A Genealogical Study of 18th and 19th century Hebron, NH by Ronald W. Collins Archivist, Hebron, NH Historical Society May 2001 Published by Collins Publishing, East Hebron, NH www.NEGenRes.com Table of Contents Purpose of This Study........................................................ 3 Records and Sources......................................................... 3 Historical Background ........................................................ 14 Major Family Groups.......................................................... 15 Genealogical Demographics .............................................. 16 Birth Month Statistics ................................................................ 16 Marriage Statistics..................................................................... 18 Child Birth Statistics .................................................................. 21 Death Statistics ......................................................................... 24 Genealogical Demographics by Family.............................. 26 Genealogical Demographics by Family by Gender............ 33 Individual Data Used in this Study ..................................... 35 -2- Purpose of This Study This is a study of genealogical demographics of the inhabitants of Hebron, NH from 1700 to 1900. In particular a study is made of birth patterns, death patterns, ages at marriage, first child and death. Complete genealogies of the families included in this study are available but will not be included in this writing. Records and Sources Hebron, NH is fairly unusual in that nearly every vital record from the founding of the town to the present is in tact. Complete records of births from 1768, deaths from 1784 and marriages from 1795 exist, as well as, records of families as they moved to the Hebron area. Marriage, birth and death data are available from 1775 onward. Other important records include copies of cemetery inscriptions, and nearly all fencing, town and selectmen records are extant. In many cases the records supplement and support each other to form a complete genealogy of the early Hebron families. In some cases a degree of judgment was used when two sources disagreed on particulars. For example, the cemetery inscriptions from the three cemeteries involved are often in disagreement with birth records when it comes to stating an individual’s age at death. The cemetery inscriptions routinely overstate an individual’s age at death, often by a decade. Often a cemetery inscription will read that so-and-so died in the 89th year, 3rd month and 15th day of their life, and when you calculate what their birth date must have been and compare it to the birth record for that individual, in some 60% of the cases the age given in the inscription were wrong, and nearly always wrong to the high side, i.e. the surviving members of an individual’s family thought they were older (or an individual, while still living, reported they were older) than they really were. Evidently, when ordering headstones, survivors did not check the town records for accuracy, or it simply was not considered important during this era. For this study, whenever possible, the dates as listed in the town birth records were used in place of those listed in the cemetery records. The complete list of records and their abbreviations are given on the next few pages. -3- HR OR CR Hebron Town Records including Marriages, Births, Deaths and Fencing Divisions These are located in the Town Hall, Hebron, NH Original Records; these include any hand written letters, family notes, biographies, autobiographical information, and other handwritten genealogical records. These records are in the Hebron, NH Historical Society Archives Compiled Records; including any works written about Hebron, genealogies and local history These records typically use HR, OR and other original sources. These records are in the Hebron, NH Historical Society Archives, unless otherwise indicated Hebron Town Records Item HR Index Archive Number Location Marriages Births Deaths Family Records and Record of Marriages, Town of Hebron HR1 HR1 Record of Division Fence and Family Records for the Town of Hebron HR2 HR2 Record of the Marriages, Births & Deaths in the Town of Hebron HR3 HR3 1854-1884 1855-1883 1855-1883 Record of the Marriages, Births & Deaths in the Town of Hebron HR4 HR4 1885-1910 1885-1910 1883-1910 Record of the Marriages in the Town of Hebron HR5 HR5 1869-1912 Record of the Marriages, Births & Deaths in the Town of Hebron HR6 HR6 1911-1937 1912-1937 1911-1937 Town Records HR7 HR7 Family Records Contents 1795-1841 1768-1837 1784-1874 1775-1826 3/18311853 1806-1861 -4- 1806-1861 Engagement notices for 18561868 are at the end of the book Original Records General Hebron History Item Index Subnumber abbreviation : f - front, b - back Index Archive Marriages Number Location Births Deaths Family Data Date Source Contents Promissory note from John Bartlett to Isaac Barnard OR1 OR 7/23/1816 Signature of John Bartlett. Receipt on backside name of John Hazelton Fencing agreement between Charles Adams and Ephraim Colburn OR2 OR 11/4/1854 property location indicators and signatures of both men Weston patent licenses issued to John W. Sanborn OR3 OR Poem by O. A. Bartlett OR4 OR Letter from Elizabeth Horton to Isobel Blodgett OR5 OR Letter from Elizabeth Horton to Isobel Blodgett OR6 OR February 1961 Hebron School Register OR7 OR Box1 1850-1877 list of students, school committee members by name and courses studied, and teachers Hebron School Register OR8 OR Box2 1878-1895 list of students, school committee members by name and courses studied, and teachers OR9 OR 1880-1944 OR10 OR 1945-1959 Voter Registration Lists Voter Registration Lists patented recipe for tanning leather issued March 24, 1868 Yes Yes 2/2/1905 Yes 10/13/1960 -5- mentions Ella Hammond, Lucian Bartlett, Mrs. L. (Crosby) Coffin, Emma Ferrin Item Index Archive Marriages Number Location Births Deaths Family Data Date 9/13/1974 Source Contents Letter from Beety Gorshe to Isobel Blodgett OR11 OR Yes Envelope addressed to Mrs. Robert Frey OR12 OR Yes Cummings family data Book of Acquilla notes by Rodney Adams OR13 OR Yes Home locations within Hebron of various families OR14 OR Yes Notes on the Muzzy-Hall family OR15 OR Yes Notes on Blake family OR15 OR Yes Letter from Joanne Muzzy Belsey Card with Hartford family data Note, probably to Isobel Blodgett OR15 OR Letter to Jane Ramsey from Emma Morse OR 16 OR Collection of essays OR17 Yes Hacy/Hasey family data Hartford family data Yes Yes Notes on Blake family Note on visit by Albert Wise 9/17/1980 OR17 1880's -6- Requesting information on the Morse family. Collection of essays, some bound in collections called"River side Echo,Frank Braley," by John and Fidelia Sanborn, Ada Sanborn, Alonzo Atwood, Ann Gale, Margaret Roby, Delia Roby Compiled Records General Hebron History Item Index Archive Marriages Number Location "Gazetteer of Grafton County, N.H. 17091886 CR1 CR1 Recollections of Hebron by One of Our Beloved Residents CR2 CR2 Hand written notes of Philip Hazelton used to prepare the History of Hebron "History of Hebron, New Hampshire," CR3 CR4 Hebron Records CR14 Map of New Hampshire 1791 CR18 Cockermouth in 1779 CR19 History of Cockermouth CR20 CR3 CR4 CR14 Yes Births Yes Deaths Family Data Yes Source Contents June 1888 Hamilton Child, The Syracuse Journal Company Historical sketches of Cockermouth, Groton and Hebron including biographical and genealogical information and copies of original founding documents for Hebron, NH Stories by from local sources on Hebron History 1920 Yes Yes Yes Yes The hand written noted by Mr. Hazelton to produce the general history of Hebron, NH from its inception in 1766 to the Twentieth Century. Yes Yes Yes 1976, 1992 Yes Yes CR Binder 1 CR Binder 1 CR Binder 1 Date Yes Yes Yes -7- A list of town selectmen, town clerks, various town occupations, military records, notes of various families - author unknown ? 1791 Yes The 1976 A general history of Hebron, NH from its Hebron inception in 1766 to the Twentieth Bicentennial Century. Committee, Jeremy Belknap Beverly H. Smith Philip Hazelton Daily life in Cockermouth History of Cockermouth up to its incorporation into Hebron, includes notes on early settlers Item Index Archive Marriages Number Location Historical notes on South Groton CR21 CR Binder 1 Hebron in 1780's CR22 CR Binder 1 "Gazetteer of Grafton County, N.H. 17091886 CR23 CR Binder 1 Why was the Town named Hebron? CR24 CR Binder 1 Old Houses of Hebron CR25 CR Binder 1 Stores in Hebron CR26 Indians CR27 Reminiscences of the CR28 Gold Fever CR Binder 1 Early Storms & CR30 Epidemics 1780-1899 CR Binder 1 Revolutionary Soldiers of Cockermouth and Hebron CR31 Deaths Family Data Yes Yes Yes Historical notes on South Groton M. L. Lamprey including the history of what became the Hebron's Moses Pike's general store Yes Dr. Jaazaniah Extract from the diary of Dr. Jaazaniah Crosby Crosby, b. April 1780 Yes Yes Yes CR Binder 1 Yes Date June 1888 Yes Yes CR Binder 1 CR Binder 1 CR Binder 1 CR29 List of Post Masters Yes Births Yes 2/27/1976 Yes after 1970 Yes Yes Yes Yes 6/8/1893 9/17/1980 Source Hamilton Child, The Syracuse Journal Company Contents Historical sketches of Cockermouth, Groton and Hebron including biographical and genealogical information and copies of original founding documents for Hebron, NH Philip Hazelton History of the origin of the town name Philip Hazelton History of some of the older houses in Hebron including some family information Philip Hazelton Philip Hazelton Bristol Enterprise History of some of the Hebron general store History of Indian activity in local area in the 18 century Hebron residents who participated in the California gold rush US General List of Post Masters from 1811 to 1968 Services for Hebron and East Hebron Admin. List of storms, floods, epidemics and other natural disasters in Hebron Yes Yes Yes -8- List of local Revolutionary Soldiers including births and deaths, and some family information Item Index Archive Marriages Number Location Births Deaths Family Data Date Source Contents History of the Governor's road including some data on the Mayhew Turnpike and Wentworth Road The Governor's Road CR32 CR Binder 1 NH Provincial State Papers CR33 CR Binder 1 New Hampshire Highways CR34 CR Binder 1 July 1931 Map of Governor's Road CR35 CR Binder 1 August 1772 List of Town clerks CR36 CR Binder 1 CR Binder 1 1975 updated S. Chisholm A list of town clerks from 1852 to 1980 1980 and A. White Cockermouth's history in the Revolution including data on local soldiers Cockermouth and the CR42 American Revolution NH Provincial Copies from the state papers of State Papers authorizations to create the Governor's Vols VII, XVIII Road, also called New College Road One Hundred Years Ago CR43 CR Binder 1 1962 Colonial Silver Tea & Open House at Hillside Inn CR44 CR Binder 1 5/26/1976 The Watering Troughs CR46 CR Binder 1 J. W. Goldthwait History of the Governor's Road Copy of the original map issued for the "Governor's Road" also called "New College Road" Manson B Smith & Sara brief history of Hebron in 1862 S. Chisholm draft of invitation and brief history of Hillside Inn Locations of 4 watering troughs in Hebron -9- Compiled Records Family and Genealogical Records - General Data Records Item Index Archive Marriages Number Location "Cemetery Inscriptions and Records in the Town of Hebron, New Hampshire" Births Deaths Hebron Town Library Yes Yes Yes CR5 CR5 Yes Yes Yes Article on rocking horse owned by Phineas Frank Russell, jr CR12 CR Binder 2 East Hebron Who's Who CR13 CR Binder 2 Hand written notes on cemetery inscriptions and notes on Hebron Historical Houses. CR15 Cemetery Inscriptions Sect. 3 CR15 Heads of Families New Hampshire Census for 1790 CR38 CR Binder 2 List of families on Cilley Road CR45 CR Binder 1 Notes on various Hebron familes CR15 Section 2 CR15 Yes Yes Family Data Date Source 1997 Philip A. Hazelton Yes Yes January 1983 Yes Yes Yes 1936 Yes These inscriptions, along with Mr. Hazelton's notes, furnish marriage and birth information, as well as death data. Grave stone data on birth and death Mrs. M. dates, inscriptions, also contains notes on Parker Smith Hebron houses. Yes Yes Contents Yes New Hampshire Historical Society P. F. Russell was from East Hebron Biographies by 13 children of East Hebron 8/28/1987 Plymouth Historical Society 1947 from diary of Manson Smith Copy of Hebron cemetery inscriptions found in the Plymouth town vault, and currently in the possession of the Plymouth Historical Society Yes Families include: Morse, Hobart, Berry, Pike - 10 - Compiled Records Family and Genealogical Records - Family Specific Records Item Adams family: Notes on Index Archive Marriages Number Location CR7 CR47 CR47 Ball Family: Binder containing Items pertaining too CR48 CR48 Ball: Binder of Ordway & Ball family related data & photos CR49 CR49 Ball, John :The Autobiography of, completed by Flora Ball Hopkins CR11 Hebron Town Library Colburn: Moore and Colburn Family notes Colby: Extract from Genealogy Cummings, Henry: "Early Recollections of Hebron" CR10 CR9 NC34 Deaths Family Data CR Binder 2 Adams, Rodney: His murder and family information Blodgett, Isobel Robie CR50 Births Sorted by Name CR Binder 2 CR Binder 2 CR Binder 2 Date Yes 12/6/75 Yes Yes Yes Yes Contents Contains data on Thomas and Joseph Adams, the steamer "Stella Marton" and various local Inns. Yes Yes Source Contains data on the Adams family, Camp Pasquaney, the steamer "Stella Marton", logging in the Hebron area and various photos. Contains Lewis Ball's, 1820 Hymn book, a booklet titled "A Brief History of the Ball Family" by John M. Ball, articles on and photos of John Ball and his family. Two brief Ordway geneaological sketches, many photos Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1925 Yes 5/18/1996 Notes & photos from meeting to honor I. Blodgett Yes Yes NC Binder 1 Yes - 11 - Colby Family notes 1912 Families mentioned: Cummings, The Bristol Pratt, Hammond, Whittemore, Pike, Enterprise Crosby, Noyes and Hazelton, and some individual people Item Ferrin : Extract from Genealogy Index Archive Marriages Number Location Births Deaths Family Data CR8 CR Binder 2 Yes Hardy, Mrs. Webster: relates an incident CR39 about her own mother CR Binder 2 Yes Hobart family notes CR16 CR Binder 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Jewett: "Pike & Jewett Family Records" CR6 CR6 Yes Yes Yes Yes Monier: Walker & Monier family data including photo CR40 CR Binder 2 Moore: Moore and CR10 Colburn Family notes Morse, Emma : Letter CR41 to CR Binder 2 CR Binder 2 Date Source Contents Family notes on Jonathan Ferrin Mrs. Webster Hardy Collection of materials on the Hobart family 5/11/81 Family notes on the Uriah Pike Family Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Discusses Morse Genealogy book Ordway: Binder of Ordway & Ball family related data & photos CR49 CR49 Pike, Uriah Drudy: frontier farmer of Hebron, NH CR37 CR18 Yes Yes Yes Yes Pike: "Pike & Jewett Family Records" CR6 CR6 Yes Yes Yes Yes Vickery family notes CR17 CR Binder 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Walker: Walker & Monier family data including photo CR40 CR Binder 2 Two brief Ordway geneaological sketches, many photos Yes - 12 - Howard J. Oedel 9/17/90 John Hedberg Study of U. D. Pike and the farming conditions in the 18th century. Family notes on the Uriah Pike Family Letter to Jane Ramsey containing Vickery family information Item Index Archive Marriages Number Location CR15 Whipple Family notes Section 1 CR15 Yes Births Deaths Family Data Yes Yes Yes - 13 - Date Source Contents Notes & copies of original documents pertaining to the Whipple famile circe 1830 Historical Background Hebron, New Hampshire was formed in 1792 from parts of the earlier townships of Cockermouth and Plymouth. Cockermouth was given a grant in 1766 and a few settlers first came to Cockermouth in 1771. Plymouth was granted in 1763 and settled in 1764. All the early settlers took up land in the broad valleys of the Pemigewasset and Baker river valleys, and few, if any, settled in the more rugged southwesterly extension of the town, which is now the eastern part of Hebron, until the 1780's. Proprietors or grantees to these towns were essentially promoters who undertook to settle and develop new townships with the expectation that they could sell their lands at a profit as settlement progressed. Initially, each proprietor had an undivided right in the township. Some sold their undivided rights to others, and some sold land after it had been surveyed and divided into ranges and lots. Only a few of the proprietors became actual settlers. The majority of the active proprietors of both Plymouth and Cockermouth were residents of Hollis, N.H. Of the 64 proprietors named in the 1766 Cockermouth grant, three became settlers - Stephen Ames, James Goold, and Samuel Hazelton. Many of the other settlers, however, were relatives or neighbors of the proprietors. Among the early settlers in the part of Cockermouth that became Hebron, the following families were from Hollis: Ball, Colburn, Cummings, Farley, Goodhue, Goold, Hardy, Hazelton, Hobart, Kemp, Kendall, Lovejoy, Melven, Nevens, Noyes, Phelps, Powers, and Pratt. The boundaries of Plymouth and Cockermouth, as originally granted, did not conform to geographical realities. The part of Plymouth which extended in a southwesterly direction to what is now Hebron Common, and about three miles down both sides of Newfound Lake, was distant from the center of Plymouth, making travel to church services and town meetings difficult. Likewise, the valleys where the first settlers of Cockermouth established themselves were in the extreme southeasterly part of that township, within two miles of Newfound Lake. Most of the area of the township was hilly terrain extending for six miles or more to the boundaries of Dorchester on the west, Rumney on the north, and Orange on the south. There were, however, scattered settlers in these hills at an early date, especially in the part later known as North Groton. Due to these geological constraints and the difficulty that the separated portions of the towns made for daily commerce, it was decided to reform the townships. By joining the southeasterly part of Cockermouth and the southwesterly part of Plymouth, the compact town of Hebron was formed on June 15, 1792. The remnant of Cockermouth was renamed Groton four years later. According to Elmer M. Hunt in his book New Hampshire Town Names and Whence They Came, the new town was named Hebron at the suggestion of Samuel Phelps, who was born in Hebron, Conn. - 14 - Major Family Groups This study included 3026 individuals who either moved to, were born in or died in Hebron, NH between 1700 and 1900. Within this population I have defined a major surname as one in which there were 10 or more individuals. The major surnames that appear in this population are: Surname Adams Bailey Ball Barnard Bartlett Blodgett Blood Bowers Braley Brown Butterfield Cilley Colburn Colby Crawford Crosby Cummings Davis Dustin Esty Ferrin Follansbee Fowler Fox Gale George Goodhue Greenleaf Griffin Hardy Hazelton Hobart Jewell Jewett Kendall Kidder Kimball Lovejoy McClure Merrill Morgan Morse Muzzey Nelson Nevens Norris Noyes Ordway Page Pattee Perkins Phelps Pierce Pike Powers Pratt Putney Reed Rogers Rollins Ross Russell Sanborn Sawyer Smith Vickery Walker Wheeler Wheet Whipple Wise Wright Number in Study 22 11 111 17 39 14 11 13 13 22 17 44 23 18 11 37 31 16 12 36 32 11 11 19 13 26 49 12 10 22 78 87 28 30 36 37 - 15 - 11 42 10 27 11 29 17 12 15 31 31 63 24 11 16 39 31 103 16 12 15 19 18 12 11 14 17 10 48 12 26 24 22 12 44 10 Genealogical Demographics Birth Month Statistics The birth month patterns of this population could be studied for 1262 individuals. Of this subset with known birth months, 655 were male and 607 were female. The raw data ranked ordered by total births in a given month of the year are: Month of Males born Year 3 64 5 68 8 57 7 57 4 55 6 53 12 55 1 53 10 52 9 49 11 53 2 39 TOTAL 655 Females born 67 53 63 60 61 52 45 39 40 41 37 49 607 Total 131 121 120 117 116 105 100 92 92 90 90 88 1262 Table 1 Birth Month 140 120 100 Count 80 60 40 20 0 3 5 8 7 4 6 12 1 Month Chart 1 – Total Population - 16 - 10 9 11 2 As can be seen, the months March (3) through and including August (8), representing 50% of the year, is the time frame when the majority (56%) of children were born. If we include September, this seven month period would represent 58% of the year and 63% of the births. Prima facie there would appear to be a selection process that resulted in the majority of births occurring in the warmer months. This is misleading, however, more children born during the colder months died in infancy or at birth than children born in the warmer months. Many children who died at or near birth were never named or recorded. When they were recorded it was simply “son (or daughter)– died in infancy” with no associated dates or data. In fact, as will be clear below, deaths in general were higher during the colder months. As for infancy and at birth deaths, the lack of antibiotics, lower nutritional levels, and the greater susceptibility to colds, flu and pneumonia during the colder months probably explains the data. The data can also be looked at by gender: Birth Month by Gender 80 70 60 Count 50 40 30 20 10 0 3 5 8 7 4 6 12 1 10 9 11 2 Month Males Females Chart 2 This gender data tells a different story. Male births are more evenly spread throughout the year, whereas, female births are significantly tipped to the warmer parts of the year. Where 54% of males were born in the six warm months, nearly 59% of females were born in the same period. This difference of nearly 5% is significant and its explanation is not obvious. Even if the previous explanation involving unrecorded infant deaths in cold weather is accurate, why should girl babies be more susceptible to these seasonal diseases than boy babies? Could there be a cultural explanation? One interpretation of the data would be that more girls who died at birth or soon after went unrecorded than boys. There is a well known statistic in agrarian communities from anthropological studies that demonstrates that girl babies were considered less valuable, less wanted than boy babies, and girl infanticide (usually by exposure) was significantly higher as well. The interpretation of the data offered would indicate that less care was taken about - 17 - recording female births and deaths than was taken with males in the early Hebron agrarian community. Marriage Statistics The population data supplied marriage information for 549 individuals. The age at the time of first marriage statistics are: Table 3 Population Males Females Mean 24.5 25.9 23.3 Median 23.0 24.0 21.0 Count 549 262 287 Table 4 Age at Marriage 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Males 1 0 0 2 0 2 4 7 31 26 31 33 20 29 12 10 5 15 5 6 1 1 4 3 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 Females 1 2 3 9 13 23 30 34 32 26 23 12 14 8 10 6 2 6 3 2 5 2 1 3 3 1 3 1 0 1 2 - 18 - Total 2 2 3 11 13 25 34 41 63 52 54 45 34 37 22 16 7 21 8 8 6 3 5 6 6 1 3 1 0 4 2 Table 4 Continued Age at Marriage 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 TOTALS Males 0 1 3 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 262 Females 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 287 Total 0 1 3 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 549 Males - Age of 1st Marriage 35 30 25 Count 20 15 10 5 0 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 Age Chart 3a - 19 - Females - Age at 1st Marriage 40 35 30 Count 25 20 15 10 5 0 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 Age Chart 3b Males, on average, married some 2 and a half years later in life than females. The mean age of 23.3 and 25.9 for females and males respectively is fairly late in life compared to other sections of the United States for the same time period. This is consistent with other New England towns where a strong Puritan influence usually led to marriages occurring later than in nonPuritan or Catholic influenced areas of the country. - 20 - Child Birth Statistics Table 5 – Age of Childbearing - Females 1st Child 275 25.495 46 Count Mean Oldest Last Child 275 32.614 48 Age at Birth First Child - Females 35 30 25 Count 20 15 10 5 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Age Chart 4 While it is not unusual to find in Chart 4 that most women were having their first child in their early twenties, given the mean age of marriage at 23.3 years, it is unusual to see so many women having children well into their late forties, as is evident in Chart 5 on the next page. The lack of, or the non-practice of, birth control methods can explain part of this late birthing, but it can be concluded that, in general, women were very healthy and fit to (a) have children that late, and (b) not have a high “died in child birth” statistic to go with it. As will be seen in the following section on Death Statistics, there was no unusual “died in child birth” statistic for forty year old women. So, it is concluded that women in Hebron during this period were physically very fit and healthy. - 21 - Age at Birth of Last Child - Females 25 20 Count 15 10 5 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Chart 5 Table 5 – Age of Childbearing - Males Count Mean Oldest 1st Child Last Child 304 304 29.461 33.780 54 58 The child begetting pattern for men has the one surprise. Even though the mean age for men to beget their first child, 29.461 years, is some 4 years later than for women, 25.495 years, the mean age for men to beget their last child at 33.78 years is only slightly more than 1 year later than women’s 32.61 years. What makes this surprising is that many of these men remarried after losing a wife, sometimes two or more times, and usually married women young enough to have children. Further, men’s ability to beget children late into life, well beyond the menopause age of women, resulted in some men begetting children into their late 50’s. (See Chart 6 and 7). Therefore, it would be expected that the mean age for men to beget their last child would be considerably later than for women. The explanation for this discrepancy seems to be in the fact that men did not, as a rule, remarry women considerably younger than themselves. In fact, when you review marriages, couple by couple, you will see that many, if not most, men who remarried after being widowed, married women their own age or slightly older than themselves. This was probably due to economic reasons as much as anything, as (1) older widows, often had substantial holdings in land and other assets, and (2) marrying younger women would have a higher probability of resulting in more children, which some men may not have wanted. Extra children from a second or third marriage made estate settlements difficult. Or (3) women their own age or older were all that was available as the younger women were, as we saw, married by 24. - 22 - Age at Birth First Child - Males 30 25 Count 20 15 10 5 0 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Age Chart 6 Age at Birth Last Child - Males 18 16 14 Count 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Age Chart 7 - 23 - Death Statistics The first question, as with births, was is there a pattern in the months in which deaths occurred. There were Month of Death data for 992 individuals in this study. Not surprisingly, given the cold winters of New Hampshire, there were more deaths during the colder months. See Chart 8 below. Month of Death 120 100 Count 80 60 40 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Month Chart 8 The single surprise in this data is the high death rate in May (5) and June (6). When we look at the data sorted by gender the data shows a slightly different underlying pattern. See Chart 9. In Chart 9 May is a particularly bad month for men, and June has a higher than mean death rate for men and women. Why is this? A possibility is that May and June are the two months when major farming activities occur in the preparation of fields, fences and wood lots for the coming season. Could it be that farm related accidents explain the higher than mean (mean = 82.67 deaths per month) for these two months? The colder months stretching from October (10) through March (3) were the hardest months to survive for a number of reasons: (1) poorer nutrition, (2) the lack of antibiotics for diseases such as pneumonia, (3) the continuing need to be in cold, damp work locations to supply firewood and tend livestock, and (4) the general higher level of toxins present when forced to stay indoors in wood heated houses. It was often during these months when Diphtheria, Typhoid and Flu epidemics struck. As examples, during the Typhoid epidemic of 1815, the Greenleaf family lost five children between November 13 and December 13, and again during the - 24 - Diphtheria epidemic of 1863-1864 between October 4, 1863 and February 3, 1864, the Griffin family lost four members. Death Month by Gender 70 60 50 Count 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Month Males Females Chart 9 - 25 - 8 9 10 11 12 Genealogical Demographics by Family A study was made of vital statistics for families with statistically significant populations. Statistically significant was defined as families with 9 or more members. Two families met this criteria but were removed from the statistics: The Greenleaf and Griffin families were removed because of the large loss of family members during the various epidemics severely skewed the resulting statistics for those families. The Wheeler family was excluded because of the fifteen members studied complete data was not available for ten of them. The families used in this part of the study are: Last Name Ball Bartlett Barnard Cilley Colburn Crosby Cummings Esty Ferrin George Goodhue Hardy Hazelton Hobart Jewell Jewett Kendall Lovejoy Merrill Morgan Morse Nevens Norris Noyes Ordway Phelps Pierce Pike Powers Putney Ross Smith Walker Wise TOTAL Population 43 18 11 9 9 25 10 14 22 17 16 11 64 41 18 15 11 13 13 9 10 9 25 19 35 11 15 70 9 9 9 15 20 19 679 - 26 - This study again focused on age at marriage, age at birth of first and last children, age at death. First marriages. Chart 6 – Average Age of First Marriage by Family Last Name Jewell Barnard Pierce Noyes Phelps Lovejoy Cilley Ross Putney Jewett Pike Cummings Kendall Ordway Walker Wise Powers Hazelton Hardy Hobart Nevens Norris Esty Morgan Goodhue Ball Crosby George Smith Ferrin Colburn Merrill Morse Bartlett Ave Age at first marriage 20.0 20.0 20.4 20.6 20.7 21.3 22.3 23.0 23.3 23.4 23.4 23.5 23.7 23.8 23.8 23.9 24.0 24.1 24.3 24.5 24.6 24.7 25.0 25.3 25.3 25.4 25.5 25.7 28.0 28.2 29.0 29.0 30.3 31.3 Population 18 11 15 19 11 13 9 9 9 15 70 10 11 35 20 19 9 64 11 41 9 25 14 9 16 43 25 17 15 22 9 13 10 18 TOTAL 24.5 2.8 31.3 20.0 24.0 679 Mean St. Dev Maximum Minimum Median - 27 - The age of first marriage distribution is typical of New England towns with the exception of the Morse and Bartlett families that have an average age greater than 30 years old which is fairly late, even by New England standards. From Chart 7 below we see that the average age at the time of the birth of a first child, 28.4 follows some 4 years after the average age at marriage of 24.5. This implies that couples where not generally being pushed into marriage because of prenuptial pregnancies. In fact, 4 years is such a long time between marriage and first born child that it can be concluded that couples generally worked to establish their home and income before children were conceived. This in turn begs the question how did they prevent pregnancy? Surely, they did not all practice abstinence for 4 years. There were several methods available to these early settlers to control pregnancy. Honey for example made a fairly effective spermicide. The book to read is Sex in History by Reay Tannahill. But the real reason pregnancy came so long after marriage was probably the hard work and subsistence diets of young married couples. The reason lactating women have very low pregnancy rates is because a woman has to have above a minimum amount of body fat to become pregnant. In the case of our early settlers, young women working, side-by-side, with their husbands, clearing fields, building a house and establishing a life together, probably did not have excess body fat, and perhaps, insufficient body fat to allow for pregnancy. Of the 212 women in the database where marriage and age at first child data is known, only 4 were evidently pregnant at the time of their marriage, and another 36 had children within a year of their marriage. The second point to be made from Chart 7 is the unusually high (19%) of people who had their first child after the age of 30, with the Colburn family being as late as 36 years of age. This seems to fly in the face of the popular belief that farming communities had children early and often. Not so in this study group. Chart 7 – Average age at time of Birth of First Child Last Name Morgan Hazelton Pierce Ordway Lovejoy Kendall George Ross Pike Walker Morse Powers Ball Crosby Putney Jewett Noyes Ave Age at birth of first child 23.5 24.3 24.4 25.1 25.5 25.8 26.0 26.0 26.1 26.3 26.5 26.5 26.6 26.7 26.8 27.0 27.3 - 28 - Population 9 64 15 35 13 11 17 9 70 20 10 9 43 25 9 15 19 Last Name Merrill Hobart Phelps Norris Wise Bartlett Smith Cummings Ferrin Hardy Barnard Jewell Nevens Esty Cilley Goodhue Colburn Ave Age at birth of first child 28.3 28.4 28.9 29.0 29.1 29.5 29.5 30.2 30.9 31.2 31.2 31.3 32.0 32.8 33.0 33.0 36.0 Population 13 41 11 25 19 18 15 10 22 11 11 18 9 14 9 16 9 TOTAL 28.4 3.0 36.0 23.5 27.8 679 Mean St. Dev Maximum Minimum Median Chart 7 continued Chart 8 which lists average ages at the time of the birth of last children seems fairly typical. We will study this data broken down by gender in the next section starting on page 33. Chart 8 – Average Age at Time of Birth of Last Child Last Name Cilley George Ross Walker Cummings Crosby Phelps Pierce Morgan Lovejoy Ave Age at birth of last child 32.3 33.3 33.3 33.5 33.7 34.0 34.1 34.3 35.0 35.4 - 29 - Population 9 17 9 20 10 25 11 15 9 13 Last Name Hardy Smith Bartlett Nevens Noyes Wise Colburn Ferrin Powers Barnard Merrill Putney Morse Goodhue Pike Hazelton Ball Esty Kendall Hobart Norris Jewett Jewell Ordway Ave Age at birth of last child 35.5 35.8 36.6 37.0 37.1 37.3 37.4 37.4 37.6 37.6 37.8 37.8 37.8 37.8 37.9 38.0 38.1 39.4 39.6 39.7 40.0 40.0 40.8 44.1 Population 11 15 18 9 19 19 9 22 9 11 13 9 10 16 70 64 43 14 11 41 25 15 18 35 679 Mean St. Dev Maximum Minimum Median 37.0 2.6 44.1 32.3 37.4 Chart 8 continued Average age at death in Chart 9 shows the widest spread of data. Why, for example, did the Bartletts live on average some 35 years longer than the Barnards. All of these families were farm families, all lived in approximately the same economic strata, all ate nearly the same foods and all drank the same water. At first glance one might think that statistics is playing a role as a result of the difference in family sizes. But that critique is refuted by the distribution within the data base of smaller and larger families. The large families of Norris, Pike, Hobart, Ball Ordway, Hazelton and Crosby (all over 25 individuals) fall in all quadrants of the data base sorted by average age, as due the smaller families. One might conclude that genetics is playing a role. Twin studies have shown, fairly conclusively, that 60-70% of who and what we are is genetic and the remainder environmental. Could it be that 60-70% of the distribution in this data is - 30 - genetic? Another, and perhaps the underlying driver in this data is childhood death distribution. For example, the family with the lowest average lifetime is the Barnards at 34.8 years. When you look at this family in detail you see that five of the eleven members of this family died before their second birthday. Three lived over 74 years and two over 86 years. The point is, that small sample sizes, and the effects of the various epidemics that effected mainly the young, play havoc with this data and, beyond trends, specific conclusions about particular families should not be drawn. That said, there are some families that seem to defy the odds. The Bartletts have 9 members, 50% of the sample population, living past 80 years with 3 living into their nineties. This would certainly be a candidate for genetics as an explanation. Likewise with the 7 members of the Jewell family that lived past 80, and with one member making 90. The Bartletts and Jewells would be considered long-lived even by today’s standards. The Pike (70), Ordway (35), Hazelton (64) and Hobart (41) families have the largest membership in this study, in aggregate some 30.9% of the entire database. The fact that their average ages at death are respectively 51.1, 50.6, 50.1 and 49 leads to the conclusion that the average life expectancy during the 18th and 19th centuries in Hebron was approximately 50 years. Using the entire database, including these families, the mean age at death was 53.6 years Chart 9 Average Age at Death by Family Last Name Bartlett Jewell Wise Esty Phelps Morgan Norris Colburn Merrill Jewett Hardy Pierce Noyes Nevens Ball Putney Morse Cilley Powers George Pike Ordway Hazelton Lovejoy Hobart Ave Age at death 69.7 66.2 64.1 63.1 62.5 61.7 61.3 61.2 60.8 59.0 57.6 57.6 56.3 56.2 56.0 55.9 55.2 53.4 52.7 51.2 51.1 50.6 50.1 50.0 49.0 - 31 - Population 18 18 19 14 11 9 25 9 13 15 11 15 19 9 43 9 10 9 9 17 70 35 64 13 41 Last Name Walker Cummings Ferrin Crosby Goodhue Ross Smith Kendall Barnard Mean St. Dev Maximum Minimum Median Ave Age at death 48.3 47.6 45.6 44.3 43.9 42.8 40.9 40.9 34.8 TOTAL POPULATION 53.6 8.1 69.7 34.8 54.3 Chart 9 continue - 32 - Population 20 10 22 25 16 9 15 11 11 679 Genealogical Demographics by Family by Gender In this section of the study all families were sorted by gender. Within each gender data base, all families with less than 5 members of that gender were excluded. The Barnard family data was excluded due to the death in childhood reasons stated in the prior section. This resulted in Chart 10 below, in which you will see blanks for those gender-families that were removed from the statistics. This resulted in the females data base reducing from 256 individuals to 212, and for males from 412 to 400 individuals. Sorting the data this way, and excluding gender groups below 5 resulted is slightly different overall statistics from the all inclusive statistics given in the section immediately prior. First, the marriage age delta from age at first child is down to 3 years from 4. However, this 3 years still needs explaining and the explanation given above still holds true here as well. Chart 10 – Composite Family Data by Gender Female Female Female Age at Age at Age at first birth of birth of marriage first child last child 24.0 25.8 34.0 31.3 28.6 37.7 31.0 23.0 24.0 32.5 26.3 27.5 36.0 28.5 27.5 28.0 21.7 36.0 24.0 41.0 38.0 19.5 21.3 23.7 18.0 29.5 21.3 26.2 19.0 29.5 34.2 36.5 20.0 21.0 24.5 29.5 24.0 38.0 33.0 Female Age at Female death Last Name 60.9 Ball 66.5 Bartlett Cilley 52.8 Colburn 36.5 Crosby 32.0 Cummings Esty 31.0 Ferrin 52.0 George Goodhue 48.7 Hardy 47.9 Hazelton 47.6 Hobart 67.2 Jewell Jewett Kendall 53.7 Lovejoy 60.0 Merrill Count 15 11 1 5 11 5 2 6 8 4 7 33 14 5 4 3 7 6 Male Age Make Age Male Age at first at birth of at birth of Male Age Male Last marriage first child last child at death Name 26.5 27.1 40.6 53.4 Ball 31.0 35.0 74.7 Bartlett 22.3 33.0 32.3 53.8 Cilley Colburn 26.0 27.0 37.1 50.5 Crosby 23.0 31.5 36.8 63.2 Cummings 25.0 32.8 39.4 65.6 Esty 28.3 30.0 37.0 51.1 Ferrin 28.8 26.4 32.4 50.6 George 30.0 33.0 37.8 47.3 Goodhue Hardy 27.3 27.3 41.8 52.5 Hazelton 24.7 29.9 41.3 49.7 Hobart 21.0 33.8 45.0 65.8 Jewell 23.2 27.0 40.0 56.9 Jewett 24.5 28.0 40.0 39.1 Kendall 22.0 21.5 31.5 45.7 Lovejoy 33.5 32.5 42.5 61.6 Merrill - 33 - Count 28 7 8 4 14 5 12 16 9 12 4 31 27 13 11 8 6 7 Total 43 18 9 9 25 10 14 22 17 16 11 64 41 18 15 11 13 13 Female Female Female Age at Age at Age at first birth of birth of marriage first child last child 24.0 26.0 26.0 20.0 22.3 20.5 21.5 21.5 28.0 25.0 26.5 23.6 17.5 34.4 41.3 29.3 31.6 34.7 19.3 28.0 25.8 30.0 32.8 22.0 23.0 3.5 21 31.3 18.0 22.0 23.5 26.1 4.1 22 36.0 17.5 26.1 27.5 32.8 5.2 22 41.3 20.0 33.5 Female Age at Female death Last Name Morgan Morse 51.0 Nevens Norris 56.5 Noyes 40.3 Ordway 56.2 Phelps 54.9 Pierce 45.9 Pike Powers Putney Ross Smith 50.7 Walker Wheeler 66.0 Wise 51.3 Mean 10.3 St. Dev. 21 Count 67.2 Max 31.0 Min 52.0 Median Count 4 2 5 4 11 14 6 7 22 1 2 4 8 9 5 5 256 212 Male Age Make Age Male Age at first at birth of at birth of Male Age Male Last marriage first child last child at death Name 25.0 23.5 35.0 65.6 Morgan 35.5 27.7 37.3 52.0 Morse Nevens 25.0 29.0 40.0 57.3 Norris 23.0 26.2 40.8 55.9 Noyes 25.3 25.2 45.3 57.5 Ordway 21.0 32.0 39.0 70.2 Phelps 19.7 25.7 38.7 60.0 Pierce 24.3 27.2 38.6 53.6 Pike 24.0 26.5 39.0 47.9 Powers 23.5 29.0 36.7 48.3 Putney 26.0 27.5 36.0 47.2 Ross 28.0 30.0 37.3 67.7 Smith 28.3 26.8 34.3 46.3 Walker 26.5 40.3 35.7 Wheeler 25.3 30.5 39.8 63.4 Wise 25.5 28.5 38.3 55.2 Mean 3.5 3.0 3.3 9.0 St. Dev. 29 31 31 31 Count 35.5 33.8 45.3 74.7 Max 19.7 21.5 31.5 35.7 Min 25.0 27.7 38.7 53.6 Median Count 5 8 4 21 8 21 5 8 48 8 7 5 7 11 10 14 412 400 Total 9 10 9 25 19 35 11 15 70 9 9 9 15 20 15 19 668 1321 Age at death by gender gives the surprising result that, on average, men lived longer than women in these families. Death in childbirth explains part of this but it doesn’t explain why the oldest male average 74.7 years is 6.8 years longer than the female 67.2. One would expect that once past child bearing years, women would turn in the longest life expectancies, and this is what we saw earlier in this study when we did statistics by individual. The fact that the numbers in this section are averages of sub-populations is the reason for these results. These statistics, done on family averages, filters out the effects of individual people. That said, the mean and median statistics are not effected by this filtering process, and therefore, it is legitimate to conclude that male average age at death of 55.2 years, versus females 51.3 years, is statistically significant. - 34 - Individual Data Used in this Study Name Adams, Alfred Adams, Ambrose S. Adams, Barnant E. Adams, Bernard Adams, Charles F. Adams, Ellen F. Adams, Emily M. Adams, F. Estelle Adams, Felix Adams, Grace Adams, H. H. Adams, John Adams, Joseph Adams, Joseph Adams, Marion Annet Adams, Nelson Adams, Nicholas Adams, Ola Gordon Adams, Rodney Stanley Adams, Stella Marion Adams, Vera M. Adams, Wilson Bailey, Abel Bailey, Betsey K. Bailey, Betsy Bailey, Charles Gordon Bailey, Deborah Bailey, Frank M. Bailey, G. H. Bailey, Harry Hobart Bailey, Joseph Bailey, Luther H. Bailey, Richard Ball, Abel Ball, Abel Ball, Abigail Ball, Abigail Ball, Amos Ball, Belinda Ball, Benjamin Birth date February-03-1862 April-11-1871 1879 Death date November-18-1861 1873 1866 1872 March-17-1915 Age at Age at Age at first Age at birth of birth of death first child last child marriage 23 26 16 53 1966 94 1938 79 34 37 20 October-05-1919 1795 1859 August-05-1859 June-08-1896 August-18-1917 March-06-1898 December-06-1975 July-19-1894 1897 1918 October-23-1893 October-27-1966 34 38 34 21 73 23 25 77 1788 May-26-1857 69 39 41 1872 1775 1852 1852 77 22 38 36 21 1893 22 1865 28 28 April-26-1656 July-26-1712 June-10-1822 June-19-1704 January-23-1904 January-28-1777 - 35 - 81 72 32 Name Ball, Benjamin Ball, Benjamin Ball, Benjamin Ball, Benjamin Ball, Bethiah Ball, Betsy Ann Ball, Bridget Snow Ball, Caleb Ball, Caleb Ball, Calvin Ball, Cornelia Ball, Deborah Ball, Deborah Ball, Ebenezer Ball, Ebenezer Ball, Ebenezer Ball, Ebenezer Ball, Ebenezer Ball, Ebenezer Ball, Ebenezer Ball, Ebenezer Morris Ball, Eleanor Ball, Eleazer Ball, Eleazer Ball, Elizabeth Ball, Elizabeth Ball, Elizabeth Ball, Emri W. Ball, Experience Ball, George Ball, George E. Ball, Hannah Ball, Hannah Ball, Hannah Ball, Hannah Ball, Hannah Ball, Holden Ball, James Ball, Jasper Newton Ball, Jeremiah Ball, Jeremiah Ball, Jesse Ball, John Birth date Death date July-04-1821 September-28-1823 December-17-1778 October-08-1860 August-10-1690 December-03-1734 Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first death first child last child marriage 2 81 44 27 31 24 24 23 100 26 32 25 May-30-1712 November-26-1726 1650 October-26-1676 November-28-1785 July-02-1815 February-16-1749 January-13-1783 December-30-1721 1790 14 26 29 33 69 27 41 24 July-02-1727 May-31-1747 1651 December-09-1724 33 47 69 August-05-1790 May-28-1891 1780 1698 1793 November-25-1826 October-08-1902 1714 1788 May-14-1877 August-22-1868 September-20-1869 June-21-1777 March-25-1822 January-22-1665 June-12-1731 30 75 24 41 89 1 44 30 38 26 28 May-01-1701 April-12-1780 78 1647 1649 2 - 36 - 21 24 26 Name Ball, John Ball, John Ball, John Ball, John Ball, John Ball, John Ball, John Ball, Levi K. Ball, Lewis Ball, Lois Ball, Louise A. Ball, Lucretia Ball, Lucy Ball, Lucy Ball, Lucy Ball, Lucy C. Ball, Lydia Ball, Margaret Ball, Mary Ball, Mary Ball, Mary Ball, Mary Ball, Mary Ball, Mary E. Ball, Mary McClean Ball, Mehitabel Ball, Molly Ball, Nathan Ball, Nathaniel Ball, Nathaniel Ball, Nathaniel Ball, Nathaniel Ball, Nathaniel Ball, Nathaniel Ball, Nathaniel Ball, Rebecca Ball, Rebecca Ball, Samuel Ball, Samuel Ball, Samuel Ball, Samuel Ball, Sarah Ball, Sarah Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first Birth date Death date death first child last child marriage August-15-1660 November-27-1703 43 January-07-1759 May-15-1840 81 23 November-12-1794 February-03-1884 89 55 October-30-1818 October-08-1814 March-10-1735 May-16-1891 72 38 38 25 August-31-1739 July-04-1763 20 22 November-19-1781 November-01-1873 91 29 31 23 April-30-1729 November-18-1748 December-03-1771 December-28-1850 May-11-1699 19 79 20 42 16 19 June-1851 April-07-1817 August-03-1757 February-22-1902 April-29-1907 November-01-1820 50 90 63 July-07-1649 September-23-1649 April-01-1692 June-03-1749 July-03-1663 March-04-1725 January-24-1751 May-29-1834 June-03-1717 1800 1618 January-14-1706 October-16-1783 November-23-1733 0 57 61 83 83 88 28 23 20 25 24 56 50 43 29 47 33 46 46 March-24-1697 19 24 23 20 26 18 30 May-26-1753 April-29-1714 1783 30 18 - 37 - Name Ball, Sarah Ball, Sarah "Sally" Ball, Sarah S. Ball, Submit Ball, Submit Ball, Submit Ball, Susannah Ball, Susannah Ball, Thomas Ball, Thomas Ball, Timothy Ball, Timothy Ball, William Ball, William Ball, William Ball, William Ball, William Ball, William Barnard, Asenath Barnard, Currier C. Barnard, Daniel Barnard, Edith L. Barnard, Edmund Barnard, Fred Noah Barnard, George B. Barnard, Hezekiah Barnard, Huldah May Barnard, Isaac Barnard, Isaac H. Barnard, James B. Barnard, James McQuestion Barnard, Julia Grace Barnard, Lucretia M. Barnard, Rueben Barnard, Sarah B. Bartlett, Abigail Bartlett, Ann Bartlett, Cephila C. Bartlett, Ehod Bartlett, Elizabeth Bartlett, Elizabeth Bartlett, Elizabeth Bartlett, Elizabeth E. Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first death first child last child marriage Birth date Death date August-15-1775 1856 March-26-1749 June-22-1849 73 January-24-1689 1730 41 26 February-02-1693 1760 67 30 April-05-1788 April-13-1755 August-23-1792 August-12-1719 July-23-1732 1792 January-25-1832 October-17-1871 4 76 79 25 February-12-1814 2 October-04-1810 February-05-1812 August-03-1876 June-24-1877 September-20-1813 September-13-1901 August-11-1879 January-26-1854 June-13-1909 October-1818 October-01-1892 December-24-1869 1780 March-04-1825 1839 1840 1837 1837 June-18-1810 February-23-1843 1842 August-13-1843 June-14-1856 July-18-1942 0 87 September-23-1889 1751 January-14-1821 November-07-1791 February-26-1878 1841 December-27-1859 - 38 - 40 27 26 19 19 28 42 42 55 74 22 35 25 51 45 1 0 32 1 86 30 38 27 32 18 18 21 43 21 20 15 1863 1709 April-1806 27 21 83 70 86 18 17 Name Bartlett, Esther Bartlett, Evan Bartlett, Hannah Bartlett, Hannah Bartlett, Hannah Bartlett, Joanna Bartlett, Joanna Bartlett, John Bartlett, John Bartlett, John Bartlett, John Bartlett, John Bartlett, Jonathan Bartlett, Joseph Bartlett, Joseph Bartlett, Lucian W. Bartlett, Lucy Bartlett, Mary Bartlett, Mary Bartlett, Mary Bartlett, Moses Bartlett, Nathan Bartlett, Nathaniel Bartlett, Prudence Bartlett, Richard Bartlett, Sally Bartlett, Samuel Bartlett, Samuel Bartlett, Sarah J. Bartlett, Seth Bartlett, Tirza Blodgett, Alma Celia Blodgett, Arthur Stewart Blodgett, Asabel Blodgett, Charles N. Blodgett, George A. Blodgett, Hannah Blodgett, John P. Blodgett, Joseph French Blodgett, Mary Blodgett, Moses Blodgett, Nathan Blodgett, Seth M. Birth date 1706 1759 1683 1704 January-18-1796 July-19-1804 1790 1682 1711 Death date Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first death first child last child marriage February-03-1839 1741 80 58 32 24 37 44 February-23-1881 February-10-1871 1741 76 81 59 25 40 25 40 35 August-11-1717 1810 September-05-1809 May-12-1877 92 67 34 28 42 31 January-04-1795 March-04-1756 1702 June-27-1887 June-01-1840 92 84 28 37 42 37 1713 1717 1800 87 1755 1810 55 25 33 24 30 24 30 1773 May-1760 November-26-1853 93 1838 1714 August-13-1867 1759 29 45 August-17-1870 1884 June-24-1925 54 October-10-1843 April-16-1908 79 71 June-25-1880 1855 July-1764 October-1836 August-05-1878 August-1855 23 35 36 21 26 25 33 25 43 23 October-24-1861 - 39 - 6 Name Blodgett, son Blodgett, Sylvester Blood, Annis Blood, Cyrus Blood, Frank Blood, Parker Blood, Relief Blood, Reuben Blood, Ruth Blood, Samuel Blood, Samuel Blood, Sarah "Sally" Blood, Solomon Bowers, Alsa Bowers, Betsy Bowers, Chancy Bothe Bowers, Charlotte Bowers, Elizabeth Wright Bowers, James Bowers, Jerathmeal Bowers, Juet Bowers, Lucy Bowers, Martha Bowers, Pamela Bowers, Patty Bowers, William T. Braley, Alta Myrtle Braley, Charles Edward Braley, Charles F. Braley, Dean Braley, Earle C. Braley, Ellen Braley, Ethel M. Braley, Maria Agnes Braley, Myron Braley, Ned H. Braley, Norton Braley, Richard Braley, Walter H. Brown, Alanson L. Brown, Amos Brown, Amos Brown, Charles Birth date April-25-1876 1838 1797 1826 1802 Death date April-28-1876 Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first death first child last child marriage 0 29 January-24-1838 36 1770 1830 February-10-1784 January-26-1836 December-16-1814 September-10-1807 July-10-1803 August-10-1804 41 51 17 27 27 21 41 July-31-1797 August-16-1799 November-13-1810 April-23-1805 19 22 1896 1861 19 25 May-25-1921 October-15-1906 July-28-1907 0 1889 August-13-1858 December-17-1974 February-03-1909 85 50 21 31 20 1892 1929 October-25-1913 1866 1827 1832 May-10-1975 83 21 37 20 1949 83 - 40 - 40 Name Brown, David Brown, John Brown, John H. Brown, John O. Brown, Joseph Brown, Joseph Brown, Laura A. Brown, Mary Brown, Mary "Polly" Brown, Mary Ann Brown, Maud S. Brown, Nellie M. Brown, Relief Brown, Ruth Brown, Stephen Brown, Steven Brown, Thomas Brown, Warren G. Butterfield, Addie T. Butterfield, Clarissa A. Butterfield, Ebenezer Butterfield, Ebenezer Bradley Butterfield, Edward B. Butterfield, Eva E. Butterfield, Eveline Aurora Butterfield, Fannie Butterfield, Frank Butterfield, Hubert F. Butterfield, Ida A. Butterfield, Lucy Butterfield, Lucy L Butterfield, Lura Ellena Butterfield, Lura Evelyn Butterfield, Lydia H. Butterfield, Sarah Cilley, ? Cilley, Aaron Cilley, Addie Cilley, Andrew Cilley, Anthony Cilley, Benjamin Cilley, Benjamin Cilley, Benjamin Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first death first child last child marriage Birth date Death date 1842 1841 1842 1926 84 1845 1882 37 1776 1830 August-13-1866 1863 1839 1844 68 43 23 1829 1834 1852 October-21-1821 June-1850 April-13-1900 March-31-1864 78 13 1849 November-1819 1860 January-14-1887 67 1813 1848 1893 1889 1852 76 4 42 37 39 26 42 33 24 40 19 1892 February-20-1883 March-15-1808 1713 July-14-1895 February-15-1883 1765 - 41 - 87 52 29 23 Name Cilley, Benjamin "Affy Ben" Cilley, Benoni Cilley, Charlotte Cilley, Elijah Cilley, Elisha Cilley, Elizabeth Cilley, Eunice Cilley, Frederick Eugene Cilley, Frederick U. Cilley, George W. Cilley, Hannah Cilley, Henry Cilley, James Cilley, Job Cilley, Job Cilley, John Cilley, John B. Cilley, Jonathan E. K. Cilley, Lydia Cilley, Mary Cilley, Moses Cilley, Nathaniel P. Cilley, Orilla Cilley, Philip Cilley, Rebecca Cilley, Rebecca Cilley, Roxana Cilley, Sabra J. Cilley, Samuel Cilley, Sarah Cilley, Sarah Cilley, Stephen Cilley, Susannah Cilley, Thomas Cilley, William Cilley, William Colburn, Abel Colburn, Abel Colburn, Alzina B. Colburn, Betsy Colburn, Betsy Colburn, Caroline Colburn, Eliza Birth date May-12-1742 1680 Death date March-09-1823 April-30-1746 December-19-1869 June-01-1842 June-09-1866 1810 December-16-1803 April-25-1806 November-30-1870 Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first death first child last child marriage 80 32 21 66 33 33 24 32 35 27 64 May-03-1775 February-21-1802 January-01-1833 57 April-1845 May-02-1845 0 1908 51 35 23 March-26-1799 August-31-1800 1857 June-10-1796 16 1829 1917 July-14-1798 November-21-1799 February-05-1802 February-06-1897 1811 October-01-1853 - 42 - 88 1 95 42 33 38 Name Colburn, Emma F. Colburn, Enoch N. Colburn, Ezekiel Colburn, George E. Colburn, Hannah Colburn, Isaac Colburn, Isabel Colburn, Isabel Colburn, James Colburn, James Colburn, Lydia Colburn, Mary Colburn, Patty Colburn, Paul Colburn, Rueben H. Colburn, Ziba Colby, ? Colby, Abraham Colby, Ann Colby, Benjamin Colby, Calvin Colby, Emeline Colby, Enoch Colby, Harlan P. Colby, John Colby, Laura Colby, Lavina Colby, Lavina E. Colby, Luther Colby, Reuben Colby, Rueben Colby, Sarah Chase Colby, Sarah F. Colby, Sophronia Crawford, Ira Crawford, Isaac Crawford, James Crawford, Joanna Crawford, Mary Crawford, Mary A. Crawford, Robert Crawford, Sally Crawford, Susana Birth date Death date 1789 February-28-1859 April-04-1800 November-21-1863 1831 1912 February-15-1818 Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first death first child last child marriage 70 63 81 42 29 42 29 27 31 1757 September-23-1795 38 32 34 1745 June-14-1818 73 44 44 93 43 23 22 24 37 55 32 28 24 30 32 43 37 43 70 23 36 October-01-1816 May-03-1794 February-08-1830 November-24-1810 December-19-1903 September-19-1834 September-04-1878 1834 October-14-1841 January-14-1836 March-17-1803 October-1835 August-04-1901 April-14-1804 January-04-1773 October-30-1828 November-24-1828 July-26-1806 November-10-1876 July-31-1839 March-20-1816 August-22-1818 March-05-1796 October-12-1794 October-23-1794 March-30-1804 March-05-1787 September-10-1798 July-29-1801 July-08-1792 - 43 - 65 2 0 27 23 29 Name Crawford, William Crawford, William Crosby, "Baby" Crosby, Abel Lovejoy Crosby, Abial Crosby, Abial F. Crosby, Adaline Crosby, Artemas B. Crosby, Betsey Crosby, Caroline Crosby, Chester P. Crosby, David Crosby, Elizabeth Crosby, Elizabeth Crosby, Elizabeth Crosby, Francis Henry Crosby, Hannah Crosby, Isaac Crosby, Jaazaniah Crosby, Jaazaniah Crosby, James J. Crosby, Judith Crosby, Lois Crosby, Lucretia Crosby, Martha Crosby, Mary Crosby, Mary Crosby, Milo Heath Crosby, Minnie E. Crosby, Polly Crosby, Polly Crosby, Roswell Crosby, Sally Crosby, Samuel Crosby, Samuel Crosby, Willard Heath Crosby, William Crosby, William Patrick Crosby, William Summer Cummings, Abbie R. Cummings, Adaline C. Cummings, Alice Ames Cummings, Bradley Birth date Death date March-01-1759 October-25-1789 July-1862 November-20-1862 1806 February-02-1889 December-29-1818 March-08-1835 0 83 16 33 33 18 77 30 30 December-17-1861 August-06-1872 1881 April-22-1806 October-18-1872 45 2 74 27 62 22 31 December-26-1868 March-04-1870 February-09-1831 72 79 78 22 25 25 22 40 43 24 May-25-1894 1897 72 84 24 40 24 27 23 0 1 67 37 37 36 36 October-31-1816 May-25-1835 1839 September-12-1916 January-02-1816 September-11-1869 September-01-1807 August-15-1778 February-22-1810 December-11-1823 January-22-1835 September-21-1796 June-14-1790 1753 April-03-1780 November-08-1821 October-08-1813 Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first death first child last child marriage 28 45 December-06-1833 January-30-1834 February-11-1820 August-27-1821 1793 January-07-1860 November-13-1828 March-07-1826 June-16-1862 March-04-1886 April-03-1788 October-1790 August-11-1792 December-13-1817 March-23-1853 August-30-1794 February-17-1782 October-1784 March-29-1786 October-29-1868 December-30-1830 February-01-1784 May-06-1867 December-25-1827 March-10-1852 November-12-1821 March-1872 September-24-1879 1836 1891 April-29-1878 December-12-1880 April-12-1784 - 44 - 32 23 2 35 2 82 83 24 7 55 2 28 28 27 48 22 26 30 30 17 25 21 22 Name Cummings, Caleb Eastman Cummings, Catherine Cummings, Charles Cummings, Charles E. Cummings, Daniel Cummings, Elizabeth Cummings, George J. Cummings, Grace Eliza Cummings, Hannah Cummings, Henry Cummings, Henry Cummings, Jonathan Cummings, Jonathan Cummings, Laura Robbins Cummings, Leonard Cummings, Luther Cummings, Martha Green Cummings, Mary "Polly" Cummings, Mary Elvira Cummings, Rufus R. Cummings, Sally Cummings, Sally Cummings, Sarah "Sally" Cummings, Willard Cummings, William Cummings, William Cummings, William Davis, Anna Davis, Annie Davis, Annie F. Davis, Benjamin Davis, Cecil O. Davis, Ellen E. Davis, George H. Davis, Jennie M. Davis, Jeremiah Davis, Lucinda B. Davis, Maria J. Davis, Mary C. Davis, Nellie Davis, Noah P. Davis, Sarah Davis, William Barnard Birth date January-09-1776 August-28-1809 May-24-1807 1845 July-06-1772 April-15-1780 1838 1832 July-17-1786 April-17-1802 August-02-1770 June-09-1812 April-19-1774 May-06-1789 June-12-1819 May-18-1782 December-1830 July-1797 August-22-1804 Death date Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first death first child last child marriage 26 43 25 March-13-1873 28 27 27 23 1934 96 May-03-1859 72 40 19 25 40 19 25 24 22 May-26-1810 36 21 December-09-1854 March-22-1865 24 67 33 33 18 December-18-1777 October-12-1741 January-04-1806 January-17-1768 October-02-1831 89 August-1857 September-08-1879 22 20 83 35 23 1872 March-01-1847 October-29-1930 26 47 30 1849 28 1847 July-1851 September-20-1875 August-1844 September-20-1875 August-07-1855 December-17-1932 November-23-1806 May-20-1893 July-25-1859 August-12-1880 - 45 - 24 31 77 86 21 20 24 20 24 52 19 Name Dustin, Ai J. Dustin, Barzillai Dustin, Betsey Dustin, Florence Dustin, Frank B. Dustin, Jessie M. Dustin, John S. Dustin, Mahala C. Dustin, Philip Dustin, Robert Dustin, Stephen Dustin, Susan Esty, ? Esty, Aaron Esty, Alan Earl Esty, Alvah Courtney Esty, Alvin Page Esty, Benjamin Esty, Benjamin Esty, Blanch Luretta Esty, Catherine Esty, Cheryl Anne Esty, Christopher Esty, Clarence Esty, Dolphin Esty, Donald Earl Esty, Donna Earline Esty, Dorphin Esty, Edward Fay Esty, George Esty, Hannah Esty, Isaac Esty, Isaac Esty, Isabel Esty, Jacob Esty, Jeffrey Esty, Jeffrey Esty, Jeffrey Esty, Jeffrey Esty, John Esty, John Esty, John L. Esty, Joseph Birth date December-28-1882 January-1816 Death date 1937 May-22-1883 1876 July-26-1871 December-22-1879 April-1858 September-11-1865 April-03-1848 September-24-1931 Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first death first child last child marriage 55 67 22 34 19 7 83 May-1838 1850 1841 July-02-1897 59 1918 77 1698 February-25-1922 1886 October-01-1847 1783 85 1936 May-26-1873 50 25 29 33 41 26 22 44 26 31 50 24 50 27 74 74 24 25 42 29 42 35 26 24 23 1882 June-20-1947 1513 1892 1898 June-22-1949 1812 1883 1565 1627 1656 March-22-1862 July-28-1975 77 1866 1962 1601 54 79 36 January-25-1896 33 1587 1657 1568 1593 70 1781 1867 86 - 46 - 40 31 37 23 Name Esty, Joshua Esty, Lena Maude Esty, Leoda Esty, Leroy Ebenezer Esty, Mary Esty, Mary Esty, Sandra Della Esty, Sarah Esty, Stanley Esty, William Esty, William Ferrin, Aaron Ferrin, Agustus J. Ferrin, Alvah Ferrin, Bradden Ferrin, Clara Ferrin, Cummings Ferrin, Daniel E. Ferrin, Ebenezer Ferrin, Eliza Ferrin, Eliza Ferrin, Enos Ferrin, Enos Ferrin, Frank C. Ferrin, Frank H. Ferrin, George Ferrin, Gilbert Ferrin, Hannah B. Ferrin, Harold Ferrin, Henry L. Ferrin, Jacob Ferrin, Jerusha E. Ferrin, Leonard Ferrin, Levi Ferrin, Mary Ann Ferrin, Morris Ferrin, Otis F. Ferrin, Salina M. Ferrin, Sarah Ferrin, Sylvester Ferrin, Timothy Ferrin, Walter Ferrin, Zebulun Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first death first child last child marriage Birth date Death date 1880 1943 63 1850 1927 1692 77 30 48 1923 1748 April-07-1818 1775 1819 January-14-1896 October-22-1854 71 77 79 33 29 24 33 43 42 1810 November-01-1799 1826 1813 1807 August-25-1835 May-01-1870 January-15-1870 June-26-1837 March-10-1883 25 70 44 24 76 36 36 42 41 1805 June-07-1836 31 1749 1771 1854 January-01-1841 1811 June-27-1854 62 83 39 35 41 28 28 29 June-28-1946 September-09-1853 December-14-1812 March-10-1855 1817 August-16-1836 1884 1816 May-27-1880 42 19 34 24 21 64 1847 May-05-1811 September-24-1853 June-20-1896 6 85 1819 1810 1867 December-1841 June-08-1885 December-21-1816 February-04-1870 May-10-1862 66 6 3 20 1814 1779 1835 1784 June-18-1817 June-14-1864 June-19-1858 February-09-1871 3 85 23 87 - 47 - 33 31 23 32 47 29 21 30 22 Name Follansbee, E. K. Follansbee, Eddie B. Follansbee, George E. Follansbee, John Follansbee, Luella Follansbee, Lula G. Follansbee, Mabel M. Follansbee, Martha Follansbee, Moses E. Follansbee, Perley R. Follansbee, Verne Ira Fowler, Asabel Fowler, Asabel Fowler, Caroline P. Fowler, Christopher Page Fowler, Elizabeth Chaffin Fowler, George H. Fowler, Jesse Fowler, Mary Fowler, Ruth Fowler, Stephen Fowler, Thomas Fox, Abel Lovejoy Fox, Amos Bradley Fox, Asenath Fox, Clarissa Fox, Daniel Fox, Daniel G. Fox, Daniel Gage Fox, David Page Fox, David Page Fox, John Fox, John Fox, Jonathan Fox, Joseph Varnum Fox, Leonard Fox, Lewis D. Fox, Lydia Fox, Rozilla Fox, Sally Fox, Thomas Worcester Gale, Adam Gale, Elizabeth Birth date Death date November-01-1862 February-21-1864 1843 1779 August-23-1857 November-23-1877 August-17-1873 December-15-1916 1871 1947 1817 Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first death first child last child marriage 1 78 38 21 43 76 19 20 December-03-1891 74 26 45 1972 84 June-09-1816 2 25 August-06-1879 September-25-1798 1888 September-15-1809 May-21-1819 June-24-1811 September-18-1813 May-28-1817 May-12-1808 July-18-1793 September-07-1813 February-28-1797 June-29-1802 May-06-1799 February-22-1803 1774 1848 1844 October-11-1802 1837 1841 May-27-1810 1865 May-23-1797 July-09-1806 October-10-1805 March-05-1801 1840 September-01-1804 August-06-1799 August-27-1788 March-13-1795 January-29-1806 1931 5 3 74 4 55 43 23 39 30 91 19 - 48 - Name Gale, Ezekiel Gale, Frank Gale, Henry P. Gale, Hubard Gale, Jane Gale, Mary Augusta Gale, Nancy Gale, Polly Gale, Sally Gale, Sally Gale, William George, Adeline Louisa George, Annie Whitmore George, Arial Huntoon George, Arial Wellington George, Asa George, Charles E. George, Charles Henry George, Daniel George, Edmund W. George, Edwin W. George, Ellen M. George, Florence Elvena George, Hiram George, James George, Katherin Ferrin George, Katherine Eveline George, Laurette Hazelton George, Lewis E. George, Lucy Jane George, Mary George, Mary Hazelton George, Samuel George, Son George, Thomas George, Wilson Hazelton George, Winnifred Goodhue, ? Goodhue, Alvin Goodhue, Amanda Bird Goodhue, Catherine Goodhue, Clarison Goodhue, Clinton Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first death first child last child marriage Birth date Death date July-06-1851 June-14-1809 February-08-1811 1856 January-10-1811 1800 1782 October-05-1807 February-21-1881 December-14-1840 May-28-1851 August-11-1814 November-05-1882 January-01-1885 44 March-22-1895 80 26 46 July-30-1862 July-01-1844 1924 June-14-1889 62 44 24 28 22 April-13-1834 April-13-1834 1835 1890 1821 1773 March-03-1847 November-24-1884 February-23-1861 February-26-1861 1819 September-1796 January-09-1843 May-26-1803 December-29-1862 December-17-1897 July-30-1897 1902 December-03-1957 May-06-1852 63 63 67 67 31 26 28 26 48 24 38 21 23 41 November-22-1929 82 23 23 May-19-1864 January-31-1839 29 53 39 November-11-1838 November-06-1881 June-09-1846 April-18-1884 December-1862 19 85 3 80 0 February-08-1856 November-05-1888 1886 1935 32 49 March-13-1871 March-30-1823 April-09-1808 - 49 - 27 20 23 38 21 20 24 38 43 20 21 19 27 22 25 30 32 26 28 19 Name Goodhue, David Goodhue, Dexter Goodhue, Edward Goodhue, Edward P. Goodhue, Elihu Goodhue, Elizabeth Goodhue, Elizabeth Goodhue, Elmer C. Goodhue, Ezra Goodhue, Frank E. Goodhue, George Clinton Goodhue, George L. Goodhue, Harriet Goodhue, Harvey Goodhue, Isaac Newton Goodhue, James Madison Goodhue, John Goodhue, Jonathan Goodhue, Joseph Goodhue, Joseph W. Goodhue, Lizzie Goodhue, Lowell Goodhue, Lyman Goodhue, M. Warren Goodhue, Marion Goodhue, Martha Goodhue, Martha A. Goodhue, Martha Jane Goodhue, Mary Ann Goodhue, Mary Pike Goodhue, Moses C. Goodhue, Nathaniel Goodhue, Nathaniel Goodhue, Ruth Folsom Goodhue, Samuel Goodhue, Sarah Goodhue, Stephen Goodhue, Stephen Goodhue, Stephen B. Goodhue, Thomas Page Goodhue, Vina Goodhue, Wilbur Goodhue, William Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first death first child last child marriage Birth date Death date 1837 1921 84 March-07-1839 March-24-1930 91 August-15-1799 May-25-1830 May-12-1888 88 16 88 2 10 6 30 May-22-1834 September-30-1922 June-1834 July-06-1836 1835 July-22-1845 November-05-1805 April-30-1812 April-20-1813 March-31-1810 1852 1805 1774 1808 May-09-1872 March-13-1843 March-03-1858 November-01-1827 July-1848 December-03-1849 October-25-1801 1838 March-16-1825 May-01-1821 1813 32 32 30 42 67 69 50 29 31 40 33 46 40 1 25 February-20-1845 7 January-09-1837 24 November-14-1816 1758 November-24-1802 1820 April-01-1849 September-19-1797 September-20-1803 August-05-1832 - 50 - 44 29 Name Greenleaf, Angeline Greenleaf, Daniel Greenleaf, Elsa Greenleaf, Emily Greenleaf, Eunice Greenleaf, Isaac P. Greenleaf, John A. Greenleaf, Mary Ann Greenleaf, Richard Greenleaf, Richard A. Greenleaf, William Pitt Greenleaf, William Pitt Griffin, Adeline M. Griffin, Chloe A. Griffin, Ethalinda C. Griffin, Giles M. Griffin, John C. Griffin, John Keyes Griffin, Julian M. Griffin, Roxy Griffin, Sylvester Griffin, Wilder B. Hardy, Daniel Hardy, David P. Hardy, Edward D. Hardy, Elizabeth Hardy, Ellen E. Hardy, Ellen S. Hardy, Emily Hardy, Hannah Hardy, Icabod Packard Hardy, John Hardy, Lizzie W. Hardy, Lois Hardy, Lucy E. Hardy, Lucy F. Hardy, Lucy May Hardy, Mary Adeline Hardy, Neddie A. Hardy, Nehemiah Hardy, Nehemiah Hardy, Sally Hardy, Thomas Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first death first child last child marriage Birth date Death date June-17-1889 1807 1815 November-1814 September-17-1800 1796 1809 November-15-1815 October-11-1818 December-06-1815 December-13-1890 November-13-1815 November-23-1815 8 3 1 90 19 6 1813 November-19-1815 May-04-1804 March-04-1805 August-16-1805 November-10-1855 July-07-1918 1859 January-30-1864 March-1851 January-31-1864 1927 1927 July-19-1876 October-24-1956 1913 1954 1917 1921 June-1860 February-03-1864 May-1854 October-04-1863 1863 2 0 1838 June-19-1864 January-26-1725 July-16-1867 62 5 12 0 80 41 4 3 9 26 33 37 51 34 1763 38 1795 1808 June-04-1861 1887 66 79 July-1807 1840 1821 August-06-1872 July-19-1869 1862 1749 1777 1788 June-06-1838 1936 August-26-1840 30 96 19 1899 30 March-22-1811 September-30-1851 October-20-1850 62 74 62 20 21 20 21 38 32 28 21 38 19 30 36 - 51 - 28 30 39 44 Name Hardy, Zachariah Hazelton, Abigail Hazelton, Alvah Hazelton, Anna Hazelton, Arthur Hazelton, Barnes Hazelton, Benjamin Hazelton, Benjamin Hazelton, Benjamin Franklin Hazelton, Benson C. Hazelton, Betsey Hazelton, Charles Hazelton, Charles William Hazelton, Charlotte "Lottie" Evelyn Hazelton, Clara Hazelton, Daniel Hazelton, Daniel Walker Hazelton, Daniel Wilson Hazelton, David Hazelton, Deborah Hazelton, Deborah Hazelton, Edmund Shattuck Hazelton, Edward Livingston Hazelton, Eliza F. Hazelton, Elizabeth Hazelton, Elizabeth Hazelton, Ellen D. Hazelton, Ellen Mary Hazelton, Esther Hazelton, Frances D. Hazelton, Frank Henry Hazelton, George Hazelton, Hannah Hazelton, Hannah Hazelton, Joanna Hazelton, John Hazelton, John Hazelton, Jonathan Hazelton, Josephine Hazelton, Katherine Hazelton, Laura Hazelton, Laura Hazelton, Lizzie M. Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first Birth date Death date death first child last child marriage February-20-1685 October-14-1763 78 39 39 30 May-16-1789 1867 78 19 1801 December-24-1863 62 36 April-30-1785 1814 1842 28 February-25-1762 November-07-1832 November-07-1789 1869 1827 1893 1823 1892 1799 1850 December-09-1804 May-30-1835 June-11-1832 June-06-1868 January-31-1861 February-04-1881 1873 June-06-1781 August-31-1850 May-11-1824 January-31-1901 August-15-1868 August-10-1797 March-29-1864 July-09-1791 November-10-1797 April-24-1801 1850 1804 July-06-1812 October-28-1837 March-28-1871 1821 1891 June-12-1772 1790 October-24-1779 70 80 66 69 51 30 35 20 May-14-1843 February-07-1775 1830 November-16-1853 1858 June-07-1778 January-18-1784 December-03-1767 June-08-1757 October-28-1797 December-15-1798 1836 April-15-1815 October-1818 September-06-1812 March-22-1855 February-15-1899 55 1860 30 November-04-1779 February-02-1850 June-08-1816 May-12-1838 May-19-1880 1851 1933 July-15-1884 July-29-1820 December-07-1849 April-18-1890 1 66 48 80 82 53 97 69 1 37 35 - 52 - 69 76 66 6 49 8 33 70 18 27 32 31 39 47 31 26 18 17 23 29 17 47 35 32 45 18 18 23 26 17 25 22 20 25 39 39 35 25 25 26 26 21 19 24 25 20 Name Hazelton, Louisa Hazelton, Lucy Hazelton, Lucy Hazelton, Luke Hazelton, Mary Hazelton, Mary Hazelton, Mary Hazelton, Mary "Polly" Hazelton, Mary A. Hazelton, Mary Ann Hazelton, Mary F. Hazelton, Moses Kittredge Hazelton, Rachel Hazelton, Rebecca Hazelton, Rebecca Hazelton, Rose Colby Hazelton, Rufus B. Hazelton, Rufus Lewis Hazelton, Ruth Hazelton, Sally Hazelton, Sally "Sarah" Hazelton, Samuel Hazelton, Samuel Hazelton, Samuel Hazelton, Sarah Hazelton, Sarah Elizabeth Hazelton, Stephan Hazelton, Stephen Hazelton, Stephen Hazelton, Stephen Hazelton, Walker Hazelton, Wesley Hazelton, William Hazelton, William C. Hazelton, William French Hazelton, Wilson Ward Hobart, Abpha Hobart, Albert Hobart, Alephia Hobart, Almire Hobart, Anna M. Hobart, Asa Hobart, Asa Birth date Death date July-17-1818 May-23-1903 April-18-1776 1840 September-09-1782 May-12-1793 September-10-1826 February-23-1764 1820 April-29-1793 September-02-1872 December-31-1754 November-08-1842 October-16-1808 February-02-1894 March-25-1865 December-15-1877 August-20-1821 June-29-1900 1825 1848 November-05-1835 August-03-1863 March-19-1791 January-04-1860 October-08-1783 August-02-1785 November-27-1765 January-05-1820 September-28-1874 1829 1879 November-30-1838 May-26-1842 August-22-1808 November-21-1815 1805 1852 April-30-1793 August-04-1871 February-19-1795 1830 1770 February-03-1832 June-15-1736 October-08-1812 July-02-1774 1801 May-12-1830 May-25-1749 1810 August-20-1777 November-23-1778 January-28-1707 August-16-1795 April-03-1738 May-04-1807 November-20-1815 December-25-1810 December-02-1897 June-20-1794 December-31-1838 1832 1918 January-05-1860 March-27-1829 October-16-1889 June-28-1789 March-26-1811 March-1861 January-05-1804 June-05-1774 June-08-1862 December-24-1878 November-17-1849 - 53 - Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first death first child last child marriage 84 22 42 64 19 40 18 33 56 79 87 85 12 78 23 27 68 1 54 50 3 7 47 78 35 62 76 27 61 1 88 20 35 18 27 23 17 24 43 22 39 21 19 43 18 45 18 33 38 19 25 18 24 24 25 48 47 23 24 35 29 50 28 8 86 44 86 23 25 46 26 60 31 39 28 1 74 75 27 47 24 Name Hobart, Asa Hobart, Calvin Hobart, Charles Hobart, Daniel Hobart, Daughter Hobart, David Hobart, David Hobart, Edmund Hobart, Elizabeth Hobart, Ernest Hobart, Ernest Hobart, Ethel May Hobart, Frank E. Hobart, Frank W. Hobart, Frank W. Hobart, George Huston Hobart, Gershom Hobart, Gershom Hobart, Gershom Hobart, Gershom Hobart, Hannah Hobart, Hannah Hobart, Hannah Hobart, Henry P. Hobart, Hepzibah Hobart, Horace A. Hobart, Isabel Hobart, James Hobart, James Hobart, Jeremiah Hobart, Joanna Hobart, Joanna Hobart, John Hobart, Jonas Hobart, Jonathan Hobart, Joshua Hobart, Josiah Hobart, Josiah Hobart, Josiah Hobart, Josiah Hobart, Josiah Hobart, Kezia Hobart, Lavina Birth date Death date May-28-1781 August-27-1831 November-08-1807 July-17-1810 November-20-1887 July-13-1788 July-30-1788 October-19-1807 January-08-1892 1736 1574 March-08-1648 June-14-1802 April-01-1826 April-23-1941 September-30-1961 1899 May-03-1876 1853 1927 September-02-1922 July-25-1945 November-16-1890 January-25-1965 June-01-1824 1645 December-18-1707 July-13-1717 1795 1684 1744 October-28-1804 September-23-1809 July-28-1814 May-05-1881 November-27-1809 1832 August-23-1858 1840 June-15-1798 1738 August-02-1766 February-18-1862 April-04-1812 March-23-1790 January-31-1874 July-07-1809 February-23-1792 April-11-1792 April-24-1803 September-19-1839 September-03-1765 May-14-1812 March-02-1819 December-02-1903 October-31-1795 October-29-1871 - 54 - Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first death first child last child marriage 50 77 0 84 74 23 20 74 22 74 27 50 25 25 30 30 42 42 37 46 21 31 37 23 39 63 33 30 25 30 62 78 4 66 30 34 28 28 22 26 22 13 83 27 0 36 46 84 28 22 28 42 75 21 28 24 22 Name Hobart, Leonard Hobart, Loisa Hobart, Lucy Hobart, Lucy Hobart, Lydia Hobart, Lydia Hobart, Lydia Hobart, Mary Hobart, Mary Hobart, Mary Hobart, Mary Hobart, Nathan Hobart, Nehemiah Hobart, Noah Hobart, Noah Hobart, Peter Hobart, Peter Hobart, Rebecca Hobart, Roxina Hobart, Rueben Hobart, Rueben Hobart, Ruth Hobart, Ruth Hobart, Ruth Hobart, Ruth Sanborn Hobart, Sally Hobart, Sally Hobart, Samuel Hazelton Hobart, Sarah "Sally" Hobart, Shelmel Hobart, Solomon Hobart, Son Hobart, Son Hobart, Walter P. Hobart, Willard Hobart, William Hobart, William Crosby Jewell, Alvin Andrew Jackson Jewell, Andrew B. Jewell, Andrew Jackson Jewell, Anna M. Jewell, Benjamin G. Jewell, Celia A. Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first death first child last child marriage 17 Birth date July-12-1799 February-08-1815 April-27-1807 Death date March-31-1817 September-27-1816 May-17-1885 1808 68 1927 1757 August-16-1817 1952 25 20 December-30-1780 April-18-1853 September-25-1793 March-01-1878 1604 January-20-1679 72 84 75 41 41 November-1839 January-26-1761 June-14-1791 December-12-1821 83 49 30 28 40 48 27 December-12-1822 February-08-1893 1785 1863 March-16-1806 March-12-1798 September-27-1798 June-25-1805 May-25-1884 70 78 29 19 40 41 27 17 0 78 28 36 April-20-1789 May-06-1789 January-11-1802 January-13-1802 1897 1964 August-31-1812 May-05-1802 September-28-1831 January-21-1843 February-08-1921 1811 1850 0 0 67 June-06-1923 May-06-1810 1870 September-09-1826 February-20-1915 December-14-1856 November-10-1941 - 55 - 28 23 78 39 88 84 21 42 23 44 14 Name Jewell, Charlie D. Jewell, Clarence W. Jewell, David Jewell, Della Maude Jewell, Dustin B. Jewell, Eda Maud Jewell, Edward M. Jewell, Eldridge W. Jewell, Emma Jewell, Herbert W. Jewell, James Jewell, James H. Jewell, James M. Jewell, John E. Jewell, Lucy Abby Jewell, Mark Jewell, Mary A. Jewell, Newton I Jewell, Noah L. Jewell, Ray A. Jewell, Sally Jewell, William A. Jewett, Ambrose Jewett, Andrew Jewett, Daniel Jewett, Daniel Jewett, Eliza Jewett, Enoch Jewett, Enoch Jewett, Enoch Jewett, Frank Jewett, George Jewett, Hulda Jewett, Isaac Jewett, Isaac Jewett, James Jewett, Joseph Jewett, Kendall Jewett, Leonidas Chandler Jewett, Lois Jewett, Lucinda Jewett, Lucinda Jewett, Luke Birth date April-18-1869 1817 1903 1825 1883 April-10-1871 1841 July-1862 1873 1781 Death date April-04-1928 1976 1909 73 84 19 20 18 24 March-05-1915 1903 August-13-1883 1866 1804 January-05-1815 January-26-1892 1879 December-29-1821 August-09-1914 February-05-1855 July-18-1942 December-1846 March-28-1895 1825 1889 1909 1806 1877 March-06-1807 January-05-1890 September-02-1825 January-06-1844 January-25-1782 July-08-1805 September-16-1817 September-09-1887 August-19-1801 November-07-1815 April-21-1799 May-30-1813 March-01-1811 May-30-1778 May-30-1813 December-18-1778 September-22-1797 April-16-1842 September-12-1792 August-23-1801 May-11-1796 September-05-1803 Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first death first child last child marriage 58 43 62 21 85 48 23 45 33 49 37 37 39 39 36 21 77 22 92 87 48 20 71 82 18 69 January-30-1852 January-02-1849 July-05-1832 June-07-1897 April-05-1839 38 37 54 84 60 May-18-1902 October-17-1873 60 81 November-26-1870 67 - 56 - 32 25 31 23 33 47 23 22 21 28 Name Jewett, Lydia Jewett, Mary A. Jewett, Moses Jewett, Parker Jewett, Patty Jewett, Ralph Jewett, Ralph P. Jewett, Ralph Pike Jewett, Sally Kendall, Anna Kendall, Asa Kendall, Asa Kendall, Aurilla E. Kendall, Betsy Kendall, Betty Kendall, Caroline Kendall, Ebenezer Kendall, Ebenezer Kendall, Ebenezer Kendall, Ebenezer Kendall, Eleanor Kendall, Ellenor Kendall, Elsey Kendall, Elsie Mariah Kendall, Hacy Kendall, Hannah Kendall, Hezekiah Kendall, Jesse Kendall, John Kendall, John Walton Kendall, Joseph Kendall, Joshua Kendall, Lemuel Kendall, Lemuel Kendall, Lenora Kendall, Leonard C. Kendall, Leonora Kendall, Lydia Kendall, Marinda Kendall, Martha "Patty" Kendall, Oscar P. Kendall, Oscar R. Kendall, Renssellaer Birth date Death date November-22-1786 July-09-1823 March-27-1895 October-30-1788 May-28-1807 February-05-1896 March-28-1785 March-09-1809 August-15-1815 September-02-1820 1900 March-23-1844 March-07-1917 February-17-1780 April-12-1794 January-18-1803 May-22-1825 April-06-1805 May-27-1893 1836 1736 November-02-1802 May-11-1765 February-16-1837 1821 December-10-1795 1836 April-16-1800 September-17-1809 1842 1773 May-08-1825 February-19-1797 March-13-1802 November-24-1872 February-15-1809 1817 1838 1819 March-03-1799 September-18-1800 March-06-1803 1832 November-06-1811 May-23-1817 February-22-1832 October-22-1797 September-22-1800 1840 August-07-1799 September-06-1872 December-21-1899 - 57 - Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first death first child last child marriage 71 88 24 6 80 72 21 25 29 68 66 71 52 39 35 29 28 37 37 26 41 27 46 70 1 22 2 27 26 23 21 5 22 21 22 Name Kendall, Robert Colburn Kendall, Sarah Kidder, ? Kidder, A. Kidder, Ada Kidder, Almira Kidder, Betsy Kidder, Charles G. Kidder, Clarisa Kidder, Daniel Kidder, David Kidder, Elizabeth Kidder, Emeline Kidder, Fred Kidder, Harriet Kidder, Huldah Kidder, James Kidder, James Kidder, James Dodge Kidder, John Kidder, John Kidder, John Kidder, John Kidder, Jonathan Kidder, Jonathan Kidder, Jonathan Kidder, Louisa Kidder, Lucette Kidder, Luther Kidder, Mary Kidder, Mary Kidder, Mary Ann Kidder, Maurice Kidder, Oliver Blake Kidder, Orpha Kidder, Rueben Kidder, Sherburn Kidder, Sophia Kidder, Susan F. Kimball, Abigail Kimball, Benjamin Kimball, Ellen M. Kimball, Harriet "Hattie" A. Birth date May-03-1810 May-02-1727 Death date November-20-1794 Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first death first child last child marriage 67 19 43 March-28-1837 October-25-1827 1844 July-21-1830 1838 1838 July-21-1826 1812 23 24 July-31-1895 83 20 20 25 33 June-04-1828 1771 1802 July-17-1824 1842 1843 24 April-27-1833 1800 December-30-1825 May-14-1822 26 1796 January-1835 July-18-1835 1798 1804 September-22-1815 December-24-1883 1854 1667 1786 October-1867 August-25-1850 July-28-1858 June-25-1908 - 58 - 26 41 27 40 24 0 68 26 31 81 49 31 Name Kimball, Jacob D. Kimball, Lucy A. Kimball, Orrin Drake Kimball, Ruth Kimball, Samuel Kimball, Sarah Kimball, Sarah A. Lovejoy, Abel Lovejoy, Abel Lovejoy, Aquilla Lovejoy, Augusta Chandler Lovejoy, Belinda Lovejoy, Betsey Lovejoy, Betsy Perkins Lovejoy, Charles Lovejoy, Charles Lovejoy, Clarinda Lovejoy, Cyrus Lovejoy, Elijah Lovejoy, Eliza Lovejoy, Elizabeth Lovejoy, Eunice Lovejoy, Eunice Burnham Lovejoy, George Washington Lovejoy, Hannah Lovejoy, Hannah F. Lovejoy, Harriet Lovejoy, Isaac Lovejoy, Isaac Sylvester Lovejoy, Jacob Lovejoy, James A. Lovejoy, Lois Lovejoy, Lucretia Hill Lovejoy, Lucy Lovejoy, Luther Lovejoy, Mary Lovejoy, Milton Lovejoy, Milton Lovejoy, Olive Lovejoy, Permely Lovejoy, Phinehas Lovejoy, Phinehas Lovejoy, Samuel A. Birth date June-26-1823 1788 1744 1802 Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first Death date death first child last child marriage February-10-1872 48 27 35 April-11-1877 February-24-1815 March-31-1895 May-06-1760 November-08-1820 1780 June-15-1812 February-07-1810 August-10-1814 February-03-1818 November-08-1805 1848 October-20-1811 April-07-1819 October-22-1809 November-02-1816 April-20-1807 September-12-1874 1807 May-27-1876 March-23-1805 March-31-1801 May-27-1810 July-31-1825 September-17-1850 1804 January-22-1890 June-27-1814 September-14-1815 April-08-1817 February-17-1752 June-20-1841 July-16-1805 February-15-1851 December-15-1801 September-27-1819 May-02-1817 June-25-1850 September-25-1821 April-14-1809 September-18-1819 1780 89 71 93 28 35 27 40 60 20 20 24 28 3 30 67 69 25 86 32 38 38 21 1 89 45 33 1819 10 April-07-1873 January-01-1827 93 21 44 21 September-27-1781 February-12-1851 69 23 43 22 October-01-1807 - 59 - Name Lovejoy, Simeon Lovejoy, Simeon Lovejoy, Stephen Lovejoy, Sylvia Lovejoy, Wealthy Wright Lovejoy, William W. McClure, A. J. McClure, Annie McClure, David McClure, Emeline M. McClure, Fannie McClure, Frank A. McClure, George W. McClure, Justin T. McClure, Robert McClure, Samuel Merrill, ? Merrill, Arthur L. Merrill, Betsy Merrill, Chastina B. Merrill, Clarence E. Merrill, Cyrus Merrill, David C. Merrill, Dorcas Merrill, Edwin Walker Merrill, Elijah Noyes Merrill, Esther Merrill, Frank Merrill, George W. Merrill, Jane Merrill, John Merrill, Mary A. Merrill, Mary L. Merrill, Moses W. Merrill, Nellie Maud Merrill, Phineas Merrill, Rhoda Augusta Merrill, Richard A. Merrill, Richard I. Merrill, Sarah Merrill, Uriah Merrill, Walter Richard Merrill, William Birth date August-25-1797 Death date Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first death first child last child marriage 1778 26 February-14-1808 February-18-1826 1802 April-20-1857 February-06-1890 June-08-1896 1859 November-16-1881 October-23-1832 January-10-1925 February-11-1866 1952 June-07-1925 June-18-1827 May-28-1900 1889 October-25-1969 1816 February-26-1858 July-26-1853 January-08-1854 1779 March-30-1869 1883 November-10-1844 1843 January-02-1867 March-10-1876 October-25-1924 1833 November-20-1894 88 39 30 21 30 35 22 92 86 24 33 72 80 42 0 90 25 22 22 28 37 31 40 24 33 27 27 31 24 24 61 1800 August-22-1882 18 1861 1926 September-05-1841 April-06-1923 1914 1975 May-01-1838 April-05-1887 June-1803 April-21-1881 August-11-1880 December-19-1970 March-12-1928 - 60 - 65 81 61 48 77 90 19 38 37 48 18 37 30 34 38 47 30 Name Morgan, Alice M. Morgan, Andrew Jonathan Morgan, Cedric C. Morgan, George C. Morgan, Harry Smith Morgan, Herbert A. Morgan, Jennie Lillian Morgan, Jennie Louise Morgan, Lulu Denelda Morgan, Mary R. Morgan, Wilfred W. Morse, Abigail Morse, Amelia Biglow Morse, Anthony Morse, Benjamin Morse, Daniel Morse, Darius N. B. Morse, David Morse, Edmund Morse, Eliza A. Morse, Elizabeth Morse, Frank O. Morse, Frank S. Morse, Hannah Morse, Isaac Morse, Isaac A. Morse, Jacob Morse, Jonathan Morse, Jonathan Morse, Jonathan Varnum Morse, Luther C. Morse, Nancy Jane Morse, Oscar F. Morse, Oscar V. Morse, Oscar Varnum Morse, Samuel Morse, Sarah Morse, Stephen Morse, William Morse, William S. Muzzey, Annie May Muzzey, Arthur Muzzey, Elmer L. Birth date January-29-1878 August-04-1837 1888 1888 1876 1886 March-27-1883 1867 December-20-1881 1871 1869 August-17-1787 May-20-1821 March-25-1804 1825 May-24-1795 February-23-1790 1837 March-14-1789 March-13-1849 November-23-1926 1741 May-09-1797 1829 January-04-1800 February-21-1793 1757 January-03-1824 November-24-1835 October-27-1927 June-12-1826 Death date 1970 August-09-1907 1918 1959 1956 August-22-1915 1956 1883 1944 June-08-1864 Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first death first child last child marriage 92 32 70 30 51 21 30 83 25 70 48 75 12 75 76 1839 14 August-06-1817 1897 27 60 May-20-1927 78 1838 9 March-31-1854 March-03-1840 October-28-1887 61 83 63 1688 17 23 19 39 31 31 20 30 42 22 47 21 28 30 25 33 54 25 29 36 June-25-1811 1832 June-06-1876 August-27-1879 December-1875 19 1913 81 April-30-1883 7 - 61 - Name Muzzey, Ervin W. Muzzey, Felora Muzzey, Frank P. Muzzey, John E Muzzey, Lilian Muzzey, Luman E. Muzzey, Luvie E. Muzzey, Malaney A. Muzzey, Mary L. Muzzey, Ned Muzzey, Nellie E. Muzzey, Orvis L. Muzzey, Thomas Muzzey, Walter Nelson, Charles W. Nelson, Clara Nelson, Cora Grace Nelson, Fred Elmer Nelson, Ida A. Nelson, James C. Nelson, Joseph B. Nelson, Lena M. Nelson, Lizzie E. Nelson, Martha Nelson, Minnie Nelson, William Nevens, Betsey Nevens, Elizabeth Nevens, Hannah Nevens, Hannah Nevens, John Nevens, John Nevens, Mary Nevens, Nathan Nevens, Phinehas Nevens, Sarah Nevens, Thomas Nevens, Thomas Nevens, William Nevens, William Nevens, William Norris, Almira Norris, Benjamin Birth date Death date 1848 1860 1852 February-21-1881 1850 October-07-1877 March-03-1871 March-28-1871 September-1870 February-01-1882 1847 1845 December-1877 September-22-1878 January-01-1869 March-19-1874 1854 December-1872 July-10-1827 1848 January-20-1860 May-20-1861 1856 August-12-1873 Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first death first child last child marriage 21 29 29 24 27 24 33 31 34 0 11 22 22 0 5 0 30 1935 79 23 26 68 99 0 30 69 72 73 37 37 18 March-01-1862 September-1858 1870 March-28-1790 December-18-1858 April-21-1795 April-19-1895 March-1826 January-21-1827 1754 January-11-1784 April-20-1799 1868 February-26-1755 December-1827 April-15-1784 May-05-1857 March-07-1786 1795 April-28-1789 1877 September-25-1846 82 57 January-30-1793 December-24-1817 24 April-16-1807 May-27-1789 March-17-1894 July-1843 86 54 - 62 - 23 26 29 41 26 44 41 20 27 24 29 30 Name Norris, Benjamin Norris, Benjamin Norris, Benjamin Norris, Daniel Norris, Daniel Hazelton Norris, David Norris, Eliphalet Norris, Farley Norris, Hannah Norris, Hannah Norris, Henry Dexter Norris, Ira Norris, Jacob Norris, Jesse Norris, Jewett Norris, John Norris, Joseph Norris, Mark Norris, Mary Norris, Mary Norris, Nathaniel Norris, Nathaniel Norris, Rebecca Norris, Samuel Norris, Samuel Norris, Samuel Norris, Sarah Norris, Timothy Johnson Norris, Zebulon Noyes, Abigail Willson Noyes, Alvah H. Noyes, Amy Noyes, Amy Noyes, Carrie Frances Noyes, David Noyes, Elijah Noyes, Elijah Noyes, Elizabeth Noyes, Emma Noyes, Enoch Noyes, Enoch Noyes, Hannah Noyes, Isaac L. Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first Birth date Death date death first child last child marriage December-13-1757 November-09-1836 78 27 51 25 April-01-1811 December-03-1897 86 24 March-08-1794 January-18-1814 November-11-1813 December-27-1893 December-30-1793 December-28-1802 April-06-1883 April-04-1799 January-14-1885 19 80 July-10-1852 July-09-1803 July-05-1769 November-26-1808 June-01-1809 June-20-1800 July-04-1796 April-1816 January-27-1787 1797 April-30-1773 March-23-1797 March-04-1805 January-06-1799 August-04-1791 March-08-1801 April-01-1785 April-09-1806 July-09-1795 March-08-1816 February-11-1838 February-15-1803 September-14-1829 June-1860 1789 October-02-1758 1790 1747 August-1867 1743 August-25-1854 February-23-1885 1850 2 81 81 May-12-1891 April-1833 July-24-1878 May-1816 July-02-1869 81 32 82 0 82 July-24-1848 November-09-1884 March-06-1879 April-24-1799 August-26-1797 June-23-1880 March-31-1874 July-01-1852 October-06-1864 75 87 74 0 6 79 88 46 69 January-25-1863 24 1756 1823 December-18-1861 November-05-1865 November-08-1809 January-08-1866 1789 December-15-1868 October-19-1847 January-22-1867 - 63 - 38 38 80 85 1 76 51 76 42 1 91 44 23 25 28 28 24 19 22 43 21 30 23 28 28 27 28 24 42 34 46 40 42 22 22 35 27 40 44 25 23 Name Noyes, Jane Noyes, Jane Noyes, Joanna B. Noyes, Jonathan Noyes, Kimball A. Noyes, Maria Noyes, Marian R. Noyes, Martha Ann Noyes, Mary Lewis Noyes, Nathan Hammond Noyes, Rebecca Noyes, Rhoda Noyes, Ruth J. Noyes, Ruth Kimball Noyes, S. Gerrish Noyes, Sally Noyes, Wesley Nutting, Arthur F. Nutting, Ellen E. Nutting, Emma G. Nutting, Harris O. Nutting, James Nutting, Lillie M. Nutting, Lydia Nutting, Mary A. Nutting, Prescott Nutting, Thomas P. Ordway, Aaron Ordway, Achsah Page Ordway, Amos Ordway, Ann Ordway, Ann Eliza Ordway, Anna Ordway, Anne Ordway, Bradshaw Ordway, Daniel Ordway, Dorothy Ordway, Edward Ordway, Ephraim Ordway, Esther Ordway, Hananiah Ordway, Hannah Ordway, Hannah Birth date 1800 February-20-1833 April-16-1830 October-21-1797 1818 1850 June-1820 February-24-1825 October-02-1814 July-06-1823 April-23-1765 March-13-1805 May-1831 September-02-1819 May-18-1816 December-24-1786 November-19-1831 June-10-1815 July-08-1850 1857 January-18-1848 Death date 1893 Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first death first child last child marriage 93 35 42 April-07-1911 December-16-1868 June-17-1863 1908 October-19-1887 80 71 45 58 67 24 25 40 40 23 37 1790 25 17 17 February-15-1905 73 July-03-1876 October-16-1878 60 91 20 23 October-20-1881 February-28-1933 66 82 28 30 42 30 February-16-1888 40 June-10-1877 June-03-1686 1843 October-09-1917 40 1921 78 May-04-1814 1788 February-25-1805 1669 1890 76 1827 22 1780 1699 1749 1773 1788 1653 1650 1689 1665 1693 1734 - 64 - 1725 26 1811 38 1714 61 1774 1757 1695 1752 85 92 2 18 20 16 25 29 19 19 21 22 31 27 17 22 38 21 25 41 23 Name Ordway, Hannah Ordway, Hannah Ordway, Hannah Ordway, Hannah Ordway, Hannah Ordway, Henry Ordway, Isaac Ordway, James Ordway, James Ordway, James Ordway, Jane Ordway, John Ordway, John Ordway, John Ordway, John Ordway, John Ordway, John Ordway, Lucy Jane Ordway, Lucy Jane Ordway, Marcy Ordway, Mary Ordway, Mary Ordway, Mary Ordway, Mary Ordway, Mercy Ordway, Nathan Ordway, Nehemiah Ordway, Nehemiah Ordway, Nehemiah Ordway, Peter Ordway, Polly Ordway, Relief Ordway, Richard Ordway, Richard Ordway, Richard Ordway, Ruth Ordway, Samuel Ordway, Samuel Ordway, Sara Ordway, Sarah Ordway, Stephen Ordway, Stephen Ordway, Stephen Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first death first child last child marriage 22 62 29 36 Birth date 1707 1769 1695 1752 Death date 1729 1831 1660 1687 1651 1621 1663 1718 1775 1658 1684 1736 March-31-1807 February-22-1819 1819 1741 April-29-1809 1714 1673 1682 1724 1703 1711 1742 1784 1691 1782 March-18-1803 1726 1727 1738 October-29-1811 1763 1746 1656 1763 August-1770 1697 May-07-1799 1668 1751 1722 1704 8 64 71 83 1735 1817 1717 1773 1827 17 42 59 89 91 October-21-1819 0 June-03-1846 1780 1754 37 66 81 1735 11 1799 1836 88 94 1811 1867 1727 1735 29 64 1 8 1841 78 1717 61 29 25 52 41 27 24 24 23 27 45 43 52 26 26 41 35 23 44 23 24 42 23 21 18 March-06-1863 - 65 - 92 48 Name Ordway, Thomas Ordway, Walter Ordway, Walter S. Ordway, William Page, ? Page, Azuba Page, Betty "Betsey" Page, Caleb Page, Caroline Gibson Page, Cynthia Page, David Page, Fred A. Page, Hannah R. Page, Harvey Page, Hattie M. Page, Henry Page, Joanna Page, Lucy Ann Page, Nancy Page, Nancy Page, Nathaniel Wright Page, Ruth Folsom Page, Sally Page, Susan Ramon Page, Thomas Page, Thomas Page, Thomas Page, William Gale Pattee, Ebenezer Pattee, Hannah Bartlett Pattee, James Pattee, James Pattee, Joanna Pattee, Jonathan Pattee, Mary Ann Pattee, Melece Pattee, Polly Pattee, Rebecca Pattee, William Perkins, Betsy Perkins, D. B. Perkins, David Perkins, David B. Birth date 1755 February-03-1817 1817 1765 Death date 1789 1794 1774 September-16-1841 September-06-1819 December-18-1822 November-10-1803 April-18-1811 October-11-1865 September-14-1805 February-27-1870 October-28-1817 1856 1935 July-24-1826 August-04-1887 December-1802 June-07-1867 September-20-1796 February-25-1870 August-29-1815 July-11-1825 July-21-1808 July-21-1813 1749 May-03-1813 1780 February-13-1806 May-30-1820 March-14-1820 July-28-1821 August-05-1808 March-17-1814 April-26-1810 June-14-1805 May-07-1818 March-02-1822 March-24-1806 April-16-1812 May-28-1816 1840 July-1816 November-20-1823 August-23-1812 January-29-1894 - 66 - Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first death first child last child marriage 34 25 33 47 45 23 42 22 64 23 36 22 61 64 73 21 35 23 41 64 31 23 45 45 31 35 79 24 1 1 6 77 23 Name Perkins, Ephraim Story Perkins, Fred Perkins, George Clinton Perkins, Hannah Perkins, Jacob Perkins, Jacob Perkins, Martha Perkins, Norman G. Perkins, Rachel Perkins, Ruth Perkins, Sally Perkins, Sally Lane Phelps, Abigail Phelps, Achsee Phelps, Adha Phelps, Alexander Phelps, Alexander Phelps, Alonzo Phelps, Betsey Phelps, Caleb Phelps, Charles. O. Phelps, Clarissa Phelps, David Phelps, Deborah Phelps, Elmira Phelps, Esther J. Phelps, Eunice Phelps, George Phelps, Harriet Phelps, Helen Maria Phelps, Henry Phelps, Henry Phelps, Henry Phelps, John Phelps, Lois Phelps, Lorenzo Phelps, Lucius Phelps, Lydia Phelps, Lydia Phelps, Mahala Phelps, Margaret Phelps, Martha Phelps, Mary Death date Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first death first child last child marriage Birth date May-01-1809 1875 December-25-1809 January-25-1810 0 1747 1775 May-21-1823 June-24-1865 76 90 34 28 43 24 24 October-07-1871 1843 May-03-1818 November-15-1894 October-24-1803 July-09-1796 April-30-1792 1759 1832 October-12-1804 1820 1780 October-07-1839 November-1802 1809 May-02-1882 October-03-1784 July-11-1794 May-26-1805 1813 January-19-1853 February-05-1790 December-10-1802 April-12-1810 January-21-1909 May-04-1831 1750 December-07-1840 22 76 20 21 73 42 51 36 20 44 20 40 25 28 98 22 22 90 30 39 19 22 73 19 18 19 February-14-1788 February-19-1786 January-13-1807 February-20-1810 March-09-1782 19 July-29-1882 October-30-1798 1797 40 1827 - 67 - Name Phelps, Mary F. Phelps, Nathan Phelps, Nathan O. Phelps, Paulina Phelps, Polly Phelps, Ruth A. Phelps, Samuel Phelps, Samuel Pierce, Abigail "Nabby" Pierce, Anna Bradford Pierce, Betsy Pierce, Clara C. Pierce, David Phelps Pierce, David Starrett Pierce, Elizabeth Pierce, Emma M. Pierce, Enoch F. Pierce, Ephraim Pierce, Esther Pierce, George W. Pierce, Hannah Pierce, Isaac Pierce, Isaac Baxter Pierce, Joseph Pierce, Lucy Pierce, Mary N. Pierce, Moses Pierce, Nathan Pierce, Nehemiah Pierce, Olive Pierce, Olive Pierce, Olive C. Pierce, Sally Pierce, Samuel Pierce, Samuel Pierce, Simeon Pierce, Susan "Suky" Pierce, William Pierce, William Pike, Albert Pike, Alfred T. Pike, Almaretta G. Pike, Amanda M. Birth date Death date 1789 May-21-1871 June-1814 June-20-1898 May-1816 January-05-1900 February-24-1801 April-1850 November-27-1874 June-01-1807 Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first death first child last child marriage 82 84 83 24 23 31 35 23 21 22 24 April-22-1803 May-01-1809 August-13-1813 January-23-1804 June-07-1806 February-02-1810 1855 1816 March-26-1856 49 1911 1891 56 75 28 39 28 39 76 23 26 70 15 76 24 37 20 39 May-19-1770 March-27-1847 May-19-1819 March-24-1811 August-07-1881 December-19-1801 March-29-1817 June-06-1817 1893 November-18-1814 August-27-1805 May-29-1817 1822 1900 August-25-1816 1772 February-28-1836 1755 July-27-1807 April-25-1817 April-13-1824 April-13-1824 January-13-1909 June-12-1819 1895 1788 April-17-1865 March-12-1808 September-05-1804 December-01-1777 March-31-1826 June-30-1812 1820 November-03-1840 1845 October-31-1867 1847 1923 March-12-1821 January-01-1878 - 68 - 11 78 22 64 22 9 84 23 28 21 76 77 13 36 22 13 48 25 41 24 20 22 76 56 Name Pike, Ann Pike, Arthur Livermore Pike, Asher Pike, Augustus Herbert Pike, Austin Franklin Pike, Benjamin Pike, Benjamin Pike, Bernice C. Pike, Carlos Lasirelate Pike, Charlotte Pike, Daniel Pike, Daniel Pike, Daniel Pike, Daniel Pike, Donna L. Pike, Dorothy Pike, Drury Pike, Drury Pike, Ebenezer French Pike, Edward A. Pike, Eliza Pike, Elizabeth Pike, Emeline D. Pike, Esther Pike, Etta Winifred Pike, Ezekiel Pike, Ezekiel Pike, Ezekiel Pike, George Willie Pike, Hannah Pike, Hannah Pike, Hannah Pike, Harriet A. Pike, Hattie Emma Pike, Huldah Pike, Huldah Pike, Isaac Pike, Isaac Pike, Isaac Pike, Isaiah Pike, Isreal Pike, Jacob Kendall Pike, James Birth date 1621 March-05-1806 Death date Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first death first child last child marriage December-22-1847 41 November-17-1856 November-16-1951 October-16-1819 October-08-1886 September-28-1723 1803 September-21-1676 June-04-1760 May-16-1838 July-26-1839 August-24-1825 June-22-1808 July-24-1794 1804 February-23-1725 April-10-1795 December-05-1765 July-30-1843 July-02-1804 1871 April-21-1953 1617 June-06-1659 September-23-1792 December-23-1795 November-23-1811 April-30-1884 May-22-1787 November-1820 1853 June-16-1810 June-16-1810 January-01-1823 August-12-1763 May-22-1858 January-23-1944 August-05-1783 April-27-1784 May-01-1784 February-12-1805 March-27-1808 September-1853 March-22-1856 June-21-1789 June-26-1861 1785 February-28-1876 March-24-1679 January-20-1838 August-10-1885 July-30-1881 January-14-1817 February-25-1817 February-05-1753 October-05-1802 September-24-1832 April-04-1799 February-14-1882 December-12-1749 August-12-1787 September-16-1865 April-1623 March-12-1690 May-23-1798 May-23-1804 March-01-1703 March-19-1752 94 66 80 83 1 - 69 - 10 70 77 82 42 3 72 33 34 34 21 21 46 44 23 27 21 24 85 0 20 2 72 91 47 0 29 82 78 76 6 49 18 17 27 36 13 32 Name Pike, James Pike, James Pike, John Pike, John Pike, John Pike, John Pike, John Pike, John Pike, John F. Pike, Jonathan Keyes Pike, Joseph Pike, Joseph Pike, Joseph Pike, Joseph Pike, Louisa Pike, Lucina G. Pike, Lucy Pike, Lucy Jane Pike, Lucynda Pike, Luther Pike, Lydia Pike, Mahalia A. Pike, Marsha Ann Pike, Mary Pike, Mary "Polly" Pike, Matilda J. Pike, Moody Pike, Moses Pike, Moses Pike, Nathaniel Adams Pike, Nathaniel Ball Pike, Polly Pike, Rhoda Pike, Robert Pike, Rufus Pike, Ruth Pike, Ruth Pike, Sally Pike, Samuel Pike, Sarah Pike, Sarah Pike, Sarah Pike, Sarah Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first Birth date Death date death first child last child marriage December-26-1751 December-25-1829 77 27 34 21 1778 24 September-01-1668 September-29-1668 0 February-24-1699 January-05-1747 47 November-05-1613 January-17-1680 76 25 25 25 1573 May-26-1654 81 40 50 39 December-28-1671 1752 81 1783 May-10-1796 September-29-1859 June-07-1757 1802 December-25-1638 September-04-1694 November-04-1696 March-28-1778 April-17-1674 October-17-1757 February-13-1801 February-05-1882 November-19-1836 May-10-1878 1810 January-06-1817 February-26-1829 January-01-1796 December-12-1863 August-30-1798 August-24-1759 May-22-1837 February-28-1815 March-30-1819 June-03-1828 April-30-1670 July-02-1797 October-18-1810 August-19-1834 April-21-1791 April-25-1769 September-26-1821 September-17-1809 June-16-1869 June-22-1832 March-26-1805 May-30-1828 January-23-1792 March-17-1616 December-12-1706 August-19-1795 August-29-1862 November-24-1802 July-17-1880 1797 June-13-1789 June-10-1814 April-30-1884 April-02-1705 June-20-1705 April-13-1771 1784 January-26-1747 1764 October-12-1666 January-02-1718 - 70 - 63 45 55 81 83 80 41 7 29 40 27 26 22 42 28 32 25 67 77 4 24 20 23 26 21 21 18 41 23 36 24 45 44 49 23 52 59 22 23 90 67 77 26 20 25 69 0 13 17 51 25 Name Pike, Sarah Pike, Susannah Pike, Tamar Pike, Thomas Pike, Thomas Pike, Thomas Pike, Thomas T. Pike, Uriah Pike, Uriah Pike, Uriah A. Pike, Uriah Drury Pike, Willard Uriah Pike, William Powers, Albert Ebenezer Powers, Benjamin Powers, Charles G. Powers, Charles W. Powers, Gideon Powers, Harvey D. Powers, Jonathan Powers, Joseph Powers, Joseph Powers, Nathaniel Ball Powers, Olive A. Powers, Ruth Powers, Sally S. Powers, Sarah Powers, William Powers, William Pratt, Caroline B. Pratt, David Pratt, Edward Pratt, George Chaise Pratt, Joseph S. Pratt, Joseph Walker Pratt, Laura Ann Pratt, Lucias Ann Pratt, Oliver Pratt, Thomas Pratt, Varnum Pratt, William Augusta Putney, Alfred S. Putney, Alonzo E. Birth date July-02-1706 April-19-1793 December-05-1807 September-25-1700 August-04-1681 September-06-1767 1779 November-13-1785 July-29-1794 December-05-1826 July-07-1761 March-09-1860 1780 December-05-1816 January-09-1829 December-20-1847 April-11-1819 November-1791 September-1842 Death date Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first death first child last child marriage December-24-1761 February-12-1753 1838 61 71 71 June-10-1790 June-24-1878 November-17-1832 October-18-1822 1957 February-18-1836 4 83 5 61 97 56 December-30-1850 January-21-1851 July-03-1900 January-07-1840 June-24-1863 21 3 81 48 20 January-1804 February-1784 July-22-1823 October-05-1852 October-11-1867 March-31-1862 63 78 1808 1899 91 March-1765 November-02-1834 69 26 58 September-08-1817 1765 November-28-1844 1839 November-16-1862 August-08-1819 79 23 33 33 88 77 24 24 41 82 75 32 25 43 22 43 28 40 27 28 27 33 27 26 25 38 22 33 32 March-29-1821 April-12-1913 July-20-1815 1741 1829 1798 September-12-1875 January-17-1819 July-12-1812 July-16-1894 August-19-1855 1930 - 71 - 30 36 25 Name Putney, Alvin E. Putney, Annie Francis Putney, Austin E. Putney, Caroline M. Putney, Charles Henry Putney, Daniel S. Putney, Denelda M. Putney, Harriett L. Putney, Harry Elbridge Putney, Lidelia A. Putney, Orrison D. Putney, Rhoda Putney, Rufus Wright Reed, Alzina A. Reed, Betsy Reed, Clark H. Reed, Eliza Ann Swain Reed, George Washington Lang Reed, Giles Alexander Reed, Gilmon Reed, Gilmon Reed, Hannah Reed, Horace Goodredge Reed, Jesse B. Reed, Jesse F. Reed, John Reed, Nathaniel Hillburn Reed, Rachel Reed, Sally Reed, Silas F. Reed, Thomas Reed, Thomas U. Roby, Fidelia Jane Roby, George D. Roby, Lowell Roby, Lowell R. Roby, Lucrette Roby, Margaret A. Roby, Oscar S. Roby, Sadie E. Roby, Sarah Rogers, David Rogers, Dorothy Birth date June-16-1842 January-15-1847 September-14-1852 May-21-1844 1844 1816 December-05-1861 June-14-1858 March-1877 January-15-1847 1850 1844 1848 1854 April-04-1807 April-05-1820 August-25-1835 May-01-1832 January-22-1812 September-22-1814 March-20-1817 Death date 1910 January-17-1930 Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first death first child last child marriage 68 83 20 41 40 26 22 45 35 28 29 19 28 29 35 38 41 31 1863 47 1940 January-21-1879 82 1 1852 2 February-06-1911 1893 March-20-1821 63 39 13 December-13-1815 March-20-1821 1 4 March-05-1828 8 1894 82 October-05-1837 September-26-1811 October-31-1803 1853 April-04-1805 1914 March-04-1823 61 17 February-28-1851 February-27-1920 68 August-28-1822 January-02-1902 79 May-18-1819 1850 1812 40 21 23 24 22 15 1861 21 34 19 39 42 1730 - 72 - Name Rogers, Edmund Rogers, Edna May Rogers, Ellen Augusta Rogers, Elliott B. Rogers, Emily J. Rogers, Esther Rogers, Fred Rogers, John Rogers, John Rogers, John F. Rogers, Jonathan Rogers, Mary Rogers, Mary A. Rogers, Nathan Rogers, Peter Rogers, Thomas Rollins, Augustine J. Rollins, Eldora A. Rollins, Eliza Rollins, Ellen Caroline Rollins, Harriet Augusta Rollins, John H. Rollins, Joseph Rollins, Joseph L. Rollins, Ora A. Rollins, Samuel Rollins, Samuel Dinsmore Rollins, William H. Ross, Charles E. Ross, David Hunton Ross, Elam Ross, Eliza Ross, Ella A. Ross, Marion Ross, Nathan Ross, Sally C. Ross, Thomas B. Ross, William C. Ross, Zaphira Russell, Amos L. Russell, Betsy Jane Russell, Edmund W. Russell, George Washington Birth date Death date 1726 1895 March-1841 September-26-1862 January-20-1813 November-30-1890 March-1845 December-23-1886 1714 1862 1685 1739 1716 March-19-1847 December-19-1913 1724 1718 October-28-1880 March-11-1965 1720 1721 1849 June-10-1848 1813 March-26-1840 September-09-1842 1806 21 77 41 27 20 28 32 20 34 19 23 54 33 29 33 45 27 66 33 33 22 84 21 19 1847 34 March-18-1900 57 July-28-1845 October-26-1896 June-30-1815 May-12-1895 August-17-1849 November-29-1843 August-1857 May-13-1881 January-30-1842 May-11-1842 1802 September-06-1881 November-26-1829 October-19-1880 1849 November-08-1851 May-21-1832 October-18-1824 1834 January-10-1813 Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first death first child last child marriage August-19-1853 June-27-1886 March-22-1907 January-03-1890 March-13-1826 February-02-1834 - 73 - 51 79 23 0 79 50 2 21 61 73 76 34 34 20 24 34 24 23 30 23 40 28 21 25 32 26 22 Name Russell, Jamie Lizzie Russell, Lydia Emerton Russell, Mary Phelps Russell, Phineas Russell, Phineas Frank Russell, Phineas Frank Russell, Simeon Russell, Sylvanus Russell, Thomas Russell, Thomas Emerton Sanborn, Abbie Sanborn, Abiah Sanborn, Abial B. Sanborn, Ada Grace Sanborn, Charles P. Sanborn, Earnest H. Sanborn, Eliza Sanborn, Eliza A. Sanborn, Frank L. Sanborn, Fristian Sanborn, Glennie Sanborn, John Sanborn, John Wesley Sanborn, Joseph C. Sanborn, Kate L. Sanborn, Moses Sanborn, Norman W. Sawyer, Fanny Sawyer, Josiah Sawyer, Josiah Sawyer, Phebe A. Sawyer, Phineas Sawyer, Phineas B. Sawyer, Phineas G. Sawyer, Relief Sawyer, Ruth Sawyer, William F. Smith, Abel P. Smith, Abigail Smith, Addie C. Smith, Asa Smith, Benjamin F. Smith, Bernetta May Birth date Death date May-29-1877 October-19-1828 November-10-1829 January-1797 August-19-1886 September-30-1880 January-16-1955 December-25-1842 May-01-1919 December-31-1830 Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first death first child last child marriage 89 74 76 February-04-1835 1849 1782 May-28-1872 1852 May-18-1878 December-25-1870 November-11-1839 November-27-1869 July-31-1842 May-12-1893 May-07-1881 1812 July-13-1845 1812 1885 30 50 November-30-1868 June-29-1918 56 72 1907 1792 45 83 April-30-1876 1862 1709 November-1842 February-15-1846 1780 March-1804 May-09-1852 November-09-1831 February-17-1836 January-04-1838 February-16-1846 July-1840 88 March-14-1841 June-1823 September-09-1864 1887 1776 March-21-1865 1829 September-04-1879 November-06-1879 - 74 - 45 45 37 37 18 18 30 30 29 29 18 18 26 40 40 17 34 26 25 61 20 22 39 3 48 4 8 24 27 24 38 24 0 41 18 89 0 31 33 31 38 30 Name Smith, Bertha M. Smith, Catherine G. Smith, Charles H. Smith, Daughter Smith, Dorcas E. Smith, Edna Blanch Smith, Edward Hazelton Smith, Frances Alberta Smith, Frank Smith, George S. Smith, Hannah Smith, Harvey R. Smith, Helen M. Smith, James Smith, Jane D. Smith, Jeannette Smith, John Smith, John M. Smith, John M. Smith, Leander Smith, Lucy M. Smith, Manson B. Smith, Manson Parker Smith, Mary D. Smith, Mary F. Smith, Missouria Smith, Nathan P. Smith, Orrin M. Smith, Peter S. Smith, Phineas B. Smith, Phineas R. Smith, Rachel Smith, Ransom R. Smith, Richard Ransom Smith, Roy McClure Smith, Ruth Smith, Sarah Margaret Smith, Viola P. Smith, Virginia F. Smith, Virginius S. Smith, Welcome Smith, Willie A. Vickery, Abigail Wilson Birth date August-03-1878 Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first Death date death first child last child marriage February-25-1885 6 November-07-1862 March-03-1925 1888 1890 February-17-1867 December-1862 October-22-1853 March-23-1675 1869 April-26-1935 0 20 24 81 24 21 21 47 31 21 20 19 19 16 35 21 41 26 December-01-1690 1840 September-10-1892 September-28-1892 1788 October-17-1856 1824 1848 0 68 31 January-11-1901 July-19-1923 January-08-1848 22 October-11-1848 26 0 1852 46 1823 January-07-1814 April-12-1908 December-19-1906 85 92 April-1807 July-18-1882 December-17-1880 1955 73 73 January-12-1927 1847 December-1845 July-1850 1852 March-25-1795 28 30 30 29 27 33 December-03-1846 December-06-1855 1 5 32 September-13-1825 - 75 - 30 19 24 18 Name Vickery, Abraham Vickery, Abraham Vickery, Alepha Relief Vickery, Elizabeth French Vickery, Hannah Vickery, John Vickery, John Wilson Vickery, Louisa Vickery, Louissa Vickery, Phebe Vickery, Rachel Walker, Abial Walker, Bradley Walker, Bruce Walker, Charles Lyman Walker, Charles O. Walker, Daniel Walker, Daniel Carter Walker, Elizabeth Walker, Elizabeth G. Walker, Ellen Hannah Walker, Harriet Walker, Harry Bradley Walker, John Walker, John W. Walker, Kate M. Walker, Laura Henrietta Walker, Lucia M. Walker, Lyman H. Walker, Mary Walker, Mary Jane Walker, Mary L. Walker, Nelly G. Walker, Oramel Walker, Richard Walker, Ruth Walker, Samuel Hazelton Wheeler, Albert J. Wheeler, Alfie P. Wheeler, Alma A. Wheeler, Almore H. Wheeler, Annie Mae Wheeler, Benaiah Birth date 1773 July-20-1807 October-11-1805 March-15-1804 October-28-1796 June-09-1800 1840 March-03-1809 Death date May-12-1838 October-13-1879 August-22-1835 Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first death first child last child marriage 65 22 36 72 29 26 26 23 22 February-02-1863 May-29-1802 March-29-1799 June-04-1837 November-05-1808 September-25-1874 June-19-1821 June-25-1858 1759 July-27-1840 September-09-1860 June-09-1865 August-27-1855 June-06-1862 June-17-1815 July-20-1815 January-08-1781 May-27-1859 February-10-1817 1859 February-12-1860 1943 February-18-1853 February-19-1936 1795 August-14-1849 April-06-1819 February-16-1901 December-20-1851 June-10-1862 October-04-1858 March-16-1935 November-04-1857 June-08-1862 1811 December-04-1782 November-22-1870 December-12-1813 September-29-1818 October-21-1863 August-18-1866 January-13-1867 December-13-1823 July-30-1902 October-17-1806 March-02-1884 April-05-1811 June-25-1880 September-24-1846 April-29-1917 December-29-1852 November-01-1932 December-23-1877 September-29-1942 May-1834 December-15-1861 1881 May-1824 December-09-1888 - 76 - 62 38 65 37 81 4 6 0 78 42 83 83 81 10 40 40 28 22 28 23 25 42 24 23 31 23 33 21 32 44 31 49 22 55 46 21 76 4 87 4 21 0 78 77 69 70 79 64 27 30 27 29 31 35 16 42 28 64 29 38 Name Wheeler, Edith Lilian Wheeler, Ethel G. Wheeler, Eugene Wheeler, Gillman Wheeler, Gilman Wheeler, Harvey A. Wheeler, Hellen H. Wheeler, Henry L. Wheeler, Herbert L. Wheeler, Ira Wheeler, John A. Wheeler, John D. Wheeler, Lorenzo Wheeler, Marcia L. Wheeler, Martin S. Wheeler, Mary L. Wheeler, Orrin A. Wheeler, William Wheet, Alonzo J. Wheet, Alonzo W. Wheet, Betsy Wheet, Caroline B. Wheet, Charles F. Wheet, Elizabeth Wheet, Ella J. Wheet, Emily A. Wheet, Harriet Wheet, Huldah A. Wheet, John C. Wheet, Joseph Wheet, Joshua R. Wheet, Josiah Wheet, Josiah Wheet, Lafayette Wheet, Lucy Wheet, Lura L. Wheet, Mary Ann Wheet, Sarah Wheet, Sarah A. Wheet, Sylvester Whipple, Amos Whipple, Betsey Whipple, Charles H. Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first death first child last child marriage Birth date April-26-1877 June-09-1879 1881 Death date August-06-1853 February-1850 July-1839 January-30-1883 July-05-1826 October-1837 February-1817 1844 March-1863 September-27-1858 May-13-1830 May-24-1857 November-17-1863 June-28-1908 April-1842 10 58 2 May-30-1917 May-1842 October-14-1892 90 4 75 May-16-1881 July-30-1868 February-17-1915 November-30-1863 18 9 84 6 24 26 55 20 33 33 39 38 40 31 1849 1832 1835 22 1851 1843 February-15-1840 1813 March-23-1807 1761 1838 1844 1828 67 38 43 52 23 25 27 1850 1863 13 1834 June-21-1836 1830 November-01-1796 March-16-1832 August-04-1866 /1908 69 76 - 77 - 17 Name Whipple, Frank L. Whipple, Irena Whipple, Joseph Whipple, Joseph Whipple, Joseph Whipple, Laura Grace Whipple, Lyman Whipple, Maryann Whipple, Thomas Blaisdell Wise, Aaron Wise, Abram H. Wise, Adeline H. Wise, Albert Wise, Albert Wise, Betsy Wise, Cephila B. Wise, Curtis M. Wise, David Wise, David W. Wise, Ebenezer Wise, Ebenezer Wise, Ebenezer Wise, Elizabeth E. Wise, George D. Wise, George S. Wise, Ida Wise, Jackman Wise, Jane Wise, Joanna Byam Wise, John C. Wise, Jonathan Wise, Julia Wise, Leonard F. Wise, Lorin A. Wise, Martha E. Wise, Mary Wise, Mary E. Wise, Meribah H. Wise, Milo Wise, Moses Wise, Moses Graves Wise, Nehemiah Wise, Robert L. Birth date Death date December-29-1817 May-1793 1768 April-13-1825 March-09-1819 December-20-1834 October-29-1823 August-17-1820 January-03-1795 December-02-1817 October-08-1828 August-20-1864 November-28-1813 February-17-1815 April-02-1832 December-15-1826 February-24-1788 January-15-1816 November-25-1751 August-06-1779 1723 September-11-1824 July-04-1864 March-01-1823 1852 November-04-1815 December-09-1798 January-19-1784 1872 December-25-1790 June-19-1807 January-31-1837 March-02-1866 August-06-1826 August-09-1781 March-05-1862 June-10-1820 October-27-1828 August-22-1822 July-05-1793 August-10-1812 August-1798 October-30-1875 July-17-1852 August-12-1833 Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first death first child last child marriage 57 59 65 22 24 25 31 41 28 20 23 24 35 22 24 December-06-1908 73 June-06-1886 July-14-1868 65 73 28 42 May-30-1865 77 26 44 25 February-04-1824 June-02-1865 72 85 27 27 28 47 40 28 26 26 April-04-1872 December-28-1897 7 74 22 22 18 21 November-14-1878 79 21 38 20 1951 June-1872 79 81 24 24 24 October-16-1925 88 27 27 1868 87 May-14-1834 February-08-1833 13 4 February-10-1862 68 March-11-1877 78 - 78 - 23 22 54 54 Name Wise, Robert L. Wise, Sarah "Sally" Wise, Sarah J. Wise, Sarah S. Wise, Simon Wise, Stephen B. Wise, Stephen H. Wise, Susannah Wise, Warren W. Wise, Willard W. Wright, Abijah Wright, Abijah Wright, Alva Cumming Wright, Asenath Wright, Betsy Wright, Ezekiel Pike Wright, Gilbert Pike Wright, John Wright, Joshua Wright, Russet Age at Age at Age at Age at birth of birth of first death first child last child marriage 40 45 62 18 76 23 27 21 Birth date August-06-1819 October-22-1810 November-10-1859 June-27-1863 Death date 1867 May-20-1814 March-17-1786 June-24-1830 1832 1746 1889 22 July-22-1861 75 24 28 1911 1828 79 82 31 40 1939 22 1810 April-03-1812 1803 May-11-1805 1815 February-21-1807 23 - 79 -
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