Sodniška lista CV

Judge Mr. Jean-Jacques DUPAS
26 Résidence Charles Dupas
59111 LIEU-SAINT-AMAND (France)
Home : 00 33 965 149 974
GSM : 00 33 613 247 294
E-mail :
Activity for the Kennel Club :
- President of Club St Hubert du Nord (Kennel Club for the north of France)
- Secretary of the Club du Caniche de France
- Member of the committee of the French Kennel Club (SCC)
- Judge all breeds, 1st nomination in 1989.
I was
- President of the Afghan and Saluki French Club
- President of the Greyhound French Club
- President of the Poodle Club in France
- Secretary of the Bergers des Pyrénées and Pyrenean Mountain Dog French Club
- Secretary of the French Kennel Club (SCC)
What I have done with the dogs :
- Owner and handler of Afghans (one of my dog was showed with success in USA in 1983)
- Owner and handler of Berger des Pyrenees
- Owner of Shih Tsu
- I have presented myself my dogs in France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland,
- Tchecoslovaquie, Austria, Yugoslavia, Spain, Italy, Portugal.
I have judged in :
France, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Italy, Spain,
Great Britain, Ireland, Japan, USA, Tchequie, Poland, Finland, Hungary, Sweden, Canada, Portugal, Slovaquie,
Lithuania, Monaco, Russia, Ukraine, Croatia, Latvia, Australia, Uzbekistan, Estonia, Indonesia, Thaïland,
Iceland; Kazakhstan....
Judge Mr. Rony Doedijns
I am involved in the Dog World now for many years. My own breed is Finnish Spitz and Tibetan Terriers. When
I was 15 years old I received from my parents my first pedigree dog. This was a Finnish Spitz male puppy bred
in Holland. I started showing him and I always say that my first Finnish Spitz was responsible for getting me so
deep in the Dog World.
During the years I imported several Finnish Spitz from the country of origin Finland.
I started breeding Finnish Spitz. I owned or bred several Dutch and international champions, FCI European
Champions and FCI World Champions in Finnish Spitz.
Since may 2007 I was inaugurated by the Dutch Kennel Club as the third ​all-rounder in the Netherlands,
allowed to judge all breeds at championship show level. I am first Dutch judge who completed breed exams in
all the 10 FCI groups. I have judged Best in Show and all FCI groups at international level in the Netherlands
and abroad. In 2008 I judge BIS at the Dog of the Year show in the Netherlands.
I have judged in most of the European Countries, UK, Canada, Scandinavia, Asia, Australia, New Zealand,
South America, Africa, Russia and USA. For more than 35 years I am a member of SCANDIA the breed club for
Scandinavian Spitz breeds in the Netherlands. I’m a member of the British Kennel Club.
For many years I’m one of the commentators at the International Amsterdam Winner Show. I did the
commentary at the European Show 2011.
In 2009 I judged Best in Show at the Amsterdam Winner show. One of the biggest Dog shows in the Europe.
The board of the Dutch Kennel Club give the big honor to be the ​“Best in Show” judge for the ​FCI World
Dog Show 2018​ in Amsterdam the Netherlands.
For my profession I’m Managing Director (CEO) for the Dutch Kennel Club. Team member of the comity that
will run the ​World Dog Show in 2018​ in the Netherlands.
For the Dutch Kennel Club, I’m chairman of the ​Dog of the year Show in the Netherlands, the most important
TOP DOG​ event in the country!
I’m board member (Winner team) of the ​Amsterdam Winner Show​. The biggest and oldest Dog Show in the
Information Dutch Kennel Club via: ​
Information Amsterdam Winner Show via: ​
Rony Doedijns​ (All Round judge)
Mariapolder 15a
3292 LC Strijensas
The Netherlands
Phone: +31-78-6744585
Mobile: +31-6-30598917
Judge Mrs. Marja Talvitie
I have spend all my life with dogs. My parents had German Shepherds and later St. Bernhards, long haired,
even one BIS-winner. At my own home I first during the years 1966 - 98 had Lapponian Herders and also many
years Finnish Lapphund. I bred many Champions, and dogs bred by me were also working as Reindeer
Herders in Lappland. That ́s the reason I ́m still very interested in all herding breeds. My Prefix was Toiska, and
one of my daughters continue some Years breeding Lapponian Herders.
When we moved to city year 1984, I had to think also different kind of breed. That ́s how I turn to terriers, first
Scottish Terriers, in which I had some litters, among them many Champions and some International
Champions. Not breeding anymore. Year 1986 I got the first Dandie Dinmont Terrier. Under prefix Winterway ́s
I have bred with my youngest daughter many litters in Dandies. Among dogs bred or owned by us are many
International Champions as well as European Winners (1990-91, -98, -04), Junior World Winners ( -92, -95,
-98), and of course many Finnish Champions. We have export dogs to USA, Italy, Sweden, Germany,
Netherlands, England and Portugal. I have had two Bouvier des Flandres, a male and a bitch from Holland, I
have bred one litter of the breed. Now I have at home one smooth chihuahua male and bitch.
I have been member and vice president of Finnish Kennel Club, not any more. 'President of Finnish Terrier
Club, Lappalaiskoirat ry, and been siting in many breed clubs judging education committee. I have got the
Golden Honour Mark, from Finnish Kennel Club, Finnish Basenji Club and Finnish Chow Chow Club.
When I was the member of the Board of Finnish Kennel Club, I was also them member and 10 Years the
President of FCI ́s Show Committee. I also have the Golden Honour Mark of Finnish Kennel Club. And I am
also a Honour Member of Finnish Kennel Club, Lappalaiskoirat ry and Finnish Shiba and Akita Club. Since
1982 I have been judging in different countries all over the Europe and also three times in Australia, Mexico,
Brazil and Chile, plus ones Costa Rica , Central America And many times in Canada, North America, Taiwan,
Thailand. Yearly I have about 30 Shows to judge. The most important Shows have been World Dog Show in
Bryssel -95 (Siberian Husky males and Scottish Terrier males) and World Dog Show in Helsinki 1998 (rottweiler
junior classes and lapponian herder and finnish lappdog), FCI-Supreme Champion of Champions -97, Basel,
Grupp 5 (Spitzes in FCI system), the World Dog Show in Portugal 2001 as well as at 5. Asian Winner in Tokyo
2001, World Dog Show in Dortmund 2003 (Parson Russell Terriers and Tibetan Terriers), World Dog Show
Bratislava 2009, World Dog Show Budapest, European Winner 2003 Bratislava, European Winner 2004
Barcelona, European Winner in Zagreb 2007 European Winner Geneva and Dublin, World Dog Show Helsinki
2014. Bundessieger, Germany, four times Amsterdam Winner and many other big international Shows in
Europe, Russia (Eurasia Winner three times) and Scandinavia and Baltic countries. I am a All Breed Judge, I
was qualified Year 1982. My strongest groups are 5 and 3 and 1, but I like to judge all breeds. In Finland we
have about 2.000 to 3.000 dogs at national shows and between 4.000 to 9.000 dogs at international shows,
which gives a good ground for judging most of the FCI breeds.
Judge Mrs. Maja Korošec
Že od zgodnjega otroštva so psi pomemben del mojega življenja. Moj prvi pes je bil črn koder.
Ko sem jo dobila, sem bila stara sedem let in bila sem najsrečnejši otrok na svetu.
Resno sem se s kinologijo začela ukvarjati, ko sva z možen v devetdesetih začela razstavljati in
vzrejati. Postala sva zelo aktivna člana večih kinoloških društev in psi so postali najin glavni
hobi, ki sva mu namenila večino prostega časa. Preselila sva se na deželo, kjer s svojimi tremi
otroki in psi živimo v čudovitem okolju. Imam univerzitetno diplomo iz ekonomije in psihologije
ter sem magistrica pedagoških znanosti. Zaposlena sem na področju zaposlitvene
Najini psi oz. psi najine vzreje so osvojili številna prvaštva v različnih pasmah: papilloni, nemški špici, coton de
tulear, bradati škotski ovčarji, tibetanski španjeli, škotski terierji, samojedi, avstralski svilnati terierji in kerry blue
terierji. Zdaj vzrejava nemške špice in papilone pod registriranim imenom Moetica in Mylegend.
Kinološka sodnica sem postala leta 2001 in prva pasma, za katero sem si pridobila licenco, so bili samojedi.
Danes sem mednarodna sodnica za ocenjevanje zunanjosti pasem 1., 3., 5., 7., 8. in 9. FCI skupine. Do sedaj
sem razen v Sloveniji sodila v naslednjih državah: Avstrija, Belgija, Češka, Danska, Finska, Estonija, Hrvaška,
Latvija, Luksemburg, Nemčija, Norveška, Poljska, Rusija, Srbija in Švedska.
Sem aktivna članica Slovenskega kluba za pritlikave pasme, Kluba za pasme 5. FCI skupine in Slovenskega
kluba za terierje.
Since my early childhood dogs have been an important part of my life. My first dog was a black Poodle, I was 7
years old and I was the happiest child in the world when I got her.
I became more seriously involved in the dog world when my husband and I started showing and breeding in the
nineties. We became very active in different dog clubs so dogs quickly became our main hobby and occupied
almost all our spare time. We moved to the country and we live in the perfect place for our three children and
the dogs. I have a Master’s degree in pedagogics and competed also studies in economics and psychology. I
work in a employment rehabilitation program for people with mental health problems.
Dogs owned or bred by us have achieved numerous championships in different breeds: Papillon, German Spitz,
Coton de Tulear, Bearded Collies, Tibetan Spaniels, Scottish Terriers, Kerry Blue Terriers, Australian Silky
Terriers and Samoyeds. Now we breed German Spitz and Papillon under Moetica and Mylegend prefix.
I have had different positions in the Toy Club, the Terrier Club, the Club for FCI group 5 and for the Slovenian
Kennel Club. I have been working in show committees of international and national shows for a number of
years. I judge FCI groups 1, 3, 5, 7, 8 and 9 and have judged in Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark,
Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Luxembourg, Russia, Norway, Poland, Serbia, Sweden and of course in
Judge Mr. Darko Korošec
Psi so bili del mojega življenja že od otroštva, ko sem odraščal na majhni kmetiji, kjer smo
vedno imeli enega ali dva psa. S kinologijo se z ženo Majo resno ukvarjava od leta 1993, ko
sva kupila najinega prvega skupnega psa, s katerim sva začela tekmovati v agilityju in ga
razstavljala. Vedno so nama bile všeč različne pasme psov, tako da sva imela vedno več
psov različnih pasem. Začela sva aktivno razstavljati in vzrejati pse ter kmalu namenila ves
prosti čas kinologiji. Preselila sva se na deželo, kjer s svojimi tremi otroki in psi živimo v
čudoviti vasici na Pohorju.
Najini psi oz. psi najine vzreje so osvojili več kot 100 prvaštev. Sedaj aktivno razstavljava in vzrejava nemške
špice in metuljčke, pred tem pa sva razstavljala in vzrejala samojede, avstralske svilnate terierje, tibetanske
španjele, bradate škotske ovčarje, škotske terierje, cotone, kerry blue terierja in kodrastega bišona pod
registriranima imenoma Moetica in Mylegend.
Sem aktiven v več kinoloških društvih in v organih KZS, kjer sem deloval oz. še delujem kot funkcionar, član
vzrejnih komisij, organizator razstav idr. Kinološka zveza Slovenije me je odlikovala s srebrnim in zlatim
znakom ter redom za kinološke zasluge II. stopnje.
Kinološki sodnik sem postal leta 2001 in sem mednarodni sodnik za ocenjevanje zunanjosti pasem 1., 3., 5., 8.,
9. in 10. FCI skupine. Razen v Sloveniji sem sodil v Avstriji, Belgiji, Češki, Danski, Estoniji, Finski, Hrvaški,
Latviji, Luksemburgu, Madžarski, Nemčiji, Poljski, Srbiji, Španiji in Švedski.
Sem univerzitetni diplomirani inženir elektrotehnike in poučujem računalništvo in informatiko v srednji šoli.
For as long as I can remember, dogs have been a part of my life. I grew up on a small farm where we have
always had one or two dogs. I got more seriously involved with dogs when my wife Maja and I bought our first
dog in 1993 and we started to compete in agility and showing.
We became very active in showing, breeding and working in different dog clubs, so dogs quickly became our
main hobby and occupied almost all our spare time.
We have always liked different breeds. Now we breed German Spitz and Papillon under Moetica and Mylegend
prefix. Dogs owned or bred by us have achieved more than 100 championships in different breeds: Papillon,
German Spitz, Coton de Tulear, Bearded Collies, Tibetan Spaniels, Scottish Terriers, Kerry Blue Terriers,
Australian Silky Terriers and Samoyeds.
I am active in a number of breed clubs and in Slovenian Kennel Club, as a member of the Breeding
Commissions, dog show organizer etc.
I became a judge in 2001. Today I am an international judge for FCI groups 1, 3, 5, 8, 9 and 10 and I was
judging besides in Slovenia also in Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany,
Hungary, Latvia, Luxembourg, Poland, Serbia, Spain and Sweden.
I was awarded with Silver and Golden Order by Slovenian Kennel Club.
I have a university degree in electrical engineering. I work as a teacher of computer science.