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This is our third presentation through the Live from New Yorkʼs 92nd St. Y™ program. This satellite broadcast is presented thanks to a generous gift by the Bert and Elizabeth Wolinsky Charitable Trust. Admission to the program is $9. We will present three more Live from New Yorkʼs 92nd St. Y™ programs in the fall. More information to come! Jeffrey R. Immelt is the ninth chairman of GE, a post he has held since September 7, 2001. He has held several global leadership positions since Cont'd / See NY 92 Y IMMELT / Page 3 2 FROM THE FEDERATION STARK JEWISH NEWS • MAY 2010 • www.jewishcanton.org New look for jewishcanton.org Our new home page has quick links to details about current programs and many local, national and international organizations. The Canton Jewish communityʼs website has a new look. We launched our website in September, 2008 through the UJC FedWeb program, which offered us the opportunity to have a larger web presence, with interactive features such as an online calendar, event registration and expandable templates. We began planning for a revised website in late 2009, taking into consideration the features that were most often visited on our site, as well as the features that FedWeb offered that we simply did not use. The result is a much more streamlined and efficient site, that offers the same easy navigation and most-used features, as well as promotional space for our programs. Changes include navigation bars on the right side of the screen, and navigation icons on the bottom of the home page, a redesigned Community Calendar page and a more compact screen presence on all the pages. Our picture gallery now has two frames on one page, each that open into a small page of its own for easy viewing. www.jewishcanton.org The Stark Jewish News is mailed at no charge to Jewish individuals and families in Stark, Tuscarawas and Wayne Counties. The SJN is published 10 times a year. Subscription rate: $14.00 per year. Deadline for the next monthʼs issue is the 10th. Materials must be received in our office by that date. Join us Thursday, May 6 at 8:00 p.m. live via satellite at the CJCC with Jeffrey R. Immelt, CEO of General Electric DK G GDK 2631 Harvard Ave. N.W. • Canton, OH 44709 Phone: Editorial 330-445-2854 • Advertising 330-445-2410 Fax: 330-452-4487 email:sjnads@yahoo.com • www.jewishcanton.org The SJN attempts to publish materials received and reserves the right to edit all submissions. Now in its 11th year, the 92nd St. Yʼs Captains of Industry series, hosted by BusinessWeek Editor in Chief Stephen J. Adler, consists of interviews with leaders in the world of business. O U R G R E AT E S T A S S E T I S O U R C R E D I B I L I T Y. A publication of the Canton Jewish Community Federation 3 NY 92 Y IMMELT Continued from Front Page For forty years weʼve provided you with the same personal attention and professional solutions to all your planning and benefits needs. ����������������� Edward Buxbaum, CEO/Executive Director Adele Gelb, President JuDeane Luntz, Publication Committee Chair Karen Phillippi, Editor Bev Gross, Advertising Manager Ann Trenga, Art Director Jo-Anne Buxbaum, Copy Reader Our most visited page is our Community Calendar page, which has all the upcoming community events posted, and is available online 24/7. Event titles appear on the calendar day, and details can be seen by clicking on the event itself. The online Calendar has been an invaluable tool for our event planners, allowing them to avoid conflicts and save time. The front page contains links to The Jerusalem Post and to the online edition of the Stark Jewish News, and on the Israeli Connection page, there are links to other popular Israeli news sites. Still to come is the Partnership with Western Galilee Blog. We expect to have that feature active in May. Thank you – all of you – for making our website a part of your community experience. Between January and March, we had logged over 6,000 visits to our site and were averaging 20+ visits per day. You have made the website a very valuable tool for planning and for getting our messages out to the Jewish and the Canton Community. Please bookmark the new site and visit often. LOCAL NEWS STARK JEWISH NEWS • MAY 2010 • www.jewishcanton.org & C O M PA N Y N e t Wo r t h a n d B e n e f i t s Founded in 1874 by a group of visionary Jewish coming to GE in 1982, including roles in GEʼs Plastics, Appliance, and Medical businesses. In 1989 he became leaders to promote “harmony and good fellowship” an officer of GE and joined the GE Capital Board in among its members and to improve their “moral, mental 1997. In 2000, Mr. Immelt was appointed president and and social condition,” the 92nd Street Young Menʼs & Young Womenʼs Hebrew Association, chief executive officer. Mr. Immelt has been named one of JEFFREY R. IMMELT a.k.a. the 92nd Street Y, is the only place of its kind in the world. A community of the “Worldʼs Best CEOs” three times by Three time honoree communities, the Y serves over 300,000 Barronʼs, and since he began serving as “World’s Best CEO” people annually, from newborns to centechief executive officer, GE has been named by Barron’s narians. Its constituents are Jews and non“Americaʼs Most Admired Company” in a Jews; people of all races, backgrounds and poll conducted by Fortune magazine and Member of the economic circumstances; New Yorkers one of “The Worldʼs Most Respected President’s Economic and new Americans; and guests from Companies” in polls by Barronʼs and Recovery Advisory around the world. Its mission is to enrich the Financial Times. In February, 2009, Board the lives of the 300,000 people who visit Immelt was appointed as a member to the Presidentʼs Economic Recovery Advisory Board to its three facilities each year, as well as the thousands of provide the president and his administration with advice others who participate in Y programs through Live from New Yorkʼs 92nd Street Y™, the organizationʼs satellite and counsel in fixing Americaʼs economic downturn. As a member of the satellite audience at the CJCC , you broadcast program, and through the Yʼs television, radio will be able to email your questions to the moderator of and Internet partnerships. Through its satellite broadcast program, Live from each lecture series. Joe Bloom had his question answered during the March program, so while there is no guarantee New Yorkʼs 92nd Street Y™, and its television, radio and your question will be read, you have the same opportunity Internet partnerships, the Y shares these programs with communities across North America and beyond. to participate as the live audience does in New York. HOLIDAY HOURS The Canton Jewish Community Center will be CLOSED for Shavuot: Wednesday, May 19 Thursday, May 20 The Canton Jewish Community Center will be CLOSED for Memorial Day: Monday, May 31 W EALTH T RANSFER S TRATEGIES • B USINESS S UCCESSION S TRATEGIES • E XECUTIVE B ENEFITS • The new Canton Jewish Community Federation and Canton Jewish Community Center website features more than 16 pages of events, photos, programming and community information. P ERSONAL P LANNING • E MPLOYER- S PONSORED G ROUP B ENEFITS 5771 Mayfair Road North Canton, Ohio 44720 (330) 966-5577 • Fax (330) 966-5586 Please patronize our advertisers: Say you saw their advertisement in the Stark Jewish News! LOCAL NEWS An Evening of Israeli Composers & Jewish Music Join us on Thursday, May 13 for a special evening of dinner and music when we travel to Youngstown to hear Cantonʼs own Maestro Randall Craig Fleischer conduct the Youngstown Symphony Orchestra in an evening of Israeli composers and Jewish music. Transportation, dinner and your symphony ticket is included in the $60 per person price. We will leave the CJCC promptly at 5:00 p.m. and have dinner at the Overture Restaurant, conveniently located in the DeYor Performing Arts Center, where weʼll hear the Youngstown Symphony Orchestra. Seating is limited to twenty-five people and you must have your check in to the Federation before May 2 to hold your reservation. SUNDAY, MAY 13 Dine at the Overture Restaurant Enjoy Maestro Randall Craig Fleischer conducting the Youngstown Symphony Orchestra National Senior Health Day Wednesday, May 26 Canton Visiting Angels will co-sponsor the National Senior Health and Fitness Day on May 26 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the David YMCA on Wales Rd., Jackson Township. Seniors are invited to this free event which will offer fitness demonstrations and hands-on activities to strengthen your mind as well as your body. Instructors from the Y will demonstrate classes from their Silver Sneaker program, a fun, energizing program that helps older adults take greater control of their health by encouraging physical activity and offering social events. Visiting Angels will demonstrate Wii bowling and golf, both great low-impact and fun fitness choices. There will be house and fire safety presentations by the Jackson Fire Department and Brake Reaction tests by the Jackson Police Department. Balance testing and oral cancer screening tests are available. Give your brain a fitness challenge with bingo and Suduko sessions, then enjoy a free massage, makeup makeover, reflexology treatment and nutrition coaching and more! National Senior Health and Fitness Day recogniz- es the importance of fitness and lifestyle in older adults and promotes various programs designed to support this cause. For more information, please contact Visiting Angels at 330-327-1224. �������������������������������������������� � �������������������������������������������� � ����������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������� ����������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� �������������������������� �������������������������� ����������������������������������������������� ������������� ������ ������� ������������������� ����� Personal Training BRIAN CAIN Vice President & General Manager ������������� ���������������������� ������������ �������������� �������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������ Patti Schott Ernie Schott Owner Owner 1401 Fulton Road N.W., Canton, Ohio 44703 (330) 452-6844 ������������� Many years ago, in a small Chinese town, there was an extremely smart old man. This man would look into the closed hands of the people and tell them what they were holding, advise them and help them. In the same town, there was another guy that objected to the old man and always tried to make the smart man fail and kept thinking of ways in which he could prove the smart man wrong. The mean guy had an idea. He would catch a butterfly in his hand and ask the smart old man, “what am I holding?” He figured that the old man would know so he decided to make it harder for the smart man. He thought, “well, after he tells me that I have a butterfly in my hands, I will ask him whether the butterfly is dead or alive. If his answer is that the butterflyʼs dead, I will open my hands, set him free and prove him wrong. If the answer is that the butterflyʼs alive, then, I will tighten my grip, kill the butterfly on the spot and again, prove the old smart man wrong.” The guy went to see the smart old man. He waited patiently for his turn and when his turn came, he asked the smart man, what was inside his hands. When the old man answered “a butterfly”, the guy started to laugh. At this point he asked him, whether the butterfly was dead or alive. The smart old man looked the other guy deep in the eyes and replied with the following answer: “well my friend, this is your call; the decision literally lies in your hands. You are to decide whether the butterfly will live or die”. The guy set the butterfly free, and apologized to the old man. This story tells us that a lot of decisions are for us to call. Everyday we have countless number of decisions to make. But all of these discussions have one thing in common, we are to always pick the good way, the better path, the right decision and not the crooked way, the twisted path and for sure the wrong decision. A positive attitude helps us build our thoughts in a positive way and allows us to walk on the path that leads to good achievements, good work and of course, good deeds. Friends, this month we are celebrating the holiday of Shavuot. Shavuot commemorates the anniversary of the day God gave the Ten Commandments to Moses and the Israelites at Mount Sinai, although the association between the giving of the Torah (Matan Torah) and Shavuot is not explicit in the Biblical text. The holiday is one of the shalosha regalim, the three Biblical pilgrimage festivals. It marks the conclusion of the Counting of the Omer. This is a great opportunity for the entire family to get together. Try to focus on the positive things in your life, like your family, your friends. Try to see the good in everybody around you and disregard their shortcomings and faults. The butterfly is now in your hands. This is your call. This is your time to decide whether you want to have a happy and positive life, or you want to keep looking for the negative side in everything around you and more importantly, in everyone around you. I wish you a happy Shavuot, Elad S. Lerech ��������������������� CAIN TOYOTA - SCION, INC. CAIN BMW, INC. Back after 26 years of leaving Canton 6527 Whipple Ave. NW N. Canton, OH 44720 Phone (330) 494-8855 Fax (330) 494-8709 www.caintoyota.com 6461 Whipple Ave. NW N. Canton, OH 44720 Phone (330) 494-5588 Fax (330) 494-4385 www.cainbmw.com Doug Leopold PRESSURE WASHING ...and more DEADLINE FOR THE JUNE - JULY COMBINED ISSUE IS JUNE 1! • driveways • roof and gutter cleaning • masonary • house washing • landscaping • garage floor coatings ADVERTISE IN THE DECK RESTORATION AND DECORATION ����������������� ������������ CALL BEV GROSS TO RESERVE YOUR SPACE TODAY! just ask, we probably can do it! Beautifying your home with a professional house washing COMMERCIAL and RESIDENTIAL (330) 497-2686 cell (727) 709-8098 ����� ������������� �������������� ������������������������������ ���������������������� ����������������� Call 499-0003 for a free consultation Shavuot and the Butterfly Effect Free event at the David YMCA on Wales Road • 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. “Let It Shine” • Sue Stewart, Certified Trainer • Home or Office Workouts • Exercise Session Tailored to Your Level of Fitness STARK JEWISH NEWS • MAY 2010 • www.jewishcanton.org STARK JEWISH NEWS • MAY 2010 • www.jewishcanton.org ����������������� 4 ��������������������� SHALIACH 5 Please join us at the CJCC for these spring programs with Elad! SUNDAY, MAY 2 • 3:00 pm Admission: $3.00 Israeli Cinema: Operation Thunderbolt Nominated for an Academy Award for Best Foreign Film 1978 Appropriate for the entire family • Runtime: 124 minutes Followed by a tribute to Theodore Herzl honoring his 150th birthday. SUNDAY, MAY 16 • 3:00 pm Israeli Humor Up Close FREE Admission Laugh, laugh, laugh while watching the finest Israeli video clips! See how Israeli television makes fun of just about everything you can think of! SUNDAY, MAY 23 • 3:00 pm Admission: $3.00 Israeli Cinema: Charlie and A Half One of the most famous Israeli comedy cult classics! Appropriate for the entire family • Runtime: 105 minutes TUESDAY, JUNE 1 • 7:00 pm FREE Admission The Security Conflict in Israel A Modern Israeli Perspective This discussion explores what Israelis on Main Street think about this on-going conflict and why, so far, it hasn’t been resolved. See page 20 for all the details! Or for more information call Elad at 330-445-2401 or email him at elerech@jewishcanton.org ������� ��������������������� ���������� ��������������� ������� ����������������������� ���������������� ��������������������� �������������� ������������������������������������� �������������������� ����������������������� 6 PARTNERSHIP WITH ISRAEL Western Galilee doctors in Haiti: “To Hell and Back” Part of our Partnership is our John Strauss connection to the Western Galilee Canton Chair, Hospital in Nahariya. Recently Partnership two doctors from the WGH with Israel traveled to Haiti to help with Medical needs following the recent earthquake. We should all be proud of their difficult work. The following is a brief excerpt of a longer piece you can read on the Partnership website and see photos as well; (http://www.jewishagency.org/JewishAgency/ English/Israel/Partnerships/Regions/WesternGalilee/ News/2010/news-1003-Haiti.htm) “To Hell and Back” Included in the 240-member Israeli aid delegation were two doctors from the Western Galilee HospitalNahariya, Dr. Guy Lin, head of the Trauma Unit and Dr. Tsvi Sheleg, a resident in Ophthalmology. “The situation there was like something taken from Schindlerʼs List. I would grab an hourʼs sleep, and 7 STARK JEWISH NEWS • MAY 2010 • www.jewishcanton.org afterwards I would think – how did I allow myself to waste time sleeping? I could have saved another life in that hour. You feel like every minute of your time equals someoneʼs life or someoneʼs quality of life. One minute can be very critical to some individual there.” Thus spoke Dr. Guy Lin on his experience as a member of the Israeli relief delegation sent to disaster-stricken Haiti. Two doctors from Western Galilee hospital, Dr. Guy Lin, head of the Trauma Unit, and Dr. Tsvi Sheleg were part of the Israeli medical aid delegation that was sent to Haiti. Dr. Lin: “Our field hospital was constructed at the edge of the airport where almost no damage occurred. But we found out that hell was only 10 minutes away. The rumor that a functioning hospital was being set up in the area spread quickly, and soon people began to appear on their own at the entrance. While Dr. Sheleg was busy with organizing the medical site on a neglected soccer field, I set out to see what was happening in the surrounding ������������������� streets. I found concentrations of hundreds of people in various stages of dying. That was the worst sight I have ever seen in my life. There were simply hundreds of people lying one on top of another with open, infected wounds. At that point we understood that this was a catastrophe of epic proportions.” “Something that I particularly remember and will never forget – that look of gratitude on the faces of the Haitian people. During a brief respite in my hospital duties, I found time to wander around the streets outside the hospital compound. Until you see something like this with your own eyes, you canʼt believe it exists. Even in the neighborhoods that werenʼt touched by the disaster, you see unbelievable poverty, filth, dirt and neglect to the extent that you never see in China, in India or in the Gaza Strip. And then when you go back to the compound, you realize that these people are just thankful to God for the simple fact they were chosen to be admitted to the field hospital. I remember the expressions on their faces. They kept saying all the time ʻGod bless you. God bless Israel.ʼ ” ����������������������������������������������������������� The Canton Chapter of Hadassah has received generous support from our members for this yearʼs Donor Campaign, and we thank each and every one of you. Every effort has been made to accurately compile this list. We sincerely hope there are no errors or omissions. Any contributions received after publication of this list will be noted in the next Hadassah publication. Karen Airulla, Linda Alperin, Bobbi Altman, Ruth Altman, Sylvia Altman, Gail Arenstein, Cathy Atelson, Edith Benjamin, Marcia Berke, Karen and Stan Bertman, Estelle Blau, Diane Blocker, Helen Blocker, Melissa Blocker, Paula Bloom, Dianne Blocker Braun, Libby Brody, Jo-Anne Buxbaum, Penny Caghan, Betty Chanan, Chelle Cohen, Judy Cohen, Linda Cohen, Ingrid Cohn, Judith Cohodas, Dr. Pamela Fisher Dickson, Debbe Dreyer, Stacey Eisenberg, Marilyn W. Feldman, Barbara Ferne, Evelyn S. (Eve) Fishberg, Julia Fishelson, Heather Fisher, Sheila Fisher, Barbara Fleischer, Fannie Freedman, Diane Friedman, Marge Fuerman, Elaine Garfinkle, Adele Gelb, Debbie Given, Marianne Glazer, Gail Goldman, Laura Goldman, Roberta Gordon, Ruth Green, Charlotte Greenwald, Merle Griff, Bev Gross, Evie Grossman, Doree Hafner, Jean Hall, Libby Hendler, Lynda Herbert, Rabbi Leah Herz, Bella Jacobson, Fran Johnson, Rebecca Kamen, Paulette Karelitz, Pat Katz, Terry Katz, Aurelia Krugliak, Amy Lakritz, Audrey Lavin, Lila Levine, Darlene Lilenfield, Lori Lipster, Elly Livingston, Mary Jo Lockshin, Phyllis Lockshin, Shirley Lockshin, Martha Klein Lottman, Janet Luntz, JuDeane Luntz, Sharon Luntz, Rae Mandel, Bonnie Gruber Manello, Edith Marks, Patti Matney (Green), Ellen Miller, Rita Miller, Susan Narens, Murielle Nechamkin, Leslie Nelson, Toni Olenick, Joan Ortman, Joyce Ortman, Toby Pearlman, Debbie Petroff, Anita Porter, Ellen Rapport, Naomi Rapport, Fran Fisher Reaven, Carol Rose, Linda Rosenblatt, Barbara Rosenfield, Vivian Rosengard, Barbara Rosenstock, Alicia Rozenbom, Ruth E. Rubenstein, Shirley Rubinstein, Barbara Rubin, Dorothy Rudick, Cynthia D. Rudick, Ph.D, Madeline Rudner, Eileen Saltarelli, Nancy Savage, Rita Schaner, Joann Schwartz, Davina Schweitzer, Shelley Schweitzer, Theresa Schweitzer, Ellen Shankle, Mimi Shapiro, Carole Sheidlower, Shirley Shorr, Joy Silverhart, Eleanor Sirak, Linda Sirak, Elizabeth and Edward Slesnick, Marilyn Slesnick, Betty Smith, Harlene Smuckler, Linda Smuckler, Cheri Spitzer, Mildred Stein, Sandy Knell Tamny, Erika Tencer, Saragale Weinstock, Luise Weintraub, Fran Wells, Sheryl White, Rossetta G. Wilkof, Sam Wilkof, Susan Wilkof, Gloria Williams, the Bert & Elizabeth Wolinsky Foundation, Bev Worshil, Janie Zoldan, Melissa Zucker. ������������������������������������������������������������� Donor Campaign Chair: Penny Caghan All in the Family Program Chairs: Barbara Ferne and Fran Wells At Dishes By Design, we feature professional on-site and off-site catering services and we have a menu for every occasion and a price for every budget. We offer specialized services for Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, Weddings, Kosher Meals, Showers, Private In-Home Parties, Shivas, Corporate Events, Holidays and more. Let us make your next event a success! Located in the kitchen at The Temple Israel. Special thanks to the following families for their generous underwriting support in an effort to enrich the lives of Jewish women living in the Canton area. The evening was made possible in part by gifts from the Lottman Community Involvement Fund, the Leonard Knell Fund, the Sandra Miller Fund at Temple Israel, by Herb Fisher in memory of Janet Fisher and Ruth Altman in honor of her daughter and daughters-in-law. Womenʼs Seder Committee: A Womenʼs Seder Program Chairs: Janet Luntz, Fran Wells and Janie Zoldan Grassroots Chair Treasurer Keeperʼs of the Gate Chair Publicity: Fran Johnson, Paulette Karelitz, Elly Livingston and Elaine Garfinkle Calling Committee: Barb Ferne, Fran Johnson, Murielle Nechamkin, Joan Ortman, Anita Porter and Eileen Saltarelli Solicitation Committee: Estelle Blau, Phyllis Lockshin, Marilyn Feldman, Shirley Lockshin, Laura Goldman, Murielle Nechamkin, Bev Gross, Shirley Rubinstein, Fran Johnson, Eileen Saltarelli, Elly Livingston and Joy Silverhart ������������������������������ ������������ �������������� ���������������� ���������� Make It! Bake It! Stake It! ������������������� �������������� (Place and time to be announced) This is something special that you donʼt want to miss! Mark your calendar. For more information and to RSVP please call Fran Johnson at (330) 966-7350. Invitations will be sent. Seder Program Chair: Fran Wells Invitations and Haggadah: Marilyn Feldman, Dianne Blocker Braun, Rabbi Leah Herz, Martha Lottman, Joyce Ortman and Susan Wilkof Campaign Advisor: Marilyn Feldman �������� Reservations and Seating: Laura Goldman Music: Estelle Blau Seder Supper and Arrangements: Janie Zoldan and Janet Luntz Selection of Readers: Marilyn Feldman and Susan Wilkof CJCC & Federation Liaisons: Gail Arenstein and Bonnie Manello Ceremonial Creations: Chadash Students Photography: Gail Arenstein and Fran Wells Staff: Patti Green ���������� CHAIR • Marilyn Feldman 330.494.2728 TREASURER • Paulette Karelitz 330.896.3086 MEMBERSHIP • Betty Smith 330.494.7656 PROGRAMMING • Barb Ferne 330.499.1918 DONOR CHAIR • Penny Caghan 330.497.1490 JNF BLUE BOXES • Dianne Braun 330.493.0007 JNF TREES • Ellen Miller 330.499.1952 CARDS • Fran Reaven 330.497.0002 CERTIFICATES • Leslie Nelson 330.833.9233 8 LOCAL NEWS STARK JEWISH NEWS • MAY 2010 • www.jewishcanton.org STARK JEWISH NEWS • MAY 2010 • www.jewishcanton.org Chadash school year Historic year for Chadash Confirmation Class wraps up in May CHADASH COMMUNITY HEBREW ACADEMY Julie Katz Director Although the flowers are sprouting, and so are our students, we have much to do before Chadash ends for the academic year at the end of this month. There is no Religious school on May 9th so that students may fulfill the commandment of honoring their mothers. On May 12th Hebrew school will end. It is important that all students finish the Ramah (level) they are working on before the end of the year. I encourage you to send your children to every session to accomplish this. On May 23rd our 1st and 2nd grade classes will be having a tzuim. This is traditionally a celebration when one finishes a tractate of Talmud. In this case, it will be a celebration of learning our Hebrew letters. Students and parents will learn the last few letters together and then we will have a presentation by students and celebration. We will also provide second grade parents with information about next yearʼs weekday Hebrew program. Our final Religious school date will be May 23rd. We will have our Hey class graduation, teacher appreciation, and a program. Of course, the morning will conclude with our annual BBQ, sponsored and cooked by Temple Israel Brotherhood and Shaaray Torah Menʼs Club. I expect everyone to come with their appetites! Once again, I want to thank the community for their support of another terrific year. It truly takes a shtetl to educate a Jewish child and the Canton Jewish community is certainly up to the task! Have a great summer. ���� ��������� ���� �������������������������� ������������������ This year marks another milestone as the Canton Jewish Community moves toward its goal of uniting the Canton Jewish Community. For the first time, students from Shaaray Torah and Temple Israel will participate in a combined Confirmation ceremony on Shavuot. This change from two separate ceremonies was proposed by the Chadash Religious Committee, who made the recommendation to have a joint Confirmation ceremony as well as a joint Consecration ceremony, for students in Chadash. “The students in Chadash study together,” said Chelle Cohen, joint chair with Amy Lakritz of the Chadash Religious Committee. “Our clergy is in full support of the joint service and we felt it was in the best interest of all concerned to unify, rather than to separate the students.” Rabbi Leah Herz, Hazzan Bruce Braun and Student Rabbi Loren Monosov have been studying with the students and will jointly celebrate this life cycle event with them. Wednesday, May 19 at 7:00 p.m. at Shaaray Torah The Community is invited The families of the 2010/5770 Confirmation class invite the community to join us for this special ceremony. We are delighted that the entire community is coming together this year to confirm the young adults from Temple Israel and Shaaray Torah. Please help us celebrate as our young adults confirm their Judaism. The service and ceremony will take place on Wednesday, May 19, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at Congregation Shaaray Torah. Dessert reception to follow. There is no cost, but reservations are requested. Please call the Chadash office at 330-455-5197 or e-mail to Chadash@neo.rr.com LOOK 10 YEARS YOUNGER! LASER EYELID SURGERY • Eliminates Drooping, Baggy Eyelids • Look Younger! More Awake and Vibrant! • Fight Back Against Aging! • Some Procedures Covered by Insurance! • Financing Available ��������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������ �������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������� BEFORE CALL NOW for AFTER Ask about Botox/Laser Skin Resurfacing ������������������� ���������������������������� ����������������������������������������� Dr. Jamie Zucker at Canton Ophthalmology can restore your youthful outlook by correcting loose or sagging skin around your eyes. Laser technology produces results that have to be seen to be believed. Come in for a free no-obligation consultation. ������������������������ �������������������������������������������������������������� a free Special report or make a FREE no obligation consultation with Dr. Zucker. 2600 Tuscarawas St. W. Suite 200 • Canton $250 OFF $125.00 Per Eye (800) 829-0547 or (330) 456-0047 visit us at: www.coaeye.com Upper or Lower Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery. Join us at the CJCC on Sunday, June 6 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. for a day of memories, movies, laughter and maybe a few tears as we say “goodbye” to the building that has been the true CENTER of our lives for the past 45 years. Take a tour of the building. Help yourself to the thousands of picture that have been taken through the years. Look for pictures of your parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren and friends. Tell your families and friends about this very special day. Watch movies of Center activities and musical productions. There will also be a silent auction of the Mordechai Rosenstein limited edition silk screen prints and other memorabilia. Oldies music will be playing, videos from our past events will be shown and light refreshments will be served. Transportation will be available for senior adults by calling Chelle Cohen. Celebrate the hundreds of volunteers who have served on various boards, developed programs, planned events, cooked, served and coached. Celebrate the staff through the years who worked to see that the Canton JCC was a second home for everyone who walked through the doors. Take a walk down memory lane and say a fond farewell to the building that has been much more than a structure made of bricks… it has been a home to generations and a place that will always live in our hearts. If you have questions, contact Shari Best, Chairperson, Chelle Cohen, Linda Poole, Linda Sirak, Susan Wilkof or Bonnie Manello. STARK JEWISH NEWS • MAY 2010 • www.jewishcanton.org STARK JEWISH NEWS • MAY 2010 • www.jewishcanton.org 12 STARK JEWISH NEWS • MAY 2010 • www.jewishcanton.org STARK JEWISH NEWS • SEPTEMBER 2009 • www.jewishcanton.org MAY 2010 • www.jewishcanton.org JEWISH FAMILY SERVICES A Service of the Canton Jewish Community Federation 13 Making a Difference – One Person At a Time The Stark Jewish News would like to recognize and congratulate all the members of the Jewish community who will be graduating from high school this year. On behalf of the entire community, we wish them the best of luck in all their future endeavors. You will soon be receiving our annual fund raising letter reGail Arenstein questing your support of the 2010 Jewish Family Servicesʼ Friends JFS Director Campaign. I find that when I list our services to try to give an idea of how we impact different members of the community, my efforts often fall short. The stories of individuals tell it much better than I. Nanette Zamost generously wrote the following about her motherʼs (Mildred Brown) experience with Jewish Family Services. Please think about her story when our request for your support arrives. My mother, Mildred Brown, passed away last month. She was 94 years old and had lived in Canton for almost her entire life. Canton Jewish Family Services made it possible for her to spend her last years the way she wanted – living independently in her own home. I cannot say enough about the incredible job that these folks do. My brother and I moved away from Canton years ago, and after Dad died, we tried to get Mom to move to California with us. But she didnʼt want to leave Canton and she didnʼt want to move out of the home she had lived in for almost 50 years. These amazing women were there for her. It started with arranging for delivery of kosher meals and transportation to the doctor and senior activities. As time went on, Mom did not want to move out of her house, but she stopped driving, and her health began to fail. She was a very proud woman and did not want a “stranger” in her home taking care of her, so the professionals at Jewish Family Services came up with a plan. They checked on her daily: bringing her meals; calling her twice a day to remind her to take her medication; bringing her groceries; helping her with household upkeep and repairs; and just being there to chat and be her friends. Finally, when she could no longer continue to live on her own, they made all the arrangements for her to go to a wonderful skilled nursing facility, where they continued to visit her regularly. FREE Free energy-efficient light bulbs are available at the CJCC courtesy of AEP. These bulbs save energy and money! LIGHT BULBS Please contact Gail Arenstein to get yours! ENERGY-EFFICIENT ZACHARY ADELMAN Son of Barry and Michelle Adelman Hoover High School University of Cincinnati ALLISON BRAUN Daughter of Hazzan Bruce and Dianne Braun American Hebrew Academy Ohio State University RACHEL COLEMAN Daughter of Dr. David and Rochelle Coleman Jackson High School Ohio University or Kent State University BRANDON LAB Son of Larry and Patty Lab GlenOak High School The University of Akron They also helped us deal with the emotional and practical problems of being so far away with regular emails to let us know how things were going. Knowing that they were there for our mother helped give my brother and me peace of mind to know that she was living the way she wanted, and being well cared for, even though we were far away. We are so grateful and thankful to them. Jewish Family Services really made a difference in our lives. They provide an invaluable service to the Canton Jewish community. JANE LOCKSHIN Daughter of David Lockshin and Mary Jo Lockshin GlenOak High School University of Colorado Not Pictured: EMILY FIRESTONE Daughter of Eric and Esther Firestone Kosher Mitzvah Meals Hot or frozen kosher meals, delivered to your home, are available Monday through Friday for $6.50 per meal. Long and short term service is available to area nursing homes and hospitals. TO PLACE AN ORDER, PLEASE CONTACT CHELLE COHEN AT 330-445-2850. MAX FRADKIN Son of Igor and Margarita Fradkin MICAH JOHNSON ERIC NIELSEN Son of Steven and Denise Nielsen GlenOak High School Ohio State University MEREDITH SMUCKLER Daughter of Bill and Randi Smuckler GlenOak High School Ohio University GABRIELLE ZOLDAN Daughter of Michael and Janie Zoldan GlenOak High School Ohio State University REBECCA ZUCKER Daughter of Dr. Jamie and Melissa Zucker GlenOak High School Miami University Son of Dr. Clifford and Cynthia Johnson Available for appointments on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Rates are $3.00 one way/ $6.00 round trip. For reservations please call Chelle Cohen at 330-445-2850. Minimum of 2 people required. 14 C CJCF adultadult Out and About with the CJCF Adult Organization (Photo Left): Shirley Rubenstein and Elad Lerech pose for the camera while waiting for the Canton Symphony Cameo Concert to begin. organization join us for fun outings and friendly gatherings Anyone who is 60 years and older is welcome to join our group for only $5.00 annual dues. Please make checks payable to “Adult Organization” and put Attn: Lynda on the envelope. CALLING ALL MEN... (Photo right): Judy Nusbaum and daughter Amy Nusbaum relax before the performance. The CJCF Adult Organization enjoyed a great meal at the Desert Inn before the Cameo Concert. (Pictured left to right): Joann Schwartz, Myrtle Salle, Peg Sabol, Lynda Herbert, Elad Lerech, Ida Figler and Frances Rosenblum. ��������������������� ��������������������� Independent Living with Services • Assisted Living • Intermediate Care • Skilled Nursing • Memory-Impaired Care Multiple Service Options = Peace of Mind I When it comes to meeting your financial goals, you really only need to see one person. At Edward Jones, we strive to meet all your financial services needs while providing exceptional personalized service. Because we serve individual investors and business owners, all of our energy and resources are dedicated to helping you reach your long-term financial goals. That’s why we live and work in your community. We meet with you face to face to discuss the key steps to creating your financial strategy. F you want to live an active, yet relaxed retirement lifestyle, come to Canton Regency Retirement Community. With multiple levels of service in one location, your well being is our goal. You will have peace of mind knowing that, should your health needs change, you can remain in your home and access the support you require. Come live in a spacious apartment and be part of a community filled with friendly faces. Let our professional staff tend to the details of cooking, cleaning and maintaining your home while you design the lifestyle you’ve always wanted. Stay busy with a full calendar of recreational activities, or wile away the day at bridge club, billiards or in conversation by the fountain or fireplace. You talk, we listen, and we get to know you. Schedule an appointment today for your personal tour. Call (330) 477-7664. �������� �������������������������������� ������������ ���������������������������� ������������������ ��������� ����������� ������������������ ������������������������������� �������������� ����� For more information or to schedule a complimentary financial review, call or stop by our office. 4515 22nd Street N.W. • Canton, Ohio 44708 • (330) 477-7664 A Capital Senior Living Community • www.cantonregency.com ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������� All Jewish men in our community are encouraged to join our Adult Organization and attend our Menʼs Club Breakfast for a minimal cost of $3.00 for a full breakfast. I am hoping that we can once again get a large enough group of men to begin having speakers. If you would like to be a speaker, please call me and I will announce the topic in the Stark Jewish News. Or if you have a topic of interest, I will try to find a qualified speaker...just call me! Lynda Herbert CJCC Adult Director • 330-445-2412 adult organization contributions LET SOMEONE KNOW YOU ARE THINKING OF THEM... �������������������� �������������������� ����������������� ���������������������� ����������������� ����������������� ������������ �������������������������������� 15 STARK JEWISH NEWS • MAY 2010 • www.jewishcanton.org STARK JEWISH NEWS • MAY 2010 • www.jewishcanton.org A contribution to the Senior Adult Organization is a meaningful way to show your thoughtfulness. A beautiful acknowedgement card will be sent in your name in honor of birthdays, anniversaries, get well wishes, memorials or any other reason to send a card. Minimum donation is $3.00. You do not need to be an SAO member to donate. Please call Lynda Herbert at 330-445-2412 when you wish to acknowledge a birthday, special event or “in memory of” card. See page 17 for CJCF Adult Organization Donation acknowledgements may adult organization activities 4th Tuesday • 9:30 am MEN’S CLUB BREAKFAST Join your friends for a complete breakfast of eggs, bagels and cream cheese, OJ, fresh fruit, cake and coffee. Cost is $3.00. RSVP by NOON on Monday, May 3 to Lynda at 330-445-2412. Minimum of three attendees required. 11th Tuesday • 10:30 am – 11:30 am ONE WEEK EARLIER THIS MONTH! YIDDISH CLUB Join us for fun and learning at the Yiddish Club and then stay for our lunch and entertainment afterwards! Call Shirley Rubinstein at 330-492-4035 or Judy Nusbaum at 330-492-0037 if you have any questions. ONE WEEK EARLIER THIS MONTH! 11th Tuesday • Noon 5th Wednesday • 11:00 am SAO MONTHLY LUNCHEON OUT TO LUNCH BUNCH Travel with us to the Hart Mansion in Minerva, a restaurant highly recommended by many people. (Order HART MANSION off the menu.) Leave the Minerva Center at 11:00 am. Cost for transportation is $5.00. RSVP with your check made out to “SAO” NOW, Attn: Lynda. Hurry...space is limited on the van! Magician Tim Angeloni will amaze you with his many illusions. Audience participation...come and have fun! Cost is $7.00. RSVP by Wednesday, May 5 to Lynda at 330445-2412. ongoing adult organization activities Every Monday • 1:00 pm Every Monday • after Crocheting Class Join Frances and her “groupies” and create beautiful childrenʼs hats to donate to local charities. Our group is ongoing and new friends are always welcome. All you need to bring is a #3, #4 or #5 crochet hook...yarn is provided. On Monday afternoons after our Crocheting Class we have a table of Maj Jong players that play and schmooze until 4:00 pm. If you would like to bring your group to play Maj Jong – just call Lynda in advance at 330-4452412 and your table will be ready! All abilities welcome. 6th Sunday • 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm 22nd Tuesday • 9:30 am Weʼre doing spring cleaning! Enjoy many, many pictures from the Jewish Center past while schmoozing with your friends. Old memorabilia will be on display as well as videos running on the TV. Beverages and noshes provided. Free van for those who wish transportation. Call Chelle in advance at 330-445-2850 to arrange a pick-up time. Cost is $3.00. RSVP by NOON on Monday, June 21 to Lynda at 330-445-2412. Minimum of three attendees required. MAJ JONG AT 2:30 PM CROCHETING WITH FRANCES save these dates in june WALK DOWN MEMORY LANE AT THE CJCC 8th Tuesday • 10:30 am – 11:30 am ONE WEEK EARLIER THIS MONTH! YIDDISH CLUB Join us for fun and learning at the Yiddish Club and then stay for our lunch and entertainment afterwards! 8th Tuesday • Noon SAO MONTHLY LUNCHEON ONE WEEK EARLIER THIS MONTH! Continue our walk down memory lane! Weʼll view some old movies of CJCC events and look through any remaining old pictures from the Sunday event. Lynda is also going to have pictures from the last 10 years of SAO activities to share with everyone. You are welcome to take any special photos home with you, too! Cost is $7.00. RSVP by Wednesday, June 2 to Lynda at 330-445-2412. MEN’S CLUB BREAKFAST 29th Tuesday • 11:00 am OUT TO LUNCH BUNCH Weʼre going to Brewster to SCHNOOK AROUND! After leaving the Center at 11:00 am, our first stop is for lunch at the Dolly Madison House (order off the menu). Then itʼs off to the Shearer Potato Chip Company retail store and The Big Cheese Shoppe. Bring your Golden Buckeye Card for a 10% discount.Cost for transportation is $6.00. RSVP with your check made out to “SAO”, Attn: Lynda. Space is limited on the van. Jim Lockshin • Sharon Luntz Myrtle Salle • Luis Weintraub Rosetta Wilkof MAY BIRTHDAYS 16 STARK JEWISH NEWS • MAY 2010 • www.jewishcanton.org STARK JEWISH NEWS • MAY 2010 • www.jewishcanton.org life cycle events Governorʼs 30th Annual Holocaust Commemoration held at Statehouse on April 14 At the conclusion of the Governorʼs 30th Annual Holocaust Commemoration six candles were lit, one for each of the six million Jews who died in the Holocaust. Shown from left to right: Danny Robins, President of Ohio Jewish Communities; Governor Ted Strickland; John Koenigsberg, a Holocaust survivor from Columbus who spoke at the program; Rep. Josh Mandel (R-Lyndhurst); Rep. Stephen Slesnick (D-Canton); Rep. Marian Harris (D-Columbus); Joyce Garver Keller, Executive Director of Ohio Jewish Communities. ��� ���������� ��������� �������� ������������ ���������� The Governorʼs 30th Annual Holocaust Commemoration program was held in The Rotunda of the Statehouse at noon on April 14. Governor Strickland designated April 11 through April 18, 2010 as Days of Remembrance. At the conclusion of the program six candles were lit, one for each of the six million Jews who died in the Holocaust. In addition to those in the photo at left, program participants included Lt. Gov. Lee Fisher, PUCO chairman Alan Schriber, Tax Commissioner Richard Levin, PUCO Commissioner Steve Lesser, Rabbi Harold Berman, from Congregation Tifereth Israel in Columbus and Greg Landsman, Director of the Governorʼs office of Faith Based and Community Initiatives. House Speaker Armond Budish (D-Beachwood) presented a resolution on behalf of the Ohio House of Representatives. Senator David Goodman (R-New Albany) presented a resolution on behalf of the Ohio Senate. Rep. Barbara Boyd (D-Cleveland Heights) presented a resolution on behalf of the Ohio Legislative Black Caucus. ��������������� 2915 W. Tusc. St. 330-454-5151 6046 Whipple Ave. N.W. (N. Canton Medical Foundation) 330-433-1391 �������������������������������������������� FREE DELIVERY ���������������������������������� ����������������������������� ����� ������������������������ ����������������� �������������������������� ��������������� ���������������� ��� �������������������� ���������������� ��������������� ���������������� ���������������������������� ���������������������������� ������������ ��������� ������������������������ ������� ������������������������� ������������������������� �������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������� Gift Certificates Available! tricia Shaheen Patricia Shaheen �������������������� Now offering ����������������������� �������������������������� ���������������������������������� �������������������������� ������������������ ������������������������������� Call today for an appointment Patricia Shaheen 330 • 493 •3699 GLO MINERALS MAKEUP! “Skin nurturing makeup “Skin nurturing makeup for beauty with a higher purpose” � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � ������������������������������������� Lillian Hannah Miller, daughter of Anne and Dan Miller of Chagrin Falls, Ohio, granddaughter of Ellen and Steve Miller, and great-granddaughter of Ida Wilkof of Sarasota, Fla., born March 22. PLEASE NOTE: Due to space limitations, the Stark Jewish News will print only the immediate family members of our deceased community members. We receive obituary notices from Shaaray Torah Synagogue and Temple Israel of members who have passed away. When we are at “deadline” and there is a death, we will hold the information for the next issue. LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED FOR FOUR GENERATIONS ����������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������� ������������������� DEATHS DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS AND ADVERTISING FOR THE STARK JEWISH NEWS JUNE - JULY ISSUE IS JUNE 1. �������������� �������������������� ����������������� BIRTHS www.arnoldfuneralhome.com CANTON: 1517 MARKET AVE. N. 44714 • 330-456-7291 HARTVILLE: 504 W. MAPLE ST. 44632 • 330-877-9364 ROBERT A. RANALLI, MEMORIALS OWNER (330) 323-8195 ROBERT RANALLI MEMORIALS “Over 50 years of personal attention to my Jewish friends” Edith Bouer, mother of Jack (Cindy) Bouer and the grandmother of Rachel Bouer, passed away March 12. Hannah Jolovitz, mother of Rob Jolovitz, Arie Jolovitz, Elliot Jolovitz and Sarah (Howard) Berk, passed away March 12. Bill (Eugene) Rapport, brother of Libby (Stan) Brody, passed away March 18. Simon (“Cy”) Cohen, husband of Jeanette Cohen, father of Diane (Wayne) Schneidman, Michael Cohen and the brother-in-law of Martha Cohen, passed away March 20. Pauline Adelman, mother of Celia Borack, passed away March 24. Dr. Irving Gordon, husband of Roberta, passed away March 25. Max Werner, father of Melissa (Douglas) Blocker, passed away March 27. Charlotte Green, mother of Diana King, James (Elyse) Green, Cheryl Green and Monica (Steve) Rosenberg, passed away March 27. Mel Lyons, husband of Linda, passed away April 3. Leo Cooper, step-father of Ron (Gail) Arenstein, passed away April 4. Anne Mestel passed away April 8. Alan Singer, husband of Elaine, passed away April 17. E CANTON JEWISH COMMUNITY FEDERATION NDOWMENT Remember tzedakah when drafting a will You can ensure a better future for our next generations with your support of the Jewish Community Federation now and through your estate plan. Through a bequest or other planned giving opportunity you can provide resources to meet the challenges of tomorrow. Your gift establishes a legacy that will continue helping people. For information about bequests or other planned giving call Artie Rosenstock, Endowment Professional, at 330-452-6444. 17 FOR THE RECORD CJCF endowments (Contributions received as of publication deadline.) Endowment donations are a minimum of $10 for each person or event you wish to recognize. JEWISH FAMILY SERVICES In memory of Mildred Brown from Eleanor Sirak, Ida Figler and Florence Culp. In memory of Alison Bloch from David and Terry Katz and PJ and Fran Wells. In memory of Teresa Schweitzer from PJ and Fran Wells. In memory of Max Werner from PJ and Fran Wells. In memory of Herb Rosengard from Jon and Jan Miller. In memory of Bill Rapport from Jerry and Joyce Ortman. ARLENE KNELL EDUCATION FUND In memory of Bill (Eugene) Rapport from Leonard Knell and Jerry and Joyce Ortman. Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Dr. Bruce Wolf from Jerry and Joyce Ortman. In memory of Dr. Irving Gordon from Leonard Knell and Jerry and Joyce Ortman. FOOD BANK In memory of Pauline Adelman from Rita Appelbaum. CJCC endowments IN MEMORY OF: Herb Rosengard from Charles Gunan, Leslie, David, Robert and Ben Nelson, Leslie and Larry Newman, Betty and John Humphries. Dr. Irving Gordon from Vivian Rosengard. CJCF adult organization donations (For April) SAO donations are a minimum of $3 for each person or event you wish to recognize. IN MEMORY OF: Irving Gordon from Burt and Hyla Vander. Hannah Jolovitz from Shirley Rubenstein. Herb Rosengard from Shirley Rubenstein. Alan Singer from Shirley Rubenstein. HAPPY SPECIAL 85th BIRTHDAY TO: Edith Benjamin from Ida Figler. 18 STARK JEWISH NEWS • MAY 2010 • www.jewishcanton.org PEOPLE IN THE NEWS PUBLIC FORUM AT CJCC To submit an item for PEOPLE IN THE NEWS, email it to Karen Phillippi at kphillippi@jewishcanton.org, fax it to 330-452-4487 or mail it to the Stark Jewish News, 2631 Harvard Ave NW, Canton, OH 44709. All submissions are subject to editing for space and content. REVERSE KEFIADA TEEN UPDATE Yoav Yaron, (pictured at left) one of our Reverse Kefiada teens from 2004, recently visited the CJCC. Yoav will finish his five-year commitment to the IDF this August, where he served as Assistant Head of the IDF Strategic Staff. He plans to pursue a theater major at an American university. 1st PLACE DISSERTATION AWARD Dana Sinopoli, daughter of Debbie and Vito Sinopoli and granddaughter of Ruth Rubenstein, has completed all requirements for her doctorate in Clinical Psychology. Her dissertation, “The Post Rape Sexual Healing Process: A Phenomenological Story Project Through Feminist Epistemology”, was awarded 1st Place at the 2009 Illinois Psychological Association convention. She was also invited to present her work at the 2010 National Summit on Interpersonal Violence this past January in Dallas. She begins her internship this September at the Hartford Hospital – Institute of Living in Connecticut. Ohio State Representative Stephen Slesnick (left) and U.S. Congressman John Boccieri (right). Congressman John Boccieri presented a public forum at the CJCC, courtesy of the Canton Jewish Communityʼs Social Action Committee. Committee Chair Martha Lottman introduced State Representative Stephen Slesnick, who then introduced the Congressman. Boccieri spoke on the economy, jobs and the recently passed Health Care Bill, and answered questions from the audience and received several rounds of applause. Anyone interested in working on the Social Action committee, please contact Martha Lottman. IN THE COMMUNITY STARK JEWISH NEWS • MAY 2010 • www.jewishcanton.org LOCAL CONGREGATIONS COMMUNITY CALENDAR service schedules SHAARAY TORAH Conservative • 432 30th St. N.W. • Canton, 44709 • 330-492-0310 • Saturday, May 1: Service 9:30 a.m. • Sunday, May 2: Service 8:30 a.m.; Unveiling of Sybil Kriger 11:00 a.m. at Canton Hebrew Cemetery; Evening Service 5:30 p.m.; The Men’s Club Reverse Raffle 7:00-9:00 p.m. • Monday, May 3: Services 7:15 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. • Tuesday, May 4: Service 5:30 p.m. • Wednesday, May 5: Service 5:30 p.m. • Thursday, May 6: Services 7:15 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. • Friday, May 7: Service at 5:30 p.m.; Candles 8:11 p.m. • Saturday, May 8: Service 9:30 a.m. • Sunday, May 9: Mother’s Day; Morning Service 8:30 a.m.; No Evening Service • Monday, May 10: Services 7:15 a.m. and 5: 30 p.m. • Tuesday, May 11: Service 5:30 p.m. • Wednesday, May 12: Service 5:30 p.m. • Thursday, May 13: Services 7:15 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. • Friday, May 14: Service 5:30 p.m.; Candles 8:18 p.m. • Saturday, May 15: Service 9:30 a.m. • Sunday, May 16: Morning Services 8:30 a.m.; Evening Services 5:30 p.m. • Monday, May 17: Services 7:15 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. • Tuesday, May 18: Erev Shavuot; Dinner Reservation Deadline; Candles 8:22 p.m.; Service 8:30 p.m. (note the later start time) • Wednesday, May 19: Shavuot 1st Day; Festival Morning Service 9:30 a.m.; Community Confirmation 7:00 p.m.; Candles 9:26 p.m. • Thursday, May 20: Shavuot 2nd Day; Festival Morning Services 9:30 a.m.; Yizkor 11:15 a.m.; Mincha 5:30 p.m.; Holiday concludes at 9:30 p.m. • Friday, May 21: Family Shabbat Dinner; Services 5:30 p.m. with Hazzan Braun and Rabbi Loren Monosov; Shabbat Dinner 6:30 p.m.; Candles 8:25 p.m. • Saturday, May 22: Service 9:30 a.m. with Hazzan Braun and Rabbi Loren Monosov; Mincha 7:15 p.m.; Havdalah Havurah 8:15 p.m. at Shaaray Torah • Sunday, May 23: Morning Services 8:30 a.m.; Evening Services 5:30 p.m. • Monday, May 24: Services 7:15 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. • Tuesday, May 25: Service 5:30 p.m. • Wednesday, May 26: Service 5:30 p.m. • Thursday, May 27: Services 7:15 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. • Friday, May 28: Service 5:30 p.m.; Candles 8:31 p.m. • Saturday, May 29: Service 9:30 a.m. • Sunday, May 30: Sunday Morning Services suspended until after Labor Day; Evening Service 5:30 p.m. • Monday, May 31: Memorial Day; Office Closed; Services 8:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. • Friday May 21: Candle Lighting 7:10-8:23 p.m.; Kabalas Shabbos 7:00 p.m. • Saturday, May 22: Shabbos Parshas Naso; Shacharis 9:00 a.m.; Shabbos Ends 9:31 p.m. • Friday May 28: Candle Lighting 7:15-8:29 p.m.; Kabalas Shabbos 7:00 p.m. • Saturday, May 29: Shabbos Parshas Baha’aloscha; Shacharis 9:00 a.m.; Shabbos Ends 9:38 p.m. TEMPLE ISRAEL Reform • 333 25th St. N.W. • Canton, 44709 • 330-455-5197 ������������������������������� • Friday, May 7: Family Shabbat Service with Food Collection 5:30 p.m. • Saturday, May 8: Stollen Moments 9:30 a.m. • Friday, May 14: Shabbat Service 7:30 p.m. Lag Ba’Omer SUNDAY, MAY 2 9:30 AM Chadash Religious School SUNDAY, MAY 2 3:00 PM CJCC Israeli Cinema: “Operation Thunderbolt” SUNDAY, MAY 2 7:00 PM Shaaray Torah Synagogue “The Game Fundraiser” MONDAY, MAY 3 4:00 PM Chadash Hebrew School TUESDAY, MAY 4 7:30 PM Shaaray Torah Synagogue Board Meeting WEDNESDAY, MAY 5 4:00 PM Chadash Religious School THURSDAY, MAY 6 8:00 PM “Live from New York’s 92nd St. YTM” program at the CJCC SUNDAY, MAY 9 Mother’s Day MONDAY, MAY 10 4:00 PM Chadash Religious School MONDAY, MAY 10 7:30 PM Chadash Committee Meeting WEDNESDAY, MAY 12 4:00 PM Chadash Religious School SUNDAY, MAY 16 9:30 AM Chadash Religious School SUNDAY, MAY 16 3:00 PM CJCC Israeli Humor Presentation with Elad Lerech TUESDAY, MAY 18 7:30 PM Temple Israel Board Meeting WEDNESDAY, MAY 19 WEDNESDAY, MAY 19 Shavuot: Canton Jewish Community Center CLOSED 7:00 PM THURSDAY, MAY 20 FRIDAY, MAY 21 • Saturday, May 22: • Saturday, May 15: Stollen Moments 9:30 a.m. Stollen Moments 9:30 a.m. • Wednesday, May 19: Community • Friday, May 28: Confirmation at Shaaray Torah 7:00 p.m. Shabbat Service 7:30 p.m. • Friday, May 21: Shabbat Service/ • Saturday, May 29: Shaina Tamminen Bat Mitzvah 7:30 p.m. NO Stollen Moments Shaaray Torah Synagogue/Temple Israel Combined Confirmations Shavuot: Canton Jewish Community Center CLOSED 5:30 PM Shaaray Torah Family Shabbat Dinner and Service SUNDAY, MAY 23 9:30 AM Chadash Religious School SUNDAY, MAY 23 3:00 PM MONDAY, MAY 31 Orthodox • 2508 Market Ave. N. • Canton, 44714 • 330-456-8781 • Friday May 7: SHAVUOS Candle Lighting 6:59-8:10 p.m.; • Tuesday Evening, May 18: Kabalas Shabbos 7:00 p.m. Candle Lighting 8:20 p.m.; • Saturday, May 8: Maariv Service 9:30 p.m.; Shabbos Parshas Behar-Bechukosai; ALL NIGHT LEARNING FOR Shacharis 9:00 a.m.; MEN BEGINS 11:30 p.m.; Shabbos Ends 9:15 p.m. REFRESHMENTS SERVED • Friday May 14: • Wednesday, May 19: Candle Lighting 7:04-8:17 p.m.; Shacharis 5:25 a.m.; Kabalas Shabbos 7:00 p.m. (No 9:00 a.m. Shacharis Wednesday) • Saturday, May 15: Shabbos Parshas Bamidbar; • Wednesday Evening, May 18: Shacharis 9:00 a.m.; Maariv 9:00 p.m.; Shabbos Ends 9:24 p.m. Candle Lighting AFTER 9:30 p.m. • Thursday May 20: Shacharis 9:00 a.m.; Yizkor; Shavuos Ends 9:29 p.m. may 2010 SUNDAY, MAY 2 AGUDAS ACHIM ������������� ���������� 19 CJCC Israeli Cinema: “Charlie and A Half” Memorial Day: Canton Jewish Community Center CLOSED TUESDAY, JUNE 1 7:00 PM TUESDAY, JUNE 1 7:30 PM Shaaray Torah Synagogue Board Meeting FRIDAY, JUNE 4 5:30 PM Temple Israel Annual Meeting SUNDAY, JUNE 6 2:00 PM CJCC “Those Were The Days” Event “The Security Conflict in Israel” Lecture with Elad Lerech Check out the latest programs and schedules online! . . www.jewishcanton.org . w e N e h t e Se ���������������������������� ���������������� 20 STARK JEWISH NEWS • MAY 2010 • www.jewishcanton.org SUNDAY, MAY 2 3:00 pm at the CJCC • $3.00 Admission “OPERATION THUNDERBOLT” A Celebration of Israel Cinema with Shaliach Elad Lerech THURSDAY, MAY 6 92nd STREET Y LECTURE SERIES TM Live from New York with Jeffrey Immelt & Stephen Adler THURSDAY, MAY 13 AN EVENING OF ISRAELI COMPOSERS Dinner and Music Youngstown Symphony Orchestra SUNDAY, MAY 16 ISRAELI HUMOR UP CLOSE Hilarious Israeli Video with Shaliach Elad Lerech SUNDAY, MAY 23 “CHARLIE AND A HALF” A Celebration of Israel Cinema with Shaliach Elad Lerech TUESDAY, JUNE 1 THE SECURITY CONFLICT IN ISRAEL A Modern Perspective with Shaliach Elad Lerech SUNDAY, JUNE 6 “THOSE WERE THE DAYS” CJCC Retrospective and Get-together Nominated for an Academy Award for Best Foreign Film in 1978 Appropriate for the entire family • 124 minutes • Based on a true story SNACKS AND BEVERAGES WILL BE SERVED. In July 1976, an Air France flight from Tel Aviv was hijacked and forced to land in Entebbe. The passengers were held hostage in demand to release terrorists held in Israeli prisons until the Israeli government sent an elite commando unit to raid the airfield. Followed by a tribute to Theodore Herzl honoring his 150th birthday. 8:00 pm at the CJCC • $9.00 Admission The 92nd St YTMʼs Captains of Industry series, hosted by BusinessWeek Editor in Chief Stephen J. Adler, features leaders in the world of business. General Electricʼs CEO Jeffrey Immelt discusses how to restore faith in American business. The 92nd Street Y™ is iconic for its literary, cultural and arts programming with live satellite broadcasts with audience participation. Made possible by a generous gift from the Bert and Elizabeth Wolinsky Charitable Trust. 5:00 pm • $60.00 Includes Transportation, Dinner & Symphony Admission Travel with us to Youngstown for a special evening of dinner and music. Hear Maestro Randall Craig Fleischer conduct the Youngstown Symphony Orchestra in an evening of Israeli composers and Jewish music. Weʼll leave the CJCC promptly at 5:00 p.m. and have dinner at the Overture Restaurant, conveniently located in the DeYor Performing Arts Center, where the orchestra will perform. Seating is limited to twenty-five people. Must RSVP with your check to the Federation before May 2 to hold your reservation. 3:00 pm at the CJCC • Free Admission Laugh, laugh, laugh while watching the finest Israeli skits! This is one presentation you will not forget – featuring an array of video clips from satire shows in Israel! Come and see how Israeli TV makes fun of the Jewish world, Israel and its politicians, the USA and pretty much everything else you can think of – ending with a short discussion about todayʼs reality in the eyes of yesterdayʼs television. Donʼt miss this afternoon of laughter, joy and good spirits! 3:00 pm at the CJCC • $3.00 Admission One of the most famous Israeli comedy cult classics! Release Date: 1974 • Appropriate for the entire family • 105 minutes SNACKS AND BEVERAGES WILL BE SERVED. Charlieʼs life is boring. Heʼs a small-time crook whoʼs making his living through fraud and gambling, together with his wild friend, the street kid Miko. Charlieʼs life changes when he meets Gila, a beautiful rich girl from North Tel Aviv. Charlie tries to win her heart, much to the chagrin of her parents. But Charlie has his tricks and Israeli shticks to fool everyone. 7:00 pm at the CJCC • Free Admission Since 1948, and even before, Israel has had to defend itself from its neighbors. The conflict between the opposing sides is imminent and not something we can ignore. This discussion explores the security conflict issue from a modern perspective and takes a look at what Israelis on Main Street think about this on-going conflict and why, so far, it hasnʼt been resolved. Join us for an educational and thought-provoking evening! 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm at the CJCC • Free Admission • Open to All Join us for a day of memories, movies, laughter and maybe a few tears as we say “goodbye” to the building that has been the true CENTER of our lives for the past 45 years. Help yourself to the thousands of pictures that have been taken through the years. Watch movies of Center activities and musical productions. Oldies music will be playing, videos from our past events will be shown and light refreshments will be served. For more information contact Shari Best, Chairperson, Chelle Cohen, Linda Poole, Linda Sirak, Susan Wilkof or Bonnie Manello.
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