Sheriffs & e c i l o P uncil of o C n o ingt Wash Vol. 4, Issue 3 Summer 2009 Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office see page 6-7 Spring 2009 Shield & Star i everyday is an adventure in a polygon home! experience Polygon Pride! Armed forceS, civiL ServAntS And teAcherS receive A $5,000 Buyer Bonus when purchASing A new poLygon home! We’re supporting those who support us! Polygon recognizes the wonderful job you do each and every day — that’s why we want to extend this special promotion for those who support our nation’s security and education of children. immerse yourself in a community that builds enduring friendships and a lifetime of memories against a picture perfect northwest backdrop. Visit our website and see how at Polygon, a better home is just the beginning! polygon offers a spectacular collections of two-, three-, four- and five-bedroom homes and townhomes priced from the $200’s to the $400’s. * valid on purchase and sale agreements dated June 12, 2008 and beyond. Subject to change without notice. 6/08. Crosswater & The Pointe Lake Stevens ii Shield & Star Spring 2009 Creekside Kent Madera at Lakeland Auburn The Estates at Lakeland Hills Auburn Summer 2009 Features 10 WACOPS 2009 Scholarship Recipients 11 WACOPS Government Relations 12-14 WACOPS 2009 Legislative Review 15-16 LEOFF 2 Plan Retirement Board On the Cover 2009 Legislative Session Summary 16 17 18 19 20 21 22-23 24 25-26 27 WACOPS Law Enforcement Officer of the Year Award IAWP 47th Annual Training Conference Highlights of the WACOPS Spring Membership Meeting Snohomish County Sheriff's Office Page 6-7 WACOPS Special Commendation Awards Golfing With WACOPS Law Enforcement Recovery Fellowship Taxes, Insurance and Latin, Oh My! And You Think You’re Having a Bad Day? A Matter of Honor: The National Law Enforcement Museum What Are Policemen Made Of? WACOPS 2009 Legislative Review Page 12-14 Departments 2 President’s Message 3 From the Executive Director 5-9 From the Board 26 Calendar 28-29 News From Around the State Highlights of the WACOPS Spring Membership Meeting Page 18 WACOPS disclaimer The Shield & Star Magazine is published by Washington Media Services, Inc., for the Washington Council of Police and Sheriffs, those involved in active law enforcement, members of the legislature, leaders in the state and local government, advertisers, and citizens of the state of Washington. The publisher assumes no responsibility for the correctness of the information supplied herein or for opinions expressed. Material subject to editing. No portion of this issue may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher, Washington Media Services, Inc. and Washington Council of Police and Sheriffs. Spring 2009 Shield & Star 1 President's Message Washington Council of Police & Sheriffs 200 Union Ave. SE • Olympia, WA 98501-1393 800.887.2677 • 360.352.8224 • f. 360.352.5709 • Year to Date Executive Board President – Whatcom County Mark Lann Vice President – Gig Harbor Mike Allen Secretary/Treasurer – Fife Dennis Diess Position 1 – Bellevue Steve Lynch Position 2 – Snohomish County Dave Hayes Position 3 – Spokane Police Craig Bulkley Position 4 – Spokane County Darell Stidham Position 5 – Union Gap Larry Worden Position 6 – Tacoma Police Pat Frantz Position 7 – Pierce County, Prosecuting Attorneys Mary Robnett Position 8 – WACOPS Retired Organization Ken Crowder Email Addresses President l Mark Lann Executive Director l Jamie Daniels Governmental Relations l Lee Reaves Office Manager l Lynn Jacobs Administrative Assistant l Abby Hansen Publisher: Washington Media Services, Inc. 407 West Bay Dr NW • Olympia, WA 98502 360.754.4543 • Fax: 360.943.7086 Joyce Willms, President Adriane Wolfe, Creative Director /Ad sales contact Crissy McGee, Graphic Designer Megan Panchot, Website Developer Managing Editor l Lynn Jacobs Editor l Joyce Willms Co-Editor l Adriane Wolfe Advertising: Ad Sales Adriane Wolfe • 407 West Bay Dr NW • Olympia, WA 98502 360.754.4543 • Fax: 360.943.7086 2 Shield & Star Spring 2009 By Mark Lann, WACOPS President T he Spring 2009 Membership Meeting just concluded. It was another informative, productive, and successful time. Personally, I really enjoyed being in Spokane! It had been some time since the WACOPS delegation had descended on the “Lilac City” and our hosts from the city and county made us all feel very much at home. For those of you who weren’t able to be at the meetings, I’ll give you a very brief summary of the “President’s Report.” In February, most of my activities were focused on membership development and recruitment. Since January, 2008, WACOPS has added the departments of Bainbridge Island, Bonney Lake, DuPont, Moses Lake, Ruston, and Steilacoom to its membership roles. There are also over half a dozen other agencies we are working with, in the hopes they will join too. Our work in this area is never over. I want to give a special thanks to Brian Wurts, Dave Hayes, Craig Bulkley, and Larry Worden. They all have worked extra hard in the area of membership development. March was a month mixed with meetings. I accompanied Jamie Daniels and Lee Reaves to a meeting at WASPC to hear a presentation on the National Law Enforcement Museum that is being built in Washington DC. Dave Hayes and I went to the monthly meeting of the Everett Police Officer’s Association and gave a “WACOPS Update.” I was also part of a group that was fortunate to have dinner with Governor Gregoire, at the mansion in Olympia. In April, I appointed WACOPS Vice President, Mike Allen, to be the WACOPS representative to the statewide Medal of Honor Committee. I also attended the WSLEM Ball and Auction in Seattle and was honored at the end of the night to be one of those to come forward for the ceremonial toast. Part of May was spent working with various law enforcement agencies regarding their local training issues. In those cases, I tried to provide as much information and assistance, as I could, to help them and their departments make the decisions that would be best for the officers and the communities they serve. Four months in a nutshell. I was humbled during the meeting when a letter was read that had been sent out previously to all the WACOPS delegates. The gist of the letter was that the author was very pleased with the job I have done while president of this organization. He made reference to the fact I was essentially baptized by fire and had to hit the ground running. He summed up the letter by saying I had proven myself under difficult circumstances and hoped I would continue on as president. continued on page 4 Executive Director From the Executive Director By Jamie Daniels, WACOPS Executive Director E ach year at this time, it is one of my duties to review and report on the Strategic Plan that was implemented by the WACOPS Executive Board in 2005. This helps ensure that WACOPS continues to meet the needs of the membership and that there is documentation of progress and priorities are set for the upcoming year. The three priorities of the plan are membership development, the WACOPS mission and goal, and board development. Membership Development The goal of retaining and increasing membership is especially important in this challenging economy. Statewide representation gives us strength in Olympia when all programs and funding are in jeopardy. Financial stability allows us to increase benefits to our membership when local employers are cutting funding and services. To accomplish this goal we are working in the following areas: • Outreach to former member and nonmember groups offering career services and exploring organizations for associate membership. • Improving communication with written materials, an updated website, and regular correspondence. • Increasing personal contact with the membership by promoting attendance at meetings, being visible in the community, and attending and supporting law enforcement events. • StrengtheningPSEII,ourinsurance company, by keeping rates competitive, providing accurate and comparative information, and exploring an expansive range of services. WACOPS Mission and Agenda WACOPS is dedicated to advancing legislation to strengthen LEOFF benefits, supporting public safety, and improving the quality of life for the officers and communities they serve. We are the only statewide law enforcement organization that participates in all aspects of the political process including campaign, representation in Olympia, member advocacy and education. Our contributions, endorsements, and legislative agenda are set by the membership. In 2009 we achieved our priorities and we are now setting our 2010 agen- da. We will continue to implement our year-round strategy of involvement through the legislative interim. Board Development Your Executive Board sets the strategic direction for WACOPS. They monitor operations, are responsible for meeting the mission, and hold the charter of public trust for the organization. The board has committed to being transparent and has moved its monthly meetings to a central location for convenience and cost savings. Board meetings are well attended, frank discussions are held, and the minutes of all meetings are posted on the website. The board has also increased member involvement by strengthening the standing committees including those of Audit, Membership, and Government Relations. I sincerely appreciate all you do to make WACOPS successful and look forward to working with you to attain our common goals. Get involved, support WACOPS! Spring 2009 Shield & Star 3 Year to Date continued from page 2 At the end of this year, I will have filled out the remaining term that I inherited. I do feel that these last two years will have ended with our organization stronger than before. Much has been accomplished. We are more fiscally responsible, the staff, executive board, PSEII, and our committees are at full strength and working very hard. We continue to fine tune our policies to ensure our organizational model is more in line with a professional business and we continue to move forward with our mission to improve the condition of our members and organization. However, there is still much to do. My passion is for the welfare of police officers and sheriff’s deputies across the state. I do plan on seeking my first full term that would start in January. Thank you all for your support. Keep those emails and phone calls coming. Stay safe and see you in Ocean Shores! We are encouraging all of our membership to contribute newsworthy information You are the voice of WACOPS and this is YOUR newsletter! We appreciate your articles. Ideas for submissions could be: • Personal Stories and Experiences • Community News • Polices and Procedures • Memoriam Announcements * Send information for the Shield & Star to We look forward to you contributing to YOUR Shield & Star newsletter. REDMOND POLICE DEPARTMENT Now Hiring Police Officers Lateral positions $63,324 - $73,368 a year DOE Continuous testing process. Lateral police officers can obtain applications online at Great Benefits Including: • Medical, Dental, Vision • 4/10 Work Week • Paid Holiday and Vacations • Diverse Workload • On Duty PT and Fitness Incentive Pay • City Matched 401K • City Provided Life Insurance • All Uniforms and Equipment Provided • Commitment to Community Minimum Qualifications: • Must be United States Citizen • Must possess certificate from recognized Police Academy and be in good standing • Must possess a valid, current WA State drivers license by time of appointment • Must have completed 90 quarter hours or 60 semester hours from accredited college and/or university • Must have worked as a full-time sworn officer for a period of at least 2 years, ending no more than 1 year before the date of application • Must satisfactorily complete the selection process For more information call: 425-556-2689 or 425-556-2673 Monday thru Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm The Redmond Police Department is an Equal Opportunity Employer SERVE WITH PRIDE 4 Shield & Star Spring 2009 From the Board Balance By Captain Steve Lynch, Executive Board Position 1, Bellevue Police Department O ne of the keys to successful living is balance. Some of you have already figured this out and I tip my hat to you. I for one have been a complete failure in this area. If you do not have balance in your life, then take notice, because time will pass you by and you could end up like me. You should work hard, do your best, and give 100% everyday you show up for work, but you also need to give the same attention in the other areas of your life. You owe it to your family, friends, and especially yourself. Not everyone’s priorities are the same. For me it has always been God, family, and then my career, but God and my family may beg to differ. During my 26-year career, most of my time has been devoted to work, work, and more work. I have even cancelled vacation time to arrest a bad guy. Although this crook had committed multiple felonies, it was just a property crime. No one would have known or cared if I waited to arrest this guy when I got back. Now you all know I am not the only one who does this. All cops sacrifice for the good of the order and because they are dedicated, but do not let it consume you. I am very proud of my two sons and I love them very much. They are both in college now and attend universities on the east coast. Although I tried to make as many track meets and concerts as I could, I did not see them as much as I would have liked when they were growing up and when I was home I was usually tired. Now they are gone. I can’t get the time back, but I hope I can make up for it sometime down the road. They say it’s never too late – I hope they’re right. Enough said, I think you all know where I am going with this. This message is short, but important. Please take the time to evaluate your current situation and remember the commitments and obligations you have to the other special people in your life who don’t wear a badge. You owe it to them and more importantly, you owe it to yourself. None of us know how many days we have on this earth, so take advantage of every day you have and make the most of it like it was your last day. With that, I hope all of you who read this article will spread the message and enjoy many fulfilling and prosperous days ahead of you. Be safe and thanks for listening. Visit our website Your Exclusive Taser Distributor in Washington Idaho & Montana WE OFFER A WIDE SELECTION OF GREAT PRODUCTS FROM THESE OTHER LEADING MANUFACTURES Glock • Remington • Bushmaster • Smith & Wesson • Ruger Heckler & Koch • Safariland • Colt • Springfield Armory Beretta • SigArms • Surefire • Streamlight • EOTech Aimpoint • Mossberg • Leupold • Bianchi • FNH USA Para USA • Hatch • Kershaw • Storm Case ....and many many more. For Individual Officer and Agency Pricing Call 800-367-5855 3009 N. Highway 89 Prescott, AZ 86301 Tel: (800) 367-5855 Fax: (928) 445-3468 Spring 2009 Shield & Star 5 From the Board Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office By Sgt. Dave Hayes, Executive Board Position 2, Snohomish County Sheriff ’s Office I have the pleasure and honor of working for the Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office (SCSO). I was hired as a Deputy Sheriff in the fall of 1998 after working for four years as a police officer for the city of Marysville. I was promoted to the rank of Sergeant in 2006 and currently work in the Sheriff’s Security Unit responsible for the physical security of the county campus and courthouse as well as the county-operated youth court and detention center and remote district courts. The beauty of working for an agency like Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office is that there is no lack in the variety available in work assignments. Since being hired here as a deputy, I have worked in the patrol division, Special Ops – Collision Investigation and Planning & Research as the office Accreditation Manager. About two years after being promoted, I was re-assigned to the newly created Security Unit, supervising six County Marshals at the courthouse. Sheriff John Lovick and Under Sheriff Tom Davis run the office that currently consists of over 700 staff. When I was first hired by SCSO there were approximately 250 commissioned positions within the ranks. Over the past ten years our ranks have swollen to approximately 320 commissioned and 95 support staff. We also added the ranks of Snohomish County Corrections to the Sheriff’s Office staff at the beginning of this year, bringing our total compliment of personnel to over 700. For those who may not know, Snohomish County is located in the northern Puget Sound region of the state. Our county seat is located in the city of Everett, which is about a 30-minute drive north of Seattle. The total population of the county is approximately 684,000 with about 320,000 living 6 Shield & Star Spring 2009 in the unincorporated areas. The Sheriff’s Office is responsible for patrol and law enforcement throughout the 2,098 square miles of the county. The Sheriff’s Office is separated into four bureaus: Operations, Corrections, Technical Services and Support Services. As I stated above, one of the best things about working for SCSO is that our deputies and sergeants enjoy the opportunity of a variety of assignments. Additionally, we benefit from the variety of locations in which we are assigned. As a part of our Operations Bureau, the patrol division is divided into three precincts. The Sheriff’s South Precinct is located in the city of Mill Creek. This precinct consists of the land from Edmonds to Snohomish and Woodinville to Everett. This is the most populous area of the county and has the largest amount of calls for service in the county. Deputies assigned to the South precinct remain busy answering calls for service that run the full gamut of call types. The Sheriff’s East precinct is located within the city of Sultan on SR-2. Deputies assigned to this precinct work in a primarily rural setting along SR-2 from Snohomish all the way up SR-2 to the community of Baring. This area of the county is less populated, of course, and deputies have more time for proactive patrol and enforcement. The Sheriff’s North precinct is located in the city of Marysville. Deputies assigned here enjoy a variety of surroundings ranging from the relatively urban areas around Marysville, Arlington and Lake Stevens out to the rural areas around Granite Falls, Darrington and Stanwood. The Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office provides police services to four different incorporated cities, Stanwood, Darrington, Sultan continued on page 7 From the Board Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office continued from page 6 and Index. The Patrol Division also offers the Directed Patrol Unit, K-9 (tracking & narcotics) and School Resources Officers at five different high schools. Outside the patrol division of the Sheriff’s Office you will find a wide variety of investigative units and specialty assignments. The Investigations Division consists of the Major Crimes Unit (Robbery, Homicide and Domestic Violence), Property Crimes, Special Investigations, Fraud & Financial Crimes, Computer & Video Forensics, Sex Offenders Unit and Civil Unit. Deputies assigned to these specialty units must participate in a competitive testing process to gain assignment. The Support Services Bureau includes the Special Operations Division consisting of a wide range of specialty assignments. The Traffic Division (Motors, Traffic Enforcement, and Collision Investigation Units), Air Operations, Search & Rescue, Mounted (Horse), Civil Disturbance, SWAT & Crisis Negotiations as well as a Regional Bomb Unit, Dive Rescue, Community Transit Units and Security Unit. Last but not least of the bureaus where fully commissioned personnel may be assigned is the Administrative Services Bureau. This bureau has assignments in the Accreditation, Research & Development, Background Investigations, Training and Quartermaster/Range. The Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office has attracted lateral entry candidates from across the U.S. and it’s territories. We have successfully hired deputy sheriffs from New York City to Miami, San Diego to Seattle and everywhere in between. The Sheriff’s Office takes a great deal of pride in the wide variety of assignments and favorable working conditions that we provide for our staff. This combined with the relatively high quality of life that exists in the north Puget Sound region offers a fantastic job opportunity for any law enforcement officer seeking a great place to live, work and enjoy life with your family. Another positive to working as a deputy sheriff for the Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office is the labor representation. Fully commissioned staff holding the rank of deputy sheriff or sergeant are represented by the Snohomish County Deputy Sheriff’s Association. The Snohomish County Sheriff’s Management Team represents lieutenants and captains. Both unions offer labor agreement bargaining and discipline representation second to none. The SCDSA was first organized in 1983 and initially consisted of all commissioned staff of the Sheriff’s Office. In 2004 the lieutenants and captains separated to form the management team. Both labor groups are proud members of WACOPS. I’m really, very proud of what the Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office represents and the services that we provide to our citizens and I know that the other deputies and staff of the office take pride in what we do. We are continually looking for good applicants and accept lateral applications year-around on a continuous basis. We also offer three entry-level deputy tests per year including corrections deputy tests. Since coming over from Marysville PD, I have never looked back. This is a fantastic place to work and offers every type of assignments that one would look for in a law enforcement agency. Hopefully this has offered information about the Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office that you didn’t already know. If you are looking for a change in jobs or working environment please take a look at Snohomish County. If you want more information, please feel free to give me a call. I will point you in the right direction. Take care and be safe! Please clip out and mail to WACOPS address listed below CONTACT INFORMATION Name _________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________ Email ___________________________ Phone ________________ I prefer to be contacted by phone email direct mail VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Yes, I want to help make the WACOPS agenda successful. I will ... Contact my legislators by email, phone, or letter Meet with my Legislators in District or in Olympia Send a letter to the editor or speak to other media outlets Participate in charitable events in my district Please mail to: WACOPS • 200 Union Ave. SE • Olympia, WA 98501-1393 Spring 2009 Shield & Star 7 From the Board The Story Behind Random Drug Testing Legislation By Larry Worden, Executive Board Position 5, Union Gap Y akima always seems to be the center of some problem! At first it was drugs. Yakima was the distribution hub for narcotics as far east as Chicago. Then it was gangs. Yakima has more gangs and gang shootings than most major metropolitan cities. In the City of Yakima, you don’t have to paint your house or your fence...just wait overnight and...poof! It’s got a fresh coat of spray paint all over it! Not bad, if you don’t mind the graffiti! The latest problem in Yakima is cops on drugs! Not that Yakima actually has a problem with cops on drugs, but those in charge in Yakima aren’t letting that stop them from saying it does. The truth be told, there is not a problem with police officers using drugs in Yakima, or anywhere else in Washington State. Sure, that’s a heck of a blanket statement, but I’ve been a cop for more years than I care to count. During those years, I’ve met a lot of cops, attended training with a 8 Shield & Star Spring 2009 lot of cops, and even met the families of a lot of cops from all over the state. Out of all of the cops I’ve ever met in my entire career, I’ll bet that it’s less than 1/10th of 1 percent of cops that misuse drugs. In other words, less than 1 in 1,000 police officers misuse drugs. To top it off, cops don’t want cops that use drugs on the street. I don’t want a cop on drugs as my back-up! No way! So what’s the real issue here? The real issue is a power struggle between Yakima’s management and the police officer’s labor union. To go into a detailed history of what led up to this debacle would take more room than they allow here, so I’ll just touch on the highlights. Problem #1 Yakima hires a police chief from Texas, whose management style is inconsistent with Washington State’s labor laws. Problem #2 A Yakima officer who is injured on the job, ends up trying to self-medicate the injury pain with prescription drugs and gets hooked. When he is healed up and released to return to work, he makes the mistake of being honest and admitting he has a dependency problem. Yakima management fires him for it! Problem #3 The union fights the action and the chief is forced to rehire the officer. Problem #4 Another officer that had been fired earlier, attends a party where marijuana is smoked. Since she is no longer a police officer, she remains at the party. Shortly afterwards she is suddenly reinstated when the firing is overturned. Per policy she is tested before returning to duty and tests positive for marijuana. She is fired. Problem #5 The chief tries to push drug testing on the officers without negotiating. They tell the union that the PD lieutenants and captains are already doing random drug testing. The union discovers that this is false. Problem #6 The chief and Yakima management refuse to negotiate with the officers on random drug testing. They say the union should just accept it because “it’s the right thing to do.” The union finds out that all other labor bargaining groups in Yakima received a 5 percent pay increase for accepting random drug testing. continued on page 10 From the Board WACOPS Delegates and Members: You Are Appreciated! By Ken Crowder, Executive Board Position 8, WACOPS Retired Organization I have been thinking about an article and what to write for the next addition of the WACOPS magazine. I thought about all the articles over the years and it suddenly occurred to me a topic no one has actually put in writing. We hear all the time that when we see a member of the military don’t forget to tell them “Thank You.” We also hear the same for police and firefighters. We receive adulation in the form of annual evaluations and awards for outstanding performance above and beyond the call of duty. So for an article, I thought, “Why not say thank you to all the WACOPS Delegates and members who make WACOPS the premier organization in the state?” From the executive board, office staff, our lobbyist, and myself “Thank You.” Without you this organization would not exist and there would be no improvements to our pension system both LEOFF I and LEOFF 2. Even though sometimes it doesn’t show, I know each of us acknowledge the fact that you, the members, are our bosses and it’s a privilege to have been given your trust. We have had some rough times over the years but together we always rebound. We have had organizations come and go but the core group has stayed in place through thick and thin and continued to make improvements for all law enforcement regardless of whether or not they are members of WACOPS. It’s very frustrating to hear all the excuses for not being a member organization and then I think about all the great ones we do have. Maybe one day, the non-members will recognize the value of strength in numbers and want to be part of improving their benefits. They only need to look at their employers’ philosophy of divide and conquer to understand why we must be united. I have been involved with WACOPS since 1984 and have seen three executive directors, numerous presidents and more executive board members than I care to think about come and go. Each and every one of them genuinely cared about WACOPS but had differing opinions on how to get from A to Z. There has been both criticism and praise for the work they did. In some instances we have dwelt on the negative and not recognized the positive. What should be remembered is that each one made some contribution to make WACOPS a better organization. To each of them we also owe a debt of gratitude and a big “Thank You” for the time and effort they put into this organization. Be part of the Council of Police Political Support (COPPS) action team. Your participation makes the difference. Sign up today to be part of the 2009 political process as we head into the legislative session. For information or to get involved, call 800-887-2677. Spring 2009 Shield & Star 9 2009 Scholarship Recipients WACOPS 2009 Scholarship Recipients By Jamie Daniels, Executive Director T he Washington Council of Police & Sheriffs is pleased to announce the recipients of our 2009 College Scholarships. The purpose of the scholarship program is to identify, assist, and enhance the potential of well-rounded individuals in our communities. Applications were evaluated on a number of factors including academic achievement, and participation in extra-curricular and community activities. Six nominees were chosen to receive a $1,000 scholarship to the school of their choice: Ashley Napoleon – Tacoma, WA Moriah Shupp – Chehalis, WA Moriah is a graduate of W.F. West High School. She plans to attend Brigham Young University – Idaho. Moriah is the daughter of a Chehalis Police Officer. Chauncey Trask – Sammamish, WA Chauncey is a graduate of Eastlake High School. She plans to attend Central Washington University to study Musical Theater. Reba West – Concrete, WA Ashley is a graduate of Wilson High School. She plans to attend Seattle Pacific University to study Dietetics. Reba is a graduate of Concrete High School. She plans to attend the University of Alaska-Anchorage to study English. Kaylee Nauman – Stanwood WA The Washington Council of Police and Sheriffs is a professional organization formed to strengthen the rights and quality of life of those who have dedicated their careers to protecting and serving our communities. We represent law enforcement officer’s interests and priorities to the legislature, the media, and the citizens we serve. Kaylee is a graduate of Stanwood High School. She plans to attend Western Washington University to study Elementary Education. Kaylee is the daughter of a Snohomish County Sheriff Deputy. Jonathan Osman – Mount Vernon, WA Jonathan is a graduate of Mount Vernon High School. He plans to attend Washington State University to study Aerospace Engineering. Jonathon is the son of an Everett Police Department Officer. Congratulations! Random Drug Testing Legislation continued from page 8 Problem #7 The arbitrator rules that Yakima must negotiate random drug testing with the officers. The Chief goes to the local media who do not understand the issues and why the officers just don’t do random drug testing. Problem # 8 The chief decides to do an “end run” on having to negotiate random drug testing and goes to the legislature. He restarts the media frenzy, implying the officers must 10 Shield & Star Spring 2009 have something to hide if they don’t accept random drug testing. Bills are drafted and introduced that would override collective bargaining by making random drug testing a law across the state. Fortunately, WACOPS was there to educate key legislators and protect the police officers right to collective bargaining and stop the assault on your right to negotiate your working conditions. This is why we must be vigilant in Olympia. This is why WACOPS exists! WACOPS Government Relations WACOPS Government Relations Recruit, Retain, Retire Campaigns • OurPoliticalActionCommittee,theCouncilofPolice Political Support, distributed $100,000 in campaign funds in the 2008 elections. • Over5,000yardsignsweredistributedstatewide.Candidates that won election with the WACOPS endorsements included 6 statewide officials, 24 Senators, and 80 House members. • Members conducted interviews, attended fundraisers, and worked in individual campaigns to assist candidates that support your issues. Representation • WACOPS is represented in Olympia by Jamie Daniels and Lee Reaves who combine their experience and bipartisan relationships to lobby on your behalf. • Members of the Government Relations Committee including Craig Bulkley, Dave Hayes, Darell Stidham, and Brian Wurts, volunteer their time and regularly provide professional expertise and testimony on law enforcement issues in Olympia. Advocacy • ParticipationbytheWACOPSmembershiphasbuiltus a solid reputation with our elected officials. • Ourlegislativereception,withtacticaldemonstrations,is one of the most popular events in Olympia. • Officers spend a “Day on the Hill” and participate in In-District events to speak personally about professional issues with their local legislators. • Phone calls and emails from members around the state help keep legislators informed on our issues during session. Education • Factual briefing papers, talking points, and weekly updates are issued by WACOPS to keep legislators and our membership informed. • WACOPS representatives meet regularly with other LEOFF 2 stakeholders for informational and strategic purposes. These sessions allow us to present a unified voice in Olympia. What They Say “Public safety is paramount to our communities. I commend the hard work of WACOPS and all law enforcement officers around the state for their commitment and dedication to making Washingtonians safe.” – Governor Chris Gregoire, May, 2009 islature, WACOPS is a helpful and trusted source of information that I rely upon. I feel our public servants are, thus, very well represented.” – WA State Senate Republican Leader Mike Hewitt, May 2009 “There are few advocacy oriented groups that I appreciate working with as much as I do the Washington Council of Police & Sheriffs. On related policy matters, the guiding expertise provided to legislators on behalf of the law enforcement community cannot be understated. Year, after year, in matters of public and private policy before the leg- “Before we pass new laws, we want to make sure they work in the real world and when it comes to laws regarding public safety, we rely on the experience and expertise of WACOPS.” – WA State House of Representatives Speaker Frank Chopp , May 2009 Visit our website Spring 2009 Shield & Star 11 WACOPS Legislative Review WACOPS 2009 Legislative Review LEOFF Plan 2 Retirement Pension Fund Stability The 105-day session was concentrated on closing the $9 billion budget shortfall. The poor economy forced everyone to focus on priority needs and WACOPS’ number one goal was to protect the LEOFF Plan 2 retirement fund. We were successful in this effort and the contribution rates and actuarial assumptions for the pension plan will remain at those set by the LEOFF 2 Board. Funding for LEOFF 2 was under negotiation throughout the session and it is a huge victory that this system was left intact. This will continue to be a priority issue in 2010 when legislators meet to enact the Supplemental Budget. Why It Matters The LEOFF Plan 2 fund must have adequate money to pay the benefits to which you are currently entitled. If the plan is underfunded now, it will take several years of increased contribution rates to pay back that money just to get to the current level. This would delay any hope of enhancing the system to make it adequate. 1. LEOFF Plan 2 is funded differently than the other state pensions with a 50-30-20 percent formula. Because of this, reductions have a disproportionate impact on LEOFF 2. Since the state only pays 20 percent, they can realize a small savings with rate cuts but cutting the 80 percent paid by the employees and employers multiplies the effect on the pension fund. 2. The LEOFF Plan 2 retirement system is the only state pension system where contribution rates are set by an independent board of trustees. Created through Initiative 790, the LEOFF Board has proven itself to be fiscally responsible and all decisions of the board are based on sound actuarial advice. We need to maintain this governance. 12 Shield & Star Spring 2009 The Budget In December, 2008, the Governor proposed a biennial budget for July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2011 that included a number of changes to pension funding methods for the LEOFF Plan 2 and other state retirement systems. Changes proposed included altering the actuary assumptions and the minimum contribution rate floor that were adopted by the LEOFF 2 Board. The House and Senate then released draft budgets that made changes in pension funding. The House budget treated all pension systems the same and included a reduction of the assumed rates of general salary growth, postponed the use of new morality assumptions and suspended the minimum contribution rates. These changes would have caused a large reduction of assets in the LEOFF Plan 2 fund. The Senate version of the budget did not affect the LEOFF Plan 2 retirement system. This is the version that was eventually adopted into law. Pension Legislation: SB 6161 Changed the methods and assumptions for the actuarial funding and revised pension contribution rates for all the state retirement systems, EXCEPT LEOFF Plan 2. In all plans except LEOFF 2 this bill would lower contribution rates in the 2009-2011 Biennium and increase member contribution rates in future biennia beginning in the 20132015 Biennium. Legislation SUPPORTED by WACOPS Passed Into Law in 2009 Safe Call Now (SSB 5131): Requires the CJTC to offer training to public safety personnel on personal crisis recognition and crisis intervention services. The CJTC must list examples of public and private crisis referral agencies continued on page 13 WACOPS Legislative Review WACOPS 2009 Legislative Review continued from page 12 available to law enforcement personnel and describe the services which are available. All communications between public safety employees and crisis referral services must be confidential. “I appreciate the support WACOPS has given the Safe Call Now program. Their endorsement and assistance in Olympia has been invaluable.” – Sean Riley, Founder & President, May 2009 F&W Volunteer Chaplain (HB 1437): Authorizes a volunteer chaplain for the department of fish and wildlife. LEOFF Military Service Credit (HB 1548): Relieves certain members of LEOFF 2 from paying the cost of restoring service credit for periods of public employment interrupted by military service. Bill provides refunds to those who already reinstated service credit for any period of war during their career. Prisoner Access to Public Records (SSB 5130): The court may enjoin the examination of any nonexempt public record requested by a person serving a criminal sentence if the court finds: the request was made to harass or intimidate the agency or its employees; fulfilling the request would likely threaten the security of correctional facilities; fulfilling the request would likely threaten the safety or security of staff, inmates, family members of staff, family members of other inmates, or any other person; or fulfilling the request may assist criminal activity. Driver License Photo Access (ESB 5262): Authorizes the Department of Licensing to make their negative picture files available to law enforcement officers to assist in verifying the identity of a person. The negative files were generally not available to a law enforcement officer during a routine traffic stop for a violation of a traffic code. Assault on Law Enforcement Officer (SB 5413): Creates a one year sentencing enhancement for a person convicted of assaulting a law enforcement officer with what appears to be a firearm. Military Service Death Benefit (HB 1551): Provides that the survivors of members that leave state service and die while honorably serving in the National Guard or military reserves during a period of war are entitled to the same survivor benefits as if the member died while in the line of duty of their retirement-system covered employment. Legislation OPPOSED by WACOPS Did Not Pass in 2009 Domestic Partner Benefits (EHB 1616): Provides registered state domestic partners the same pension benefits available to spouses of members of the LEOFF Plan 2, including retirement and disability survivor benefits, military service credit benefits, and withdrawal and annuity benefits paid upon a member’s death. Juvenile Interrogation (HB 1054): Requires law enforcement to make a reasonable attempt to notify a juvenile’s parent, guardian, or custodian when the juvenile is taken into custody and where the juvenile is being held. We have committed to work on this issue with the sponsor over the interim. Died in House Human Services Committee. LEOFF Disability Allowance (HB 1678): Permits members of the LEOFF Plan 2 who were disabled in the line of duty before January 1, 2001 to convert their disability allowance to include a federal income tax-exempt fixed 10 percent of final average salary benefit, plus an actuarially reduced benefit for each year of service earned beyond five. Limits the new benefit to the greater of 10 percent, or the original disability allowance the member was receiving prior to the conversion. Knowingly Possess (HB 1695): Would have modified the elements of the felony crime of possession of a controlled substance by providing that a person must possess the substance knowingly and modified the elements of the misdemeanor crime of possessing 40 grams or less of marihuana by providing that a person must possess the marihuana knowingly. Died in House Rules Committee. F&W Service Credit Transfer (SHB 1953): Allows department of fish and wildlife enforcement officers to transfer service credit earned as enforcement officers in the PERS plan 2 and 3 to the LEOFF Plan 2. 911 Immunity (HB 1796): Would exempt a person who seeks medical assistance for a person suffering from a drugrelated overdose or a person who experiences a drug-related overdose and receives medical assistance in connection therewith from certain prosecution under the Uniform Controlled Substances Act. Died in House Rules Committee. continued on page 14 Spring 2009 Shield & Star 13 WACOPS Legislative Review WACOPS 2009 Legislative Review continued from page 13 Decriminalizing Marijuana (SB 5615): Reclassifying possession of forty grams or less of marijuana from a misdemeanor to a class 2 civil infraction. Died in Senate Rules Committee. Medical Marijuana (SB 5798): Health care professionals including osteopathic physicians, physician assistants and osteopathic physician assistants, naturopaths, and advanced registered nurse practitioners could have provided the valid documentation which authorizes the medical use of marijuana for qualified patients who may benefit from its use. Died in Senate Rules Committee. Mandatory Drug Testing (SB5740/HB1511): Requiring drug testing of peace officers. Died in Committees without hearings. 14 Shield & Star Spring 2009 “‘The opposition to it within Commerce and Labor ‘illustrates the union pressures around here that some people feel,’ he [Rep. Charles Ross] said. Yakima police Chief Sam Granato, who has pushed for random drug testing since 2004, was more pointed, saying the Washington Council of Police and Sheriff’s is applying that pressure.” – February 7, 2009, Yakima Herald-Republic “Though the bill was essentially dead on arrival in the House, it looked as though the drug-testing measure could emerge from the Senate. Influential Sen. Adam Kline, D-Seattle, signed on as a co-sponsor before changing his mind and opposing the bill. ‘Some individuals from an organization got a hold of Sen. Kline and convinced him this was an issue that should be a negotiated thing,’ [Senator Curtis] King said, referring to the Washington Council of Police and Sheriffs.” – February 26, 2009, Yakima Herald-Republic LEOFF 2 LEOFF 2 Plan Retirement Board 2009 Legislative Session Summary Submitted by Steve Nelson, LEOFF 2 Board Executive Director Bills Passed Actuarial Funding of Pension Systems (SB 6161) This bill changed the methods and assumptions for the actuarial funding and revised pension contribution rates for all the state retirement systems, EXCEPT LEOFF Plan 2. In all Plans except LEOFF 2 this bill would lower contribution rates in the 2009-2011 Biennium and increase member contribution rates in future biennia beginning in the 20132015 Biennium. Duty Disability Conversion (HB 1678 & SB 5542) Members who retired as a result of duty related disabilities prior to the creation of duty disability retirements are not receiving the favorable tax treatment on their benefits to which they are entitled. This bill would reclassify eligible Service and Disability retirements to Occupational Disability retirements for the purpose of allowing affected retirees to take advantage of favorable tax treatment on the first 10% of the member’s salary. Domestic Partner Benefits/LEOFF Plan 2 (EHB 1616) Domestic partners are not treated the same as spouses for all pension benefits. There are six distinct areas in which spouses and domestic partners are treated differently under pension law including (1)Survivor Health Care, (2) Survivor Retirements, (3) Purchase of Military Service, (4) Member Contributions, (5) $150,000 Death Benefit, (6) Service and Disability Retirements. This bill gives the domestic partners of LEOFF Plan 2 members the same rights and options as spouses for pension benefits. Interruptive Military Service Credit (HB 1548) Members whose public employment is interrupted by military service are required to pay member contributions in order to purchase service credit. This bill, developed jointly with the Select Committee on Pension Policy (SCPP), eliminates the member obligation to pay for interruptive military service credit if the member served during a period of war. This bill also refunds the member contributions already paid by a member to purchase interruptive military service credit. Military Service Death Benefit (HB 1551) Beneficiaries of members who die while serving on active duty with the United States Military do not qualify for dutyrelated death benefits. This bill, developed jointly with the Select Committee on Pension Policy (SCPP), eliminates the actuarial reduction for the survivor of a member who left the employ of a retirement system-covered employer to serve in the National Guard or military reserves, and who die while honorably serving in a defined period of war. Fish and Wildlife Enforcement Officer (FWEO) Service Credit Transfer (SHB 1953) FWEO members were not allowed to transfer their PERS Plan 2/3 service as Enforcement Officers to LEOFF Plan 2. This bill, developed jointly with the Select Committee on Pension Policy (SCPP), provides Enforcement Officers at the State Department of Fish & Wildlife the opportunity to transfer past service as Enforcement Officers from PERS Plan 2/3 to LEOFF Plan 2. Transferring members will be required to pay the difference in contributions that the member made to PERS 2/3 and what the member would have contributed in LEOFF 2, plus interest, or the entire balance of the member’s PERS 3 defined contribution account. Member, employer, and state contribution rates will increase to the extent necessary to fund the difference in the value of the service credit transferred between PERS and LEOFF Plan 2, and the member contributions transferred into LEOFF Plan 2. Bills Not Passed Catastrophic Disability Medical Insurance (EHB 1679 - SB 5541) Members who suffer catastrophic duty-related disabilities may not have access to health care insurance. This bill would have extended the option to purchase health care insurance from the State (PEBB) to members who are catastrophically disabled in the line of duty and their spouses and dependent children. continued on page 16 Spring 2009 Shield & Star 15 Officer of the Year Award WACOPS Law Enforcement Officer of the Year Award T he Washington Council of Police and Sheriffs is pleased to announce the creation of the WACOPS Law Enforcement Officer of the Year Award. The purpose of this award is to provide recognition of clearly exceptional and outstanding performance of duties, which bring honor and distinction to the officer, their department, and/ or their profession. Your Name Here Nominations: • Nomineesmusthaveexhibitedatleastoneofthefollowing characteristics above and beyond the normal scope of the profession. a.) Bravery b.) Heroism c.) Outstanding Service to the Community • AnycurrentWACOPSmemberiseligiblefortheaward. • Nominationsmustbesubmittedinwriting,addressedto WACOPS’ President. • ThedeadlinefornominationsisNovember30,forthat year’s consideration. The achievement and/or act being considered must have occurred in that same year. • The WACOPS Executive Board will select the winner from nominations • Current WACOPS Executive Board members are not eligible to receive the award. Award Ceremony: • TheWACOPSLawEnforcementOfficeroftheYearwill be presented with a medallion and a framed certificate detailing the achievements which led to the award. • ThisawardwillbepresentedannuallyattheWACOPS Winter Membership Meeting. The recipient’s lodging at the Winter Membership Meeting will be paid by WACOPS. • The winner’s Chief/Sheriff will be invited to participate in the presentation of the award and local media will be notified. • The award winner’s name will be entered into the WACOPS’ records: a WACOPS Law Enforcement Officer of the Year plaque will be created to keep the historical record. The plaque will hang in the WACOPS’ offices. LEOFF 2 continued from page 15 Survivor L&I Benefits/Remarriage Prohibition (HB 1212) Surviving spouses of LEOFF Plan 2 members who are killed in the line of duty are entitled to receive a monthly benefit of at least 60 percent of member’s wages. This benefit is paid for the lifetime of the survivor, or until remarriage. This bill would have allowed surviving spouses of the Law Enforcement Officers’ and Fire Fighters’ Retirement System and the Washington State Patrol Retirement System who are eligible for death benefits under the Industrial Insurance Act to continue to receive the benefit monthly for life regardless of whether they remarry. 16 Shield & Star Spring 2009 Adjustment for $150,000 Death Benefit (HB 1547 - SB 5312) The $150,000 lump-sum death benefit paid to survivors of public employees who die in the line of duty is not adjusted for inflation and has not increased since it was created in 1996. This bill, developed jointly with the Select Committee on Pension Policy (SCPP), would have increased the amount of the death benefit to $175,000. Spring 2009 Shield & Star 17 Meeting Highlights Highlights of the WACOPS Spring Membership Meeting Davenport Hotel, Spokane WA June 3-5, 2009 T he meeting was opened with a welcome from Spokane Police Chief Anne Kirpatrick and Spokane Sheriff Ozzie Knezevich. Spokane Police Chaplain Ron Alter offered the opening prayer. Executive Officers of the Board President Mark Lann and Vice President Mike Allen reported on their activities since the previous meeting. Secretary/Treasurer Dennis Diess reviewed the overall WACOPS budget and presented year-to-date information to the membership. Executive Director Jamie Daniels and Government Relations consultant Lee Reaves reviewed legislation that passed and failed in the 2009 legislative session and presented the GR Interim Plan. Government Relations Committee members Darell Stidham, Craig Bulkley, and Dave Hayes also gave insight on the previous session. Our biggest success this year was the adoption of the state operating budget with the LEOFF Plan 2 retirement system fully funded and all actuarial recommendations made by the LEOFF Plan 2 Board included. Failure to fully fund our pension would have been disastrous to future efforts to modify our benefit formula. Steve Nelson, Executive Director of the LEOFF 2 Board, spoke to the membership about the details of the LEOFF legislation that was enacted this session and potential legislation for 2010. He answered numerous questions about the history and future of the plan. The WACOPS Special Commendation Awards were presented to delegates Rochelle Brousseau, Rod Manchester, Mike Pentony, and Brian Wurts for their dedication and service to the organization. The Executive Director presented the WACOPS Strategic Plan Update. This plan summarizes the goals for membership recruitment, the WACOPS mission, and board development. Other highlights of the meeting included presentations from Behind the Badge representatives Brian Johnston and 18 Shield & Star Spring 2009 Gayle Frink-Schulz and James Diacongiannis from the Spokane Fraternal Order of the Eagles. Ed Suddock, Seattle Insurance Inc., gave an overview and answered questions about the various insurance plans offered through our subsidy Public Safety Employees Insurance, Inc. WACOPS Committee Chairmen reported on their various activities including Mary Robnett, Bylaws and Policy Committee, with an explanation of the changes in financial policies and Pat Frantz, Scholarship Committee, with an announcement of the six winners of the WACOPS college scholarships. Brian Wurts spoke to the group about tactics for recruiting new WACOPS members. The training opportunity available at the spring meeting was a six-hour class on Criminal Interdiction that covered the basics of interdiction includ- ing traffic stops, roadside techniques, officer safety, indicators of criminal activity, and search techniques. Networking opportunities included a golf tournament at Painted Hills, a barbeque with local area state legislators, and a poker tournament. The raffle raised over $500 for the Benevolent Fund that is used to assist guilds and families in the tragic event of a fallen officer. Full minutes of the membership meeting and the documents distributed will be available on Special Commendation Awards WACOPS Special Commendation Awards Executive Board Member Steve Lynch, Mike Pentony (Bellevue Police), President Mark Lann Executive Board Member Mike Allen, Rochelle Brosseau (Puyallup Police), Pres. Mark Lann Executive Board Member Ken Crowder, Rod Manchester (Clark Co), Pres. Mark Lann Executive Board Members Mary Robnett and Dave Hayes, Brian Wurts (Lakewood Police), Pres. Mark Lann Staff Recognition WACOPS with U.S. Dept. of Fish & Wildlife WACOPS Lobbyist Lee Reaves, Clay Creek of Spokane Airport Police and Executive Director Jamie Daniels Spring 2009 Shield & Star 19 Golfing With WACOPS Golfing With WACOPS A fter a long day of policies, budgets, announcements and other regular meeting happenings, WACOPS likes to break things up and have a little fun (hence the office motto “Get the work done and have some fun”). So, we spent the evening at the Painted Hills Golf Course, which is a beautiful 9-hole course that is good for any player. In the past, we have gone bowling and played a little putt-putt, so for the 2009 spring meeting we thought it would be a good time to try our hands at golf. Some of us had better luck than others, but we all had fun. Not only did we get to show our great sportsmanship, or lack thereof, but we also had a chance to get to know fellow 20 Shield & Star Spring 2009 WACOPS members. And what good is a game if there aren’t awards given out after? The winners of the golf tournament with low scores were Craig Bulkley, Darell Stidham, Jason Southard, Steve Lynch, Les Coughran and Abby Hansen (we were playing best ball, and these guys could drive!). Our other award winners were Dennis Diess for Best Dressed, Warren Larson for Best Driver Without a Club, Jeff Herbig for Golf Head Going Farther than the Ball, Justin Maschoff for Safari Ball, and Joe Uhrich for Best Control of a Team. Who knows what we will try next, but you can find out in October during our next membership meeting in Ocean Shores! Spring 2009 Shield & Star 21 Insurance Taxes, Insurance and Latin, Oh My! By Ed Suddock, CPCU T he writer and reader have a complex relationship. Each party enters into the reading relationship with certain expectations, responsibilities and commitments that must be approached with unconditional dependence. I remember, as if it were just yesterday, my writing professor in college stating “The author has a responsibility to the reader to create intentionally hybrid, internally dialogic language that fulfills a social purpose by reflecting human relationships even when the subject matter is impersonal and technical.” Actually, this is a bunch of hogwash. I simply wanted to set the bar high on boring, convoluted, meaningless words so an article on insurance and taxes will seem downright sensible. So, if you got through the first paragraph, the following won’t be too bad. The question du jour is whether long-term disability benefits are considered “taxable income”. We are in contract negotiation season so it is important to raise awareness of the tax consequences of disability claim payments. For those with attention issues, here is the quick answer: If the premium is paid by the employer, the benefits paid by the insurance company are considered taxable income. If the premium is paid by the employee, the benefits paid by the insurance company are not considered taxable income. For review, the Long Term Disability benefit pays either 60 percent or 66 2/3 percent of a claimant’s salary, depending on the coverage option chosen. The insurance company does not want to pay 100 percent of a claimant’s salary as this may create a disincentive to go back to work. This reduction in income between what the claimant was earning and what the insurance company will pay can, by itself, create financial stress. But if the benefit paid is considered taxable income, the reduction in income could be more of a material problem. A simple example illustrates the issue. If a claimant is making $55,000 per year with the 66 2/3 percent disability coverage, the insurance company would pay a claim of $36,667 per year. If the claimant is married and filing jointly, the tax on this income would be $4,665. Thus, the net claim payment would be $32,002, or 58 percent of the original $55,000 salary. A claimant may be surprised that the net claim proceeds are only 58 percent of the annual salary when they were expecting 66 2/3 percent. A 60 percent benefit limit creates an even wider gap between the pre-disability income and the net claim proceeds. The income tax on long-term disability claim payments can be avoided. The determinant factor is whether the premium for the insurance coverage is paid for with pre-tax (gross) or post-tax money (net). The IRS answers this question by looking at who pays the premium, the employer or the employee. If the employer pays the premium, the benefit is considered taxable income. If the employee pays the premium, the benefit is not included as taxable income. If the employer pays some of the premium and the employee pays some of the premium, the amount of benefit income received that is due to the employer’s premium payments must be reported as income. This analysis can get complicated if there is a payment mechanism that obscures the direct route of the em- continued on page 23 22 Shield & Star Spring 2009 Insurance Taxes, Insurance and Latin, Oh My! continued from page 22 ployee paying the premium with net income. For example, some employers in fact pay the premium but they pay the money with post-tax income from the employee. Again, at root is whether or not the employee paid tax on the money that is used for the premium payment. Please note that there are different groups involved that may come to different opinions based on the same facts. The insurance company may conclude a benefit is not taxable, while the IRS may have different ideas. If you have any questions, it is a good idea to have your individual circumstances reviewed by a professional tax advisor or refer all tax questions to someone more qualified on the subject than I, which is just about anybody. Now is a great time for my standard disclaimer. I am not an accountant, a tax attorney, or an IRS agent, nor do I have any knowledge of, or authority on, your individual or collective tax circumstances. No reliance should be made on any of the comments above, whatsoever. The above, which is solely my personal opinion as a layman and not as a professional, should be considered wholly incorrect, unreliable and wrong. If you are still with me, there is an old Latin saying that best ends any article on taxes and insurance. Some of you will no doubt clearly recognize it: “Tetigisti acu. Tintinnuntius meus sonat!” The formal translation means: “You have hit the nail on the head. There goes my beeper!”, or for those with an attention issue: “Here you go, got to go!” Benefits for WACOPS Members nefits for WACOPS Members Benefits for WACOPS Members Managed by PSEII Managed by PSEII Insurance Managed by PSEII Insurance Board Officers Products Include: John Sheeran Insurance BoardPresident: Officers and Members: ts Include: and Members: Secretary/Treasurer: Joe Uhrich • LongTermDisability&TermLifeplans President: mDisability&TermLifeplans President: Chuck Reisenauer • LifeAssistanceProgram Chuck Reisenauer tanceProgram Vice President: Vice President: • Home Eric Johnson Eric Johnson andAuto Insurance Secretary/Treasurer: e Secretary/Treasurer: Lance Davenport Lance Davenport • Will Ed Suddock, CPCU Members: Preparation Members: on Seattle Business Insurance LLC* Brian Pochert, Brian Pochert, Gary Fortin, Insurance Brokers Gary Fortin, Rod Manchester Rod Manchester Appointed Broker & Agent: Broker & Agent: ErvenSuddock&Bong,L.L.C ck&Bong,L.L.C Board Officers and Members: Vice President: Steven Shake Members: Russ Dowdy Randy Hedin-Baughn Sam Larson Dave Strader 9725 SE 36th St., Suite 201 Mercer Island, WA 98040 Ph: 206-285-9415 Fx: 206-285-9467 Spring 2009 Shield & Star 23 And You Think You’re Having a Bad Day? By Ken Crowder, Executive Board Position 8, WACOPS Retired Organization O ne of our WACOPS retirees, John Tomkins, was in his house when a funnel cloud hit it. Does this house have a basement? Tomkins, recalling the horrifying incident, said, “I saw the funnel cloud destroying a house down the block as I stepped out of the garage. I made it to an interior hallway on my way to the main floor hall bathroom, which had no windows, when the house imploded. I’m guessing it all took place in about 6-7 seconds. That is the last I remember before waking up in the debris.” Call Adriane at 360-754-4543 to advertise in the next issue! 24 Shield & Star Spring 2009 National Law Enforcement Museum A Matter of Honor: The National Law Enforcement Museum By the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund T o anyone visiting the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, D.C., the enormity of the sacrifice is clear. Engraved on the Memorial’s walls are the names of more than 18,200 law enforcement officers who made the ultimate sacrifice working to preserve public safety. Each of those heroes deserves to be honored and remembered. But unless you were a friend, colleague or loved one, the inspiring stories behind these names are largely unknown to the public at large. All of that will change, however, in just a few years, when the first-ever National commemorate law enforcement’s past and present through five main galleries: • Being an Officer will let visitors “walk in an officer’s shoes,” with firearms and driver training simulators and the Target Forensics Lab in which people can try their hand at solving crimes. • TheHistoryofLawEnforcementwilltelltheincredible story of how law enforcement has met the changing needs of American society over the years—and continues to do so in the 21st century. • InReeltoReal,visitorswilllearnhow the media, television, film, and pop culture influence perceptions of law enforcement and how 911 operators respond to emergencies in the Motorola Dial 911 Emergency Call Center. • TheHallofRemembrancewillinspire visitors with the stories of America’s fallen law enforcement heroes. • TheDuPontChangingExhibitionsGallery will feature the many specialized areas of law enforcement and topical issues of the day. Law Enforcement Museum opens its doors right across the street from the Memorial. The importance of building the National Law Enforcement Museum is unmistakable. While the Memorial permanently and silently tells an important story of service and sacrifice, as one law enforcement leader has said, “The Memorial focuses on the end of the story.… We need to tell the rest of the story.” Authorized by Congress in the year 2000, the National Law Enforcement Museum is scheduled to open in 2013. When it does, the 55,000-square-foot Museum will be the largest and most comprehensive museum of its kind in the world. This “glimpse behind the badge” will As visitors tour the Museum, they will come to learn and appreciate the story of law enforcement… your story. The heroism behind the names on the Memorial… the details of daily life on the beat… how you investigate and solve crimes… the split-second life-ordeath decision you make. Every step of the way, visitors will gain a deeper understanding of the enduing connection between law enforcement officers and the public you serve. To properly tell the rich and fascinating story of law enforcement in America, we need your help. That is why the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund launched A Matter of Honor: The Campaign for the National Law Enforcement Museum. This $80 million capital campaign is a historic philanthropic initiative. It will allow the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund continued on page 26 Spring 2009 Shield & Star 25 National Law Enforcement Museum A Matter of Honor continued from page 25 to create a truly world-class museum that will appropriately honor the law enforcement profession and the hundreds of thousands of men and women who have served and continue to serve today. To date, Americans have generously donated more than $38 million toward the Matter of Honor campaign. Individuals, corporations and, especially, law enforcement officers and associations have stepped to the plate to support this one-of-a-kind endeavor. But while our progress to date has been encouraging and deeply appreciated, there is still a long way to go. There are a number of ways in which individuals can contribute: cash gifts or pledges, sustained giving, planned giving, and workplace giving. Donors who give $1,000 or more will have the opportunity to include their name on the Thin Blue Line, which will run through the panels of the glass bridge overlooking the Museum’s main concourse. Donors of $10,000 will have the opportunity to name one of 136 theater seats in the Museum Theater where an introductory film will be viewed by all visitors. Major Donors who give $100,000 will receive special recognition in the Museum and be invited to all VIP events leading up to and including groundbreaking and opening day! In addition, Museum staff is interested in any historical artifacts that individuals might want to donate to the Museum. America’s law enforcement community continues to be a major supporter of the Museum, with over three dozen law enforcement organizations having donated $100,000 or more. Law enforcement organizations interested in making a donation should contact the NLEOMF Development Department, Law Enforcement Relations. The contact is John Shanks, (202) 737-8529 or For more information about the National Law Enforcement Museum, including a virtual tour of the Museum, visit us on the web at Or call toll-free, 1-866-446-NLEM (446-6536). Calendar 2009 World Police & Fire Games July 31-August 9, 2009 – Lower Mainland and Sea to Sky regions of British Columbia WACOPS General Membership Meeting October 14-16, 2009 – Ocean Shores Shiloh Inn WACOPS Executive Board Meeting WACOPS Executive Board Meeting September 11, 2009 – SeaTac WACOPS Executive Board Meeting October 13, 2009 – Ocean Shores, in conjunction with general membership meeting 26 Shield & Star Spring 2009 November 6, 2009 – SeaTac WACOPS General Membership Meeting January 13-15, 2010 – Olympia Red Lion More information on our 2009 membership meetings will be forwarded to the delegate of your organization and can be found on our website What Are Policemen Made Of? By Paul Harvey D on't credit me with the mongrel prose: it has many parents – at least 420,000 of them: Policemen. A policeman is a composite of what all men are, mingling of a saint and sinner, dust and deity. Gulled statistics wave the fan over the stinkers, underscore instances of dishonesty and brutality because they are "new." What they really mean is that they are exceptional, unusual, not commonplace. Buried under the frost is the fact: Less than one-half of one percent of policemen misfit the uniform. That's a better average than you'd find among clergy! What is a policeman made of? He, of all men, is once the most needed and the most unwanted. He's a strangely nameless creature who is "sir" to his face and "fuzz" to his back He must be such a diplomat that he can settle differences between individuals so that each will think he won. But... If the policeman is neat, he's conceited; if he's careless, he's a bum. If he's pleasant, he's flirting; if not, he's a grouch. He must make an instant decision which would require months for a lawyer to make. But... If he hurries, he's careless; if he's deliberate, he's lazy. He must be first to an accident and infallible with his diagnosis. He must be able to start breathing, stop bleeding, tie splints and, above all, be sure the victim goes home without a limp. Or expect to be sued. The police officer must know every gun, draw on the run, and hit where it doesn't hurt. He must be able to whip two men twice his size and half his age without damaging his uniform and without being "brutal". If you hit him, he's a coward. If he hits you, he's a bully. A policeman must know everything – and not tell. He must know where all the sin is and not partake. A policeman must, from a single strand of hair, be able to describe the crime, the weapon and the criminaland tell you where the criminal is hiding. But... If he catches the criminal, he's lucky; if he doesn't, he's a dunce. If he gets promoted, he has political pull; if he doesn't, he's a dullard. The policeman must chase a bum lead to a dead-end, stake out ten nights to tag one witness who saw it happen – but refused to remember. The policeman must be a minister, a social worker, a diplomat, a tough guy and a gentleman. And, of course, he'd have to be genius... For he will have to feed a family on a policeman's salary. Compliments of COPatch Not a Member of WACOPS? Interested? Call Lynn Jacobs at the Council Office for more membership information and services we provide or visit our web site: 1.800.887.2677 Spring 2009 Shield & Star 27 News From Around the State Inmate Duct Taped By John Bulger P OCATELLO – The first hint that Nicklas Frasure’s hearing was going to be unusual came at the outset when the man attempted to fire his court-appointed counsel. It eventually culminated with the man’s mouth bound with duct tape in an attempt to quell his frequent and irrational outbursts. Frasure, 23, appeared before Sixth District Judge Peter D. McDermott Monday morning for an evidentiary hearing on reports of a probation violation for a 2008 felony theft conviction. Frasure’s counsel, Kent Reynolds, requested near the outset that his client undergo a competency exam, a point Frasure hotly contested. “I’m totally fine,” Frasure said. “I have a sense of humor. I’m not bad looking. I can walk on my hands.” Frasure’s tangential and odd comments persisted throughout the hearing, with his mood rapidly changing from incredulity to outrage to apparent mirth regarding his court appearance. At one point, Frasure referred to his appearance as a form of “terrorism.” “I’m not only innocent, but a victim,” Frasure said. “I need to be released.” McDermott, whose general demeanor toward defendants is patient and gentle, tried unsuccessfully on numerous occasions to quiet Frasure’s insistent non sequiturs until after the prosecutor and his own attorney had concluded. Frasure’s mother took the stand to describe her son’s behavior, including escalating bouts of drinking and erratic behavior. The woman said Frasure had been much better after his release from State Hospital South in Blackfoot in October but had quit taking his medications shortly after his discharge. “The last two months he started being really bizarre,” the woman said. The woman described how her son had calmly told her that a voice had told him to “take a shotgun and blow your head off.” The presence of his mother on the stand increased Frasure’s outbursts, many of them referring to his needless persecution and his religious faith. Frasure continued to interrupt the proceedings, asking his mother to admit to murder. McDermott continued to warn Frasure to no avail about his outbursts and told him he would have a chance to address the court and pose questions of witnesses. He finally threatened to duct tape the man’s mouth if he did not be quiet. After several more lengthy and jumbled outbursts and additional warnings about a gag being employed, McDermott finally indicated he’d had enough, ordering the bailiffs to duct tape the man’s mouth. The proceedings halted for several minutes while bailiffs retrieved the tape, tore a piece from the roll and applied it over the man’s mouth. Reynold’s renewed his request for a competency exam. “He’s obviously not mentally competent,” Reynolds said. McDermott told Reynolds he would continue to take the request under advisement and continued the evidentiary hearing. Frasure continued to speak throughout the hearing despite the gag, insistently asking his mother if she were guilty of murder. “I don’t know how to proceed when Mr. Frasure is totally psychotically disabled,” Reynolds said, causing McDermott to ask the woman if she felt her son was mentally continued on page 29 28 Shield & Star Spring 2009 News From Around the State Inmate Duct Taped continued from page 28 ill and might harm her. The woman replied “yes” to both questions. Frasure’s probation officer, Julie Guiberson, took the stand and opined that the man was a threat to both himself and others, and particularly to his mother. “He is probably the most mentally unstable person I have ever supervised,” Guiberson said. Guiberson noted that one of the probation provisions that Frasure was alleged to have violated was a requirement to take all prescribed medications. She said that Frasure had admitted to having stopped taking his medications due to side effects. At the close of the hearing, Frasure’s gag was removed and he again engaged in a rambling discourse. WACOPS Shield & Star Ad Rates McDermott thanked the man for his comments. McDermott declined to make a determination regarding Frasure’s alleged probation violations, deciding to commit the man to a secure Department of Correction facility in Boise for evaluation and treatment rather than the non-secure facility in Blackfoot. “I want to see you get better,” McDermott told Frasure. “You want to arm wrestle?” was Frasure’s reply before being led from the courtroom by bailiffs. 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