Pathology Patterns Reviews The Cytologic Diagnosis of Low-Grade Transitional Cell Carcinoma Jonathan H. Hughes, MD, PhD,1 Stephen S. Raab, MD,2 and Michael B. Cohen, MD3 Key Words: Urinary cytology; Transitional cell carcinoma; Urothelial carcinoma; Tumor markers; Nuclear matrix proteins; Fibrin degradation products; Bard test Abstract Current theory suggests that transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) occurs as either of 2 disease processes, each of which has a distinct cytologic appearance and clinical course: low-grade and highgrade TCC. Urinary cytology has become a mainstay technique for monitoring disease recurrence in patients with TCC. Most cases of high-grade TCC can be diagnosed accurately in urinary cytology specimens. However, the cytologic diagnosis of low-grade TCC is difficult; these tumors exhibit subtle cytomorphologic alterations that are difficult to distinguish from benign or reactive processes. The cytologic criteria most useful for diagnosing low-grade TCC in urinary cytology specimens are reviewed. Additionally, the discussion includes some of the new ancillary tests that are emerging as possible diagnostic aids for the detection of low-grade urothelial neoplasms. © American Society of Clinical Pathologists Examination of the urine to detect disease is one of the oldest clinical laboratory tests known to humans, and references to the art of urinalysis are found in the 6,000-year-old clay tablets of Sumerian and Babylonian physicians. 1 Hippocrates (460-350 BC) wrote extensively about the value of examining the urine when assessing the general health of a patient, and his teachings were validated and expanded as medicine evolved through the middle ages, the renaissance period, and into the early modern period.1 Until the 19th century, urinalysis was used primarily to detect nonneoplastic processes, such as hematuria, bilirubinuria, and crystalluria. In 1864, Sanders reported the detection of tumor cells in voided urine.2-4 However, this finding was largely ignored by the medical community until 1945, when Papanicolaou and Marshall advocated the examination of urine smears to detect cancers of the urinary tract.3,5 Since that time, the demand for the pathologic evaluation of urothelial cells in urine specimens has been increasing steadily, and urine cytology has become a mainstay technique for monitoring disease recurrence in patients with a history of transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of the urinary tract.1,3,6-15 Despite its 6,000-year history and current widespread use in modern-day urology practice, urinary cytology engenders considerable controversy and apprehension in the pathology and urology communities. While there is general agreement that urine cytology allows for the detection of most high-grade, potentially aggressive bladder neoplasms, the cytologic diagnosis of low-grade TCC is more problematic and controversial.3,9,16-19 There is generalized disagreement about the accuracy of cytologic examination for diagnosing low-grade TCC. Moreover, experts disagree about which cytologic criteria are most useful for distinguishing low-grade TCC from benign reactive processes. The Am J Clin Pathol 2000;114(Suppl 1):S59-S67 S59 Hughes et al / DIAGNOSIS OF LOW-GRADE TCC perceived limitations of routine cytology for detecting lowgrade TCC have led to a proliferation of different ancillary tests that are designed to augment the accuracy of routine cytology or even replace it. However, there is still considerable confusion about how these ancillary tests should be used in clinical practice and how much value they add to the cytologic evaluation. The goals of this article are to review the benefits and limitations of cytology for diagnosing low-grade TCC, to identify the cytologic criteria that we have found to be the most useful for establishing a diagnosis of low-grade TCC, and to summarize the current status of ancillary tests as adjuncts or alternatives to urine cytology. Pathology of TCC TCC of the urinary tract is a relatively common disease, with approximately 50,000 new cases diagnosed annually in the United States. The national death rate is approximately 10,000 persons per annum.15 In addition, TCC is 2 to 3 times more common in men than in women. One of the most important risk factors of TCC in the United States is smoking. Most transitional cell neoplasms occur in the bladder, although tumors may arise anywhere along the urothelial mucosa, including the ureters, renal pelvis, and urethra.20 Current theory suggests that TCC may occur as either of two distinct disease processes, each of which has a distinct cytologic appearance and distinct clinical course: low-grade TCC and high-grade TCC.15 The majority of TCCs are low-grade tumors. These tumors have a papillary growth pattern and rarely develop invasion or metastasize. As a consequence, they are biologically indolent and associated with long survival rates. Cytologically, most papillary TCCs are low-grade and may be difficult to distinguish from normal or reactive urothelial cells in voided urine specimens or bladder washings. High-grade TCCs exhibit a flat or nodular growth pattern with a high likelihood of invasion and metastasis. Not surprisingly, these tumors are associated with poor survival rates. The cytology of these tumors is almost always high grade.1113,15,16 Some of the fundamental pathologic and clinical ❚Table 1❚❚ Characteristics of Transitional Cell Carcinomas differences between superficial and invasive TCC are summarized in ❚Table 1❚❚. Cytology of TCC Most cases of high-grade TCC can be diagnosed accurately by the practicing pathologist. These lesions are characterized by malignant cells with pleomorphic angulated nuclei, markedly increased nuclear/cytoplasmic (N/C) ratios, and coarse chromatin. There is good interobserver concordance among pathologists for diagnosing high-grade TCC, and the sensitivity and specificity of urine cytology for highgrade TCC are approximately 95% and 100%, respectively.11-13,16 The cytologic diagnosis of low-grade TCC is more problematic. These tumors exhibit subtle cytomorphologic alterations that are difficult to distinguish from benign or reactive processes ❚Table 2❚❚. This unfortunate circumstance is confounded by the fact that low-grade lesions do not shed cells as readily as high-grade lesions, thereby resulting in a small amount of material on which the pathologist must base the diagnosis.10,12,13,16 The difficulty that pathologists have in diagnosing low-grade TCC is reflected by the wide variation in diagnostic accuracy reported in the published literature, with a sensitivity ranging between 0% and 73%.3,9,16-19 Part of this wide range in diagnostic accuracy is due to disagreement among authors about which cytologic criteria are most important for establishing a diagnosis of TCC. Reported features indicative of malignancy include nuclear enlargement, eccentrically placed nuclei, granular nuclear chromatin, irregular nuclear borders, homogeneous cytoplasm, absence of nucleoli, irregular papillary fragments, atypical single cells, and cell clusters with peripheral palisading.6,7,9,11-13,15-24 While most of these studies attempt to assign a relative importance to each criterion, there have been few rigorous statistical analyses to assess the usefulness of these criteria for diagnosing TCC. It is important to recognize the contributions of others in this area who have toiled before us. Two, in particular, are noteworthy: Kern and Murphy. In a seminal article published in 1975, Kern17 reported on qualitative and quantitative Superficial Invasive ❚Table 2❚❚ Nonneoplastic Lesions and Conditions That May Be Confused With Low-Grade Transitional Cell Carcinoma Approximately two thirds of tumors Papillary Low grade Low stage High recurrence rate Low progression rate Low mortality Approximately one fourth of tumors Sessile High grade High stage Not applicable High progression rate High mortality Urolithiasis Bladder instrumentation and catheterization Immunotherapy Chemotherapy, topical and systemic Radiation Renal epithelial fragments Diversions and conduits S60 Am J Clin Pathol 2000;114 (Suppl 1):S59-S67 © American Society of Clinical Pathologists Pathology Patterns Reviews features of TCC as identified in cytologic specimens. The 1984 article by Murphy et al16 articulating the cellular features of TCC, particularly low-grade TCC, also should be viewed as a landmark in this field. Our contribution refines their work. Key Cytologic Features for Detecting Low-Grade TCC As a result of frustration in identifying the salient cytologic criteria, in 1994 Raab et al25 published a study that used stepwise logistic regression analysis to determine the cytologic features that are most useful for separating lowgrade TCC from benign processes. Eighty-two bladder wash specimens, which included 33 low-grade TCCs and 49 nonneoplastic lesions, were reviewed retrospectively. Two cytopathologists (S.S.R. and M.B.C.) who had no knowledge of the original cytologic or corresponding histologic diagnoses reviewed the cases and scored them for the presence or absence of 20 cytomorphologic criteria. The features chosen have been described as useful in the separation of low-grade TCC from benign urothelium, including reactive and reparative conditions (“atypical”). These criteria were as follows: (1) the presence of cell clusters or groups of 5 or more cells; (2) individual cells, other than superficial cells, present in sufficient numbers to be observed in most high-power fields; (3) high cellularity, ie, cells present in most high-power fields; (4) acute inflammation; (5) increased N/C ratios, ie, greater than 1:3 to 1:4 (normal, approximately 1:5), in cells ❚Image 1❚ Low-grade transitional cell carcinoma. Cytocentrifuged preparation of a bladder wash specimen. These tumor cells demonstrate the primary key cytologic criteria of increased nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio, nuclear irregularity, and cytologic homogeneity (Papanicolaou, ×400). © American Society of Clinical Pathologists other than superficial cells; (6) nucleoli; (7) granular nuclear chromatin; (8) hyperchromatic nuclear chromatin; (9) open nuclear chromatin; (10) irregular nuclear borders; (11) nuclear molding; (12) nuclear eccentricity; (13) elongated nuclei or spindle-shaped nuclei; (14) necrosis; (15) anisonucleosis; (16) cytoplasmic homogeneity; (17) prominent nucleoli; (18) irregular border fragments of cell clusters; (19) absent cytoplasmic collars; and (20) peripheral palisading in cell clusters. The presence of individual cells was the only cytologic feature found in more than 90% of the patients with malignant disease. Only 3 cytologic features (nuclear molding, necrosis, and anisonucleosis) were seen exclusively in patients with malignant disease; however, in most of the patients, these features were not present. By using a stepwise logistic regression analysis, 3 cytologic features were identified as useful for discriminating between low-grade TCC and nonneoplastic lesions.26,27 These features were increased N/C ratios, irregular nuclear borders, and cytoplasmic homogeneity ❚Image 1❚❚ through ❚Image 6❚❚. The numbers of patients with benign and malignant disease in whom these criteria were observed are shown in ❚Table 3❚❚. In 15 patients (45%) with malignant disease, all 3 cytologic criteria were present; and in 27 patients (82%), at least 2 of the criteria were present. The contingency table sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value for the diagnosis of low-grade TCC using the 3 combined cytologic criteria were 45%, 98%, 94%, and 73%, respectively ❚Table 4❚❚. By using the logistic regression model, the predicted probability of malignancy with all 3 features was ❚Image 2❚ Low-grade transitional cell carcinoma. Cytocentrifuged preparation of a bladder wash specimen. These tumor cells illustrate the primary key cytologic criteria of increased nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio and nuclear irregularity. The third key primary criterion, cytoplasmic homogeneity, is not present (Papanicolaou, ×400). Am J Clin Pathol 2000;114 (Suppl 1):S59-S67 S61 Hughes et al / DIAGNOSIS OF LOW-GRADE TCC ❚Image 3❚ Low-grade transitional cell carcinoma. Cytocentrifuged preparation of a bladder wash specimen. These tumor cells illustrate the primary key cytologic criteria of increased nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio and homogeneous cytoplasm. In addition, the secondary criterion of nuclear eccentricity also is present (Papanicolaou, ×400). ❚Image 4❚ Low-grade transitional cell carcinoma. Cytocentrifuged preparation of a bladder wash specimen. These tumor cells demonstrate the secondary cytologic criteria of nuclear eccentricity and nuclear hypochromasia, as well as the primary criterion of increased nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio (Papanicolaou, ×400). ❚Image 5❚ Low-grade transitional cell carcinoma. Cytocentrifuged preparation of a bladder wash specimen. These tumor cells demonstrate the key primary cytologic criterion of cytoplasmic homogeneity, as well as the secondary criterion of nuclear hypochromasia (Papanicolaou, ×400). ❚Image 6❚ Low-grade transitional cell carcinoma. Cytocentrifuged preparation of a bladder wash specimen. These tumor cells demonstrate the key primary cytologic criteria of increased nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio, nuclear irregularities, and cytoplasmic homogeneity. In addition, some of the cells demonstrate the key secondary criteria of nuclear eccentricity and nuclear hypochromasia (Papanicolaou, ×400). P = .98. The contingency table sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value using at least 2 of the 3 cytologic criteria for the diagnosis of low-grade TCC were 85%, 96%, 93%, and 90%, respectively ❚Table 5❚❚. The results of our statistical analysis suggest that the diagnosis of low-grade TCC should be based more on individual cell morphologic features than on architectural aberrations. Features such as increased cell clusters with S62 Am J Clin Pathol 2000;114 (Suppl 1):S59-S67 © American Society of Clinical Pathologists Pathology Patterns Reviews ❚Table 3❚❚ Probability of Low-Grade TCC Based on 3 Cytologic Features Cytologic Criteria Increased N/C Ratio + + + – + – – No. of Patients Irregular Nuclear Borders + + – + – + – – — Total Cytoplasmic Homogeneity + – + + – – + – — ❚Table 4❚❚ Number of Patients With TCC Predicted by 3 Cytologic Criteria and Observed by Histology* Probability of Tumor (%) 94 88 100 100 0 22 29 3 — Yes No Total Benign 1 1 0 0 3 7 5 32 49 ❚Table 5❚❚ Number of Patients With TCC Predicted by at Least 2 of 3 Cytologic Criteria and Observed by Histology* Histology Histology All Cytologic Features Present TCC 15 8 4 1 0 2 2 1 33 TCC Benign Total 15 18 33 1 48 49 16 66 82 At Least 2 Cytologic Features Present TCC Benign Total Yes No Total 28 5 33 2 47 49 30 52 82 TCC, transitional cell carcinoma. * Sensitivity, 45%; specificity, 98%; positive predictive value, 94%; negative predictive value, 73%. TCC, transitional cell carcinoma. * Sensitivity, 85%; specificity, 96%; positive predictive value, 93%; negative predictive value, 90%. peripheral cellular palisading and irregular border fragments, although suggested by other authors9,24 as indicative of malignancy, were not statistically significant in this study. The 3 key cytologic criteria, if used in combination, resulted in a relatively low diagnostic sensitivity (45%), reflecting the overlap of cytologic findings in benign and malignant conditions. If at least 2 of the key criteria were present, the sensitivity for detecting low-grade TCC was 85%. This approach allowed for a significant increase in sensitivity, with only a slight decrease in specificity (98% with 3 criteria and 96% with at least 2 criteria). In addition, 2 secondary criteria also were identified that were culled from the analysis after exclusion of the primary criteria. These are eccentrically placed nuclei and nuclear hypochromasia (Images 3 through 6). These additional criteria are of particular value when only 1 or 2 of the primary criteria are present. As noted, the ability to identify the criteria, as well as their frequency, varies somewhat from case to case. Thus, from a pragmatic standpoint, we used the primary and secondary criteria in combination when evaluating specimens. It is worth recognizing that these criteria are essentially the same as those identified by Murphy et al16 a decade earlier when evaluating filter preparations. Thus, we believe that these criteria are evaluable in urinary specimens prepared by different methods, including filter and cytocentrifuged preparations, as done in our laboratory. As yet, we have insufficient experience with the monolayer technologies that are available. It is likely that the majority of these criteria should be identifiable with these techniques, although hypochromasia may be more difficult to appreciate given the method used. Our statistical analysis demonstrated that low-grade TCC can be diagnosed with a high degree of accuracy when key cytologic criteria are applied. Moreover, in a subsequent study in which these same criteria were applied prospectively to a new set of urine specimens by a panel of pathologists with varying degrees of experience, Raab et al 28 demonstrated that these key cytologic criteria can be learned and effectively applied with high accuracy. However, our studies and those of others also demonstrate that, because of the cytologic overlap between low-grade TCC and reactive processes, the sensitivity of cytology for detecting low-grade TCC is less than 100%. This fact suggests that in a small proportion of cases, cellular morphologic features alone may not be predictive of malignant behavior. In an effort to improve the diagnostic sensitivity for the detection of TCC, there has been considerable interest in developing new techniques to augment or replace urine cytology as a screening test. These techniques, such as image analysis flow cytometry and fluorescence in situ hybridization, are generally costly and often not readily available in most laboratories, including our own.29-36 Many of these techniques © American Society of Clinical Pathologists Am J Clin Pathol 2000;114 (Suppl 1):S59-S67 S63 Hughes et al / DIAGNOSIS OF LOW-GRADE TCC ❚Table 6❚❚ Comparison of FDA-Approved Bladder Tumor Marker Tests Substance Measured Test Bard Diagnostics (Redmond, WA) BTA25,36-48 AuraTek (PerImmune, Rockville, MD, and Organon Teknika, Dublin, Ireland) FDP49-52 Matritech (Newton, MA) NMP2253-58 Type of Assay Sensitivity for TCC (%) Sensitivity for Low-Grade TCC (%) Specificity in Patients With Other Urologic Diseases (%) Basement membrane complexes Fibrin/fibrinogen degradation products Latex agglutination (qualitative result) Dipstick (qualitative result) 40-65 17-40 80-95 68 62-64 86 Nuclear mitotic apparatus protein Enzyme immunoassay (quantitative result) 70 Not reported 80 FDA, Food and Drug Administration; TCC, transitional cell carcinoma. are in different stages of development and have not gained widespread acceptance, while some, such as image analysis and flow cytometry, clearly enhance the sensitivity of cytology for the detection of urothelial neoplasms but are used routinely only at some institutions. However, these tests, like cytology, are better at detecting high-grade lesions than low-grade lesions. Another drawback of these specialized techniques is that they are relatively expensive and labor intensive and, thus, may not be suitable for smaller laboratories. In short, while there is value in these ancillary studies, we do not believe that their cost-effectiveness justifies their routine use at this time. Newer Approaches to Diagnosis: Tumor Markers Recently, another category of clinical tests has emerged that may improve the diagnostic accuracy of urine cytology or perhaps may replace urine cytology. This class of tests is based on the detection of polypeptides or other macromolecules that are exfoliated into the urine by tumor cells. In theory, tests based on the detection of exfoliated tumor markers provide several advantages over conventional cytology. Because tumor markers can be measured by immunologically based assay systems, these tests have the potential to provide an objective quantitative result for the clinician and eliminate the subjectivity inherent in a cytologic examination. This quantitative result could be followed up over time to monitor the patient’s response to therapy or to detect tumor recurrence. These immunoassays are automated easily and can be performed in the urologist’s office at the time of clinical testing or on a large scale in the clinical laboratory, thereby making them potentially less time consuming and less expensive than cytologic examination. Because all of these new tests are noninvasive, they also may permit a significant reduction in the frequency of cystoscopic examinations S64 Am J Clin Pathol 2000;114 (Suppl 1):S59-S67 for patients undergoing surveillance for recurrent TCC. Currently, 3 immunoassays based on the detection of tumor markers in the urine have been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration: the BTA (bladder tumor antigen; Bard Diagnostic Sciences, Redmond, WA), FDP (fibrin degradation product; AuraTek, PerImmune, Rockville, MD, and Organon Teknika, Dublin, Ireland), and NMP22 (nuclear matrix protein; Matritech, Newton, MA) ❚Table 6❚❚. The Bard BTA test is a latex agglutination test that qualitatively detects the presence of basement membrane complexes in the urine.25,37-46 The specific antigen measured by the test is composed of basement membrane complexes that have been isolated and characterized from the urine of patients with bladder cancer. These complexes are composed of specific polypeptides that range from 16 to 165 kd. The Bard test requires minimal technical expertise to perform, and it may be performed in the physician office laboratory by persons with minimal technical training. In published studies of the usefulness of the Bard test for diagnosing de novo or recurrent TCC of the bladder, the test had a sensitivity of 40% to 65%.37,38,47-49 The specificity of the test was approximately 95% in healthy individuals with no history of urinary tract disease and approximately 80% to 95% in patients with urologic conditions other than bladder cancer (eg, lithiasis, cystitis, prostatic hyperplasia).37,38,47-49 The AuraTek FDP test is an immunoassay-based urine dipstick test that detects intact fibrinogen and fibrinogen/fibrin degradation products.51 The degradation products have been shown to be elevated in the urine of patients with malignant neoplasms of the bladder.51,52 In preliminary studies50 of patients with a history of bladder cancer, the sensitivity of the FDP test for detecting recurrent TCC was 68%; in the patients with invasive TCC, the sensitivity was 100%. The specificity of the test was 96% in healthy subjects, 86% in patients with urologic diseases other than bladder cancer, and 80% in patients undergoing surveillance for bladder cancer but with a © American Society of Clinical Pathologists Pathology Patterns Reviews negative cystoscopic examination at the time of the assay. 50 This test is easy to use and ideally suited for point-of-care testing. The Matritech NMP22 test uses an enzyme immunoassay to detect the nuclear mitotic apparatus protein.53-58 This protein associates with the mitotic spindle apparatus during mitosis and is thought to be involved with the proper distribution of chromatids to daughter cells. It also has been shown to be elevated in the urine of patients with TCC of the bladder. In preliminary tests to evaluate the usefulness of the NMP22 assay for detecting recurrent TCC, the sensitivity of the test was approximately 70%, and the specificity was approximately 80%. The sensitivity of the test was almost 100% in patients with invasive TCC.53,54 An advantage of the NMP22 test over the Bard test and the FDP test is that it is quantitative, while the Bard and FDP tests are qualitative. Thus, the NMP22 level can be followed up over time to assess disease recurrence or response to therapy. There also is the possibility that additional studies will show a correlation between the urine NMP22 level and the tumor histologic grade and/or stage. If such correlations can be demonstrated, the urine NMP22 level might predict the extent of disease and permit the stratification of patients into different surveillance categories. One disadvantage of the NMP22 assay compared with the Bard BTA test and the AuraTek FDP test is that it is an enzyme immunoassay assay rather than a simple latex agglutination or dipstick test; thus, unlike the BTA and FDP tests, it is not as well suited to point-of-care testing. A few general points are worth noting. First, this approach to the evaluation of patients with suspected TCC is still being evaluated. While these tests have potential value, it remains to be determined how they will be used for routine patient care. Second, given the relatively high sensitivity of urinary cytology for the detection of high-grade TCC, the added value of these tests in this setting also remains to be determined. Third, many of the reported studies have been multi-institutional, and it is therefore difficult to discern the reported accuracy of urinary cytology within individual institutions. In addition, in many studies the cytopathologist(s) involved is unclear. Moreover, the focus has been on voided urine samples and not bladder wash specimens, and, therefore, comparisons should be done carefully depending on one’s experience. Fourth, the control group should reflect the patient population being assessed, eg, patients with suspected urothelial tumors and not patients without urologic symptoms and signs. Last, for the diagnosis of low-grade TCC, the usefulness of these assays is still unknown. While these tumors account for the majority of TCCs, are associated with the lowest rates of diagnostic accuracy, and cause most of the anxiety in the evaluation of urinary cytologic specimens, the value of these newer ancillary tests remains to © American Society of Clinical Pathologists be determined even in this setting. The sensitivity of these assays in low-grade tumors, many of which are noninvasive or “minimally” invasive (Ta/T1), is not significantly better than that indicated in some of the published reports of the accuracy of urinary cytology. Final Comments: An Approach In the cytologic evaluation of urinary specimens for low-grade TCC, we reiterate that we have found key criteria, both primary and secondary, that seem to be useful prospectively. However, we believe a few additional points are important. It is worth noting that most of our experience is based on the evaluation of bladder wash specimens. While these criteria also have merit in voided urine samples, such specimens often are hypocellular and admixed with large numbers of inflammatory cells, which can obscure cellular details. In addition, our experience is based on the use of cytocentrifuged preparations. As yet, we have insufficient experience to comment on the usefulness of these criteria for evaluating monolayer technologies, such as those from Cytec (Marlborough, MA) and Autocyte (Burlington, NC). We have made a concerted effort to produce definitive urocytologic diagnoses. While we fully recognize that not all specimens are appropriately categorized as benign or malignant, we try to distinguish as clearly between these two options as possible. In this context, cells that are reactive, reparative, or degenerative, for example, have, by and large, been categorized as benign, or in our terminology, “No tumor cells identified.” Generally, we have consciously tried to avoid diagnosing such samples as atypical. Thus, we have typically diagnosed cells as benign, suggestive of lowgrade TCC, and low-grade TCC. In this regard, it is very important to specify the grade of the (suspected) tumor, ie, low or high, since the clinical implications are dramatically different. For example, the identification of cells that suggest a high-grade tumor will elicit a different algorithm by the urologist in the context of cystoscopically visible papillary tumors than a sessile tumor. Similarly, the concern for a low-grade tumor based on cytologic examination will be viewed differently depending on the additional information available to the urologist. Therefore, we believe strongly that all reports should indicate clearly what the grade, or suspected grade, of the tumor seems to be. With respect to microscopic evaluation, a few final points are noteworthy. Superficial, cap, umbrella, or dome cells are not part of the neoplastic process. Consequently, we tend to ignore this cell type when evaluating the specimens. As stated previously, the key criteria are based on cytologic detail and not architectural features. Therefore, we generally have not found it useful to evaluate urothelial clusters for the Am J Clin Pathol 2000;114 (Suppl 1):S59-S67 S65 Hughes et al / DIAGNOSIS OF LOW-GRADE TCC presence or absence of specific criteria. Rather, the evaluation of criteria in single cells or small clusters of cells has been most useful. Third, while these criteria can be learned, the approach requires increased attention focused on cytologic details. Finally, it is our hope that the criteria we have identified and found useful prospectively will be of value to others in the microscopic evaluation for low-grade TCC and will increase the accuracy of this diagnosis when it is based on cytomorphology. From the Departments of 1Pathology, The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City; 2Pathology, Allegheny University for Health Sciences, Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA; and 3Pathology and Urology, The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics and Veteran Affairs Medical Center, Iowa City. Address reprint requests to Dr Cohen: Dept of Pathology, The University of Iowa, 200 Hawkins Dr, 5216C RCP, Iowa City, IA 52242. References 1. Haber MH. Pisse prophecy: a brief history of urinalysis. Clin Lab Med. 1988;8:415-430. 2. Sanders WR. Cancer of the bladder: fragments forming urethral plugs discharged in the urine: concentric colloid bodies. Edinburgh J Med. 1864;10:273-274. 3. Rife CC, Farrow GM, Utz DC. 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