MeldingsID: 419158 Innsendt dato: 02.02.2017 16:20 UtstederID: GENT-ME Utsteder: Gentian Diagnostics AS Instrument: GENT-ME - Gentian Diagnostics Marked: MERK Kategori: ANDRE MELDINGER Informasjonspliktig: Ja Lagringspliktig: Nei Vedlegg: Tittel: GENTIAN DIAGNOSTICS - REGISTRATION OF SHARE CAPITAL INCREASE IN THE NORWEGIAN REGISTER OF BUSINESS ENTERPRISES Meldingstekst: Oslo, 2 February 2017 Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement following the extraordinary general meeting in Gentian Diagnostics AS (the "Company) held on 30 January 2017 (the "EGM"). The extraordinary general meeting approved a private placement (the "Private Placement") comprising 2,857,143 new shares, each with par value of NOK 0.10. The share capital increase pertaining to the Private Placement has been registered in the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises today. Following the registration, the Company's share capital is NOK 1,399,629.30 divided into 13,996,293 shares, each with a par value of NOK 0.10. The new shares have been issued on the Company's ordinary ISIN and are tradable on Merkur Market. For more information, please contact: Julie Alling Gryga CFO, Gentian Diagnostics E-mail: Cell Phone: +47 472 62 628 1 Utskriftsdato 06.02.2017
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