Market Notice 34/17 34/17

Market Notice 34/17
34/17 – Information regarding the rights issue from
PlayHippo AB (Corrected version)
The market notice is corrected from (1:19 á SEK 0,25) to (3:19 á 0,25 SEK)
The last day of trading in the company’s shares (PLAY) including the
right to receive subscription rights is February 15, 2017. The first day
excluding the right to obtain the rights is February 16, 2017.
One (1) share entitles the owner to one (1) subscription right. Nineteen (19) subscription
rights entitle the owner to subscribe for three (3) new shares at the price of SEK 0,25
(3:19 á SEK 0,25).
Trading with subscription rights will take place from February 21, 2017 until March 3,
2017 on AktieTorget.
Trading with the paid subscribed shares will take place from February 21 until the
registration of the issue at Bolagsverket.
The subscription period lasts from February 21, 2017 to March 7, 2017.
Information about the subscription right:
Shortname: PLAY TR
ISIN-code: SE0009637416
Orderbook-ID: 132803
First day of trading: February 21, 2017
Last day of trading: March 3, 2017
Market Segment/ no: MM Aktietorget-cotr/18
Tick Size/ no: Other Equities/227
Information about the paid subscribed share:
Shortname: PLAY BTA
ISIN-code: SE0009637424
Orderbook-ID: 132804
Trading period: February 21, 2017 until the registration of the issue at Bolagsverket.
Market Segment/ no: MM Aktietorget-cotr/18
Tick Size/ no: Other Equities/227
Stockholm February 16, 2017
For more information, please contact AktieTorget phone +46 8-511 68 000 or by e-mail