st Notices for the week beginning Sunday 21 October A very warm welcome to all at our Junior Church, Family Service and Harvest Festival. A special welcome to Cariad Plant who is to be baptised during the service, and to all her friends and family. Lovely to have you with us. A warm welcome, too, to all at our 6.30pm Evensong. This week: Wednesday, 2.00pm-4.00pm: Open Church. Come and have a cuppa and a friendly chat, and browse the church registers for family history interest. th Thursday 25 October, 10.00am: Holy Communion th Next Sunday, 28 October, Bible Sunday and All Souls: 11.00am: this will be our All Souls service 6.30pm: Sung Holy Communion Advance notices: Full details to follow, but please note the dates now. Saturday 27th October, 8.30am-10.00am: men’s breakfast in church. If there are any men who would like to come, but have not received an invitation or let Alan Crossley know they would like to come, please call him as soon as possible on 733153. Saturday 3rd November at 7.30pm in the church, St Helen’s augmented choir are giving a Remembrance-tide concert. The main work is Fauré’s Requiem, with soloists Jon Morris, baritone, Thomas Damri (Derby Cathedral choir) treble and David Johnson, organ; and the concert will include Lead Kindly Light by Sullivan, Thou Wilt Keep Him in Perfect Peace by Wesley and He Watching Over Israel Slumbers Not, by Mendelssohn. Tickets at £5 to defray expenses are available from choir members, or on the night at the door. All are welcome. rd Saturday 3 November, 7.30pm: a concert of choral music for Remembrance-tide, by St Helen’s augmented choir, with invited soloists Jon Morris, baritone, Thomas Damri (Derby Cathedral) treble and David Johnson, organ; to include Fauré’s Requiem and favourite anthems by Wesley, Sullivan and Mendelssohn. Tickets £5 to defray expenses, available from Stephen Johns (organist) and choir members. 11th November, Remembrance Sunday: a reminder that the morning Service of Remembrance begins at 10.45am, earlier than our usual main morning service. PLEASE come in good time – since the church is always full to bursting (which is wonderful) we suggest that you are in your seat no later than 10.10. The uniformed organisations have been asked to be seated by 10.15. Please come straight into the church rather than wait around at the steps from the road. It is much better to have everybody seated well before the start in order to avoid an undignified scramble at 10.40, and the service has to start very promptly on time, so as to have the two minutes’ silence at 11.00. We look forward to welcoming you all at this service. th Saturday 8 December, 10.00am – 12.00 noon. Christmas coffee morning and cake bake, stalls, etc. st Friday 21 December, 7.30pm: Derwent Brass Christmas Concert. Booking sheet now at the back of the church. General notices: three thank yous: Thank you to Andrew and Barbara Gamon who hosted a fund-raising supper at their home on Friday. A most enjoyable evening was had by all, and £360 was raised for church funds. Thank you to all those who took the trouble to complete response slips with their comments on the church pews proposals, and/or to attend the meeting in church. All your views are being collated, and will be taken into account by the PCC as it continues its deliberations. And thank you, too, to those of you who called in at the church on our Time and Talents Gift Day last month. Your offers of help have been most gratefully received and we will be in touch with you very shortly. However, there is still much that needs to be done, and more tasks will fall vacant in Spring when those currently doing them retire. If anyone was unable to get to St Helen’s that day, but would still like to see if there is a task they might undertake for their church, please contact Fiona, Sue or Anne (Rector and churchwardens). It has been suggested that we should approach people individually for all these, but while this is a nice idea, it would simply be impossible in practical terms. So please don’t feel shy about enquiring as to what remains unfilled. No-one will pressure you. Thank you. Would anyone like to fill a shoebox with gifts for an underprivileged child, as part of the Samaritans Purse Operation Christmas Child project? If so, please would they bring the full box, covered with Christmas paper and tied with string, to St Helen’s by 18th November. The list of what may and may not be included, which is fairly specific and different for girls and boys, is available from Angela Druce at the church. Last year we sent over 30 boxes – can we do even better this year? (Please note: we do this in partnership with Etwall Methodist Church.)
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