of Tavlor Chirles 75 aged ROWE 12 The Balmain Avenue East yenrs Leslie Tresillian Petersham, Mrs william Rowe Lismore at reoldcnce 15 her R\MAN-.Tuly wife of Charles beloved Emilv avenue Deewhy aged 67 yais William Ryman John at Redfern Ernest 1931 J ilv IS «iFARD and of Alma loving Sharp husband dearly beloved Alice lohn and Von aged 65 \ears of father notice see funeral Friday s paper For his 49 1931 at residence 15 SOMMER-Jnlv Park father Mooro Phillp beloved ¡Plt-rov slrcct Clarice aged 72 years of "Teille and 13 at Sydney Hospital (sudTHOMPSON-July on Tyne Junes denly Thompson (late Newcastle at Rookwoou Interred England) 4 at her residence 15 1911 TOOGOOD-July TooSarah Fanny Hurlstone Park Melford street late of Burwood aged B3 years good Prince Alfred 1931 at Royal 14 WALKER-July of J wife William loved HosDltal dearh Finny mother of late Lindsay and Wall cr of Penrith and Gwendoline aged 33 years 1931 Camden Hospital 12 at -Julv WOLFF of Thomas 11 years beloved son Wolfe are Thomas of Dam Interred Wolfe Nenean and Margaret 1931 Cemetery July 13 Camden 15 -July Infant Mr of son at and - MEMORIAM. IN -In ABBOTT Never ABBOTT liam james of called God whom James memory our home dear July son 16 William 1919 for in I mourn silence you and b\ father his mother forgot en of our dear brother memory -In called home God whom July 16 behind left you loved aching some Wil1919 hearts most sincere. will and That never never have dear brother Forget you Mar Doris Inserted by his loving sisters Vera Jorle of our -In dear loving memory AINSWORTH who passed William Henry father and grandfather Dora 16 Inserted bv Pcrcv 1928 Julv away Ron of -In dear loving memory my AINSW ORTH 1930 called home Inserted July 16 by mother Tom and daughter in law and Beaty hor loving son -In of our dear ATKINS loving memory only who and brother Victor (Buddy) passed away eon That July 16 Davs you 1928 still steal o cr us of sadness flow often as tears Hidden with are us In memory you But died three years ago you Though is no in love that death Uves There rules supreme Or the faith that Is walting for and brother us the son He love between With only a door far Too away not But too Inserted Pearl and BARRATT-In by his Mayvls we speech sight or to reach for thoughts sisters mother loving father for far loving memory of my dear wife e ore (late of RUMGAY Met from to move Park) street 117 Church s Ltd Parlours Co solfe and 3 at AFTERNOON THIS (Friday) Parromatta Parramatta road Cemetery for Western o clock, W M MARTIN, F Becretary HODGKINSON, O GEORGE of their late Brother street Harris Wigram of Mr and Friends Relatives Invited FAMILY are and RYMAN W and beloved WIFE of his the Funeral to attend late residence her to leave Emily their MOTHER FRIDAY at 3 p m THIS Deewhy, avenue Lismore Funeral Motor for Manly Cemetery LIMITED COFFILL WOOD -The RYMAN CHARLES Funeral _Motor SECKOLDS O Mrs Directors and -The Relatives and Friends of Mr BEC and CLIVE and JOAN H KELLY Funeral attend the are kindly Invited to KOLDS Florence M MOTHER dearly loved of their late l8 Little residence son s to leave ncr Seckolds for at 1 30 P m FRIDAY city THIS Albion street Motor Suburbs Northern Catholic , Cemetery funeral_ LIMITED Funeral COFFILL WOOD _Motor Directors and Friends of Mr Relatives iJECKOLDS-The of Dalkeith, Oxley street. O LAMBERT and Mrs of Invited to attend the Funeral Crow are s Nest Seckolds M Florence 6ISTER their deorly loved FRIDAY city THIS street to leave l8 Little Albion Sub Northern for Catholic Cemetery nt 1 30 p m Motor urbs funeral_,_ Relatives and Friends of Mr -The the Invited to attend ore RILEY EDWARD IN LAW MOTHER his dearly loved of Fuñera Albion Little l8 to leove Seckolds Florence M for Coth at 1 30 p m THIS FRIDAY etty street funeral Motor Suburbs Northern ollc Cemetery LIMITED COrFILL WOOD SECKOLDS SHARP E J late ol the are street Campsie, of 6 London the Private to leave his Funeral Invited to attend 30 Limited Funerals Mortuary Chapel of Motor tor 10 15 at MORNING THIS City rood, city service Rookwood per motor Crcrratorium, Friends SHARP and -The Tele M6277 FAMILY MOTOR LIMITED City road FUNERALS 30 city I O O F 125 No LODGE -CAMPSIE are of the above Lodge and Members of their late cordially Invited to attend the Funeral to leave the J SHARP FRNEST Bro Member Funerals Limited Chapel of Motor Prlv ite Mortuary 10 15 at for MORNING city, THIS 30 nty rood service motor Rookwood per m Crematorl - SHARP Officers W _R _ C O BEST LAMBERT N G Secretary and of Friends -The Relatives SHOOBRIDGE of the late ROBERT the FAMILY his Funeral which kindly requested to attend are his grandsons (Mr J from Is api olnicd to move DAY at THIS 3 Elderslie Smith si residence s Comden Per John Cemetery St for o clock SHOOBRIDGE Motor Service WALTER PETER8 and SON F Funeral Motor Directors _^___Camden SINCLAIR-The Miss PAULINE Relatives to leave attend her Funerol THIS Waverley Denison street for Waverley corner Phones nnd per FM3213__î __ Friends of Mrs Rclatl\cs and to attend kindly Invited ore SINCLAIR MARY DAUGHTER beloved dearly of her Funeral S~ INCLAIR the F2413 are DAY at 2 30 o m service motor Director Funeral Crown and streets Oxford Cemetery DIXON T Friends of the late to kindly invited her lote residence 77 and SINCLAIR - The
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