Toni M. Ringlein - 760.808.1083 any republican party Presidential candidate

Toni M. Ringlein - 760.808.1083
1st VP - Programs
Sue Ferguson - 760.770.7887
2nd VP - Membership
TBD - 000.000.0000
Amato For Liberty
Rick Amato, conservative radio talk show host
At this very moment an historic press conference is taking place in America’s heartland, Topeka, KS, to announce The National TEA Party Nominating Convention
also known as Freedom Fest 2011.
3rd VP - Ways and Means
TBD - 000.000.0000
Betty Donnelly - 760.345.0521
Rita Foell - 760.341.3702
Norma Margot - 760.636.1038
In This Issue.....
Presidents Message 2
Member 3
Upcoming 4
Upcoming 5 6
70th USO 7
Elise 7 8
The Nominating Convention will take place
in Kansas City, KS, October 5-9, 2011.
More than one million people are expected
to attend, including several of the Presidential hopefuls.
Yours Truly has been selected to serve as
The purpose of the convention is not to
act as a third party challenge but instead,
to vet U.S. Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates so that the two major
parties understand who it is that the TEA
Party nation supports.
As political pollster and author of the book,
“Mad As Hell: How the TEA Party Movement Is Fundamentally Remaking Our Two
Party System”, Scott Rasmussen recently
told me on the radio show, “I can’t imagine
any republican party Presidential candidate
winning his party’s nomination without the
support of the TEA party movement.”
The process will involve a 50-state “grassroots” Tea Party “straw poll”; at the same
time provide each state’s Tea Party and
9.12 groups a caucus area to rally and discuss their local, state, and national candidates and any legislation or issues important to their independent groups.
In selecting Yours Truly as an emcee the
organizers said, “We view Rick Amato as
a rising star of the conservative movement,
connecting leaders around the country to
the patriots in the Tea Party and military.
From taking up the cause of wrongly accused soldiers to pressing Washington
officials to answer tough questions about
spending and government, Rick is leading
the charge to reform America. He is also
helping a whole new generation of conservatives adapt the principles of Ronald
Reagan to the 21st century.”
Guest Speaker: Rick Amato
Rick will be speaking to us about The Tea
Party movement and their role in the upcoming Presidential election of 2011.
Thursday, March 10, 5:30 - 7pm
Leon’s Bar & Grill,
1100 Murray Canyon Drive, PS
$5 members; $10 Guests
Admission includes appetizers
No Host Happy Hour Specials
RSVP 760.837.7072
(See Page 4 for more information) |
Happy Spring Everyone
Toni M. Ringlein, PSRWF President
I cannot believe that it is March 2011
already!! The old saying “time flies when
you are having fun” must be true because
time is flying by and I am having fun! I am
having fun with many new things in my
life: a new granddaughter, a new job and,
of course, being the new 2011 President
of the Palm Springs Republican Women Federated. Fun as
President of a volunteer club, you ask? Well, yes, despite
the challenge of engaging you, our members, to help with
the many hurdles facing our community and country, I am
having fun!
I am having fun…
• Introducing you to our first newsletter of 2011! As you can
tell, our new member and graphic designer for our newsletter, Elaine Finch, knows what she is doing. I am so happy she
agreed to volunteer her time to the cause so you can receive
important club information. This is fun!
• Learning more about what it means to be a Conservative.
As a relative newbie to the political arena, I have been learning what it really means to be a Republican and coming to
truly understand my own values and beliefs. Being a member
of this club helps me grow and become a more confident
person standing strong in my principles. This is fun!!
• At our luncheons and happy hours! Meeting more likeminded citizens to talk with and be around is great! The liberals drive me crazy! You just can’t talk to them as they make
NO SENSE! The Happy hour, with its success, is bringing
more community members to our events and converting
them into members of our club. This is fun!
• Working with the fabulous women on the Board of Directors and committees to guide and direct our club to success.
This is fun!
• Knowing that I am making a difference in the lives of my
neighbors, my friends and my family. This is the most fun of all!
Knowing that what I do today will help my 5 beautiful grandchildren in their future. This is fun AND TRULY REWARDING!
So yes, I am having fun as the new President of our club. Are
you seeking a little more fun in your life? Please join me and
our other active members for all the fun we DO have!
With the upcoming council election this year, the fight to
stop the proposed Detention Center from coming into our
2 |
backyard, the 2012 Presidential election and so much more,
we need your help more than ever. This is a tough fight but
I am confident it is one we will win…TOGETHER! Slow and
steady, the truth is being exposed and as a result, we will
prevail in preventing our country from;
Becoming socialist or worse.
Ruled under Sharia law.
Going completely broke.
Being invaded by illegal immigrants who take but do not give.
Continuing to indoctrinate our children with false truths and progressive left values.
Losing its Constitutional greatness!
The madness must stop and it is up to us, American Citizens,
to stop it!! We are on our way…help keep up the momentum.
Become a volunteer today! Here is a list of positions that
need to be filled:
2nd Vice President of Membership
3rd Vice President of Ways and Means
Village Fest Chair
Achievement Awards Chair
Scholarship Chair
Programs Committee
Membership Committee
Ways & Means Committee
Budget Committee
Literacy Committee
Community Concerns
Club Historian
Club Photographer
Action Alert
In gratitude and fun,
Toni M. Ringlein
Freedom is never more than one generation away
from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in
the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and
handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will
spend our sunset years telling our children and our
children’s children what it was once like in the United
States where men were free.
Ronald Reagan 40th president of US (1911-2004)
Thank You
Gail Arnold
Barbara Beaty
Sharon Bennett
Linda Bentsen
Fay Bock
Zephia Bock
Gail Branscum
Sherry Bullock
Marilyn Carson
Shirley Claire
Bonnie Cloer
Sylvia Crawford
Mary Faith Cripps
Lorena DaCosta
Sharon Dever
Renee DeVolt
Betty Donnelly
Myrna Elliott
Cheryl Feigenbaum
Sue Ferguson
Jeanne Flores
Rita Foell
Virginia Goodrich
Winifred Gore
Claire Gustafson
Carol Haskell
Michelle Hathaway
Jackie Lee Houston
Gigi Huser
Paula Johnson
Freda Jorgenson
Harriett Kay
Sandy Levine
Mary Bono Mack
Luise Maddy
Norma Margot
Layla Maxwell
Marilyn McCarthy
Joy Miedecke
Zibz Nasr
Linda Nuuvali
Val Ogburn
Vyola Ortner-Kubler
Jo Pond
Fern Powell
Elizabeth Press
Shirley Pursley
Jan Reid
Elise Richmond
Toni M. Ringlein
Nicole Schultz
Marilyn Sigerman
Nancy Single
Joan Smith
Judy Tucker
Valerie Virtue
Lynn Westwater
Zane Willilamson
Charlene Withers
Hello to all of our Members
Rita Foell, Recording and Corresponding Secretaries
Like most organizations we are putting out a call for more help and a bit of patience!
It seems that everyone is busy...when jobs are transferred from Board to Board it takes a little
time to settle into those duties.
There are comments about not receiving emails, not receiving regular mail for those without email
addresses, difficulty in opening emails and believe me we are working to correct these things. We
are short of helpers as you have seen Toni has issued another call for people to take offices in order
to share the load, please step up and help us to help all of you.
A few things you can do to help:
If you have an email address and are not receiving our emails please check to be sure we are on
your list for receiving emails… …because we are getting a lot of returned mail from
members. If you have just joined we are getting new members email addresses added to our list.
If you will help me with the phone tree by making 10 - 15 calls per month, sending notices to members who don’t have email addresses, plus other duties it would be wonderful!
At the moment I am doing double duty as Recording Secretary and Corresponding Secretary, if
you can take one of them off my hands that would be a big help.
I ask for your patience and want very much to get to know all of you!
Respectfully Submitted,
Rita Foell,
Recording and Corresponding Secretaries
Welcome to Our Newest Members!
Karen Phalen, Marlis Amzalak, Linda Chapman, Deborah Conner, Jill Curtin, Elaine Finch, Mardy Pryor,
Sue Rocker, Barbara Stanford, Linda Williamson, Roberta Lindstrom, Sharon Bennett
Thank you to our Associate Members!
Paul Williamson, Don Donnelly, Bernie Crawford, Marv Elliott, Gair Foell, Ron Greenip,
Edward Lopatin, Jerry Ogburn, Bill Pursley, Sydelle Rothstein, Rich Single, Steve Smith,
Jonathan Sunshine, Larry Ulrich, Ed Yoh, Bob Richmond
Just a Reminder....
Invite your friends and family to join us as a member or to
attend our mixers and luncheons. | 3
Upcoming Events
Submitted by Sue Ferguson, 1st Vice President, Programs
Thursday, March 10, 5:30 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Leon’s Bar & Grill , 1100 Murray Canyon Drive, Palm Springs
$5 members; $10 Guests - includes appetizers • No Host Happy Hour Specials
Guest Speaker: Rick Amato • RSVP 760.837.7072
Rick Amato, San Diego radio celebrity and conservative radio talk show host on KCBQ in San Diego.
Rick is also the host of Inside Story with Rick Amato on the Washington Times Radio news, an Op Ed columnist for the Washington Times, and also writes for and also Town Rick’s favorite projects are those connected with military
justice, the tea party, veterans issues, border issues and illegal immigration. This will be quite an evening - please join us!!
Thursday, March 17, 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Registration 11a.m. • Lunch & Program 11:30 a.m.
Seven Lakes Country Club, 1 Desert Lakes Drive, Palm Springs
$25 members; $30 Guests
Guest Speaker: Morris Beschloss • RSVP 760.837.7072
It’s St. Patrick’s Day!! Wear your Green and celebrate with us. Our speaker for the month of March is Morris Beschloss,
a local conservative television and radio host who also happens to be one of the only DAILY newspaper bloggers at mydesert.
com. He is also a Senior Analyst for “The World Report” and Editor in Chief of “Global Outlook.” Friday morning he can be
heard from 8 - 9 with Steve Kelly on KPSI Radio 920AM. On The World Report television show, he joins Scott Crofut on Time
Warner Cable Channel 111. Morrie will be speaking to us about “Obama’s Business Policies Revisited” We expect that it will
be a thought provoking and provocative presentation. As always, there will be a Q&A at the end of the presentation.
Thursday, April 14, 5:30 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Leon’s Bar & Grill , 1100 Murray Canyon Drive, Palm Springs
$5 members; $10 Guests - includes appetizers • No Host Happy Hour Specials
Guest Speaker: District Attorney Paul Zellerbach • RSVP 760.837.7072
Our new Republican DA!! Come to celebrate his win and hear his story. As a Riverside County Prosecutor and Superior Court
Judge, Paul Zellerbach has devoted his career to protecting public safety and upholding our justice system. During his career
in the D.A.’s Office, Zellerbach tried approximately 150 jury trials, including 50 murder trials, 30 of which had special circumstances, and five death penalty trials. In his spare time, Judge Zellerbach has been active in the Riverside County High School
Mock Trial Program, served on the Riverside Human Relations Commission, the Riverside Family Services Association Board
of Directors, the Family Service Senior Housing Corporation Board of Directors, and as a Riverside Youth Court Judge. As
District Attorney, Paul Zellerbach pledged to increase the conviction rate, restore efficiency to the justice system and community
involvement. You don’t want to miss this one!
4 |
Upcoming Events, cont.
Submitted by Sue Ferguson, 1st Vice President, Programs
Thursday, April 21, 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Registration 11a.m. • Lunch & Program 11:30 a.m.
Seven Lakes Country Club, 1 Desert Lakes Drive, Palm Springs
$25 members; $30 Guests
Guest Speaker: Ellen Swensen • RSVP 760.837.7072
Easter Luncheon & Hat Day. Do you have a lovely old hat? A hat that defines who
you are as a person? Did you save some of your mother’s or grandmother’s old hats?
Are you good at creating a hat out of household materials? Well, put it on your head and wear it to our April luncheon. We will
have ballots so that the hats can be voted on. A prize will be awarded for the best hat. Remember, the best hat could be the
prettiest, or the funniest or the goofy-est; it’s all a matter of personal taste. Our speaker for the month is Ellen Swensen.
Ellen will discuss the Election Integrity Project, which is a comprehensive grass-roots effort to improve our state’s electoral
process. This includes reducing fraud, assuring military ballots are sent on time, assuring the new redistricting is conducted with
integrity, cleansing the voter registration rolls, etc. Please come to this important event. We all need to
get involved if we want to save our constitution-based government. Knowledge is power and we need
to find out about voter fraud so that we can do something about it!! Let’s all try to do a little more so
that we can win this country back.
Thursday, May 19, 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Registration 11a.m. • Lunch & Program 11:30 a.m.
Seven Lakes Country Club, 1 Desert Lakes Drive, Palm Springs
$25 members; $30 Guests
Guest Speaker: Priscilla Porter • RSVP 760.837.7072
See Page 7
June Membership
Cocktail Party
Spring Purse Exchange. Did you attend the last Purse Exchange luncheon? I heard it was a blast
and just about everyone left quite pleased. Bring a gently worn purse that you don’t mind giving up and you will get to take
home a new (to you) purse! Our speaker for this month is Priscilla Porter. Currently on the board of directors of the
“Coachella Valley History Museum, the Palm Desert campus of Cal State San Bernardino and the Lincoln Club, this Republican
woman is truly the voice of reason. She writes for Harcourt School Publishing Company, social studies text books children in
elementary school; kindergarten through grade 6. I hear that all of the elementary schools in the Coachella valley are using her text
books. I don’t know about you, but I breathed a big sigh of relief knowing that a conservative has contributed to the curriculum
in elementary school; something of a rarity today. Let’s give Priscilla a warm welcome. This is the last luncheon of the season.
If you have any ideas for future guest speakers, please contact Sue Ferguson at Thank you.
Luncheons every third Thursday of the month.
11:00 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Join us for lively conversation, delicious lunch,
great happy hour prices on bar drinks
and VERY INFORMATIVE guest speakers. | 5
Submitted by Bonnie Cloer, Americanism
Presently there seems to be a striving
for more civility in conversation, news
broadcasts, and writings. George
Washington’s Rules of Civility & Decent
Behaviour in Company and Conversation is an interesting little book much
of which can be applied to today. I
have chosen a select few from the
book. Since these were written so many years ago, some
do not apply, but do make for very interesting reading. The
spelling is original from the book, so includes UK spelling.
The introduction to the book states “George Washington, the
father of our country, exhibited notable manners throughout
his life. Diligence in social matters was common practice in
decent society the world over, during his lifetime. At the age
of 14, George Washington wrote down 110 rules under the
title “Rules of Civility & Descent Behaviour in Company and
Conversation.” These rules were drawn from an English
translation of a French book of maxims and were intended
to polish manners, keep alive the best affections of the heart,
impress the obligation of moral virtues, teach how to treat
others in social relations, and above all, inculcate the practice
of a perfect self-control.”
Some of the rules follow here.
Every action done in company ought to be with some sign of respect to those that are present.
5th If you cough, sneeze, sigh, or yawn, do it not loud by privately; and speak not in your yawning, but put your handkerchief or hand before your face and turn aside.
10th When you sit down, keep your feet firm and even, without putting one on the other or crossing them.
15th Keep your nails clean and short, also your hands and teeth clean, yet without showing any great concern for them.
24th Do not laugh too much or too loud in public.
56th Associate yourself with men of good quality, if you esteem your own reputation; for it is better to be alone than in bad company.
65th Speak not injurious words, neither in jest or earnest; scoff at none although they give occasion.
82nd Undertake not what you cannot perform, but be careful to keep your promise.
110th Labour to keep alive in your breast than little celestial fire called conscience.
For Your Information
Palm Springs Town Hall Meeting
Regarding proposed 7200 Bed Prison
Camelot Theaters
Saturday, March 26, 2011
May Newsletter - Articles, ads, photos are due April 10.
It takes a group of individuals with their own special view point, something that
is important to them to make an interesting newsletter that’s worth reading.
For our next newsletter I am looking forward to receiving some great articles,
interesting quotes, ideas, something you saw on the internet, let’s make the
newsletter fun, interesting and a joy to read.
Thanks, Elaine
6 |
Toni M. Ringlein
Great Rates!!!
70th birthday of the USO
Nancy Single, USO Liaison
our men and women have a place to rest and enjoy leisure
time while serving our country.
Feb. 4th, marked the 70th birthday of the USO (United Services Organization) which was formed in 1941 in order to help
The Palm Springs USO celebrated this historical event with a
cake, a proclamation by Palm Springs Mayor Steve Pougnet,
presented by Mayor pro-tem Lee Weigel who gave an inspiring speech. Rep Mary Bono Mack also sent her congratulations to the USO. As luck would have it, the 50,000th service
member to visit the Palm Springs USO arrived at the Center
the same day, which made the celebration even more exciting.
From all the volunteers at the Palm Springs USO, Thank You
for supporting our Military men and women and the local USO,
“Until Everyone Comes Home”.. Nancy Single, USO Liaison.
JUNE MEMBERSHIP DRIVE COCKTAIL PARTY - Help to increase our numbers. We have to
do something girls to wake up our friends and get them involved. A lovely cocktail party might be just the
right thing. Stay tuned for more information. We are planning a cocktail party at a FABULOUS home in
Palm Springs. The plans are getting under way and we will be letting you in on all of the details soon.
We have to wait until our SPECIAL GUEST has a calendar date available for us. So, as soon as she let’s
us know when she will be in town, we will let YOU know!! Oh, don’t you just love a surprise??????
The Palm Springs Republican Women Sponsor
The Elise Richmond Show Again
Elise Richmond, Host of the Elise Richmond Show
As a past president of the Palm Springs RWF and the host of
the conservative talk radio show, The Elise Richmond Show,
I am so proud to announce to all of you that the Executive
Board of the PSRWF has voted to once again sponsor the
second hour of the show for another quarter, starting on
Sunday, March 6, 2011.
Last year’s sponsorship was very successful, bringing in
new members, volunteers to the headquarters and creating
a greater and positive presence for our Republican club in
Palm Springs and the entire Coachella Valley, the High Desert
and Imperial County. We empower Conservatives!
Listen to the Elise Richmond Show every Sunday morning
from 9 to 11 AM on KNEWS 94.3FM and 970, 1140 and
1250 AM, as well! You can hear information about our club,
as we educate ourselves and our community on the upcoming election events and issues right here in Palm Springs in
the crucial Palm Springs City Council race this year in November and in the very important and upcoming 2012 election.
Most importantly, you can have a laugh, learning how to
“Drive Liberals Crazy”!
Thank you for your continued support.
Elise Richmond
Host of the Elise Richmond Show
Recording Secretary for the California Federation of
Republican Women | 7
Action Alert
Barbara Beatty 760.327.4556 760.534.4531
Elise Richmond
760.322.4489 760.409.5297
Campaign & Precinct Val Ogburn
760.327.1048 760.325.1329
Mary Faith Cripps
Community ConcernsTBD
Financial Review
Linda Nu’uvali
Val Ogburn
760.327.1048 760.325.1329
Historian & The BooksTBD
Val Ogburn
760.327.1048 760.325.1329
Carol Haskell
Elaine Finch
USO Liaison
Nancy Single
Village Fest
P.O. Box 1092
Palm Springs, CA 92263-1092