OBITUARY NEWS Individual's Role Is Considered As Hastings High Graduates 112 HAROLD SORENSEN She w a s born in Russia in 3879. Her husband. J a c o b L a z a r . who Floor Contractor Harold Sorensen. sixty-one. a owned a candy and s t a t i o n e r y floor contractor h e r e , died Thurs- store in New York Citv, died in HASTINGS - ON - HUDSON — Assn. a w a r d . Howard Batsford; h a r t . Dennis W. Elley, J e a n n e E . d a y a t G r a s s l a n d s Hospital in Val- 1931. R o b e r t K a p p , speaking on "What B a u s c h a n d L o m b Science award, F a r m e r , M a r g a r e t A n n Fisher, She attended Congregation PeoJ Ijalla. He lived on B r i a r Hill Dr. M a t t e r s . " a n d K a t h i e A m a t n k k , Kathie A m a t n i e k ; Carol J . Kow- J a m e s Herbert F o x , J a n e t Frankple Of Righteousness on I n g r a m ^ M r . Sorensen w a s born in Cowhose topic w a s " T h e Role of t h e alski Memorial a w a r d . Antoinette evich, Nancy J e a n G a M n , Karen penhagen. D e n m a r k . March 26. St. Individual in a n Industrial Socie- Selvaggio; J o h n L. Hopkins hon- A. Goodlander. Survivors include t h r e e sons. Kf*9 a n d c a m e to the United t y , " w e r e class s p e a k e r s last night o r a r y a w a r d , David Stookey; NaAlso, Kevin R. G r a u e r , Charles S a t e s in 1921. H e w a s a m e m b e r H e r m a n of the Bronx and Louis a t Hastings High School's com- tional S e c r e t a r i e s Assn. a w a r d , M. Gross. B a r b a r a A. G r o t h e . J a c j f t h e Bryn Mawr P r e s b y t e r i a n land Irving of Yonkers: a brother. m e n c e m e n t when 112 g r a d u a t e s Marie Mueller; High School Citi- queline Hand, Samuel J . Hanna P u i r c h and a past m a s t e r of N e p Isaac Rabinowe of Yonkers: two received d i p l o m a s from M r s . Mar- zenship prize, Bernard Richards: J r . , E r n e s t E . H a r r i s J r . , T h o m a s sisters Mrs Sarah Rabinowit/ of perhan Lodge 736, r \ and A M g a r e t B . Murdock, president of t h e Driver Education a w a r d , Gertrude J . Hogan. Clive P . Hohberger, Yonkers and B t t t y Mocker of New . He m a r r i e d t h e lAimer Mo!!ic Daley and Varsity L e t t e r m a n ' s John H. Hutcnins, J a m e s , G . LamBoard of E d u c a t i o n . |V>tter in Trinity Lutheran Church York City: nine grandchildren a n d T h e coveted scholarship award Club" athletic award, Bernard Rich- bert. Karen G. J o h n s o n , Robert two great grandchildrcn. in t h e Bronx in 1931. of t h e T e a c h e r s Assn., presented a i d s . M. Johnson, Robert A. K a p p , Car' Besides his wife, he is s u n i v e d WESTCHESTER DEATHS b y M r s . E v a S u r e a u , w a s given T h e R e v . Gordon Johnston, pas- ol Ann K a r c z m i t . Kenneth T. Kavby two daughters. Mi's. John tLinto Edith Schmidt and t h e scholar- tor of St. M a t t h e w ' s Lutheran anagh, Arthur Kelly, P e t e r KleeGEORGK L. ALLIN. eighty-four. da^ McKim and Miss Gail Sorrnship a w a r d s for further education Church, opened t h e exercises with moff, Lynne Ruth Koval, Helen L. of White Plains, a former presit e n . both of Yonkers. a hrpther by t h e P a r e n t T e a c h e r s Assn. w e r e p r a y e r after t h e processional play- K r a u s , J o h n P a u l Kupcok, George dent of the Reai Kstafe Roard of and live sisters in Copenhagen, presented b y M r s . Roger White ed by t h e High School band and F. New York, at New Milford, Conn. Legg, Aase M . Lilleskare, pioneer families of Westchester. S t o r m s by J o h n A. Creedy, presiDOBBS F E R R Y High School i n d a grandchild. to Elizabeth Smith and Ann De- singing of t h e S t a r Spangled Ban- Stephanie J . .Locke, Hugh C. Long, R. E M M E T T DIGNEY. eighty. Awarded a 50-year a n n i v e r s a r y He retired two y e a r s ago from Michele. dent of t h e Dobbs F e r r y board a lawyer in White Plains a n d New ner. T h e class gift w a s presented Marlene M. L o r r a i n e , Diamond I J R S . WILLIAM S. MAHONY diploma last night to Stewart Nthe County T r u s t Co., D r . Albert of education and P r i n c i p a l WilY t r k since 190.S and a former M a r g a r e t B r u s t m a n received the to t h e school by Benjamin Dekker Loukrezia. Lee F . Manning, J e r r y Jtative of New York Storms, (second from right) last A. B r i n k m a n , t h e village's su- W o m a n ' s Club scholarship study and P l a i n s surviving m e m b e r of its class of liam Z. Lindsey ( a t r i g h t ) . Mr. Principal Ross presented Lynn Mason, Charles Medovich, ?&Mrs. Edytho J a r d i n e Mahony of president of the White perintendent of schools, is at a w a r d p r e s e n t e d by M r s . J a y Spry a w a r d s a n d introduced t h e gradu- Paul J . Molnoski, M a r i e L. Muel4$ Hamilton Ave. died today at Board of Education, at White 1910 which n u m b e r e d five. T h e Storms, a native of Dobbs F e r r y , h o n k e r s Professional Hospital aft- Plains. diploma w a s presented to M r . lelt—Staff Photo by J e r r y Sarno and t h e C h a m b e r of C o m m e r c e ates. Musical e n t e r t a i n m e n t fea- ler, J u l i a Murphy, Christine N a is descended from one of the business study scholarship, pre- tured Howard Batsford a n d Den- jarian. e r a long illness. She would have Marianthe Negreponte, OTHER DEATHS sented by J a m e s H. Leddy, went nis Domcnek playing a duo-trum- Dale S. Nelson. T h o m a s A. P a r e , Seen seventy Monday. P A L L W. J E N K I N S , seventy, to Carolyn Decker. T h e J a m e s pet rendition of " T r u m p e t e r ' s Lul- Michael J . P a t e r r a , Carol A. - S h e w a s born in New York City Daley P o s t V F W scholarship prize l a b y . " to William and Josephine La- retired former vice president of Peterson. was received by B e r n a r d R i c h a r d s F l a m m e J a r d i n e . She w a s the wife the Corning Glass Works in Pittsburgh, at White Stone, Va. T h e p r o g r a m ended with a reAnd Alberta A. P i g n a t a r o , F r a n k of William S. Mahony They "celeand t h e scholarship prize of t h e MAJ. G E N . CHARLES C. CURbrated their 50th wedding anniverFirst, W e s t c h e s t e r - P u t n a m Masonic cessional directed by Howard Bats- J . Pinhack J r . , J o a n n a F . QuanTIS, sixty-six. advertising director sary last November District w a s a w a r d e d to Dennis ford a s student conductor. jer. Adele M . Questo. Robert T. " Mrs Mahonv w a s a m e m b e r of!of t h e Call-Chronicle N e w s p a p e r s Domchek. T h e Tri-Village Rotary Raigel, Beverly J . R a i l s , B e r n a r d The g r a d u a t e s w e r e : Tne Westchester County Coin Club. I in Allentown. P a . , a n d retired Club scholarship a w a r d w a s given E d w a r d M. McCue, seventy, a Kathie Amatniek, Muriel Anas- Richard9, P a u l W . Rowe, Nancv Surviving b y Allen T h o m a s to Christine Na- tasi, M a r g e r y S. Apsey, Diane Gene Rowell, William J . Russell .iving besides h e r husband j c o m m a n d e r of t h e P e n n s y l v a n i a retired powerhouse fireman for jarian. Refined S y r u p s a n d S u g a r s I n c . a r e three sisters, M r s . Carolyn National Guard, at Allentown. Carol A r t h u r s , Cecilia Baryluk. J r . , Christine Santon, E d i t h A. YOUNG B . SMITH, seventy. on F e d e r a l St., died y e s t e r d a y at more •%'icholls of Yonkers. and M r s . B r o c k m a n , history Howard Batsford, Edward J . Schmidt. vF r e d e r i c k H. Schnrritz, DOBBS F E R R Y , — Seven col- ics: William J o h n Tullock a n d M r s . Richard d e a n emeritus of t h e Columbia Yonkers G e n e r a l Hospital after a lege scholarships w e r e a w a r d e d by a n d science, O t h e r a w a r d s w e r e : Harlowe Blake J r . , L e e A. B i r m i n g h a m , Alice Tina Scm}ck, Antoinette Sel"Stickles, both of G r e a t Barrington. I^aw School, a t Blowing Rock, short Illness. He lived a t 19 High- the Home a n d School Assn. a n d Memorial certificates for athletics, J e a n L. Blanchette, Carol Coburn vaggio,' Mary Ann Senita, GeorgThe g r a d u a t e s a r e : Uday N a r - M a r y C r a g a n a n d B e r n a r d Richland Ave. Mass., and a brother, William of N.C. ette Sherwood, Michael P . Skok. the T e a c h e r s Assn. a t t h e 59th h a r Abhyankar, M a r g a r e t A b r a m , a r d s : P T A h o m e m a k i n g a n d in- Booth, M a r g a r e t B r u s t m a n , Fran- Elizabeth Simmonds, Doris M a y 'Ambler, P a . c o m m e n c e m e n t of Dobbs F e r r y cisco C a b a n , Dorothy H. Cadwell. Mr, McCue worked a s a fireDonald Robert Altieri. J e r a l d RobSmith. Elizabeth L. Smith, K a r l A. m a n 11 y e a r s before he r e t i r e d in High School last night. Recipients ert Anderson. Rosalie Elizabeth dustrial prizes, M a r g a r e t F i s h e r Donna-Jean C a l d a r a . Joyce Helen MRS. JACOB LAZAR Soderstrom, David W. Stookey, and G e o r g e Legg; Adolph W. Bevof t h e a w a r d s , p r e s e n t e d b y D r . C a r m a n , Howard A. Carpenter, NORTH T A R R Y T O W N 1954. Widow Of Stationer Annicharico, Neal W. Baker, J o - e r s M e m o r i a l citizenship prize, Louis Casale, Rose Cerveny. Mari- Veronica C a r r i e Thels, Philip A. Police were hunting today for - M r s . Ida Rabinowe Lazar. eighHe w a s b o r n ' in Ossining Sept. Albert N. B r i n k m a n , superinten- seph T h o m a s Balducci, J o h n LouKathie A m a t n i e k ; DAR essay medThompson, Denis J . T i m o n e , Carty-one. died yesterday morning in thieves who stole about SSOO w o r t h 18, 18S9 to t h e former Mary' Con- dent of schools, w e r e M a r g a r e t is Bonadies. Everett E u g e n e al, Lee B i r m i n g h a m : R P I Alumni a n Church. Anthony P . Cook, Rob- olyn J . Tobey, E r n e s t B . U h r . BarAbram, J o h n Bonadies, Joseph e r t a J . Cowles, Mary Alice Crathe United Home for Aged He- of golf equipment and $31.05 in nors and the late Michael McCue B r a g g II, William W a r n e r Brockgan, Joel P . Dean J r . , Daniel A. b a r a Ann Ulmer, Lynette C. Ulrich brews in New Rochelle. She had cash from a sporting goods shop and c a m e to Yonkers a t t h e a g e Balduccl, Susan Roth, P a u l Ken- m a n , Vivian Anne Bruno, dall, Adrian P a t i a n d Anne located inside a l a r g e g a r a g e Deasv, Carolvn Decker. Benjamin Albert E . Uprichard. Elizabeth v a n been a resident of Yonkers for of nine. In 1912 he m a r r i e d t h e Mary Ann Bukovich building. Dekker, Ann E . DeMichele, Wal- der Goot, J a n e Ann Walker, Antonm a n y years. former Ida McKnight in St. P e - O'Reilly. G a r a h Bruton Caldwell, P a t r i c i a ter G. Devenish. George W. Dixon. ia M. Walsh Donna L. Wilson, Willt e r ' s Church h e r e . Morris T h e 80 g r a d u a t e s w e r e given J e a n Chapin. J o n a t h a n iam Winstanley. Chernow, Elaine T. Cole, Louis J O S E P H COMPANERO, o n e , of Dennis Deomchek. J o n a t h a n EberBesides his wife a n d , m o t h e r , h e their diplomas by J o h n A. Creedy, Connola, John Joseph 110 Thurton P I . , w a s reported in is survived by three sons, E d w a r d president of t h e B o a r d of Educa- Joseph and Joseph, both of Yonkers and tion. Other a w a r d s a n d prizes Creedon. M a r c i a Ann DeMichele, good condition today a t St. J o five were distributed by P r i n c i p a l Wil- Phyllis Helen Dumich, Rose Lor- seph's Hospital after he spilled a "AMICUCCI—Anthony. on "\Ve<lr.e<dsr. PAZIEN2A John, on Friday. June 24. Thomas of Spring Valley: raine E n n i s , Susan F e n d r i c k , Ste- cup of hot coffee on himself yes1960. beloved husband of the late d a u g h t e r s , M r s . William (Mary) liam Z. Lindsey. - J':n» 22. 1960; beloved husband ff Angelina 0*eta Paitenza of 107 Beech Bach a n d M r s . Leonard ven Samuel Gale, David Olof Gil- terday a t noon. He h a s first and - «Je«»phln« ttstesslno Amlcucrl. 1ST (Lois) " I n Ourselves Our F u t u r e L i e s . " ford, Mary K a t h r y n Gleason. Bar- second d e g r e e b u r n s of t h e face, St. Funeral from Sinatra Funeral Beech St. Funeral from Sinatra FunInc . 315 So. Broadway on Mon . 10:"<0 Curran, both of Bergenfield, N . J . . was t h e t h e m e of t h e exercises in eral "Home Inc.. 315 So. Broadway on A.M. Solemn Reouiem Mass in S-t Mrs. J o s e p h ( I d a ) O'Connor of talks b y J o a n T r a c h t e n b e r g a n d b a r a Gordon, J a m e s E d m u n d Gor- neck a n d b a c k . Monday 9 30 A M. Solemn Requiem JUjtbori£i_Church. Willow St . 11 A M .Cairo. N.Y., M r s . John Miss In Our Lady of Mt. Carmei 'Alice) B a r b a r a Gordon. T h e class wel- ney, Inez R e n e e H a r m o n , Richard Interment. St. Joseph's Cemetery. 6-25 Hay. Jean Beverly Church at 10 AM. Interment, St G E O R G E P H I F E R . fifty, of 34 Robinson of N e w York City and c o m e w a s delivered by William Alexander Joseph > Cemetery. 6-25 Hicks, J u d i t h Gail Hicks. Carol Loudoun St. w a s attended by a ROSSI—Neal of 586 Van Cortlandt Park Mrs. Richard (Teresa) Nori of B r o c k m a n . The School of Christ t h e King I Judith Olander. Dorothy Rossini, Insinga, Michael B a r r y Jacobson. private physician after he w a s cut 'Ave. suddenly on June 23, 1960: bro- Yonkers; five b r o t h e r s , J o s e p h , BEAN—Nellie S. June 23, 1960; beloved on N . B r o a d w a y , which opened i t s j s u s a n Shiels, Susan T o m p k i n s . ther of Mrs. Felix (Annal 8po<ito Sr Miss Michiko Mabuchi, appear- Jeffrey Hugh Kaimowitz, E d w a r d on t h e ankle by an exploding b e e r first classes in S e p t e m b e r . 1955. •vi'.t of Frank A. Bean 51 Kent Ave and the late John and uncle of Louis a n d Clement of H e m p s t e a d . George Almeida, Paul Avallont, ' Hastings-on-Hudnon, Reposint at the ing in t h e only m u s i c a l ' o f f e r i n g , Alan Kaplan, P a u l Lewis. Kendall. bottle y e s t e r d a y afternoon. Dr. Joseph D. Rossi Funeral from in t e m p o r a r y q u a r t e r s at Sacred Richard Barrett, John Driscoll, Edwards Funeral Home Inc.. 64 Asn- the E. W. Maloney <V- Sons Funeral L.I., and F r a n c i s a n d T h o m a s of played Chopin's " P o l o n a i s e . " T h o m a s Vincent Kenworthy. Ilona Yonkers; three sisters, M r s . TheoH e a r t G r a m m a r School, g r a d u a t . ford Ave.. Dobbs Ferry. Tuners! serHome. 11 Ludlow St. on Monday June Marie Koch, B a r b a r a Ann Kocur, R E N E E E H R L I C H . eight, of 75 ed i t s first pupils lasf. night at Daniel Fitzgerald, Kenneth F r a n c k , vice* at the First R»formed Church (Mary) Bundy a n d M r s . 27. at 9:3.0 AM. High Mass of Req- dore Receiving a w a r d s w e r e : E m b a s William Keating. John Lockwood, Hast'.ngs-on-Hudson on Sunday at B r u c e Ave. w a s attended by a pri- c e r e m o n i e s in the church. (Elizabeth) Trausneck, sy plaque for highest a v e r a g e . Wil- Dorothy Vivian L e e . uiem in St. Denis Church at 10 00 F r a n c i s Dennis McCarthy, Kenneth Mc* - 2 30 P.M. Interment Monday afternoon vate physician for a bruised a r m Interment ^5t. Mary's Cemetery Th? both of H e m p s t e a d , a n d M r s . Paul Forty-four eighth g r a d e r s re- Ewan, • .»t- Drrden. N Y A memorial fund wili Also, P a l n i a Louise I^eggiero. after she w a s hit by a c a r in front Raymond McGlynn, family will receive their friends at (Minnie) Ardnt of Miss., a n d 2S liam B o r c k m a n ; Harold C. Marey , be established at the First Reformed ceived d i p l o m a s from the R t . R e v . Kevin McGrath, Joseph Mercurio, Memorial a w a r d for highest re- Penelope Lewis. P e t e r Donn Lucie. the funeral home from 2-5 and 7-10 of 469 S. B r o a d w a y y e s t e r d a y aft' Church in memory of Mrs. Bean. 6-25 Msgr. E d w a r d M. Betotyski, pasP.M. 6-25 grandchildren. gents a v e r a g e , William B r o c k m a n ; Michiko Mabuchi, Donald F r a n c i s ernoon. Police s a y it w a s reported tor, and Dianne Benash w a s class J a m e s O'Donnell. John O'Donnell, R.P.I, science m e d a l and Baush Malgrande. William F . McCul•CARROLL -Margaret Carroll on June SAGE Ida S. on June 25. 1960 of Thomas O'S u 1 1 I v a n, Stephen that t h e child r a n into the street valedictorian. 24. 1960; mother of Gladys Baldwin and Lomb science m e d a l . William l a m J r . , R a y m o n d Douglas McJohn E. Andrus Memorial Hastings Phelps, John Quinlan, George R i after a ball. and grandmother of Richard BaldThe school, of which Sister Marie va .Matthew Ryan, B a r r y Senita, N.Y. beloved wife of the late Alfred B r o c k m a n : B'nai B ' r i t h S a w Mill Kay, Charles F . Messerich J r . . -trin »nd Marie Sheridan. Funeral 8age Services at Havey's Funeral Rosa ire is principal, began with River Lodge a w a r d for practice Eleanor M a r i e Morosco. Ma.xine « from the Phillips Funeral Home 50 Home Inc. 107 North Broadway YonR A L P H GOLDBERG, thirteen, the first four g r a d e s and an en- Robert Taylor. of social a n d d e m o c r a t i c citizen- B a r b a r a N e w m a r k . Anne Stepha. Ludlow St. on Monday 10 30 AM kers on Tuesday. June 28. 1:30 P M of 123 Valentine A v e . w a s attendMass of Bectuiem in Church of 8t Interment Kenslco Cemetery. Friend? ship, J o h n Bonadies. nie O'Reilly. F r a n k J o s e p h Palfy ed at St. J o s e p h ' s Hospital for con- rollment of 149 pupils, w h o w e r e Denis at 11 A.M. Interment. Gate may call at the funeral home after J r . , Adrienne Marie P a t i Arthur tusions of the right knee after hit- housed in t h e Shonnard P I . grade .—-of Heaven Cemetery. 6-25 2 P.M. Monday. 6-27 D.A.R. essay award, Anne Lewis P r i c e , P a t s y J u n n y Raffa, ting t h e side of a moving c a r while school until Christ t h e King w a s INVIST O'Reilly; Colonial D a u g h t e r s essayCGP.POI.A—Adam, of 53 Buena Vista SCARMUZZO—8anto on Friday. June Ethel Ann Reich, Robert William r,iding his bicycle a t t h e intersec- completed in May, 1956. A g r a d e In t h e fwfuraj t h r o u g h 24. Beloved husband of Mary AbbruA v e . on June 24th. 1960. Beloved Mrs. Marion Steel Ga'dewoltz, medal, Anne O'Reilly a n d William Rohrlich. Susan Penelope Roth» tion of Radford St. and Western w a s added each y e a r , a n d t h e r e xese. Father of Louis and Mrs. Susan brother of Thomas Coppola Resting B r o c k m a n ; W o m a n ' s Club music a r e now nine classes with an enfifty-four, who had worked for t h e Graziano Michele Sanzo. I r e n e M. Arrit7i. Reposing at the Cola Funeral at Have; Funeral Home. 107 North Ave. y e s t e r d a y . Lions rollment of 434 pupils taught by Home 136 Yonkers Avenue Funeral New York Telephone Co. a s chief a w a r d , Michiko M a b u c h i ; Broadway. Yonkers. Interment, Long Scheiblich. Anne Marie Schneider, on Monday June 27. High Mass of operator in s e v e r a l W e s t c h e s t e r Club citizenship prize, Vivian Lee Stephen H a n d National. Cemetery. Plnelawn. | seven s i s t e r s a n d t h r e e l a y teachHugh Schwartz, L a n c e M A R G A R E T SAMPOGNA of 33 srs. LI,, on Tuesday, June 28 at 11 A.M. Requiem' 8t. Anne's Church at 10 communities died Thlrsday in Har- and J o s e p h Balducci; Youth Coun fOK IN'ORMlttiON CAU diiu JUM;UII rxuuuaij luuui Luuu-| n * , , 0 , y"~ T , ~ ' 7 v ~ l - ""£ o'clock. Interment St. Joseph's Cem6-27 Whittier A v e . w a s attended at Ronal kness Pavilion of the Columbia PreIn addition to Miss Benash the cil a w a r d for citizenship,. Charles mer, £Sandra Sobel K aKai;in c i l i a Sometery. 6-25 t h r i e n eOStohr, Julie Yonkers GENEfeUSIN G e n e r a l Hospital last g r a d u a t e s a r e : OADSWOLTZ—Marion A. of 765 Broadsbyterian Merical Center in New Messerich; C h a m b e r of C o m m e r c e way, Hastlngs-on-Hudson on June 2J. 3HERMAN—Thomas, on Fri . June 24 York City after a long • illness. business prize, Adrienne P a t i ; Sons Anne Sullivan, Lien Amalia Sura- night for a fractured left wrist A r t h u r Tobin, R e g i i l e r o d Ro p r e i t nf a l i v e Douglas Wadden, 1960 of 117 Buena Vista Ave. Reposa t m a d j a , Louise Helen T a r r i c o n e . after falling a t t h e M u r r a y Skatj 1960, beloved wife of Frit;: A GadeArthur Webber, Mildred Allocca, ing Yonkers Funeral Home 287 South She lived a t 765 B r o a d w a y in of Italy l a n g u a g e a w a r d , William Steven Henry Thai, Alan Mitchell irplti and mother of Mrs, Arthur INVESTORS PLANNING ing Rink. Brockman: American Legion Broadway Notice of Funeral later 6-25 Hastings-on-Hudson. P a t r i c i a Brown. Andree Duhamel, (Carls.) Mandel Resting at Haver's a w a r d s , A r t h u r P r i c e , m a t h e m a t - T h i e r m a n , J o a n Ruth TrachtenFuneral Home Inc , 107 No. Broad- SKIDOELL—Charlotte Riker on June CORPORATION OF M a r y a n n Gmittor, Marilyn Holdnberg, Cynthia Treister, Carol M. ' M r s . Gadewoltz worked for t h e way, Yonkers. Service. Christ Cnurcn. 24. 1960; wife of the late Ralph Skider, Rose Hornberger. Ellen IA Broadway and Eliiabeth St. TarryAMERICA Venuto, Marilyn J o y c e Vifelli. tell. Funeral from Phillips Funeral Telephone Co. for nearly 40 y e a r s . Sacco, Elizabeth Lyall, Kathryn town "N.Y. on Monday June 27 at T h o m a s . F r a n c i s Williams, Helen Home 50 Ludlow 8t. on Monday 1:30 Before h e r illness, she w a s a 3 P M. Interment Sleepy Hollow CemMalone, I r e n e Maloney, Ix>rraine RES. T e l . Y O 3 - 4 7 1 0 P M Servire at 8t. John's Episcopal training supervisor in t h e Mount Beverley Winding. T h o m a s Walter (Continued from P a g e One) etery 6-27 Church 2 P.M. Interment family plot Martone, Kathleen Mcllugh, BerWinter. Gerald Henry Witt, RonVernon office. £» been chief 6-25 HU8ENYCA—Akilya, on Friday June n a d e t t e Murphy. Eileen Neeson, for a further period of t i m e and ald Lind Young, Marie Cathrine 24. 1960. Beloved wife of Nicholas SOREN8EN-Harold of Briar Hill Dr operator in Dobbs F e r r y , T a r r y an additional forfeiture of p a y . " Yozzo. Husenyca, of 21 Palmer Road and de on June 23. 1960 beloved husband of town, Ossining. Yonkers, ScarsHe then proceeds to r e n d e r his voted mother of John. Paul and Dim- Molly Potter: and father of Mrs. John dale a n d Mount Kisco. At one time FIRE RECORD Itry Husenyca (Husenitai Funeral from decision a s to t h e proposed "$1,600 (Linda) McKim and Gall Sorensen. she w a s also s e c r e t a r y to t h e genthe Duchynski Funeral Home, 111 Service at Havey's Funeral Home Inc. eral fine"—if Rossi so stipulates a n d m a n a g e r for t h e Bronx- Yesterday Yonkers Ave. on Monday June 27 107 No. Broadway, Yonkers on Monreleases t h e city from a n y claim a*. 9 A.M. Divine Liturgy in the Holy 1:40 p . m 376 Hawthorne Ave. day, June 27, at 2 P.M. Interment Westchester, a r e a . •Trinity Russian Orthodox Church at for back p a y . Otherwise, t h e orKensico Cemetery. The - family will She w a s a m e m b e r and form- assistance. 9.30. Interment Oakland Cemetery. d e r states, Rossi will be dismissed. receive friends at the Funeral Hom$ 4:53 p . m . , Walnut a n d Garfield Evening servicea Sunday at 7' P.M. erly on t h e executive b o a r d of from 2-4. 7-9 P.M. In lieu of flowers The c h a r g e s against Rossi, of viSts., School Seven, false a l a r m . The family will be at the funeral contributions may be made in his me- the Telephone Co.'s Pioneer Club. home to receive friends from 2-5 and mory to the Memorial Fund of the olating six rules a n d regulations of 5 p . m . , 515 Crestowod Ave., 7-10 P.M. 8-25 Mrs. Gadewoltz w a s born in Yon- unnecessary. the d e p a r t m e n t , g r e w out of a n inBryn Mawr Park Presbyterian Church 6-27 kers, Dec. 28, 1905, to t h e former 7:13 p . m . , 279 N. Broadway, cident on t h e night of April 16 JAEHLER—Martha St:! ler on June 23. Frieda Storch and the late Edwin brush. 1960 beloved wife Of William F. Jaewhen he a n d a n u m b e r of other Nepp'rhan Lodge. No. 736, F and AM Steel, who w a s a Yonkers policehier. 8ervieet at the Phi HIM Funeral 9:20 p . m . , N . Y . State Thruway policemen w e r e investigating a Brethren: It Is with sorrow Home, 50 Ludlow St. on Saturday at Five persons received body suspected b u r g l a r y a t 57 Term a n . H e r mother r e m a r r i e d a n d near 822 Central P a r k Ave., auto we announce the passing of 11 A.M. 6-25 bruises and cuts in a three-car esa Ave. Wor. Brother Harold. Sorensrn is now M r s . J a c o b Wilkins, also accident. ;ANKOWSKI—Kaimlir J. on Fri . June Masonic services will be held of 765 Broadway, Hastings. M r s . 1 accident at 9:30 last night on the Walked Girl F r o m Sc**ne _ 24. 1960. Beloved husband of Mary at Havey's Funeral Home. 107 Gadewoltz's husband. Fritz, who New York S t a t e T h r u w a y a t t h e (Nee Kaniuka) Funeral from the NepNorth Broadway, on Sunday Shortly after h e arrived on the also works for t h e Telephone Co., EASTCHESTER F I R E R E C O R D . Cross-County Parkway intersec- scene with P t l . Lewis Shapiro, who perhan Funeral Home 107 Yonkers evening, June 26. at 8:00 P M. Yesterday Avenue, on Monday - at 9 30 AM Sidney C. Pound. Master is a supervisor in Yonkers. tion. One driver w a s sent to Yon- was not involved in a n y charges, BROILERS & FRYERS • Cut Up 4fe • • Low Mass of . Requiem in Saint Leon T.. Bolting. Secretary 10:30 a.m., 35 Locust Ave., East- kers City J a i l after being charged Besides h e r husband a"nd m o t h e r , Casmlrs Church., at 10 AM. InterRossi, c a m e upon Dolores Ann with reckless driving. ment St. Joseph's Cemetery 6-25 THIEL— Oeorge Andreas, on Tuesday. she is survived by a stepdaughter. chester, clothes w a s h e r . Canzio. eighteen, on the sidewalk June 21, 1960. Beloved husband «f Today Mrs. Arthur fCarla) Mandel of Violet Vredenburgh TrUel of 26 Union in front of t h e house a n d walked MAHONY—Edythe J. (Nee Jardinei on State police reported that a 6:13 a . m . , Midland Ave., BronxP! : and devoted father of Mrs the Bronx, a n d one grandchild. Saturday June 25. 1960 Beloved wife lb. her a w a y from t h e scene. southbound c a r driven by William Charles 'Violet) Badoud and George ville School p a r k i n g a r e a , rubbish. of William S. Mahony and sister of I^ater when he returned, accord.V. Thlel: and brother of Andreas Coogan, forty-four of 23 HartsMrs. Carolyn J. Nlcholls Mrs. John 8:29 p . m . . Garden and Meadow Thlel and Mri. William Kaercher Tullock Mrs. Richard Stickles ani Avenues. Bronxville, auto fire; dale Ave., White Plains w a s hit ing to t h e p a p e r s , he m a d e no reServices at Yonkers Funeral Home. William Jardine. Reposing at the Flyn in the r e a r by another c a r driven port of t h e incident to fellow pa267 So. Broadway a f Highland Ave . d a m a g e $100. Memorial Home 82 Ludlow St at StanFriday evening at 8 P m. Interment bv J a m e s Gough. twenty-five of trolmen o r to a superior officer. All ley PI. Funeral. Tuesdsy at 9 30 AM Mt Hope Cemetery on Saturday 6-24 607 W. 181th St., New York City. Subsequently Rossi denied knowHigh Mass of Requiem in the Church DAILY CITY FINANCE REPORT ib of St. Paul the Apostle at 10 A M June 23, 1960 The i m p a c t forced Coogan's c a r ing t h e girl, although he later conThe funeral home is open throughout In M e m o r i o m across t h e dividing mall to t h e fessed he knew both h e r and SamRECEIPTS: the day and evening until 10 10 P M 7 3.355 2 east side of t h e iiorthboc - . ' ~ i e , uel Santora of 49 Otsego Rd.. also Current Year Taxes. —I The family wiil ce present to receive BRANNAN -EliWheth M. Happy BirthOther Receipts 5.735 81 friends from 2-5 and 7-10 P.M. 6-27 day in heaven to my beloved EHiabeth 78.111 08 where Coogan w a s thrown clear. indicted with t h e girl on burglary ib John Pazienza. seventy, of 107 TOTAL RECEIPTS Cubed on the second Anniversary. Disbursements NONE charges. McCAULEY-Alica on Friday June 2*. With LovlngMemories Beech St., a retired retail fruit Available Cash Gough bounced from Coogan's 3.399.782.46 1960 ef 42 Park Ave. Wife Of the lata 6-2S Both t h e Canzio girl and Santora Mother. Father and Family and vegetable m e r c h a n t , died here Bond and Note Cash 8.102.816 30 car, crashing into the r e a r of anCharles j . McCauler and mother of w e r e a r r e s t e d l a t e r that night. Special Deposit Cash 462.90933 yesterday. Mrs John 'Dorothey) Mooney. Mrs GIORDANO— Mildred. TOTAL CASH 111.983.308.29 other southbound c a r driven by Edward 'Carolyn Walsh' and Charles Ten year* have passed since that sad Mr. Pazienza operated a fruit Current Year Taxes Richard Cooporsmith, thirty-two. J. McCauley Jr. Pasting at Havey's OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY day. 824.813.082.72 of 3759 Hudson Manor T c r . , Rivand vegetable m a r k e t in Bayonne. All Levies Funeral Home 107 North Broadway. The one w* loved was called away. COLLECTIONS endDaily • 1:30 A.M. to 10:30 P.M. N. J., from 1°48 to 1954, when he erdale. Coopersmith careened to Yongerg Mass of Reaulem at 8t Joseph Ood took her home. It was His will. Current Year to Date IH.044.409 74 R C. Church Ashburlon Av*. on Tues- BiK In our hearts she llveth still retired. Before going into business, Percentage 3 S 6 the side of t h e road and turned Call Kintibridge 9-7486 dsy June 2S .At 10 A.M. -Interment 6-25 .Mother. Brothers and 8lsters he had worker! for 30 y e a r s as UNCOLLECTED over. family plot. . 6-28 Total Current Year 110.768.472.»8 HtlDAK - Anna' (Cundrai. A third Ann- a cable splicer for Habirshaw OTHER ITEMS I v r r SIRLOIN OTHfcWin • • Cut V.UI To I O \JTUWT ^ p ^ ^SSk TC* Odor iversary Mass will he offered In <V Cable & Wire Corp. Coopersmith, who w a s riding McCUE—Edward M. on Friday June 24. Bonded Debt «37.300.000 00 Most Holy Trinity Church. June 27. 1960: beloved husband of Ida Mtwith his children. Eloise, four, and FLOATING DEBT: Mr, Pazienza w a s Interested In at 7 30 AM. . , Knigril McCue of 19 Highland Ave Capital Notes 129.950 00 Peter, eight, w a s treated with whsjle Funeral from Yonkers Funeral Home Dee'p in our hearts • lies a picture *f civic affairs and w a s a former Bond Anticipation Notes 7.746.300.00 them a t Cross-County Hospital. a- loved one gone to rest. Inc, 267 Bo. Broad¥«y at Highland president of the 7th Ward Repubonly Ave. Monday 9 30 A.M. High Mass In memories' frame w« shall keep It lican Club. He w a s the organizer Coogan, who w a s driving with DAILY CITY FINANCB REPORT becaute ahe was on* of the beat. of Requiem flt. Marys Church 10 A M Interment, fit. Marya Cemetery. 6-2S Her weary hours' and days of pain, htr of the Loga . O p e r a i a Mutual AJd A e e i i m OEPENomE t m i c i June 24. 1960 his sixty-nine-year-old m o t h e r Rostroubled nights and past. 6-2J Society, which later m e r g e d with RECEIPTS aline, w a s t r e a t e d with h e r at Ft*• Prompt Ooirvsxy in Y«xik«n And In our aching hear!*' we know the Columbia Society to form the Current Year Taxes 120.643 39 Yonkers General Hospital.. any brand CAN SUM* tEXAU MUGS MACRIKO—Mtchoia* « . vt 12« Main 8t Othar Receipts she has found tweet rest at las* 44166 10 Dobfta Ferij or. June 34. i960 Repos- 6-25 Your Children Columbia League. Gough w a s d u e in Yonkers City ing at the Edwards Funeral Home. 184 809 69 He was born in Avellino, Italy, TOTAL RECEIPTS Disbursements <r.« M« Ashford Ave Dobbs Ferry. VITALON*— *d»ard Franela First ann1*4.623.14 Court today to face ft reckless iversary Maas Monday. June 27 at 7 and w a s t h r husband of t h e former Available Caan New Tort. High Masa. of Requtera 3444.311.47 • o 8 « llvcrcM* Ar». «t 3 4 * ft. A M In St. Denis Church. Van .Cort- Agelina O a e t a . who died last y e a r . Bond and Note Cain 8.044.601 33 driving c h a r g e . a1 CWf Lady of Pompeii 'Church Dobbs Special Deposit Cash wbolt 482.712 04 FerrF Taegdar June *5* at 10 A M tg«dr Ftrk" *Afe Surviving a r e four sons, Ralph TOTAL CASH II 933 694 84 Intermit". Mount Hop* Cemet*ry 4-2" turvshlne«.e* shadows fall and John of Yonkers, Anthony of otvy Current Year T a x e s Love's rememberance outlasts all box All Leviei Wife. Children. Ormddaughter Miami. Fla . and Lawrence of 24 *1.1 0*2 72 La RabbUa 'council No. !M Knights *-J5 K m OK* of Columbus, The member* Bayonne; three, d a u g h t e r s , Mrs Current Year COLL t« Date 14.183 0 3 ) 3 3 111 r»e«t Saturday ntght ai Unveiling $t Samuel (Sylvia) Sydorick of Mi Percentan ,8 30 In Dobbs Ferry a t - t h e ONCOLLtCTED • EVsstards Funeral Rom* to ROM- Jscnh Mark A monument will be ami. and Mrs. J a m e s ( E m i l y ) De- Total Current Year lo 841.021 39 pay <ror last resrxeu to <>ur unveiled to t«» memory cf Jtfoh Mark P a l m a and M r s . William (JosephOTHIR TTtUS a 1*M member ><icnol*i MacRose AMuad»y.-juM_.'2"a"iV'3 00__! , . y i i - l i n f i J - K a r a m a n , both of -Yonkers; a fstrmfrt- OfVt J7.iOO.6oO 00 SWISS WMi 3 4 Convent Avenue Phone~Yonkert 5-3114 ~Tn EstTHoba TCennetery. Friends and stepbrother. C a r m i n e D i O u c i s of FLOATINCl DEBT: »»as * ttt»»ra T Vyk» nrand Rnlght relatives are invited. No Postponerr«nt Capital Notes 12««S0uO Bond Annotation Nrfles T4fi 300 00 Yenkert 3, N t w York S-J*. Yonkers. a n d 17 grandchildren. 7 WIN SCHOLARSHIPS Edward McCue Dies At 70; Was Refinery Fireman Dobbs Ferry High Awards 80 Diplomas Sports Shop Robbed ACCIDENTS DEATH NOTICES Christ The King School Graduates Its 1st Class Mrs. Gadewoltz Dies; 40 Years In Telephone Co. MUTUAL FUNDS Patrolman PULSE OF THE CITY 5 Are Injured In Thruway 3-Car Crash Mon - TUBS -Wed 0 CHICKENS J 5 John Pazienza Dies; Headed 7th Ward G.O.P. Club Franks Veal Cutlets HAMBURGER 0 3 99 BEEF 0 ROAST BEEF-69 FIORILLO SALT HAMS 69! SACRED HEART HIGH SCHOOL L$MIIMER SCHOOL MONUMENTS IIAION4HI ttfCTID PtKIS AXTWMUi minozzitsons S a w M.ll trvor f o o d •lastfseovonwu&voxa * t. Ul.6tt.11lt Card Of Thonks CdTHT. -Florence T We * : . h to thank all our ff»n4*. netthoors and relatives '••• ihe'.r kind eapresslona of»f.» <Vjr1n* our re<eni b*re»»err.ent r«u*r!all» the *rie«t» m e Nun. or si< Deris and *t Pe<«r's f i r l i h e e ard •1*4 «h* lUff of Tensers Oenera! Hospital. i-Si J»u<bar,<i » M CnlMfen STUDENTS Specific application Irutividualittd to ttudy and pteatun Developmental GRADES 5-8 Engfttl. I, n,*,* IV* Economic!, World History,* Am4Kicon Hiifory*, Anmicon Hiitory and World Backgrounds * Algobra, 10W. Yoor Math,* Intsxm^diot* Algebra* Latin I, II*, HI Sponieb I, II*, III Gtnaral Scis>r»c«, fetology* Driver Education RogUtratron: .for* i »>—»#»> x«* 30 t.,x>«./». to 4s00 ».**, C l a t i e t C o n d u c t e d from: **» *a ***>«», AI*** U Fee: ft«*t*<*«n u.oo *!*>«* SM.OO «*r */•*•<• reading Program* by the >#»<• York Board of RegenU HAM CHEESE SubkKH: Summer Reading Program !..,„ Superior Reading Skills HIGH SCHOOL AUSTIN. T e x . JP—$Ut« J u d g e J a c k Roberts ruled y e s t e r d a y that T e x a s ' new natural g a s t a x is unconstitutional His ruling couki m e a n that g a s u*ei« in m a n y p a r t s of t h e nation will not h a v e the t a x added to their bills. T h e decision will b e a p p e a l e d . Accredited for: COLLEGE Additional information sent on request. B A L D R I D O I READING SERVICE I N C . 47 Arch Street 45 West 57th Strett Greenwich, Conn. New York Id. N X TOwnwnd aM«7 P U u 9-1187 Ortror tdtACOttt)* Untitled Document L Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 $7500 I ' " " " * •Ik* i vrir>iViii-rtnrv»'i">rs~s~rrr~-i-r>nr 59Sr i n HHJUHU WITH THIS AD ONLY) FREE Family Si 10 KETCHUP l^'HUNT'S" Nmlt one to a family "DELMONTE'i
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