Samuel Hosea, 172 Davidson, Victor Woodhouse (1872–1931), 172 Davidson, William Thomas (1870–1951), 172 Davis, Catherine, 37 Davis, Debra Lynn, 13 Davis, Harold, 78 Davis, Hirem R., 158 Davis, Margaret A., 156 Davis, Patricia Lou (b.1964), 78 Davis, Russell, 103 Davis, Zella M., 156 Dean, Rev. David, 87 DeBord, Tabitha Gail, 43 DeCamp, Thomas F., 54 DeCamp, Verda Dear, 54 Denenceur, Helen, 16 Denison, Dallas, 96 Denison, Karen, 96 Denoyer, Jeannie, 98 Densmore, Rev. Larry, 76 Derr, John, 15 Derr, Velma Leota (1915–1992), 15 DeSelms, Dorothy, 24 Deutsch, Kyle Allan (b.1991), 35 Deutsch, Scott Allan, 35 Deutsch, Zachary Michael (b.1993), 35 Diak, Alex, 11 Dick, Addie (Green), 42 Dickemann, Elizabeth Ann, 48 Dixon, J. E., 144 Dodson, Marian, 3 Dodson, Miriam, 170 Doolen, Bryan, 186 Doolen, Frank, 186 Doty, ?, 43 Doty, Rex Allan, 43 Drake, Steve, 103 Draves, ?, 127 Draves, Charles (c.1865–????), 127 Drumm, Michelle Lynn (b.1975), 138 duBois, N. Joy, 133 Ducker, ?, 105 Ducker, Ashley Elizabeth, 106 Ducker, Jeremy Michael, 106 Ducker, Kenneth Kenny, 106 Ducker, Michael L. (1964–1992), 106 Ducker, Robert “Bob” L., 105 Ducker, Tina, 106 Duffin, George S., 95 Duffin, Lillie, 95 Duffin, Lillie (Reardon), 95 Dunahoo, Carrie I. (1912–1912), 9 Dunahoo, Enoch Edmon (1900–1913), 9 209 Dunahoo, George, 8 Dunahoo, Israel (1865–1925), 8 Dunahoo, Orville Ezra (1895–1975), 8 Dunahoo, Raymond (1893–????), 8 Duncanson, Alan Scott (b.1956), 138 Duncanson, William Thomas (b.1925), 138 Duncanson, William Thomas “Tom”, Jr. (b.1954), 138 Dunkel, ?, 31 Dunlap, Robert Clay, 100 Dupemann, Debra Kay, 40 Dupin, Lorene, 129 Durham, Rev. P. M., 76 Durkin, Rochelle, 139 Durkin, Tom, 139 Dustin, Lucy, 46 Dye, Jeannette Marie (b.1961), 56 Dye, Jeffery Scott (b.1963), 56 Dye, Lucinda Sue (b.1967), 56 Dye, Rev. Francis, 89, 90 Dye, William Ernest (b.1956), 56 E Eagan, Harriet, 135 Eason, Susan Faye, 89 Eckert, Roy, 49 Edington, Wilma, 89 Eggert, Deloris Caroline, 71 Eggert, Earl, 71 Elber, ?, 175 Elber, Louise Caroline, 175 Elder, Mary J., 124 Elliot, Ann, 88 Elliot, Barbara Anne (b.1945), 168 Elliot, Dorthe Mae (b.1922), 168 Elliot, George Milton (b.1916), 167 Elliot, James Arthur (b.1942), 168 Elliot, Leslie Fay, 167 Elliot, Mrs. Clayton, 87 Ellis, Jim, 86 Emmert, Charles Luther, 172 Emmert, John Velandingham, 172 Engel, Deb, 82 Engel, Walt, 82 Engelking, Ramah, 45 Englebright, Cecil, 57 Englebright, Mary Fleta (1909–1988), 57 Errion, Gregory, 20 Errion, Jane, 20 Errion, Maurice, 20 Errion, Patrick, 20 Errion, Richard, 20 Errion, Susan “Sue” M., 20 Eschman, Alcie, 67 Esmond, John, 93 Esmond, Joseph, 93 Ethel, Eldon, 129 Ethel, Janice Ann, 129 Evans, Mildred, 66 Ewing, ?, 25 Ewing, Connie Raye (b.1956), 70 Ewing, Darryl Dean, 71 Ewing, Dustin Shane, 70 210 Index Ewing, Fred Lowell, 69 Ewing, Nicole Danielle, 70 Ewing, Raace Jordani, 70 Ewing, Randy Joe (b.1959), 70 Ewing, Robley, 69 Ewing, Sandra Kaye (b.1958), 70 Ewing, Terry Lowell (b.1961), 70 F Faber, Allen Edmund, 67 Faber, Christy Lynne, 67 Faber, Edmund, 67 Fahrenwald, Ida May, 48 Fancher, Aaron, 71 Fancher, Katie Marie, 71 Fancher, Kenda Lee, 71 Fancher, Lee, 71 Fancher, Scott Tyler, 71 Farmer, Eldon, 79 Farmer, Lucas Michael Yong Soo (b.1988), 79 Farmer, Rev. Melvin, 65, 67 Farmer, Rodger Dale (b.1952), 79 Farras, Lena, 29 Fennell, Billy Joe, 60 Fetters, Kenneth, 94 Fewel, Elizabeth, 179 Fewel, James, 179 Fewkes, Aaron, 87 Fewkes, Eddie, 78 Fewkes, Eldon, 87 Fewkes, Nicholas Aaron, 88 Fewkes, Vanessa (b.1970), 78 Fiddle, Sarah, 179 Finley, Richard, 144 Finley, Sarah Elizabeth (1875–1917), 144 Fish, J. O., 183 Fish, Marshall G., 183 Fish, Marshall G. (????–1855), 183 Fish, William R., 183 Fisher, ?, 175 Fisher, Anita, 97 Fisher, Frances, 122 Fisher, L. G., 176 Fisher, Myrtle Iva, 175 Fisher, Walter Odis, 122 Fisk, Lorraine May, 45 Fisk, Ollie, 45 Fleck, Caroline, 57 Fletcher, Rev. Dr. Gilbert, 64 Fornoff, Norma, 29 Forth, Eliza Ann, 165 Foster, Elizabeth “Bettie”, 180 Foster, Hardy, 180 Foulkes, Lillian, 125 Fox, Mary Louise, 10 Franklin, Carrie Ann, 67 Franklin, Jefferson Brook, 66 Franklin, Sue Ellen, 139 Franklin, Tammy Lee, 66 Freeman, Belva Mae, 53 Frescura, Judy, 103 Friel, Virginia, 182 G Gamber, Francis Ada, 85 Gammon, Charlie Ervin (1902–1965), 101 Gammon, Earley (1907–1907), 101 Gammon, Pearly (1907–1907), 101 Gammon, Taylor, 100 Gargano, Alexis Nicole, 68 Gargano, Cameron Francis, 68 Gargano, James, 68 Gargano, James Lee, 68 Gargano, Jason Edward, 68 Garlets, Charles, 129 Garrett, Dorothy Jean (b.1937), 73 Garrett, Leonard, 74 Garringer, Dale Dean (b.1954), 53 Garringer, Gale Lynn (b.1953), 53 Garringer, Marsha Jo (b.1958), 53 Garringer, Sherrol Ann (b.1951), 53 Garringer, William Alfred, 52 Gauger, Gary, 65 Gauger, George, 65 Gauger, John, 65 Gauger, John Jr., 65 Gauger, Karen, 65 Gawthorp, Lester, 58 Gawthorp, Paula, 59 Gawthorp, Ronald “Ron” Allen, 58 Gawthorp, Tiffany, 59 Geeding, Ethel Harriet (1885–1923), 13 Geeding, Joseph, 13 Gentry, Estes, 132 George, Daisy Airebell (1884–1962), 101 George, Florence Lucinda (1880–1969), 93 George, G. J., 6 George, George Washington, 93 George, Samuel, 93 George, Susan Melvina “Viney” (1882–1908), 100 Gerber, Frank, 81 Geyer, Jean Ann (b.1964), 139 Gibb, Rev. Vernon, 15 Gibson, Danny, 36 Gibson, Robin (b.1967), 36 Gibson, Vickie (b.1971), 36 Gilbrech, Fred, 172 Gilles, Andy James (b.1984), 63 Gilles, Cori Lyn (b.1980), 63 Gilles, Jack P., 63 Gilliam, John, 120, 122 Gillihan, Charles Oscar, 60 Gillihan, Martha Evelyn, 60 Giroux, Lucille Viola, 17 Glezen, Amy, 39 Glezen, Carl, 38 Glezen, David, 39 Glezen, Scott, 39 Goad, Thelma, 61 Goin, Thomas, 129 Goodard, Clementine Ernestine, 11 Goodman, Amos I., 4 Goodman, Andrew, 4 Goodman, Ansel, 3 Goodman, Bartellot, 4 Goodman, Charles, 4 Goodman, Edith, 3 Goodman, James, 4 Goodman, Jesse, 4 Goodman, Nancy, 4 Goodman, Robert, 4 Goodrich, Myra Gay, 178 Grable, Elizabeth, 57 Grace, Edna, 138 Gramm, Minnie, 63 Graney, Mary Elizabeth (b.1940), 16 Graves, William, 123 Gray, Cheryl, 60 Gray, Clarence, 185 Gray, Rachel, 8 Greaney, Charles, 16 Green, Ann, 11 Green, Corabell (1877–1899), 13 Green, Donna Jean (1950–1995), 43 Green, Garry Dee (b.1946), 43 Green, John Ephriam Green, 41 Green, John Freemondt (b.1977), 43 Green, Larry Lee (b.1946), 43 Green, Larry Lee, Jr. (b.1973), 43 Green, Mark Reynolds (b.1980), 43 Green, Mary, 73 Green, Michelle Lea (b.1971), 43 Green, Ronald Dean (1941–1967), 42 Green, Scott Gerhart (b.1974), 43 Green, Staci Kae (b.1974), 43 Green, Stephanie Jo (b.1996), 43 Green, Steven “Steve” Joseph (b.1963), 43 Green, Thomas, 13 Green, Thomas J., 130 Green, William, 41 Green, William O., 114 Greenwalt, Sarah, 160 Greenwood, Aleatha A., 112 Greenwood, Dorcas, 115 Greenwood, George W., 112 Greenwood, Holly Ann, 68 Greenwood, Joseph, 163 Greenwood, Martin, 163 Greenwood, William, 68, 93 Greenwood, William A., 93 Greggson, Deborah Irene, 138 Gregory Howard Saylor (b., 1952), 138 Gregory, Nancy, 41 Griffin, Jan (b.1956), 121 Grigsby, Bonnie, 182 Grimes, Betty, 14 Grindley, Dennis, 71 Grindley, Karen Diane (b.1966), 71 Grindley, Lisa Renee (b.1970), 71 Grindley, Shannon Dean (b.1972), 72 Grindley, Shelley Lynne (b.1965), 71 Gropp, Julia Anne, 50 Gross, Alice, 148 Grove, Amanda Dawn, 87 Grove, Lawrence, 87 Grubb, Lorena Alice (b.1923), 101 Grubb, William David, 101 Gsell, Dagmar, 103 Index Gsell, Joseph, 103 Gutshall, Leo, 20 Gutshall, Rebecca “Becky” Grace, 20 Gwatkins, Capt. Charles, 4 Gwin, John M., 158 H Hagan, Fred, 29 Hale, Billy Gene, 43 Hale, Rebecca, 43 Hall, Andrew, 3 Halsey, Melva I., 152 Halstead, Ada, 62 Hamilton, Kathy, 72 Hamilton, Ruby E., 63 Hamilton, Sherman, 63 Hammonds, William S., 4 Haneisen, Mrs. John G., 185 Hangartner, Helen, 82 Hanson, Kenny L., 33 Hanson, Krista (b.1997), 33 Harlan, Bill, 11 Harlan, Sid, 11 Harmon, Jane, 145 Harness, Virginia, 12 Harp, Finis M., 9 Harris, Marjorie, 24 Harris, Verl, 24 Harris, Wes, 185 Harrison, Joe B., 122 Harrison, Mabel, 122 Hart, David A., 15 Hart, Frank (1882–1957), 14 Hart, Garold, 72 Hart, Gene, 14 Hart, Gene S. (1917–1995), 14 Hart, Jacki, 15 Hart, Jewel (1922–1992), 15 Hart, Joann, 15 Hart, Joyce Elaine, 72 Hart, Michael L., 14 Hart, Robert Lee, 14 Hart, Stephan J., 15 Hart, Troy R., 15 Hartmann, Jacob, 47 Hartmann, Marvin, 47 Harvey, Steve, 129 Hasick, Kim, 71 Hassell, Carol Anne, 121 Hastie, Martha Esther, 180 Hatcher, Jennie, 157 Hatcher, Lora, 77 Hatcher, Sarah Ellen, 156 Hathaway, Rev. Lewis, 97 Hawkins, Allen, 9 Hawkins, Christopher Kyle (b.1991), 34 Hawkins, Ina, 9 Hawkins, Kim, 9 Hawkins, Nathan Lee (b.1990), 34 Hawkins, Robb, 34 Hawkins, Syntha, 93 Hayes, Olla, 77 Hays, Maidy Opal, 147 Helm, Ralph Joyce, 53 Helm, Ralph Joyce, Jr. (b.1947), 53 Helsel, Beth Annette (b.1960), 51 Helsel, Bradley Craig (b.1956), 51 Helsel, Cynthia Lynne (b.1953), 51 Helsel, Edward Walter, 51 Helsel, Robert William, 51 Helsel, Scott Edward (b.1964), 52 Henderson, Jean, 129 Hendrickson, Jenny, 18 Henerson, Jeanette, 54 Henry, Minnie, 157 Henry, Rev. Dean, 154 Henson, Dora, 73 Hern, Helen, 84 Herndon, Dallas T., 125 Hersh, ?, 181 Heskett, Alice Lue (b.1940), 56 Heskett, Brice Justin (b.1972), 56 Heskett, Dale Lee (b.1946), 56 Heskett, Dant Graden (b.1969), 56 Heskett, James Lee Ralf (b.1974), 56 Heskett, James Rex (1942–1990), 56 Heskett, Randel Lee (b.1963), 56 Heskett, Tonya Lee (b.1962), 56 Heskett, Willa Lois (b.1937), 55 Heskett, William James (b.1961), 56 Heskett, William Thomas III (b.1964), 56 Heskett, William Thomas, Jr. (b.1938), 56 Hess, Charles Jefferson, 30 Hess, Stella (1897–1937), 30 Hickey, Albert Alvin (b.1922), 49 Hickey, April Kay (b.1969), 50 Hickey, Beulah Mae (b.1924), 51 Hickey, Carl Eugene (b.1920), 49 Hickey, Cecily Ann (b.1959), 54 Hickey, Chad Andrew (b.1981), 50 Hickey, Charles Ray, 54 Hickey, Charles Ray (1909–????), 54 Hickey, Charles Ray (b.1930), 54 Hickey, Charles Ray III (b.1951), 54 Hickey, Charles Ray, Jr. (b.1930), 54 Hickey, Connie Sue (b.1950), 53 Hickey, Darrell Dean (b.1932), 53 Hickey, Donald Homer (1922–1949), 52 Hickey, Donald Ray (b.1956), 53 Hickey, Donald Wayne (b.1943), 49 Hickey, Donna Kay (b.1954), 53 Hickey, Elmer Dean (b.1938), 54 Hickey, Elmer Richard (1917–1986), 49 Hickey, Eric Don (b.1965), 55 Hickey, Ethel May (1891–????), 48 Hickey, Frederick Wayne (b.1955), 54 Hickey, Gary Don (b.1939), 55 Hickey, Glenda Ann (b.1940), 54 Hickey, Glorianne Kathryn, 49 Hickey, Gordon Edward (1922–1922), 51 Hickey, Gregory Erle, 49 Hickey, Hazel Lorene (b.1927), 50 Hickey, James Clinton, 47 Hickey, James Glen (1907–1970), 53 Hickey, James Richard (b.1933), 54 Hickey, Jeffery Joal (b.1979), 50 211 Hickey, John Edward (1894–????), 51 Hickey, Jon Dylan (b.1976), 50 Hickey, Joyce Eileen (b.1928), 54 Hickey, Julia Elizabeth (1897–1917), 52 Hickey, Larry Daniel (b.1958), 53 Hickey, Larry Neal (b.1936), 54 Hickey, Larry Neal, Jr. (b.1956), 54 Hickey, Leroy Eugene, 49 Hickey, Leroy Gene, 54 Hickey, Linda Lea (b.1954), 53 Hickey, Loren D. (1899–????), 52 Hickey, Margaret Eleanor (b.1911), 55 Hickey, Marjorie Irene (b.1927), 53 Hickey, Michael Allen (b.1958), 55 Hickey, Michelle Lynn (b.1970), 55 Hickey, Nancy E., 49 Hickey, Neal Leroy (b.1942), 49 Hickey, Noal Havester, 49 Hickey, Noal Richard “Dick” (1892–1962), 48 Hickey, Patricia Ruth (b.1941), 55 Hickey, Randy Lynn (b.1959), 54 Hickey, Richard Frederick (b.1940), 49 Hickey, Ronald Eugene (b.1942), 49 Hickey, Ruth Etta Margaret (1926–1992), 52 Hickey, Sharon Lee (b.1945), 49 Hickey, Steven Lee, 50 Hickey, Steven Lee, Jr. (b.1973), 50 Hickey, Theodore Earl (1915–1976), 48 Hickey, Theresa Ellen (b.1953), 54 Hickey, Victor Lloyd (b.1925), 53 Hickey, Virginia May (b.1923), 52 Hickey, William, 47 Hickey, William Henry (1903–????), 52 Higgins, ?, 127 Higgins, Calvin Ceberry (1866–1947), 127 Higgins, James, 127 Higgins, John W. (c.1861–????), 127 Higgins, Mary (c.1863–????), 127 Hill, Betty, 11 Hill, Phillip, 135 Hill, Richard, 135 Hinds, Delnora, 73 Hines, Frances C., 134 Hink, Eleanor, 49 Hinman, Janet, 73 Hinman, Robert, 73 Hipsher, John, 132 Hipsher, John F. (1838–????), 132 Hobbs, Frederick Wayne (b.1946), 137 Hobbs, Heidi Lee (b.1970), 138 Hobbs, Michael Scott (b.1971), 138 Hobbs, Susan Elaine (b.1966), 137 Hocking, Lila, 78 Hoehn, Randall, 38 Hoffert, Carrie Leigh (b.1983), 139 Hoffert, Darwin Lynn (b.1960), 139 Hoffert, Megan Marie (b.1987), 139 Hollis, Donie Pearl, 52 Holmes, Amy, 21 Holmes, Ron, 21 Holmes, Tim, 21 Honnold, ?, 176 212 Index Honnold, Forrest Lamont, 176 Hood, Sonya, 70 Hopwood, Lance Scott (b.1967), 130 Hopwood, LeAndra Sue (b.1970), 130 Hopwood, Samuel Craig, 129 Horton, David Wayne, 67 Horton, Jacob David, 67 Horton, Katie Lynn, 67 Horton, Wayne, 67 Horvatt, Edmund, 181 Howard, Cheryl Ann, 129 Howard, Debrah Kay (1954–1954), 129 Howard, Jerry Lee, 129 Howard, Thomas Edward, 128 Huckaby, ?, 181 Huff, Doug, 21 Huff, Greg, 21 Huff, Jeff, 21 Huff, Kenneth, 20 Huff, Mike, 21 Hughes, ?, 175 Hughes, L. J., 62 Hughes, William, 175 Hulbert, Art, 88 Hulbert, Mitzi, 88 Hulbert, Mrs. Opal, 29 Hulbert, Susan, 88 Hull, Reva (b.1961), 52 Hull, Robert Earl, 52 Humbert, Mrs. Royal, 81 Humiston, Delilah Evelyn (1911–1992), 161 Hungate, Granville, 33 Hungate, Verla Maxine (1931–1993), 33 Hurt, James David, 171 Hutton, David Wayne, 78 Hutton, Louise, 72 Hyde, ?, 133 I Ingram, David, 95 Ingram, Julie (Zorns), 95 Inman, Elizabeth, 72 Inman, Eric McKibben (b.1971), 72 Isbell, Amber Susan, 16 Isle, Becky, 77 Isle, Harry, 77 Isle, Lillie, 72 J Jackson, C. G., 185 Jackson, Dorah, 17 Jackson, Victoria, 140 Jacobs, ?, 64 Jacobs, Mrs. Oliver, 30 Jacoby, Clarence, 68 Jacoby, Martha Jean, 68 Jamieson, ?, 21 Jamieson, Jason, 21 Jamieson, Kevin, 21 Jawarska, Barbara, 103 Jeffers, Sarah, 103 Joest, Jeanette, 39 Johnson, ?, 147 Johnson, Amy Christine (b.1967), 18 Johnson, Barth Earl, 82 Johnson, Clyne, 17 Johnson, Dennis, 82 Johnson, Eddie, 86 Johnson, Elijah Wood, 147 Johnson, Eric “Rick” William (b.1953), 18 Johnson, Frederick, 59 Johnson, Harold William “Bill” (b.1928), 17 Johnson, Heather Renee, 83 Johnson, James Scott (b.1964), 147 Johnson, Jean Ann, 59 Johnson, Julie Marie (b.1959), 18 Johnson, Karen Sue (b.1951), 18 Johnson, Katie, 79 Johnson, Louisa, 157 Johnson, Nancy Lynn (b.1950), 17 Johnson, Rachel Erin (b.1980), 18 Johnson, Steven Kent (b.1969), 147 Johnson, Summer Lynn (b.1983), 147 Johnson, Trevor William (b.1976), 18 Johnston, James A., 9 Joliff, Clarence, 137 Jones, ?, 104 Jones, Casey, 104 Jones, Clara, 153 Jones, Freedom, 102 Jones, Ivan, 73 Jones, Margaret P. (c.1808–????), 120 Jones, Mary, 146, 180 Jones, Phyllis Jane, 73 Jones, Reecie (1907–1968), 132 Jones, Vera (Akers), 63 Jones, Wanda Marie, 102 Jones, William Robert, 5, 6 Judge, Gary Ray, 68 Judge, Ralph, 68 Justice, Amanda A., 90 Justice, Vicky, 89 Juvera, Elsie, 54 K Kakac, Carroll, 70 Kanallakan, James, 77 Kanallakan, Jamie Antone, 77 Kaufman, Geraldine Jerry, 10 Keating, Patricia, 20 Keehner, Alice Lenore, 176 Keehner, Charles, 176 Keehner, Charles Godfrey, Jr., 176 Keehner, Evelyn, 176 Keeney?, Barsheba, 3 Kelly, Clara, 129 Keltner, Phebe, 155 Keltner, Samuel, 155 Kepple, Bertha Pauline, 21 Kepple, Charlotte L., 21 Kern, Berton “Jack”, 128 Kern, Jessie (1914–1978), 128 Kieffer, Jacquelyn Kaye, 70 Kieffer, Jennifer Raye, 70 Kieffer, Richard, 70 Kieffer, Richard David, 70 Kiegley, Marie, 102 Kilborn, Vera Jean (b.1954), 138 Kimball, Lana, 18 Kimbrell, Pete, 87 King, Audrey, 133 King, Jane Louise (c.1920–1999), 133 King, Jerry, 133 Kingsbury, Rebekah Love (b.1973), 133 Kingsbury, Ronald L., 133 Knapp, Wayne, 100 Knolton, Cora, 13 Koehler, Mary Ellen (b.1925), 89 Koehler, Paul, 89 Kohl, Mary, 77 Koker, Allen, 69 Koker, Allen Bradford, 69 Koker, Hannah Elizabeth, 69 Koker, Joel Mark, 69 Koker, Mark Allen, 69 Koker, Matthew Aaron, 69 Koss, Daniel, 156 Krantz, Cathy, 168 Kres, Rosemary, 54 Kunce, Joyce (b.1925), 146 L Lambert, Evelyn, 150 Lambert, Mary, 132 Lambert, Nathan, 132 Lander, Susana, 128 Lane, Austin Stephen, 83 Lane, Caleb Matthew, 83 Lane, David Michael, 83 Lane, Jessie Mae, 172 Lane, Margaret, 182 Lane, Stephen Richard, Jr., 83 Lane, Stephen Richard, Sr., 83 Lang, Mildred, 31 Lansford, Amanda, 132 Lansford, James, 132 Lapsa, Gunta Lynn, 130 Larson, Brandi Lamar, 55 Larue, Mary, 51 Laughlin, Pricilla, 155 Lavender, Damon, 133 Lavender, Jeff, 133 Lavender, Katelyn Olvia (b.1993), 133 Lavender, Kyle Ethan (b.1994), 133 Lavine, Wanda, 11 Lawless, Lela Patricia, 12 Lawver, Van, 103 LeCrone, Otto, 161 Lee, ?, 54 Lee, Lucille Nikki, 54 Lefler, Mark, 39 Legg, Maxine, 150 Lenover, Andrew Marshall (b.1980), 82 Less, Francis, 68 Less, George, 68 Lewis, Alfrieda May, 10 Lewis, Linda, 88 Lichlyter, Arthur, 98 Lichlyter, John, 97, 98 Index Lichlyter, Loretta, 100 Lichlyter, Thelma, 97 Light, Ruth, 29 Liles, Billie Rozella (b.1944), 52 Liles, Michael Lee (b.1949), 53 Liles, Virginia Carrol (b.1945), 52 Liles, William C., 52 Linder, Arthelie (1882–????), 146 Linder, George, 146 Lindgren, Frank, 167 Lindgren, Gail, 167 Lindgren, Kenneth, 167 Litherland, D., 41 Litherland, Mary Elizabeth (1902–1979), 41 Lloyd, Mrs. Ollie, 91 Lock, Susan, 1 Lofgren, Christopher “Chris” Reeves (b.1945), 23 Lofgren, Eric Andrew Amschler (b.1981), 23 Lofgren, Les, 23 Lofgren, Marc Christopher (b.1983), 23 London, Sarah, 150 Long, ?, 176 Long, Hubert E., 176 Longest, Charles Raymond (b.1937), 34 Longest, Cynthia Dawn (b.1970), 34 Longest, Justin Ray (b.1991), 34 Longest, Matthew Wayne (b.1978), 34 Longest, Michele Renee (b.1967), 34 Longest, Robert Dale (b.1968), 34 Lorentz, Jacqueline, 17 Lorentz, Russell Wilson, 17 Losch, Mildred, 16 Lovell, Rev. L. V., 184 Loy, H. D., 161 Loy, Stella, 161 Luther, Alice, 103 Luther, Belva, 103 Luther, Betty Ann (1946–1979), 103 Luther, Diana, 103 Luther, Dorothy, 103 Luther, Janet, 103 Luther, Robert, 103 Luther, Ross, 103 Luther, Sheryl, 103 Lux, John, 74 Lux, Ralph Stephen (b.1954), 74 Lybyer, Amy Lee, 66 Lybyer, James, 66 M Maglone, Shirley, 75 Mallars, Jacob Leroy (b.1990), 99 Mallars, Jennifer LeAnn (b.1984), 99 Mallars, Martian, 99 Malone, John M., 162 Mann, ?, 42 Mann, Caroline, 132 Mann, Sylvia, 42 Manning, Betty, 29 Manning, Charles, 29 Manning, Frances, 32 Manning, Mrs. Ruby, 29 Manzi, Pat (b.1935), 34 Mark, Billy Dean, 87 Mark, Summer Jay, 87 Mark, Waylon Dean, 87 Marron, James (1917–1982), 15 Martin, ?, 43, 127 Martin, Anthony (b.1987), 44 Martin, Charles (b.1980), 44 Martin, Charles Lee, 43 Martin, Christina (b.1992), 44 Martin, Deanna, 70 Martin, Earl, 15 Martin, Ethel Darlene, 45 Martin, Hannah Marie, 52 Martin, Harold, 70 Martin, Harriet Courtland, 165 Martin, Jessica Lynne, 52 Martin, Jonathon (b.1985), 44 Martin, Milrich, 15 Martin, Rachael (b.1990), 44 Martin, Rebecca Joyce, 52 Martin, Ruben, 45 Martin, Susan (b.1989), 44 Martin, Thomas (1859–1895), 127 Martin, Tim Edward, 51 Martino, Carla Marie (b.1994), 83 Martino, Erica Anne (b.1987), 83 Martino, Joe, 83 Martino, Thomas Robert, 83 Mason, ?, 104 Mason, Gertrude “Trudy” Ellen (1935–1996), 104 Mason, Leona, 68 Mason, Vionne, 29 Matarelli, Dominic, 24 Matarelli, James Michael, 24 Matarelli, John, 23 Matarelli, Maria, 24 Matarelli, Teresa Lynn, 24 Mathew, Reta, 11 Matthew, Rosemay, 68 Matthews, Brian Zachary (b.1986), 34 Matthews, Ella Rebecca, 91 Matthews, Heather Nichole (b.1989), 34 Matthews, Ordie, 91 Matthews, Roscoe, 91 Matthews, S., 91 Matthews, Sammie, 91 Matthews, Shirley, 96 Matthews, Tarha Elizabeth (b.1985), 34 Matthews, Warren, 91 Matthews, William Lewis (b.1964), 34 Maupin, Ollie, 133 May, Vickie L., 33 Mayberry, Ennis E., 10 Mayberry, Mary Francis, 10 Mayberry, Rachel, 150 Mayberry, Rev. H. H., 91 Mayer, Josuah Alan, 71 Mayer, Mark, 71 Mayer, Nathan Andrew, 71 Mayfield, Dave, 73 213 Mayfield, Sheri, 73 Maymon, Harvey Carroll, 152 Maymon, Lillian, 152 Mayville, Julie, 36 McBride, John, 44 McBride, Mae F., 65 McBroom, Margaret, 9 McBroom, Sarah, 163 McCann, Vickie Lee, 74 McCarthy, Benjamin Lee, 33 McCarthy, Catherine “Cass” Rose, 180 McCarthy, John, 180 McClure, Floyd, 64 McClure, Marion, 64 McClure, Marjorie J., 64 McCoy, Nancy A., 24 McCrery, Dorothy, 143 McGee, Sarah, 136 McGill, Dakota Allen, 87 McGill, Joseph Allen, 87 McGill, Logan, 87 McGraw, ?, 176 McGraw, John, 176 McGraw, Wyatt J., 176 McHenry, Harold, 72 McHenry, Kristy L., 72 McHenry, Mike, 72 McKibben, Amber Dawn, 72 McKibben, April Marie, 71 McKibben, Betty Marie (b.1945), 71 McKibben, Britani J'Nae, 72 McKibben, Bruce Dean (b.1965), 69 McKibben, Carl Ray (b.1949), 73 McKibben, Carrie (b.1973), 72 McKibben, Charles Franklin (b.1936), 69 McKibben, Cindy Sue (b.1960), 69 McKibben, Cory James, 71 McKibben, Earl “Butch” Robert (b.1946), 72 McKibben, Edward Lynn (b.1949), 68 McKibben, Emily Rebecca, 69 McKibben, Erin Wrenn, 68 McKibben, Francis Edward (1930–1982), 67 McKibben, Frank (1899–1968), 65 McKibben, James Franklin (b.1963), 71 McKibben, Jeffrey “Jeff” A. (b.1979), 72 McKibben, Jennifer Elaine (1967–1987), 68 McKibben, Jill Ann (b.1975), 73 McKibben, Julie Ann, 69 McKibben, Julie Michelle (b.1979), 73 McKibben, Kaleb Edward, 68 McKibben, Larry “Joe” Lavern (b.1943), 71 McKibben, Larry Franklin (1956–1957), 68 McKibben, Larry Lee (b.1961), 71 McKibben, Lois Evelyn (b.1934), 68 McKibben, Michael Lynn (b.1969), 71 McKibben, Norma Lee (b.1927), 66 McKibben, Patsy “Pat” Earline (1939–999), 69 McKibben, Paula Diane (b.1951), 68 McKibben, Penny Gayle (b.1960), 68 McKibben, Steven Lloyd (b.1965), 72 McKibben, Tim F. (b.1977), 72 214 Index McKinley, Kenneth Alan (b.1972), 50 McKinley, Ronald Lee, 49 McKinley, Timothy Lynn (b.1964), 50 McKitrick, Paula Yvonne (b.1931), 151 McLain, Elizabeth, 61 McNamer, Jimmy Carrol, 168 Means, James, 142 Mears, Carol (b.1949), 167 Mears, David (b.1942), 167 Mears, Edmond, 167 Medler, Mrs. Clifford, 87 Meeker, Leslie, 71 Mercer, Jean Darlene, 34 Meredith, ?, 178 Meredith, Ann E., 178 Meredith, Maria L., 178 Meredith, Tomie, 129 Meridith, Anna Louise, 129 Merrick, Clara, 79 Merrill, Rev. Beth, 14 Merritt, Mabel, 69 Mery, Rev. F. C., 184 Meschke, Lucille, 74 Metzger, Bonnie, 168 Meyer, Rev. Roy J., 62 Meyers, Norma, 68 Millard, Pearl, 137 Miller, Barbara Darlene, 18 Miller, Benjamin, 18 Miller, Beth Marie (b.1960), 139 Miller, Buck, 185 Miller, Carol Sue, 45 Miller, Dorothy Jane (b.1929), 138 Miller, Earl Oliver, 46 Miller, Geoff, 37 Miller, Geoffrey (b.1992), 37 Miller, George, 137 Miller, Hazel, 29 Miller, Jeremy Dalton (b.1994), 37 Miller, Julia Ann (b.1926), 137 Miller, Leafy, 86 Miller, Mrs. Clarence, 29 Miller, Nancy, 81 Miller, Rev. Mark, 20 Miller, Susan Jane, 46 Miller, Theodore, 136 Miller, Walter “Bud” Darrell (b.1934), 139 Miller, Walter Anderson (1890–1971), 136 Miller, Walter Michael (b.1961), 139 Mitchell, Georgia, 165 Mitchell, John, 143 Mitchell, Manerva, 160 Mitchell, Rev. Garnet, 103 Mix, Martha Ellen, 96 Monroe, George S., 116 Monroe, James, 116, 117 Monroe, Jobe B., 117 Monroe, Rev. David F., 106 Monroe, Tyra J., 117 Montgomery, Marlana, 33 Moody, Earl, 183 Moon, Jerry Alan, 121 Moore, Grace, 29 Moore, Joyce Ann, 140 Moore, Loretta, 97 Moore, Rev. Barney, 14 Moore, Terri Ann, 74 Moore, Terry, 154 Moore, Tom, 74 Morefield, Dolton, 97 Morefield, Dwight, 97 Morefield, Eugene, 97 Morefield, Everett, 97 Morey, Maude, 29 Morey, Mrs. Clark, 29 Morgeson, Gloria, 98 Morrich, Brian Raymond (b.1974), 99 Morrich, Jason Richard (b.1976), 99 Morrich, Raymond Edward, 99 Moseley, Rev. Steve, 11 Moter, Dr. R. L., 76 Moulton, Marguerite, 81 Mulhatton, Joe, 3 Muller, Barbara Louise (b.1945), 32 Muller, Sylvester, 32 Mullins, Priscilla, 59 Murphy, Alice, 78 Musgrave, Rev. Raymond, 150 Music, Rev. Larry, 76 Myers, Sherri K., 16 N Nagle, Alvin Dixon, 172 Narragon, Robert, 55 Narragon, Tamaca Eileen (b.1958), 55 Neal, James, 148 Neal, Mary A. (1918–1995), 148 Neal, Rev. Keith, 11 Neaveill, Aaron, 33 Neaveill, Alan Dwayne (1940–1995), 46 Neaveill, Allison Cecilia Elizabeth Lynn (b.1988), 19 Neaveill, Alvin L. (1899–1900), 15 Neaveill, Amber Brooke (b.1976), 37 Neaveill, Amy Beatrice (1896–1980), 14 Neaveill, Amy Christine (b.1976), 20 Neaveill, Andrea Portia (b.1944), 20 Neaveill, Andrew Hayden (1876–1936), 13 Neaveill, Angela Renee, 32 Neaveill, Annette, 46 Neaveill, Barbara Sue (b.1945), 36 Neaveill, Bernice G. (b.1912), 20 Neaveill, Beverly, 25 Neaveill, Billy, 40 Neaveill, Billy Fay (b.1965), 32 Neaveill, Boyd Arnold (b.1936), 18 Neaveill, Brady Ervin (b.1979), 38 Neaveill, Brenda Kay (b.1949), 33 Neaveill, Bridget Lea (b.1975), 38 Neaveill, Brycen A. Paul (b.1986), 19 Neaveill, Caleb Scott (b.1986), 34 Neaveill, Carl Rue (1920–1987), 33 Neaveill, Carla Jean (b.1950), 34 Neaveill, Carole Kay (b.1943), 85 Neaveill, Carolyn (b.1961), 39 Neaveill, Carrie Jo (b.1986), 38 Neaveill, Carroll Edward “Eddie” (1930–1996), 40 Neaveill, Cathy, 40 Neaveill, Cecil, 24 Neaveill, Charles “Charlie” Elmer (1913–1979), 46 Neaveill, Charles “Charlie” Richard (1912–1986), 79 Neaveill, Charles Edward (b.1954), 40 Neaveill, Charles Emory (1880–1902), 90 Neaveill, Charles Lee (b.1941), 31 Neaveill, Chastity, 39 Neaveill, Chester “Chet” Eugene (1914–1992), 21 Neaveill, Christopher Daniel (b.1995), 16 Neaveill, Christopher David (b.1991), 31 Neaveill, Christopher Edward (b.1985), 41 Neaveill, Clara Fay (b.1943), 85 Neaveill, Cora M. (1897–1941), 15 Neaveill, Corrie Jane (b.1993), 19 Neaveill, Courtney Ann (b.1983), 19 Neaveill, Cynthia Maxine “Cindy Mac” (1959–1998), 35 Neaveill, Dale Lee (1929–1987), 45 Neaveill, Danielle Earline, 32 Neaveill, Darrell Arlis (b.1942), 21 Neaveill, Darrol (b.1928), 39 Neaveill, David Allen (b.1966), 31 Neaveill, Debbie Jean (b.1963), 31 Neaveill, Deborah “Debbie” Ann, 16 Neaveill, Deborah “Debbie” Diana (b.1953), 35 Neaveill, Delbert Jefferson (b.1915), 31 Neaveill, Denise (b.1956), 38 Neaveill, Denise Lynn (b.1961), 19 Neaveill, Dennis Fay (b.1942), 32 Neaveill, Dollie Mae (1922–1988), 44 Neaveill, Donald (b.1960), 39 Neaveill, Edith Ann (c.1845–????), 26 Neaveill, Elizabeth Ailene (b.1966), 33 Neaveill, Elizabeth Ann (b.1939), 31 Neaveill, Enoch Levi (1842–1901), 7 Neaveill, Ervin J. (b.1953), 37 Neaveill, Eva Lucille (1921–1940), 86 Neaveill, Frances “Fran” L. (b.1930), 17 Neaveill, Francis Elmer (1878–1961), 61 Neaveill, George E., 90 Neaveill, Gregory “Greg” William (b.1966), 16 Neaveill, Gregory Scott (b.1963), 33 Neaveill, Gregory Steven (b.1948), 20 Neaveill, Grover Eugene (b.1969), 33 Neaveill, Grover Fay (1927–1944), 32 Neaveill, Guy Anderson (1889–1927), 24 Neaveill, Hannah Sue (b.1996), 46 Neaveill, Harriet Florence (1860–1917), 107 Neaveill, Hazel (1911–1992), 24 Neaveill, Hazel Esther (1919–1987), 86 Neaveill, Heather Terasa (b.1971), 22 Neaveill, Hula May (1910–1986), 73 Neaveill, Jean Marie, 16 Neaveill, Jean Renee (b.1959), 82 Neaveill, Jeffrey “Jeff” Lee (b.1960), 31 Index Neaveill, Jeffrey Scott (b.1960), 19 Neaveill, Jennifer (b.1982), 34 Neaveill, Jennifer Carol (b.1979), 41 Neaveill, Jerry Wayne, 16 Neaveill, Jill Dionne (b.1961), 82 Neaveill, Joanne Michelle (b.1970), 47 Neaveill, Joel Patrick (b.1973), 23 Neaveill, John “Johnnie” Frederick (1910–1911), 46 Neaveill, John Thomas “Tom” (1847–1928), 28 Neaveill, Johnathan Robert (b.1994), 19 Neaveill, Joseph, 40 Neaveill, Joyce (b.1949), 37 Neaveill, Judy, 47 Neaveill, Julia “Julie” Elizabeth (1907–1979), 65 Neaveill, Justin, 39 Neaveill, Keallan, 47 Neaveill, Keonna, 47 Neaveill, Kevin Alan (b.1958), 18 Neaveill, Kim, 17 Neaveill, Kitty Lea (b.1955), 45 Neaveill, Laura Jane (1870–1928), 8 Neaveill, LaVerne Fay (1920–1972), 23 Neaveill, LaVonne Gay (b.1920), 23 Neaveill, Lawrence Larry, 40 Neaveill, Lena Marie (b.2001), 85 Neaveill, Lester, 40 Neaveill, Levi Douglas (b.1998), 84 Neaveill, Lewis Vernon “Verne” (1904–1943), 45 Neaveill, Lisa Jean (b.1968), 35 Neaveill, Lodema Bell (1872–1950), 9 Neaveill, Lori Ann (b.1972), 31 Neaveill, Louis Stephen (b.1952), 33 Neaveill, Lucinda Jane (c.1847–????), 27 Neaveill, Luella Ellen, 65 Neaveill, Marion, 91 Neaveill, Marion Granville (1911–1991), 15 Neaveill, Mark Douglas, 46 Neaveill, Martha Lucinda (1872–1948), 47 Neaveill, Marvin Dewayne “Wayne” (b.1959), 32 Neaveill, Marvin Eugene, 17 Neaveill, Mary Ann (b.1947), 36 Neaveill, Mary Clemance (1858–1927), 93 Neaveill, Mary Elizabeth, 32 Neaveill, Matt, 22 Neaveill, Matthew (b.1979), 39 Neaveill, Michael Alan Cuzzort (b.1993), 19 Neaveill, Michael Eric (1962–1963), 19 Neaveill, Michael Mike, 16 Neaveill, Michele, 39 Neaveill, Michelle Renae (b.1988), 41 Neaveill, Mike, 40 Neaveill, Miranda Jean (1995–1995), 32 Neaveill, Morgan Jennifer (b.2000), 23 Neaveill, Nancy A. (1857–????), 92 Neaveill, Nathan Paul (b.2000), 47 Neaveill, Norlin “Norm” Willis (b.1942), 46 Neaveill, Otto Fay (1893–1956), 30 Neaveill, Paul Douglas (b.1966), 46 Neaveill, Percy Douglas “Doug” (b.1937), 81 Neaveill, Phillip L. (1930–2002), 45 Neaveill, Phoebe Belle (1875–1951), 57 Neaveill, Rita (b.1951), 37 Neaveill, Robin Wayne (1963–1963), 39 Neaveill, Rodney “Rod” Scott (b.1949), 22 Neaveill, Roger Boyd Kevin Alan (b.1985), 19 Neaveill, Roscoe “Ross” Rue (1899–1969), 41 Neaveill, Roy (1923–1995), 35 Neaveill, Roy Allen (b.1958), 39 Neaveill, Ruby, 25 Neaveill, Ryan Douglas (b.1967), 84 Neaveill, Samantha Rose, 32 Neaveill, Samuel Nathan (b.1998), 16 Neaveill, Scott Gregory (b.1978), 20 Neaveill, Shawn Alan (b.1971), 33 Neaveill, Sheri Lea (b.1964), 45 Neaveill, Stacy Ann (b.1983), 38 Neaveill, Stella Louise (b.1947), 34 Neaveill, Susan, 17 Neaveill, Suzette, 40 Neaveill, Tessla, 33 Neaveill, Thelma Elise (1920–1982), 41 Neaveill, Thomas “Tom” Lee (b.1955), 38 Neaveill, Thomas V. (1898–1898), 41 Neaveill, Tim, 17 Neaveill, Todd Andrew (b.1968), 22 Neaveill, Tracy (b.1965), 39 Neaveill, Trevor Joel (b.1997), 23 Neaveill, Tyler Alexander (b.1993), 16 Neaveill, Valerie (b.1980), 39 Neaveill, Vicky Lynn (b.1962), 35 Neaveill, Walter Percy (b.1917), 80 Neaveill, Wayne Thomas (b.1962), 46 Neaveill, Wendy Sue (b.1976), 39 Neaveill, Whitney (b.1997), 33 Neaveill, William “Bill” Delbert (1870–1947), 29 Neaveill, Wilma, 25 Neavill, Adelia, 177 Neavill, Agnes (c.1868–????), 133 Neavill, Andrew A., 122 Neavill, Andy, 145 Neavill, Anna (1836–????), 127 Neavill, Anna (c.1878–????), 161 Neavill, Arlo Hugh (1914–1992), 148 Neavill, Arlo Hugh “Hughie”, Jr., 149 Neavill, Arlo Hugh Hughie , Jr., 77 Neavill, Artemecia (1836–1922), 179 Neavill, Arthur Edgar (1912–1978), 129 Neavill, Arthur Stewart (1882–????), 128 Neavill, Arthur Thomas (b.1944), 130 Neavill, Barbara, 149 Neavill, Bell, 114 Neavill, Betty Jean, 128 Neavill, Beulah (1895–????), 145 Neavill, Bill W. (b.1936), 133 Neavill, Brittany Nicole (b.1989), 90 Neavill, Burdette Gray, 185 Neavill, Calvin (1830–????), 113 215 Neavill, Carrie, 149 Neavill, Catherine (1822–1875), 155 Neavill, Chad Everett (b.1973), 90 Neavill, Champ Clark, 145 Neavill, Charlene Rae, 182 Neavill, Charles, 114 Neavill, Charles “Charley” M. (1855–1920), 183 Neavill, Charles Byrd (c.1890–1959), 153 Neavill, Cheryl Lee, 182 Neavill, Chrystal Sue (b.1976), 90 Neavill, Clarissa, 183 Neavill, Connie, 149 Neavill, Cora Ann (1873–1956), 145 Neavill, Cordia Adalaid (c.1868–1939), 142 Neavill, Dennis Nathan (b.1942), 133 Neavill, Donald Joseph (1913–1989), 129 Neavill, Donna Jo (b.1948), 129 Neavill, Dora Jane (1865–1926), 134 Neavill, Edith Jane (c.1838–1958), 132 Neavill, Edna, 151 Neavill, Edward (c.1871–????), 160 Neavill, Edward J., 177 Neavill, Elijah (1824–????), 160 Neavill, Elijah (1842–1912), 128 Neavill, Elijah Field (1857–1943), 162 Neavill, Elisha (c.1828–1863), 165 Neavill, Elizabeth (c.1831–????), 122 Neavill, Elizabeth (c.1842–????), 128 Neavill, Elizabeth Harriet, 177 Neavill, Elizabeth Jane, 113 Neavill, Ellen Collins, 175 Neavill, Elmer Didson (c.1886–????), 132 Neavill, Emily A., 176 Neavill, Emory M. (1870–1943), 144 Neavill, Enoch, 174 Neavill, Enoch (181?–185?), 127 Neavill, Enoch (1847–1925), 130 Neavill, Enoch (c.1840–????), 132 Neavill, Enoch Frank, 178 Neavill, Ephraim, 174 Neavill, Esiline, 178 Neavill, Eunice, 177 Neavill, Evaline, 177 Neavill, Fay, 145 Neavill, Flo, 145 Neavill, Frances Ann, 129 Neavill, Frances Elizabeth, 180 Neavill, Frances Esther, 181 Neavill, Frank, 182 Neavill, George (c.1844–????), 160 Neavill, George A., 182 Neavill, George Franklin (1872–????), 160 Neavill, George Lee, 181 Neavill, George Lee, Jr., 182 Neavill, George W. (c.1841–????), 134 Neavill, George W. (c.1869–????), 133 Neavill, Gloria (b.1948), 89 Neavill, Grover, 102 Neavill, Grover J. (1884–1954), 150 Neavill, Harold (1900–1923), 62 Neavill, Helen Aldona, 182 Neavill, Helen Marie, 181 216 Index Neavill, Henrietta, 114 Neavill, Henry M., 114 Neavill, Henry R., 178 Neavill, Hilda Gertrude (1904–1993), 136 Neavill, Irene Bonnie (1908–1993), 146 Neavill, James, 181 Neavill, James (c.1816–????), 131 Neavill, James “Jim”, 185 Neavill, James A., 176 Neavill, James A. (1826–????), 120 Neavill, James Bird (1871–1933), 134 Neavill, James Clarance (b.1918), 133 Neavill, James Edward (1880–????), 128 Neavill, James Hugh (1880–1911), 146 Neavill, James Kenneth (b.1963), 133 Neavill, James Lawrence, 181 Neavill, James Lee (1954–1992), 89 Neavill, Jan, 181 Neavill, Janice, 129 Neavill, Jeannie, 181 Neavill, Jemima Elizabeth (c.1843–1894), 160 Neavill, Jerry, 181 Neavill, Jill, 181 Neavill, John (c.1837–????), 123 Neavill, John (c.1856–????), 121 Neavill, John (c.1874–????), 161 Neavill, John “Jack” Thomas, 181 Neavill, John Frank (1896–1973), 132 Neavill, John Thomas, 180 Neavill, John Wilson (1889–1955), 185 Neavill, Jonnie K., 181 Neavill, Judith Louise (b.1943), 133 Neavill, Julia E., 177 Neavill, Kathryn Rose, 181 Neavill, Kim Louise (b.1961), 133 Neavill, Kitty Mecia, 186 Neavill, Lee Eldon, 129 Neavill, Lemon “Dork” Tillman, 141 Neavill, Mabel (c.1864–????), 134 Neavill, Madge, 145 Neavill, Margaret, 180 Neavill, Margaret Castilla (c.1863–), 132 Neavill, Marlene A., 182 Neavill, Martha (c.1846–????), 162 Neavill, Mary (c.1858–????), 122 Neavill, Mary Alice (b.1926), 63 Neavill, Mary Jane, 129, 174 Neavill, Mary L. (c.1833–????), 122 Neavill, Mary Pauline, 182 Neavill, Mary Therese, 181 Neavill, Mary Wilma (1922–1991), 152 Neavill, Matthew Burl (1910–1982), 128 Neavill, Maxwell, 145 Neavill, Michael, 182 Neavill, Myrtle (c.1875–????), 146 Neavill, Nancy Ann, 182 Neavill, Nicholas James (b.1980), 90 Neavill, Oma (c.1852–????), 162 Neavill, Oney (c.1825–????), 163 Neavill, Orlando (1911–1913), 148 Neavill, Pat Maurice, 145 Neavill, Patricia Ann, 180 Neavill, Paul Leo (1913–1980), 150 Neavill, Paul Leonard, 182 Neavill, Perry “Chick” Lenard (1874–1964), 135 Neavill, Phebe (c.1850–????), 162 Neavill, Rhoda (c.1884–1917), 132 Neavill, Richard Dean, 182 Neavill, Richard Foster, 182 Neavill, Robert (1925–1925), 154 Neavill, Robert “Bud” Lee (1925–1990), 89 Neavill, Robert Audrey (1905–????), 145 Neavill, Rollie (1902–1965), 62 Neavill, Ronald (b.1941), 129 Neavill, Rosa M. (1880–1917), 150 Neavill, Ruth, 145 Neavill, Samuel, 179 Neavill, Samuel Jerry (1885–1940), 185 Neavill, Sandra, 149 Neavill, Sarah, 183 Neavill, Sarah (c.1848–????), 162 Neavill, Sarah (c.1850–????), 130 Neavill, Sarah Frances (c.1843–????), 124 Neavill, Shirley Ann (b.1952), 151 Neavill, Stephen, 182 Neavill, Stephen Dale (1947–1971), 149 Neavill, Stephen Edward, 181 Neavill, Stephen Hardy, 180 Neavill, Stephen Raymond, 182 Neavill, Susan Yvonne, 129 Neavill, Talitha, 183 Neavill, Terry Ann (b.1961), 129 Neavill, Thelma L., 106 Neavill, Thelma L. (1919–1920), 152 Neavill, Thomas, 180 Neavill, Thomas D., 186 Neavill, Virginia Ellen, 181 Neavill, Walter, 141 Neavill, William Elisha (1847–1923), 141 Neavill, William H. (c.1847–????), 126 Neavill, William Kenneth (1910–1955), 151 Neavill, William Nathan (c1864–1930), 132 Neavill, Wilma Jean (b.1944), 150 Neaville, Ailsey (c.1854–????), 173 Neaville, Alexander, 178 Neaville, Amanda (c.1851–????), 172 Neaville, Angela, 103 Neaville, Anthony (b.1976), 103 Neaville, Arlie Dean (b.1937), 103 Neaville, Arthur Whitson (1910–1987), 153 Neaville, Bonnie, 147 Neaville, Brian, 154 Neaville, Brian D., 153 Neaville, Burkley (1913–1998), 153 Neaville, Charles E. (c.1868–????), 171 Neaville, Charles Junior (1919–1992), 153 Neaville, Chris, 153 Neaville, Dale (1910–1970), 152 Neaville, Dale (1932–????), 91 Neaville, Danny Lyn (b.1951), 140 Neaville, David Charles (b.1952), 154 Neaville, Diane Faye (b.1953), 104 Neaville, Diane Kathleen (b.1956), 154 Neaville, Donald Dale (1933–2002), 152 Neaville, Dustin Edward (b.1986), 147 Neaville, Elihu (c.1807–1888), 120 Neaville, Elijah (c.1828–????), 122 Neaville, Eliza (c.1861–????), 173 Neaville, Enoch, 3 Neaville, Faye, 105 Neaville, Flora (c.1862–????), 171 Neaville, George (1888–????), 152 Neaville, Howard (1937–1966), 91 Neaville, Iris Corinne, 121 Neaville, James (c.1793–1881), 170 Neaville, James Albert, 121 Neaville, James H., 178 Neaville, James H. (1842–1902), 171 Neaville, James Opal (1910–1982), 146 Neaville, James Robert (b.1978), 147 Neaville, James Steven, 104 Neaville, Jared Ray (b.1995), 140 Neaville, Jason Todd (b.1974), 140 Neaville, Jeffrey Dale (b.1983), 148 Neaville, John Alexander, 178 Neaville, John D., 178 Neaville, John F., 171 Neaville, John W. (c.1850–????), 173 Neaville, Joseph Archibald “Archie” (1883–1960), 91 Neaville, Justin Shawn (b.1975), 140 Neaville, Lenard Ray (b.1947), 140 Neaville, Leonard Dale (b.1956), 148 Neaville, Leonard Eugene, 102 Neaville, Leonard Eugene (1916–1987), 151 Neaville, Lowell (b.1933), 91 Neaville, Mariah J. (1845–1910), 171 Neaville, Mary E., 178 Neaville, Mary E. (c.1864–????), 172 Neaville, Mary Jane (1848–????), 173 Neaville, Mary Sue (1942–1992), 105 Neaville, Michael Keith, 148 Neaville, Michele, 103 Neaville, Nattie M. (c.1874–????), 171 Neaville, Nellie, 135 Neaville, Novella May (b.1909), 153 Neaville, Opal Eugene, 104 Neaville, Perry Lenard (1922–1978), 139 Neaville, Renae Caroline (b.1998), 140 Neaville, Richard (c.1848–????), 172 Neaville, Ricky (1972–1994), 104 Neaville, Ricky (b.1995), 105 Neaville, Robert Joseph “Bobby Joe” (b.1943), 147 Neaville, Sandy P. (c.1824–????), 173 Neaville, Sarah F. (1849–1878), 172 Neaville, Serena (c.1817–????), 170 Neaville, Shannon, 103 Neaville, Sharon Jacquelyn (b.1945), 147 Neaville, Tammy Sue (b.1972), 140 Neaville, Thomas Dodson (1820–1869), 171 Neaville, Tony Ray (b.1969), 140 Neaville, Vickie, 153 Neaville, Walter George (1914–1938), 139 Neaville, William (c.1862–1918), 173 Neaville, William Bane (c.1857–????), 121 Neaville, William Eugene (b.1955), 104 Index Neaville, Willie Frances, 122 Neavoll, Blonson D. (1900–1972), 161 Neavoll, Ellis P. (1916–1974), 161 Neavoll, Florence, 161 Neavoll, Francis, 161 Neavoll, George, 161 Neavoll, Jesse H. (1876–????), 161 Neavoll, Jesse Jr., 161 Neavoll, Joseph (1902–1966), 161 Neavoll, Kenneth (1913–1979), 161 Neavoll, Kepley (1905–1974), 161 Neavoll, William S. (????–1967), 161 Needham, Rev. Robert, 129 Nelson, Dorothy, 74 Nestor, Anna, 68 Neville, Andy, 166 Neville, Aubrey Matthew (b.1932), 166 Neville, Aubrey Mitchell (1909–2000), 165 Neville, Chris, 167 Neville, Duane (b.1938), 165 Neville, Edna May (1887–1926), 167 Neville, Eric, 166 Neville, Fern, 168 Neville, Geneva (b.1912), 167 Neville, George Washington (1856–1923), 165 Neville, Harriet (b.1916), 167 Neville, Heather, 167 Neville, John M. (1858–1942), 168 Neville, Jon, 166 Neville, Mahala E. (1854–1928), 168 Neville, Mitchell, 167 Neville, Nancy Jean (b.1936), 166 Neville, Oren Presley (b.1907), 165 Neville, Presley (1882–1951), 165 Neville, Robert Darrell (b.1945), 167 Neville, William Henry (c.1860–????), 168 New, Elinora (c.1854–????), 176 New, Ellen C. (c,1865–????), 176 New, Evaline (c.1867–1868), 177 New, Mary (c.1860–????), 176 New, William H., 176 Newhouse, Douglas Jay (b.1975), 138 Newhouse, Luke Douglas (b.1999), 138 Newhouse, Luther, 138 Newhouse, Melissa Dawn (b.1972), 138 Newman, Rada M., 39 Nichols, Bud, 134 Nichols, Mary A., 126 Nichols, Melvina May, 134 Nichols, Melvina May (1845–1924), 134 Noland, James, 171 Norris, Arra Della (c.1874–1927), 158 Norris, Flora C. (c.1878–1921), 158 Norris, John M. (c.1876–????), 158 Norris, Olin J. (1880–1910), 158 Norris, Oscar M. (c.1873–1897), 158 Norris, Stewart, 157 Norris, William Franklin (c.1871–1940), 157 Nosko, David Scott (b.1970), 33 Nosko, Janet Marie (b.1977), 33 Nosko, John P., 33 Nosko, Kimberly Kay (b.1975), 33 Nosko, Ronald Edgar, 33 Nottingham, Jennifer, 68 O O’Dea, George, 100 O’Flaherty, Kathleen “Kathy” (b.1968), 18 O’Flaherty, Keenan Michael (b.1982), 18 O’Flaherty, Kevin, 18 O’Flaherty, Kyle Michael (b.1979), 18 O’Flaherty, Michael “Mike” (b.1930), 18 O’Rourke, Bill, 167 O’Rourke, Patti, 167 O’Rourke, Stacey, 166 Oder, Oscar J., 156 Osborne, ?, 38 Osborne, Adam, 37 Osborne, Andy, 37 Osborne, Darren, 37 Osborne, Kathy (b.1955), 37 Osborne, Kelly, 37 Osborne, Kim, 38 Osborne, Michael, 37 Osborne, Randi Jo, 38 Oskins, Edward Alan, 154 Oskins, Harold, 154 Oskins, Zachary Charles (b.1991), 154 Oskins, Zane David (b.1993), 154 Overturf, Rev. John, 136 Owen, Benjamin Adam, 69 Owen, Cathy Jo (b.1958), 69 Owen, Dedie Elizabeth (b.1962), 69 Owen, Emerial, 68 Owen, Gene Bradford, 68 Owen, Gene Bradford (b.1960), 69 Owen, Judy Kay (b.1955), 68 Owen, Laramie Joseph, 69 P Page, Jeannie, 36 Panek, Cecilia Susanne (b.2002), 20 Panek, John, 20 Panek, Ron, 20 Pasco, ?, 175 Pasco, Thomas Henry, 175 Patterson, Mary (Venters), 87 Pattorff, Gayla Ray, 73 Paul, Ruby, 32 Payne, Charles, 186 Payne, Everett, 34 Payne, Jason Allen (b.1986), 34 Payne, Jonathan Lee (b.1989), 34 Payne, Verna, 186 Pearce, Darrell, 153 Pearce, Jack, 153 Pearce, Susan, 153 Pefley, Emma Frances (1864–????), 171 Pefley, Hettie Lawrence (1870–????), 172 Pefley, James H. (1860–????), 171 Pefley, Laura E. (1861–1934), 171 Pefley, Lily C. (1867–????), 171 Pefley, Minnie Pearl (1879–????), 172 Pefley, Oliver F. (1863–1864), 171 Pefley, William R., 171 Pentecost, Jean (b.1955), 151 Percival, Alfred, 158 Perks, John, 177 Perlo, Lucille, 43 Perlo, Pastor, 43 Peters, ?, 25 Peters, Avery Claire, 68 Peters, Charles, 68 Peters, Larry, 68 Peterson, ?, 45 Peterson, Gary Lee, 45 Peterson, Nancy, 68 Peterson, Tammy Jo, 45 Peterson, Toni Lynn, 45 Petitt, Ralph, 17 Petitt, Vicky, 17 Phelps, Bob, 102 Phillips, ?, 60 Phillips, Alexandra Leigh (b.1997), 60 Phillips, Ted, 60 Phipps, Jessie, 41 Pointer, Brittany Leigh Nichole, 35 Pointer, Kristen Leigh (b.1981), 35 Pointer, Stephen Eugene (b.1972), 35 Polhemus, June, 29 Polk, Daniel Dean, 129 Ponder, Bertha M., 105 Ponder, Erik C., 105 Ponder, Gregory Pyle, 104 Pontius, Molly, 156 Poos, R. W., 67 Pope, ?, 53 Pope, Annie Alice, 53 Pope, Tom, 146 Porter, Bessie May, 172 Porter, Kathryn, 70 Potts, Betty, 19 Powell, James, 167 Pratt, ?, 175 Pressy, Austin Wayne (b.1991), 85 Pressy, Dakota Lynn (b.1994), 85 Pressy, Harold Thomas (b.1965), 85 Pressy, Jeffrey “Jeff” Lynn (b.1967), 85 Pressy, Sharon Marie (b.1972), 86 Price, ?, 106 Price, Henry, 60 Price, Nancy Louise, 49 Primm, ?, 129 Printz, Mrs. Paul, 185 Proctor, Ray, 102 Puffer, Agnes G. (1847–1927), 141 Puffer, Hugh, 141 Pugh, Laura (c.1814–????), 127 R Ragan, Jessie, 135 Ramsey, Lela, 80 Ranbo, Mart, 71 Rankin, Willis W., 172 Ray, J. Edward, 11 Read, Catherine, 157 Red, ?, 176 217 218 Index Red, Ella M., 176 Reddick, ?, 181 Reed, Violet, 15 Reeves, Elizabeth, 174 Reich, Marvel, 20 Reid, Rev. Roger, 24 Reidford, Norman, 39 Reidford, Theresa Kay, 39 Renken, Henry, 79 Renken, Martha M. (1907–1977), 79 Repking, Margaret “Marge” Ann, 12 Resnus, Minnie (Green), 42 Rethmeier, ?, 180 Reuter, Mrs. Fred, 30 Reynolds, ?, 64 Reynolds, Winnie E., 156 Rhoades, Patricia Ann, 50 Rhoads, Mary E., 13 Richardson, Janet, 85 Richardson, Martha E., 24 Richardson, Thomas Alexander, 24 Richman, Laura, 45 Riegle, Lawrence, 100 Rigg, Albert, 30 Rigg, Caroline Rebecca (1875–1926), 29 Rigg, Charley, 30 Rigg, Sarah Ann, 29 Rigg, Taylor, 30 Rigg, William Victor, 29 Riley, Catherine Tacy, 180 Riley, George, 180 Riley, George Neavill, 180 Riley, Loretta, 156 Riley, William B., 159 Rist, Vivian Carol, 56 Robbins, Otto Ross, 172 Robert “Bob” Eugene Thornsbrough (1926–1977), 95 Roberts, Tim, 97 Roberts, Tylor B., 97 Robertson, Gary, 95 Robertson, Hazel Della, 128 Robertson, Louisa, 155 Robertson, Marilyn, 49 Robinson, Jane, 174 Robinson, Lucinda, 160 Roddy, Bob, 144 Rodfer, Rev. Glen, 63 Rodgers, Allen, 38 Rodgers, Rodney Allen, 38 Rodgers, Shawn Allen (1998–1998), 38 Rone, Linda M., 136 Root, Fran, 87 Roshek, Diane (b.1978), 18 Ross, Eb, 10 Ross, Edward, 10 Ross, James, 10 Rudisill, Ashley Renee (b.1994), 77 Rudisill, Timothy, 77 Rudisill, Travis Wayne (b.1988), 77 Rudisill, Wayne, 77 Ruhall, Julie, 72 Ruth, Shane Edwin (b.1979), 99 Rutledge, Melinda, 33 Ryan, Susan D., 158 S Sager, Jim, 144 Sager, Josiah M. (c.1861–????), 142 Sager, Lillie Lea (1888–1975), 142 Sager, Mary, 144 Sager, Pauline, 144 Sager, Perry E. (1890–1974), 144 Sager, Tilghman, 142 Sager, Wreath B. (1892–????), 144 Sailer, Brock, 38 Sailer, Gabriel Alan (b.2002), 38 Sailer, Nick Alan, 37 Sailer, Rick, 37 Sanders, Phoebe, 7, 28 Santi, Teresa, 83 Sarkis, Lisa, 154 Sauerwein, Jane, 68 Saulsby, ?, 177 Saulsby, Ephraim, 177 Saulsby, Henry, 177 Sawtell, Caroline, 175 Sawtell, Edwin, 175 Sawtell, Edwin, Jr., 175 Sawtell, Eva, 175 Sawtell, Fayette, 175 Sawtell, Guy Everett, 175 Sawtell, James Collins, 175 Sawtell, Lola, 175 Sawtell, Mazie, 175 Sawtell, Myrtle, 176 Sawtell, Philip Sheridan, 175 Sawtell, Ruth, 175 Sawtell, William E., 175 Sawtelle, Guy, 175 Sawtelle, Junius Neville, 175 Sawyer, Linda Diane, 83 Sayer, Veronica “Vicki” Elizabeth (1913–1983), 11 Saylor, Alvin, 138 Schafer, Nicholas, 17 Schafer, Randy, 17 Schafer, Zachary, 17 Schatsiek, Brandon Michael (b.1987), 63 Schatsiek, Mark E., 63 Schellhous, ?, 175 Schellhous, Estella A., 175 Schlattman, Rev. Robert, 63 Schloesser, Helen Margaret, 165 Schmidt, George E., 9 Schmidt, Phillip, 9 Schmidt, Rev. Donald, 166 Schmitt, Larry, 65 Schofield, Knova, 70 Scholde, John, 12 Schott, Rev. Lawrence, 91 Schumacher, Anna, 128 Schumaker, Amanda Paige (b.1993), 138 Schumaker, Blake Ryan (b.1998), 138 Schumaker, Darren James (b.1966), 137 Schustek, Ruth Elizabeth, 167 Scott, ?, 175, 176 Scott, Flora E., 176 Scott, Luetta, 175 Scott, Mary “Sadie” Louise, 176 Scott, Warren A., 176 Sears, Clarence, 96 Sears, Sharon, 96 Seggerman, Brock Allen (b.2002), 82 Seggerman, Leslie Jo, 82 Seggerman, Shane Douglas, 82 Seggerman, Shannon Rae, 82 Seggerman, Wilbert, 82 Seggerman, Wilbert, Jr., 82 Seyer, John Baptiste, 11 Shafer, Rev. J. E., 184 Shaffer, Mary, 149 Shambach, Russell, 68 Shambach, Shelby Lee, 68 Shambach, Shiela Lyn, 68 Sharp, Sarah J., 171 Shaver, Robert, 124 Shaw, Lula E., 101 Shelley, Edward C., 171 Shelton, Carl, 66 Shelton, Earl, 66 Shelton, Roy, 66 Sherve, Kimberly Diane, 69 Sherve, William, 69 Shore, Andrew, 20 Shore, Barbara, 20 Shore, John, 20 Shreve, Catherine, 91 Sieffermann, Anna, 57 Sigrist, Louis, 185 Simmons, ?, 38 Simmons, Donald, 69 Simmons, Jared Franklin, 69 Simmons, Jim, 38 Simmons, Maxine, 73 Simmons, Ricky Lee, 69 Simmons, Stephanie (1976–1999), 38 Simmons, Tyler James, 69 Simmons, Willie, 121 Simpson, ?, 114 Simpson, Amy, 154 Simpson, Christy Dawn (b.1957), 138 Simpson, Jesse, 137 Simpson, Judy Kay (b.1948), 138 Simpson, Linda Raye (b.1946), 137 Simpson, Raymond Douglas (1922–1992), 137 Simpson, William, 114 Singletree, Abner, 101 Sinkler, Joseph, 161 Sinkler, Tabitha, 161 Sisk, Charlotte, 93 Slaton, Courtney Michelle (b.1992), 31 Slaton, Robert Marshall, 31 Slaton, Taylor Lee (b.1995), 31 Small, Rev. Ralph, 97 Smith, ?, 38 Smith, Bessie, 44 Smith, Dennis, 77 Index Smith, Franklin W., 122 Smith, Helen, 70 Smith, I. Wesley, 172 Smith, Jeff, 66 Smith, John, 122 Smith, Keyma Lynn (b.1983), 151 Smith, Kirby, 123 Smith, Laura, 98 Smith, Lucretia, 77 Smith, Malen, 108, 116 Smith, Mame A., 116 Smith, Mary, 120 Smith, Michael Brent (b.1981), 151 Smith, Michael D. (b.1954), 151 Smith, Mike, 122 Smith, Rev. Tom E., 16 Smith, Sarah, 123 Smith, Vella, 74 Smith, Vestal, 122 Smock, Denice, 97 Snell, ?, 44 Snell, Ashley (b.1989), 44 Snell, Brandon Lee (b.1993), 44 Snell, Brian Gene, 44 Snell, Corey (b.1991), 44 Snoke, Elmer, 103 Snow, Etta Joyce, 80 Solomon, Nan, 182 Sons, Harold, 87 Souders, Nicholas Anthony (b.1989), 140 Souders, Shauna Gwen, 140 Sousa, ?, 181 Spicer, Daniel Webster, 113 Spicer, Eve, 113 Spicer, Hettie, 114 Spicer, Ida, 114 Spicer, John, 113 Spicer, May, 114 Spicer, Rena Olive, 114 Spicer, Samuel, 113 Spichiger, Jennifer J., 23 Spicklemire, Amanda J. (c.1858–????), 170 Spicklemire, Elizabeth Ann, 171 Spicklemire, Jahise (c.1860–????), 170 Spicklemire, John (c.1855–????), 170 Spicklemire, Levi (c.1843–????), 170 Spicklemire, Steven, 170 Spindel, Robert, 129 St. Ledger, John Evans, 66 St. Ledger, Lyman, 66 Staggs, Nancy, 33 Stanley, Carson, 144 Stanley, Gilla A. (c.1890–????), 144 Stence, Charles H., 60 Stence, Reuben, 60 Steritt, Catherine, 132 Stevens, Elizabeth, 116, 117 Stevers, Shawn Conley (b.1983), 45 Stevers, Wanetta Elaine (b.1981), 45 Stevers, Wayne Earl, 45 Stevers, William, 45 Stevers, William Andrew (b.1993), 45 Stewart, Brooke, 38 Stewart, Joseph, 38 Stiffler, Clement (c.1869–????), 157 Stiffler, Clombia (c.1864–????), 156 Stiffler, Clombus (c.1964–????), 156 Stiffler, Duncan, 156 Stiffler, Emra (c.1873–????), 157 Stiffler, Gefinis E. (1861–????), 156 Stiffler, Grant (1868–1933), 157 Stiffler, Jerusia (c.1871–????), 157 Stiffler, Unice (c.1876–????), 157 Stoltz, John, 75 Stoltz, Peggy Sue (b.1958), 75 Stone, Gretchyn (b.1975), 51 Stone, Jay (b., 1981), 51 Stone, Jeff, 143 Stone, Mary, 13 Stone, Paul, 51 Stone, Ryan (b.1978), 51 Stoneberger, Frances, 75 Stoneking, James, Sr., 42 Stoneking, Marsha Jo, 42 Stout, Brittany Leann (b.1991), 129 Stout, Mike, 129 Struebing, Rev. George, 30 Strunk, Aaron James, 67 Strunk, Brandie LaShae, 67 Strunk, Brittany LaRae, 66 Strunk, James, 66 Summers, Ethel, 43 Surber, Mary, 71 Surber, Russell, 182 Surber, Vinola Christine, 182 Sutherland, Ella Vivian, 153 Sutherland, Noah, 153 Sutton, Gina, 34 Swift, Deborah Kay, 51 T Talbert, Bessie, 116 Talbert, Grace, 152 Talbert, Samuel, 152 Talbert, Samuel S., 116 Talbot, ?, 55 Taylor, Al, 29 Taylor, Cy, 16 Taylor, Delores Jean (b.1941), 31 Taylor, June, 76 Taylor, Nicholas, 16 Taylor, Obadiah, 177 Taylor, Sophronia, 177 Taylor, Zachary, 16 Telford, John, 144 Terry, Helen, 153 Thomas, Glenn, 76 Thomas, Glenna, 76 Thomas, Henry, 3 Thomas, Lorelea June, 53 Thomason, Hazel, 11 Thompson, Becky, 100 Thompson, Felicia Nicole “Nikki” (b.1989), 100 Thompson, Howard, 84 Thompson, Jodi Sue, 84 219 Thompson, Mary Hanora “Anna”, 128 Thompson, Matthew Ray (b.1986), 100 Thompson, Rodney Ray, 100 Thompson, Shawn, 100 Thompson, Timothy Roy (b.1988), 100 Thornsbrough, Ashlee, 97 Thornsbrough, Brandi Ann, 96 Thornsbrough, Chad Eric, 96 Thornsbrough, Cynthia “Cindy” Diane (b.1955), 96 Thornsbrough, Dan Robert (b.1953), 96 Thornsbrough, Donald Eugene (b.1950), 96 Thornsbrough, Homer E., 95 Thornsbrough, Jennifer, 97 Thornsbrough, John, 95 Thornsbrough, Josh, 97 Thornsbrough, Judy (b.1952), 97 Thornsbrough, Kip Allen, 96 Thornsbrough, Kristin Rose, 96 Thornsbrough, Paul (1928–1988), 97 Thornsbrough, Timothy “Tim” (b.1958), 97 Thornsbrough, Troy Eugene, 96 Thornsbrough, William “Bill” (b.1954), 97 Thrasher, Elisha, 155 Thrift, Sonley, 173 Throckmartin, Ronald, 103 Tillery, Goldie Francis, 49 Timmons, Clarence, 95 Timmons, Ileane, 95 Timmons, Irene (1927–1927), 95 Timmons, Virginia Marcel, 95 Todd, Vera Jane, 129 Toole, Mrs. Rose, 80 Towler, Michael Wayne, 10 Tracy, Mrs. Tim, 81 Treat, Blanche A., 117 Treat, George W., 116 Treat, Maudie C., 117 Trotter, Jane, 100 Trout, ?, 135 Trout, Christine, 135 Trout, Elwin, 135 Trout, Virgil, 135 Trout, Wilmadean, 135 Tubbs, Marsha, 113, 146 Tucker, Jeff, 143 Tunnel, George (c.1868–????), 146 Tunnel, James, 113, 146 Tunnel, Jessie M. (c.1893–????), 146 Tunnel, Reuben B., 113 Tuntland, Marjorie, 84 Turner, Clarence, 73 Turner, Hazel, 89 Turner, James, 119 Tyler, Shirley, 69 U Ulrich, Donna Marlene, 81 Ulrich, Judy, 81 Ulrich, Karen, 81 Ulrich, Peter, 81 Ulrich, Ronald, 81 Underwood, ?, 60 220 Index V Van Hook, Catherine, 174 Van Hook, James, 174 Vaughan, Edgar W. (c.1888–????), 144 Venglar, Patti, 73 Venica, Mary, 183 Venters, Allen Dale (b.1953), 88 Venters, Allison Cocle (b.1986), 88 Venters, Cheryl Ann (b.1961), 87 Venters, Clyde, 87 Venters, Curtis Ray (b.1957), 88 Venters, Dale Lester “Lex” (1919–1971), 86 Venters, Darrell Eugene, 88 Venters, Gabrial Curtis (b.1993), 89 Venters, Jacquilyn Renee (b.1969), 88 Venters, Joyce Ann (1948–1948), 88 Venters, Kenneth Earl (1943–1981), 88 Venters, Rita Fay (b.1941), 87 Venters, Robert Allen (b.1973), 88 Venters, Thomas, 86 Venters, Trevor Dale (b.1988), 88 Venters, Vernon, 87 Vest, Chet, 96 Vest, Ruth, 12 Vickers, Anderson, 9 Vickers, Bill, 10 Vickers, Clarence (1916–1916), 10 Vickers, Jean, 11 Vickers, Jesse, 10 Vickers, Louis Clermon Judge, 9 Vickers, Margaret Belle (1914–1967), 9 Virginia “Jenny” Sue Longest (b.1966), 34 Visser, Angie, 46 Vonwald, Kay (1921–1973), 133 Voris, ?, 153 W Wable, Larry, 81 Walder, J. H., 54 Waldrop, Darrell, 87 Walker, Donald Lee, 78 Walker, Donald Lee, Jr. (b.1988), 79 Walker, Hannah, 120 Walker, Hannah C., 121 Walker, Kendra Leigh (b.1989), 79 Walker, Susan Renee (b.1995), 79 Walker, Velma, 43 Walter, George, 61 Walter, Mary Druzilla, 61 Walters, Anna Mae, 64 Walters, Esther L., 64 Walters, Floyd, 64 Walters, George, 64 Walters, James, 71 Walters, Mary E., 65 Walters, Richard “Dick” (b.1930), 64 Walters, Rita, 64 Walters, Samuel “Sammie” Lewis (1903–1975), 63 Walton, ?, 25, 113 Ward, Alfred L., 66 Ward, Clifford, 86 Ward, Denise, 86 Ward, Duane Neaveill (b.1936), 86 Ward, Elizabeth C. (c.1790–????), 119 Ward, Mary, 161 Ward, Nancy Lee (b.1947), 66 Ward, Roy, 66 Ward, Sally, 86 Ward, Shirley June (b.1949), 67 Ward, Steven, 86 Waron, Walter, 167 Warren, Alfred, 119 Warren, Billye Jon (b.1969), 151 Warren, Buddy Ross, 150 Warren, Buddy Ross (b.1969), 150 Warren, Jerri Dawn (b.1971), 151 Warren, John, 150 Watkins, David M., 186 Watkins, G. W., 186 Watkins, Mary Elizabeth (b.1924), 186 Watson, J. G., 135 Watson, Rebecca, 154 Webber, Mrs. Eva, 91 Weeks, Gary Erwin, 54 Weidhuner, William Arnold, 129 Wells, Larry, 69 Wenk, Ruth Ann, 22 Werner, Fred Jr., 185 Werner, John, 185 Werner, Mary Margaret (1874–1937), 185 Wertenberger, Rachel, 142 West, Clara Clevenger, 61 West, Toni, 54 Westfall, Lisa Earline, 32 Westfall, Virgil, 32 Westphelling, Ron, 66 Wheat, Rev. Jack, 143 Wheeler, Michael Anthony (b.1975), 35 Whitcher, Beverly E., 109 White, Bessie, 185 White, Branson S. (1861–????), 156 White, Castilla E. (c.1858–????), 159 White, Catherine (c.1848–1911), 157 White, Catherine L. (1857–????), 155 White, Charles L. (1868–????), 156 White, Daniel J. (1855–1932), 155 White, Dixie Anne, 43 White, Elisha K. (c.1844–????), 157 White, Elizabeth (c.1859–????), 159 White, Franklin (1866–????), 159 White, George (c.1833–????), 155 White, Henry (c.1854–????), 158 White, Isaac L. (1867–????), 156 White, James A. (1859–????), 156 White, James S. (1834–????), 155 White, Jane (c.1854–????), 158 White, Jemima Caroline (c.1846–????), 157 White, Jesse, 119, 155 White, Jesse (1850–1930), 158 White, Mary Ann (c.1834–1917), 156 White, Phoebe Elizabeth (1930–1983), 139 White, Sanford M. (1876–????), 156 White, Van Chester (1873–1932), 156 Whitehead, Hulda Ova, 132 Whitlow, Sherri Denise (b.1984), 34 Whitson, J. H., 144 Whitson, James, 153 Whitson, Mary, 108, 116 Whitson, Ruby, 153 Wick, Randy, 143 Wiggins, Gene, 37 Wilcox, Adam Michael (b.1985), 18 Wilcox, Alison “Ali” Marie (b.1989), 18 Wilcox, Michael, 18 Wilcox, Michael “Mike” Lee (b.1959), 18 Wiley, Christopher Todd (1971–1997), 147 Wiley, Danny Lynn (b.1944), 147 Wiley, Emily Sue (b.1975), 148 Wiley, Willard, 147 Wilkes, Martha, 123 Wilks, Mary E., 122 Williams, Nancy, 161 Williams, Roy, 135 Williamson, Frieda, 116 Williamson, Harry, 116 Williamson, Harvey, 116 Williamson, Jesse E., 116 Williamson, Lester, 116 Williamson, Martha Elizabeth, 116 Williamson, Olan M. (1914–1998), 116 Williamson, Rosa A., 116 Williamson, Silas, 115 Williamson, William Thomas “Tom”, 115 Willis, Charles (b.1952), 152 Willis, Ralph, 152 Willis, Rene Dawn, 44 Willis, Roger, 148 Willis, Sandfra May (b.1949), 152 Willis, Sonia (b.1959), 152 Willis, Theodore (b.1955), 152 Wilson, Elvira, 67 Wilson, Frank, 137 Wilson, Franklin Andrew (b.1994), 74 Wilson, Grace A., 54 Wilson, Jessie (1877–????), 168 Wilson, John W., 168 Wilson, Mollie (1873–????), 168 Wilson, Nellie (1888–????), 168 Wilson, Timothy, 74 Windland, Ann, 69 Windland, Henry, 142 Windland, John (1873–1911), 142 Windley, Rev. Hilton, 81 Windsor, Benjamin Alan (b.1983), 19 Windsor, Danielle Denise (b.1985), 19 Windsor, Don, 19 Windsor, Jenifer Lyn (b.1981), 19 Windsor, Jerald Alan, 19 Wingert, Betty (b.1952), 147 Wingert, Elmond “Mike”, 147 Winter, Danny Lynn (b.1947), 50 Winter, David Lee (b.1954), 51 Winter, Francesca, 50 Winter, Janice Lorene (b.1956), 51 Winter, Theodore “Ted” Alec, 50 Winter, Theodore Wayne (b.1950), 50 Wise, Perry, 11 Wise, Peter, 132 Index Withrow, Agnes, 69 Witt, Evelyn, 64 Witt, Tim J., 151 Woehler, Lari, 38 Wolf, Fanny, 93 Wood, Bob, 67 Wood, Olive Marie (1902–1988), 10 Woods, Barbara, 97 Woods, Crystal Arlene (b.1967), 87 Woods, Elvis Ray, 150 Woods, Gene Lester, 88 Woods, Harold, 150 Woods, Ted Buckels, 87 Woodworth, Marcia, 72 Wooten, Clifford Clark, 45 Workman, Fanny Jane, 60 Wright, Carol Ann, 19 Wright, Mickey, 75 Wright, Verne Thomas, 19 Wynn, Robert, 141 Wyse, Carolyn, 139 Wyse, James, 139 X Xanders, Connie, 70 Xanders, George, 70 Y Yates, Rita Ann (b.1955), 140 Yockey, Kenneth Leroy Jr., 89 Yockey, Kenneth Leroy Sr., 89 Yockey, Matthew Christian (b.1972), 89 Yockey, Stephanie Renae (b.1977), 89 Yorton, Maxine, 150 Young, Beryl, 149 Young, Eldon, 72 Young, Elizabeth, 154 Young, Elizabeth (1803–1855), 132 Young, Ewing, 6 Young, Francis Marion, 149 Young, Helen, 146 Young, John, 6 Young, Lucinda (1823–1896), 1 Young, Phyllis Arlene, 100 Young, Phyllis Kay (b.1946), 77, 149 Young, Rev. Ellsworth, 128 Young, Tracy Michele, 72 Younker, Henry, 134 Z Zagorski, Alice, 11 Zagorski, James “Jim” Andrew, 11 Zagorski, Jim, 12 Zagorski, Mary Jane, 12 221 Zagorski, Shirley, 11 Zagorski, Vicki, 12 Zamberletti, Kari, 72 Zamora, Jim, 105 Zikus, James John, 63 Zikus, Sandra “Sandy” Michele (b.1953), 63 Zikus, Susan Danise (b.1958), 63 Zinser, Florence, 136 Zinser, Francis “Frank”, 135 Zinser, Heather, 136 Zinser, Rebecca, 136 Zinser, Robin, 136 Zinser, Ronnie Lynn (b.1945), 136 Zinser, Shawn, 136 Zorns, Arthur Mack, 95 Zorns, Brian Allan, 95 Zorns, Dennis Martin, 95 Zorns, Kathie Marie, 95 Zorns, Minnie Louise (Schultz), 95 Zorns, Sharon (McCalla), 95 Zorns, Stanley Eugene, 95 Zorns, Steven Eugene, 95 Zorns, Terry (Lesley), 95 Zorns, Thelma June (Timmons), 95 Zuelsdorf, Emma, 17 Zutz, Sharon Mary, 12
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