Walpole Weekly Walpole Weekly April 24th, 2013 April 24th, 2013 Community News of Walpole, Nornalup, Peaceful Bay & Bow Bridge Community News of Walpole, Nornalup, Peaceful Bay & Bow Bridge Proudly published in Litter Free Walpole Proudly published in Litter Free Walpole Annual BBQ with OBA Annual BBQ with OBA Last Sunday the Walpole Outward Bound team hosted a community barbeque to celebrate another great season and recognise the much appreciated local support. Amidst the laughter and story sharing was a strong message of what Outward Bound Australia is all about. Outward Bound Australia is an independent, not-for-profit outdoor education organisation that exists to empower people to discover, develop and achieve their full potential as individuals and future leaders. Empowering school students, communities and young professionals to reach beyond their limits through exhilarating outdoor education programs that take participants to a place apart and challenge them to reach their full potential. They return with a new outlook on life and the world. Last Sunday the Walpole Outward Bound team hosted a community barbeque to celebrate another great season and recognise the much appreciated local support. Amidst the laughter and story sharing was a strong message of what Outward Bound Australia is all about. Outward Bound Australia is an independent, not-for-profit outdoor education organisation that exists to empower people to discover, develop and achieve their full potential as individuals and future leaders. Empowering school students, communities and young professionals to reach beyond their limits through exhilarating outdoor education programs that take participants to a place apart and challenge them to reach their full potential. They return with a new outlook on life and the world. Working in the natural world to allow people to expand their awareness and appreciation for the environment. Outward Bound courses are both internal and external journeys of discovery that enable people to develop inner strength, teamwork and leadership skills to sustain themselves and their communities throughout their lives. In bringing out the best in people, OBA aim to develop the most positive elements of the human character consistent with their core values of integrity, responsibility, resilience, compassion, service and human potential. Working in the natural world to allow people to expand their awareness and appreciation for the environment. Outward Bound courses are both internal and external journeys of discovery that enable people to develop inner strength, teamwork and leadership skills to sustain themselves and their communities throughout their lives. In bringing out the best in people, OBA aim to develop the most positive elements of the human character consistent with their core values of integrity, responsibility, resilience, compassion, service and human potential. Outward Bound is firmly established at the forefront of personal development and experiential outdoor education. Since 1956, more than 250,000 people have participated in various programs! Being part of the international Outward Bound community means they have close ties with the many Outward Bound schools operating around the world. Outward Bound is firmly established at the forefront of personal development and experiential outdoor education. Since 1956, more than 250,000 people have participated in various programs! Being part of the international Outward Bound community means they have close ties with the many Outward Bound schools operating around the world. Over the years a great number of people both professionals and students from across the state have travelled to Walpole and returned later in life to share their memories of the district with their families. More pictures on page 16 Over the years a great number of people both professionals and students from across the state have travelled to Walpole and returned later in life to share their memories of the district with their families. More pictures on page 16 Walpole Weekly Walpole Weekly Produced by Walpole Community Resource Centre (Inc) Latham Ave. (PO Box 197), Walpole, WA 6398 Phone : (08) 9840 1395 Fax (08) 9840 1394 Email: weekly@walpole.org.au Web: www.walpole.org.au Produced by Walpole Community Resource Centre (Inc) Latham Ave. (PO Box 197), Walpole, WA 6398 Phone : (08) 9840 1395 Fax (08) 9840 1394 Email: weekly@walpole.org.au Web: www.walpole.org.au DISTRIBUTION: 400 copies per week. DISTRIBUTION: 400 copies per week. DEADLINE FOR all advertisements, stories and pictures is 12 noon each Monday at the Community Resource Centre. News Items included at Editor’s discretion. Announcements, notices of meeting etc will be treated as paid advertisements unless they have particular news value. DEADLINE FOR all advertisements, stories and pictures is 12 noon each Monday at the Community Resource Centre. News Items included at Editor’s discretion. Announcements, notices of meeting etc will be treated as paid advertisements unless they have particular news value. ADVERTISING RATES (including GST) ADVERTISING RATES (including GST) Full page (19 cm wide x 27.7 cm deep) $ 90 If right hand page nominated $100 Half page - 9.2cm x 27.7cm or 13.6cm x 19cm $45 If right hand page nominated $50 Quarter page- 9.2cm x 13.5cm or 19cmx 6.5cm $25 If page 3 or 5 nominated $30 Eighth page 9.2cm wide x 6.5 cm deep $12 If page 3 or 5 nominated $15 If front page nominated $25 Full page (19 cm wide x 27.7 cm deep) $ 90 If right hand page nominated $100 Half page - 9.2cm x 27.7cm or 13.6cm x 19cm $45 If right hand page nominated $50 Quarter page- 9.2cm x 13.5cm or 19cmx 6.5cm $25 If page 3 or 5 nominated $30 Eighth page 9.2cm wide x 6.5 cm deep $12 If page 3 or 5 nominated $15 If front page nominated $25 CLASSIFIED AND PUBLIC NOTICES : Account customers or paid on the day: $6.00 for up to 3 items and $12.00 for more Births, Deaths & Marriages - 50% of scheduled fee; CLASSIFIED AND PUBLIC NOTICES : Account customers or paid on the day: $6.00 for up to 3 items and $12.00 for more Births, Deaths & Marriages - 50% of scheduled fee; Outside covers, special effects, flyers by arrangement; Outside covers, special effects, flyers by arrangement; DISCOUNT : One FREE advertisement if bookings for full year and paid in advance. INVOICE issued at the beginning of the month following appearance SUBSCRIPTION ~ by post - $55 per calendar year ~ hand delivered in the main street - $33 per calendar year. ~ emailed - $55 per calendar year. INTERNET :All editions of The Weekly can be downloaded from www.walpole.org.au— and follow the links. DISCLAIMER: The Management Committee takes no responsibility for the content of contributions and any views expressed are those of the contributor. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! April 24 25 26 27 28 29 Elsie Edmonds Cambell Barrow, David Jones Shaun Sims, Rachel Baker Glen Freeman Whitney Benson Nic Slatter April 24th, 2013 — 2 St George’s Anglican Church Walpole Corner Vista and Pier Streets Holy Communion Sunday 10am. Contact: Rev Sue Lodge-Calvert Telephone: 9848 2173 Website: www.denmarkanglican.org DISCOUNT : One FREE advertisement if bookings for full year and paid in advance. INVOICE issued at the beginning of the month following appearance SUBSCRIPTION ~ by post - $55 per calendar year ~ hand delivered in the main street - $33 per calendar year. ~ emailed - $55 per calendar year. INTERNET :All editions of The Weekly can be downloaded from www.walpole.org.au— and follow the links. DISCLAIMER: The Management Committee takes no responsibility for the content of contributions and any views expressed are those of the contributor. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! TIMES TO REMEMBER Walpole Waste Transfer Station Tuesday and Thursday 1 - 5 Sunday 9 - 5 Peaceful Bay Tip Wednesday 9 - 1 Sunday 1 - 4.30 Library Wednesday 9 - 12 and 1 - 3.30 Friday 9 - 12 and 1 - 3.30 Saturday 9 -12 Walpole Op Shop Monday—Friday 9.30 - 11.30 and Saturday 10 -1 Walpole Weekly April 24 25 26 27 28 29 Elsie Edmonds Cambell Barrow, David Jones Shaun Sims, Rachel Baker Glen Freeman Whitney Benson Nic Slatter April 24th, 2013 — 2 St George’s Anglican Church Walpole Corner Vista and Pier Streets Holy Communion Sunday 10am. Contact: Rev Sue Lodge-Calvert Telephone: 9848 2173 Website: www.denmarkanglican.org TIMES TO REMEMBER Walpole Waste Transfer Station Tuesday and Thursday 1 - 5 Sunday 9 - 5 Peaceful Bay Tip Wednesday 9 - 1 Sunday 1 - 4.30 Library Wednesday 9 - 12 and 1 - 3.30 Friday 9 - 12 and 1 - 3.30 Saturday 9 -12 Walpole Op Shop Monday—Friday 9.30 - 11.30 and Saturday 10 -1 Walpole Weekly Community Events Calender Month Date Community Events Calender Details Month Date Details 25 ANZAC Service at Walpole Community Hall 25 ANZAC Service at Walpole Community Hall 25 ANZAC Dawn Service at Peaceful Bay 25 ANZAC Dawn Service at Peaceful Bay 26 Precision Hearing at Silver Chain 26 Precision Hearing at Silver Chain 27 Jarrah Glen Lifestyle Village Home Open 27 Jarrah Glen Lifestyle Village Home Open 27 Walpole Markets in Pioneer Park 27 Walpole Markets in Pioneer Park 27 Menshed Drop-in morning 27 Menshed Drop-in morning ANZAC DAY SERVICE – WALPOLE ANZAC DAY SERVICE – WALPOLE Please be advised of the following times and details in relation to Walpole’s ANZAC Day Service, Thursday, 25th April 2013: Please be advised of the following times and details in relation to Walpole’s ANZAC Day Service, Thursday, 25th April 2013: 10.40am RAAF Flypast due 10.40am RAAF Flypast due 10.50am March participants please assemble at Rec Centre car park 11.00am Service at Walpole War Memorial, Pier Street 10.50am March participants please assemble at Rec Centre car park 11.00am Service at Walpole War Memorial, Pier Street Enquiries: Kevin Pierce, Walpole Sub Branch RSL 9840 8227 Enquiries: Kevin Pierce, Walpole Sub Branch RSL 9840 8227 Jarrah Glen Lifestyle Village Jarrah Glen Lifestyle Village HOME OPEN HOME OPEN Walpole and Districts Seniors Accommodation Walpole and Districts Seniors Accommodation will have Unit 6 open to visitors on SATURDAY 27th APRIL will have Unit 6 open to visitors on SATURDAY 27th APRIL from 1:00pm to 5:00pm from 1:00pm to 5:00pm Come along to view the unit features Come along to view the unit features Obtain information regarding leasehold arrangements Obtain information regarding leasehold arrangements ALL WELCOME ALL WELCOME Plug into the Sun with Great Southern Solar Reduce your home or business power bills Reduce your home or business power bills Solar power, wind power and solar hot water Solar power, wind power and solar hot water Quality systems at great prices Quality systems at great prices On and off grid On and off grid Call Don and the team on 9848 Walpole Weekly Plug into the Sun with Great Southern Solar 1369 to find out more April 24th, 2013 — 3 Call Don and the team on 9848 Walpole Weekly 1369 to find out more April 24th, 2013 — 3 New boating guide highlights safety changes on Walpole and Nornalup Inlets Speed restrictions and improvements to navigation aids will increase safety on the popular Walpole and Nornalup Inlets. Department of Transport (DoT) Marine Safety Operations Director Ray Buchholz said the improvements were part of a package of changes flowing from a comprehensive twelve month aquatic use review focussing on the Walpole and Nornalup Inlets and associated waterways. “Increased use of these waterways for various purposes prompted the review which has been undertaken in consultation with the Shire of Manjimup, relevant Government agencies and user groups,” Mr Buchholz said. “The resulting Walpole and Nornalup Inlets Aquatic Use Plan balances the needs of water users, the recreational boating community and commercial operators now and into the future. “The changes address a number of safety issues and clearly define boundaries for aquatic activity reducing confusion and conflict among users of the waterways which are an important community asset.” The changes are detailed in DoT’s new free boating guide for Walpole and include: Reduction of 8 Knot restricted speed areas to 5 knots; A new 8 knot restricted speed area at the entrance to Nornalup Inlet; and Introduction of new navigation aids and synchronised rhythmic lighting to current aids to assist navigation at night. The marker upgrade is part of the $40,000 Walpole Navigational Enhancement Project for 2012/13 which is scheduled to begin next week. Mr Buchholz said in addition to the new boating guide, new signage would be installed and local officers would conduct on-water patrols as part of the education campaign reinforcing the new arrangements. For more information about the changes contact DoT’s Great Southern Office on (08) 9892 7312 or visit the office or www.transport.wa.gov.au/imarie for a copy of the new boating guide. New boating guide highlights safety changes on Walpole and Nornalup Inlets Speed restrictions and improvements to navigation aids will increase safety on the popular Walpole and Nornalup Inlets. Department of Transport (DoT) Marine Safety Operations Director Ray Buchholz said the improvements were part of a package of changes flowing from a comprehensive twelve month aquatic use review focussing on the Walpole and Nornalup Inlets and associated waterways. “Increased use of these waterways for various purposes prompted the review which has been undertaken in consultation with the Shire of Manjimup, relevant Government agencies and user groups,” Mr Buchholz said. “The resulting Walpole and Nornalup Inlets Aquatic Use Plan balances the needs of water users, the recreational boating community and commercial operators now and into the future. “The changes address a number of safety issues and clearly define boundaries for aquatic activity reducing confusion and conflict among users of the waterways which are an important community asset.” The changes are detailed in DoT’s new free boating guide for Walpole and include: Reduction of 8 Knot restricted speed areas to 5 knots; A new 8 knot restricted speed area at the entrance to Nornalup Inlet; and Primary School holds ANZAC service Primary School holds ANZAC service The Walpole Primary School held their ANZAC Day Ceremony on Friday the 19th of April at 2:15pm. This was due to ANZAC Day falling during the first week of school holidays. Unfortunately no veterans made the service but roughly 30 parents along with teachers and children attended. An informative introduction recognising the meaning of ANZAC Day was given by the 6/7 class. Along with the tradition of the flag lowering and raising, one minute silence was held and Wreaths were laid on behalf of the whole school and Parents. The school choir sang Flanders Fields and Where Ever You Are. The Walpole Primary School should be commended on its display of such great Australian pride. The Walpole Primary School held their ANZAC Day Ceremony on Friday the 19th of April at 2:15pm. This was due to ANZAC Day falling during the first week of school holidays. Unfortunately no veterans made the service but roughly 30 parents along with teachers and children attended. An informative introduction recognising the meaning of ANZAC Day was given by the 6/7 class. Along with the tradition of the flag lowering and raising, one minute silence was held and Wreaths were laid on behalf of the whole school and Parents. The school choir sang Flanders Fields and Where Ever You Are. The Walpole Primary School should be commended on its display of such great Australian pride. April 24th, 2013 — 4 Pictured here is the whole of Walpole Primary School paying their respects to our fallen, wounded and returned service men and women. Walpole Weekly April 24th, 2013 — 4 Introduction of new navigation aids and synchronised rhythmic lighting to current aids to assist navigation at night. The marker upgrade is part of the $40,000 Walpole Navigational Enhancement Project for 2012/13 which is scheduled to begin next week. Mr Buchholz said in addition to the new boating guide, new signage would be installed and local officers would conduct on-water patrols as part of the education campaign reinforcing the new arrangements. For more information about the changes contact DoT’s Great Southern Office on (08) 9892 7312 or visit the office or www.transport.wa.gov.au/imarie for a copy of the new boating guide. Pictured here is the whole of Walpole Primary School paying their respects to our fallen, wounded and returned service men and women. Walpole Weekly ‘Pate’s Patch’ 27-28 April Don’t miss the seven kilometres of fascinating walking trails on the slopes of this magnificent Mount Shadforth property owned by retired UWA biologist John Pate. Many interesting indigenous and ornamental plants surround an old settler’s cottage on the edge of tall karri forests in this intriguing Denmark garden. The house overlooks rock gardens, ponds and a vegetable patch; while walking trails of varying length and difficulty traverse the slopes of Mount Shadforth on this 60 hectare property. “In 1992 we discovered an abandoned 1926 settler’s wooden cottage on a nearby farm, bought it and had it moved to a paddock on our property. After extensive repairs and additions it was ready for us we moved permanently to Denmark on retirement in 2002,” says John. With the cottage in place, he and his wife (now deceased) set about developing a half-hectare garden from the surrounding paddock. “The shelter-belts and orchard have since grown prodigiously and the rockeries, herbaceous borders and wetlands are densely clothed in vegetation,” adds John. “Especially pleasing has been the accompanying invasion of the cottage garden by local birds, insects, reptiles, frogs and native mammals. Many now breed in the garden.” Developing the walking trails was a mammoth task but one John found richly rewarding. Whenever he removed seedlings of native species recruited in the middle of track surfaces, John transplanted them to the cottage garden or gave them to friends. “Provided this is done in winter or early spring the seedlings usually survive, enabling me to learn which species of the forest, swamps and outcrops would be likely to survive in a garden such as mine. Some of these may well have been brought into gardening for the very first time,” he adds. Extras include musical entertainment, hand-fed birds and nature books for sale. Garden address 681 Mount Shadforth Rd, Denmark Opening April 27-28, 10am-4.30pm Admission $7, under 18s free Precision Hearing will be in Walpole on 26th April 2013 at the Silver Chain Nursing Post. New clients welcome. Please call 08 9841 6122 to book an appointment. Walpole Weekly Where men meet Men’s Sheds provide an opportunity for men of all ages to make new friends, join in activities, discuss things that concern them and find support and assistance in a world that often seems hostile and indifferent. World-wide experience has shown this can lead to improvements in health, depression and anxiety, troubles in the home, and other benefits for the individual and for the community. Find out more at our drop-in morning Saturday April 27, 9am to noon. at our room at the Community Centre or call Peter Newton, 98401300 for more information Walpole Menshed April 24th, 2013 — 5 ‘Pate’s Patch’ 27-28 April Don’t miss the seven kilometres of fascinating walking trails on the slopes of this magnificent Mount Shadforth property owned by retired UWA biologist John Pate. Many interesting indigenous and ornamental plants surround an old settler’s cottage on the edge of tall karri forests in this intriguing Denmark garden. The house overlooks rock gardens, ponds and a vegetable patch; while walking trails of varying length and difficulty traverse the slopes of Mount Shadforth on this 60 hectare property. “In 1992 we discovered an abandoned 1926 settler’s wooden cottage on a nearby farm, bought it and had it moved to a paddock on our property. After extensive repairs and additions it was ready for us we moved permanently to Denmark on retirement in 2002,” says John. With the cottage in place, he and his wife (now deceased) set about developing a half-hectare garden from the surrounding paddock. “The shelter-belts and orchard have since grown prodigiously and the rockeries, herbaceous borders and wetlands are densely clothed in vegetation,” adds John. “Especially pleasing has been the accompanying invasion of the cottage garden by local birds, insects, reptiles, frogs and native mammals. Many now breed in the garden.” Developing the walking trails was a mammoth task but one John found richly rewarding. Whenever he removed seedlings of native species recruited in the middle of track surfaces, John transplanted them to the cottage garden or gave them to friends. “Provided this is done in winter or early spring the seedlings usually survive, enabling me to learn which species of the forest, swamps and outcrops would be likely to survive in a garden such as mine. Some of these may well have been brought into gardening for the very first time,” he adds. Extras include musical entertainment, hand-fed birds and nature books for sale. Garden address 681 Mount Shadforth Rd, Denmark Opening April 27-28, 10am-4.30pm Admission $7, under 18s free Precision Hearing will be in Walpole on 26th April 2013 at the Silver Chain Nursing Post. New clients welcome. Please call 08 9841 6122 to book an appointment. Walpole Weekly Where men meet Men’s Sheds provide an opportunity for men of all ages to make new friends, join in activities, discuss things that concern them and find support and assistance in a world that often seems hostile and indifferent. World-wide experience has shown this can lead to improvements in health, depression and anxiety, troubles in the home, and other benefits for the individual and for the community. Find out more at our drop-in morning Saturday April 27, 9am to noon. at our room at the Community Centre or call Peter Newton, 98401300 for more information Walpole Menshed April 24th, 2013 — 5 Your voice can help the State prepare for bushfire Your voice can help the State prepare for bushfire How Western Australians prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from bushfire will be examined in a new online survey that has been launched by the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES). People have the opportunity to take part in the survey that seeks their opinion on the State’s current level of bushfire preparedness as well as their concerns, stories and suggestions. This information will be used to shape the Department’s current bushfire programs. These programs are aimed at improving the community’s understanding of bushfire risk and to increase levels of bushfire preparedness. DFES Community Engagement Director Suellen Shea said the survey was one way the community could participate with every suggestion and comment to be reviewed. “As we are coming to the end of the bushfire season now is a good time to reflect on what has happened in the past, what we have learnt and how we all can improve for the future.” Ms Shea said. Whether you live near dense forest in the South West, among the trees of the Perth Hills or near bush in the suburbs of the metropolitan area we would like to hear from you. Bushfire preparedness and response is everyone’s responsibility so this is an opportunity for How Western Australians prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from bushfire will be examined in a new online survey that has been launched by the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES). People have the opportunity to take part in the survey that seeks their opinion on the State’s current level of bushfire preparedness as well as their concerns, stories and suggestions. This information will be used to shape the Department’s current bushfire programs. These programs are aimed at improving the community’s understanding of bushfire risk and to increase levels of bushfire preparedness. DFES Community Engagement Director Suellen Shea said the survey was one way the community could participate with every suggestion and comment to be reviewed. “As we are coming to the end of the bushfire season now is a good time to reflect on what has happened in the past, what we have learnt and how we all can improve for the future.” Ms Shea said. Whether you live near dense forest in the South West, among the trees of the Perth Hills or near bush in the suburbs of the metropolitan area we would like to hear from you. Bushfire preparedness and response is everyone’s responsibility so this is an opportunity for April 24th, 2013 — 6 people to help enhance our work for the benefit of the entire State. Results from the survey will form the basis of our planning and will help the community prevent, prepare for and cope in an emergency. In January, about 300 North West residents took part in the Department’s first online survey that explored the effects of cyclones and floods. This new survey is the first for bushfire. Designed to take 15 to 20 minutes, the survey includes questions on how people would like to be informed of bushfire, and seeks their opinions on bushfire preparedness, response, resilience and support in the community. People have until 3 May 2013 to complete the survey. The survey can be completed at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/CX8CFWB or the Department of Fire and Emergency Services website at http://www.dfes.wa.gov.au. If you have any questions about the survey contact DFES Community Engagement Coordinator Rachel Jones on 9395 9704. Walpole Weekly April 24th, 2013 — 6 people to help enhance our work for the benefit of the entire State. Results from the survey will form the basis of our planning and will help the community prevent, prepare for and cope in an emergency. In January, about 300 North West residents took part in the Department’s first online survey that explored the effects of cyclones and floods. This new survey is the first for bushfire. Designed to take 15 to 20 minutes, the survey includes questions on how people would like to be informed of bushfire, and seeks their opinions on bushfire preparedness, response, resilience and support in the community. People have until 3 May 2013 to complete the survey. The survey can be completed at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/CX8CFWB or the Department of Fire and Emergency Services website at http://www.dfes.wa.gov.au. If you have any questions about the survey contact DFES Community Engagement Coordinator Rachel Jones on 9395 9704. Walpole Weekly Local Contractors preferred Local Contractors preferred Submitted by V.Williams on behalf of the Ficifolia Garden Team. Submitted by V.Williams on behalf of the Ficifolia Garden Team. Whilst so much of our beautiful community garden has been created by an amazing group of passionate volunteers The Ficifolia Community Garden Steering Team have endeavoured to maintain a strong local presence in sharing the funding within the community. In line with our focus of The Ficifolia Community Garden project including and enriching our community, two local business were contracted to complete the pathways. Walpole Concrete Supplies and Earthmoving Service with Nigel Fry and Great Southern Concreting with Brad Pierce have provided their services funded by Lotterywest last week. The installation of electrical components for the shed, reticulation and stage was contracted to Rotec Electrics with Rod Gittos. Thankyou to Walpole Transport for prompt delivery of our steel for the fencing paid under the Wellness in the Walpole Wilderness funding and Walpole Hardware & Rural Supplies for their continuing accommodation of our gardening needs to complete the garden in readiness for the opening on May 25th 2013. Whilst so much of our beautiful community garden has been created by an amazing group of passionate volunteers The Ficifolia Community Garden Steering Team have endeavoured to maintain a strong local presence in sharing the funding within the community. In line with our focus of The Ficifolia Community Garden project including and enriching our community, two local business were contracted to complete the pathways. Walpole Concrete Supplies and Earthmoving Service with Nigel Fry and Great Southern Concreting with Brad Pierce have provided their services funded by Lotterywest last week. The installation of electrical components for the shed, reticulation and stage was contracted to Rotec Electrics with Rod Gittos. Thankyou to Walpole Transport for prompt delivery of our steel for the fencing paid under the Wellness in the Walpole Wilderness funding and Walpole Hardware & Rural Supplies for their continuing accommodation of our gardening needs to complete the garden in readiness for the opening on May 25th 2013. Independent Living in Walpole Independent Living in Walpole Maintaining your independence is one very important part of aging gracefully. With so much emphasis on accessibility, hidden dangers and above all else safety in and around the home these days, the Independent Living Caravan’s bid to make everyday living easier was a great opportunity for local people of all ages to find out just what is available to assist them in all kinds of situations. Despite the timing clashing with a planned Walpole Seniors outing, the caravan was well attended. The Independent Living Centre Caravan was stationed in the rear car park of the Community Resource Centre from 10am to 3pm last Wednesday where ILC Occupational Therapist Emma-Kate Codyre was available to help people make informed choices about equipment and aids. As part of its country service, the ILC provides free expert information and advice to help people choose and access equipment and technology to enable them to better manage tasks at home, school, work and in the community. People of all ages and abilities may benefit from the service, including a farmer who experiences back pain when driving a vehicle; a child having difficulty holding a spoon; or an elderly person feeling unsafe when standing in the shower. The extensive range of equipment includes easier-to-use kitchen utensils, gardening tools, back supports and cushions, scooters, wheelchairs, walking aids, comfortable chairs, computer access items, emergency call systems and much more. Whilst the ILC does not sell any items, information describing equipment and where it can be purchased can be provided. If you are ageing, have a disability or health problem, are a carer, service provider or health care worker, who missed this opportunity to get up-to-date information on the latest in assistive equipment and technology contact the Independent Living Centre on 1300 885 886, email country@ilc.com.au or visit www.ilc.com.au. Maintaining your independence is one very important part of aging gracefully. With so much emphasis on accessibility, hidden dangers and above all else safety in and around the home these days, the Independent Living Caravan’s bid to make everyday living easier was a great opportunity for local people of all ages to find out just what is available to assist them in all kinds of situations. Despite the timing clashing with a planned Walpole Seniors outing, the caravan was well attended. The Independent Living Centre Caravan was stationed in the rear car park of the Community Resource Centre from 10am to 3pm last Wednesday where ILC Occupational Therapist Emma-Kate Codyre was available to help people make informed choices about equipment and aids. As part of its country service, the ILC provides free expert information and advice to help people choose and access equipment and technology to enable them to better manage tasks at home, school, work and in the community. People of all ages and abilities may benefit from the service, including a farmer who experiences back pain when driving a vehicle; a child having difficulty holding a spoon; or an elderly person feeling unsafe when standing in the shower. The extensive range of equipment includes easier-to-use kitchen utensils, gardening tools, back supports and cushions, scooters, wheelchairs, walking aids, comfortable chairs, computer access items, emergency call systems and much more. Whilst the ILC does not sell any items, information describing equipment and where it can be purchased can be provided. If you are ageing, have a disability or health problem, are a carer, service provider or health care worker, who missed this opportunity to get up-to-date information on the latest in assistive equipment and technology contact the Independent Living Centre on 1300 885 886, email country@ilc.com.au or visit www.ilc.com.au. Pictured above; Dougie Bruce demonstrates the ‘Sock Donning’ apparatus. Pictured above; Dougie Bruce demonstrates the ‘Sock Donning’ apparatus. Walpole Weekly April 24th, 2013 — 7 Walpole Weekly April 24th, 2013 — 7 Welcome to food for thought...With Vivienne Williams, Wellness in the Walpole Wilderness Welcome to food for thought...With Vivienne Williams, Wellness in the Walpole Wilderness Coordinator. Coordinator. Contributing to one’s community is important – WHO have defined mental health as-“A state of wellbeing in which the individual realises his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community”’ Contributing to one’s community is important – WHO have defined mental health as-“A state of wellbeing in which the individual realises his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community”’ There is a trend within the volunteering community to wring our hands in despair and wail “there’s no-one to carry on our cause”. Many volunteers were born in the 1940’s, where our values of service were instilled through adversity in economics and lifestyle. The 1960’s was a decade of high hope for ‘what could be in our society,’ progressing with a sense of unlimited possibility in The Age of Aquarius. The 1980s brought a trend for narcissism with many focussing on ‘what about me?’ and self gratification. Coming together in a group with common interests and needs creates a sense of hope that we can overcome the challenges and share in the effort of conquering adversity. Now more than ever creating a sense of Hope for the future generations is paramount. I wish to celebrate the young people within our community who volunteer their time to create ‘a better place for their being here’ through service to the community. To share in their growth and development is an honour to be cherished. Kelly Burton and Russell Hill are vibrant young parents with a strong desire to care for our community. Despite very demanding individual schedules they responded to the plea for St Johns Ambulance when our local sub-centre neared a crisis as members of our aging Team were retiring. In May 2010 our Team had 12 members, five have transferred or retired and today we total 9 members including Kelly and Russell. In celebrating the volunteers we also acknowledge the partners and children whose daily routines may be affected at very short notice. We offer a heartfelt Thankyou to Neil, Bree-anna & Tia Burton and Kasey, Connor, Matilda & Leah Hill for supporting the service given by your parents. The benefit to you, is that values are passed on through the generations, and through their role-modelling strong values of service you are our next generation of volunteers. Well done! Through volunteering with St Johns Ambulance Kelly and Russell have developed their ability to care for and relate to others in a dynamic manner within a robust training program provided by the organization. Each has unique skills in local knowledge, competency in driving an emergency vehicle and commitment to a Team approach; qualities proving valuable in time-critical moments in response to a call for an emergency. Kelly and Russell represent Hope for the future where members of our Team can retire from the more physically demanding roles to mentoring positions, in the knowledge that the service is in competent hands. Well done! National Volunteer Week focuses on the impact and power of volunteerism. May 13-19 2013 “Volunteers- every one counts” There is a trend within the volunteering community to wring our hands in despair and wail “there’s no-one to carry on our cause”. Many volunteers were born in the 1940’s, where our values of service were instilled through adversity in economics and lifestyle. The 1960’s was a decade of high hope for ‘what could be in our society,’ progressing with a sense of unlimited possibility in The Age of Aquarius. The 1980s brought a trend for narcissism with many focussing on ‘what about me?’ and self gratification. Coming together in a group with common interests and needs creates a sense of hope that we can overcome the challenges and share in the effort of conquering adversity. Now more than ever creating a sense of Hope for the future generations is paramount. I wish to celebrate the young people within our community who volunteer their time to create ‘a better place for their being here’ through service to the community. To share in their growth and development is an honour to be cherished. Kelly Burton and Russell Hill are vibrant young parents with a strong desire to care for our community. Despite very demanding individual schedules they responded to the plea for St Johns Ambulance when our local sub-centre neared a crisis as members of our aging Team were retiring. In May 2010 our Team had 12 members, five have transferred or retired and today we total 9 members including Kelly and Russell. In celebrating the volunteers we also acknowledge the partners and children whose daily routines may be affected at very short notice. We offer a heartfelt Thankyou to Neil, Bree-anna & Tia Burton and Kasey, Connor, Matilda & Leah Hill for supporting the service given by your parents. The benefit to you, is that values are passed on through the generations, and through their role-modelling strong values of service you are our next generation of volunteers. Well done! Through volunteering with St Johns Ambulance Kelly and Russell have developed their ability to care for and relate to others in a dynamic manner within a robust training program provided by the organization. Each has unique skills in local knowledge, competency in driving an emergency vehicle and commitment to a Team approach; qualities proving valuable in time-critical moments in response to a call for an emergency. Kelly and Russell represent Hope for the future where members of our Team can retire from the more physically demanding roles to mentoring positions, in the knowledge that the service is in competent hands. Well done! National Volunteer Week focuses on the impact and power of volunteerism. May 13-19 2013 “Volunteers- every one counts” Pictured above; Kelly Burton, Graeme Parkes and Russell Hill attended the 2012 St John’s Ambulance Conference in Perth. Pictured above; Kelly Burton, Graeme Parkes and Russell Hill attended the 2012 St John’s Ambulance Conference in Perth. April 24th, 2013 — 8 Walpole Weekly April 24th, 2013 — 8 Walpole Weekly Walpole CENTRAL Building, Latham Avenue, Walpole Phone : 9840 1395 Fax : 9840 1394 Email : walpole@crc.net.au Walpole CENTRAL Building, Latham Avenue, Walpole Phone : 9840 1395 Fax : 9840 1394 Email : walpole@crc.net.au School holiday program School holiday program This school holidays the Walpole Community Resource Centre has planned some holiday activities for the youth of Walpole and surrounding areas. If interest is high then we have access to a bus for pick up and drop off of young people wishing to participate in the planned activities. All expressions of interest must be made at least 48hours prior to the commencement of the activity. April 30th, 9.30am Movie - Gullivers Travels and picnic lunch at $5.50, followed by a youth focused WOW Wilderness Cruise with Gary Muir at 2pm at a cost $15 per child and $40 per adult. May 2nd, 9am Fishing trip at the Walpole Town Jetty followed by BBQ lunch at a cost of just $5.50. All gear and food provided. Bookings Essential This school holidays the Walpole Community Resource Centre has planned some holiday activities for the youth of Walpole and surrounding areas. If interest is high then we have access to a bus for pick up and drop off of young people wishing to participate in the planned activities. All expressions of interest must be made at least 48hours prior to the commencement of the activity. April 30th, 9.30am Movie - Gullivers Travels and picnic lunch at $5.50, followed by a youth focused WOW Wilderness Cruise with Gary Muir at 2pm at a cost $15 per child and $40 per adult. May 2nd, 9am Fishing trip at the Walpole Town Jetty followed by BBQ lunch at a cost of just $5.50. All gear and food provided. Bookings Essential Living in the Regions 2013 is a quality of life survey conducted by the Department of Regional Development and Lands. The survey will only take around ten minutes to complete and the questions focus on; Your reasons for living in a particular region, What you see as the strengths of the region and How happy you are living in the region. By participating in the survey you are helping th Western Australian Government develop projects and programs best suited to WA’s regions. Surveys can be picked up from the Walpole Community Resource Centre of completed online by following the links at http://www.rdl.wa.gov.au Walpole Weekly Beyond Gardens Broadcast to CRC Missed the team’s visit to Walpole recently? Then don’t miss this—a repeat series of their program broadcast through the Westlink System late last year. Weekly programs between 10:00am—11:00am on: Each Wednesday—Series 3 of 5 today. Make sure you don’t forget to come along to this FREE event and enjoy the broadcasts. Morning tea supplied. Beyond Gardens Broadcast to CRC Missed the team’s visit to Walpole recently? Then don’t miss this—a repeat series of their program broadcast through the Westlink System late last year. Weekly programs between 10:00am—11:00am on: Each Wednesday—Series 3 of 5 today. Make sure you don’t forget to come along to this FREE event and enjoy the broadcasts. Morning tea supplied. Public Holiday- Public Holiday- Please be advised that Please be advised that Thursday– ANZAC Day Thursday– ANZAC Day is a public holiday and as such the Walpole Community Resource Centre and Walpole Bendigo Bank Agency is a public holiday and as such the Walpole Community Resource Centre and Walpole Bendigo Bank Agency will be closed. Seniors Computing Thursday afternoons will be freed up for many of Walpole’s Seniors as the end of Term 2 sees the Walpole Seniors Computing Group (WSCG) taking a short break. Seniors computing will recommence once school goes back. Meeting each Thursday afternoon at 1pm during the school term, learning new skills, sharing ideas and enjoying a lovely afternoon tea and chat. The WSCG welcomes new members and membership is just $20 per term. April 24th, 2013 — 9 Living in the Regions 2013 is a quality of life survey conducted by the Department of Regional Development and Lands. The survey will only take around ten minutes to complete and the questions focus on; Your reasons for living in a particular region, What you see as the strengths of the region and How happy you are living in the region. By participating in the survey you are helping th Western Australian Government develop projects and programs best suited to WA’s regions. Surveys can be picked up from the Walpole Community Resource Centre of completed online by following the links at http://www.rdl.wa.gov.au Walpole Weekly will be closed. Seniors Computing Thursday afternoons will be freed up for many of Walpole’s Seniors as the end of Term 2 sees the Walpole Seniors Computing Group (WSCG) taking a short break. Seniors computing will recommence once school goes back. Meeting each Thursday afternoon at 1pm during the school term, learning new skills, sharing ideas and enjoying a lovely afternoon tea and chat. The WSCG welcomes new members and membership is just $20 per term. April 24th, 2013 — 9 Spend an evening with the Tree Top Walk Spend an evening with the Tree Top Walk Visitors to the Valley of the Giants Tree Top Walk this school holidays will be able to participate in a range of evening and daytime activities as part of the autumn holiday activity program. The program will run from Monday 22 April until Friday 3 May. Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC) interpretive officer Kym Phillips said that visitors would have a unique opportunity to view the night sky above the towering tingle forest with the Tree Top Walk open until 9pm on Fridays during the holidays. “Other night time activities include the popular ‘Forest by Night’ tour where participants will explore the tingle forest by torchlight to look for animals that come out after dark,” she said. “Children will have fun in the forest learning about our fascinating nocturnal animals in the ‘Kid’s Twilight Antics’ activity. “The program has been designed to give visitors the opportunity to experience the tingle forest at night time as well as a range of exciting and educational daytime activities. “All activities are either free or low cost. As an added bonus, participants who book and pay for a ‘Bug Hunt’ activity receive a free bug viewer valued at $8.95 to take home.” Other daytime activities include ‘Frogs and Wetlands’ and ‘Beachcombers’ along with guided walks ‘Under the Tree Top Walk’ and ‘Ranger-guided Fantastic Forest Walks’. ‘Discover Parks’ displays, run by DEC with South Coast NRM, South West Catchments Council and Department of Fisheries, will provide the public with current information about national parks, fisheries, dieback and coastal conservation. “With such an array of fantastic activities on offer there will be something to interest everyone.” Kym said. For activity descriptions and full program details visit www.dec.wa.gov.au, call the Tree Top Walk on 9840 8263 or email ttw@dec.wa.gov.au. Program brochures are also available at local visitor centres. Visitors to the Valley of the Giants Tree Top Walk this school holidays will be able to participate in a range of evening and daytime activities as part of the autumn holiday activity program. The program will run from Monday 22 April until Friday 3 May. Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC) interpretive officer Kym Phillips said that visitors would have a unique opportunity to view the night sky above the towering tingle forest with the Tree Top Walk open until 9pm on Fridays during the holidays. “Other night time activities include the popular ‘Forest by Night’ tour where participants will explore the tingle forest by torchlight to look for animals that come out after dark,” she said. “Children will have fun in the forest learning about our fascinating nocturnal animals in the ‘Kid’s Twilight Antics’ activity. “The program has been designed to give visitors the opportunity to experience the tingle forest at night time as well as a range of exciting and educational daytime activities. “All activities are either free or low cost. As an added bonus, participants who book and pay for a ‘Bug Hunt’ activity receive a free bug viewer valued at $8.95 to take home.” Other daytime activities include ‘Frogs and Wetlands’ and ‘Beachcombers’ along with guided walks ‘Under the Tree Top Walk’ and ‘Ranger-guided Fantastic Forest Walks’. ‘Discover Parks’ displays, run by DEC with South Coast NRM, South West Catchments Council and Department of Fisheries, will provide the public with current information about national parks, fisheries, dieback and coastal conservation. “With such an array of fantastic activities on offer there will be something to interest everyone.” Kym said. For activity descriptions and full program details visit www.dec.wa.gov.au, call the Tree Top Walk on 9840 8263 or email ttw@dec.wa.gov.au. Program brochures are also available at local visitor centres. Shin Naturopathic Clinic The Whirling Rainbow Holostic Healing Traditions Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Reflexology, Reiki, Ear Candling Raindrop Treatment & Holotropic Breathwork. , Introductory Offers: 1 hour massage with organic Living Young oils $75 Ear Candling $55 Redeem this coupon for the above specials. Thursdays at Aradia Blue Enquiries & Appointments Call SAMADHI 9840 9330 or 0423 503 085 April 24th, 2013 — 10 Naturopathy Herbal Medicine Therapeutic Massage Massage for Relaxation Major health funds rebate available Gift vouchers available Ph: 9840 1767 Okhee Callegari ND Massage, Foot Reflexology, & Bowen Technique available by Colin Hill (Dip. Massage, Foot Reflexology, Bowen Technique) PROFESSIONAL THERAPEUTIC MASSEUR 27 years experience For relief of Neck & Back pain, Muscular aches, Stress & Tension. For other pain, including Headaches, Sore feet, Legs, Shoulder, Arms Lymphatic Drainage, Deep tissue & Relaxation For an Appointment please phone 9840 8169 or see Colin (MANAGER) at Peaceful Bay Chalets Peppermint Way, Peaceful Bay Walpole Weekly Shin Naturopathic Clinic The Whirling Rainbow Holostic Healing Traditions Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Reflexology, Reiki, Ear Candling Raindrop Treatment & Holotropic Breathwork. , Introductory Offers: 1 hour massage with organic Living Young oils $75 Ear Candling $55 Redeem this coupon for the above specials. Thursdays at Aradia Blue Enquiries & Appointments Call SAMADHI 9840 9330 or 0423 503 085 April 24th, 2013 — 10 Naturopathy Herbal Medicine Therapeutic Massage Massage for Relaxation Major health funds rebate available Gift vouchers available Ph: 9840 1767 Okhee Callegari ND Massage, Foot Reflexology, & Bowen Technique available by Colin Hill (Dip. Massage, Foot Reflexology, Bowen Technique) PROFESSIONAL THERAPEUTIC MASSEUR 27 years experience For relief of Neck & Back pain, Muscular aches, Stress & Tension. For other pain, including Headaches, Sore feet, Legs, Shoulder, Arms Lymphatic Drainage, Deep tissue & Relaxation For an Appointment please phone 9840 8169 or see Colin (MANAGER) at Peaceful Bay Chalets Peppermint Way, Peaceful Bay Walpole Weekly Walpole Weekly April 24th, 2013 — 11 Walpole Weekly April 24th, 2013 — 11 Recycled water for the South West Reading the headlines in the Donnybrook Bridgetown Mail last week one could be forgiven for a few moments of panic. An article caught my eye titled, ‘Wastewater on menu for South West’, followed by the statement; “Recycled waste water could be a future drinking water option for the South West after successive dry winters.” Upon reading the entire article and armed with more information it could well be great news for arid areas. Water Corporation South West Region manager Scott Moorhead said the corporation carried out water recycling at every wastewater treatment plant in the Warren-Blackwood Region, with the water currently being used for irrigation of local sports grounds, golf courses and tree farms. Wastewater Treatment Plants at Bridgetown and Nannup are currently using 100 per cent of the wastewater produced as recycled water to irrigate the Bridgetown Golf Course and a tree farm in Nannup. In 2009, the corporation began a three-year groundwater replenishment trial at Beenyup. Groundwater replenishment is the process where treated wastewater is further treated to drinking water standards. The trial was completed at the end of last year. Based on the findings, the Water Corporation is likely to recommend to government that Perth move to the first stage of a groundwater replenishment scheme. April 24th, 2013 — 12 The possibility of using groundwater replenishment in other suitable parts of Western Australia, including the Warren Blackwood and wider south west, depends on the final assessment of the trial by the state government. Mr Moorhead said rainfall in the Warren Blackwood had been in decline for several years, culminating in a record-breaking dry winter in 2010 which saw local drinking water storages at critical levels. “Technically, it would be possible to implement groundwater replenishment in some parts of the South West region but this would require further investigation. Due to the effects of this increasingly dry climate, the Water Corporation has been working on a number of projects in the Warren Blackwood area to secure future water supply. The $25-million project to more than double the capacity of Millstream Dam to one billion litres is complete. This dam is the central water storage for the Bridgetown Regional Water Supply Scheme which services Bridgetown, Boyup Brook, Hester, Greenbushes, Balingup, Kirup and Mullalyup. In addition the Nannup Bore is being used to supplement Millstream Dam during drought years. Rainfall is decreasing and will continue to decrease, according to the Climate Commission and the United Nation's March Human Development Index report. Another 10 per cent less annual rainfall in the South West is expected during the next decade. Recycled water for the South West Reading the headlines in the Donnybrook Bridgetown Mail last week one could be forgiven for a few moments of panic. An article caught my eye titled, ‘Wastewater on menu for South West’, followed by the statement; “Recycled waste water could be a future drinking water option for the South West after successive dry winters.” Upon reading the entire article and armed with more information it could well be great news for arid areas. Water Corporation South West Region manager Scott Moorhead said the corporation carried out water recycling at every wastewater treatment plant in the Warren-Blackwood Region, with the water currently being used for irrigation of local sports grounds, golf courses and tree farms. Wastewater Treatment Plants at Bridgetown and Nannup are currently using 100 per cent of the wastewater produced as recycled water to irrigate the Bridgetown Golf Course and a tree farm in Nannup. In 2009, the corporation began a three-year groundwater replenishment trial at Beenyup. Groundwater replenishment is the process where treated wastewater is further treated to drinking water standards. The trial was completed at the end of last year. Based on the findings, the Water Corporation is likely to recommend to government that Perth move to the first stage of a groundwater replenishment scheme. The possibility of using groundwater replenishment in other suitable parts of Western Australia, including the Warren Blackwood and wider south west, depends on the final assessment of the trial by the state government. Mr Moorhead said rainfall in the Warren Blackwood had been in decline for several years, culminating in a record-breaking dry winter in 2010 which saw local drinking water storages at critical levels. “Technically, it would be possible to implement groundwater replenishment in some parts of the South West region but this would require further investigation. Due to the effects of this increasingly dry climate, the Water Corporation has been working on a number of projects in the Warren Blackwood area to secure future water supply. The $25-million project to more than double the capacity of Millstream Dam to one billion litres is complete. This dam is the central water storage for the Bridgetown Regional Water Supply Scheme which services Bridgetown, Boyup Brook, Hester, Greenbushes, Balingup, Kirup and Mullalyup. In addition the Nannup Bore is being used to supplement Millstream Dam during drought years. Rainfall is decreasing and will continue to decrease, according to the Climate Commission and the United Nation's March Human Development Index report. Another 10 per cent less annual rainfall in the South West is expected during the next decade. 20% OFF! 20% OFF! Purchase TWO of the SAME product and receive a 20% discount on both items!! Purchase TWO of the SAME product and receive a 20% discount on both items!! Excludes Prescriptions, specials and restricted medications. Valid Until May 7th. Excludes Prescriptions, specials and restricted medications. Valid Until May 7th. Walpole Weekly April 24th, 2013 — 12 Walpole Weekly Walpole Wallopers ! Walpole Wallopers ! Police News April 2013 Police News April 2013 Welcome to Walpole Wallopers. Easter is done and dusted and now it’s School Holidays ! The mum’s will be loving it ! Thank you Once again our volunteer emergency services have been busy over the Easter period. I would like to thank those involved in attending Tingleview for the tragic death of Mr Paul CAPON. His family expressed their deep gratitude to all the volunteers and nearby neighbours that attended Jacksonii Avenue to assist their brother. February & March 2013 Police attended 26 complaints over the two months. Reported crime has remained low except for two reported stealing incidents. The March and Easter period saw an increase of Police attending Walpole. For the March long weekend Water Police sent two officers and a vessel in response to the hugely successful Walpole Regatta. Walpole was also visited over Easter by officers from the Traffic Enforcement Group from Perth consisting of two pursuit vehicles and six motorcycle officers. I haven’t seen a motorcycle cop since I was 12 ! They scared the hell out of me when I saw them on Nockolds Street. It was like watching an episode of Chips ! Hopefully you were all reasonably unharmed by the extra Police presence as I know the majority of Walpole residents do the right thing ? Jason and I stopped 449 vehicles over the period and unfortunately we are still giving out seatbelt and speeding infringements. Crime for February and March 2013 A car was broken into at the ‘Valley of the Giants’ car park after a lock was jemmied open and the offenders stole $90.00 and a bottle of wine. Please report all suspicious activity around or near our tourist car parks in the area. Approximately 1200 litres of Diesel was stolen from the DEC yard at Chugg Street. If you have any information in relation to this stealing please call Walpole Police or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000. Charges preferred for February & March 2 x Driving in Excess of .05 & .08 (Walpole residents !) 4 x No Authority to Drive & Vehicles Seizures (No Walpole residents!) 1x Stealing (Perth resident) 7 x Possession of Cannabis and Smoking Implements & Amphetamine Implement. Cameron CLIFFORD Walpole Police - 98401618 Sergeant 9041 Walpole.police.station@police.wa.gov.au Welcome to Walpole Wallopers. Easter is done and dusted and now it’s School Holidays ! The mum’s will be loving it ! Thank you Once again our volunteer emergency services have been busy over the Easter period. I would like to thank those involved in attending Tingleview for the tragic death of Mr Paul CAPON. His family expressed their deep gratitude to all the volunteers and nearby neighbours that attended Jacksonii Avenue to assist their brother. February & March 2013 Police attended 26 complaints over the two months. Reported crime has remained low except for two reported stealing incidents. The March and Easter period saw an increase of Police attending Walpole. For the March long weekend Water Police sent two officers and a vessel in response to the hugely successful Walpole Regatta. Walpole was also visited over Easter by officers from the Traffic Enforcement Group from Perth consisting of two pursuit vehicles and six motorcycle officers. I haven’t seen a motorcycle cop since I was 12 ! They scared the hell out of me when I saw them on Nockolds Street. It was like watching an episode of Chips ! Hopefully you were all reasonably unharmed by the extra Police presence as I know the majority of Walpole residents do the right thing ? Jason and I stopped 449 vehicles over the period and unfortunately we are still giving out seatbelt and speeding infringements. Crime for February and March 2013 A car was broken into at the ‘Valley of the Giants’ car park after a lock was jemmied open and the offenders stole $90.00 and a bottle of wine. Please report all suspicious activity around or near our tourist car parks in the area. Approximately 1200 litres of Diesel was stolen from the DEC yard at Chugg Street. If you have any information in relation to this stealing please call Walpole Police or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000. Charges preferred for February & March 2 x Driving in Excess of .05 & .08 (Walpole residents !) 4 x No Authority to Drive & Vehicles Seizures (No Walpole residents!) 1x Stealing (Perth resident) 7 x Possession of Cannabis and Smoking Implements & Amphetamine Implement. Cameron CLIFFORD Walpole Police - 98401618 Sergeant 9041 Walpole.police.station@police.wa.gov.au 98401618 98401618 Walpole Weekly April 24th, 2013 — 13 Walpole Weekly April 24th, 2013 — 13 Follow Edward Roocke on Outward Bound!! Follow Edward Roocke on Outward Bound!! Submitted by Claire Peck of Outward Bound Submitted by Claire Peck of Outward Bound Edward Roocke has taken up the challenge and applied to participate on the 12 day Navigator program happening this week in the Walpole Wilderness. Navigator is an overland adventurous program for teens designed to challenge them physically, mentally, emotionally and socially. Participants are awarded 10 WACE points and come away with increased selfawareness, compassion, resilience and confidence as well as gaining skills in effective communication, leadership and teamwork. Edward will embark on this journey these school holidays with 9 other teens from all over WA – from Newman to Walpole! Edward applied for the opportunity and was granted a scholarship made up of funds from the Plantagenet Financial Services (Mt Barker Bendigo Bank), the Walpole Op Shop and also the Outward Bound Community Day held last Spring. Check out next weeks Walpole Weekly for an update on how the journey is progressing, and be sure to follow Edward’s journey online via the Blog at http://www.outwardbound.org.au/resources/86-blog-links/484-wa-southwest-youth-navigator-october-2012.html Or go to the website and follow these steps: Go to www.outwardbound.org.au Click on Resources Scroll down to Course Blogs Click on WA South West Navigator Here you will see photos and read updates from the team members themselves! Happy reading! Edward Roocke has taken up the challenge and applied to participate on the 12 day Navigator program happening this week in the Walpole Wilderness. Navigator is an overland adventurous program for teens designed to challenge them physically, mentally, emotionally and socially. Participants are awarded 10 WACE points and come away with increased selfawareness, compassion, resilience and confidence as well as gaining skills in effective communication, leadership and teamwork. Edward will embark on this journey these school holidays with 9 other teens from all over WA – from Newman to Walpole! Edward applied for the opportunity and was granted a scholarship made up of funds from the Plantagenet Financial Services (Mt Barker Bendigo Bank), the Walpole Op Shop and also the Outward Bound Community Day held last Spring. Check out next weeks Walpole Weekly for an update on how the journey is progressing, and be sure to follow Edward’s journey online via the Blog at http://www.outwardbound.org.au/resources/86-blog-links/484-wa-southwest-youth-navigator-october-2012.html Or go to the website and follow these steps: Go to www.outwardbound.org.au Click on Resources Scroll down to Course Blogs Click on WA South West Navigator Here you will see photos and read updates from the team members themselves! Happy reading! Joan Decorates “Just One More Cake” Joan Decorates “Just One More Cake” Submitted by Molly Smith Well loved former Tingledale resident of more that thirty years ago, Joan Eatt, now aged 92 years, recently needed to hunt out her cake icing gear to decorate just one more wedding cake at the request of a good friend. In her years at Tingledale, Joan was responsible for “dressing” many brides and their maids, as well as making and decorating their wedding cakes. At the same time, she was the inaugural president and catering guru for the BTH Ladies Club and as such organised the wedding breakfast as well and worked with the Club in producing the meal. Joan now lives in Albany and though she gave up decorating cakes some years back she agreed to my nostalgic request to decorate the cake I had made for my daughter’s recent wedding. This she did with a great deal of pleasure because she was responsible for making and decorating my daughter’s cake (mother of the bride) in the seventies! Note: There are still many of Joan’s friends living in Walpole and surrounding districts. April 24th, 2013 — 14 Real Estate Agents, Property Managers, Auctioneers & Free Market Appraisals Property For Sale 97 Karri St WALPOLE MAGNIFICENT VIEWS!!!! Two storey, 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom home built from cedar wood and jarrah on a 1120m2 block. Main bedroom leads to a large verandah with magnificent views over Walpole Inlet. Under cover parking. Asking: $520,000 For all Property Management requirements please call Joe Burton For all your Real Estate requirements call: Joe Burton 0429 900 616 Cliff Jefferson 0408 443 811 Peter Bannister 0418 920 861 Vaughan Bellanger 0427 401 231 Denmark Representative: Peter Bannister 0418 920 861 Office: (08) 9840 1232 Fax: (08) 9840 1233 Email: info@burtonrealty.com.au Website: www.burtonrealty.com.au You can also finds us at www.realestate.com.au Member of REIWA Walpole Weekly Submitted by Molly Smith Well loved former Tingledale resident of more that thirty years ago, Joan Eatt, now aged 92 years, recently needed to hunt out her cake icing gear to decorate just one more wedding cake at the request of a good friend. In her years at Tingledale, Joan was responsible for “dressing” many brides and their maids, as well as making and decorating their wedding cakes. At the same time, she was the inaugural president and catering guru for the BTH Ladies Club and as such organised the wedding breakfast as well and worked with the Club in producing the meal. Joan now lives in Albany and though she gave up decorating cakes some years back she agreed to my nostalgic request to decorate the cake I had made for my daughter’s recent wedding. This she did with a great deal of pleasure because she was responsible for making and decorating my daughter’s cake (mother of the bride) in the seventies! Note: There are still many of Joan’s friends living in Walpole and surrounding districts. April 24th, 2013 — 14 Real Estate Agents, Property Managers, Auctioneers & Free Market Appraisals Property For Sale 97 Karri St WALPOLE MAGNIFICENT VIEWS!!!! Two storey, 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom home built from cedar wood and jarrah on a 1120m2 block. Main bedroom leads to a large verandah with magnificent views over Walpole Inlet. Under cover parking. Asking: $520,000 For all Property Management requirements please call Joe Burton For all your Real Estate requirements call: Joe Burton 0429 900 616 Cliff Jefferson 0408 443 811 Peter Bannister 0418 920 861 Vaughan Bellanger 0427 401 231 Denmark Representative: Peter Bannister 0418 920 861 Office: (08) 9840 1232 Fax: (08) 9840 1233 Email: info@burtonrealty.com.au Website: www.burtonrealty.com.au You can also finds us at www.realestate.com.au Member of REIWA Walpole Weekly A few new faces in town The Walpole Post Office welcomes new staff members Ashleigh Cooper and renowned local artist Lyn Jolley. Comment Sought on Draft Arts & Culture Strategic Plan A few new faces in town The Walpole Post Office welcomes new staff members Ashleigh Cooper and renowned local artist Lyn Jolley. Burton Realty welcomes a new Administration Officer, Chrissi Cann. Chrissi joins the Burton Realty team from Albany. Burton Realty welcomes a new Administration Officer, Chrissi Cann. Chrissi joins the Burton Realty team from Albany. Christy Mahony will be going on maternity leave this week, with just four weeks until the birth of hers and Lloyd Bentink’s first child. Jackie Manning will be taking on the Ranger position at DEC until Christy’s return in twelve months. Christy Mahony will be going on maternity leave this week, with just four weeks until the birth of hers and Lloyd Bentink’s first child. Jackie Manning will be taking on the Ranger position at DEC until Christy’s return in twelve months. Cancer ‘Treatment’ warning issued Cancer ‘Treatment’ warning issued Cancer patients are warned not to use Black Salve as an alternative cancer treatment. The warning follows a WA Health investigation, which found some West Australian retailers were promoting it as a treatment for cancer, while illegally selling and labelling the dangerous substance as ‘termite repellent’. “Black Slave contains potent substances that are controlled under WA’s poisons laws,” WA chief health office Dr Tarun Weeramanthri said. “If used without medical guidance, they can be extremely dangerous. “The chemicals are highly corrosive and can essentially burn off layers of the sink and underlying tissue, leading to severe scarring.” Dr Weeramanthri said WA Health had received several recent reports from cancer patients who had suffered significant injuries following the use of Black Salve. The Therapeutic Goods Administration advises that Black Salve is not registered for use in Australia, and is not safe foe use on consumers. “Anyone considering a new treatment for a serious condition such as cancer, should always seek medical advice rather than try something that has been prompted by work of mouth or through the internet,” Dr Weeramanthri said. “The claims for Black Salve have been around for decades and amount to dangerous quackery peddled under a false product name to vulnerable people.” Cancer patients are warned not to use Black Salve as an alternative cancer treatment. The warning follows a WA Health investigation, which found some West Australian retailers were promoting it as a treatment for cancer, while illegally selling and labelling the dangerous substance as ‘termite repellent’. “Black Slave contains potent substances that are controlled under WA’s poisons laws,” WA chief health office Dr Tarun Weeramanthri said. “If used without medical guidance, they can be extremely dangerous. “The chemicals are highly corrosive and can essentially burn off layers of the sink and underlying tissue, leading to severe scarring.” Dr Weeramanthri said WA Health had received several recent reports from cancer patients who had suffered significant injuries following the use of Black Salve. The Therapeutic Goods Administration advises that Black Salve is not registered for use in Australia, and is not safe foe use on consumers. “Anyone considering a new treatment for a serious condition such as cancer, should always seek medical advice rather than try something that has been prompted by work of mouth or through the internet,” Dr Weeramanthri said. “The claims for Black Salve have been around for decades and amount to dangerous quackery peddled under a false product name to vulnerable people.” Walpole Online www.walpoleonline.com Supporting local artisans and crafts people. Marketing Walpole products across the country and around the world An initiative of the Walpole CRC. Walpole Weekly The absence of an Arts & Culture Strategic Plan was identified as a key gap in Council’s long term planning which has been rectified by the development of a draft plan which is currently being opened up for public contribution. The development of a Strategic Plan also responds to the Manjimup Shire’s Customer Satisfaction Survey which identified 'arts & culture' as an area poorly serviced and a priority for improvement. Hsien Harper, Senior Community Development Officer visited Walpole on Friday last week to meet with locals to discuss their ideas and comments in regards to the Draft Arts & Culture Strategic Plan. Those in attendance raised some interesting thoughts and gave some differing opinions to those already in the plan. Although there were just five representatives from our community the view points were broad and Hsien returned to Manjimup with plenty to consider. Unfortunately timing is always critical. Some key people from this target group were out of town but submitted responses will be taken into consideration. A copy of the Arts and Culture Strategic Plan is available for loan from the Walpole Community Resource Centre. PIONEER STORE LAKE HOUSE WINE TASTING FRIDAY 26TH APRIL 3PM - 5PM April 24th, 2013 — 15 Walpole Online www.walpoleonline.com Supporting local artisans and crafts people. Marketing Walpole products across the country and around the world An initiative of the Walpole CRC. Walpole Weekly Comment Sought on Draft Arts & Culture Strategic Plan The absence of an Arts & Culture Strategic Plan was identified as a key gap in Council’s long term planning which has been rectified by the development of a draft plan which is currently being opened up for public contribution. The development of a Strategic Plan also responds to the Manjimup Shire’s Customer Satisfaction Survey which identified 'arts & culture' as an area poorly serviced and a priority for improvement. Hsien Harper, Senior Community Development Officer visited Walpole on Friday last week to meet with locals to discuss their ideas and comments in regards to the Draft Arts & Culture Strategic Plan. Those in attendance raised some interesting thoughts and gave some differing opinions to those already in the plan. Although there were just five representatives from our community the view points were broad and Hsien returned to Manjimup with plenty to consider. Unfortunately timing is always critical. Some key people from this target group were out of town but submitted responses will be taken into consideration. A copy of the Arts and Culture Strategic Plan is available for loan from the Walpole Community Resource Centre. PIONEER STORE LAKE HOUSE WINE TASTING FRIDAY 26TH APRIL 3PM - 5PM April 24th, 2013 — 15 OBA BBQ OBA BBQ Claire Peck and Damon Croke of Outward Bound Australia’s Basecamp in the forests at Tinglewood out of Walpole, together with the crew, hosted a delightful evening of stories and comraderie. Tony and Jenny Boyle provided the sheep for the spit roast and tasty salads were made by the OBA staff. Elizabeth Gerner’s now famous Earthquake Cake was the order of the day for dessert. The evening was enjoyed by around fifty locals who represented businesses and organisations that support OBA during their seasons here. After a drizzly day and one heavy shower of rain, the campfire created a magnet around which everyone sat and talked well into the night. Among those present were Marg and Pete Newton, Elizabeth and Thomas Gerner, Jenny and Ray Willcox, Geordie Whitwell (who himself was once an OBA staffer who guided a group to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa) Johnno, Ross Seymour, Twenty, Gary Muir, Jenny and Tony Boyle, Christy Mahoney, Laura Arrowsmith with Will and Heidi, Stan and Merry. Claire gave a commentary to an electronic presentation that showcased some of the season’s highlights—rafting on the inlet, abseiling high in the tree tops, camping out, sleeping under bivvys and generally providing to the hundreds of students who undertook the various courses an opportunity to develop leadership skills. This week sees the end to the current season with many of the staff returning to the Eastern States to take up other positions within the organisation, which is based in Canberra. Claire Peck and Damon Croke of Outward Bound Australia’s Basecamp in the forests at Tinglewood out of Walpole, together with the crew, hosted a delightful evening of stories and comraderie. Tony and Jenny Boyle provided the sheep for the spit roast and tasty salads were made by the OBA staff. Elizabeth Gerner’s now famous Earthquake Cake was the order of the day for dessert. The evening was enjoyed by around fifty locals who represented businesses and organisations that support OBA during their seasons here. After a drizzly day and one heavy shower of rain, the campfire created a magnet around which everyone sat and talked well into the night. Among those present were Marg and Pete Newton, Elizabeth and Thomas Gerner, Jenny and Ray Willcox, Geordie Whitwell (who himself was once an OBA staffer who guided a group to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa) Johnno, Ross Seymour, Twenty, Gary Muir, Jenny and Tony Boyle, Christy Mahoney, Laura Arrowsmith with Will and Heidi, Stan and Merry. Claire gave a commentary to an electronic presentation that showcased some of the season’s highlights—rafting on the inlet, abseiling high in the tree tops, camping out, sleeping under bivvys and generally providing to the hundreds of students who undertook the various courses an opportunity to develop leadership skills. This week sees the end to the current season with many of the staff returning to the Eastern States to take up other positions within the organisation, which is based in Canberra. Locations across Australia Locations across Australia A B C D E F G A B C D E F G Tharwa ACT Buchan VIC Broke WA Uki NSW Rozelle NSW Collingwood Vic Perth WA April 24th, 2013 — 16 Walpole Weekly Tharwa ACT Buchan VIC Broke WA Uki NSW Rozelle NSW Collingwood Vic Perth WA April 24th, 2013 — 16 Walpole Weekly ‘Sunbird’ sheds light on scale of consumer frauds ‘Sunbird’ sheds light on scale of consumer frauds In May 2012 the WA Police Major Fraud Squad began ‘Operation Sunbird’ to investigate whether funds transferred from Western Australia to West Africa were as a result of ‘request for money’ scams/frauds. The sophisticated scheme involves organised criminals connecting with victims online and extensively grooming them in what appears to be a personal relationship. In May 2012 the WA Police Major Fraud Squad began ‘Operation Sunbird’ to investigate whether funds transferred from Western Australia to West Africa were as a result of ‘request for money’ scams/frauds. The sophisticated scheme involves organised criminals connecting with victims online and extensively grooming them in what appears to be a personal relationship. Police figures compiled between May 2012 and January 2013 have shown that more than $11million has been sent to scammers in recent times (some transactions date back to 2011 even though they were discovered in the last few months). There are individual losses of up to $300,000. In addition to these shocking statistics there are recorded losses from self-reporting romance fraud victims who contacted WA ScamNet at Consumer Protection – that adds up to about $900,000 in a year. It’s just the tip of the iceberg though – money going to places like Malaysia, the UK, Canada and the US hasn’t been examined yet. Due to the scale of the problem, what started as a police operation has matured into a long term partnership and collaboration between the Major Fraud Squad and Consumer Protection and has been appropriately renamed ‘Project Sunbird’. Sunbird is about intervention. Victims who repeatedly send large amounts of money to places like Ghana, Nigeria or Sierra Leone are notified that they are caught up in a fraud. They inevitably find it extremely difficult to accept that the person they have been conversing with, over email and phone for months or sometimes even years, is a con artist. It is useful for them to hear it from two Government agencies and to access support offered by both. Further personal support services for victims are also being sourced. If you or someone you know has begun a relationship with a person overseas after meeting on an internet dating or social networking website, you have not met them face to face and that person requests money, it will likely be a fraud. Don’t be fooled by claims that the cash is needed to help out in an emergency situation, to fund an investment opportunity or to pay for an airfare to come to WA. Also be aware that the person running the fraud may not represent themselves as being West African; they may pretend to be Australian, English, American or some other nationality. WA ScamNet’s top tips to avoid relationship fraud: Do not respond to out-of-the-blue social media messages from strangers, such as a friend request on Facebook. Walpole Weekly Be on your guard if someone you meet on an online dating site asks you to take the conversation over to email or instant messaging. Be wary of overseas-based singles especially if they confess their love for you after a short amount of time or want to know about your financial status. Remember that just because someone shares personal photos does not mean the pictures are of them – scammers often steal other people’s photos. Don’t be fooled into thinking that talking to somebody on the phone means you know them and that they are who they say there are. Be concerned if a person refuses to chat real-time via a webcam and be mindful that even Skype is not scammer proof – watch out for pre-recorded videos. Alarm bells should ring if someone you do not know personally (have met face-to-face) requests money, particularly by a wire transfer service such as Western Union or even direct bank transfers, which could be going to an account set up with a stolen identity. Anyone who has lost money in a relationship fraud should be very wary of secondary scam attempts e.g. offers of scam compensation from law enforcement or government agencies. THIS WEEK’S SPECIALS Beer Carlton Cold Stubbies - $43.99/ctn Carlton Mid Stubbies - $40.99/ctn Corona Stubbies - $53.99/ctn Miller Genuine Draft Stubbies - $44.99/block XXXX Gold Cans - $42.99/block Hahn Super Dry 3.5 Stubbies - $39.99/ctn Budweiser stubbies - $50.99/ctn Spirits Kahlua - $27.99 Smirnoff Vodka - $36.99 Bundy Rum - $36.99 Vodka Cruiser 4pk bottles 2 for $28 Wild Turkey 5% 4pk bottles - $19.99 Yellowglen Vintage Sparkling - $14.99 Walpole Hotel/ Motel Coke 2Lt – 2 for $10 Op en 7 day s a w ee k Phone: (08)9840 1023 April 24th, 2013 — 17 Police figures compiled between May 2012 and January 2013 have shown that more than $11million has been sent to scammers in recent times (some transactions date back to 2011 even though they were discovered in the last few months). There are individual losses of up to $300,000. In addition to these shocking statistics there are recorded losses from self-reporting romance fraud victims who contacted WA ScamNet at Consumer Protection – that adds up to about $900,000 in a year. It’s just the tip of the iceberg though – money going to places like Malaysia, the UK, Canada and the US hasn’t been examined yet. Due to the scale of the problem, what started as a police operation has matured into a long term partnership and collaboration between the Major Fraud Squad and Consumer Protection and has been appropriately renamed ‘Project Sunbird’. Sunbird is about intervention. Victims who repeatedly send large amounts of money to places like Ghana, Nigeria or Sierra Leone are notified that they are caught up in a fraud. They inevitably find it extremely difficult to accept that the person they have been conversing with, over email and phone for months or sometimes even years, is a con artist. It is useful for them to hear it from two Government agencies and to access support offered by both. Further personal support services for victims are also being sourced. If you or someone you know has begun a relationship with a person overseas after meeting on an internet dating or social networking website, you have not met them face to face and that person requests money, it will likely be a fraud. Don’t be fooled by claims that the cash is needed to help out in an emergency situation, to fund an investment opportunity or to pay for an airfare to come to WA. Also be aware that the person running the fraud may not represent themselves as being West African; they may pretend to be Australian, English, American or some other nationality. WA ScamNet’s top tips to avoid relationship fraud: Do not respond to out-of-the-blue social media messages from strangers, such as a friend request on Facebook. Walpole Weekly Be on your guard if someone you meet on an online dating site asks you to take the conversation over to email or instant messaging. Be wary of overseas-based singles especially if they confess their love for you after a short amount of time or want to know about your financial status. Remember that just because someone shares personal photos does not mean the pictures are of them – scammers often steal other people’s photos. Don’t be fooled into thinking that talking to somebody on the phone means you know them and that they are who they say there are. Be concerned if a person refuses to chat real-time via a webcam and be mindful that even Skype is not scammer proof – watch out for pre-recorded videos. Alarm bells should ring if someone you do not know personally (have met face-to-face) requests money, particularly by a wire transfer service such as Western Union or even direct bank transfers, which could be going to an account set up with a stolen identity. Anyone who has lost money in a relationship fraud should be very wary of secondary scam attempts e.g. offers of scam compensation from law enforcement or government agencies. THIS WEEK’S SPECIALS Beer Carlton Cold Stubbies - $43.99/ctn Carlton Mid Stubbies - $40.99/ctn Corona Stubbies - $53.99/ctn Miller Genuine Draft Stubbies - $44.99/block XXXX Gold Cans - $42.99/block Hahn Super Dry 3.5 Stubbies - $39.99/ctn Budweiser stubbies - $50.99/ctn Spirits Kahlua - $27.99 Smirnoff Vodka - $36.99 Bundy Rum - $36.99 Vodka Cruiser 4pk bottles 2 for $28 Wild Turkey 5% 4pk bottles - $19.99 Yellowglen Vintage Sparkling - $14.99 Walpole Hotel Motel Coke 2Lt – 2 for $10 Op en 7 day s a w ee k Phone: (08)9840 10 April 24th, 2013 — 17 Lower South West Football League Great Southern Football League It was an unfortunate Day on Sunday for Denmark-Walpole Magpies. After League had great start last week they have been knocked back down. The U17s started the day with only two goal scorers for the side Ethan Burton and Jordan Murphy. With terrible windy weather it was a difficult game with the team not firing up. Later on in the day ex Royals player Dylan Morgan kicked two goals along with Jordan Rolt however this was not enough to win the game. Lets hope the Boys can get up next week when they play Mt Barker at home on Saturday. U17s play at 8:45am, Colts at 10:15am, Reserves at 12 and League at 2:10pm. Sharks play Royals and Railways play Kangas on Sunday. Mt Barker Railways League 9.10-64 8.19-67 Reserves 16.13-109 2.6-18 Colts 2.3-15 11.16-82 U17s 10.12-72 7.6-48 Royals Magpies League 17.13-115 8.3-51 Reserves 7.7-49 Colts U17s The Walpole Weekly will now be including the results from the LSWFL. If anyone has feedback regarding games feel free to email it in by 12 noon Monday. Imperials Tigers League 11.6-72 18.15-123 Reserves 3.3-21 26.15-171 Colts 6.7-43 19.14-128 Kojonup Boyup Brook 16.13-109 12.13-85 League Reserves Colts 5.4-34 17.19-121 Southerners Bridgetown 25.17-167 2.3-15 Lower South West Football League Great Southern Football League It was an unfortunate Day on Sunday for Denmark-Walpole Magpies. After League had great start last week they have been knocked back down. The U17s started the day with only two goal scorers for the side Ethan Burton and Jordan Murphy. With terrible windy weather it was a difficult game with the team not firing up. Later on in the day ex Royals player Dylan Morgan kicked two goals along with Jordan Rolt however this was not enough to win the game. Lets hope the Boys can get up next week when they play Mt Barker at home on Saturday. U17s play at 8:45am, Colts at 10:15am, Reserves at 12 and League at 2:10pm. Sharks play Royals and Railways play Kangas on Sunday. Mt Barker Railways League 9.10-64 8.19-67 Reserves 16.13-109 2.6-18 Colts 2.3-15 11.16-82 U17s 10.12-72 7.6-48 Royals Magpies League 17.13-115 8.3-51 6.4-40 Reserves 7.7-49 6.4-40 17.17-119 4.3-27 Colts 17.17-119 4.3-27 7.12-54 2.4-16 U17s 7.12-54 2.4-16 Sharks Kangas Sharks Kangas League 7.7-49 30.14-194 League 7.7-49 30.14-194 Reserves 4.5-29 18.11-119 Reserves 4.5-29 18.11-119 Colts 5.10-40 12.7-79 Colts 5.10-40 12.7-79 U17s 7.4-46 10.10-70 U17s 7.4-46 10.10-70 9840 1777 Will be closed for holidays from April 27th. Re-opening May 6th. Mothers Day Gift Packs available, come in and spoil your mum. April 24th, 2013 — 18 League Reserves 8.12-60 2.7-19 Colts 5.4-34 17.19-121 BYE: Deanmill Tuesday Nights -Pool Competition Friday Nights -Happy Hour with bar snacks 5.30 - 6.30pm. -Chase the ACE $150 drawn at 7pm. Sunday Carvery -All you can eat buffet $25.95. Children under 13 $16.95. Restaurant open 5.30 - 8.30pm The Walpole Weekly will now be including the results from the LSWFL. If anyone has feedback regarding games feel free to email it in by 12 noon Monday. Imperials Tigers League 11.6-72 18.15-123 Reserves 3.3-21 26.15-171 Colts 6.7-43 19.14-128 Kojonup Boyup Brook 16.13-109 12.13-85 5.4-34 17.19-121 Southerners Bridgetown League 25.17-167 2.3-15 Reserves 8.12-60 2.7-19 Colts 5.4-34 17.19-121 League Reserves Colts BYE: Deanmill Tuesday Nights -Pool Competition Friday Nights -Happy Hour with bar snacks 5.30 - 6.30pm. -Chase the ACE $150 drawn at 7pm. Sunday Carvery -All you can eat buffet $25.95. Children under 13 $16.95. Restaurant open 5.30 - 8.30pm ANZAC Day ANZAC Day -Two-up commencing at 2pm -Two-up commencing at 2pm This Saturday, April 27th -BIG MEN WORKING 8 til late This Saturday, April 27th -BIG MEN WORKING 8 til late Walpole Hotel/ Motel Op e n 7 d a y s a w e e k Phone: (08)9840 1023 Walpole Weekly 9840 1777 Will be closed for holidays from April 27th. Re-opening May 6th. Mothers Day Gift Packs available, come in and spoil your mum. April 24th, 2013 — 18 Walpole Hotel/ Motel Op e n 7 d a y s a w e e k Phone: (08)9840 102 Walpole Weekly SPORTS RESULTS Golf Results Scroungers Golf Notes Stableford - 4 hole double up Winner Runner-up Third Birdies Best 3rd NTP Long putt Best Chip T Ireland A Barrington G Peck G Peck E Tindale M Hull T Ireland C Burton C Burton G Becker 43 points 37 points 36 points #10 #15 #12 #10 #13 #9 #18 Mixed Golf 1 pm 25 April. Reminder that Scroungers will be on Wednesday the 1st of May not Tuesday the 30th of April. Ladies Golf Result Marlene Bidwell Trophy – Stableford Winner Runner up NTP Long Putt V Tippett R Hatfield M Bidwell H Anderson 39 points 38 points #17 #17 Next Thursday 25/04/2013 – Anzac Day 9 hole Mixed Golf at 1.00pm. Tuesday 30/04/2013 Ladies Pennants, Wednesday 01/05/2013 Scroungers Bowls Results Ladies Captains Trophy Winner N Fleay Ladies Darts Results Matches played 16th April Walpole Blue Wrens 6 def Raven Lunatics 5 Night Owls 6 def Hotel Larks 5 Magpies 6 def Beach Shags 5 Highest Peg Highest Score K Wimpenny K Wimpenny Ladder Walpole Blue Wrens Night Owls Ravens Beach Shags Magpies Hotel Larks 76 134 39 35 30 30 25 17 Please note: there will be a special delegates meeting for the 7th May. Two representatives of each team must attend or points will be deducted. Walpole Weekly SPORTS RESULTS Denmark’s annual Motorcycle enduro Golf Results Denmark motorcycle club are holding the annual off-road motorcycle enduro this coming Saturday, 27th April in & around the forests north of Walpole. Starting from Rest Point Holiday Village, the course consists of a 90 km loop through the Keystone, Swarbrick & Dawson forest blocks. Working with DEC & Watercorp, as well as Gunns & WAPRES timber plantations, the course has been marked out to avoid environmentally sensitive areas & minimise disturbance to residence as much as possible. There will be some road closures mainly in the Keystone area, Angove rd & several other minor forestry roads. The course also crosses Gardiner, Hull & Hunter rd, and there will be caution signs in place for both riders & local traffic. In it’s 38 year history the Denmark motorcycle club has established itself as a much valued player in the WA off-road racing scene, with this event now being a state championship round in the lead up to the National 4-day championship to be held at Harvey in July. With about 100 competitors expected for the event, and the spectacular setting of Rest Point as the start/ finish area, many families stay make a holiday out of it, staying for a few days either side of the event. The Denmark motorcycle club would like to thank the generous land owners who have given access to their private property to allow this event to run. Also the DEC who have spent much time & resources to see the event complies with their environmental guidelines. For more information or enquiries , please phone Richard Williams, DMCC, 0429 442252 or DEC 98400400 SITUATION VACANT Casual Cleaner required Please call in and leave your cv with Deb or Ronne at the Walpole Hotel CLEANER / CARETAKER NEEDED! The owners of Hydrangea Cottage in Nornalup are seeking a person to take care of cleaning at the cottage between short stay rentals. The busiest time of Dec-Jan and April school holidays, with other rentals scattered throughout the year. Please contact Shereen on 0407-993-621 or Shereen.jolly@dunbarharper.com April 24th, 2013 — 19 Scroungers Golf Notes Stableford - 4 hole double up Winner Runner-up Third Birdies Best 3rd NTP Long putt Best Chip T Ireland A Barrington G Peck G Peck E Tindale M Hull T Ireland C Burton C Burton G Becker 43 points 37 points 36 points #10 #15 #12 #10 #13 #9 #18 Mixed Golf 1 pm 25 April. Reminder that Scroungers will be on Wednesday the 1st of May not Tuesday the 30th of April. Ladies Golf Result Marlene Bidwell Trophy – Stableford Winner Runner up NTP Long Putt V Tippett R Hatfield M Bidwell H Anderson 39 points 38 points #17 #17 Next Thursday 25/04/2013 – Anzac Day 9 hole Mixed Golf at 1.00pm. Tuesday 30/04/2013 Ladies Pennants, Wednesday 01/05/2013 Scroungers Bowls Results Ladies Captains Trophy Winner N Fleay Ladies Darts Results Matches played 16th April Walpole Blue Wrens 6 def Raven Lunatics 5 Night Owls 6 def Hotel Larks 5 Magpies 6 def Beach Shags 5 Highest Peg Highest Score K Wimpenny K Wimpenny Ladder Walpole Blue Wrens Night Owls Ravens Beach Shags Magpies Hotel Larks 76 134 39 35 30 30 25 17 Please note: there will be a special delegates meeting for the 7th May. Two representatives of each team must attend or points will be deducted. Walpole Weekly Denmark’s annual Motorcycle enduro Denmark motorcycle club are holding the annual off-road motorcycle enduro this coming Saturday, 27th April in & around the forests north of Walpole. Starting from Rest Point Holiday Village, the course consists of a 90 km loop through the Keystone, Swarbrick & Dawson forest blocks. Working with DEC & Watercorp, as well as Gunns & WAPRES timber plantations, the course has been marked out to avoid environmentally sensitive areas & minimise disturbance to residence as much as possible. There will be some road closures mainly in the Keystone area, Angove rd & several other minor forestry roads. The course also crosses Gardiner, Hull & Hunter rd, and there will be caution signs in place for both riders & local traffic. In it’s 38 year history the Denmark motorcycle club has established itself as a much valued player in the WA off-road racing scene, with this event now being a state championship round in the lead up to the National 4-day championship to be held at Harvey in July. With about 100 competitors expected for the event, and the spectacular setting of Rest Point as the start/ finish area, many families stay make a holiday out of it, staying for a few days either side of the event. The Denmark motorcycle club would like to thank the generous land owners who have given access to their private property to allow this event to run. Also the DEC who have spent much time & resources to see the event complies with their environmental guidelines. For more information or enquiries , please phone Richard Williams, DMCC, 0429 442252 or DEC 98400400 SITUATION VACANT Casual Cleaner required Please call in and leave your cv with Deb or Ronne at the Walpole Hotel CLEANER / CARETAKER NEEDED! The owners of Hydrangea Cottage in Nornalup are seeking a person to take care of cleaning at the cottage between short stay rentals. The busiest time of Dec-Jan and April school holidays, with other rentals scattered throughout the year. Please contact Shereen on 0407-993-621 or Shereen.jolly@dunbarharper.com April 24th, 2013 — 19 BRAD PIERCE Kerry Halse 0427 482 437 A/hrs Ph/Fax 9848 2437 Mob 0428 927 158 Ph/Fx : 08 9848 3191 Email : g.s.concreting@bigpond.com HOUSE Slabs Verandahs Driveways sheds Exposed Aggregate HONED/GROUND CONCRETE Brick paving PO Box 434 Denmark wa 6333 WALPOLE CONCRETE SUPPLIES and EARTHMOVING SERVICE Pre-mix concrete Sand, Gravel carting Site works, house & shed pads, driveways Back hoe, bobcat, loader and grader hire Blue metal and metal dust available. Block and Firebreak slashing Contact Nigel Fry Phone 9840 1626 - Mobile 0419 948 072 BRAD PIERCE Kerry Halse 0427 482 437 A/hrs Ph/Fax 9848 2437 ABN: 56 925 355 168 22T Excavator & D6 LGP Dozer Phone: Rusty0427 000 983 Email: 2rusty@iinet.net.au FREEZER—CHILLER—GENERAL FREIGHT Pre-mix concrete Sand, Gravel carting Site works, house & shed pads, driveways Back hoe, bobcat, loader and grader hire Blue metal and metal dust available. Block and Firebreak slashing Contact Nigel Fry Phone 9840 1626 - Mobile 0419 948 072 Phone: Rusty0427 000 983 Email: 2rusty@iinet.net.au FREEZER—CHILLER—GENERAL FREIGHT 9840 8141 0429 850 917 SERVICING PERTH—MANJIMUP—ALBANY—BUNBURY All Transport Enquiries to: Peter - 0427 973 655 Kylie - 0428 761 263 Peter - 0427 973 655 Kylie - 0428 761 263 PERTH DEPOT 455 Belmont Avenue KEWDALE WA 6105 PH: (08) 9353 5350 WALPOLE DEPOT 7 Miguel Place (Next to Walpole Concrete) PH/FAX: (08) 9840 1374 17-21 Cockburn Rd PO Box 5628 Albany WA 6332 Ph: 9842 1533 Fax: 9842 1833 www.rainbowft.com.au Walpole Weekly 9840 8141 0429 850 917 PERTH DEPOT 455 Belmont Avenue KEWDALE WA 6105 PH: (08) 9353 5350 17-21 Cockburn Rd PO Box 5628 Albany WA 6332 Ph: 9842 1533 Fax: 9842 1833 www.rainbowft.com.au Your suppliers for Timber Roof Trusses & Wall Frames April 24th, 2013 — 20 ABN: 56 925 355 168 22T Excavator & D6 LGP Dozer HP & LJ All Transport Enquiries to: WALPOLE DEPOT 7 Miguel Place (Next to Walpole Concrete) PH/FAX: (08) 9840 1374 g.s.concreting@bigpond.com HOUSE Slabs Verandahs Driveways sheds Exposed Aggregate HONED/GROUND CONCRETE Brick paving PO Box 434 Denmark wa 6333 WALPOLE CONCRETE SUPPLIES and EARTHMOVING SERVICE HP & LJ SERVICING PERTH—MANJIMUP—ALBANY—BUNBURY Mob 0428 927 158 Ph/Fx : 08 9848 3191 Email : Your suppliers for Timber Roof Trusses & Wall Frames April 24th, 2013 — 20 Walpole Weekly ROTEC ELECTRICS ROTEC ELECTRICS Rod Gittos Rod Gittos EC 005112 EC 005112 64 Latham Avenue Walpole, 6398. 64 Latham Avenue Walpole, 6398. Mobile 0427 984 071 Mobile 0427 984 071 Digital TV—Satellite—Installation and service Domestic—Rural—Commercial—Industrial Appliance Repairs—All Electrical Work BOW BRIDGE EARTHWORKS Digital TV—Satellite—Installation and service Domestic—Rural—Commercial—Industrial Appliance Repairs—All Electrical Work BOW BRIDGE EARTHWORKS Servicing Walpole to Kent River. Servicing Walpole to Kent River. Clearing of Building Envelopes, Parklands & Fencelines. Clearing of Building Envelopes, Parklands & Fencelines. Phone Kim Smith: 9840 8052 Phone Kim Smith: 9840 8052 PICTURE FRAMING PICTURE FRAMING Gravel & Sand Supply. Building Site Preparation. Driveways & Sand Pads. Incorporating the best design options with a large range of mouldings, matboards and styles PROFESSIONAL PICTURE FRAMERS GIVING YOU FRIENDLY ADVICE FOR ALL YOUR FRAMING NEEDS & COMPETITIVE PRICES DENMARK ENGRAVING & GIFTS 81 STRICKLAND STREET, DENMARK (Between BankWest & Nursery) Walpole Weekly 98482800 Gravel & Sand Supply. Building Site Preparation. Driveways & Sand Pads. Sales Service Aircon Specialists ARC AU18684 FOR ALL ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS & REPAIR WORK •Domestic • Commercial • Rural • Industrial EC 6877 Obligation free quotes Ph 9848 2026 Fax 9848 2212 E advancepower@westnet.com.au April 24th, 2013 — 21 Incorporating the best design options with a large range of mouldings, matboards and styles PROFESSIONAL PICTURE FRAMERS GIVING YOU FRIENDLY ADVICE FOR ALL YOUR FRAMING NEEDS & COMPETITIVE PRICES DENMARK ENGRAVING & GIFTS 81 STRICKLAND STREET, DENMARK (Between BankWest & Nursery) Walpole Weekly 98482800 Sales Service Aircon Specialists ARC AU18684 FOR ALL ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS & REPAIR WORK •Domestic • Commercial • Rural • Industrial EC 6877 Obligation free quotes Ph 9848 2026 Fax 9848 2212 E advancepower@westnet.com.au April 24th, 2013 — 21 April 24th, 2013 — 22 Walpole Weekly April 24th, 2013 — 22 Walpole Weekly
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