The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Saturday 30 May 1903, page 8 [For Shipping, MoteorologiotU, Mail Notices see 10.] page "», ' wife of K. n son, land), ol 111(11. Quccnslnad Anderson John' Elizabeth Kinley. [ilcuso WIM, liny, Sydney,.ta« 2>orlb Queens Married May HI, at Enmore, (late of pnpers '2D, SLA.HflK.].-Muy dens, 1902, 17. II, copy. Tareela, lioslyn Darlu. Blasokl, at ol wile Garol a .ou. Scotillcr nt 21, 1003, Asphodel, BTtENNAN.-May etrcet, Enmore, to Mr. arid Mrs, James nan-twin 12, residence, her at wllo Marrickville, tho M.A., of a daughter. street, Brown, li, CLAItK.-May at Waterloo, strcot, wife tho ol Barney, the Itov. residence, her ol O. J. Bren- A. sons. BItOWN.-May 0 Silver 0. la. lok-strcet. How Bathurst. 6 Morehead Clark-a daugb DEATHS. residence, l8, at her Glebe, the Phillip Crighton, oí n daughter. lier residence, Nniuol, Occan 27, at DOYLE.-May llondl, the ot Francis wile Gay Btrect, Doyle-a daughter, 28, at 470 King-street, Newtown, FOLBIGG.-May tho wllo ol O. J. Folbigg, ol a daughter. her residence, Lynwood, Bellevue-street, HAUT.-At lístate), Glebe, ihe wife ol 'L. Bart-a (Lyndhurst daughter. residence, her 08 22, 1903, at JACKSON.-May tho wllo of \V. T. JackEllzaboth-strcct. Waterloo, ot daughter. a ton, 21, at Leleh Ocean' Viow-ferrara. ..ANSER.-May tho wile of Edward N. hardt-scrcct. Waverley, Lanser, ol a daughter. 10, at her residence, 1003. LOEWENTnAL.-Moy the N.S.W., wifo of A. Orange, nome, March-street, M. ot a son (Louis Samuel). Loowcnlhal, 4, at Christ Cliuich 1'an.ouago, Rouse MANNING.-May Bill, wife of the Rev. O. F. B. Manning, of a daughter. ol * 2"ï, Arthur Queensland at Goo Inn, LY -May of ol Iletuy Bayly, the Into si\th son Lindscv his fîSth in jem. Mudgee, Brandescr, Tvrrelb+treot, î»ew MUY *Ö, nt lier rebideuce Bi W ich oued cm-tle, ADD, relict of the Ute George Bewick, sen B CIIIOHTON.-Moy wile li Donald BIRTHS. ANDEItSON.-Juio W. F. the ltev. Oakes, Alexander by ot sill and surviving son youngest Argyle, UocL-rnad, Esq., J.P..OI lionUn. to..,,'*"1» Balmain, and luto of FairOeld, Delegate, william Bobina, youngest daughter of the lato Esq., of Geelong, Victoria. Biiusmcnd, Me1003, 0, the Leigh at ItEm-GAnLlOK.-May Mnc-qiinrlc-strcct, Parramatta, by morial Church, tlilnl ol son J. Hubert Poiiuinn. No«ton,the ltev Itold, ol CambridKCSIilrc. Thomas the late Enç Hills, to ol Baulkham and Harriett Held, iand, ot the Into Hr-orj.Gar daughter Carrie, second Annie lick and Garlic«, ol Harris Park, formerly ol Shcflleid, England. St. Barnabas' 0, 1003, at SIMPSON-MOODIE.-May the Rev. Vi. A. West, by Church, George-stiect ol the son J. Stuart third Charlton. Simpson, l'Slrflold, to of Bcnuminipir. Into James Simpson, ol of Dargin, second UilUnm daughter Marla, Balmain, Lowrie, ona ' V\ - , - . » ' . , .. . Mawson-a 10, Wolumla, tho wllo nt son, of B. T. , 24, SAUTELLE.-May eon'fl Bay, to Clin Cottage, Edwin Saulellc-a 1003, and Mrs. nt Mr. Wat bon. rest Moy - Pclcrbharn ville, Amen peace husband beloved late loved in 29. road, his Into rcPidenec Afnry the I)« ni c1, -Marrickville, nnd beGallagher Mary of NewLouisa M'Knv, at of oí brothcr-in lnw of his age In jeir the 6Jid town, 27, -May George, second GltLGORY of Yarra-Bank, Gregory, George At rent o( con tbo Into \arra, South Melbourne Harold Wesley George Dubbo, School, aged 3G juirs his parents* nt residence. IARCOAIBE-May Joseph dearly Kennt I h Rookwood, Railway stieet, of Elizabeth Larcombe, II and beloved Ron J and 7 months agid 4 years 20 Dangur-rlncc, 3, nt hor Ï evidence, MMV ÄKJültl f lnppendule, of cerebral hemoirhnge, I H**n the beloved and the Moore wife of James >oungefit daughter of the Ejaney Into Michael Fitzpatrick, of Buckingham-aucct, 22, HUNT-May of Hunt nt Grammar the 29 - RIP IB, SBElilDAN.-May hurst, HOUI / - . MAWSON.-April Ids May GMLAGHER the wlfo ol SUTllEIlLANDi¡-"-Mny Point 14 at Percy Kcllctt-street, Sheridan-n 23, at l'lpor, ter Darling- son. residence, wile ot Patonga, MID. W. daughter. 22, at Riverview, Day-st TAUNTON.-Moywife of ol the moyne, George Taunton, 28, at her residence, Glenroy, Konslng .THOM.-May Hill, Summer ton-road. tho wllo of Archie Thom, ol a daughter. 32 20, at ¡»W.SON.-Mny residence, Lord their Mi «trcot, to D. Mrs. North Sydney, Mr. and Wilson-a daughter. Wolscloy-road, of Sutherland, .tho a ' ' Pomt-i-trect, residence, Pvrmont -Mnv 29, at her OGG the beloved wifa of lïûbtrt Ogp, aged 75 Waaon Hamtt Bv request ii» ilowers \rnrv 23, Baa at Hirer, TIJI, William PirHANKEN-May late Han ken, of tho of Gcorgo bon rie, youngest aged 22 years \oung, Lieut England, at Bedford, 2J, El LWAlii-April 24th Regiment. Stewart, Ifte of H M OoLouel James and Indmn lulu mutiny foi Goojerat nu Villa, Start at Corner 25, ¡REUB-Mav con Well» J for E years many Ballarat strut 7D. theBank, aged Chnitcrcd London with ncctcd _ MARRIAGES. 13, 11103, « St; Mary's fid llev. Cathedral.' special Homse, by Barry, ol Edwin Allen, win, fourth sou Esq., London, Enir Minnie ol the land, to Mary daughter Molly, second late -Michael late of and Maloney, Goulburn Araluen. 25, St. Dil "at MHBTltE-BUCKINGHAM.-Moy iicurge's Church, Hurstville, by the lier. D. 33. Dillon, Charles do Mcstre, of ShoalA., eccond son of Andre haven, to Emma Elisabeth, eldest surviving daughter ol Thomas Buckingham of Peakhurst, 10, nt St. Anne's Church, DlGHT-TnOMPSON.-April tho li.-J. Walter ltev. Slrathllold, by Hose* Janice G. ol .Samuel, eldest son Dight, «"[ron, ol Alice, foul til daughter the lalo Strathfield, to Itoi.crt ol Sydney. Thompson, 22, 1003, at St. Stephen's EVANS-TREVENAR.-April sot Noivtovvn, by Conon Tn. ar, David, youngest livuns, the loto ol Gerard-street, Alcxnn Thomas clrla, Hell, to Florence only datitftitcr ol Edward Gordon-square, Marrickville. Trevenar, ALLEN-MALONEY.-May at W. - 1003, 21, All nt STOKES.-April HORSFALLItov. Thorans Holme, Souls', Leichhardt, by tho Herbert assisted by the liov. Charles Babcr, Allred ol tl>« late Jonas Horsfall. D.S.O., M.D. ct Cull., Bon to Gertrude Emily, dnnejitcr Horsfall, ol Melbourne, F. Into ol tho Stokes, A.D.C., of Kovv Colonel C. O'NEILT,-WATSON.-April l'ctoraliniu, Church, second caret Watson. eon of Eleanor, C. 1003, nt St,. Thoma_ itov. T. Phelan, Arthur, to ol Mar. Brounrrinu, tlio of late Annes daughter IB. the bv O'neill, fourth ^ Cliureh, 2S, 1003. at S. hy West, Sydney, GcorKO-street Ernest James, the Itov. Charlton. W. A. youngest to ol Charles Pogo. ol Neutral Bav, ».on Benjamin W. ni Cresswell l.ulse, eldest daughter Mignonette Glebe Point. ol Undcn, 0, at Nelson-street, J1ANKIN-BIllNSJtCAD.-May W. F. the ltev. Oakes, Alexander by Balmain, Darnnban' aunt Frances Gone, but nut formeets, Emily and hoirie ¿ïmiees 3 «bert BUCkHAAf jMAiicct dmr aunt, Inserted by of ray to tLomcmoiy died Mu> Jlst, 1001 tribute Buckhuin, who BUCICHAM-1 of dear aunty -Iii loving remembrance Ide Jn this 31, 1901 May departed who dnor niece and fumily, Lihou, May, by bei Ilobiuson and tJoicph Mary, 1 Metted (tus. BUCkHAM lo\in<* Bud but In tit» who departed 1 nad At fa wain - dear aunt, Inserted by remembrance dist life of deni our 1001 May. motlier, of our Un IU, tneuion In MI J und lib li Lit tin** hfo May JO, Eliyabcth limy lihb<r, »I o departed and daughter Inserted bv her loving sou 19 J J Fhta of dear mster, m> PlhU LB -In fund ixmcnibinnco life* JOth Mm 1902 Incited by ber oeth, wli>dcptu ted - ""ovinfr KiBler, GAB1ULL Gabriel, nt**ce -In who «nu ne, lieu Yu t rind affectionate remembrance loJO JOth died Mai, Tame* of C.ustnTus Jmberted by P It M CUISE-In halter fond William and unite loving a(,c ol our numory v?lo IG jenrs, dear v\ab son, ard Paddlng Oxford street In by tram ucatnilv killed Inserted lovine 1101 by hi» ever JOlh May lon. fc»idnej and I rank mother brotbeia father and denr of our ever loving memory itIARGllEAVES-In InPJUl lUth, fell asleep Wav Jim, who brother i bistci brother, and omi te his most n feu serted bv Mnuicr London and llarr¿ Juno All recall thee, now cannot vain, we tears are thy kindly face, ia thy loving voice, loved where wo so dearly from the home Gone PAGE-OTtESSWELL-HADKN.-April dear of our -In UAH lnvinp mentor} BUCK who died (1st Mu>, 1001 Bickham, valfect)unate her Inserted by gotten Gone Where thee, fill thy place again can who ol Veronica, May In loving memory HEALY17 miss They 1902, aged j caris Mav 30th, died (Inserted best by A. loved theo who theo most O B and deof Mnv, who Tn loving memo.y ever IIl-VLEYforlife. Gone, but not JO, 1902 May parted this nono l National Library of Australia Tn loving memo.y ever IIl-VLEYforlife. Gone, but not JO, 1902 May parted this l Dixon G gotten dearly beof my sftd but loving memory EY-In UPAI dewho Henley, May loved only daughter, and l8 «iO, life, 1902, years aged this Alay parted loving her sed mii Inserted by BIP Sadly brother»1 inothir and d*»nr slhtci, Mnv, of my loving memory HEVLEY--In life Inserted by 10th this May, 1*102 departed .vho and John in law, and sibtcr brother her loving IICHICV Sarah of Henry loving and memory-In fond ISAACS 1902 Ufo Ihm 29th May, departed Jsnncs, who Tnscrtcd Amen dear his boul rest in peice Mai children wJIo and his loving by mother, ol onr dear loving memory JONES-In JO, May Melbourne, life nt this dcpnrted who and Inserted b> her loving daughter 1902, nßed 70 M II S J. B. Jones and H Mra 13G J. BYRNE nnd Hnr.*rravc FAMILY, their return to Paddington, THANKS their friends tor -sympathising expressions, of ead bereavement in nlso thoir recent sympathy Dr. for his to Randwick; J, A. Dick, Lind attention, Mr. and of Kogarah-road, Mrs. O. S. BAYLISS, ; - Kogarah, tlbt, find KENNEDY-In mother, Jl, Moy dear life, etill life wo iainilv nt 1809 memory reridence, his Hen Ib'M thee remember Murilla, ment, departed t>> cr ted J iib from her our loving dear of my husband. loving memory life this departed on killinfi who Martin Duwl but not 1902 forgotten of Mny kilduf! Albo m\ Al inserted by his loving wife 19U2 died tho on bth of April, dear who baby, -In KlLDütT VMIIIMUI 10th tbo bud My IIea\on in of Alice -In Maude, who loving memory MATTHEWS Inserted her lov bv Afay 10th, 100*2 pneecd away and children, Glad\u and mother, ing husband, Dorothy Is not to of thoso we love To live in the hearts die dear my ltin this Inserted Mr«. loving OLORVIOIÎ-In memory Mnv died of our fOLh dear bereavement. I I * IÍT MEMORIAL. dear our ot beloTlne remembrance mother. Phillipa, who this Sophia departed Slut. lue May 1877, aged 42, at Bendigo, Victoria, dear. oro never Yon Inserted by forgotten, mother and and her cid eat son-in-law, Itachel daughter 120 Judal. Lyons, Oxford-street, city. of ray beloved ROBiiltTS.-In remembrance n fleetí o ria to eldest son, George Roberta, v. ho departed this life loved ' 1001, At rest. fond and of TINDEL.-ID lovltg memory little darling Cecil Albert, who died May and 1 month, dearly lo ve aged 2 years Inserted missed. ta, by bia loving parc 'Alben TIndcl, - LI, ta oar 30, and Amy only 1301, sadly and ' RETURN THANKS. of the late Mr. X1. N. LEWIS, Tho FAMILY Üenr., of 1*11 tienne tlietr to return Motehead-street, Redfern, their for kind THANKS friends to inquines, .man? letters, cards, and telegtams received in their recent sad bereavement. of Marrickville-road, AMT MarBOTBAMLEY, fleam» to return to he. many THANKS kind floral friends for their expressions uf sympathy and tributes in her recent end bereavement. 13G Mrs. S. J. BYRNE nnd Hnr.*rravc FAMILY, their Btrcct, return to THANKS rickville, Redkind aluo O'G. tad bereut ement. Hughe?, and Miss Uni. N. FLEMING dwire to return FLEMING of Messrs. their to the -»meero THANKS employees Cornwell-.' kind fríe min, who sent Brewery, al-u) to munr ti oral tributes letter«, tWegrums, und in their recent sad in their 1 ' for members friend PHILLIPS.-In and of Maddlson-street, FAMILY, their io to return THANKS many flûi-nl tributen, letters, telegram», und Diinurrrncnt of the and Dr. Railway di-Kiro friends loved 1902 who Bessie Olonich, Pinecio er bv her Inserted knew who all by 1 ioreneo boss and Al Carthy Ray friends or I 11/»beth Olnrvlch, -Iw loving mrmory ©LORVlCn líío Inserted by 1902 30, Mn\ this departed who forand sibtcrs Dead, but not mothco her loving gotten deni of our loving mem pry ead but -In OLORVIOn Olorvicli who J pnviel I/abet h cousin, and nleeo and loved sadlv 1002 Dourly Mii¿, Jtíth away uud cousins, Inserted bj her loving aunt missed Ethel and Al ebel Mood of our dcnrlv rcmcmbitinro loving PHILLIPS-In this departed Phillips who Sophia beloved mother ^ ou aio Violonn 1£>7G, at Bendigo, life lint Mny ber Inserted b¿ dear mother ne\cr forgotten Aslici, and her duujitci, and John loving sons, Alis Lyons Barney of our dcnrlv uad and loving memory Pilli LIPS-In this life departed who Sophia mothci beloved Inserted by her *îîst years 1677, aged 42 May, Julia, and lan-. Isa»o tUu^hter-iu and son loving FJiilUpf. Mrs. their s BINGHAM fern, cbiHren ' to icent. by dear of mv husband. fond memory M AXT I'D -In In JOth Ataj J')02 died who Maxted, Edward Maxted loving wife. Annie sorted by his ever mother dear JUI ol .?mtinuri n «ad mdk% HU uti AN-In ii-t*tre( t hum Ililli iii Nioka at her icMd nee «bodied abo our luvmg fiitber, on May 24,1892, acid 4! sun», ß3 3sickBon^trPi.t üiirry nü1 «hodte3athi«re.iidenpe tted bj Uiolr 1ovin" 4tt Inn jurs Wuv'29,1636, aged on 31st, THANKS ; of -In remembrnnce InunL Matthews who Af dcpnrted Alice friend Gone but 1902 not forgotten iOth May, fa Everett, E friend, Mrs her IfATT11KWS May sincere of St. Mr. nnd Mrs.. J. WESTBROOK and FAMILY, thoir sincere to Peters, desire to return THANKS the teletributes, kind friends for floral many tlieir of in letters sympathy grams, cards, and and sad re.ont teachers nlso the bereavement; Peters St. of scholars and School the Sunday Council. of Darling-fitrcet, Mr. and Mrs. J. GALE, desire to their their return niñeen, to nnd heartfelt THANKS kind, letters and confriends for cards of many oí and other dolence, floral expressions tributes, sympathy In their Into sad bercavtment. lato and of the Tho FAMILY RELATIVES deceased desiro their return to Mrs. BRIDGET MATHER their stn cero THANKS to kind friends for many letters, cards of other condolence, and expressions for also the Pnssíoniet Fathers of sympathy to their their aad bcreavc unremitting attention during this this .'cpartcd who return J. ( William Park of remembrnnce to friends for Dr. to kind sympathy, also their ht» In for O'Kcctc, unerring attention recent snd bereavement. Mr«. and of Ruthvon-etrect, HARNETT FAMILY, desire the docreturn Waverley, THANKS to to Cashlll, tors, also of and Nurse Sydney Hospital, all kind friends for of their expressions sympathy and floral tributes In their recent Bad bereavement. desire Mr. nnd to. return Mrs. PHILLIP HEYDON their sincero nil their friends to THANKS kind for their kind sympathy and Horn, tributes in tho Louis snd loss of their'dear William son, Ucjdon, LOWRY desire to of the late JAMES Tho FAMILY THANK their their for numoroue kind friends HJ intributes, -In their bereaveput hy, also floral sad 1 P loving Kennedv, Although R but 1 of loving but Rad died desire kind many J. IP -In KEILY Kelly, who road, May S. Btrcct, many Corubloom «cn R Mrs. late
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