Eco-villages and new concepts for sustainable

Invitation to seminar in Copenhagen:
Eco-villages and new concepts for sustainable communities
Date and time: Wednesday 15thMarch 2017, 13.00 - 16.00.
Venue: Aalborg University Copenhagen, A.C. Meyers Vænge 15, 2450 Copenhagen SV
This seminar presents concepts for eco-villages and new concepts for sustainable communities.
The seminar provides a platform for discussions of such concepts and how they can inspire planning of
future sustainable residential areas.
Five speakers introduce different perspectives on sustainable residential areas:
James Ehrlich, Stanford University, USA presents his vision for an eco-village concept named the
ReGen Villages. The concept is being part of an eco-village project in the Netherlands.
Søren Schmidt-Jensen, Frederikssund Municipality, presents plans and visions for the development
of the new sustainable town named Vinge with 20,000 inhabitants outside Frederikssund.
Camilla Nielsen-Englyst and Niels Aagaard, The Danish Association of Eco-Villages (Landsforeningen
for Økosamfund / LØS) present different perspectives on sustainable communities.
Niels Holck, Andelstanken presents a vision for professionalising development of sustainable
communities, which brings together professional project development and high ecological
ambitions, while holding on to the Danish tradition for cooperative ownership.
On behalf of the DIST center at Aalborg University Copenhagen, IDA Technology Assessment and IDA Green
Ulrik Jørgensen and Michael Søgaard Jørgensen
Participation in the seminar is free. Registration for the seminar at
(event no. 322442).
Ulrik Jørgensen,, Michael Søgaard Jørgensen,