name change consultants

Name Change
Consultants in India
Concept of Legal Name Change
in Central Gazette
➢ Corrections in First Name Spelling
➢ Corrections in Last Name Spelling
➢ Complete Change in First Name
➢ Surname Change After Marriage
➢ First name or Surname Change After Divorce
➢ Name Change for Government Employees
➢ Change in Name due to change in Religion
Documents Required for Name Change in India
➢ Self Attested & Valid Copy of Identity Proof
➢ Self Attested & Valid Copy of Residence Proof
➢ Self Attested & Valid Copy of Age Proof
➢ Self Attested & Original Deed Poll Affidavit
➢ 2 Original copies of Name Change ADS in Two
Reputed Newspaper
Name Change Process
FAQ About Name Change
✓ Who can change name? Anyone who is a citizen of India
whether staying in India or abroad can change his / her
✓ Can I change my name in my educational certificates?
70% of comments are same questions. Please note that
CBSE / ICSE/State Boards do change name in certificates
even if you have a Gazette published. They need a Court
Order from your District Court. Obtaining this Order is very
difficult and is almost impossible
FAQ About Name Change
What is the use of name change publication in
If you have changed your name then you have to complete the
legal process for same. Name in your educational certificates
and Birth Certificate do not change once they are issued. Other
documents e.g. Passport, Voter ID, Driving License, Aadhaar
Card, PAN Card, Bank Account etc. you can obtain with new
name. However, if you submit your education certificate then
you have to provide copy of your Gazette and accordingly new
name will be considered.
FAQ About Name Change
Can I add / change surname with my name?
To add a surname, your father/brother/mother must be
using the surname then only you can else not. e.g.
your name is Aadesh Kumar and your want to add
“Kamra" as your surname. You can do this subject to
your father / brother / mother must be using " Kamra "
as their surname. If not using but you want to use and
your caste is Brahmin then affidavit should be counter
signed by Tehsildar / SDM.
FAQ About Name Change
➢ Can I remove my surname ? Yes. Suppose your name is
Mukesh K Tanwer and you want to remove your surname
"Tanwer". You can do this through Gazette name change
➢ 6. I am a minor i.e. below 18 years old? Can I change my
name? Yes. You can. Application by your father / mother /
guardian to be submitted.
➢ 7. Can I change my name more than one time? No.
Legally it is not permissible to change name more than
FAQ About Name Change
How can I change name or correct spellings of my father/mother name
in education certificates? Sometimes you see that there is either
spelling mistake or entirely different name in your education certificate
/PAN etc. This can be received by publishing the same in Gazette. This
type of publication in Gazette is called "Public Notice". It is costlier
because government fee is more and newspaper advertisement is
After name change can I apply for Government Job with new name?
Yes. Once your name change in published in gazette you can start
writing new name in all your job applications. If you are already a
government employee then you have to intimate to your HR Dept. about
this and get name changed.
FAQ About Name Change
I am government employee can I change my name? Yes. You can change your
name by publishing in Gazette of India.
I am divorcee / widower. Can I change my surname to my maternal surname? Yes.
In case of divorcee court order required. For widow, husband death certificate is
I am married and want to add surname of my husband with my name, is it
possible? Yes. It is possible.
What is the time frame for change of name? Personal submission - 3 weeks. Postal
submission 8 weeks.
When is gazette published? It is published weekly. Every Saturday, it is uploaded at
website: Printer copy of gazette is discontinued since 2015.
FAQ About Name Change
How to change my name in other docs e.g. passport, voter id, DL,
Aadhaar Card, PAN, Domicile, Cast certificate, property documents,
Bank Account etc. once gazette is ready. Do you provide this service?
No. We do not provide you service but we will send you a detailed mail
showing process for each document.
Are there any problems once I change name? This is solution not
What details you need to provide service? Current Full name (name and
surname), New full name(name and surname), Father name and
surname, profession, email id / mobile number / whatsapp number.
FAQ About Name Change
I have different name spellings in different documents. Do
I need to apply for Gazette? Yes. e.g. Praveen in some
documents and Pravin in some documents. You have to
apply for gazette to synchronize the documents.
How to contact you? Thru Call / Email / Whatsapp / SMS.
Calling and Meeting is the best option.
FAQ About Name Change
Do you provide complete consultancy for Name
Change through Gazette? Yes we do. (formats,
CD, Newspaper Ads, Affidavit language) etc.
How to send you docs and payment? Send docs
thru email or or ping us on Whatsapp
on 9999078412
FAQ About Name Change
How to change name in CBSE / ICSE
certificates? Its not possible. They need
Court Order to change. So publishing in
Gazette will not help.
Is it necessary to change name in
Education certificates once Gazette
published ? Not required
Contact Us
❖ Office Address:
❖ A3/12, 3rd Floor, Above Kotak Mahindra Bank, Janakpuri, (Near
Mata Channan Devi Hospital) New Delhi- 110058
❖ E-mail :
❖ Tel. : +91-9999078412