~ ' - • " . HERALD STATESMAN, YONKERS, N.Y., M O N D A Y , NOVEMBER 17, 1969 iiilHllM!|!n|| liSniililil Mrs. Mary Kopec David S. Jensen Dies Former Citv Editor 'Joe' Kennedy Believed Youth, 19, Nearing End Of Life Dies After llinj!fjl|| y Cool and mild tonight with a;precipitation within the past 2i low in the 40s. Fair and mild hours, tomorrow- with a high around 60.1 Tides are high today at 3:34 Precipitation probability is near j a .m. and 3:58 p.m. and low at zero tonight and 10 per cent to- ;9:58 a.m. and 10:34 p.m.; tomorGary Beninari of 77 Hyatt Ave. morrow. Winds will be variable ; r o w's tides are high at 4:40 a.m. died Sunday at Ford ham Hospi- 5 to 10 miles an hour tonight and and 4:58 p.m. and low at 10:5? tal in the Bi-onx following an southerly about 10 to 15 miles an a .m. and 11:28 p.m.; Wednes auto accident Saturdav on the day's tides will be high at 5:3-' Bronx River Parkwav' He was!ho^Lr tomorrow The highest and lowest temp- a.m. and 5:58 p.m. and Iowa 19. recorded in New jn-,58 a.m. and 12:16 p.m. Gary was born here April 16, 'eratures ever odav and the next The sun wiU rise_tom.onxfflf-al_.. 11950 to AngelQ-an.d.Max>'Grino!X2»*£i£iS£ 6:46 a.m. and set at 4:36p.m. jBeninati. He attended St. Barna- two days are: Low 1 High bas School, Longfellow and 19 71 Mark Twain Junior High schools Today 18 73 Tomorrow and was a 1969 graduate of LinIS 72 coln High School. He played Wednesday's HOUR SERVICE Station Pumpiru Tube Weils football for a few years at Lin- ! coin and was a communicant of reported an 8 a.m. temperature Buttons & B o d y u St. Barnabas Church. jreading of 30 degrees with no Deik Sign! Printing Surviving besides his parents RUBBlKl Stitncili are three brothers, Richard and N a m * Plates STAMPS^ Angelo, of the home address; DEVER WILL SPEAK Numbirtn Joseph of Yonkers: and one sisfait Notary S«oli D a t t r s Inks ter, Theresa ol the home ad- WILLIAM DEVER of IBM will discuss "Project Resource dress. WESTCHESTER Management', at a meeting of the Tappan Zee Chapter of the RUBBER STAMPS, INC. American Institute of Industrial ii PROSPECT ST., YONKHU Engineers tomorrow at 5:30 Y 0 9-8519 p.m. at Holiday Inn, Greenville. — — » Auto Crash By COR>'KLnjS F. HURLEY Associated Press Writ4ir HYANNIS PORT, Mass. (AP) — Former Ambassador Joseph P. Kennedy, father of a seaMrs. Kopec, who was born In side American political dynasty, Poland, was the daughter of was near death today at his George and Rosalia Worm David S Jensen, former city home in the Kennedy compound Tomczyk. She was married to editor of the Yonkers Herald on Cape Cod. Charles _Kopee in 1915 at St. Statesman, died unexpectedly His- sole surviving son, Sen: Casimif's Church. He was a for- Saturday in Atlanta, Ga., at the Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., mer employe of Refined Syrups age of 42. was at his bedside. and Sugars. Mr. Jensen, who was on hi> His condition was described Mr. Kopec predeceased his way to Westchester from Miami as "very low" by his son-in-law, on a vacation trip, was found wife on Sept. 29, 1939. j Ambassador Sargent Shriver, dead in his motel suite. Death J shortly before 8 a.m. Mrs. Kopec was a communi- was attributed to a heart attack "The end is only a matter .of cant of St. Casimir's Church. He lived in Coral Gables. Fla. : hours a ways," Shriver told a She was a member of the Moth- For the past three years, Mr ' newsman after attending early er's Guild, of the Third Order of Jensen had been a copy desl '. morning Mass at St. Francis St. Francis, and of the St. Vin- chief for the Miami Herald. He Xavier Roman Catholic Church had served as city editor in cent DePaul Society. in Hyannis. Yonkers from 1956 to 1964 and Kennedy, father of the late Surviving are two daughters, then worked as a free-lance • President John F. Kennedy, is Mrs. John (Jean) Babiar of writer. 181 and has been in poor health Yonkers. Mrs. Peter (Florence) JOSEPH KENNEDY ' for eight years. Zaniewski of E. Paterson, N.J.; On his mother's side, Mi*. Jenone son, Joseph of Shrub Oak, sen's roots were firmly linked tr He suffered what a doctorN.Y.; two sisters, Mrs. Carol journalism. His great-grand said was a minor heart attack Garonsky of Toronto, Canada mother, Jane Cunningham Cro over the weekend. and Mrs. Pauline Oko of Po- ly, who wrote as Jenny June Shriver said the former amland; and seven grandchildren. was believed to be the firs bassador has been unable to eat MAHOPAC— A m e r i c a n newspaperwoman. for several days. A Yonkers young man was Her husband, David Goodmai Shriver and his wife, Eunice, arrested Saturday night about Crolv was editor of the New Kennedy's eldest daughter, flew 8:30 in the vicinity ol Mahopac York World. Vernon Connors here Sunday from Paris. ShrivHigh School on charges of loiDAVID S. JENSEN er is U.S. ambassador to tering and harrassment after All Makes - Gvirantetd . . . news executive Vernon J. Connors, 53, of 32 Their son, Mr. Jensen's greatFrance. being questionned for being Repairs... Park Ave., died suddenly at his uncle, was Herbert Croly, who founded the New Republic MagMrs. Rose Kennedy, manear a stolen car. home Friday. C A L L Y O 9-4100 azine. Anthony V. Nicolosl, 21, of Mr. Jensen's mother, who died triarch of the Kennedy clan, RADIO Mr. Connors was born on Sept. Mr. Jensen was born June 11, 407 Central Park Ave., Yonkin 1963, was a pioneer in the also attended Mass this morning 21, 1916, a son of Margaret Don- 1927, in New York City. His parSHOP at St. Francis Xavier's, though ers, was arrested by Carmel 16 Palisade Ave.,Y0 5-531 personnel field. His father who A 16-year-old Yonkers boy nelly and the late Stephen Con- ents were the late Marjorie SidESTABLISHED 1939 died in 1957 was a leader in the not with Shriver. She entered who accidentally pulled the trig- Ptl. Dale Schultz, when, after • MASTER CHARGE • nors. ney and Allan Ludwig Jensen. the tiny church quickly, and requestioning the man, he was wholesale glove industry. 44 WARBURTON AVE. ger of a rifle he'was showing to allegedly subjected to harrassUnicard-Bank Americard The family moved to Yonkers mained inside for several minWE HONOR MASTER CHAR There are no immediate surviMr. Connors attended St. Jo- ''about a week after I was his friend is now being held ment. The officer had been CREDIT CARDS utes after the service was over. seph's School and Commerce born," Mr. Jensen would say re- vors. OPEN LATE EVERY NITE There was no word on whether responsible for the friend's posted to keep a stolen car unFuneral arrangements are inHigh School. He was a member garding his claim to being a nadeath on a charge of criminally Kennedy was conscious, but one der surveillance. complete. of Local 543 of the Steamfitters tive son. unofficial source said he was negligent homicide, police reAfter observing the Yonkers JJnion, a World War II veteran port. He attended Halsted School in given the last rites of the Roman for some time, Ptl. who served with the 7th ArPeter Beck, 16, of 5758 Fara- Schultz approached him for man Catholic Church Sunday. mored Division and a member Y o n k e r s and Scarborough Catherine Higgins day Ave., the Bronx, was pro- identification, at which time School. Like his father, he was a Richard Cardinal Cushing of of St. Joseph's Church. graduate of Harvard. Boston, a long-time family nounced dead on arrival at St. the youth allegedly became Mrs. Catherine M. Higgins, 47, friend, said Sunday that he had Joseph's Hospital at 5:i5 p.m. abusive. Surviving in addition to his He joined the staff of The Hermother, are three sisters, Mrs. ald Statesman as reporter in of 86 Convent Place, died at her received, a telephone call from Saturday, a half hour after the Taken before Town Justice James (Florence) MacDougall, 1948 shortly after he was gradu- home Saturday following a heart the family "advising me that he accident occurred. Anthony Caravetta in the Mrs. Raymond (Grace) Bricker ated magna cum laude from attack. She was an inventory had a very serious setback Police said that Joseph Tom Town of Kent, the Nicolosi and Mrs. Charles (Margaret) Harvard. In 1950 he became a control clerk for Otis Elevator and it seems that the good Lord masi of 10 Hamilton Ave. invit- youth was released on $25 bail Co. for 25 years. Fee; one brother, Raymond Con- copy editor and in 1956 was is about to take him in the fore- ed his friend into his bedroom to and ordered to appear for a named city editor. A life long resident of Yonk- seeable future." nors of Port Angels, Wash. have a look at the .22 caliber hearing in Mahopac on Nov. ers, Mrs. Higgins was born on Besides Edward and his fami rifle, which happened to have a 20. March 27, 1922, a daughter of ly and the Shrivers, other mem shell in the chamber. Young Police also said the stolen Mrs. Mary E. Cougiilin Rilley bers of the family at the com Tommasi was holding the rifle car case was later solved by and the late John E. Rilley. She pound included Patricia Kenne- when the Beck youth pushed it, apprehension of a boy under was married to William S. Hig- dy Lawford and Jean Kennedy police said, causing Joseph to the age of 16, and therefore BENINATI, Gary, suddenly on November PALICA—Helen (nee Neherbetsky) Polica. gins on Oct. 11, 1952, at the Sahis identity is protected by the Smith, whose husband Stephen pull the trigger. 16. 1969, beloved son of Angelo and On Sunday, November 16, 1969. Beloved Mary. Dear brother of Joseph, Richord, wife of Stephen Palica of 72 Ball Ave- cred Heart Church where she also was there. youthful offender statutes. Angelo and Theresa. Reposing at the nue. Devoted mother of Mrs. Stephen When the gun went off, Peter David J. Hodder and Son inc., Funeral . (Katherine) BonchaK, Mrs. Ann Koteletz, vvas^ a member, Mr. Hiegins~pre- _ Jacqueline. Onassis, widow^of fell to the floor. His Wound was Home, 899 McLean Avenue, Yonkers. Mrs. John (Mary) Sheridan and Mrs. deceased his wife in 1958. the late president, is enroute later diagnosed as a gunshot High Requiem Mass at St. Barnabas Raymond (Helen) Hendricks. Also SurMichael Sakala Church Thursday 10 a.m. Visiting hours vived by six grandchildren ond five Mrs. Higgins attended St. Jo- back to the Cape from Europe. wound in the left temple. Monday 7 to 10 p.m., Tuesday and great-grandchirdren. Dear sister of John seph's School and Sacred Heart Wednesday 1 to 4 ond to 10 p.m. And a family spokesman said Neherbetsky, Mrs. John (Anno) Grubiak Michael Sakala, formerly of (11-19) Police said Tommasi called and Mrs. Peter (Sophia) Dzamba. High School. She was a member Ethel Kennedy, widow of the Funeral from the Duchynskl Funeral Yonkers, died yesterday at the the department immediately afBIANCHI, Frederick, on November 16, Home Inc., I l l Yonkers Avenue on of the Ancient Order of Hiberni- late Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, 1969, of, Eostchester. Beloved husband of Hospital Wednesday, November 19 ot 9:00 A.M. ans, Division 15 Auxiliary and of had been notified of the elder ter the accident. He was booked Yonkers Professional the late Mary Bianchi, devoted brother High Moss of Requiem in St. Michael's of Fronk and Nicholas Bianchi and Bea after a brief illness. He was in at the detective division at 11:55 Kennedy's condition and might Ukrainion Catholic Church at 9:30 A M . the Third Order of St. Francis. trice Mirobella. Friends may coll at the his early 70s. p.m. and then released on $500 Interment, St. Joseph's Cemetery. EveWestchester Funeral Home Inc., MidSurvivors include one sister, return to the Cape ,also. land Avenue at Main Street Eostchester, ning services Tuesday at 7:30 P.M. bail, police said. He is sched- Born in the Ukraine, he came 2-4. ?•? p.m. Requiem Mass'dt the ImVisiting hours 1:00 to 4:00 and 7:00 to Mrs. Walter (Anne) Deyo of Kennedy, a financier and one maculerte Conception Church, Tuckahoe, uled to appear in City Court to the United States 14 years 10:C0 P.M. 11-18 Yonkers and her mother. of the nation's wealthiest men Wednesday, November 19 at 10 a.m. Inago and was a former employe today for arraignment. terment Derby, Conn. (11-18) RAUCH, Fred, of Yonkers, N.Y., on NoA brother, John Rilley predewas U.S. ambassador to Great vember 16, 1969, devoted husband of Ihe of Bickford's Restaurant. FAGAN, Jomes J., of 411 Worburton Avelate Amelia Carbone Rauch. Beloved fa- ceased her in 1967. Britain from 1938 to 1940. AND MIRROR COMPANY nue, on November 14. 1969, beloved husMr. Sakala married the forther of Frederick W. Rauch, and Elsie He suffered through the loss JOHN J. MCNEILL band ot Helen Malone Fagon, devoted Von btten, ;ear b other o: "IhecJore, mer Anna, Galey. She prede190 McLEAN AVENUE father of Mrs. Roland (Margaret) GadSue Englebreth, Elsie Johnson and Edof three of his four sons—Joseph N.Y.C. Water Superintendent bout and Mrs. William (Ann) Hayes. ceased him on March 25, 1968. ward Rauch Loving grandfather of LuSurvived by six grandchildren. Reposing P. Jr., his eldest, in a plane EAST/CHESTER— retta ond Mark Van Etlen. The family He lived with his daughter in Wholen Funeral Home, Inc., 168 Park Stephen Palieo crash will be present at the Fred H. McGroth Mrs. during World War n Avenue, co: ner of Gicnwcoc. Requiem John J. McNeil of the Garth •New Rochelle until his death. and Son Funeral Home, Bronxvllle, Moss In Our Lady of Rosory Church from 2 p.m. until 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. until Mrs. Stephen (Helen> Palica, John, felled by an assassin's Road Apartments, died yester(Holy Rosary) on Tuesday, November Surviving -in addition to his 9 p.m. Monday and Tuesday. Requiem isth, at 10 a.m. Interment St. Joseph's Mess St. Joseph's Church, Bronxville on 76, of 72 Ball Ave., died yester- bullet in 1963; and Robert, also day at St. Agnes Hospital* White daughter is one grandson. Cemetery. Visiting hours 1-4 and 7-10 Wednesday, November 19 oi 10 a.m. p.m. (11-17) day at the St. John's Riverside killed by an assassin in Los An- Plains. He was the retired su(11-18) geles in 1968. FOLEY, Essie (nee Madden), of Norman- SAKALA—Michael. Formerly of Yonkers, Hospital after a short illness. perintendent for the New York dy Village Nonuet, N.Y., formerly of Tragedy also befell son Ed- City Department of Water SupMrs. Palica came to the UnitN.Y. On Sunday, November 16, 1969. Yonkers, on November 17, 1969. Beloved Beloved husband of the late Ann (nee ward last summer when his car ply. wife of David W. Foley, devoted mother SCARJOAU STORE HOURS: 9:30 to 5:30 Galey) Sakala. Devoted father of Mrs. ed States as an infant with her ot uovid W. Foley j r . , Mss. William u . Walter (Marie) Gollay of 674 Pine Brook parents. She was born on June 6, plunged into a pond on ChappaTkvrtday until 9 P.M. (Grace) Jellison, Mrs. Robert J. (Janet) Boulevard, New Rochelle, N.Y. Also quiddick Island, south of the A native of New York City, Goif-ey, cna Mrs. R,chord (Dorothy) Telephone 723-3000 survived by one grandson. Funeral from 1893 in Austria. She was married Mr. McNeill was a resident of Secring. Sister of Mrs. Joseph (Cathethe Duchynskl Funeral Home Inc., H I to Stephen Palica on Nov. 25, Cape, taking the life of Miss rine) Luckey, and Mrs. Herbert (Edna) this area for 40 years. Yonkers Avenue on Wednesday, NovemS'echens, also survived by fifteen Mary Jo Kopechne. ber 19 at 11:00 A.M. High Moss of 1909. at the St. Michael's Church. Grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Requiem in St. Michael's Ukroinan Mr. Palica, who is a retired Otis Family sources said that He was a veteran of World Reposino V/holen Funeral Home, Inc., Catholic Church at 11:30 A.M. Inter16S Park Avenue, corner of Glenwood while Kennedy was told of Rob- War I, having served with the o'ier 1 p.m. Tuesday. High Mass of ment, St. Joseph's Cemetery. Evening Elevator Co. employe, survives overseas, and was a Reauiem, Saint Joseph's Church, Thursservices Tuesday at 8:00 P.M. Visiting his wife. They would have cele- ert's assassination—though not Army day, November M, al 10 a.m. Interment hours 1:00 to 4:00 and 7:00 to 10:00 50-year member of the Ameriimmediately—he never was inGate of Heaven Cemetery. Visiting P.M. 11-18 bia'-d their f-;0th wc'riing anni hour' Tuesday and Wednesday, 1-4 and can Legion Post No. 1008, New formed of Edward's accident. versary this Thanksgiving. 7-10 p.m. (11 19) SICILIANO—Russell, of 104 Livinaston Avenue, on Monday, November 17, 1969. Kennedy suffered a stroke in York City. Mrs. Palica was a member of Beloved husband of the lote Gertrude HIGGINS — Catherine M. Of 86 Convent Palm Beach, Fla., Dec. 19, 1961, He was a communicant of Our Siciliono. Devoted father of Josephine St. Michael's Church where she Place. On November 15. 1969. Beloved Occhigrossi. Threso Lorsen, Irene Rouwife of the late William Higgins. and has been~^ partially para- Lady of Fatima Church and a was also a member of the St. so, Catherine Warren ond Michael J. Douohter of Mrs. John (Mary) Rilley. lyzed ever since. Siciliono. Also survived by seventeen Anne's Society. life member of the fourth degree Sister of Mrs. Walter (Anne) Dcyo. grondchildren and six greot-qranocnilReposing at the Ball Funeral Home, 100 of the W. J. Boyd Council, He suffered setbacks from Surviving in addition to her dren. Reposinc, Sinatra Funeral Home Loke Avenue. Funerai, Tuesday at 9:30 Inc., 315 South Broadway. Funeral, A.M. High Moss of Requiem In the husband are four daughters, time to time in the years that Knights of Columbus, the Bronx. Wednesday, 9:30 A M . High Requiem Monastery Church of the Sacred Heart He is survived by five sisters, Moss. Mt. Carmcl Church, 10:00 A M. Mrs. Stephen (Katherinei Bon- followed. His latest seizure, a at 10:00 A.M. Interment, St. Mary's Interment, St. Joseph's Cemetery. The Cemetery. Visiting hours 1:00 to 4:00 spokesman said, occurred Sat- the Misses Agnes, Irene, and rhak. Mrs. Ann Koteletz. Mrs. family will receive friends ot the end 7:00 to 10:CO P.M.. . 11-17 Funeral Home, 1-4 ond 7-10 P.M. Ruth McNeil of the home adJohn (Man-) Sheridan and Mrs. urday. HIGGINS- Kotherine. W.emb"s of the So11-18 RayiTrn.' 'Helen) Hendricks, all dress and Mrs. J. Kehoe of 90 cred Heart Fraternity will kindly pay Bryant Ave. and Mrs. J. J. WALTER BULAT their respects to our deceased member. THOMPSON, Evelyn P., 55 years, of 80 of Yonkers. Rlverdale Avenue, Yonkers, on Sunday, Sister Katherir.e Higgins, at the Ball Hines of Silver Springs, Md. Brother of Pelham Resident Also surviving are two sisters, November 16, 1969 offer a sudden III Funeral Home, 100 Loke Avenue. ness. Dearly beloved wife of Charles Mrs. John ^Annai Grubiak and (11-17) Rosemary Dann, Prefect Walter Bulat, the brother of Thompson Sr. Daughter of the lote RiKOPEC—Mory (nee Tomczyk) Kopec. On chard and Laura (Tomkins) Piett Sr. Mrs. Peter (Sophia* Dzamba: Mrs. Anthony Giacovelli of 548 Sunday, November 16, 1969. Of 180 Stepmother of Charles Thompson Jr., of Poi'sode Avenue. Beloved wife of the Enalewood N.J., sister of Mr. Richard one brother, John Neherbetzky First Ave., North Pelham, died lote Charles Kopec. Devoted mother of Piett Jr. of Yonkers, Mr. Paul and Wil- of Spring Valley, six grand Nov. 8 in St. Luke's Memorial Dance Your Way Mrs. John ijeon) Babiar, Mrs. Peter liom Piett, Mrs. Dorothy Taylor, Mrs. and five great-grand- Hospital in Utica, N.Y. He was Virginia Webb ond Mrs. Laura Thomp- children (Florence) Zcmewksi ond Joseph Kopec. son , all of Richmond, Virginia. Four children. Also survived by seven grandchildren fifty-six. into The Holidays. step-grondchildrcn ond host ot nieces ond two Sis'ers Funerol from the ond nephews. F'T.crcl service WednesDuchynskl Funeral Home Inc., I l l YonMr. Bulat who lived in Utica, day, November 19. 1969, 1 p.m ot Meskers Avenue on Wednesday, November was a member of St. Stanislaus sioh Boptijt Church. 76 Warburton Ave19 ot 10 00 A M. H oh Mass of Requiem nue.; Reverend Se^enus T. Churn offiIn S» CoVrr.ir's Church at 10.30 A.M. Church there. He was born in eint r>- intermen' Mt. Hope Cemeterv, Interment, St Josephs Cemetery. VisitRussell Sirilinno Hostinas, N.Y. Vis.tina hours at Brooks that city, son of the late Kajetan ing hours 1:00 to 4:00 Ond 7:00 to 10:00 Memorial Horn*, ?75 Warburton Avenue P.V.. 11-18 7-10 p.m. Monday ond 1-4 ond 7-10 p m Russell Sicilianon S2, of 10 and Annr. Sitasz Bulat. Tuesday. (11 -18) W-Z.URINE, Jenr.ie Hanos. of Jol West 108 Besides his sister, he leaves OUR EXCLUSIVE BROOKS-TWEED Livingston Ave., died today at Street, N.Y. Beloved mother of Mrs. Pauline Forr. Horry ond John M.azu-j his wife, the former Helen ChraSt. Francis Xavier Hospital in rine, sister of M-s- Helen Ba'ber, aunt I In Memoriam a b l e n d of t w o s u p e r b Scottish w o o l s of Mory Brillis ond Angela Fordy. Also' the Bronx. He was a private basz: a son, U.S. Army Sgt. Survivec by cne granddaughter. Repos-j landscape gardener in South Edward Bulat, now stationed in log ot the Phillips Funeral Home. 50 PERRE. Thomas— South Vietnam: three daughLudlow Street. Se'vices will be held i n ! Dear Tom, t a i l o r e d b y us Info h a n d s o m e sport jackets Yonkers. the Church o' the Prophet Etios, 15 First onniversory in heoven. Husband. ters. Mrs. Jeffrey Darling, Mrs. Le'oy Avenue ot Wednesdoy ot It o m. 1 Forget you Husbond, I ntver w i l l , Mr. Siciliano was born in CalInterment OoHarvd Ceme'ery. Vistlng in mv heart VOJ ore with me still abria, Italy. He married Ger- James English and Mrs. Jerry hours 1-4 and 70 p.m. (11-18) The heartache I know only I con feel, Brooks-tweed is our own blend of Shetland wool—deBehind my smile there Is mony o tear. trude Siciliano who predeceased Rabideau, all of Utica; a brothORMEROD V i r g i r o , of 16 L a w e n c * in teo-s I wo'ched you suffer. er, John, of Florida; three sisStreet, on November '6. 1969 Beloved The little i cou'd do him. douohter of William Ormerod. and the is hold vour hand to comfort you. sirable for its soft hand—with the strong, durable wool He was a communicant of Our ters, Mrs. Alice Piacentino of lote EJte'l* Kinreich Ormerod Sls'er of And p-oy God would help you through Utica and Mrs. Jean McGowan Williom Ormerod Jr., jock Ormerod, God sow you needed rest. Lady of Mount Carmol Church ond Mrs. Fronces Floyd Service ot H s oorden mu?' be beautiful, and Mrs. Joan Christian, both of of Scotland's famous Black-Faced Sheep. We offer it FerncliH Chopel. TuevJoxf November 18, Fo' He only takes the best. here. Marcy, N Y . ; and four grando* 5 o m . Revf-enrt Ri-horrt Sto-vj offi- You left me quietly, Surviving are four daughters, ciating. In lieu of flowers contributions Your lost 't-ouohts unknown. children. in a handsome selection that includes bold plaids, winmay be mode In her memory 1o Th« But Tom. you left me o memory Mrs. Robei-t iTheresa) Larsen, Cone*' Fund or Colvory HojO'tol. I'm projd to o/vn Bronx, N.Y. For ;u.-»h*r information roll I t h r k of you in silence. Mrs. Joseph (Josephine) OcciogWholen Furt«rol Home. i n c . 945- ond of'en repeal your nome dowpanes, stripes and herringbones in attractive'rusts, rossi, Mi^. Angelo (Irene) Rau S488 (1117) But oil thot i i left to answer me now U VOur photo In o from* so and Mrs. William (Katherine i Like o shlnlrvj $io'. nr a precXK* gem greys, golds or olives. The jackets arc made on our own Oeor God, ho'd Your lovng o r m j orovnd Warren; one son. Mr. Michael J. him of Arlington Heights. 111. And keep him in Your loving core 3-button sport model in our workrooms. $130 Mils you so Also surviving are 17 grand Your loving w »* *orfv*r, Ka'« (11-17 8 2 3 children and six great grandchil*0 Sow Mitt »rv.f «d j p *!* P E 9 9 E . THOMAS— Ffrit Annlverwrv <n God's Cor*. dren. HASTINOS /tOpC\ Dtor Dod ond Poo-Pop, Say goodbye to bofedom One daughter. Mrs. Ralph W# will 0+WOY* m i l l vour oentl* smile, and evenings alone. ON-THE-HUOSOM Your undentondlnQ WOyl (Anna) Calabriese, predeceased The love you gove \n a' tn« whll». 47S>3.17A There's always fun and Will te»! u* ofl our *>y» him. Mrs. Mary Kopec of 180 Palisade Ave. died suddenly at her home s-esterday. She was in her early 70s. 4 Boy, 16, Shooting Victim Yonkers Man Faces Charges COLOR T.V. SPECIALISTS FREE XMAS Layaway ANDREWS DISCOUNT TOYLAND to Reliable GLASS DEATH NOTICES installation for your CAR for your H O M E for your BUSINESS DAVES GLASS Y O - 8-7755 Party line YO 9-6600 HOUSE OF MEMORIALS to Party Time excitement at Arthur Murray. Call today for trcnt dance demonstration tor you, Of both ot you. Then dance your way through any party...at horn*— of on vacation! OANCtE- put a Httte tun in your lift-nothing else co.-n»s ck»«. m our hetrrtt. t h o u o v i . and prayers otWOYl MONUMENTS llASONAi4l MtC« |pM>Mta'V You' lovino. Ovidren ond Grondchildren M « i S o n t i John ood Pom Church, Mov i f f i t f 17, ol f 8 / n . (I1-J7) Meeting Tomorrow p a Vaf'<TMtf w V^Mril S a w M i l l l i v e r t«MtfW • ' 1 ' V . t f w MUOS4VSI* M Y T.I. G I i . n i t An executive board meeting of (he Yonkers Council of PTAs « set for tomorrow night at 8:30 at Temple Emanu El on Rumsey Road Presidents of all PTA units and all sehool and community chAirroon are expected to attend as the discussion will he on th<» Council's position on the Board of Education's ptvxion of the city's 1970 budget. SHARAN BUYS OLD NFWSPAP«S IN 1 OOO-li IOTS OLD RAGS V LB. SHARAN WASTE MATERIALS Co., w 187 RIVIRDAl* AVE YO 3-1244 GENE mih 476-2217 JOHN VALMAS Arthur^ Aiurrav 476-3136 rsTAtiisMtoim I L0^J[5@O oys furnishings.finis i-Shoe* 417 S«rtl IrMdvtT-TiMitn • >**9t f ms RMMI MM wik vft. Fret Fartht • W. ' i m l i b 1 IMMM< f « \6i fir TutlroK** (Cerv»t Inn) toad 1 ATUUTTA JU MADISON AVI., COR. 44TH ST, NEW YORK, N.Y. 16017 II! BROADWAY, NtW YORK, N.Y. UXkH SH WHITR PLAINS ROAD, SCARSDALS, N.Y. JOJtJ • *>m>*. cKioeo • u * Averuti • rnrrsat-icK • so.- rwycisco • wismxirra* •~Ey>- jettft Untitled Document b \ \ Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com h
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