Jayne Weds Northwest Yonkers Quietly-Like Awakes To No Water Fourth Of Julv Herold Statesman, Yonkers, N . Y., Tues., Jan. 14, 1958 jder of the Eastern Star and'Wie- Mrs. Henry Schmidt, 93, 4 Mom' Of The Farm. Dies Mrs. Henry Schmidt, ninetythree, affectionately known to many as "Mom." died in Lawrence Hospital. Bronxville Sunday night after a short illness. Mrs. Schmidt resided in her home on the Schmidt's Farm property on Fort Hill Rci in Greenburgh. With he;- late husband. "Pop" 'Schmidt. she founded Schmidt's Farm in 1925. When the noted restaurant was sold in 1955, she retained ownership of the family home and had lived there since. The former Miss Lena Ohlandt. she was bom in Germany March 8. 18&4 and came to the United States at the age of sixteen. She spent her girlhood in 'Hoboken, N. J., where she was married to Mr. Schmidt -^ also a native of Germany — Oct. 21. 1897. The couple established their first home in the Bronx and their first restaurant in Fordham. They prospered- and opened larger dining places in other sections of the borough. Farmhouse Reconstructed When they bought the Greenburgh property, they reconstructed the old farmhouse, built additions and laid out an athletic field and parking areas until they were able to accomodate 1,000 diners a day. The couple gained an international reputation as restaurateurs. At one Sweden Day outdoor festival on their grounds, they catered to 10.000 guests. On a Greek Day, they served 5.000. DEATH land Sisters Circle, both in New York City. Son. 2 Daughters Survive Mrs. Schmidt is survived by a son, Henry Schmidt J r . of Scarsdale; 'two daughters, Mrs. Gustav Oetjen of Crestwood and Mrs. Henry Ab^l of Coyetsville, N.J.; four grandchildren—Mrs. Joseph Johnston of Canada, Mrs. Albert Lee of Yorktown Heights and Florence and Robert Oetjen of Crestwood and three great-grandchildren—Joanne and Charles Johnston and Nancy Lee. The body is reposing at the Flynn Memorial Home, 82 Ludlow St. where -funeral services will be held tomorrow at 8 p.m. A brief service will be held Thursday at 11 a.m. prior to burial in Woodlawn Cemetery. Many residents of northwest and have water for the morning CUP of coffee. PORTUGUESE BEND, Calif., (f) Yonk'eVs — including City ManWater Bureau crews were alertager Charles L. Curran — awoke —Jayne Mansfield, who yearned ed early this morning to the situathis morning to find their homes for a quiet wedding, was married ton when its headquarters began , last night to Mickey Hargitay with without water. to recieve telephone complaint The booboo was placed squarely from North Broadway. Palisade all the hoopla of a Fourth of July on the engineers of the Pitometer Avenue, Morningside Avenue, Am picnic. Some 1.500 fans, mostly teen- Co. survey crews by Water Super- ackassin Terrace and Northview agers but some adults carrying intendent James M. FitzGibbon. Terrace. They went to the area babies in arms, screamed and The Pitometer Co. is now en- and began opening the gates, the shouted outside the -Wayfarers' gaged in making a water waste last one being opened about 8:05 Chapel during the most tender mo- survey of the city's water distribu- o'clock. ments of the nondenominational tion mains. Mr. FitzGibbon s a id he had isrites'. Mr. FitzGibbon said that Pito- sued orders that from now on the Someone even bounced a rock meter engineers had turned off Pitometer engineers must notify off the top of the all-glass church six gate valves in the northwest- his office 24 hours .in advance of while -photographers, who nearly ern sector at, 1 a.m. to check any shutoffs so that warning may outnumbered guests, kept bang- flows. But. and it was a big but, be given through the press to resiWater dents of the area and permit them ing their cameras against the they failed to notify the Bureau that they had done this to draw sufficient supplies of glass walls. Flashbulbs popped like or that the g a t e s would remain water for early morning purposes fireworks. shut until 8 a.m. This was the original procedure Just as Jayne and Mickey were said but somewhere during the intervenwhispering their "I do's," more The Water Bureau chief than 100 teen-agers stormed up a This morning that one of the Pito- ing weeks after the start of the engineers had informed survey, it got lost. steep hill shouting like a Marine meter landing party, but a cordon of po- Public Works Commissioner Al- Some of the waterless North bert T. Noonan this morning he Yonkersites even tried melting lice pushed them back. tthe engineer) thought there would "I feel wonderful," said- the be enough w ater in the system to snow this morning to get water husky Hungarian-born bride-groom take care of early morning needs. for their coffee. "although I was sitting on needles That might have been true. Mr. most of the time." To insure your future, invest in FitzGibbon pointed out, except for . The wedding was scheduled for the fact that the Pitometer crews United States savings bonds. S p. m. but it ^vas 8:45 before turned off one gate too many. He the voluptuous bride started down said that there was one g ate o n the aisle. She had spent a good •North Broadway that should not, 20 minutes posing for photograph- have been turned off, adding that' ers. •• had this gate been left alone there would have been enough water for early risers to have showers Obituary News MKS. ARCHIBALD MACDONALD Left Yonkers Last Year Funeral services will he held tonight for Mrs. Edna Myers Macdonald, seventy-nine, member of an old Yonkers family and niece of the late Alonzo B. See, elevator manufacturer. Mrs. Macdonald died Sunday in Belmar, N.J., where she had been living since leaving Yonkers • last year. MUS. HEVKY SCHMIDT Mrs. Macdonald's ' father, the late Henry Storrs- Myegs, was a The couple celebrated their 50th founder of the Volunteer "Fire wedding anniversary in 1947 with a dinner-reception for 550 friends. Dept. Her mother was the late Church, civic, political, fraternal Maria See Myers. She was a memof the Luther Burbank Garden veteran and professional leaders ber Club, Women's Auxiliary of Park who patronized Schmidt's Farm al- Hill First Reformed Church and ways greeted Mrs. Schmidt as Kernbrook Chapter, Order of the "Mom." Eastern" Star. Mrs. Schmidt was a member of Born here Aug. 13. 1878, she atthe Redeemer Lutheran Church in Scarsdale, Pasadena Chapter. Or- tended Yonkers High School and was married in 1900 to Archibald A. Macdonald, retired building contractor, former president of the William Young Co., New York PERRY—Charles Silas, of 1845 Sum City, and a charter member of mer 8t.. Stamford. Conn., on Sun- Kernbrook- Lodge of Masons. day, Jan. 12. 1958. Husband of the Mrs. Macdonald and her husband late Anna Bloom, father of Mrs. Albert Brandstetter. Mrs. Karl Sch- had lived on Rumsey Rd. for neider, and Mrs. Wilson Foster: son more than 40 years. of Mrs. Charles J. Perry; and brother Surviving besides her husband •of Mrs. Joseph Egan. Funeral .service will be held at the Bouton and are two' daughters, the Misses Reynolds Funeral Home. 545 Bed- Edna S. and Marjorie F. Macford St., Stamford. Thursday morn- donald of Belmar: and a son. ing at i l Interment Mount Hope Cemetery, Hast.ings-on-Hudson. N. Y. Archibald Jr. of New York City, The family will receive friends Tues- assistant vice president of the day and Wednesday from 3 to 5 and Hanover Bank, New York. 7 to 9. Union Lodge No. 5. A. F Wright Seated By •y Kiwanis NOTICES YONKERS SALES DAYS County Wasn't Lax In System For Warnings The Yonkers Kiwanis Club had installation ceremonies for Hugh Wright, president, and other new COLONNA-John, of 27 Randolph St.. on Tuesday, Jan. 14th, 1958 Beloved officers yesterday at the Fanshaw busband of Antoinette and lovlns Restaurant. • WHITE PLAINS*father of Michael. Reposlne at Flower Guest speaker, attorney Thomas Funeral Home, 233 New Main St. Arrangements Incomplete. 1-14 Howe of Port Washington, L.I., Due to a misunderstanding in a said that "dela'y in the New York recent story on the Westchester COMISKEY—Thomas H. on J a n . 13. State courts is the worst in the Warning System, it W a s errone1958, beloved husband of the late ously implied that the county had nation." Mary (Nee McCabe': devoted father been dilatory in establishing its of Oerard O : loving' brother of Mr. Howe, director, of the com- telephone system of passing on Catherine Neaion. Rose Waibe!, Momittee on the administration of r.lca Desmond. Elizabeth Pace and ACTRESS Jayne Mansfield .Chapel in Palos Verdes, Calif. justice for the Bar Assn. of New specific information to the 43 Edward ComUkey. Funeral from David and strong man Mickey Hargi- Jayne's dress is of pink Brussels York City and a legal consultant points under its jurisdiction. J. Hodder As Son Funeral Home, 893 McLean Ave. near Kimball Ave., tay pose in the dress and suit lace. Completing the wedding to Mayor Wagner's committee on Although the National Warning i'onkers. Thurs.. 9.3Q AM. Hich Reand A. M.- will conduct Masonic they selected for their wedding ensemble are pink pearls and a courts, proposed two remedies: System at Colorado Springs was, LOUIS SCHMADEL SR. cu'.em Mass. St. Barnabas Church. services Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock attire. The couple were married 10 A.M. Interment. Calvary Cemetery. small pink-flowered hat —AP_ Strong central administration and as stated, prepared.in May, 1957, 1-13. 14 and 15. Retired Painter 1-15 Wirephoto Louis Schmadel, eighty-two, of last night in the Wayfarer's consolidation of trial courts through to send along the essential particuSCHMAOEL- Louis Sr., of 41 Hawthorne 41 Hawthorne Ave., a retired oir the state. In Westchester lars on the estimated time of arFRAGANO — Donald J., suddenly, on Avenue, on Jan. 14!h, 1958. Beloved Jan. 11. " 1958, beloved son of Dopainter, died this morning at St. County, it takes 33 months for rival of enemy craft, and Westhusband o.f the late Rose Boyle mlntek and Prances Crawford FraJoseph's ilospital after a twoSchmadel. Resting at Havey's Funeral some cases (without precedence) chester Warning System not until gano and brother of Mrs. AIIKPIO Home. 107 North Broadway. Yonkers. month illness. to be brought to trial, he said. December, the county was far Staffiero. Reposing at the Flynn Mass of Requiem at Church of the Memorial Home. '82 Ludlow St. at A Yonkers resident 15 years, he "This is much too long, needy ahead of other local units in the Immaculate Conception 'St. Mary's'. Stanley Place. Funeral on Wed. at was a communicant of the Church South Broadway. Yonkers, on Friday, | persons suffer untold agonies," he installation of the system. 9 A.M. High Mass of Requiem Jan 17th at 9:30 A.M. Interment, of the Immaculate Conception (St. At the time of achieving its conI said. in St. Peter's Church at 9.30 A.M. family plot. 1-16 Mary's i and a member of its Holy Interment St. Joseph's Cemetery. The ference hook-up of eastern, cenMr. Howe received a* "certififuneral home Is open throughout the SCHMIDT—-Lena (Ne« Ohlandt I on Name Society. Before coming to cate of approval" from the club, tral, and Western regions' in May, day and evening until 10 30 P. M. Sunday January 12. 1958; widow of Yonkers he lived 30 years -in Ir1-14 ALBANY .-7 — The chairman _ Corso and Passannante are Demo- presented by Richard Leahy, a NAWAS left it up to local units to Henry <Pop> Schmidt, Sr. and vington where he was employed by past president. Dr. Edward Wag- solve the problems of further of the Legislature's Watchdog crats'. Mother of Henry Schmidt ,Jr . Mrs. JONES-Edith A. tnee. Shannons on the Ivord and Burnham Corp., Henry Abel and Mrs. Gustav Oetjen. ner was chairman of the meeting transmission. Monday, Jan. 13th. 1958. beloved committee says that so far he has All three have acknowledged Reposing at Flynn Memorial Home. greenhouse manufacturers. He re- found "no impropriety at all" in Paper Tomorrow wife of George J. Jones. Reposing at and Walter Primerano. lieutenant- It] was at this point that Westthat they checked on charges 82 Ludlow St. at Stanley Place. Ser- ceived his schooling in Poughkeepthe Flynn Memorial Home. 82 Ludlow chester actually pioneered in the governor of the Westchester-Bronx the actions of three fellow assemagainst Carmine Galente after Gavice on Wednesday at 8 p.m. Funeral BUYS! BUYS! BUYS! Street at Stanley Place Funeral on sie where he was born. on Thursday at 11 a m . Interment blymen who checked on a racket- lente was arrested near Bingham- Kiwanis Division, was installing adoption of the telephone method Thursday "at 9:30 A.M. High Mass of His wife, the former Rose Boyle, Woodlawn Cemetery. The funeral Requiem in the Church of St. Paul the on a local level. officer. teer's arrest for speeding. ton in October 1956. home is open' throughout the day and died in 1940. Surviving are two Apostle at 10 AM. The funeral home evening until 10:30 p.m. 1-15 sons, Louis J r . of Yonkers and Jo"This whole thing has been State Police said Galente had Is open throughout the day and evening until 10:30 P.M. 1-15 blown up to a proportion that is attended a small gathering of un- JAMES HAROLD WALLIS seph of Irvington;.' a daughter, STECHER Paul, on Jan. 13th, 1958. beM A K E RESERVATIONS N O W ! not warranted." committee chair- derworld figure? in Binghamtcn GREENVILLE .MacDONALD-Edna A,, on Jan. 12th, loved husband of Emma Schmidt Mrs. John (Mary) Volk of YonJames Harold Wallis, seventyman William F. Horan, Tuckahoe before the arrest. The hoodlum 1958, at Belmar, N. J . 1 n her Stecher. Service at the Phillips Fu- kers, -and a grandson. eightieth year, beloved wife of Archineral Home, 50 Luftlow St., on ThursRepublican, told a reporter last later pleaded guilty, served 30 two, author and former newspabald A ; devoted mother of Edna S.. day at 10 A.M. Interment. Ferncliff MRS. GEORGE J. JONES night after the interviews with the days in Broome County Jail and per editor and publisher, died last Marjorl* F. and Archibald A. Jr. ReCemetery. The family will receive night at his home, 94 Old Armv paid a $150 fine. three assemblymen. posing at Havey's Funeral Home. 10" their friends from 2-5 and 7-10 P.M. Native of Woodlawn North Broadway. Yonkers. Services - 1-15 . Mrs. Edith A. Shannon Jones, Horan said, however, that he The watchdog agency is investi- Rd. Tuesday, Jan. 14th at 8 P.M. Interwife of George J. Jones of 144 wanted to question some other per- gating a mob convention held at ment Wednesday, Jan. 15th at 2 P.M., Oakland Cemetery. 1-14 VAN WART—Henry W., on Jan. 14th, Tibbetts Rd., a retired stone-cut- sons before deciding what further Apalachin, near Binghamton, last 1958. husband of the late Cora LarDiaper Firm Robbed, k!n Van Wart. Service at the Phillip* ter, died yesterday after a long steps the committee would take. Nov. 14. Fern Brook C h a p t e r No. 544, O. E. S. Horan said yesterday the watch- Loot? Small Change Funeral Home, 50 Ludlow St., on illness. She was eighty-five years Sisters and Brothers: It is with sorrow Horan and Assemblyman Joseph Thursday at 2 P.M. Interment. Oak- of age. ; dog group would not be "dragged we announce the passing of Sister Edna R; Corso of Brooklyn, a commitland Cemetery. The family will reBorn in the Woodlawn sectiqn of tee member, questioned GOP ma- off the main trail"—the Apalachin MacDonald on Sunday, Jan. 12th. 1958 TUCKAHOE — A burglary ceive their friends from 2-5 and 7-10 Leah Annon, Worthy Matron. P.M. 1-15 the Bronx, she came to Yonkers jority leader Joseph F. Carline of gathering—by the investigation of that occurred 10 days ago was l-!4 Eileen C. Leipold. Secretary. 41 years ago. three years after Nassau County, Daniel S. Dickin the three assemblvmen. reported just yesterday to vilS e e Us for H o t e l a n d Transportation ResIN M E M O R I A M MINCHAK—Joseph Michael, on Sunday her marriage in St. Raphael's son Jr. of Broome County and lage police. ; 'Jan. 12th. 1958. at Bridgeport, Conn., ervations for t h e ^ b o v e . . . a n d for Other beloved husband of the late Mary Po- STELZER — William In loving memory Church, New York City. Her hus- William F. Passannante of ManThe victims were the General of our dear and devoted husband band, who had been employed by hattan. rach Minchak.. devoted father of JoResorts of Y o u r C h o i c e . Diaper Service, 150 Marbledale and father who passed away Jan. Havender seph John, Mrs. John (Mary) Oleyar. Monument Works in Rd. Mrs. Kirsten Majer, forty-eight, 14. 1941. George Joseph and Martin Matthew Dickinson, also a member of the Woodlawn. retired in 1952. ' Phone Y O 3 - 3 1 0 0 Minchak. Funeral from The Memorial 1-14 Wife. Son and Daughter watchdog group, is a Republican. of 16 Croton Ter., fell while de- What was missing? About 1,500 t' I w i | » She had been a communicant of Home. 103 Yonkers Avenue, on Wedscending a stairway in the Public diapers, 30 to a bag, worth nesday at 9 3 0 A.M. High Mass of Rethe Church of St. Paul the Apostle. CARD OF T H A N K S Library at 5:47 p.m. yesterday. about 5250. ouiem at Most Holy Trinity Church, Besides her husband, she leaves Czechoslovakia, retired four years She was detained at St. Joseph's Company officials said they deTrinity St.. at 10 A.M. Interment. St "On* of America's Oldest • • - Est. 1 884 ago. A communicant of Holy Trin- Hospital with dislocations of her layed reporting the theft beJoseph's Cemetery. 1-14 PETERS Albert C. We wish to express several nieces and nephews. our heartfelt thanks and appreciation ity Slovak Lutheran Church, he beT H U D S O N STREET, Y O N K E R S left ankle and forearm. cause they thought it might for the many acts of kindness and HENRY W. VAN WART PANKUCH (Panko) George, on Sunday, longed to the Slovak Evangelical No charge for our services /houuhtfuiness. of o u r neighbors, have been an error in inventory,i»n 12th. 1958, of 8 Garfield St.. heUnion (Yednota) and the Modern May Noll, sixty-one. of 1300 Mid- taking. friends relatives. Masons and the Had Headed G.O.P. Club loved husband of Anna Roycik, deAnaconda Pioneers >who acsed as Henry W. Van Wart of 433 Park Woodmen of America. voted lather of Mrs Stephen lAnnai land Ave., suffered injuries to her pallbearers'! during . our bcreavemeu? Veleber. Andrew. John, Michael and Ave., seventy-seven, an employe Surviving are his wife, the for- body and c e r e b r a l concussion in the loss of our beloved husband, Thomas Pankuch Resting at The Meof the Westchester County Sewage mer Anny Roycik, whom he marfather and uncle. morial Home. 108 Yonkers Ave. FuWife, Son and Nephew. Disposal Plant on Alexander St., ried in 1905; a daughter, Mrs. when hit by an automobile on neral on Wednesday at 1 P.M. Ser- 1-14 Ave. about 50 feet south vices at St. John's Lutheran Church. died this morning in St. John's Stephen (Anna) Veleber of Ro- Kimball of Midland Ave. at. 6 p.m. yesterVARLEY, Michael—We wish to thank Hudson S t . at 2 P M. Interment all of our relatives, friends and Riverside Hospital. A native of chelle Park, N.J.; four sons, An- day. She was detained at LawOakland Cemetery Evening services neighbors for the acts of kindness, Yonkers, he was a former presi- drew, John and Thomas of. Yon- rence Hospital, Bronxville. Joseph on Tuesday at 7.45 P.M. 1-14 messages of syn\pathy and Spiritual dent of the Fifth Ward Republican kers and Michael of Albany: eight T H E H O M E OF REGISTERED BLACK ANGUS BEEF REAGAN-^John M. on Sun . Jan 12. bouquets received during our recent Club, had belonged to the Nepper- grandchildren; a brother, John of Battiner, fifty-six, of 158 Kimball 1958. of 949 Palmer Ave , beloved bereavement in the los* of our b»T h e Difference Is In The Taste was driving the car, police husband of Julia Foley and devoted han Lodge of Masons and attended Parma, Ohio, and two sisters. Miss Tr., loved brother. said. brother of Harold F. Reagan and 1-14 IN GETTY NEXT St. John's Episcopal Church, Getty The Varley Family. Anna Pankuch of Yonkers and Helen Kopelan. Reposing at the WhaSquare. SQUARE TO Mrs. John (Mary) Onder of Czechle"h Funeral Home, "168 Park Ave. Fred Sherman, twelve, of 615 Y o n k i n Lodge No. 707 1. P. O. E l k s - • Son of the late Henry and Carol- oslovakia. corner of Olenwood. Funeral on Wed.. Jan. 15th. »t 9:30 A. M. Ht«h Mas? Brothers are requested to meet to- ine Campbell Van Wart, he marSchroeder St.. slipped- on the ice of Requiem at St. Joseph's Church. night at 8:30 at the Whalfn Funeral while walking through the Getty P A I L STECHER ried the former Cora Larkin here Bronxville. N. Y. at 10 A. M. In- Home. 168 Park Ave., for services to Square Municipal Parking area on terment St. Mary* Cemetery. The our Past Exalted Ruler. John M. Rea- in 1901. Mrs. Van. Wart died in Former Hat Co. Cutter f«mlly will receive their friends at gan. his way to school at 8:40 a.m. 1934. Paul Stecher, seventy-nine, of 67 the funeral home from 2-5 and 7Fdwln Lehmktihl, Exalted Ruler. 6 Surviving are throe sons, Eldoris Glover Ave., a former leather cut- yesterday. He was attended at St. 10 P. M. 1-14 Francis Whalan. Sec'y. 1-14 and Clive of Yonkens and Henry ter with the old Waring Hat Co. Joseph's Hospital for a sprained of Waterbury, Conn.; two daugh- here, died last night at St: Jos- hand. lers. Mrs. Ixxiis (Kathleen) Mor- eph's Hospital after a short illl>slie Inczedy, fourteen, of 340 relle and Mrs. William (Muriel) ness. He had been a Yonkers resi- Nepporhan Ave. fell in St. MarKinsella. both of Yonkers; 15 dent 41 years. ] 1/2 lbs. POLISH STYLI garet's Church yard, 76 Locust grandchildren and seven greatMr. Stecher, who retired 11 Hili Ave., at Noon yesterday, he grandchildren. years ago, worked in New York was attended at Yonkers General City hat manufacturing concern^ Hospital for injuries to his left JOSEPH M. Minchak after the closing of the Waring ankle. Former Smith Employe firm here. He had been a member Joseph Michael Minchak, eightyof the YMCA bowling club. four, a retired spinner for AlexHe was a native of New York ander Smith Inc., died Sunday in 6 BOX SNOW-KIST ALWAYS | Y2 l b l - F r i Bridgeport, Conn., where he had City where he married the former NINO gone -to live after leaving Yonkers Emma Schmidt 54 years ago^. THE three and a half years ago. He Surviving besides his wife are PRIVATI PARKING had lived in.Yonkers since 1888. a son. Russell P. Stecher. and a CHUDREIT Mr. Minchak. who retired in daughter, %Irs. Henry (Irene G.) 1945, had been a communicant of Hubbard, both of Yonkers, and two Most Holy Trinity Church and be- grandchildren. longed to the St. Joseph's Lodge OTHER DEATHS 1 lb. Fresh Cut 1 Lb. Italian Style Cubed 3 Ibi. • and Free Eagles. He was a native JESSE L. LASKY, seventyof Czechoslovakia. His wife, the There are many perplexing seven, movie industry pioneer who. former Mary Porach. whom he with tecil B. De Mille and Sammarried in 1891 in New. York Gty, uel Goldwyn, established Hollyproblems that arise when the died in October, 1956. wood as the film capital of the need occurs ot a distant point. Surviving are a daughter. Mrs. world, at, Beverly Hills. John (Mary) Oleyar of BridgeWe relieve the family of all MISS GRACE GROSSMANN, port; three sons. Joseph John, re- seventy-one, director of social serArmours Orad* A large Ibt. tired Yonkers Post Office employe vice and rehabilitation for the worry in connection with disGeorge Joseph, a foreman at the National Jewish Hospital, Denver, tant arrangements if we are Post Office here; and Martin Colo., at 'Denver. Matthew, all of Yonkers; 11 GEN. JOSE MIAJA. seventy6 called before any other arITIAMBOAT * D . GMIMWKH, CC*M. grandchildren and 10 great-grand^ nine, who conducted the Republicj» Dot. with moa M e m b e r of tfte Diner's Cli/b children. rangements have been made. an defense of Madrid in the Spana n d Esquire Club ish Civil War. at Mexico City. GEORGE PANKl'CR Horan Clears Legislators Of Taint Involving Hood s (TERRIFIC VALUES! TOWN WIDE SALE! READ THE BIG AD in this MIAMI BEACH NASSAU BERMUDA MEXICO ACCIDENTS w ADOLF KLEIN TRAVEL AGENCY, INC. MARKET CITY 10 P A L I S A D E A V E . 2 !>>•. CHOPPED SIRLOIN H . L. G R E E N DINE 99 i 1 Vi Lb. Rib VEAL CHOPS 99 JUST DIVINE FOR STEAK and BAKED POTATO Perplexing Problems K0LBASSi 99 0 GREEN BEANS 99 0 CALVES LIVER 99 t $2.50 MANERO'S Retired Dye Mixer /, HAVEYS Y03 -2700 m (!tAx two >tal cHi#me 107 pi I Kvr Iff INC. George Pankuch, seventy-five. « retired dye mixer for Alexander Smith Inc., died Sunday at his home, % Garfield St., after a short illness. Mr. Pankuch. who joined the Smith firm upon coming to Yonkers' in 1901 from his native NORTH B R O A D W A Y AMBROSE S.HAVEY H I Pour G«n*rotioni of . . .' Hovty Service « M E M B E R . T H E O R D E R O F THE GOLDEN R U t E rLfclSEHER ?* •J2W LUMBER LB. fW^-lYOSWlfc-fcArrV', EGGS JANUARY CLEARANCE BIGGER VALUES THAN EVER! FOR CHILDREN OF ALL AGES s on A nnsovA BALLET S T l ' n i O H OUSE & OME 3 6 0 South Broadway Untitled Document YO 9 8 6 6 5 - Centrol Charg* 449 So. B V a y Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com YO 5-6715 99 EVERY WEDNESDAY CHICKEN WINGS 99 c CHICKEN LEGS V/i 99 l ">. Q Q* 1 "> Sliced Boiled HAM AAc 99 Sausage ROLL WITH MEAT' PURCHASE W 11». CANADIAN BACON m t 99 2 * SST FRANKS KSauer- O O c kraut 99 99 e VEAL QQe CUTLETS < "••• CORNISH ROCK (JO HEN 3 »>i. BALLET 1,2 «••• First Cut PORK Qf|0 CHOPS ITALIAN SAUSAGE MINUTE STEAKS 99 c 5 F;VSH PIGS FEET KSauer- Q Q c kraut Special large Danish Coffee Rings 59* 99 **
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