Wisconsin PTA 105th Annual Convention/Business Meeting Eau Claire, WI April 25-27, 2014

Wisconsin PTA 105th
Annual Convention/Business Meeting
Eau Claire, WI
April 25-27, 2014
The Metropolis Resort
5150 Fairview Drive
Eau Claire, WI 54701
$104.99 Room Rate!
Say you’re with the WI PTA
Convention to get the
special room rate.
We are looking forward to having you join Wisconsin PTA for our 105th Annual
Convention and Business Meeting. You don’t want to miss this opportunity to
have fun, meet new friends, celebrate PTA accomplishments, participate in
leadership training, enrich your PTA, and network with fellow PTA members
across Wisconsin. Our convention is also where you, our members and
delegates, vote on:
 Resolutions (issues you want us to advocate for that affect children
throughout the state)
 WI PTA Bylaw Changes
Just like your local meetings, we hold our annual meeting of the association each year during our
convention. We welcome and encourage representation from ALL Wisconsin PTAs.
Please make sure your PTA’s voice is represented. Each unit receives 1 vote for the president
and 1 additional vote for every 25 members. Voting delegates must have the credential section
signed on their registration form by a local unit president to vote. Unit voting quotas will be filled on
a first come-first serve basis upon registration.
Mark your calendars and join us as we expect the unexpected on our road trip to the Metropolis in
Eau Claire!
Ellen Chicka
Wisconsin PTA President
Vendor Fair
Leadership Training
Check out all the great
things we have to offer!
Auction Drop Off & Store/Auction/Wall of Fame
Emergency Resolution Drop Off
Convention Kick-off
Workshop 1
Store/Auction/Wall of Fame Open
Lunch-FREE, Sponsored by AIM Insurance
General Session 1
Workshop 2
General Session 2
Sunday 4/27
Store/Auction/Wall of Fame Open
Workshop 3
Store/Auction/Wall of Fame (Final bid@ 10:30)
General Session 3
General Session Takedown/Load Van
Reflections Registration/Ice Cream Social
Communication is critical to a successful PTA
and Wisconsin PTA is here to help!
Monthly Newsletters
E-mail Alerts
September Kick Off Mailing
Fall Leadership Training
January Mailing
Annual Convention
The 105th Annual
Wisconsin PTA Convention
Expect the Unexpected on
Your Road Trip to Eau Claire, WI
The WI PTA Convention is a GREAT opportunity for PTA Members and the Community to:
Experience Fabulous Speakers - National PTA President-Elect Laura Bay, Mary
Anderson-Petroske, and more.
Attend Interactive Workshops & Trainings – Science Is Fun, Cable Natural
History Museum, Building for success: Exploring Leadership Styles, Volunteering,
Milkin Marking: Play 60, How to Keep Your Unit In Good Standing, Meeting the needs
of Special Education Families
Meet your Wisconsin PTA Board of Directors & National PTA Representatives and ask questions!
Discover Programs, Resources & Ideas – about IRS Non-Profit Obligations/
Compliance, Education, Health & Welfare, Family Involvement, Advocacy, Finance &
Fundraising Best Practices, Common Core Standards, Inclusiveness, Running Your
PTA, Volunteer Management, and PTA Services.
Network with other PTA Unit and Council Leaders
Become Updated about Past, Present, and Future Legislative Activity
Get to know our Partners, Sponsors, and Vendors
Tour our Vendor Expo, Silent Auction, and PTA Store
Participate in the Business of Wisconsin PTA - See what Wisconsin PTA
does, vote on what you want us to legislate for
Receive Awards, Recognition & Honor the Reflections Art Program Winners
Be Inspired, Have Fun, Win Prizes, Network and
Much, Much More……..
Plus……Enjoy a wonderful stay at the Metropolis Resort
This resort features sophisticated dining and deluxe on-site
amenities including New Renovations to Chaos Water Park
Action City Family Fun Center.
Wisconsin PTA
4797 Hayes Road, Suite
Madison, WI 53704
(608) 244-1455 -orinfo@wisconsinpta.org
Convention Book Advertising Opportunity
Take this opportunity to congratulate a Reflections winner or recognize a special person, PTA
program or unit by advertising in the 2014 convention program.
All participants of the annual Wisconsin PTA Convention
at the Metropolis Resort in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, will
receive this book. This program book lists all scheduled
activities and is used as a guide book.
Ads are printed in black and white only. Electronic
ads need to emailed in PDF or Word format to
info@wisconsinpta.org. Hard copies that are mailed
in should be printed out in GRAYSCALE format.
Payment (made payable to Wisconsin PTA) AND
Materials must arrive at the Wisconsin PTA state
office by March 31st. Please include your name,
contact information, name of your PTA, and the ad
Questions may be directed to the state office by calling
(608) 244-1455. Our mailing address is:
4797 Hayes Road, Suite 102, Madison, WI 53704
Full Page
¼ Page
approx. 3 ½ x
4 ¾ inches
approx. 7 ½ x
9 ¾ inches
½ Page
approx. 7 ½ x 4 ¾ inches
Laura Bay, National PTA President-Elect
Keynote Speaker
Laura Bay was elected and installed as the National PTA® President-elect at the June 2013
National PTA Convention. Prior to her election, she served a two-year term as SecretaryTreasurer and served on the National PTA Board of Directors and on the finance and field
service committees. In 2007–2009, she also served on the organizational viability committee
for National PTA. Bay is a passionate advocate for
education and children’s issues and believes that PTA® is the organization which actively
supports and promotes parent, teacher and community involvement in child and education
Ever since entering a kindergarten classroom with her oldest son more than 20 years ago,
Bay’s dedication to PTA has become a passion. Bay was involved in local unit, council and
regional PTA activities for many years and served in a variety of PTA positions—from committee member/chair to
president. She was also an active parent at each school building and at the district level—serving as a parent voice
at staff meetings and on budget committees. She believes that the power of this association is found in the
passionate and diverse volunteers who share a common desire to reach out and engage parents, support their
community in voicing their needs concerning education and health and safety issues and grow as leaders prepared
to advocate anywhere, at any time.
As the Washington State PTA president in 2007–2009, Bay focused on developing leadership potential at all levels
of PTA and facilitated the search and hiring of a new executive director. Also, during her tenure as president she
led the Washington State PTA in collaborating with other organizations in the successful passage of Engrossed
House Joint Resolution (EHJR) 4204—Simple Majority Initiative. She also provided testimony before state senate
and house committees, led a rally on the capitol steps and dedicated her time and energy in a statewide PTA
campaign which led to the signing of HB 2261 (Basic Education Funding) with fellow education stake-holder
organizations. Prior to serving as state president, Bay served on the Washington State PTA Board of Directors for
six years as region director, secretary and leadership director.
Bay and her husband Robert Bay have three adult children—Andrew, Matthew and Celeste. She has worked for
the Bremerton School District as an educator and currently works in the district office as a coordinator for assessment and instruction. Bay and her husband make their home in Poulsbo, Washington where they enjoy time with
family and friends.
Mary Anderson-Petroske, Assistant Principal, Northern
Lights Elementary, Superior, WI
For the past 20 years, Mary has been immersed in the field of education as both a teacher
and administrator. She has had the wonderful opportunity of working with students from
kindergarten through college age.
Over the many years of supporting students academically, behaviorally, and emotionally,
she formed some theories as to what helps kids and people of all ages weather the tough
times and face life’s challenges with success. When a local magazine contacted her
school district to submit some insights into education, Mary and a colleague put together
the article Five Ways to Empower Kids to Deal With Life’s Challenges. This article led to
requests to share these insights with others throughout the community.
Wisconsin PTA Convention Workshops
Workshop Session I (Saturday, April 26, 2014 - 10 to 11 am)
Cable Natural History Museum-Katie Connolly, Naturalist/Curator
The Cable History Museum is located in rural Northwestern Wisconsin, in the heart of the
Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest. Come and learn how we can help achieve your school’s
educational goals through our many programs, from on-site filed trips to off-site Museum Mobile
Programs. We will even have a few of our animal ambassadors on hand to highlight our live animal
programs! Join us to learn more about the Great Northwoods of WI and how we can bring it into your
Recruit, Retain and Recognize Volunteers-Matthew Van Ess, Health Educator-Marshfield Clinic
The three R’s of volunteerism are vital to any organization that utilizes volunteers. But each local
organization has different needs. Learn the basics of recruitment, retention and recognition of
volunteers, while interacting with your peers on different methods that may aid your local PTA.
Fuel Up to Play 60-Milkin Marketing-Rita Houser, Regional Program Mgr., WI Milk Marketing Bd.
Fuel Up to Play 60 (FUTP 60) is a nation-wide program designed to help students from kindergarten
to high school “Fuel Up” (eat right) and “Play 60” (be active 60 minutes a day). Rita will give an
overview of the program and Susan Leadholm, Fuel Up to Play 60 advisor, Black River Falls High
School, will share information about their program. If you want to learn how to start a Fuel Up to Play
60 program at your school, or become involved, this is the workshop for you!
Workshop Session II (Saturday, April 26, 2014 - 3 to 4 pm)
Science is Fun-Al Stawicki
Looking for an exciting school program? Please stop in and meet Al Stawicki , a truly mystifying
science-magician. Be ready for a fun-filled session of exciting experiments and entertaining
demonstrations. Bring the kids and get ready to see flying toilet paper, giant smoke rings,
disappearing water, magic coloring books, clouds of fire, towers of rising soda, floating beach balls,
and maybe even an egg on fire! Don’t forget to sign up for our drawing of some great “Science is
Fun” t-shirts!
Building for Success: Exploring Leadership styles-Laura Bay, National PTA President-Elect
What makes a leader a leader? Learn the characteristic shared by good leaders and how leadership
style can vary in different situations. Learn the how leaders influence their teams and how they f
Meeting the Needs of Special Education Families-Deidre Roemer, Coordinator of Special Ed.
This workshop will help parents with special needs children find supportive measures to help them
deal with being a parent of a special needs child
Workshop Session III (Sunday, April 27, 2014 – 9 to 10 am)
How To Keep You Unit in Good Standing—Penny Larson, Former WI PTA President
This workshop will cover three important areas that treasurers and presidents need to know to keep
their PTA safe and solvent. The main focus will be on what units need to do to keep their tax
exemption and what will happen if they lose it. The attendees will then learn the dos and don’ts of
electronic banking and how to keep your unit’s financial records and money secure online. Finally,
the workshop will talk about how to keep not only the association’s finances safe, but also the
treasurer’s reputation in good standing by avoiding 10 common mistakes that treasurers make.
Communication in the Digital Age –Ellen Chicka, Wisconsin PTA President
This workshop will provide attendees practical ideas they can use in their units to increase and sustain
members, increase volunteer participation, and build pride in their PTA as a whole through use of
electronic and other communication sources.
Involving Students as Partners-Ellen Andrews, 4-H Youth Development Coordinator
University of Wisconsin-Extension works to engage young people as partners with adults on boards,
coalitions, event planning committees and many other settings. This session will focus on practical
tools for getting started, particularly how adults can create a welcoming environment for youth to con
tribute. The presenter is a county-based youth development educator who will share resources
available through Extension in your own community.
Join PTA’s
Action Network
Resolutions are important because they allow Wisconsin PTA to
speak and advocate on specific issues that affect children and
youth statewide. Once a Resolution is passed, we can speak on
its behalf with the power of thousands of voices. The following
Resolutions will be considered for adoption at the 2014 Annual Wisconsin PTA
Convention. Please look them over and share the information with your membership
so your voting delegates represent the ideas and concerns of your membership.
The deadline for submitting Resolutions has passed but if your PTA or PTSA has an issue or concern
that needs voice, there is still time to submit an Emergency Resolution. The criteria for writing an
Emergency Resolution is the same as submitting a regular one with the exception that it is submitted
directly to the Resolution Committee at the convention site. If any assistance is needed you can find the
Resolution Handbook on our website or you can contact the Resolutions Committee and/or the state
office at info@wisconsinpta.org
The Oculolinctus (Eyeball Licking) becomes more prevalent among preteens and youth; and
Oculolinctus can lead to the spread of ocular disease by transferring dangerous bacteria to the eye,
causing infections including, but not limited to conjunctivitis, Chlamydia and/or Pink Eye; THEREFORE
that the Wisconsin Congress of Parents and Teachers (Wisconsin PTA) and its constituent associations
work to educate parents, teachers and the children and youth of Wisconsin as to the potential risks and
dangers that partaking in the practice of Oculolinctus can lead to; and BE IT FURTHER
that Wisconsin PTA encourage all local units and councils to obtain and distribute information as to the
care of children and youth who have been infected while taking part in this activity, including, but not
limited to the spread and care of “Pink Eye.”
In recent years concerns have been raised surrounding concussions and mild traumatic brain injuries
sustained in sports and other activities; and
Numerous repetitions of the soccer move known as “heading” are associated with adverse brain
changes comparable to those found in patients with traumatic brain injury; and
Multiple studies show that the more “heading” people did, the more likely they were to have abnormalities of brain microstructure; THEREFORE BE IT
that the Wisconsin Congress of Parents and Teachers (Wisconsin PTA) encourage local units to examine existing school and school district policies and work with school officials to have protective headgear
policies for all children and youth participating in soccer; and BE IT FURTHER
that Wisconsin PTA encourage local units and councils to seek implementation of protective headgear
laws for all children and youth with local and state political leaders.
Every day in the United States, approximately 300 people—including 65 children and teens—are injured or
killed with guns in murders, assaults, suicides, and accidents;
Approximately 500 men, women and children are killed with guns each year in Wisconsin;
The U.S. averages nearly two school shootings per month – 18 in 2013 alone;
Among high-income countries, the United States accounts for 80% of all firearm deaths—including 86% of
women killed by firearms, and 87% of all children under age 15 killed by firearms;
Gun violence disproportionately affects minority populations. For example, from 2008–2010, the firearm homicide rate among males ages 10–24 years was highest for African-Americans with 48.4 deaths per 100,000
population. The next highest rate was for Latinos (12.4);
Gun violence drains our country of $100 billion every year in medical, criminal justice, and security costs;
An estimated 40% of U.S. gun sales occur without a criminal background check. Eighty to ninety percent of
likely voters in Wisconsin support background checks on all guns sales;
While the Supreme Court has held that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual right to keep and
bear arms, the Court has also recognized that the Second Amendment allows for reasonable restrictions on
firearms, including who can have them and under what conditions, where they can be taken, and what types of
firearms are permissible; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED:
That the Wisconsin congress of Parents and Teachers (WCPT) support comprehensive and effective public
policy measures, to reduce death and injury from gunfire: and BE IT FURTHER
That the WCPT support legislation that keeps guns out of the hands of criminals and other dangerous people
by closing gaps in the background check system, including requiring criminal background checks for all gun
sales; and BE IT FURTHER
That the WCPT along with other constituent organizations advocate for legislation at the local, state, and federal level regarding gun violence; and BE IT FURTHER
That the WCPT support legislation that ensure gun-free learning environments for students; and BE IT FURTHER
That the WCPT support legislation to establish product safety oversight of guns and ammunition; and BE IT
That the WCPT work with school districts to develop school policies that will educate school employees, students and the community at large on gun violence on school campuses; and BE IT FURTHER
That the WCPT support educational campaigns encouraging local efforts to prevent and reduce gun violence;
That the WCPT support educational campaigns aimed at ensuring parents understand the importance of preventing child access to firearms.
Wisconsin PTA
Reflections Art Program
“Believe Dream Inspire....”
Annual Reflections Award Ceremony
Metropolis Resort
5150 Fairview Drive Eau Claire, WI 54701
Sunday April 27, 2014
12:45pm – 1:30pm Ice Cream Social
1:30pm – 3:30pm for Reflections Program
Presenting awards for Visual Arts, Dance, Film, Literature,
Music, Photography and Special Artist Categories
Social Gathering and Ice Cream Social
Musical and film highlights of winners
Award Ceremony includes:
Viewing of Art / Photography winners
Reading of Literature by participants
Performance of Dance by winners
Award Ceremony - Admittance Free
Ice Cream Social $5.00 / person
Please RSVP at wi_reflections@yahoo.com or Call
Brenda Ward at 414-732-4697
RSVP required prior to March 30, 2014
Proposed Amendments to the WI PTA Bylaws
In accordance to Article XIX of the Wisconsin PTA Bylaws, this is to serve notice
of proposed amendments to the Wisconsin PTA Bylaws that will be brought forth at the 105 th
Annual Wisconsin PTA Convention on April 26-27, 2014 in Eau Claire.
Article VIII Officers and Article XII Committees/Commissions
Change Article XII, Section 3 a and b and Article VIII, Section 7 a and b to make both nominating committees
consist of an odd number of members at least three.
Rationale: The Wisconsin State PTA Bylaws require two different nominating committees. One for officer positions and one for elected chair positions. There are restrictions on who may serve on these committees and requiring 5 for each committee may not always be possible when the board is small. It also may require a person to
serve who does not want to serve. Leaving the words at least three allows for a larger committee if desired by the
board of directors.
Article IX Duties of Officers
Change Article IX, Section 5, k from “be required to give a commercial bond for the faithful performance of the
duties in such an amount as shall be determined by the board of directors. The expense of this bond shall be
borne by the Wisconsin PTA. “ to read “be required to ensure that the Wisconsin PTA carry an insurance policy
that covers protection again misappropriation of funds.”
Rationale: A commercial bond may not be necessary if another type of policy or insurance has more appropriate
and cost effective coverage.
Article X Board of Directors
Change Article X, Section 11 from “Upon the completion of the immediate past president’s term, he/she shall be
ineligible to serve as an elected officer of the board of directors for a period of four (4) years.” to read “Upon the
completion of the term of the president, he/she shall be ineligible to serve as an elected officer of the WI State
PTA board for a period of six (6) years.”
Rationale: Rewording this section clarifies the restrictions of a past president to serve as an elected officer even if
they never serve a term as the Immediate Past President.
Article X Board of Directors
Change Article X, Section 13 from “No person shall serve on the board of directors in more than one (1) primary
capacity.” to read “No person shall serve on the board of directors in more than one elected officer position at the
same time.”
Rationale: The term primary capacity is open to interpretation and is not clearly defined. Although it is not recommended that board members serve in two different board positions, it may be necessary or appropriate in some
Bylaws Amendments, continued
Article XIII Regions and Councils
In Article XIII, Section 1 c, delete the second sentence which states “The local PTA units that shall be eligible for
membership and participation in the work of any council shall be determined by the Wisconsin PTA.”
Rationale: The Board of Directors feels that it is appropriate for a PTA Council board to determine which PTA units
may join their council and that it should not be decided by Wisconsin State PTA.
Article XIII Regions and Councils
Delete Article XIII, Section 2 e which states “Provisions shall be made in the annual budget of the Wisconsin PTA for
the promotion of regional work by the region advisor.”
Rationale: The budget committee and board of directors determine how the funds of the association are allocated from
year to year and should not be bound by this requirement. This does not in any way diminish the importance of the Region Advisor’s work.
Wisconsin State PTA Bylaws
Change all references to the state convention to “annual meeting”
Rationale: A convention may not always be the best option to conduct the Wisconsin PTA’s annual meeting. Changing
the wording to annual meeting allows for more flexibility in planning Wisconsin PTA events.
Wisconsin PTA
Invites You to Join Us
Saturday April 25, 2014
Free Lunch
(sponsored by AIM Insurance)
Saturday Night Banquet
1 0 5 th A n nu a l
C o nven t ion
Wisconsin PTA
Vendor Expo
Friday, April 25, 2014
5:00-8:30 pm
5150 Fairview Drive
Eau Claire, WI 54701
Metropolis Resort Skybox
Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to:
The Wisconsin PTA offers support, training, and
resources to more than 230 individual PTA’s
across Wisconsin and is a branch of the oldest
and largest volunteer child advocacy association
in the United States, the National PTA. All
Parent Teacher Associations are not-for-profit
groups that consist of parents, educators,
students, and community members who are
active in schools and communities.
Wisconsin PTA promotes and supports
opportunities for families to effectively
participate in children’s lives by engaging parents
in a new era of education and child welfare.
Founded in 1910, Wisconsin PTA has been
advocating on behalf of all youth and families in
our schools, communities, government agencies
and other organizations for over 100 years and
still going strong today.
Wisconsin PTA
4797 Hayes Road, Suite 102
Madison, WI 53704
608.244.1455 -or- info@wisconsinpta.org
Tour Vendor Booths
Shop the Wisconsin PTA Store
Visit our Silent Auction
Learn about Available Programs for your school
Discover Fundraising Ideas
Preview Merchandise
Win Prizes!
The Exhibitor Expo is open to all convention
delegates, PTA members, and community members
or groups. ALL are welcome.
The cost is included in the convention
registration fee. Non-registrants may also attend
for the low cost of $1.00 per person.
We are accepting donations of a nonperishable food items. Food will be
donated to Feed My People Food Pantry
in Eau Claire.
See you there!
Purchase a Star for the WI PTA Wall of Fame
Honor that one of a kind teacher while helping raise money for scholarships!
Usually there is a teacher that especially touched your life. It may have been your own child’s teacher, a
teacher at your school, or one you interacted with in a different capacity. We invite you to honor that special teacher during the Wisconsin PTA Convention this April, by purchasing a star for the Wall of Fame and
donating to the Brookmire-Hastings Scholarship Fund. You say “thank you” to that special person and help
others become outstanding teachers. The teacher you name will:
Have a Star with their name on the Wall of Fame throughout the convention
During Teacher Appreciation Week (the 2nd week of May) your teacher will be mailed a special acknowledgement of honor, and be notified that the money raised will help support scholarships for
high school seniors going into the field of education.
One award will be mailed to the school letting them know the teacher(s) were honored with a donation
to the Brookmire-Hastings Scholarship Fund. (You must supply the address if you want the teacher
to receive the mailing.)
The teacher with the most stars will also receive special recognition at the convention.
Individual Stars: 1 star for $5.00
2 stars for $7.50
5 stars for $15.00
Or honor an entire school staff with a Constellation for $100
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Cut- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Here- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Wall of Fame Brookmire-Hastings Scholarship Fund Donation Form
Teacher’s Name: First_________________________________________Last_______________________________________________
School Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Teacher’s Address:
(Required if you wish Wisconsin PTA to notify the teacher of the honor.)
City/State/Zip: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Donor’s Name: (if you want it known)_______________________________________________________________________________
____1/$5.00 ____2/$7.50 ____5/$15.00 ____Constellation/$100.00
Amount enclosed:
Orders must be in the Wisconsin PTA State Office by April 15th. Additional stars can be purchased on site during the convention.
Checks should be made payable to: Brookmire-Hastings Scholarship Fund
Mail to: Wisconsin PTA, 4797 Hayes Road, Suite 102, Madison, WI 53704
APRIL 25 - 27, 2014
What special items will you find to bid
on during the
WI PTA Endowment Fund
Silent Auction
at this year’s
WI PTA Convention?
The answer is up to you!
You will find many interesting things to bid on
from soup to nuts !
Silent Auction
Endowment Fund Annual