James Wm. Forsythe, MD, HMD Board Certified Medical Oncologist Board Certified Internal Medicine Certified in Homeopathy www.drforsythe.com info@drforsythe.com Forsythe Immune Therapy (FIT) Out-Come Based Investigation 300 Patients - 23 Months From 06/10 - 04/12 Using CST + IPT 1 James Wm Forsythe, MD, HMD Board Certified Internal Medicine Board Certified Medical Oncologist Certified in Homeopathy I have no potential conflict of interest relationships to my presentation. Status of FDA devices used for the material being presented: NA/Non-Clinical Status of off-label use of devices, drugs or other materials that constitute the subject of this presentation: NA/Non-Clinical 2 Original Mission of the Forsythe Immune Therapy (FIT) Study • Test efficacy of CST + IPT with the following: 1. Low-Dose Chemo (fractionated) 2. Poly MVA + FIT alone 3. Super “C” + H2O2 4. Combinations of all the above 5. CST + IPT in all cases 3 FIT 23 Month Report on 300 Stage IV Adult Cancer Patients Survival Column requirements: 1. Stable Remission for at least one month 2. All patients counted even if expired 3. Must have measurable parameters (XRays, CT scans, PET scans, MRIs, USs and tumor markers) 4 5 Earlier Poly-MVA Study 2004-2010 – FIT II • 225 patients with Stage IV cancers of multiple origins • Poly MVA alone • Poly MVA + Chemotherapy 6 year Overall Survival (OS) rate of 32% 6 POLY- MVA: THE PRODUCT 1. A patented palladium lipoic compound 2. MVA: Minerals: molybdenum, rhodium & ruthenium Vitamins: B1, B2, B12 Amino Acids: formyl-mcthionine, acetylcysteine 3. Palladium (PL) is a rare metal often combined with platinum in jewelry. M.W. 106 found in nature alloyed with platinum,copper and nickel. Highly conductive metal. 4. ALA a super antioxidant and detoxifier. It is both water and fat soluble. It is an effective chelator with heavy metals. 5. Ongoing POLY-MVA study of 225 patients with Stage IV cancers of multiple origins at four years shows an Overall Survival (OS) of 32% when used alone or with chemotherapy. 7 Past and Ongoing Clinical Outcome – Based Cancer Studies TIME PRODUCT Mode of Action 2002-2003 Paw-paw NSP Poly-MVA AMARC Energetics 2004-Present Hyper-energizes Promotes Apoptosis 2005-Present FIT Study Combination therapy 2010- Present CST + IPT Chemo-sensitivity testing with IPT 8 FINDING THE “TRIGGER” FOR CANCER Potential Cause(s) Tests Heavy Metal Toxicities Hair analysis Blood/Urine Chemical Toxicities Blood ELISA Allergies: food & inhalants Blood & Skin Viral Etiology HPV, HIV, EBV, HEP B/C Immune Competence Lymph Subset & NKC panel 9 Unique Characteristics of Cancer Cells Used in Integrative Oncology • Simple Sugars – malignant cells have increased numbers of insulin receptors to attract sugar molecules (i.e. PET Scan basis) • Acidity – A lower intracellular ph in the biological terrain is ideal for malignant cell growth – hence use the value of alkalinization – (i.e. zeolite, cesium or green powders) • Hypoxia – Malignant cells use anaerobic metabolism primarily thus the value of various O2 therapies – HBO / H2O2 / Ozone • Low Voltage – Malignant cells are low energy systems and produce only 5% ATP of normal cells – thus hyper-energizing therapy – Poly-MVA 10 Conventional Oncology Examples of First, Second & Third Line Chemo Protocols used in Stage IV Cancers Cancer Origin Stage 1st 2nd 3rd BREAST IV Taxane Xeloda +/- Avastin +/- Avastin Navelbine +/- Avastin CRC IV FOLFOX FOLFERI +/- Avastin +/- Avastin XELODA +/- Erbitux H/N IV 5FU/Carbo Taxane Erbitux +/- MTX LUNG IV Carbo/Taxol Tarceva Navelbine OVARY IV Carbo/Taxol DOXIL TOPO PROSTATE IV Zoladex +/- Casodex KETO/HC Taxotere + Pred 11 12 FIT / POLY–MVA INVESTIGATION TUMOR PARAMETERS 1. Physical Exam – tumors in skin, liver, spleen lymph nodes, etc… 2. X-Rays: tumors detectable in CXR, bone XRays, mammograms, etc… 3. CT Scanning: tumors detectable in brain, chest, abdomen, pelvis or bones 4. Ultrasounds: breasts, GB., liver, ovaries, spleen, etc… 5. MRI’s: brain, neck, sinuses, joints, breasts, muscles, soft tissues, etc… 6. Pet Scans: total body scanning 7. Chemo-sensitivity Testing on whole blood 13 FIT / POLY-MVA + COMBINATION THERAPY INDIVIDUAL TUMOR MARKERS 1. Bladder - NMP-22, BTA 2. Breast - CEA, CA 27-29, CA-15-3 3. Colorectal – CEA, CA 19-9, 5HIAA (Carcinoids) 4. Esophagus – CEA, CA 19-9 5. Gastric – CEA, CA 19-9 6. Liver – AFP, CEA, & CA19-9 7. Lung – CEA, CA 19-9 8. Lymphomas - ESR, LDH, Beta – 2 Microglobulin 9. Myeloma - B2MG, SPE, LDH 10.Pancreas – CEA, CA 19-9 11.Prostate – PSA, Free PSA 12.Ovary – CA-125 13.Testes – AFP, HCG 14 HISTORICAL CONTROLS CHEMO-RESISTANT LITERATURE REVIEW - LONGEVITY CANCER ORIGIN Breast Colorectal Head / Neck STAGE IV HISTORICAL CONTROLS (Chemo-resistant) on Longevity 6 – 12 months 3 – 6 months 4 – 8 months Hematological 6 – 8 months Lung 3 – 6 months Prostate 6 – 9 months 15 Protocol-FIT Proprietary Blend 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Normal Saline 7. L-Lysine Magnesium Chloride 8. Zinc Pyridoxine 9.L-Glutathione Vitamin B-12 10. Folic Acid Vitamin C 11. DMSO B Complex 16 Safety Profile IV / Oral Poly-MVA / FIT +COMBINATION THERAPY Investigation Nausea / Vomiting 0% Diarrhea (oral only) <5% Short of Breath <5% (40 ml only) Skin Rash 0% ABN Liver Tests 0% Transfusion Reactions (shakes/chills) ABN Renal Tests <5% Sulfa Allergies (DMSO) <5% 17 0% NEW TECHNOLOGY CHEMO-SENSITIVITY TESTING • Performed on whole blood • Four High Tech Labs World-Wide • Cancer cells harvested from blood subjected to genetic decoding • Results include: 18 varieties of chemo drugs, targeted agents and 36 individual supplements • Protocol written marrying best drugs with effective supplements • Produces blueprint for patient’s specific cancer • Low-dose fractionated Chemotherapy / IPT treatment offered to all patients 18 19 Benefits of CST Testing Goodgene Labs • Blueprint for patient’s chemotherapy protocol • Identify the best hormonal and supplement therapies • Identify the best of 12 separate tumors markers • Identify the viral etiologies-HPV, HIV, EBV and HEP B/C • Access to autologous stem cell RX • Access to cytokine vaccine RX 20 GOODGENE / VITAMINCHIP CANCER PROGRAMING TESTTM REPORT PART VII. RECOMMENDATION (FOR DOCTOR) A. Based on the result of the present test, following therapy can be recommended: 1)Chemotherapy and Molecular targeting drug Capecitabine 850mg/m2 PO bid 2 weeks on and 1 week off provided with celecoxib and high dose vitamin B6/B12 . Tykerb 5T daily PO Bevacizumab (Avastin) in high dose (15mg/kg) once every 3 week 2) Administration of poly-MVA, high dose vitamin C, etc as complementary alternative therapy. 3) NK/T cell therapy 4) DNA vaccine and dendritic cell targeting markers of cancer, including EGF receptor, VEGF, etc 5) Administration of chemodrug and tumor suppressor gene drug (p53, interleukin-24) can be also considered. 21 A Better Life via Goodgene Technology Goodgene Group 22 Standard 3 week FIT + IPT Protocol (06/10-04/12) • • • • • • Monday - FIT + Poly-MVA IV Tuesday - IPT + L-Glutathione IV Wednesday - Super “C” – 60 grams + H2O2 IV Thursday - IPT + L-Glutathione IV Friday - FIT + Poly-MVA IV Refer to other geographically closer IPT practitioner 23 RGCC TESTING LAB – GENE PROBES TS DHFR TUBULIN TOPO SHMT DPD IP p27 p53 DNA M-TRANS O6AT DNAdeam MPP LRP GST BEGF PDGF EGF TGFb MMP9 NUC-REDUCT COX-2 S-lox SS-r C-erb2 24 The Greek RGCC Supplement Recommendations ARTEMESIA Poly-MVA Salvestrol Ellagic acid H2O2 Thalid Uncara tom L-Meth Vitamin C Quercetin Carctrol NAC Vitamin B6 Cox-2 Noni juice Vitamin B3 Mistletoe Cytokines Acetogen L-carnitine Ukrain Carnivora Cesium Cl Vitamin E Vitamin B17 COQ 10 Mitake SOD Coll Silver Essiac tea Curcumin Selenium DIM Mod cit pec Green tea Aloe Vera C-Statin IP-6 Melatonin Alpha IFN 25 RGCC Chemosensitivity Testing Commonly Recorded Supplements Quercetin Poly-MVA Artemesia Salvestrol Vitamin C Ukrain C-Statin DIM Mistletoe Curcumin 26 Goodgene Chemosensitivity Testing Commonly Recorded Supplements Quercetin Poly-MVA Vitamin D3 Vitamin E Vitamin C Resveratrol Beta-Glycam DIM IP-6 Curcumin 27 Total Survivors on CST + IPT 300 Patients 23 Months Study Survivors: 225/300 Percents Survivors = 75% 28 Response Rates at 23 months 300 patients with Stage IV Cancers Cancer Origin Total # % survivors Appendix 2/2 100% Bladder 1/2 50% Breast 47/50 94% CRC 12/23 52% HD 2/2 100% Head/Neck 9/9 100% Lung 15/27 55% 29 Response Rates at 23 months 300 patients with Stage IV Cancers Cancer Origin Total # % Survivors Melanomas 4/4 100% Myeloma 4/5 80% NHL 7/10 70% Pancreas 5/9 55% Prostate 28/28 100% Thyroid 2/2 100% 30 31 Conclusions: Conventional Chemotherapy Results * Five year Overall Survival Rate (OS) Stage IV Cancers Adjuvant Cytotoxic Chemotherapy for 22 major adult malignancies United States 2.1% Australia 2.3% *Reported from the Journal of Clinical Oncology (2004) 16:549-560 32 Forsythe Immune Therapy (FIT) Summary 300 Patients over 23 months • • • • Integrative Oncology attempts to treat the whole patient-not just an organ i.e. prostate, lung, etc… CWC patients undergo a thorough hx and physical exam and complete review of pathological, radiological and lab data similar to conventional oncology. More than the above CWC studies patients’ emotional health, underlying toxicities, toxic heavy metals, allergies, chemicals, dental health and infections. Electro-dermal testing is preformed to uncover underlying organ dysfunction. 33 Forsythe Immune Therapy (FIT) Summary 300 Patients over 23 months (cont.) • The most important new addition to the FIT program is the addition of chemo-sensitivity testing - 18 families of chemotherapy agents along with 38 separate supplements performed on whole blood genetic decoding. • The three chemo-sensitivity labs internationally are: Germany – Biofocus; So. Korea - Goodgene; Greece-Research Genetic Cancer Centre. • The 23 month results on 300 patients shows a survivorship at 75% – aiming for results for 5 years • The FIT program offers patients a full spectrum menu which is based on their own choices guided by chemo-sensitivity and supplement sensitivity testing. 34 Integrative Oncology Philosophy “In Stage IV adult cancers of any origin improvement in quality of life issues is directly proportional to improvement to overall response rate. Even stable disease can be tolerated and metamorphosed into a chronic livable condition.” ~James W Forsythe, MD, HMD~ 35 Integrative Oncology Philosophy (continued) This is true provided that this improvement is not gained at the expense of toxic chemotherapy or radiation therapy leaving the patient with many of the following adverse side effects: • Chemo Brain Syndrome • Painful Neuropathies • Cardiomyopathies • Renal Failure / Platinum toxicities • Hepatic Failure • Severe Pancytopenias • Pulmonary Fibrosis • Devastating Fatigue, Anorexia and Wasting Syndromes • Osteoarthritis, myalgias, osteoporosis • Severe dermatoses • Death This study shows that the “cure or kill” approach to advanced cancer treatment is not the only answer. 36 Cancer Patients’ Bill of Rights 1. Positive Attitude 6. Limit Certain Tests 2. Alternate Path 7. Important Knowledge 3. Stay Alert 8. Be Wary of Media 4. Remain Positive 9. Refuse Certain Surgeries 5. Adopt Good Eating Habits 10. Limit Pharmaceuticals 37 Books written, co-written, or single chapters contributing to cancer books by Dr. Forsythe Suzanne Somers’ number one best sellers: KNOCKOUT, Interviews with Doctors who are Curing Cancer and Breakthrough, Eight Steps To Wellness The Ultimate Guide To Natural Health, Quick Reference A-Z Directory of Natural Remedies for Diseases and Ailments The Healing Power of Sleep Sleep and Grow Young Natural Pain Killers Emergency Radiation Medical Handbook, The Essential Mandatory Guide for Citizens and Responders to Nuclear Events Obaminable Care-A Prescription for Choas An Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide to Cancer Alternative Medicine Guide to Women’s Health 2 Series 38 Dr. Forsythe’s New Books DrForsythe.com or Amazon.com 39
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