FOODWORKER SUMMER 2009 SINKING INTO DEBT? THE RECESSION IS BAD FOR HEALTH TOO SEE HEALTH AND SAFETY SECTION PAGES 16 AND 17 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: EDITOR'S NOTES P2 WHY MAKE A WILL? P3 NATIONAL PRESIDENT WRITES P4 ULF UPDATE PP5 – 11 WORKERS MEMORIAL DAY PP12/13 LABOUR REPRESENTATION COMMITTEE P14 EUROPEAN WORKERS CONFERENCE P14 HEALTH AND SAFETY PP15 – 18 STATE PENSION FOR WOMEN CHANGES P20 ROY CONNELL OBITUARY P22 JIM FLYNN 40-YEAR BADGE P22 CONFERENCE DELEGATES 2009 PP24/25 CONFERENCE MOTIONS 2009 PP26 – 31 FOODWORKER 2 EDITOR'S NOTES CONFERENCE Annual Conference is once again upon us and time to take stock of what we have achieved in the year and where we are placed for the future. In general we can look back on a successful year that has laid the foundation for the future. We have done that by facing up to the realities that are before us and recognising the need to change. Whilst we have not escaped the turmoil of the financial and economic turbulence that has affected everyone, none the less we have been able to weather the storm better than most. Of course it means we have to face uncertainty as all organisations do but we have already begun to lay the ground work that will take us forward in a stronger position than we have faced in the past. WHERE WE ARE What we need to recognise is exactly where we are. All Regions of the Union now operate a Regional structure and it is generally accepted that the move to Regional Councils has been a success. Attendance is up, debates are more wide ranging and meaningful, topics are relevant. Now is the time to move from inertion to action. Given the success of Regional Councils we need to use this Conference to change Rules to solidify that success by eliminating Districts and moving to the Regional structure that is in fact in place now. On my trips around the Regions I have found no argument against this reality so here’s hoping Conference will similarly see the inevitability of changing Rules to reflect reality. I am sure they will. That, of course leads us on to other follow-on changes and it is here the debate will take place in Bridlington and beyond. The guiding principle has to be the continued strength and independence of the organisation, one fit for purpose and in a position to not only continue to give the first class service to members it gives already – but to improve on this. That can only be done by recognising the need to change where change is necessary to reflect reality and to move resources around from areas not functioning to areas that need attention. It means recognising that we are in a very strong position to control our own destiny and that now is the time to make these changes for our own benefit. It is a luxury not many organisations have and it could well slip away if we le this golden opportunity slip away through inertia or fear of change. JUST THE BEGINNING The debates in Bridlington in June cannot be the end of the process. Rather they are just the beginning. The Executive Council has placed an enabling motion on the agenda. If that is passed it will move us from the myth of Districts to the reality of Regions. No change for any members at all, just an acceptance of reality. Then the hard work will begin with debates with members, activists and officials on how we progress to make the union fit for purpose for the coming decade and more. That is a debate that cannot be had in isolation. We need all members to participate in that debate and we welcome your views. It is your union, have your say. RECRUITMENT Recruitment is one area that needs attention and we have already made moves in this area with our Induction DVD. We are also revamping all our training courses for activists to strengthen awareness of organising and to build confidence for this important task. There is a need to ensure we maximise membership in all sites where we have recognition and this is a theme that has run through this years Regional Councils and will be highlighted at conference. FINANCE The Union has a strong financial base that is used to ensure a first class service to members. The Union is always looking for ways to improve and expand that service. That needs member’s participation and we are looking at ways of improving that through our new membership systems and communication avenues. LEGAL SERVICES One area that needs better advertising is that of the Union’s legal services. I am still amazed that we get letters from Solicitors where members have gone to ‘outside’ firms for their accident cases. We are also noting an increase in employers Insurers seeking to contact members direct to ‘do a deal’ on accident cases. Both these avenues are not only dangerous for the member, they can be cost negative. The Union’s free legal service is second to none and is an excellent example of a first class service that takes all concern off the member and ensures all compensation goes direct to the member. We work hard to ensure that accidents and industrial disease is kept to a minimum. But where ‘accidents happen’ we need to ensure the peace of mind for members that the union stands ready to assist the member in claiming adequate and fair compensation. The knowledge of, and use of, union services is another area we will be concentrating on in the coming year. BEWARE We all know our industry is going through hard times, as is manufacturing generally. But we need to beware of the employer who uses this as an excuse to undermine agreed terms and conditions, negotiated over many years. It is sadly a fact that, once the Union has successfully negotiated improvements in members’ terms and conditions of employment, those improvements are quickly forgotten. They become the norm. It seems these terms have been in place for ever and will remain so. Far from it! As any negotiator will tell you employers always seek to take back what they have had to concede. And they have only conceded improvements in the first place because of the collective strength of the union. That is the case more now than ever. Many employers are using the ‘recession’ to seek to claw back hard won gains of the past. They are not adverse to using fear as FOODWORKER a weapon in this war on past gains. Fear of unemployment, closure and redundancies. The unscrupulous will play on those fears so that they can reduce what they pay workers and improve their profit margin-and who gains from that? NONSENSE It is nonsense to believe that all employers are being badly affected by the recession. Obviously some are and we need to deal with that where it occurs. But equally obvious is the fact that others are not and are doing very well. That is the crux of the matter. Many employers are hiding behind the recession and ignoring the ‘ability to pay’ scenario. The Union in its negotiating stance need to home in on this ‘ability to pay’ issue to ensure that workers are not being forced to pay for a ‘crisis’ they had no part in bringing about. And to make sure employers who can afford it meet their responsibilities to their workers in FORLORN HOPE We are hearing more and more stories about employers taking away things workers felt had been won for good. Attacks on premium payments, holiday entitlements, cuts or freezes in take home pay, reductions in sickness payments and conditions and many more. Easy to do where there is no organised resistance to the power of the employer. Easy too where some workers stand outside the fight, hoping it won’t happen to them. Such a forlorn hope! They are the easy ones to pick off as experience shows Terms and conditions benefits gained in the past were hard won. They should not be given away lightly. In the economic situation we face today workers solidarity is more important than ever. That is another reason why union membership is paramount. To those who are not in membership reflect on this. Who will defend your current terms and conditions if you remain isolated? JOIN THE UNION! We have a hard task to not only protect what has been gained in the past but to improve on existing terms and conditions of employment. That will only happen through strong union membership and representation. Now more than ever is the time to join the union to protect your own position. One thing this recession proves – being isolated and alone is no protection. Hope to hear from you. 3 WHY MAKE A WILL? HELEN SCOTT-PARKER TALKS ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF MAKING A WILL Many people dismiss the idea of making a will, especially if they are relatively young and healthy. But a will contains your wishes to be read after you die and describes whom you wish your belongings and assets to go too. You have probably heard stories about what happened to people who did not have a will; the cost it took to sort out the deceased’s estate and who was left feeling aggrieved. It’s a shame that in many cases solicitors are only called upon to sort out the mess when estates are contested. If a will had been drawn up previously by a legally qualified person then such heartache and cost would be avoided. At present the Law Commission is carrying out a review of the Intestacy rules which will be published in 2011. They state that Intestacy and family provision are important areas of the law, affecting a large number of families at times of financial and emotional vulnerability. The National Consumer Council also suggest that more than 27 million adults in England and Wales do not have a will and that those who need one most are the least likely to have one. For those without a will, Intestacy law is supposed to reflect what the deceased would have wanted, but very often does not achieve this. The rules include a fixed sum to be paid to your spouse and your children if they survive you. The remainder of the estate falls into a trust which will end on the spouse’s death. You may think this is unnecessarily difficult especially as, with a lot of families, the children are born to different parents or you are not married. A simple will prevents this worry and can also appoint guardians for your children. In addition, the amounts paid to your spouse and children may be insufficient. What if your husband or wife only gets the house or part of it and no money? Also any dependents not covered by the statutory Intestacy rules would have a claim on your estate So what if you still haven’t got a will by the time you die? The people entitled to your estate under the Intestacy rules can draw up a will for you within two years of your death to direct money to relatives and / or friends not covered by the rules. You may think this is ok, but this means your relatives are put to the task of thinking about what you would have wished to happen. For example it might be a case of “he would never have forgotten his friend Bill?” or “She would have left something for her neighbour Janet wouldn’t she?” If you want to make things simpler then making a will is a must. It is a simple process and will be done before you know it. There’s no need to be superstitious about wills ‘tempting fate’ – I’m now on my third will! Wills can be changed as many times as you want and they are not expensive to make. Ideally this should be done when you get married or divorced and of course if you have children. If you need more information and advice on making a will, speak to an expert at MWR Solicitors today in strictest confidence. Call 01772 254201 or visit FOODWORKER 4 NATIONAL PRESIDENT RONNIE DRAPER WRITES CONFERENCE WITH A DIFFERENCE Once again we have arrived at the time of year when our delegates will be gathering for Annual Conference in Bridlington. Same place, same time of year and many of the same faces, yet I expect this to be a conference with a difference? Yes many of the topics up for debate will be similar to those of years gone by and many of the arguments will have been well rehearsed over that period of time. NO RESTING ON LAURELS With a minimum of 103 motions already on the agenda we are guaranteed that there will be no time for resting on our laurels. Time will be precious but not just because of the number of motions, but because of the content of the motions. I am sure Annual Conference 2009 will be seen as a defining conference, one that will need to explode many of the past myths and traditions whilst at the same time planning a winning path for the future of the organisation. For many years now we have suffered a steady reduction in the numbers of people we have in membership and it is clearly a trend that cannot continue if we are to remain the only independent trade union for food workers. We have to arrest this decline and we have to do it now. We do not have the luxury of time on our side in our quest for change and that puts extra pressure on the decision makers at conference. Over the past few months there have been a series of meetings convened in every region that have been co-ordinated to gather both individual and collective ideas of how we see our future. There has been talk of having too many officials for the amount of members, too many executive members, too many districts for a union of our size. But whilst all these points have some validity and some of these areas will have to be seriously looked at, the main problem is that we just don’t have enough members for the structure that we have. You can hide an official or an executive member in a membership of 5000 but you can never hide 5 officials in a membership of 1000. MEMBERSHIP MUST GROW Whilst we have to get the union structure right as a matter of urgency the overriding fact is that we need to grow membership and grow it now. It is easy to take the nuclear option and start handing out redundancy notices as a short term option but it only serves to meet a demand at that particular time. What happens if membership them falls further because we have not got the bodies to spend quality time organising and recruiting, do we then get the knife out again for more savage cuts? The executives preferred option is to go for growth by releasing more officials from industrial relations into organising, working on the premise that with more sales people we are in with a better chance of a sale. We are hoping that the talks that we have had will help us to achieve change successfully, change that is done by consensus and meaningful discussion rather that imposition. There is very little scope for other options that allow us to meet our commitment to independence and so the weight of expectation on conference delegates’ shoulders this year is massive. I am sure that it is a challenge that we all relish and one that we can resolve together? Of course whilst delegates are voting on change every other member of the union can play their own part in our future by helping recruit new members. Maybe it is the person standing next to you at work, maybe a family member who works elsewhere; maybe you have a friend who works in an establishment that has no union. It could be the person who works behind the counter in your local grocery store or behind the bar at your local? It does not matter who they are or where they work, they have the potential to become a member and you can be the link between individual and union. The line between success and failure is sometimes a little fuzzy but with the right commitment and a little luck we can and will succeed. UNION LEARNER REPS Talking of conference it would be remiss of me not to mention the fabulous Union Learner Representatives conference held in Docklands earlier this year. Everything from the venue to the level of debate smacked of professionalism and I believe anyone would be hard pressed to find even the smallest fault. The whole of the Learning Services team, the ULR’s, the speakers and guests can be proud of what was delivered that weekend and for the inspiration that it will bring in the future. No wonder we consistently surpass the targets set by the ULF. The only problem is how do you better it next year? Ronnie Draper FOODWORKER 5 ULF UPDATE At the end of the first year of funding for the round 11 funding term, we have seen many successes and achievements across our sites. We should all be very proud of this. The BFAWU Learning Services Centre Strategy is effectively supporting over 45 online workplace learning centres and the good news is that there are many more waiting to come onboard. Both Northern Ireland and Scotland have opened their first ever learning centres and Wales continues to progress in how they develop workplace learning centres and their learning agenda. It is very clear that our implementation by Dorban Ippoma, National ULF Project Manager of our centre strategy is working as there has been a huge amount of interest shown by partners also wishing to access our national e-learning provision. We have trebled the amount of learners accessing our IT courses since leaving Learndirect and this activity continues to grow, which again illustrates the excellent work being undertaken by learning staff and ULRs. The e-learning provision will shortly be enhanced again with the introduction of Skills for Life (SfL) courses, incorporating the National Test. We will aim to emulate the same level of success as the IT courses and build on past achievements and recognition that has been acknowledged from our peers. The introduction of SfL courses will benefit our centres across the UK in offering a wider selection of courses and a more productive progression route for our learners. This will enable learners on entry level courses to progress their learning and acquire a national certificate as part of their progression and continuing personal development (CPD) supported by the existing BFAWU management systems and new systems of support being installed, which will be ready for the 1 June 2009. To maintain the high standard of support, it is vital that learning staff and ULRs acquire further skills to meet the requirements of supporting a national project with our outlook and level of development. Therefore, any changes that are introduced across the project are done to enhance the learning agenda and raise the level of learning activity. This will apply to our e-learning dyslexia awareness course were we aim to take our existing format and develop it with the addition of new equipment and technology. The equipment will be purchased in the near future and will allow the project to explore and develop course materials that will incorporate the use of 3D imagery. This has not been done before in workplace learning and will open new doors for the project and union to explore and experiment further. Employers and other unions have shown an interest in this development by requesting that dyslexia courses be run for their organisations on site. At the ULR Conference in London (February 2009) a workshop was run illustrating what this new technology could actually do, which was well received by delegates. If the project wishes to continue to lead the way across the trade union movement in how we support and service members, learners and partners in workplace learning, we need to keep introducing and implementing new innovative ideas to our already active successful learning agenda. INVITATION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT I was invited to the European Parliament in Brussels by MEP Robert Evans last year and was only too happy to take up his offer. I was taken around to see the main sites and also had the opportunity to sit through a sitting of parliament, which was very informative. The duration of the trip was over three days and excursions were planned throughout the stay, which made the whole experience extremely enjoyable. I funded the trip personally and also received a subsidy from Robert Evans Office, which I willingly accepted. It would be great if we could take a group of ULRs on the same visit to Brussels, not only would they enjoy the city of Brussels, but it would also give them an invaluable learning experience. If I can arrange a further subsidy with an MEP to make the trip possible I will let you know. invited by Robert Evans MEP for Dinner in Brussels 6 FOODWORKER OPENING OF WARBURTON’S WAKEFIELD LEARNING CENTRE Out of all the learning centre openings I have attended in the past few years I have never seen such an organised event as this one. It was run with military precision and the employees involved were excellent in how they took small groups of people on a factory tour and were very informative in explaining the various processes and products produced from the plant. I met many members and employees from the shop floor which was great as I had the opportunity to listen to their comments regarding learning and their hopes for the new facility. The day just got better when I was shown the learning centre, which was superb in every way and is a credit to the work of Joe Knapper, ULRs, management and everyone involved. It was a fantastic day and one that I will certainly never forget. Top right: Alan Rowe Unionlearn, Ed Balls, Janet Goodwin Project Worker & Dorban Ippoma Project Manager Bottom right: Dorban Ippoma with the Spice Girls at the Warburton’s Tuscany Centre Opening TUC BLACK WORKERS CONFERENCE 2009 Men and women from across the trade union movement met in Scarborough from 24th – 26th April for the annual TUC Black Workers Conference. At the conference, representatives called for more training opportunities for Black and Asian workers. According to the Labour Force Survey 2008, 32% of Black and Asian workers had not been offered training by their current employer in the last three months. However, according to previous TUC research, those who are members of a trade union are twice more likely to receive training than colleagues who are not in a union. Union representatives debated issues such as community cohesion, challenging racism in the workplace and institutionalised workplace bullying and harassment. Unionlearn, the TUC's learning and skills organisation, is also in the process of releasing a film to celebrate the achievements of Black and Asian union learning reps (ULRs), who have helped to encourage over 200,000 people back into education in workplaces across the country. Featuring interviews with Black and Asian ULRs from Leicester, Leeds and Bradford, this film highlights the benefits to business and employees when trade unions and employers work together to increase skills levels. Conference attendees – (left to right) Parminder Singh (ULR RF Brookes Leicester), Norville Grazette (ULR Allied Bakeries, Stevenage), Asif Karin (ULR RF Brookes Leicester), Dorban Ippoma (BFAWU National Project Manager) and Guljinder Purewal (ULR RF Brookes Leicester) FOODWORKER 7 WE WELCOME A NEW TEAM MEMBER The administrator’s position has now been filled and Elodie Smith will be joining the team on a three months trial period initially. We would like to welcome Elodie and wish her well in her new role. For those of you who are attending National Conference this year, Elodie will be there so you can meet her in person. This position will enable the project to monitor and evaluate learning progression more effectively especially with regards to tracking site contact mainly through correspondence. It will also enable the call centre in London to run more efficiently due to more cover in responding to queries from members, learners and partners. This addition will also allow the Project Manager to be released to perform other much needed duties in addressing project and learning issues across the regions. Elodie Smith, BFAWU Project Administrator TUC UNIONLEARN EVENT CELEBRATES REACHING THE TARGET OF 22,000 UNION LEARNING REPS EARLY Representatives from the BFAWU attended the above event where John Denham, MP, Secretary of State of DIUS presented an award to Joanna Szmit (a Polish bus driver from Metroline, London), who was the 22000 ULR to be trained and represented the group. The Rt Hon John Denham MP went on to say: My warmest congratulations to the unions on successfully carrying through this training programme. With their real-life experience and credibility union learning reps are your best friends in the workplace - colleagues who can advise, support and even coerce you into doing the right thing. This is a fantastic return on the Government's investment in union learning. Keep up the good work and train many more.' It is quite evident that ULRs have played an invaluable role in workplace learning and through trade union support, have supported tens of thousands of local people in the workplace to learn, progress and change their lives. These ULRs have dedicated their time, effort and enthusiasm to help others to engage with learning. Pictured are, top left, John Denham MP (centre) and Joanna Szmit ULR, cutting the celebration cake and, top right, ULRs Jarek Belka and Kendra Walker with Les Flowerdew, Training Officer, Hovis, Leicester and Dorban Ippoma, National Project Manager THE BRIAN HILTON EDUCATIONAL FUND The Brian Hilton Educational Fund was created in 2005 and is predominantly there to fund ULRs who wish to enhance their knowledge and skills. Depending on your circumstances and the course you are doing, you may be able to get financial help through the above fund to pay for course fees. The BFAWU Learning Services would therefore like to invite ULRs to apply for an Educational Award through the fund to support attendance on an educational course. If there is a huge demand for funding, applications will be considered and awarded on merit. The fund is mainly sponsored by the union solicitors MWR, Thompsons and Watkins & Gunn with the addition of funds from the ULR Conference raffle. If ULRs wish to access this fund please contact Christina Christou ( for an application form. FOODWORKER 8 ULR PROGRESSION It gives great pleasure in seeing our ULRs grow in confidence and show a level of commitment that can only be to the benefit of the union. Our centres are becoming well supported from within the sites and many Branch Secretaries have become involved, which has enhanced the progression of ULRs being supported in obtaining release to perform their duties. The learning services staff continue to see ULRs supporting their learning agenda with a more sustainable outlook to becoming self-sufficient in supporting their own site's learning needs. This is what we aimed to achieve when we reorganised the learning services and agenda back in April 2004. It has been well documented that the project has come a long way in a short time and continue to see our ULRs prosper with others recognising the work they do. However, we need to continue to support and direct our ULRs to a level that sees all our sites learning agendas at an equal balance of representation across the UK. We are currently working with the GFTU to put in place a more direct programme of ULR training that will hopefully eliminate the cancellation of ULR courses at short notice. We will also be monitoring ULR progression more closely to establish a more efficient service in training and supporting ULRs. Therefore, the progression of ULRs development will play a major role in how the project and our sites we represent develops in the future. I sincerely would like to thank all ULRs for their input and commitment and what they have achieved and will go on to achieve in the future. Well done to you all, you’re a group of very special people and a credit to your union for the work you perform and how you have progressed since the re-organisation of the learning services. Never forget that in times of frustration, when overcoming hurdles in the workplace is all you seem to come up against, be patient, be tolerant and never give up your objective in reaching your goal. We at the learning services will do all that we possibly can to support your progression in achieving what you set out to achieve John Caradine Branch Secretary Hovis, Avonmouth Addressing the BFAWU ULR Conference in London Kendra Walker receiving her award from National ULR Chair Bill Adams Rowena Rooney receiving her award FOODWORKER 9 ULR AWARDS CEREMONY – DOWNING STREET Congratulations to Mick Neville and Alan Oaks who both received a medal in recognition of their contribution to reading. Mick, Alan, Janet Goodwin and I were invited to Downing Street by the Prime Minister ’s wife, Sarah Brown. This was a very proud day for the ULRs and Learning Services to be recognised in such a way and see our ULRs shine when receiving this award, which is fantastic for the union. After the award ceremony at Downing Street we were taken to the Atrium Venue in Westminster to attend another reading event, where we met and chatted to MPs and listened to guest speakers talking about how successful the reading programme had been across the country. We were then taken across London by a limousine, courtesy of Downing Street, to the London Gala Dinner were we met Labour Party MPs and Gordon Brown. I am happy to say we had another chat with Sarah Brown about the brilliant day we all had. Mick Neville said. “I will remember this day for as long as I live. It’s been fantastic in every way, there were moments I had to pinch myself it was not all a dream. Brilliant day and all the hard work and effort Alan and I have put into supporting the reading programmes is all worth it. The award I received today was for all our learners, Fletchers Bakeries, the union and Learning Services and I am very proud of what has been achieved at Fletchers Sheffield. This award has motivated me even more in supporting reading and learning in the workplace.” I have to say these guys have been great in how they have achieved a lot in a limited amount of time, congratulations to you both and you fully deserve all the recognition you have experienced to date. Top: Janet Goodwin, Mick Neville ULR, Sarah Brown & Dorban Ippoma at the London Labour Party Gala Dinner Bottom: Learning Services engage John Prescott at the London Gala Dinner after the ULRs award ceremony at 10 Downing Street 10 FOODWORKER ULR CONFERENCE WORKING IN PARTNERSHIP 2009 The ULR Conference was once again an excellent event with a comprehensive agenda that captivated new methods of learning, diversity and new learning initiatives. It gets harder and harder each year to maintain the high standards in keeping with previous years agendas, but Christina Christou continues to organise a conference that captivates the delegation and gets better each year. Delegates feedback has been excellent and I thank you all for the many e-mails saying how you enjoyed the whole event and we look forward in seeing you at the conference next year. FOODWORKER 11 12 FOODWORKER PRESTON 2009: WORKERS MEMORIAL DAY 'REMEMBER THE DEAD, FIGHT FOR THE LIVING' – THE CAMPAIGN SLOGAN SAYS IT ALL It’s a day designed to focus the mind on remembering those who have died in the workplace or as a result of a work-related accident, disease or illness. It is also a day to support the continuing fight for workers’ health and safety rights through union organisations and trade union councils who are at the forefront of the campaign. Health and safety is often something which “other people take care of” but it affects us all. Current legislation and any future legislation has been, and will have to be, hard earned by all campaigning bodies. Events such as the Workers Memorial BFAWU General Secretary Joe Marino addressing the event at Preston Day serve to remind our fellow trade unionists and the public at large of the continuing need for action as in this increasingly competitive recession-hit times companies big and small continue to look to cut costs. Health and safety is perceived, wrongly, as a necessary evil by many so Workers Memorial Day then is a chance to show support for all who are campaigning for workers’ health and safety rights and also to show respect to those who have paid the ultimate price. The BFAWU turned out in force for this year’s Workers Memorial Day which was addressed by our General Secretary Joe Marino, who spoke about how trade unions were campaigning to force the government to be tougher on bad employers, the importance of Workers Memorial Day and the need to have the day recognised, and the forthcoming event led by the BFAWU Parliamentary group that would see a cross section of trade unions and MPs holding an event in the Houses of Parliament on the 28th April. The day started off with the handover of a torch from Chorley Trades Union Council who had launched the Workers Memorial Campaign on Friday evening. This is a new addition to the event and will lead to a weekend of activities in future years to mark the occasion. The representatives from Chorley Trades Union Council were led in by a bagpiper, then the event in Preston began with Father Lipscombe holding prayers for those who had died since last year‘s event just by attending work. Other speakers, including Mark Hendrick, Preston Labour MP, spoke about the need to stop workers dying in the workplace and spoke of some of the Government’s initiatives in this area. Sadiq Vohra of MWR also addressed the event, speaking on the consequences that, as solicitors, they have had to deal with and also gave information relating to the statistics around issues of safety. There were also speakers from local trade union branches who spoke alongside the organiser Andy Birchall. There was then a release of 50 pigeons, a symbol of the deaths that had occurred in the last year in the North West. There then followed a march to lay wreaths at the statue of the Preston martyrs This statue commemorates four workers – George Sowerbutts, a 19 year old weaver from Chandler Street employed at Gardner’s Mill, Bernard McNamara, a cotton stripper aged 17 from Birk Street employed at Oxendale’s mill, William Lancaster, aged 25, and John Mercer, aged 27, a handloom weaver from Ribbleton Lane – who on 13th August 1842, at this end of Lune Street, in the presence of the Chief Constable and the Mayor, were shot by troops of the 72nd Highlanders. All four young workers died between one and six days after the shooting. Their crime was to go on strike. A plaque kindly donated by MWR solicitors has also been placed at the site to commemorate workers who were killed. The event finished with a social gathering at the Meadow street Labour club. Geoff Higginbottom, a local folk singer and a great supporter of the Workers Memorial Day, gave renditions of some classic trade unionist songs which along with the company and cheap beer is what makes the event such a special occasion. Let’s hope next year’s event is to remember the dead and to celebrate that no one else has died due to going to work. Ian Hodson FOODWORKER Above: Father Lipscombe and the bagpiper at the head of the march of trade union representatives Below: The march showing the banners and Right: The BFAWU banner 13 FOODWORKER 14 LABOUR REPRESENTATION COMMITTEE FEEDBACK REPORT 01-12-08 by TONY RICHARDSON, LRC NATIONAL COMMITTEE DELEGATE Approximately 3 years ago at the TUC congress a number of Trade Union leaders on the left re-launched the Labour Representation Committee. The organisation was intended as a counter balance to the lurch to the right of the Blair Labour Government and also as a rallying point for activists on the left from Trade unions and the Labour party. Over this time the LRC has been very active and built a large national organisation the National organisation is headed up by John Mc Donnell MP & Tony Benn and other leading Labour Activists (including our own Joe Marino having a high profile) there have been 3 National conferences, membership has increased significantly to approx 1500 nationally, 6 National Unions have affiliated including the Bakers Union, many Regional LRC committees have been formed, many Union branches have affiliated (including Rathbones 558), sister organisations outside the Labour party have affiliated and the LRC have started a full programme of campaigning on behalf of the Labour movement and started to begin the process of influencing Labour party policy on behalf of working people in an effort to reclaim the Labour party for its roots. I sit on the National Executive along with Joe as one of the 2 Bakers Union delegates, and I am active in the West Yorkshire LRC. I have reported previously on the LRC but we are now growing into a formidable political organisation gaining in influence across the left in Britain. LRC AGM 2008 This year’s AGM was held on the 15th Nov at Conway hall in London, It was opened by Tony Benn & John McDonnell MP, there were 200+ delegates, the conference ran for a full day and we debated 20+ resolutions ranging from policy matters through to current events and electoral issues. The motions were from National Unions, sister organisations and Union branches, our branch Rathbones 558 raised a motion on the European Court Rulings, the debates were stimulating and ran to time, the motion that caused the most controversy was one from the Alliance for Workers Liberty calling for the LRC to support Left candidates against Blairite Labour party candidates in elections, but this was soundly beaten. We had two International speakers one from Iceland and one from Norway both spoke concisely on the issues of the day and were very supportive of the LRC, there was a discussion on the very successful “Convention of the Left” that was held throughout this years Labour Party conference in Manchester and the LRC voted to continue our support. The day was excellent we discussed many important political issues and once again put the LRC firmly on the political map. CURRENT CAMPAIGNING ISSUES: THE WELFARE REFORM BILL, POST PRIVATISATION Affiliation We at Rathbones 558 have affiliated our branch and I want to encourage others to do the same, you can do this by going onto the LRC website at uk or you can contact me at tonyrich44@ and I will assist you in affiliating. The LRC is an exciting opportunity for the Labour Movement to begin the fight back and reclaim the ground lost through the Thatcher & Blair years an opportunity too good to miss. Tony Richardson Rathbones 558 LRC National Committee Delegate Bakers Union EUROPEAN WORKERS CONFERENCE 7th/8th FEBRUARY 2009, FEEDBACK REPORT by TONY RICHARDSON DELEGATE On the weekend of the 7th/ 8th of February 09 I attended a conference in Paris organised by the French Independent Workers Party, I was invited by French colleagues I have worked with on various Trade Union campaigns through the Labour Party, LRC, and Trades Council. The theme of the conference was the recent European Court of Justice rulings, Laval, Ruffert, Viking & Luxembourg (that have done a great deal of damage to European Trade Union rights) and the current economic crisis and was attended by approx 175 delegates from 23 European countries from all levels of the movement. There were many contributions from all sections of the European Trade Union & Labour Movement which were particularly strong from the Eastern European delegates, we took reports from delegates on the resistance in many countries to the attack on workers and I had the chance to speak and report on the recent strikes in Britain. As the conference preceded the current Economic crisis and the massive bailout of Europe’s banks was widely discussed and the question asked “why have the billions been spent on rescuing corrupt fat cat bankers and nothing for the workers”? I would hope that members would agree that this is an injustice, and once again it will be the working class, ordinary hard working families that will pay the massive price for Capitalism’s failures. During the weekend I had the chance to network with Irish TEEU National officials, a delegate from the RMT (Alex Storey) and colleagues running the resistance to the EU treaty vote in Ireland, among others. On the Sunday I attended a rally of the Independent Workers Party, which had approx 4000 participants in the hall. The theme of the rally was a continuation of the earlier conference and a call to Trade Unionists and working class activists across Europe to defend their rights against the onslaught of recent ECJ Judgments and the EU treaty which if Ireland are forced into a “Yes” vote will soon be implemented with possible disastrous effects for workers rights in Europe. I feel it was very important for me to attend the conference we discussed many of the very serious issues facing Trade Unionists across Europe, I had the opportunity to network on our behalf, make valuable links and advocate for the Bakers Union with our colleagues in Europe, ensuring our voice was heard and our point of view considered in these very important matters. Yours Sincerely Tony Richardson BFAWU West Yorkshire FOODWORKER 15 By Ronnie Draper Summer 2009 HEALTH AND SAFETY INVESTIGATIONS FALL At a time when the BFAWU are actively campaigning for increased resources for the Health and Safety Executive new research published by Unite the Union would appear to substantiate that under funding has led to a severe decline in investigation into major accidents as well as injuries sustained by members of the public. The research shows that over the 5 year period between 2001/2 and 2006/7 investigations into major accidents fell by 43% and in 2006/7 which is the last year for which published statistics are available, only 10.5% of major injuries reported to the HSE were investigated. Some of the major injuries that workers suffered that were not investigated included, poisoning, amputations, severe burns and asphyxiations. Another statistic that should set the alarm bells ringing is the fact that over the same 5 year period there was a 69% reduction in “over 3 day” reportable accident investigated as well as a significant reduction in the number of dangerous occurrences investigated by the HSE. The national health and safety committee are looking into reports that there is a move within some companies to bring people into work with fairly serious injuries prior to the third day to avoid having another reportable on their hands. Incredible but true. Where does this fit with worker welfare? It has little to do with rehabilitation and more to do with the good name of the company. and safety but there are still many who use the fact that they are unlikely to have a visit from an inspector as a conduit to short cutting health and safety in the workplace. We cannot continue to allow workers to have their health, safety and welfare compromised by unscrupulous employers who put profit before people. Health and safety has to be made an election issue and potential candidates have to be made to commit to improving standards. Why not write to your Member of Parliament to see where they stand on the campaign for increased funding for the Health and Safety Executive? If they require any further information or would like to support the BFAWU campaign, they can contact Head Office on 01707 260150 NATIONAL PRESIDENT SPEAKS ON WORKERS MEMORIAL DAY Despite the criticisms aimed at the Tories for the decimation of the HSE during their years in power, the Labour government has done little if anything to improve the situation over the last 12 years. In fact between 2003 and 2007 the number of HSE inspectors fell from 1651 down to 1389, a reduction of 262 and where the figure is now is anyone’s guess? If we are to reduce the amount of serious injuries and fatalities then we have to have a massive injection of resources to the Health and Safety Executive. The vast majority of employers have exceptional records in health Photo: Mick Holder FOODWORKER 16 WHO CAN HELP YOU BUDGET FOR HEALTHCARE? WESTFIELD CAN! T H E R E C E S S I O N N O T O N LY AFFECTS OUR FINANCES – IT CAN BE DAMAGING TO OUR HEALTH TOO. Every day we are faced with a gloomier picture as companies are hit financially and the unemployment toll rises. As a result, British workers may be feeling the pressure of the credit crunch, working extra hours, and worrying about job security and whether the family budget can stretch to cover routine healthcare such as dental check ups and eye tests. All of this can not only have a detrimental effect on your physical health, but also on your mental health, as it can cause tiredness, stress and depression. In times of recession, people can struggle to find the money to pay for healthcare. Think back to the healthcare costs you’ve incurred within the past year – you may be surprised at the amount you have spent. Whether it’s an eye test, a new pair of glasses, a filling at the dentist’s or physiotherapy for back pain, these costs can mount up. A health cash plan can be a welcome employee benefit for members as it provides money back towards the cost of everyday healthcare such as dental treatment, eye care, physiotherapy and chiropractic treatment. When looking for a healthcare solution for staff, employers will be looking for value. From as little as £1 per employee, per week, employers can purchase a cash plan for their workforce, which can help them to boost staff morale, motivation and productivity, and also help to recruit and retain staff. Sheffield-based Westfield Health is one of the UK’s leading health cash plan providers. The not for profit organisation was established in 1919 when hospitals were facing a financial crisis after the First World War. Now, the cash plan provider is in its 90th year and is still providing affordable healthcare plans to meet the changing needs of employers and employees. greatly reduce the chance that back pain will recur. Westfield Health has been working in partnership with the Bakers, Food and Allied Worker’s Union (BFAWU) for many years, to provide corporate paid plans to its members. The British Medical Journal claims that if you miss work due to back pain you could reduce your absence levels by up to five weeks if you receive prompt physiotherapy treatment. Jim McLelland, Scotland’s BFAWU Organising Secretary, said: “In the past we have had some very positive feedback from members who have told us that their Westfield plan has helped them manage absence as part of a sickness absence management programme.” So it ’s good to know that most Westfield Health cash plans offer a T h e r a p y Tr e a t m e n t b e n e f i t , which enables employees to get physiotherapy quickly and claim back the costs, up to set limits. The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy claims that back pain accounts for up to five million lost working days every year. But early treatment can A corporate cash plan is an excellent risk management tool as it helps to reduce sickness absence and reduce the risk of musculoskeletal related litigation. But it also protects against stress related claims. FOODWORKER Evidence is already mounting that pressures triggered by the recession are increasing stress levels. Samaritans have recently reported an increase in calls from people suffering from stress as a result of financial worries and concerns over job security. Stress can cause sleep disruption, changes in eating patterns, anxiety and tiredness, as well as physical symptoms such as chest pains, dizziness and muscular pain. Counselling can help to break problems down into more manageable portions and allow someone to regain control, therefore managing some of the debilitating side effects of stress. Many of Westfield’s cash plans include a 24 hour counselling and advice line, which enables employees to speak to a fully trained counsellor, lawyer or medical adviser at any time in complete confidence. The service is also available to resident family members. In addition, some corporate cash plans offer up to six face to face counselling sessions. Jim McLelland said: “Westfield’s cash plans are a cost-effective way to look after staff in an economic downturn. The counselling line and face to face sessions are an excellent means of guiding people towards the help they need. “This benefit can play a big part in making our members feel better, sooner and in getting them back to work as soon as possible, which is beneficial for both the employer and the employee.” * G o v e r n m e n t T h i n k Ta n k , t h e Foresight Group FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT WESTFIELD HEALTH’S CORPORATE PLANS, CALL 0845 602 1629 OR VISIT 17 PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEE BUILDS MOMENTUM IN HEALTH AND SAFETY It is surprising how much can be achieved in such a short time if you have the right contacts and the commitment to succeed? Campaigns that we have been running for years without reward or movement all of a sudden seem to have a little momentum. So what has changed? Well the biggest single factor has to be the formation of the BFAWU Parliamentary committee late in 2008. Comprising of 30 Labour Members of Parliament, a few administrators and our two national officers, plus the power to co-opt others, the committee has already made significant progress particularly on our health and safety campaigns. For many years we have actively campaigned for the setting of a maximum working temperature without success. We have had motions before TUC and GFTU conferences; we have taken part in studies at the Health and Safety laboratories, we have lobbied the HSE head office at Rose Court and spoken at countless meetings all without much reward. But in February 2009, the Chair of our Parliamentary group, John McDonnell MP, raised an early day motion that has engendered a response from the Minister James Parnell, who in turn has written to the Health and Safety Executive asking them to relook at this problem. Through the committee we are renewing our call for Workers Memorial Day to be recognised as a national day of remembrance and for increased funding for the HSE. This will culminate in a special seminar being held on April 28th 2009 (Workers Memorial Day), at the House of Commons that will be headlined by our union. We expect MP’s, trade unions and other interested parties to join us in calling for successful conclusions to both these campaigns. Realistically we will struggle to get another holiday commemorating Workers Memorial Day as the motion to last year’s conference asked for, but if we can achieve recognition by government in much the same way as Canada has done then we will have moved mountains. The reason we have combined the issue of increased funding with Workers Memorial Day is to highlight the fact that less inspectors means less enforcement and less enforcement potentially equates to more serious injuries, increased occupational illness and more fatalities. Whilst the BFAWU committee is still in its infancy it is already becoming a powerful lobby within Parliament with many issues to campaign on. Starting with the campaign over the scandal at Lyndale Foods and the perils of below cost selling through to the health and safety issues mentioned above the Parliamentary group has made an excellent start. Our sincere thanks go out to John McDonnell MP, Simeon Andrews, Mary Partington, the associated Labour MP’s and everyone else who has helped us highlight the injustices of our industry at the very highest government level. For more information on the BFAWU Parliamentary Group contact Head Office FOODWORKER 18 NEW PENALTIES FOR HEALTH AND SAFETY BREACHES You will remember from the spring issue of foodworker that from January this year a new piece of legislation came into force that greatly increased the powers of the courts to penalise those employers who flout health and safety laws. The Health and Safety Offences Act 2008 which covers the whole of the UK amends the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and significantly increases the maximum fines that the Magistrates Court can dole out from £5000 up to £20,000 for those who breach health and safety legislation. On top of the power to raise fines the new law allows for more offences to be included for which a prison sentence could be a possible outcome. Prison tariffs can be up to 12 months in the lower court and up to 2 years in the Crown court. Another major difference is the ability to hear cases in either the higher or lower courts as opposed to the past when most breaches could only be heard in the lower courts. The effect of this change is that unlimited fines can now be levied if the trial goes before the Crown Court. It is refreshing to hear Department of Work and Pensions minister, Lord McKenzie giving his views on the new legislation when he said “It is generally accepted that the level of fines for some health and safety offences is too low. These changes will ensure that sentences can now be more easily set at a level to deter businesses that do not take their health and safety management responsibilities seriously and further encourage employers and others to comply with the law. Furthermore by extending the £20,000 maximum fine to the lower courts and making imprisonment an option more cases will be resolved in the lower courts and justice will be quicker, less costly and more efficient”. Hopefully the increased penalties will concentrate the minds of those who are tempted to take the health and safety shortcut? HSE WEBSITE A MUST FOR FOODWORKERS There was a time when getting up to date information on health and safety was a nightmare. Because it was not always the sort of topic that inspires people into action, any legislative change rarely makes headline news. New health and safety laws unlike great sporting occasions or a political scandal get very few front page column inches, instead they are tucked away somewhere on the bottom of page 15 or 26, just below the dog grooming adverts. Since the days of the internet things have steadily improved with many websites offering the most up to date information on whatever subject you wish to research. The biggest problem is that everybody puts their own slant on what has been said and this can lead to even greater levels of confusion when trying to unravel some of the most complex legislation around. Besides using the resources open to members through the BFAWU health and safety, the TUC and General Federation of Trade Unions and the specialist sites developed for specific areas of health and safety such as Asthma UK, there is now an excellent food section on the Health and Safety Executives website. This has not always been the case. Yes the HSE has always had an expertise in all aspects of health, safety and welfare, but in the past their website was like unravelling spaghetti or wool after the cat has had it. Looking for a specific item on the HSE website could have been a lengthy procedure that did not always lead to where you wanted to be or may have been a road to nowhere. But now they have produced an easy to use resource that has removed complexity and replaced it with user friendly browsers and that is a credit to everyone involved. You name the subject and after a few clicks of the mouse the answer should be at hand in a format that is easily understood and easily used. Despite the criticism surrounding the financial cuts inflicted on the HSE, this is one area where they have done astoundingly well under very difficult circumstances. Besides covering the full spectrum of health and safety issues likely to affect the food industry such as slips trips and falls, falls from height, stress, occupational illnesses, workplace transport etc, the food section now incorporates an excellent live issues page that is updated every month with the very latest developments and explanations of how they apply. To access the food section of the health and safety executives website go to and for the live issues and very latest information affecting the food industry go to htm FOODWORKER 19 THE BFAWU NOW OFFERS A FREE CREDIT CARD WHICH WON'T GET YOU INTO DEBT! y retar h sec ily? c n a ur br your fam ct yo onta o you or C ? t rk t wo de work ent a tsi ic traff Accid ident ou oad fault r r Acc e e aftre not at r hir e ca you we e r f ding here Incluidents w acc The co m Qualit plete accid e y assu red un nt helpline Free to ion law you – ye free to your f rs CALL amily 08 8 751 7 8 5 800 0 L CAL 00 58 7 7518 A CREDIT CARD THAT OFFERS: Free quality monitored legal services g Personal injury advice from experts g Free car hire if a road traffic accident is not your fault g Cover for you and your family g Freephone telephone access 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday g BFAWU legal helpline 0800 587 7518 GET YOUR FREE CREDIT CARD FROM YOUR BRANCH SECRETARY FOODWORKER 20 THE STATE PENSION AGE FOR WOMEN IS CHANGING The State Pension age for women is changing, and Department for Work and Pensions wants to make sure that those affected by the reforms understand what the changes will mean for them personally. Between April 2009 and January 2012, they will be writing to approximately 1.9m women to explain these changes. Women affected will receive a personalised letter telling them the date when they will be entitled to receive their State Pension, and a leaflet containing additional information about the further changes that will make State Pensions more generous and widely available, and signposts to sources of further information.Women will receive their mailing between 12 and 39 months prior to their 60th birthday. There will be no need for women to contact us unless their date of birth is incorrect, in which case they should do so using the telephone number in their letter. Changes to the State Pension age for women – key facts l From 2010, the State Pension age for women will increase gradually to 65, to bring it in line with the State Pension age for men l The State Pension age for women born after 5 April 1955 will be 65 l The age up to which customers will be able to get certain benefits, such as Jobseeker’s Allowance, Income Support or Employment and Support Allowance, will increase in line with the State Pension age l The minimum age for claiming benefits such as Pension Credit and Winter Fuel Payments will also increase in line with the State Pension age l Customers will still need to meet the necessary conditions to claim any benefits. These mailings are the first element in a wider communications initiative to ensure that STATE PENSION AGE EQUALISATION MAILING TIMETABLE Date of Birth Increase in SPa Dates when will Date of above 60 years turn 60 years mailing Notice period (i.e. amount of time between mailing and 60th birthday) 6.4.50-5.7.50 12 -15 months 1 - 3 months 6.4.10-6.7.10 Apr 2009 6.7.50-5.10.50 3-6 months 6.7.10-5.10.10 Jul 2009 12 -15 months 6.10.50-5.4.51 6-12 months 6.10.10-5.4.11 Oct 2009 12- 18 months 6.4.51 -5.10.51 12- 18 months 6.4.11 -5.10.11 Jan 2010 15-21 months 6.10.51 -5.4.52 1 8 - 24 months 6.10.11 -5.4.12 Apr 20 10 18-24 months 6.4.52-5.10.52 24 - 30 months 6.4.12-5.10.12 July 2010 21 -27 months 6.10.52-5.4.53 30 - 36 months 6.10.12-5.4.13 Oct 20 10 24 - 30 months 6.4.53-5.10.53 36 - 42 months 6.4.13-5.10.13 Jan 2011 27 - 33 months 6.10.53-5.3.54 42 - 47 months 6.10.13-5.3.14 April 2011 30 - 35 months 6.3.54-5.8.54 47 - 52 months 6.3.14-5.8.14 July 2011 32 - 37 months 6.8.54-5.1.55 52 - 57 months 6.8.14-5.1.15 Oct 20 11 34 - 39 months 6.1.55-5.4.55 57 - 60 months 6.1.15-5.4.15 Jan 2012 36 - 39 months everyone affected by the reforms understands them, knows what action they need to take and where to go for more information. More information on the changes to women’s State Pension age, and a calculator that anyone can use to work out their exact State Pension age, can be found at www. Further changes will be introduced from April 2024, when the State Pension age for everyone born after 5 April 1959 will increase gradually to 68 by April 2046. More information about the Government’s wider programme of pension reform can be found at We have contacted you because you told us that you would like to receive information from the DWP via the Publicity Register. If your address details are incorrect, please amend this letter and return it to: The COI Publicity Register, LBM House, Atlantic Street, AltrinchamWA145FY. April – Increases to State Benefits, introduction of new rights and tougher enforcement of NMW l A 5 per cent increase in the state pension (based on the September RPI) despite RPI now standing at 0 per cer cent, the biggest rise since 2001. The pension will increase from £90.70 to £95.25. Pension credit will increase by the highest amount ever from £124.05 to £130 per week for a single pensioner. Working Tax Credit also up by 5 per cent. l Introduction of the Health in Pregnancy Grant, a one-off payment of £190, available from the 25th week of pregnancy, to help support the general health and well-being of pregnant women in the later stages of pregnancy, and to help them meet some of the costs in the run up to the birth. l The child element of the Child Tax Credit will increase by £75 above indexation from April 2009. This includes the extra £25 which has been brought forward from April 2010. l A 7.3 per cent increase in income tax personal allowances. l Child Benefit for the first child increases by 6.4 per cent. l The right to request flexible working extended to parents of children aged 16 or under. l Tougher enforcement of the national minimum wage, with a new automatic penalty of up to £5,000 on employers when they are found to be in arrears in addition to any arrears of pay owed to the workers. The most serious cases could lead to a criminal sentence or an unlimited fine. Special insurance rates for members BFAWU members and their families get the best of both worlds with UIA. Solid principles together with insurance premiums that will really suit your pocket. • Home insurance • Travel insurance • Motor insurance For instant cover, further information or your no-obligation quotation call now on the number below quoting reference BFAWU1 0845 842 8421* or save up to 15%** on-line at Lines are open Mon-Fri 8.30am - 8.00pm and Sat 9.00am - 1.00pm *For quality and protection your call will be recorded. UIA exchange information with other insurance companies and the police to prevent fraud.**Compared to the standard price you would be quoted if you called us. This only applies to home (buildings and contents) and travel insurance. BFAWU is an Introducer Appointed Representative of UIA (Insurance) Ltd, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Travel Insurance is underwritten by Fortis Insurance Ltd. Motor Insurance is arranged and administered by The OutRight Company UK Ltd. All these companies are authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. BFUP/08 FOODWORKER 22 OBITUARY Death of Roy Connell It is with great sadness that I have to inform you of the death of Roy Connell. Roy died on the 30th March 2009 and was buried on the 14th April 2009. Roy moved to Northampton in 1985 where he started work at Telfers 357 branch where he held the positions as Shop Steward, Branch Chairman and Branch Secretary he was also a regular District and Regional Board Delegate, he also attended many Annual Union Conferences and I’m sure he will always be remembered for his contributions in debate. Roy was Chairman of Far Cotton Residents also active in the successful Save Delapre Abbey campaign (a beauty spot in the middle of the town that the council tried to sell off) Roy was also at the forefront of the campaign to build the flood prevention scheme following the floods in our town in 1998. Politically Roy was strictly Old Labour and I am sure by this very brief article you wil see he will be sadly missed not just by his family but by the whole of our community. May he Rest in Peace. Dennis Nash. WELL DONE, JIM! James Flynn in receipt of his 40 year badge at his home in Newcastle. Although jim has been retired for a number of years he still has fond memories of working at the Carricks site which was at Cowgate, Newcastle until two years ago. It is now a housing estate. However, Jim is still fit and regularly goes out for a drink, meeting old workmates. Well done, Jim. Alan Milne Institute of Employment Rights CONFERENCES & SEMINARS FOR 2009-10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Agency Workers: Ending their abuse Redundancy and the law: Fear and economic uncertainty at work Employment Law Update 2009 TUPE Regulations: Possibilities and problems European Court of Justice Cases: Developing a strategy for trade unionists Single Equalities Act Occupational Pensions: Delayed wages subtracted? The Health Agenda at Work 9. The Information and Consultation of Employees Regulations WHO SHOULD ATTEND IER seminars and conferences are of great interest to trade unionists, employment lawyers, academics and students, equality officers, legal officers, NGOs and charities needing up-to date information. The Institute of Employment Rights The People’s Centre 50- 54 Mount Pleasant Liverpool L3 5SD p 0151 702 6925 f 0151 702 6935 email Phelim Mac Cafferty Projects and Events Officer Institute of Employment Rights 179 Preston Road Brighton East Sussex BN1 6AG t: 01273 330819 e: FOODWORKER 24 CONFERENCE DELEGATES 2009 105 105 108 109 109 109s 111 111 112 114 114 116 116s 116s 123 123 123 130 137 137 138 139 157 157 158 158 160 189 201 201 201 202 215 230 230 230 236 238 238 246 247 247 247 252 252 252 253 253 253s 256 256 256 273 277 284 Warburtons Warburtons Dagenham Twickenham Twickenham Twickenham Forest Gate Forest Gate Greenford Walthamstow Walthamstow Greggs of Enfield Greggs of Enfield Greggs of Enfield Stevenage Stevenage Stevenage Mitcham Erith Bakery Erith Bakery Erith SS Erith Tech Grain D’or Grain D’or Le Pain Croustillant Le Pain Croustillant LPC Logistics Brookwood Avonmouth Avonmouth Avonmouth Haydens S. West Dis Br RF Brookes R’Stone RF Brookes R’Stone RF Brookes R’Stone Allied bakeries ss Burtons Burtons Warburtons Allied Bakeries Allied Bakeries Allied Bakeries S. Wales Dis Br S. Wales Dis Br S. Wales Dis Br Greggs Treforest Greggs Treforest Greggs Treforest Avana Avana Avana AB Vansales/Drivers Warburtons Bristol Uglows Bro David Linwood Bro Emilio Fernandez Bro Michael Worrell Bro Oscar Onyemaechi Bro Godson Azu Bro Gary Lawood Bro Adel Mahmood Bro Mushtaq Mohammed Bro R.K Sharma Bro Kojo Acheampong Bro Johnson Appiah Bro Hamid Lubega Sis Peace Ellah-ayree Sis Ayesha Shaw Bro Norville Grazette Bro Norris Bob Bro Vince Payne Bro Cecil John Bro Rod Fletcher Bro Stan Brown Bro Patrick Kelly Bro Baljeet S. Gill Bro K Ganeshamoorthy Bro N Silvester Bro J. S. Kaloti Bro S. J. Singh Bro Tajinder Chauhan Bro Vinny Munoz-Cano Bro Jason Moore Bro John Caradine Bro Kevin Moore Bro Andrew Bryant Bro Pat Rowley Bro Alun Taylor Sis Hayley Powell Bro Bill Adams Bro Stephen Hudd Bro Colin Morgan Sis Amanda Wakefield Bro Robert McCourtney Bro John Newman Bro Philip Stephenson Bro Phillip Robinson Sis Gloria Martin Bro John Martin Bro John Harding Bro Mark Merdith Bro Stuart Jones Sis Stacey Oakley Bro Paul Crandon Bro Barry Symons Bro Mark Phippins Bro S. J. Andrews Bro Tony McDonnell Bro Nigel Mitchell 298 AB Launceston Bro Richard Theobald 301 Greggs Shops Sis Anita Giblin 302 AB West Bromwich Bro P. S Bhupla 302 AB West Bromwich Bro Sham Bensal 303 Greggs Bakery Bro Peter Cummins 307 Warburtons Bro Kevin Clarke 307 Warburtons Bro Phillip Middleton 312 Fine Lady Bro B Hanif 312 Fine Lady Bro A Hussain 313 Hardings Bro Raja Hussain 313 Hardings Bro Haroon Rashid 313 Hardings Sis Sandra Hogan 313a Hardings Sis Ann Wilkins 318 U.B Frozen Foods Sis Jackie Barnwell 318 U.B Frozen Foods Bro Archie Amplett 318 U.B Frozen Foods Bro Darren License 333 Fine Lady ss Bro N.S Bal 339 Manor Bro Martin Webster 343 RF Brookes Bro Asif Karim 343 RF Brookes Bro Parminder Singh 343 RF Brookes Bro Marcin Hinz 347 Jacobs Sis Mina Kamal 347 Jacobs Bro Mark Brookes 347 Jacobs Bro Mark Jayes 347 Jacobs Sis Ruksana Jacob 349 Northampton Bro William Thompson 352 RF Brookes SS Bro Steven Greatwood 352 RF Brookes SS Bro Hemant Shah 352 RF Brookes Bro Guljinder Purewal 353 BB Leicester Bro Balihar Sheemar 356 Midland Dist Br Sis Marion Baker 363 Pennine Engineers Bro Phillip Quanbrough 364 Pennine Foods Sis Deborah Loy 364 Pennine Foods Sis Ann-Marie Angell 364 Pennine Foods Bro Andrew Scrivens 365 Warburtons EastwoodBro Lee Pepper 367 Watnall Bro Dave Murdock 367 Watnall Bro A Hardy 367 Watnall Sis Kim Elvidge 375 Bakers Oven Sis C. Edgar 369 Walkers Bro Lee Rigley 388 Embreys Bro David Clarkson 388 Embreys Sis Julia Twiggo 390 Manor Bro Michael Blundred 390 Manor Sis Jean Morgan 390 Manor Sis Diane Forrester 392 BWM Dis Br Bro George Tittensor 3579 Gunstones Bro Steven Miskelly 3579 Gunstones Bro Paul Scothorne 3579 Gunstones Bro David Sorby 405 Preston Dist Br Bro John Williams 406 Crossfields Bro Roger Brookens 409Nb Shadsworth Sis Brenadette Delaney 415 Park Cake Bolton Sis Yvonne France 415 Park Cake Bolton Bro Arvid Patel 415 Park Cake Bolton Bro Ronnie Myers FOODWORKER 25 CONFERENCE DELEGATES 2009 417 417 417 417 418 418 418 419 419 420 420 424 424 424 429 429 429 429s 430 430 432 432 450 450 451 451 452 452 452 456 458 459 459 459 459s 460 461 466 472 500 503 503 503 504 504 505 505 506 507 507s 508 510 512 522 526 British Bakeries Bro Peter John Fox British Bakeries Sis Kath Alder British Bakeries Bro TonySedgewick British Bakeries Bro Andrew Atkinson Warburtons Bolton Bro Ian Gregory Warburtons Bolton Bro Graham Carter Warburtons Bolton Bro Keith Tustin Warburtons Variety Bro Desmond Pokrzywnicki Warburtons Variety Bro Joe McSherry Foxs Biscuits Bro Roy Harrison Foxs Biscuits Bro Glenn Wilkinson Sayers the Baker Bro John Wade Sayers the Baker Sis Monica Watkins Sayers the Baker Sis Lynn Williams Burtons (Bisc) Bro Jason Walley Burtons (Bisc) Sis Nicky Hill Burtons (Bisc) Bro DonRidgley Burtons (Bisc Staff) Bro PaulWorrall Liverpool Dist Br Bro John Fitzpatrick Liverpool Dist Br Bro Michael Egan Hotplate Bro John Owens Hotplate Bro PaulDalling Mcr District Br Sis Phylis Hession Mcr District Br Sis Marilyn McCarthy Sharrocks Bro Ian O’Donnell Sharrocks Bro Duncan Boulton Park Cake Oldham Bro David Gilmartin Park Cake Oldham Sis Julie Summersgill Park Cake Oldham Bro Mark Baker Soreen Bro David Urmston Golden West Bro David Hands Greggs Bro Ian Todd Greggs Bro P. White Greggs Sis L. Clarke Greggs Sis Dorothy Shuttleworth Kara Foods Bro Jeff Willan Lisas Bakery Bro PaulHey Park Cake SS Bro Seamus Farrelly Arkady Craigmillar Bro Colin Gerrard Scotland District Br Bro Ian Moodie Warburtons Scotland Bro Kevin Flood Warburtons Scotland Bro Chris Plunkett Warburtons Scotland Bro Mark McHugh Greggs Balliol Park Bro Brian Morrow Greggs Balliol Park Bro Mark Byrne N&D Dis Br Sis Vi Carr N&D Dis Br Bro DickPunshon Kookaburra Foods Sis Carole Golightly Peters Catherdral Bro Peter McDermott Peters Catherdral Sis Kath Suggett Lightbodys Sis Monica Currie Rathbones M’boroughBro John Oakley Dawn Fresh Bro TamGraham Westerhope Bro David Darling Allied Bakeries Bro Terry Caffrey 526 528 529 529 529 529s 529s 529s 530 543 543 543 544 547 553 555 555 558 560 560 561 561 566 566 568 568 568 571 577 577 580 580 580s 580s 582 582 582 582 586 587 589 701 702 703 703 703 706 709 711 714 715 716 Allied Bakeries Greggs of Cumbria Greggs of Gosforth Greggs of Gosforth Greggs of Gosforth Greggs of Gosforth Greggs of Gosforth Greggs of Gosforth Pride Valley Speedibake B’frd Speedibake B’frd Speedibake B’frd Delmonte Suma Foods Farmhouse Potato Speedibake W’Field Speedibake W’Field Rathebones W’Field W.Y Dis Br W.Y Dis Br BB Bradford BB Bradford Warburtons W’Field Warburtons W’Field Fox’s Fox’s Fox’s W. Jacksons SY District Br SY District Br Greggs of Yorkshire Greggs of Yorkshire Greggs of Yorkshire Greggs of Yorkshire Manor Manor Manor Manor McCambridge Group McCambridge Group Woodshead Superquinn S.I. District Branch Belfast District Br Limavady Portadown Portadown Portadown Mothers Pride Hyndmans Sunblest Dennys Flemings O’Kanes Bro Jason Brown Bro Kevin McClintock Sis Lizzie Dinning Bro Craig Olley Bro Brian Ellis Sis Joanne Wilson Sis Vivien Lennox Sis Marylin French Bro Keith Prest Bro PaulThresh Bro PaulSmithwhite Bro David Ratnik Bro Jim Sinclair Sis Rowena Rooney Bro PaulLague Bro Richard Stanley Bro Chris Beckwith Bro Chris Penn Bro M.J.Kelly Bro A.D.Richardson Bro Dave Suddards Bro Peter Barzak Bro Joe Knapper Bro PaulWilks Sis Helena England Sis Joanne Lamb Sis Geraldine Walker Bro Darren Lock Sis Olive Molloy Sis Dawn Vickers Bro Keith Hutchinson Bro David Kirk Sis RuthMarsh Sis Emma Harpman Sis Pauline McCarthy Bro AdeHyde Bro Demetrio Carlini Bro David Lawrence Bro S. Shah Bro I. Mehmood Bro S. Williamson Bro Richard McDonald Bro Edward Burke Bro John Halliday Bro John S Halliday Bro Noel Mullen Bro G. Hoy Sis D. Creaney Bro B. McManus Bro G. Dealy Bro D. Best Sis Mary Jackson Bro Radu Corche Sis Laura Graham FOODWORKER 26 ANNUAL CONFERENCE MOTIONS 2009 CHANGE OF RULES 1-Rule 1.1-Name, Objects and ConstitutionExecutive Council That this Conference agrees that if the Union is to survive as an independent trade union, then there is a need to move from the present District structure to a Regional structure. The number of regions to be determined by the executive council after consultation. The number of full time officials per region will be determined by the executive council subject to consultation with Regional Councils and full time officials committee. 2- Rule 1.1-Name, Objects and Constitution-No 2 Regional Council That this conference agrees to support to delete the word “minimum” and add the word “living”. 3-Rule 1.3-Name. Objects and Constitution-No 5 Regional Council That this conference agrees that the restructuring of this Union involves the abolition of Districts in favour of Regions that District Branches be retained under whatever name they operate. Amendment-No 5 Regional Council On line 1 insert the word “if” between the words ‘that’ and ‘the’ 4-Rule 1.3-Name. Objects and ConstitutionExecutive Council That this conference agrees to delete “districts” and replace with branches. Also to delete section (d) 5- Full Time Officers-Executive Council That this conference agrees to delete all references to Organising District Secretary, District Secretary, District Officers and Regional Organisers and to replace them with Organising Regional Secretaries. 6- District and Regional Boards-Executive Council That this conference agrees to replace all references within the rule book to “District Board and Regional Boards” with Regional Council. This to include any abbreviations of these bodies. Also remove all references to District Office or District. 7- District Committees-Executive Council That this conference agree to replace all references to “District Committees” with “Regional Committees”. 8- Rule 5.1-Contributions and Benefits- No 5 Regional Council That this conference agrees and supports the principle of the introduction of a reduced contribution rate of 50% less than the full rate for weekend and workers that work less than 12 hours per week. Retail shop workers that such a reduced rate to be linked to reduced benefits. Reduced benefits to be suggested by the Executive Council and to be ratified by Annual Conference in 2010. 9- Rule 5.1-Contributions and Benefits-No. 4 Regional Council That this Conference agrees that a reduced rate for part-time workers be introduced. There is a potential member increase if this was introduced. Most other Unions provide this facility. 10- Rule 5.1-Contributions and Benefits-No. 3 Regional Council That this Conference agrees that the contribution rates for part time workers with a view of reducing their present level of sick pay to a level linked to the reduction in the reduced contribution rate. 11 Rule 5.2-Benefits-Branch 452 That this conference agrees that Rule 5.2, Benefits, needs updating-and that the Rule is applied fairly and consistently. The paragraph “Contributions are due for every week of the year except in the case of members being certified sick or unemployed. Members on long-term sick leave will, after 6 months, pay no less than unemployed members.” Also the next paragraph “In the case of a member being on Maternity Leave and having exhausted all monetary benefits, then said member shall be allowed to pay contributions at the same rate as retired members until they return to work” 12-Rule 5.2-Benefits-No. 3 Regional Council That this conference agrees that the present 14 days deferment period before union sick pay is paid, should be reduced to the statutory minimum 3 waiting days, to recoup the cost to the union of this change, the rate of sick pay can be reduced to proportional level. 13-Rule 5.12-Unemployment Benefits-South Western Postal Branch That this Conference agrees: to delete Paragraph 9 of this Rule and insert “Rule 5.2” 14-Rule 11.1-Complaints Procedure-South Western Postal Branch That this conference agrees: to add to the end of the paragraph “in the event of a complaint being raised against a District Secretary, the responsibility for calling these meetings shall fall upon, either, the Regional Officer or, one of the Regions other District Secretaries. 15-Rule 11.3-Conduct of Full Time Officers-South Western Postal Branch That this conference agrees to add: “Branch member(s)” after complaint of misconduct from any Branch. 16-Rule 14.8-Shop Stewards-No 5 Regional Council That this conference agrees that when Stewards step down from their position as a shop steward unless it is through ill health or domestic emergency that they are unable to apply for two years for that position. 17- Rule 15-District Boards-No. 4 Regional Council That this conference agrees that the time has now come for this Union to abolish Districts and be run by Regional FOODWORKER 27 ANNUAL CONFERENCE MOTIONS 2009 Councils, with all Rules appertaining to Districts to be so changed under Rule. 18-Rule 15- District Boards-No. 4 Regional Council That this Conference agree, due to there being too many Full Time Officials for the amount of members, to review the policy on secondees. 19- Rule 16.1-Regions- No 2 Regional Council No. 2 Region-“Consisting of the Districts of South Wales and South Western”. Replace with “No 2 Region-Consisting of Wales”. 20-Rule 16.1-Regional Organisers- Branch 505 That this Conference agrees that after ‘Regional Organiser’ on line one insert ‘at the discretion of the Executive Council’ 21-Rule 20-Duties & Payment of National Officers & the Executive Council Management-No 7 Regional Council Conference in view of the membership numbers which has a direct bearing on the finances of the union and the forth coming retirement of our General Secretary action needs to be taken now on the structure of the union for the future. In order to move forward Rule 20 should be amended to encompass change. 20.1 to read. The general management of the union shall be invested in a committee of management termed the Executive Council and consisting of a Chief Executive Officer, two members from each region, the female representative should be elected by the Executive Council from the females elected to the Executive Council at their first meeting following conference. In the case of a female not being elected to the E.C, then a separate election should be held for the position. For the purpose of this rule Regions 6 and 7 shall have only one position each on the National Executive. Amendment-Branch 701 Belfast The words “Chief Executive Officer” to be deleted and replaced with the words “General Secretary”. 22-Rule 22.2-Nomination and Election of Delegates for Annual Conference-South Western Postal Branch That this Conference agrees to delete the word March and insert “December” the first and third paragraph only. 23-Rule 22.6-Power of Conference-No. 4 Regional Board That this conference agrees that Regional Councils elect their own Executive Council member at Regional Council. 24- Rule 22.14-Order of Business of ConferenceBranch 452 That this conference agrees to amend Rule 22.14 to read: “Delegates are not to leave the Conference unless by consent of the President. Any Delegate being late for the start of Conference, or leaving before business is finished, or falling asleep whilst in session, and Delegates must show their Conference passes to the Doorkeepers when entering each session at Conference. If not, will forfeit their £5 Delegates fee for that day’s sitting. “Delegates are on paid release from work so the Conference Hall is our place of ‘work’ for the duration. It is Delegates duties to represent their members in the workplace and to take back information to the membership-this cannot be done whilst asleep!!” GENERAL MOTIONS Industry 25-Union Structure-No 5 Regional Council That this Conference agrees the executive Council, Full Time Officer’s committee and others are authorised to discuss and make recommendations with regards to the Unions structure, make up and future. 26-Emergency Motions-Union structure-No 5 Regional Council That this Conference agrees for this conference only motions aimed at improving the finances and structure of the Union to be allowed to be brought to the Conference floor as emergency motions. We recognise that in the strictest sense of the rule they may not be emergency motions but given the situation we find ourselves in we need emergency measures to be debated by Annual Conference. 27-Full Time Officer Replacement-No 5 Regional Council That this conference agrees that if the restructuring of the Union Full Time Officials will not necessarily be replaced- will the Executive Council give consideration as to whether or not to replace the General Secretary thereby leading by example and showing and that decisions are relevant to all positions. Amendment-No 5 Regional Council On line one insert “in” between the words ‘if’ and ‘the’ 28- Executive Council Minutes-South Western Postal Branch That this conference agrees to support that this conference agrees that the Executive Council Minutes be sent to all Regions immediately after the meeting subject to ratifications. 29-Trades Union Councils-No. 4 Regional Council That this Conference agrees that we inform all Branches to affiliate to Trade Union Councils. 30-Training and development-Branch 582 That this conference agrees that employers must annually provide a reasonable percentage of their profit towards the training and development of all staff to continue to meet the demands of technological improvements. 31-Learning Agenda- No 5 Regional Council That this conference agrees that the Union will make provisions for the learning support agenda to continue if FOODWORKER 28 ANNUAL CONFERENCE MOTIONS 2009 funding through the Union Learning Fund ceases to find projects so that learning will continue. disqualified from owning or becoming a Director of any other business for a minimum period of 25 years. 32- Young Workers-No. 4 Regional Council That this Conference agrees that we develop policies in relation to attracting young workers and that we explore how we can work closer with organisations like connexions, student unions and use our parliamentary group to encourage the Government to encourage workers rights as part of the education syllabus. 41-Ownership within the Energy Sector, Bank & Building Societies- No.2 Regional Council That this Conference agrees to support the Government must review ownership within the energy sector, banks, building societies and all money lending societies. The market must be regulated and controlled, and the Government must hold on to shares in the banks that they bailed out with taxpayers’ money. 33-Apprentices Training-Branch 582 That this conference agrees that the State must enforce employers to train apprentices to help narrow the shortages in skilled jobs for the future and develop employment opportunities for school leavers. 42-Public Services- No. 2 Regional Council That this conference agrees to support Britain’s water, gas and electricity-to be accountable public services, not source of private profit. 34-Employment Rights-Branch 230 That this conference agree more rights for employees with less than 1 years service. So many are cast aside within the year and sacked for menial things by the employer, knowing the employee does not have the same rights as someone with over 1 years service. 43-State Benefits-Branch 230 That this conference sees the need to get more people off Britain’s benefit system and back to work. A high number of people and bleeding the country dry by claiming benefit and refusing to work. The sooner something is done the better it will be for the country. 35-Shift Premiums-No. 4 Regional Council That this Conference agrees to protect premiums obtained for night workers and shift workers and to oppose the equalisation of pay that companies are trying to impose on our members. 44- Centenary State Pension-Branch 505 That this conference agree that in the light of the economic situation this conference calls upon the government to Introduce the link of earnings to the basic state pension with immediate effect. 36-National Minimum Wage-South Western Postal Branch That this conference agrees that the minimum wage highest rate should commence at 18 years of age. 45-Council Housing-South Western Postal Branch Conference agrees to support government must lead and fund a council house building programme. 37-Trades Union Congress-No. 4 Regional Council That this Conference agrees that regional Councils receive updated information in relation to forwarded BFAWU motions put forward to the Trades Union Conference. Economy 38-Financial Crisis-Branch 582 That this Conference agrees that the Government must provide the same level of financial aid and security to those struggling to meet their mortgage requirements and repossession of their homes as the financial institutions whose self-indulgence has led to the recent financial crisis. 39- Low Wages- No 7 Regional Council Conference agrees that it is vital that the government of the day conduct an inquiry into low wages (minimum wage) in many cases that are paid in the food industry. Given that in most cases food suppliers are held to ransom by the large retailers whose profits continually grow bigger as a result of their strong arm tactics. 40-Company Liquidation-No. 4 Regional Council That this Conference agrees that any Director who takes a company into liquidation or receivership is automatically 46-Council Collections-Branch 582 That this Conference agrees that local Councils return the collection of wheelie bins to a weekly basis. Health, Safety & the Environment 47-COSHH Regulations-No. 4 Regional Council That this Conference agrees large fines to company’s who brake the COSHH Regulations and a yearly MOT to be given to the Health & Safety Executive. 48-Working Time Regulations-breaks-Branch 582 That this conference agrees that the allowance for tea breaks laid down by the “Working Time Regulations” are improved to help reduce the increasing threat of stress related illness at work. 49-Working Time Directive/Reference Period-No. 4 Regional Council That this Conference agrees the Union will strive wherever possible to observe the 17 week reference period set out within the Working Time Regulations 1988. 50-Smoking Ban-No. 3 Regional Council That this conference agrees that in light with the ban on smoking in public places, clubs etc., that steps are taken to ensure that a smoking room is set aside in all those places for all those FOODWORKER 29 ANNUAL CONFERENCE MOTIONS 2009 who wish to smoke, if this resolution is passed then it should be taken to the Trades Union Congress as a submission to the Government. 60-Drink Driving-No. 4 Regional Council That this Conference agrees that the Government enforce zero tolerance on the amount nof alcohol and driving limits. 51-Disability Discrimination Act-No. 4 Regional Council That this Conference agrees more automatic inclusion to Disability Discrimination Act. 61-Retail sales of alcohol- No 4 Regional Council That this Conference agrees that supermarkets and shops sell alcohol in a separate part of the store-and the sale of these products is enforced and restricted via tight control. 52-Health Care Lottery-Fox’s 568 Branch That this conference agrees to lobby the government that the lottery postcode they run our health service on wants stopping. You should not have to be facing an uncertain future because you live in the wrong place and they should not have the right to say who can and can’t be treated. 62- “Bags for Life”-452 Branch That this Conference agrees that we all have to play our part in recycling and green issues, but should pressure the Supermarkets, through the Government to also play their part. All Supermarket Giants are now pushing “Bags for Life” and jute/canvas bags and are making us pay for the service!! The bags offered are varying in size and price-and at the same time they are restricting/removing the free carrier bags. 53-Hospital Parking-No. 4 Regional Council That this conference agrees to ask the Government to look into the cost of hospital parking fees. The price they charge is a disgrace. If you have to be there all day as a patient or with relatives it is costly. It is about time this was sorted out. 54-Prescriptions for Asthma Sufferers-Branch 452 That this Conference agrees to free prescriptions for Asthma sufferers and the Government of today should provide free medication for these people as they need it just to stay alive. 55-Cannabis-No.4 Regional Council That this Conference agrees to lobby the Government to legalise cannabis for medical purposes and to be supplied on prescription. 56-Prostitution Protection-No 5 Regional Council Branch 561 (British Bakeries) would like this conference to support a motion to bring about changes to the current legislation regarding prostitution and brothels to protect people who are forced to work against their will in this industry but also not forgetting people who work in this industry of their own choice and are members of the trade union International Union of sex workers (IUSW) affiliated to the GMB. 57- Trade Union ideology-National CurriculumBranch 582 That this conference agrees that trade union ideology must be incorporated into the national curriculum to support future generations to understand and challenge the threat to workers and the environment from the culture of profit at any cost. 58-Healthy Lifestyle-No. 4 Regional Council That this Conference agrees to help families and new parents to follow a healthy living style-example, to teach families and new parents to introduce healthy foods to their children to stop obesity as some parents cause cruelty through ignorance on healthy diets. 59-Sport in Schools-No. 4 Regional Council That this Conference agrees that all sports are free for under 17’s. The Government and National Health Service are telling us that the youngsters are getting obese and things are getting progressively worse-assist families by making facilities free. 63-White Ribbon Campaign-No. 4 Regional Council That this Conference agrees to support the White Ribbon Campaign. This is the wearing of a white ribbon by men to end the violence against women, especially domestic violence. Political 64-Labour Party Constitution-Branch 505 That this conference calls upon the Labour Party to reintroduce the original Clause 4. 65-Election of Labour Government-South Western Postal Branch Conference agrees to support all members of our union and Labour Party members to go all out to elect a Labour Government at the next General Election. The alternative is a Tory Government that will destroy all what Labour has achieved over the past 11 years especially the Health Service where David Cameron has promised to cut employers contributions and return it to the employer and employ extra staff. 66- E.U Policy- No 7 Regional Council Conference agrees to adopt this motion and to take it to the next labour party conference. E.U policy should be in place that prevents member states offering greater incentives to companies that are already set-up within the E.U. 67-Trade Union membership-No 5 Regional Council That this conference agrees to lobby the Government to actively encourage trade union membership to promote and protect fair working conditions for all workers. 68-Paternity Leave/Pay-No 4 Regional Council That this Conference agrees that fathers get more time off with their new families and paternity pay is at 100% 69-Paternity Pay-No 5 Regional Council That this conference puts pressure on the Government to increase payments for paternity and increase equality. FOODWORKER 30 ANNUAL CONFERENCE MOTIONS 2009 70-Supermarkets and religious Holidays-No 5 Regional Council That this conference puts pressure on the Government to stop supermarkets and department stores opening on Religious holidays and observe peoples Religious rights to time off at Christmas and Easter. 71-Regeneration of Seaside towns-No 4 Regional Council That this Conference agrees that when a town/city becomes a Grant area and the need for Government to understand that sea side towns are not just fish and chips and bars of rock, they also have manufacturing areas that need help. 72-Energy pricing/Renationalization-No 4 Regional Council That this Conference agrees to lobby the Government to renationalize the energy companies and to stop the exorbitant price increases that the privatized firms are charging. 73-Pre-payment meters-No 4 Regional Council That this Conference agrees to lobby the Government about the energy companies charging the most vulnerable people in our society more for gas and electric when people have pre-payment meters. 74 Cold Weather Payments-No 4 Regional Council That this Conference agrees that cold weather payments should be payed for each day and not as it stands at present waiting 5/6 days. 75-Pensions and Social Security-No 5 Regional Council Branch 561 (British Bakeries Bradford) would like this conference to support the motion that the Union pressure the Government that when the new pension legislation comes into effect in 2012 where employees are required to join a pension scheme unless the employees opts out that the final pension is guaranteed to be considerably greater than if the employee had not joined it-but due to social security benefits etc their income is the same as someone who paid into it. We at 561 Branch do not want this good legislation to be used as a way to reduce social security entitlement. 76-Care Homes-No 4 Regional Council That this Conference agrees more help for families to keep the elderly out of care homes. 77-Pension Credits-No 5 Regional Council That this conference agrees that the 4.6billion pounds built up through lack of information held by the Government in unclaimed pension credit entitlements is a disgrace. That the Union concludes to ensure this information on claiming this benefit is made available as widely as possible. 78-Concessionary Passports-No 4 Regional Council That this Conference agrees to lobby the Government of the day to introduce free or concessionary passports for all old age pensioners. 79-Rail Discounts-No 5 Regional Council. That this conference agrees that the Executive Council negotiates with passenger service providers for British Rail discounts for our members and their families. 80-British National Party-South Western Postal Branch Conference agrees to support campaigning against the British National Party to prevent further electoral gains. 81-Pedestrianisation of Schools-No. 4 Regional Council That this Conference agrees on the pedestrianisation outside of schools-to ensure that our children can enter and exit school safely. 82- “Swimming for All”-Branch 452 That this Conference agrees and welcomes the Government imitative of “swimming for all by 2012”, but why should the majority of us have to wait until then? This initiative applies immediately to the under 16’s (isn’t this already on the school curriculum?) and to the over 60’s. In today’s society, obesity is on the increase, and we are being told that our lifestyles and behaviours are costing the NHS thousands of pounds. This Government needs to act now-for the good of all- not wait till 2012. 83-Abuse of Emergency Services-No. 4 Regional Council That this Conference agrees that individuals who misuse the emergency 999 service are penalised and dealt with through the law. The emergency services have the individuals number and this should be followed up. 84-Police red tape- No 5 Regional Council That this conference support a motion to put pressure on the current Government to cut the amount of red tape that the police have to deal with when arresting criminals so that it gives them more time to do what they are supposed to do which is policing and reducing the ever escalating crime on our streets. 85- Death Penalty-Branch 230 That this conference support the reintroduction of the death penalty in Britain. Too many needless deaths are committed and the guilty party are living off the tax payer in these so called tough prisons. People should be punished to the degree of the crime and if they are guilty murder then they should be sentenced to death. 86-War on our streets-Fox’s 568 Branch Conference agrees that the government is not doing enough to support the victims of the gangs that are roaming our streets which is affecting many people and making them prisoners in their own homes. 87-Anti-social Behaviour-No 4 Regional Council That this Conference agrees that a stronger enforcement in areas that anti-social behaviour is being committed and more support for the victims of this act. FOODWORKER 31 ANNUAL CONFERENCE MOTIONS 2009 88-Review of Judicial System-Branch 452 That this conference agrees to pressure the Government to review the whole judicial system and to ensure that sentences’ reflect the seriousness of the crime!! The UK is fast becoming a “laughing stock”. Some of the sentences currently being dished out are no deterrent to would be criminals and are a disgrace to the victim’s families. Some of the fines for trivial motoring/ parking offences are often not much lower than those dished out to individuals who have carried out far worse offences and attended court. 89-Training of Social Workers-Branch 452 That this conference agrees to lobby the Government to look at the training and recruitment of social workers. I bring this forward in light of “baby P” and the scandalous way this whole issue was dealt with. 90-Social Services Procedures-Branch 582 That conference agrees that the tragic events that led to the mismanagement and death of baby P must not be allowed to happen again and that procedures must be implemented to regain the trust of the public. 91-Human Rights Bill-Branch 452 That this conference agrees to lobby the Government to overhaul the Human Rights Bill. We are Trade Unionists and do support Human Rights, but this law is being used to make us a laughing stock of the world. 92-Euthanasia- No. 4 Regional Council That this Conference agrees that the government should legalise euthanasia. If this is monitored and correct procedures are put in place-it can alleviate an individual’s anxieties- and give the individual their right to dignity. Also that the insurance companies pay out on this criteria. 93-Regulation of Politicians Expenses-South Western Postal Branch Conference agrees to support and calls for the regulation of the House of Commons and Members of Parliament expenses. Also applies to Euro-Parliament and farming subsidies. The present situation is unacceptable. 94-State Funerals-No 4 Regional Council That this Conference agrees that the union make our feelings known to our Government that this evil women Thatcher should not get a State funeral. International 95-Guantanamo detention centre-South Western Postal Branch Conference agrees to support that the United States Military Commission trials at Guantanamo should be abandoned. The military Commission process is deeply flawed and does not meet international standards of justice. 96-Israel attack on Palestinian children/use of phosphorous Bombe-No. 3 Regional Council That this conference deplores the vicious attacks by the Israeli army in January 09 on the Palestinian people, including the indiscriminate attacks that killed over 500 children and the use of phosphorous bombs which are banned by the Geneva Convention, the UN and all civilised societies. These deplorable act should be taken by our Union to the TUC and Labour Party Conferences. 97-The Plight of Africa’s Hungry People-No.2 Regional Council That this conference agrees to support calling on all Governments of the developed world to press on with the plight of Africa’s hungry people. Meetings alone are not enough, whilst millions of people are dying every day. 98-Venezuela-South Western Postal Branch Conference agrees to support the democratically elected administration of Venezuela. 99- Bolivia-South Western Postal Branch Conference agrees to support the democratically elected administration in Bolivia. 100-Missile Defence Shield-South Western Postal Branch Conference agrees to support increased tensions between Poland and Russia require Missile Defence review. BFAWU ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2009 7 – 10 JUNE 2009 THE SPA BRIDLINGTON FOODWORKER 32 BFAWU OFFICERS AND REGIONAL ADDRESSES Head Office (email: Mr. J. Marino, General Secretary email: Mr. G. Johnston – Regional Organiser Mobile: 07739 326005 email: Mr. R. Draper, National President email: South Wales Mr. J. James – Organising District Secretary Mobile: 07739 326004 email: Stanborough House, Great North Road, Stanborough, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire AL8 7TA Tel: 01707 260150/259450 Fax: 01707 261570 No.1 Region (email: London & Home Counties Mr. S. Finn – Regional Officer Mobile: 07739 326001 email: Mr. F. Loveday – Regional Organiser Mobile: 07739 326002 email: Anglia & Kent/ Southern Counties Mr D Hunt – Organising District Secretary Mobile: 07793 911326 email: “Sinclair House” Unit 9, 66 Willoughby Lane Tottenham London N17 0SQ Tel: 0208 801 0980 Fax: 0208 808 1572 No.2 Region (email: South Western Mr. D. Dash – Regional Officer Mobile: 07739 326003 email: 19a West Bute Street (Rear) The Courtyard The Docks Cardiff CF10 5EP Tel: 02920 481518 Fax: 02920 460296 No.3 Region (email: Midlands Mr. A. D. Lewis – Regional Officer Mobile: 07739 326006 email: Mr. G. Atwall – Regional Organiser Mobile: 07739 326009 email: Birmingham/West Midlands Mr. J. Higgins – Organising District Secretary Mobile: 07739 326012 email: Nottingham & East Midlands Mrs M Bryan-Hilton – Organising District Secretary Mobile: 07739 326007 email: Four Oaks House Lichfield Road Sutton Coldfield B74 2TZ Tel: 0121 323 5409 Fax: 0121 308 7461 No.4 Region (email: Manchester Mr. R. Streeter – Regional Officer Mobile: 07739 326011 email: Mrs. P. Nazir – Regional Organiser Mobile: 07739 326013 email: email: Mr. S. Vickers – Regional Organiser Mobile: 07739 326017 email: 348 Chester Road Cornbrook Manchester M16 9EZ Tel: 0161 872 6621 Fax: 0161 873 8434 10 Greenside Pudsey West Yorkshire LS28 8PU Tel: 01132 565925 Fax: 01132 360702 Preston Mr I Hodson – Organising District Secretary Mobile: 07739 326010 email: 5,6,7 Cannon Street Preston Lancashire PR1 3PY Tel: 01772 556794 Fax: 01772 202976 No.5 Region (email: Northumberland & Co. Durham Mr. A. Milne – Regional Officer Mobile: 07739 326014 email: West Yorkshire Mr. I. Wood – Organising District Secretary Mobile: 07739 326016 email: South Yorkshire Mr. J. Vickers – Organising District Secretary Mobile: 07739 326015 Scotland Mr. J. McLelland – Organising District Secretary Mobile: 07739 326018 email: No.6 Region ((email: Republic of Ireland Mr. M. Hanlon – Regional Officer email: Mr. J. Martin – Regional Organiser email: 143 Lower Drumcondra Road Dublin 9 Tel: 003531 8844811/8844817 Fax: 003531 8844817 No.7 Region ((email: Northern Ireland Mr. W. Gallagher – Regional Officer Mobile: 07739 326020 email: Ist and 2nd Floor 157 Bloomfield Avenue Belfast BT5 5AB Tel: 02890 454242 Fax: 02890 451554 JOIN THE BAKERS, FOOD AND ALLIED WORKERS UNION Application forms from any Shop Steward or, to find out more, complete the form below WANT TO KNOW MORE? BAKERS, FOOD & ALLIED WORKERS UNION Head Office Stanborough House, Great North Road, Stanborough, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire AL8 7TA I, the undersigned, would like to know more about the benefits of membership of the above Union: Name (Block letters) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Postcode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Where at present employed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Occupation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Signature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Please complete details above and hand to your local representative, Branch Official, Regional Office (for addresses see above) or send to Head Office. Published by Joe Marino at Stanborough House, Great North Road, Stanborough, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire AL8 7TA for the BFAWU. Tel: 01707 260150/259450 Designed and produced for the BFAWU by Tecmedia Limited, Bruce House, 258 Bromham Road, Biddenham, Bedfordshire MK40 4AA. Tel: 01234 325223
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