WMIiWitf nil! _i lUllmi THE DAILY ARGUS, MOUNT VERNON, N . Y., TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1942 Dr. Hardy Says State Aid Cut 40 Register For Air Corps For Schools Would Be 'Brutal' At Cade^lRally Telh Westchealer Hostess Program It Would Defense Stamps 'Victory Our 1942 Watchword' House Leaders Sold By Boys Says New Italian Civic Head Get Free Hand Total $15,000 On Price Bill Officials S e e Society and Ladies' Newspaper Carriers Set Install Auxiliary N e w Leaders Raise Taxtes or Force Down Teachers' Salary President Urges Committee to. Choose the Best Law Possible 200 Youths, Parents Hear Program Outlined by Elks, Army Leaders ployes' salaries, "a cruel and brutal procedure in times like these," Dr. H. Claude Hardy, Superintendent of Before an audience composed of Home-Delivery Drive White Plains Schools, said yestercity officials and former leaders of day afternoon over Station WFAS. the Italian Civic Association. AnWASHINGTON, (AP)—Members < A 'Keep 'Em Flying" rally at Wrtritoutors of The Daily Argus Speaking on the Westchester thony R. T i e d marked his induc- of the House Banking Committee s*s sold more than $15,000 worth Hostess Program, of which Betty i, A. B. Davis High School last night, 10-cent defense stamps In the tion as president of the I.C.A. last said today President Roosevelt gave Patterson is director, Dr. Hardy a p attended by more than 200 young six weeks of their campaign pealed to his listeners t o make night at I.C.A. Hall, Fifth Avenue them a "free hand" with the conmen and their parents, was climaxed promote regular "at-the-door" every effort to protect the Friedsam and North Street, by declaring "our troversial price control bill a t a when 40 youths took out application White House conference. ifcaxjhasf*, it was announced today Act, the legal basis for state aid to watchword for 1840 will be victory." blank* for enrollment in the U. B. Chairman Steagal, ( D ) , Ala., said W T t o E Fris, Argus circulation public schools. H e urged .the radio Mr. Tucci called on member of Flying Cadet Corps. manager audience to attend the Westchester the group to •'rahy to the cause of the President "recommended we get and we said The newspaper boys volunteered to be held throughout the Sponsored by the Mount Vernon our country and put the I.C.A. a t the best bill we could, Say Freezing of Sales Forums s we would." 4o aid the Treasury Department at county next week. Lodge of Elks, the rally centered the front in every activity to achieve But as to the controversial prot h e request of Henry Morgenthau, Will Kill Business Mrs. Clarence Whitehill of Scars- taround an exposition of the cadet victory." vision bearing on farm prices, Mr. Jr., Secretary of the Treasury, and dale, president of the Westchester program by Lieutenant Frank. H. "I say this organization, despite Steagall offered no hint as to what servo without pay. They have been WASHINGTON, (AP)—Organized Nursery School Council, explained O'Neill. U. S. Army Recruiting its name, is American in every the President expected. designated Special Defense Agents Service, and talks by School Superautomobile dealers told a House the courses in emergency care of sense. Our members arf doing every• n d wear a distinguishing badge. Representative W o l c o t t , (R.), the pre-school child the council now intendent William H. Martin and Committee today government orthing they can to be of constructive Mich., said the President wanted to 58,006 Said Last Week sponsors. She. stressed the imporMaurice Childs, vice-principal a t service to our country. When we of- help farmers all he could and yet ders curtailing production of auto- tance to democracy of early instill: More than 50,000 stamps were Davis.. fered the use oi our building in eold last week alone, Indicating keep prices within reasonable * "We must have planes, 0 Mr. mobiles and freesing sales of cars ing i n children an understanding ANTHONY TUCCI this emergency, we meant to serve; bounds and not stir up dissension. ifeat the convenience of the homeChilds declared, "and we must have and trucks constituted a death sen- of democratic living. New president of Italian Civic when we ask members to buy bonds delivery plan is increasing in popu- Association. It was Mr. Wolcott who said the young men t oflythem. We must tence for their business, unless (International News Photo) . . With industry calling on women to meet the cost of achieving viclarity week by week. Free stamp Chief Executive had not put the have two assembly lines converging THE MARCH OF DIMES CAMfor defense work, t h e trained tory we want them to respond; albums with space for 187 stamps Congressional delegation "on the PAIGN begins as Mrs. Frank- at one spot. From one line will relief is provided. workers the council provides will b e when we pledge allegiance to our Their case was presented by Ray.able to care for the children, she are supplied to purchasers upon respot" and had given it a free hand. lin D . Roosevelt drops a 50-cent come a large number of planes of flag we do it with the same spirit quest. Earlier well - informed Congres- piece in the bottle for the State all types. From the other will Chamberlain, of Washington, ex- said. She offered council services i n of love and loyalty which is manisional sources predicted Mr. Roose- of New York. The drive is held come men capable of flying these ecutive vice-president of the Na- organizing courses and providing Large orders from Individual fested by any other American velt would ask the conferees to- every year as a birthday tribute planes. And as the two lines con- tional Automobile Dealers Associa- teachers for any group with a n e n - , purchasers are handled especially citizen. We will leave no stone untion, as the special House committo the President, proceeds going by employes of the Argus, and the turned to help bring victory to our day to strive for elimination of two to t h e fight against Infantile verge, they will point to a huge ' V tee created to study problems of rolment of 25 members. Senate approved provisions which that means nothing short of vic•ale is credited t o the newspaper Enrolments should be made, Mrs. beloved United States. Our watchsmall business opened its hearings. Whitehill said, with local defense tory." boy who secured the order. D e f e n s e W o r k H o l d s U p word for 1842 will be victory", Mr. the Administration considers unde- paralysis. Mr. Chamberlain suggested the councils, since .the. .Nursery School sirable. Dr. Martin praised the Elks for The leading boy stamp salesmen F o r m a t i o n o f A u x i l i a r y Tucci said. . their patriotic work, commending government permit delivery of all Council functions under the West- >>\ One of these would invest Agriand their total sales of 10-cent The new president was installed culture Secretary Wickard with the program they are how sponsor- bona fide orders dated prior t o Chester Defease :©oiuj.cilr* stamps through last Saturday are ing to conjunction with other Jan. 1; that if new car prices are Organization of an adult auxiliary by Supervisor Ralphael A. Carretta, virtual veto power over any price John Heer, 15,821; Walter Bonn, lodges of the organization through- frozen, a formula providing for a 10.553; Jerry Oberlander, 5.713; for the Mount Vernon Girl Scouts past president, who also inducted ceilings set for farm products. out the country, and said the United handling charge and a freight mark Robin Epstein, 5235; Rudy Pica, will be postponed indefinitely be- the slate of the Women's Auxiliary The second unwelcome provision headed by Mrs. Joseph Impara, is the stipulation which would perStates is prepared with raw mate- up be used; that prices be fixed t o 3,861; Phillip Cancellier, 3,886; rials and ingenuity to build the enable dealers to "retrieve a fair Donald Rhynas, 3,604; Donald cause of the numerous defense president. mit prices of farm products to rise return" for handling, and that all war equipment it must have. Department Prepares Hlmebaugh, 3,488; Steven Griffiths, courses and meetings being held, it Other speakers were School Board to 120 percent of parity before any Lee W. Rivers, past exalted ruler cars and trucks produced except 3,378. was announced yesterday a t a President Frank J. Nardozzi, past ceiling could be imposed. To Meet Emergencies and chairman of the Elks national those for military service be hanOther Boys In Lead monthly luncheon meeting of the president, and other past presidents defense committee, announced that dled through dealers regardless of including Dante Crisonino, John Others are Norman Ruschin, Girl Scout Council. Tests of every valve box and fire as soon as a sufficient number of their ultimate destination. Mosca, David Scarpino, Andrew 3333; William Norden. 2,636; Richhydrant i n the city to make cer- young m e n have filed applications The session was held at the home Musiello and Charles G. Sposato. He further proposed that a n cars ard Scrofani, 2,580; Edward Goodtain they will function to event of for refresher courses, these will be requisitioned or purchased by the man, 2,337; Fred Maus, 2,318; Wil- of Mrs. Herbert Snyder, 34 MillingGuests were Joseph Ferone, Eastan emergency are being made by started in Mount Vernon. Through Government from dealers be purlard Robinson, 2,313; John Patrick, ton Street. Mrs. T. C. Taylor, com- chester Town Councilman, and City the Water Department, Superin- these courses, h e explained, young chased at full list price; that the 3313; Alfred Petrick, 2,140, and Roy missioner, presided. Clerk John Dooling, Comptroller tendent t o w a r d informed Mayor men who have insufficient school Government pay the cost of financBachman, 2,127. John Lynn, Denton Pearsall, Jr., qualifications for the corps may be ing, insuring and storing all cars William H. Hussey today. Mrs. George Percy was named Aldermen John K. Miller, David According t o the circulation deCharles Irwin Heads prepared to become Flying Cadets. and trucks by dealers after Jan. 1, There are approximately 2,800 partment, the boy volunteers are chairman for the annual meeting Conn, P. Raymond Sirignano and George Donaldson, exalted ruler, until liquidated or released; that valve boxes where water can be shut St. Ursula's Society glad to accept orders for regular and dinner to be held i n March. Aldermanic President William Alloft*, Mr. Wolbert said, and "in order outlined the national program i n the Government agree to purchase weekly delivery of any quantity of Mrs. R. B . Mather Was named a man. City Democratic Chairman which 1,400 Elks lodges are c o .stamps, even one 10-cent stamp a Charles McEhtee also was present, Charles G. Irwin was installed as that all valves on the pipe system operating. This program, h e said, at retail prices all vehicles frozen or new member of the council. can be gotten at quickly to turn subject to rationing which may be Week. As part of their pledge to the and messages of congratulation Were president and Ronald G. Sidley as Council members attending yes- received from Mayor William H. vice-president of St. Ursula's Holy off water in case of an emergency was undertaken after consultation tendered by dealers on or after July Treasury Department, they agree to sell stamps to anyone on their terday's meeting were; Mrs. Paul Hussey, City Judge Jacob A. Bern- Name Society at St. Ursula's Church we are having every box examined with the Adjutant General's office. 1, and that n o restriction be placed Motion pictures of Flying Cadets on the saie of hearses, ambulances, route territories — subscribers or Jeanne, Mrs. G. Ricker Gowen, Mrs. stein and Acting City Judge last night. Also inducted were Wil- and cleaned." were shown, and George I. Atwell town cars, limousines, and conThere are 1,020 hydrants in the Harry Grigg, Mrs. John W. Guilday, Thomas A. McKennell. Manlio Sev- liam J, Canty, Sr., secretary, and turn-subscribers alike. sang the National Anthem. system, and these are being examvertible cars or trucks that are not Purchasers may change their Mrs. John MacLaren, Mrs. Charles erino, chairman ot the Installation William J. Devlin, treasurer. ined and repaired wherever necesstandard units. weekly order or cancel it entirely, McKenna, Mrs. Edwin A. Honig, committee, presided. Committee appointments included sary, Mr. Wolbert added. Miss Billie Aichele, Mrs. Taylor, If they wish, by advising the boyThe Largest Fleet of Winter Trains m Invocation was pronounced by the William J. Canty, publicity; James Mr. Wolbert also announced offers your greatest choice of Pullman * salesman before Wednesday eve- Mrs. Snyder, Mrs. George Percy, Rev. Joseph Montagna, pastor of D. Connor, sick committee; James sprinkler systems in commercial sad de luxe coach services, modern ning of the week of delivery. and Miss Albertha Youker, director. of Mount Carmel Church. D. Connor, ushers; William G. Maland factory buildings also are betravel i n n o v a t i o n s , fast s c h e d u l e s , conlory, John Shea and William J. ing examined. venient departures and arrivals. • Devlin, social committee; John SoThe department also is making NEW YORK—An estate, valued at bek, Jr., chairman, Ara Cambere, FINE TRAINS DAILY Comptroller John Lynn handled Dr. O. O. Peterson Richard F, certain of where materials can be $114,486.62 gross and $112,461.60 net purchases valued a t $99,53574 for From Ptnmihtnia Simile*, Hem York secured in an emergency, Mr. Wolwas left by Mrs. Mary Hope RanPeterson and Nicholas Cuzzi, enRMHM SKCttl* ( E M t e M t ) ^ "Aristocrat of bert said. som of Pelham Manor when she City departments, excluding W.P.A. Winter Train*." JJtJj . ficaton. All-Pullman, WHITE PLAINS -r- The first air tertainment; Ronald G. Sidley and orders during 1941, a report submitdied April 2, according to a report Ditsd-powered. New Alter Khedule-oniy 24 Lynn Davidson, co-chairmen, and hour* New York-Miimi! Lv». 1 : » P.M. wardens' course since the declarafiled today by James J. Fleming, ted t o Mayor William H. Hussey FlOmtM SPECIAL* (Waal Co«*t)-Pul!m»r, aa4 tion; of war brought 1,350 persons Andrew Musiello, Colin Chisholm showed today. 4-,,\ Westchester Estate Tax Appraiser. v de luxe coach companion train serving -Central, to White Plains high school audi- and Daniel McKefr, membership, Mr. Lynn submitted, to the chief The decedent owned stock and South and West Coast Florida. Lvs. 2 : 0 i P.M. and Mr. Conner, welfare committee. torium last nigMV «?;* bonds valued at -$34,127.32, and also executive a breakdown showing the flORtOA SFfCIM.* (taatnn Tfaililiijli.. Snetion) ? The Rev. Dr. John E. DowniJ Sponsored by the Westchester Dehad $1,272.13 In cash, personal and Public Works Department topped Through Pullmans from New England to all ~ ,' fense Council the course which be- moderator, discussed t h e parish l"Vwb Mount "Vernon students of miscellaneous property totaling $77,- the purchasing list a t $81,163.46. Florida; Washington and Miami. fore the war attracted from 200 to census to be undertaken by the so- the1 Traphagen School of Fashion in 121.87, including $72,271.87 to insur- Other purchases were City Hall of- • Added vacation pleasure* en route 1 The only cars in the world, with 250 wardens will consist of two ciety. A committee including Father; New York City were commended ance, and trust accounts of $1,- fices and Welfare Center, 15,178,25; Recreation-Entertainment music, games, hostesJu.are featured on the threa Downs, Mr. Irwin, Mr. Canty, Mr. Florida Specials more lectures to be given tonight Police Department, $6,892.60; Fire last week at^two fashion shows - for 964.70. In providing a high-charactered funeral service, profesCSWNPI0N--A1! -coach streamliner so Floe- * and Thursday night. Examinations Conor and Mr. Devlin, will repre- costumes'they designed for defense The report states her husband, Department, $11,864.88, and Recrea- TSg »da. 2} boon I D Miami. U s . 3:20 P.M. sional preparations of a high order, faultless direction, will be held in the home localities sent the society at a special meet- w o r k . tion Commission, $4,426.46. former Judge William L Ransom ~ - " -•"•• VACATIONER —Super de luxe all-coach train. under the supervision of the local ing of the Archdiocesan Union of furnishings of recognized worth and modem facilities Purchases for W.P.A. projects are 2JVi hour* to Miami. Lrs. Mi i \ M . of 65 Rockledge Drive, "has reMiss Effie Graves, daughter of Mr. councils which sent persons.to the the Holy Name Societies Sunday, and Mrs. Charles Grave, 328 South nounced all interest in the estate, handled mainly by the Board of HAVANA SPECIAL—Through are all essential factors, Feb. 1 at the Cathedral High School course. Pullmans to all F i o r i n a . First Avenue, was awarded second with the result it is divided equally Estimate which controls all orders in New York City, for ratification Nearly all taking the present C o a c h e s . Through sleeper i prize at the fashion show. She de- among two sons, William L. Ran- over $50. Details of the W.P.A. acThurs. Thomasville, Ga. Lvs. course come from White Plains, of a revised constitution. quisitions will not be known unsom, Jr., and Robert C. Ransigned a tailored one-piece dress of The quality of both professional service and mrwchan10:15 PM. unincorporated Greenburgh, Scarsboth of the above address, til the City's financial report is navy blue denim with side-fastened som, S A JJKTT0Uarra-Serrjng the Middise am he expertly assayed by mortuary experts by dale, Eastchester and New Rochelle. % closing and huge divided front and two daughters, Mary L. Ran- prepared later in the month. South. Through Pullmans to Wilmington, <j£ N . C , Charleston, S. C . Savannah and som, also of 65 Rockledge Drive, observation and examination. The layman, however, can pockets. {.* Augusta. Ga. Coaches. Lvs. 2:3} P.M. and Dorothy- R. Fairfax of 442 the , Miss Lois Them duaghter of Mr. best lodge funeral quality and value by the established Struct it all fUrida E*st C04U paint! 4 and Mrs. Louis E. Them, 384 Collins Esplanade, Pelham Manor. optrMied tit Florida East Coast Railway. prestige of the funeral director and the manufacturer. Local 91 of the Building Service Avenue, was commended for design The Largest Fleet of Diesel-Electric Passenger Locomotives in the SouthEmployes International Union, with ing a costume for a practical work FUR COAT 8TOLEN * east operates over-Atlantic Coast A donation of $25 to the Red headquarters at 39 Prospect Avenue, suit. I t was in blue cotton suiting Ruby Scott, an employe of * Line Railroad. " SCARSDALE—The *Scafsdale PaCross Emergency War Fund and a reported today a contract has been with two large hip pockets in the beauty parlor at 50 East First trolmen's Benevo)ent Association has O n e protective (act should b e kept regMaJm. %miM¥atia*U Meats/ package to an injured soldier were signed to provide an $83 minimum back. One of the three winners of Street, told police at 5:50 P. M.Invested $7,000 in defense bonds, Consult your local ticket agent.ot istered in the public mind: O u r wide voted at a meeting of the Women's monthly wage for four employes of first prizes was Lillian K. Frlttz of yesterday that sometime between Patrolman Jerome G. MacDaniels, Cdl MUrray Hill 2-0800 Christian Temperance Union yester- the Gramatan Apartments at 300Bronxville. range of prices means that U costs no 1:30 and 3:30 P. M„ when she and president, today announced. R. s. Voir. General Eastern Pass. Agent, day at the Public Library. Gramatan Avenue. other employes were at the front of The Traphagen School, in coNew officers will be Installed Jan. more to call us. 16 Bait 44tb Street, N e w York Effective Feb. 1, the pact also pro- operation with ihe Cotton-Textile the building,, a thief entered by the 21. They include, besides PatrolMrs. E. Graham Wilson spoke on "Let us therefore follow the things vides an eight-hour day, time and Institute and Free-for-All, Inc., rear door and stole her fur coat man MacDaniels," John Donovan, ATLANTIC that are for Peace." The next meet- a half pay for overtime work, a presented a slowing for what the from its hanger. Detectives Michael vice-president; Jamie Porter, treas ing will be held in the library Feb. closed shop and vacation with pay, well-dressed American woman will Swenson and James Gleason are urer; Herbert A. Belknap, secretary, union officials said. 9 at 2:30 P. MT - wear in the line of war work duty. investigating. and Robert Doerr. sergeaht-at-arms. RAILROAD Directors Include Vincent Jural, retiring president; William Harrison 6 rWsTnaVt^j . , , , u » I A * M * U i . n ^ H Sm • * " ' " • ' and James Donpvan. •• HI * i mu inmioi •*v VUnwRJ T mumr ftilf 4 soai nsmmu* a. atvts. MINUS HMISSIS High Six-Week Mark I n WHITE PLAINS—A cut in state aid to public schools means either Increase in local real estate taxes, drastic reductions in local school budgets or cuts i n school em- Auto Dealers Ask U. S. Aid Action Delayed On Scout Unit Water System Tests Started Slate Installed By Holy Name MORE TRAVEL LUXURIES AND CONVENIENCES Mrs. W. L. Ransom $99,535 Spent Leaves $112,461 By City Bureaus County Warden Class Attended By 1,350 Fashion Students Praisqd For Work Qualify and Value In funerals Building Employes Emergency Fund Gift Announce Contract Voted By W.C.T.U. * - * • * P.B.A. In Scarsdale Buys Defense Bonds * COAST LINE OBITUARY NEWS OF MOUNT VERNON AND VICINITY Mrs. Daniel Jordan SHARPENS FUNERAL HOME 121-123 So. Fifth Avenue Serving Mount Vernon for 25 Years. Ot'R SERVICE ASS ( R E S PEACE O F MIND l i a r * of rxperirntr equip til to Mttisfactorlljr m»ke all iun»r»l «rran*rmenu at moderate Milt, REGAN'S MO. FUNERAL HOME, INC. E. J. KEANE. t i t M»r. 102 Mt. Vernon Avenue MO. 8-8737 RAymond 9-7748 Lady Attendant 8-4120 MO- 8-0974 Our xmpuh.li. »nd difnlflrd aervlee It « n d « the personal supervision of Mr. Geoffe H. rowers. Walter B. Cooke -INOORPORSTID- 2 1 4 Mamaroneck Avenue Whl«*» P l » l n « , N . Y . Tol.phone> W h i t * Plain* 3 9 HOSM la W i w r t w Counrv. B very Known Comfort foe the I, With U s e of BesutirVellv Furnished Reposing Room Without Enra Charge! Funeral From ReekUoce It Desired. '225 «• v. • = Death Notices PATAVlffO—Oo January U , JHS. John M. beloved ion of M«r? Maeone and »ht Sate M r i w : Pativlno, brother of P e i n e * • n d Carmen Paiavtfto and Mm Harry Auriay. Funeral from his re«ir'enee, ISO BrooKside Avenue, Wednesday, S *e A M ; thenct to Our Lady of Victory Church. 10 A. M Interment. Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. Dtraeted b? Burr Devia and Son. GAINES DOG FOOD •ALT TOUCH CASKET M M U H N « d BUM pinto u d MM b n MillWillie rn»*lni trmmt»MMM E«w Toft f l l i h i l l . — * m r * « f .'« salt mUmY* dr.. f YONKERS —Mary A. Jordan of 11 Lee Avenue, wife of Daniel Jordan and mother of Mrs. Richard Batiste of Muunt Verhon, died suddenly this morning at her home. ** She was seventy-two years old. Eorn in Nashua, N. H., she had 1 en a resident here for 45 years. She was a member of the Ladies' Catholic Benevolent Association of tUe Church of St. Paul the Apostle. Surviving, besides her husband end daughter, are two other daughters. Miss r»ita of this city and Miss Rose of New York City; a son, Eugene, also of this city, and four grandchildren. A high Mass and requien. will be f.aid at the Church of St. Paul the Apostle Thursday at 9:30 A. M. The place of interment has not yet been announced. ROCKWELLfrCO. 4M N. MarQwetten Partway » Alrtaakl 4-4»44 MOnnt VerMa • - • * • * Home, 20 Cedar Street, Bronxville, tomorrow at 3 P. M. Burial will be Laura S. Wallace of 438 South in Ferncliff Cemetery. Fourth Avenue died a t her horde last night. She was seventy-one Irving Rich years old. Born in Scarsdale, she Irving Rich of 496 East Fifth was the daughter of the late Mr. Street died yesterday at his home and Mrs. John H. Setz. Prior to her after a short illness. He was flftyresidence here about a year ago she slx years old and had resided here 13 years. lived in New Rochelle for 25 years. He is survived by his wife, FanSurvivors include five daughters, nie Shaeffer Rkh, and two sons, Miss Laura B., Mrs. Harold Toomey, Paul and David. Mrs. P. B. Becker, Miss Allyne and Funeral services will be held toMiss Irma O.; and three sons, Ray- morrow from the Park West Memond W., James A. and George P., morial Chapel, 115 West 79th all of Westchester. Street, .New* York City. Interment Funeral arrangements . have not will be at Mount Moriah Cemetery, yet been completed. Falrview, N. J. Mrs. James A. Wallace Mrs. Terence Campbell Miss Ada Masterton RYE—Funeral services for Edith Ada Masterton of 38 Rich AveHart Campbell of 134 Maple Ave- nue, died yesterday at St. Augusnue, wife of Terence Campbell, tine, Fla., after a short illness. Born in Bronxville, the daughter of John will be conducted tomorrow at 10 M. and Josephine A. Meade MasterA. M. from The Russell J. Shaw ton, she had 'lived here for 35 years. Funeral Home, 342 Westchester Survivors include a brother, John Avenue. Port Chester, followed by M. Masterton of the Bronx; four cousins, Mrs. William H. Ferris, and interment at Woodlawn. the Misses Annie, Agnes and Ellas Mrs, Campbell was inadvertently Dusenberry of Bronxville; four referred to as Mrs. Hart in yes- nieces and one nephew. terday's edition of The Daily Argus. She was a member of the First Presbyterian Church. Funeral arrangements are not complete. Mrs. Daniel B. Price 1 Miss Katherine Walsh T U C K A HOE—Miss Katherine Walsh of 14 Terrace Place, died yesterday In Pawling after a long illness. She was sixty-four. A native of Ireland, Miss Walsh came to this country about 40 years ago and has been a resident of Tuckahoe for the past 35 years. She was a . daughter of the late Thomas and Rose Dunn Walsh. She leaves a sister/ Mrs. Ellen Bradley, of the Terrace Place address, and two brothers and a sttter in Ireland. The funeral will be from the residence Thursday at 9:30 A. M., followed by a requiem mass in the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Tuckahoe; at 10 A. M. Burial will be in Holy Mount Cemetery. SMARTER FEATHE Permanent Wove. Price, wife of Daniel B. Price of I Tanglewyld Avenue, died yesterday i n , t h e Lawrence Hospital after a long illness. She had been a resim a y • s c i t e « • Heart dent of Bronxville for two years. Of i i i w u w i a t nanjaw m rant ett • * Mat a •air «iifw tan heart mioa at MM tm ttm t* Surviving besides her husband is 41«r«tt tmtnanmm •*• mmmt *—m* m Bad w Taklau „ M4 fit f»« TtMMi tn *f »h/ a sister hi California. {•MMt-aMlnt metflrtM* JC-i U m l n kin a.ito •"••tie rallef Funeral services mil be conducted M tMtrir hynaraeMttr.fftfeti at the McOfath and Son Funeral KSraui' uZFttZ^e^iSmr* Gas on Stomach Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com BBBBJ Th« letter ••V" has •wept the country as a symbol of Victory. Take a good look at thatn^.ItlMithfeo points. It takes thro* to carry the V! Workers, the armed services, and the public all most carry their share. You can help most, right now, by buying U. & Defense Bonda attbjabeuik. FIRST NATIONAL BANK ADVXBTISXmNT B R O N X V U X E . Mrs. Elizabeth K It takes 3 BEAUTY SALON 4 FOITITH AVE. Opp. WalaUrf MO 1-tSsS 22 Wast First Street . MoiMt Member H Fifth Avenue Vernon Federal Deperk h
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