HERALD STATESMAN, YONKERS, N.Y., TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1963 ^ hr_ !• . Tuckahoe urn Man Indicted In Stock Theft Case Ole Miss SiiriPi^visors Court Grants after a brief illness Born June 7, 1912, in Prince (Continued from Page One) George County, Va., a daughter (Continued from Page One) of the late James and Mary Hines soon will be made to integrate Epps, she moved to White Plains the Universities of Alabama and fight and to confine themselves Joseph Schneider, an architect- at an early age and came to MRS. GEORGE: W. BALDWIN to Mr. Martin's resolution. South Carolina. ural sculptor, who died in 1957. Yonkers in 1932. Her husband Native 01 Vonkcrs NEW YORK UP) — An amazing Asst. U. S. Atty. Peter Fleming Mr. Martin said that the DemoChancellor Williams said the Mrs. Schneider was a resident died six years ago. charge of two groups of men J r . said. Mrs. Lois Baldwin, 83, of 70 crats had substituted their plan administration and faculty "have Fleming, who presented the for one approved by the YonMrs. Isrcal was a member of looting the same -New York brokLivingston Ave., widow of George of Larchmont from 1920 to 1943, Trial by jury was asked yes- done all that was responsible when she moved with her husthe P l e a s a n t Grove Baptist erage house almost simultane- Sutro case to the federal grand kers citizens in 1961 which had terday in Special Sessions Court and proper to insure the best W. Baldwin, died yesterday at band to Callicoon, N. Y. After Church in Prince George County. ously—without crossing paths — jury here, said the two groups Sans Souci Nursing Home. never actually been tested. He possible education for all stuSurviving a r e a son, "Kenneth was made yesterday with the "operated almost simultaneous- said that at the Yonkers public by the attorney for a Yonkers dents. Bom in Yonkcrs on Dec. 4,his death, she returned to LarchI mont for a year, sharing her indictments ly" in looting the brokerage firm hearing the voices of the people man accused of leaving the scene of Petersburg, Va.: two brothel's, return of federal 1877, she was the daughter of the "Since the court order was islate Jubal and Harriet Walsh I home with her son and daughter- James Epps of Camden, N. J., naming 13 of them in the al- until last June. The indictments who wanted to speak were of an accident after his car al- sued, not one directive has been in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. Raycovered the period from Dec. smothered by the action of the legedly crashed into a house at received from the federal courts, and William Epps of Hopewell, leged conspiracy. Ormerod. Her late husband was a retired foreman will the Alex- \ ™nd Schneider. For For the the past Va., and five sisters, Mrs. Ora Common Council in cutting off 39 Garden'St. The indictments said the de-1, 1961, to July 10, 1962. the military authorities, the U.S. One Indictment charged that the hearing. ander Smith and Sons Carpet Co. ! five years he had resided at theBrown of Fairview, Mrs. Elmira fendants stole 5131,000 worth of marshals or the Justice DepartCharged is John Thomas, 32, Moore of Petersburg, and Mrs.securities from Sutro Brothers & the securities were stolen from Mrs. Baldwin was a life mem- , Sehervier Home. ment in this connection except Supervisor Harold Smith, D- of 95, ^'arburton Ave. His lawyer, While a resident of Larchmont, Gertrude Cherry, Mrs. Sarah Mc- Co. and arranged for the sale Sutro Brothers by an employe, bcr of St. John's Episcopal for one football game to be reYonkers, said Mr. Martin had j Church in Getty Square. She was Mrs. Schneider was a communi- Cloud and Mrs. Margaret Hunt, of the stocks while also shipping Joseph J . Leonti of Brooklyn already obtained the estimate j Morris Waldhorn, asked Judge moved from the campus, which also a member of the Golden cant of St. Augustine's Church. all of Philadelphia, P a . federal bonds and other securi- who purportedly turned them and had been quoted in t h e ! John E. Tobin for a jury trial on was done. All reasonable sugthe charge. The case was placed over to- another employe, Allan Age Club of St. Andrew's MemSurviving besides her son and ties to Texas. Yonkers herald Statesman a s on the jury court calendar. No gestions have been followed." MRS. JOSEPH A. SHEERAN R. Strahl, also off Brooklyn. orial Church here. daughter are rhree sisters. Mrs. The two indictments named Edsaying it would cost Yonkers Meredith's admittance touched The securities eventually were from $3,000 to $9,000 for the j date was set. Surviving a r e two nephews. '•Robert (Agnes) Phelan of the Aided Church Founding ward Hugh Wuensche of Holland, off campus rioting, which left Mrs. Mary F . Sheeran, 76, for- Pa., as a participant in both sold by Wuensche, Fleming said. Board of Elections to change the j Thomas is charged with leaving Harold Ormerod of White Plains \ Bronx. Mrs. Fred (Julia* Von two dead and scores injured. The Others Listed and Oliver Ormerod of Mount Appen of Brooklyn and Mrs.merly of 127 Pennsylvania Ave., groups. the scene after his c a r smashed federal government Sent about election cards. The other defendants were idendied Saturday after a long illVernon, and three nieces. Mrs. I Charles (Anna) Bauer of Daveninto the house Dec. 28. He was Wuensche is among three of Mr. Berman said it was only | arrested after three Yonkers po- 17,000 troops into the Oxford Lois Dixon of Washington. D. C , iport. N. Y.: a brother, Charles I ness. She was the widow of Jo- the defendants awaiting trial in tified as Di Fonzo, Charles Ararea. Approximately 500 soldiers Mrs. Shirley Grahame of West-! Miller of Pleasantville, N. J., ! seph A. Sheeran who was vice Houston, Tex., on a conspiracy nold Blumberg of Manhattan, a rough estimate. licemen traced him through the are still on duty. j president of the American News indictment i n v o l v i n g $80,000 Howard Gordon of the Bronx and port, Conn., and Mrs. Ruth Ma- and five grandchildren. Mr. Byrne said that the pre- nickname, "Bubba." Meredith said he planned to ! Company in New York City at worth of stolen larz of Long Island. government Stephen M. Rosenthal of Brook- vious Walsh plan (which the ReJudge Tobin continued Thomas, MRS. FRANK X. MORAHAX ! t h c t i m e 0 { n i s death in 1942. Mr. bonds not related to the Sutro lyn. They were accused of in- publicans favor) was put over in who has pleaded innocent, free in remain at Ole Miss at least through the end of final examiGEORGE E. FAI.K J R . terstate transportation and sale a roughshod way. He began to j $500 bail. Native of Yonkers : Hn<\ M r s . Sheeran assisted in the looting, officials said. nations, which begin Jan. 18 and of 500 shares of American TeleVonkcrs Man's Brother Mrs. Florence M. Morahan, 50, i founding and building of Annun use the word "roughshod" in end Jan. 22. Registration for the Transporting Charged phone & Telegraph Co., 100 shares ciation Church in the Crestwood George E . Falk J r . . 60. of|of 150 Waring Place, wife of speaking of the Democratic plan spring semester is J a n . 31The other two, Joseph Di Fonzo of General Telephone & Electron- when Mr. Berman cautioned him. Mount Vernon, brother of Daniel Frank X. Morahan, died yester- section of this city where she Feb. 2. of Manhattan and Arnold I. ic Corp., and 43 shares of InJ . Falk of 130 Parkway N. here, I day at St. John's Riverside Hos- was a communicant. Pairs of Threes Mentioned ternational Business Machines. Naidich, New York attorney of Meredith has been rumored to died Friday at his home, ap- j pital after a short illness. Mrs. Sheeran was born in New Later, Mr. Byrne said that as Plainview, have been indicted be in academic trouble since he parently of a heart attack. The second indictment also (Continued from Page One) j Born June 6, 1912, in Yonkers, York, the daughter of the late started classes at Mississippi. At Born F e b . 18. 190:', in Newa daughter of the late Edward Edward A. and Margaret Cahill with Wuensche on charges of I named Wuensche along with ^he the result of the new redistrictYork City, a son of the late j Daly and of Mrs. Florence Eck- Moran. She was a graduate of transporting t h e government following: Naidich, Charles J . ing, the 1st Ward had two Demo- Tshombe might still wrest a posi- one point he acknowledged a George and Margaret Quigley ert Daly, she was a graduate of Hunter College arid was a teacher bonds from here to Houston Giuiliano of Stone Harbor, N.J.: cratic supervisors and two Dem- tion of power for himself in a need for tutors to help his Chester Zochowski, also known ocratic councilmen. "Wouldn't it Katanga already being absorbed grades. Falk, he was a resident of the 'Sacred Heart. High School here. in New York before her marriage Bronx for many years before .She had been employed a s an to Mr. Sheeran in 1911. She lived as Chester Gray, of Miami, Fla.; be a sight to behold if three into the Congo by central governCharles Joseph Tritt of Montre- men ran for supervisor and ment administrators following in ROME VISIT PLANNED moving to Mount \ ernon 26 years | a d j u s t o r f o r t n e R e a d e r ' s Digest in the Bronx for some time beal, Que., and Mario Prezioso of three men for councilman in No- the wake of the U.N. armies. ago. He was a retired executive | A s s o c i a t i o n I n c . H e r husband is fore coming to live in Yonkers LONDON tfi — British Prime vember?" he said, 53 Columbus Ave., Tuckahoe. of the New York Telephone Co., an employe of the Consolidated about 35 years ago. The U.N. Command meantime Minister Harold Maemillan has with which he had been affiliated Edison Co. According to the indictment, Mr. Byrne was elected from may order its Ethiopian troops" accepted an invitation from the Mrs. Sheeran is survived by a from Elisabethville southeast- Italian government to visit Rome Prezioso, then a Sutro employe, I for 40 years. the 2nd Ward. Mrs. Morahan was a communi- number of cousins in the metroward along the Northern Rhode- soon, official sources reported. took the securities and delivered Mr. Falk was a communicant politan area. sian horder to reopen vital road them to Zochowski. of Sts. Peter and Paul Church in cant of the Monastery Church of the Sacred Heart here. She and rail links with supply sourcMount Vernon. All six named in the second was a sister of Edward Daly, HAROLD E . TARBOX Two off-duty Yonkers police- indictment were accused of ines. DRAFTING' Surviving besides his brother Was Area Resident Mechanical-Architectural men were injured today when are his wife, the former Viola who died in service during Wor.d terstate transportation and sale U.N. Undersecretary Ralph Harold E . Tarbox, 82, of LinElectrical-Electronic their c a r hit a utility pole on of one 55,000 U.S. Treasury Nickel; a daughter, Carol Jane War II. Bunche said the southern supply Blueprint Reading Construction coln, Del., a former resident of Vivian H. Kelly of 1 Stafford Surviving besides her husband McLean Avenue, police report. Machine Design-Bids. Estimating of -the homo address, and a sisbond, 520 shares of American route is needed to supply ElisaEastchester and Scarsdale, died MATHEMATICS Injured were Patrolmen Wil- Natural Gas Co. stock and .10 Ave., who was hospitalized after bethville's c i v i l i a n population ter, Mrs. Elizabeth Liggio of thei and mother a r e two daughters, Saturday at Milford (Del.) HosStart any Mon.-Placement Service I Anita and Helen, both of the liam Youshock, 34, of 36 Radford bonds of $1,000 each of Food an automobile accident Dec. 26, with food and other essentials. Bronx. has been discharged from Dobbs MANHATTAN TECHNICAL jhome address; two brothers, pital. St., and AVilliam Peckne, 37, of Fair Properties. He had been president of the MRS. JOSEPH SCHNEIDER Ferry Hospital. INSTITUTE Administrator Chosen j Charles Daly of Yonkers and Jo97 Dcvoe Ave. 165 W. 46 tBv.ay-.XVC) PL 7-48M Daughter in Yonkers jseph Daly of Washington, D.C.; Tarbox Carpet Mills in New York Police said Mr. Youshock was Premier Cyrille Adoula yesterMrs. Kelly suffered a concusMrs. Marie M. Schneider, 71, I a sister, Helen Daly of Yonkers, City for more than 50 years until driving east on McLean when an sion when her car skidded into a day named a Leopoldville offihis retirement two years ago. mother of Mrs. George (Marie) and an aunt, Sister Aquila of the unidentified car heading west in ditch near the Saw Mill River cial a s adminstrative boss of Pivarnik of 162 Park Hill Ave., Sisters of St. Agnes in Sacred His father, the late William Tar- the wrong lane forced him to Road exit of the New York State Katanga and ordered the replacebox, was the firm's founder. died a t the Francis Sehervier Heart parish. swerve off the road and into a Thruway, She told police her car ment of Katangan money with Surviving are his wife, the forHome in Riverdale Dec. 30 after skidded on ice as she was leaving central government banknotes. mer Alberta Early; two daugh- pdle opposite 333 McLean. MRS. WILLIAM ISREAL a long illness. the Thruway, went off the He also: • The driver received medical ters, Mrs. Muriel Thomas Groves Born Sept. 23, 1891, in the 30 Years In Yonkers shoulder of the road and into the aid for cuts of the head, abraTold Katanga and foreign civMrs. Lucille E . Israel, 50, of of Seattle, Wash., and Mrs. Betty sions of the legs, and w a s deBronx, she was a daughter of ditch. il servants in- the province they Rolfson of Long Island, and two the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles 131 Palisade Ave., widow of Wiltained for chest X-rays a t St. Jo- OTIS AIR FORCE BASE, Mass. had not lost their jobs. grandchildren. Miller. She was the widow of liam Isreal, died Saturday at seph's Hospital The passenger JP—The two remaining Texas His first wife was the late Offered Katangan gendarmes Elizabeth Plate Tarbox. He waswas taken to St. Joseph's for Towers in the Atlantic Ocean off who surrender before a date to a brother of the late William, medical attention to cuts of the Massachusetts -have fallen victim be announced later their current to nature and technological proghead, chin, nose, and leg injuries. Thomas and George Tarbox. ranks in a unified Congo army. Both officers a r e with the 3rd ress. Decreed that central governThe Air Force announced that MRS. WILLIAM WEIDMANN Precinct. The accident happened AIEZZA—Andrew. Of 52 Vark Street. McORATH—Cecilia A. Of 1 Lawrence ment foreign exchange control a routine inspection of the two What is taste? On January 6. 1963. Beloved hus8treet. Yonkers. On January 7, 1963. Wife Of Designer at 1:43 a.m. regulations and laws on foreign radar installations revealed exband of Anna Wallawaclc Aiezza. Belored daughter of the late John Mrs. Mabel Weidmann, 88, of Funeral from the Memorial Home, T. and Katherine C. McOrath. William Pahlmann, n o t e d trade should apply to Katanga. tensive erosion of sand and rock 108 Yonkers Avenue, on Wednesday Devoted sister of Zlta I. McOrath 5 Schroeder St. died Saturday fashion designer, calls it " a p - Placed Katanga's n a t i o n a l around the supporting legs. at 9:30 A.M. High Mass of Requiem. and Benedict F. McOrath of Larch- at St. Joseph's Hospital after a preciation" as he explains bank, which has been seized by St. Margaret's Church, Locust Hill mont. The family will be present The announcement said it is Avenue a t 10:0O A.M. Interment, at The Fred H. McGrath Ac Bonlong illness. She was the wife of how taste and interior design the United Nations, under the not considered practical to repair • Liceniod Plumbing & Heating St. Joseph* Cemetery. 1-3 Funeral Home, Bronxvllle, from 2:00 William Weidmann, a retired dethe tower foundations because go hand in hand in his first central government's monetary V P.M. to 5:00 P.M. and 7:00 P.M.signer of children's clothing. Contractor i until 9:00 P.M.. Wednesday and BALDWIN—Lois Ormerod. On January semi - automatic airborne radar column, "A Matter of Taste", council. Bom in Maiden, Mass., on Nov. Thursday. Requiem Mass, St. Denis 7. 1963. Wife of the late George 141 MCLEAN AVE. equipment is expected to be starting today in this newspaChurch on Friday, January 11 at 2, 1874, she was the daughter of • W. Baldwin. Funeral services will per. 11:00 A.M. 1-9 be held at the Phillips Funeral available soon with the same cathe late John and Sarah Rogers Home. 50 Ludlow Street on Thurspabilities a s the towers. Read William Pahlmann toCampbell. She went with her day at 11:00 A.M. Interment, OakTwo restaurants and a flower . Texas Tower 2, about 100 miles day and every day for help land Cemetery. The family will re- MORAHAN — Florence Daly. On Jan- parents to live in Brooklyn as uary 7, 1963. Beloved wife of Frank ceive their friends at the Funeral schools shop were entered yesterday, east of Cape Cod, will be aban- with the management of- your X. Morahan of 105 Waring Place. a child and attended Home from 2-5 <fc 7-9:00 P.M. l-« doned immediately. Reposing at the Ball Funeral Home, there. She w a s married to Mr. police report. •own home. From 25 years of 100 Lake Avenue. Funeral on ThursCIPOLLIM—Igo. Of 72 Western AveLoot totaled $100 in cash and Texas Tower 3, about 60 miles experience in the field, he will Weidmann in New York City nue. Yonkers. On January 8, 198.5 day at 9:30 A.M. High Mass of Requiem in the Monastery Church about 70 years ago. She had been a case of assorted liquor at southeast of Cape Cod, will be bring to you tips on decoration, Beloved husband of Ida Lynch of the Sacred Heart at 10:00 A M . a Yonkers resident since 1947. Manzi's Restaurant, 283 Riverdale maintained on a standby, basis m a t e r i a l s , furnishings and Cipollini. Father of Eruno and A'.do Interment, St. Joseph's Cemetery. CipolUnL Resung at Haver's FunerSurviving besides -her husband Ave., where thieves used body until the end of February. It will room arrangements which will For those who so desire, a donation al Home Inc., 107 North Broadway, You'll never tangle O U T tickets. in her memory to the American Yonkers. Time of service to be given are a son, Charles Weidmann of force to enter a rear door. A be manned by seven merr \vhen make your home an even more Cancer Society would be appreciated. later. i-8 cash register was also taken. puzzle o \ e r passports or haggle ^ ^ ^ v ^ f c £ J $ \ / " ^ i the weather is favorable. pleasant and comfortable place Sayville, L. I.; four daughters, Elizabeth, New Jersey papers, Twenty bottles, of liquor and Three towers were built by the to live. please copy. Mrs. J l a r r y (Dorothy) Kessler of FEIGIN -Nathan. Of 37 Bayley Ave- , !-9 o \ e r hotels . . . when joil leave r.ue. Beloved husband of Dorothy. I Yonkers, Mi's. Mabel Landau of $40 in cash were reported stolen Air Force in the mid-50s as part all lho.se vvorrysome details lo us! See the illustrated Pahlmann Dear father of Noel and Mrs. Susan i OBERHAMMER — Ernest R. of 122.-S Fort Lee, N. J.; Mrs. Frank from Bruno's Restaurant, 640 Cen- of the radar network designed to Gcrson. Brother of Mrs. Dora Peters. column today and look for it Midland Avenue. Bronxville. On (Florence) Rusciano of the Bronx, tral Park Ave. A door was forced spot enemy aircraft approaching Just relax ami,enjoy the cruise or " Mrs. Rose Waintraub and Mrs. January 5, 1963. Beloved husband of every Tuesday, Thursday and here also. Helen Kravitz. Service will be helc U.S. shores. and Mrs. Ernest (Louise) Bernflight of your choice! Geraldine Heap. Father of Mrs. on Thursday. January 10 at t.io Saturday from now on. Robert G. Karn and brother of Mrs hart of Emerson, N. J.; a grandStuber's Flower Shop at 321 Tower 4 collapsed in January Temple Emanuel. Rumsey Roa^i Complvti' Carribvan. Mcditon uiivan and European Frank Ferraro. Victor and Louis Yonkers, N.Y. at 1 P.M. ReposOberhammer. Services at the Geo.son, John Weidmann, who made Bronx River Road w a s entered 1961 during a gale. Its crew of 14 lr.c at the Weiss Memorial Inc.. T. Davis Memorial. 14 LeCount his home with his grandparents; by an intruder who' forced a side Air Force men and 14 civilians cruises arranged lo suit your budget, 326 Ri'verda'.e Avenue, Yonkers, N.Y. PUcf. New Rochelle. 2:00 P.M.. YVeJ- two other grandchildren, and 17 door but nothing was apparently was lost. Two other towers, 1 and 1-9 nescjpv. Friends may call, 7:00 to • PIANO 5, were never constructed. AT YOUR taken, police said. 9:00 P.M. 1-8 great-grandchildren. M K t t l ADOLF KLEIN TRAVEL AGENCY, INC. GORMAN—Richard P. Of 16 Eastvicw HOME! • ACCORDION "Or* of America's Oldest Est. 1884 Avenue. On January 7. 1963. BeQuaker Ridge Golf Club mourns the OBITUARY ADDENDA loved husband of Dorothy Ketiier 'X5KL L0MBARD0 8 HUDSON STREET, YONKERS Y 0 3'3100 Gorman. Devoted son of Mrs Cath- death of its esteemed manager. ErnMrs. Corson C. Manning, whose erine Gorman and the late Patrick est Oberhammer. "fmlSU 62 LEE AVE. Sylvan Schwartzreich, President MALCOLM J. KLEIN -Manaftin/c Di'recior obituary appeared in yesterday's Gorman. Father of Kevin and Gail. Oerson Relchman. Secretary. •TRUMPET YO 5-7092 Brother of Catherine Oorman, Mis. 1-8 • edition of this newspaper, was Thomas (Alice) McSpedon. • John. » CLARINET Imtruments Rented | also a member of General George Daniel, Patrick and the late Sg\. SCHNEIDER — Marie (nee Miller'. James Oorman. Will be reposing v. Formerly of Larchmont. N.Y. On! B. McClellan Auxiliary, Sons of the Whalen Funeral Home. lbS December 30. 1962. Widow of the Union Veterans of the Civil War. Park Avenue, corner of Glenwoorl OBITUARY NEWS Request For Trial By Jury Katanga 2 Policemen Hurt As Car Smacks Pole Hospital Releases Accident Victim U.S. To End Radar Isles In Atlantic Look for Pahlmann On Home Design In Today's Paper DEATH NOTICES SEWER PIP£S and DRAINS CLEME0 ELECTRICALLY YOnkers 3-6895 Cash, Liquor Stolen At 2 Restaurants M. f RAITAG 1 AWAY YOU GO! The travel-pleasure is all yours! MUSIC LESSONS late Joseph Schneider. Beloved mother of Mrs. George (Mane) Pivarnik of Yonkers and J. Raymond 8chneider of Larchmont. N.Y Sister of Mrs. Robert (Agnesl Phelan. GORMAN - - Richard. On Jan 7. The Mrs. Fred (Julia) VonAppen. M n officers and members of Elevators Charles (Anna) Bauer and Charies Constructors Local No. 1 recretfuiir Miller. Also surviving are fiv* announce thc death of our belo"cd grandi hildren. Interment was Janmember. Reposing a' the Whalen uary 3. 1963 In 8t. Joseph's CemeFuneral Home. 168 Park Ave. Pun- tery. Callicoon, N.Y. 1-8 rial Friday at 10 a m. at the Monastery Church of t:ie Sacred Heart 1-10 SHEERAN—Mary F. On January R, 1963. Of 127 Pennsylvania Avenue. Hugh Cuff, president and business Scarsdale, N.Y. Reposing, l - l o P.M. manager at the Fox Funeral Home. 80 Post Peter Guery. serretary-treasurer Road. Larchmont. until Wednesday. 9:30 A.M. Solemn Mass of Reoulem. HERRMANN — Charles. Of 1 Jonrs Place. On Sunday, January 6. 1963 Church of the Annunciation, 350 Hollywood Avenue. Crestwood, N.Y. Beloved husband of Anne Rohan Interment. Oate of Heaven CemeHerrmann. Devoted father of M M tery. i-8 Peter 'Charlottei Basins*!. Funeral from the Community Funeral Horn.-. 107 Yonkers Avenue, on Wednesdav. STANKO — Julius. Of 98 Clarendon January 9. 1963 at 1 00-P.M. InterAvenue. On Monday. January 7. rr.rnt. Pnelawn National Cemetery. 1963. Beloved brother of John. LVvuIi Farrr.ir.gdalc. Long Island. Arrangeand Andrew Stanko. Funeral from ments by the Fennell Funeral Home the Duchynski Funeral Home, 111 In :.fj of flowers, please mtxe Yonkers Avenue, on Thursday. Jancnr.'ribuiior.i to Heart and Tuberuary i o at 9 3 0 A M . High Mass of culosl* funds Reoulem in the Most Holy Trinity Nanuet. N.Y. papers, please copy Catholic Church at 10 00 A M. In18 terment, at. Joseph'* Cemetery. The family will receUe friends at the M»\NTNO — Orace VanTassel. Of j funeral Home from 2-5 fc 7-10 00 Miami. Florida. Formerly of Yon- | P M i.9 Vers. N.Y. Or. J a n u n y •>. 1963 Be- ' >vrd »:fe of Corson Mannins ! Mother cf M n . O Frank (Heleiv \ In Memoriam . " . : . Mrs. Albert iPrfscillai Butler.Dc ic'.s and Franklin VanTasg*!. I .->'.\ice at Hasey's Funeral Home BALDASSAnF—Thomas. Inc.. 107 North Broadway. Yonkers. I •Hapny birthday in Heaven." on Thursday. January 10 at 2 00 j His -memory Is as dear today. F M. Interment. Oakland Cemetery ! As In the hour he passed awar. Wife, children <fc grandchildren. 1-10 i l-« or. Wednesday. January 9. Notice o! funeral arrangements to be announced later. 1-8 1-Cent Stamp Rush On; To Go With 4s And 7s of 20,000 letters in Dallas, Tex., Bv THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The one-cent postage stamp, a about half failed to carry the new nearly forgotten relic, was back postage. . In the Louisville, Ky., post ofin large-scale use today. That's because it takes five fice, about 5,000 letters piled up cents worth of postage now to with only four-cent stamps atsend a letter first class and eight tached. At Boston's main post office cents worth for air mail. People who had four-cent and seven-cent people lined up TO and 50 deep stamps needed the one-centers to at six stamp windows. The Pittsburgh post office was forced to meet the new requirements. When the new postal rates went put on extra employes at its into effect yesterday, Syracuse stamp windows. In Salt Lake post offices sold more than 500,- City, the stamp line stretched out 000 one-cent stamps. This com- into the street. pared with the normal daily sale "It's the most amazing demonof 10,000. stration I ever saw," the PortBaltimore post offices were hit land, Ore., postmaster said of the for about three million one-cent- stamp rush. ers and special messengers were In Washington, the Post Office sent to Washington, for three or Department canvassed its major four million more. offices throughout the nation and reported that "the transition has Tops Yule. Rosh "Christmas was mild compared been remarkably smooth, for A passenger reported injuries to this," said Louis Caplan, a Bal- which we can thank the press and to the police after an auto col- timore postal window clerk for 38 the public." lision at Livingston Ave. andyears. An enterprising. Lincoln, Neb., Morris St. • Alicia Goldman. 22. of 106 resident tried to beat the postal Highland Ave., said she struck hike deadline, sending out 200 her head and that she would con- four-cent letters marked: "Do not sult her own doctor. She was a open until Christmas, 1963." Columbus. Ohio, mailmen pickpassenger in a c a r driven by Lester Fichtenholz of the Bronx. ed up 38,000 letters Sunday night Card Of Thonks The other c a r wa"s driven by —before the midnight deadline, Nick DiPasquale of 136 Lake compared with the usual 8,000. I MrSLIN Vera. Postal officials said a lot of letWe wish to express our heartfelt Ave. ter receivers will have to pay an I thanks and appreciation to our many extra penny for four-cent letters j friends and neighbors for the kind- CORRECTION I pe»«. sympathy and Spiritual offerKenneth l ^ o Oilman. 51, of 92 posted after the deadline. The ilnts recelred during our recent , bereavement. Round Hill Drive, whoso obituary postmen predicted many won't be ! 1-8 The Meslln family in the Dec. 29 edition of this happy about having to go to the newspaper, died unexpectedly aft- post office to get such letters if FALL KILLS WOMAN. J2 er a brief illness. He was presi- they aren't home when the postman oomes. NEW YORK up - Mrs. Pa- dent of the Scarsdale Gun Club Mail Piles Cp It was incorrectly reported to tricia T. Dp Cora, 32, of 4173 In yesterday's first pickup i The Herald Statesman that Mr. shell Rd.. Sarasota. Fla., Jump- j rA]mM ^ Aftcr a lonR l U n M S ed or fell to her death from her TO TAKE HOME j 21st floor room in the Hotel Lexj ington yesterday, police reported. Her husband, Raymond, was out John J. Flynn of the hotel room at the time. WITH J893 - Founder - 1961 ' CAU OR VISIT police said. US SOON YO 3-3333 82 LUDLOW STREET SAVfcVBUY DIRECT You can correct a hearYONKERS, NEW YORK KOSHER = ing loss with any on* of YOnUr* 3-5178 DELICATESSEN a doxon diWoronf MAICO l « | « leUtfiett •( 771 YONKERS AVE. hearing aids. John J. Fly**, Jr. • Willi* L. Firm NEAR CENTRAL AVE. Y0 i-U17 J«m«< E. Flynn HEARING AID BUREAU MFG. C O M P A N Y * PAUL'S POULTRY MKT. 159 South tread*ay • " " l . 447 SOUTH H0ADWAY Aa$UPe*kiti$ OR 6-6710 YOnkers 8.7555 OTHER DEATHS MAY B O L E Y , 81; former Broadway and motion picture actress and singer who last appeared on the New York stage in the Cole Porter-Moss Hart show "Jubilee" and was seen in the films "Dangerous Curves" woth C l a r a . B o w and in "Thc Informer" with Victor McLaglen, at Hollywood. MRS. MARY ROSS REYNOLDS. 82, a pioneer women's editor of national farm magazines, whose posts included the U. S. Department of Agriculture and the F a r m Journal in Philadelphia before her retirement in 19-17, at Philadelphia. Anto Collision Injures Rider gaaoajaiD*^ a >Wff» FUTTCR WRHOHE FLYNJV arceu naif MMMf memorial home inc. SHADES if f? At K J \MfM0 BBQ&R^ CH Y Untitled Document ZION PRODUCTS m P—_ Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com ONKERS • SHADE ' 34 tmmu m. MARKET CITY THE HOME O f REViSTEHEB BLACK AXGUS BEEF The Difference Is In The Taste IN THE HEART OF GETTY SQUARE PARKING FOR 500 CARS 10 PALISADE AVE. BOILED H A M POLISH BRAND WITH A MEAT PURCHASE lib. START THE 99 NEW YEAR RIGHT PORK CHOPS JERSEY FRESH FIRST CUT LEAN % lbs. 99 Get Real c FRANKFURTERS COLONIAL- f t f\ 2 1b. Bags I j g C Enjoyment in Every Bite of DELICIOUS FOODS a t MARKET CITY'S ARE BACK ITALIAN SAUSAGES SWEET OR HOT BUONA A l DANTE 1V2 lbs. 99 c 99 SALE 3 3 SALE EGGS RIB LAMB CHOPS OEN. SPRING A REAL TREAT 99 c IV2 lbs. FOWL WHOLE, MAINE'S FINEST 3 lbs. 99 99 C URGE JERSEY WHITE 2 Doz. 99 CHICKEN WINGS TO STEW, FRICASSEE or SAUTE 4 lbs. 99 c KOLBASSI FAMOUS SPECIAL iy 2 ibs. 99 c CHOPPED SIRLOIN LEAN FRESHLY GROUND 2 lbs. 99 C VEAL STEW LEAN BONELESS JUST STEWUCIOUS IV2 lbs. 99 99 c VEAL PATTIES TENDERED TO PERFECTION DELICIOUS EATINO 1 lb. c CHICKEN LEGS MAINE FRESH C U T 2 lbs. 99 PIGS' FEET JERSEY PORKERS 5 lbs. 99 99 c CHICKEN BREAST LAMB CHOPS SLICED BACON SHOULDER LEAN GENUINE Fresh Cut c SPRING C TASTY C A lbs* IVslbs. 2 lbs. WE HKSERYE 99 THE RifiHT TO UM1T QUA\TITtE$
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