Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR A WEEKLY SUPPLEMENT TO THE QUEENSLAND REPORTS — SINCE 1908 1 ISSN 0726-0784 WEEK IN REVIEW | 2 • Recent Important Decision – Inherent power of courts to stay proceedings – Judicial immunity from the effect of criticism of the courts: R v Brown [2013] QCA 337 • Judicial Speeches – Lord Neuberger – Justice in the Age of Austerity • Recent Acquisitions by the Supreme Court Library • Recent Practice Decision – Cost orders in actions brought by liquidators: International Cat Manufacturing Pty Ltd (in liq) v Rodrick [2013] QSC 307 • New Practice Directions – Change of Names EDITORS’ SELECTION OF NEW CASES| 6 • Succession law – “Child” of the deceased according to Aboriginal tradition: Gundy v Eatts [2013] QSC 297 NEWLY PUBLISHED REPORTS | 7 • R v Knight [2013] QCA 144 PUBLIC NOTICES | 9 • Notice of intention to apply for Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration • Notice of intention to apply for Admission to the Legal Profession GENERAL INFORMATION | 51 The Queensland Law Reporter is published by the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for the State of Queensland ABN 74 009 656 982, Queen Elizabeth II Courts of Law, 415 George Street, Brisbane, Queensland 4000 Australia. Email: enquiries@queenslandreports.com.au Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 2 WEEK IN REVIEW R M Derrington QC (Editor) RECENT IMPORTANT DECISION – INHERENT POWER OF COURTS TO STAY PROCEEDINGS – JUDICIAL IMMUNITY FROM THE EFFECT OF CRITICISM OF THE COURTS R v Brown [2013] QCA 337; Court of Appeal (The President, Holmes and Muir JJA) (8 November 2013) This important decision of the Court of Appeal contains some interesting observations concerning the position of Courts vis-à-vis the Executive in a Westminster Parliamentary democracy; particularly as it relates to Queensland. It also contains important statements identifying the accepted standards of judicial integrity and impartiality in respect of which the community can have faith that they are routinely applied by all judges. By this decision the Court of Appeal allowed the Crown’s appeal from the decision of Fryberg J (reported in [2013] 44 QLR). The facts of the matter are set out in that earlier decision and there is no need to repeat them in detail. Essentially, Fryberg J had stayed an application to review the decision of a Magistrate who had granted bail to the accused whom the Crown asserted was a “Bikie” such that s 16(3A) of the Bail Act was applicable to the determination of the application. Fryberg J granted a stay on the basis that the Premier of the State of Queensland, the Hon Mr Campbell Newman MP, had made certain public statements concerning the approach by the Courts when granting bail in respect of persons who were described as “Bikies”. The central issues were whether or not there existed inherent power to stay the application and, if there was, should it have been exercised in this case? The decision of the Court of Appeal discusses a number of interesting issues: • • • • • Firstly, the Court considered its inherent power to control its process and to prevent abuses of process. It was accepted that it was “neither possible nor prudent to attempt exhaustively to list the powers exercisable by a superior court of record under its inherent jurisdiction”. It was also accepted that the power was not limited to closed categories and that it was a power that was exercisable if the administration of justice so demanded. However, it was also observed that the court’s power must be exercised judicially and in a manner directed to the effective exercise of the court’s jurisdiction in accordance with established principle. In the case before it, the Court of Appeal disagreed with the factual premise on which the power had been exercised by the judge at first instance; namely that there was a very real risk that the members of the public would perceive a result in favour of the Crown as having been influenced by the comments of the Premier. The Court noted that the question was to be tested by reference to persons who “are reasonable and fair-minded and who are ‘neither complacent nor unduly sensitive or suspicious’”. Apparently, these “members of the public” perceive the courts to be robust rather than fragile such that, even where there is substantial public commentary concerning a matter before the Court, they would nevertheless believe that all judicial officers would dispose of their cases strictly in accordance with their judicial oaths of office. This confidence in the Courts is built, so it was said, upon the fact that “the Australian Supreme Courts developed a reputation for independence and impartiality prior to federation. That reputation has been maintained without interruption”. In the result it was determined that it was “improbable that members of the public would perceive the Supreme Court to have the institutional fragility implicit in the primary judge’s findings or that judges of that Court would be pressured or influenced in their decisionmaking processes by statements of the nature of those under consideration”. The court referred specifically to the fact that Courts, consisting of judges sitting without a jury, are not affected in their decision making process by anything that is published in the media or otherwise. In this respect the Court held that: Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 3 “Assuming that the Premier’s remarks were made as reported, they were not such as would lead a reasonable member of the Queensland public to think that any Queensland judicial officer would fail to be true to his or her oath or affirmation of office in consequence of them.” • • Importantly, the notion (which is presently widely held by the tabloid press and media) that Courts should act in accordance with what are said to be “the wishes of the community” or the policy of the government of the day was strongly eschewed. This important judgment of the Court also contains some interesting discussion about the appropriateness of criticism of the Courts and Judges and the limits of the same. JUDICIAL SPEECHES – LORD NEUBERGER – JUSTICE IN THE AGE OF AUSTERITY The topical and important issue of how to ensure that justice is served in societies which are feeling strong economic pressures was recently addressed at the Tom Sargent Memorial Lecture. This year’s lecture was delivered by Lord Neuberger, President of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, who gave a presentation entitled, “Justice in the Age of Austerity”. His Lordship started by observing that the United Kingdom largely meets the eight criteria that are necessary for a society to adhere to the Rule of Law. However, it falls significantly short with respect to the affordability of justice. The affordability of justice is largely a consequence of two separate issues – accessibility of the law and the accessibility of the courts. Access to the “law”, in the physical rather than substantive sense, is largely achieved through the online publication of legislation and judgments. However, the complexity and sheer volume of that “easily accessed” legislation and case-law means that despite having physical access to these laws, many, including those who draft them, are unable to decipher their contents. Lord Neuberger argues that there is a dire need for legislation that is more critically considered and far less in quantity. His Lordship goes on to suggest that the judiciary must also emulate this practice and ensure that the common law is also as “simple and clear as possible”. The clearest and most simple laws, however, are a moot point in circumstances where their breach cannot be addressed. Lord Neuberger argues that all citizens must have access to the courts to have their claims determined by a judge in public. This need is not solely based upon “principle”, but also practicality. Whilst dispute resolution systems are “all-well-and-good”, they can only work where “ultimately there is the authority and power of the justice system” to motivate parties to negotiate constructively and enforce any agreements that are made. Access to the courts, however, is most detrimentally impacted by the cost of litigation and the reluctance of the government to pay what the legal profession charges. Lord Neuberger observes that there is a dual duty at play – whilst his Lordship contends that the government must be willing to adequately fund legal aid; he further argues that judges have a duty to ensure that legal advice and litigation are “as cheap and speedy as is consistent with justice.” His Lordship contends that there is a need for “strong proactive judicial control” to ensure that claims are not allowed to incur legal costs disproportionate to the actual amount at stake. His Lordships speech is available from the website of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom or by clicking here. RECENT ACQUISITIONS BY THE SUPREME COURT LIBRARY In this new section of the Queensland Law Reporter the recent acquisitions by the Supreme Court Library are identified with emphasis placed on those considered to be of special interest for practitioners. The Library of the Supreme Court is a critical and essential resource for the working of the Court and the profession and its importance will continue to grow as the rising cost of texts and lose-leaf legal publications puts many works beyond the reach of many practitioners. The Library offers numerous useful services to practitioners, especially for those outside of Brisbane. They can be found on the library’s website which can be accessed by clicking here. The following books were added to the collection of the Supreme Court Library during the week: Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 4 • Mark Aronson & Matthew Groves Judicial Review of Administrative Action 5 Ed 2013 (LBC) This new edition of a reliable practitioner’s text is very welcome. The last edition was current to June 2008, but with literally hundreds of Australian administrative law decisions having been decided since then, the new edition has been substantially rewritten and expanded. • Andreas Schloenhardt Queensland Criminal Law 3 Ed 2013 (OUP) This is a clearly written student text which may be of assistance to practitioners seeking an introduction to an unfamiliar aspect of Queensland criminal law. • JT Gleeson, JA Watson, RCA Higgins, E Peden Historical Foundations of Australian Law Volumes I and II 2013 (Fed Press) This valuable new work has already been reviewed in the QLR. It contains a sweeping overview of the personalities, events and developments which have shaped Australian law. • Richard A Posner Reflections on Judging 2013 (Harvard) Posner is a widely published legal academic (University of Chicago Law School) who has th also served for 31 years as a Judge of the US Court of Appeals for the 7 Circuit (based in Chicago). In this book, he reflects on the challenges of judging, in an engaging way which will resonate with Australian judges and practitioners. • James Goudkamp Tort Law Defences 2013 (Hart) With its origins in a doctoral thesis, this new book from an Oxford academic has a strongly theoretical character. However, it does contain a valuable account of key defences to actions in tort – including defences based upon a denial of causation. • Leif Gamertsfelder Corporate Information and the Law 2013 (Lexis) This new book tackles a very practical issue – the rights and obligations which exist in relation to access to and disclosure of corporate information. It is written by the Executive Legal Counsel – Banking in the Commonwealth Bank group. th rd Other new books include: • Helen Cook The Law of Nuclear Energy 1 Ed 2013 (Sweet & Maxwell) • Jacqueline Craigie Innocence Lost - The Last Man Hanged in Queensland (Jack Sim) • Michael Eburn Emergency Law 4 Ed 2013 (Fed Press) • Peter Sankoff, Steven White, Celeste Black Animal Law in Australasia 2 (Fed Press) • Greg Taylor Sir Richard Hanson 2013 (Fed Press) st 2013 th nd Ed 2013 RECENT PRACTICE DECISION – COST ORDERS IN ACTIONS BROUGHT BY LIQUIDATORS International Cat Manufacturing Pty Ltd (in liq) v Rodrick [2013] QSC 307, McMurdo J; (7 November 2013) This decision by McMurdo J concerns the appropriate costs orders to be made in an action brought by a liquidator where the action has been wholly unsuccessful. The defendants sought their costs against the liquidator on an indemnity basis. The liquidator asserted that there should be no order for costs or that the costs orders should be made against the company in liquidation. The substantive part of his Honour’s reasons dealt with the submission that in relation to actions in Courts liquidators are in a favoured position such that they should only be personally liable for the costs of a failed action where their conduct could be said to have been “improper” in the sense described in Re Beddoe. However, his Honour noted that the application of that principle only arose when the costs were sought against a liquidator who had not been a party to an action brought by the company in liquidation. His Honour noted that Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 5 there is a distinction between the position where the liquidator is a plaintiff and where the liquidator is a defendant. He applied the decision of Rein J in Silvia v Brodyn Pty Limited (2007) 25 ACLC 385 at 393-394 to the effect that where the liquidator commences proceedings there is no reason for them to have an immunity from an order against them personally if those proceedings are unsuccessful. Although a liquidator has a right of indemnity out of the assets of the company, to the extent that they are not sufficient the liquidator litigates at their own risk. On the other hand, if proceedings are brought against a liquidator personally in relation to the conduct of the liquidation, the usual rule is that no order for costs should be made against the liquidator personally unless they have acted unreasonably. In the matter before the Court where there were claims by both the insolvent company and the liquidator, there was no basis on which to exclude the potential liability of the liquidator for an order for costs. The liquidators were ordered to pay the successful defendants’ costs of what the judge determined was an unmeritorious claim. NEW PRACTICE DIRECTIONS – CHANGE OF NAMES District Court Practice Direction No 14 of 2013 and Planning and Environment Court Practice Direction No 13 of 2013 – Bottoms English Lawyers (Atherton Office) name change The Chief Judge of the District Court, PM Wolfe, has issued new practice directions for the District and the Planning and Environment Court with respect to the change of name of the firm previously known as Bottoms English Lawyers (Atherton Office). The name of the firm has changed to Atherton Tablelands Law on and from 31 October 2013. The firm’s address at Suite 3, Level 1, 7 Herberton Road, Atherton, Queensland did not change. The practice notice permits actions previously carried on by Bottoms English Lawyers (Atherton Office) to be carried on by Atherton Tablelands Law without there being a need to file a notice of change of address. The full practice direction can be read at the Supreme Court of Queensland’s website by clicking here. District Court Practice Direction No 15 of 2013 and Planning and Environment Court Practice Direction No 14 of 2013 – Hemming+Hart name change The Chief Judge of the District Court, PM Wolfe, has also issued new practice directions for the District and the Planning and Environment Court with respect to the change of name of the firm previously known as Hemming+Hart Lawyers. The name of that firm has changed to CBP Pty Ltd on and from 4 November 2013. The firm’s address at Level 5, 307 Queen Street Brisbane, QLD 4000 did not change. The practice notice permits actions previously carried on by Hemming+Hart to be carried on by CBP Pty Ltd without there being a need to file a notice of change of address. The full practice direction can be read at the Supreme Court of Queensland’s website by clicking here. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 6 EDITORS’ SELECTION OF NEW CASES The following case has been selected for reporting in the Queensland Reports: SUCCESSION LAW – “CHILD” OF THE DECEASED ACCORDING TO ABORIGINAL TRADITION Gundy v Eatts [2013] QSC 297; Atkinson J; (1 November 2013) This important decision of Atkinson J is of great interest in a number of different and interesting ways. The matter came before the Court as an application to strike out an Originating Summons. The OA had been brought by Mr Gundy in respect of the estate of Ms Doreen Eatts. He sought orders that he was entitled to the whole of the estate as the “next of kin” or alternatively he was entitled to provision out of the estate. Mr Gundy asserted his entitlement to make an application in relation to the estate on the basis that he was the son of the deceased. As a matter of fact Mr Gundy had been born to the sister of the deceased. However, the natural mother had given up her new born to her sister and her sister raised the child as his mother for his whole life. Mr Gundy had referred to the deceased as his mother and every aspect of their life was conducted on the basis that they were mother and child. However, Mr Gundy was not ever adopted by the deceased although he was occasionally referred to as her “foster child”. Her Honour accepted a range of evidence showing that under Aboriginal Tradition there may well be a relationship of mother and child even though the mother was not the natural mother of the child. The administrator of the estate sought to strike out the OA on the basis that Mr Gundy could not succeed on either application as he was not the deceased’s child. In her reasons for judgment her Honour noted the heavy onus required to be discharged before a Court would strike out proceedings. In relation to the application under s 41 of the Succession Act for provision out of the estate, the question was whether or not Mr Grundy was a “child” of the deceased. The word “child” was defined in s 40 to mean, in relation to Part 4, “any child, stepchild or adopted child of that person”. The word “child” was not otherwise defined in the Succession Act. However, that word is defined in the Acts Interpretation Act to include “descendent” and “descendent” was defined to include, in relation to Aboriginal people, “a descendant under Aboriginal tradition”. In turn, Aboriginal Tradition was defined to mean traditions, observances and customs in relation to, inter alia, relationships. Consequently, on the material before the Court it was arguable that Mr Grundy would be able to establish at a trial that he was the “child” of the deceased. If he were able to do so he would be entitled to the whole of the estate as a result of the intestacy of the deceased. Accordingly, the application to strike out the Originating Application failed. R M Derrington QC Editor: Queensland Reports Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 7 NEWLY PUBLISHED REPORTS CRIMINAL LAW – JURIES – APPLICATION FOR ORDER FOR INVESTIGATION OF SUSPECTED BIAS OR COMMISSION OF OFFENCE BY JUROR – WHETHER “GROUNDS TO SUSPECT” BIAS OR COMMISSION OF OFFENCE – DISCRETION TO ORDER R v Knight [2013] QCA 144 The appellants applied for orders under s 70(7) of the Jury Act 1995 for an investigation of suspected bias or the commission of an offence relating to the membership of the jury, or the performance of functions of the jury that returned guilty verdicts against the appellants in their re-trial for murder and the seeking and disclosure of information from the jury for the purposes of that investigation. Nineteen days after the re-trial and sentencing on 2 April 2012, a solicitor who had acted for one of the appellants was told by his hairdresser of a conversation the hairdresser had had with a customer that morning. The customer said that he had not long finished jury service in a Supreme Court trial which was over and so could talk about the case. The case involved a murder in gaol in Rockhampton and involved three men. The customer stated something like “it wouldn’t make any difference as they were already serving life terms or long terms of imprisonment already.” The customer said the men on trial required two security guards for each of them and they were “rough or tough looking blokes”. The appellants contended that this gave rise to grounds to suspect that the juror may have been guilty of bias because it indicated an awareness of the prior convictions of the accused which information may have been in the possession of the juror before the re-trial concluded. At the re-trial in the Supreme Court in Brisbane on 2 April 2012, the appellants, all inmates of Rockhampton Correctional Centre, were convicted of murdering another inmate in the shower block of the prison on 16 June 1999. Evidence was given by a number of prisoners. The prisoner witnesses were asked by the prosecutor why they were in custody in 1999 and most were cross-examined about their criminal records. There was no evidence about the criminal record of any of the appellants or why they were in custody and the jury was directed not to draw any inference from the appellants being in prison. The sentencing occurred that day. No member of the jury was present for the sentencing. On the sentencing the criminal histories of each appellant was tendered. The appellant K had a prior conviction for murder of a fellow inmate whilst in gaol in New South Wales. The appellant W had a prior conviction for manslaughter, having killed a person with an iron bar when stealing money from him. He was serving sentences for assaulting other prisoners at the time of the subject offence. R had prior convictions for assault and drug offences. An earlier trial had been held in Rockhampton in which the appellants were convicted of the murder, but those convictions were overturned on appeal, and a re-trial ordered. The trial in Rockhampton had attracted extensive media coverage, including publication of the appellants’ respective criminal histories. Little, if any, reporting of the Brisbane re-trial occurred prior to the appellants’ convictions on 2 April 2012. On that day an online report on the Courier Mail website reported the convictions and the previous conviction for murder of K and the previous conviction for manslaughter of W and an online report on the Brisbane Times website reported the case referring to K’s previous conviction for murder. An article in the Rockhampton Morning Bulletin on 3 April 2012 reported the convictions and sentences and the appellants’ convictions on the first trial. Some details of the appellants’ criminal histories were available online during the course of the Brisbane trial. Access could still be had to the reporting of the appellants’ criminal histories published in Rockhampton after the first trial. During the re-trial the jury were directed and warned by the trial judge to have regard only to the evidence and not to make any investigations or enquiries of their own and not to discuss the case with anyone else during the trial. The appellants’ appealed from the refusal of that application. Held, per Muir JA (Boddice and Jackson JJ agreeing), dismissing the appeal: Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR (1) 8 That having regard to the constitutional role of juries as the triers of fact in criminal trials, the respect with which the law has traditionally treated jury verdicts and the ability of juries to reach their verdicts faithfully following the trial judge’s directions, it cannot be supposed that s 70(7) of the Jury Act 1995 contemplated the launching of an investigation without good cause. Nor could the legislature have regarded the authorising of such an investigation as anything other than a serious step. Those circumstances support the construction, which is borne out by the normal everyday meaning of the words used, that for there to be “grounds to suspect” for the purposes of s 70(7) there needs to be more than the existence of a mere possibility that a juror obtained knowledge of prior convictions before a verdict was returned. [33]. Hussien v Chong Fook Kam [1970] AC 942; George v Rockett (1990) 170 CLR 104; Certain Lloyd’s Underwriters Subscribing to Contract No IH00AAQS v Cross (2012) 87 ALJR 131 considered. (2) That there was nothing in the conversation between the juror and the hairdresser that suggested that the juror’s knowledge of the appellants’ prior convictions was gained before the delivery of the jury’s verdict. Nor was there anything in the conversation to suggest that the juror was not alive to, or mindful of, his obligations as a juror. The juror’s very words suggested that he took notice of the trial judge’s directions about not discussing the case with anyone else during the trial. [26]. (3) That another significant reason for concluding the juror’s relevant knowledge was gained post-verdict was the fundamental assumption that a jury in a criminal trial acted on the evidence and in accordance with the trial judge’s directions. [28] – [30]. R v VPH (CA 60599/1993; Court of Criminal Appeal (NSW), 4 March 1994, unreported); R v Glennon (1992) 173 CLR 592; R v Ferguson; Ex parte Attorney-General (2008) 186 A Crim R 483 considered. (4) That there was the mere possibility that the juror obtained the relevant knowledge prior to the verdicts and cogent reasons for believing the relevant knowledge was gained after the verdicts. There was no basis for concluding that this possibility amounted to “grounds to suspect” any of the matters in s 70(7). [34]. (5) That even if the discretion conferred by s 70(7) had been enlivened, the matters referred to would have mitigated against ordering an inquiry. [35]. Editor’s Note: An application for special leave to appeal from this decision has been made to the High Court. RMD Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR PUBLIC NOTICES 9 Notice of intention to apply for Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration AITKEN, HELEN After fourteen (14) days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 22 February 1993 and Codicil date 5 April 1999 of HELEN AITKEN Late of Algester Lodge 117A Dalmeny Street, Algester in the State of Queensland. Address in Will: 30 Dunkeld Street, Acacia Ridge in the State of Queensland, deceased who died at Algester Lodge 117A Dalmeny Street, Algester will be made by JOHN ALEXANDER AITKEN to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane. You may object to the Grant by lodging a Caveat in that registry. All persons having a claim, whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise against the estate of the deceased are required to send the particulars in writing of their claim to the applicant at the address stated below within six (6) weeks after the date hereof, at the expiration of which time the applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the applicant shall then have had notice. Lodged by ANDERSON BRADY SOLICITORS GPO Box 2473 Brisbane Qld 4001. ANDREWS, KRISTINE SUSAN After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the Will dated 29 April 2011 of KRISTINE SUSAN ANDREWS late of 5/24 Peerless Avenue, Mermaid Beach, in the State of Queensland, (formerly and in the Will of 57 Gsell Street, Wanguri, Northern Territory) deceased, will be made by GARY KENNETH ANDREWS to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the undersigned within six (6) weeks of the date of the publication of this notice at the expiration of which time the said applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said applicant shall then have had notice. Lodged by PARKER SIMMONDS SOLICITORS, Suite 52 Level 2 Oasis Shopping Centre Victoria Avenue Broadbeach Qld 4218. BAKER, PATRICIA (also known as PATRICIA QUINN) After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 8 September 2008 and the Codicil dated 26 September 2008 of PATRICIA BAKER (also known as PATRICIA QUINN) late of 454 Nursery Road, Holland Park in the State of Queensland, deceased, will be made by ANNE MARY MICHELL to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a Caveat in that registry. Any persons having a claim, whether creditor or beneficiary or otherwise, in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send particulars of their claim to the Solicitor named below within six (6) weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time the Executors will proceed to distribute assets of the deceased among the persons entitled hereto having regard only to the claims of which the said Executors shall then have had notice. Date of Death: 10 October 2013. Lodged by: CARROLL FAIRON SOLICITORS PO Box 6007 Upper Mount Gravatt Qld 4122. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 10 BARKER, NEIL HEDLEY After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 5 August 2005 of NEIL HEDLEY BARKER late of 5 Barrine Place, Narangba, deceased, will be made by GLENYS ANNE BARKER to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to her. Lodged by: RIMMER LAWYERS Suite 16, 1 Newspaper Place, Maroochydore Qld 4558. BARNES, ROBERT WILLIAM After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 25th March, 2004 of ROBERT WILLIAM BARNES. Address in Will: 4 Jacaranda Place, Maleny in the State of Queensland. Last Address: Unit 15, Sunstone Gardens 23 Macadamia Drive, Maleny in the said State will be made by SUSAN ELIZABETH SCHMOTZ to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the applicants within six weeks of the date of publication of this notice. At the expiration of which time pursuant to s.67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the testator among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the executor shall then have had notice. Lodged by EASTON LAWYERS, 62 Maple Street, Maleny 4552. BARTON, PHILLIP JAMES After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 9 December 2009 of PHILLIP JAMES BARTON late of 17 Betony Street, Bald Hills, Queensland deceased will be made by SONIA JUDITH ROSENTHAL of 106 Acacia Road, Kirrawee, New South Wales to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the applicants' solicitors within 6 weeks from the date of publication of this notice at the expiration of which time, pursuant to section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the testator among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the executor has notice. Lodged by TURNER FREEMAN LAWYERS, Level 8, 239 George Street, Brisbane Qld 4000. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 11 BELLAIRS, WILLIAM BARKER-SCOTT After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 17 February 1987 of WILLIAM BARKER-SCOTT BELLAIRS, late of Unit 11, 18 McArthur Street, Main Beach in the State of Queensland, deceased, will be made by DAVID WILLIAM BELLAIRS and GARRY LERON BELLAIRS as substituted executors, JOYCE HELENA BELLAIRS the first executor named being already deceased, to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are required to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned lawyers within six (6) weeks from the date of publication of this notice at the expiration of which time, pursuant to s 67 of the Trusts Act 1973 (Qld), the applicant will proceed to distribute the estate of the deceased among the persons entitled to it having regard only to the claims of which the applicant has notice. Lodged by SMALL MYERS HUGHES LAWYERS, Level 2, 17 Welch Street, Southport, Queensland, 4215 (PO Box 1876, Southport, Queensland, 4215). BIANCHI, LESLIE TERENCE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated the 8th July, 1981, of LESLIE TERENCE BIANCHI late of Bethany Nursing Home, Rockhampton, deceased will be made by KEVIN LESLIE BIANCHI to the Supreme Court at Rockhampton. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any person having any claim, whether as Creditor or beneficiary or otherwise against the estate is required to send particulars of that claim to the estate's Solicitors at the address specified below, not later than six (6) weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Note: By virtue of Section 67 of the Trust Act 1973, a personal representative may, after the expiry of the six (6) weeks period, distribute the estate of the deceased having regard only to those claims of which notice has been given. Lodged by CONNOLLY, SCHIRMER & BATTS, Solicitors, 6 William Street, Rockhampton. Qld. 4700. BROWN, GREGORY STEPHEN After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 17 July, 2013 of GREGORY STEPHEN BROWN late of Canossa Private Hospital, (formerly of C/-10 Drysdale Street, Mt Ommaney), deceased, will be made by JAMES LANCE BROWN to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicant will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to him. Lodged by: PATTISONS Solicitors Suite 3 107 Dandenong Road Mt Ommaney Q 4074. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 12 BROWNE, NOEL JOHN After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 10 May 2005 of NOEL JOHN BROWNE late of 4 Bodmin Place, Chapel Hill, Brisbane, Queensland deceased will be made by ANDREW NOEL BROWNE of 2/66 Waverley Road, Taringa, Queensland, 4068, HELEN MARIE BROWNE of 4 Bodmin Place, Chapel Hill, Queensland, 4069 and CATHERINE MARY BROWNE of 5/22 Carr Street, St Lucia, Queensland, 4067 to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Caveat: If you wish to object to or to be heard upon the application, you may file a caveat in the Supreme Court registry mentioned above at any time before the grant is made. Creditors: All potential creditors of the estate of the Deceased are required to send in particulars of their claim to the Executor within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Executor shall then have had notice. Lodged by: CLEARY HOARE Solicitors PO Box 2684 Fortitude Valley BC Qld 4006. BRUMFIELD, IVAN RUPERT WILSON After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 9 May 2005 of IVAN RUPERT WILSON BRUMFIELD late of 3 Aberdeen Avenue, Benowa, Queensland, deceased will be made by DULCIE ELIZABETH BRUMFIELD to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claims to THORNTON LEGAL, 44 Davenport Street, Southport, Queensland within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the testator among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the executor shall then have had notice. Lodged by THORNTON LEGAL, 44 Davenport Street, Southport, Qld 4215. BRYANT, TREVOR DENIS After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Letters of Administration on intestacy of TREVOR DENIS BRYANT late of 11 Parwan Avenue, Bellara, deceased, will be made by YVONNE ANNE BRYANT to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitor named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicant will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to her. Lodged by CATTON RODERICK LAWYERS Level 1, 133 Redcliffe Parade Redcliffe Qld 4020. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 13 BURGESS, REGINALD After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 26 January, 1982 of REGINALD BURGESS late of 28 Buchanan Street, Beaudesert, Deceased, will be made by VENETIA DELCIA BURGESS to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors of the estate are required to send in particulars of their claims to the Applicant's Solicitor within six (6) weeks from the date of publication of this notice. After that date, the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which the Executors shall then have had notice. Lodged by: CLARKE & TURTON LAWYERS, PO Box 76, Beaudesert, Qld 4285. CAMPBELL, ANNE HARCOURT After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 16 April 2008 of ANNE HARCOURT CAMPBELL late of Unit 1, "The White Dolphin", 806 Pacific Parade, Currumbin Beach, Queensland, deceased, will be made by ANTHONY LAMBERT to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to him. Lodged by: D A HARRIS & ASSOCIATES Solicitors Westfield Office Suite 1A Level 2, Main Street, Westfield Helensvale Towncentre Qld 4212. CARPENTER, VILMA LILLIAN After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 18 April 2005 of VILMA LILLIAN CARPENTER Late of Regis Kuluin Nursing Home 354 Main Rd Kuluin Queensland, Address in Will: 17/35 Lindsay Road, Buderim, Queensland, deceased, will be made by CAY JOHN CARPENTER to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Where probate is applied for, add notice to creditors and beneficiaries under the Trusts Act 1973, section 67, if required. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicant will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them. Lodged by: MUMFORDS LAWYERS 1, 173 Brisbane Road, Mooloolaba Qld 4557. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 14 CASTLE, ELLIS LLOYD After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 9th December 2009 of ELLIS LLOYD CASTLE late of 56 Doyle Street, Mareeba, Queensland and formerly of 1352 Cooroy-Belli Creek Road, Ridgewood Queensland deceased will be made by KISANE MICHELLE CASTLE and MONIQUE ALLISON NALBANDIAN to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claim to the Applicants within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Executors shall then have had notice. Lodged by THE OFFICIAL SOLICITOR TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF QUEENSLAND of 444 Queen Street Brisbane Q 4000. CHALK, LORNA AGNES After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Representation will be made to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane as follows: Deceased: LORNA AGNES CHALK. Last Address: Nowlanvil Nursing Centre, 205-215 Ripley Road, Flinders View in the State of Queensland. Address in Will: 75 Sunderland Drive, Bribie Island in the State of Queensland. Applicant: PETER FREDERICK JOSEPH CHALK of 16 Winston Street, Yamanto in the State of Queensland. Grant: Probate of the Will dated 18 March 1992. Caveat: If you wish to object to or to be heard upon the Application, you may file a caveat in the Supreme Court Registry mentioned above at any time before the Grant is made. Creditors: All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claim to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the testator among the persons entitled to thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said executors shall then have had notice. Date of Death: 29 September 2013. Applicant's Solicitor: MORRISON LAWYERS 53 Brisbane Road East Ipswich Qld 4305. CHENON, FABRICE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Letters of Administration on intestacy of FABRICE CHENON late of unit 604, 7 Hope Street, South Brisbane deceased will be made by PHILIPPA MILLER-IBOS to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Lodged by PHILIPPA MILLER-IBOS, 49 Kate Circuit, Rochedale. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 15 CLARKE, GLORIA MAY After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 20 April 2006 of GLORIA MAY CLARKE late of 4 Earlsfield Court, Carindale in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by ELIZABETH ANN FRANCIS to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors of the Estate are required to send in particulars of their claim to the applicant's solicitors no later than six weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Lodged by SMITH & STANTON, Lawyers, 607 Robinson Road, Aspley Qld 4034. CLIFFORD, PHILLIP JOHN After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 23 April 2013 of PHILLIP JOHN CLIFFORD late of 20 Miller Street, Warwick Queensland deceased will be made by SHIRLEY ELSIE CLIFFORD to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the Grant by lodging a caveat in that Registry. Any creditor and all other persons having a claim against the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claim to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time, pursuant to section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the applicant shall then have had notice. Lodged by GAFFNEY LYONS & McMAHON, Solicitors, AMP Building, 116 Palmerin Street, Warwick Qld 4370. COLCH, PATRICIA VALMAE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 5 December 2012 of PATRICIA VALMAE COLCH late of Tricare Nursing Home, Chermside West, Queensland, formerly of 51 Biarra Street Deagon, deceased, will be made by KAREN PATRICIA FORMOSA to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Lodged by: ROD HOLLOWAY & CO. Suite One, 61 Cnr Gawain Rd & Lavaine St, Bracken Ridge Qld 4017. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 16 COMINO, STEPHEN (also known as STEPHEN ARTHUR COMINO and as STAVROS COMINO) After 14 days from today an application for a grant of representation will be made to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane as follows: Deceased: STEPHEN COMINO also known as STEPHEN ARTHUR COMINO and as STAVROS COMINO. Late of: 723 Trouts Road, Aspley, 4034 in the State of Queensland. Applicants: ARTHUR STEPHEN COMINO and MARIA PENELOPE COMINO both of 723 Trouts Road Aspley Qld 4034. Grant: Probate of the Will dated 26 August 2008. Caveat: If you wish to object to or to be heard upon the application, you may file a caveat in the Supreme Court registry mentioned above at any time before the grant is made. All creditors beneficiaries or other persons having any claim or claims in respect of the estate of the abovenamed Deceased who died on 28 September 2013 are hereby required to send in particulars of their claim to the undersigned within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time the Applicants will proceed to distribute the assets of the Deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the Applicants shall then have had notice and having regard to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973. Applicants' Solicitors: STEPHEN COMINO & ARTHUR COMINO, Solicitors, G2/524 Milton Road Toowong Qld 4066. COMYN, RONALD DESMOND After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 21 August, 1992 of RONALD DESMOND COMYN late of the North Rockhampton Nursing Home, 691-711 Norman Road, North Rockhampton, Queensland, deceased, will be made by CHRISTINE EDNA COMYN to the Supreme Court at Rockhampton. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All persons or creditors having a claim against the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned within six weeks from today, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the said applicant shall then have had notice. Lodged by: SWANWICK MURRAY ROCHE 74 Victoria Parade, Rockhampton 4700. COOK, NORMAN After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 10 July 2013 of NORMAN COOK late of 8 Whitby Street, Burrum Town, Queensland, deceased, will be made by GREGORY DREW BOYLE to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to him. Lodged by: CSG LAW Wills & Estate Lawyers, 211 Bazaar Street, Maryborough Qld 4650 and 5 Torquay Road, Pialba Qld 4655. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 17 COSTEA, CONSTANTA After 14 days from today, an Application for a Grant of Representation will be made to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane as follows: Deceased: CONSTANTA COSTEA. Last Address: 28 Morala Avenue, Biggera Waters, 4216. Applicant: PETRU COSTEA of 11/39 Catherine Street, Beenleigh, 4207. Grant: Letters of Administration (Intestacy). Caveat: If you wish to object to or to be heard upon the Application, you may file a Caveat in the Supreme Court Registry mentioned above at any time before the Grant is made. Creditors: All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicant's Solicitors within six weeks from the date of publication of this Notice. Date of Death: 24 June, 2013. Applicant’s Solicitors: RHONDA SHEEHY & ASSOCIATES, Solicitors, The Lakes Centre, 22 King Street (P.O. Box 673), Caboolture, Qld, 4510. CROUCH, MONICA After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 6th August 2013 of MONICA CROUCH late of 7 Dock Lane, Bulimba, in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by DAVID TERRENCE CROUCH and TIMOTHY MICHAEL HENRY CROUCH to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors of the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claim to the undersigned within 6 weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled hereto, having regard only to the claims of which the applicant shall then have had notice. Lodged by CROUCH & CO SOLICITORS, PO Box 817, Aspley Qld 4034. DELANEY, LAURENCE LESLIE (also known as LAURENCE DELANEY) After 14 days from today an application for a grant of letters of administration on intestacy of LAURENCE LESLIE DELANEY (also known as LAURENCE DELANEY) late of 17/6 Dolphin Drive, Bongaree, Queensland, deceased, will be made by JAMES LESLIE DELANEY to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Notice to creditors and beneficiaries under the Trusts Act 1973, section 67, is to be given only after the applicant has been appointed administrator. Before appointment the applicant has no legal right to administer the estate. This is different to the executor whose authority is granted by the will so that notwithstanding the grant, the exectutor can administer the will. Lodged by: SPRINGFIELD LEGAL SERVICE LAWYERS 1/6 Commercial Drive, Springfield Qld 4300. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 18 DELMANOWICZ, MARY After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 10th July 2012 of MARY DELMANOWICZ late of Shalom Residential Aged Care, 357- 383 McDougal Street, Toowoomba, Queensland, deceased will be made by DESLEY ANN DUNSTALL and ANGELINA JULIE ROSE ASLETT to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claim to the Applicants within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Executors shall then have had notice. Lodged by THE OFFICIAL SOLICITOR TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF QUEENSLAND of 444 Queen Street Brisbane Q 4000. DIECKMANN, KAREN ANNETTE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 24 August 2009 of KAREN ANNETTE DIECKMANN late of 12 Bruce Street, Redbank Plains Qld 4301, deceased, will be made by IAN NOEL DIECKMANN to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to him. Lodged by: SPRINGFIELD LEGAL SERVICE LAWYERS 1/6 Commercial Drive, Springfield Qld 4300. DOBNER, PEARL MADGE After 14 days from to-day an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated the 14th day of January 1997 of PEARL MADGE DOBNER late of Waroona Residential Aged Care, 10 West Terrace, Caloundra, Queensland deceased will be made by CHRISTOPHER SKEFFINGTON CRAWFORD to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased and any other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claims to the applicant's solicitors named below within six (6) weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the executor shall then have had notice. Lodged by GEOFF LYONS SOLICITORS PTY LTD of 2 Centaur Street, Caloundra, Queensland 4551. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 19 DOIG, BERNICE After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 9th May, 2005 of BERNICE DOIG late of RSL Care, 1 Tollington Road Bowen in the State of Queensland, deceased will be made by BRIAN VINCENT DOIG and MAUREEN ELLEN JOYCE to the Supreme Court at Townsville. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this Notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trust Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them. Lodged by: RUDDY, TOMLINS & BAXTER Solicitors 8 Gregory Street Bowen Qld 4805. DONATIS, DOMENICO DE After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the will dated 4 June 2007 of DOMENICO DE DONATIS late of 180 Constitution Road, Windsor in the State of Queensland, deceased will be made by GABRIELE ANTONIO DE DONATIS to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any person having any claim, whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise, in regard to the estate of the abovenamed deceased person, is hereby required to send particulars of such claim to the solicitors named below no later than six weeks from the date of this publication Lodged by: QUADRIO LEE LAWYERS 96 Merthyr Road, New Farm 4005. ELLIS, STANLEY JOHN After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated the 8th day of October 2012 of STANLEY JOHN ELLIS, late of 51 Browns Road, Ningi in the State of Queensland, deceased will be made by CHRISTOPHER ALEXANDER STANLEY ELLIS, GABRIELLE VERA BAIN and DAWN EMILY ANNETTE MCNEILL to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Creditors: All creditors or others having a claim against the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the applicant's solicitors within six (6) weeks of the date of publication of this notice at the expiration of which time the applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the abovenamed deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the applicant shall then have had notice. Date of Death: 13 September 2013. Applicant's Solicitors: JAMES MOORE LAWYER 1/29 Benabrow Avenue Bribie Island Qld 4507. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 20 ERSKINE, BARBARA MAY After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 26 October 2010 of BARBARA MAY ERSKINE late of 9/40 Meron Street, Southport in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by JULANNE MARY SHEARER and DEBRA ANN KEARNEY to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim against the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the Applicant's solicitors named below within six (6) weeks of the date of publication of this notice. At the end of that period, the Applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased amongst the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to him. Lodged by CRONIN SHEARER LAWYERS, Level 1, 35-39 Scarborough Street, Southport Qld 4215. FOLEY, KEVIN MAX After 14 days from today an application for a grant of letters of administration on intestacy of KEVIN MAX FOLEY late of 8 Felix Street, Cawarral, Queensland, deceased, will be made by JENNIFER KAYE FOLEY to the Supreme Court at Rockhampton. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Notice to creditors and beneficiaries under the Trusts Act 1973, section 67, is to be given only after the applicant has been appointed administrator. Before appointment the applicant has no legal right to administer the estate. This is different to the executor whose authority is granted by the will so that notwithstanding the grant, the exectutor can administer the will. Lodged by: ROBERT HARRIS RIVETT LAWYERS 21 James Street, Yeppoon Qld 4703. FOOT, MARION HOPE After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 28 March 2008 of MARION HOPE FOOT late of Carinya Home for the Aged, 1 Mazlin Street, Atherton in the State of Queensland, deceased, will be made by KATHLEEN MARY FOOT to the Supreme Court at Cairns. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claim to the undersigned within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time the said Applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the Testator amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the said Applicant shall then have had notice. Lodged by MONTGOMERY SOLICITORS, 21 Main Street, Atherton Qld 4883. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 21 FRASER, KAETHE (also known as KAY FRASER) After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 18th July 2006 of KAETHE FRASER also known as KAY FRASER late of Buckingham Gardens Nursing Home, 8 Buckingham Street, Alexandra Hills, Queensland, deceased will be made by KARL HEINZ BITTNER and HELEN KAREN ENDACOTT to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claim to the Applicants within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Executors shall then have had notice. Lodged by THE OFFICIAL SOLICITOR TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF QUEENSLAND of 444 Queen Street Brisbane Q 4000. GANIBAN, MARIANITA FLORENDO After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 18 March 2010 of MARIANITA FLORENDO GANIBAN Late of 183 Dorville Road, Carseldine, Brisbane in the State of Queensland, deceased will be made by POLICARPIO ABALOS GANIBAN to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any person having any claim, whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise, against the Estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicant's solicitors within six (6) weeks of the date of publication of this Notice at the expiration of which the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the Testatrix among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said executors shall then have had notice. Lodged by COLWELL LYONS LAWYERS, 1341 Gympie Road, Aspley, 4034. GARDE, SANDY EDWARD After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Letters of Administration without a Will of SANDY EDWARD GARDE late of 11 Mabel Street, Croydon, deceased, will be made by AMANDA ROSE HARTLEY to the Supreme Court at Townsville. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicant will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to her. Lodged by: PURCELL TAYLOR LAWYERS PTY LTD Ground Floor, 42 Sturt Street, Townsville Qld 4810. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 22 GARDINER, FREDERICK CHARLES After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 22 November 2012 of FREDERICK CHARLES GARDINER late of 97 Park Road, Wooloowin, Queensland deceased will be made by CECILY JOAN BROADHURST of 12 Richards Avenue, East Launceston, Tasmania, CHRISTOPHER CHARLES GARDINER of 15 Chigwell Street, Wavell Heights, Queensland and DENISE ELAINE KELLY of 1 Sylvan Avenue, Wavell Heights, Queensland to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the applicants' solicitors within 6 weeks from the date of publication of this notice at the expiration of which time, pursuant to section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the testator among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the executor has notice. Lodged by TURNER FREEMAN LAWYERS, Level 8, 239 George Street, Brisbane Qld 4000. GASSON, ELLA BERTHA After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will of ELLA BERTHA GASSON dated 4 August 2004, late of 1/67 Tallebudgera Drive, Palm Beach, Queensland, 4221, deceased, will be made to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane by PHILLIP RODNEY GASSON and RHONDA JEANETTE GASSON Executors named in the Will. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry at any time before the grant is made. Any creditor and all other persons having a claim against the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the applicant's solicitors within 6 weeks of the date of publication of this notice, after of which time, the Executor will proceed to distribute the estate to the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Executors shall then have had notice. Lodged by Applicant's Solicitors: WHITEHEAD GUPTA LAWYERS Level 1, 174 Galleon Way, Currumbin Waters Qld. 4223. GEAR, ROBERT JAMES After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 3rd June 2008 of ROBERT JAMES GEAR late of Unit 8, 16 Coyne Street, Kirra in the State of Queensland but formerly of 149 Kirby Road, Aspley Brisbane in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by BRENDEN DAVID GEAR to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claim to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which the Applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the testator among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the said Applicant shall then have had notice. Applicant's Solicitor: T.F. WARDROBE. Solicitors, Level 10, 149 Wickham Terrace, Spring Hill, Qld, 4000. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 23 GERMON, EDITH ELMA After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 9th December 2009 of EDITH ELMA GERMON late Carramar Aged Care, Noosa-Cooroy Road, Tewantin in the State of Queensland and formerly of 4 Baanya Street Wurtulla in the said State deceased, will be made by DANIEL VICTOR WARNE to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the Applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the Applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicant will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to him. Lodged by: POWER AND CARTWRIGHT Solicitors 239 Mary Street Gympie Q 4570. GIBSON, MARGARET LOUISE After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 17 March 2005 of MARGARET LOUISE GIBSON late of Presbyterian Homes Legana, Room 116 Ward Allambi, 1-9 Freshwater Point Road, Legana, Tasmania, formerly of Unit 99, Hibiscus Retirement Resort, 52 University Way, Sippy Downs, Queensland, deceased, will be made by JOHN SYDNEY CARL KRUGER to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the Grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Lodged by: KRUGER LAW Level 4 Ocean Central 2 Ocean Street Maroochydore Qld 4558. GOMPERTZ, BETTY JANE After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 29 June 2008 of BETTY JANE GOMPERTZ late of 54 Bellata Street, The Gap, Queensland will be made by IAN ALEXEEV STEFAN LORENZ GOMPERTZ to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane. You may object to the Grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors or others having a claim against the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicant's Solicitors within six (6) weeks from the date hereof, after which time pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the executor will distribute the estate amongst those entitled having regard only to the claims of which he then has had notice. Applicant Solicitors: HOLLINGWORTH & SPENCER, 6/23 Glenaffric Street, The Gap, Qld, 4061. GORDON, JOAN ALICE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 21 November 2003 of JOAN ALICE GORDON late of Cazna Gardens Retirement Community 465 Hellawell Rd Sunnybank Hills Qld, deceased will be made by PETER GORDON, GREGORY GORDON and MARGARET GORDON to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to GREGG LAWYERS within 6 weeks of the date of publication of this notice. Lodged by: GREGG LAWYERS PTY LTD 11th Floor, Astor Centre 445 Upper Edward Street Spring Hill Qld 4004. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 24 GORDON, MARGARET ROSE After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the undated Will executed either on 23rd May 2012 or 2nd July 2012 of MARGARET ROSE GORDON late of 160 Linnings Road, Haigslea deceased will be made by PAULINE THOMAS and ROBERT LINDSAY GORDON to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claims to the Applicant's Solicitors within six (6) weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Executor shall then have had notice. Lodged by: GARY FULTON Solicitor and Notary Public Suites 11 and 12, First Floor 1386 Anzac Avenue Kallangur Qld 4503. GORDON, TARISA MAY (also known as TERRY GORDON) After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 24 July 2005 of TARISA MAY GORDON also known as TERRY GORDON late of 394 Aremby Road, Bouldercombe, Queensland, deceased, will be made by MARK ALEXANDER GORDON to the Supreme Court at Rockhampton. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All persons or creditors having a claim against the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned within six weeks from today, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the said applicant shall then have had notice. Lodged by: SWANWICK MURRAY ROCHE 74 Victoria Parade, Rockhampton 4700. GORRY, DONALD CHARLES After 14 days from today, an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated the 25th day of August 2005 of DONALD CHARLES GORRY late of 10 Sexton Street, Aeroglen in the State of Queensland, will be made by DALE ROBERT TREANOR to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Cairns. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor, beneficiary or other person having any claim or claims against the estate of the abovenamed deceased are required to send particulars of any such claim or claims to the Applicant's Solicitor within six (6) weeks of the date of publication of this Notice, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the abovenamed deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the Applicant shall then have had notice. Applicants' Solicitor. DAVID G HANNAY SOLICITOR & NOTARY PUBLIC, Suite 25, 12-14 Lake Street, Cairns Qld 4870. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 25 GOULD, KEVIN GEORGE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of letters of administration on intestacy of KEVIN GEORGE GOULD late of 7/126 Board Street, Deagon, Queensland, deceased, will be made by KAREN GAIL ASHTON and DIANNE EVELYN ATKINS to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them. Lodged by: ROD HOLLOWAY & CO. Suite One, 61 Cnr Gawain Rd & Lavaine St, Bracken Ridge Qld 4017. GRAHAM, ARTHUR GREEN After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 1 November, 2005 of ARTHUR GREEN GRAHAM late of lona Nursing Home, 129 Brookfield Road, Kenmore Hills, Queensland, deceased, will be made by ANNE BERANECE MULLINS and JOHN ALBERT MULLINS to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Lodged by: WALKER PENDER GROUP Lawyers Level 1, 28 Ipswich City Mall Ipswich Q 4305. GRAVES, ROBERT FRANCIS After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Letters of Administration on Intestacy of ROBERT FRANCIS GRAVES late of 5 Bagot Street, Toowoomba, Queensland, deceased will be made by LISA MARIE CLARKE and SIAN ELIZABETH MCDOWELL to the Supreme Court at Rockhampton. You may object to the Grant by lodging a Caveat in that registry. Any creditor, beneficiary or other person having any claim or claims in respect of the abovenamed deceased is required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicant's solicitors within six (6) weeks of the date of publication of this notice at the expiration of which time the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the Testator among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said Executors shall then have had notice. Lodged by BAKER O'BRIEN & TOLL, Solicitors, 7 Maryborough Street, Bundaberg (PO Box 380, Bundaberg), Queensland, 4670. GREGORY, LORRAINE CLARE After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 29th day of August 2012 of LORRAINE CLARE GREGORY late of 2 Discovery Drive, Parklands Estate, Little Mountain, Queensland, will be made by WAYNE ROBERT OGBORNE to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a Caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the Applicant's Solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the Applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them. Lodged by: McALISTER & CARTMILL Solicitors 21 Heathfield Street Coolum Beach Q 4573. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 26 GRIFFIN, KATHLEEN ANN After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Letters of Administration on Intestacy for KATHLEEN ANN GRIFFIN (deceased), late of 77 Ridge Road, Tara in the State of Queensland, will be made by JOHN RONALD HUNTER limited to the minority of FRANCES GRACE GRIFFIN, the only child of the deceased, to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors or other persons having a claim against the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicant's Solicitors within six (6) weeks of the date of publication of this Notice at the expiration of which time, pursuant to section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Applicant shall then have had notice. Lodged by: SHINE LAWYERS Incorporating SHANNON DONALDSON 33A Archibald Street, Dalby Qld 4405. GRIFFITHS, NORAH COSETTE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 12 November 1984 of NORAH COSETTE GRIFFITHS late of BUPA Nursing Home, 32 Tourist Road, Toowoomba in the State of Queensland (deceased) will be made by JILL MORROW and BRIAN PATRIC O'NEILL, as Executors to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors or others having a claim against the estate are required to send particulars of their claims to the applicant's solicitors within six (6) weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Lodged by: CONDON CHARLES LAWYERS 317 Margaret Street Toowoomba Qld 4350. HAMBLIN, JUNE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 17 June 2009 of JUNE HAMBLIN late of 204/118 Bellflower Road, Sippy Downs in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by NICOLETTE GRIMMOND (also known as NICOLETTE JANE GRIMMOND) to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors or others having a claim against the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicant's solicitors no later than six weeks from the date of this Notice. Lodged by: ELLISON MOSCHELLA & CO, Solicitors, 3rd Floor, 79 Adelaide Street, Brisbane Qld 4000. HAMEL, BEVAN ARTHUR After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 18 December 1997 of BEVAN ARTHUR HAMEL late of 12 Kingsford Street, Bundaberg, Queensland, deceased will be made by MARK BEVAN HAMEL and TRUDY LEIGH GROSZMAN to the Supreme Court at Rockhampton. You may object to the Grant by lodging a Caveat in that registry. Any creditor, beneficiary or other person having any claim or claims in respect of the abovenamed deceased is required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicants' solicitors within six (6) weeks of the date of publication of this notice at the expiration of which time the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the Testator among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said Executors shall then have had notice. Lodged by BAKER O'BRIEN & TOLL, Solicitors, 7 Maryborough Street, Bundaberg (PO Box 380, Bundaberg), Queensland, 4670. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 27 HANKIN, WILLIAM STANLEY After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 10 October 2011 of WILLIAM STANLEY HANKIN, late of Galleon Gardens RSL War Veteran Home, Unit 25/126 Galleon Way, Currumbin Waters in the State of Queensland, deceased, will be made by KYLIE HANKIN to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the applicants solicitor within 6 weeks of the publication of this notice at the expiration of which time, pursuant to section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the testator among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the applicant had notice. Lodged by: A K ABBOTT & CO 1/10 Guineas Creek Road Currumbin Waters Qld 4223. HARRIS, HILDA FLORENCE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 14 May, 2001 of HILDA FLORENCE HARRIS late of 1 Kestrel Court, North Rockhampton, deceased will be made by EDNA WEIR, MERLE MOLONEY and STEPHEN JAMES HARRIS to the Supreme Court at Rockhampton. You may object to the grant by lodging a Caveat in that Registry. All creditors or others having a claim against the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the applicants' solicitors within seven weeks of the date of publication of this notice. Lodged by: GRANT AND SIMPSON LAWYERS 226 Quay Street Rockhampton Qld 4700. HARVEY, HEATHER ALICE After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 30th September 1986 of HEATHER ALICE HARVEY late of Inverpine Aged Care, Murrumba Downs, Address in Will - if different: 38 South Street, Urangan, Hervey Bay deceased will be made by ALLAN STANLEY HARVEY and HEATHER ANN COCKBURN formerly HEATHER ANN WEYMARK to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claims to the Applicant's Solicitors within six (6) weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the alternate Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the alternate Executors shall then have had notice. Lodged by: GARY FULTON Solicitor and Notary Public Suites 11 and 12, First Floor 1386 Anzac Avenue Kallangur Qld 4503. HICKS, MILLICENT JOAN After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the will dated 10 October 2011 of MILLICENT JOAN HICKS late of Domain Greenfern Place, Browns Plains in the State of Queensland, deceased will be made by CECILIA DIANNE TAYLOR, LORAINE PAMELA PORTER and MARION ANNE BRUCE to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any person having any claim, whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise, in regard to the estate of the abovenamed deceased person, is hereby required to send particulars of such claim to the solicitors named below no later than six weeks from the date of this publication Lodged by: QUADRIO LEE LAWYERS 96 Merthyr Road, New Farm 4005. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 28 HILLIER, EILEEN CAROLINE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 8 September 2011 of EILEEN CAROLINE HILLIER Late of 6 Carr Place Pelican Waters, Queensland, deceased, will be made by CHRISTINE KAREN CAROLINE BOVEY to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to her. Lodged by: MUMFORDS LAWYERS 1, 173 Brisbane Road, Mooloolaba Qld 4557. HODGKINSON, SHIRLEY After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the undated Will of SHIRLEY HODGKINSON late of 40 Sherborne Street, Carindale, Brisbane, Queensland, deceased, will be made by DAVID MICHAEL HODGKINSON to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. Lodged by: HARDING RICHARDS LAWYERS Level 1, 985 Stanley Street, East Brisbane Qld 4169. HOLYOAK, RAYMOND PAUL ARTHUR After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 15 June 1999 of RAYMOND PAUL ARTHUR HOLYOAK late of 75 Mill Drive, Heatley in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by LYNETTE MARCIA HOLYOAK to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Townsville. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All persons or creditors having a claim against the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the said Applicant shall then have had notice. Lodged by: BOULTON CLEARY & KERN 39 Martinez Avenue Townsville Qld 4810. HORNE, DONALD KEVIN After 14 days from today an application for a grant of letters of administration on intestacy of DONALD KEVIN HORNE late of Flat 2, 81 Alice Street, Cloncurry, Queensland, deceased, will be made by GLORIA GARDINER to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicant will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to her. Lodged by: WALKER PENDER GROUP Lawyers Level 1, 28 Ipswich City Mall Ipswich Q 4305. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 29 HOWARD, LAWRENCE NORMAN After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 25th September 1997 of LAWRENCE NORMAN HOWARD formerly of Unit 67 "Drayton Villas", 111 Drayton Road, Toowoomba in the State of Queensland but late of Blue Care Nursing Home, 256 Stenner Street, Toowoomba in the State of Queensland, deceased, will be made by ALAN JOHN HOWARD to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Lodged by MESSRS HEDE BYRNE & HALL PTY LTD (ACN 132 723 481), Lawyers, an Incorporated Legal Practice trading as HEDE BYRNE & HALL, 126 Russell Street, Toowoomba Qld 4350. JACK, SHIRLEY HAZEL After 14 days from today an application for grant of Probate of the Will dated 5 August 2005 of SHIRLEY HAZEL JACK late of Unit 44, Tall Trees Village, 3745-3759 Pacific Highway, Slacks Creek in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by THE TRUST COMPANY (AUSTRALIA) LIMITED A.C.N. 000 000 993 to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claims to the applicant's solicitor within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the testator among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the executor shall then have had notice. Lodged by: THE TRUST COMPANY (LEGAL SERVICES) PTY LTD, Level 11, 241 Adelaide Street, Brisbane, Queensland. JAMIESON, JOSEPH COLES After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 6 November 2008 of JOSEPH COLES JAMIESON late of Bethany Christian Care, The Plains, 333 Underwood Road, Eight Mile Plains in the State of Queensland, deceased, will be made by KEITH STEWART MELVILLE and JOHN KEITH MELVILLE to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicants' Solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them. Lodged by: PORTER HULETT SOLICITORS, 611 Wynnum Road, Morningside Qld 4170. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 30 JORGENSEN, ELISE MARY After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 12 April, 1996 of ELISE MARY JORGENSEN late of Milford Grange Retirement Community, 32 Grange Road, Eastern Heights, Queensland, (formerly of 3 Coronation Street, East Ipswich, Queensland), deceased, will be made by TERRENCE STACEY JORGENSEN and BARRY DONALD JORGENSEN to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicants' solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them. Lodged by: WALKER PENDER GROUP Lawyers Level 1, 28 Ipswich City Mall Ipswich Q 4305. KANE, THOMAS After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 28 May 2008 of THOMAS KANE late of Marycrest Hostel, 411 Main Street, Kangaroo Point in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by JOHN JOSEPH MULLINS to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All persons or creditors having a claim against the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the said Applicant shall then have had notice. Lodged by: MULLINS LAWYERS Level 21 Riverside Centre 123 Eagle Street Brisbane Qld 4000. KAY, EDITH ELLEN MAUD After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 6 December 2005 of EDITH ELLEN MAUD KAY late of Regis Wynnum Nursing Home, Wynnum, Queensland deceased will be made by BARRY HERBERT KAY to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors of the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claim to the Applicant's Solicitors within 6 weeks from the date hereof. Lodged By: JONES LEACH LAWYERS, Rochedale Shopping Village, 549 Underwood Road, Rochedale Qld 4123. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 31 KEBBLEWHITE, CATHERINE LILIAN After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 4 May 2011 of CATHERINE LILIAN KEBBLEWHITE late of Masonic Care Queensland, 60 Wakefield Street, Sandgate, Queensland, deceased will be made by PETER DAVID KEBBLEWHITE to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person having any claim against the estate of the deceased, who died on 27 September 2013, is required to send particulars of their claim to the applicant's solicitors below within six (6) weeks after the date of publication of this notice. After that date, the Executor will proceed to distribute the estate among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which the Executor shall then have had notice. Lodged by GILL & LANE 8 Fourth Avenue Sandgate Qld 4017. KEEGAN, NORAH JOSEPHINE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of Will dated 18 July 2006 of NORAH JOSEPHINE KEEGAN late of 6 Dibbill Street, West Chermside in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by ANTHONY MATTHEW McNALLY to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the applicant's solicitors within (6) weeks of the date of publication of this notice. Lodged by: AM McNALLY SOLICITOR P O Box 469 Virginia Qld 4014. KELSO, ELSIE MAY After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 21 September 1982 of ELSIE MAY KELSO late of Tricare Stafford Heights Nursing Centre, 682 Rode Road, Chermside West, Brisbane, Queensland deceased will be made by ROBERT SCOTT GREGORY to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All persons or creditors having a claim from the estate of the deceased are required to send particulars of their claims to the Lodger within 6 weeks from today. At the expiration of this time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the entitled persons, having regard only to the claims of which the Executor shall then have notice. Lodged by JOHNSON AND ASSOCIATES LAWYERS, 101 Verney Road West, Graceville, 4075. KLUCK, CHLORINE After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 1 May 2007 of CHLORINE KLUCK late of 243 Batemans Road, Flagstone Creek, Queensland, deceased, will be made by BERNARD PATRICK KLUCK and MARY ELAINE KLUCK to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the applicant's solicitors BRIESE LAWYERS within six (6) weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Lodged by BRIESE LAWYERS, 303 Margaret Street Toowoomba Queensland. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 32 LAMBERT, MARGARET MARY After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 7th February, 2001 of MARGARET MARY LAMBERT late of RSL Care, 1 Tollington Road, Bowen in the State of Queensland, deceased will be made by MARGARET ANN DOIG to the Supreme Court at Townsville. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this Notice. At the end of that period, the applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trust Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them. Lodged by: RUDDY, TOMLINS & BAXTER Solicitors 8 Gregory Street Bowen Qld 4805. LANE, PATRICIA LESTER After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate will be made to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane as follows: Deceased: PATRICIA LESTER LANE. Last address: Wheller Gardens, 930 Gympie Road, Chermside in the State of Queensland. Address in Will: 26A Boston Street, Clayfield in the State of Queensland. Applicants: ELIZABETH CLARE TOWNSEND McCALLUM of 3 Rumsay Lane, Rozelle in the State of New South Wales and MARY ANNE LANE of 162 Cubitt Street, Richmond in the State of Victoria. Grant: Probate of the Will dated 10 April 2006. Caveat: If you wish to object to or be heard upon the Application, you may file a caveat in the Supreme Court Registry mentioned above at any time before the Grant is made. Creditors: All creditors of the Estate of the Deceased are hereby requested to send in particulars of their claim to the Applicants' Solicitors not later than 6 weeks after the date of publication of this notice. Applicants' Lawyers: CLARKEKANN, Level 7, 300 Queen Street, Brisbane, Queensland 4000. LEIGHTON, DEBORAH JANE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 17 November 2010 of DEBORAH JANE LEIGHTON deceased late of 52 McAlloon Road, Aloomba in the State of Queensland will be made by JEFFREY RICHARD LEIGHTON to the Supreme Court at Cairns. If you wish to object or to be heard upon the application you may file a Caveat in the Supreme Court Registry mentioned above at any time before the Grant is made. All creditors in the estate of the Deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time the said Applicants will proceed to distribute the estate of the Deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Applicants shall then have had notice. Lodged by BRETT MOLLER Partner MARINO MOLLER LAWYERS 70 Grafton Street Cairns Qld 4870. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 33 LITTLE, ANDREW JAMES After 14 days from today an application for a grant of letters of administration on intestacy of ANDREW JAMES LITTLE late of 3 Huntington Court, Deception Bay, Queensland, deceased, will be made by ANTHONY JAMES LITTLE to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Lodged by: GLEESON KLEIN LAWYERS 20 Anzac Avenue, Redcliffe Qld 4020. LOBSTON, BARRY ALEXANDER JOHN (also known as BARRY LOBSTON) After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate will be made to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane as follows: Deceased: BARRY ALEXANDER JOHN LOBSTON also known as BARRY LOBSTON (Deceased). Last Address: Late of Unit 27, RSL Galleon Gardens Retirement Village, Currumbin in the State of Queensland. Address in Will: Unit 2/31 Second Avenue, Palm Beach in the State of Queensland. Applicants: GARY ALEXANDER LOBSTON of Unit 7, Level 2, 43-45 Teemangum Street, Currumbin Qld and SCOTT RUSSELL LOBSTON of 24 Hartley Street, Camp Hill in the State of Queensland. Grant: Probate of the Will dated the 19th April, 2013. Caveat: If you wish to object to or to be heard upon the Application, you may file a Caveat in the Supreme Court Registry mentioned above at any time before the Grant is made. All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the applicants' Solicitors within 6 weeks of the date of publication of this notice. Applicant's Solicitors: HOY & McCORMACK, Solicitors, 3/28 Palm Beach Avenue, Palm Beach in the State of Queensland. LYNCH, SUSAN After 14 days from today an application for a grant of letters of administration on intestacy of SUSAN LYNCH late of 76/52 University Way, Sippy Downs, Queensland, deceased will be made by ADAM LYNCH and STACEY LYNCH to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claim to the Applicants within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Administrators will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Administrators shall then have had notice. Lodged by THE OFFICIAL SOLICITOR TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF QUEENSLAND of 444 Queen Street Brisbane Q 4000. MANDERSON, COLIN KEITH After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Letters of Administration on intestacy of COLIN KEITH MANDERSON late of Bayview Nursing Home, 86 Bayview Street, Runaway Bay in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by ELLEN MARGARET MANDERSON of 37 Allspice Street, Crestmead in the State of Queensland to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Applicants' Solicitors: TURNER FREEMAN LAWYERS Level 8, 239 George Street Brisbane Qld 4000. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 34 MARJANOVIC, ZIVORAD After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 5th July, 2013 of ZIVORAD MARJANOVIC late of 30 Nardie St, Eight Mile Plains in the State of Queensland, deceased, will be made by SASA MARJANOVIC and BOBAN MARJANOVIC to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any person having any claim whether as creditor or beneficiaiy or otherwise must send particulars of the person's claim to the Applicant's Solicitors (identified below) not later than the date which is 6 weeks after the date of publication of this Notice, after which date, pursuant to s. 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will distribute the Estate of the Deceased having regard only to the claims of which the Applicant has notice. Lodged by: JASMINA ROGERS, Solicitor Suite 33 "St Tropez", 35 Orchid Avenue, Surfers Paradise Qld 4217. MAROTTE, EDNA CORA MAY After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated the 10th day of January 2012 of EDNA CORA MAY MAROTTE late of The Terraces Aged Care, 74 University Drive, Varsity Lakes, Queensland, deceased will be made by JANE WAITZER and JOHN DENNIS WAITZER to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Trusts Act 1973, Section 67: Any creditor, beneficiary or other person having any claim or claims in respect of the estate of EDNA CORA MAY MAROTTE, late of The Terraces Aged Care, 74 University Drive, Varsity Lakes, Queensland who died on the 13th day of September 2013, is required to send particulars of any such claim or claims to JANE WAITZER and JOHN DENNIS WAITZER, the personal representatives of the said EDNA CORA MAY MAROTTE at Suite 12 "Executive Place", 2 Executive Drive, Burleigh Heads Qld 4220, on or before 6 January 2013. Note: By virtue of section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973 a personal representative or trustee may, after the date referred to in this notice, distribute the estate of the deceased having regard only to those claims of which the trustee then has notice. Applicant(s) Solicitors: ROBBINS WATSON, Solicitors Suite 12 "Executive Place" 2 Executive Drive Burleigh Heads Qld 4220. MARTIN, THALIA MAREE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 20 February 2012 of THALIA MAREE MARTIN late of 44 Spence Street, Mount Gravatt, Queensland, deceased will be made by ROBYN LEIGH TURK to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Creditors: Any creditor and all other persons having a claim against the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicants' solicitors on or before 30 December 2013. Lodged by: de GROOTS wills and estate lawyers Level 7, 46 Edward Street Brisbane Qld 4000. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 35 MCAULAY, ELIZABETH SUSANNE (also known as ELIZABETH SUSHANNAH MCAULAY) After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 24 September 1999 of ELIZABETH SUSANNE MCAULAY (also known as ELIZABETH SUSHANNAH MCAULAY) late of 20 Shanks Street, Gympie in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by BEVAN THOMAS MCAULAY and MAREE MCAULAY to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Creditors: All creditors in the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claim to the Applicant's solicitors within six weeks from the date of publication of this notice at the expiration of which time the said Applicants may distribute the estate of the above named deceased having regard only to the claims of which the Applicants shall then have had notice. Lodged by: JEFFERY CUDDIHY & JOYCE SOLICITORS 218 Mary Street Gympie Qld 4570. MCCLEMENTS, IVY MARIE After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of probate of the will dated 10 August 2011 of IVY MARIE McCLEMENTS late of 81 Frasers Road, Ashgrove, Queensland, deceased, will be made by PETER JAMES and RITA MAY JAMES to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors of the Estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicant's Solicitors within six (6) weeks of the date of publication of this Notice. Lodged by HARDINGS GULHANE SOLICITORS, 29 Samford Road, Alderley, Qld, 4051. MCCLURG, CLIFFORD ALEXANDER After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 1 March 2012 of CLIFFORD ALEXANDER McCLURG late of 2 Bottletree Place, Calamvale, Queensland, Deceased, will be made by BRETT ANDREW McCLURG to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditors, beneficiaries or other persons having any claim or claims in respect of the estate of the abovenamed Deceased who died on 11 September 2013 are hereby required to send in particulars of their claim to the undersigned within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the Testator among the persons entitled thereto having regard to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973 and to the claims of which the said Executor shall then have had notice. Lodged by: WHELDON & ASSOCIATES, Solicitors, 12 Zamia Street Sunnybank Qld 4109. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 36 MCCOSKER, MAURICE LIONEL REX After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 26 September 2012 of MAURICE LIONEL REX MCCOSKER late of Unit 41, Freedom Aged Care, 1 Village Court, Toowoomba, Queensland (formerly of 110/303 Spring Street, Kingfisher Gardens, Kearney Springs, Toowoomba) deceased will be made by ROBYN ANN MCCOSKER and SIMON FRANCIS MCCOSKER to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claim to the Applicants' solicitors named below within 6 weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicants will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims which have been notified to them. Lodged by FOX AND THOMAS, 36 Marshall Street, Goondiwindi Qld 4390. MCDONALD, JOAN PATRICIA After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the Will dated 31 March 2005 of JOAN PATRICIA MCDONALD deceased late of Embracia in Glasshouse Country, 96-104 Peachester Road, Beerwah, Queensland will be made by CHRISTINE MCDONALD to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Creditors: Any creditor and all other persons having a claim against the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicants' solicitors within 6 weeks from the date hereof. Date of Death: 27 August 2013. Lodged by: GRIFFITHS PARRY LAWYERS, 10/12 Innovation Parkway, Birtinya Qld 4575. MILLER, STEPHEN JOHN After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 19 January 2004 of STEPHEN JOHN MILLER late of Site 140, Monte Carlo Caravan Park, 1189 Wynnum Road, Cannon Hill, Queensland, deceased, will be made by TERESA MARGARET BEACHER to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to her. Lodged by: SPRINGWOOD LAWYERS 25 Vanessa Boulevard, Springwood Qld 4127. MILLS, NOEL VINCENT After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 24 April 2008 of NOEL VINCENT MILLS, late 149-163 Rosehill Avenue, Burpengary, Brisbane in the State of Queensland formerly of 2/12 Attewell Street, Nundah, Brisbane in the State of Queensland, deceased will be made by GRAHAM NOEL MILLS and EDITH GLADYS WEIGH to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the Grant by lodging a Caveat in that Registry. All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their Claim to the Applicant's solicitors within 6 weeks of the date of publication of this Notice. Lodged by BRIDGE BRIDEAUX, Solicitors, 264 Old Cleveland Road, Coorparoo Queensland 4151. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 37 MORTENSEN, MAUREEN After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the Will dated 16 February 2011 of MAUREEN MORTENSEN, late of 5216/197 King Arthur Terrace, Tennyson Qld 4105, deceased, will be made by DOMINIQUE LEE MEREDITH, LYNTON CHARLES MORTENSEN and WARWICK AUSTIN MORTENSEN, to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Lodged by Applicants Solicitors: HBM LAWYERS Level 4, Toowong Tower 9 Sherwood Road Toowong Qld 4066 (PO Box 82, Toowong Qld 4066). NELSON, MARGARET CATHERINE After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 26 April 2005 of MARGARET CATHERINE NELSON Late of RSL Care Talbarra Retirement Community, 130150 Old Logan Village Road, Waterford in the State of Queensland Deceased will be made by JOAN FISCHLE to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a Caveat in that Registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claim to the applicant's Solicitors within six weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the applicants shall then have had notice. Lodged by: O'REILLY LILLICRAP Solicitors PO Box 602 Morningside Qld 4170. OBORNE, THOMAS DOUGLAS After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 13th March 2003 of THOMAS DOUGLAS OBORNE late of 16 Finemore Crescent, Qunaba, Queensland and 9/300 Casuarina Drive, Rapid Creek, Northern Territory, deceased will be made by JEANETTE HENSON and GARY JOHN OBORNE to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claim to the Applicants within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Executors shall then have had notice. Lodged by THE OFFICIAL SOLICITOR TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF QUEENSLAND of 444 Queen Street Brisbane Q 4000. O'CONNELL, DAVID CHARLES After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 11th September 2007 of DAVID CHARLES O'CONNELL late of 23 Masterton Street Oxley Brisbane Qld 4075 deceased will be made by ROBERT WILLIAM SMYTH and RICHARD HECTOR NAYLOR to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Lodged by ROBERT WILLIAM SMYTH of 50 Agnes Street Auchenflower Brisbane Qld 4066 and RICHARD HECTOR NAYLOR of 30 Dennistoun Street Sunnybank Hills Brisbane Qld 4019. All creditors and others having a claim against the Estate are required to send in particulars of their claim to RICHARD HECTOR NAYLOR at 30 Dennistoun Street Sunnybank hills Brisbane Qld 4109 no later than six weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 38 ORCHARD, SYDNEY THOMAS After 14 clear days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated the 27th day of July 2012 of SYDNEY THOMAS ORCHARD late of 2 Meta Place, Fig Tree Pocket in the State of Queensland, deceased will be made by CHERIE MARGARET ORCHARD to the Supreme Court at Rockhampton. You may object to the grant by lodging a Caveat in that registry. Any creditor, beneficiaries or other persons having a claim against the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claims to the Applicant's Solicitors within six weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trust Act 1973, the Applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the Applicant shall then have had notice. Lodged by PW SKEWES & CO, 104-106 Shamrock Street, Blackall Qld 4472. PAN, EVA BEATRICE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 3 October 2011 of EVA BEATRICE PAN late of 14 Rutherford Street, Charters Towers in the State of Queensland, deceased, will be made by PATRICIA EVE BUTLER to the Supreme Court at Townsville. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to her. Lodged by: RAPID LEGAL SOLUTIONS PTY LTD 71 Thuringowa Drive, Kirwan Qld 4817. PARSONS, IRIS RUTH After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the Will dated 10 November 1997 of IRIS RUTH PARSONS deceased late of Lodges on George, 109 George Street, KippaRing, Queensland formerly of Seasons Kallangur, Unit 6/1321 Anzac Avenue, Kallangur, Queensland will be made by RELMA LORRAINE GODFREY, BEVERLY RUTH HEIM, NERIDA MAREE WATKINS and ARLINE ALLISON PARSONS to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Creditors: Any creditor and all other persons having a claim against the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicants' solicitors within 6 weeks from the date hereof. Date of Death: 18 October 2013. Lodged by: GRIFFITHS PARRY LAWYERS, 10/12 Innovation Parkway, Birtinya Qld 4575. PETERS, DORIS KATIE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated the 28th April, 1977 of DORIS KATIE PETERS late of Tabeel Nursing Home, Laidley in the State of Queensland, deceased will be made by ELAINE DAWN WEIER, JANETTE JOY SIPPEL and GRAHAM KEVIN PETERS to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors of the estate are hereby required to send in particulars of their claim to the applicants' solicitors within six weeks of the date of publication of this notice. Lodged by C.W. HOOPER & HOOPER, Solicitors, 123 Patrick Street, Laidley Qld 4341. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 39 PORTER, JOAN OLIVE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 20th June 1986 of JOAN OLIVE PORTER late of 46 Neptune Street, Maryborough deceased, will be made by BERNARD LESLIE PORTER and DIANE MARGARET JOAN KILPATRICK to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. Date of Death: 20th July 2013. Lodged by Agents: GLEESON LAWYERS, GPO Box 5211, Brisbane. Applicants Solicitors: MORTON & MORTON SOLICITORS 130 Wharf Street Maryborough Q 4650. PRATT, EDWARD After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Representation will be made to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane as follows: Deceased: EDWARD PRATT. Last Address: TriCare Mt Gravatt Private Hostel, 20 Agay Street, Mt Gravatt, Qld. 4122. Applicant: NIGEL SCOTT JOHN HARRIS, the Executive Director of the Mater Foundation. Grant: Probate of the Will dated 6 July 2006. Date of Death: 1 October 2013. Caveat: If you wish to object to or to be heard upon the Application, you may file a Caveat in the Supreme Court Registry mentioned above at any time before the Grant is made. Applicant’s Solicitors: DIBBSBARKER LAWYERS Level 23, 66 Eagle Street Brisbane Queensland 4000. PUSCHMANN, SIDNEY After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 9 December 1996 of SIDNEY PUSCHMANN late of 43 Brangus Street, Toowoomba in the State of Queensland, deceased, will be made by LOIS JEAN BURTON and JUDITH PAMELA BENCH to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicant will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to him. Applicant's Solicitors: FILES STIBBE LAWYERS 11/9 Toorbul Street Bribie Island Qld 4507. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 40 RICH, ROBERT JOHN After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 3 November 1999 of ROBERT JOHN RICH late of Redlynch Glenmead Village, 15 Short Street, Redlynch in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by MICHAEL ANDREW JONSSON to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Cairns. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All persons or creditors having a claim against the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the said Applicant shall then have had notice. Lodged by: MacDONNELLS LAW Cnr Shields and Grafton Streets Cairns Qld 4870. ROGACZEWSKI, MARIA After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of Will dated 21 January 2004 of MARIA ROGACZEWSKI late of Inverpine Nursing Home, Murrumba Downs, deceased will be made by KRYSTYNA BARBARA CEBULA & ZBIGNIEW TADEUSZ GATKOWSKI to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the applicant's solicitors within (6) weeks of the date of publication of this notice. Lodged by: AM McNALLY Solicitor P O Box 469 Virginia Qld 4014. SABBURG, ALAN LES After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated the 19th April, 2012 of ALAN LES SABBURG late of 6 Caffey Connection Road, Caffey, via Gatton in the State of Queensland, deceased will be made by DAWN SABBURG and WARREN LEE SABBURG to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors of the estate are hereby required to send in particulars of their claim to the applicants' solicitors within six weeks of the date of publication of this notice. Lodged by C.W. HOOPER & HOOPER, Solicitors, 123 Patrick Street, Laidley Qld 4341. SCHILLING, EILEEN ALICE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 10 March 2004 of EILEEN ALICE SCHILLING late of 77 Park Street, Chinchilla, Queensland, deceased, will be made by ELVA ALICE HENNINGSEN and KENNETH HENNINGSEN to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors or others having a claim against the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the applicants' solicitors within 6 weeks of the date of publication of this notice at the expiration of which time the applicants will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the applicants shall then have had notice. Lodged by: McKAYS SOLICITORS PTY LTD (ABN: 37 150 269 506), 19 Middle Street, Chinchilla Qld 4413. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 41 SCOVELL, JAMES GEORGE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 21 June 2007 of JAMES GEORGE SCOVELL late of Moreton Shores Retirement Community, 101 King Street, Thornlands, Queensland, formerly of 641 Old Cleveland Road East, Wellington Point Queensland 4160, deceased, will be made by KENNETH JAMES SCOVELL and JOHN LEONARD SCOVELL to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them. Lodged by: KEITH MOLE & ASSOCIATES SOLICITORS PO Box 3607, Victoria Point West Qld 4165. SEETO, JACK SHIN After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Letters of Administration with the Will dated 17 July 1990 of JACK SHIN SEETO late of 11 Penrith St Salisbury in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by DOUGLAS SEETO to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All Creditors of the Estate of the deceased are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicants' Solicitors no later than six weeks of the date of publication of this notice. Lodged by WOOLF LAWYERS of Shop 7 / 455 Brunswick St Fortitude Valley Qld 4006. SEWELL, WILLIAM PATRICK After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the Will dated 20 June 2000 of WILLIAM PATRICK SEWELL late of Regis Parkland Manor Aged Care Home, 39 Lanita Road, Ferny Grove, Brisbane in the State of Queensland, 4055, Deceased, will be made by TRACEY ANNE WOOD and BRENDAN JOHN SEWELL, to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a Caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicants' Solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them. Lodged by: EATON LAWYERS PTY LTD, Solicitors, 2 Glenlee Street Arana Hills, Qld. 4054. SHEA, BARRY CLYDE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Letters of Administration with the Will dated 21 December 2010 of BARRY CLYDE SHEA late of 1 Coldham Court Capalaba in the State of Queensland will be made by KATHRYN ANN EVERY, PENELOPE JANE GUTTRIDGE and ANTONY JAMES SHEA to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate are required to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned within six (6) weeks from the date hereof. Lodged by: CUSACK GALVIN & JAMES SOLICITORS, 7A/718 Gympie Road, Lawnton Qld 4501. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 42 SIWY, JADWIGA After 14 days from to-day an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated the 30th day of November 2009 of JADWIGA SIWY late of 61 Feathertop Circuit, Caloundra West, Queensland deceased will be made by GEOFFREY MICHAEL LYONS to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased and any other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claims to the applicant's solicitors named below within six (6) weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the executor shall then have had notice. Lodged by GEOFF LYONS SOLICITORS PTY LTD of 2 Centaur Street, Caloundra, Queensland 4551. SMALLCOMBE, REGINALD GEORGE After fourteen days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated the 12th October 2010 of REGINALD GEORGE SMALLCOMBE late of Masonic Care Home Wakefield Street Sandgate Queensland will be made by CRAIG EDWARD SMALLCOMBE to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane. You may object to grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claim to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time the applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased pursuant to section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973 among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Executor shall then have had notice. Applicant's Solicitors: CERVETTO COURTICE, Solicitors, 58 South Street, Ipswich, Queensland, 4305. SPENCER, DERRICK PERCIVAL After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 2 September 1999 of DERRICK PERCIVAL SPENCER late of 60 Bonros Place, The Gap, Queensland will be made by KAREN MARIE SPENCER to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane. You may object to the Grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors or others having a claim against the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicant's Solicitors within six (6) weeks from the date hereof, after which time pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the executor will distribute the estate amongst those entitled having regard only to the claims of which she then has had notice. Applicants Solicitor: HOLLINGWORTH & SPENCER, 6/23 Glenaffric Street, The Gap, Qld, 4061. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 43 STEWART, RONALD ALLYN After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 18 April 1991 of RONALD ALLYN STEWART late of Sylvan Woods Nursing Home, Birkdale, Queensland (formerly of Villa Three, Cleveland Gardens Retirement Village, 83 Freeth Street, Ormiston, Queensland) deceased will be made by SHARYN EVELYN CUTHBERT and JOHN RONALD STEWART to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Creditors: All creditors of the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claim to the Applicant within 6 weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Executors shall then have had notice. Applicant's solicitors: CBP PTY LTD, Level 5, 307 Queen Street, Brisbane Qld 4000. STILLER, MAVIS ELLEN After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 19 August 2004 of MAVIS ELLEN STILLER late of Trinder Park Rest Home, Trinder Park Qld deceased will be made by LYNN MARIE VAN DYK and ELAINE JOY BUZACOTT to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All persons or creditors having a claim against the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicants will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the said Applicants shall then have had notice. Lodged by: MITCHELLS Level 1, 147 Beaudesert Road Moorooka Qld 4105. SWALLOW, ROSAMUND ELLEN (also known as ROSAMOND ELLEN SWALLOW) After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 13 December 2000 of ROSAMUND ELLEN SWALLOW (also known as ROSAMOND ELLEN SWALLOW) Deceased late of RSL Fairways, Hanbury Street, North Bundaberg, Queensland will be made by MARY ROSE LESTER to the Supreme Court at Rockhampton. You may object to the Grant by lodging a Caveat in that Registry. Any creditor beneficiary or other person having any claim against the deceased's estate is required to send particulars of any such claim to the Applicant's Solicitors within six (6) weeks of the date of publication of this Notice. Lodged By: FINEMORE WALTERS & STORY, Solicitors, 51 Woongarra Street, [P.O. Box 704] Bundaberg Qld 4670. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 44 TATE, MONICA MOYA After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Letters of Administration of the Will dated 15th August 1987 of MONICA MOYA TATE late of Aveo Carindale, 198 Banchory Court, Carindale, Brisbane, will be made by AARON CORNELIUS POTTS of 1/194 Cavendish Road, Coorparoo, Brisbane to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane as follows. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claim to the undersigned within 6 weeks from the date of publication at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the applicants shall then have had notice. Applicant's Solicitors: POTTS & CO. SOLICITORS PO Box 51, Coorparoo Qld 4151. TAYLOR, MAUD MABEL After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 10th day of February 2010 of MAUD MABEL TAYLOR late of 2 River Road, Station Hill, Bundamba, in the State of Queensland will be made by ALLAN GEORGE TAYLOR and MARK WILLIAM TAYLOR to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased, who died between 30 September 2013 and 01 October 2013 is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Lodged by: BROWN & BAKER LAWYERS Solicitors 16 Ellenborough Street Ipswich Qld 4305. TEDESCO, SOFIA After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 28 September 2005 of SOFIA TEDESCO late of 117 Reid Road, Wongaling Beach, Queensland, deceased, will be made by COSIMO TEDESCO and WAYNE ALBERT HALPIN to the Supreme Court at Cairns. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Lodged by: VANDELEUR & TODD Solicitors 35 Rankin Street, Innisfail Queensland 4860. THEAN, GARY (also known as GARY THONG HUA THEAN) After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 4th May 2011 of GARY THEAN also known as GARY THONG HUA THEAN late of 128 Charker Street, Toowoomba, Queensland, deceased will be made by POOI FUN THEAN to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claim to the Applicant within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Executor shall then have had notice. Lodged by THE OFFICIAL SOLICITOR TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF QUEENSLAND of 444 Queen Street Brisbane Q 4000. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 45 THOMAS, FRANCES ALEXANDRA (also known as RITA CROWLEY) After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 20 August 2012 of FRANCES ALEXANDRA THOMAS also known as RITA CROWLEY late of Benevolent Aged Care, 60 West Street, Rockhampton in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by ROSANNE THOMAS to the Supreme Court at Townsville. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicant will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them. Lodged by: McDONALD LEONG LAWYERS 85 Thuringowa Drive Kirwan Qld 4817. THRELFALL, JAMIE STEPHEN After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Letters of administration on intestacy of JAMIE STEPHEN THRELFALL late of 71 Toolong Road, Port Fairy, Victoria deceased will be made by STEPHEN THOMAS THRELFALL to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Lodged by BRIAN SHEPHERDSON, Solicitor, Level 1, 106 Birkdale Road, Birkdale, Qld 4159. TOWNE, MADONNA BERYL After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated the 4th day of October 2007 of MADONNA BERYL TOWNE late of Unit 49, 28 Akuna Way, Mango Hill in the State of Queensland, deceased will be made by KASEY PROCTOR, SUZANNE BROOKS and GARY TOWNE to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. If you wish to object to or to be heard upon the application, you may file a caveat in the Supreme Court Registry mentioned above at any time before the grant is made. Any persons having a claim, whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise are required to send particulars of their claim to the executor's solicitors named below no later than 6 weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Lodged by: MICHAEL HEFFORD SOLICITORS & ATTORNEYS PO Box 70 Kallangur, Queensland 4503. VALLER, WILLIAM JAMES After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 11th March, 2013 of WILLIAM JAMES VALLER deceased late of Claim Road, Sapphire Queensland will be made by DENISE JOAN OLSEN and SHARMANE VIVIENNE VALLER-CRUSE and COLLIN WILLIAM VALLER to the Supreme Court at Rockhampton. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Lodged by JOHN CROSSAN & COMPANY Solicitors & Notary 14 Borilla Street Emerald Qld 4720. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 46 VARY, MARJORIE EVELYN After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 17 November 2010 of MARJORIE EVELYN VARY late of Room 308, 96 Tantula Road West, Alexandra Headland, Queensland, deceased will be made by CHERIL ANNE ALEXANDER to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Notice: Any person having any claim, whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise, in regard to the estate of the abovenamed deceased person, is hereby require^ to send particulars of such claim to the solicitors named below no later than six weeks from the date of this publication. Lodged by: CAMERON ROGERS & CO, Solicitors, 52 Burnett Street (PO Box 900) Buderim Q 4556. VOEVODIN, VICTOR BYRON After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 26 May 1997 of VICTOR BYRON VOEVODIN late of Masters Lodge Nursing Home, 33 Jensen Drive, Pialba. Queensland deceased, will be made by RAYMOND LESLIE VOEVODIN to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. Date of Death: 30 July 2013. Applicants Solicitors: MORTON & MORTON SOLICITORS 'Central Avenue Plaza' Boat Harbour Drive Hervey Bay Q 4655. WALLACE, LENORE CLAIRE After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 9 March 2005 of LENORE CLAIRE WALLACE late of 13 Robins Street, Mareeba in the State of Queensland, deceased, will be made by NANCY ANNE WALLACE and LAURA LENORE WALLACE to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Cairns. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that Registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this Notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them. Lodged by: APELS SOLICITORS & NOTARY 1st Floor, 85 Byrnes Street Mareeba Qld 4880. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 47 WATT, MURRAY MCDONALD After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 14 September 2010 of MURRAY MCDONALD WATT late of Raynbird Nursing Home, 40 Rainbird Place, Carseldine, Queensland, formerly of 16 Wimbledon Circuit, Carseldine, Queensland, deceased, will be made by VALMAI JOY WATT to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to her. Lodged by: BM LAW SOLICITORS Shop 4, 363 Gympie Road, Strathpine Qld 4500. WHITE, METTE PRISCILLA After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 25th March 2008 of METTE PRISCILLA WHITE late of Madonna Villa Nursing Home, 44/60 Church Road, Mitchelton, Queensland, deceased will be made by BENJAMIN PETER WHITE to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claim to the Applicant within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Executor shall then have had notice. Lodged by THE OFFICIAL SOLICITOR TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF QUEENSLAND of 444 Queen Street Brisbane Q 4000. WILLIAMS, LILIAN MAUD After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 11 December 2012 of LILIAN MAUD WILLIAMS late of "Bethesda" Talford Street, Rockhampton deceased will be made by DENISE HAZEL LATIMER, KAY ALICE SORENSEN and JILL NARELLE BELL to the Supreme Court at Rockhampton. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor beneficiaries or other persons having a claim or claims in respect of the estate of the said deceased who died on 18 October 2013 is required to send particulars of any such claim or claims to the applicant's solicitors at the address set out below not later than six (6) weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Note: By virtue of Section 67 of the Trust Acts, a personal representative or trustee may, after the date referred to in this Notice, distribute the estate of the deceased having regard only to those claims of which they then have notice. Lodged by: SOUTH & GELDARD Solicitors 128 Victoria Parade Rockhampton Qld 4700. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 48 WILLIAMSON, DOROTHY MAUD After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 25 November 1991 and Codicil dated 30 November 1999 of DOROTHY MAUD WILLIAMSON late of RSL Care Caboolture, 83-103 King Street, Caboolture in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by BEVAN JOHN WILLIAMSON, LEON KINGSLEY WILLIAMSON and LYNDALL JANE PRATT (also known as LYNDALL JANE WILLIAMSON) to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors of the Estate are required to send in particulars of their claim to the applicants' solicitors no later than six weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Lodged by SMITH & STANTON, Lawyers, 607 Robinson Road, Aspley Qld 4034. WILLIS, ADELAIDE FLORIE After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 16 February, 2007 of ADELAIDE FLORIE WILLIS late of 8 Jondaryan Street, Toowoomba in the State of Queensland, deceased will be made by JANETTE DAWN LAX and LEON GORDON WILLIS to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a Caveat in that Registry. All persons or creditors having a claim in respect of the estate of the deceased are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicant's Solicitors GROOM & LAVERS within six (6) weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the Executor shall then have had notice. Lodged by: GROOM & LAVERS 106 Campbell Street Oakey Q 4401. WITT, WINIFRED IRIS After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 19 August 1997 of WINIFRED IRIS WITT late of 47 Heflin Street, Stafford Heights, Brisbane in the State of Queensland, deceased will be made by WILLIAM BRENTON WITT and IVAN CHARLES WITT to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors of the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claim to the undersigned within 6 weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled hereto, having regard only to the claims of which the applicants shall then have had notice. Lodged by CROUCH & CO SOLICITORS, PO Box 817, Aspley Qld 4034. WOODHAM, GLEN CHARLES After 14 days from today an application for a grant of letters of administration on intestacy of GLEN CHARLES WOODHAM late of 33 Cherry Street, Wellington Point, Queensland, deceased, will be made by GENE DOUGLAS WOODHAM to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to him. Lodged by: WOODS PRINCE LAWYERS Level 2, 293 Queen Street, Brisbane Qld 4001. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 49 WOOTTON, ANDREW BRIAN After 14 days from today an application for a grant of letters of administration on intestacy of ANDREW BRIAN WOOTTON late of 2 Mulligan Crescent, Calliope deceased, will be made by KEVIN IAN WOOTTON and SANDRA LEE WOOTTON to the Supreme Court at Rockhampton. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them. Lodged by: KENNY & PARTNERS LAWYERS 16 Yarroon Street, Gladstone Qld 4680. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR PUBLIC NOTICES 50 Notice of intention to apply for Admission to the legal profession O'DRISCOLL, ADELE FRANCES I, ADELE FRANCES O'DRISCOLL of 14 Federal Street, Red Hill in the State of Queensland and Level 1, 300 Queen Street, Brisbane in the State of Queensland being a Graduate at Holding Redlich Solicitors intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Rockhampton on the 13th day of December 2013 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld). Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4 p.m. on 3rd day of December 2013. Dated this 7th day of November, 2013. Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 51 GENERAL INFORMATION ICLRQ The Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for the State of Queensland (ICLRQ) is a charitable institution which was founded in 1907. Under its constitution, the principal object of the ICLRQ is “the preparation and publication in a convenient form, at a moderate price, and under gratuitous professional superintendence and control, of Reports of Judicial Decisions of the Supreme Court in the State of Queensland.” In pursuit of this object, the ICLRQ publishes a set of authorised reports of the key decisions of the Supreme Court of Queensland (Queensland Reports) and a weekly supplement to these reports (Queensland Law Reporter). Under the constitution of the ICLRQ, all surplus funds from its operations are used to benefit the Supreme Court of Queensland Library. The members of the Council serve on a voluntary basis. The Council is constituted by three practising barristers and three practising solicitors (who are appointed annually by the Judges of the Supreme Court) and three ex officio members (the Attorney-General of Queensland, the Solicitor-General of Queensland and the Registrar of the Supreme Court). The Editors, SubEditors and Reporters are all practising members of the Queensland Bar who serve on a largely voluntary basis. The offices of the Council are located in the Queen Elizabeth II Courts of Law and are managed by the Secretary of the ICLRQ. Members of the Council: John McKenna QC (Chairman), Helen Bowskill, Christopher Coyne, Declan Kelly QC, Rachel Miller, David O’Brien, Julie Steel (Registrar), the Attorney-General of Queensland and the Solicitor-General of Queensland. Secretary: Jason Rogers Editors: Roger Derrington QC and Dr Sarah Derrington Sub-Editors: Mark Evans and Justin Carter Practice Decisions Editor: Lee Clark Reporters: Craig Francis, Elizabeth Gass, Michael Lawrence, Clive Porritt, Anand Shah Contact details: ICLRQ, Queen Elizabeth II Courts of Law, 415 George Street, Brisbane. Postal Address: PO Box 13307, George Street QLD 4003. Telephone: (07) 3236 1855. Email: enquiries@queenslandreports.com.au. QUEENSLAND REPORTS The Queensland Reports seek to provide a permanent collection of the key decisions of the Supreme Court of Queensland since Federation. These decisions have been selected for inclusion in the Queensland Reports by the editors, reviewed by reporters for their textual accuracy, summarised in concise headnotes, and authorised for publication (with corrections where necessary) by the deciding judges. Complete sets of the Queensland Reports are presently available only in a printed format. New sets may be purchased from the ICLRQ at a price of $3300 (incl. GST) plus delivery. Annual print subscriptions to the Queensland Reports are also available from the ICLRQ. There are three options: • • • 2013 Bound Volume Subscription (2 Volumes) $460 (incl. GST and postage) 2013 Loose Parts Subscription (12 Parts) $526 (incl. GST and postage) 2013 Bound Volume and Loose Parts Subscription $726 (incl. GST and postage) Orders and enquiries may be forwarded by email to the ICLRQ at: enquiries@queenslandreports.com.au. The Queensland Reports (since 1974) are also available electronically by subscription to LexisNexis Australia (http://www.lexisnexis.com.au). Queensland Law Reporter – 15 November 2013 – [2013] 45 QLR 52 QUEENSLAND LAW REPORTER The Queensland Law Reporter has been published since 1908 as a weekly supplement to the Queensland Reports. It is published, both in print and electronic format, every Friday save for a period during the court vacation (from late December to early January). A free subscription to the electronic version of the QLR can be requested at http://www.queenslandreports.com.au/. The QLR includes a summary by the editors of this week’s most significant developments in Queensland law, including brief summaries of recent cases which have been identified as potentially suitable for reporting in the Queensland Reports and information about the progress of appeals in reportable cases. Extracts from the headnotes of all new cases appearing in the Queensland Reports are also included. The Queensland Law Reporter is a publication which has been approved by Practice Direction of the Supreme Court for the publication of various public notices. It is approved under r 599(4) of the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 (Qld) for the purposes of giving notice of intention to apply for a grant of probate or letters of administration under Chapter 15 Part 2 of the UCPR. It is also approved under r.12(3)(b) of the Supreme Court (Legal Practitioner Admission) Rules 2004 (Qld), for the purposes of giving notice of intention to apply for admission as a legal practitioner. PUBLIC NOTICES To arrange for public notices to be published in the QLR, please arrange for ICLRQ to receive the following (by post or delivery) before the relevant publication deadline: • • • a hard copy of the text of the notice you wish to have published; payment of $161.70 (incl GST); and written instructions concerning the date of the QLR in which publication of the notice is requested and an email address at which you may be contacted. The publication deadline is 3pm on the Monday immediately prior to the date upon which the relevant QLR is scheduled for publication. In 2013, QLRs are scheduled for publication every Friday from 11 January 2013 to 13 December 2013. Acceptance of public notices for publication occurs by email notification to the address provided. The ICLRQ regrets that it cannot advise or assist in the drafting of public notices. The ICLRQ also regrets that, after the relevant publication deadline has passed, notices can only be withdrawn or corrected with the permission of the Secretary of the ICLRQ.
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