The effect evaluation of Individual Placement and Support (IPS) in Norway Silje Endresen Reme Associate Professor, University of Oslo Pain psychologist, Oslo University Hospital Senior researcher, Uni Research Health The study: 1. Effect evaluation: Is IPS effective? – – Registry data Questionnaire data 2. Process evaluation: Why & how? – – – Qualitative interview data Questionnaire data Document analysis 3. Cost-benefit-analysis: Is IPS profitable? – Registry data Aim of the study • Evaluate the effect of IPS on employment, quality of life and mental health for people with moderate to severe mental illness • Primary outcome: Ordinary paid employment – new registries in the State Register of Employers and Employees Design: RCT IPS IPS 6 months 12 months NAV 6 months 12 months Consent to participate Population Does not consent Randomization Excluded (no data) High quality usual care Anxiety above clinical cut-off Depression above clinical cut-off Age: 35 years Years with mental illness Higher education Women: Reading- and learning difficulties Age 50 and above 30-49 years Below 30 years 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Highest completed education College/University High school Primary school 0 10 20 30 40 50 Psychiatric screening (n=300) • Severe mental illness: 45% – Psychotic disorders and bipolar disorder • Moderate mental illness: 55% – Major depressive episode and anxiety disorders • Most frequent diagnoses: – Major depressive episode: 57% – Anxiety disorders: 55% – Psychotic disorders: 27% 0 .05 .1 .15 .2 .25 .3 .35 .4 .45 .5 Gjennomsnittlig sysselsettingsrate Resultater: sysselsetting -60 -55 -50 -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 Antall mÂneder fra inklusjon kontrollgruppe 10 15 20 25 30 behandlingsgruppe Cost-benefit analysis How much does every participant need to earn pr year for a positive return of investment? 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years Critical value for gross income 395 000 254 000 184 000 142 000 Process evaluation Challenges in the implementation: – Focus on ordinary employment – Employer relationship – Integrated services Patient experiences Satisfaction with IPS How helpful was the job support Satisfaction with employment specialist Misfornøyd(1%) Svært misfornøyd (3%) Ikke så veldig fornøyd (8%) Ganske misfornøyd (8%) Litt fornøyd (18%) Verken misfornøyd eller fornøyd (9%) Ganske fornøyd (40%) Ganske fornøyd (35%) Svært fornøyd (33%) Svært fornøyd (44%) Ikke nyttig i det hele tatt (3%) Ikke så veldig nyttig (5%) Litt nyttig (23%) Ganske nyttig (30%) Svært nyttig (39%) Discussion • IPS is effective for people with severe mental illness also in the Norwegian context • No difference in effect between those with moderate versus severe mental illness • Significant effects on health, function and quality of life SEED: Supported Employment and preventing Early Disability • • • • • Funded by the Norwegian Research Council IPS vs sheltered employment Young people, at risk of permanent disability Regardless of diagnoses RCT of N=96 Thank you! Collaborators: Tonje Fyhn Gary Bond Line R Solberg Camilla Løvvik Vigdis Sveinsdottir Stein Atle Lie Kari Ludvigsen Hege R Eriksen Torill H Tveito Cécil Boot Simon Øverland @siljeendresen
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