THE UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA AT BIRMINGHAM EHS-327 SVA: Project-Based Instruction 3 credit hours Course meeting Times, Location, and Instructor Day and Time Location Course Website MW 2:30 – 3:45 PM EB146 Instructor Name: Jeff S. Johnson (Ed.S.) Office: HHB 210 Office Hours: MTTR 9:00 – 11:00 Phone: 205-975-7419 E-mail: Prerequisites or Co-requisites Successful completion of Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science (EHS 325) Successful completion of Classroom Interactions (EHS 326) This course builds on experiences from those courses. In particular, you should be familiar with major viewpoints on what it means to know science or mathematics, how people learn math and science, and how to facilitate collaborative learning, design questions, and orchestrate and analyze classroom discourse. You should also have planned, implemented, and analyzed lesson plans, including some that were inquiry-oriented. If you have not completed these prerequisites, you should talk with one of the instructors. Course Description, Goal and Objectives Course Description: Project-Based Instruction (PBI) is the capstone course in the sequence of required education courses in the UABTeach Program, and must be completed before UABTeach can take Apprentice Teaching. PBI is the course in which the major themes of UABTeach program (integrated content of mathematics and science learning, reform-minded instructional strategies, infusion of technology, field-based experiences, and equity) coverage into an exciting and intellectually challenging culminating experience. This course examines the various classroom practices that can make the teaching and learning of mathematics and science more successful. PBI is a practical course, providing concrete details and examples of student work, and principled, by providing a basis in both evidence and theory to support the use of these practices. With this in mind, this course design provides students an opportunity to experience how these different practices work, read the research literature that outlines the rationale for these strategies and documents their effectiveness, and then apply what you have learned to a specific teaching context. You will also work with practicing teachers in local schools. This experience is intended to provide you with an opportunity to try out the pedagogical strategies discussed in class, and it will give you a chance to engage in a lesson assessment and refinement project. It will also provide an opportunity for you to reflect on your own strengths and weaknesses as a future teacher. Project-Based Instruction (Johnson) Course Goals The overall goal of this course is to help future math and science educators develop the knowledge, dispositions, and skills needed to develop a curriculum that is consistent with the essential features of project based instruction and culturally relevant pedagogy. Course Objectives After completing the required readings and participating in class activities, you will be able to do the following: 1. Describe the essential features of PBI and the strengths and limitations of this form of instruction. 2. Evaluate and critique a unit of instruction in terms of its alignment with the essential elements of PBI. 3. Assess and critique a lesson and then make suggestions for ways to improve it. 4. Evaluate the usefulness of various technological tools (e.g., concept mapping software, video editing software, simulations) in achieving learning objectives and then select an appropriate technological tool for student use based on learning objectives. 5. Be familiar with the history of project-based instruction, as well as with commonly perceived strength and critiques; describe examples of project-based instruction in math or science and analyze those examples in terms of several well-studied, field-tested models for PBI. 6. Design and teach a multiple day lesson that incorporates elements of PBI and includes instructional goals and objectives that are clear relevant, meaningful and age-appropriate. 8. Use PBI (Project Based Instruction) design principles to develop an interdisciplinary, two- to four-week project-based unit for use in secondary STEM courses that explicitly links to district, state, and/or national content , is consistent with the essential features of PBI and includes an assessment that is congruent with instructional goals and objectives of the unit. 9. Demonstrate skill in setting up and managing student-centered learning environments. 10. Become sensitive to and learn to proactively handle equity and diversity issues in classroom teaching, ensuring that all students have an opportunity to learn through instruction that promotes equitable and diverse participation, and become aware of students’ funds of knowledge as a resource. Course Requirements Code of Ethics and Professional Behavior During this semester, you will be acting as the instructor of a high school class (or classes). As such, you will be required to follow the Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for University of Alabama Educators ( ). Violation of any portion of this code may result in penalties, including but not limited to, grade reduction and loss of course credit. It is important that you behave professionally at all times (including your manner of dress) during classroom visits, as you are representing the College of Education, UABTeach, and the University of Alabama Birmingham. Fall 2017 2 Project-Based Instruction (Johnson) edTPA. Passing edTPA is required beginning Fall, 2017, for all newly certified teachers in Alabama. edTPA is a performance of teaching consisting of three parts: planning an instructional sequence of 3-5 lessons, capturing 20 minutes of teaching in a public school classroom from the sequence, and assessing one sample of student work collected during the lesson sequence. The submissions are evaluated at the national level. UABTeach is embedding edTPA preparation for our students into PBI so that UABTeach students will be successful with this new, rigorous assessment of new teachers’ abilities. Across their education coursework, UABTeach students will build the skills for planning, teaching and assessing required by edTPA. Good synergy exists between edTPA requirements and the UABTeach curriculum, especially a focus on inquiry-based teaching. Class Attendance and Participation. The class will typically meet twice per week. Attendance and active participation are necessary in this class. Attendance will be taken every class period. Missing four classes (excused or not, i.e. more than 10% of the classes) will result in ONE FULL LETTER GRADE REDUCTION. Excused absences include illness, deaths in the immediate family and other documented crises, call to active military duty or jury duty, religious holy days, and official University activities. These absences will be accommodated in a way that does not arbitrarily penalize students who have a valid excuse. Consideration will also be given to students whose dependent children experience serious illness. Students must provide, when possible, advance notice of absences OR relevant documentation regarding absences to the instructor as soon as possible following the illness or event that led to an absence. Regardless of whether an absence is excused or unexcused, the student is responsible for making up all missed work missed. You are expected to fully participate in all class activities. Field Experience. A major portion of this course is the field experience. You will observe classroom teachers and teach for several days at a local high school. You will meet with your mentor teacher during the field experience on Wednesday September 6, 4:30 pm for a preliminary interview. At that time, you will negotiate how you will meet your observation assignment requirements. You will then meet with the teacher you are working with for a second time on Wednesday October 4, at 4:30 pm to prepare for your teach. You will teach your multiday lesson on the week of October 23 - 27. We will make every effort to schedule you to teach at times that do not conflict with your other courses or obligations, but it may not be possible to do this in all cases. Since this is official university business, it will count as an excused absence, but you will be required to make any work that you miss. We will supply your instructors or supervisors with a letter explaining the excused absence. Please notify the course staff of any conflicts as soon as possible so that we can try to work out an arrangement. Texts, Reading Materials and Other Resources Reading Materials. You will download the required reading from various journals and chapters from different books during this course. These materials can be found on the course website. It is important to note that these materials are copyrighted and must be used in compliance with U.S. Copyright Law. Under that law, you may view these materials on your computer but these materials may not be saved to your computer, revised, copied, or distributed without permission. They are to be used in support of the instructional activities required by this course only and shall be limited to the duration of the course, unless otherwise specified by the instructor or owner of the material. You may only download or print materials at the direction of your instructor who knows which materials are copyrighted and which are not. Fall 2017 3 Project-Based Instruction (Johnson) There is no required textbook for this course; however, the following book is recommended if you’d like some more background information: Larmer, J., Ross, D., Mergendoller, J. R., & Buck Institute for Education. (2009). PBL starter kit: To-the-point advice, tools and tips for your first project. Novato, CA: Buck Institute. Identifying assigned readings: (e) everyone reads (m) math only (s) science only NOTE Failure to complete the field experience in a professional manner in accordance with the Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for UAB and Alabama Educators will result in loss of credit for the lesson component of the course, and a possible failing grade in the course overall. Your final lesson plan must be approved 3 business days before you can teach, no exceptions. Arrive at the classroom at least 15 minutes before the start of your scheduled teaching time, or you may not be permitted to teach. Return items checked out from the UABTeach inventory in good condition and in a timely fashion. Course Assessment and Grading Policy Class Procedures Group Work Several major assignments are done in groups. Collaborate with your team by participating thoughtfully and respectfully, by being willing to learn from your peers and help them learn, and by responsibly meeting your commitments to your group. Final Project For the final project, you will develop a 3- to 6-week PBL unit (incorporating the elements of edTPA) for a secondary science or mathematics class. This project will consist of a new unit that you could implement (in part or whole) during Apprentice Teaching. Parameters and requirements for this project will be described in a separate handout. Evaluation and Grades Late work is not accepted unless you have contacted the instructor and negotiated a change in the due date. Plus and minus grades will be assigned. Course grades will be determined based on performance in three categories. The first is professionalism, the second is the field experience and the third is the course project. Professionalism (50 total points possible, 20% of course grade) As a teacher you will be expected to be able to participate in a professional learning community. A professional learning community requires a teacher to read articles from math and science teacher journals engage in discussions about the literature and support efforts that are designed to improve math and science education. The UABTeach program aims to give you the tools you will need to productively participate in these communities. As such, the professionalism component of your grade consists of the following assignments: Fall 2017 4 Project-Based Instruction (Johnson) Getting Started in PBI: Assignment 1: Acknowledgement of the syllabus and Syllabus Challenge (2 points) Assignment 2: Acknowledgement of the code of ethics (2 points) Completing Field Experience Placement form (2 points) Readings Complete all assigned readings and participate in the discussion of the readings (2 points per set of readings, 10 sets of readings per semester). All students are required to read all of the assigned reading and then participate in classroom discussions. It is your responsibility to demonstrate that you have completed the readings by using the content of what you read to make meaningful contributions to the discussion (20 points possible). Serve as a Discussion Leader for a set of Assigned Readings (8 points per session, 2 sessions per semester). You will lead the discussion of a set of assigned readings. You will be evaluated on how well you use effective questioning strategies during the discussion (16 points possible). Field Experience (65 total points possible, 25% of course grade). • Assignment 1: Group Contract (5 points possible) • Assignment 2: Unpack edTPA and Determine a Driving Question (5 Points Possible) • Assignment 3: Multiday Sketch (5 points possible) • Assignment 4: Observation A (10 points possible) • Assignment 5: Draft Lesson Plan (5 points possible) • Assignment 6: List of Materials (5 points possible) • Assignment 7: Observation B (10 points possible) • Assignment 8: Field experience presentation (20 points possible) Course Project: Develop a Project-Based Unit (140 points possible, 55% of course grade). Develop a (2 – 3 week minimum and 6 week maximum) project based unit for your course project. You will be required to complete several assignments as part of this project. These assignments include: • Assignment 1: Desired Results for the Unit (5 points possible) • Assignment 2: Assessments for the Unit (5 possible points) • Assignment 3: Learning Plan for the Unit (5 possible points) • Assignment 4: Instructional Materials for the Unit (5 points possible) • Assignment 5: Submit the URL for the website for your completed unit (70 points possible) • Assignment 6: Unit Presentation (40 Points ) Please note that your degree is not only learning about the content involved in the discipline (such as learning theories or means of assessment). It is also about learning how to think and write academically. Your work will be evaluated, not only regarding content and the soundness of one’s ideas, but also Fall 2017 5 Project-Based Instruction (Johnson) regarding clarity of expression, conformity to academic styles of writing (APA format), and in terms of acknowledging the origin of idea (through use of appropriate citations). Please take this into account as you complete your project. Special Notices and Policies Accommodations. Students with disabilities who require special accommodations need to get a letter that documents the disability from the Services for Students with Disabilities area of Student Affairs (205) 9344205 voice or This letter should be presented to the instructor at the beginning of the semester and accommodations needed should be discussed at that time. Also, the instructor is available to discuss appropriate accommodations that you may require as a student with a disability. Religious Holy Days. Religious holy days sometimes conflict with class schedules. If you miss an examination, work assignment, or other project due to the observance of a religious holy day you will be given an opportunity to complete the work missed within a reasonable amount of time after the absence. It is the policy of the University that you must notify the instructor at least fourteen days before the classes scheduled on the days you will be absent to observe a religious holy day. UAB Honor Code. The core values of The University of Alabama Birmingham are learning, discovery, freedom, leadership, individual opportunity, and responsibility. Each member of the university is expected to uphold these values through integrity, honesty, trust, fairness, and respect toward peers and community. Students are expected to abide by the University of Alabama Birmingham Honor Code ( ). Students who violate University rules on scholastic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary penalties, including the possibility of failure in the course and/or dismissal from The University. Since such dishonesty harms the individual, all students, and the integrity of The University, policies on scholastic dishonesty will be strictly enforced. All work on papers should be done individually. Any material that you include that is not in your own words must be cited clearly as to its source. Likewise, you should give credit for ideas that originate from another source. Using another person’s words or ideas (including words and ideas from the Internet!) without due credit is plagiarism and is a violation of University rules. Syllabus Change Policy. A tentative semester overview is provided in this syllabus. Every attempt will be made to adhere to the schedule provided, but the instructor reserves the right to make changes as needed. Except for changes that substantially affect implementation of the evaluation (grading) statement, this syllabus is a guide for the course and is subject to change with notice. Bibliography Reading Schedule This is a list of articles and excerpts you will read during the semester, most of which are available through the university library or on the course website. Before Session 2 Rowe, M. B., (1986). Wait time: Slowing down may be a way of speeding up? Teacher Education, 37(1), 43–50. Scott, P. H., Mortimer, E. F., & Aguiar, O. G. (2006). The tension between authoritative and dialogic discourse: A fundamental characteristic of meaning making interactions in high school science lessons. Science Education, 90(4), 605–631. [Read the instructor summary.] Fall 2017 6 Project-Based Instruction (Johnson) Before Session 3 Krajcik, J. S., & Blumenfeld, P. C. (2006). Project-based learning. In R. K. Sawyer (Ed.), The Cambridge handbook of the learning sciences (pp. 317-333). New York: Cambridge University Press. Before Session 4 Krajcik, J. S., McNeil, K., & Reiser, B. (2008). Learning-goals-driven model: Developing Curriculum materials that align with national standards and incorporate project-based pedagogy. Science Education, 92(1), 1–32. Before Session 5 MATH STUDENTS: Petrosino, A., Lehrer, R., & Schauble, L. (2003). Structuring error and experimental variation as distribution in the fourth grade. Mathematical Thinking and Learning 5(2&3), 131–156. SCIENCE STUDENTS: Rivet, A. E., & Krajcik, J. S. (2004). Achieving standards in urban systemic reform: An example of a sixth grade project-based science curriculum. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 41(7), 669–692. Before Session 6 Barron, B. Schwartz, D. L., Vye, N. J., Moore, A. Petrosino, A. J., Zech, L., Bransford, J.D., & CTGV. (1998). Doing with understanding: Lessons from research on problem-and project-based learning. The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 7(3/4), 271–311. Before Session 9 Bransford, J. D., Sherwood, R. D., Hasselbring, T. S., & Kinzer, C. (1990). Anchored instruction: Why we need it and how technology can help. In D. Nix & R. J. Shapiro (Eds.), Cognition, education, and multimedia: Exploring ideas in high technology (pp. 115–141). Hillsdale, NJ, England: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Kumar, D. D. (2010). Approaches to interactive video anchors in problem-based science learning. Journal of Science Education and Technology 19, 13–19. Before Session 10 Angelo, T. A., & Cross, K. P. (1993) Classroom assessment techniques (Chapter 7). (2nd ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Before Session 17 Krajcik, J. S., Blumenfeld, P. C., Marx, R. W., Bass, K. M., Fredricks, J., & Solloway, E. (1998). Inquiry in project-based science classrooms: Initial attempts by middle school students. Journal of the Learning Sciences 7(3/4), 313–350. Fall 2017 7 Project-Based Instruction (Johnson) Before Session 18 (math) Chappell, M., Choppin, J., & Salls, J. Equity. In Empowering the Beginning Teacher of Mathematics in High School. National Council of Mathematics (math) Dong, Y. (2016). Create a responsive learning community for ELLS. The Mathematics Teacher, 109(7), 534-540. (m) Hord, C., Marita, S., Walsh, J., Tomaro, T., & Gordon, K. (2016). Encouraging students with learning disabilities. The Mathematics Teacher, 109(8), 612-617. (science) Lee and Buxton (2010). Science Instruction and Student Diversity (Chapter 4). Diversity and Equity in Science Education: Research, Policy and Practice. Teacher’s College Press. (s) Steele, M. (2008). Helping students with learning disabilities succeed: Teaching strategies can help students with learning disabilities improve their performance in the science classroom. The Science Teacher (e) Edmonds, L. (2009). Challenges and solutions for ELLs: Teaching strategies for English Language Learners’ Success in Science. The Science Teacher Before Session 19 Kirschner, P. A., Sweller, J., & Clark, R. E. (2006). Why minimal guidance during instruction does not work: An analysis of the failure of constructivist, discovery, problembased, experiential, and inquiry-based teaching. Educational Psychologist 41(2), 75–86. Before Session 21 Geier, R., Blumenfeld, P. C., Marx, R. W., Krajcik, J. S., Fishman, B., Soloway, E., & ClayChambers, J. (2008). Standardized test outcomes for students engaged in inquiry-based science curricula in the context of urban reform. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 45(8), 922–939. Before Session 22 Pellegrino, J. W., & Brophy, S. (2008). From cognitive theory to instructional practice: Technology and the evolution of anchored instruction. In D. Ifenthaler, P. Pirnay-Dummer, & J. M. Spector (Eds.), Understanding models for learning and instruction. New York: Springer. Before Session 23 Prince, M., & Felder, R.M. (2006). Inductive teaching and learning methods: Definitions, comparisons and research bases. Journal of Engineering Education, 95(2), 123–138. Fall 2017 8 Project-Based Instruction (Johnson) Session Schedule Class Session Topic 8/28 Course Introduction: Essential elements of PBI 8/30 9/6 Discussion and Discourse Agenda Introductions Examples of PBI Syllabus challenge Field experience placements Model discussion leadership: Rowe (1986) and Scott, Mortimer & Aguiar (2006) Discourse: Video analysis Class project Student-led discussion on readings: (1) ProjectBased learning: Krajick & Blumenfield (2006) and (2) (pp 317 – 333) The Cambridge handbook of the learning sciences. (Reading Assessments) Project-Based Learning Fall 2017 Class Project: Design Challenge: Product design, product budget, model workshops. Meet Mentor Teacher Due ON or BEFORE This Class Session Field placement choice forms Read Wait Time: Rowe and Dialogic discourse Scott, Mortimer & Aguiar (2006). Find a partner and sign up to be a Discussion Leader. Readings: (1) Project-Based learning: Krajick & Blumenfield (2006) and (2) (pp 317 – 333) The Cambridge handbook of the learning sciences. Complete and sign Group Contracts. Post on Canvas. Meet with designated mentor teacher at 4:30 on 9/6/2017. 9 Project-Based Instruction Class Session 9/11 9/13 9/18 9/20 (Johnson) Topic Learning-GoalsDriven Design / Unpacking Unpacking Unpacking Standards and Student Ideas Learning Performances Agenda Student-led Discussion Krajcik, & Reiser (2008) Reading assessment Learning-goals-driven design. Designing learning goals. Due ON or BEFORE This Class Session Krajcik, McNeil & Reiser(2008) Learning goals driven model. Unpacking Overview of field project. Design Project: Manufacturing! Predict-ObserveExplain: Student-led discussion on readings (math) Petrosino, Lehrer & Schauble (2003) Structuring error and experimental variation Unpacking standards Class project: (s) Rivet & Krajcik (2004) Achieving standards. Field experience: Topics for teach events Observations Unpacking—student ideas and challenges Concept mapping Student-led discussion on readings and Reading assessment. Class project: Learning performances Group contracts Class project: Unpack standards for teach topics (draft) (group submission) Barron, Schwartz, Vye, Moore, Petrosino, Zech, Bransford & CTGV (1998) Doing with Understanding. Find an article about misconceptions on standards to add to Unpacking assignment. Final due today. Start building a concept map of the standards Observe your class this week Fall 2017 10 Project-Based Instruction Class Session (Johnson) Topic Agenda Due ON or BEFORE This Class Session . Draft concept map (1 per group). 9/25 Driving Questions Driving questions Learning performances Class project: Develop 2–3 possible driving questions for your project and bring to next class session. Submit observation analysis/report. Submit final unpacking standards documentation. Optional: Portfolio 2a and 2c write-up. 9/28 Anchored Instruction 10/2 10/4 10/9 Draft Anchor Videos and Peer Feedback Fall 2017 Post responses to the Forum 6 discussion. Discuss literature on anchored instruction. Final driving question and concept maps due. Evaluate some examples of non-video anchor activities. Work on observation analysis report. Draft learning performances due before class. Assessment techniques—jigsaw reading presentations Read assigned section of Angelo & Cross. Work time Observation analysis report due. Develop an assessment plan. Work on storyboards for draft anchor video. Create a calendar of activities. Learn about benchmark and investigation lesson planning. Anchor Video critique Assessment peer critique Draft assessment plan due Multi-day planners Draft calendar of activities due Work time Assessment Strategies Assessment, Anchor Video, and Lesson Planning Analyze anchor video for conformance with criteria. No discussion board; bring NOTES (graded). Learning performances due Storyboards (“draft” anchor video) due Second meeting with Mentor teacher at 4:30 on 10/4. Draft anchor video due 11 Project-Based Instruction Class Session 10/11 (Johnson) Topic Lesson Plan Work Day. Agenda Draft lesson plans due in Canvas Work time Second observation completed (optional) Practice teach day 10/16 – 10/17 Peer Critique and Feedback on Lesson Plans Due ON or BEFORE This Class Session Materials list draft due at end of class Lesson plan peer critique Materials preparation Final components for field experience due: direct questions, unpacking, concept map, learning performances, assessment plan, lesson plans, anchor video, calendar ---------------------------------------Field Experience 10/23 – 10 27 -----TEACH WEEK---------------------------No Class this Week 10/30 Reflection on Field Experience 11/1 PBL—Lessons Learned Fall 2017 Reflecting on field experience Teach Debrief Criticisms of PBI Work on Portfolio. Work on your reflective analysis. 12 Project-Based Instruction Class Session 11/6 (Johnson) Topic Criteria for Effective Curriculum Materials Learning differences and accommodations in PBI Agenda Student-led discussion Reading assessments Final project work. Due ON or BEFORE This Class Session (m) Chappell, M., Choppin, J., & Salls, J. Equity. In Empowering the Beginning Teacher of Mathematics in High School. National Council of Mathematics (m) Dong, Y. (2016). Create a responsive learning community for ELLS. The Mathematics Teacher, 109(7), 534-540. (m) Hord, C., Marita, S., Walsh, J., Tomaro, T., & Gordon, K. (2016). Encouraging students with learning disabilities. The Mathematics Teacher, 109(8), 612-617. (s) Lee and Buxton (2010). Science Instruction and Student Diversity (Chapter 4). Diversity and Equity in Science Education: Research, Policy and Practice. Teacher’s College Press. (s) Steele, M. (2008). Helping students with learning disabilities succeed: Teaching strategies can help students with learning disabilities improve their performance in the science classroom. The Science Teacher (everyone) Edmonds, L. (2009). Challenges and solutions for ELLs: Teaching strategies for English Language Learners’ Success in Science. The Science Teacher Work on Portfolio. Work on your reflective analysis. Fall 2017 13 Project-Based Instruction Class Session 11/8 11/13 (Johnson) Topic Agenda Final PBI project Kirschner discussion Low cognitive load instruction: Cognitive tutor Critiques of PBL Final project workday 21st-century skills Work time Group work time on final project. 11/15 11/27 11/29 PBI and High Stakes Accountability Legacy cycles Inductive Teaching and Learning; Website Construction Peer critique of learning performances and driving questions Student-led discussion on Geier Student-led discussion on Pelligrino and Brophy (2008) Presentation/class discussion on legacy cycles Inductive approaches Reflecting on course objectives Website construction Due ON or BEFORE This Class Session Post responses to the Forum 8 discussion. Reflective analysis due. Work on final project. Work on the Portfolio Post responses to the Forum 9 discussion. Learning performances, driving questions due. Post responses to the Forum 10 discussion. Post responses to the Forum 11 discussion. Complete final project-based units. 11/29 – 12/3 Student work days 12/13 & 12/15 Final project presentations Fall 2017 Work on final project presentation. Upload to your website. Final Presentations during Exam times Registrar-scheduled final exam slot [date, time] Prepare for presentation during the final exam period scheduled for your class. 14
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