Invitation To the 1st symposium on minimal residual disease, Nordic countries Minimal residual disease in hematological malignancies: How deep is your response? ✓ Please see the full Agenda on page 2 for details. Date and time: March 16th, 2017, 11.30-19.00 Venue: Park Inn by Radisson, Oslo Lufthavn, Henrik Ibsens veg, 2060 Gardermoen, Norway LINK TO MAP We are happy to extend an invitation to healthcare personnel with an interest in chronic lymphocytic leukemia and other hematological malignancies to a seminar on minimal residual disease (MRD) at Gardermoen in Norway. To register for this meeting, send an email to or with your name, hospital and country. Please also specify whether you will be attending dinner or have any allergies. Deadline for signing up is March 8th. AbbVie and Roche cover meeting costs in accordance with regulations. Participants must arrange and cover transportation and accommodation themselves. Upon registration for this meeting, you confirm that you follow rules and regulations valid in your work place and have obtained permission from your employer. Best regards, for AbbVie for Roche HILDE ABRAHAMSEN ENSERINK Associated Head Medical Affairs Hematology-Oncology Nordic Countries Mobile: +47 959 46 311 Email: SAEEDA RANA Country Medical Manager Mobile: +47 913 00 938 E-mail: agenda 11.30-12.30 REGISTRATION & LUNCH/COFFEE 12.30-12.45 Welcome and introduction Session 1 12.45-13.30 Chair: Geir Tjønnfjord MRD as a surrogate endpoint for PFS/OS in clinical trials Dr. Sebastian Böttcher Session 2 13.35-14.20 Chair: Carsten Niemann MRD assessment in CLL and harmonization of method Prof. Andy Rawstron 14.20-14.40 Break Session 3 14.40-16.00 Chair: Geir Tjønnfjord Current practices of MDR testing in different hematological malignancies a) AML: Randi Hovland b) MCL: Dr. Arne Kolstad a) CLL: Dr. Carsten Niemann b) FL: Prof. Eva Kimby 16.05-16.15 Break Session 4 16.15-17.00 Chair: Geir Tjønnfjord Pros and cons of MRD in CLL: does it make sense to use MRD negativity as a therapeutic goal in hematological malignancies - are we there now? by Prof. Peter Hillmen and Prof. Paolo Ghia 17.00-19.00 Dinner and networking Welcome and general outlook on MRD in CLL Prof. Geir Tjønnfjord and Dr. Carsten Niemann NO/DAHE/1611/0004b. NOVEN170055. THAU ”Dette arrangementet arrangeres i samsvar med avtaler om samhandling som Legemiddelindustriforeningen har inngått med Den norske legeforening, Norges Farmaceutiske Forening, Norsk Sykepleierforbund og De regionale helseforetakene. For deg som helsepersonell medfører dette at både du og arrangøren har rettigheter og plikter som skal sikre at arrangementet er av god faglig kvalitet og at det ikke er egnet til å skape forestillinger om uheldige bindinger mellom industri og helsepersonell. For mer informasjon se
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