Seminar Mike Scott_Tromso

Professor Michael Scott has
held a number of positions
within the hospital service sector
of the Health and Social Care
System in Northern Ireland.
In 1994 he established the first
Mandag 20. Mars kl. 10.15 – 11.00
Auditorium 3 (Plan 6) Medisin og helsefagsbygget
Professor Michael Scott fra Nord-Irland vil forelese om
Medicine Optimisation - What is it? And why we need it
academic practice unit in
conjunction with the Queens
University of Belfast.
He has led teams that have won
national and regional awards
relating to medicines
management and infectious
diseases work.
In 2009 he was made an
honorary Professor of Pharmacy
Practice and was awarded the
GHP 2010 gold medal for
outstanding contribution to the
Michael har en årrekke vært engasjert i utvikling og implementering av
systemer for å bedre sikkerhet av legemiddelbruk i sykehus i NordIrland, blant annet har han vært deltakende i utvikling av IMM
(Integrated Medicines Management) metodologien.
health service at national level.
På seminaret vil han gi oss innsikt i hva som oftest går galt i forhold til
legemiddelbruk i sykehus og hvordan dette kan påvirke
pasientbehandling og ressursbruk i helsevesenet. Han vil også påpeke
hvordan man bør arbeide videre for å bedre kvalitet av legemiddelbruk
og minske risiko for feil legemiddelbruk i sykehus.
Health and Social Care Trust.
Professor Scott har lang erfaring innen forskning på utvikling og
innovasjon innen systemer for optimalisering av legemiddelbruk.
Northern Ireland as well as the
He has been the Head of
Pharmacy and Medicines
Management in the Northern
In 2015 he also became the
Director of the Regional
Medicines Optimisation
Innovation Centre (MOIC) for
Chair of the European
Connected Health Alliance
inter-eco system Medicines
Optimisation Working Group.
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In 2016 he was awarded the
lifetime achievement award by
the United Kingdom Clinical
Pharmacy Association