Publikationsliste Julie Nordgaard (februar 2017) Publikationer: Nordgaard J, Handest P, Vollmer-Larsen A, Pedersen J, Saebye D, Parnas J (2017). Temporal Persistence of Anomalous Self-Experience: A 5 years follow-up. Schizophrenia Research 179, 36-40 Revsbech R, Mortensen EL, Nordgaard J, Saebye D, Flensborg-Madsen T, Cutting J, Parnas J (2016) Exploring social cognition in schizophrenia. European archieves of Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. Epub. Nordgaard J, Jessen K, Saebye D, Parnas J. (2016) Variability in Clinical Diagnoses during the ICD-8 og ICD-10 era. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. Sep;51(9):1293-9 Nordgaard J and Henriksen MG (2016). Self-disorders: A promising candidate for early detection. Scandinavian journal of child and adolescent psychiatry and psychology. Vol. 4, No. 1, 2016, p. 1213. Parnas J, Carter J, Nordgaard J (2016). Premorbid self-disorders and lifetime diagnosis in the schizophrenia spectrum: A prospective high-risk study. Early Intervention in Psychiatry. 10 (1):4553. Revsbech R, Mortensen ML, Owen G, Nordgaard J, Jansson L, Saebye D, Flensborg-Madsen T, Parnas J (2015). Exploring Rationality in Schizophrenia. BJPsych Open 1–6. Nordgaard J, Revsbech R and Henriksen MG (2015). Self-disorders, neurocognition and rationality in schizophrenia: A pre-liminary study. Psychopathology, published online September 9. Henriksen MG and Nordgaard J(2014). Schizophrenia as a disorder of the self. Journal of Psychopathology 20, 435-441. Nordgaard J and Parnas J (2014). Self-disorders and the Schizophrenia Spectrum: A Study of 100 First Hospital Admissions. Schizophrenia Bulletin; 40(6):1300-7. Handest H og Nordgaard J (2013). Hvorfor er det så vanskeligt at stille en skizofreni diagnose? Ugeskrift for læger p. 2748-2749 Nordgaard J og Jürgens G(2013). Pregabalin kan medføre afhængighed og abstinenssymptomer. Ugeskrift for læger 2013 Sept 30 (Epub). Nordgaard J and Parnas J(2013). A haunting that never stops: Psychiatry’s problem of description. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica; 127(6): 434-435 Nordgaard J, Sass L and Parnas J (2013). The psychiatric interview: Validity, subjectivity and subjectivity. European Archieves of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience; 263(4):353-364 Nordgaard J, Revsbech R, Saebye D and Parnas J (2012). Assessing the diagnostic validity of a structured psychiatric interview in a first-admission hospital sample. World Psychiatry; 11 (3): 181185 Nordgaard J and Parnas J (2012). A semi-structured, phenomenologically oriented psychiatric interview: Descriptive congruence in assessing anomalous subjective experience and mental status. Clinical neuropsychiatry 9,3:123-128 Parnas J, Nordgaard J, Varga S (2010). The Concept of Psychosis: A clinical and Theoretical analysis. Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 7, 2:32-37 Nordgaard J, Arnfred S, Handest P, Parnas J (2008). The Diagnostic Status of First Rank Symptoms. Schizophrenia Bulletin; 34 (1): 137-54 Jakobsen KJ, Frederiksen JN, Parnas J, Werge T (2006). Diagnostic Agreement of Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders among Chronic Patients with Functional Psychosis. Psychopathology, 39(6): 269-76 Jakobsen KJ, Frederiksen JN, Hansen T, Jansson LB, Parnas J, Werge T (2005). Reliability of Clinical ICD-10 Schizophrenia Diagnosis. Nordic Journal of psychiatry; 59(3): 209-12 Bøger/bogkapitler: Jansson L and Nordgaard J (2016). The psychiatric interview for differential diagnosis. Springer Henriksen MG and Nordgaard J (2016). Self-disorders in schizophrenia in ‘An Existential Approach to Psychopathology – Phenomenology of Psychotic Experiences’. Ed. Giovanni Stanghellini/Massimiliano Aragona. Springer Nordgaard J (2012). Det psykopatologiske interview, chapter in “Examination of Anomalous Experiences. Undersøgelse af forstyrrelser af selv-bevidstheden” Publishe by the authors of the EASE-scale, Copenhagen Ph.d afhandling: Nordgaard J (2012) ‘Theoretical and empirical aspects of the psychiatric, diagnostic interview’.
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