ETG R Weekly Challenge 20 5 Shabbat Parshat Tetzaveh 12th Adar 5777 – 10th March 2017 Scroll up! Parshah Discussion The Jewish Inter-School Challenge 1. ׁמן ַזיִת ֶ ִקחּו ֵא ֶליָך ֶש ְ ְוי,ׂר ֵאל ִָש ְ ּבנֵי י-ת ְ ְו ַא ָּתה ְּת ַצּוֶה ֶא ָּת ִמיד, ְל ַה ֲעֹלת נֵר:ל ָּמאֹור--ית ַ זְָך ָּכ ִת Name the five megillot and the people who wrote them. “And you shall command the children of Israel to bring pure olive oil for the lamp, to light an everlasting light (ner tamid).” (Shemot 27:20) 2.Which megillah is about an event that took place outside Israel? 3. Is there any event in recent Jewish history you think should have a megillah? • What do you think was the meaning of the ner tamid? • What places today have an ‘everlasting light’? • Do you know anyone whom you would describe as an ‘everlasting light’? Brainteaser Identify the word or phrase: TAN 18 No. To subscribe to the Etgar Weekly Challenge please go to Answer to Brainteaser No. 17: High Priest Teresh
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