Fall 2013 IMPORTANT NOTICES and REMINDERS While this document is long, it contains very important information concerning academic policies, procedures, or dates that affect faculty. Please read the entire document, and call the office at 857-7272 if you have any questions. The following is a quick reference to important topics. Academic Policies and News Attendance Class Projects/Distribution of Materials Distance Learning and Blackboard News Entering Final Grades Exams Faculty Schedule Sheet and Office Hours (NEW Requirement) Incomplete and Incomplete Grade Contract Form Placeholder Dates – Quick Reference Records Issues Retention of Grade and Attendance Rosters, Exams, Tests Rosters Semester End Requirements Syllabi Adjunct Faculty Pay Dates Course Outline Template (revised for summer 2013) Crisis Management Plan, Safety and Student Services Topics Faculty Handbooks, College Catalog, and Other Reference Tools Field Trips Important Dates for Fall 2013 Miscellaneous Open Computer Lab and Tutor Opportunities Syllabus Template page 4 page 8 page 7 page 5 page 5 page 8 page 7 page 6 page 7 page 7 page 5 page 6 page 4 page 9 page 15 page 2 page 8 page 2 page 11 page 9 page 3 page 14 NEW! SCHOOLS RESTRUCTURED FOR FALL 2013! As you know, the engineering programs have been removed from the former BET and placed with Science and Math to form the School of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math effective for fall 2013. At this time, our school is referred to as the School of Business, Information Technology and Trades. Business faculty and staff will have an opportunity to suggest school names at our in-service meeting with the administration designating the final name after in-service. Lynn Painter (857-7275) will remain with our school providing support for the air conditioning, automotive, horticulture, maintenance technology, water and wastewater, welding, RVH and seminar programs. Lacey Carey (857-6210) will continue with our school providing support for the accounting, administrative and health information management, business/management, culinary, information technology, and paralegal studies programs. Brenda Morrison has joined STEM providing support to the Engineering programs. The main office for the Engineering division of STEM will be located in the former BET conference room in Webber W305G; however, the renovations may not be complete until sometime in September. Until the office is available, Brenda will remain at her former location in Webber 305. 2 Student Services, Crisis Management Plan, and Safety Topics NEW! Please Read this new section on Conduct See section XV of the Faculty Handbook at http://virginiawestern.edu/facstaff/facultyhandbook/conduct.php for information on responding to disorderly conduct. Student conduct instances are classified as either misconduct, which includes behavioral actions, or academic misconduct, which includes violations of the academic honesty policy. The Student Handbook, section III (vi) addresses misconduct and academic misconduct along with the detailed process and required forms; click here to be directed. The student grievance procedure is outlined in the Student Handbook, section III (vii); click here to be directed. NOTE! Separate forms are required for reporting incidents of student misconduct (i.e. behavioral related) or academic misconduct (dishonesty). Both are easily accessible from the BET web site, Faculty Resources, Important Links (http://virginiawestern.edu/academics/bet/facultyresources.php#links) under the Student Academic or Misconduct section. When a student is charged with academic misconduct, in addition to completing the written report referred to above, faculty must also advise the student in writing by letter after reviewing the case with the Dean. Click here to be directed to the proposed letter, which has been approved for use by our faculty. Field Trip Release Forms Faculty must file a Field Trip Authorization and student Assumption of Risk Forms prior to the trip. The Assumption of Risk forms, Field Trip Authorization, and a faculty checklist are available in at the following link - http://virginiawestern.edu/facstaff/courseresources.php#fieldtrips. Failure to submit documents may result in job termination. (See Faculty Handbook) Faculty must show the campus safety video during the first meeting of the class. Showing of the campus safety video is a “lawsuit” issue; therefore, faculty must play the video for each class. Waivers remain an option for students declining to view; please forward any signed waivers to the office for recordkeeping. Sign up for the VW Alert text messaging system, which can instantly send messages to your cell phone, pager, PDA, blackberry and email accounts. The Web site to enroll in the system is VW Alert. This system is a free service for all of our students, faculty, and staff. Please encourage students to enroll! The college’s “Crisis Management Plan” is available from the intranet (VWConnect), which is only accessible from an on-campus computer. From the desktop, select VWConnect, click on Crisis Management, and access the Plan or browse the site. Be sure that you understand the “General Responsibilities of Faculty” which are posted on the site. Faculty should: First day of class, be sure to: assign buddies for any students with special needs or disabilities review evacuation, lockdown, and shelter in place procedures: evacuation – building fire alarms and emergency alerts may sound; turn off lights and electrical devices if able; close office or classroom doors; exit building according to posted routes; follow directions of building coordinator or teacher; do not use elevators; no one should leave the assembly area or the campus until “all clear” given lockdown – outdoor alarm will sound and alerts over the IP phones; lock the door; barricade the doorway; turn off lights, audio equipment, cell phone ringers and speaker; allow no one to enter or leave the room; do not evacuate the building if the fire alarm is sounded; and remain in place until notified by police of “all clear” shelter-in-place – emergency alerts over the IP phones will sound as well as notice on the TVs; usually weather related; move to posted shelter-in-place areas within your 3 building; refrain from using the elevator so that its use may be restricted to those with disabilities; turn off lights, electrical devices if able; and wait for “all clear” review shelter-in-place locations and evacuation routes which are posted beside the doorway to each classroom Pay attention to alarms and react appropriately. Pay attention to the behavior of faculty, staff, students, and visitors and report any suspicious behavior to Campus Police. Refer to the Crisis Management Plan (posted in VWConnect) pages C-11 and 12 for Behavioral Examples/Triggers/Warning Signs. Refer to the list of Building Emergency Coordinators and Floor Captains for each building (posted on VWConnect). Take class attendance at every meeting in order to provide an accounting for students. Class attendance should also be checked if your class has been relocated due to evacuation or shelter in place. Get names of any students or other individuals who resist evacuating buildings during drills or emergency situations. Keep classroom doors closed and locked during class. Notify Campus Police (quick dial programmed on each classroom phone or extension 77979) if any student occurrence or behavior seems odd or out of place. If you need to be on campus after 11 p.m., over weekends or holidays, or whenever the College is closed, notify Campus Police of your presence by calling 857-7979. To gain access to your office at times when the buildings are locked, call Campus Police for entry. Open Computer Lab and Tutor Opportunities Open Computer lab – Room M302, Business Science Building - Hours are Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Friday, 8 a.m. until 5 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Tutor Opportunities IT tutoring in the open computer lab: Monday 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., Tuesday 2 – 8 p.m., Wednesday 2 – 8 p.m., Thursday 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. CAD assistance: Monday 12 noon – 8 p.m., Friday 12 noon – 5 p.m. Accounting tutors are available in the Learning Technology Center, days and times to be determined. Financial Aid – Important Note: Any student enrolled in a program of study containing 16 credit hours or more is eligible for financial aid if the student qualifies. There is also a college rule that students cannot receive Federal financial aid for more than two degree programs (associates, certificate or career studies certificate). Cancellations and Delayed Openings due to inclement weather Be sure to include a statement in your syllabus as to the exact time that your class will meet according to the delayed schedule. Please do not simply copy the entire delayed schedule into your syllabus; a direct statement as to when each class will meet under the delayed schedule is required. (i.e. “Under a delayed opening, this class will meet at _____________________.”) Refer to college’s home page at www.virginiawestern.edu or go directly to the following link: http://www.virginiawestern.edu/inclementweather/ to view the complete closing procedure. Reporting Accidents or Incidents Involving Students or Non-Employees, First Aid Kits The procedures for reporting accidents or incidents involving students or non-employees and the applicable forms are available at the following link: (http://virginiawestern.edu/academics/bet/facultyresources.php#accidents) The location of first aid kits is also available from the above link. 4 Academic Policies and News Syllabi Faculty must post the course outline and syllabus in Blackboard for each course and make the class available by 8 a.m. on the morning the semester begins on August 21 for all regular session classes. The outline and syllabus for dynamically-dated classes, to include all ITE seminars, must be posted in Blackboard by the morning the class is scheduled to begin. Faculty must forward a copy of the outline and syllabus to their program head who will post the documents on the School’s shared “J” drive for SACS audit and recordkeeping. Hard copies are no longer required. Syllabi must contain the content items as shown on page 14 of these Notices. The course outline must conform to the approved format to include all subject headings, content, and pagination. See page 15 for the approved template. There should be one course outline for each course; multiple sections of a course should use the same course outline. Attendance Policy! Your policy on attendance must be stated in your syllabus. Be specific in outlining your attendance policy and how you define “unexcused absences”. You should also specifically state in your syllabus that “attendance means that you are participating by doing any prescribed in-class and out-of-class assignments; therefore, not doing work is the same as not attending”. You may wish to refer to the College Catalog, page 33 which states the following: The policy on attendance and make up examinations is generally the prerogative of each instructor. Instructors will provide students with a statement of their attendance policy during the first class meeting. When the number of unexcused absences reaches a sum equivalent to 30 percent of the total instructional time (e.g. five weeks in a 15-week course), the instructor will drop the student from class. You may wish to include a statement in your syllabus concerning issuance of an Incomplete. Your statement should clearly state that it is the student’s responsibility to complete the coursework within the timeframe agreed upon between the instructor and the student, and the Incomplete Grade Contract Form must be completed and signed by both the instructor and the student and turned in to the school office before leaving campus. Incompletes will not be given by the registrar if the Incomplete Grade Contract Form is not submitted. Neither the instructor nor the school office has a responsibility to remind or persuade a student to complete the work by the deadline. Also see additional information under “Records Issues” concerning Incompletes. No children under age 13 should accompany a parent using a lab, testing center or tutoring center. You must include your academic dishonesty policy in your syllabi or refer students to the Student Handbook, page 29 which is available on the Web. It is recommended that you include a notice in your syllabus that students should provide their own stapler and pencil sharpener as these items are not provided in the classrooms and students should not be sent to the main office to use these items. Both supplies may be purchased at discount Student Services Resources. Care Team – main focus is intervention and support, if you notice changes in behavior, you hear of problems, etc. report the student to the Care team (c/o Lori Baker) – applicable to students as well as faculty and staff. Threat Assessment Team – main focus is dealing with specific threats, actions, or behaviors (trust your instincts; watch for troubling writings or spoken words; sudden changes in attitude, lashing out, detached behavior; financial hardships) – report to Lori Baker. If you have students needing community assistance, please check the following link for a listing of community agencies that could helphttp://virginiawestern.edu/facstaff/campuscommunityres.php -(the link can be found on the Web by accessing Current Students, look for Campus & Community Resources under Other Services 5 OR from the home page access FACULTY & STAFF and look under Faculty Resources for Campus & Community Resources). The College Grade Plan for faculty and staff reference was distributed on 7/16/12 via email. All policies concerning initial (final) grades, no show and withdrawal rosters, administrative withdrawal, incompletes (which REQUIRES immediate completion and submission of the Incomplete Grade Contact Form by the faculty member), audits, course repeats, grade processing (to include entering grades and use of the placeholder dates), grade changes, and academic renewal are detailed in this document. The plan is available from the School’s web FACULTY RESOURCES link, then scroll down to the Important Links as well as on VWConnect. Click here to be directed. Exams, Rosters (Class, No Show and Withdrawal Rosters), Entry of Grades, and Semester End Requirements Exams Faculty must give an exam or have a meaningful learning activity during the designated exam period. Classes must meet once during exam week for a minimum of 50 minutes per academic credit for the course not to exceed 150 minutes. Please see the revised exam scheduled from the following web link http://virginiawestern.edu/academics/docs/examschedule.pdf Rosters It is extremely important that faculty check and keep attendance every class meeting. Faculty should check class rosters in SIS before every class meeting. Since Admissions runs the drop for non-payment of tuition at different times until the last day to add a class, students may appear on your roster at the time of the first meeting but then drop off after that time if the “drop” is run. Faculty will verify their class roster twice during the semester. The first verification is the No Show Roster, and the second is the Withdrawal Roster. No show rosters for fall semester classes are due according to the following schedule: Session Rosters Due in Business School Office Regular 10 weeks September 13 Dynamic Contact the school office Any student who has not appeared for class at least once must be reported on the No Show Roster. Extremely Important! No Show Rosters are directly linked to processing and release of financial aid funds, and failure to comply with this deadline delays financial aid for all students receiving aid. Please do not be the person who delays financial aid payments to students. Withdrawal Rosters for fall semester classes are due according to the following schedule: Session Rosters Due in Business School Office Regular 10 weeks October 25 Dynamic Contact the school office Faculty must report any student who has stopped attending or participating in the course on the Withdrawal Roster; and students who are reported as stopped attending may not be allowed to attend future classes. Each instructor is responsible for checking student participation in class (especially distance classes) and withdrawing any student who has stopped attending. If a student requests to be dropped, it is a faculty member’s responsibility to drop the student. It is advisable to obtain the withdrawal request in writing via email from the student’s VWCC email address or a hand-written note. Entering Final Grades Use Internet Explorer (not Firefox) for entering grades. 6 Final grades for all fall classes that have ended on or prior to December 19 must be entered and saved in the APPROVED status in VCCS SIS9 by December 19 at 9:30 a.m. NOTE: The deadline for entry of grades will not be delayed in the event the school is closed for some reason on December 19 as the posting of grades may be completed at an off-campus site by logging in MyVWCC. When entering final grades in PeopleSoft, please pay particular attention to the following: If an “I” (for Incomplete) already appears on a final grade roster, the student has a financial obligation to the College. Do not change the incomplete, and no final grade will be entered at this time. You will be contacted once the obligation has been paid so that the actual final grade may be reported. If a student receives an “F” or a non-passing grade, remember that you must enter a placeholder date in the Last Date of Attendance Field that will appear to the right of the grade field. Remember that the placeholder date of 12/31/9999 is no longer valid and must not be used. Refer to the chart on the next page for a quick reference. Quick Reference Scenario/Situation Date to Use in Last Date of Attendance Field If the student attended/participated/ Enter the last date of the semester for regular completed the entire course and earned a session classes. For Dynamic Session classes, grade of F, U, or R refer to the class end date on your class/grade roster. Note: If the instructor is unsure of the end date of the class, look at the SIS class roster or grade roster as the beginning and ending dates appear on these rosters. DO NOT ENTER THE ACTUAL LAST CLASS MEETING DATE. If the student stopped attending before the end of the class and therefore received a non-passing grade of F, U, or R Enter the student’s actual last date of attendance or participation in class (preferred) OR Enter 01/01/1900 Note: The placeholder date of 01/01/1900 may be used if the instructor cannot determine the last date of attendance. The placeholder date requirement affects the college’s ability to receive financial aid funding. Call the office if you are unsure as to which date to use. Make sure to hit the “save” button after entering students’ grades, then change the Approval Status to “Approved”, and click on the “save” button once again. Faculty no longer needs to submit a hard copy of the “saved” grade roster to the office. Semester End Requirements Grades must be entered and saved in the Approved status in the student information system (also known as SIS, PeopleSoft) for each class as set out above. Entering grades in Blackboard is an instructor prerogative and does not take the place of official grade entry in SIS. You must submit a printed copy of the final exam to the office before leaving campus; your submission may be made by sending electronically to sshelton@virginiawestern.edu as an email attachment. Incomplete Grade Contract Forms must be delivered to the office for any students receiving an Incomplete for the class. If the form is not submitted, then the registrar will not give the Incomplete (“I”) grade (policy effective fall semester 2010). You may refer to additional information on Incompletes in the following section titled Records Issues. 7 Records Issues Administrative Withdrawal – Must be processed between the last day to withdraw without grade penalty and the end of the semester. The Dean’s signature is not required. Audit – Audit Approval Forms must be completed by the “last day to drop and receive refund” for each session. Students will not receive a refund. Forms are available in the office. Grade Changes – Absolutely no grade changes after one year, and faculty must not accept work from students. Grades may never be lowered after posted. Incompletes - (Effective fall 2010, and reminder of the requirements which were effective fall Semester 2009) Incompletes may be awarded if the situation warrants giving a student some additional time to complete the coursework and as long as the student has completed more than 50 percent of the course requirements. The Incomplete Grade Contract Form must be completed, and you must indicate why the incomplete is warranted. The form is available in the office or from the link above. NEW! The registrar will not award the incomplete grade for the student if the Incomplete Grade Contract Form is not submitted. Faculty must also identify the default grade the student would have earned had the incomplete not been issued. The default grade equals what the student’s grade would be considering zeros for all missed work. If the missed work is not completed by the end date of the subsequent semester, the student will be awarded the default grade; and this grade will be final. The instructor should not accept the missed work after the end date of the subsequent semester except for mitigating circumstances with the approval of the Chief Academic Officer. When an incomplete is given, the completion date may not extend beyond the subsequent semester (to include summer term) without written approval of the Chief Academic Officer or his designee. An incomplete will be changed to a “W” only under documented, mitigating circumstances which must be approved by the Chief Academic Office or his designee. Distance Learning (DL) and Blackboard News Course outlines and syllabi must be posted in Blackboard by 8 a.m. on the first day of classes (August 21 for regular session classes). Faculty must make every class available in Blackboard even if the faculty member does not intend to use Blackboard. This is an administrative policy. Distance Learning offices are located in Business Science rooms M312, M313, and M314. An Orientation for new students taking distance learning sections is scheduled for August 20 at 6 p.m. in Whitman Theatre. If you have questions concerning Blackboard, please contact Distance Learning at 857-6201. Click here to be directed to the Distance Learning Webpage for helpful questions/answers for your reference. Retention of Grade and Attendance Rosters, Exams, Tests (Requirements Revised Below) Faculty must retain class records as follows: Retain attendance and grade records for 3 years after the end of the semester Retain faculty counseling/advising records for 1 year after student graduates or last attends, whichever is greater Retain student tests, exams, and graded papers for 1 year after the end of the semester Faculty must complete the Certificate of Records Destruction form documenting all records submitted for destruction. You may access the form from the Important Links at the School’s Faculty Resources link to Important Links. 8 Class Projects/Distribution of Materials All projects and/or distributions of materials that will in any way have community participation or distribution must be cleared through the Dean. Faculty Schedule Sheet and Office Hours (See New Requirement below for use of Outlook) Full-time Faculty NEW! Full-time faculty must submit their semester schedule showing classes and office hours through Outlook calendar. See instructions posted on the school’s shared J drive under “Instructions F T Fac Office Hours”. The instructions will also be available from the school’s web Faculty Resources link/Important Links’ section titled: Outlook Calendar for Full-Time Faculty Class/Office Hours – Instructions. (http://virginiawestern.edu/academics/bet/facultyresources.php#links ) Faculty office hours should total 10 hours per week (Section V, Faculty Handbook) as set out below: 1 office hour will be granted for participation in the Activity Hour (Wednesdays 12-1) 5 office hours will be face-to-face Minimum of three days per week Minimum of 30 minute increments 1 office hour for e-mail correspondence 3 office hours that will be flexible – i.e. virtual, face-to-face or a combination Be sure to schedule your office hours at reasonable times for students to be able to make contact. Full-time faculty must also post a copy of their schedule beside their office door. Administrative hours for special assignment: for every 3 hours of release time, show 2 administrative hours on the schedule. Adjunct Faculty must schedule one office hour for every class taught. The hour may be before class, after class, or split one half hour before and after class. The hour may also be on another day/night. Be sure to note your office hour in your syllabus and announce in class. Adjunct faculty should complete a schedule card showing classes and office hours, use the card available at the following link: VWCC :: Academics :: BET :: Faculty Resources, then select Schedule Card. Submit to sshelton@virginiawestern.edu by August 28. Faculty Handbooks, College Catalog and Other Reference Tools The following reference tools are available on the Web at the following links: Check it out! New Web Faculty Resources link. With the implementation of the new Web pages in June, a Faculty Resources link was added to each of the front pages for the academic schools. Many of the resources that were accessible to the school’s faculty via the old Faculty Information link are now accessible from the Faculty Resources page. You will note the addition of a blue box with additional information. Some of the information available includes: Accidents or Incidents Involving Students or Non-Employees, First Aid Kits (procedures, form, and locations of first aid kits) Adjunct Faculty Online Orientation Educational Assistance and Continuous Learning (policy and form) Field Trip Forms Handbooks (for both faculty and adjunct faculty) Incomplete Grade Contract Important Links (including Student Conduct Forms) Material Safety Data Sheets (for whiteboard cleaner, toner cartridges) Printing Services (request form and instructions) Professional Leave Form 9 Schedule Card Test Scoring Instructions Travel Reimbursement Form A Survival Guide to MyVWCC at http://www.virginiawestern.edu/studenthelp/faculty/index.php This link provides very helpful information to the student information system (PeopleSoft version 9) and in particular “how to” access class rosters, navigate to faculty center, record grades, etc. A folder has also been placed on the L drive as a quick PeopleSoft resource for faculty. The folder contains separate files for accessing a “quick what if” for advisees (for full time faculty only), a guide for checking class rosters, a guide for entering grades, and the complete “My VWCC; Faculty Guide”. From My Computer, choose “special shared folders on (L)”, select “academic divisions”, select “Faculty Guide Instructions”, and select the applicable file. College Catalog, go to: http://www.virginiawestern.edu/catalog/ Student Handbook, go to: http://virginiawestern.edu/services/ under Policies Miscellaneous Adjunct faculty pay dates for fall semester are anticipated as September 30, November 1, November 27 and December 31. All employees must update personal information (i.e. address, phone, etc. changes); emergency contact information in HRMS. The updating of this information is crucial to the college in emergency situations. Please login to MyVWCC, select HRMS, select Personal Information under Self Service to view and edit information. It is simple. Electronic Classrooms – Be sure that you have turned off the projector before exiting the room. Make sure all doors to offices and computer labs are locked and the lights are turned off when leaving the room. E-Mail VWCC faculty members receive a faculty email account (usually first initial followed by last name followed by @virginiawestern.edu, ex. sshelton@virginiawestern.edu) which is accessed through Web Outlook and a student email account (@email.vccs.edu). Faculty must use their Virginia Western faculty email account in all communication with students via email, and students must use their VCCS student email account. Please be sure to list your VWCC faculty email address on your syllabus. Contact the main office if you are unable to access your email account. Be sure to check your VWCC e-mail daily for important notices, deadlines, etc.! Faulty Classroom Equipment or Conditions - To report faulty equipment, e-mail the helpdesk at helpdesk@virginiawestern.edu with a copy to either Lacey Carey (lcarey@virginiawestern.edu) or Lynn Painter (lpainter@virginiawestern.edu). Do not report the equipment by telephone. Graduation – Please remind your students of the following important dates: Last day to apply for fall graduation is October 31. Identification Badges All employees must have an identification badge. You will need a request form signed by Deborah Yancey, Interim Dean when you appear to have your badge made. Contact the main office if you need a request form. Contact Nicholas Owens by email to nowens@virginiawestern.edu for an appointment. Online Orientation – HR developed an online orientation for adjunct faculty, and adjunct faculty (to include new and existing members) are required to review the orientation every year. Upon completing the orientation, faculty should print off and sign the Acknowledgement and submit the form to the office immediately. The orientation provides an overview of college, academic policies and regulations as well as benefit and payroll information, and many adjuncts have reported that 10 the orientation is quite informative and helpful. Portions of the orientation may be helpful to fulltime faculty as well. Click here to be directed to the adjunct orientation page. Printing Services Plan ahead and have your syllabi, handouts, tests, etc. duplicated by Print Services in order to reduce the college’s (and school’s) expenses. To reduce costs even more, consider posting your handouts in your Blackboard so that students can access any time. To submit printing requests, simply send an email to Printservices@virginiawestern.edu including the number of copies; features requested such as collating, stapling, printing front and back, etc.; and date needed and attach your document to the email. Tests that are duplicated will be placed in the locked-box unit which is located to the left of the entrance to Print Services (second floor of Business Science Building, Room M270). The key to the locked boxes is located in the school’s Mail/Work Room (W305F) in the top drawer of the 2drawer box on the top of the counter. This is the only key that we have, please quickly return the key to the box! Test scoring is available through IETS Print Services. Call the office for details or access the instructions from the Faculty Resources. Please use and not abuse the copiers now in place in W224. Faculty must make accommodations for students when textbook supplies run low. Please work with students and do not punish students who may not have purchased the book before the supply was depleted. USBs - Pursuant to the requirements of the state’s SEC501, IETS has advised that all full-time and part-time faculty will be given USBs to be used for class preparation and administration. At this time, IETS indicates that USBs purchased with non-state funds may no longer be used in campus computers; however, this rule only applies to college employees and not to students. Please request a USB from the office. Virginia Western Templates – To promote consistency in correspondence across campus, templates have been developed for letterhead, memoranda, and fax cover sheets. These templates use the standard font of Calibri 11 pt. It has also been suggested that block left style be used in correspondence and memoranda as this is the industry standard. The templates may be accessed here and select FAX COVER PAGE, LETTERHEAD OR VIRGINIA WESTERN MEMO. Adjunct Faculty Offices – The following offices will be available for adjuncts. Business Science Building room M327; contains telephone, printer, two workstations NEW! Business Science Building M229; this room will be shared with the engineering adjunct faculty and should have 5-7 workstations, telephone, printer, and microwave 11 Fall 2013 Dates to Remember August 8 15 16-20 17 Student drop for non-payment Student drop for non-payment Fall In-Service for Faculty and Staff, refer to agenda posted at http://virginiawestern.edu/stuaffairs/docs/Inservice_Agenda_Fal l_2013.pdf 9 a.m. Adjunct In-Service Meeting, Whitman Theatre 19 6 p.m. Adjunct In-Service Meeting, Whitman Theatre 20 Fall graduation applications delivered to school offices 6 p.m. Distance Learning orientation in Whitman Theatre 21 27 30 First day of classes 8 a.m. Syllabus and course outline must be posted and available to students in Blackboard and the Blackboard course must be made available in order to meet the deadline as of the morning the semester begins; also email copies to program head Student drop for non-payment Last day to add fall regular session classes (Please remind students) Student drop for non-payment No show rosters distributed (due in office by September 13 Summer graduation diplomas are available in the Records Office for pick up September 2 Labor Day – no night or day classes, College is closed 12 6 (approximate) 9 13 23 Adjunct faculty contracts released to dean for signature, then to faculty Last day to drop and receive a refund also last day to file for audit of class (Please remind students) No Show rosters due in office for regular session classes Begin drafting changes for 2014-15 College Catalog – all changes must be completed by November 15 October 14 Withdrawal (stopped attending) rosters distributed for regular session classes (due in office by October 25) 17 School staff must complete spring schedule entries in SIS 25 Withdrawal rosters due in office 26 Last day to withdraw without grade penalty 28 31 Spring class schedule available on Web Last day to apply for fall graduation November 11 Spring open enrollment begins 15 Catalog changes are due 23-24 No day or night classes – Faculty Research Days 26 27 Faculty in-service day, no day or night classes Faculty Research Day, no day or night classes 13 27-Dec.1 College closes at 12 noon on 11/27 for Thanksgiving break December 2 10 11-17 Begin summer and fall scheduling Last day of fall classes Final exams 16 Spring graduation applications delivered to school office for release 19 19-22 FINAL GRADES ARE DUE IN PEOPLESOFT BY 9:30 A.M. Faculty in-service days 23-Jan. 1 College Closed for Christmas Break 14 Syllabus ABC XXX – Course Title Semester Year Instructor: Email: Office Hours: Contact Methods and Response Time COURSE POLICIES Attendance: Grading: Make-Up/Late-Work Policy: Penalties for Academic Honesty Violations: Inclement Weather Schedule: Office: Phone: 1 Revised Fall 2013 Class Number Class Name COURSE OUTLINE Prerequisites: Prerequisites Here Course Description: Example for MTH 157: Presents elementary statistical methods and concepts including descriptive statistics, estimation, hypotheses testing, linear regression, categorical data analysis, and analysis of variance. The objective for this course is to learn how statistics are used, not to become professional statisticians. Our major concern is sampling and statistical inference. We begin with a brief discussion of elementary descriptive statistics, followed by an intuitive approach to probability and then proceed to inferential statistics. The course includes a brief presentation of correlation and regression as well as analysis of variance. Inferential statistics includes both confidence interval and hypothesis testing. A semester long MINITAB project is required in which each student will be expected to gather data, use MINITAB to analyze the data, and then interpret the results. Every effort is made to keep technical and theoretical aspects of statistics at a practical and conceptually straight forward level. (Because of substantial overlap in the content, credit will not be given for both MTH 157 and either MTH 146, MTH 152, MTH 240, or MTH 241.) Semester Credits: Select Hours Lecture Hours: Select Hours Lab/Recitation Hours: Select Hours VIRGINIA WESTERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE PO Box 14007 Roanoke, VA 24038 (540)-857-7273 2 Class Name and Number Course Outcomes At the completion of this course, the student should be able to: 3 Class Name and Number Required Materials: Required Materials Here Textbook: Enter Textbook name, edition and ISBN Number Here The following supplementary materials are available: 1. 2. 3. VIRGINIA WESTERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE PO Box 14007 Roanoke, VA 24038 (540)-857-7273 4 Class Name and Number Topical Description: (Outline chapters and sections to be covered in the book – may include timeline) Week Topic VIRGINIA WESTERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE PO Box 14007 Roanoke, VA 24038 (540)-857-7273 5 Class Name and Number Notes to Instructors (List information about optional topics, departmental exams, etc) 1. 2. 3. 4. VIRGINIA WESTERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE PO Box 14007 Roanoke, VA 24038 (540)-857-7273
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