NEWS & GRANTS / SPRING - SUMMER / 2O13 www.SN I health & medicine 9% I arts & culture 31% I 32% Education I 28% Social welfare Neos Kosmos Theatre, photo by George Mestousis 2 Contents I 4 GloBal allocatioN oF GraNtS I 6 mESSaGE From thE Board oF dirEctorS I 8 philoSophy OF rEcENt GraNtS I 10 architecture competition, SNFCC VisitorS Center I 14 2nd International Philanthropy Conference I 18 EducatioN I 22 hEalth & mEdiciNE I 26 artS & culturE I 30 Social wElFarE I 34 INITIATIVE aGaiNSt thE criSiS I 54 StavroS NiarchoS FouNdatioN cultural cENtEr – aN updatE I 56 thE FouNdatioN I 57 StaFF I 59 StavroS S. NiarchoS 3 GLoBAL ALLocAtIon oF GRAnts From 1996 until today, the Stavros Niarchos Foundation has approved grant commitments of $1,365,000,000 (€1,036,000,000), through 2,470 grants to nonprofit organizations in 109 nations around the world. Grants per program area: I HEALTH & MEDICINE 9% I ARTs & CULTURE 31% 4 I 32% EDUCATION I 28% SOCIAL WELFARE I World Map of Grants 5 I MAP OF GRANTS IN GREECE M essage From the Board of directors 6 As the crisis began to unfold in Greece in 2009, most people of Greece’s architecture schools, was based on this very vision. We be- FAILED TO REALIZE that its impact was going to be felt for lieved that the competition would bring forward the good and creative many years to come, especially for the most vulnerable elements of the country, and would confirm that our optimism and of the country’s citizens. At the same time, there were size- vision in relation to the SNFCC was not misguided and misplaced. The able expectations at every level of the society, domestic quality of the 93 entries, and in particular of the winning design and and international, that eventually three to four years all 6 entries which received favorable mention, surpassed our expecta- into the crisis one would start to notice the first visible tions. As renowned SNFCC architect Renzo Piano, judge of the final 10 signs of improvement and change, and of a better fu- entries, pointed out during the announcement of the winning design, ture. Today, it’s obvious that this optimistic scenario was the winning entries were of very high skill. The caliber of the designs, at rather wishful thinking and that things have not played a time when every sign points towards a deteriorating Greek educa- out that way. With general unemployment at 28% and tion system, is an indication that not everything is lost, and that hope youth unemployment (ages 18-25) exceeding 50% the se- and optimism about the younger generations are totally legitimate. verity of the crisis has not diminished, and its impact and Furthermore, they confirm at an early stage, our view of the SNFCC as a disruptions continue to be as devastating. Optimism is creative force, and a hub of optimism for a better future. very hard to evoke in this environment, with issues such aS child hunger Figuring prominently in the picture. Is our hope for the future misplaced given the situation around us, and are we ignoring the country’s realities? We are fully aware of the condi- The Board’s earlier decision in 2007 to build the Stavros Niarchos tions around us as a result of the crisis, and we are fully involved in try- Foundation Cultural Center was in part motivated by optimism and ing to assist in any way we can. The announcement of the €100,000,000 a strong belief in the younger generations and the country’s future. initiative last year, in addition to our standard global grant-making From the very beginning, our perception of the SNFCC was that of a activities, is proof that we are at the same time both optimistic and transformational project, which would bring into the foreground the realistic about the current situation. As we were announcing the win- country’s best and brightest, and engage the younger generations in ners of the student’s competition for the design of the SNFCC visitor creative and innovative ways. Continuing with the building of the SNFCC center, we were also completing at the same time the 9th cycle of the under the current socioeconomic landscape has led some people to €100,000,000 initiative. We approved 12 new grants totaling €5,667,000 question that vision and the Center’s assumed notion of optimism. ($7,396,000), as part of the three year-long effort. Despite all that, we continue to abide by that vision, more so than before. Our decision to announce a competition for the design of the Since the beginning of the initiative we have approved 170 grants to SNFCC’s temporary visitors center, open to all undergraduate students multiple non-profit organizations around the country, focusing on social welfare support and the most vulnerable populations. Including the 12 new grants, the Foundation has committed a total of €58,000,000 ($75,000,000) in support of a wide variety of programs. In essence, and viewed under the prism of Greece’s current reality, the SNFCC and the €100,000,000 do not stand at opposite ends. They both intend to provide hope, optimism and a better future for the country. The same applies to the Foundation’s global grant-making activities, which continue unabated. They are motivated by our wish to provide relief, hope and optimism to those among our fellow human beings who need it the most. The Directors 7 Ph ilosop h y OF recent Grants 8 IT HAS BEEN ALMOST A YEAR AND A HALF SINCE THE LAUNCH OF THE FOUNDATION’S INITIATIVE TO COMMIT €100 MILLION, IN ADDITION TO ITS STANDARD GRANTMAKING ACTIVITY GLOBALLY, TO HELP ALLEVIATE THE EFFECTS OF THE CRISIS IN GREECE. WE HAVE LEARNED MANY LESSONS. IT IS CLEAR THAT THE CRISIS HAS AN IMPACT ON THE NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS RECEIVING OUR GRANTS, MANY OF WHICH ARE NOW FIGHTING FOR SURVIVAL. BUT, WE ALSO REMAIN OPTIMISTIC IN AN OVERALL PESSIMISTIC ENVIRONMENT, BECAUSE THERE ARE MANY GRANTEES WHO, DESPITE CURRENT CIRCUMSTANCES, HAVE CHOSEN TO GO BEYOND THE CALL OF DUTY. OUR ROLE AS A PHILANTHROPIC INSTITUTION IS TO DO THE BEST TO HELP those fighting to survive and those going beyond the call of duty, WHILE, AT THE SAME TIME CONTINUE WITH OUR GLOBAL ACTIONS. and to support new parents, assisting them in developmental issues Children’s needs and the organizations dedicated to providing for them Greek regions to attend English and IT lessons held at a pioneering have come to the forefront of the Foundation’s actions. In crisis-stricken school in Chalkida. (Yale Medical School – Minding The Baby), or through programs to promote reading among school children in Kenya (Book Aid International), and to provide access to education to children from low income families (De La Salle Academy, New York). Following the same principle, we also support a number of initiatives that contain the element of mentorship, such as the program implemented in the US by Big Brothers Big Sisters. At the same time, we continue our efforts to promote education, by supporting, organizations such as, the Partners for Change program, at the Colin Powell Center for Leadership and Service, at City University in New York, enhancing students’ leadership potential, as well as a program at Columbia University, which makes scientific issues related to the study of the human brain accessible to the general public. Supporting education has also motivated our funding of smaller scale but equally important initiatives, such as Tele-Class, a program enabling children at remote Greece, our grants to Cerebral Palsy Greece, the Hellenic Society for Disabled People (ELEPAP) of Ioannina, the Rehabilitation Center for Disabled Continuing with the Foundation’s emphasis on promoting Hellenism, Children of Attica (KAAPAA), and the Zanneio Child Care Institution are we are supporting programs at, the Newton Public Schools, in Mas- representative examples of the Foundation’s support, which is expressed sachusetts, the Center for Byzantine, Modern Greek and Cypriot Studies either through general facilities’ upgrades (construction, renovation) and in Grenada, together with an educational program on the Greek legacy the purchase of specialized equipment, or through operational support, of Mathematical Science at The Royal Institution in Great Britain, and a allowing organizations to continue their work. scholarship program for Greek postgraduate (MA) and doctoral (PhD) The emphasis that the Foundation places on the protection of children students, in collaboration with the Courtauld Institute of Art, in London. has a global reach. The Foundation provides assistance in this area either The crisis has had a severe impact on Greece’s health care sector. The through programs to fight malnutrition (United States Fund for UNICEF), Foundation has provided assistance through grants aiming to secure access to quality healthcare for everyone, and to support research. Our to the Athens State Orchestra. The grant supports a series of concerts contribution to the work of Doctors of the World, in particular their open in special schools and non-profit organizations in Athens and across clinic in the city of Patra, as well as our grant to the Neonatal Clinic and Greece, aiming to educate promising musicians. the Microsurgery Lab at the University of Ioannina, are examples of the Foundation’s grant-making philosophy. The organization BIOS has undertaken a pioneering and, given the crisis, bold project: to convert the old building of Romantzo magazine, located In addition, and despite the Foundation’s extensive past support to orga- in an underprivileged neighborhood in the center of Athens, into a nizations for the visually impaired globally, this year’s support in this area multifunctional venue of activity and creativity. The SNF expressed its ap- has become more structured and systematic, through a special program proval of this project by offering its support. In addition, this year we are based on a Foundation initiative. Specifically, through the Foundation’s funding European Music Day, in Athens, as part of our efforts to promote efforts, three leading Greek organizations for the visually impaired are col- music and the arts, in view and anticipation of the completion of the laborating to educate the blind on orientation, mobility and daily living Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center. skills. Similarly, in the United Kingdom, we are working with SeeAbility to expand their team of specialized staff for the blind and disabled. These are some of the many and diverse activities, in Greece and all over the world, all of them individually and collectively unique. What Providing accessibility is, once again, a priority throughout the Founda- all of these initiatives by countless non profit organizations indicate, tion’s programmatic activities. We support accessibility in education but and what we, on our part, would like to highlight, is that we need more also in health care (Ralph Lauren Center for Cancer Care and Prevention, partners to make the commitment to help, each according to their own Health Leads) and in the arts. Our grants to the Metropolitan Museum abilities, so that there can come a day when we can speak of true social of Art and the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York, the Benaki solidarity and of a healthy social welfare society. Museum in Athens, the National Dance Institute and the Theatre Development Fund, in New York, provide the general public, and especially people with disabilities, with the opportunity to partake actively and equally in the holistic experience of the Arts. Specifically, our support for the Benaki Museum – one of Greece’s landmark cultural institutions, severely impacted by the crisis – aims at covering operational expenses, as well as providing free access to all four of its branches once a week for a year, and constitutes an example of our approach towards accessibility. The concept of accessibility in the arts has also motivated our grant 9 architecture competition, SNFCC V isitorS Center On March 28, 2013, the Stavros Niarchos Foundation site and learn more about the SNFCC, while also serving as a venue for Cultural Center S.A. (SNFCC) announced the results exhibitions and other events, accessible to the wider public. of the National Architectural Competition for the design of the VisitorS Center, which will open in the summer of 2013 at the construction site of the SNFCC. The winning design was selected by Renzo 10 The competition was funded and organized by the SNFCC S.A., as part of its effort to provide comprehensive information and raise public awareness of the Cultural Center, currently under construction. Piano, the SNFCC’s architect, from among the compe- In a live video conference, the SNFCC’s architect, Renzo Piano, who tition’s top 10 shortlisted proposals. was instrumental in the completion of the competition, announced The competition, which was announced in January, was open to all the winners of three prizes and three honorable mentions. undergraduate students of architecture enrolled at the Faculties of The winning entry is characterized by the purity and simplicity of its Architecture and corresponding Departments in Greek Polytechnic form, and places particular emphasis on the ergonomic and practical Schools and Universities. design of the Visitors Center as a light and recyclable construction site The winning entry was put forward by the student team consisting of Agis-Panagiotis Mourelatos (Faculty of Architecture, University of Patra) and Spyridon Giotakis (Faculty of Architecture-Mechanical En- structure. The layout of its interior is particularly flexible, allowing it to be used for multiple purposes, which can also be extended to the surrounding outdoor area (Esplanade). gineering, National Technical University of Athens). The team’s proposal In addition, particular attention was paid to the orientation, position will be implemented immediately by the SNFCC. and appearance of the future Visitors Center. Specifically, the structure’s Overall, six architectural proposals, out of a total of 93 entries submitted by students were selected to receive awards. The construction of the Visitors Center of the SNFCC construction site is expected to commence immediately, with a view of welcoming its first transparency will allow visitors’ direct contact with the construction site and the SNFCC’s construction and development works, thus reinforcing its role as an accessible and user-friendly center. The winning team received a cash award of €18,000. visitors in July 2013. The Visitors Center will remain in operation until the The remaining winners of the Visitors Center competition are as follows: scheduled completion of the SNFCC, and will have multiple functions. The second prize, with a cash award of €13,200, goes to: It will provide visitors with the opportunity to see the construction Xeni Stombou, Valerian-Antonios Portokalis, Ioannis-Makarios Koufopoulos 11 1st place entry winners: Agis-Panagiotis Mourelatos and Spyridon Giotakis, photos by Yiorgis Yerolymbos 12 1st place entry by Agis-Panagiotis Mourelatos and Spyridon Giotakis Renzo Piano announces the results of the architecture competition for the design of the SNFCC Visitors Center, photos by Yiorgis Yerolymbos The third prize, with a cash award of €8,800, goes to: Ilias Oikonomakis, Aggelos Siambakoulis Honorable Mentions, with a cash award of €3,000, go to the following teams: Alexios-Georgios Tsakalakis-Karkas, Vasileios Haritatos, Konstantinos Tzioras Anastasios Theodorakakis, Marios Papadakis, Konstantinos Nikolakopoulos Georgios Papamatthaiakis, Aliki Karanikola, Theodoros Koutros 2nd place entry by Xeni Stombou, Valerian-Antonios Portokalis, Ioannis-Makarios Koufopoulos 3rd place entry by Ilias Oikonomakis, Aggelos Siambakoulis 13 2ND International Phil anthropy Conference The second annual international conference on Niarchos Foundation International Conference on Philanthropy aims philanthropy will take place in Athens, on June 27- to discuss social welfare society as an alternative form of social welfare 28, 2013. The conference is organized by the Stavros governance, focusing on the role of philanthropy within this model. Niarchos Foundation in collaboration with the In addition to keynote addresses, the conference will include a number European Foundation Centre (EFC). The conference’s philanthropy’s role in achieving that and the importance of collabo- Welfare Society . ration, as well as break out sessions on accessible health care and The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines social welfare as “organized 14 of panels on the significance of establishing a social welfare society, topic is The Role of Philanthropy within a Social public or private social services for the assistance of disadvantaged groups”. Traditionally, the state has played a key role in providing social services to citizens and the concept of the social welfare state has dominated since the emergence of the first modern welfare programs in the middle of the 19th century in Germany. Despite the fact that both the private and the third/philanthropic sector have played an important role in offering a variety of social services, in the collective unconscious it is the state that carries the main responsibility for the public’s welfare. However, over the last few decades, globalization and rapid technological advances are challenging the classical view of social welfare, emphasizing the need for new models to emerge. The Swedish economist, Anders Åslund, has argued for an alternative model, one in which we move from a social welfare state to a social welfare society. If, in the classical form of social welfare, the main provider of social services is the state, in a social welfare society all principals – state, market, and philanthropy – collaborate to pursue and offer pragmatic and effective public services. The second annual Stavros education, access to food, housing and employment, disability and accessibility, capacity building, social entrepreneurship, microfinance, and community engagement and volunteering. 15 Stavros Niarchos Foundation first Annual International Conference on Philanthropy, Athens, 2012, photo by Marilena Katsini 16 GRANTS PER PROGRAM AREA 17 18 Future Library, Greece, photo by Konstantinos Tsakalidis ED UC ATION S pri N G — S U M M E R 2 013 The Stavros Niarchos Foundation remains committed aims to improve children’s access to high-quality reading and learn- to the idea that education can help solve some of the ing support materials in selected public libraries. It is estimated that greatest problems facing the world today. Whether 75,000 children, who would otherwise go without, will benefit from through scholarships to deserving students from a this project. myriad of countries and backgrounds, or delivering educational resources to remote and underserved populations, the Foundation understands how an education can shape lives. It is well known that a thirst for knowledge begins at a young age, and in that vein the Foundation supports the Discover Children’s Story Centre. Discover, based in London, is unique in its program of creating original stories and hands-on activities. At Discover children can The Spring grant cycle has 28 grants in the area of education, to organi- expand their creativity and experience the arts, an important aspect of zations in Greece, the United Kingdom, Spain, France, the Netherlands, a well-rounded education. Canada and the United States. One of the most prevalent themes in the education area is support for organizations and groups which target 19 Other grants in the area of education include continuing support for the neediest populations. Book Aid International is a shining example deserving students in a variety of scholarships, research, expanding of that with the books and e-learning pilot project with the Kenya educational programs for traditional academic institutions, and preser- National Library Service. With the Foundation’s support this initiative vation of cultural artifacts and landmarks. Apostoliki Diakonia of the Church of Greece Athens, Greece Columbia University New York, NY, USA I To support educational programs for the study of Greek language I Baumstrasse Athens, Greece For the operation of a Summer School on Ancient Drama in the city of Elefsis I I To establish the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Education Outreach Fund at the Mortimer B. Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute Committee for Hispanic Children and Families New York, NY, USA I To support Youth Development programs I Book Aid International London, United Kingdom De La Salle Academy New York, NY, USA For the books and e-learning pilot project with the Kenya National Library Service To support the High School and College Guidance Counseling Program 20 Mortimer B. Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute rendering Thessaloniki Science Center and Technology Museum International GREECE Columbia University NEW YORK Thessaloniki Science Center and Technology Museum The grant supports the establishment of the Stavros Niarchos THESSALONIKI Foundation Education Outreach Fund at the Mortimer B. Zuckerman The grant supports the design and the development of a traveling Mind Brain Behavior Institute. The Fund will support programming, including public lectures and K-12 teacher resources, intended to shed light on key issues in brain science. Columbia University was founded in 1754. It is the oldest institution of higher learning in the state of New York and the fifth oldest in the United States, and has approximately 28,000 undergraduate and graduate students. exhibition on Ancient Greek Technology, including the preparation of all related educational programs and material. The traveling exhibition is based on the Museum’s permanent exhibition on Ancient Greek Science & Technology. The Thessaloniki Science Center and Technology Museum aims to collect, preserve, document, and present Greece’s technological and industrial heritage. The Center has become a leading destination in the field of science, culture, and technology in Southeastern Europe. I I Discover London, United Kingdom Mission Enfance Monaco, Principality of Monaco To support the Ten Good Reasons program For the creation of a training center for nursery assistants in Burkina Faso I Edible Schoolyard NYC New York, NY, USA To support professional development for teachers throughout New York City Environmental and Cultural Park of Paros Municipal S.A. Paros Island, Greece I For the modification of a traditional monastery building into a contemporary museum space I Europa Nostra The Hague, Netherlands Municipal Organization for Education, Civil Protection & Solidarity of Chalkida Chalkida, Greece I To support the Tele Class program I Society for the Protection of Prespa Prespa, Greece For the restoration of a traditional watermill and its conversion into an educational space For the organization of Europa Nostra’s 50th Anniversary Congress in Athens The Centre of Byzantine, Modern Greek and Cypriot Studies of Granada Granada, Spain Greek Orthodox Church of the Hamptons Southampton, NY, USA To support the Centre’s research programs and operations I To launch the Greek, Romanian and Slavic language and culture programs I Hellenic Olympic Committee Athens, Greece To support an educational-athletic program for elementary schools I Hellenic Police - Cyber Crime Unit Athens, Greece To support the participation of police officers in specialized seminars and post-graduate degrees I The City College of New York - Colin L. Powell Center for Leadership and Service New York, NY, USA I To support the Partners for Change program and the Colin L. Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership The Royal Institution of Great Britain London, United Kingdom I To support a multifaceted educational program on the Greek legacy of mathematics Peter G. Peterson Institute for International Economics Washington, D.C., USA Thessaloniki Science Center and Technology Museum Thessaloniki, Greece To support the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Lecture Series For the design and production of a traveling exhibition on Ancient Greek Technology I Peter G. Peterson Institute for International Economics Washington, D.C., USA To support the Fred Bergsten Chair I I Playworks Education Energized Oakland, CA, USA To support Playworks’ national expansion throughout the United States I Newton Public Schools Newton, MA, USA To support The Examined Life, Greek Studies in Schools Program I Pyrna Athens, Greece To support the program Books on Wheels I McGill University Montreal, Canada To establish the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Fellowships for Excellence in Graduate Education I I WWF GREECE Athens, Greece For the design and implementation of an environmental educational program for children I York University Toronto, Canada To establish the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Scholarship and the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Visiting Scholar Award 21 22 Ralph Lauren Center for Cancer Care and Prevention, New York, photo by Richard Dewitt he ALt h & Me d IcI ne S pri N G — S U M M E R 2 013 The Stavros Niarchos Foundation’s Spring 2013 grants in the area of Health & Medicine cover a broad spectrum of organizations committed to improving health around the world. The Foundation wishes to ease the suffering of those in need of care, and it is in that spirit IN which these grants were made. & Memory organization helps to further that goal. Music & Memory connects nursing home residents with music customized for them which greatly improves their quality of life and that of their caregivers. Other grants in the area of health and medicine include support for the Doctors of the World medical clinic in Patra, Greece, support for clinic staff by Health Leads advocates in New York, funding for one-on-one Le Petit Monde is an organization which, since 1997, has aimed to support for those undergoing cancer care at the Ralph Lauren Center, improve the care and quality of life for hospitalized children. The Foun- and equipment and renovation for the neonatal department of the dation supports its mission with a grant to purchase child-friendly MRI University Hospital of Ioannina along with the Microsurgery Lab. mock scanners. Young children are often fearful of medical procedures, including MRIs, and with help from the Foundation young patients will be able to better prepare for MRI scans. Through the seven Spring 2013 grants in the area of health and medicine to organizations in France, the United States, and Greece, the Foundation strives to support providers and caregivers helping The Foundation aims to help people of all ages, and a grant to the Music those in need. Breast Cancer Research Foundation New York, NY, USA Music & Memory New York, NY, USA I General operating support Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nice Nice, France To support cultural programs in hospitals I I I To facilitate widespread adoption of the Music & Memory personalized music program via their grant match program Ralph Lauren Center for Cancer Care and Prevention New York, NY, USA I To support the Clinical Nurse Navigator Program I Health Leads Boston, MA, usA University HOSPITAL of Ioannina Ioannina, Greece To support long-term sustainability in the New York region The grant supports the purchase of equipment and medical supplies for the Medical School’s Microsurgery Laboratory’s advanced training program I Le Petit Monde Bron, France For four child-friendly MRI mock scanners / MRI game for pediatric health services in France 23 24 Ralph Lauren Center for Cancer Care and Prevention, photo by Richard Dewitt Doctors of the World Greece International GREECE NEW YORK ATHENS Ralph Lauren Center for Cancer Care and Prevention Doctors of the World GREECE The grant supports the Center’s clinical nurse navigator program. The grant supports part of the Open Clinic’s operating expenses in Clinical nurse navigators will provide patient support and clinical Patra. Doctors of the World Greece was founded in 1990 as an affiliate oversight during the diagnosis, treatment and recovery periods. of the international network of Médecins du Monde, which consists of The Ralph Lauren Center for Cancer Care and Prevention was founded fourteen affiliates worldwide. Although it is part of an international in 2003 as a Certified Diagnostic and Treatment Center in partner- organization, the Greek affiliate maintains its administrative and ship with Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and North General financial independence. Hospital. It provides prevention, diagnosis and treatment services to disadvantaged East Harlem and greater New York residents. 25 26 Center for the Study of Traditional Pottery, Athens, photo by George Mestousis artS & culturE S pri N G — S U M M E R 2 013 In its recent round of grants in the area of Arts & Culture, the Stavros Niarchos Foundation has SUPPORTED 20 organizations throughout France, Greece, TURKeY, the United States and THE United Kingdom. The grants showcase the Foundation’s continued support of organizations that enable accessibility to the arts, and exemplify a strong spirit of renewal, creation and innovation. ing through the latest audiovisual technology. These projects reflect a Beginning with the restoration of the Romantzo magazine historical Educational programming plays a fundamental part in this equation building, located in the heart of Athens where the first artistic incubator and the Foundation is helping by not only directly funding accessibili- will be launched to the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Fund for Innova- ty-related educational programs but also providing scholarship support tion program, which will provide visitors with unique and unexpected for highly qualified students in finacial need, who are pursuing an MA ways to interact with its collections to the creation of a new museum or PHD in art history or conservation, to attend the prestigious Courtauld in Newmarket, UK that will tell the history of thoroughbred horserac- Institute of Art. I pioneering approach and determination to draw and build new audiences, while simultaneously creating dynamic spaces for inspiration. Ensuring accessibility to the arts is a perpetual goal for the Foundation as reflected in the diversity of the grants awarded to organizations that are developing devices to aid patrons with disabilities; bringing arts programming directly to institutions and schools for children with special needs, and spearheading their own national accessibility initiatives. I Art Students League of New York New York, NY, USA Eglise Orthodoxe Grecque de Nice Nice, France To support the Models to Monuments Program For the exterior renovation project of the Greek Orthodox Church in Nice and overall premises I Athens State Orchestra Athens, Greece To support the educational programs of the Orchestra I Bios - Exploring Urban Culture Athens, Greece For the completion of the organization’s new premises serving as a consulting space for new entrepreneurs from the creative industries I Design Museum London, United Kingdom For the educational elements of the permanent collection gallery at the New Design Museum Federation of Hellenic Societies of Greater New York New York, NY, USA I To support the Annual Greek Independence Day Parade in New York City I Home of Horseracing Trust Newmarket, United Kingdom For the creation of the Home of Horseracing National Heritage Center I Jazz at Lincoln Center New York, NY, USA For the 25th Anniversary Concert and Gala 27 28 Courtauld Institute of Art, photo by Ralph Hodgson National Gallery expansion and renovation rendering International GREECE LONDON ATHENS Courtauld Institute of Art National Gallery The grant supports a scholarship program for qualified MA and PhD The grant supports construction works for the expansion and renova- students in the history of art or art conservation. The program will tion of the National Gallery, including the addition of a new floor in benefit six to seven students each year, and emphasis will be placed on Building B, which will add new gallery space and a café/restaurant; attracting Greek students. The Courtauld Institute of Art was founded the addition of a glass façade to the building’s front side, which will in 1932. It is one of Britain’s leading research and teaching centers for allow for a series of staircases connecting all floors; and other interior art history, conservation and curatorship, with a strong international renovations in Building B. The expansion will add 11,040 m² to the reputation. existing 9,720 m², more than doubling the museum’s existing space. The National Gallery was founded in 1900. Its collections include more than 16,000 paintings, sculptures, engravings and other items, covering the post-Byzantine to the contemporary era. The National Gallery also owns a significant collection of Western European paintings. I M.E.S.O. Athens, Greece For the organization of the European Music Day 2013 in Greece I Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, NY, USA To support Met Museum Presents: The Innovation Fund I Museum of Modern Art New York, NY, USA To support Education and Access Programs I National Dance Institute New York, NY, USA To support programs and classes for students with special needs I National Gallery Athens, Greece To support construction works for the expansion and renovation of the National Gallery Queen Elizabeth II September 11th Garden New York, NY, USA For the 2013 Gala Dinner honoring Dennis Weatherstone I Rahmi M. Koç Foundation for Museology and Culture Istanbul, Turkey I For the partial funding of the restoration of the Taxiarches Orthodox church located on the island of Cunda in the area of Ayvalik, Turkey I The Architectural League OF NY New York, NY, USA To support the Architectural League’s dinner honoring Renzo Piano I The Courtauld Institute of Art London, United Kingdom To support scholarships for MA and PhD students I The Manchester Museum Manchester, United Kingdom For Stage 2 Development of the Haptic Interactive Device as an aid for visitors with disabilities I Theatre Development Fund New York, NY, USA To support the National Theatre Accessibility Programs I The Old Vic Theatre Trust London, United Kingdom For London’s Community Theatre Company to build the city’s largest inclusive theatre company 29 30 Nestor Association, Athens, photo by George Mestousis S ocia l wE l Far E S pri N G — S U M M E R 2 013 Supporting and improving the lives of women and children, especially children with disabilities is a recurring theme and thrust of the latest grants in this program area. The Foundation SUPPORTED 17 organizations in five countries. The Foundation’s overall support reflects a holistic focus on the devel- malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies. Micronutrient malnutrition is among the world’s most serious yet least addressed health problem affecting millions of children around the world. Guaranteeing water quality is 1001 Fontaines Pour Demain’s mission. In Malagasy, the organization will implement a sustainable water production and purification process that proved successful in Cambodia and will benefit 75,000 villagers and primary schools in 18 target communities. opment and well being of children—addressing issues spanning their lifetime, from birth to young adulthood. The assortment of services Sustainability is a key attribute among the Spring 2013 grant recipients provided by some of the grant recipients range from delivering packages in Greece. The economic downturn in Greece has taken a toll on many that cover basic dietary and hygienic needs of children under the age institutions. State funding has been drastically reduced, and demand of 15 months in France to testing storytelling techniques for improving for services has increased exponentially. The organizations that have early literacy skills in children with learning disabilities in the United Kingdom to offering social youth inclusion programming to beat bullying for young people aged 18-25 in Spain. weathered one of the worst financial crises in Greek history have done so by doing more with less and developing a plan of sustainability for the future. The Foundation recognizes and supports these efforts and in doing so institutions such as the Rehabilitation Center for Disabled Ensuring basic nutrients and water for children are primary objectives Children of Voula and Zanneio Child Care Institution and Education will for the Foundation as evident in their selection of organizations that be able to welcome and assist more orphans and children with special also have the potential to help millions: UNICEF is helping to fight child needs. I I 1001 fontaines pour demain Caluire et Cuire, France Association of Greek Frogmen Athens, Greece For support to provide access to safe drinking water to 75,000 Malagasy villagers For the purchase of diving equipment ADSEA 06 - Institut Medico Educatif Le Moulin Nice, France I For the purchase of equipment I Association Paris Tout P’tits Paris, France To support the food aid distribution activities I Big Brothers Big Sisters OF AMERICA Philadelphia, PA, USA To support the Military Mentoring Program 31 32 Innocence en Danger Lighthouse for the Blind in Greece, photo by Oikonomou International GREECE Innocence en Danger PARIS Program Support for Visually Impaired People The grant supports the development of the organization’s activities in ATHENS France, in order to improve the coordination and follow up of various The Program Support for Visually impaired People is a Stavros programs, to expand public awareness efforts and to improve reaching out to children to inform them about their rights and the dangers of the Internet. The Innocence en Danger network has been created to support sexually abused children. The network addresses the sexual exploitation of children, as well as issues of internet child pornography. Its core activities are victim support, awareness raising, mobilization and lobbying to improve legislation to protect children. Niarchos Foundation initiative, targeting visually impaired individuals of all ages throughout Greece. The Program aims to promote independent living for this population in a holistic way, by supporting services - provided by three organizations - along two dimensions. The first involves the training of visually impaired individuals on orientation, mobility and daily living skills, while the second focuses on the social and psychological support of visually impaired people and their families. The three organizations providing these services are: the Center for Education and Rehabilitation for the Blind, the Panhellenic Association of the Blind and the Lighthouse for the Blind in Greece. Charity Concert Initiative of Alma Bank New York, NY, USA I For a concert to support two children’s charities in Greece I Frenz for a Cause New York, NY, USA To support the organization’s charitable giving Fund for the City of New York (FOR S.W.A.N.) New York, NY, USA I To support Service Women’s Action Network’s Legal and Social Service Referral Helpline I Fundacion esplai Barcelona, Spain To support the European expansion of the Trescajove Program I Hellenic Federation of New Jersey Cherry Hill, NJ, USA To support a charity concert Hellenic Society for the Protection and Rehabilitation of Disabled Children of Ioannina Ioannina, Greece I The grant supports renovation works I Innocence en Danger Paris, France To support the development of their child protection-related activities in France I Mencap London, United Kingdom To support the Bags of Ability Project I SeeAbility Epsom, United Kingdom For the expansion of their Specialist Services Team over three years I United States Fund for UNICEF New York, NY, USA To support the micronutrient deficiencies programs I Regional Plan Association New York, NY, USA To support the Global Lab on Metropolitan Strategic Planning I Yale University New Haven, CT, USA To support the Minding the Baby program 33 34 Boroume, Athens, photo by George Mestousis INIT IATIVE AGAI nst t h e c R Is Is In the last six months, since the previous Board of Directors meeting in October 2012, the Stavros Niarchos Foundation has continued its efforts to provide assistance against the adverse consequences of the deepening socio-economic crisis. In GREECE, t he Foundation approved 33 new grants totaling €13,957,000 ($18,394,000), as part of its three year-long special initiative of €100,000,000 ($130,000,000) motivated by the extraordinary crisis. Since the beginning of the initiative in January 2012, the Foundation has approved 170 grants to a variety of non-profit organizations around the country, focusing on social welfare support and the most vulnerable individuals. Including the 33 most recent grants, the Foundation has committed a total of €58,000,000 ($75,000,000) to fund a wide variety of programs. 35 36 Agapis Melathron, Agios Charalambos Saint Anna AGAPIS MELATHRON AGIOS CHARALAMBOS SAINT ANNA AIGIO ATHENS The grant supports salaries of specialized staff. Saint Anna was founded The grant supports general operating expenses of the Saint in 1972, with the purpose to provide, shelter, education and support to Charalambos Home of the Elderly. The Home is a social welfare 24 orphaned, abandoned or abused girls, ages 3-18. philanthropic organization, which operates under the auspices of the Holy Metropolitan Church of Kalavryta and Aigialeia. It was founded in 1994, and aims to provide free shelter, food and medical services to seniors unable to look after themselves. The Home’s capacity is 52 seniors. Saint Loukas - Orphanage for Girls Municipality of Thessaloniki - Arsis SAINT LOUKAS – ORPHANAGE FOR GIRLS Municipality of Thessaloniki - Arsis The grant supports general operating expenses. The organization The grant supports the development of an overnight homeless shelter provides shelter and support to girls, ages 6-20. for eighty people in Thessaloniki. The shelter will also offer emergency LAMIA THESSALONIKI medical assistance, social services and psychological support. The creation of the shelter is the result of a close collaboration between Arsis and the Municipality of Thessaloniki, which has donated the space and will cover all operational expenses. Arsis was founded in 1992 and specializes in providing social and human rights support to young people. The organization has been effective in combating child trafficking through comprehensive programs in collaboration with national and EU agencies. 37 38 Artos-Drasi Zosimades Home of the Elderly ARTOS-DRASI ZÔSIMADES HOME OF THE ELDERLY Attica The grant supports the extension and expansion of the food aid Ioannina program. As an extension of the initial program it includes food The grant supports general operating expenses. The nursing home support for over 3,500 individuals daily, and the distribution of over 100,000 meals. The program also includes an educational and training component for over 250 unskilled young adults in the impoverished area of Aspropyrgos. Artos-Drasi was founded in 1998, with the aim to support poor families, primarily through the provision of food. houses 40 seniors, and also operates a Clinic for Chronic Diseases, providing care to 86 people, the Open Center for the Protection of Seniors, and the program Help at Home. Doctors of the World Greece Desmos DOCTORS OF THE WORLD GREECE Desmos PATRAS ATHENS The grant supports general operating expenses, including renting a The grant supports part of the Open Clinic’s operating expenses in storage space, hiring one staff member, and the creation of an online Patra. Doctors of the World Greece was founded in 1990 as an affiliate portal. Desmos was founded by a group of young women, aiming to of the international network of Médecins du Monde, which consists of match need and surplus in an effective way. Besides food aid, the orga- fourteen affiliates worldwide. Although it is part of an international or- nization also provides other essential goods and services, from clothes, ganization, the Greek affiliate maintains its administrative and financial furniture and toys to web design and legal services. Desmos is actively independence. involved in all the stages of the process, from research and networking to pick up, handling and storage, and delivery. 39 40 Ambelakia Elementary School NGO Diogenis, photo by George Mestousis AMBELAKIA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL NGO Diogenis ATHENS Salamina The grant supports the publishing and distribution of the only street The grant supports the purchase of five air-conditioning units and newspaper in Greece. Homeless and unemployed individuals, register- the repair of existing equipment. The school is one of ten elementary schools on the island of Salamina. It has eighteen teachers and two hundred and twenty students, grades K-6. ing with the program, will sell Schedia in selected spots throughout Athens. Each seller will earn a 50% profit from each copy sold. Diogenis is an NGO founded in 2010 with the purpose of assisting the homeless and other vulnerable populations. It has two main activities: the publishing of the street paper Schedia, and the organization of the campaign Goal to Poverty, through the creation of the National Homeless Soccer Team and its participation in the Homeless World Cup. National Emergency Center (E.K.A.V.) Cerebral Palsy Greece National Emergency Center (E.K.A.V.)* CEREBRAL PALSY GREECE ATHENS ATHENS The grant supports the operating expenses of a short-term guesthouse. The grant supports the purchase of five fully equipped ambulances Cerebral Palsy Greece was founded in 1972, with the purpose of and five rapid response vehicles. The mission of the National Emergency Center (E.K.A.V.) is to provide pre-hospital care to citizens and the immediate transfer of patients to hospitals and medical centers. E.K.A.V. consists of 12 centers located in the country’s largest cities, including among others Athens, Thessaloniki, Patra, Heraklion and Larissa. *This grant takes place in collaboration with the John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation supporting people suffering from cerebral palsy. The organization is a leader in the area of disability in Greece, and offers a daily range of free services to over two hundred and forty individuals of all ages. 41 42 Pammakaristos Child and Family Foundation Neos Kosmos Theatre, photo by George Mestousis PAMMAKARISTOS CHILD AND FAMILY FOUNDATION Neos Kosmos Theatre Athens Athens The grant supports a program of theatrical performances for children The grant supports general operating expenses. The Pammakaristos in hospitals and other institutions. The theatre was founded in 1997 Foundation was founded in 1953. It provides a broad range of support services for children and young adults (ages 3-30) with developmental disorders, as well as for their families. The Foundation is considered a pioneer in the fields of autism and mental disability in Greece and provides specialized education, vocational training, and various therapeutic interventions for young people, including those with the most severe cases of these disorders. and includes three stages of 240 seats each. The organization focuses on providing support to young directors, unemployed actors and immigrant artists residing in Greece. In 2002, the organization established an innovative program, creating a mobile theatre group to perform plays for children in hospitals, special schools and other institutions. Holy Metropolis of Lampê, Syvritos and Sfakia Holy Metropolitan Church of Piraeus, photo by George Mestousis HOLY METROPOLIS OF LAMPÊ, SYVRITOS AND SFAKIA Holy Metropolitan Church of Piraeus The grant supports a food aid program for one hundred and fifty The grant supports kitchen renovation works at eight churches, for individuals. The parishes of the Holy Metropolis of Lampê, Syvritos and the purpose of improving their food aid programs for the destitute. Sfakia include the provinces of Agios Vasilios, Amari and Sfakia and The Holy Metropolitan Church of Piraeus oversees the operation of 30 cover an area of approximately 12,000 inhabitants. churches in the vicinity of Piraeus. The Metropolis, through the Spili Piraeus parishes, operates over seventeen food pantries, which offer critical food aid and support to vulnerable populations. 43 44 Karditsa Center for the Rehabilitation and Recovery of Disabled Children Voula Children’s Rehabilitation and Recovery Center KARDITSA CENTER FOR THE REHABILITATION AND RECOVERY OF DISABLED CHILDREN* VOULA CHILDREN’S REHABILITATION AND RECOVERY CENTER The grant supports renovation works and the purchase of a specially The grant supports the complete renovation and conversion of three equipped bus. The Center was founded in 1966 with the purpose of buildings into dormitories, the upgrading of the heating system and providing housing and care to abandoned children and adults with the installation of photovoltaic panels. The Center was founded in 1950. multiple and severe disabilities. The Center’s programs aim to enable It has a capacity of four hundred beds and an independent cerebral people with disabilities to reintegrate into society, with the ultimate palsy unit. Currently, it provides care to 162 adults and children with goal of living independently. severe mental retardation or other physical disabilities, most of whom Karditsa ATHENS have been abandoned by their families. *This grant takes place in collaboration with the John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation Kilkis Center for Social Support Child Protection Center of Heraklion KILKIS CENTER FOR SOCIAL SUPPORT Child Protection Center of HeraklioN The grant supports extensive renovation works. The Center is one of The grant supports a part-time psychologist. The Child Protection the largest organizations providing support to people with disabilities Center of Heraklion was founded in 1922. The Center houses only in Northern Greece and offers daily workshops and therapy sessions to destitute girls deprived of family care, providing them with permanent 60 children and adults. shelter, food, clothing, medical care, education and vocational KILKIS HEraklioN rehabilitation. 45 46 Child Protection Center of Lasithi Konstantopouleio Nursing Home and Center for Chronic Diseases - Elderly Care Unit Child Protection Center of Lasithi KÔNSTANTOPOULEIO NURSING HOME AND CENTER FOR CHRONIC DISEASES – ELDERLY CARE UNIT Neapoli The grant supports one staff psychologist. The Child Protection Center of Lasithi was founded in 1947 as a Housekeeping School, and in 2012 was renamed Child Protection Center of Lasithi. The Center’s aim is to provide permanent housing, education, social and medical care, and psychological and legal support solely to unprotected and neglected boys. Patra The grant supports general operating expenses. Currently, the Nursing Home houses and provides care to 103 destitute seniors. Benaki Museum Organization Earth, photo by George Mestousis BENAKI MUSEUM Organization Earth The grant supports general operating expenses and provides free The grant supports the implementation of a series of agriculture-related access for the public to the Museum’s four buildings/branches, one seminars for the unemployed. Organization Earth was founded in 2010 day a week for one year. The Benaki Museum is Greece’s oldest private and operates a model environmental education center, the Center of museum with extensive collections, covering a wide range of areas and the Earth, in Ilion, Western Attica. The organization’s mission is the dis- genres, and offering an extensive array of public activities. semination of Environmental Social Intelligence – ESI, namely providing Athens AtTICA information and educating the public, and raising awareness in relation to contemporary environmental issues and the ways in which engaged citizens can contribute to protect the environment and to upgrade their living standards. 47 48 Hellenic Sports Club for People with Physical Disabilities Johns Hopkins University HELLENIC SPORTS CLUB FOR PEOPLE WITH PHYSICAL DISABILITIES (P.A.S.K.A.) JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY ATHENS The grant supports general operating expenses and the purchase of equipment. The organization was founded in 1987, and it is the first athletic association for people with disabilities in Greece. Its main purpose and philosophy is the establishment of permanent sports infrastructure and facilities for people with physical disabilities. The organization offers numerous programs and activities, which also supports amateur and professional athletes with disabilities. Baltimore, USA The grant supports the establishment of the Center for Talented Youth (CTY) in Greece. The Center for Talented Youth identifies and nurtures academically gifted pre-university students. The Center was founded in 1979 and thousands of students from around the world participate in its programs every year. Johns Hopkins University was founded in 1876 and it is one of the world’s best teaching and research academic institutions. Praksis Center for Education and Rehabilitation for the Blind Praksis PROGRAM SUPPORT FOR VISUALLY IMPAIRED PEOPLE Attica and PIRAEUS The grant supports the extension and expansion of the Social Housing ATHENS program and the Day Centers program for the homeless. The Social The Program Support for Visually Impaired People is a Stavros Housing program aims to prevent homelessness and support impoverished families. It has the capacity to assist, at any given moment, five hundred and twenty families in danger of becoming homeless, aiming to provide them with financial and housing security. The Day Centers for the homeless in Athens and Piraeus offer relief and assistance to homeless individuals and other populations needing support. Praksis develops and implements various humanitarian and health care services. Its programs have carried on the work of the Greek arm of Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF, Doctors Without Borders) since 2004. Niarchos Foundation initiative, targeting visually impaired individuals of all ages throughout Greece. The program aims to promote independent living for this population in a holistic way, by supporting services - provided by three organizations - along two dimensions. The first involves the training of visually impaired individuals on orientation, mobility and daily living skills, while the second focuses on the social and psychological support of visually impaired people and their families. The three organizations providing these services are: the Center for Education and Rehabilitation for the Blind, the Panhellenic Association of the Blind and the Lighthouse for the Blind in Greece. 49 50 Trial Court of Athens ARGO - Alternative Treatment Program for Dependent Individuals TRIAL COURT OF ATHENS ARGO – ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT PROGRAM FOR DEPENDENT INDIVIDUALS AtHENS The grant supports the purchase of computers. The Trial Court of Athens serves as the first level court for all legal cases involving disputes. THESSALONIKI The grant supports the purchase of equipment to enhance ARGO’s open community and social reintegration programs. ARGO, which was created in 1998, is an alternative treatment program. Its services include a guidance center, addiction rehabilitation support, a treatment center, a social reintegration program, a temporary hostel, and a team focusing on primary prevention and raising awareness. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Greece United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, GREECE 51 University Hospital of Ioannina Ioannina Athens The grant supports renovation works and the purchase of equipment The grant supports educational programs, aiming to prevent racial for the Neonatal Department. The department provides care for discrimination and strengthening tolerance, respect, peace, and democratic dialogue. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Greece is in operation since 1952. It collaborates with state agencies, NGOs and other organizations to protect refugees, asylum seekers and other individuals protected under the UNHCR. approximately 550 preterm and full term newborns annually through an Intensive Care Unit with 18 beds and a High Dependency Unit of 12 beds. The University Hospital of Ioannina was founded in 1990. It includes 28 clinics and departments and 17 laboratories, and has a total capacity of 882 beds. 52 Zanneio Child Care & Education Institution Zanneio Child Care & Education Institution AtHENS The grant supports annual operating expenses. Zanneio was founded in 1874 for the purpose of providing accommodation, care and education to orphans. Since 1984, the organization operates a complex which includes a boarding house, an elementary school, a library, a theater, a multipurpose hall, an infirmary and modern sports facilities. Zanneio provides assistance and care to children lacking parental support, ages 6-18. 53 stAVRos n I A Rc h os FoundAt Ion cuLtuRA L centeR a N up dat E Following the commencement of construction works in the autumn of 2012, the development of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center (SNFCC) is progressing smoothly and in accordance with the project’s original schedule. 54 On September 28th, 2012, the Stavros Niarchos Foundation announced tures of its construction, mean that the site attracts organized visits by students from Greek and international universities. The SNFCC Visitors Center, whose construction is due to begin in the immediate future, following the recent completion of the national competition for its design among Greek architecture students, is a direct response to the public’s desire to stay informed on the project’s development. that it had commissioned the joint venture of the Italian firm Impregilo In the interest of keeping all parties informed, and in view of the prepa- and the Greek firm TERNA to undertake the construction of the SNFCC. rations for the project’s completion and delivery to the Greek State, the Construction works at the site began in October, with adherence to Foundation is also holding meetings with the management and the strict criteria of quality, safety and environmental regulations. staff of the two organizations that will reside, in 2015, at the SNFCC: the So far, the site’s infrastructures (e.g. entrance gates, internal roads, offices, storage & working spaces) have been completed, and the works to excavate and lay the foundations for the buildings of the Greek National Opera, the National Library, the parking building and the hill are also nearing completion. More than 400 people work at the site every day, and that number is growing daily. In addition, and alongside the construction works, the Archaeological Service has been conducting research at the construction site for the past year. Excavations have brought to light findings indicating the existence of an ancient cemetery in the area. In particular, over ninety burial sites have been discovered so far, most of them dating to the Post-Geometric period. The size and significance of the project, combined with the unique fea- National Library of Greece and the Greek National Opera. 55 The SNFCC construction site, photos by Yiorgis Yerolymbos t he SNFoun dAtI on 56 The Stavros Niarchos Foundation ( is one of the world’s leading international philanthropic organizations, making grants in the areas of arts and culture, education, health and medicine, and social welfare. The Foundation funds organizations and projects that exhibit strong leadership and sound management and are expected to achieve a broad, lasting and positive social impact. The Foundation also seeks actively to support projects that facilitate the formation of public-private partnerships as effective means for serving public welfare. even more so under the current socio-economic conditions. It remains From 1996 until today, the Stavros Niarchos Foundation has approved Vassilis Kaskarelis, Senior Advisor a testament and a commitment to the country’s future, at a critical historical juncture. It is also an engine of short- to mid-term economic stimulus, which is essential under the current circumstances. boarD oF DireCtors Andreas Dracopoulos, Co-President Philip Niarchos, Co-President Spyros Niarchos, Co-President George Agouridis Heini Murer grant commitments of $1.36 billion / €1.03 billion, through 2,470 grants to nonprofit organizations in 109 nations around the world. Excluding Sir Dennis Weatherstone was the Foundation’s chairman from April the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center (SNFCC), the Foun- 1996, until his passing away in June, 2008; the Board wishes to warmly dation’s funding is equally divided between grants in Greece and thank him for his leadership and guidance. international ones. The Foundation, concerned with the continuing socio-economic crisis in Greece, announced in January 2012 a new grant initiative of $130 million (€100 million) over three years to help ease the adverse effects of the deepening crisis. Since then, and as part of the initiative, the SNF has committed grants totaling $75 million (€58 million) in support of numerous not-for-profit organizations around the country. The Foundation’s largest single gift ($796 million / €566 million) is the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center (SNFCC), in Athens. Construction works at the site have already begun. The Stavros Niarchos Foundation firmly believes that the project is of national importance, The Directors also wish to recognize the contributions of the late Constantine Niarchos. exeCutive maNaGemeNt George Agouridis, Chief Legal Counsel Vassilis Kaskarelis Christina Lambropoulou, Chief Financial Officer E. Frederick Petty, Co-Chief Investment Officer Vasili Tsamis, Chief Operating Officer / Co-Chief Investment Officer stAFF stavros NiarCHos FouNDatioN atHeNs, GreeCe Management George Agouridis, Chief Legal Counsel Panos Vazaios Lenia Vlavianou sNF usa, iNC. New York Myrto Xanthopoulou Head Program Officer, Social Welfare and Health & Medicine Andreas Dracopoulos public Affairs Elly Andriopoulou, Co-Chief Operating Officer Lenia Vlavianou Vassilis Kaskarelis Dimitra Chatzivasiliou, Deputy Chief Financial Officer Christina Lambropoulou, Chief Financial Officer John Zervakis, Co-Chief Operating Officer technical support Accounting Lily Milioni Pavlos Pezaros It/Web development Thanassis Politis Theodore Maravelias, Department Head Emmanouil Vazaios, Co-Chief I.T. Officer Christos Katharios Asimina Koutroumpousi George Michalakopoulos Administration support programs Eleni Agouridi Rosalyn Benjamin Constantina Emmanouil Ioanna Kiosse Anna Maria Kosmoglou Eva Polyzogopoulou Head Program Officer, Education and Arts & Culture Aristi Stathakopoulou Emmanouil Vazaios Constantina Tsakiri Office Support Panayiotis Kranias Panayiotis Pastrikos Athanassia Sideri Management Kathryn Louloudis, Chief Operating Officer Vasili Tsamis, Chief Financial Officer Investment team John Czvekus E. Frederick Petty programs Andrea Berman, Chief Programs Officer Amalia Delicari Alexandros Dracopoulos Argero Siklas Stelios Vasilakis, Senior Program Officer for Strategy & Initiatives FsN s.a.m. moNte Carlo, moNaCo Management Bernard Guilbaud, Chief Operating Officer Fabrice Gisbert, Investment Officer OPERATIONS Denis Salaun programs Charis Desinioti Jeannette Giorsetti Sandra Tosello Accounting Fabien Martinez It Stephane Gastaud Bernard Guilbaud, Co-Chief I.T. Officer public Affairs Investment team Stelios Vasilakis Fabrice Gisbert It Frank Pepe Administration support Ekaterini Moustakis office support David Burgos George Vega 57 58 photo from the Stavros Niarchos Foundation archive stAVRos s. nI A Rc h os Stavros Spyros Niarchos was born in athens on July 3, 1909. he studied law at the university of athens and in 1929 began working in his family’s grain business. recognizing the substantial freight fees in importing wheat, Niarchos surmised that the company could save money by owning the ships. consequently, he bought his first freighter at the beginning of world war ii. evidence today of the importance of private investment and initiative Niarchos served in the Greek Navy during World War II, and he partici- was recognized as one of the most innovative and successful business- pated in the allied operations in Normandy. While he was serving in men of the twentieth century. Stavros Niarchos was awarded, among the Greek Navy, the Allied Forces leased his first vessel. The ship was other distinguished service medals, the Commander of the Order of destroyed in battle, and Niarchos used the insurance funds as initial the Phoenix in 1977, the Royal Order of King George I, and the Royal capital to expand his fleet after the war. The fleet grew significantly House order of SS George and Constantine. as a result of successful investments in liberty ships and tankers. Thus began the emergence of Stavros Niarchos as a significant figure in the world of international commerce. For many years, he owned the largest private fleet in the world with more than 80 tankers, as well as other vessels. In addition, during his era, Stavros Niarchos was the Greek shipowner with the largest number of ships made (over 110 ships). He was also one of the businessmen whose activity influenced decisively the crucial area of oil transportation. In 1956, Niarchos agreed to build and operate the Hellenic Shipyards, the first such private investment in Greece, which rapidly became the largest mediterranean shipyard. During the period from 1968 to 1985, the Hellenic Shipyards constructed an impressive number of ships, at a time when most European shipyards were declining. In 1985, the shipyard was placed under state control. Its establishment, however, is still in the economic life of the country. Stavros Niarchos understood the importance of globalization before the use of the term became prevalent. Although his business operations began in Greece, his accomplishments were notable worldwide. He was renowned for his shipping business, but Niarchos’s diversified financial activities were at the core of global industry from the time he formed the Niarchos Group in 1939 until his death in April of 1996. He Niarchos’s legacy continues into the twenty-first century with the establishment of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation. Working in Greece and internationally, the Foundation began its grant-making efforts in 1996. The Foundation derives its mission from Niarchos’s commitment to Greece and Hellenism, as well as his keen instincts and interests in support of causes in the fields of education, social welfare, health & medicine and arts & culture. By designating a significant part of his estate to establish the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, Stavros Niarchos created an enduring vehicle to enriching the lives of future generations around the world. 59 OFFICES I stavros NiarCHos FouNDatioN atHeNs GreeCe 86A Vasilissis Sofias Ave. 11528 Athens Greece T +210-8778300, F +210-6838304 I sNF usa, iNC. New York 645 Madison Avenue Suite 2200 New York, NY 10022 T +212-4867486, F +212-4867475 60 I FsN s.a.m. moNte Carlo moNaCo George V 14 Avenue de Grande Bretagne MC 98000 Monaco T +377-93-157550, F +377-93-157018
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